Fallen Angelics
13 posts
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
Voices In The Air
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PAIRING | Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood)
SUMMARY | After being picked up off the streets, thrown in a sack and tossed through a portal, Jack is a little worse for wear as he emerges in Santa's workshop. The soothing voice of an unknown spirit seems to catch his attention and make the situation a little bit better. Well, until his guard dragon attacks.
RATING | General Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply
A/N | Soooo this is my first HTTYD and Rise of the Guardians fic so I hope you all like it. I'm planning on doing maybe two different series with this pairing, maybe a third one if I'm really feeling into it so lots to come from me I hope. I'll also probs write more one-shots like this in the future as I used to love this ship so much. Also, if you'd like to support me then you should consider downloading the Kinder World app with this link. My referral code is WV9K4X but if you need a new referral code then feel free to reach out!
EVENTS | @aug-kissed | Hand Kiss
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“Can we hurry this up please?” Jack heard a voice murmur from the other side of the sack he had just been shoved in and thrown through who knows what. He did however know that whatever he crossed through had made him feel sick to the stomach. A note to self, if Bunny’s ever around, check your surroundings. Finding the opening of the bag once the nauseating feeling in his stomach settled down a bit, Jack began to claw his way out, hearing the same voice as before said as he did so, “Toothless and I need to get back to the Hidden World before-”
“You and your dragon will be able to leave soon. But for now, quiet,” A much deeper voice spoke up, cutting off the other midsentence which Jack thought was a real shame since he found the voice rather soothing. He wouldn’t mind if the deeper voice with a Russian accent was the one to quiet down and the voice from before started speaking, making this whole scenario a bit more bearable. Maybe he had a face to match the voice, Jack thought, some haste being pumped into getting out of the bad. “Hey, there he is. Jack Frost!”
“Wow… you’ve got to be kidding me,” Crawling out from the bag, Jack came face to face with Santa Claus, Sandy and some hummingbird creature. This is not what he had been hoping to come across after being kidnapped off the streets by the Easter Bunny. Come to think of it, where was that little rodent? Jack didn’t have much time to ponder as he was yanked from the ground by two Yeti’s and flung into the air. With a strangled breath, Jack quickly called, “Hey, hey, put me down.”
“I hope the Yeti’s treated you well,” Santa said with a large grin, partly covered by his white mustchase and beard. By simply placing his hands on his hips, Santa looked like a force to be reconned with and if Jack was anyone else, he might’ve just started shaking in his non-existent boots. But he was Jack Frost. The embodiment of snow, fun, and everything good in the world. Some ancient and overgrown Guardian wouldn’t change the fact that he had a reputation to uphold.
“Oh, yeah,” Jack began, picking up his stick and swinging it over his shoulder. Stepping forward, he physically relaxed his body as he began to look around Santa’s workshop, taking in every single detail from the inside, many of which he had missed when spying from out outside. The forced smile that had stretched across Jack’s face quickly dropped when his eyes landed back on Santa, “I love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal.”
“Oh, good. That was my idea,” Morphing his face into even more of a deadpan at Santa’s words, Jack couldn’t believe what was leaving the man's mouth. Was he dumb or did he intentionally ignore the sarcasm that was radiating off of him? Turning to the people next to him, Santa began to introduce them one by one, something Jack didn’t need nor ask for.  “You know Bunny, obviously. And the Toothfairy. And Sandman. Sandy? Sandy…? Wake up! And of course, you know-”
“I doubt he knows me, Santa,” There it was again, that voice. Jack’s head whipped around to where it had come from to find a boy just like himself perched on one of the many ledges that Santa’s workshop had to offer. His gear all seemed to be made out of leather or old metals that didn’t seem like anything from this century. That wasn’t the only thing Jack noticed about him either. Wrapped around his being was a large beast with black scales and piercing green eyes. “He might know what I represent though.”
“I definitely know something,” Jack said before his mind could catch up with what he was saying. A gust of wind burst into the room, smacking the windows open as it lifted Jack, allowing him to guide up to where the man sat. There was a small voice in the back of Jack’s mind telling him to be careful with that dragon present but like with most things, it went ignored in favour of something better. “Hey, I’m Jack. Jack Frost. And you must be?”
“What is he doing?” Bunny questioned, not even trying to keep his voice a whisper as he almost laughed at Jack’s attempts to talk to the unnamed man. He didn’t understand what was so funny, not when it was clearly a dig at him as he tried to talk to the unknown man. 
Looking past Jack, the man called out to Santa before getting up and getting ready to walk past, “See? No idea who I am.”
“Like I said,” Jack quickly got in front of the man, stopping him in his tracks. The dragon that Jack had been ignoring up until now let out a low growl, a warning that more was to come if Jack didn’t watch himself. One of the man’s brows raised at Jack’s hindrance, waving a hand back at the dragon to calm him down. “I know some things. Like how you’re one of the handsomest spirits I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
“Do you even know who you’re talking to mate?” Bunny called out, making Jack groan a little as he turned back to face the overgrown kangaroo. Shrugging a shoulder at him, Bunny took that as the go-ahead to keep talking. “That’s Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, former Chief of Berk and the Spirit of Dragons.”
“He’s hot,” Jack says not too sure of himself now that everyone was staring at him as if he had made a mistake. When he turned to look back at Hiccup, he saw a light blush spread across the man's cheeks, his eyes adverted so as to not look Jack directly in the face. Just the sight of the flustered man put a bit more confidence in Jack as he reached a hand forward, taking ahold of Hiccup’s and lifting it. He continued to ignore the growing growl from the dragon behind Hiccup as he brought his hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss there. “Like I said, I’m Jack. It’s nice to meet you Chief of Berk, Spirt of Dragons.”
Jack didn’t even get to see Hiccup react as he was being pounced on, a mass of black obstructing his vision as he was shoved to the floor with a massive weight on top of him. The air was immediately knocked out of him as he lay there for a second, staring up to meet some blasting green eyes staring down at him with fury. Almost as if he was charging up, Jack could see something purple glowing from his throat. “Toothless, no!”
“Definitely not Toothless,” Jack screeched as he was picked up by some wind and swept away.
“Now you’ve done it, mate.”
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
Catching Stray Kisses
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PAIRING | Bridget | Queen of Hearts/James Hook
SUMMARY | When bored in class, Briget reverts to people-watching to pass the time. What she didn't expect was to find someone already watching her. The culprit behind it also seems to be pretty good at pulling a rise out of her.
RATING | Teen And Up Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply
A/N | This is my first time partaking in a month-long prompt list so I'm going to do my best to keep up with it can get as many done as I can. It'll hopefully give me a reason to write more which I desperately need. Also, if you'd like to support me then you should consider downloading the Kinder World app with this link. My referral code is WV9K4X but if you need a new referral code then feel free to reach out!
EVENTS | @aug-kissed | Blow A Kiss
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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Bridget sat bored in class, her head resting on one of her hands as her feet kicked back and forth under the desk. As much as she loved Merlin’s classes, they tended to drag on when they weren’t doing any sort of practical work. The singular hour that they were in the room seemed to stretch on for days and it didn’t help at all that it was the last lesson before they were free to do as they pleased. 
Ella sat next to her, carefully taking notes as Merlin taught at the front of the room, occasionally writing what seemed to be nonsense on the chalkboard. Bridget knew it would be smarter for her to just pay attention now so she wouldn’t have to beg Ella later for her notes but she couldn’t bring herself to focus on the teacher for more than a few moments at a time, all the information he was spouting going in through one ear and out the other. 
It was honestly exhausting just sitting there. Bridget was ready to go up to her dorm and take a nap until dinner time then maybe make some sort of sweet treat afterwards that she could share around. She didn’t know what she would make but she knew she was itching to stand in front of her homemade mini-kitchen and get back to what she loved doing. 
Letting her eyes dance around the classroom after they instinctively went back to the clock hanging on one of the walls, seeing how they still had another twenty minutes to go before class was over, Bridget resorted to some sightseeing, attempting to find something that could keep her occupied while she waited for the bell to ring. 
Most of the students in the room, like her, seemed to be too bored to comprehend what was happening in front of them which could only be Merlin’s fault as he should’ve known better than to give anyone a theory lesson as their last class on a Friday. 
Like most days, Bridget noticed Uliana terrorising some of her classmates with her tentacles, trying to be discreet about it. At her side sat Morgie, which Bridget wasn’t surprised to see. Laughing almost uncontrollably at whatever it was that Uliana did, Morgie was always attempting to be a good villain for her. Another thing Bridget wasn’t surprised to see was Hades and Maleficent sat next to one another, their hands interlocked while Maleficent sketched something on some scrap paper and Hades messed around with some sort of fire magic. 
What Bridget was however surprised to see was Hook sitting by himself and staring directly at her. Normally he would be the one sitting next to Uliana, if not he would drag Morgie into the seat next to him so he was never by himself. But to see him alone and staring directly at Bridget was a shock, especially when he didn’t look away once he noticed Bridget had caught onto his stare. 
Blinking a few times to make sure she wasn’t seeing things, Bridget came face to face with Hook every time she opened her eyes. Not knowing what to do, a shy smile made its way onto her face to not seem rude under Hook’s stare. 
What Hook did next though threw her for a loop.
A smile of his own crept its way onto Hook’s face, the grin being more of a smirk than anything else. His eyes slowly crept up and down Bridget's frame before sending a wink her way, making a pink hue dust her cheeks as she zapped back around and faced the front of the classroom.
“Are you okay,” Ella asked, noting how Bridget was sitting with her spine straight and a flustered expression on her face. Still taking notes as she waited for an answer, Ella’s eyes ticked up to where Bridget was attempting to glance over her shoulder without getting caught and failing to do so. “Did something happen?”
“Nope,” Bridget quickly said, hands coming together and interlocking. Although Ella wasn’t born to much status like Bridget was, she could still notice when someone’s Princess was showing and that was exactly what was happening here as Bridget gushed to herself. Something regarding a boy had just happened and Ella was going to figure out what and who it was no matter what. “Everything is perfectly fine and normal. No reason to be worried at all.”
“Saying that just makes me more suspicious,” Ella warned, noticing how Bridget tensed up a little before sighing, almost as if her resolve was breaking. With just a little more pressure, Bridget would spill everything to her but it seemed like not much effort would be needed from Ella as Bridget was already undoing herself, fidgeting in her seat as she tried not to look back and giveaway who it was. Stopping for a moment before Ella looked back herself to see who it was, she rested a hand on Bridget’s arm and said, “It’s fine Bridget, you can tell me anything. I’m certainly not one to judge you.”
“You’re right,” Bridget smiled, returning the favour and grabbing onto Ella’s wrist, running a thumb over it. “I just noticed someone staring at me and…” “And you think they’re cute?” Ella finished the sentence for her, one of her eyebrows raising at Bridget as she waited for a response. Thinning her lips together, Bridget nodded her head, the blush that was previously coating her cheeks intensifying. “Okay, who is it?”
“Well…” Bridget trailed off, her eyes flicking backwards before looking back at Ella. With a nod of her head in his direction, the two of them looked back at the same time to see Hook still staring at Bridget, the same smirk still coating his face. His eyes didn’t move from Bridget’s face, solely focused on her and not even acknowledging Ella. Raising his hand that wasn’t occupied with a hook, Hook blew a kiss towards Bridget, a chuckle pouring from his mouth when both Bridget and Ella whipped back around.
“Did he just?” Bridget started, not having to finish her sentence for Ella to understand.
“Yeah,” She nodded, just as surprised as Bridget. This was news to Ella. She would have to do a serious amount of stalking and research before she let that pirate anywhere near her friend but for now, it wouldn’t hurt. “Looks like you won’t have to look too hard for a Castlecoming date.”
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
Can I Get A Kiss?
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PAIRING | Rengoku Kyoujurou/Uzui Tengen
SUMMARY | Rengoku is on his way to teach a class when he is suddenly yanked to the side by his husband and fellow teacher. What could Tengen want so urgently that he must manhandle Rengoku out of the hallway? A kiss.
RATING | General Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply
A/N | This is my first time partaking in a month-long prompt list so I'm going to do my best to keep up with it can get as many done as I can. It'll hopefully give me a reason to write more which I desperately need. Also, if you'd like to support me then you should consider downloading the Kinder World app with this link. My referral code is WV9K4X but if you need a new referral code then feel free to reach out!
EVENTS | @aug-kissed | Indirect Kiss
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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“Tengen, you know you can’t do this while we’re teaching,” Rengoku whisper-shouted at the taller man who was currently caging him against a wall. With one of Tengen’s large hands placed next to his head, the other cupping his cheek as his head was tilted back to allow Tengen easier access to his lips, Rengoku was essentially stuck with nowhere else to go after Tengen had randomly grabbed and yanked him down a random hallway as students made their way to their next class. “What if a student sees us?”
“Screw the students,” Tengen groaned with a roll of his eyes, making Rengoku let out a shocked gasp and deliver a slap to his shoulder. A soft scoff tumbled from Tengen’s lips at Rengoku’s action, the frown that had morphed onto his face at the mention of the annoying twerps slowly lifting into a smile the longer he stared at Rengoku’s face. “Besides, what harm will a little kiss do them?”
“Have you ever heard of public indecency?” Rengoku accused him, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back into the wall and stared up at Tengen, their proximity making it so that they were already almost locking lips. It was already a struggle for Rengoku to go a day at school without spending every free moment with Tengen, wanting nothing more than to slip his hand into Tengen’s while they walked through the hall or were on lunch break. Being cornered by the taller man didn’t help. “We also don’t need another complaint filed against us by the staff or a student spreading rumours.”
“No one’s going to report us or start a rumour that we haven’t already heard before,” Tengen reminded Rengoku, the two of them having to deal with numerous amounts of rumours in the past, some directly linked to the other while some were completely unrelated. Unlike Tengen, Rengoku would be drained by them, too interested in what others were saying while Tengen used it for nothing but a source of amusement, only shooting them down when Rengoku was involved. Switching on a flashy smile, Tengen’s voice dropped as he said, “Come on, Kyōjurō, just one kiss.”
“Not at school,” Rengoku said, narrowed eyes as he smiled up at his husband, a hand coming up to separate his lips from Tengen’s and act as a barrier so he couldn’t try again. Rengoku could tell his smile was beginning to strain, the tips of his ears burning red from how Tengen had said his name. “You know the rules. Once we’re off school grounds we’re free to do whatever we like. There’s only one more hour until lunch and then the day will fly after that. Now get out of my way, you’re going to make me late for my class.”
“Ugh, you act so unflashy when we’re at school,” Tengen groaned, dropping his head so it rested on Rengoku’s shoulder, a position that surely wasn’t comfortable due to their height difference. Rengoku set a hand on Tengen’s waist and gave it a quick reassuring squeeze as if not being able to kiss truly pained him. The gentle touch finally spurred Tengen to get up and move on to his next class. “I’ll be waiting for you at our desks in the staffroom, make sure you’re not late for lunch.” 
“When have I ever been late?” Rengoku asked, a large grin pulling at his cheeks as he stared up at Tengen. Tengen wondered how the man was able to always smile no matter the situation. Even while he was asleep, Tengen had caught Rengoku with a soft smile on his face, making him look ethereal in the soft mornings they spent together.
“Is that a serious question?” Tengen deadpanned, eyes squinting down at Rengoku. Giving a small shake of his head, Rengoku pushed off the wall and began making his way to the History corridor, its direction the complete opposite of the Art. Despite this, Tengen chased after him, not quite done with the conversation yet. “Every time one of those little twerps comes up to you, you spend an extra ten minutes with them.”
“I promise this time I won’t get distracted,” Rengoku barked out, his loud voice echoing down the hallway and getting the attention of any stragglers who hadn’t yet made it to class. At the sound of Rengoku’s voice, they turned with large smiles to greet him but when their eyes landed on Tengen they quickly turned back around and hurried off. What had one of Rengoku’s students called it? Scary dog privilege?
“I’ll make sure to walk extra slowly and wait a couple of minutes to warm our lunch up,” Tengen clarified, coming to a stop at a staircase where Rengoku would have to go up. On any other occasion, Tengen wouldn’t mind walking Rengoku to his class but they had already wasted a good portion of the period messing around together so he would need to get back soon.
“I said I’d be there on time,” Rengoku rebutted, a bit of a whine filling his voice as he walked up two of the steps before turning around so he could face Tengen again, their height a bit more evenly matched now. Rengoku never tried to be late to lunch, just sometimes some of his students would ask him a few questions and he’d get a bit too invested in answering them. 
“And I know you’ll try your hardest,” Tengen teased, attempting to lean in to give Rengoku a parting kiss just for Rengoku’s hand to come up at the last second and take up the space in between them, blocking him off once again. Yelling into Rengoku’s hand, Tengen screamed, “Oh, come on!”
“I’ll see you during our lunch break,” Rengoku said, giving a soft smile before he turned around and made his way up the stairs, some haste behind his steps as he rushed to his class. Not looking back, Rengoku didn’t know if Tengen stood there for a few moments, still fuming at his missed opportunity to kiss Rengoku or had done the responsible thing and slunk off to class. Something told Rengoku that he went with the former, watching with a pouty glare as Rengoku made his way to the classroom of kids who were waiting for him. 
What Tengen didn’t see though once Rengoku rounded the corner, was Rengoku lifting his hand to his lips and placing a kiss on the palm of his hand after checking no one else was in the hallway, touching exactly where Tengen’s lips had previously been. 
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
Dirty Hands (Dirty Fighting)
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PAIRING | Rengoku Kyoujurou/Uzui Tengen
SUMMARY | Rengoku and Tengen like to spar. Too bad every time they do they turn into feral animals, obtaining the attention of everyone within hearing distance. Some of the nonsense they spew at each other can sometimes be heard and misinterpreted, leading to some interesting conversations to take place.
RATING | Teen And Up Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | Graphic Depictions Of Violence
A/N | This is my first time writing for the Demon Slayer fandom as well as this ship so I might've not gotten the characteristics of the characters down yet but I'm hoping to get there soon. @synaergy thank you for the name idea <3
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | "I Suggest You Think Carefully About Your Next Actions | "Let Me Kiss It Better | @fandombingo | Meeting As Equals | Kyōjurō Rengoku | @anyfandomfluffbingo | "Have I Told You I Love You Today | @character-a-character-b | Animalistic Domination | Caught In The Act | @fandom-free-bingo | Duelling | Army Men | "Why Are You Like This?" | @multifandom-flash | Blood On The Debate Floor | Training The Gift of Magic
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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Fixing his grip on the wooden sparring sword in his hands, Rengoku slowed his breath by taking large gasps through his mouth, relaxing his body while his eyes stayed trained on Tengen a few meters across from him. Tengen was in a much different state in comparison to Rengoku. Seeming to be the embodiment of relaxation, Tengen stood tall and proud, holding the waster blade sloppily in his hand as he waited to start. Perhaps Rengoku should be looking at their spar in the same light as Tengen, but he couldn’t help the competitive streak that shot through him.
“Whenever you’re ready, Pretty Boy,” Tengen called out, a crooked grin stretching across his face as he lifted the wooden sparring sword and rested it along his broad shoulders, his whole demeanour screaming cocky. Ignoring the name Tengen had decided to yell out, Rengoku gives him half a second as he drops down into a well-thought-out offensive stance before powering forward. If Tengen blicked, he would’ve missed it, Rengoku almost vanishing into thin air. Although Tengen hadn’t blinked. Spiralling around just as Rengoku’s wooden blade was about to come down, Tengen blocked him midair, grinning as Rengoku landed with their swords still meeting in the middle. “Some warning next time would be nice.”
“You said to start whenever I was ready,” Rengoku stated with his usual grin on his face, not shying away as the test of their strength was put into play. From any outsider's perspective, it would seem Tengen had the advantage given his much taller build and larger frame, the man towering over Rengoku. He also had a few extra years of experience on him but Rengoku tried not to pay too much mind to that; Not when right now his arms were beginning to shake with trying to keep Tengen’s own wooden waster at bay. Before forcing Tengen’s blade to the side, giving him just enough time to backstep out of his reach, Rengoku says, “If you weren’t ready then you could’ve just said so.”
“Why, you little shit,” A low chuckle escaped from Tengen’s lips as he spoke, flexing the sword in his hand before he was the one charging at Rengoku, causing the Flame Hashira to jump back to evade his attack, switching to the defensive. Tengen, however, didn’t let him rest, chasing after Rengoku until he was forced to meet his flying wooden blade. Taking one last leap backwards, using the few milliseconds that distance earned him to change his footing and plunge forward, Rengoku and Tengen’s swords began to meet in quick and precise clashes, the two chunks of wood never staying together for more than a few seconds at a time. 
The two of them moved in flashes of colour, never staying in the same spot for more than a moment as they continuously tried to push the other back, giving them less space to move so they’d be more susceptible to taking a hit. Although they were fighting with wood, their Nichirin blades hidden away for when they needed to use them in a real battle, their strikes still left a lasting punch. Speaking of lasting punch, Tengen pushed his body low, making himself move slightly quicker as he barreled into Rengoku, his free arm wrapping around Rengoku’s middle as he ran with him hanging onto his arm.
Slightly dazed by the sudden attack, not expecting Tengen to attempt anything but thrusting his sword at him at that moment, one of Rengoku’s hands clung onto the bare skin of his arm while the other twisted his sword around, slamming the butt of the wooden tool into Tengen’s temple, making Tengen stumble over his feet as he was attacked in any humans natural weak spot. Tengen’s stumbling turned into tumbling as his legs gave out beneath him for a moment, Rengoku dropping from his arm and rolling back as Tengen’s knees hit the ground.
 “Hey, that was a dirty move,” Tengen snapped, twisting around to see where Rengoku was standing in a defensive position, not letting his guard down for a second even if Tengen was momentarily on the floor. Slowly pushing himself up from where he was rested on all fours, Tengen faced Rengoku with a scowl, pushing his foot under his discarded blade before kicking it up into the sky and snapping it out of the air with a quick grab, muttering while he did so, “So unflashy.”
“You’re the unflashy one,” Rengoku argued despite the smile he always wore staying adorned on his face, making his argument look a little ridiculous in Tengen’s eyes. For a guy who stood barely past his shoulders, it was hard for Tengen to find anything that the younger Hashira did threatening, Rengoku making everything look adorable no matter what he tried. One of Rengoku’s oddly shaped eyebrows arched up as he questioned in his usual loud voice, “Why were you trying to throw me over your shoulder like one of your wives?”
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“Because you are one of my wives,” Came a loud shout from not too far away, catching the attention of Tanjirou, Inosuke and Zenitsu, all of their heads turning to try and see where it had come from. To Tanjirou, it sounded like it had come from the other side of the Butterfly Mansion, just beyond what they could see, and by the looks of it, Inosuke had the same idea, his head facing the general direction in which they heard it. Zenitsu's aura suddenly turned sour at the shout, as if his day had been ruined by the simple presence of whoever owned it.
“We should go and check that noise out,” Tanjirou suggested, waiting for an agreeing nod from Inosuke as he snapped himself into a standing position and a long, drawn-out groan from Zenitsu as if the thought of moving pained him too much. Furrowing his brows at Zenitsu’s sudden deflated persona, the shift occurred lightning quick. “Rengoku might be in trouble.”
“Rengoku should be in bed healing, just like we should be,” Zenitus whined as Tanjirou grabbed onto his hand and began dragging him towards the commotion, Inosuke leading the way with march-like steps. Leaving his boar mask behind on the hot day, Inosuke showed off his dark hair, the tips of it clashing with the bright blue. Tugging uselessly on his arm once, Zenitus gave up when Tanjirou’s hold didn’t immediately break, instead choosing to complain more as he said, “He’s not that much of an idiot that he would purposely go out of his way to worsen his injuries.”
“Just because he’s staying at the Butterfly Mansion doesn’t mean he’s injured,” Tanjirou reasoned, shooting down any and all of Zenitsu’s doubts as they continued onwards, tugging Zenitsu along. Inosuke chose to cut through the main building as he led the way with no real haste in his steps. “He might just be stopping here for a few days while he waits for his next mission.”
“Okay…” Zenitsu deflated, allowing himself to be dragged along almost willingly for the remainder of the short walk. Although there was no rush behind their steps, the three of them still made light work of getting through the mansion, Inosuke pushing open some of the building doors to reveal the voice that had been shouting earlier as well as another.
The scene in front of them left Tanjirou, Inosuke and Zenitsu shocked, the three of them stood in a line as dumbfounded expressions took over their faces. Displayed before them were Rengoku and Tengen rolling around the floor like rabid animals, the both of them attempting to get the upper ground while yelling profundities at the other. Every time it looked like one of them was about to come out successful, the other was able to weasel their way out of the hold they had somehow found themselves stuck in, further repeating the cycle.
“If I’m one of your wives like you like to claim,” Rengoku began booming in his loud voice, Tengen held under him for a few moments as he sat on his chest. Already, Tengen was grabbing hold of Rengoku’s ankle, twisting the two of them around until it looked like Rengoku was going to land underneath him, the action only stopped when Rengoku was able to interlock his fingers around Tengen’s neck. “When are you going to ask my father if you can wed me.”
“I’ll ask him when you finally agree to let me court you,” Breaking out of the headlock that Rengoku had somehow been able to shove him into, Tengen finally snapped the smaller Hashira under him, one of his large hands coming down to hold Rengoku in place. He had been lying there for less than a second and Tengen could already see Rengoku gearing up to try and escape, some absurd tactic flickering to life behind his eyes. Trying to cut off the attack before it even happened, Tengen brought his other hand up to hold Rengoku’s hip in place, grumbling lowly, “I suggest you think very carefully about your next actions.”
Rengoku seemed to soften at that, some of the strain in his body lessening as he stared up at Tengen with wide eyes, breath panting out from his lips. For a few short-lived moments, Tengen thought that would be the end of his struggle and maybe–just maybe–an agreement to finally start the traditional procedures of courting. However, those hopes came crashing down as Rengoku launched himself towards Tengen, his forehead flying towards his face.
“Why are you like this?” Zenitsu’s high-pitched voice screeched out just as Rengoku’s head came crashing into Tengen’s nose, blood immediately spilling from it due to the hard impact. The gasp that followed from Zenitsu not only snapped his two companions out of their shock but also had Rengoku and Tengen’s heads pivoting around to face them.
Both of the Hashria’s faces scrunched at the sight of the younger Demon Slayers, not expecting any spectators as they sparred. Tengen seemed to be more annoyed at their addition though, his eyes rolling at Zenitsu’s interruption as he boredly asked, “Are you talking to him or me?”
“You, you idiot,” Zenitsu cried as he began marking forward, walking to the end of the deck where he stood tall with his arms crossed over his chest. No matter what the circumstances, Zenitsu always seemed to have a bone to pick with Tengen, no matter if they were fighting demons in the Entertainment District or if Tengen had blood dripping down his face from where Rengoku had headbutted him. Both Tanjirou and Inoskue stood behind him with their heads being faceplanted into their hands, waiting for Zenitsu’s outburst to come to an end. “Every time I see you, you’re always doing something! If it’s not kidnapping little girls then it’s harassing your fellow Hashira!”
“You’ve kidnapped little girls?” Rengoku hissed in question, his owlish eyes blinking at Tengen with uncertainty. This was the first time he had heard of anything of the sort. 
“That never happened,” Tengen quickly snapped, his head whipping around to face Rengoku. The thought of telling Rengoku had crossed Tengen’s mind a few times but he’d rather live to see another day without facing his future wife-to-be’s husband-to-be's wrath but now that whiny twerp had gone and ruined it. “How about you butt out. What are you even doing here?”
“What are we doing here?” Zenitsu scoffed loudly, steam almost erupting from his ears at the accusation. Pointing his nose up high into the air, Zenitsu’s voice cracked as he said, “We’ve been here all week! You’re the one who just randomly showed up.”
“Stop embarrassing yourself Monitsu,” Inosuke suddenly shouted, charging into Zenitsu’s back and almost knocking him over. Trying to stabilise the both of them quickly, Zenistu threw himself into an upright position with Inosuke clinging to his back, the boar-headed Demon Slayer getting comfortable there. “You’ve whined enough today already. I don’t know how much longer I can sit hear and listen to you scratch about nonsense. Your voice would’ve had you killed in the mountains.”
“Well, good thing we’re not in the mountains,” Tanjirou tried to quickly defuse the situation that was quickly escalating, attempting to pull Inosuke from Zenitsu’s back so they could hide away from the situation they had just made very awkward. When the two showed no signs of moving, Tanjirou dashed in front of them and bowed deeply to Rengoku and Tengen. “My deepest apologies for them. I’ll try and get them under control.”
“You better,” Tengen groaned, hardly sparing Tanjirou any attention, the other two starting to give him a headache. Turning back to Rengoku who was still sitting majority under him, Tengen asked, “Now, where were we?”
“You were telling me the part where you tried to kidnap some girls,” Rengoku prompted, a glare on his face.
“That never happened,” Tengen settled quickly, swearing that he would get back at Zenitsu some way. Staring down at Rengoku, Tengen’s attitude quickly changed, taking note of the positions they were actually in. Leaning down and presenting the bloody nose that had started to dry, he asked, “Moving on, do you think you can kiss it better?”
“No,” Rengoku said sharply. 
“Have I told you I loved you today?” Tengen tried again.
“Once you ask my father to wed me, then I’ll hear you.”
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
Sweet And Spice
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PAIRING | Bridget | Queen of Hearts/James Hook
SUMMARY | Bridget's gone missing. Or at least, Red and Chloe can't find her after they get split up for a class they've been forced into. Worried something irreversible might happen while she's out of their sight, they recruit Ella to help locate her. What they uncover is far from what they thought they'd find.
RATING | General Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply
A/N | First time writing for Descendants, hope you all like it!
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | Playing With Someone's Hair | @fandombingo | Unexpected Visitor | @anyfandomfluffbingo | "It's Not Like This With Them" | @multifandom-flash | The Jabberwocky | Heal The Cutie | I Did What I Had To Do | Don't You Dare Pity Me | @fandom-free-bingo | Whumper Turned Caretaker | Failure To Remain Impartial | Nervous Laughter | @character-a-character-b | Rivals To Lovers
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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“Hey, Ella,” Red called as she saw the younger version of her newfound friend's mum walk out of one of her classes, a hand raised to wave her over. Chloe’s brows pinched together as her eyes scanned between her mother and Red, attempting to decipher what Red could possibly want with her mum instead of her own. Once Ella stepped over to them, Chloe shook herself out of her thoughts and shot Ella a smile, both of them waiting for Red to speak up once again. “Have you seen Bridget? We haven’t seen her since the whole Uliana incident.”
“No, I haven’t seen her either come to think of it,” Ella murmured, taking a quick scan around the hallway the three of them were in before a concerned look made its way onto her face. Chloe couldn’t tell what that look could mean, unexpectedly foreign to everything about this version of her mum. “But I can help you look for her since my next class is with her.”
“Great,” Red exclaimed, a large grin spreading across her face as she hovered around Ella. Still unused to the layout of Auradon or Merlin Academy, Red didn’t know where to begin looking, leaving that up to Ella to decide. Chloe may have a bit more luck in the sense of the direction, visiting Auradon occasionally to see her brother whenever there was an event taking place at the school, but it was still vastly different to what she had come to know. “Do you have any ideas where she could be? Any places that she goes to when she needs to think or… something?”
“Have you checked her dorm?” Ella asked to which both girls nodded in response to, Briget’s dorm being the first place they checked once they were able to get away from one of the classes they had been roped into. That made Ella’s face contort a bit more as she thought of all the unusual places Bridget might be lurking in between classes. She must’ve had a free period, Ella thought. There wasn’t enough time in between classes to hang out or do whatever, there was hardly enough to even go to your locker and get the book you needed. “She might be in the courtyard somewhere. She normally sits out there when she's looking for a new recipe to try out.”
“That’s perfect,” Chloe said, ready to start walking and go looking for Bridget. With how close Castlecoming was, they couldn’t afford for her to leave their sight. As Chloe walked through the hallway, a loud cough caught her attention. Spinning on her heel to see what was up, she came face to face with Ella who was staring at her with a raised brow. Right, Merlin Acadamy was different to Auradon Prep. With a sheepish smile, Chloe asked, “Would you like to lead the way?”
“Sure,” Ella responded with a crooked smile before starting off in the right direction, leading the newcomers to where Bridget could potentially be. They walked for a few moments in silence, Red and Chloe slightly behind Ella’s pacing as they eyed one another, attempting to have a silent conversation as to what Bridget may be doing and how this could be related to the prank that created their future when Ella turned around abruptly, walking backwards as she asked, “Why do you need to find Bridget anyway?”
“Uh,” Red floundered for a second, trying to think of a lie on the spot while Chloe was two seconds away from revealing the truth about everything. The longer they took to answer, the more suspicious Ella grew, her eyes narrowing a bit as her pace slowed, forcing them to shorten their steps to not overtake Ella. “She said she’d show us around to all of our classes but we didn’t know where to meet her after each one so we’re a bit lost.”
“Makes sense,” Ella nodded, spinning back around to lead them out of the school's building and into the large open space the grounds had. Red’s eyes instantly began scanning the area for her mum, hoping to find some pink peeking out from around a corner so she could relax and know her mum was safe. “I could also show you guys around if you ever needed it. Normally they have someone give new students a tour if they come late in the year but they must’ve forgotten to this time.”
“Yeah, must’ve,” Chloe trailed off, joining Red in her search. Ella looked to be the only one who wasn’t actively looking for Bridget, just leading them around and hoping they would stumble upon her, though Ella must’ve had to find Bridget on numerous occasions to not be concerned at all as to where she might be. “Does Bridget disappear often? You just seem really calm even though we don’t know where she is.”
“Bridget’s a big girl, she can take care of herself,” Ella easily supplied, shrugging her shoulders as they continued their search. The more they looked, the more Chloe was beginning to lose hope that Bridget might be in the courtyard, though the grounds seemed to stretch on for ages. If they didn’t find her soon then they might have to try a different location, though Chloe wasn’t sure how much longer Ella could stay with them before she was late for class. They had already been gone for quite a while so there was no doubt in Chloe’s mind that classes had already begun. “That and this isn’t the first time she’s lost track of time and missed a couple minutes of class trying to find something new to bake. I normally always find her in the same spot which should be right around here.”
Just as Ella said it, the three of them rounded a corner, in front of them but still a few metres away was Bridget sitting at a picnic bench, her skirt fanning around her seat as a closed cooking book was placed in the space next to her. Chloe could see the side of her face, a smile on her face as she looked down at something she hadn’t yet taken notice of. Getting ready to call out to the cheerful girl, Chloe was suddenly yanked back by her jacket, the breath leaving her as she was pulled behind the wall they just stepped around. 
“What was that for?” Chloe hissed, looking over her shoulder to where Red was clutching onto her. 
“Look,” Red whispered while pointing at Bridget. Chloe’s head spun back around to see what she was trying to indicate to look at. Squinting her eyes to try and help, Chloe was about to raise another question when she finally spotted what Red was trying to show her. Kneeled just in front of Bridget was Captain Hook. Chloe’s jaw dropped at the sight of Bridget’s hands being held by James Hook as the two spoke to one another.
“We’re too far away to hear what they’re saying,” Ella murmured, crouched on the floor as her head stuck around the corner and tried to get a better look. It was to no avail though as the picnic table and Bridget blocked most of Captain Hook. “We need to get closer?”
“How?” Chloe asked, not seeing any hiding points they could use to their advantage. Chloe didn’t get any form of response as Ella took off in a crouched run to a nearby tree, hiding behind it before Bridget or Hook could get wind of her actions. Chloe was again about to ask another question before Red followed in Ella’s actions, making quick work of getting to the large oak tree and hiding behind it. The two of them looked at Chloe expectantly, waiting for her to join them. Murmuring to herself, Chloe said before she made a quick sprint to the tree, “Here goes nothing.”
Taking quick steps, Chloe almost slammed into Red in her efforts to get behind the tree without being noticed. It seemed it didn’t matter what they did though as Bridget and Hook were too caught up in one another to pay attention to them. 
“You know,” Hook started, reaching a hand up to curl some of Bridget’s hair around his finger. The grin on Bridget’s face immediately widened at the action, a trickle of nervous laughter escaping her lips as she waited for him to finish his sentence. At the same time that Bridget’s laughter reached their ears, Red stiffened next to them, clearly not liking the sight in front of them. “The two of us are going to be awfully late to our next class.”
“If he doesn’t back away I’m going to feed him to the Jabberwocky,” Red hissed, hands scrunching into tight fists.
“That’s okay,” Bridget’s voice came out in an airy sigh, almost leaning into Hook’s hand. She looked completely smitten, like she was hanging onto Hook’s every action and word. “As long as I get to spend time with you away from the others then it doesn’t matter.”
“About that,” Hook sighed, backing up from Bridget only slightly, his hand leaving her hair to once again fiddle with her delicate fingers. Bridget’s brows furrowed at the unexpected retreat, a sombre expression captivating Hook’s face and making her more aware of what was happening. “I’m sorry about the whole Uliana thing that happened earlier. I told her it was pointless to steal your flamingo feathers but you know Uliana; she always has to be doing something she considers wicked.”
“Oh, that’s whatever,” Bridget easily brushed off, her shoulders bunching up in a shrug as she acted like being chased around the school by an angry Uliana who had been turned partly into a flamingo was no big deal. “I tried to warn her but she just didn’t listen.”
“Maybe next time you can save me one of your cupcakes before they get ruined?” Hook suggested, making Bridget grin shyly and her legs to swing back in little kicks.
“Why is he acting like this in front of my mum- Bridget? In front of Bridget?” Red said, having to save herself since they were in front of Ella. The two of them must be starting to look really suspicious since Chloe had also messed up in front of Ella, accidentally calling her mum as well, although she hadn’t been able to save it as gracefully.
“He must not be able to act this way in front of his own friends,” Chloe suggested, baffled by the turn of events that was playing out in front of them.
“Whatever the reason, I don’t like it.”
“Maybe we should leave them be for a bit,” Ella warned, her eyes stuck to the way Bridget and Hooked were glued to one another, their eyes never straying from the other as they spoke, secluded from everyone else. “It feels like we’re intruding.”
“I’ll make sure I bake extra next time,” One of Bridget’s hands lightly flicked to the cookbook by her side, its cover a mixture of pastels. Her lashes seemed to be fluttering wildly at Hook as a soft blush coated her cheeks. Hook’s face remained a mixture of content and smug as his thumb ran along the back of the hand that Bridget let him keep. Shyly, Bridget offered, “Maybe you can help me taste test, James?” “Yep, definitely time to leave,” Red announced, grabbing onto Chloe’s arm and pulling her away before she could hear any objections. Ella chased after them once she realised they were gone, but not after watching Bridget and Hook for a few extra moments. Before Ella caught up enough for her to hear, Red mumbled to Chloe, “I’m not watching as my mum flirts with Captain Hook.”
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
That's My Girl
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PAIRING | Angel Dust & Cherri Bomb
SUMMARY | After many exhausting days of performing at the studio and attempting to further his progress at the hotel, Angel is left in a sour mood after not being able to spend his time as he wants it. Cherri decides it's finally time for her to step in but after being denied her right to spend time with her best friend by some staff at the hotel, things take a turn for the unexpected as Angel makes a stand.
RATING | Teen And Up Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply
A/N | I've been meaning to post this for a while but found myself taking a bit of a break before I could move the fic onto this platform. I had a great time writing for this event and hopefully will be able to enter some more in the future. @rubra-wav created the beautiful banner below so go check out their content since they have some amazing stuff.
EVENTS | @character-a-character-b | Between The Lines | "She’s my person. If I murdered someone, she’s the person I’d call to help me drag the corpse across the living room floor. She’s my person."
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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The past few weeks for Angel Dust had been hard. After being yanked back and forth between the studio and the hotel, Val constantly breathing down his neck while Charlie tried to rope him into redemption-themed activities, it had all started to take its toll on Angel. 
That’s why when he walked into the lobby of the hotel wearing a cropped pink hoodie that showed his second pair of arms that hung limp and some comfortable shorts and sat down at the bar without saying a word to anyone, it raised some alarm bells. Instead of greeting at least Husk like he would any other time he was in a slump, Angel sat with his head propped up by one of his hands, the other scrolling through the latest messages Val had sent him.
Every message his eyes scanned over it seemed it was from a different person, the tone changing drastically with every word. It didn’t matter how Val said it though, it all meant the same thing. He was wanted back at the studio that night and how Val had twisted his words in every message into something sugary before it flashed into a dripping of venom, Angel doubted he would be coming back to the hotel for a few days.
That conclusion only seemed to sour Angel’s mood more than it already had been, so much so that he didn’t even notice the drink Husk had placed in front of him or how Charlie seemed like she was gearing up to try and change his mood. The only thing that Angel did notice was the series of emojis that flashed at the top of his screen, the calling card of someone familiar.
Spinning in his chair just as the doors to the hotel were thrust open, Angel came face to face with a grinning Cherri Bomb. Ignoring everyone else in the room, Cherri headed straight for Angel, latching onto him with a large grin. “Hey Angie, how’ve you been bitch?”
“Oh, you know,” Angel could already feel his mood start to brighten as he spoke with Cherri, her presence having an immediate effect on him. After moving into the hotel, Angel hasn’t had many chances to meet up with Cherri, almost all of their usual activities being deemed unredeemable and setting back any of the progress Angel had made in his journey to Heaven. “Just hangin’ out or gettin’ work done.”
“Sounds to me like you need a night out,” Cherri exclaimed, giving away the motives of this interaction. Feeling his body react to that suggestion before his mind could even comprehend what she had in store for the two of them, Angel was grinning and nodding his head, wanting to hear more of the life he had unfortunately given up for redemption. “We can go back to my place to get ready and take a few shots before we hit up all the best clubs. I might even be able to get us a special something.”
“That sounds-” Angel started, pushing himself up from his stool and pocketing his phone. He was getting ready to agree with Cherri, a nice day away from everyone sounding nice when Vaggie cut her way into their conversation, almost shielding Angel with her body as she set herself up as a physical barrier.
“Terrible,” The short woman finished for him. Cherri almost recoiled at the intervention while Angel shoved his forehead into his hand, the two of them eyeing Vaggie with clear disdain. “Maybe you’ve forgotten why Angel Dust is staying here but it’s so he can be redeemed. Going out to get wasted or high completely undermines everything Charlie has been working for.”
“Oh, what Charlie’s been workin’ for?” Angel repeated with a laugh. He immediately came to Cherri’s defence, sliding his way past Vaggie, much to the girl's annoyance so that he could stand next to his friend instead. “I thought I was the one workin’ to redemption, meanin’ I can do whatever I want with my progress.”
“Let’s be real here for a second, okay Angel Dust?” A loud scoff escaped from Vaggie’s lips as she looked up at Angel, disgust evident on her face as if she was being forced to talk to him right now. Angel had seen that look a few times before and while he was new at the hotel he would’ve called her out for it without a second thought, but now as he spent more time here he tried not to cause as many fights for Charlie’s sake. “Charlie has worked harder for your redemption than you have. Now if we say you shouldn't do something because it’s either going to make you, the hotel or us bad, then you shouldn’t do it. Going out with Cherri is one of those things.”
“Angie’s allowed to do whatever he wants. You don’t own him so I don’t know why you’re trying to control him,” It was Cherri’s turn to come to his defence as she pointed an accusing finger at Vaggie. Her words seemed to anger the Fallen Angel more but surprisingly Vaggie bit he tongue, allowing Cherri to go on.  “Hey Princess, why don’t you call off your guard dog?”
There was no answer from the Princess of Hell as the silence stretched across the room. It was clear that being referred to as a guard dog seemed to set Vaggie off but Angel didn’t bother indulging her as he turned to Charlie, staring at her with furrowed brows and a confusion-laced expression as he called out to her softly, “Charlie?”
“I agree with Vaggie, Angel,” The response took a few moments but her answer seemed to rock through Angel, his mask slipping as the confusion he was feeling worsened into betrayal. Charlie was defiantly one of the hotel residents he had grown closer to so hearing those words leave her mouth sent half of Angel’s world tumbling, the other half remaining in a tight cage with Val. “We’ve both worked very hard for this Angel and we can’t just let you throw it all away for a one-night bender. Unless the two of you can think of something peaceful to do here while supervised, I think it’s best Cherri Bomb leaves.”
“Are you being serious right now?” Cherri loudly cried, her voice shooting towards Charlie with anger lacing every word. Just like Cherri, Angel couldn’t believe the words coming from Charlie’s mouth right now. “I’ve known Angie longer than all of you put together and this is how you think you can treat me? No wonder no one else has signed up for this hotel.”
“You heard the Princess,” Vaggie grouched, summoning her Angelic Weapon to point the spear tip at Cherri, forcing her to start moving towards the door. Angel watched the action with gritted teeth, not understanding where the sudden dislike for Cherri among the hotel staff had come from but knowing he wasn’t going to stand for it.
“What the fuck do you all think you’re doin’?” Angel’s voice rose, his words aimed at Vaggie as she tried to hound Cherri away. The shout sent a halt through the room, all eyes turning to Angel, surprised to see the outburst. “I’m not sure when you all started thinkin’ that you can control what I do when I spend my time at the hotel but I ain’t going to stand around and allow that to happen. Especially not when you think you can act like that to my best friend.”
“Angel I’m sure we can talk about this once you’ve calmed down-” Charlie tried to amend, her hands up in a surrendering position as she tried to reach Angel. 
“I don’t need to calm down when you’re treatin’ Cherri like that,” It was almost a hiss as the words left Angel’s mouth. No longer did he stay rooted to his spot as he began walking back towards Cherri, glaring at Vaggie and Charlie as he went, making sure the two of them knew his words were aimed at them. “Cherri’s my person. If I murdered someone, she’s the person I’d call to help me drag the corpse across the livin’ room floor. If I need to get wasted out of my mind then I’m goin’ to send her a message. If I want to destroy everythin’ that I’ve been doing for the past few months then she’s going to be by my side and if you can’t get on board with that then maybe my stay here should be cut short.”
“Angel, wait,” Charlie tried but it was all in vain.
“You would do that for me?” Cherri questioned, her one eye blinking up at Angel with admiration.
“Of course, I would Cher,” Angel grinned down at her linking one of his many arms with hers as he flipped the rest of the hotel off. Though he was giving up the free roof over his head he would rather stand by Cherri’s side. “I’ll be back for Fat Nuggets tomorrow unless you two can reconsider your redemption practices.”
“I knew I could always count on you, Angel,” A laugh rippled from Cherri as she began to fire up again, her instinct no longer screaming at her to stand up and fight back at whoever opposed her. Redefining their linked arms, Cherri began pulling them towards the hotel's door, no longer needing Vaggie’s spear pointed at her back to do so. “Now, let’s blow this place.”
“Couldn’t have put in any better myself,” Angel cackled, following after Cherri as she summoned a bomb and threw it at the door, leaving a large, gaping hole for the two of them as they dashed out of it, giggles spilling from their lips. 
They didn’t stop moving for a long time after that, Cherri leading Angel back to her house like she promised they would, the two of them taking the long way back as they weren’t fully convinced Charlie wouldn’t try to run after them. But as they spilled into Cherri’s room, the two of them flopped back onto her bed and curled into one another, they realised they had the night all to themselves.
“I’m sorry if I put you in a tough spot, Angie,” Cherri murmured, voice quiet as they lay side by side. Angel hadn’t really thought about what he had said since leaving the hotel, leaving that all to tomorrow when he finally went back to either have a serious talk with Charlie and Vaggie or to pack his bags. “You can always stay here if you need to. And if that doesn’t work for you I can help you find a new place.”
“Don’t worry about it Cherri,” Angel put a quick stop to her rambling, wrapping his arms around her to pull her in for a tight hug. “I’d do the same thing all over again if I had to. Not even redemption compares to you.”
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
The Taste of Your Lips All Over Mine
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PAIRING | Angel Dust/Husk
SUMMARY | Invited to the annual Overlord ball, Angel has big plans for the night. With his father and brother overlooking his every move as the family business is put in jeopardy, there isn't much room for mistakes. Good thing Angel's target for the night willingly walks straight into his trap.
RATING | Mature
WARNING/TAG(S) | Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
A/N | @rubra-wav created the beautiful banner below so go check out their content since they have some amazing stuff.
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | First Kiss | Whispering Sweet Nothings | @fandombingo | Repeatedly Checking Their Pulse To Assure Yourself Their Still Alive | @multifandom-flash | Drugged Lipstick | How Many Fingers | Have I Mentioned I Am Sexually Active Today? | @fandom-free-bingo | Curiosity Killed The Cat | @character-a-character-b | Primal Encounters
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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The dress that Angel wore hugged every curve of his body, keeping him snug within the black and pink fabrics. As he walked through the Overlord gathering he held himself with poise, playing the part he needed to for tonight. 
It wasn’t often that a gathering such as this was held. The monthly meetings were a bore of politics that Angel never bothered showing up for, sending his brother in his place so he could hear the conversation later on, but this was different. This was an event that only happened once a year, a gathering of everyone important with even the chance of one of the Deadly’s making an appearance.
Angel had a mission though, one he couldn’t afford to mess up while his father and brother were mingling in the crowd keeping Sinner’s occupied. Recently a chunk of their territory had been stolen, and with it vanished some of their profit all due to a certain Gambling Demon earning more confidence and attempting to reach further across the pentagram.
Though Angel hadn’t cared personally for the loss, his family had taken it as a personal attack, sending him to deal with the problem and what better place than the annual gala that he would attend? That’s why he was walking around the large hall looking out for the short demon while in the best dress he could find, hoping to catch his attention one way or another. 
It was a shame it was Angel who had to complete this mission since he would much rather spend the night getting drinks and mingling with some of the crowd but he couldn’t blame his family for being picked as he was the best choice for this job. No one could seduce an Overlord like he could, it was how he first started getting his family some recognition before they began climbing the ranks of Hell.
A quick and seamless job is all he could hope for but he wouldn’t mind if it got a little bit messy; That just came with the territory.
It wasn’t Angel who found the Overlord, instead, Arackniss came towards him, his pace slow as to now raise any alarm bells, simply making it look as if he had something to say to his brother that didn’t involve singling out an attending Overlord. Having to end his current conversation with one of the Vees who were trying to strike a fashion deal with him, Angel made room for his brother, waiting to hear the new intel.
“You’re boy is over by the bar,” Arackniss started, tossing the drink in his hand in a circle as he stared into it, subtly flaunting the liquor that Angel wasn’t currently allowed to drink. 
Though Angel knew better than to look over at the bar immediately, Angel couldn’t help but take a glance at who may be seated over there. Upon seeing the workers attending the event, he also caught sight of an overly red Overlord sitting beside his short but well-groomed target.
Beginning the short journey over to the bar while doing his best not to spark any unwanted conversation on the way over, Arackniss snorted from behind him, “Don’t fuck it up.”
“I’m not goin’ to,” Angel hissed over his shoulder, shooting his older brother a glare before he focused back in on his target. 
Making sure to rid himself of any prior annoyance, Angel sauntered his way over to the bar, situating himself on the other side of his small target before feigning as if he hadn’t noticed him, instead making a show of pondering what he might get from the drink menu provided.
The ditzy dress may have made him look clueless, or the fact that he was almost unrecognisable as an Overlord since he almost never attended meetings, but the golden eyes of his target turned to his, Alastor turning to shadows as the attention left him. Angel continued to ignore him, waiting for the Overlord to speak up before letting him fall into his trap.
“If you need help I can see if they’ll let me whip something up for you,” His gruff voice pierced through Angel’s ears, making him slowly turn his gaze towards him. Schooling a drink of his own that was almost empty, the Gambling Demon stared up at him, half a smirk lacing his features. “Of course, I’m sure anything on their menu will do.”
“I bet you’d be able to make me somethin’ perfect if you’re offerin’,” Angel took him up, taking a slow seat as he watched the Overlord shoot one of the workers a look, gaining approval which the Sinner would’ve been foolish to deny before he was rounding the counter and taking a look over the stock that the bar had. 
Using the time it took the Overlord to place a martini glass in front of him and begin throwing different alcohols in a mixer, Angel took in his appearance. He wore clean black dress pants paired with some slacks, a slightly lighter suit jacket lined with gold covering a simple white shirt, all of it being topped off with a golden bow. Angel couldn’t help but admire how his hair was slicked back or how the red of his wings almost glowed in the lighting.
“So, what brings a guy like you to one of these parties?” The Overlord questioned as he slid the drink over to Angel, not a drop of it spilling as he came to a stop. Bringing the drink to his lips and taking a slow test sip, making sure the glass or the liquid didn’t actually touch his lips, Angel felt the eyes of the Overlord on him as he swallowed. “I don’t think I’ve seen your face at one of these things before.”
“Oh, my brother invited me. He’s recently started workin’ for one of the Overlords and is apparently ranked high enough for the both of us to turn up here,” Attempting to act as if it were no big deal Angel flapped one of his free hands around, waving off the status he held to lower the Overlords guard. “But what about you mista? What’s a fancy little kitty like yourself doin’ up here?”
“I’m one of the Overlords that’s meant to be trying to bargain for more territory or some sort of deal,” He acted as if the title was a pain in his ass as if it was more hassle than it was worth as his eyes quickly skittered around the room, easily tracking the other Overlords that were doing just that. Pushing one of his hands forward, he offered it to Angel, waiting for him to take it before bringing it softly to his lips where he placed a delicate kiss on the back of his hand. “Where are my manners? I’m Husk, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Throughout the whole interaction, Husk kept his golden eyes locked with Angel’s two-toned ones, both an intimidating aura surrounding him that radiated power as well as a comforting glow that wanted to reach out to him. It was almost as intoxicating as the drink Husk had made for him. “Angel, it’s nice meetin’ you.”
“Hm, fitting,” Husk hummed, his smirk growing if that was possible. Remaining on the opposite side of the bar, Husk leaned forward, resting his forearms on the countertop as he stared up at Angel through lidded eyes. “Who did you say your brother worked for, again?”
“I didn’t,” Angel muses, finishing his drink before he sets it down and leans into one of his hands, resting his head there as he matches Husk’s expression. Doing what he did best, Angel propped his chest fluff up as his dress opened up, one of his fingers toying with the stem of his drink as his lashes fluttered. A quickly raised brow from the Overlord pulled a chuckle out of him, adding, “But he works for the Mafia Demon I think. I tend to tune him out when he rants about work.”
“Maybe you should start paying attention,” Husk spoke slowly, his deep voice gruff around the edges as the words were almost purred to him. Angel couldn’t help but wonder if there was an underlying meaning to Husk’s words. “You never know when he might say something important.”
“I’ll start payin’ attention when he starts talking about somethin’ interestin’,” Angel responded in a purr of his own, bringing a finger up to trace down the fur that lined Husk’s cheek. It wasn’t often an Overlord allowed him to get this close and personal, especially not when they knew who he was. “I ain’t got time to worry about which goon he chased after or whose debt he’s out collectin’. This however is quite interestin’ and seems worthy of my time.”
A huff of laughter snorted its way out of Husk, glee lining his golden eyes as Angel stared into them. He couldn’t help but work his charm; If the old sucker fell for it then that was on him. 
“Say, why don’t we get out of here?” Husk offered, one of the corners of his lips ticking up in a smirk. Staring up at Angel with hooded eyes, mischief poorly concealed behind them, Angel knew he had the Overlord right where he wanted him. The way Husk leaned forward before speaking as if sharing a secret, told Angel everything he had to know. “Away from prying eyes. Somewhere it can be just the two of us.”
“I think… that’s a brilliant idea,” Angel paused deliberately, taking a second to think over his next words as if this had all been a spontaneous encounter. Taking a look around the large hall that they were currently in, Angel’s eyes landed on his father's and Arackniss’s, both of them watching him and Husk’s every movement. It hardly did anything to light Angel’s nerves on fire, instead turning back to stare into the warm glow of the Overlord turned bartended in front of him. “Too bad I don’t know any places nearby. I wouldn’t want to keep a pretty thing like you waitin’.”
“I’m sure I can figure out something for the two of us,” Husk shrugged off Angel’s feigned worries, his posture remaining confident as he stared up at Angel from where he leaned. “I do after all own the building we’re hosting this in.”
That piece of information had been something Angel missed. He wasn’t certain if he wasn’t listening close enough when he was being debriefed on the mission or if it had been something his whole family had missed. Regardless, Angel hadn’t a clue he was standing on enemy territory until a few seconds, nothing having given away since the building was located on what could be considered neutral turf. “Why don’t you leade the way then, Handsome?”
As Angel spoke to him, a challenging glimmer sparked to life in Husk’s eyes. Chancing a glance over Angel’s shoulders for a few seconds, locking onto something before they flicked back to Angel’s. Leaning up for a kiss, pulling Angel down slightly so he could reach Husk’s elevated height from where he was leaning across the bar counter. Husk made a show of licking his lips, savouring the taste of Angel on them. All Angel could think about was how he had just taken a dose of the poison that laced his lips, the reason he had avoided anything touching his lips all night.
“Shall we?” Husk offered Angel his hand as he rounded the bar once more, standing as tall as his short frame would allow. Angel placed one of the hands from his top set of arms in Husk’s, slowly raising himself from the stool. With the additional height of his heels, Angel stood at almost double Husk’s height, towering over him. That however did little to deter Husk as the shorter Overlord began leading the way through the large hall, weaving their way to one of the many exits. 
As Angel trailed behind them, his eyes locked onto Arackniss’s, giving his brother a clear nod as they passed by one another even if Angel was sure he had witnessed Husk planting a kiss on his lips. The job was done. Whatever happened after this wasn’t up to Angel. 
Husk had led him to a hidden door that blended with the hall's walls. He easily pressed a concealed pressure plate as two doors slid open, revealing an elevator. Holding the door open for Angel, Husk allowed Angel to walk in first before he stepped in moments later, the door shutting behind him. As soon as Angel was sure the two of them were alone, his hands were immediately on Husk’s, trying to smear his lipstick from the Overlord’s lips.
“You idiot,” Angel hissed. Husk stood stock still as Angel fretted over him, wiping his thumbs over his lips and trying to eliminate any of the remaining pinkish colour. His efforts didn’t matter too much as Husk had already tasted the lipstick, making that clear right after they had kissed. “Why would you kiss me? You knew the lipstick was poisoned.”
“To make sure your family got off your back,” Husk’s hands fumbled for Angel’s, putting a stop to his frantic attempts to clean his lips. Husk didn’t take into account Angel’s other set of arms or even the third set that were kept hidden most of the time. A new pair of hands were instantly on Husk’s face, attempting to do the same thing that the first pair had failed to do. “We had to make sure they saw you give me the poison so they couldn’t blame you for me not dying.” 
“You didn’t have to go lickin’ your lips to rub it in their faces though,” Angel almost shouted, panic seeping into his words. Husk stared up at him with a small smile on his face despite it all, only pushing Angel further on edge as he turned frantic. “Now you’ve consumed it. Quick, how many fingers am I holdin’ up?”
“Stop with that bullshit,” Husk had to drag another one of Angel’s hands away as he attempted to check his pulse to make sure it was still beating smoothly. Rolling his eyes at the low squeak that erupted from Angel as he was dragged around, being pulled out of the elevator doors once they opened as sat on a plush bed after they walked through a long hallway. “I’m the one who gave you that drugged lipstick, don’t you think I’d make sure I’m immune to it first?”
“Oh,” Angel came to a slow end, sitting on the edge of one of Husk’s beds, his two sets of arms being held by Husk, a soothing thumb running over the back of both of them. Angel guesses he should have thought of that. Husk hadn’t become an Overlord off of pure luck, even if that was his trademark. Though, now that the worry had fled from Angel’s being, a firey annoyance filled it instead as he glared at Husk. “Why’d you scare me then? You could’ve said somethin’ sooner so I didn’t freak out.”
“I’m sorry Legs,” Husk murmured, finally releasing Angel’s hands so he could use one of his own to cup the spider’s chin. His hand alone almost dwarfed Angel’s face, just like most things in comparison did–other than his height, of course. “Didn’t think you’d work yourself up so much over it. But since we’re up here… we might as well put this room to good use.”
A large grin split across Angel’s face as he wound a hand up Husk’s suit, tangling the Gambling Overlord’s tie within his fingers before tugging him forward, bringing their faces within inches of one another. “I like the sound of that Whiskers.”
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
Rough And Fluff
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PAIRING | Angel Dust/Husk
SUMMARY | After the best orgasm Angel has had all week, he is ready to relax for the night when something rough but pleasant starts brushing against his chest.
RATING | Mature
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply
A/N | @rubra-wav created the beautiful banner below so go check out their content since they have some amazing stuff.
EVENTS | @character-a-character-b | Beastial Desires
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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Angel lay on his back, chest heaving as Husk pulled himself up from where he had previously been buried between Angel’s legs and instead flopped himself onto Angel’s chest, head burying in the fluff that resigned there. Once again, the two of them have had sex. Not just any sex though, sex that pleased Angel more than it did Husk with no want for him to return the favour, Husk was seemingly happy enough just to make Angel cum.
Although his mind was still in a haze, Angel’s top set of arms reached up to curl into the fur on the back of Husk’s head, his fingers pivoting in small circles. A sigh slowly parted its way from Angel’s lips once it seemed like his mind was starting to make sense of his surroundings.
Prepared to lay there in what felt like eternal bliss for hours, Angel couldn’t be happier with how his life had taken a serious turn since the latest Extermination and the Hotel being rebuilt. Sure, he still had to lug it over to the Studio every once in a while but it hadn’t been as frequent or for as long as before. Either Val finally realised after watching the videos from the Extermination that Angel could actually hold his own or his close relations with the King of Hell has scared him off for a short while. 
Other than that everything was almost perfect.
He got to spend more time at the Hotel with his friends while working on redemption or he could crash a few nights over at Cherri’s just like before he was roped into Charlie’s ridiculous plan. And, to top everything off, he had finally gotten together with Husk after the cat-owl hybrid got drunk enough to spill his guts to Angel; both metaphorically and literally. 
So Angel could easily agree that everything had taken a dramatic turn for the best as he laid with Husk on top of him, a soft smile on his face and a glow radiating around him.
Beginning to feel himself slip into a soft slumber, Angel is startled awake when he feels something rough drag along the fluff on his chest. Eyes jumping wide open, Angel stares down at Husk as he runs his tongue along the mound of fluff on his chest with his eyes narrowed in concentration as he spared no glance at Angel. 
With his own brows pinching in confusion, Angel watched in silence as Husk got to work on the fluff Angel housed, not saying a word as Husk parted and smoothed out the white fur, messing it up before making it neat once more. It was rather enduring, watching it all play out. That didn’t take away the rough strokes that danced across Angel’s chest, reminding him of the appendage that was essentially grooming him.
“What are you doin’?” Angel asked, his voice hushed in the quiet room. That didn’t seem to matter as Husk jumped the moment Angel’s mouth opened, not expecting a word to come from what he had thought had been the sleeping Sinner. It wasn’t that he minded the extra care, his eyes swallowing every action with glee as it played out. He was just confused as to why it was happening. 
“Jesus,” Husk hissed, sitting up and resting over Angel with a hand planted on his chest. Angel couldn’t help but smile up at Husk, earning a huff in return as he settled back down, this time laying next to Angel and allowing him to curl into his smaller body. One of Husk’s wings immediately laid itself over Angel’s side. “Give a guy some warning next time.”
“Sorry,” Angel found himself whispering, still in a hushed tone. “That doesn’t answer my question though.”
“I was grooming you,” Husk said in a mumbled voice begrudgingly, making it hard for Angel to make out his words. Pondering whether or not to ask Husk to repeat himself so Angel could clearly hear what the Sinner had said, Angel allowed Husk to hold onto his small shred of dignity lest he’d want a grouchy cat on his hand.
“Why?” He asked, keeping his top set of hands curled into the fur on the back of Husk’s head while his lower set reached for Husk’s hands, lacing their fingers together when Husk clasped his own around Angel’s.
“Because you’re filthy,” Husk’s nose scrunched as the words left his mouth, eyes locking on Angel’s fluffy chest as if he wanted to reach back in. Angel just wasn’t sure if he wanted to bury his head in there again or start grooming him. “And sweaty. I’m just listening to my stupid instincts.”
“You’re cat ones?” Angel asked, getting a small nod in return as if Husk was embarrassed to admit it. Pondering on that thought for a few seconds, Angel’s hands came to a slow stop on the back of Husk’s head, making him look up with bright golden eyes. “If you want to continue, you can. I ain’t goin’ to stop you. Besides, I kinda like it.”
Husk’s brows slowly pinched together as he studied Angel, taking him all in, “Really?”
Only answering with a nod, Angel shifts back onto his back, giving Husk all the space he needs to get back up and lay himself across Angel so he can once again get back to work and listen to the new instincts he had earned after arriving in Hell. Once again Angel wrapped his arms around Husk as he did so, letting his eyes slip shut as he enjoyed the rough tongue that pulled and prodded at his fluffy chest.
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
I'll Meet You On The Battlefield
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PAIRING | Adam/Lucifer Magne | Morningstar
SUMMARY | Against Lucifer's better judgment, he finds himself in Adam's bed once a year. Trying to turn the tables, he invites Adam down to a hot day in Hell.
RATING | Teen And Up Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply, Friends With Benefits, Morning After, Forbidden Relationship
A/N | @rubra-wav created the beautiful banner below so go check out their content since they have some amazing stuff.
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | Unhealthy Comping Mechanisms | @fandombingo | Lucifer | @multifandom-flash | No Longer With Us | Ungreatfu; Bastard | Phone Call From The Dead | @fandom-free-bingo | You're Hopeless
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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Lucifer shifted in his bed, his body aching as his bearings slowly came back to him. It wasn’t often that he found himself in this state, nor did he normally wake up this early but something about sneaking into Heaven to hook up with the First Man seemed to set off some alarm bells. 
He wasn’t sure why he allowed himself to be talked into this. Again.
But every year the day before the Extermination Adam would call Lucifer in for a meeting. Though Adam would never by choice make a meeting unless it was to gloat in Lucifer’s face then it was being mandated by one of the Seraphins, Lucifer would always agree to meet up with him and see what he had to say, even if he already knew where their future conversation was going.
When he’d arrive at Heaven’s Embassy and make his way to whatever room they were having a meeting in, ignoring the paperwork as he went, he’d find Adam munching on a fresh plate of ribs as he waited. Unlike any official meetings, Lute wasn't there, leaving the two of them completely alone and unwatched. 
After Adam’s ego dropped a notch or two temporarily, courtesy of Lucifer, a one-way portal opens for him leading straight to Adam’s room. It was always a risk choosing to go through it and breach Heaven’s walls. It was almost as if there was a disturbance in the air that everyone could feel when Lucifer was there. He still went through that portal every time.
Miraculously, these invites only started after Lilith had run away, leaving Lucifer to his sorrows and to rule Hell by himself. Almost as if Adam had been waiting for this moment since he stole his first wife, maybe even before then. 
None of that mattered though, not when he was once again tangled in someone else's bedsheets with an aching backside. He was getting ready to dress himself before creating a portal of his own to take him home. That’s how most of these occurrences ended unless, of course, Adam woke up before him and either kicked him straight back to Hell since he was too pumped for the Extermination to spare much time on Lucifer or was ready for another round, bothering Lucifer until he was fired up enough. 
Today was different though. As he pushed himself up in the bed, the pearly white sheets fell from his bare chest and pooled in his lap. Lucifer was ready to go about his day just like any other, the heavy snoring of Adam ringing next to him as he was about to get up when an arm slithered its way around his waist, pulling him in. 
Not expecting the sudden hold, Lucifer let out a soft hiss as he was tugged down. Even in his sleep, Adam was as demanding as ever, moulding Lucifer to fit his perfect image of a pillow as he was pushed onto his back and Adam’s head made its way onto his chest. 
Lucifer dared to attempt to wiggle his way out of Adam’s hold, one of his hands shoving against his brown hair while the other tried prying his arm off from around his waist. He could easily snap himself out of Adam’s hold with the angelic power he still possessed though he didn’t attempt to, rather admitting defeat then putting further effort into his escape. All he got for his efforts was a drawn-out groan from Adam as he slowly woke up and more prodding.
“Let me go, you oaf,” Lucifer murmured softly to the waking Adam, the hand that had previously been trying to shove Adam’s head away now running through his hair. Though he hadn’t been let go, he was able to wake Adam up, keeping him awake would be another task in itself. His words seemed to not affect Adam as he slowly lifted his head, resting his chin on Lucifer’s chest so he could stare up at him through tired eyes.
“You weren’t saying that last night,” Adam mumbled, eyes slipping shut as he leaned his head into Lucifer’s hand, a sly smile stretching its way onto his face. A frown etched its way onto Lucifer’s face at his words, tugging Adam’s hair a bit harsher than it was necessary, pulling another groan from him. “I don’t need to be ready for hours, I’m sure you can stay a little longer.”
“Hm, that may be the case for you but if you’ve forgotten I’m the King of Hell,” Lucifer reminded Adam and though he had been neglecting his duties as of late, it didn’t mean he could let them completely slip from his grasp. “Now if you would let go of me so I could return to Hell that would be much appreciated.”
“You’re so ungrateful,” Adam muttered though there was a smile on his face. Trying to bury that smile, Adam planted his face into Lucifer’s chest, holding him down with his weight. His next words were spoken into Lucifer’s skin, the muffled vibrations sending tingles through his body, “I go through all this trouble to bring you up here and you can’t even bother to spend a few more hours with me.”
“Maybe you should come down to Hell for a change,” Lucifer suggested, his hands returning to running through Adam’s hair. He had thought about suggesting the idea for a few years now. Though they only met up once a year, it was a grand hassle to do so as Lucifer’s presence alone could be sensed by most of the higher-ups in Heaven, how they hadn’t caught them yet was beyond him. But if Adam was to come to Hell no one would bat an eye.
“And be subjected to the bummer vibe down there?” He rhetorically asked, head snapping up to scoff at Lucifer so the fallen angel could see how just grossed out he was by the idea. Lucifer merely rolled his eyes at Adam’s words, expecting such an answer. “Hell no.”
“I’m just saying it would be easier for you to come down there,” Lucifer shrugged it off as the suggestion was a silly idea, which he at first had thought it was but with every passing year he was brought up here it seemed it could actually work out. “Especially if you wanted to hold some… private meetings.”
Adam’s eyes narrowed as he took Lucifer’s words into consideration. Just by that look alone, Lucifer knew that his words had struck something in Adam’s brain, making him think upon the possibilities they had.
“Maybe,” Adam slowly said, hesitation behind the single word.
No matter though as a smile graced Lucifer’s face before he flipped the two of them over, Adam landed beneath his small frame with an exhaled huff. “Good to know you’re taking this fling seriously but I do have to part ways now. Call me if you ever want to make the trip down.”
There was a small blip as Lucifer and all of his belongings flashed out of existence, leaving Adam stranded on his back and a tent slowly growing in the blankets.
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
On The Edge of His Seat
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PAIRING | Angel Dust/Husk
SUMMARY | Things between Angel and Husk have been going slow but steady. It wasn't what Angel was used to but he couldn't say he was upset by it. So when some of his hornier tendencies start to take over he may be a tad bit worried it might ruin things.
RATING | Mature
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply, Established Relationship, Movie Night, Fat Nuggets
A/N | @rubra-wav created the beautiful banner below so go check out their content since they have some amazing stuff.
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | Pining | @kinky-things-happen | Accidental Stimulation | @fandombingo | Aroused By A Massage | @fandom-free-bingo | "Well, That Was..." "Yeah" | @multifandom-flash | Stopped Dead In Their Tracks | You Must Be Cold
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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Only recently had Angel Dust and Husk moved to a more physical relationship. Being physically intimate in a non-sexual way was a new learning experience for Angel, though he couldn’t say he wasn’t enjoying it. 
Every morning he woke up to a cat-owl-hybrid wrapped protective around his back, wings splayed out and acting as a second blanket as he had Fat Nuggets occasionally tucked into his own arms. Sometimes Fat Nuggets chose to stay in his own bed so Angel would find his head resting under Husk’s chin and fingers buried in his fur. Groggy, morning-breath kisses were shared in greetings before one of them would have to pull the other away from the bed so they didn’t fall back asleep. 
Throughout the day Angel would be able to steal small moments with Husk when no one was looking. Already spending as much time at the bar as he did, it wasn’t like much of his daily routine had to change to spend more time with Husk, only the amount of affection Husk chose to share varied. Some days he would act as if they weren’t dating, trying to stay professional in case Alastor came barging in, others he couldn’t care less and would practically spend every second ogling Angel. 
When Angel would have to leave for work, Husk would stay up waiting for the spider to return. If Angel wanted to sit and talk for a few hours, Husk didn’t mind staying up a little longer and making a few drinks, but if Angel wanted to turn in for the night, Husk would take him up to bed like he would any other night, the two of them eventually tucking themselves in after their respective routines before laying close and waiting for it all to happen again. 
To say Angel was content would be an understatement. Every day he was filled with overflowing love for the bartender. He couldn’t bring himself to care for the lack of sexual intimacy, he experienced it enough every day at work to not have a raging libido whenever he got back to the hotel no matter how much he joked about it. That and the fact he didn’t want to ruin what he had with Husk. If staying with him meant taking it slow then that was exactly what Angel would do. 
But if that was what Husk wanted to do, he was left to the current predicament that he had gotten himself into. 
Sat originally lounged across the couch, his legs splayed over Husk’s lap. The rest of the hotel’s residents were taking up other pieces of furniture, minus Alastor, watching a movie on the television. Any attention that Angel had been paying towards the movie was lost once Husk had begun trailing his sharp nails along Angel’s legs. 
It didn’t stop there though as Husk’s fingers reached higher and higher, eventually deciding to drag Angel closer so he sat snug against Husk’s side. His tail very quickly then coiled its way around Angel after that, the feather tip wrapping around his midsection and hovering just over his legs. 
Every few moments, Husk’s tail would twitch, the feathers lightly brushing against the tight black shorts that he normally adorned. Though the movement was light, almost nonexistent, Angel could feel every brush of it. It seemed his mind and body zeroed in on the action, not being able to pay attention to anything else as the sensation repeated every few moments whenever Husk’s tail would twitch. 
What was worse was that Husk seemed to have no idea what he was doing. His attention was utterly focused on the movie in front of them, all of the twitches and brushes of his tail being in direct correlation to the reactions he was having while he was watching. 
It was infuriating, and almost intoxicating, as the heat spread throughout his body, being rendered to do nothing and show real constraint so as to not act on any desires to firstly not bring any attention to what Husk was unawarely doing, and secondly, not gross everyone else in the room out since his stomach should definitely not be tying itself into knots due to the heat that was spreading through him. 
With every second that passed by, Angel could feel himself slowly growing hard. How Husk didn’t realise it was beyond him, but he wasn’t about to point it out before he had the chance to sort it out. Angel tried willing it to calm down but it seemed Husk’s tail had a mind of its own and decided that Angel wasn’t going to get a break, edging him unconsciously.
Even as the movie came to an end, Angel had no clue, instead staring intently at the ground as he tried to keep his breathing even. A few times it had spiked into soft gasps, earning a few flicks of Husk’s ears as they pivoted to face him, not yet turning his head in case it was just a false alarm. 
As people began to file out, Angel muttering his good nights when they were due, he could only hope that Husk didn’t plan on sitting and chatting with him for too long. Though it was something that they did every night, making its way into their routine at this point, Angel couldn’t help but wish to be released from Husk’s gentle hold so he could take care of himself in the bathroom.
“Well Husky,” Angel feigned a large yawn, arching his back as he stretched himself out, trying to move Husk’s tail away while also folding his legs over one another to hide himself. With a soft smile, Husk kept his eyes fastened on Angel, running his hands soothingly over him continuously. “I might turn in as well. I think that movie bored me to my second death.”
“Are you sure? Do you want me to make you a drink to take up?” Husk asked, shifting with Angel. The slight movement resulted in Angel’s legs bunching together, a shiver raking through his body as his nerves were lit and light stimulation was sent through his body. Furrowing his bushy brows at Angel’s reaction, Husk asked, “Are you cold?”
“Nah- I’m good,” Angel stuttered out, trying to compose himself as he sat up fully. He tried sitting up properly when Husk’s knee shifted up, connecting directly with his clothed dick and sending a shockwave of pleasure through him. A breathy moan tumbled its way out of Angel’s lips before he could stop himself, putting a stop to any further movements as Husk’s head bolted towards him.
Freezing himself, Angel stared with wide eyes. All he could do was sit still as Husk’s eyes slowly trailed down to where he had been attempting to hide his growing erection. Preparing himself to be ridiculed or see Husk’s disgusted face, he was pleasantly surprised when he instead felt Husk’s hand reaching for his, running a soothing finger over it. 
“Well, that was…” Husk tried to formulate the words.
“Yeah,” Angel himself didn’t even know what to say in this situation. If it had been anyone else he would’ve taken it in stride and asked them back to his room, but after the slow pace he and Husk had been setting, he didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Let’s go up?” Husk then said, keeping his hand in Angel’s as he stood. Unlike what Angel had thought, there wasn’t an ounce of hatred on Husk’s face.
“What?” He blurted out, eyes still bug-wide. “You’re not disgusted?”
“Why would I be?” Husk seemed genuinely beyond himself as he asked the question, as if finding out your boyfriend had a boner just because he was sitting next to you with your tail slightly brushing up against him wasn’t an unusual occurrence. “We can take care of it upstairs.”
“We?” The words were breathless, just like his earlier moan, as Angel was pulled to his feet by Husk.
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
Up Close And Personal With His Number One Fan
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PAIRING | Alastor/Lucifer Mange | Morningstar
SUMMARY | For weeks now Lucifer has felt the beady eyes of some creature watching him and for weeks he had been trying to subtly figure out what it was. He didn't realise that Husk would be the helping hand that he needed or just what type of predicament he would get himself into.
RATING | Mature
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply
A/N | @rubra-wav created the beautiful banner below so go check out their content since they have some amazing stuff.
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | Obedience | @kinky-things-happen | Tentacles | @fandombingo | Lucifer x Alastor | @multifandom-flash | Hates Being Touched
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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Upon deciding he was going to stay at his daughter's hotel, Lucifer always felt the irking feeling of being watched. From the moment he exited his chambers up until he turned himself in for the night, he could always feel the stare of two beady eyes on him. 
At first, it had been the most annoying thing Lucifer had encountered, well, maybe not the most annoying since he had met a handful of Sinners that seemed to piss him off more so than the usual batch. Whenever he would catch a glimpse of swirling eyes they would vanish without a trace, leaving his skin prickling. Looming figures of shadows could be seen out of the corner of his eye, making him question if he was seeing things when he would turn to try and glance at it only for it to disappear with a wink.
Now though, it had become almost a part of his daily routine. Swirls of darkness seemed to linger at his feet when he would step out of his room, welcoming him to a new day as he exited his room and began making his way down to the ground level where most of the hotel residents lingered and where his daughter would be preparing for a less-then productive day. 
It almost seemed as if whatever was watching him was growing more confident, letting itself linger a little longer when Lucifer would try to whirl on it, letting him see whisps of it before it would vanish just like Lucifer had become accustomed to. It made his decision to not immediately reveal the entity when these occurrences first began happening more rewarding in some way. As if earning the trust of some lousy stalker was something that the King of Hell had to do. 
Reaching the foyer of the hotel, Lucifer’s eyes landed on the oddly placed bar and its tender as they were the only ones currently in the vicinity, everyone else either still harbouring in their rooms, loitering somewhere else in the hotel, or making their way through the Pride Ring. Sauntering his way over without the thought of it being too early to start drinking, Lucifer ordered a drink from Husk, letting the cat decide on what exact drink he had. 
“Don’t you care that it’s watching you?” Husk mumbled the question as he placed down a short glass in front of Lucifer, sliding it closer so it was within reach of Lucifer’s nimble fingers. As Lucifer raised his gaze from the drink to Husk’s face, a hint of confusion sparking on his features that contradicted the understanding, Husk continued, “It tried doing the same thing to me but once I figured out what it was I went right up to him and told him to screw off.”
“Oh, I don’t mind,” Lucifer said aloud, voice raised slightly to make sure that the entity caught gist of what he was saying. He saw Husk’s eyes flicker over his shoulder, locking onto what was surely watching him. “Rather it’s a pity that it hasn’t become daring yet. To think of all the things we could’ve done together by now if it had just stepped out of the shadows.”
“What…?” The words may have confused Husk, evident by his reaction, but they stirred along whatever was lurking. 
Lucifer could feel it grow closer, not even a second wasted as it slithered towards him. Watching Husk slink back as a blanket of warmth wrapped itself around him, Lucifer felt more than he saw the ghosts of hands cascading up his arms, long, sharp nails tearing against his skin. Flush against his back, he could feel the entity trying to close in, trapping Lucifer between the bar counter and whatever it was behind him. 
Husk stared at the scene for a few moments before shaking his head and discarding everything he had been doing prior to Lucifer’s arrival. Muttering under his breath as he exited the bar, slinking back off to wherever he had come from, “I ain’t dealing with this shit this early in the morning.”
Not caring for his departure, Lucifer slowly picked his drink back up and brought it to his lips, taking a slow sip of it as the entity behind him tried to engulf him more. Trails of shadows wafted into Lucifer’s vision, making its presence known as all patience fled from the entity's body after keeping their distance for so long.
“You are sure in a rush,” Lucifer joked as he finished off his drink, licking his lips as he placed the empty glass back down on the counter. The air around him seemed to thicken, an almost static effect slicing through it as Lucifer spoke to the entity. The noise sounded vaguely familiar but Lucifer didn’t care enough to waste time trying to pinpoint where he had heard it from. Shifting in his seat so he could turn around and face the creature, Lucifer was met with a shadowy mass. “If I knew all it would take for you to show yourself was an invitation then I would’ve done so sooner.”
The shadow didn’t say anything, just grinned. The smile spoke more words than Lucifer could’ve imagined the entity to. While it was looming, it was also welcoming, as if trying to entice him in. The shadow didn’t stop in its journey to try and engulf him, whisps of darkness swirling around him and gripping to his skin. 
Craning his head back so he could take all of the shadow in, some qualities of him seemed to ring some bells in his head. Two ears stood large on the top of the shadow’s head, two smaller twig-like antlers in between them; A coat seemed to flare out around where the shadow's hips would be; And Lucifer felt himself craning his neck back at a familiar angle, an angle in which an ache in his neck had appeared from how often he was being bugged by…
“Alastor?” Lucifer couldn’t help but question, finally piecing everything together as he stared at the shadow that he sometimes found loitering when Alastor was in a room. The grin on the shadow’s face faltered for a few seconds, never completely dropping but lessening in width.
Shaking its head at Lucifer, the shadow seemed slightly put off by the uttered name of its owner, but when nothing seemed to come of it in the passing seconds, it grew some of its confidence back as it advanced towards Lucifer again. The extended whisps of darkness also seemed to be steady as they curled up and around Lucifer’s neck, tilting his head further back even if the hold felt feather-light.
Even though it was shadows that were taking hold of him, Lucifer couldn’t help but feel warm in their hold, sicking into it as his eyes drooped slightly. Staring up at Alastor’s shadow with half-lidded eyes, Lucifer, despite himself, felt himself relax and allow the shadow’s hold on him to grow. 
Leaning forward, the shadow’s face was mere inches away from his, a long, slippery black tongue poking out of its mouth and closing in on Lucifer’s face. Closing his eyes fully and waiting for the contact, Lucifer let his name slip out of his mouth once more, “Alastor.”
A static tore through the air, drowning out everything else in the room. What had once been warm turned to freezing cold and slimy as the soft hold turned harsh. Snapping his eyes open, Lucifer first took notice of how there were no longer shadows wafting around his body but thick tentacles that seemed to want to squeeze the life out of him. He could feel his neck start to constrict due to the pressure around it, his eyes now darting up to the face mere inches away from his.
In all his glory, the Radio Demon stood in front of him, a large grin set in place on his face. 
“What do we have here?” The static only picked up once Alastor spoke, his grin turning devilish as he stared at Lucifer as if he were prey. The shadow had fled to behind Alastor, standing behind as he watched Alastor take control of what was meant to be his. So that was why the shadow had been so cautious when Lucifer had said Alastor’s name. “I must say, with my shadow being disobedient, I didn’t expect to find you in its grasp.”
“Yeah, well then you had to go and ruin all the fun,” Lucifer allowed himself to stay in the tentacle's hold for a few moments longer before with a snap of his fingers it was all gone. One of Alastor’s brows raised as he witnessed a part of his power vanish off the face of Hell for a few seconds before he could feel them wiggling back to him. Pointing a finger at Alastor and going to shove it into his chest, Alastor shoots straight up to avoid it, one of his ears flicking as he stares down at Lucifer with his cane held out in front of him. “Since I have a negative Nancy like you spoiling my parade, I’m going elsewhere. I do hope your shadow is disobedient again.”
There was an amusement to Lucifer’s words and an underlining of something that Alastor felt a repulsion growing for as Lucifer stood up and began making his way back to the stairs before blinking out of existence. When he was gone, Alastor rounded on his shadow, watching as the creature prepared to sneak off again. 
“Don’t you dare,” Alastor hissed, his ears laying flat against his head. Though his shadow seemed to be paying attention, Alastor could feel it itching to get out again. With a sigh, he felt himself engulfed by his shadows and taken back to his room where he had previously been before being summoned. In the confines of his own room, Alastor questioned with uncertainty, “...Negative Nancy?”
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
Hiding From The Missus
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PAIRING | Alastor/Angel Dust
SUMMARY | After seven years of silence, Angel Dust had finally gotten word of a familiar someone showing their face again. Going to where all clues point, he's met with some surprises before finally finding what he had been after.
RATING | Teen And Up Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply, Overlord Angel Dust AU, Established Relationship
A/N | @rubra-wav created the beautiful banner below so go check out their content since they have some amazing stuff. @minidust093 loosely inspired this fic. I had already had the idea when I saw some of their amazing art so I just wanted to tag them so that anyone reading this could go and check them out.
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | Grabbed By The Chin
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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The suit that Angel Dust wore was fitted to the curves and extra arms of his body. Though it wasn’t uncomfortable, as he walked across the pentagram it made him miss the loosness of his favoured dress. It didn’t matter though as he didn’t plan on spending too much time out, just a quick stop by one of the new establishments under the guise of scoping it out before he could return to his luxurious house.
Treading up the small hill near the end of the pentagram, Angel’s eyes fell on the large building at the top of it. Ghosting his eyes across the overly red building, he took in all of the extra renovations it had undertaken, such as the pirate ship that stuck from one side of the building and the radio tower that was spiralling out. His eyes stayed locked on the radio tower for the remainder of his walk, all the way up until he was knocking on the door and could hear the footsteps of someone coming to greet him.
“Hello,” A short blonde woman cheered excitedly as she threw open the door, staring up at Angel with stars in her eyes. Something in the back of Angel’s mind was itching at him, telling him he had seen her face before but he couldn’t quite place a finger on it. “And welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! You’re Angel Dust, the Mafia Demon, right? Are you here to begin your path to redemption?”
“Ehh, not quite,” Angel spoke with as little enthusiasm as he could muster, having seven years of excitement sucked out of him just from the display he witnessed. Deflating slightly, the blonde woman still looked at him with a radiating sense of joy that Angel couldn’t help but wonder where she stored it. “I’m here for other reasons. Think of this as a business opportunity.”
“That’s great,” She exclaimed, shoving the door open wider to invite him in. With a hand reaching out, one of the blonde woman's hands latched onto Angel’s making him flinch back at the sudden contact. It wasn’t every day that people came running at the opportunity to grab onto Angel, not when they realised who he was at least. The woman took his reaction in stride as she beckoned him in, trying to show him the way. “Let me introduce you to our hotelier. He’ll be so happy to meet you.”
“I’m sure he will be,” Angel muttered as he stepped into the hotel for the first time. Taking it all in, just like the outside, there was an excessive amount of red, the colour coating almost every surface. All the furniture and wallpaper was old, fabrics peeling and stuffing spilling out of surfaces. Angel wouldn’t be caught dead staying in a place like this or even wandering near it if he was certain they were harbouring something he was looking for. 
“Angel Dust?” A voice called out, sceptic as they called for his attention. Turning to face whoever had caused him, Angel’s face brightened a minuscule amount before he even faced the Sinner, recognising them from their voice alone. Just as every other time Angel has had the pleasure of running into the Sinner, he wore his usual tophat, bow and suspendered pants, all of which were laced in red. “What are you doing here?”
“Just lookin’ for some new investments,” Discarding the blonde woman momentarily, Angel Dust gave his full attention to the much shorter Demon. “Didn’t know I’d find you here, Whiskers.”
“Wait,” Their attention was then pulled away from a new voice, one Angel didn’t recognise this time. Spotting a woman even shorter than Husk adorning a lot of grey and a glare on her features, Angel couldn’t help but sigh as more time was wasted. The scowl on her features twisted as her eyes flicked between them both. “You two know each other?”
“Yeah, he also knows Niff,” Husk supplied for him, filling in the two unnamed girls in the room. Both of them gave him a confused stare, unaware as to how Angel could’ve known the both of them. Just by Angel’s looks alone it was clear that he was well off since coming down to Hell. Trying to connect the dots as to how he had met two Sinners who had sold their souls just wasn’t adding up. “Wait, do you two not know who he is?”
“He’s the Mafia Demon,” The blonde woman repeated, though there was a spec of hesitation in her words now as she examined Angel’s tall figure.
“What?” The shorter one exclaimed, her eyes widening as she took in Angel’s calm and put-together appearance. Marching over to the blonde woman, she grabbed onto her arm and pulled her in close, whispering in a shouted way, “You let another Overlord in here, Charlie?”
“He wanted to invest in the hotel, Vaggie,” Angel was guessing Charlie spoke to who she had called Vaggie. Again, the name Charlie rattled around in Angel’s head but he was still yet to put a title to the name or the face. “This could be really good for business if everyone knew we had two Overlords helping out.”
“Or it could scare them all away,” Vaggie rebutted, letting go of Charlie to instead glare at Angel. The heat in her eyes did nothing to get under Angel’s skin, just making the Overlord let out a huff in annoyance as he was subjected to this bickering until Charlie was able to move on with this little tour and take him to the hotelier. 
“I don’t think that’s going to matter,” Husk cut in, stopping Vaggie from going even further down this over-paranoid rabbit hole. “Not when he’s Al-”
“What’s all this commotion about?” A static-filled voice sliced through the room, putting an end to any discussions. Chills broke out along Angel’s spine as he turned to face the newcomer to the conversation. Setting his eyes on him, Angel was glad he decided to give this rundown hotel a look since it was in fact harbouring the Sinner he was in search of. “My, what a wonderful visitor we have here.”
“Alastor,” Angel mused, voice sweet and sultry as he left his spot to saunter over to the Radio Demon. The deer smiled up at Angel in a genuine display, the sight blocked by Angel’s being as he got closer. Lifting one of his many hands, he slowly placed it on Alastor’s cheek, giving him time to back up if he needed to. When he didn’t, his head tilting to rest in the gesture, Angel trailed it down to where he was grabbing Alastor’s chin and tilting his head up so their eyes could properly meet. “Smiles… Where the fuck have you been these past seven years?”
In seconds, the sweetness that had been previously wafting around Angel dropped and a cruel and harsher tone took over. Grip tightening on Alastor’s chin to the point where his nail dug into the flesh and almost pierced it with his claws, blood ready to begin bubbling out. One of Alastor’s ears twitched, his smile hardening as he grinned up at Angel, ready to diffuse the situation. 
“What’s going on with those two?” Vaggie murmured, pointing an accusing finger at the both of them.
Hearing her voice, Angel let go of Alastor’s chin and instead reached up to grip one of Alastor’s red ears. Pinching down hard, Angel pulled Alastor in step with him as he turned the both of them around to face the small group that was watching their untouching reunion. In a deadpan Angel announced, “He’s my husband.”
“Aww,” Charlie very quickly cooed despite the situation, earning a blare of static from Alastor. 
“Why don’t we move this to the privacy of my room, Dear?” Alastor attempted to wiggle his way out of Angel’s grip, one of his tentacles coiling around Angel’s arm to try and yank him off, though Angel stayed strong in not letting Alastor out of his grip.
“Oh, so you made yourself nice and comfy here before tryin’ to track me down to let me know you were back?” Angel scoffed as he pulled on Alastor’s ear tighter, practically shouting into it as he lowered himself to speak into it. “Let me guess, you were gonna go start shit with Vox before even droppin’ by to let me know you weren’t dead.”
Alastor’s response couldn’t be heard as the pair of them were engulfed by shadows, transported to wherever Alastor desired. Behind them, they left two bewildered girls and an amused Husk at seeing his boss get a good yelling at. Sucking a calming breath in that didn’t work in the slightest, Vaggied said, “What. The. Fuck.”
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fallenangelicss · 7 months ago
Cat Got Your Tongue?
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PAIRING | Angel Dust/Husk
SUMMARY | After a long day of filming, Angel is ready to have a relaxing night at the bar flirting with a specific kitty as a means to overexpress his emotions until Husk flips the switch and leaves Angel's heart jackhammering against his chest at some simple words and touches.
RATING | Teen And Up Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply, Flirting
A/N | @rubra-wav created the beautiful banner below so go check out their content since they have some amazing stuff.
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | Banter
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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"Hey Whiskers," Angel Dust purred as he sauntered towards the bar with a sway in his hips. He had just gotten back from an all-day shoot, Val calling him in bright and early to make sure they could fit in as many different scenes as possible. The long hours of shooting almost made him contemplate staying the night in his old room at the Vees tower, but then he remembered there was a certain kitty always waiting up for him. “You haven’t been up long waitin’ for little ol’ me, have you?”
“Pfft, no,” A laugh almost echoed off Husk’s lips with the words as his usual grimace-laced face filled with amusement. Even as Husk laughed at his expense, Angel couldn’t help but smile as he sat down at the bar in the same seat as every other occasion, resting his head in a hand. Without even a second passing, Husk was loading a martini glass onto the counter and sliding it over to him. “I had jobs to do. Manning the bar ain’t the only thing I got to do in a day.”
“Oh really?” Angel questioned suspiciously as he brought the drink up to his lips for a test sip. Everything Husk made him was always amazing, he had however grown a habit of checking every drink before properly relaxing and drinking it since beginning working for Val, not that he ever thought Husk would do something such as drug his drink. “And what is it that you get up to when I’m not around, Babycakes?”
“Many things,” Husk supplied without actually listing anything, hoping it would allude to enough unneeded examples so that Angel wouldn’t feel the need, not that it stopped the Sinner.
“Like?” Angel continued to push, setting his drink down to lean further across the bar, the short dress that Val had made him wear that didn’t even cover half of his ass falling down at his chest fluff, exposing the makeshift cleavage. 
“Like cleaning drinks, restocking alcohol, shopping for toppers,” Husk trailed off, trying to keep an air of nonchalance as he listed the first few things that came to mind. Of course, they had all been things he did for the bar, leaving him to hope that his mannerisms spoke more as if there were far too many to count. He wasn’t however about to Angel what Alastor had him doing throughout the day. 
“That all sounds like bartender duties to me,” If it was possible Angel somehow shifted closer in his seat, trying to bring his face closer to Husk’s. A few bristles of his chest fluff began to brush against Husk’s due to this proximity, one of his extra hands coming up to walk his fingers across the bar top. “Are you sure you're as busy as you say you are? It’s okay to admit that you were just waitin’ up for me, I’m not gonna judge you, Baby.”
“Is that so?” Husk asked, his voice coming out raspy to his own ears. The sound of which sent chills running down Angel’s spine, never having heard the bartender speak in such a way. Something inside his brain clicked at the notion, his attention suddenly spiking as he applied all of it to Husk. A choked hum of agreement was forced from Angel’s lips as he tried to keep his composure. “Well, I can go on all night ‘Baby,’ if that’s what you want to do.”
Husk had pushed himself to meet Angel in the middle. Their faces were impossibly close, breaths intertwining as they shared the same air. It was almost intoxicating, Husk being this close to him willingly without Angel having to go the extra mile to get up close and personal with him. From this close-up, he could see all the golden ridges of his irises, the crinkles of his little nose and every piece of stray hair that made up his furry being. 
Clamming up, Angel could do nothing else but stare at Husk for a few seconds, his cheeks heating just from the proximity, sound and word choice that Husk had delivered. He hadn’t even been touched by the guy and he was ready to squeal like a virgin. It was almost embarrassing, having his mouth hung slightly agape and his face flaring to life, only concealed by the fur on his cheeks. 
It seemed Angel took too long to respond quick enough to Husk’s words as a smug twitch of his lips overtook his face. Though it wasn’t the first time Angel had seen an expression similar to this on Husk’s face, it was the first time it had ever even remotely been directed at him, especially in this context. 
“Why the long face?” Husk purred, a sound so uncharacteristically his as he let the words roll off his tongue. Reaching one of his clawed hands that were at least triple the size of Angel’s up to cup his face, his thumb danced across the white fluff that lined there, smoothing it out for Angel before it sank lower and graced over his bottom lip where it hung open. “Cat got your tongue?”
“I- Uh-“ Angel stuttered, all thought processes leaving his mind as he stayed rooted to his spot unmoving, scared that the slightest twitch would send Husk running. So instead of a witty comeback or just as flirty remarks as he was used to sending others' way, Husk was met with a stare akin to a deer caught in headlights from Angel. “Um…”
A guttory chuckle spilled from Husk’s lips as he took in the expression. Who would’ve thought that all it took to render the famous pornstar Angel Dust speechless was a bit of reciprocated flirting? “So you can dish it but you can’t take it?”
“I can take it,” Angel yelled once he got over his panic, noticing how Husk’s hand had stayed firm on his cheek. If it was possible his face heated up more as he himself almost broke the contact by leaning backwards, creating some much-needed space. “I can take a lot of things like dildos, spanking-“
“But not flirting,” Husk cut him off, one of his long red eyebrows quirking up with his statement. His whole face had relaxed out of the grimace it was usually set to, leaving Angel to take in a not-completely miserable bartender as his smile continued to widen as the night progressed, even if it was at his expense. “Isn’t that right, Baby?”
“I-“ Stumbling over his words, his black and white eyes flicked between Husk’s, searching for something he didn’t want to find. Before he could come to any revelation, Angel was pushing himself up and out of his chair, cutting off any contact that he and Husk were sharing. “I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
“Aw, don’t be like that,” Husk called after him even as he let out a deep cackle at Angel’s words and actions, his eyes trailing after him as Angel did a very bad job at fleeing the bar. Jumping over the counter in a quick swoop and grabbing onto Angel’s unfinished drink, Husk went chasing after him. “You’ve just got in and you’ve barely touched your drink.”
“I’ll take my drink to go then,” Angel declared as he stopped and turned around, ready to fetch it out of Husk’s hand. Instead, he was met with a large paw carefully wrapping around one of his many hands and pulling it in closer. 
His lips ghosted the back of his hand as if waiting to place a kiss there as Husk’s eyes lingered on his. Angel made no move to pull away, his hopes slowly climbing as it seemed Husk was leaning in. As it almost nuzzled him, half of Husk’s face slid across his hand and up some of his arm before his fingers were being manually tightened around the stem of his glass. 
“I’ll see you in the morning then, Legs,” Husk bid him goodnight, slipping past him as he left the tall arachnid behind with only a quarter of his brain functioning.
Being able to make it all the way up a flight of stairs before he heard the shattering of glass and the squeal of a school girl, Husk turned himself in for the night knowing his favourite resident was home safe for the night and that the games Angel liked to play with him got a whole lot more fun.
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