varpusvaras · 7 hours
My favorite fic trope is the "JLA meets the batfam because they arrested Jason as he was undercover and now the family is coming to pick him up" one, but imagine. Jason gets arrested by the JLA while undercover, and is brought in for questioning, but before any of the batfam members even notice that he is gone, Green Arrow walks into the interrogation room.
"It's okay, Superman, you can let him go."
"Green Arrow, Red Hood is a wanted criminal on the JLA:s most wanted list-"
"What? No, no he isn't, that's just Jason."
Superman stares. Jason stares too.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, that's just Jason, my son-in-law. You can let him go."
"...your son-in-law is the Red Hood?"
"No? Jason's not the Red Hood, he is just dressed as the Red Hood. He's in an mercenary group with my son, he does that. It's pretty easy to dress up as someone who doesn't show their face for a job. Jason's no Red Hood, let me tell you that. Or I guess I don't have to tell you that, since you've already arrested him."
Jason's not really sure if he wants to murder Oliver or not.
Superman stares. Oliver raises a brow.
"So? Can I have him back, please, we have a family dinner today and we're already a bit late."
Jason gets let out. Oliver throws an arm around his shoulders as they walk towards the zeta tubes.
"I hate you, Queen."
"You're welcome, kiddo."
JLA does leave Jason alone after that, though, because every time they see him outside of Gotham, they just go "oh that's just Jason dressed up as the Red Hood again, move on" and Jason doesn't know if he should be annoyed or not. It does make his work easier, but at the same time, it somehow feels like an insult.
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Raven Roth: Okay have you ever wanted to kiss... Him!
Raven points to Jason Todd then back Dick Grayson.
Dick's eyes widen in shock.
Dick: What?
Raven (a mischievous smile): You're not saying no.
Jason: Raven, have I told you how nice and amazing you are?
Raven: No.
Jason: Good, my brain is still working.
Raven: You've guys never-
Dick (disgusted): No!
Jason: Not if I died again. Not if there was a gun to my head.
Dick: Or if we were the last people on earth.
Raven: What about-
Dick: Stop suggesting things!
Raven (laughing): Sorry, sorry. Well Jason you and Roy?
Jason: Three times.
Raven: Nice.
Raven leaves calling for Roy.
Raven: Hey, Roy. We're your three times with Jason, kisses or sex?
Roy: Damn it, Jason!
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dramaturgydrakes · 2 days
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feel like this needs more context but i dont Wanna
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jayladfanpage · 3 days
what jason ships are you partial to? reasonings and silly musings would be fun to hear as well :) My personal fav is jaykyle !
To be entirely honest, there's very few Jason ships I outright dislike, those being Jaymia, Jaytim, Jaydick (no real reasoning behind this one, it just icks me), and Jaykara. Everything else I can at least partially get behind. My FAVORITES, though...
Jayde/Sladejay is a big one. I'm obsessed with Jason dating older men and I do see Jason, at least in his villain era, appreciating the fact that Slade respects his methods and his ideology. Slade himself has a lot of hard-set morals and a deep, obsessive love for his family despite causing them nothing but pain, which sounds like a certain Gotham vigilante I know. Also, we all know Slade likes them younger. (Even though that's really bad characterization, it's still funny, so whatever) and I do see them genuinely making each other "better" in that villain power couple way. They wouldn't make each other good people, but they could make each other happy and content and fix their emotional cravings together.
Another big one is JayKyle as well! They're just so toxic and messy I fucking adore them. The epitome of "If we hate each other enough this might work." Both of them need to get dicked down good in order to shut up and the other is more than willing to do it. Jason being completely isolated when he was a hero vs Kyle being introduced to so many heroes at once it's hard for him to forge genuine connections with most of them in the beginning. Both endlesly getting compared to their better, more loveable predecessor. I'm insane
... Jayroy. And I'm not sorry about it. Obviously if you’ve seen my ao3 you're aware of how much I just adore them but. ARGH THEY MAKE ME INSANE. Part of this is because RHaTO was my first DC comic and I'll always be at least a little emotionally attached to it, for all that it sucks ass. Also, I do thing that Roy "Savior Complex" Harper would obsess over the idea of fixing Jason -- especially since Lian had just died when they formed the Outlaws in my timeline. I also think Jason would help Roy with his rampant abandonment issues ( @royboyfanpage has some great posts about that if you're interested) due to how unwilling he is to let go of people, RHaTO characterization notwithstanding. And I just think Roy Harper is really fucking hot and Jason deserves a kind, stern dilf with long hair
You may notice that none of these answers include women and that's because Jason's kind of a dick to most women he interacts with. I am excited to see where JayRose goes though!
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Honestly Jason and Roy can be one of the most organic relationships DC could ever write.
Not only is it canon that Jason trusts Roy more than anyone else, but the way their relationship could help break stigmas is just perfect. Two men, tough vigilantes, typical men, but who happen to be together and genuinely have a deep trust and connection with one another. Also, their personalities wouldn’t clash, yet it’d probably be a great representation of a non perfect relationship, and it’d help really look in depth into their character, esp w Jason and how (at least for me) he’d struggle with the concept of love and touch, yet trust would be his go to method of portraying a deeper bond between him and Roy.
Just imagine a short comic- the red is Jason’s inner monologue, blue is scene description
Panel 1
We start off in an alley, Jason’s at a dimly lit apartment door, it’s almost fully grayscale apart from his helmet. It’s looking at his back, making him seem small in comparison to the rest of the world.
“I don’t love Roy” (top left corner)
“I trust him.” (Bottom right)
Panel 2
Roy is sitting on a couch, we see 1/4 of him (half of head and shoulders) watch tv, Jason’s in the background, putting his helmet on the small, dimly lit apartment table, it’s not really decorated- it’s plain and slightly messy.
Jason looks visibly frustrated/ stressed
“I trust him to see my vulnerability”
Panel 3
Shot of Jason leaning over the kitchen counter, hand pinching his nose bridge, from the front.
Panel 4
Roy coming up behind him, kind of connected to panel 3
Panel 5
Roy’s hand touching Jason’s
“I trust him not to touch my skin to draw blood, yet to soothe”
Panel 6
Roy’s fingers tracing in between a scars (Jason definitely is littered in scars)
“I trust him not to rub salt in my wounds, yet ointment, to ignore the proof of my destruction”
Panel 7
“I trust him not to slip poison between his lips when his brush mine”
Roy resting his forehead against Jason, silent comfort
Panel 8
The same composition as panel 7, but just the skeletons under their silhouettes
“I trust him to find the humanity in someone as monstrous as myself”
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clericxhood777 · 4 months
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Part One, I guess, I might start doing the batfam, too
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neptunezo · 6 months
The batkids are known for sharing clothes amongst each other, so imagine everyone’s surprise when Jason won’t let them borrow his hoodie. Upon further inspection they find out it’s Roy’s hoodie. This causes a chain reaction and now Dick won’t let anyone borrow his Wally hoodie, Tim won’t let anyone borrow his Kon hoodie, Damian with Jon’s clothes(which there was no need for because Damian’s clothes never fit anyways), Duke with Izzy’s, Cass with Steph, and so on. After this “civil war” they all reluctantly agree to end this and all clothes (their own or not) is up for grabs. (minus Damian and Jon, of course)
bonus is when their partners steal the batkids clothes only to find out later that it’s definitely not a wayne kids clothing item.
Roy: That’s my sweater?
Wally: Yeah well Kon’s wearing my pants so…
Izzy: I’m probably wearing one of your boxers, it’s for sure not Dukes
Kon: how do you know?
Izzy: Because Duke doesn’t own Minecraft boxers???
Steph: Oh yeah sorry, those are mine
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rosemarydisaster · 17 days
Setting the stage. Duke is trying to create a distraction to cover for Damian sneaking more animals in the mansion.
Duke: so B, I know it's amoral to have a favorite child but, who's your favorite in law?
Bruce: oh no..
Dick, vibrating with the force of sun: It's gotta be Babs. She literally invented the Batgirl mantle! She's arguably the most useful of all of us as Oracle. We wouldn't be half as effective without her. Plus, she's the daughter of your pal Commissioner G!
Cass, not willing to lose, especially to Dick: Uh-uh! Steph is Robin and Batgirl. He wants her to be Family, he always says!
Jason: yeah, my boyfriend is an ex-addict, teenage dad that kills people and loves to explode things, I'm sitting this one out. Have fun.
Tim, thoughtful and ignoring Jason: hang on, he can't technically have them as favorite in-laws because they're part of the family. In that case, Bernard should win. He's smart, from Gotham and hasn't done anything bad ever.
Damian, still covered in feathers: that's debatable Drake, your boyfriend was in a cult. Plus Ortiz at least knows how to defuse bombs!
Duke, remembering his girlfriend was accused of being part of the Latin kings (and was part of We Are Robin): yeah, well, she's lovely but we don't need to get lost in the details
*chaos, screaming amongst the kids. Cass bites someone*
Bruce, staring at the camera: it's Roy. Lian is my first granddaughter and the others need to really get their act together if they want to keep up. Steph is a close second but she didn't keep the baby. Nice try, but no granddaughter.
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bbbbbbbbatman · 9 days
Jason: I’m dating Roy
Bruce: Hmm (derogatory)
Jason: He has a daughter which makes you a grandad
Bruce: Hmm (delighted)
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varpusvaras · 3 days
Oh I just out of nowhere remembered that one issue storyline from W.I.T.C.H where Cornelia got straight-up erased from the memory of her family and friends and she disappeared from all pictures and everything. I'm gonna do that to Jason. He gets hit with a spell and poof! No one remembers him anymore, and now to the batfam, he is just some criminal they need to catch and put into Arkham.
(The only person who remembers him is Kory because the spell doesn't really affect her for some reason. She doesn't need to tell Roy twice that this hot man is his boyfriend, he just doesn't remember it at the moment. He is IN.)
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batfamhastwitter · 1 month
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Part 15! Can't believe Jason would do that smh lol
Prev ~ Beginning ~ Next
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meziniart · 2 months
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i was looking for references and i found this very funny picture and i immediately went "jayroy"
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Bruce once said, half-jokingly, that anyone who wanted to marry any of his kids had to beat hik in single combat first. Unfortunately, joking on the Bat looks dead serious to everyone not in his circle, so now Wally is busy learning Muay Thai, Roy is brushing up on Krav Maga, and Conner has resigned himself to living in sin. Steph just figures she'd ask Cass to fight her battles for her.
Conner: I’m sorry. I love you, but we can never marry.
Tim, thinking about who he might need to politely go ask Jason to take care of:
Conner, entirely serious: I’m never going to be able to beat your dad.
Tim, hearing “beat UP” because he was thinking about Jason punching Luthor:
Tim: I feel like further explanation might be necessary here.
Wally: Okay. I think I’m ready to fight Batman.
Dick, only half paying attention: *nods* I understand completely. I have the same urge all the time.
Jason: What do you MEAN you can’t marry me because Batman will beat you?
Roy: But Bruce said-
Jason: I don’t care what Bruce said. Actually, no. I do care. How DARE he-
*cut to Jason fighting Batman*
Roy: So does this count, or…
Bruce, at six am in a bathrobe and slippers: Steph, what are you doing here?
Steph: Outsourcing.
Cass: *comes flying at Batman from two stories above*
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speedyarrows · 23 days
Roy, walking in with Lian and Jason close behind: “Sorry we’re late. We had to wait out a terrible tantrum.”
Dick: “That’s okay. ‘Terrible teens’, am I right?”
Jason: “Oh no… it was me. It was my tantrum… Anyways, I’m fine now.”
Lian: “You’re thinking of terrible twos, Uncle Dick.”
Roy: “You’re both wrong. This is terrible twenties.”
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clericxhood777 · 30 days
Duke: Why is Dick sitting in between Jason and Roy?
Steph: Because he doesn't wanna see them cuddling.
Tim: Or kissing.
Duke: But they're a couple.
Tim: To Dick, Jason's still a baby.
Duke, holds up Damian: This is a baby, that's a grown ass adult.
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givemeureyes · 3 months
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4 bajillion notes or one please and i’ll make a part two
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