#Jack Frost fanfiction
mbruben-stein · 4 months
If you still doing request and raise of the guardians how would the guardians react to swapping powers with Halloween s/o like and example of bunny swapping his with his S/I to which there a pooka while he's human?
Rise of the Guardians reaction to swiping holidays/powers with Halloween Fem Guardian S/O.
Jack Frost:
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Jack Frost and his Halloween female Guardian s/o found themselves in a bit of a predicament after accidentally swapping powers. It all started when Jack, being his usual curious self, touched something in North's workshop that he shouldn't have. The moment he made contact, a bright light enveloped both him and his s/o, causing them to fall to the ground in a daze.
S/o, now possessing Jack's winter magic, found herself accidentally freezing everything she touched in a panic. Jack, on the other hand, discovered that he could bring spooky Halloween creatures to life with a simple touch. As they both tried to navigate their new powers, s/o couldn't help but freak out upon realizing her hair was now white instead of her usual h/c color.
"Jack, what the hell did you just touch?" s/o exclaimed, her voice filled with both panic and frustration. Jack, always quick on his feet, tried to calm her down and reassure her that they would figure out a way to switch back with North's help.
As they worked together to find a solution, Jack couldn't help but notice his reflection in the mirror. His hair was now brown, the color it had been when he was once human. It was a strange sight for him to see, but he knew that they needed to focus on finding a way to reverse the power swap.
With determination and teamwork, Jack and his s/o set out on a mission to undo the switch and restore their powers to their rightful owners. It would be a challenge, but with their combined strengths and the help of their fellow Guardians, they were confident they could overcome this unexpected hurdle.
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Bunnymund and his Halloween S/o were in North's workshop when a mishap caused them to swap powers. Bunnymund found himself transformed into a human man with long gray hair, while his S/o became a pooka with fur matching her hair color. Bunnymund tried to reassure his panicking S/o, telling her they would find a way to reverse the transformation.
As they tried to navigate their new abilities, Bunnymund struggled to control his S/o's Halloween powers. It was a challenge for him to handle the unfamiliar abilities, but he remained determined to find a solution. Meanwhile, his S/o was overwhelmed by the sudden change and had a panic attack, unable to accept her new form as a pooka.
"Please calm down, Sheila," Bunnymund said, trying to soothe his distressed S/o. "We will figure this out together. I know it's difficult, but we will find a way to fix this."
Despite the chaos and uncertainty, Bunnymund remained calm and level-headed, determined to help his S/o and return to their original forms. Together, they faced the challenge head-on, relying on each other's strengths to navigate the unexpected situation. And as they worked together to unravel the mystery of the swapped powers, their bond only grew stronger, proving that they could overcome any obstacle as a team.
 (Younger) North:
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North was in the middle of working on a new gadget in his workshop when his Halloween female s/o walked in to check on him. As she approached, a mishap occurred, causing electric sparks to fly out of the toy. Both North and his s/o fell to the floor, dazed and confused.
As they tried to gather their bearings, North realized that something had gone terribly wrong. He could feel a strange power coursing through him, one that he couldn't control. Suddenly, he found himself creating little Halloween creatures out of thin air, monsters that his s/o had the power to summon.
His s/o, on the other hand, was shocked to discover that she could now speak to yetis, which was one of North's Abilities that he had. Panic set in as they both tried to figure out what had happened and how to undo it.
"Ow, that hurt! North, love, are you okay?" his s/o exclaimed, rushing over to him. "What just happened? Why am I wearing winter clothes? You're wearing Halloween clothes, and your hair is now black."
North was at a loss for words, trying to come to terms with his newfound abilities and the chaos that had ensued. Together, they scrambled to find a solution, hoping to reverse the accidental swap of powers before it caused any more havoc.
In the midst of the confusion, North and his s/o found themselves relying on each other more than ever, their bond growing stronger as they navigated through the unexpected turn of events. And through it all, North's warrior spirit and heart of gold shone brightly, guiding them towards a resolution and a deeper understanding of each other. In the end, North and s/o were able to figure it out and undo what had happened.
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years
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Imagine seeing Jack Frost:
   Curled up by the window, you comfortably sat with a blanket wrapped around you. It was night, and the quietest it had been in hours. There, you contently watched the gentle fall of the snow in the quiet night.    Snow, it was finally here. Already that time of the year. As you remained there, your focus shifted to look directly at the window in front of you. Icy frost quickly began to prickle and spread across the window in intricate snowflake like designs. You looked on in awe. The temperature must be dropping much colder than you initially thought.    “Wow,” whispered, “you’ve really out-done yourself this year, Jack Frost.”    Peeking out into view from one side of the window, was the aforementioned white-haired fun coordinator.    “You really think so?”    You nodded.    A smile beamed across his face. “Thank you,” he said, his eyes briefly roaming to notice your state of dress. “Is it…too cold for you?”    “Nah,” you assured, “I just really enjoy comfy blankets.”    “Oh, all right. Um…can I come in?”    “If you’re not too busy.”    His face scrunched at your words. “Busy? Me? Pfft. Besides…I always have time for you.”
Thank you for reading!
Reblogs are appreciated
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Jack Frost x fem!OC - chapter 11
Hi tumblr people! I decided to post the latest chapter from my Jack Frost x OC (Max) fanfic here after years since I started it... because, I've finally written their first kiss T.T
So, if you're interested in some good old Jack Frost fluff, pls feel free to read this chapter and check out the whole story on ao3
I don't think anyone would necessarily need context to read it but if it peaks your curiosity it's basically the idea that Max, our heroine, wants to figure the real "mith" or the "tale of the misterious being" called Jack Frost. Little did she know he watched her all along, as a spirit or a ghost, following her journey to learn about him...
Just as Max closed the front door, although very carefully, Ethan got up. He heard her pacing on the first floor since the beginning of the night. His sleep since then never turned into anything more than a light nap.
That’s why he totally awakened the moment he noticed Max leaving the house. There couldn’t possibly be anyone else besides her. That’s why he follows her. Deciding to immediately follow her on her tracks.
Unfortunately, he hesitated a lot the moment he opened the door. The cold breeze whistled against his ears, almost cutting his skin with the ice cold of its frozen fingers.
He was definitely not dressed enough to bear that cold. But the longer he took to follow Max the more difficult it would make it for him to find her. The moment this realization hit him he took his first steps, completely burying his feet under the thick layer of snow covering the ground.
He figured that he needed to find Max really fast.
He decided to run, following the footsteps she left in the snow.
After sprinting as fast as he could, he realized the path he was following. Max was going back to the grove. The grove he dragged her away from some hours ago.
His blood started to freeze out of a fear of something he couldn’t explain in his heart.
Just as he started to slow down near the first trees from the grove, he saw someone hurriedly walking between the trees, looking at the sky, searching from something above them.
He noticed it could only be Max, so he called her name. The moment he felt how difficult it was to move his lips because of the cold, he realized how covered in snow he was. His brown hair got almost totally white, alongside his eyelashes, making it almost impossible to see anything far away from him. He had to rub the excess snow off his eyes and hair before trying to call for Max again.
The boy was trembling. He couldn’t keep going much further or else he was afraid his legs wouldn’t be able to drag him back to Max’s house. Still, he tried to follow her, all the while screaming her name.
He came to a halt the moment he heard her screaming someone else's name instead. It was “Jack”. She was calling this name, while her distance from him got bigger as time passed.
Ethan suddenly realized this “Jack” could only be the one who pushed Max down the tree hours ago. Why would she be running away from home in the middle of the night if there wasn’t some other guy involved, he thought to himself. “Was she in love with him?”, Ethan wondered. He could only believe Max found some weird troublemaker guy that could only be deceiving her, making her fall for him, and do weird things in the middle of the night.
Ethan truly shouldn’t care about whoever Max falls in love with. It’s not like they had anything between each other. Ethan told himself that he was just worried about Max’s safety around weird creeps, that’s all. He believed that pushing someone down the tree wasn’t anything nowhere near romantic, but that wasn’t enough of a clue to make him doubt his resolve about Max having come across a shady man with suspicious intentions.
He suddenly snapped out of his thoughts the moment he realized he wasn’t listening to Max’s voice anymore. The only thing he heard was the wind, again.
He started coughing, sneezing and panicking. His eyes could only open for a few moments before closing with tears caused by the torturing cold and because of the fear that was growing inside of him.
He couldn’t keep up with this. He had to come back.
While Max ran away from her house, she didn’t notice Ethan was following her. Since she was more prepared for the weather, she continued keeping a great distance from him.
She only started calling for Jack the moment she got far amongst the trees from the grove. He had to be around.
The girl didn’t have time to start panicking because she couldn’t find Jack. Just as she slowed her pace, she heard someone calling her name. She couldn’t distinguish it at first. She froze in place and looked around. She couldn’t see much far away from her. Maybe she should follow that voice, she thought. But as she turned away from the direction she was heading to, she saw Jack. He walked in her direction and seemed adamant about getting her away from that place:
“Max! What are you doing outside?” - he asked her, while his left arm tried to cover the incessant snowflakes that kept falling on his eyes.
“Jack! I’m so glad I found you! I was looking for you!” - a weight was lifted from her back as she said that, grabbing his arm, so pleased to find him.
“We need to get out of here!” - he wanted to talk to her, but they needed to find a place for cover from the cold.
Next thing she knew, Max was suddenly grabbed and the wind surrounding them pushed them up in the air, helping them fly over the trees.
Jack also didn’t see Ethan. He, in fact, wasn’t even near that place. The only reason he found her was because somehow Max’s voice traveled all the way through the air till it reached his ears, as if the wind had brought it to him. She was calling his name. But much to his surprise, the voice came from the grove, not from her house.
After landing at the same rooftop he was previously watching over the city, decently protected between the other buildings around them, the wind finally allowed them to talk to each other.
Jack was distancing himself from her, he was a bit angry.
“Why did you leave your house in the middle of the snow storm?” - he questioned her again.
She sighed - “I told you, I was looking for you, you vanished out of nowhere back there…” - Max was much calmer than before, almost relaxed. Although her face showed a faint trace of sadness.
“That is no reason for running outside while snowing like this” - he said, waving his arm around them.
Max shook her head - “But- but why did you leave me out of nowhere? How would I know if you would come back?”
Jack furrowed his brow. After everything that happened, did she really think he would leave her just like that? - “How- Why? Why would I leave you?” - Jack couldn’t understand why she would think he would be gone just like the end of a winter storm.
She didn’t reply. Her eyes dropped, suddenly embarrassed by overreacting.
Jack didn’t know why he felt so tense. He sighed, looking at her red cheeks and at the thick layers covering her body, she looked like a walking pillow. That thought made his face light up a little. He couldn’t stand seeing her anxious face anymore.
- “Max.” - he held her by the shoulders - “I didn’t mean to leave you like that at the grove with that… other guy” - he scrunched his nose.
She looked him in the eye. They looked genuine. His eyes most of the time seemed to be glistening, like there was a micro tear at his bottom lids. She realized that small detail infatuated her.
She offered him a small smile - “That was Ethan… he just- he just got surprised after seeing me- I mean, us, falling down that tree”.
Jack’s face got somehow paler after memories from that moment crossed his mind again. His hands kept resting on her shoulders. He needed to do something to make up for that embarrassment. He understood, or at least, he knew what he had to do about the feeling of butterflies in his chest. He had to do something to demonstrate he truly wasn't planning to leave her at all:
He kissed her.
Max was looking at his face, trying to read what was going on in his head. Suddenly, his eyes looked determined, and she felt his cold lips against hers.
She was surprised at the sensation, but kissed him back nonetheless. Her face burned and her heart was racing. She caressed his cheek tenderly, causing Jack to slightly open his eyes, his face getting as red as hers, making him feel lightheaded from the overheat he was not used to.
She didn’t realize how badly she’d wanted to show affection like this for him till this moment. She felt his grip on her shoulders tighten as he deepened the kiss. Everything was so cold it burned, so she instinctively licked her bottom lip, caughting him by surprise. As they momentarily broke the kiss and made eye contact, she noticed how dilated his pupils were.
Her hands slowly made their way back to caressing his face and neck, forcing his hands to slide down her body. As they reached her waist, their lips connected again.
Max could only care about the gleeful feeling of having him in her arms, her eyes closed back again, but her attention was on how soft to the touch his hair was. Her touch was delicate, her hands obsessed with the feeling of his cold body against her warm hands.
For a first kiss, Jack was passionate, little to no awkwardness left in his body, like he just knew exactly what felt right to do. His ears were redder than his face, if that was possible. And as Max’s hand roamed his shoulders and nape, his grip on her waist brought their bodies closer together.
Unfortunately, the moment they got closer together, Max gasped for air, and also because she desperately had to take off the outer layer of clothing she was wearing. She had to break the kiss in order to almost rip off the zipper of her jacket and free her from that immense heat making her body sweat:
“- I’m- I’m sorry!” - she could barely speak, totally out of breath.
After taking off the second outer layer, she started reaching for the third one. That’s when Jack intervened, after a few moments of looking a little taken aback after she broke the kiss and started undressing:
- “Hey, hey, hey, don’t take this one off, you’ll soon start cooling down” - Jack took her hands in his, while holding the jackets she took off between their hands.
He giggled at her, sending her a huge smile. He looked so pleased with himself. His face losing the previous redness and heat at a much faster speed than hers. Looking at the way he smiled back at her pitiful state - the heat was so bad she could feel her heart in her throat -, she couldn’t help but smile back.
They kept holding each other’s hands while smiling and giggling at one another. The whole world had disappeared for both of them at that moment.
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mahoganyrust · 1 month
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I was watching Wall-E when it hit me. Very very Hijack coded. Anyways aaaaaaaaaaa. They’re so in loveeee. Just two robotssssss. (And a cat) AU fic coming soon.
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alkalinefrog · 2 years
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The Lights of Avalon
The Legend of King Arthur is Jackson Overland’s favourite fairytale to tell the children in his village—and he wishes it had stayed just that. But Jack’s world is changed forever when he is deemed worthy of the Legendary Sword Excalibur, should he choose to accept it. Darkness threatens the land, and its people will need a hero. And although Excalibur’s powers are great, so too is the cost of wielding it—so much so that Jack would rather become a traveling bard who spends his days running as far away as possible. Little does he know, on the road to avoiding his destiny, Jack will only meet it—or rather, him.
WOOOO hi everyone, long time no see! I’m super stoked to say that I’ve been writing a Hijack Arthuriana AU and the first two chapters are up now! This is the prologue comic!
Special thanks to @jjackfrost for beta-ing and @twiafom for clowning! This wouldn't have been possible without you guys cheering me on the whole way!
The link’s in the title or you can click over here!
I hope you guys have as much fun reading it as I am writing it! More to come!
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maluuustrawberry · 3 months
I saw that you are accepting fic requests. Do you write about some DreamWork's characters too? I wanted to request a Pitch Black from the rise of the guardians.
And I wanted to say that I love your work, your fanfiction are very good and I love the way you manage to write the characters so well!!!😭❤️❤️❤️
“My Dear Cupid.”
(Pitch Black X Fem!Reader)
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Synopsis: Pitch, better known as the boogeyman, ended up developing a new feeling that he had never felt in all his years, feeling for the new guardian who was your total opposite, for you the guardian of love, the cupid.
A/N: By great coincidence I was watching this film recently. Of course I'm going to write about Dreamworks characters too!! You can ask me, but it will take me a while to make some fanfiction because there are already a lot of requests in front. The next one will be Clopin Trouillefou and Hades from Hercules.
He hadn't imagined that this could happen, no one had, least of all her, who he thought had deliberately made the enchantment so powerful that it affected the king of nightmares.
That flame and that heat disturbed him. Pitch had never felt that burning in all his millennia of life, but everything changed after his first encounter with the guardian of love, Cupid.
After a meeting of the guardians at the North Pole on the subject of the new guardian, The Man in the Moon determined that the new guardian should destroy Pitch and protect the children, along with the duty of bringing joy to them.
Knowing this information for himself, Pitch decided to face the chosen one personally, after all, a simple cupid couldn't do anything against him; or so he thought.
The blizzard and the intense cold dominated the place, but that didn't bother the bogeyman at all, because everyone knows that cold and fear combine perfectly with each other; leaving only agony and suffering. When he saw a silhouette in the middle of all that snow, he deduced that it might be you and sneaked up from behind to destroy you with just one blow from his scythe, and you wouldn't even know who hit you.
That's when he saw your face. The moment you sensed that you were being pursued, you quickly turned around and aimed your bow and arrow, surprising him and leaving him static in that position holding his scythe.
The two of you stood in silence, staring deeply into each other's eyes. Pitch seemed awestruck by your appearance, not imagining that you looked so angelic and delicate. Seeing you pointing your arrow and looking deeply at him, while the snow from the blizzard stuck to your hair, was a sight worthy of a painting.
It was hard to say what kind of look he was looking at and where the flame that was coming from him was coming from. Pitch wasn't as expressive, but his gaze showed that he had never been as perplexed as he was at that moment; it was one of admiration, and therefore full of disturbance and turmoil.
And you looked at him confused, but also wary. "Why doesn't he just attack me?" You asked yourself, and you couldn't attack him either, you were overcome with trembling and the cause of this was the intense cold. Before you could shoot your arrow, he quickly disappeared, using your shadow, to his advantage, which was close to him. That was so fast that a small gasp of fright escaped his lips. You lost sight of him, but looked around, still holding your arrow and bow tightly in case he appeared by surprise, but no, he was really gone.
That was your little encounter. After that day, his thoughts were dominated by you, appearing in such strong colors that this unknown feeling and the desire to tear you apart grew more and more. Your wings were so delicate, your neck so fragile and graceful that he wanted to squeeze and twist it using just one of his hands.
He removed all the hatred and evil from his heart and recognized that this hatred and evil was only love, which had become terrible things in the heart of the bogeyman, a poisonous, hateful and vicious love that seemed more like an obsession. In all these years it never occurred to him that the guardian of the nightmare, the terror of every child, could fall in love with such a fragile, angelic creature, the complete opposite of him, and therefore one of his enemies, but unfortunately it did.
That's when a thought came to him: you were a cupid, the guardian of love, and you made people fall in love with each other. Could that be? It had to be, there was a great possibility that you had put a spell on him. The fixed idea kept coming back and torturing him, he had to get rid of this doubt in his mind by going to you and putting an end to this agony once and for all.
You were flying to your temple after several hours of work. Of course bringing couples together was your specialty, but you also worked on preserving the sympathy, innocence and gentleness of children, because love was related to all that too, and your work only worked with the power contained in the substances you put in your arrows.
On the way there, you sensed that something was wrong, and unfortunately your intuition was right. Your temple was being invaded by Pitch's "horses", but they quickly left as a figure, and when you looked a little further, you noticed that they were stealing your arrows and the vials containing the substances. This made you extremely worried because your arrows and those vials were your most important things, they were what made you the cupid and guardian.
When the last creature left your temple as fast as a shadow, you followed it trying to catch up with it as it flew, it was hard to keep up as the nightmare was fast, but you didn't give up for anything, you weren't so focused on catching up with the nightmare that you didn't even remember to call the other guardians to help you.
With that chase, the nightmare took you into a forest and disappeared among the trees, you landed and looked around. The place was totally dark and gray with a certain evil malice, as if there was no life, only melancholy, which made you immediately become defensive and walk among those trees and hold your bow and arrow.
You looked around for that smoky black creature as you entered the forest, until your ears caught the sound of a neigh and you knew it wasn't just any horse. The cupid ran quickly to where the sound was coming from and stopped at the sight of a broken, old bed in a deep hole, getting closer cautiously, a bad energy taking you over more and more and you were slightly startled to hear the neighing again, but this time inside that hole. You had no choice, had to get back what had been stolen from you. So you entered that deep, dark hole, using your wings to land gently without hurting yourself.
As you stepped into the room, you looked around. It was a poorly lit cave, the lights were just a few rays of sunlight that invaded the deep cavern, who knows how many meters you were underground, the cold dominated the place, but it was bearable. You managed to discover Pitch's hideout, but you also wondered whether you would make it out alive or sane. You gathered your courage and decided to explore the place while your guard was still up, but even so, your fear was palpable, and he loved it, little did you know that he savored your fear.
You stood out in that dark, gray place, with your angelic appearance, lively and so delicate, it was obvious that you shouldn't be there, that environment didn't suit you. The negative energy in that place was so strong that it gave you the creeps, and you also felt the sensation of being watched. You just wanted to take what was yours and leave.
As you walked around the place, you could see the large globe with the little lights on, and you came closer to look at it. You knew that each light was a child who believed in you, but how could he have that in his cave? Your thoughts were interrupted by a voice:
“Looking for something?”
When you looked back, you saw only his shadow on the wall and wasted no time in shooting your arrow, but the shadow quickly disappeared, slipping into one of the corridors of that cave and you followed him, but lost sight of him when you reached that dimly lit corridor:
“Put the arrow down, dear. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you.” His voice echoed around, in that calm tone of his that could put a child to sleep.
“Afraid? I'm not afraid of you.” You said, still holding your bow and arrow, looking around and turning quickly to look for any sign of him.
“Don't lie cupid, my specialty is understanding people's fears...” Then he stepped out of the shadows, standing in front of you with that smile on his face as he looked you up and down. “...just as you can understand love, but don't seem to understand when it comes from a certain person...”
The bogeyman walked quietly around you, and you couldn't take your eyes off him as aimed the arrow. Both of your hearts were beating fast at the presence of the other, but for different reasons, yours being of fear, but his being of love and eagerness to put his hands on you, if only for the slightest touch.
“Give me back what you stole from me.” You said commandingly. “You don't need my things.”
“Don't you see that I did this just to bring you to me?” He asked seriously and stopped walking.
“And what do you want from me?”
As you asked this, a small smile formed on his lips and he disappeared back into the darkness behind him. You quickly followed him and as you passed through the darkness you felt like you had been teleported to another corner of the cave. He was toying with you, you were desperate, feeling lost and wondering how you got there. You dropped your guard and felt the bow being quickly taken from your hands, one of his horses had picked it up and carried it away, now leaving you unarmed:
“I just need some answers on a specific matter that's been bothering me for days.” You heard his voice echoing again and his shadow walked around the corners of the wall as he explained. “I've never felt a feeling like this in all these years, I feel weak and anxious when it comes to you, but at the same time it's such a pleasant warmth and delicious anxiety when you're around.... Oh! My cupid... What have you done?”
He asked with a sigh. You were confused and stunned by this information, you knew exactly what he was describing and what that feeling was. He was in love with you? But how?...
“My spell doesn't work on myself, I can't make someone fall in love with me. I didn't even know you could fall in love...”
You said as you took slow steps backwards, suddenly you felt a presence at your back and a shiver ran through your body as you felt two icy hands on your shoulders and a whisper close to your ear:
“We seem to have discovered something together. So why would I, the bogeyman, be in love with you, such a delicate cupid who is the complete opposite of me?”
The sensation of the king of nightmares' icy touch on your warm skin brought a small thermal shock to both of them, his presence so close exuded a very strong negative energy, but at the same time transformed it into a pleasurable adrenaline and fear. His question made you quiet and also thoughtful:
“Did that leave you speechless, love?” he asked, speaking close to your ear while his hands rubbed your shoulders and squeezed them lightly, making him inhale deeply as he felt satisfied and relaxed at finally being able to feel you and satisfy his curiosity about what it was like to touch your soft skin.
“I don't know what to say... I can only say that we don't decide who we fall in love with, it's impossible to control the desires of the heart. And I can't undo that since it wasn't my spell, it was natural.”
“I confess I wanted you to undo that...” He explained as one of his hands left your shoulder and went to your waist, bringing you closer to him until your back and wings brushed against his chest. “It made me so weak, but I changed my mind when I realized how good this feeling was, but also how torturous... It's an almost addictive sensation, and so new.”
As he spoke close to your neck with the sensation of his lips almost touching your sensitive skin, your attention went to his hand, which was on your shoulder and slowly descending, tracing its way down your skin, to your elbow and arriving at your small and delicate hand. His long, slender fingers intertwined with yours, and the energy of that touch gave you a different sensation, of course there was no good energy coming from Pitch, but somehow you felt a warm, protective feeling, therefore of great danger and you felt the same anxiety.
Your gaze shifted from your entwined hands to his face, your heart softening as you saw the way he looked at you, revealing the deep burning desire in his eyes. For the first time you discovered that there was love in the eyes of the king of nightmares. But you were uncertain, he was your enemy, you couldn't trust the man who was as treacherous as a snake, and besides, what would your friends think of that? You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a small laugh from him:
“I don't understand love, but there's something that leads me to believe that we were meant for each other. It's evident from the mere contact of our hands.” He spoke in a calm, enveloping voice as he lightly squeezed your waist and caressed your hand. That's when you pulled away and faced him, and he felt an emptiness at that.
“I can't.” You said thoughtfully and with a hint of sadness, this couldn't happen, you were a guardian and you were supposed to protect the children from the bogeyman. Unfortunately he was right, however wrong it was, it seemed certain that you were soul mates. That smile wouldn't leave his face.
“You're afraid of giving yourself to me, afraid of finding out what the other guardians will think, afraid of disappointing them.” The taller man approached you and grabbed your chin, lifting your face, forcing you to face him once more. “Am I right, my cupid?”
“But my goal is to destroy you.”
Holding your chin firmly, he moved even closer, and you stared into the deep golden eyes that were fixed on your lips. That man's ability to bewitch you and influence you to give in was remarkable, and it was practically impossible to resist after so many looks, touches and closeness... He was bewitching you like a snake that grabs its prey so cautiously to strike next:
“You already destroy me completely just by your presence... Don't you see that I'm totally at your mercy, darling? You have me in the palm of your hand.”
Cupid, which was you, felt almost as if you were being seduced into opening Pandora's box, about to unlock the doors to dangerous territory with no turning back. It was slowly turning into a game of pride and hesitation. Their faces were so close that you could feel them both breathing, a chill went through his stomach and he felt his cheeks start to heat up. Before you could say anything, you were surprised by his kiss on your red lips, breaking the distance and forcing you to give in to your hidden desires. Your eyes widened in surprise at the bogeyman's audacity, but you returned the kiss after closing your eyes.
While you were kissing with such fervor, Pitch slid his hand around your waist, drawing you close to him, joining your bodies, while his other hand went up to the back of your neck, gently pulling your hair. This made you moan involuntarily during the kiss, at which point he took the opportunity to explore your mouth with his tongue. Pitch held you so close to his body that he seemed to have waited years for this moment, he was desperate to feel you, your body, your lips and hear your sweet moans. You had never experienced a kiss like this, it was so needy, possessive and deep, you felt as if you were the only creature that mattered to him and his most valuable possession, and indeed, you were.
He interrupted the kiss, both of you panting, trying to catch your breath, you realized you were wrong that it was over when he started kissing your neck, distributing light bites and sucking on the sensitive, soft skin of the cupid, marking it like an animal marking territory. Your wings fluttered softly as you felt his cool fingers caressing them and his knee sliding between your legs, teasing you. Knowing he wanted to push the limits, you pushed him away from your neck, and your hands rested on his chest as your eyes met:
“That can't happen again...” He laughed when you said this and gradually let go of your arms and pulled away, feeling the flaming trail of your palm on his chest.
“Deny it all you want, I know you'll come back again and we'll have lots of dates like this, love.” The taller man removed the small lock of hair from your face. “You know where my hideout is, just visit me.”
That man knew very well how to manipulate someone, especially a creature as sentimental and romantic as you. He magically took your little bow and arrow from his back and handed it to you, and as soon as you took it you looked at him doubtfully:
“Until another day, my cupid.”
As he said this he snapped his fingers and suddenly you no longer felt the ground around your feet and you fell into that darkness, desperately trying to find a position to fly to, but as soon as you did you were teleported back to your temple, specifically into your bedroom and fell onto your bed. You were breathing heavily from the adrenaline and the unexpected fright, so you sat on the bed thinking about what had happened and running your hand through your hair.
Your enemy had just declared his feelings to you, given himself to you completely, and then kissed you and you gave in to that temptation. Taking a deep breath, you wrapped your arms around yourself, feeling empty for having stopped such bold caresses.
When you got out of bed, confused by your feelings, you wondered what your next meeting would be like, if it would be the same and if you should give in next time, or if there would be a next time. And as you looked in the mirror you also wondered how you were going to hide those marks on your neck from your guardian friends...
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da-awesom-one · 9 months
At All Costs (Snowflake Version) - Chris Pine & Idina Menzel
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Art I commissioned from Frost_Art on Instagram.
*DISCLAIMER: These lyrics are fan-made lyrics of a song created and owned by Disney for characters that are owned by both Disney and Dreamworks respectively . No money is being made off of this. This was solely written for recreational purposes.*
Context: This is set during Frozen II, in the middle of the Dark Sea scene. They’ve barely survived the Nokk, and Jack is the most upset he’s ever been. Elsa left him behind not once, but twice. The first when they left Kristoff and Sven behind, and the second when she sent Olaf and Anna away. Not only that, she recklessly runs into the Dark Sea, and that’s not mentioning his fear of water. Coupled with the fear of being sent away, and not feeling like he has a place in Arendelle, he’s really struggling to prove his worth without being selfish.
Love is selflessness, and he has taken that to heart since the events of Frozen 1, where he abandoned Elsa before her parents died, and he did everything in his power to make up for it when she finally sees him again. However, it doesn't always work in the right way. So he’s desperately trying to not be what he perceives to be selfish, for being selfish is what almost lost him his best friend in the first place, and he is deeply afraid of losing his new family. Of losing Elsa.
But somewhere along the way, whether he understands or want to admit it or not, things changed. Jack sees Elsa differently, just as she started to in her late teens, but kept quiet due to what happened and out of respect to her friend, also because she's not sure she understands it either.
They argue in the Dark Sea, telling her he doesn't want to lose her, but right as Jack’s about to say what he actually wants, he relents, saying what he wants doesn’t matter. Elsa doesn’t accept that. Once they get to safety, she tells him what he wants matters to HER.
And he tells her he wants to stay with her forever. That he sees her the way Kristoff does to Anna. But time, fate, what have you, makes it seem like no matter what he does, he can’t. But still, he wants to be with her regardless. Because she is his destiny. And being with her makes him feel better, and whole.
So then he starts singing. And so does she. And for the first time since entering the Enchanted Forest, they're on the same page. Better now than ever before.
Sing = Siiing
J: If destiny is a set-in-stone thing,
Mine would be you.
If you'd have told me the feelings you'd bring,
I'd think them untrue.
Yet I never thought I’d meet someone like you.
Not in this life.
You still amaze me after all this time.
You… pull me in like some kind of wind,
Steer me through all the doubts within,
Make me brave enough to tell ya...
…That I…
Love you as one does.
I, I would protect you 
At all costs.
Face the storm, and all the odds.
I, I will protect you 
At all costs.
At all costs.
E: How to say… the words that I wish to convey?
That I want this, too. Even if I tried to,
I can’t go back to life before you.
If someone tried to stop us, I don't
See how that could happen.
I'd fight for us in ways you can't imagine.
I’ve felt this once before, so I hope
It would be alright to stand right here and tell you…
B: I love you as one does.
I, I will protect you 
At all costs.
Hold you right here in my heart.
I, I will protect you 
At all costs!
At all costs!
If you're ever feeling like you're lost,
I’ll come find you!
Man all fronts! There's no ocean I won't swim across
To be right by you!
And not just once. Here and now, I swear on my response,
I'll remind you…
I love you as one does.
I, I will protect you 
At all costs!
Keep you safe here in my arms!
I, I will protect you 
At all costs!
At all costs.
Debated whether or not to do this after posting the Jack Frost This Is The Thanks I Get?!, and finally hearing this for the first time. I got giddy, as this is definitely one of the top songs from the Wish soundtrack, and it struck me as odd that the villain, who in the movie was married, and the protagonist would sing something that sounded... well, romantic.
After seeing Wish for the context of it, and later discovering the Demo Version, learning that it WAS originally written as a love song, well... I had to go back and tweak my original draft.
@doodlemel's Animatic of them singing this song definitely didn't help, either. XD
I had to tweak bits that weren't making sense for Jack to say, especially parts that Magnifico said in the movie that kinda hinted to his more sinister persona. Because Jack is a good guy, but also someone who has never experienced these kinda feelings before, as well as also dealing with a lot of mistakes and trauma that influence his perception of whether or not his feelings are genuine, and whether he has a right to feel these feelings.
Elsa, for her part. is more straightforward, remarkably. Because I headcanon that she fell in love first, but Jack was being Shonen Protagonist oblivious to it. And by the time he started feeling a spark of something similar, stuff had already happened between them that they needed to clear up. But her feelings for him never really went away, even if she got better at hiding them. So when she hears him FINALLY admit that he feels the same way, she doesn't have to hide anymore. She lets him say his piece, and responds in kind.
Ultimately, I didn't really change much but the first parts where they sing, and parts of the choruses. Especially the “love” parts, as I just HAD to incorporate the original Demo Version into it. It's telling a sort of story. Of them slowly synchronizing once more, and finally ending with them being of one mind and heart.
For to love on a spectrum that has both beings as one, in my opinion, is truly a beautiful thing.
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voided-peach · 10 months
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In honor of the completion of Shattered Pieces by @gilly-moon. I wanted to draw Jack's Christmas outfit. Thank you Gilly for the wonderful fic! Congrats on it finally being finished!!
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9haharharley1 · 5 months
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Rise of the Guardians (2012), Guardians of Childhood - William Joyce Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jack Frost/Pitch Black, Jack Frost/Kozmotis Pitchiner, Nightlight/Pitch Black, Nightlight/Kozmotis Pitchiner Characters: Nightlight (Guardians of Childhood), Kozmotis Pitchiner, Pitch Black (Guardians of Childhood), Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood) Additional Tags: How do you even tag this ship, I'm tired of looking at this, Not me taking liberties with Nightlight's powers, Pining, Mutual Pining, Nightlight being a bit of a voyeur, he has no idea what that is, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Before Jack Frost, there was Nightlight.
Before Pitch Black, there was Kozmotis.
Before they were enemies, they were friends.
Before they were friends, Nightlight was just a Nightlight.
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georgiapeach30513 · 9 months
A Snowflake Melts, Part 2
Summary: a blizzard is coming
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader
Rating: mild
Warnings:  mild language, just one bed, stalking, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 3.5K
Series Masterlist
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A scent. It wasn’t much. But Jack has gone off less than that before. It was getting a bit close to Christmas, but he had already made early rounds. Who cares if winter is longer than usual? He had bigger problems; finding you. You are what’s important. Your family even said so. They are growing suspicious of him, which means you are talking to someone, but spreading lies about his relationship, and what actually happened.
He never got a chance to explain. Winter relied on him. And you, just like a coward left. He growls, sitting down on the tree branch as he looks at the beauty he created. Once you told him that he made things look magical. That you loved winter, and would always stay in winter. You promised on your stupid cat that you couldn’t live where there wasn’t snow…
He jumps onto the crystallized snow, his feet leaving large craters in the icy white, and he just walks. He smelled you. Marshmallows. The best thing he’s ever smelt. You are close. He knows it. Blowing out a long breath a large gust of wind stirs up more snow. He cracks his neck as he starts to trudge through what you called the most beautiful thing on earth. Fresh fallen snow. Purity. A new start.
He would find you. And you would be his.
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“Don’t look at me like that,” you get on to your Mistletoe who perches on the counter beside you. Her judging green eyes watch you as you look out your kitchen window. Winter is getting worse. You thought you had chosen a place that snowed a lot, but this is different.
“I know what this means,” you are out here all alone. And with winter like this, you shouldn’t go outside and care for the animals. The very ones that were keeping you alive. “Missy, they’ll starve if I don’t.”
She snarls and hisses at you, looking out towards Steve’s cabin. “I can’t…we barely know him.”
“I can’t go out in the snow even if I wanted to. Jack will find us. And judging by this storm that wasn’t on the radar…Missy, he’s close.”
Mistletoe jumps down from the counter, and lifts her paw to scratch at the door. This cat is too smart for her own good. She wants to collect Steve. And you’re sure he doesn’t understand her way of communicating. You aren’t even sure you did, or if it’s because of your seclusion.
“What are you going to do, tell him to get his butt down here with Sugar Cookie, and we live in the cabin for the rest of the winter and make him sleep on the couch?” Missy stares at you, pawing at the door again.
You couldn’t stop looking up the road, waiting for him to come back down here to you. It is ridiculous how everyday you would hope for a visit from him. You enjoyed his company. He made you not feel so alone, while also it was nice to look at him. And he was funny. He was kind. He was everything you had always wanted.
His eyes. My goodness he had the sweetest eyes. His dog is very cute as well. And…
Mistletoe scratches at the air and lets out an angry hiss towards you. “You know I can’t go out in the snow, and I don’t know how to get in touch with Steve. He just shows up at the right time.”
She growls at you again, and you exhale loudly. “Fine,” walking over to the door, you give it a tug, letting her shimmy out. Her toned legs carry her directly towards Steve’s house. With a bit of a struggle, you close and lock the door immediately. Dropping the curtain.
Jack would want your Christmas to be miserable. Bitter and cold. Sighing, you start to close all the curtains around the house. If he couldn’t see you, he couldn’t find you. If you didn’t invite him in, he couldn’t get to you. There is enough stuff in the basement to keep you well fed. Steve had even stacked up firewood beside your heater, even more on the porch.
You didn’t talk about Jack. He just knew you were afraid of winter. And they were the same thing.
Steve jolts in his chair when he hears the tiny scratches, and even Sugar Cookie wiggles her entire body as she moves for the door waiting on her owner to open up. Mistletoe dashes in, meowing up at Steve. “Well, hello, you little bully. What can I do for you today?”
Circling Steve’s feet, she walks over to the door, looking back to the man, and Sugar Cookie joins in to look at him. “She’s not in trouble is she?” Mistletoe huffs, looking up at Steve. “So…is your mom just wanting me to visit? Clearly we need to exchange phone numbers. I don’t turn my phone off. Okay, okay,” he grins, grabbing for his phone and coat. Opening up the door to let both animals out, but Mistletoe stops.
Her ears twitch around, and her eyes look all around before she dashes down the road. “Sugar, let’s go, sweetheart. That cat never gets in a hurry.”
His feet slams into the snow as the wind whips around the odd trio. Beating the animals to the porch, he knocks quickly on the door, and it isn’t until Mistletoe lets out a blood curdling meow that you look up from the middle of the floor, “Missy?”
Walking to the door, you press your head against it. Fear courses through your veins after that sound, “Baby, are you alone?”
“Holly, it’s me.”
“Steve? She brought you? I’m being so rude,” you get an eerie feeling when you open the door. Inhaling deeply, just to be sure. No peppermint. You are safe, for now, “Thanks for tapping the snow off,” even if you hadn't known him long he always seems to remember your needs.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” You couldn’t deny your splotchy face and red rimmed eyes. But you don’t want to talk about it either. Steve would think you’re crazy. No one would ever understand your family dynamic. Instead you just shake your head, wiping away the stray tears on your face.
“I don’t want to force you, but you gotta give me something. Missy kinda scared me.”
“There’s a storm going on, and…it wasn’t on the radar, and I don’t want to be alone,” unannounced storms always meant Jack’s anger. He still hadn’t forgotten. He is still looking for you.
“Okay, you gotta couch,” even though his fingers are ice cold from outside, when he touches your arm, and pulls your body into his, it’s pure warmth. A coziness that feels like hot chocolate running down into your tummy. “I’ll leave the animals here. Let me get some more firewood loaded up, and clothes, and some extra food because I eat a lot. We’ll have a freeze-in, okay?”
“Did it smell like peppermint out there?” You hate that scent. It always meant Jack was near. He doesn’t laugh or look at you like you’re crazy. His smile softens as he hugs you again.
“No, let me get all that ready. The way this snow is coming down, I don’t have much time. I’m sure it’ll be piled all the way up to the windows. You stay here. Keep the doors locked, and breathe. When I come back, I’ll let you make some of your amazing soup while you tell me what’s really going on. I’ll even make brownies.”
You don’t want him to leave, and still understand why he needs to. Biting at your lip, you nod your head. “Don’t start cutting any vegetables until I get back, okay?”
“Okay,” he bundles himself up before heading towards the door again, “Steve, be careful, okay?”
“I will. You stay right here. Wood, more food, and clothes.”
“That, too. Stay warm,” he playfully demands before swiftly squeezing through the door.
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“So, you gonna tell more about it?” You take a sip of your hot chocolate, your eyes staring blankly at Sugar Cookie and Mistletoe snuggling together by the door. Mistletoe always stayed close to the door in winter. Sometimes she’d hop into the bed with you, but she stood her guard by the main entrance. She is a smart kitty after all.
It had been so long since you fully got to snuggle with someone during your favorite time of year. You should be joyful, and instead you let your photography stop, you quit calling your parents, hell you left the most magical place in the world all because of Jack.
You now lived in so much isolation, you lost a bit of yourself. You turn your head away from Steve as you gaze at the curtains covering the big window in the living room. You loved snow. Loved to watch the tiny little snowflakes drift to the earth. You would have never had the curtains closed. You couldn’t even remember if Jack watched the snow with you.
So much of the good times were forgotten as his forever cold heart couldn’t take your glowing warmth. A joy that burned brightly in your soul like embers in a fire.
“You love and fear the winter,” he isn’t even asking. He hasn’t known you long, but he can see it. You nod your head, still keeping your head turned away from him. Having to wipe away a tear that didn’t want to stay put. “You don’t have to talk about it, Holly. I’m just trying to understand. We got a few days of being trapped in here.”
“You’re right,” sniffling, you turn to look back at the girls, as Steve sweetly calls them. They’re comfortable. Missy actually looks like she’s resting. “It’s hard being alone, and scared of winter, and still, I can’t leave.”
“An ex?” Of course Steve could sense that you were running and hiding from someone.
“Yeah,” you sigh, turning to fully look at Steve. “He wasn’t always bad. He’s different. Very powerful, and thrives this time of year. He became cold and unkind, and then possessive and obsessive, and…Steve, he wasn’t nice,” Steve looks away for a few seconds, his jaw clenching tight, and his knuckles turning white from how hard he’s gripping the couch.
“Did…did he,” he takes a deep breath, finally looking at you. “Did he hurt you?”
“It’s complicated,” his hand moves towards you, and you have to look at Missy, and her lazy self is snoring with Sugar Cookie. She was comfortable with Steve. She never had this sense of comfort with Jack. “No, it is complicated. He just…he’s always trying to compete with my dad, and…”
“Did he hurt you?” .
“He’s out of my life though.”
“And you’re still hiding, and afraid to touch something that you love,” even though you can feel his anger, you don’t fear him like you did with Jack. Steve’s anger is protective, and it gives you this strange feeling of importance. He wanted to keep you safe.
“He’s very powerful. You don’t understand.”
There’s a moment drifting between you and Steve, and only the girls’ snores and the crackling of the fireplace can be heard. You aren’t even sure if you’re breathing anymore, just waiting on what he has to say. This is going to be awkward starting off with an argument.
“I want to understand, and I’ll listen whenever you want to explain it to me. For now, why don’t you tell me about your family. Your dad is still alive?” You love talking about your family. They are the best family, and you hate that you’re having to be away from them in any capacity. “What’s his name?”
“Kris. My mom’s name is Carol.”
“There’s that smile. The one you were too shy to share with me. Why do you love winter so much?”
Your body relaxes into the couch again. Finally a topic you didn’t mind talking about a bit more. You can’t say too much, some things you just have to ease into, and him knowing about your family is one of them. Maybe one day things could be different.
“People dread winter, but there’s so much beauty in it. We get Christmas, and the world freezes for a moment. It stops and slows down, and everyone with it. We learn to appreciate the more simple things in life. The world just rests, and we do, too. And if you’re lucky to get snow, it’s beautiful. It looks like glitter. Do you not like winter?” You ask, biting at your lip.
Steve hadn’t stopped smiling at you. With every word you said, you just lit up. You had a calmness about you as you spoke about why you loved your favorite season, instead of hating it. You are absolutely stunning. Breathtaking even.
“Steve, stop staring at me like that,” Missy peeks open her eyes, and then settles herself right on top of Sugar Cookie. Neither you or Steve notice anything outside this bubble you had created.
You fear that if you say anything else that the warmth inside the bubble would dissipate. You wanted to keep it forever. What is it about Steve that makes you want him closer to your body? So you scoot a tiny bit closer. Close enough that your knees brush against each other, and you feel his warmth.
“W-what is it that your father does?” He hiccups, still not breaking the gaze he has on you.
“He’s a delivery man of sorts.”
“Amazing,” he whispers out. His finger brushes back some of your baby hairs, and they tickle along the shell of your ear. “The hot chocolate. It’s…it’s amazing. And your life sounds incredible,” he didn’t even know the half of it.
“Thanks. I used to put peppermint in it. The smell makes me sick to my stomach now. What about your family?”
“They passed a long time ago. I don’t really like to talk about it. So explain to me, you love your home and your family, and you came here to hide from your ex?” Saying it out loud sounds silly. You’re sure your parents could help you out. In some ways, your dad was Jack’s boss. But did you want them to? Did you want them to know how Jack really was?
“What did you do?” Steve really wanted to change the subject away from his family. Hopefully one day you hope he will open up to you. Even though you had secrets concerning your family, you’re telling him enough for now.
“I take pictures. My social media did well. I focused on Christmas. Traveled to different places to see how they celebrated, and what they ate. What their traditions were. I love every aspect of Christmas. It’s in my blood. Like…kinda like it’s in my blood,” you correct quickly. Steve had that same dopey look on his face as before, and you aren’t sure what to make of it. But it makes you feel fuzzy, “What?”
“I love to hear you talk about your passions. So if you’re not on your social media, who is seeing your work?”
“No one.”
“Can I see?”
You hadn’t logged in for so long. It was a creative outlet for you. Everyone always admired your parents, never even realizing who you are. What you could do. You enjoyed it. “You don’t have to show me.”
It was time that you stopped being so scared. You could turn off locations on your phone, Jack could find you in other ways. Why did you allow him to control so much of your life? It was time. Especially now that you were no longer alone.
Sighing, you stand to go get your phone, feeling Steve’s eyes watching your back until you return. The lazy Missy didn’t even stir. Her comfort relaxes you even more. She trusts Steve. She trusts no one outside of your family.
Turning your phone on, you click on the app, and hand it over to him. Letting him browse through your photos and reels. Each second his smile gets larger. Spreading wide across his face, “The spirit of Christmas, huh?”
“It’s what my dad always called me. Said that my enthusiasm towards the holiday is what made everything so holly and jolly,” you giggle thinking about how winters held so much warmth when you were home.
“So,” he says, putting down your phone. “What are our holiday traditions going to be this year? You don’t even have a tree up,” why and how is this man so adorable? Saying all the right words. “I’m just saying, it is very close to Christmas. What about these cookies? Triple chocolate oatmeal cookies, we should make some for Santa.”
“They’re my dad’s favorite,” you haven’t smiled like this in so long. Even though a blizzard is happening outside, the cabin is so warm and cozy, and it has nothing to do with the fireplace. You didn’t feel so alone. And then his hand naturally lands on your thigh, and you lean into his touch. It feels like flurries stir around in your belly, but you don’t want to pull away.
There doesn’t seem to be this veil of awkwardness looming over the two of you, it just is, and it is so amazing. “Okay, so it is late. Tomorrow we put up a tree of sorts.”
“I have a fake one under my bed. I don’t like walking in the snow.”
“I could pick us one out, but it’s not the same if we’re not together. I think the fake one will be perfect this time. Maybe next year, you’ll be more comfortable venturing out into the snow?” You nod your head with a smile. You already feel more confident about winter. “So the cookies?”
“I always have the ingredients for those cookies,” you look over to your bedroom. You can’t even believer you’re thinking this, much less ready to say it out loud. Steve is such a large man, and this couch was kind of small. What kind of host would you be? You needed him and basically invited him into your home. He is keeping you safe, and you can’t make him think you don’t want to extend some hospitality, “I feel bad that there’s only one bed.”
“You have a comfy couch,” huffing out a laugh, you look towards the girls, and Missy and Sugar Cookie have their heads lifted up, staring at you. If you were a crazy person, you’d think they were encouraging you to invite him into your bed. But you’re not that crazy.
“I have a big bed, too. I mean, lots of blankets, and there could still be enough space between us, and,” both the cat and the dog lay their heads back down, pretending to sleep. Now you worry that you are going crazy, “You don’t have to stay on the couch.”
“I won’t sleep in your bed if you’re not comfortable.”
“I wouldn't have asked if I wasn’t comfortable. But before bed, maybe we can watch a movie or something, and you decide how you feel? It doesn’t have to feel weird. And if you want to sleep on the couch you can, and if you change your mind in the middle of the night, you can.”
“I think that sounds amazing. Only if Missy will let me sleep in the bed with you,” she doesn’t look when Steve says her name, just stretches out a bit more on Sugar Cookie. “Here’s to new traditions,” Steve says proudly with his mug held high.
“To new traditions, and new friendships,” friendship. Even if you wish it could be so much more. “Wait! A new picture for my grid!” You snap a photo of the two half-drunk mugs. Editing the photo in a way that you can’t see nothing but the wooden coffee table and mugs. Your parents will be shocked to see two.
To new traditions, and new friendships.
And you hope to forgetting your ex.
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Jack’s hand shakes with fury, and he cracks his neck, screaming up into the frosty air as he slings his phone onto the ground. “Little bitch!” He screams. You are playing games with him. Friendships. Traditions. Traditions weren’t new. They were what you did every year.
He just can’t believe you would come back to social media with a stupid post like that. You were supposed to spend Christmas with him! Winter with him.
Jingle bells.
Why the hell could he hear jingle bells as his snowflakes float to the ground. There is a warm smell in the air…marshmallows mixed with cinnamon. Oh, he’s angry. Furious. You are spending time with someone that is not him. If you want to spend your time elsewhere, he’ll make sure that they can’t get to you ever again.
Wherever you are, you’ll be trapped all alone. And with your scent becoming more powerful, he is close. And he will find you. And you’ll be all snowed in. Just the way you belonged.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @floral-recs @pandaxnienke
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year
Jack Frost x Reader: Cool Costume
Word Count: 415 Warnings/Notes: n/a Summary: Jack Frost cools down the temperature, letting the Reader wear the costume they initially intended for Halloween.
  October, the height of the spooky autumn season. A time of natural earthy tones, scooping and  carving plump pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns, and the hopes of cooler weather finally returning.   Honestly, with how the current weather patterns had been for the past few weeks, you were losing hope on the chance of any kind of temperature drop. Your original costume idea had since been placed back into the closet and replaced by another.   All was looking a little less fun by the change in plans until that morning. A band of rain had passed through over the night, and with it, the promise of lower temperatures for the next couple of days. Halloween was beginning to look better already.
  Frost prickled across the window pane. Pausing, you listened until you could identify exactly what the sound was.   “Jack, is that you?” You called out toward the window.   “Well, it’s certainly not the Easter Bunny,” he said, making you laugh.   Setting down the final layer to your costume, you made your way over to the window.   “Hi, Jack,” you said, opening the window.   “Hey,” he smiled, hopping into the room.   “I suppose I have you to thank for the light sweater weather?”   “You don’t have to, but: you’re welcome.”   As you giggled from his good natured joy, Jack took in your appearance. “Great costume. Is it anything I should recognize?”   “Thank you, and—probably not. Unless you binge watch tv and movies at the North Pole.”   “Ha, no. The North Pole, workshop, is way more work than play.” Sitting on the bed, he looked over and grabbed a piece of your costume. A look of utter bewilderment struck across his face before turning back to you. “Is this a…warrior costume of some kind?”   Plucking the item from his grasp, you lightly shook your head. “I really need to catch you up on some pop culture.”   “Pop?”   “Popular.”   “Ah,” he nodded slowly.   Reaching for the rest of your costume, you smiled. He never failed in bringing out a certain joy and childlike wonder.   “So…are you going to join me in the ghoulish activities tonight, or are you going to be a fly on the wall and not have a hauntingly good time with me?”   Jack smirked. “You’re really layering on the Halloween references, aren’t you?”   “Yes, I am,” you smiled cheekily, adjusting the final touches and accessories to your costume.   “All right,” he bounced off of the bed. “So, what’s your frightfully fun plan?”
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Thank you for reading! Be sure to check out my Masterlist for more fanfictions :)
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lilacskyflow-blog · 25 days
"Thank you, callimara" we all say in unison!
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After watching how absolutely INSANE and DETAILED this video by callimara is... I have decided, to also make one crazy compilation, reasonings, and potentially a rewrite for "The Nun" specifically on behalf of Irene and Maurice as a ship.
After I figure out how to use milanote and successfully organize my ideas, it would be exemplary if I could also upload a youtube video on it! (i have never posted content like this on yt btw😭) and thank goodness I'm a professional yapper! only if I could make use of my time properly... and just in case I wouldn't, I'll just share the link here!
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mahoganyrust · 5 months
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Happy Mermay everyone
prt. 1
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alkalinefrog · 2 years
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On top of the prologue comic, I drew some mock-movie posters for the first two chapters! They were sort of like a two-part “pilot episode” of the fic hehehehe
The fic's over here on Ao3!
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fallenangelicss · 1 month
Voices In The Air
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PAIRING | Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood)
SUMMARY | After being picked up off the streets, thrown in a sack and tossed through a portal, Jack is a little worse for wear as he emerges in Santa's workshop. The soothing voice of an unknown spirit seems to catch his attention and make the situation a little bit better. Well, until his guard dragon attacks.
RATING | General Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply
A/N | Soooo this is my first HTTYD and Rise of the Guardians fic so I hope you all like it. I'm planning on doing maybe two different series with this pairing, maybe a third one if I'm really feeling into it so lots to come from me I hope. I'll also probs write more one-shots like this in the future as I used to love this ship so much. Also, if you'd like to support me then you should consider downloading the Kinder World app with this link. My referral code is WV9K4X but if you need a new referral code then feel free to reach out!
EVENTS | @aug-kissed | Hand Kiss
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“Can we hurry this up please?” Jack heard a voice murmur from the other side of the sack he had just been shoved in and thrown through who knows what. He did however know that whatever he crossed through had made him feel sick to the stomach. A note to self, if Bunny’s ever around, check your surroundings. Finding the opening of the bag once the nauseating feeling in his stomach settled down a bit, Jack began to claw his way out, hearing the same voice as before said as he did so, “Toothless and I need to get back to the Hidden World before-”
“You and your dragon will be able to leave soon. But for now, quiet,” A much deeper voice spoke up, cutting off the other midsentence which Jack thought was a real shame since he found the voice rather soothing. He wouldn’t mind if the deeper voice with a Russian accent was the one to quiet down and the voice from before started speaking, making this whole scenario a bit more bearable. Maybe he had a face to match the voice, Jack thought, some haste being pumped into getting out of the bad. “Hey, there he is. Jack Frost!”
“Wow… you’ve got to be kidding me,” Crawling out from the bag, Jack came face to face with Santa Claus, Sandy and some hummingbird creature. This is not what he had been hoping to come across after being kidnapped off the streets by the Easter Bunny. Come to think of it, where was that little rodent? Jack didn’t have much time to ponder as he was yanked from the ground by two Yeti’s and flung into the air. With a strangled breath, Jack quickly called, “Hey, hey, put me down.”
“I hope the Yeti’s treated you well,” Santa said with a large grin, partly covered by his white mustchase and beard. By simply placing his hands on his hips, Santa looked like a force to be reconned with and if Jack was anyone else, he might’ve just started shaking in his non-existent boots. But he was Jack Frost. The embodiment of snow, fun, and everything good in the world. Some ancient and overgrown Guardian wouldn’t change the fact that he had a reputation to uphold.
“Oh, yeah,” Jack began, picking up his stick and swinging it over his shoulder. Stepping forward, he physically relaxed his body as he began to look around Santa’s workshop, taking in every single detail from the inside, many of which he had missed when spying from out outside. The forced smile that had stretched across Jack’s face quickly dropped when his eyes landed back on Santa, “I love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal.”
“Oh, good. That was my idea,” Morphing his face into even more of a deadpan at Santa’s words, Jack couldn’t believe what was leaving the man's mouth. Was he dumb or did he intentionally ignore the sarcasm that was radiating off of him? Turning to the people next to him, Santa began to introduce them one by one, something Jack didn’t need nor ask for.  “You know Bunny, obviously. And the Toothfairy. And Sandman. Sandy? Sandy…? Wake up! And of course, you know-”
“I doubt he knows me, Santa,” There it was again, that voice. Jack’s head whipped around to where it had come from to find a boy just like himself perched on one of the many ledges that Santa’s workshop had to offer. His gear all seemed to be made out of leather or old metals that didn’t seem like anything from this century. That wasn’t the only thing Jack noticed about him either. Wrapped around his being was a large beast with black scales and piercing green eyes. “He might know what I represent though.”
“I definitely know something,” Jack said before his mind could catch up with what he was saying. A gust of wind burst into the room, smacking the windows open as it lifted Jack, allowing him to guide up to where the man sat. There was a small voice in the back of Jack’s mind telling him to be careful with that dragon present but like with most things, it went ignored in favour of something better. “Hey, I’m Jack. Jack Frost. And you must be?”
“What is he doing?” Bunny questioned, not even trying to keep his voice a whisper as he almost laughed at Jack’s attempts to talk to the unnamed man. He didn’t understand what was so funny, not when it was clearly a dig at him as he tried to talk to the unknown man. 
Looking past Jack, the man called out to Santa before getting up and getting ready to walk past, “See? No idea who I am.”
“Like I said,” Jack quickly got in front of the man, stopping him in his tracks. The dragon that Jack had been ignoring up until now let out a low growl, a warning that more was to come if Jack didn’t watch himself. One of the man’s brows raised at Jack’s hindrance, waving a hand back at the dragon to calm him down. “I know some things. Like how you’re one of the handsomest spirits I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
“Do you even know who you’re talking to mate?” Bunny called out, making Jack groan a little as he turned back to face the overgrown kangaroo. Shrugging a shoulder at him, Bunny took that as the go-ahead to keep talking. “That’s Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, former Chief of Berk and the Spirit of Dragons.”
“He’s hot,” Jack says not too sure of himself now that everyone was staring at him as if he had made a mistake. When he turned to look back at Hiccup, he saw a light blush spread across the man's cheeks, his eyes adverted so as to not look Jack directly in the face. Just the sight of the flustered man put a bit more confidence in Jack as he reached a hand forward, taking ahold of Hiccup’s and lifting it. He continued to ignore the growing growl from the dragon behind Hiccup as he brought his hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss there. “Like I said, I’m Jack. It’s nice to meet you Chief of Berk, Spirt of Dragons.”
Jack didn’t even get to see Hiccup react as he was being pounced on, a mass of black obstructing his vision as he was shoved to the floor with a massive weight on top of him. The air was immediately knocked out of him as he lay there for a second, staring up to meet some blasting green eyes staring down at him with fury. Almost as if he was charging up, Jack could see something purple glowing from his throat. “Toothless, no!”
“Definitely not Toothless,” Jack screeched as he was picked up by some wind and swept away.
“Now you’ve done it, mate.”
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maluuustrawberry · 2 months
I wanted to make a request about what it would be like Bunnymund (ROTG) to fall in love with Reader who is the Guardian of Spring ❤️
Bunnymund X Guardian of Spring Reader. (Headcanons)
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A/N: I thought this request was really cute, WHY IS HE SO HOT??!!! He was my childhood crush. I hope you like this Headcanon, I made it with great care.
-•❥❥• Spring and Easter had always worked together, so it was obvious that he knew you and admired your work. You never actually spoke to each other, but there were times when he watched you from afar, always surrounded by the animals you had awakened at the beginning of spring. The first impression you made was that you were very gentle, delicate and shy.
-•❥❥• He was surprised when you were chosen as guardian by the man in the moon. Being skeptical, at first he doubted whether you would really be able to protect The children from Pitch Black, because you had such a delicate and shy manner.
-•❥❥• The two of you became closer when you became guardian. Bunnymund didn't want to admit it, but he loved being around you because of your presence, always bringing calm.
-•❥❥• It was after a few years that he realized he was in love with you, when he was staring at you for too long, and admired how cute it was when butterflies landed on the flowers in your hair.
-•❥❥• One day, North caught him looking at you absent-mindedly and made fun of him for several months.
-•❥❥• He's very protective and loves to defend you by always standing next to you or behind, even though he knows you're powerful and can defend yourself.
-•❥❥• Often, when Bunnymund least expected it, he found himself very vulnerable in your hands when you paid too much attention to him. Because of your touch, he could become so vulnerable that he was almost submissive to you, almost desperate to be the only thing you saw at that moment.
-•❥❥• He likes to take you to flowery places that make Easter much more magical and colorful, especially because of your presence. And of course your meetings were in his den and painting Easter eggs.
-•❥❥• You know about the little feud between Bunnymund and Jack Frost, he gets jealous when Jack gets too close to you, and the winter spirit knows this and does it on purpose to provoke him.
-•❥❥• To calm him down from his constant jealousy, you would stroke behind his big ears or just give his muzzle a little touch. This quickly calmed him down, as it's the rabbit's most sensitive spot, almost like a drug... maybe even causing him more than that.
-•❥❥• When he confessed his love for you, he was completely nervous. He invited you to a flowery glade, almost enchanted by the beauty of the place and all the nature around. He knelt down humbly and took one of your hands, looking at you as if you were his goddess. That moment was overly dramatic because of his lack of knowledge about love or being in love, so he did it out of "common sense", but he really had no idea what he was doing at the time, almost like a desperate improvisation. He has trouble with very complex words all of a sudden, but, with his courage, he says everything he feels while looking at you with his piercing green eyes.
-•❥❥• He likes to call you by nicknames (my flower, my sweetheart, lovebug, cutie, darling... and of course, in hot times, he likes to call you "My bunny" or "Baby bunny").
-•❥❥• You can bet that in this relationship you would eat a lot of chocolate.
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(I love those scenes when he turns into a little bunny OMG!!!😭💕✨🐰)
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