#Jenna julien podcast
ofthecaravel · 5 months
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"We don't know that he's dead! He just got cut in half!"
Dialogue taken from Jenna Julien Podcast #141 "Jenna Trivia: Julien Vs Debbie" because who the fuck doesn't love my mom Jenna Marbles
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dangenderenvy · 6 months
the way dan reacts to phil's sponsored segment segues reminds me so much of jenna's reaction to julien's segues on the podcast
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grace-nakimura · 2 months
tagged by @jaypentaghast
9 People You Want To Know Better!
Three ships: devil's minion, grave/gabriel, villaneve
First ship: sprusilla hell yeah
Last song: vampire by olivia rodrigo
Last TV show: bridgerton s3
Currently reading: fanfic
Currently watching: reruns of jenna/julien podcast as bg & bc its a comfort
Currently eating: ate a fajita & chips & guac
Currently craving: a hug would be nice :)
tagging: @smalldicksantiago @poptart-cat-78 @bayoubodycount @theatrevampire @nashvillethotchicken @thefairylights
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moonlightspencie · 1 month
i rewatch the jenna julien skinwalker podcast VERY frequently and every time i get so soft when jenna asks 40 minutes in if they have sponsors and julien just “oh… 🥺 yeah… sorry🥺” WAAAAAHHHHHHH
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ddejavvu · 1 year
karaoke with james but he keeps messing up the lyrics singing the wrong words😭
y'know that one clip of julien from the jenna/julien podcast where he sang 'when your legs don't walk like they used to before' ?? and then when she laughed at him he went 'hello?? legs -> walk!!! you can see how i misinterpreted this!!!'
that's james energy. james has julen energy <3
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moss-sprouted · 2 months
ive been on a jenna marbles videos binge again, just going by vibes on which ones i wanna watch rather than an order but i have noticed that during the time period from about when she quit, to up to like 2 years before she really started to check out
even the accountability stuff aside, she was constantly making references in those videos of how people always tell her she's doing something wrong, or she sees body shaming comments directed at her, or just generally talks about seeing comments that made her feel bad and while thats not something i ever saw, negative comments always stick out more than the positive ones to us and i think that was really really getting to her
and its sad to see that in hindsight it was definitely coming, and even back when she was still posting when she did the "trying to blow bubbles with my hair" video i genuinely started to think oh wow she is not happy with youtube anymore she isnt enjoying herself and i didnt think she'd quit but i hoped maybe she'd find her joy again somehow
even though she did start to just do the, whatever hell she wants years before that and thats what everyone loved, i think she felt the pressure to preform and do the fun quirky stuff more even if she wasnt always having fun and im really sad that she got to the breaking point that she doesnt want to be on the internet at all anymore and it makes me really sad
she had 20+ million subscribers around the time she left, and she still has about 19.6 million and thats just a lot of eyes of you, even if that was just fans that number definitely puts a lot of pressure on a person and im sad that she wasnt able to more peacefully bow out or be at a place where she could continue to even appear in julien's videos, obviously thats her choice and i wont speculate more on her mental health or anything like that but in those more recent ish videos its so evident she just wasnt having fun anymore and its so sad to see
she was pumping out a 10-15 minute video every week for us, spending her money and time just to make us happy but She didnt seem that happy and i really hope she's happy now
i still have a slim hope jenna returns one day, even just a five year update or something or maybe a podcast with julien again like she said she might but if she never does im happy for her, and since she didnt delete her channel i can still go back and enjoy all the videos that really made me happy, and just hope that she's in a good place too
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sage-nebula · 11 months
I am not sure that I have ever hated an ad more than I hate the Farmer's Dog ads.
For those of you who remain blissfully unaware, The Farmer's Dog is a dog food company that reportedly sells "human grade" dog food, for out-the-ass expensive prices. And you know what? That alone would be fine. If someone wants to start up a dog food company where they make dog food in a form other than a kibble, whatever, more power to them.
Their ads are fucking heinous. I originally heard them when read out by YouTubers as sponsors (for instance they sponsored the Jenna Julien podcast, which I love) and always had to fast-forward through them. And now I'm seeing them on YouTube (when I'm watching on my TV and thus don't have adblock). I skip them as fast as I can, but I always hear the start of them and they make me fucking livid.
Why, you ask?
Because their ad copy is written to guilt trip dog owners into buying their product. Stuff like, "no living being should have to eat processed food for their whole lives." And "you shouldn't feed your dog burnt, processed kibble" and "would YOU want to eat kibble? Why feed that to your dog?" Basically shaming dog owners because they buy their dog kibble. And this just sets me off for numerous reasons:
1.) I have C-PTSD, and because of the trauma that caused that I feel guilt over things way more easily than the average person. One time my dad told me that there was Snapple iced tea in the fridge and I said "I don't like tea" and he said "oh" because that's fine by him, but for some reason my brain instantly told me I had hurt his feelings by rejecting the tea and I felt guilty for hours. And as an even more recent example, I rarely leave my house even on the weekends because I feel guilty leaving my dog home alone even for a few hours. I feel so guilty about having to leave her at home for work, that during my free time I don't go to friends' houses as often as I could (or to the library etc) because I feel guilty for just, you know, being a human with a life. I know this is a problem with my emotional regulation, I try to work on it, but what I'm getting at here is "you are horrible for feeding your dog what you feed her" makes me spiral and so to hear it from a fucking ad (and even worse, as sponsored copy coming out of the mouth of someone I admire) is just fucking awful.
2.) It's even more awful and ridiculous when you consider that in my specific case, the kibble that my dog eats is prescription kibble as prescribed to her by her veterinarian for her hyperlipidemia.
What is hyperlipidemia, you may ask? Well, it's a chronic health condition where her body can't process fats properly. As a result, if she eats something with even a little too much fat in it, her pancreas gets inflamed and can quickly turn into pancreatitis. She can't have most dog treats, she can't have any table scraps, and before she was diagnosed and prescribed her prescription food, she was constantly in pain, crying, and wetting herself. She has a serious, chronic medical condition that she will have for the rest of her life, and the only thing keeping it in check is her prescription kibble.
And believe me, this is not ideal. Not only because I wish I could spoil her with treats, but because the prescription food is expensive as hell. I don't get the biggest bag, but it is still $100 per bag, and she goes through a bag every month and a half. But I will readily buy it for her (and in fact have it scheduled to be delivered to my house so it overlaps and she is never without, since regular store kibble won't do for her condition). I will buy it for her because it's what her doctor said she needs. Because I saw a NOTICEABLE DIFFERENCE in her health and wellness after I switched to this food, and I'll never forget how fucking scared I was when she was on the verge of pancreatitis and we didn't know what was causing it.
But of course, I'm just a horrible, heartless, uncaring dog parent because I don't feed her "human grade" food. I'm sure Farmer's Dog would tell me they could totally make a recipe that wouldn't set off her hyperlipidemia, but have they ever seen her? No. Have they ever examined her? No. Do they know anything about her? No. Is there any evidence at all that their food would have the same health benefits as her prescription food? No. So why in the seven hells should I believe them? But of course, even if I did . . .
3.) Their food is EXPENSIVE. AS. FUCK. I did the math a year ago and I remember that it would be like $300 per month for one of their lowest tier subscription plans. So not only do they guilt trip dog owners by making it seem as if feeding them kibble is a cruel act, but then they make their food so fucking expensive that if you can't afford to feed it to your dog? (Which I would imagine the average person can't given that the average person also has a ton of other expenses.) Well, then you're still just a shitty dog parent. If you truly loved your dog, you would find a way to get them this human grade food instead of the processed shit chunks you're feeding them.
Now, don't get me wrong. Not all dog kibble is created equal. There are some truly terrible dog brands out there. But there are also some really excellent brands as well, brands that have been certified by the WSAVA (such as my dog's prescription kibble). Painting all kibble with a broad stroke as if it's horrible and you're horrible for feeding it to your dog is just an awful tactic.
Even if I had a dog that didn't have a need for prescription food, and even if I could afford $300 a month on dog food (which I can't despite living in a low cost of living area and making a decent salary), I still wouldn't buy Farmer's Dog. Not only because I have seen reddit posts and twitter threads about people's dogs getting seriously ill on it (which are just anecdotal and there are others who say their dogs do well on it), but because their ads are written to guilt-trip loving dog parents into buying their insanely expensive product, and I think that's a scummy business practice.
Fuck Farmer's Dog. Me and all my homies hate Farmer's Dog.
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the-whispers-of-death · 5 months
i could see actor!stone and actor!kali doing one of the podcast episodes just very very quietly and very softly while speaking into the mics cuz host!reader wasnt feeling well that day and was asleep in the other room, but the episode still needed to come out.
maybe the footage is just both of them still in pajamas as well, sitting on the couch with blankets and whatnot cause theyre also still half-asleep (reader kept them in bed due to the power of being cute and whining about it being cold w/o them both)
idk just a very cozy, bordering asmr-y episode. maybe theres a few interruptions when host!reader has a coughing fit or something in the other room and one of them just reads out short-stories or does a rapid-fire QnA based on questions submitted to twitter or smth for a few minutes while the other runs to check up if everything is alright cuz of how hoarse it sounded
kali, reading the questions: hm.. question coming in from from [x]- stone, coming back and sitting down again: i swear its like taking care of a sick dog, had to wrestle him into taking cough syrup. unbelievable. kali: hah, a sick dog youre head over heels for? stone: unfortunately
its probably a lot shorter than the other episodes they post, maybe like instead of 1-2 hours, its a 30 minute sick-day special
idk im in the mood for cozy fluffy sickfic stuff rn, and this is reminding me a lot of the jenna&julien podcast. just them chilling together lol. i bet the fans would also love the blatant domesticity of it all, that they dont care that its half as long as usual
~ rusty
Oh definitely. Actor!Stone gets up every now and then to check on you while Actor!Kali mans the mics and just talks. And then afterwards when Stone is back, they talk about their comfort food and drinks.
I feel like since he has to talk so softly, Kali's southern accent comes out stronger than usual. And it just adds to the soothing atmosphere.
There's shuffling on Kali's end and the fans think Kali's going to check on you, despite them not being able to hear you coughing in the other room, but instead he's just reaching over to Stone and they can hear the crisp sound of Kali pressing a kiss to Stone's hand.
And the best part of it all, which makes the fans go rabid? They can faintly hear a soft giggle from Stone at the kiss on his hand.
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spookyheaad · 2 years
This took nearly eight full hours just for this, a rough animatic. The dedication to KenUno content is so strong rn.
Also when I said on Twitter that KenUno made me have another Jenna Marbles phase I wasn’t lying (tbh perfect timing tho, her content is so comforting). This is a clip from one of Jenna & Julien’s podcast episodes (not sure which one, I was watching a funny moments compilation) and god I miss Jenna & her content. I’m so excited for them tho, they’re engaged & being awesome foster parents to Italian greyhounds.
Also had to relearn flipaclip for this. The synching is a little off because the FPS is too small, but that’s something I’ll change tomorrow. I miss making animatics, and I have so many more where this came from!
@p-riama :)))
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boldlyvoid · 1 year
watching jenna and juliens spooky podcast and missing them so insanely
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morphoportis · 2 years
Pass the happy! 🌈 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! :D
Thank you!
I made a list of the things that made me happy today or the last days/weeks.
1. Today I bought some vegan salmon at Aldi and it tastes so good, I want to cry. 😭
2. Recently I have been playing Lord of the Rings Online again. The graphics aren’t the best (the game is from 2007) but it just makes me so happy to ride through Middle-Earth on a stag. 💖
3. I made my first Christmas wreath ever and I think it looks really cute. 🎄
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4. I love listening to podcasts in general but right now my favourites are: Sad boyz (with Jarvis Johnson and Jordan Adika), Very Really Good (with Kurtis Conner) and the JennaJulien Podcast (with Jenna Marbles and Julien Solomita). The last one ended in 2020 but all of them make me laugh, cry and think. 💖
5. Finally watched Wakanda Forever! 💖
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
yes sdfsdjk i like the TMG podcast mostly and ill listen to jenna and juliens podcast like older eps. also the magnus archives
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asmallcafethatslove · 2 years
omg realizing that I haven’t listened to podcasts since 2017 (religiously I mean i have listened to a few last year but i wasn’t that into them) and I used to looove flatsound and jenna julien
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mj-106 · 30 days
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Hi, my name’s MJ (Any pronouns). 22, Cancer/Virgo/Cancer, Pansexual.
How I’d describe myself in pop culture (Aug, 2024):
Music champagne problems • Taylor Swift / Cool With You • NewJeans / Good Luck, Babe! • Chappell Roan / I Love You, I’m Sorry • Gracie Abrams / 360 • Charlie XCX / Normal Girl • SZA / Linger • The Cranberries / La La Lost You • NIKI / obsessed • Olivia Rodrigo
Shows Good Omens / Emily in Paris / Percy Jackson (the entire franchise) / Bridgerton / Stranger Things / Wednesday / Marvel Disney+ Shows
Sitcoms Friends / How I Met Your Mother / The Office / Parks & Rec / Modern Family / Brooklyn 99 / The Good Place / New Girl / Abbott Elementary / Kim’s Convenience / Superstore / Schitt’s Creek
Movies Lady Bird / Everything, Everywhere, All At Once / 13 Going On 30 / 10 Things I Hate About You / How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days / The Proposal / Made of Honor / First Daughter / 27 Dresses / Crazy, Stupid, Love / 50 First Dates / When Harry Met Sally
Fictional Character Mary-Jane Watson / Annabeth Chase / Leo Valdez / Peter Parker / Evelyn Hugo / Kate Sharma-Bridgerton / Kat Stratford
Podcast The Basement Yard / RAPOT / Sruput Nendang / Trio Kurnia / Jenna & Julien Podcast / Abdur & Mamat
Interests in general Cats / Animals / Wild Life / Ocean / Bakery, Baking, Bakes / Cooking / Solo Traveling (Lies. Like, going on a 30 mins drive to get coffee, or solo-cinema date) / Windah Basudara (not ironically, like I’m really really serious about him)
DNI homophobic, racists, 02 voter :/ tone-deaf, bleak political view, anarchistic for no reason, nosey, newjeans anti
Let’s link up on letterboxd: https://boxd.it/8QuHB
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gogtopia · 2 years
Another really good podcast that was more about dynamics was the Jenna & Julien podcast (RIP) Most episodes were just talking about random stuff and was geared toward their more dedicated audience. It did really well and I think that Banter Boys would be better off going down that route, J&J was what I was reminded of during Banter's earlier EPs where it was just them.. I hope they focus more on that and give the interviews a rest Pleasee
i actually watched a few clips of that recently LOL i was always a casual jenna marbles enjoyer but my irl is a very dedicated fan so she’s talked to me abt the podcast. i think that style really would work for them and i don’t think that they fully realize that that’s their appeal because they’ve been infected with the mr beast mindset that basically says “if it’s not big you’re doing it wrong”. mr beast built his career around a specific type of content and it’s stupid to emulate that when you built your own career around your friendships. because friendship has always been the primary appeal of the dream team, more than insane minecraft plays. i’d argue that it’s a big portion of karl’s twitch appeal too, actually. i just don’t think he fully grasps that his twitch audience and his mr beast audience are largely different people atp
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wizdomtooth · 2 years
"'Dual income, no kids' (DINK) is a slang phrase for a household in which there are two incomes and no children." like jenna and julien and their dink meme thing etc. and podcast. crystal having a podcast? changing her name to lilah? anyway. dink. significant otter. i'm still going to be writing in that book etc. for when i get to 750. and then it still relates to everything, to some kind of relationship, if that's what happens with tim... otter. ott. o, t, t... like o, p, p... plan p. plan t. pushing p; plan p for pete etc. being a bit vague here but whatever. it all connects. and all makes sense. even morgan marsters. matthew martin. stella martin. estelle marsters. masters? who knows. who cares. i can't remember his middle name, remember? may as well be matthew stella. considering i don't know her middle name anyway!
"There are several main categories of dual-income couples with no kids, including new couples, empty nesters, gay married couples, and other childless couples." occ... new couples. new couple.
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