#Jean-Louis Richard
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genevieveetguy · 1 year ago
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. It takes two to love, as it takes two to hate. And I will keep loving you, in spite of yourself. My heart beats faster when I think of you. Nothing else matters.
The Last Metro (Le dernier métro), François Truffaut (1980)
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mtonino · 1 month ago
Mata Hari, agent h21 (1964) Jean-Louis Richard
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Mata Hari, agent H21 (1964)
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diioonysus · 1 year ago
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gold + art
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adarkrainbow · 1 year ago
I was reading this article about French paintings of fairytales, and I decided to share some of them with you! Because while France has a long and rich history of fairytale illustrations (the peak of the iceberg being Gustave Doré's illustrations of Perrault's fairytales), it also has several famous fairytale paintings. Some of these include...
Jean-Louis Demarne's "Little Thumbling" (Petit Poucet ; Hop o' my thumb)
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And Fleury François Richard's Little Red Riding Hood:
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But we also have an entire series of fairytale paintings created by a same artist, Jean-Antoine Laurent. Unfortunately a lot of these fairytale paintings were lost (we know he did a "Fairy Urgèle" and a "Little Red Riding Hood" lost today) but we have preserved some. Including his "Cinderella trying the glass slipper"...
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... his "Cinderella" (sometimes called "Cinderella with the cat" to differentiate it from the painting above)...
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... and his "Donkey skin".
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sesiondemadrugada · 2 years ago
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Autumn Leaves (Richard Fleischer, 1956).
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gothgleek · 2 years ago
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Issa Rae Moodboard for the Barbie Premiere
This Barbie is President!
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histoireettralala · 2 years ago
Capétiens vs Plantagenêts: a matter of suzerainty.
It was also his position as suzerain which gave Louis VII the chance of interfering in and inflaming the quarrels which raged in the Angevin family. This was an effective means of weakening his great antagonist. Henry II and Eleanor produced a large family, and reared four of their sons to the age at which custom demanded that they should be provided for. Their eldest son Henry was granted Normandy in October 1160 and was associated with his father on the throne of England in 1170. Richard was given Aquitaine in 1169 and Geoffrey Brittany in 1175. John, the youngest child of Henry and Eleanor, was not old enough to be entrusted with any estates until the very last years of his father's reign, and by the time he came of age all the available lands had been given away. As Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Count of Poitiers, the sons of Henry II came to perform homage to the King of France and became his men. It was in vain that Henry II sought to utilise the Norman procedure of pariage to maintain the unity of his continental territories in favour of his eldest son, the "Young King" Henry. (Under pariage the eldest son succeeded to all the heritable property and was alone answerable for it to the suzerain; each of his brothers received a share, but held it of him). This device could not be put into full operation in Aquitaine, which was not part of Henry's heritage but Eleanor's. And when she granted it to Richard, he owed homage not to his father or his eldest brother, but to the King of France. The Young King Henry had done homage as Duke of Normandy to Louis VII in October 1160. When he repeated his homage in 1170 it was made to embrace Anjou, Maine, and Brittany as well. At the same time Richard did homage to Louis for Aquitaine.
It is true that in 1174 Henry II compelled his sons to perform homage to him after their rebellion, but this new homage did not necessarily annul their homages to the King of France. Henry II himself had done homage to Louis VII in 1151 and again in 1169, and was to perform it yet again to Louis's successor, Philip Augustus, in 1180. Thus throughout the conflict between Louis VII and Henry II the French king's suzerainty was affirmed and recognised. This did not save Louis from defeats at his vassal's hands. Nevertheless, to judge from the Toulouse affair in 1159, Louis' suzerainty occasionally cramped Henry's style, and put him in the wrong in the eyes of contemporaries, including the barons of his continental fiefs. To play the rebel vassal was hardly prudent for a king when many of his own vassals were rebelliously inclined. It was not that the idea of rebellion itself shocked feudal society. On the contrary, it was one of the legitimate courses open to a vassal needing to safeguard his rights against the encroachments of his suzerain. But in the disputes between Louis VII and Henry II, Henry was the law-breaker as well as the vassal in revolt. For his rebelliousness against an impeccable suzerain there could be no justification.
It may be objected that Louis VII was constantly intriguing with Eleanor of Aquitaine and with Henry II's sons. But after all Eleanor, as Duchess of Aquitaine, was herself a royal vassal. Two of Henry's sons had done homage to Louis. Another, Geoffrey, by dint of his father's vassalage, was the French king's rear-vassal. And the king had, as suzerain, not merely the right but the duty to concern himself with the welfare and harmony of his great vassal's family, to ensure that a proper settlement was made on the sons. It would be unfair to accuse Louis of hypocrisy; nor did Henry ever complain that the French king was making trouble in his family. Louis' own grievances against Henry were many and varied, and Henry never made a serious effort to deny their validity.
Thus from 1154 to 1180 Henry II had the appearance of a vassal engaged in unjustifiable revolt against his suzerain. This line of conduct undermined his own position. It constantly reminded the baronage of the Angevin fiefs that the King of France was Henry's suzerain- if only because his suzerainty was so often invoked. And it helped to prevent the fusion of the individual elements of the Angevin empire on the continent. Provincial separation, already too strong for Angevin rule to subdue, was reinforced.
Robert Fawtier- The Capetian Kings of France
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years ago
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Alibi (L’alibi) (The Alibi) (1937) Pierre Chenal
June 7th 2023
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chicinsilk · 2 years ago
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Yves Saint Laurent Spring/Summer 1970 Haute Couture Collection. Jean Shrimpton in a trouser suit. Pumps by Roger Vivier. Photo Richard Avedon.
Color photo Jean-Louis Guégan. Model not identified.
Yves Saint Laurent Collection Haute Couture Printemps/Été 1970. Jean Shrimpton en tailleur pantalon .Escarpins de Roger Vivier. Photo Richard Avedon.
Photo couleur Jean-Louis Guégan. Modèle non identifié.
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randomrichards · 2 years ago
King’s mundanities
death of a chief advisor
Must lead on his own
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kwebtv · 4 months ago
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Series Premiere
MacKenzie's Raiders - Night Raid - Syndication - October 1, 1958
Running Time: 60 minutes
Written by Barney Slater
Produced by
Directed by Walter Doniger
Narrated by Art Gilmore
Richard Carlson as Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie
Morris Ankrum as Sgt Lund
Brett King as Lt.
Louis Jean Heydt as Secretary of War
James Bridges as Pvt. Lewis
Charles Boaz as Corporal Dixon
Kenneth Alton as Trooper
Billy McCoy as Trooper
Jack Parker as Trooper
Joe Phillips as Trooper
Harry Strang as MSgt Shaugnessy
George Bell as Bandit
Joe Ferrante as Bandit
Milan Smith as Bandit
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diioonysus · 9 months ago
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"Gonna hold ya, gonna kiss ya in my arms, gonna take ya away from harm, gonna hold ya, gonna kiss ya in my arms, gonna take ya away from harm."
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plaques-memoire · 5 months ago
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Plaque en hommage à : Front national
Type : Lieu de décès
Adresse : Face au 9 quai de Montebello, 75005 Paris, France
Date de pose : Inconnue
Texte : Front national du 5ème arrondissement sous les auspices de la Mairie aux héros des barricades tombés pour la libération de Paris, août 1944, Bulvestre William 21 août ; De Laender Gabriel 19 août ; Delette Alfred 19 août ; Fredon Pierre 24 août ; Moreau Louis 21 août ; Nectoux Léonard 19 août ; Places Henri 19 août ; Richard René 20 août ; Rouillon Marcel 19 août ; Rubeaux Jean 20 août
Quelques précisions : Le Front national (à ne pas confondre avec le parti d'extrême-droite devenu le Rassemblement national) est un mouvement de la Résistance française créé en 1941 à l'initiative du Parti communiste français. Mis en sommeil quelques mois seulement après sa fondation, il retrouve une forte activité à partir de l'été 1942. Il joue un rôle vital dans la structuration de l'ensemble des mouvements de résistance, notamment via la participation au Conseil national de la Résistance, et publie de très nombreux journaux clandestins. Ses membres participent en grand nombre aux combats pour la Libération de la France, y compris à Paris, où les combats s'étirèrent sur plusieurs jours en août 1944. Les dix résistants mentionnés sur cette plaque commémorative étaient ainsi présents sur les barricades du quai de Montebello érigées contre les Allemands, et tombèrent au combat.
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sesiondemadrugada · 2 years ago
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Autumn Leaves (Richard Fleischer, 1956).
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mtonino · 10 months ago
Tratto dal fumetto Il gioco di Milo Manara
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guycourtheoux · 1 year ago
LE FILLE DE MADAME ANGOT à l'Opéra Comique, un vrai délice
Opéra bouffe, opérette, opéra comique, tous ces noms correspondent à ce que l’on peut applaudir à l’Opéra Comique de la place Boieldieu à Paris. Et le programme de ce superbe théâtre a de quoi plaire au plus grand nombre. Et c’est bien le cas avec cette première production de lA SAISON : LA FILLE DE MADAME ANGOT. Cette œuvre était un peu oubliée, signée Charles Lecocq, , qui fut créée aux…
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