#james hook x bridget of hearts
fallenangelicss · 1 month
Catching Stray Kisses
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PAIRING | Bridget | Queen of Hearts/James Hook
SUMMARY | When bored in class, Briget reverts to people-watching to pass the time. What she didn't expect was to find someone already watching her. The culprit behind it also seems to be pretty good at pulling a rise out of her.
RATING | Teen And Up Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply
A/N | This is my first time partaking in a month-long prompt list so I'm going to do my best to keep up with it can get as many done as I can. It'll hopefully give me a reason to write more which I desperately need. Also, if you'd like to support me then you should consider downloading the Kinder World app with this link. My referral code is WV9K4X but if you need a new referral code then feel free to reach out!
EVENTS | @aug-kissed | Blow A Kiss
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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Bridget sat bored in class, her head resting on one of her hands as her feet kicked back and forth under the desk. As much as she loved Merlin’s classes, they tended to drag on when they weren’t doing any sort of practical work. The singular hour that they were in the room seemed to stretch on for days and it didn’t help at all that it was the last lesson before they were free to do as they pleased. 
Ella sat next to her, carefully taking notes as Merlin taught at the front of the room, occasionally writing what seemed to be nonsense on the chalkboard. Bridget knew it would be smarter for her to just pay attention now so she wouldn’t have to beg Ella later for her notes but she couldn’t bring herself to focus on the teacher for more than a few moments at a time, all the information he was spouting going in through one ear and out the other. 
It was honestly exhausting just sitting there. Bridget was ready to go up to her dorm and take a nap until dinner time then maybe make some sort of sweet treat afterwards that she could share around. She didn’t know what she would make but she knew she was itching to stand in front of her homemade mini-kitchen and get back to what she loved doing. 
Letting her eyes dance around the classroom after they instinctively went back to the clock hanging on one of the walls, seeing how they still had another twenty minutes to go before class was over, Bridget resorted to some sightseeing, attempting to find something that could keep her occupied while she waited for the bell to ring. 
Most of the students in the room, like her, seemed to be too bored to comprehend what was happening in front of them which could only be Merlin’s fault as he should’ve known better than to give anyone a theory lesson as their last class on a Friday. 
Like most days, Bridget noticed Uliana terrorising some of her classmates with her tentacles, trying to be discreet about it. At her side sat Morgie, which Bridget wasn’t surprised to see. Laughing almost uncontrollably at whatever it was that Uliana did, Morgie was always attempting to be a good villain for her. Another thing Bridget wasn’t surprised to see was Hades and Maleficent sat next to one another, their hands interlocked while Maleficent sketched something on some scrap paper and Hades messed around with some sort of fire magic. 
What Bridget was however surprised to see was Hook sitting by himself and staring directly at her. Normally he would be the one sitting next to Uliana, if not he would drag Morgie into the seat next to him so he was never by himself. But to see him alone and staring directly at Bridget was a shock, especially when he didn’t look away once he noticed Bridget had caught onto his stare. 
Blinking a few times to make sure she wasn’t seeing things, Bridget came face to face with Hook every time she opened her eyes. Not knowing what to do, a shy smile made its way onto her face to not seem rude under Hook’s stare. 
What Hook did next though threw her for a loop.
A smile of his own crept its way onto Hook’s face, the grin being more of a smirk than anything else. His eyes slowly crept up and down Bridget's frame before sending a wink her way, making a pink hue dust her cheeks as she zapped back around and faced the front of the classroom.
“Are you okay,” Ella asked, noting how Bridget was sitting with her spine straight and a flustered expression on her face. Still taking notes as she waited for an answer, Ella’s eyes ticked up to where Bridget was attempting to glance over her shoulder without getting caught and failing to do so. “Did something happen?”
“Nope,” Bridget quickly said, hands coming together and interlocking. Although Ella wasn’t born to much status like Bridget was, she could still notice when someone’s Princess was showing and that was exactly what was happening here as Bridget gushed to herself. Something regarding a boy had just happened and Ella was going to figure out what and who it was no matter what. “Everything is perfectly fine and normal. No reason to be worried at all.”
“Saying that just makes me more suspicious,” Ella warned, noticing how Bridget tensed up a little before sighing, almost as if her resolve was breaking. With just a little more pressure, Bridget would spill everything to her but it seemed like not much effort would be needed from Ella as Bridget was already undoing herself, fidgeting in her seat as she tried not to look back and giveaway who it was. Stopping for a moment before Ella looked back herself to see who it was, she rested a hand on Bridget’s arm and said, “It’s fine Bridget, you can tell me anything. I’m certainly not one to judge you.”
“You’re right,” Bridget smiled, returning the favour and grabbing onto Ella’s wrist, running a thumb over it. “I just noticed someone staring at me and…” “And you think they’re cute?” Ella finished the sentence for her, one of her eyebrows raising at Bridget as she waited for a response. Thinning her lips together, Bridget nodded her head, the blush that was previously coating her cheeks intensifying. “Okay, who is it?”
“Well…” Bridget trailed off, her eyes flicking backwards before looking back at Ella. With a nod of her head in his direction, the two of them looked back at the same time to see Hook still staring at Bridget, the same smirk still coating his face. His eyes didn’t move from Bridget’s face, solely focused on her and not even acknowledging Ella. Raising his hand that wasn’t occupied with a hook, Hook blew a kiss towards Bridget, a chuckle pouring from his mouth when both Bridget and Ella whipped back around.
“Did he just?” Bridget started, not having to finish her sentence for Ella to understand.
“Yeah,” She nodded, just as surprised as Bridget. This was news to Ella. She would have to do a serious amount of stalking and research before she let that pirate anywhere near her friend but for now, it wouldn’t hurt. “Looks like you won’t have to look too hard for a Castlecoming date.”
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So I saw you wanted request for the rise of red and I'm here to deliver lol. So Captin Hook right? Can I get something like we are also friends with Bridget (or we are like Bridget) and they like run into each other and stuff I'm bad at doing requests and stuff sorry lol
Happy Little Accidents | Captain Hook
Pairing: Captain Hook x fem!reader
Summary: Hook and you always run into each other and he hates it.
Warning/s: fluff, short fic, Morgie's teasing, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: You did amazing with the request, don't worry, hun. I did my best, hope this is what you wanted, enjoy!!
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You had a reputation for being, what the VK's would call, a goody two shoes. A person that always follows the rules, never rebels against anyone or anything, is always good, always kind. Even if someone was so incredibly rude to you, you would still have a smile planted onto your face and a thought filled with kindness in your head.
All in all, your personality perfectly matched the one that Bridget from Wonderland had. That is one of the many reasons the two of you were practically inseparable.
No matter what, you always saw good in everyone and everything. Some people loved you for it. Some people found themselves despising you for that personality trait that you possessed.
You usually kept to yourself when you were not hanging out with Bridget or Ella, just trying to stay out of anyone's way.
Bridget always gave her best to make as many friends as possible, simply always going out of her way to make sure she made friends. You were not like that really.
You had Bridget and Ella. You had two friends. That was enough for you. It's not like you didn't want to give people a chance to be your friends. No way! You simply preferred it like that.
And even though you always stayed out of other people's ways, somehow one VK kept running into you.
The one with the smirk that seemed like it never left his face.
The one with the hook on his right hand.
The one who was a part of Uliana's crew.
Captain James Hook.
No matter how hard you tried to avoid each other, you just simply kept running into each other no matter what.
Whether you were just rushing to get to class in time or you were taking a walk or just reading or doing schoolwork on the courtyard, Hook was always there. However, it's not like he wanted to run into you all the time.
He infact hated it.
Constantly running into you. You with your bubbly personality and your kindness and your generosity and your willingness to help others even when they are mean to you and your perfect face and your gorgeous smile and your amazing hair and... and the panic he felt every time the two of you ran into each other.
The panic that appeared every time he realized over and over again just how amazing you truly are. Not that he would admit that to anyone.
Until Morgie noticed.
That's exactly how he ended up leaning against the tree in the courtyard of the Merlin's Academy as Morgie was siting down on the ground not too far away from him, listening as Hook was spilling nonsense at him.
"I just can't do it anymore," Hook groaned as Morgie rolled his eyes once again after God knows how many times. "I constantly run into her, it's crazy."
"She's just so annoying."
"I mean," Hook scoffed, basically ignoring Morgie who now had his head resting on his arms, sitting with his legs crossed in the grass. "Who can possibly be so happy all the time?"
"She can."
"It's so infuriating!" Hook groaned, throwing his head back, waving his hook around to emphasize his point. "That stupid, goody goody."
"Just admit that you like her already." Morgie rolled his eyes and Hook got silent all of a sudden.
"I don't-I-," he found himself stuttering and Morgie started to smirk as he saw his friend slowly starting to blush. "I don't like anyone! Especially not someone like her!"
"Mhm," Morgie hummed, unconvinced. "Sure you don't. You just notice every single thing about her and you've been 'complaining' about her kindness and generosity and perfection for almost half and hour. Just admit it to yourself."
"I don't like-"
"Please," Morgie said, once again, no surprise there, rolling his eyes as he looked at Hook. "I'm pretty sure Uliana noticed it, too."
"Maleficent did for sure," he chuckled. "She's been looking at you a bit weirdly since few days ago when you started blushing when your little crush touched you accidentally while trying to escape Uliana and save Bridget like usual."
"I DID NOT BLUSH-!" Hook looked mortified and Morgie found himself laughing.
"Oh, please," he said, "Don't be so surprised, of course I noticed it."
Hook looked out into the distance and could have sworn that he saw that familiar hair color at the other side of the school. Morgie looked at him and sighed as he stood up, placing his hand on Hook's shoulder.
"Look, ask her out before someone else does because I've heard that Snow White's son has a thing for her, too." Morgie said and Hook's gaze snapped to Morgie's.
"I just thought that you should know." Morgie said in sing-song voice before he walked away with his arms behind his back, smirking, so pleased with himself.
As his gaze left Morgie's he realized, oh, he's not gonna have that.
@xoxo-h3arts @i-am-fork @a-homosexual-homosapien @snixx2088 @heartsfromcoco @ariaroseloklover @isafran1125 @gayfrog29 @mystic-mae
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c-rose2081 · 1 month
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Pretty things…
“The King and his men….stole the Queen from her bed…”
“And bound her in her bones…”
Guys I’m thinking about them 🫣
I really need to figure out how I want to proceed with Sweet Indulgence for ya’ll, I got so many amazing comments asking for more 🙏 I promise it’s on my mind, I hope to have something to give soon.
Does Hook x Bridget have a ship name? Lmk down below cause I don’t know it. I guess we could just call them Brook lol, but I’m looking for something more interesting than that XD
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EEEEEEven more incorrect quotes! Merlin Academy Gang! AND MORE. Kinda long? Idk
(and ships)
Hook: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Uliana: It's Hades's turn.
Hades: Don't die.
Uliana, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
(so beautiful 😭 I don't know how to explain, but this is canon now)
Maleficent : Now it's time for some witty back and forth banter. You go first.
Fay: *sobbing*
Maleficent : Look, I'm not sure where to go with that.
(She's used to her and Hades banter and fights. Fay still needs to get used to that)
Fay: What the hell is wrong with you?
Hades: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
(mm. Yeah.)
Hook: Goodnight to the love of my life, Morgie, and fuck the rest of y'all.
(just a normal day)
Morgie: *is throwing stones at Ella's window*
Ella: You have a phone for a reason, Morgie!
(Love my little chaos goblin. He absolutely knew what he was doing)
Ella: Hey, I was wondering, have any of you guys ever seen Morgie’s bedroom?
Bridget: No, they refuse to let any of us visit. You know what that means.
Maleficent, nodding: Dungeon.
Hades, nodding: Rich.
Uliana , nodding: Homeless.
Ella, nodding: Secretly in the mafia.
Bridget: What? No, I meant they’re messy. What the hell is wrong with all of you?
(Hook not being there because he's in Morgie's bedroom right now. they are cuddling)
Ella: I apologize for saying 'fuck' in front of Bridget.
Fay: You just said it again.
Ella: I am not a role model.
(don't worry Ella. She knows worse. She just doesn't use them)
Bridget: Accidentally indulged in too much ‘free time’, turns out I’ve been reported missing for over six months and presumed dead by most local and national authorities.
(once she went back to wonderland and didn't text anyone anything. Just sulking in her feelings for Ella)
Hades: How do you do that?
Charming: I'm fearless.
Hook: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad.
Charming: I'm mostly fearless.
(Mhm. But fair)
Bridget, on the phone: I better go…kay, call me later… byeeee!
Hook: Friend of Yours?
Bridget: Nope, wrong number.
Hook: ???
(Hey. She's not gonna pass on making new friends 🤷)
(add some glassheart)
Chloe: What do you call quantums of electromagnetic radiation that don’t get along?
Red: What did you just say-
Chloe: Foetons! *Laughs*
Red: Wh-what?
(love how Red is just confused. Chloe making puns/dad jokes. Canon, actually)
Ella: Please pray for Chloe.
Bridget: What happened to them?
Ella: Nothing, they’re just very stupid.
(not her own mother saying that (he doesn't know tho lol). But honestly that's after the vase incident.)
Red: Chloe, you're my best friend.
Chloe: Best friend? BEST friend?! Bitch, I'm your only friend.
(oop- true)
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Morgie/Fay: Would never stab anyone.
Ella/Charming: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Hook/Maleficent: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Hades: Would stab without warning.
Uliana/Bridget: Would stab as a warning.
(I wanted to put Bridget in the last one lol. Like if someone went too far and hurt one of her friends she'd be like *stab* don't do it again or next time it will be worse)
Uliana: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Bridget: Those are wanted posters!
(yeah. Still)
Maleficent: *looks at Hades*
Maleficent: Baby boy. Bad Boy.
Maleficent: *looks at Fay*
Maleficent: goody two shoes
(changed it a bit lol. Also Me just randomly shipped Maleficent and Fay because gay. Just a crack ship lol)
Red: I got an idea!
Chloe: Does it involve breaking the law?
Red: By now don’t you think that’s a given?
Chloe: I was just trying to be optimistic.
Red: Don’t bother.
Chloe: You're not my friend anymore.
Red: I was your friend?
(Red. You just called her your best friend a few seconds ago! She's just trying to play it cool. She's screaming on the inside.)
Red: Sometimes I talk to myself for no reason.
Red: Me too!
(oh no. She's mad. PSST. I HAVE THREE ACCOUNTS ON DISCORD AND ACTED LIKE TWO OF THEM WEREN'T ME. I HAD CONVERSATIONS WITH MYSELF, BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE WAS ONLINE AND I WAS BORED 😭 I was very invested in my own dramas that I created. It also started with only two accounts 🫠)
Queen of Hearts, to Red: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Red: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Queen of Hearts: You just told me you're pregnant.
Maddox: Congratulations Red, you're glowing!
(Red can speak Italian and Spanish and also has a hidden British accent. There, my new headcanon)
(a little surprise)
Mal, staring lovingly at Evie: I would die for you.
Evie, doing their own thing: Then perish.
(Mal, you know not to interrupt Evie while she's working)
Mal: As a responsible adult-
Evie: *chuckles*
Mal: … As a responsible adult—
(Eeeviee, don't do Mal dirty like that. Even if you aren't wrong)
Evie: What do I get?
Mal: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Evie: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
Mal: It won't be you.
Evie: I'll get my coat.
(what are they planning o~o)
Cinderella: What’s your greatest weakness?
Red: Interpreting the semantics of a question, but ignoring the pragmatics.
Cinderella: Could you give an example?
Red: Yes, I could.
(why does it feel relatable even tho I don't remember actually having done that)
Red: I don’t care what anyone thinks about me.
Chloe: Ok.
Red: Wait, why such a muted reaction? Did that not sound cool?
(Same Red, same Qvq)
Red, digging their grave: Long story short, this is ma grave.......Want me to make you one too?
(Omg Hunter! Is that you? ✨ love the owl house 😭😭😭. This is making me think Red fucked up a mission from her Mom. Like Hunter did.)
Red: I’m going to get so much done today.
Queen of Hearts: I’ll hold you to that.
*8 hours later*
Queen of Hearts: So how much did you get done?
Red: One thing.
Queen of Hearts:
Queen of Hearts: Well, that’s one more than usual.
(QvQ me TvT)
Mal, at Evie: You're my significant other.
Evie: Yeah I am!
Mal, at Celia: You're my child.
Celia: Yes boss.
Mal, at Uma: You're my bitch.
Uma: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Mal, at Carlos: My bestie.
Carlos: Naturally.
Mal, Jay: HA, GAY!
Jay: Fuck you.
(Jay x Gil 🤸)
Chloe: Wow! Celia made you cry?
Red, holding back tears: Yes, and they said some really mean things that are only partly true.
(Daaamn. She can do that tho. Wow fr)
*at an awards show*
Chloe: Can I carry you on my back like Mal did?
Red: I don't think Evie would like that.
Chloe: *pouts*
Chloe: *carrying Red on their back*
Evie: What the hell??
Red: What was I supposed to do? Say no?
(Evie was panicking over Chloe's suit/dress because she made it for her. Do not ruin her designs. She will not take responsibility for what happens after that)
This was gonna be longer but I shall post it now anyway.
Hope you liked it.
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rattyshipss · 2 months
♡Some instagram posts about Bridget and her girlfriend♡
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Bridget 💖Castlecoming💖
The prettiest princess🩷
As much as I hate castle coming... you look very pretty Bridget☺️
Told you the white would go good with the pink😉
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(Y/n) Sleep well babygirl🩷
@Bridget I can't believe you brought (Y/n) up for your dance! It was so sweet🥺
@Bridget You did so good🤩😘🥰
@(Y/n) Thank you for helping me nail that last part😜
God you two make me sick
(Y/n) take care of your sleepy girl🥺
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(Y/n) 😳😳😳😳😳
The men lover in the back watching the women lovers
Gotta support my people🫡
Well don't you two look cozy, (Y/n)'s as pink as you Bridget😏
@Morgie SHUT UP
@(Y/n) You did look pretty cute in my lap though (Y/n)😉
(Y/n)~ 😳😳😳
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Bridget ❤️💔❤️💔❤️💔
You're litterally a lesbian?
Her favorite girlfriend
@Captain It's called a joke😠
(Y/n)~ 🥺🥺🥺
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Bridget 💜👀
Wait is that (Y/n)'s?👀
@Ella No👀
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Bridget Her clothes are comfier🥺
Never thought I'd see you in anything other than pink
@Red I have range😌
@Bridget Yeah your girlfriend's closet range🤨
@Hades 😝
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herstoryheaven · 28 days
Descendants James Hook x Reader: Insecure Reflections
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Request: Can you please do one where the reader is dating James and is Bridget's sister and he gets jealous when she starts to hang out with Morgie. So James thinks that she is cheating on him and goes to Bridget to ask her what is going on with her sister.
Reader: Female
Word count: 4484
Average reading time: 16 min 20 sec
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Among the grand halls and ancient towers of Merlin Academy, students learn to master their powers, navigate alliances, and discover who they truly were. It was a world where friendships were forged, rivalries blossomed, and most importantly love found its way even in the most unexpected places.
Y/n, the younger princess of Hearts, was one such student. Her dorm room, tucked away in one of the quieter corners of the academy, was her sanctuary. It was a space filled with different shades of pink, white, and gold decor, a reflection of her royal lineage, yet softened by personal touches that made it uniquely hers. A small heart-shaped window overlooked the lush academy gardens, and her desk was littered with half-finished letters and books of spells.
It was in this room that she often found herself daydreaming about James Hook, the pirate who had stolen her heart. They had been together for nearly a year now, their romance the kind that others whispered about in the halls. Y/n couldn't help but smile at the thought of him, his teasing smirk, the way he always called her nicknames in that irresistible accent of his.
But as much as she loved him, she couldn't deny that their relationship had its challenges, like the time it took for her to get close to his friends. James, Uliana, Morgie, Maleficent and Hades were a tight-knit group, and it had taken some effort for Y/n to break through the guarded exteriors of his friends.
Now, things were different. She got closer to them and had found a close friend in Morgie, who shared her love of adventure and often teased her about how hopelessly in love she was with James. It was all in good fun, but Y/n couldn't help but notice the way James's eyes darkened every time Morgie made one of his jokes.
It had been a long day of classes, and Y/n was sitting on her bed, flipping through her spellbook, while being lost in thought, reminiscing about the moments she had shared with James. Her mind drifted back to the time he had surprised her with a moonlit picnic by the sea, the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore as he pulled her close, his hook resting lightly on her waist. She remembered how his deep, smooth voice had sent shivers down her spine as he whispered stories of his adventures, his eyes always fixed on hers with that intense gaze that made her feel like the only person in the world.
She smiled to herself, recalling the way his fingers had brushed against hers when he handed her a flower he had found, an almost bashful expression on his face as he confessed it reminded him of her, delicate yet strong. Those quiet moments, where the world seemed to fade away and it was just the two of them, had become the highlight of her days. Every touch, every stolen kiss had streghtend the bond between them, making her feel a warmth she had never known before.
Just as Y/n was about to lose herself in another memory of James, the soft knock at her door snapped her back to the present.
"Come in!" Y/n called, her voice light and carefree as she glanced up from her spellbook. She expected the familiar face of her sister Bridget, her boyfriend James, or maybe Ella, Bridget’s roommate and close friend. But when the door swung open, it was Morgie who stepped into the room, his mischievous grin already lighting up his face.
"Hey, Y/n," he greeted, his tone as casual as ever, though his eyes sparkled with his usual mischief. He walked into the room with the kind of confidence that only Morgie could pull off, plopping down on the armchair across from her. "Busy with daydreaming about your pirate prince?"
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, but despite her best efforts, she couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at her lips. Just the mention of James was enough to make her heart flutter. "Maybe... Anyways, what's up?"
Morgie stretched out, his long legs draped lazily over the armrest as if he owned the place. "Just thought I'd check in on you, see how the lovebirds are doing. You're practically glowing, you know."
Y/n felt her cheeks warm at his words, her mind immediately flooding with images of James, his intense gaze, the way his voice sent shivers down her spine, the gentle touch of his hand as he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Am I?" she teased, though she couldn’t deny the truth in his observation. There was something about James that made her feel alive, more herself than she had ever been. And yet, the depth of her feelings for him made her shy, almost hesitant to speak them aloud, even to someone as familiar as Morgie.
Morgie grinned, clearly sensing her bashfulness. "Yeah, you are. And don’t even try to deny it. It’s written all over your face." He paused, his grin widening. "What about you? Trying to avoid Hades’s wrath after the prank you pulled last week?"
Morgie laughed, the sound echoing through the room like a melody. "Oh, come on, he deserved it! And besides, I think he's secretly proud of me. But we're not talking about me." he said, shifting the focus back to Y/n. "We're talking about you and James. He's got it bad for you, you know?"
Y/n’s blush deepened, her thoughts once again drifting to James, the way he looked at her like she was the most precious thing in his world, the way his voice softened whenever he spoke her name. "I guess you could say that." she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "We just… fit, you know?"
Morgie leaned forward, waggling his eyebrows in exaggerated amusement. "Fit like a hand in a hook, huh?"
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh, grabbing a pillow and tossing it at him in mock annoyance. "You're impossible!"
The banter between them flowed easily, filling the room with lightheartedness, and for a moment, Y/n was able to push aside the shyness that always crept in when she thought about her feelings for James. But as they continued to talk, neither of them noticed the door slowly creaking open behind them.
James stood in the doorway, his tall figure framed by the dim light from the hallway. His dark eyes immediately took in the scene before him, Morgie sprawled comfortably in Y/n’s room, making her laugh, making her blush. A sharp pang of something unwelcome twisted in his chest. He knew she loved him, he could see it in the way her eyes softened whenever they were together, in the way her hand lingered in his, as if she never wanted to let go. But seeing Morgie with her, hearing her laugh at his teasing, brought a surge of jealousy he couldn’t quite suppress.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, or even Morgie for that matter. But Y/n meant everything to him, and the mere thought of anyone else making her smile the way he did unsettled him more than he wanted to admit.
Later that evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the sky turned a deep shade of indigo, James returned to his dorm room. The familiar space he shared with Morgie and Hades felt different tonight, smaller, more suffocating, as if the walls were closing in on him. Normally, their room was a place to rest, a place where they could be themselves, free from the expectations and judgments of the outside world. But tonight, every shadow seemed to loom larger, every creak of the floorboards seemed louder.
Morgie was already there, sprawled out on his bed, lazily flipping through a comic book. He looked up as James entered, immediately sensing the tension in his friend's posture. James’s usual confidence was absent, replaced by a tautness in his shoulders and a brooding intensity in his eyes that Morgie rarely saw.
"Hey, James. Everything alright?" Morgie asked, his tone casual, but his sharp eyes missing nothing. He knew James well enough to recognize when something was eating at him.
James didn’t answer right away. He tossed his leather jacket onto a chair, the movement almost aggressive, and sat on the edge of his bed, his back to Morgie. He ran a hand through his unruly hair, a habit that always betrayed his inner conflict. "Just thinking." he muttered, though his voice was tight, strained.
Morgie raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. He had seen James in all sorts of moods, angry, cocky, even vulnerable, but this was different. "About Y/n?" he guessed, a knowing smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. He couldn’t resist a little teasing, though he had a feeling this wasn’t the time for it.
James shot him a look over his shoulder, one that was sharp enough to cut. Morgie’s smirk faded, and he sat up a little straighter, realizing that whatever was bothering James wasn’t something to joke about.
"I saw you two together earlier." James said slowly, his voice measured, as if he was trying to keep it from breaking. "You seem awfully close."
Morgie blinked, taken aback. The implication behind James’s words hit him like a slap to the face. He had known James for a long time, long enough to understand that jealousy wasn’t something he succumbed to easily. But the way James was looking at him now, with a mix of hurt and suspicion, made Morgie’s stomach twist. "Whoa, wait a minute. You think… you think there's something going on between me and Y/n?"
James didn’t respond immediately, which only made the silence between them more oppressive. Morgie felt a surge of frustration, mingled with disbelief. He had grown to view Y/n as a sister, nothing more. The idea that James could think otherwise was almost insulting.
"James, seriously?" Morgie’s voice was laced with exasperation. "Y/n’s like a sister to me, you know that. Besides, she’s head over heels for you. Anyone with eyes can see that."
James wanted to believe him, truly he did. He knew Y/n cared about him, her eyes lit up whenever they were together, and her touch was always tender, filled with unspoken affection. But the image of Morgie making her laugh, of her blushing at something he said, gnawed at him, a dark cloud of doubt that he couldn’t shake. The thought of anyone else, even Morgie, bringing that look to her face, filled him with a possessiveness he didn’t know he was capable of.
Instead of responding, James simply stood up, his movements abrupt. He grabbed his jacket, the tension in his body clear, and without another word, stormed out of the dorm room. Morgie called after him, his voice tinged with concern, but James didn’t look back.
Before he knew it, James found himself standing in front of Bridget's dorm room, his hand hovering over the door. He was breathing heavily, his heart pounding in his chest. He wasn’t sure what he was doing here, but something in him needed answers. Maybe Y/n’s sister might know what was going on, or at least help him make sense of the storm of emotions raging inside him.
He hesitated for a moment, questioning whether he should even be here, but the growing jealousy wouldn’t let him walk away. With a deep breath, he knocked on the door, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts of Y/n and what he might learn once the door opened.
After a moment, Bridget opened the door, her warm smile fading slightly as she saw the worry etched on his face.
“James.” she greeted, stepping aside to let him in. “Is everything alright?”
James hesitated before stepping inside, the room cozy and welcoming, much like its occupants. “I need to talk to you about Y/n.” he said, his voice tense.
Bridget motioned for him to sit down on one of the plush chairs near the window. She sat across from him, her expression filled with concern. “What’s on your mind?”
James ran a hand through his dark hair, struggling to find the right words. “It’s about Morgie. Y/n’s been spending a lot of time with him lately, and… I can’t help but feel like there might be something going on between them.”
Bridget raised an eyebrow, her expression shifting from concern to something more akin to amusement. “You think Y/n is interested in Morgie?”
James shrugged, his shoulders tense. “I don’t know. It’s just… they seem close, and I can’t shake the feeling that she might be slipping away from me.”
Bridget sighed, leaning back in her chair. “James, Y/n loves you. You know that, right?”
“I do.” James replied, his voice softening. “But what if… what if she’s realizing that Morgie is better for her? He’s fun, and they get along so well. What if I’m not enough?”
Bridget’s expression softened as she leaned forward, her tone gentle. “James, listen to me. Y/n has always been my little sister, and I know her better than anyone. She’s crazy about you. Morgie is just a friend, nothing more. They’re comfortable around each other because they’re friends, but that’s all there is to it.”
James nodded, though the worry still lingered in his eyes. “I want to believe that, Bridget. I really do. But it’s hard when I see them together, and it feels like they have this connection that maybe… I don’t.”
Bridget reached out and placed a comforting hand on his arm. “James, the connection you have with Y/n is special. She chose you, and she chooses you every day. But you need to trust her. Don’t let your insecurities ruin something beautiful.”
James let out a long breath, the tension slowly leaving his body. Bridget’s words were reassuring, and deep down, he knew she was right. “You’re right. I’ve been a fool.”
Bridget smiled, giving his arm a gentle squeeze. “Just talk to her, James. She loves you, and she deserves to know how you’re feeling. And if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me.”
“Thank you, Bridget.” James said sincerely, standing up. “I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime.” Bridget replied with a warm smile. “Now go to her. I’m sure she’s wondering why you have not visited her today.”
James hesitated at the door, his hand still on the knob. There was a sense of relief in Bridget's words, but something inside him wasn't completely settled. He turned back to face her, an uncertain look in his eyes.
"Bridget." he began, his voice soft yet urgent, "what if... what if it's not just me? What if there's something I'm missing, something about the future that I don't know?"
Bridget regarded him for a moment, her expression unreadable. "Are you asking if you’re missing a sign or if fate has something else in store for you and Y/n?"
James nodded, struggling to articulate the swirl of emotions within him. "I just feel like I need to know for sure. I can't shake this feeling, and it’s eating me alive."
Bridget sighed and stood up, moving toward a small wooden box on her bookshelf. "You know." she said quietly, "there’s a way to see the future, or at least get a glimpse of it. But it's not something to be taken lightly."
James’s heart skipped a beat. He had heard rumors about Bridget's abilities, whispers in the corridors about her possessing something... otherworldly. "What do you mean?"
Bridget opened the box, revealing an antique hand mirror with an ornate, golden frame. The glass had a strange, ethereal quality to it, almost as if it were alive, reflecting not just the present but something more.
"This," Bridget said, holding the mirror delicately, "is a looking glass that shows possible futures. It’s not definitive, what you see is just one of many possibilities, shaped by your actions and choices. But it might give you some clarity."
James stared at the mirror, his curiosity battling with a sense of apprehension. "How does it work?"
Bridget smiled softly, sensing his hesitation. "You need to focus on the question you want answered. The mirror will show you a vision, but remember, it’s only a possibility, not a certainty."
James swallowed hard, his mind racing. Did he really want to see what the future held? What if the vision only made things worse?
But before he could second-guess himself, he found himself reaching for the mirror. Bridget handed it to him gently, her gaze serious. "Be careful, James. What you see might not be what you expect."
James nodded, his grip tightening around the handle of the mirror. He took a deep breath, staring into the glass, focusing on the question that had haunted him for days.
'Will Y/n leave me for Morgie?'
The mirror's surface began to shimmer, swirling with mist that gradually parted to reveal a scene. James watched as the fog cleared, revealing himself and Y/n standing by a lake. They were older, perhaps a few years from now. Y/n’s smile was as bright as ever, her hand intertwined with his. They were laughing, a carefree sound that made James's heart swell.
But then, the scene shifted. Morgie appeared, walking toward them with a grin on his face. Y/n’s smile didn’t fade, but James noticed something else, a hint of uncertainty in her eyes as she looked between him and Morgie. She said something to James, and though the vision was silent, he could see the sadness in her expression as she spoke. James’s heart sank as he saw himself pull away slightly, his own face clouded with doubt.
Then, the vision changed again. This time, it was a different future. Y/n was sitting alone by the same lake, her face lined with sorrow. James wasn’t there, nor was Morgie. She looked lost, as if searching for something, or someone who wasn’t coming back.
James’s breath caught in his throat. The mirror’s images continued to flicker between the two futures, one where they were together, happy but with underlying tension, and another where Y/n seemed to be mourning a loss, alone.
Finally, the mirror went dark, its surface stilling as if nothing had happened. James blinked, the weight of what he had seen crashing down on him.
Bridget gently took the mirror from his hands, placing it back in its box. "The future isn’t set in stone, James." she said softly. "What you saw… it could happen, but it doesn’t have to. The choices you make now, how you handle your fears and insecurities, they’ll shape what comes next."
James nodded numbly, the images still vivid in his mind. "So, if I don’t confront this, if I don’t trust her…"
Bridget’s eyes were filled with understanding. "You could lose her. Not because she wants to be with Morgie, but because your fears might drive a wedge between you. But if you talk to her, if you’re honest about how you feel… you can build a future together, one without regret."
James stood there for a moment, letting her words sink in. The future wasn’t fixed, he still had a chance to change it. With newfound confidence, he nodded and headed for the door.
"I need to talk to her." he said firmly, more to himself than to Bridget.
"Good." Bridget replied, her smile returning. "Remember James love is about trust, not just passion. Trust her, and she’ll trust you."
As James left Bridget’s room, he felt a sense of clarity. The path ahead was uncertain, but he knew what he needed to do. Tomorrow, he would speak to Y/n, not as the worried boyfriend, but as someone who trusted her completely, determined to build a future together, one that the looking glass hadn’t shown him yet.
That same night, after everyone had gone to bed, James found himself wide awake, his thoughts a relentless swirl of emotions. The dorm room, usually so calming, felt stifling, too quiet, too full of the lingering echoes of his doubts. He couldn't bear it anymore, not when his heart was pulling him elsewhere. Before he knew it, he was out of bed, slipping into his clothes, and heading down the dimly lit corridors of Merlin Academy. His feet moved almost instinctively, guiding him to the one place where he knew he could find peace.
Y/n's dorm.
The moonlight filtered through the tall, arched windows as he walked, casting soft shadows on the stone floors. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat a reminder of the uncertainty he had allowed to make its way in his head, but also of the clarity that had finally started to form. When he reached her door, he hesitated for a moment, his hand hovering just inches from the wood. He could turn back, wait until morning, but the thought of spending another moment in doubt was unbearable. Taking a deep breath, he knocked softly, his knuckles barely brushing the door.
It creaked open after a moment, revealing Y/n, her hair slightly tousled from sleep, eyes blinking in the low light. Concern immediately replaced the drowsiness in her gaze when she saw him standing there.
"James? What’s wrong?" she asked, her voice a gentle whisper in the stillness of the night. She stepped aside to let him in, her expression a mixture of worry and affection.
James entered, and as the door clicked shut behind him, the reality of the moment settled over him. He didn’t answer right away, instead reaching out to take her hands in his, pulling her close until her body was pressed against his, their heartbeats aligning. He could feel the warmth of her, the steady rhythm of her heart, and it grounded him, anchoring him to the moment.
"I’ve been an idiot, love." he murmured into her hair, his voice thick with emotion, a raw honesty that surprised even him.
Y/n frowned, her hands squeezing his as she pulled back slightly to look up into his eyes, searching for an explanation. "What do you mean?"
James sighed deeply, closing his eyes for a brief moment as if trying to gather the courage to speak. When he opened them again, there was a vulnerability in his gaze that he rarely allowed himself to show. "I let myself get jealous. Over you and Morgie." he confessed, the words tumbling out in a rush. "I thought… I thought maybe there was something more between you two, something I couldn’t see."
Y/n’s eyes widened in surprise, but then, to his astonishment, she laughed softly. It was a gentle sound, filled with affection and a touch of amusement. She shook her head, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight. "Oh, James. There’s nothing between us. Morgie’s just a friend, more like a brother. You’re the one I love."
Hearing those words, hearing her say it with such certainty, made the tension that had been coiled tight inside him finally unravel. It was as if a great weight had been lifted off his chest, and he could breathe freely for the first time in what felt like days. "I know, darling." he whispered, his voice full of relief and remorse. "I know that now. I’m sorry I doubted you, even for a moment."
Y/n’s smile softened, and she reached up, her hand cradling his cheek, her thumb brushing against the rough stubble of his jaw. "It’s okay." she said, her voice a soothing balm to his troubled soul. "I’m glad you told me. I don’t ever want you to feel like you can’t talk to me, James. We’re in this together, always."
Her words, simple yet sincere, struck a chord deep within him. They summarize everything he had ever wanted, someone who saw him, truly saw him, and loved him anyway. Without hesitation, he leaned down, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. It was not just a kiss of love but one of deep yearning and a declaration of their love. His lips roamed across hers with passion, trailing down to her neck, where he planted soft, possessive kisses that marked her as his.
Y/n’s breath hitched at the intensity of his touch, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink. She felt a shiver run down her spine as his hands traveled down her body, tracing her curves with a gentle but firm insistence. Her initial shyness melted into a warm, accepting glow. There was something undeniably thrilling about the way James’s kisses spoke of his desire and need for her, and she found herself responding with equal passion, her hands threading through his hair, pulling him closer.
As James’s kisses grew more fervent, Y/n’s heart raced, but she felt utterly cherished and adored. She melted against him, allowing him to mark her with his affection, her shyness giving way to a deep, encompassing love. Each kiss, each touch, was a way to prove his devotion and a promise of his unwavering commitment.
When they finally drew apart, their breaths mingling and their foreheads resting together, James’s arms remained securely wrapped around her, as if he were afraid that letting go might shatter the fragile peace they had found.
"You’re my most important treasure, Y/n." he whispered, his voice full of conviction, each word carrying the weight of his love. "And I’m never letting you go. Not for anything, not for anyone. You’re everything to me."
Y/n’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, not of sadness, but of overwhelming love. She cupped his face with both hands now, her touch warm and reassuring. "And you’re mine, James. Always."
They stood there, wrapped in each other’s embrace, the rest of the world fading into the background. It didn’t matter that they were in a place filled with magic and uncertainty, or that the future was still a vast, unknown place. All that mattered was the love they shared, a love that was strong enough to withstand anything life threw at them.
James knew with absolute certainty that he had found his forever home. The visions from the looking glass no longer haunted him. Instead, they served as a reminder of what he had to cherish, what he had to fight for. The future was theirs to create, and he was determined to make it a happy one, filled with laughter, love, and the kind of connection that couldn’t be broken by doubt or fear.
Finally, after a moment of shared silence, James took her hand and led her towards her bed. As they settled under the soft covers, the moonlight spilling gently through the window, they felt the promise of their future together in the quiet intimacy of the night.
As James held Y/n close, they drifted into a peaceful sleep, their hearts content and their souls at ease, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand, heart to heart, forever and always.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
Requested by: @midalantics12
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youronebraincell · 2 months
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James would’ve given Bridget the world
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cc-tinslebee · 8 days
the concept of Red being the BIGGEST Hook hater despite him being her bio dad/stepfather is very funny to me
post reconciliation Hook is SUCH a menace to her
Red is constantly fighting for her life against the Chloe dating allegations
Hook: I know a thing or two about being with a princess 😏
Red: Yeah, I know who to go to if I want to fumble one.
Bridget and Hook get back together?? it’s so over for Red, Hook is about to become the most insufferable man on the planet
she makes a really bad joke about being an unplanned baby from poor decisions and just
Hook: Oh, no, you definitely weren’t a one night accident.
Red: literally never speak to me again
every day at the Hearts Castle is just Bridget living her best timeline 🥰 and Red’s just like “…really? You want… that one? 🤨”
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mr-walkingrainbow · 8 days
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Summary : ~ ~
Their lonely and scared, huddled together under the bridge, bony knees grazing one another and bodies soaked to the bone. 
Bridget’s teeth clank from the cold, but she can’t bare to move. Fear of Uliana freezing her, and eyes locked in on the girl in front of her. 
Ella is less worried, but still keeps an eye out, brows terse a she tries to identify if their in the clear. 
Bridget should be worried. Should be concerned that Uliana and her gang could find them hiding any minute and do a manner of unspeakable things to them. But all she can focus on is Ella. And the way her curls plaster to her forehead in just the right way that she looks like an angel. A knight in shining armor. Willing to hide for Bridget’s safety. The cold drawing blood to her face and plumping her lips. 
Bridget’s moving in the next second, unable to stop herself. Pressing her lips against Ella’s and getting lost in the feeling. 
Ella startles,  hesitating before kissing back slightly. She pulls away, confused, “Bridget? I-“
“Practice!” Bridget spits out on instinct, her go to excuse for the past five months, “It’s practice Ella. For your future charming.”
Ella nods, although she doesn’t look completely convinced, “Sure… just practice.”
Bridget can ignore the way her unease stabs her chest, can ignore the humiliation of having to hide from Uliana, can ignore the emotions pressing behind her eyes, can ignore it all as long as Ella keeps choosing her. Keeps letting her indulge in this compulsion. Keeps letting her kiss her and keep up the charade that no feelings are involved. 
Bridget can ignore it all, as long as she can keep feeling their lips pressed together. 
tagging literally anyone who might be interested
@strugglingsapphic @c-rose2081 @somedudenamedanthony @tigressartemis @mintylovesredsocks @gayafsowhat
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i-love-rice · 2 months
the lack of red x reader fanfics is actually CRIMINAL
i really thought she would be all over tumblr :(
authors PLEASE i BEG of you
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blizzardheart12 · 2 months
Descendants 4 headcanon/theory || the Hook family
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking ever since I first watched Rise of Red, and I mean a lot. In recent days, that old middle school mystery I used to ponder about who the Hook childrens’ mother is has come back to haunt me once again. So, after a lot of reliving my past Descendants obsession (and a fair amount of fanfic reading), I came up with this theory— it’s really just headcanons— about Harriet, Harry, CJ, and Red’s parentage. Let me know what you think! This is the first time I’ve actually posted something on Tumblr so we’ll see how this goes lol.
Captain James Hook and Bridget, the Queen of Hearts
Harriet Hook’s mother is the Queen of Hearts. Harriet and her fraternal twin sister, Red (bear with me), were born shortly after the creation of the Isle of the Lost. During this time, James lived in Wonderland with Bridget and helped command her army while she ruled the kingdom, thus avoiding imprisonment on the Isle. James, who had a passion for traveling, often left to visit with his crew and other villainous friends there by permission of Auradon, which sparked jealousy in Bridget, unbeknownst to him.
When Auradon Kingdom informed the Kingdom of Wonderland that the doorway between their worlds would soon be sealed for good, a massive argument ensued between Bridget and James. James wanted to leave Wonderland and live on the Isle with his crew mates and friends, and he wanted Bridget and the twins to come with him. Bridget was adamant on keeping her throne, however, and she forbid James from setting foot outside of Wonderland. After some time, it became clear that their relationship was over, and Bridget could no longer stand keeping James imprisoned in her territory.
They made a heartfelt agreement that they would part ways, and James left to go live on the Isle, taking Harriet with him. This separation caused the Queen of Hearts to turn extremely bitter, and she never told Red about her sister or father. Because time passes at a slower rate in Wonderland than it does everywhere else, Red aged much more slowly than her sister, so much so that by the time she began to attend Auradon Prep, she was younger than CJ, the youngest of James’s children. Harriet began to age at a normal rate the second she and her father left for the Isle, and that day is often considered to be her birthday despite her having been alive for nearly two years in Auradon-time (she was physically only a few months old though). As a result, she is essentially two years older than her brother, Harry. Try not to think about it too hard.
Captain James Hook and Sarah Sanderson
Harry and CJ Hook’s mother is Sarah Sanderson. James and Sarah never really had an official relationship, seeing as both quite enjoyed keeping up with their own long lists of love affairs during their time on the Isle. One would say that their blatant disloyalty to each other is what enabled them to get along as well as they did.
It was thought that Sarah maintained a relationship with James not only because he was attractive and a total flirt— not so different from her— but because he reminded her of Billy Butcherson when he was alive, or rather, a version of him from her dreams that boasted a much more unruly personality. Similarly, James found himself drawn to Sarah not just because of her beauty and flirtatiousness, but because she reminded him of Bridget, or rather, a version of her from his dreams where she was still sweet and playful and wasn’t totally blinded by her power.
It should also be mentioned that their relationship lasted a while because without access to magic, Sarah (and her sisters) couldn’t cause James any real harm as that is what usually happened with her unfortunate lovers.
Of the two, James was the better parent. He (mostly meaning his first mate Smee) took sole care of the children since their birth. He was coldest towards Harry yet somehow earned the most admiration from him despite not really warming up to his son until he grew past Peter Pan’s age. Sarah did show a bit of an uncharacteristic affection towards her children when she was with them, but ultimately her loyalty towards her sisters prevailed and she remained rather distant, only visiting with them before full moon rituals (when she didn’t forget, that is). It sounds cold, but she was one of the more caring parents on the Isle, and James was one of the best, personally teaching each of them important skills about survival, fencing, sailing, and literature (Harry never caught on to the reading thing, though, and James didn’t have the patience to make him sit still long enough to teach him).
Winnifred and Mary only knew of Harry’s existence. This is because Sarah is an awful liar and did not do a good job of hiding her pregnancy. Winnie was furious when she discovered this, but because there was no magic on the Isle, she couldn’t do much about it. When the baby turned out to be a boy, she began crafting a plan to get rid of him, but Sarah told this to James in secret and he had his crew steal back the child.
Sarah’s visits with James frequently became more prolonged after that, to the point where her spending months away at a time with him—expecting their daughter— hardly phased her two sisters (they thought unseriously of her and assumed she was off galavanting around with more lovers or searching for potion ingredients). They never found out about CJ and were pleased to see Sarah return not long after the baby was born.
Harry inherited his parents’ flirtatious (and slightly unhinged) nature. He has his father’s dark hair and his mother’s eyes. CJ has her mother’s blonde hair and her father’s eyes. Harry grew up not caring too much about maintaining a relationship with his mother because he felt offended that she always acted colder towards his sister, Harriet. He didn’t think it was fair that she be neglected of attention because she had a different mother— in his eyes, Sarah was Harriet’s mother as well. CJ, however, took a great interest in witchcraft as she got older and began to seek out Sarah’s company more and more with time.
So, that was pretty much all of it. Hope you enjoyed reading! Ignore the badly edited photo I made, I just needed something relevant😭
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vamp1r3k1tty · 2 months
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hey everyone ! !
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I’m normally a ghost reader… but I’ve always loved to write and I dabble a bit here and there, so I finally caved and made my own tumbler account!
~~Welcome to my first post, and official
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༻༻♥︎ masterlist♥︎༺༺
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Currently, I only want to write for Descendants: Rise of Red. It’s so good y’all, it doesn’t deserve the hate it’s getting fr.
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✄ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫:
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I’ll mostly be accepting Hook x Reader requests bc that man is divine.
♥︎♡︎♥︎Make sure you specify which character, gender, prompt you’d like me to write for ♥︎♡︎♥︎
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multifamdomfan · 1 month
Bridget: Why do you pretend to be shallow and self absorbed?
Hook: How dare you. I'll have you know that I am genuinely shallow and deeply self absorbed.
Bridget: If you were you wouldn't be this sad.
Hook: ...
Hook: Shut up.
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Some little incorrect quotes from the Merlin academy gang.
Because I have a bit of alone time right now UwU
(+Glassheart/CharmingHeart and other ships)
Squad reactions to being called straight:
Red : The fuck, no I'm not.
Hook: Excuse the hell out of you?
Morgie: Ding dong, you are wrong!
Bridget: Who told you that? And why did they lie?
Chloe: Rude.
Ella: *punches the person*
(I honestly want Ella or Chloe to punch someone)
Chloe: What are you up to today?
Red: Nothing.
Chloe: But you did that yesterday!
Red: I wasn’t finished.
(I feel that. Yuh)
Cinderella: Did you take out Red as I requested?
Chloe: Red has been taken out, yes.
Cinderella: You have my grat-
Chloe: It was a great restaurant.
Chloe: We had a romantic candlelit dinner.
Chloe: Red proposed afterwards- we’re filing the wedding papers.
(AU were Cinderella and Queen of Hearts are enemies or something and Ella wanted to kill the daughter of the Queen of Hearts for some reason idk lol)
Hades: The shadow realm? No, I’m sending you to Ohio
(I don't know much about Ohio. But apparently it's hell?)
Ella: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Charming: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Ella: But you’re always acting stupid?
Charming: ...
Charming: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
(aha 👀 okaaayy)
Morgie: How do I tell Hook that I want them to yell at me like they're Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined the crème brûlée?
(damn, Morgie. hell yeah! I'm hoping for you)
Morgie: I want a bf.
Bridget: Do you mean best friend, boyfriend or bread feast? Because you’re being really vague here.
(All of them really. But mostly a boyfriend/Hook)
Bridget: Watcha doin?
Morgie: Stealing my neighbour’s cat.
Bridget: Scandalous.
Bridget: Can I help?
(The cat wasn't treated well. And Best friend? Check ✅)
Bridget: Awww, why don't you like cats, Ella? They're just snuggly buddies! They have toe beans! They make a little blep! What's not to love??
Ella: I don't know Bridget, I just prefer to be conscious instead of dead on the floor.
(Bridget felt really bad for Ella that she can't cuddle with cats. She made it her mission to find some kind of potion/recipe that could make Ella not allergic so she can pat cats safely)
Morgie: Man, it smells like wrongdog out here.
Hook: Morgie, are you alright?
Morgie: *sobs*
(Boyfriend? Check ✅? Also he would definitely make that joke.)
Hades: How high are you?
Bridget: Mm, I don’t know how to say it in feet.
Morgie: No, they’re asking what drugs are you on.
Bridget: Oh, antidepressants, why?
(oop. I can see that tho 🫠)
Bridget: Today at 7 am, Ella poured a Monster energy drink in their coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing.
Hook: I watched Ella brew their coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think they ascended into the astral realm.
Hades: The survivability of the human race never fails to amaze me.
(Says a god. He's literally a god. What the hell.)
Kind in a rush.
Also not much glassheart
Hope you liked it
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lwtavocados · 6 days
i was watching tangled and i couldnt help but think that James and Bridget give off major Flynn and Rapunzel vibes (someone please agree with me, im going mad)
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herstoryheaven · 25 days
Descendants James Hook x Reader: Once a Princess, Now a Queen
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Request: Hi, huge fan of this book and erm can you one about Reader / us being pranked by him and the VKs, causing us to become the queen of Hearts and being mean and stuff, but we meet when we're older?
Reader: Female
Word count: 4674
Average reading time: 17 min
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: This story contains themes of bullying, emotional distress, and implied violence. If you are sensitive to these topics, please read with care.
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Walking the hallways of Merlin Academy was Y/n Heart, the Princess of Hearts. Her presence in the academy was like a ray of sunshine piercing through a stormy sky. She was the embodiment of grace and kindness, her heart as pure as the white and pink gowns she often wore. Y/n's smile was a beacon of hope, and her gentle nature made her a beloved figure even among those who were destined to become the villains of tomorrow.
She helped wherever she could, tutoring students struggling with difficult spells, mending friendships torn apart by petty rivalries, and even offering a kind word or gesture to those who had wronged her. It was said that the Princess of Hearts never held a grudge, no matter what happened. This made her stand out, especially to one particular student: James Hook.
James, with his cocky grin and a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, was a force to be reckoned with. He is clever, cunning, and always at the center of attention, James had a way of making everyone notice him, whether through charm or a well-placed scheme.
But Y/n was different. She wasn’t drawn to him because of his reputation or his undeniable good looks. She was drawn to the person she believed he could be, the person she saw glimpses of when he wasn’t wearing his egoscentric mask. And as much as James tried to hide it, he was drawn to her too. Her kindness was a puzzle he couldn’t quite figure out. Why would someone so good, so pure, even glance his way? It intrigued him, fascinated him, and before he knew it, he found himself wanting her attention more than anything.
One afternoon, as the sun cast golden light across the academy grounds, James found himself sitting with his usual group of close friends, Uliana, Morgie, Maleficent, and Hades. They were an unstoppable group, feared by most and respected by the rest.
They were deep in discussion, plotting their next grand scheme, when James’s gaze drifted to Y/n, who was laughing softly as she helped a younger student with their spellcasting. Her laughter was like a melody, and it made something in James’s chest tighten.
“Hook, are you even listening?” Maleficent’s sharp voice cut through his thoughts.
James blinked, refocusing on his friends. “What?”
Hades smirked, his blue eyes gleaming with amusement. “We were talking about pranks, but it seems like your mind is elsewhere, mate. Don’t tell me you’re still thinking about the princess.”
Uliana rolled her eyes. “Of course, he is. He’s been drooling over her for months. It’s pathetic.”
James got annoyed at her comment, but he knew better than to argue with Uliana. Instead, he leaned back, a cocky grin spreading across his face. “I’m not drooling over anyone. I’m just…curious. She’s not like the rest of us... or them.”
“She’s a goody two-shoes.” Morgie scoffed. “Too good for her own good, if you ask me.”
Maleficent’s eyes gleamed with wicked delight. “Maybe it’s time she learned what it’s like to be on the other side of the story. She’s always helping everyone else, let’s see how she handles a little chaos.”
James’s interest piqued at her suggestion. “What do you have in mind?”
Maleficent leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “We make her think she’s ruined a spell. Something big, something that will make everyone blame her. She’s so fragile, so delicate, it’ll throw her off balance. She’ll be so flustered, she won’t know what to do.”
Uliana grinned, feeling satisfied at the idea. “Perfect. And when she’s vulnerable, that’s when you swoop in, James. Play the hero, comfort her, and she’ll be yours.”
James hesitated, a small voice in the back of his mind telling him this was a horrible idea. But the desire to see Y/n flustered, to see her notice him in a way she never had before, was too strong. He wanted to break through that perfect exterior, to see the real girl beneath it. And maybe, just maybe, she’d see the real James Hook in the process.
“All right,” he agreed, his voice firm. “Let’s do it.”
The plan was set in motion the very next day. They waited until Y/n was in the library, her favorite place to study and help others. It was a quiet afternoon, with only a few students milling about.
James and his group hid behind a row of shelves, watching as Y/n worked on her own studies, her face a picture of concentration. Maleficent whispered the spell under her breath, casting an illusion over Y/n’s book. To her, it would appear as though she had just activated a spell that wasn’t supposed to be there, one that would have far reaching consequences.
James watched as Y/n’s eyes widened in horror. The book in front of her began to glow brightly, the pages turning black as smoke began to rise from it. She gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as she frantically tried to undo whatever she thought she had done.
“No, no, no…” she whispered, her voice trembling with fear. “What have I done?”
The smoke began to fill the library, causing students to panic and flee. In the chaos, Y/n stood frozen, her eyes wide with terror. She tried to close the book, but it wouldn’t budge. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that she was the cause of this disaster.
James felt a pang of guilt as he watched her. This wasn’t supposed to be this intense. She looked genuinely terrified, and for a moment, he considered calling the whole thing off. But then Uliana nudged him, reminding him of the plan, and he steeled himself.
“Go on, Hook.” she whispered. “Time to be the hero.”
James stepped out from behind the shelves, putting on his most concerned expression. “Y/n! What happened?” he called out, rushing over to her.
Y/n looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears. “I-I don’t know.” she stammered, her voice breaking. “I was just reading, and then…this happened. I don’t know what to do, James. I think I’ve ruined everything.”
James’s heart twisted at the sight of her so distraught. This was supposed to be fun, just a harmless prank. But seeing her like this, so broken, made him realize that they had gone too far.
“Hey, it’s okay.” he said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll figure it out. You didn’t mean to do it, right?”
Y/n shook her head, tears spilling down her cheeks. “Of course not! I would never…I just wanted to help.”
James’s mind was conflicted. He opened his mouth to confess, to tell her that it was all a joke, but before he could, Maleficent and the others stepped forward, their faces twisted in mock outrage.
“What did you do, Y/n?” Maleficent demanded, her voice cold and accusing. “Do you realize what you’ve done? You could've hurted everyone here!”
Y/n whinced as if struck, her face paling. “I-I didn’t mean to…” she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Uliana joined in, her tone harsh. “You’ve really messed up this time, princess. Everyone’s going to blame you for this. How could you be so careless?”
Y/n looked around, panic setting in as other students began to gather, their whispers growing louder. The room seemed to close in on her, and the weight of their accusations pressed down on her shoulders. Her breathing became rapid, her chest tightening with the overwhelming pressure of it all.
James could see the devastation in her eyes, and it cut him to the core. This was all wrong. He had wanted her attention, but not like this. Not at the cost of her kindness, her joy. But it was too late. The damage was done, and there was no taking it back now.
Finally, the librarian, sensing the commotion, rushed over and quickly dispelled the illusion with a flick of her hand. The smoke vanished, and the book returned to its normal state, as if nothing had ever happened. But the tension in the room remained, and the looks of disappointment and suspicion from the other students lingered in the air.
Y/n stared at the book, her hands trembling. “It was… it wasn’t real?” she whispered, her voice thick with confusion and betrayal.
James took a step forward, his heart in his throat. “Y/n, I—”
But she didn’t wait to hear his explanation. With a choked sob, she turned and fled from the library, leaving James standing there with the bitter taste of regret on his tongue.
The other students slowly began to take their leave, casting wary glances at James and the other VKs as they did. The prank had not gone as planned, at least not for him. He could still hear Y/n’s sobs echo.
Y/n ran through the hallways, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion, pain, and betrayal. She could barely breathe, her mind racing with questions that had no answers. Why would they do this? How could they think this was funny? Her heart ached, but beneath that pain, something darker began to stir. Something that had been tucked far away within her until now.
She fled to her dorm, slamming the door behind her, the sound echoing through the empty halls. The room was dark, only a few candles flickering to life as she entered. She collapsed onto her bed, her sobs muffled by the pillows. But as the tears subsided, a cold clarity took their place.
They had done this to her. They had humiliated her, turned her kindness into a weapon against her. And why? For what? A laugh? A fleeting moment of power?
Slowly, Y/n sat up, wiping the tears from her eyes. As she looked into the mirror across the room, she barely recognized the girl staring back at her. There was no more kindness in those eyes, no more warmth. Only cold, hard determination.
She stood, crossing the room with newfound purpose. Her reflection shifted as she approached the mirror, the girl she once was fading away to reveal something new. Something stronger.
“Love ain't it.” she whispered to herself, her voice steady and devoid of the fear that had gripped her earlier, “I’ll show them what real power is.”
Y/n opened a drawer in her vanity, pulling out a deck of cards that had been passed down through her family for generations. The cards were old, their edges worn, but they held a power that had been waiting to be awakened. She shuffled them expertly, feeling the magic pulsing through them, ready to be unleashed.
She drew the Queen of Hearts, holding the card up to the light. The queen on the card stared back at her, regal and commanding, her eyes burning with a ruthless fire. Y/n smiled, a smile that held no warmth, only the promise of revenge.
“They will learn.” she murmured, tracing the edge of the card with her finger. “They will all learn what it means to cross me.”
The next morning, Y/n walked into the school with her head held high. The whispers started as soon as she entered, but she didn’t flinch. She didn’t falter. Instead, she welcomed them, her heart hardened by the betrayal she had suffered.
James and the others watched her approach, unease settling in their stomachs. There was something different about her, something that made even the boldest of them hesitate.
“Y/n,” James began, stepping forward, his voice laced with guilt and hesitation, “about yesterday—”
“Save it.” Y/n interrupted, her voice cold and sharp. She looked at him, her gaze piercing through him as if she could see into the very depths of his soul. “I know what you did, James. All of you.”
James opened his mouth to protest, but the words died in his throat when he saw the look in her eyes. This wasn’t the Y/n he had known. This was someone else entirely, someone he had helped create.
“You wanted to see me break?” she continued, her tone dripping with disdain. “Well, congratulations. But I won’t be broken again. You’ll wish you had never laid eyes on me, Hook.”
With that, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving James and the others standing there, stunned and speechless. They had set out to play a cruel game, but they had awakened something far more dangerous than they could have ever anticipated.
As Y/n walked away, the students parted for her, their eyes wide with a mix of fear and awe. The Queen of Hearts was born that day, not from blood, but from betrayal, and she would not stop until she had claimed her throne.
During the following days, Y/n’s transformation into the ruthless Queen of Hearts became evident to everyone around her. The once gentle, compassionate girl who had been the heart of the school was gone, replaced by a figure of authority and fear. She moved with purpose, her every action calculated, her words sharp and decisive. She was no longer the one seeking approval or friendship. Now she commanded respect and loyalty, or else.
The first to feel the sting of her new persona was Maleficent. She had enjoyed manipulating others, reveling in the chaos she created. But now, Y/n had taken control, and she didn’t tolerate any challenges to her newfound authority.
It began with small things. A snide remark from Maleficent was met with a cold glare from Y/n, and suddenly, Maleficent found herself unable to speak, her voice trapped by a spell Y/n had cast with just a flick of her fingers. The rest of the group watched in shock as Y/n simply turned her back on Maleficent, leaving her to struggle in silence until she finally managed to break the spell hours later. By then, the message was clear: Y/n was in charge now.
Next, she turned her attention to Uliana, the leader, who had been so eager to see her fall. Y/n began to dismantle Uliana’s influence within the school, spreading rumors that twisted and distorted the truth, just as they had done to her. It didn’t take long for people to distance themselves from Uliana, fearful of being caught in Y/n’s crossfire. Uliana, once the most feared villain in school, found herself increasingly isolated and powerless.
Even James, who she used to have a secret crush on, was not spared from Y/n’s wrath. She knew how to play with his emotions, manipulating him with a cruel precision that left him torn between guilt and his old feelings for her. She dangled forgiveness in front of him like a treasure, only to snatch it away when he reached for it. It wasn’t long before he was a shell of the confident boy he had once been, reduced to a nervous wreck who jumped at his own shadow.
But Y/n’s power extended beyond just her former tormentors. She began to influence the entire school, her reputation growing with each calculated move she made. Those who had once looked down on her now feared her, and those who had been her friends found themselves questioning whether they even knew her anymore. She was no longer just another student, she was a force to be reckoned with.
One afternoon, as she walked through the halls, she overheard a group of students whispering about her. Their words, filled with fear and awe, brought a small smile to her lips. But when she caught sight of a younger student, a girl who had always looked up to her, she paused.
The girl stared at her with wide, frightened eyes, clutching her books tightly to her chest. Y/n felt a pang of something deep within her, regret perhaps? Or was it just a reminder of the person she used to be? The girl’s gaze was filled with admiration and fear, as if she couldn’t decide whether Y/n was a hero or a villain.
“Y/n?” the girl asked hesitantly, her voice trembling. “Is it true? Are you really the Queen of Hearts now?”
Y/n looked down at her, her expression unreadable. For a moment, the cold mask she had worn so well faltered. She saw a glimpse of her former self in the girl, a reminder of the kindness she had once believed in. But that kindness had been shattered, replaced by something darker and far more powerful.
“Yes.” Y/n finally replied, her voice steady and unwavering. “I am the Queen of Hearts. And fear is more important if I'm gonna rule for centuries.”
The girl nodded quickly, backing away before turning and fleeing down the hall. Y/n watched her go, the smile slipping from her face as she turned and continued on her way. The title of Queen of Hearts suited her, but it came with a price, one she was willing to pay, even if it meant losing the last bit of who she used to be.
That night, Y/n returned to her dorm, the weight of her decisions pressing down on her. She stood before the mirror, staring at the reflection that no longer felt like her own. The Queen of Hearts stared back at her, powerful and determent, but there was a hollowness in her eyes that she couldn’t ignore.
Was this what she truly wanted? Was this the path she was destined to walk? The power she had gained was intoxicating, but it came at the cost of everything she had once held dear. She had become the very thing she had feared most, a ruler of hearts, but with none left to rule her own.
As she turned away from the mirror, Y/n knew there was no going back. She had chosen this path, and now she would walk it to the end, wherever it might lead. The Queen of Hearts had been born, and she would reign with an iron fist, even if it meant ruling over an kingdom that feared her name.
Years had passed, and the memory of that fateful day at Merlin Academy continued to haunt James like a shadow he could never escape. No matter how many treasures he plundered or victories he claimed, the regret was weighing him down, a constant reminder of the cruel prank that had shattered the heart of the one person he’d ever truly cared about.
Y/n Heart, the girl with a heart so pure that it radiated warmth, kindness, and hope, had been transformed into the ruthless Queen of Hearts. The vibrant pinks and whites that once symbolized her gentle spirit had darkened into the harsh reds and blacks of her unforgiving new persona. She had become a ruler feared by all, a queen with a heart as cold as ice. And James knew it was all his fault.
But in the years that followed, James had changed too. He had grown into the most incredible pirate, a captain known for his sword skills across the seas. Yet, all the power and fame in the world couldn’t fill the void that Y/n had left behind. He had tried to move on, but the regret always lingered, a wound that refused to heal. He had never found the courage to apologize, fearing that it was too late, that she was lost to him forever.
Until now.
A grand event was being held at Merlin Academy, a reunion of sorts, bringing together old students and friends. James knew she would be there. It was the perfect opportunity to finally face her, to tell her the truth, and to beg for her forgiveness if need be. He couldn’t run from his past any longer.
The day of the event, the academy was alive with music and laughter, old memories resurfacing as former students greeted one another with smiles and stories. But James’s heart was heavy with the weight of what he needed to do.
When he saw her standing across the grand hall, she was more beautiful than he remembered, though she wore her icy demeanor like armor. The red and black dress she worn only accentuated the coldness in her eyes, but James could still see the girl he once knew underneath it all.
Summoning every ounce of courage he had, James approached her, each step echoing with the past he wished he could forget. He could feel the eyes of others on him, whispers of surprise and curiosity following in his wake, but he ignored them. His focus was entirely on her.
“Princess.” he greeted softly, using the name he had called her so many times before, hoping it might stir some of the old feelings between them.
Y/n’s eyes narrowed at the sound of his voice, her expression hardening. “I’m no longer a princess, James.” she replied, her voice as cold as winter. “That girl died a long time ago.”
James swallowed hard, the guilt tightening in his chest. “Lass… Y/n, please, hear me out.”
She tilted her head slightly, a dark smile curving her lips. “You have a lot of nerve, Hook, approaching me after all this time. What could you possibly have to say that would interest me?”
James felt the sting of her words, but he wasn’t disheartend. He had come too far to back down now. “I know.” he admitted, his voice trembling slightly. “I know I don’t deserve it, but please, just listen. I was a fool, Y/n. I did something cruel because I didn’t know how to tell you how I felt. I never wanted to hurt you, I never wanted things to go as far as they did. I just… I just wanted you to notice me.”
Her eyes, colder than ever, locked onto his with a mixture of bitterness and sadness. “You did more than make me notice, James. You made sure I would never forget.”
James felt a pang in his chest, the weight of his actions pressing down on him. “I’m sorry. Truly, I am. I’ve spent years regretting what I did, wishing I could take it back. I never wanted you to become someone else because of me.”
Y/n’s gaze intensified, the memories of that day rushing back with a force she couldn’t ignore. Her hand moved almost instinctively to the hilt of the jeweled dagger at her side. The room seemed to grow colder as she stepped closer to him, her voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. “And what makes you think I won’t cut off your head right now? Just like the many others who have dared to wrong me.”
James flinched at the venom in her words, his heart racing. He knew she wasn’t bluffing, she had the power and the will to carry out that threat. But he also knew that beneath the anger and the pain, there was still a part of her that remembered who she used to be.
“Because.” he said softly, his eyes never leaving hers, “I know that the girl I fell in love with is still in there, somewhere. And I’m not afraid to face her wrath if it means I can earn her forgiveness.”
Her grip on the dagger tightened, and for a terrifying moment, James thought she might actually go through with it. But then something flickered in her eyes, a hesitation, a doubt. He could feel the tension between them, thick as the silence that followed, but he didn’t move. He wouldn’t run. Not this time.
Y/n’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at him. His words had struck a chord, one she had buried deep beneath layers of ice. The part of her that had once loved him. The part that still, despite everything, longed for him, was fighting to break free.
“James.” she whispered, her voice trembling with the weight of her conflicting emotions. “You don’t know what I’ve become. I’m not the girl you knew. I’m not the girl you might have loved.”
James dared to step closer, his hand reaching up to gently touch her cheek. “Then let me love the woman you’ve become.” he whispered, his voice filled with a tenderness that caught her off guard.
His touch was warm, a stark contrast to the cold fury she had surrounded herself with for so long. Y/n felt herself trembling, her resolve cracking under the weight of his gentle caress. She wanted to pull away, to push him out of her life forever, but she couldn’t. The warmth of his hand on her cheek, the sincerity in his eyes, the soft, pleading tone in his voice, it was all too much.
“I’ve missed you.” he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. “I’ve missed the way you laugh, the way you light up a room, the way you made me feel like I could be better. I’ve missed you, Y/n. Please, let me in. Let me try to fix what I broke.”
The ice around her heart was strong, but it wasn’t unbreakable. Slowly, her grip on the dagger loosened, and she let it fall to the floor with a soft clatter. She closed her eyes, leaning into his touch, letting the warmth of his hand chase away the cold that had settled in her soul for so many years.
“James.” she whispered again, her voice barely audible, “I’ve wanted to hate you for so long. I’ve tried, but… I can’t. I don’t want to.”
“You don’t have to.” he whispered back, his lips brushing against her forehead. “You don’t have to be the Queen of Hearts anymore.”
Y/n opened her eyes, looking up at him with tears that she had refused to shed for years. “But I don’t know how to be anything else.”
“You don’t have to do it alone.” James said softly, his thumb gently wiping away a tear as it slipped down her cheek. “We can figure it out together. You and me, just like it was supposed to be.”
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Y/n allowed herself to hope. She allowed herself to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was a way out of the darkness she had surrounded herself with. And in that moment, as James wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his embrace, she let herself believe that love, real true love, might just be enough to melt the ice around her heart.
As they stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the harsh reds and blacks of her dress began to soften, the colors shifting ever so slightly. It was a small change, barely noticeable, but it was enough. It was a start.
“James.” she whispered, her voice trembling with the weight of her emotions. “I don’t want to be the Queen of Hearts anymore.”
“You don’t have to be.” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “Be the queen of my heart instead.”
Y/n looked into his eyes, searching for any trace of deceit, but all she found was the boy she had once loved, now a man willing to make amends. Slowly, she nodded, allowing herself to trust him one last time.
And as James leaned in to kiss her, capturing her lips with his own, Y/n felt the last remnants of the ice around her heart begin to melt away. The softened red and black now fully dissapearing into pink and white. The kiss was long overdue, filled with years of regret, longing, and hope. A kiss that spoke of second chances and the possibility of a future where they could both be happy.
When they finally pulled apart, Y/n looked at him, her eyes now filled with warmth and the glimmer of hope. “I’ve missed you.” she admitted softly.
“And I’ve missed you, love.” James replied, his smile full of genuine affection and relief.
As they stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, they knew that the past was behind them. They had both changed, both grown, but the love they once shared was still there, stronger than ever. Together, they walked away from the pain of the past.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
Requested by: @GlitchyDaRat
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