#dream blog
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xx-infinite-xx · 15 days ago
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SKY FERREIRA 2012; submit your dreams!
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snidbitsssssss · 2 months ago
Does anyone else have stress dreams that they begin to drive somewhere, and then your POV changes so you can watch the driveway from above your house as you repeatedly back up and slam your car into the front of your building, all completely by accident?
This has been a recurring dream for me for a few years now. 😭
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therising-boar · 6 months ago
Had a really weird and revealing dream
TW: blood, force, anatomy
I was in church watching something with a friend when I went to go pat them on the back. My hand landed on their neck but instead of simply releasing I started clutching it violently. My fingers slipped into it and caught onto something, only letting go and realizing what I’d done when I felt the fibres and sinew disgustingly snap. I remember looking to my friend who was apologizing for getting his blood on my hands and clothes, despite him being the one looking uncomfortable and scared
I can’t remember what else happened after that but it was really upsetting and made me feel sick to my stomach
I have troubles with my self image and how people perceive me, and this being the first dream I’ve dreamt in years isn’t too comforting
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marcelinesghost13 · 4 months ago
Hey Blog,
Just woke up and had the weirdest fucking dream. I haven't had a reality dream like that in a long time. It felt real like very fucking real. So anyways the dream umm. In the dream I got up out of bed and walked to the bathroom and then did my business. Came back to bed and lay down. Then I felt this arm wrap around me. Then I felt a body pressed against mine. Then somebody's leg crossing over on top of my leg. Then they rested their head on my chest. After that was all done I Heard a voice say to me " hey babe you doing?" This voice was definitely male and very gentle too. I responded to the voice "yeah I'm okay how about you" the male voice said back " I'm good... You know your dad's house looks really nice now that it's remodeled" I then say " I know right it took forever but we're finally done." I then kiss the top of the male's forehead. Then the male says "love you too babe" then I woke up.
The dream felt 100% real. I literally checked my bed when I woke up to see if there was someone in it. But it was just me and my cat. Who knows maybe it was a vision dream. I've had a couple reality dreams like that where they're just visions of the future. Umm oh... Well if it is I don't really mind that happening. Whoever that person is seems very kind and loving towards me which is odd because I'm not used to that kind of affection. Oh well I just thought it put it down in a Blog that way I'm not having it fish around in my head all day.
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beatricelalalala · 10 months ago
Tree of Worlds 2024
We have all read the novel. That depressing sci-fi philosophy book, pretending to be a story, about the inevitable entropy of the collective spiritual fate of all life in all worlds.
My friends and I get lost. We find ourselves in a dirty back room with no windows. There is an old man standing unsteadily in front of a dark purple plastic tree. The dirty walls are lined with shelves of paper tubs the size of an adult human torso. The old man is shuffling tubs around under the tree. He removes one with a dead white liquid inside, and replaces it with another that sparkles blue. The tree swivels its limbs and places one leafless bow over the blue tub. The man places another tub full of dead white liquid, and the tree positions another limb over that one. The blue sparkly colour is taken from one tub and the tub with white liquid becomes sparkly and blue. Both tubs are placed on a shelf. The man continues to do this with tubs that are purple, green, red. Sometimes all of the colour is transposed. Sometimes there is only a partial transference.
My bravest friend approaches the man and asks what he is doing. He says this will become our job now, and that we should watch closely. Looking with enlightened eyes, we can see the process as he explains it. These tubs contain worlds. Space, galaxies, planets, and life are all packed into these containers. The tree is moving the creative potential between worlds. Watching, we understand that creative potential is not created. Love is not created, nor is life, passion, order, or energy. These things are only ever borrowed from other worlds, which causes an increase in their entropy and death. We understand that no human will could change the fact that our world is doomed, and that any delay of our doom, however impossible, would only bring death to some strangers somewhere else. Our memories are borrowed sentience. Our lives are borrowed vitality. Our religions are borrowed organization that we can not and should not keep. We witness how all that we know to be good is broken down by the tree, and distributed in a form that forgets any input from any sentient creatures.
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khelithia · 10 months ago
Dream #8:
The dream is set in a prison/juvenile detention centre. Theres a set of interchanging 5-7 main characters that are all youngish men. The cellblock is this two floor room with the cells stacked on top of each other basically, connected with metal meshed walkways and staircases.
One night one of the boys encounters a particularly messed up individual who rabidly and gruesomely beats the boy to death and faces no repercussions.
This infuriates the other boys but they're all varyingly nearing the ends of their prison sentences and so is the other man.
So the dream centres around the boys plot to kill him violently before him or them get out of prison/ and to do it without getting caught and resentenced.
Im not sure how the rest of this dream plays out as it ends in their like movie montage of planning an attack. I'm fairly certain I dreamt this up after watching a documentary/movie or something because it sounds familiar.
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chaotic-hypnotic-erotic · 8 months ago
My latest dream.
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snedic · 2 years ago
Dream I had about Ladybg getting her powers taken and fighting a probably akumatized Chat Noir.
Ladybug had her powers taken from her, but only she knew it as she still appeared as her hero self. Chat Noir was trying to engage Ladybug in a fight and she kept trying to talk him down. After he tried to cataclysm her and she evaded he was able to grab her and threw her nearly across town. She still had her yoyo and used it to grapple onto trees to try and break her fall. Marinette still ended up badly scraped up and bruised. The edge of town was surrounded by plains. Dirt and sand with little vegetation and trees. There were hills built up for motorbikes and tracks set up with people riding 4-wheelers and dirtbikes around.
Marinette landed in front of a small waterway so she swam across and headed for an anbonded building. It was a one room mud wall and palm leaf roof house that was empty. Marinette was soon found by her mother who only saw Ladybug. Her mother was supposed to countdown a fight between Ladybug and Chat Noir. Marinette desperately tried to explain to Sabine that she didn't have her powers and needed to hide from Chat. Sabine realized even further the gravity of the situation. Sabine had no choice but to countdown the fight but called "Fight!" Before the countdown was actually done to give Marinette a head start. After running and dodging cataclysm Marinette ended up in a residential area. She ended up nabbing a 4-wheeler and driving it. Night was falling and many people were sitting around a bonfire on one of the front yards. The house next to this had the garage open and they let her stow away the 4-wheeler and stop there for the night.
Then I woke up 🤨
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princessofwallachia · 7 months ago
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beepboopappreciation · 10 months ago
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Is this anything
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xx-infinite-xx · 14 days ago
i had a dream where i uncovered a secret room under my floorboards like the ones bad youtubers would build in like 2018 and it had logan paul’s name on the wall in big wooden letters. it was scary
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I’ve had a couple dreams about weird 2010s YouTubers 2 0: but that seriously would be horrifying, like what if he was secretly living under your house for a prank or something..
TY for submitting
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snidbitsssssss · 5 months ago
It's proboscis sniffed me 😔
I was just chillin in my grandmas first living room which is from a hoarders house, but has very nice white lace windows.
An assassin bug got into the room and was crawling on the curtains, and I'm a big bug guy so I was like OUHHH IT'S THE- O,N ONION RING IT'S THE ONION RING
Assassin bug for reference.
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That little proboscis under their mouth can unhinge and they can reach out and snatch and bite their prey with it, and kind of like a spider it injects venom and then slurms them up. And they can fly, I think, just incredibly poorly or not at all.
I didn't reach out to pick it up, just observe it because their bites hurt nasty and I couldn't remember if they're aggresive or not, but then it kind of stepped towards me from the curtain and I got nervous and walked away. And he fucking FLEW AT ME. It was really slowly but it freaked me out so bad.
I walked to other sides of the house so I could lose it or it'd sit down again so I could catch it and let it out, but it just didn't stop. So I hid in the bathroom.
It loudly flew to the bathroom, stuck it's dumb little proboscis through the crack of the door, SNIFFED ME, like BIG WET HUFF, and made the saddest human bug noise I've ever heard before flying away.
I have no idea how long I stayed in that bathroom afterwards, but then the dream blanks out.
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roseforviolet · 7 months ago
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beatricelalalala · 10 months ago
Battling the Devil 2023
I am in the place where we prepare to battle our devil. It is a grey windowless warehouse with tall ceilings. A guide is showing it to some tourists, but I am there to work. I go to my childhood bunk. A shallow wooden crate two by one meter across, elevated on stilts. Mine is empty. The guide explains that this is where the important context and codes are found. I feel around but nothing is there, not even invisible items. I go to the adulthood bunk. Again, mine is empty. The guide explains that this is where 'the stuff' is. I go back and forth, rechecking. But my bunks are empty. I go on to the area where we fight. I see a maze of corridors and intersections. Tall shrouded creatures stalk silently. I try to punch one, it only looks down at me and says I am not ready. I see other people fighting their devil. They attack and the shrouds slip to show white masks. I attack and nothing happens. I go back to the warehouse. The guide offers to help me convince the devils to fight. We go to the maze together. The devils wont listen to either of us. The guide doesn’t stick around to see if I can make it work. I am alone and frustrated.
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khelithia · 2 years ago
Dream #1: The dream begins in the household of a son and his dad (played by pedro pascal).
We follow the dad as he takes his son to work and they discuss the sons boyfriend. The dad mentions how he thinks they're moving too quickly and they get into an arguement. The son storms off and the dad (in classic tv drama fashion) feels guilty about it and calls his friend for advice. The friend tells the dad that it happens and that he should just apologise and the dads like 'yeah you're right', and decides to go see his son.
The dad drives to his sons house and as he's knocking on the door realises that it's unlocked and slightly ajar, now alert and suspicious goes inside and calls out for his son, he moves through the house noticing small signs of a struggle, until he sees the backdoor is open and sees his son lying dead there. The dad falls to his knees and tries to wake his son to no avail, he hears something creek behind him before he is killed by the boyfriend.
We discover that the dream restarts, but the scenario is different. The house has changed, the way they die is different, the argument, the setting is different but it stays the same. The boyfriend will always end up killing the son either by his own two hands or by having the son die from circumstances that only happened because of the boyfriend. No matter the levels of their relationship.
The house and circumstances always changes but its the same people always.
In each reset the dad seems more aware of the boyfriend, and sometimes manages to save his son but only for a short time then failing. The dream resets only when the dad dies.
Only the dad is somewhat aware of the time loop and no other person knows about it. His son has at the end of every loop is killed in increasingly more horrific ways. No matter who else dies it always resets with the sons death as the father follows soon after.
Depending on the severity of the boyfriends obsessions the dad will mercy kill his son.
(Dream ends after the 3rd loop but i know instinctively that it had happened before and will continue to happen.)
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justonlytalktome · 1 month ago
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