#Jordan Independence Day May 25
suetravelblog · 1 year
Jordan Independence Day Amman
Jordanian Flag Independence Day – Edarabia May 25 is Jordan Independence Day, and the “most important event in the history of the country, marking its independence from the British government in 1946”. The 2023 celebration signifies 75 years since Jordan “officially gained full autonomy in 1948“. King Abdullah I bin Al-Hussein “Jordan’s independence took place during the reign of King Abdullah I…
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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The parliament of  Transjordan made Abdullah I of Jordan their Emir on May 25, 1946.
Jordan’s Independence Day 
Jordan’s Independence Day is celebrated on May 25 every year, and is the most important event in the history of Jordan, as it commemorates its independence from the British government. After World War I, the Hashemite Army of the Great Arab Revolt took over the area which is now Jordan. The Hashemites launched the revolt, led by Sharif Hussein, against the Ottoman Empire. The Allied forces, comprising Britain and France supported the Great Arab Revolt. Emir Abdullāh was the one who negotiated Jordan’s independence from the British. Though a treaty was signed on March 22, 1946, it was two years later when Jordan became fully independent. In March 1948, Jordan signed a new treaty in which all restrictions on sovereignty were removed to guarantee Jordan’s independence. Jordan joined and became a full member of the United Nations and the Arab League in December 1955.
History of Jordan Independence Day
The first appearance of fortified towns and urban centers in the land now known as Jordan was early in the Bronze Age (3600 to 1200 B.C.). Wadi Feynan then became a regional center for copper extraction with copper at the time, being largely exploited to facilitate the production of bronze. Trading, migration, and settlement of people in the Middle East peaked, thereby advancing and refining more and more civilizations. With time, villages in Transjordan began to expand rapidly in areas where water resources and agricultural land abound. Ancient Egyptians then later expanded towards the Levant and would eventually control both banks of the Jordan River.
There was a period of about 400 years during which Jordan was under the rule and influence of the Ottoman Empire, and the period was characterized by stagnation and retrogression to the detriment of the Jordanian people. The reign of the Ottoman Empire over Jordan would eventually cease when Sharif Hussein led the Hashemite Army in the Great Revolt against the Ottoman Empire, with the Allies of World War I supporting them. In September 1922, the Council of the League of Nations recognized Transjordan as a state under the terms of the Transjordan memorandum. Transjordan remained under British mandate until 1946, when a treaty was signed, with eventual sovereignty being granted upon signing a subsequent treaty in 1948.
The Hashemites’ assumption of power in the Jordan region came with numerous challenges. In 1921 and 1923, there were some rebellions in Kura which were suppressed by the Emir’s forces, with British support. Jordan is generally a peaceful region today, and it has become quite a tourist destination in recent times.
Jordan Independence Day timeline
3600 B.C. Earliest Known Jordanian Civilizations
Fortified towns and urban centers begin to spring up in the area now known as Jordan.
1922 Jordan is Recognized as a State
In 1922, the Council of the League of Nations recognizes Jordan as a state under the Transjordan memorandum.
1946 First Independence Treaty is Signed
In 1946, Emir Abdullāh negotiates the first independence treaty with Britain which would later lead to Jordan's ultimate independence in 1948.
1955 Jordan Joins the United Nations
Jordan becomes a member of the United Nations and the Arab League in 1955.
Jordan Independence Day FAQs
What day is Jordan’s Independence Day?
Jordan’s Independence Day is May 25, every year. It marks the anniversary of the treaty that gave Jordan her sovereignty.
When did Jordan become independent?
On May 25, 1948, Jordan officially became an independent state.
Who is Jordan’s current leader?
The current ruler Of Jordan is the monarch, Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein, King of Jordan.
How to Observe Jordan Independence Day
Light up some fireworks
Prepare some mansaf
Share on social media
One of the hallmark celebrations of any independence day is the show of fireworks. Be sure to be a part of the beauty!
As you probably already knew, Mansaf is Jordan’s national dish. As such, preparing it on such a special day as Independence Day is a brilliant idea.
Take pictures and videos of you in your dishdasha celebrating Independence Day. Share them on your social media!
5 Interesting Facts About Jordan
Home to the Dead Sea
A nexus between Africa, Europe, and Asia
Over 100,000 archeological sites
The world’s oldest dam
Jesus was baptized in Jordan
The Dead Sea, which is the lowest point on Earth, is located in Jordan.
Jordan is a pivotal point connecting Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Jordan has over 100,000 archeological and tourist sites.
Jordan is home to the world’s oldest dam, the Jawa Dam.
Jesus, who is the symbolic character of the Christian faith, was baptized in the Jordan River before beginning his ministry.
Why Jordan Independence Day is Important
Jordan is peaceful and liberal
The weather in Jordan is nice
Jordan is a tourist’s dream
Though a generally conservative country, Jordan is relatively liberal. The country is peaceful and tolerant of foreign cultures.
Jordan is a warm region. The weather is usually warm and pleasant at all times of the year.
Jordan has everything a tourist could dream of. Beautiful sights, calm weather, a welcoming culture, and amazing people make it a fantastic place for tourists.
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jordanianroyals · 4 months
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King Abdullah II, Queen Rania & Prince Hashem of Jordan during the celebration of the 78th Anniversary of Jordan’s Independence Day in Amman, 25 May 2024
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Princess Iman during the 76th Anniversary of Jordan's independence day on 25 May 2022.
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warningsine · 4 months
After the four-day, 27-state democratic marathon that is the European parliamentary election, a picture has emerged of a fragile centre just holding amid a shift to the right that carries a significant potential to shape the near future of the EU, despite having fallen short of producing the earthquake some predicted.
The big shock came in France, with President Emmanuele Macron’s defeat at that hands of the RN (Rassemblement National – National Rally) party prompting him to call snap national parliamentary elections. France needed not only “a clear majority” argued Macron, but citizens capable of “choosing to write history, not be driven by it”.
French Fissures
After some early relief among centrists over Dutch and German projected returns, the French figures provided a swift jolt, with the RN (led by Marine Le Pen’s protege Jordan Bardella) producing its highest ever nationals levels, decimating Macron’s own “Renew Europe” coalition led by Valérie Hayer into the “second-lowest EU election finish ever for a party in French government”.
Across the EU though, the picture is more nuanced. Despite predictions that the European Parliament would garner more members than ever before from the populist and extreme right, the EPP representing mainstream conservative views in Europe has increased its overall size in this election, having retained the centre ground, in its role as “the chamber’s historically dominant force”, on track to gain roughly 25% of the parliament itself with 184 MEPs.
The centre-left Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group also retained its previous toehold. Having reconsolidated its power base, the EPP will retain clear responsibilities regarding EU policy, including industrial, agricultural and climate policies now deeply contentious with EU citizens. To do so, the EPP now needs to identify its preferred leadership in the next stage of EU institution elections, including to the European Commission.
Still a good night for the far right
While the EPP and S&D have retained the centre ground, far right parties still did remarkably well. They represent a range of views, and it was already impossible for them to band into a single electoral group, due to intractable splits on everything from Russia to European defence.
In France, the Len Pen/Bardella RN walked off with a stunning third of votes, while in Italy a quarter of voters backing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy. Totalling up the remaining far right votes across the EU illustrates that two key parliamentary groups on the hard right (ECR), and far right (ID) will between them control 131 seats. Alongside, there are 34 additional hard right independents drawn from Germany’s AfD, Viktor Orbán’s Hungarian Fidesz party, and those from Poland and Bulgaria.
There may be just enough in common among some of those to pull together nationalist, anti immigration blocs in the European parliament, setting them up as 2024’s biggest winners, eminently capable of shifting EU strategic policies to the right including on immigration, trade, agriculture and climate change.
The numbers suggest that a single far right group would be the EP’s second largest party after the EPP. Coalition-building is tricky particularly amongst far right groups, but the numbers certainly count for something; “its sheer size will nonetheless put rightward pressure on EU policy,” reported specialist site Politico Europe.
Even if not formally consolidated, a conglomerate of far right voices will concern the EPP and & S&D groups. At this point, far right successes have three significant consequences. First: they confirm the anticipated tilt to the right of the parliament itself; second they may further entrench far-right preferences in a sizeable minority of EU member states; third, within the parliament – and across the EU – they send an signal to international partners, including the US, that the EU may abruptly change tack in terms of policy, and preferred partners.
Green Means Go(ne)?
In the Netherlands, despite heavy predictions that Geert Wilders’ far right Freedom party (PVV) party would triumph in the parliamentary election, the Dutch Labour/Green alliance tied with them, with seven seats apiece. For the Labour/Green alliance leader and former EU Commissioner Frans Timmermans, the outcome is something of a Pyrrhic victory. While no clear reprieve is in sight for the Netherlands itself in the face of recent slides to the right, the Dutch Labour/Green alliance has held together sufficiently to return an even number of seats to the EP, and in symbolic terms. It gives them, said Timmermans, much-needed “strength to keep fighting for a social and green Europe” at the EU level.
Green triumphs elsewhere were harded to find. German results for example put them fourth, a drop of 8.5% from 2019. In France, the Greens returned roughly 5%, the minimum electable threshold for MEPs. Absent the backing of French and German Greens and despite small increases in the Netherlands and Denmark, Europe’s Greens will now slip from fourth to sixth in the parliament, making them far less of a policy leader than previously, despite the extreme climate crisis facing Europe.
Does the European Parliament = the EU?
For many, the parliamentary election outcome is totemic of where the EU as a whole is headed: these results serve as a barometer of where national politics is headed in some of Europe’s most crucial capitals. In 2019, the EP returned a “green wave” of MEPs which catalysed a slew of ensuing green actions on climate change and green deals aimed at restructuring the EU from top to bottom in climate-friendly terms. Despite the ideological differences between conservative, populist, groups on the one side and the far and hard right on the other, the critical mass of avowedly Eurosceptic groups represents a categoric desire to remake key parts of the EU’s legislature, possibly decoupling the EU project itself from its post-war foundations.
For others, the parliament is not a microcosm of the EU. Not only will the series of right-leaning parties struggle to produce a super-group of any coherence within the party-specific complexities of the EP, the EU is a leadership-based entity, its key policies steered by big chiefs leading the European Commission, the European Council, the foreign policy chief, and to a far lesser extent, the parliament itself. The composition of the parliament, they will contend, has less to do with the strategic direction the EU will take post-election, and indicates instead preferences which are far more salient at national level, rather than continental.
Weeks of coalition talks
With weeks of coalition building on the cards for core parties and individual MEPs, at least five big-ticket items remain for the parliament, and indeed the EU as a whole, beginning with the package of executive elections to EU institutions. Most important is the two-stage process by which Ursula von der Leyen needs first to be backed by the EU Council (heads of state) for a second term as President of the Commission, and whether she now has the 361 votes needed in the 720-seat parliament (she won by only nine in 2019).
After that, with new teams in place, the to-do list will include the war in the Ukraine and European security, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and ongoing cost of living squeezes, which currently comprises a lethal cocktail of “high consumer prices, loss of purchasing power, rising social inequalities and stagnant economic growth”, as well as migration and asylum issues, and retooling climate change obligations. Set against the outcomes of the UK and indeed US elections later in the year, the EU’s inbox – and the EP as watchdog for both the EU budget and key policies – is still at the mercy of the “polycrisis” phenomenon: a mix of volatile and protracted emergencies without real resolution.
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 5.25
Africa Day
African Freedom Day (Zambia)
African Languages Day
African Liberation Day (Rastafari)
Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day
Bojangles Day
Chuquisaca (Bolivia)
Common Arens
Cookie Monster Day
Day of Youth (Yugoslavia)
EMS Save-A-Life Day
Flitting Day (Scotland)
Geek Pride Day
George Floyd Remembrance Day
Global Change Leadership Day
GDPR Day (a.k.a. General Data Protection Regulation Day; EU)
Global Planking Day
Global Surgery Day
The Glorious 25 Day (a.k.a. Glorious Revolution, Glorious 25th of May; Discworld)
Grand Prix de Monaco begins (Monaco)
Gypsy Day
Heroes’ Day (Lesotho)
Integrity Day (Scientology)
International Heritage Breeds Day
International Missing Children’s Day (UN)
International Planking Day
International Plastic Free Day
International Skin Pigmentation Day
Julia Pierpont Day (West Virginia)
Kids Ocean Day (California)
Languedoc Day
Last Bell (Russia, post-Soviet countries) [5/25 or Friday before, if falls on a weekend]
Lemon Balm Day (French Republic)
Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Local Radio Day (UK)
Maddie May Day
May Revolution Day (Argentina)
National Adoption Day (Brazil)
National Ahmad “Captain Poodaman” Butler Day
National Bath Bomb Day
National Cody Day
National Don't Utter a Word Day
National Enzo Day
National George Day
National Hometown Area Local Day
National Missing Children's Day (US)
National Sing Out Day
National Stop the Bleed Day
National Tap Dance Day
National VTuber Day
Peruvian Clown Day (Peru)
Poetry Day (Florida)
Ramsey Lewis Day
Saint Cool Day
Self-Reliance Day
Senior Health & Fitness Day
South Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Star Wars Day
Stinky Pee Day
Tap Dance Day
Towel Day (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
World Fish Migration Day
World Tarot Day
World Thyroid Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Brown Bag It Day [also Last Wednesday]
National Italian Beer Day
National Wine Day (US)
Independence & Related Days
Empire of New Prussia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
First Government Day (Argentina; Sudan)
Jordan (from UK, 1946)
Kingdom of Africa (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Kingdom of Sycamore (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Lunataria (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Neo-Dumnonii Kingdom (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Pilatia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
4th & Last Saturday in May
Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day [9 Days before 1st Monday in June]
Defeat Depression Day (Canada) [Last Saturday]
Dillo Day [Last Saturday; Northwestern University]
Drone Day [Last Saturday]
Elmer Day (UK) [Last Saturday]
International Blacksmith’s Day [4th Saturday]
International Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Day [Last Saturday]
International Jazz Day [Saturday before Memorial Day/9 Days before 1st Monday in June]
Julia Pierpont Day (West Virginia) [Saturday before Memorial Day]
National Learn to Swim Day [Saturday before Memorial Day]
Pride in Armed Forces Day (UK) [4th Saturday]
World Enneagram Day [Last Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 25 (3rd Full Week)
Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Governing Territories (thru 5.31)
Festivals Beginning May 25, 2024
Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic (Decatur, Alabama) [thru 5.26]
Atlanta Caribbean Carnival (Atlanta, Georgia)
Bavarianfest (Helen, Georgia)
BBQ, Blues & Brews on the Bay (North Bend, Oregon) [thru 5.26]
Brew at the Zoo (Baltimore, Maryland) [thru 5.26]
Caribbean Festival (Mt. Airy, Maryland) [thru 5.26]
Carnaval San Francisco (San Francisco, California)
Chuck Wagon Festival (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) [thru 5.26]
The Creekside Beer Festival (Boulder, Colorado) [thru 5.26]
FlavorFest at Mount Hope (Mount Hope, Pennsylvania (thru 5.26]
Great Alaska Craft Beer & Homebrew Festival (Haines, Alaska)
Happy Valley Strawberry Festival (Anderson, California) [thru 5.26]
Hood Canal Fjord Fest (Brinnon, Washington) [thru 5.26]
Horseshoe Crab & Shorebird Festival (Milton, Delaware)
Jersey Shore Food Truck Festival (Monmouth Park, Oceanport, New Jersey) [thru 5.27]
Koroneburg Old World Renaissance Festival (Corona, California) [6.23]
New Mexico Wine Fest: Las Cruces (Las Cruces, New Mexico) [thru 5.27]
Rib King NYC (Brooklyn, New York)
Roaring Camp Cook-Off (Felton, California) [thru 5.26]
Rockport Wine Festival (Rockport, Texas)
Rotary Art, Wine & Wheels (Mariposa, California)
Star Valley Strawberry Festival (Borden, Indiana)
Strawberry Festival (Beaver Dam, Kentucky) [thru 5.27]
Taste of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, Ohio) [thru 5.27]
Wine, Beer & Spirits Fest (Sierra Vista, Arizona) [5.26
Feast Days
Aldhelm (Christian; Saint)
St. Ambrose (Positivist; Saint)
Apollo Day (Everyday Wicca)
Barry Windsor-Smith (Artology)
Bede the Venerable (Christian; Saint)
Boniface IV, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Canius (Christian; Saint)
The Cat (Muppetism)
Celebration of the Tao (The Mother of the World; Taoism)
Cookie Monster (Muppetism)
Dionysius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Dumhade, Abbot of Iona (Christian; Saint)
Dúnchad mac Cinn Fáelad (Christian; Saint)
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Writerism)
Gennadius (Christian; Saint)
Gerard of Lunel (Christian; Saint)
Gregory VII, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Leo (a.k.a. Lye; Christian; Saint)
Madeleine Sophie Barat (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalene of Pazzi (Christian; Saint)
Maximus (Mauxe) of Évreux (Christian; Saint)
Mercurius (Ancient Roman Festival of Trade & Gain)
Ralph Waldo Emerson (Writerism)
Raymond Carver (Writerism)
Robert Ludlum (Writerism)
Sara-Kali’s Day (Pagan)
Stalin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Stan Sakai (Artology)
Towel Day (Pastafarian)
Urban I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Urbanas Diena (Ancient Latvia)
Venerand (Christian; Saint)
William Boyer (Artology)
W.P. Kinsella (Writerism)
Zenobius of Florence (Christian; Saint)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Lag B'Omer (Hebrew harvest time)  [17-18 Iyar]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 10 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [10 of 24]
Alien (Film; 1979)
Back to the Future (Film; 1985)
Back to the Future Part III (Film; 1990)
Barefoot in the Park (Film; 1967)
Barnyard Babies (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1935)
Beyond the Great Snow Mountains, by Louis L’Amour (Novel; 1999)
The Cookie Carnival (Disney Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1935)
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier (Film; 1955)
The Day Lincoln Was Shot, by Jim Bishop (Historical Book; 1955)
Farming Fools (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1936)
Feud with a Dude (WB MM Cartoon; 1968)
A Gander at Mother Goose (WB MM Cartoon; 1940)
The Gastronomical Me, by M.F.K. Fisher (Food Essays; 1943)
Hair-Raising Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1946)
Harry of Monmouth, by A.M. Maugham (Novel; 1956)
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother, recorded by The Hollies (Song; 1969)
H.M.S. Pinafore, by Gilbert & Sullivan (Comic Opera; 1878)
Jesus of Montreal (Film; 1990)
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, by The Cure (Album; 1987)
The Little Sister, by Raymond Chandler (Novel; 1949)
Men in Black 3 (Film; 2012)
Mickey’s Revue (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Midnight Cowboy (Film; 1969)
Moonrise Kingdom (Film; 2012)
Nadja, by André Breton (Novel; 1928)
Paprika (Anime Film; 2007)
Pearl Harbor (Film; 2001)
Piker’s Peak (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
The Pink Blueprint (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Pink, Plunk, Plink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (Film; 2007)
Safety, by Coldplay (EP: 1998)
Samstag aus Licht, by Karl Stockhausen (Opera; 1984)
The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins (Science Book; 1976)
Smoky Joe (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1945)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (Film; 2018)
Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope (Film; 1977)
Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Film; 1983)
Three Little Pigs (Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1933)
Tubular Bells, by Mike Oldfield (Album; 1973)
Under My Kin, by Avril Lavigne (Album; 2004)
War Machine (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Beda, Gregor, Magdalene (Austria)
Spas, Spaska (Bulgaria)
Beda, Grgur, Urban (Croatia)
Viola (Czech Republic)
Urbanus (Denmark)
Urban, Urbo, Urve, Urves (Estonia)
Urpo (Finland)
Sophie (France)
Beda, Magdalene, Miriam, Urban (Germany)
Nefeli (Greece)
Orbán (Hungary)
Basileo, Beda, Erminio, Gregorio (Italy)
Anitra, Anšlavs, Ciemvaldis, Gunita (Latvia)
Almantas, Danutė, Urbonas (Lithuania)
Ragna, Ragnar (Norway)
Epifan, Grzegorz, Imisława, Maria Magdalena, Urban (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Urban (Slovakia)
Beda, Gregorio, Magdalena, María (Spain)
Urban (Sweden)
Celeste, Celestine (Ukraine)
Madalyn, Madeleine, Madeline, Madelyn, Madilyn, Marlee, Marleen, Marlena, Marlene, Marley (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 146 of 2024; 220 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 21 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 18 (Ji-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 17 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 17 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 26 Magenta; Fryday [26 of 30]
Julian: 12 May 2024
Moon: 94%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 5 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Ambrose]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 68 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 5 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Odal (Home, Possession) [Half-Month 11 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 6.8)
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 5.25
Africa Day
African Freedom Day (Zambia)
African Languages Day
African Liberation Day (Rastafari)
Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day
Bojangles Day
Chuquisaca (Bolivia)
Common Arens
Cookie Monster Day
Day of Youth (Yugoslavia)
EMS Save-A-Life Day
Flitting Day (Scotland)
Geek Pride Day
George Floyd Remembrance Day
Global Change Leadership Day
GDPR Day (a.k.a. General Data Protection Regulation Day; EU)
Global Planking Day
Global Surgery Day
The Glorious 25 Day (a.k.a. Glorious Revolution, Glorious 25th of May; Discworld)
Grand Prix de Monaco begins (Monaco)
Gypsy Day
Heroes’ Day (Lesotho)
Integrity Day (Scientology)
International Heritage Breeds Day
International Missing Children’s Day (UN)
International Planking Day
International Plastic Free Day
International Skin Pigmentation Day
Julia Pierpont Day (West Virginia)
Kids Ocean Day (California)
Languedoc Day
Last Bell (Russia, post-Soviet countries) [5/25 or Friday before, if falls on a weekend]
Lemon Balm Day (French Republic)
Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Local Radio Day (UK)
Maddie May Day
May Revolution Day (Argentina)
National Adoption Day (Brazil)
National Ahmad “Captain Poodaman” Butler Day
National Bath Bomb Day
National Cody Day
National Don't Utter a Word Day
National Enzo Day
National George Day
National Hometown Area Local Day
National Missing Children's Day (US)
National Sing Out Day
National Stop the Bleed Day
National Tap Dance Day
National VTuber Day
Peruvian Clown Day (Peru)
Poetry Day (Florida)
Ramsey Lewis Day
Saint Cool Day
Self-Reliance Day
Senior Health & Fitness Day
South Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Star Wars Day
Stinky Pee Day
Tap Dance Day
Towel Day (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
World Fish Migration Day
World Tarot Day
World Thyroid Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Brown Bag It Day [also Last Wednesday]
National Italian Beer Day
National Wine Day (US)
Independence & Related Days
Empire of New Prussia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
First Government Day (Argentina; Sudan)
Jordan (from UK, 1946)
Kingdom of Africa (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Kingdom of Sycamore (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Lunataria (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Neo-Dumnonii Kingdom (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Pilatia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
4th & Last Saturday in May
Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day [9 Days before 1st Monday in June]
Defeat Depression Day (Canada) [Last Saturday]
Dillo Day [Last Saturday; Northwestern University]
Drone Day [Last Saturday]
Elmer Day (UK) [Last Saturday]
International Blacksmith’s Day [4th Saturday]
International Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Day [Last Saturday]
International Jazz Day [Saturday before Memorial Day/9 Days before 1st Monday in June]
Julia Pierpont Day (West Virginia) [Saturday before Memorial Day]
National Learn to Swim Day [Saturday before Memorial Day]
Pride in Armed Forces Day (UK) [4th Saturday]
World Enneagram Day [Last Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 25 (3rd Full Week)
Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Governing Territories (thru 5.31)
Festivals Beginning May 25, 2024
Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic (Decatur, Alabama) [thru 5.26]
Atlanta Caribbean Carnival (Atlanta, Georgia)
Bavarianfest (Helen, Georgia)
BBQ, Blues & Brews on the Bay (North Bend, Oregon) [thru 5.26]
Brew at the Zoo (Baltimore, Maryland) [thru 5.26]
Caribbean Festival (Mt. Airy, Maryland) [thru 5.26]
Carnaval San Francisco (San Francisco, California)
Chuck Wagon Festival (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) [thru 5.26]
The Creekside Beer Festival (Boulder, Colorado) [thru 5.26]
FlavorFest at Mount Hope (Mount Hope, Pennsylvania (thru 5.26]
Great Alaska Craft Beer & Homebrew Festival (Haines, Alaska)
Happy Valley Strawberry Festival (Anderson, California) [thru 5.26]
Hood Canal Fjord Fest (Brinnon, Washington) [thru 5.26]
Horseshoe Crab & Shorebird Festival (Milton, Delaware)
Jersey Shore Food Truck Festival (Monmouth Park, Oceanport, New Jersey) [thru 5.27]
Koroneburg Old World Renaissance Festival (Corona, California) [6.23]
New Mexico Wine Fest: Las Cruces (Las Cruces, New Mexico) [thru 5.27]
Rib King NYC (Brooklyn, New York)
Roaring Camp Cook-Off (Felton, California) [thru 5.26]
Rockport Wine Festival (Rockport, Texas)
Rotary Art, Wine & Wheels (Mariposa, California)
Star Valley Strawberry Festival (Borden, Indiana)
Strawberry Festival (Beaver Dam, Kentucky) [thru 5.27]
Taste of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, Ohio) [thru 5.27]
Wine, Beer & Spirits Fest (Sierra Vista, Arizona) [5.26
Feast Days
Aldhelm (Christian; Saint)
St. Ambrose (Positivist; Saint)
Apollo Day (Everyday Wicca)
Barry Windsor-Smith (Artology)
Bede the Venerable (Christian; Saint)
Boniface IV, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Canius (Christian; Saint)
The Cat (Muppetism)
Celebration of the Tao (The Mother of the World; Taoism)
Cookie Monster (Muppetism)
Dionysius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Dumhade, Abbot of Iona (Christian; Saint)
Dúnchad mac Cinn Fáelad (Christian; Saint)
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Writerism)
Gennadius (Christian; Saint)
Gerard of Lunel (Christian; Saint)
Gregory VII, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Leo (a.k.a. Lye; Christian; Saint)
Madeleine Sophie Barat (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalene of Pazzi (Christian; Saint)
Maximus (Mauxe) of Évreux (Christian; Saint)
Mercurius (Ancient Roman Festival of Trade & Gain)
Ralph Waldo Emerson (Writerism)
Raymond Carver (Writerism)
Robert Ludlum (Writerism)
Sara-Kali’s Day (Pagan)
Stalin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Stan Sakai (Artology)
Towel Day (Pastafarian)
Urban I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Urbanas Diena (Ancient Latvia)
Venerand (Christian; Saint)
William Boyer (Artology)
W.P. Kinsella (Writerism)
Zenobius of Florence (Christian; Saint)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Lag B'Omer (Hebrew harvest time)  [17-18 Iyar]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 10 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [10 of 24]
Alien (Film; 1979)
Back to the Future (Film; 1985)
Back to the Future Part III (Film; 1990)
Barefoot in the Park (Film; 1967)
Barnyard Babies (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1935)
Beyond the Great Snow Mountains, by Louis L’Amour (Novel; 1999)
The Cookie Carnival (Disney Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1935)
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier (Film; 1955)
The Day Lincoln Was Shot, by Jim Bishop (Historical Book; 1955)
Farming Fools (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1936)
Feud with a Dude (WB MM Cartoon; 1968)
A Gander at Mother Goose (WB MM Cartoon; 1940)
The Gastronomical Me, by M.F.K. Fisher (Food Essays; 1943)
Hair-Raising Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1946)
Harry of Monmouth, by A.M. Maugham (Novel; 1956)
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother, recorded by The Hollies (Song; 1969)
H.M.S. Pinafore, by Gilbert & Sullivan (Comic Opera; 1878)
Jesus of Montreal (Film; 1990)
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, by The Cure (Album; 1987)
The Little Sister, by Raymond Chandler (Novel; 1949)
Men in Black 3 (Film; 2012)
Mickey’s Revue (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Midnight Cowboy (Film; 1969)
Moonrise Kingdom (Film; 2012)
Nadja, by André Breton (Novel; 1928)
Paprika (Anime Film; 2007)
Pearl Harbor (Film; 2001)
Piker’s Peak (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
The Pink Blueprint (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Pink, Plunk, Plink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (Film; 2007)
Safety, by Coldplay (EP: 1998)
Samstag aus Licht, by Karl Stockhausen (Opera; 1984)
The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins (Science Book; 1976)
Smoky Joe (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1945)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (Film; 2018)
Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope (Film; 1977)
Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Film; 1983)
Three Little Pigs (Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1933)
Tubular Bells, by Mike Oldfield (Album; 1973)
Under My Kin, by Avril Lavigne (Album; 2004)
War Machine (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Beda, Gregor, Magdalene (Austria)
Spas, Spaska (Bulgaria)
Beda, Grgur, Urban (Croatia)
Viola (Czech Republic)
Urbanus (Denmark)
Urban, Urbo, Urve, Urves (Estonia)
Urpo (Finland)
Sophie (France)
Beda, Magdalene, Miriam, Urban (Germany)
Nefeli (Greece)
Orbán (Hungary)
Basileo, Beda, Erminio, Gregorio (Italy)
Anitra, Anšlavs, Ciemvaldis, Gunita (Latvia)
Almantas, Danutė, Urbonas (Lithuania)
Ragna, Ragnar (Norway)
Epifan, Grzegorz, Imisława, Maria Magdalena, Urban (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Urban (Slovakia)
Beda, Gregorio, Magdalena, María (Spain)
Urban (Sweden)
Celeste, Celestine (Ukraine)
Madalyn, Madeleine, Madeline, Madelyn, Madilyn, Marlee, Marleen, Marlena, Marlene, Marley (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 146 of 2024; 220 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 21 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 18 (Ji-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 17 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 17 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 26 Magenta; Fryday [26 of 30]
Julian: 12 May 2024
Moon: 94%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 5 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Ambrose]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 68 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 5 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Odal (Home, Possession) [Half-Month 11 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 6.8)
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bharathidasanprabhu · 4 months
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JORDAN INDEPENDENCE DAY - 25 MAY 2024 - ஜோர்டான் சுதந்திர தினம் - 25 மே 2024.
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carolinemillerbooks · 4 months
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/the-masculine-mystique/
The Masculine Mystique
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Weaving in and out of the lunch tables at the retirement center one afternoon, I paused to sit beside a woman I hadn’t seen for a while. Looking up from her book, she frowned.  “Do you know the meaning of viand?” she asked.  Wondering if hers was a trick question, I answered tentatively.  “It means ‘food,’ doesn’t  it?” “Correct!” She slammed her palm on the table for emphasis. “You’d be surprised how many don’t know the answer.” Shrugging a little, I replied. ”Well, it’s an antique word by today’s standards.  What brought it to mind?” “Dickens, naturally!” This time, the hand covered with liver spots landed on the thick book lying on the table.    I nodded with understanding. We exchanged a few more words about the author, then I left her to her reading.  Headed for my apartment, I continued to think about words, particularly the new ones I’d learned that week–Flop era, gynecocracy, 4chan. Vocabulary expands so rapidly these days, why should I be surprised that Viand had fallen out of favor. Other words have suffered a similar fate or undergone revision. Take Man for example. Who can say what it means these days?    Christine Emba shares a dilemma similar to mine.  In her article, Men Are Lost, she notes the definition of man began eroding in the twentieth century.  In 1958, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. wrote  ..the male role has plainly lost its rugged clarity. As a result, …something has gone badly wrong with the American male’s conception of himself.  Historians blame women for the muddle.  They argue that when the industrial and technical revolutions created jobs that no longer required strength, women escaped domesticity for work outside the home.  As typists and file clerks, for example, they enjoyed the independence of personal incomes that allowed them to be choosey about their partners.  Some even chose other women. White males seemed to suffer most from their loss of economic status. Not only was it harder to find a wife,  but they were obliged to compete with women for employment.  Some males retreated to the sidelines, creating a vacuum their counterparts were eager to fill. Today, the fair sex has infiltrated what formerly were all-male bastions, finding jobs in higher education, science, and politics.  (“Explaining Men,” by Jackson Katz, Ms, spring, 2024, pgs. 25-27.) A few closet misogynists have stepped forward in the hope of restoring male hegemony and taking society backward. Jordan Peterson is prominent among them but there are others.  Constin Alamariu, a Romanian-American with a Ph.d from Yale became famous when he published his seminal book on misogyny, The Bronze Age Mindset.  Unfortunately, vainglory brought him unwanted attention which led to his arrest.  Currently, he resides in a Romanian jail convicted of rape and human trafficking. Jackson Katz draws a connection between women’s liberation and the rise of autocracy. …white men find comfort in regressive ‘strong man’ politics and the very conservative gender norms that underlie them. That primordial longing for the past, he suggests, makes the masculinity crisis […] a threat to democracy  (“Explaining Men,” by Jackson Katz, Ms. Spring 2024, pg. 26.)  Katz may have a point, but I would argue that a society founded on the masculine norm of winning and losing also poses a threat.  Inequality can destabilize the system, transforming democracy into an autocratic power game.   We know the forms of that corruption well–rape, suppression, a collapsed justice system, and war. I admit that democracy and equality aren’t natural bedfellows.  The former is an organizing principle.  The latter is a value.  Athenians, for example, saw no contradiction between their method of governing themselves and their right to own slaves.  Our founding fathers held the same split view. While championing equality for their peers, they saw no reason to extend that right to women or slaves. Even so, many in the United States have come to believe the relationship between democracy and equality is a symbiotic one, each as vital to the other as rain to a garden. When the preamble of our Constitution speaks of the general welfare, a majority of us believe it refers to everyone who resides in the country.       Dissenters exist, of course, and in numbers sufficient enough to risk an insurrection. What we’ve learned from the present struggle is that the conventions we’ve adopted are neither universally understood nor agreed upon. Words have failed us. Admittedly, some among us would rather pluck out their eyes than glimpse a future they cannot control. Nonetheless, time and tide are forcing choices upon us. Shall we continue to accept the masculine paradigm of winners and losers?  Or, shall we create a society based on values we hold in common? Either way, the critical issue to resolve isn’t about how we define a man or a woman, but how we define what it means to be human. Yes.  I’m convinced, we need new words for that.    
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mariacallous · 2 years
IRBID, Jordan—As she looked out the window of her bare, dimly lit living room in October, Mervat Hamda counted the days since the authorities took away her son Anas al-Jamal: 138. “He is more than my son—he is my closest friend,” she said as she showed me family photos in their home in Irbid, a city in northern Jordan. “Anas is our joy, our light, our laughter.”
Jamal, a 25-year-old street vendor and activist, came of age during the Arab Spring, a time that saw dictators toppled and wars break out in the region. Jordan was spared major unrest, but Jamal joined the wave of protests that did take place in the country, demanding greater freedoms for Jordanians and becoming active on social media. “He wanted to participate and to stand with the oppressed,” his mother said. Since then, Jamal has engaged with youth-based movements demanding reform and criticizing Arab countries’ agreements with Israel. He’s known for leading chants at protests, and, in late 2021, he joined an opposition party.
“Everyone in Irbid knows Anas. He is very popular and loved here,” said a young man at a cafe near where Jamal worked in Irbid’s bustling city center. (The young man’s name has been withheld due to the sensitive political situation.) “But he has been targeted by authorities because he is not afraid to speak out.”
Jamal has been detained five times in the last three years. He was first arrested in 2019, ostensibly for working as a street vendor without a license. Since then, he has been harassed, threatened, and detained for his political activities, said his lawyer, Loai Obeidat. Jamal’s most recent arrest was in May. He was accused of “disturbing relations with a foreign country” for a Facebook post he made criticizing the United Arab Emirates, a key Jordanian ally—an act the state classifies as “terrorism.” After three months of being held without a trial, Jamal went on a hunger strike. It lasted three weeks, his mother said, only ending when his health seriously deteriorated.
The government’s silencing of a poor street vendor sparked outrage among many Jordanians. In September, dozens of people demonstrated in Amman, the capital, in front of the headquarters of the country’s Independent Election Commission, a body mandated to conduct transparent elections and promote democratic processes, to protest the escalating harassment, repression, and silencing of dissidents. Holding photos of Jamal, demonstrators demanded his release. Online, activists have circulated lists with the names of dozens of other people they say were also detained for social media posts.
Over the past decade, protests have grown in Jordan, a country where the king holds all significant powers. Even though the Parliament’s lower house is elected, the chamber wields little influence. Strikes, demonstrations against austerity, marches of unemployed youth, and protests against Jordan’s controversial deals with Israel have become commonplace.
But dissent in the kingdom is usually expressed cautiously. Draconian cybercrime and anti-terrorism laws criminalize libel and slander, and criticism of foreign rulers can be punished as an act of terrorism. Most activists refrain from directly criticizing the monarchy—a red line that could land them in jail—and simply call for more jobs, better living conditions, less inequality, a more accountable government, and greater opportunities to participate in political life. Yet the state has met growing popular dissent with heightened repression—and when activists are more outspoken, it is usually poor, disenfranchised people like Jamal who face the harshest consequences.
Jordan is often praised by U.S. leaders as an Arab model of democratization and moderation and depicted in Western media as a comparatively liberal, gradually reforming monarchy in the Middle East. But this image stands in stark contrast to recent reports of the government’s approach to dissent.
“The climate for political expression is the worst it has been in decades,” said Jillian Schwedler, a political scientist at the City University of New York’s Hunter College. The government has used the COVID-19 pandemic “as an excuse to crack down on activism,” she said, as the 2020 declaration of a state of emergency—which still hasn’t been lifted—gave the prime minister sweeping powers to curtail civil and political rights. Last year, Freedom House, which tracks political rights and civil liberties worldwide, downgraded Jordan from “partly free” to “not free,” citing the harsh restrictions on freedom of assembly and crackdown on Jordan’s teachers’ union after a series of strikes and protests over salaries.
“There is an urgent need to address the downward spiral on rights we are seeing in Jordan today,” said Lama Fakih, the Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. In September, her organization published a report on Jordanian authorities detaining, interrogating, and harassing activists, journalists, trade unionists, and members of political parties, as well as their family members, including restricting their access to basic rights such as work and travel. The report found that authorities use “vague and overly broad” laws to arrest and charge citizens.
Jordanian authorities also limit media freedom, Human Rights Watch has documented, through harassment, arrests, and gag orders that prevent journalists from reporting on sensitive issues, such as recent leaks that Jordanian King Abdullah II has amassed luxury properties abroad and massive wealth in Swiss bank accounts.
“Over the years, I’ve seen activists’ lives being destroyed by the regime—their businesses crushed, extended family members being prevented from attending university, daily harassment,” said Schwedler, who has spent 25 years researching dissent in the kingdom. “The closing of public space is virtual and physical—you have no venues for expression.” On the streets, spaces for gathering have been fenced off or landscaped to become inaccessible to protesters. Online, censorship and surveillance have grown. Schwedler’s new book, Protesting Jordan: Geographies of Power and Dissent, the first in-depth study of rebellion in the kingdom, is “not currently available” as an e-book in Jordan—an indication it was most likely banned in the country.
Growing repression comes as the kingdom grapples with record-high unemployment and internal turmoil after last year’s royal feud and alleged coup attempt involving the king’s half-brother Hamzah bin Hussein. The pandemic made an already struggling economy even worse, with the unemployment rate spiking to 25 percent in the first quarter of 2021 and to 50 percent among young people. With social protections weakened after decades of economic liberalization and austerity policies, many Jordanians are unable to afford the rapidly rising costs of living.
“The economic situation is absolutely dire. Everybody believes the unemployment rates are even worse than the official figures,” Schwedler said. “There seems to be a lot of development projects in the capital—big, splashy, showy projects—but there is a lot of resentment. Most people feel they don’t have access to that version of a Westward-looking, cosmopolitan Jordan.” As discontent and frustration among citizens grow, authorities are trying to contain dissent.
Despite the erosion of civil liberties, Jordan remains one of the largest recipients of U.S. aid in the world. The country emerged over the past few decades as a key U.S. ally for logistical support in Iraq and Afghanistan, counterterrorism operations, and intelligence cooperation. In September, Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi announced “the longest and the largest” memorandum of understanding between the two countries that will see Washington provide $10.15 billion in aid to Amman over the next seven years. “The U.S. has gone above and beyond for Jordan,” he said after the deal was signed.
Compared with other Arab governments’ human rights records, Jordan’s intolerance of dissent might seem lenient. But human rights defenders say it should be taken seriously by donor countries, particularly those that provide direct assistance and training to Jordan’s security agencies. “Jordan is seen as less bad than some of the other regimes the U.S. is still allied with, but I don’t feel it deserves congratulations … just because it’s not massacring protesters or dismembering dissidents with a bone saw like Egypt and Saudi Arabia,” Schwedler said.
Escalation of repression is often followed by high-level promises of reform to show Jordan’s supposed commitment to liberal democracy. Last year, Abdullah announced the creation of a committee tasked with advancing political reform, which recommended amending laws on political parties and emphasized the need for “full respect for human rights and the creation of a safe space for fundamental freedoms that would enable political participation.” But many experts say such measures have led nowhere.
“Calls for reform have been there for decades, but this idea that Jordan is an oasis of stability moving toward reform is a facade,” said Benjamin Schuetze, a researcher at the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute in Germany and the author of Promoting Democracy, Reinforcing Authoritarianism: US and European Policy in Jordan, a book that is also “not currently available” in Jordan.
Schuetze said U.S. and European funding for so-called democracy-promoting initiatives helps support Jordan’s facade of democratization and ends up reinforcing state control and existing power structures. Funding for the Jordanian regime continues to grow, he said, because the United States and the European Union are interested in maintaining the status quo of intelligence cooperation as well as the kingdom’s ties with Israel and its willingness to host more than a million Syrian refugees.
In 2021, a controversial U.S.-Jordan defense agreement allowed U.S. forces, aircraft, vessels, and vehicles free entry into Jordanian territory. It also gave U.S. troops permission to carry weapons freely and implied that U.S. soldiers may be immune from prosecution in Jordanian courts. “Jordan is seen as a key ally, a local base in the region from where the U.S. projects its military power,” Schuetze said.
But the hundreds of millions of dollars that Washington is pouring into security and military programs each year aren’t exactly meant to protect Jordanians, Schuetze said. “The kind of security promoted by the U.S. is primarily the security of the Jordanian regime, U.S. geostrategic interests, and private businesses,” he said.
Jamal and his family, for one, have no illusions of security. Two weeks after I met with his family, Jamal was finally released on bail on Oct. 23. But he still faces charges under Jordan’s anti-terrorism laws and is waiting for his trial, which has been postponed several times.
His family and lawyer said he received threats that if he didn’t stop his activism, he would be unable to find work or pursue an education.
“He is very weak,” his mother said over the phone a few days after he was released. “With the hunger strike, he became very thin and debilitated. He can’t work.” Jamal is the sole provider for his mother and siblings, and the arrests have placed a heavy burden on the family. His mother said he wants to go abroad, where she believes he would be safer. But she isn’t sure he would be able to leave the country, since authorities have imposed travel bans on several activists.
“He needs a safe place. He needs to recover,” she said. “Here, he faces too many restrictions.”
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bitcofun · 2 years
The rarest Pudgy Penguins NFT has actually cost around $650,000, marking the greatest life time sale for the resurging collection. The Pudgy Penguins flooring rate has likewise leapt approximately 69% over the recently. Key Takeaways Pudgy Penguins, among the most hyped collections of the early "PFP" NFT specific niche in 2021, is picking up. The rarest piece in the collection marked a record sale for the task Monday, bring 400 ETH worth nearly $650,000 The Pudgy Penguins flooring rate has actually risen by about 69% over the recently, increasing from 2.2 ETH to 3.8 ETH. A modification in management has actually assisted the Pudgy Penguins collection make one of the most impressive returns in NFT history. Pudgy Penguins Mark $650,000 NFT Sale Pudgy Penguins are rising regardless of a gruelling months-long NFT bearish market. The rarest piece in the NFT area's renowned flightless bird collection, Pudgy Penguin #6873, cost 400 ETH worth simply under $650,000 Monday. The sale of the unusual penguin token-- the just in the 8,888 product collection that searches in a various instructions-- marks the greatest rate a piece has actually brought in the task's history. Pudgy Penguins introduced in June 2021 and rapidly turned into one of the most popular NFTs in the "PFP"-- a specific niche promoted by CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club and distributed through social networks profile photos-- classification. The task's trajectory took a turn for the even worse after the notorious crypto sleuth ZachXBT outed one of the creators and leading members, Cole Villemain, for running paid promos of NFT tasks without divulging that he had actually gotten any compensation. Villemain came tidy about his shenanigans, however he and the starting group were later on implicated of siphoning funds from the job's treasury. The Pudgy Penguins neighborhood talked about forking the job, till e-commerce business owner and financier purchased the job for 750 ETH worth $2.5 million in April. Months after fading into obscurity and trading listed below the 2 ETH variety, Pudgy Penguins is rebounding. Since the April acquisition, Pudgy Penguins has actually released its own NFT market, clothes and toy lines, a media center, and grown its social networks existence. The collection's flooring cost rose about 400% after the acquisition prior to returning a few of its gains over the occurring months. Despite the gruelling NFT bearishness-- which has actually seen the day-to-day trading volume fall from a record $600 million in May to approximately about $25 million over the previous 3 months, Pudgy Penguins NFTs have actually crossed all-time highs in ETH terms. Over the recently, the collection's flooring cost has rose by about 69%, increasing from 2.2 ETH to 3.8 ETH. Many other in-demand PFP NFT collections have actually seen their flooring rates drop in current months. The most substantial relocation driving today's rise came Sunday when the job presented a nine-member board of advisers, counting Web2 and Web3 heavyweights like Nansen's Alex Svanevik and Jordan Sterling, who deals with Meta's equity capital collaborations group. "Coming from varied backgrounds in Web2 and Web3, our board will help in our pursuit to innovate through numerous markets," Pudgy Penguins composed, activating a flooring rate rally that culminated with the 400 ETH NFT sale Monday." I was able today to buy the rarest penguin in a collection that assisted me make my very first little life-altering cash," the purchaser of the left-facing penguin, who passes FUDrick Douglas, stated today on Twitter. Disclosure: At the time of composing, the author of this short article owned ETH and a number of other cryptocurrencies. The info on or accessed through this site is gotten from independent sources our company believe to be precise and trustworthy, however Decentral Media, Inc. makes no representation or guarantee regarding the timeliness, efficiency, or precision of any info on or accessed through this site.
Decentral Media, Inc. is not a financial investment consultant. We do not offer tailored financial investment guidance or other monetary suggestions. The info on this site goes through alter without notification. Some or all of the details on this site might end up being out-of-date, or it might be or end up being insufficient or unreliable. We may, however are not obliged to, upgrade any out-of-date, insufficient, or incorrect info. You need to never ever make a financial investment choice on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment based upon the details on this site, and you must never ever analyze or otherwise count on any of the info on this site as financial investment suggestions. We highly advise that you seek advice from a certified financial investment consultant or other certified monetary expert if you are looking for financial investment suggestions on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment. We do decline settlement in any type for examining or reporting on any ICO, IEO, cryptocurrency, currency, tokenized sales, securities, or products. See complete conditions Pudgy Penguins: Pump & & Dump or NFT Mainstay? Are tubby penguins simply another intricate cash grab hustle freeriding the NFT buzz train or a genuine job seeing well-deserved success? While some prominent influencers in the area caution that ... Penguins Are Huddling on Ethereum Amid Cries of Scam Pudgy Penguins neighborhood members are proposing a fork of the NFT task amidst allegations that its creators have actually siphoned funds from its treasury. Pudgy Penguins NFT Collection Embroiled In Controversy ... Why Are NFTs Valuable? As NFTs cost countless dollars, lots of observers are questioning why. How can tokenized JPEGs of rocks have any worth? The factor, it ends up, might not be all ... Read More
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wordjust · 2 years
Igor pavlov
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Newly engaged Daisy Lowe shares a kiss with fiancé Jordan Saul as she shows off her diamond ring for the first timeĪmal Clooney is a ray of sunshine in a yellow sequin minidress as she and husband George head to the Ticket To Paradise afterparty in London 'She has been burning the candle at both ends': Cara Delevingne's family may do an INTERVENTION for troubled model after erratic appearances 'I'm fine Dad': Independent Prince Louis, 4, bats away his father's hand as William and Kate walk him, and George and Charlotte to new school Now it has 56 rooms and 12 suites, including the split-level penthouse suite with a private sauna and a terrace with views across the city, which was built as part of a £19.5million refurbishment project. In 2001, the newspaper moved to its own purpose-built offices in Holyrood, paving the way for development of the hotel. The North Bridge Brasserie was once the grand reception area. The middle floors of the building, now home to luxurious rooms and suites, were originally used for editorial offices. The building opened its doors to the public in Edinburgh for advertising in 1831. It was once home to the offices of The Scotsman newspaper. ‘I feel just terribly about what’s happened. ‘They told me it was safe to take the elevator but I wasn’t happy to do that so I took the stairs. She said: ‘There was a very loud bang on the door and when I opened it, it was a fireman and somebody from the hotel saying it was being evacuated. US tourist Betty Cuniberti, from San Francisco, California, said she was in her bedroom on the sixth floor when the fire alarm sounded and firefighters went round the hotel asking people to leave. ‘You don’t expect something like this to happen at a five-star hotel. I don’t know what happened but it’s quite sad. I feel very sorry for the families of the two people. Lynn Massie, 34, and Neil Cooper, 31, from Aberdeen, were awaiting to collect their luggage after a two-day break when the incident happened. Hotel guests said they had noticed a strong smell 'like sewage' before the bodies were found.Īround 25 specialist firefighters were sent to the scene as part of a Scottish Fire and Rescue chemical incident team.Ī ‘detection, identification and monitoring unit’ was also called in to check for hazardous materials.Įmergency services outside the five-star Scotsman Hotel in Edinburgh yesterday following a suspected chemical incident Investigators entered wearing special protective suits and guests were evacuated from the historic building. Staff at the five-star hotel found the couple in a room on the sixth floor alongside containers of chemicals, prompting a major emergency response.
The pair took the chemical into the hotel with them prior to their deaths.Īn address in the Royal Mile area of the city was searched on Friday but no further traces of chemicals were found.Ī Police Scotland spokesman said: 'Inquiries are ongoing into the full circumstances surrounding both of these deaths, which continue to be treated as unexplained at this time.' Their deaths were chemical-related and a number of items seized from the room continue to undergo forensic analysis, Police Scotland said. Officers wore specialist suits to enter the room where the two bodies were found at The Scotsman
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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The parliament of  Transjordan made Abdullah I of Jordan their Emir on May 25, 1946.
Jordan’s Independence Day 
Jordan’s Independence Day is celebrated on May 25 every year, and is the most important event in the history of Jordan, as it commemorates its independence from the British government. After World War I, the Hashemite Army of the Great Arab Revolt took over the area which is now Jordan. The Hashemites launched the revolt, led by Sharif Hussein, against the Ottoman Empire. The Allied forces, comprising Britain and France supported the Great Arab Revolt. Emir Abdullāh was the one who negotiated Jordan’s independence from the British. Though a treaty was signed on March 22, 1946, it was two years later when Jordan became fully independent. In March 1948, Jordan signed a new treaty in which all restrictions on sovereignty were removed to guarantee Jordan’s independence. Jordan joined and became a full member of the United Nations and the Arab League in December 1955.
History of Jordan Independence Day
The first appearance of fortified towns and urban centers in the land now known as Jordan was early in the Bronze Age (3600 to 1200 B.C.). Wadi Feynan then became a regional center for copper extraction with copper at the time, being largely exploited to facilitate the production of bronze. Trading, migration, and settlement of people in the Middle East peaked, thereby advancing and refining more and more civilizations. With time, villages in Transjordan began to expand rapidly in areas where water resources and agricultural land abound. Ancient Egyptians then later expanded towards the Levant and would eventually control both banks of the Jordan River.
There was a period of about 400 years during which Jordan was under the rule and influence of the Ottoman Empire, and the period was characterized by stagnation and retrogression to the detriment of the Jordanian people. The reign of the Ottoman Empire over Jordan would eventually cease when Sharif Hussein led the Hashemite Army in the Great Revolt against the Ottoman Empire, with the Allies of World War I supporting them. In September 1922, the Council of the League of Nations recognized Transjordan as a state under the terms of the Transjordan memorandum. Transjordan remained under British mandate until 1946, when a treaty was signed, with eventual sovereignty being granted upon signing a subsequent treaty in 1948.
The Hashemites’ assumption of power in the Jordan region came with numerous challenges. In 1921 and 1923, there were some rebellions in Kura which were suppressed by the Emir’s forces, with British support. Jordan is generally a peaceful region today, and it has become quite a tourist destination in recent times.
Jordan Independence Day timeline
3600 B.C. Earliest Known Jordanian Civilizations
Fortified towns and urban centers begin to spring up in the area now known as Jordan.
1922 Jordan is Recognized as a State
In 1922, the Council of the League of Nations recognizes Jordan as a state under the Transjordan memorandum.
1946 First Independence Treaty is Signed
In 1946, Emir Abdullāh negotiates the first independence treaty with Britain which would later lead to Jordan's ultimate independence in 1948.
1955 Jordan Joins the United Nations
Jordan becomes a member of the United Nations and the Arab League in 1955.
Jordan Independence Day FAQs
What day is Jordan’s Independence Day?
Jordan’s Independence Day is May 25, every year. It marks the anniversary of the treaty that gave Jordan her sovereignty.
When did Jordan become independent?
On May 25, 1948, Jordan officially became an independent state.
Who is Jordan’s current leader?
The current ruler Of Jordan is the monarch, Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein, King of Jordan.
How to Observe Jordan Independence Day
Light up some fireworks
Prepare some mansaf
Share on social media
One of the hallmark celebrations of any independence day is the show of fireworks. Be sure to be a part of the beauty!
As you probably already knew, Mansaf is Jordan’s national dish. As such, preparing it on such a special day as Independence Day is a brilliant idea.
Take pictures and videos of you in your dishdasha celebrating Independence Day. Share them on your social media!
5 Interesting Facts About Jordan
Home to the Dead Sea
A nexus between Africa, Europe, and Asia
Over 100,000 archeological sites
The world’s oldest dam
Jesus was baptized in Jordan
The Dead Sea, which is the lowest point on Earth, is located in Jordan.
Jordan is a pivotal point connecting Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Jordan has over 100,000 archeological and tourist sites.
Jordan is home to the world’s oldest dam, the Jawa Dam.
Jesus, who is the symbolic character of the Christian faith, was baptized in the Jordan River before beginning his ministry.
Why Jordan Independence Day is Important
Jordan is peaceful and liberal
The weather in Jordan is nice
Jordan is a tourist’s dream
Though a generally conservative country, Jordan is relatively liberal. The country is peaceful and tolerant of foreign cultures.
Jordan is a warm region. The weather is usually warm and pleasant at all times of the year.
Jordan has everything a tourist could dream of. Beautiful sights, calm weather, a welcoming culture, and amazing people make it a fantastic place for tourists.
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jordanianroyals · 1 year
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25 May 2023: King Abdullah II attended the ceremony held at Raghadan Palace to mark Jordan’s 77th Independence Day, also attended by Queen Rania and Crown Prince Al Hussein.
During the ceremony, the heads of the authorities delivered speeches expressing deep pride in Jordan and the importance of this occasion, which reaffirms Jordanians’ pride in their homeland, and their determination to continue towards further progress under its Hashemite leadership.
They expressed pride in the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army and security agencies for safeguarding the nation’s achievements, commending Jordan’s unwavering position, led by His Majesty, in defence of just Arab causes, especially the Palestinian cause and Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, under the Hashemite Custodianship.
They noted Jordan’s ongoing modernisation efforts across the political, economic, and administrative tracks, as the state moves forward into its second centennial.
Royal family members, senior officials and officers, members of the diplomatic corps, and representatives of political parties, civil society organisations, and professional associations attended the ceremony.
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glisteninbrown · 3 years
Fixed stars in natal charts (mega post)
There are many fixed stars but these are only a few, check the planets and angles they are conjunct with. Fixed stars can only be conjunct as stars do not cast out rays, they usually only allow an orb of 0°-2.50��. Any other aspect to it is only meant to enhance or hinder the conjunction, Fixed stars in charts add more tension but result in a stronger individual. These descriptions should be taken with a grain of salt.
Antares | 9°-10° Sagittarius (depending on year): Is one of the 15 Behenian stars with a nature of Mars and Jupiter. It is apart of the constellation Scorpio and makes one tough, determined, but also rambunctious and prone to violence. It also gives understanding and memory, help against evil spirits, and the power of driving them away and binding them. Sagittarius placements 7°-11° will feel this activate this star.
ASC conjunct Antares: Riches and honor but prone to violence (Mahatma Gandhi). 
Sun conjunct Antares: Honors and riches ending in ruin, dangers of treachery (Pablo Escobar, Britney Spears, and Winston Churchill).
Part of Fortune conjunct Antares: Poverty; drastic financial situations (Doris Day, Sigmund Freud, and Édouard Manet).
MC conjunct Antares: Honor and good fortune; military honor (Pablo Escobar and Abraham Lincoln).
Moon conjunct Antares: open-minded, popular, influential friends, great power, great honor and wealth but these may not last long (due to Antares’ brash nature), liable to blindness or eye injury (Michael Jordan, Pablo Picasso & Yoko Ono).
Mercury conjunct Antares: uses ecclesiastic influence in business, unpopular, accuses friends, funds obtained slowly and with difficulty (Steven Spielberg, Jane Austin).
Venus conjunct Antares: ruthless, deceitful, & able but selfish. (???)
Mars conjunct Antares: quite favorable for gain but detrimental habits powerfully affect relationships; trouble in relationships. (H.P. Lovecraft)
Jupiter conjunct Antares: Great zeal (even if pretended), & benefit from relatives. (Emperor Nero)
Saturn conjunct Antares: Materialistic, trouble through enemies, many failures, & trouble from children (Paul Cezanne, M. C. Escher, Megan Fox).
Uranus conjunct Antares: May have abnormal and extreme ideas, be extremely socialistic, lie and exaggerate more than the average person, and have trouble having children ( Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex & Katy Perry).
Neptune conjunct Antares: Can be cunning, dishonest more than the average, gain through hard work, & tendency to steal more than average (Abraham Lincoln, Leonardo DiCaprio, David Beckham, & Angelina Jolie).
North Node conjunct Antares: Hardworking & ambitious (Ariana Grande, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo DiCaprio).
Regulus | 28°-29° Leo (depending on the year): Is one of the most fortunate stars in the heavens, it is of Mars & Jupiter nature. It gives glory, riches, and power to all who are born under its influence, asserting that those born under it have a royal-like nativity. Leo placements 27°-29° & Virgo placements 0°-2° will activate the star.
ASC conjunct Regulus: Great honor and wealth, violence and trouble, benefits may not last, victory of enemies, courageous & frank character (Paul Gaugin, Donald Trump, Drake, Édouard Manet, George H. W. Bush, Natalie Cole).
Sun conjunct Regulus: Power, authority, great influence over friends, honor and riches, violence, and benefits may not last (Liam Payne, H. P. Lovecraft, Kenny Rogers, Coco Chanel).
MC conjunct Regulus: Military honor, preferment, good fortune, if conjunct Sun, moon, and/ or Jupiter ample honor and fortune (Clint Eastwood, Jim Carrey, Liam Payne).
Part of Fortune conjunct Regulus: Fame, Ample fortune, & powerful friends (Liza Minnelli, Michael Jackson, Steven Spielberg).
Moon Conjunct Regulus: Powerful friends, dangers from enemies/ false friends, public prominence, makes women high spirited and independent (Megan Thee Stallion, Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill, Dolly Parton, Venus Williams).
Mercury conjunct Regulus: Honorable, popular, generosity abused by opponents, & gain through high position (Gene Kelly).
Mars conjunct Regulus: Fame, strong character, & public prominence (Henry Ford, Ariana Grande, Donald Trump, Princess Diana of Wales).
Venus conjunct Regulus: Many disappointments, trouble through love affairs, & famous partners/spouses (???).
Jupiter conjunct Regulus: Riches and power could fall to these natives easily (Bill Gates).
Saturn conjunct Regulus: Success in Church or law, scholarly, gain through speculation, companies and friends, and/ or high position (???).
Uranus conjunct Regulus: Can be energetic, ambitious, successful, may be unjust or dishonorable, panders to aristocracy, favorable for marriage, friends may become enemies at end of life, and may retire and live in seclusion (Jim Carrey & Johnny Depp).
Neptune conjunct Regulus: Prominent leader, strong character, influential friends, few if any enemies, & natural death in old age (Clint Eastwood, Audrey Hepburn, Anne Frank, Andy Warhol).
North Node conjunct Regulus: Their destiny/life path leans towards getting noticed, obtaining wealth, fame, and fortune (Princess Diana of Wales, Barrack Obama, Martin Scorsese).
Sirius | 13°-14° Cancer (depending on the year): Is on of the 15 Behenian stars with a nature of Mars & Jupiter. Sirius gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men with the power to pacify nobles and others. Well connected, it promises fame, honors and riches. According to tradition, Sirius will give a famous death with honors beyond the grave if positioned in the 8th house. In good aspect with Mars and Jupiter and close to the MC, promise is given of gaining extensive wealth, a lucky hand in commercial enterprise or matters of government. Cancer placements 12°-16° will activate this star.
ASC conjunct Sirius: Military/CEO honor (Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein, Robert De Niro, Steven Spielberg).
Sun conjunct Sirius: Success in business, If rising or culminating, kingly preferment (Frida Kahlo & George W. Bush).
Moon conjunct Sirius: Success in business, influential friends of opposite sex, favorable for the father, good health, beneficial changes in home or business (Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, LL Cool J, Paris Jackson).
Mercury conjunct Sirius: Great business success, help through influential people, worries unnecessarily, & possible physical defect through accident (Will Ferrell, Khloé Kardashian, Elon Musk).
Venus conjunct Sirius: Ease, comfort and luxury, extravagant, gain by inheritance (Ernest Hemingway).
Mars conjunct Sirius: Courageous, generous, & military preferment (Pablo Picasso & Meghan, Duchess of Sussex).
Jupiter conjunct Sirius: Business success & possible help from relatives.  People born with this star aspected are generally born into a large family, and all those in the family circle are also interested in the large families themselves (Warren Buffett).
Saturn conjunct Sirius: Steady, reserved, diplomatic, high position through friends, favorable for home, gifts and legacies (David Beckham).
Uranus conjunct Sirius: Gain and prominence in Uranian matters, help from influential friends, & gain through harmonious marriage (???).
Neptune conjunct Sirius: Intuition, occult interests, good organizing ability, many influential friends, favorable for gain and domestic matters, and natural death (Frida Kahlo).
North Node conjunct Sirius: Military honor (Prince William of Cambridge & Adolf Hitler).
Spica | 23° Libra: Is on of the 15 Behenian stars with a nature of Venus & Mars. Spica gives success, renown, riches, a sweet disposition, love of art and science, unscrupulousness, unfruitfulness and injustice to innocence. However, if Spica is placed in angular houses and conjoined with Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, and if these planets are afflicted, a rise followed by a downfall with tragic ending could be the result. Libra placements 21°-25° will activate this star.
ASC conjunct Spica: Unbounded good fortune, happiness, unexpected honor or advancement beyond native’s hopes or capacity (Hanz Zimmer, Bob Hope, Princess Anne, Jennifer Aniston, Gene Simmons, Eric Clapton).
MC conjunct Spica: Happiness & unexpected honor or advancement beyond native’s hopes or capacity (Princess Diana of Wales).
Part of Fortune conjunct Spica: Great wealth & voluptuous propensities (???).
Sun conjunct Spica: Great and lasting preferment, immense wealth, great happiness to native’s parents and children, & favorable for public and legal affairs (Eminem, Zac Efron, Ne-Yo, Chuck Berry, Keyshia Cole, John Mayer, Felicity Jones).
Moon conjunct Spica: Gain through inventions; success (Marie Antoinette & Justin Bieber).
Mercury conjunct Spica: Favor of clergy and people in authority, gain through investment, and responsible position (Margaret Thatcher).
Venus conjunct Spica: Benefits from friends, social success, & false friends of own sex (Woody Allen & Warren Buffett).
Mars conjunct Spica: Popular social success, may have good judgment and quick decision or be violent in dispute, and a straight fool (Viola Davis & Cameron Boyce).
Jupiter conjunct Spica: Social success, wealth, ecclesiastical honor and preferment (Bill Clinton & Winston Churchill).
Saturn conjunct Spica: Sharp or rugged, but does much good, occult interests, good speaker, many friends, gain through legacies but extravagant, good health, and favorable for domestic matters (Emperor Nero, Rudolf Hess, Leonardo Da Vinci).
Uranus conjunct Spica: Mediumistic, popular, gain through marriage, fortunate, & possible sudden natural death (???).
Neptune conjunct Spica: Comfortable surroundings, always sufficiently well off, associated with companies, gain through legacies, somewhat fast and extravagant (Michael Moore, Harvey Weinstein).
North Node conjunct Spica: Wealth, popularity, & powerful friends (Michael Jackson).
Altair | 1° Aquarius: Is a fixed star of Mars & Jupiter nature. Altair confers a bold, confident, valiant, unyielding, ambitious and liberal nature, great and sudden but ephemeral wealth, and a position of command. Capricorn placements at 29° and Aquarius placements 0°-2° will activate this star.
ASC conjunct Altair: Military honor and a natural born leader (Kirk Douglas, Hilary Duff,  Billie Holiday, Alan Cumming).
MC conjunct Altair: Near the Midheaven and in good aspect, Altair promises rise in life and honors. The native tries with sincere conviction to reach out for his aims with utmost will-power. He will avoid nothing in order to achieve them (George Washington).
Part of Fortune conjunct Altair: Military honor (Harvey Weinstein & John F Kennedy).
Sun conjunct Altair: Public honor, notoriety, favors from superiors, many friends and some envious ones who cause trouble through writings (Paul Cezanne, Charles V of France, Jeff Koons, Sam Cooke, Billy Ocean, David Lynch, & Dolly Parton).
Moon conjunct Altair: Interest in a strange or ancient discovery, disappointment and loss over property and gain, friends become enemies, trouble through companies or public affairs, difficulties through or misfortune to children (Russell Crowe, Napoleon II of France, John McCain, David Beckham, Abraham Lincoln, & John Lennon).
Mercury conjunct Altair: Many difficulties, misfortunes, and strange experiences, bad for partnership, loss of a relative under strange circumstances (Marilyn Monroe & Michael Jordan).
Venus conjunct Altair: Unfavorable for love affairs. Strange and peculiar attractions, & losses through friends (Elvis Presley).
Mars conjunct Altair: Sharp mind, trouble through friends, society and companies but eventual gain (???).
Jupiter conjunct Altair: Hypocrisy, trouble through legal with relatives, disappointment over inheritance (Barrack Obama & Pablo Escobar).
Saturn conjunct Altair: Sorrow and disappointment, separation from family or parents, possible danger of accident involving inability to work or lifelong affliction (Elizabeth Taylor, Jim Carrey & George Clooney).
Uranus conjunct Altair: Sympathetic though sometimes abrupt, just, idealistic, interested in occultism, disappointments throughout life, good mind, considerable gain, and natural death at a very advanced age (Richard Nixon).
Neptune conjunct Altair: Over-sensitive, high ideals, mystic, drifts without personal effort, secret enemies and trouble through occultism (Mark Twain).
North Node conjunct Altair: Military honor (Elvis Presley, Dwayne Johnson, & Albert Einstein).
Dubhe | 15° Leo: Is credited with the destructiveness of Mars, working itself out, particularly in mundane maps. If rising, wealth, power, courage, generosity, ingenuity, rise to authority, martial success. Subject to cuts, wounds, accidents, sores and injuries to the face, pains in the head and fevers. Leo placements 14°-16° will activate this star.
ASC conjunct Dubhe: Wealth, power, courage, generosity, rise to authority, martial success, subject to cuts, wounds, accidents, sores and injuries to the face. When rising is said to presage those who are kind to wild beasts and who “associate with bulls and lions as if they were people” (Marilyn Monroe, Andy Warhol, Eddie Murphy, Sean Lennon, Chris Brown, Tyler The Creator Johnny Depp, & Michael Moore).
MC conjunct Dubhe: Martial eminence and success in trade (Katy Perry).
Sun conjunct Dubhe: Martial success, courage, & popularity (Barrack Obama & Andy Warhol). 
Moon conjunct Dubhe: Martial success and courage (Megan Fox & Barbara Windsor).
Venus conjunct Dubhe: Trouble with/in marriage (???).
Mars conjunct Dubhe: Ambitious but ruthless, courageous, impatient, and subject to accidents (Serena Williams and Hillary Clinton).
Jupiter conjunct Dubhe: Martial success and courage (Elizabeth Taylor).
Saturn conjunct Dubhe: Disappointments, setbacks in career, ruthless,  dishonest, & possible martial success (Adolf Hitler & Frederick the great).
Uranus conjunct Dubhe: Sharp; sudden changes in life more than average (Winston Churchill).
Neptune conjunct Dubhe: Scandals; many enemies (Marie Antoinette).
North Node conjunct Dubhe: Martial success (Robert De Niro & Mick Jagger).
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uncpanda · 3 years
Requests are Open!
Today’s prompt List is brought to you by my itunes library. I decided to take titles of songs and song lyrics and use them as theme prompts! I hope you enjoy them. 
The way today’s requests will work is as follows. Pick a song, and send in a number and a character. In three to six weeks you should have a one shot (Depends on my work schedule) . If you would like to be tagged in your request please make sure to leave it with your username. If you would like the reader to be Gender Neutral please let me know, I tend to default to female. I do not write male readers. 
I have decided to open 30 slots for the song recs, and I also have 5 slots for people to request original ideas. Please remember while I may hint at things I do not write NSFW. 
If you don’t see the character you want written on the list below please feel free and message me to see if I write for them! Thank you and have a great day! Prompts and Characters are below.
1) Almost Maybes- Jordan Davis 
2) Look What God Gave Her -Thomas Rhett 
3) Die a Happy Man- Thomas Rhett 
4) The House that Built Me- Miranda Lambert 
5) Tennessee Whiskey- Chris Stapleton
6) Your Man - Josh Turner 
7)  You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive- Patty Loveless 
8)  Forever and Ever Amen- Randy Travis 
9) Don’t Forget to Remember Me- Carrie Underwood 
10) What Makes a Good Man- The Heavy 
11) Something More- Sugarland 
12) Running on Sunshine- Jesus Jackson 
13) Nobody- Dylan Scott 
14) All My Ex’s Live in Texas- George Strait 
15) Whatta Man- Salt-N-Pepa 
16) Just Like Fire- P!nk 
17) Fantasy- Mariah Carey 
18) Gettin’ You Home- Chris Young 
19) Good Directions- Billy Currington 
20) It’s 2 A.M.- Shemekia Copeland 
21) Life Changes- Thomas Rhett 
22) Mine- Taylor Swift 
23) Man in the Mirror- Michael Jackson 
24) Skinny Dippin’- Whitney  Duncan 
25) Settlin’ -Sugarland 
26) Stronger  - Kelly Clarkson
27) T-shit- Thomas Rhett 
28) That Don’t Impress Me Much- Shania Twain 
29) This- Darius Rucker 
30) 10,000 Hours -Dan + Shay 
31) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go- Wham! 
32) Toxic-  Britney Spears 
33) There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back- Shawn Mendes 
34) Sucker- Jonas Brothers 
35) Miss Independent- Kelly Clarkson
36) Lady- Brett Young 
37) It Won’t Be Like This for Long - Darius Rucker 
38) High Hopes- Panic! at the Disco
39) Death of a Bachelor- Panic! at the Disco 
40) Where You Lead I Will Follow- Gilmore Girls Theme Song 
41) Undisclosed Desires - Muse 
42) Meet Me In the Woods - Lord Huron
43) Don't You Tread on Me-  Matt Maeson
44) So Good- Joan
People I’m writing For 
1) Aaron Hotchner
2) Steve Rogers
3) Bruce Wayne
4) Dick Grayson
5) Derek Morgan
6) Jason Todd
7) Rafael Barba
8) Matt Simmons
9) Lex Luthor (Smallville)
10) Barry Allen
11) Tony Stark
12) Elijah Mikaleson
13) Marcel Gerard
14) Klaus Mikaelson x reader 
If you think of anyone else you can either message me or drop and ask in the ask box to see if I’ll write for them :)
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