#Jesus is Palestinian
claraameliapond · 9 months
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Friendly reminder that Christmas is the annual cultural celebration of the birth of Christ in the Christian religion. Religious or not or just not particularly, that is what this cultural celebration signifies. It's the entire reason for it.
So if participating in Christmas today, please be aware, that whether you believe it is a mythos or real, the place that this happened is Palestine. Jerusalem, Bethlehem, these are all real places, and they are in Palestine. Jesus is not white. Jesus is Palestinian; Mary is Palestinian, so while we all celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ today, and participate in this cultural celebration and religious holiday, it is crucial, especially right now, that we acknowledge that this holy, sacred celebration of peace, is from Palestine, and that this religion, so pervasive in Western, European culture, one of our longest running traditions and mainstays of our culture; the religion that signifies peace, the religion that stands as a beacon of teachings of peace, coexistence and kindness; the religion from which many lessons of peace, kindness pervade our society and are used non religiously: "love thy neighbour"; "the good Samaritan"; is from and about a culture and people that still exist today, who, like in many religious texts, are targeted and persecuted just for existing.
They have been so for 75 years, and a created nation state in the name of a religion that does not accept it, has displaced, demonised, targeted, ethnically cleansed, and continue to currently commit horrific genocide on a mass scale of this culture, these people that we are celebrating right now at Christmas, in honour of peace, whose culture has long signified to us some of the most crucial and poignant teachings of peace, of living alongside those different to us peacefully with kindness, with care. These people are being persecuted RIGHT NOW
No culture, no people , no beings should be treated Iike this, but it is specifically poignant that this is happening right now, as we celebrate the birth of a Palestinian baby that signifies peace and liberation, and a Palestinian woman who gave birth to this baby.
If you are celebrating Christmas without acknowledging this, that the figures central to this whole occasion of peace, are Palestinian; That Palestinians are currently being persecuted just for existing, having their land stolen and people brutally violently ethnically cleansed, this is happening to children, and you do not currently support Palestine, Palestinian people: if you can't see this connection, you really haven't understood the whole point of this holiday, what it's for, what it's about, and you don't deserve to participate in it.
I am surprised there's not even a PR inspired ceasefire today, oh the irony: the figure of Jesus as a baby, and throughout his life, was persecuted too.
If you are celebrating this holiday and you do understand the connection, you do support Palestine, please please do whatever you can to free Palestine, to rally support of a voting public to put pressure on your elected officials, call, write, share the truth, non stop to end this genocide immediately, to free Palestine from the tyranny of its brutal occupier forever, to restore their peace and safety, their human rights. Globally, the world is doing this. Please make sure you don't stop. In honour of this holiday we are celebrating right now especially, Christmas, we must stand up for Palestine, our Palestinian family, and use our power in whatever way we can to secure peace, to truly, properly free Palestine of this tyranny, forever.
Voting is a big one: your exercise of power to influence how your country responds to things like this; your elected officials are selected by societies- by you- to be your representatives on a global scale, for global and country wide events, issues, to make the right choices on behalf of your society, on behalf of you. Who, out of your options, is the best one to do this? And yes, sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose.
Make sure you're aware of what you're celebrating today. Live in honour of them, celebrate in honour of them, and work to stop this genocide and free them, in honour of all of them.
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aablackwoodofficial · 8 months
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The Bethlehem governorate is one of 16 governorates of the West Bank and Gaza within the occupied Palestinian territory. It lies south of Jerusalem and its principal city and district capital is the Bethlehem Municipality. (Source: wvi.org)
To all the people out here using religion as an excuse to support Israel: Jesus is Palestinian. Do you think this genocide is what He wants?
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advoir · 9 months
A few moments felt like Christmas this year, and I’m thankful for them, but overall this season has felt awkward and uncomfortable. I can’t celebrate the birth of Jesus while my country funds and supplies the ethnic cleansing of his birthplace. The majority of Christians here have chosen the side of Herod. And this is why I can’t call myself a Christian any more. Jesus gave me an eternal love I’ll cherish forever. But Christianity doesn’t produce good people, it turns them into reprobates. (If a Christian is good, it’s in spite of their religion.) I’m tired of giving my life to reform a system and culture that are fundamentally corrupt. So I’m outside and alone in an in-between space. I’m trying to figure out which traditions to keep and what the journey forward looks like. In the meantime, liturgical seasons like Advent and Christmas make me feel out of place.
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jujusjunk · 4 months
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ace-hell · 8 months
This is amazing lol. If the land name was changed by colonizers then that means its the native name and a real identity 🤔💀
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many-sparrows · 10 months
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Nativity at Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, Palestine, for Advent 2023. Photos from Pastor Munther Isaac.
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girlactionfigure · 10 months
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Oh, it’s going to be merry.
Words by Eitan Chitayat
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nando161mando · 1 month
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Jesus fucking Christ.
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the-dance-of-italy · 8 months
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“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
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argaman01 · 9 months
I'm seeing the nonsensical assertion that Jesus was a Palestinian coming up again because of the current war between Israel and Hamas. I even heard this claim on the PBS news hour last night, voiced by a Palestinian cleric with no questioning by the news anchor.
No, Jesus was not a Palestinian. Jesus was a Jew from Judea who lived in the first century C.E., when Judea was under Roman occupation. He was killed by the Romans, accused of being a rebel.
Palestine was one of the names for the large geographic area that Judea was part of. No one in the first century identified as a Palestinian. That is a modern political identity, not an ancient one.
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vyorei · 10 months
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Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Christmas celebration has been cancelled for Palestinian Christians this year and the infant Christ has been placed in rubble in a powerful statement.
Watch the video below, learn more.
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bootdork · 8 months
Sorry but as a Christian you cannot possibly be siding with Israel. Israel is bombing the oldest churches in the world, shooting at people inside their parish, exterminating the oldest Christian community in the world, bombing congregations during mass. You cannot claim to follow Christ's teachings if you condone this immense violence.
Exodus 22:21 "Do not oppress or mistreat a foreigner."
Psalm 11:5 "God tests the righteous, but those who love violence, he detests."
Psalm 68:30 "Scatter those people who delight in war."
Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God."
Habakkuk 2:9-13 "Woe to him who builds his realm by unjust gain to set his nest on high, to escape the clutches of ruin! You have plotted the ruin of many peoples, shaming your own house and forfeiting your life. The stones of the wall will cry out, and the beams of the woodwork will echo it. ‘Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed and establishes a town by crime!'"
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violottie · 6 months
"🇵🇸 How do we commemorate resurrection while witnessing and resisting a genocide? Written by indigenous Palestinian Christian activist Yasmina from Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ." from Lets Talk Palestine, 31/Mar/2024:
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hussyknee · 10 months
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Even funnier than the tweet is the seething cope in the replies at the fact that Jesus was a Jew from West Bank. 💀
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itsmenefertiti · 9 months
Israel bombing mosque’s in Gaza and then hitting Bethlehem in Christmas raids on occupied West Bank means one thing that the so called “israelis” are hypocrites they want “peace and to coexist with the palestinians,” and that they still have an Israeli and palestinian land is but yet they do things like this.
They don’t want peace nor coexistence.
In different Arab speaking countries; Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Tunisia, and Morocco etc.
Muslims, Christians, and Jews are coexisting peacefully.
Israel doesn’t just have an issue with muslims they also have an issue with christians.
Why would you hit both a mosque and Jesus’s birthplace? and mind you hitting Bethlehem in Christmas. the audacity
Yet you can use anti-semitic lol.
Judaism is not the problem Israel is.
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tinyturtlefish · 3 months
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I’m not dead just yet.
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