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secular-jew · 2 months ago
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Just use your damn brain 🧠
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ace-hell · 6 months ago
Ok so i am late by like a month, i have been busy and STILL didn't finish my native jewish miku but fuck it here's indigenous, native israeli miku with a little of my touch and a small analysis:
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The clothes:
The dress is double layered and based on biblical description i saw of the clothes ancient jews wore i added yellow hoops at the end of the dress to represent the color of our oppression- yellow belts under the muslim rule and yellow stars in the holocaust
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The embroidery:
The Rikma(embroidery) is a personal project i am working on for the past 3 months. The embroidery that WAS practiced on the land eventually was allowed only to muslims and arabs, jews in ottoman syria/palestine were so oppressed and poor they didn't have access to threads and around 1800's some rabbis discoraged jews being involved in arab activity, not only that the jews has completely disconnected themselves from most of the arab culture after the spread of zionism to the land as a form of building their own identity. And if there were jews involved in embroidery it is unknown bc all the photos i see are labeled as "palestinian woman" with no explanation if it is a christian, muslim or jewish.
My project consists of making patterns and motifs based on jewish history, symbols, traditions, land etc and i try to make it original, unique and as diverse from the tatreez as possible to avoid conflict. If any of you want i can explain in a different analysis on what each pattern represents.
The jewelry:
I genuinely suck at drawing gold and jewelry and tried my best to adorn her with as much jewelry as i can. The side piece(that can barely be seen) is also a pattern i came up with, i call it "amulet"
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(ps. I forgot to make her a normal necklace, wanted to make it with a hamsa)
Henna is still practiced by jews, mainly sefardic and mizrahi jews + ashkenazi jews who grow up and participate in mizrahi culture. The henna on the hands is based on patterns i saw some jewish artists made (on google unfortunately it didn't have names) which has the star of david on it and on the legs i made a mix of bukharan and yemeni jewish henna.
So here it is. A native, indigenous jewish/judean/israeli(te) miku. I tried my best✨
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germiyahu · 1 month ago
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The smugness of this is taking me out 😭 no historians, zero percent, actually think there's evidence of an ancient Davidic Empire that extended to those borders in the thumbnail. Many religious people believe it to be true, and no offense to them, but there was never a United Kingdom of Israel during the First Temple Period. However, these antisemitic troll channels will never contend with the irrefutable historical record on the Kingdom of Iudaea, which had diplomatic relations with, and later conflict with, Rome. Kind of hard to deny that that was a real Jewish state in the southern Levant, no?
If they're even smart enough to acknowledge Judea, it's usually brushed aside with some "Yeah but Judaism as we know it today didn't even exist at that time." The conceit being that modern Rabbinical Judaism is some grand lie or conspiracy. Anything and everything Jews do is shady and duplicitous after all. They not only want to break off Jewish history after the destruction of the First Temple, but also the Second. "No see your alleged people's culture and history and spiritual practices changed, were they ever real in the first place 🤣? No, you're not a nation, ignore the bevvy of 19th century philosophers who laid the foundation for Zionism as a political movement which centered on Jewish Peoplehood as its own ethnic group, First Temple "Judaism" was actually polytheistic lol! And that's why Israel intends colonize Iraq and Egypt and also are orchestrating the replacement of the white ra- 🤓"
I didn't watch this video, I don't need to. I saw enough of the comments and more recommended videos from this channel to know what I already knew: this person is a rabid antisemitic conspiracy theorist and their audience is mostly made up of the same. Every comment under the sun from "the Israel lobby" to "chosen people lol" to "what they don't realize is that they're not the only semites." It's tedious.
I'm so bored with people who refuse to learn about Jewish history, who revel in their own ignorance as they decide who the Jewish people were and are, and why they have done all the things they've done. They don't want a Jewish perspective, that's tantamount to "brainwashing." Making up stories and relaying secondhand theories from people who unironically peddle in blood libels is "waking up from brainwashing." And when you only accept information about a historically persecuted and vulnerable minority group from people outside that group on the pretext that said group is too dangerous and powerful and ill-intentioned to tell their own story... how are you not a bigot? That's more than bigotry, that's like one step away from a call to violence in my mind.
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illustratus · 4 months ago
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The Triumphal Procession of Titus and Vespasian in Rome, with the Spoils of Jerusalem, AD 71 — by Peter Connolly
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eretzyisrael · 4 months ago
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girlactionfigure · 4 months ago
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5 million dollars to someone who can answer (and brings back a hostage)
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obsxssedwithstuff · 10 months ago
The most insane thing i keep seeing is people claiming jews are not indigenous to israel. Like what????? There is overwhelming proof that jews are indeed indigenous to israel yall just wont let us have shit
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golem-brigadier · 7 months ago
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mintfrosting · 8 months ago
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it used to be 2006 you know
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secular-jew · 4 months ago
Another pro-Palestinian zombie destroys art. This time, a girl mauls and forever ruins the famous painting of Lord Balfour at Cambridge University. As if this will erase Jewish indingeneity history in the land.
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ace-hell · 8 months ago
Oh this makes me so fucking mad
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So SO fucking mad
You mean israelites, hebrews ffs you mean CANAANITES
If the tatreez originated 3,000 fucking years ago it makes it jewish, israelite. NOT palestinian
This horrendous cultural and historical erasure of a whole ass ethnic group is absolutely sickening
This accepted activity of rewriting and changing jewish history is so fucking disgusting
This is the kinda shit that makes it so hard for me to feel sympathy and accept the modern palestinian identity
I Just fucking hope for the sun to blow us all up soon ffs
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ind1g3n0us-lev1t3 · 6 months ago
The “Palestinian” authority wants to expel all Jews from their native homeland. A place literally called JUDEA. Everyone’s accusing Israel of carrying an ethnic cleansing, no one is pointing the finger at the people who are actually planning one.
Israel has over 2 million Arabs living in its borders and treats them as equal citizens. Yet in the Palestinian Territories, the story is very different.
The worst part is that the UN would probably vote in favour of the order, because the United Nations is built off of the hatred of Jews
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ducktoonsfanart · 2 months ago
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The Small One (Disney film) - Donkey Small One and Boy attend the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem - Merry Belated Christmas (Julian Calendar) - Tribute to Don Bluth - Bible - Nativity - My Style
Although it is over, I wish everyone a happy Christmas, especially those who celebrate according to the old Julian calendar, which is celebrated on January 7. Although it sounds strange, in the country where I live, Christmas and New Year are already celebrated, since it is mostly celebrated according to the old Julian calendar (which is 14 days later than the Gregorian calendar), so Christmas is celebrated on January 7 and New Year on January 14 . And not only Serbia, but also other Orthodox countries that adhere to the old calendar, as is done in Montenegro, North Macedonia, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Ethiopia and some other countries, celebrate those days (7th and 14th January).
Now I drew a drawing that is not related to my favorite ducks, but one of the reasons why we celebrate Christmas and how this holiday came to be in the first place. It is about the birth of Jesus Christ who was born in Bethlehem as the Savior who would save humanity from human sins, born of the Virgin Mary and is clearly described in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Yes, it is a little difficult to draw human characters, so I specifically drew the way the birth of Jesus Christ looks. Just a little different from the religious images represented, because this is related to one of my favorite underrated cartoons and Christmas specials ever, and it is about "The Small One" from 1978 and it can be said that this is the only aspect related to the Bible besides the Noah's Ark segments. It's about a little boy who tried to sell his favorite donkey called "The Small One" in Jerusalem, in Judea, unfortunately he didn't succeed, until in the end a man named Joseph came along who bought The Small One for one piece of silver and The Small One found his place. However, to make the ending better, I drew The Small One and Boy rejoicing at the birth of Jesus, and there is also Joseph who is guarding them. I also added an ox, as well as the archangel Gabriel who announced the birth of Jesus to his mother Mary, otherwise I drew him based on a fresco from the Mileševa Monastery in Serbia. Yes, the same archangel Gabriel will announce to the shepherds to visit the Savior who is staying in the manger. I drew everything together in my own style and sorry if it turned out a little bad. Small One was created by Don Bluth before he left Disney and is among his first animation works. By the way, Small One was made by Don Bluth before he left Disney and it's one of his first animation works. It's definitely worth a look, and here's where you can find it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTFK1yr4wpg
By the way, you can see a drawing I made related to the birth of Jesus Christ where he is visited by the Three Caballeros as the three wise men and their nephews as shepherds plus Angel Duck here: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/740340917629796352/the-three-caballeros-as-the-three-wise-men-along
I hope you like this drawing and my style of drawing these people and feel free to like and reblog this (especially if you are a Christian), just don't copy my same ideas without mentioning me, thank you! And this is my gift to all Christians of good will. "Rejoice, for the Savior has come!"
Merry Christmas to everyone and a happy New Year! And if anyone asks, this is the real reason why we celebrate Christmas.
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ancient-rome-au · 2 years ago
Fifty years ago, a stalactite with an incomplete inscription in ink, written in ancient Hebrew characteristic of the First Temple period, was found in a small cave very high on the cliffs over the Dead Sea, north of the Ein Gedi oasis. Now in the present day, four extremely well-preserved Roman swords have been found in the same cave by researchers revisiting it to further study the inscription.
The cache of ancient weaponry had been shoved into a deep crevice about 1,900 years ago, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced on Wednesday. Such blades were standard issue to Roman soldiers and were most likely somehow obtained by the Judean rebels and hidden in the cave for later use, the researchers suggest.
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girlactionfigure · 10 months ago
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beatricecenci · 1 year ago
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Josefa de Óbidos (Portuguese, 1630-1684)
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