#Jokha Alharthi
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heresay · 10 months ago
The feet walk fast for the loving heart’s sake, but when you feel no longing, your feet drag and ache.
Jokha Alharthi, Celestial Bodies
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gregor-samsung · 1 year ago
“ Ahmad aveva la febbre. Strofinare preparati a base di erbe sul suo corpo in fiamme non sortiva alcun effetto. A quel punto, Salima era andata a chiedere aiuto a suo zio Shaykh Sa‘id. Era invecchiato, certo, ma non abbastanza da lasciare che il suo cuore si sciogliesse davanti alle suppliche della nipote. Lo aveva implorato, gli aveva ricordato che era la figlia di suo fratello Shaykh Mas‘ud, l’aveva pregato di avere compassione, di dimostrare la sua fede, la sua signorilità, la sua generosità, magnanimità e saggezza. Si era appellata a tutto quello cui si può appellare una madre con il figlio dilaniato dalla febbre. Ma la risposta dello shaykh non era cambiata: “La Range Rover non lascerà mai ‘Awafi senza di me.” Il giorno dopo, la febbre di Ahmad era aumentata, il bambino aveva cominciato a delirare. Salima era tornata dallo zio accompagnata dal marito. ‘Azzan si era trattenuto a lungo con il vecchio, gli aveva spiegato che suo figlio peggiorava e che l’unico ad avere una macchina con cui portarlo all’ospedale al-Sa‘ada di Maskade era lui, Shaykh Sa‘id. Se ci fossero andati a dorso d’asino, ci avrebbero messo quattro o cinque giorni e non sarebbero riusciti a salvare il bambino. Gli disse che avrebbe pagato qualsiasi cifra gli avesse chiesto, compreso il salario dell’autista. “Non ho altro da dire,” aveva replicato Shaykh Sa‘id. “La Range Rover non esce da ‘Awafi. Tuo figlio guarirà anche senza dottori. Che sarà mai, tutti i bambini hanno la febbre e poi guariscono.”
‘Azzan e Salima erano usciti da casa dello shaykh cercando di non guardare il fuoristrada verde parcheggiato vicino al portone. Quando Shaykh Sa‘id l’aveva comprato, due anni prima, e l’autista l’aveva portato in paese, erano tutti usciti in strada per vederlo. Persino l’anziana madre dello shaykh si era avventurata fuori facendosi sostenere dalle sue schiave ma poi, quando aveva sentito il rombo del motore e visto le ruote nere che giravano velocissime, si era spaventata e gli aveva tirato una pietra urlando ai quattro venti che quella era opera del diavolo. La pietra aveva rotto un finestrino e Shaykh Sa‘id aveva ordinato alle schiave di riportare dentro la madre minacciando di frustarle sotto il sole se solo l’avessero fatta uscire di nuovo. Da quel giorno la Range Rover si era mossa solo quando lo shaykh sedeva al posto del passeggero. E se con lui c’era una delle sue mogli, i finestrini venivano oscurati con delle lenzuola. Salima aveva pianto per tutta la strada fino a casa e, da quel momento, ‘Azzan aveva nutrito un unico sogno: possedere una macchina. Aveva giurato che avrebbe chiesto al Sultano il permesso di comprarne una, esattamente come aveva fatto Shaykh Sa‘id, e poco importava se avesse dovuto vendere i campi ereditati dal padre. Ma Ahmad non aveva aspettato che ‘Azzan mantenesse fede al suo giuramento, la febbre era stata più veloce e lo aveva ucciso. Gli avevano tolto vestiti e amuleti e predisposto la rituale pedana di rami di palma in mezzo al cortile. I vicini avevano portato secchi d’acqua dal canale per lavarlo, l’avevano cosparso di incenso e di olio di oud, lo avevano avvolto in un sudario candido e avevano portato il feretro al cimitero a ovest del paese. Il giudice Yusuf aveva detto ad ‘Azzan: “Tuo figlio adesso è in paradiso, e quando verrà la tua ora ti porterà dell’acqua fresca per spegnere la tua sete.” ‘Azzan era stato zitto, non aveva detto che lui aveva sperato che suo figlio l’acqua gliela portasse lì, sulla terra, negli anni della sua vecchiaia. Si era mostrato fermo e paziente come si conviene e aveva stretto la mano di chi gli porgeva le condoglianze. Le aveva strette tutte, persino quella di Shaykh Sa‘id. “
Jokha Alharthi, Corpi celesti, traduzione dall'arabo di Giacomo Longhi, Bompiani (collana Narratori Stranieri), 2022¹; pp. 122-124.
[Edizione originale: سيدات القمر (Sayyidat el-Qamar; Le signore della luna), editore Dār al-Ādāb, Beirut, Libano, 2010]
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nowtoboldlygo · 7 months ago
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recs for women in translation month: Celestial Bodies by Jokha Alharthi, translated from the Arabic by Marilyn Booth. alright so this one took a while to grow on me, but i really love it for the poetry of it all. there's a wonderful fluidity to the narrative, a captivating dreaminess.
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intellectures · 9 months ago
Leuchtende Prosa: Jenny Erpenbeck gewinnt International Booker Prize
Erstmals in der Geschichte des International Booker Prize gewinnt mit Jenny Erpenbeck eine deutschsprachige Autorin den renommierten Booker Prize für internationale Literatur.
Erstmals in der Geschichte des International Booker Prize gewinnt eine deutschsprachige Autorin den renommierten Booker Prize für internationale Literatur. Die Jury unter dem Vorsitz der kanadischen Schriftstellerin Eleanor Wachtel zeichnet die englische Übersetzung von Erpenbecks letztem Roman »Kairos« aus. Die Hälfte des mit 50.000 Euro dotierten Preises geht an den Übersetzer Michael…
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 month ago
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kammartinez · 2 months ago
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bloodmaarked · 9 months ago
➸ reading list
just added:
dracula, bram stoker
water moon, samantha sotto yambao
goddess of the river, vaishnavi patel
infinity alchemist, kacen callender
the black girl's guide to financial freedom, paris woods
the poppy war, r.f. kuang
almond, sohn won-pyung
the seven moons of maali almeida, shehan karunatilaka
a bookshop in algiers, kaouther adimi
bitter orange tree, jokha alharthi
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judgingbooksbycovers · 10 months ago
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Silken Gazelles: A Novel
By Jokha Alharthi.
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muatyland · 2 years ago
L'albero delle arance amare | Jokha Alharthi
Zuhur, ragazza dell’Oman che studia in Inghilterra, si sente sola e fatica a trovare la sua strada in una lingua e una cultura che non sempre le permettono di esprimersi come vorrebbe. Sospesa tra passato e presente, ripensa ai legami più importanti della sua vita e riflette sulle sue radici. In una narrazione fatta di frammenti ripercorriamo con lei la storia di Bint ‘Amir, la sua nonna di…
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armen-the-quote-guy · 6 months ago
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The feet walk fast for the loving heart’s sake, but when you feel no longing, your feet drag and ache. Jokha Alharthi
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bookclub4m · 9 months ago
45 New & Forthcoming Indie Press Books by BIPOC Authors 
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
Weird Black Girls: Stories by Elwin Cotman (AK Press)
False Idols: A Reluctant King Novel by K’Wan (Akashic Books)
Sister Deborah by Scholastique Mukasonga, translated by Mark Polizzotti (Archipelago Books)
Bad Land by Corinna Chong (Arsenal Pulp Press)
These Letters End in Tears by Musih Tedji Xaviere (Catapult)
The Coin by Yasmin Zaher (Catapult)
Cecilia by K-Ming Chang (Coffee House Press)
Fog & Car by Eugene Lim (Coffee House Press)
We’re Safe When We’re Alone by Nghiem Tran (Coffee House Press)
A Woman of Pleasure by Kiyoko Murata, translated by Juliet Winters Carpenter (Counterpoint Press)
Bad Seed by Gabriel Carle, translated by Heather Houde (Feminist Press)
The Default World by Naomi Kanakia (Feminist Press)
The Singularity by Balsam Karam, translated by Saskia Vogel (Feminist Press)
I'll Give You a Reason by Annell López (Feminist Press)
Tongueless by Lau Yee-Wa, translated by Jennifer Feeley (Feminist Press)
Outcaste by Sheila James (Goose Lane Editions)
Silken Gazelles by Jokha Alharthi, translated by Marilyn Booth (House of Anansi Press)
Dad, I Miss You by Nadia Sammurtok, illustrated by Simji Park (Inhabit Media)
Secrets of the Snakestone by Pia DasGupta (Nosy Crow)
The Burrow by Melanie Cheng (Tin House)
Masquerade by Mike Fu (Tin House)
The World With Its Mouth Open: Stories by Zahid Rafiq (Tin House)
I Love You So Much It's Killing Us Both by Mariah Stovall (Soft Skull Press)
RAPilates: Body and Mind Conditioning in the Digital Age by Chuck D and Kathy Lopez (Akashic Books)
All Our Ordinary Stories: A Multigenerational Family Odyssey by Teresa Wong (Arsenal Pulp Press)
Dispersals: On Plants, Borders, and Belonging by Jessica J. Lee (Catapult)
My Pisces Heart: A Black Immigrant's Search for Home Across Four Continents by Jennifer Neal  (Catapult)
Beyond the Mountains: An Immigrant's Inspiring Journey of Healing and Learning to Dance with the Universe by Deja Vu Prem (Catapult)
Out of the Sierra: A Story of Rarámuri Resistance by Victoria Blanco (Coffee House Press)
Thunder Song: Essays by Sasha LaPointe (Counterpoint Press)
Born to Walk: My Journey of Trials and Resilience by Alpha Nkuranga (Goose Lane Editions)
Jinny Yu (At Once/À La Fois) by Jinny Yu (Goose Lane Editions)
Log Off: Why Posting and Politics (Almost) Never Mix by Katherine Cross (LittlePuss Press)
Becoming Little Shell: A Landless Indian’s Journey Home by Chris La Tray (Milkweed Editions)
World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments  by Aimee Nezhukumatathil (Milkweed Editions)
Opacities: On Writing and the Writing Life by Sofia Samatar (Soft Skull Press)
The Story Game by Shze-Hui Tjoa (Tin House)
Black Meme: The History of the Images That Make Us by Legacy Russell (Verso Books)
i heard a crow before i was born by Jules Delorme (Goose Lane Editions)
We the Gathered Heat: Asian American and Pacific Islander Poetry, Performance, and Spoken Word edited by Franny Choi, Bao Phi, Noʻu Revilla, and Terisa Siagatonu (Haymarket Books)
A Map of My Want by Faylita Hicks (Haymarket Books)
[...] by Fady Joudah (Milkweed Editions)
A Witch’s Guide to Burning by Aminder Dhaliwal (Drawn & Quarterly)
Oba Electroplating Factory by Yoshiharu Tsuge (Drawn & Quarterly)
Lost at Windy River by  Jillian Dolan, Trina Rathgeber and Alina Pete (Orca Books)
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mabith · 2 months ago
Obligatory favorite new-to-me reads of 2024 list. There are a fair few, but I read 214 books, so you know.
Fiction: White Teeth – Zadie Smith The Moonstone – Wilkie Collins Fight Night – Miriam Toews The House of Mirth – Edith Wharton Mortal Follies – Alexis Hall Bitter Orange Tree – Jokha Alharthi Cotillion – Georgette Heyer Kintu – Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi Doctor Zhivago – Boris Pasternak We Solve Murders – Richard Osman A Dead Djinn in Cairo – P. Djeli Clark Parable of the Sower – Octavia Butler Lolly Willowes – Sylvia Townsend Warner
Non-Fiction: Beauty is a Verb: The New Poetry of Disability – Jennifer Bartlett, Sheila Black, Michael Northen The Buried Book: the Loss and Rediscovery of the Great Epic of Gilgamesh – David Damrosch Beyond the Wall: East Germany, 1949-1990 – Katja Hoyer Pure Wit: The Revolutionary Life of Margaret Cavendish – Francesca Peacock The Library: A Fragile History – Andrew Pettegree, Arthur der Weduwen You'll Do: A History of Marrying for Reasons Other Than Love – Marcia Zug Killers of the King: The Men Who Dared to Execute Charles I – Charles Spencer The Rise and Fall of Alexandria – Justin Pollard, Howard Reid Zapped: From Infrared to X-rays, the Curious History of Invisible Light – Bob Berman Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space – Adam Higginbotham The Last Honest Man: The CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and the Kennedys―and One Senator's Fight to Save Democracy – James Risen Four Lost Cities – Annalee Newitz The Banished Immortal: A Life of Li Bai – Ha Jin In the Great Green Room: The Brilliant and Bold Life of Margaret Wise Brown – Amy Gary A Midwife's Tale – Laurel Thatcher Urlich A Most Remarkable Creature: The Hidden Life and Epic Journey of the World's Smartest Birds of Prey – Jonathan Meiburg
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musingsofmonica · 4 months ago
August 2024 Diverse Reads:
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August 2024 Diverse Reads:
•”There Are Rivers in the Sky” by Elif Shafak, August 20, Knopf Publishing Group, Literary/Historical, World Literature/Ancient Nineveh/Mesopotamia/Turkey/Iraq/London/Multiple Timelines
•“House of Bone and Rain” by Gabino Iglesias, August 06, Mulholland Books, Horror/Mystery & Detective/Thriller/Coming of Age/Crime/World Literature/Puerto Rico 
•”I Want to Die But I Still Want to Eat Tteokbokki” by Baek Sehee, translated by Anton Hur, August 06, Bloomsbury Publishing, Memoir/Self Help/Psychotherapy/Mood Disorders/Cultural, Ethnic & Regional/World Literature/Korea 
•”And So I Roar��� by Abi Daré, August 06, Dutton, Literary/Coming of Age/Women/World Literature/Nigeria
•”The Truth According to Ember” by Danica Nava, August 06, Berkley Books, Contemporary/Romance/Romantic Comedy/Workplace/Cultural Heritage/Native American & Aboriginal
•”The Seventh Veil of Salome” by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, August 06, Del Rey Books, Literary/Historical/Women/20th Century/Golden Age Hollywood/Multiple Timelines
.”The Girl with No Reflection” by Keshe Chow, August 06, Delacorte Press, Fairy Tale/Folklore/Fantasy/Dark Fantasy/Horror/Romance
•”The Volcano Daughters” by Gina María Balibrera, August 20, Pantheon Books, Historical/Mythology/Magical Realism/20th Century/Cultural Heritage/Hispanic & Latino/World Literature/El Salvador/
•”Silken Gazelles” by Jokha Alharthi, translated by Marilyn Booth, August 13, Catapult, Contemporary/Women/Family Life/Marriage & Divorce/World Literature/Middle East/Arabian Peninsula/Oman
•”The Rich People Have Gone Away” by Regina Porter, August 06, Hogarth Press, Literary/Thriller/Psychological/Family Life/Pandemic/New York
.”The Unicorn Woman” by Gayl Jones, August 20, Beacon Press, Historical/Magical Realism/Cultural Heritage/African American & Black/Southern/WWII South/Jim Croe
.”Five-Star Stranger” by Kat Tang, August 06, Scribner Book Company, Literary/Psychological/Family Life/Modern Connectivity
.”Everything We Never Had” by Randy Ribay, August 27, Kokila, Contemporary/Historical/Family/Multigenerational/Cultural Heritage/Filipino American 
.”The Friend Zone Experiment” by Zen Cho, August 06, Bramble, Contemporary/Romance/Romantic Comedy/Family Life/World Literature/London/Singapore/SE Asia 
.”I'll Have What He's Having” by Adib Khorram, August 27, Forever, Contemporary/Romance/Romantic Comedy/Own Voices/LGBTQ 
.”The Full Moon Coffee Shop” by Mai Mochizuki, translated by Jesse Kirkwood, August 20, Ballantine Books, Contemporary/Fantasy/Magical Realism/World Literature/Japan
•”Becoming Little Shell: A Landless Indian's Journey Home” by Chris La Tray, August 20, Milkweed Editions, Memoir/Historical/Family History & Genealogy/Ethnic Studies/Native American Studies/Indigenous Identity//Cultural, Ethnic & Regional/Native American & Aboriginal
•”Survival Is a Promise: The Eternal Life of Audre Lorde” by Alexis Pauline Gumbs, August 20, Farrar, Straus and Giroux Publishing, Biography/Literary Figure/Women/Feminist/Ethnic Studies/Cultural/Ethnic & Regional/African American & Black
.”The Italy Letters” by VI Khi Nao, August 13, Melville House Publishing, Epistolary/Asian American/LGBTQ
•”The Fertile Earth” by Ruthvika Rao, August 13, Flatiron Books, Literary/Historical/Political/20th Century/World Literature/India/
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intellectures · 11 months ago
Jenny Erpenbeck für International Booker Prize nominiert
Jenny Erpenbeck hat es mit ihrem Übersetzer Michael Hofmann auf die Shortlist des International Booker Prize geschafft. Die Berliner Autorin ist in der englischsprachigen Welt sehr erfolgreich, manche sehen in ihr bereits die kommende Nobelpreisträgerin.
Die Autorin Jenny Erpenbeck hat es mit ihrem englischen Übersetzer Michael Hofmann auf die Shortlist für den International Booker Prize geschafft. Die Berlinerin ist in der englischsprachigen Welt äußerst erfolgreich, manche sehen in ihr bereits eine kommende Nobelpreisträgerin. Mit dem renommierten Preis wird der beste Roman aus dem nicht englischsprachigen Ausland ausgezeichnet. Continue…
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starpoweredv1b · 2 days ago
ty for the tags Lea and Mika @vefjadrep!!! love you both 💋
Last song: Type Shit - Future (channeling my inner nonchalance)
Favourite colour: black, red, purple (like the darker more macabre vibed shades)
Last book: bitter orange tree - jokha alharthi (made me bawl)
Last film: wicked (it was alright. loved the visuals and some plot parts but overall i'm not built for musicals)
Last tv show: squid game season 2 (blah blah hot cast/hj)
Sweet/savoury/spicy: i am a sour fiend actually but i like all depending on my mood for the day
Relationship: on my 21st year of singlehood (winning streak)
Last googled: i don't have it on LMAO i don't like being tracked 🥲
Current obsession: fnaf lore cause new game's coming out!!
Looking forward to: getting a license (so i can stop renewing my driving school account) anddddd hopefully entering uni
no pressure tagging: @indierokkers2005 @prettykittyanon ++ whoever wants to do this hehe love you guys 🫶
thank you mick!! @solardrop for the tag!!
Last song: E.T by katy perry, but the rock version
Favorite color: umm... right now i think it's either a soft pink or the brightest yellow in the world (or black)
Last book: the scorpio races <3
Last film: alice in wonderland, the live action! it is a very nostalgic and happy movie for me. i love the insanity of it
Last tv show: smallville!! it's so good omfg (yes, i did start it for clark...)
Sweet/savoury/spicy: sweet!! love when it hits my sweet tooth real good, but i also crave savory foods sometimes,, need a mix of both fr
Relationship: clark kent's girlfriend <3
Last googled: "how to describe a college party" 😭 the life of a writer...
Current obsession: CLARK KENT!! from smallville... if you didn't know already... i need him so bad in every way shape and form oml... he is so stupid and i love him and i need to kill him.
Looking forward to: graduating highschool... i am so mentally done with it DAMN
no pressure tags!! @bonesnplywood @rigorwhoring @vaaaaaiolet @tojicide @starpoweredv1b @losermuse @myjiro @teddybeartoji + anyone who would like to join!!
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antonio-velardo · 2 years ago
Antonio Velardo shares: 6 New Paperbacks to Read this Week by Shreya Chattopadhyay
By Shreya Chattopadhyay Recommended releases from the Book Review, featuring books by Erika L. Sánchez, Jess Walter, Jokha Alharthi and more. Published: June 30, 2023 at 03:52PM from NYT Books https://ift.tt/1lu2RNo via IFTTT
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