#J. Manns & Co
mann-cohenchman · 4 months
Hm... I remember seeing another Filipino Mann Co employee getting turned into Jollibee as a spell from one of my lovely magical friends, For you, I'm getting more of a.. Mang Inasal vibe, But I don't think they really have a mascot so...
Chicken. *MAGIC BLAST*
-M! Anon
(just a regular ass chicken wearing the uniform tailored to the appropriate size, Don't get eaten by your eagle buddy for 8 asks and you'll survive!!)
Are you serious. I do not want to be chicken!! oh my gad. I am so tired. Please. I just want to do this job of mine.
Send me more ask so i can stop being chicken!!
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thebotanicalarcade · 4 months
n89_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Market gardeners' catalogue :. Baltimore, Md. :J. Manns,1930.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/42262038
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hop-a-lot · 10 months
hellooo sorry maybe you've told it somewhere already but what do you think Bidwell's (real) first name is? I mean I've read somewhere that every Scout's sibling's name starts with J lol but idk, I wanted to know your opinion on this since you basically own Bidwell wholeheartedly <3
I have not explicitly stated his first name before, but it was implied in one of my small comics (X). I choose 'Jonah' as my headcanon for Bidwell's first name, named after a prophet who was swallowed by a sea creature and reappeared after 3 days, unharmed. I thought it was somewhat amusing giving Bidwell a name with a biblical story/implication, in contrast with Scout's real name, Jeremy , which has the meaning "appointed by God" (it's funny given that Scout was actually God's gift to Earth if according to comic lore), plus I also thought the whole idea of "his siblings' name starts with J" sounds pretty cool :)
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Extra: As for his last name, I have two HCs. It might have been derived from his father's last name or it could be a fake or code name given by Saxton shortly after he joined Mann Co. This could have been done to protect his and Mr. Reddy's identities, as well as the identities of Mann Co employees, from potential corporate counter-espionage.
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thegreathuxton · 11 months
Came and Never Left
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Pairing: Anthony Lockwood x fem! Reader (No use of Y/N)
Inspired by "The Day That I Met You" by Matilda Mann.
Summary: "You're wasting your potential at Bunchurch, you know... Call me, and I will take care of you. I promise."
Warnings: I'VE READ THE BOOKS SO THERE MIGHT BE SPOILERS. Cannon-typical violence. Reader has parent issues (Father isn't in the picture, and mother just passed). Depictions of death/homicide. Slight mentions of the reader being bullied/put down by coworkers.
A/N: Maybe series incoming? Idk, we'll wait and see. BTW, don't worry about the little numbers. I like separating my work into sections, just in case you accidentally close out and lose your place. Just remember Chapter/Part Whatever, Section 69, or something like that.
(PART 2)
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It was pouring outside and just minutes before curfew. You cast a nervous glance at the phone book, sitting on a table by the door. The yellow pages glared with agency ads, especially from Rotwell's and all of their new technology developments, such as iron tape and ghost alarms. The ghost alarm was bogus, you found. It was nothing but a rod, some spiderweb, and a bell attached to the end. It did ring, sure, but incredibly late. Your mother had bought it before she died. It rang an hour after her apparition attacked you in your living room, late one evening. And the iron tape was something you had bought on your own time. It now lined your bedroom walls.
The page the phone book was open to had another agency ad in particular that made you antsy. The silver and black stood out against the vomit-yellow color.
Beneath was a phone number, provided for leisure. They were small and they were cheap. And you knew no one from that company, which made you feel better.
There was a sudden knock on the door that broke your attention away from the book. You took a deep breath, fixed your wool cardigan so it covered you (you didn't think about the way this was a very grade-school English teacher moment), and unlocked the door. You expected a team to be at your front door, but no. Just one boy, about your age. Tall, strikingly handsome, and charming without having said a word. He was dressed in a fine-pressed suit, which was only kept dry by the stark black umbrella looming above his head.
"Good evening," he said. His voice emulated milk and honey. "My name is Anthony Lockwood, head of Lockwood & Co. I've been informed of your situation, and I'm here to help. May I come in?"
You brought him to the kitchen and put on the kettle. He sat down at the table and had a few biscuits that you politely offered to him before sitting down across from him, nervously twiddling your thumbs and trying to act natural. You didn't want to make yet another enemy from an agency other than the one you were currently employed at.
He ate while flipping through the week-old newspaper. Once he was done, he sat back and smiled at you. It was like the sun had just come blasting right through your window. You sat up straight, and he fixed his tie.
"So, you're an agent as well?" He asked you so bluntly, but his smile never faded.
"I am..." You murmured back, unable to meet his gaze now.
"I'm sorry to sound so rude. I just noticed the rapier and work belt hanging by the door when I first stepped inside. Which agency are you from? Rotwell? Fittes?"
"Bunchurch," you said. "My mother worked there when she was a kid, as a researcher, and she was one of their biggest donors and contributors into their own research of The Problem before she passed."
"Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. What talent do you possess?" He showed a brief amount of sympathy before moving on.
"I'm an all-rounder, as my supervisor likes to put it. I'm pretty mediocre at everything there is. I do some field work, but..." You trailed off. "They usually stick me on the research end of things."
Lockwood nodded, once again, sympathetic.
"Again, I'm sorry to hear that, but I must ask you something." He then leans forward. His hands come together, and he rests his forearms on the table. "Why did you call on us rather than Bunchurch?"
You stiffened at the question. He was forward and all business. You obliged him, not wanting to be a burden.
"They don't exactly treat me as well as some would want to think," you began, fingers now mindlessly picking at your mother's choice of tablecloth. You stuck your pinky finger through a small burn hole, left by one of her cigarettes. "And if I told them I couldn't deal with one measly ghost on my own, they'd probably laugh and put me out on the street..."
You look back up again, and Lockwood's eyes are glued to you. His eyes are such a pretty brown color. You look away again.
"What makes you say you can't deal with the ghost on your own?" Lockwood was very quiet when asking this.
"It's my mother," you said back, equally as quiet. You both sat in silence for quite some time. He took a patient breath.
"How did it happen?"
"Burgurlary gone wrong," you whispered, still picking at the cigarette burn. "I was out on a job. Mom had horrible hearing. She lost the ability to hear out of her right ear when she was fifteen. Some idiot on her team had horrible aim and hit her with a salt bomb. It went off when it hit her face. Robber came right in the dead of night, and she didn't hear him. She woke up and went downstairs just to get some water. Guy thought she had seen him, and just..." You made a gun with your hand and put it to your forehead. You slowly lowered your hand. "Neighbors called the cops. Cops called DEPRAC, and DEPRAC called me while I was on the job."
"And she attacked you?" He asked. You nodded.
"Three AM, just a few nights ago. I went downstairs to get a glass of water, just like she had, and there she was..." You sighed. "She could be rather cold, personality wise, but I never imagined her coming back as a cold maiden."
"Type two?"
You nodded once more, and Lockwood does as well. The kettle started to scream from the stove. You quickly stood up and tended to it.
"English breakfast or Earl Grey?" You asked.
"Earl Grey, please, with a dollop of honey, if you have it."
You helped him set up in the living room. It was the least you could do in exchange for his kindness and patience.
As you laid out a circle using the iron chains he had packed in his dufflebag, he examined the room, all the pictures that hung on the wall, and the traces death-glow left on the wooden floors. Your mother, unfortunately, had been shot on her favorite white carpet. DEPRAC had rolled it up and took it to the furnaces to be incinerated, along with a few other items that had been spattered with blood. Many other items were packed in cardboard boxes.
"Planning on moving, I assume?" He hummed.
"Just to the quarters within Bunchurch for the time being. I can't afford to keep up with rent on the house on my own," you explained and linked the chains perfectly together, just as you were trained to do. You then went to stand beside him as he admired a piece of artwork, just above the fireplace and resting on the mantle. Your mother would always stare at it when she was home. It was like a piece of resistance in her eyes.
When Lockwood tuned to face you, his scent, unburdened by the rain, washed over you. He smelled strongly of freshly clipped lavender and clean laundry. There was also a faint trace of burnt toast and magnesium. He smiled down at you.
"Do you have a safe place to go while I do my business here? Or would you feel better if you supervised?" He said, still smiling and making your heart beat a little faster.
"My room should be safe," you said to him. "As long as that iron tape from Rotwell's holds up."
He laughed at your answer. "One of my associates has a habit of buying that junk too. He rambles all the time about all of that Rotwell nonsense. Can you believe it?"
You smiled back up at him and blushed.
"You have to give them credit. A lot of the stuff they sell is junk, but it can be useful some of the time."
"Oh, spare me," he openly joked with you. "George will definitely get a laugh at that. He went on this huge rant just the other night about the stupid ghost detector stick he bought with his entire paycheck."
You continued with the small banter and kept him company until the old grandfather clock that sat in the corner struck twelve. Lockwood had been sharing jammy dodgers with you that he had tucked in his coat pocket, when the metallic twang rung and had the two of you in a spellbound trance.
Lockwood looked at the clock, checked his watch for the accuracy, and then unclipped the thermometer from his belt. The black box read 17.2 degrees Celsius. He let out a small laugh, chuffed with himself.
"I suppose you best be heading to your iron tape fortress rather quickly," he said while showing you the reading. "It was twenty-four degrees in here about 10 minutes ago."
With that, you both stood. He went to his iron circle and dug in his bag for a moment. When he stood back up, he turned to you.
"I'm sure you have a million and one of these stashed somewhere, but just in case you can't reach one of yours, take one of mine," he grinned and placed a salt bomb in your hands. "It'll give me some peace of mind when you go upstairs."
You smiled down at the thing in your clutches, then nodded, grinning just as big as he was.
"Don't let her bully you," you teased him, tucking the salt bomb in your pants pocket. "She was always kind of mean to strangers."
Lockwood shrugged and kept smiling. He waved you off and watched you disappear upstairs.
You couldn't sleep. You kept thinking about the boy downstairs, doing God knows what in your living room. He was probably sitting in his little protected circle and eating another biscuit. You smiled at the very prospect.
You sat in bed, one hand resting over the salt bomb still sitting snuggly in your pocket, while the other held open a book, but your eyes didn't bother reading anything. Your ears were too busy listening, which took up most of your brain power.
The grandfather clock would echo up the stairs and to your bedroom. One passed, then two, and before you knew it, it was two forty-five. Fifteen minutes before things began to happen.
Each night, at precisely three in the morning, a horrible scream would rock the house. You gave these details to the company working downstairs over the phone. You never dared to explore more, always too terrified of dying at the hands of your mother's spirit to try. Your thumb twitched over the salt bomb again.
You stared at the pages of your book until the clock struck three, and the seconds seemed to slow. Like clockwork, the scream came rippling through the house. It was louder this time. Loud enough, it made you cover your ears.
Five seconds after came the loud BOOM of a magnesium flare and then the CRACK of a salt bomb. Another terrible shriek tore the house asunder and had you putting your house shoes on. You glanced at the clock.
It read 3:06. Another bomb went off, and you heard furniture start to crash and rumble. You gripped the salt bomb in your pocket and then rushed to your closet. The thought that scared you more than facing your undead mother was the thought of another agent, dealing with a dangerous type two ghost and thinking they could do it alone.
You found your grade three rapier. It was shorter than the one you used now, but that one was downstairs by the door, and you couldn't possibly go for it now.
You threw a robe over yourself and threw open your door. The temperature change was horrendous. Your room was a comfortable and warm temperature, but as soon as you stepped beyond the door, you could see your breath perpetrating in the air. Thin layers of ice grew on the walls and cracked at the crumbling wallpaper. Another terrible shriek pierced the air, but it wasn't feminine. It was Lockwood.
You rushed down the stairs and turned to see the scene before you. The walls were burned from salt, magnesium, and ectoplasm. Lockwood had been knocked on his back, and his coat was steaming from the ectoplasm burns. The iron chain had been snapped in two. His rapier was far across the room, stuck in the wall like a decorative art piece. Above him was your mother. Her apparition was blue and terrifying. You could hardly look at her without wanting to turn away and sob. There was still a bullet hole in the center of her apparition's forehead. Tentacles of ectoplasm lashed out at Lockwood as he laid on the floor, and he was trying his best to dodge each one. He was out of flares and out of time.
That was, until you rushed to his aid.
You unclipped the salt bomb and threw it. It exploded and blinded both you and Lockwood. Your mother screeched and disappeared briefly, but she was quick to start reforming. You ran to Lockwood and helped him stand up by his shoulders. His eyes were wide and wild and he loomed at you with his mouth agape. You stared back, just breathing hard and speechless. Your heart was going a mile a minute. His eyes suddenly flicked away from you. He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you to the side quickly. He slammed his back against the wall and kept you tight to his chest. You realized he had just pulled you out of the way from another lash from an ectoplasm tentacle.
"I thought you wanted to stay with your iron tape fortress!" He panted, smiling at you as he let you go.
"I couldn't let you deal with her alone," you said back, then turned to face the bigger problem in the room. Your mother had reformed herself, right in front of the chimney. She screamed again, and it rattled your brain inside your head. You screamed back and threw your rapier.
The point of the blade struck her blue chest. Her apparition disappeared as the blade went entirely through her and landed in her favorite painting on the mantle, like a dart in a board. You watched the blade shake and then still. Steam bellowed from it.
"The fireplace," Lockwood muttered and he came to stand beside you. "The source has got to be in the fireplace."
You nodded in agreement.
Lockwood approached his dufflebag quickly and retrieved a silver net. He pulled his rapier from the wall and looked to you.
"You go up there, and I'll watch for her. Okay?"
He gave the silver net to you. It wasn't an option anymore. You both cautiously approached the fireplace, and another screech rang from the house and shook the ice-chipped, ectoplasm stained walls.
"Not getting any younger here, Bunchurch," he said cooly, keeping his rapier steadily pointed while his eyes flickered all over the room, carefully watching.
You wasted no more time, climbing into the fireplace with no light. You relied on your hands, feeling the bricks and only finding thick grime and soot.
"Lockwood!" You called. "I'm not getting anything! I don't think it's here!"
"I think it is," Lockwood said, now sounding tense. "Because your mom's back, and if you thought getting a spanking with a wooden spoon was bad, you're definitely going to hate what she's about to do here in about ten seconds or so."
You searched all the more frantically, and you stretched up on your tippy-toes. Your fingers dived into a mesh of spiderwebs suddenly, and it took all of your willpower not to pull your hands away and wretch with disgust. You dug deeper, wincing as you heard the visitor scream again. Your hands then felt something wooden lodged between a couple of bricks. With no hesitation left, you grabbed it and yanked it down. You wrapped it in the silver net, and as soon as you did, all was silent. You could hear the ticking of the grandfather clock in the corner and Lockwood's loud panting.
You crawled out of the fireplace, and the first thing you saw was Lockwood's smiling face. He put both of his hands on your shoulders and beamed so brightly at you.
"Well done, Bunchurch!"
You began to beam, too.
He took the silver net from you and set it somewhere safe, where it wouldn't be disturbed.
"Did you see what it was?" He asked you and took a seat on the floor. The couches were still thawing from the bitter cold and the walls now dripped from melting ice.
"No," you sighed. "A box, I think."
He hummed. You sat on the floor with him, next to him. He produced a bar of chocolate from his now near-empty duffle bag. He split it with you, and you made a new kettle of tea in the kitchen, where you both soon moved to sit more comfortably.
"Hang on a second," he suddenly mumbled to you. "You've got soot all over your face. Let me get it for you."
He wet a napkin and then approached you. The smell of lavender was overwhelmed by the magnesium, but still there all the same. He wiped at your cheeks and forehead with the wet napkin and got as much grime as he could while the water in the kettle started to boil. He was so gentle with you, it made you blush profusely, and his eyes had a new gleam to them that you hadn't seen when he first stepped foot into your house.
"If you want," he spoke softly while using his other hand to tilt your chin up more, "I could stay with you until dawn and we can see what the source was in the morning, when it's safe."
You thought about it for quite some time, then shook your head.
"No... I don't think I really want to know what it is," you sighed and looked up at him. He had paused with dabbing the napkin and now just mindlessly rubbed your chin with his gentle thumb. "I've spent the past two weeks trying to heal after her death. I think seeing what it is will put me back quite a bit."
Lockwood stood there for some time, just gazing at you while you spoke. He dropped his hands and nodded, finally, after some time of thought.
"As you wish, Bunchurch. I'll take it to the furnaces first thing," he smiled at you, and you smiled back. He placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, and you placed your hand on top of his, in return. You saw the pink rise to his pale cheeks, and he gave you the faintest hint of a laugh. He stayed with you for some tea and a light, congratulatory breakfast. Not long after that, he was packing his things and getting ready to leave.
"You know," he spoke softly as you walked him to the door. "You saved my life tonight. You'd be surprised at how many people there are in this world who wouldn't do the same."
You smiled at him.
"From one agent to another," you said with sincere warmth in your tone. He smiled back at you.
Dawn was just beginning to peak in through the window above your front door. He turned to face you just as you reached for the handle.
He stuck his hand in his coat pocket and brought out a small business card. Scrawled on it was the same name and number you had gotten from the yellow pages.
"What is this?" You murmured, confused. It took you a moment to realize that the number on the card was different in the slightest of ways.
"It's my personal phone number. We have two phones. One for business and one for other things. Give us a ring sometime, using that number," he spoke and pointed to the card. "You're wasting your potential at Bunchurch, you know. The way you acted tonight more than proved you deserve to work on the field rather than some dusty library. Lockwood & Company will always have room for more people like you." He cupped your hand, the one holding the business card, and curled your fingers around it for you so you could hold on tight to it. His hands were warm and comforting around yours. His warm, brown eyes never left you. "Call me, and I will take care of you. I promise."
It seemed like only a few heartbeats before he was gone. You watched from one of your living room windows as he went to the corner of your road and hailed a cab. You sat and watched his cab drive away, still clutching the card, just knowing from the feeling you got, you'd be leaving your job at Bunchurch very soon.
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Yo, is asking invasive questions and threatening people with swords your go-to?
-J. Frost @sinnohstruggles
Yes! You see I'm a Mann co mercenary, and this is standard procedures. Refer to meet the spy and expiration date for some standard interactions!
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team-headcanons-2 · 2 years
What mercs think about getting married
This varies heavily
Mercs getting married
Scout wants to get married at some point but right now he's too busy living his 'prime'
He also doesn't even know who'd he really want to marry.
He knocked Pauling off his options due to her being a lesbian(also before anyone gets mad at me that's genuinely canon about her)
So yes I think he would wanna get married but I don't think he sees it anywhere in the next few years.
You like fire?
You like dresses?
Cool take the ring pop and get on the alter that's definitely not on fire and covered in balloonicorns NOW
Considering this man is already engaged in canon I think he definitely likes the idea of himself getting married and just never thought about it before.
He doesn't think anyone is too interested in getting married with him.
He warns the person beforehand about the hell of a mother in law they're about to have
Mrs DeGroot tho be like "FUCKING FINALLYYY"
I think he'd sober up for his wedding.
Alike Scout I don't think he'd want to get married while still on the contract with Mann Co.
I think he would have a wedding during his contract if he ever did get a fiancé.
He probably fantasizes about going on some cowboy adventure for the honeymoon.
I think he gets overly excited and he himself is just trying not to cry the whole time.
He's not getting married during his contract.
He'll make sure his family likes whoever he's marrying first.
I think he'd be excited to get married if it ever came down to it.
It's a small wedding. Like real small.
If it's not Scout's mom he don't want it/j
But like seriously I can't see this man ever getting married. At all
I'm so sorry Spy fans
Someone wants to marry him? This guy? Even he's in disbelief
He's not opposed to the idea he just never thought it would ever happen to him of all people
It's not anything big but dear God is it fancy.
It's a Jewish wedding bc Jewish Medic headcanon beloved
He's very stressed about the preparations.
Sniper? Marriage?
It's not for him.
It's not that he doesn't want a partner it's just that he doesn't want a wedding.
Get in the courthouse get the papers and get out kinda guy.
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saraclements · 2 years
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From Pinocchio’s very first frame, you’re hit by its stunning, intricate craftsmanship with almost tangible quality. The blend of practical and visual effects is so seamless that it’s hard to know what was handcrafted and what wasn’t. The first frame also carries symbolism. Guillermo del Toro and co-director Mark Gustafson chose a pine cone hanging on a branch as their first shot because it represents the many themes they’ll explore, like resurrection and enlightenment. In del Toro’s retelling, co-written with Patrick McHale, Pinocchio (voiced by Gregory Mann) is also carved from a pine tree. This wooden puppet is brought to life with a wood that symbolizes immortality. The themes of immortality and mortality are touched on throughout, especially in the context of what being a “real boy” actually means. As del Toro and McHale set their interpretation of Carlo Collodi’s classic novel in Mussolini’s Italy, it’s not surprising that the director wants to lean into darker thematic material as much as possible, creating a story that’s more rooted in reality than a dreamlike Disney fantasy. But Sebastian J. Cricket (voiced by Ewan McGregor) explains that this story above all is about imperfect fathers, imperfect sons, love, and loss. It’s a story that moves you in the universal relevance of what it means to be human. It’s a kids’ movie for adults that’s immensely profound. Both with humor and heart, it stirs an emotional reaction in its audience and surprises by subverting expectations.
Continue reading my review here.
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consanguinitatum · 5 months
Today is the 67th anniversary of the iconic film 12 Angry Men...
Did you know David Tennant was in a production of this play at drama school in 1990, and he used an American accent?
He sure was!
He was Juror 8, the role Henry Fonda portrayed in the film version.
I write more about that here:
...but I intend to do a deeper dive into the play at a future date.
Subscribe for free and stay tuned!
Here's some history of the play, from this Twitter thread which I STRONGLY encourage you to read in its entirety:
"In the early 1950s, TV writer Reginald Rose served as a jury member on a manslaughter case. Inspired by his experience, he wrote a teleplay called 12 Angry Men as a one-hour drama. It aired on CBS in September 1954, directed by Franklin J. Schaffner.
One viewer was Henry Fonda, one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Seeing potential for a movie, Fonda got in touch with Rose and the two agreed to co-produce a film adaptation. Fonda did not like the experience and the film was his first and last producer credit.
Around that time, Delbert Mann’s Marty was a huge success. That movie was also adapted from a teleplay and studios were looking for other TV projects to mine. So when Fonda and Rose pitched 12 Angry Men, United Artists snapped it up immediately.
Looking for a suitable director, Fonda approached Sidney Lumet due to his work on TV show Studio One. Lumet was a young filmmaker with a great reputation as a TV director, and jumped at the chance to break into movies.
As part of the deal, Fonda agreed to star as well as co-produce, taking on the role of Juror 8. And both he and Rose agreed to defer their salaries, meaning they wouldn’t make any money unless the movie made money."
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louisupdates · 1 year
@fashionlouist bracket winners! all the looks
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26 May - Mohegan Sun Arena, UNCASVILLE CT [Vetements shirt] [Lacoste shoes] [Lacoste polo] [Lacoste track pants]
27 May - Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion, GUILFORD NH [Marni x Carhart shirt] [Adidas shoes]
29 May - Place Bell, LAVAL QC [Palace x Adidas t shirt] [Ahluwalia shirt] [Adidas shoes] [By Parra shirt]
30 May - Budweiser Stage, TORONTO ON [A Bathing Ape shirt]
1 Jun - Blossom Music Center, CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH [Calvin Klein tank top] [Stone Island pants, Adidas Osweego shoes]
2 Jun - Michigan Lottery Amphitheater, STERLING HEIGHTS, MI: [1017 Alyx 9SM T-shirt] [Axel Arigato shoes]
3 Jun - The Icon Festival Stage, CINCINNATI: [Fred Perry polo] [Adidas Osweego shoes] [424 shirt] [Nike shorts] [Nike slippers]
6 Jun - Kemba Live! Outdoor, COLUMBUS OH: [Calvin Klein tank top] [J. Lindeberg pants] [Axel Arigato shoes] [28 OP hoodie] [28 OP shorts] [Adidas Osweego shoes]
7 Jun - TCU Amphitheater at White River State Park, INDIANAPOLIS: [Paul Smith T-shirt]
9 Jun - Saint Louis Music Park, SAINT LOUIS: [Obey knit polo]
10 Jun - Starlight Theatre, KANSAS CITY MO: [Raf Simons t-shirt]
13 Jun - BMO Pavilion, MILWAUKEE: [Fred Perry shirt] [Adidas Samba Og shoes]
15 Jun - Huntington Bank Pavilion, CHICAGO: [28 OP hoodie] [Sergio Tacchini jacket] [Lacoste pants] [Lacoste shoes] [Calvin Klein tank]
16 Jun - The Armory, MINNEAPOLIS: [Vintage Umbro England football shirt] [Pangaia hoodie]
17 Jun - Harrah’s Stir Cove, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA: [Lacoste shirt] [Adidas shoes] [Y-3 hoodie and shorts] [Adidas shoes]
19 Jun - Denny Sanford Premiere Center, SIOUX FALLS, SD: [Umbro 2004 vintage home shirt]
21 Jun - Red Rocks Amphitheatre, MORRISON, CO: POSTPONED [Nike t-shirt] [Sergio Tacchini shorts] [Nike shoes]
24 Jun - Wamu Theater, SEATTLE: [Calvin Klein white tank top] [Grand Collection pants]
26 Jun - Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Center, VANCOUVER BC: [Burberry shorts] [Ksubi shirt]
27 Jun - Mcmenamins Edgefield Concerts, TROUTDALE OR: [Adidas Jamaica jersey]
29 Jun - The Greek Theatre, BERKELEY CA: [ERL t-shirt]
30 Jun - The Hollywood Bowl, LOS ANGELES: [Stone Island jacket for Hollywood Bowl ad] [Adidas x Wales Bonner jacket] [black mesh tank top]
1 Jul - The Chelsea at the Cosmopolitan, LAS VEGAS: [Palace Skateboards t-shirt] [Adidas Gazelle red shoes]
3 Jul - Arizona Financial Theatre, PHOENIX: [Black Sabbath vintage t-shirt] [Calvin Klein white tank top] [Rick Owens x Champion track pants]
6 Jul - The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory, IRVING TX: [Devá States t-shirt] [Stone Island swim trunks]
7 Jul - Moody Amphitheater at Waterloo Park, AUSTIN TX: [Tom Ford vest] [Lacoste pants] [Salomon shoes]
8 Jul - The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, WOODLANDS TX: [Saul Nash matching set] [Axel Arigato shoes]
11 Jul - St. Augustine Amphitheatre, ST. AUGUSTINE FL: [Burberry shirt] [Umbro vintage shorts]
13 Jul - Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood, HOLLYWOOD FL: [Casablanca Paris polo]
14 Jul - Yuengling Center, TAMPA FL: [Alyx 9SM AAUTS0393FA01BLK0001 ARCH LOGO t-shirt] [Soon To Be Announced t-shirt, Mastermind pants]
15 Jul - Cadence Bank Amphitheatre at Chastain Park, ATLANTA: [soundcheck: Mastermind pants] [Casablanca Paris t-shirt] [Adidas Sprinter shorts]
18 Jul - Ascend Amphitheater, NASHVILLE: [Stone Island sweater for Australia announcement] [28 OP track pants] [Celine polo]
19 Jul - Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre, CHARLOTTE NC: [Lacoste pants]
21 Jul - Red Hat Amphitheater, RALEIGH NC: [28 OP pants] [Paul Smith t-shirt] [Stone Island shorts]
22 Jul - Merriweather Post Pavilion, COLUMBIA MD: [Nike England jersey] [Sergio Tacchini shoes]
24 Jul - MGM Music Hall at Fenway, BOSTON: [Stone Island pants] [Salomon shoes]
25 Jul - MGM Music Hall at Fenway, BOSTON: [Andersson Bell t-shirt]
27 Jul - TD Pavilion at the Mann, PHILADELPHIA: [Prada tank top], [CP Company pants], [Thames MMXX polo]
28 Jul - Stone Pony Summer Stage, ASBURY PARK NJ: [Maison Mihara Yasuhiro shirt] [Sunflower Mike shorts]
29 Jul - Forrest Hills Stadium, NEW YORK: [Tom Ford tank top] [Prada pants] [Axel Arigato t-shirt]
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outfits courtesy of lbfcult
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kirame90 · 1 year
I just wanted to let you know that I genuinely, so very much, loved your comic from beginning to end. It made me laugh, and tugged at my heart strings. I've been reading it as you released chapters weekly since near the beginning, but didn't get around to confidently using my new Tumblr account till you were basically near the end of the story. Regardless of that, I still wanted to follow you, even though it's over now, and express my love for this beautiful piece of art you put so much time and love into, that definitely inspired me at times.
I did want to ask if it was possible at all, that fans of this story could see a potential physical comicbook of this story being sold in the future? Though, I get that kinda project would likely require money, time, and material that you may not have, I was just curious if it's something you've thought about doing?
My final question is, if we will ever see anything more from the chaotic boyfriends, seeing as you've finished the main couple's story? Though I also get you likely don't have the time anymore because of your dream job, or may not have had anything else planned for them. I was just curious, and also loved the shenanigans of the chaotic boyfriends, but felt they had a little more that was worth exploring after they got tricked into confessing to eachother (or at least BLU Sniper was tricked).
I wanna finish this out with another thank you for all your effort to bring this wonderful story, and charming goofy characters to life these last 3+ years! I'm both so happy and a lil' sad to see it finally end, and will miss eagerly waiting every Wednesday for a new chapter. I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
HNNNNNNNGGGGHHHHH thank you so incredibly much for your feedback and sorry for the late reply!! Q^Q
Thank you for reading as well as letting me know how my little story touched you. It's amazing to hear others have been enjoying their journey with my babies along the years <3
We are actually working on the physical copy of the comic with my best friend. She's being amazing and doing basically all the work on her own. I started a new passion project for Patreon (since it's going to be NSFW all the way I can't put it anywhere near Tumblr -_-) so my free time is - again - extremely limited.
The physical copy will include J's face in the end and all the NSFW bonuses, so it's DEFINITELY not for kids ;)
Aaahhhhh the Chaotic Boyfriends. I do love them to death and I can promise you they're living their best life after leaving Mann Co.
For whatever reason, I can’t see those two getting married. Even if they stuck together after their contracts end, I see them in a comfortable companionship rather than being officially married.
They would probably see marriage as cringe-worthy arrangement after making fun of SniperSpy for their union. I like to picture these two just travelling the world together, going on missions and enjoying wild life; practically being a married couple without the marriage part.
And having monthly swinger parties with SniperSpy ;)
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But yeah, thank you again for your feedback, it truly warms my heart to hear people's thoughts about the comic as well as the characters. If we'll get to finish the physical comic project I will let everyone know immediately. I'm not expecting it to be a huge success nor am I looking to benefit from it. If we'll ever get to sell physical copies all the profits will go to charity, as they have this far.
Please take care and have a happy Pride Month! ^^
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daughterofhecata · 9 months
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Once again I aimed for complete blackouts on @batmanisagatewaydrug's and @macrolit's reading bingos and this time, I actually succeded! (Even if I took some liberties with the term 'novel' on the macrolit one, mostly focused on the 'classics' aspect.) Lowkey proud of myself ngl.
Titles for both under the cut, full reading list here.
graphic novel: Christopher Tauber, Hanna Wenzel: Rocky Beach. Eine Interpretation. [no english title]
horror: Jáchym Topol: Die Teufelswerkstatt [org. title: Chladnou zemí/engl. title: The Devil’s Workshop]
author you’ve never read before: David Henry Hwang: M Butterfly
translation: Władysław Szlengel: Was ich den Toten las [org. title: Co czytałem umarłym/engl. title: What I Read to the Dead]
poetry collection: Richard Siken: Crush
a book recommended by a friend: James Oswald: Natural Causes. An Inspector McLean Novel.
verse novel: Alexander F. Spreng: Der Fluch [no english title]
novella: Thomas Mann: Der Tod in Venedig [engl. title: Death in Venice]
a book w/ vampires: Michael Scott: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #2. The Magician.
book w/ a cover you think is cool: Cornelia Funke: Tintenwelt #4. Die Farbe der Rache. [engl. title: The Color of Revenge]
2023 release: Jonathan Kellerman: Unnatural History. An Alex Delaware Novel
book w/ an animal on the cover: Faye Kellerman: Der Zorn sei dein Ende [org. title: The Hunt]
book published before 1980: Josef Bor: Die verlassene Puppe [org. title: Opuštěná panenka/engl. title: The Abandoned Doll]
science fiction: Ursula K. Le Guin: The Dispossessed
romance: Akwaeke Emezi: You made a Fool of Death with your Beauty
historical fiction: Alena Mornštajnová: Hana [org. title: Hana/engl. title: Hannah]
450+ pages: James Ellroy: Die Schwarze Dahlie [org. title: The Black Dahlia]
memoir: Jeanette McCurdy: I‘m Glad My Mom Died
re-read a book from school: Frank Wedekind: Frühlings Erwachen [engl. title: Spring Awakening]
short story collection: John Barth: Lost in the Funhouse
non-fiction: Vera Schiff: The Theresienstadt Deception. The Concentration Camp the Nazis Created to Deceive the World.
book w/ a movie adaption: Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita
book published in your birthday month: Jan T. Gross: Neighbors. The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland.
anthology: Alain Locke: The New Negro
Classic Author A/B/C: James Baldwin: Giovanni‘s Room
Published between 2000-2023: Kim Newman: Professor Moriarty. The Hound of the D‘Urbervilles
Philosophy or Literary Criticism: [various books and essays for three literature courses]
Harlem Renaissance: Claude McKay: Harlem Shadows
Children’s Literature: [various Three Investigators books]
Fan Fiction: [various works]
Essays or Satire: Mark Thompson: Leatherfolk. Radical Sex, People, Politics and Practice.
Book of Short Stories: John Barth: Lost in the Funhouse
Classic Author G/H/I: Lorraine Vivian Hansberry: A Raisin in the Sun
LGBTQ+ Author: Ocean Vuong: Time is a Mother
Published before 1940: Friedrich Schiller: Maria Stuart
Classic Author J/K/L: Ursula K. Le Guin: The Dispossessed
Detective, Horror, or Suspense: Maurice Leblanc: Arsène Lupin und der Schatz der Könige von Frankreich [org. title: L'Aiguille creuse/engl. title: The Hollow Needle]
Classic Author M/N/O: Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita
Classic Author S/T/U: J.D. Salinger: The Catcher in the Rye
Poetry or Play: Arthur Schnitzler: Reigen [engl. title: La Ronde]
Biography or Non-Fiction: Peter Hallama: Nationale Helden und jüdische Opfer. Tschechische Repräsentationen des Holocaust. [no english title]
Classic Author P/Q/R: Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar
Graphic Novel: Christopher Tauber, Hanna Wenzel: Rocky Beach. Eine Interpretation. [no english title]
Published between 1940-1999: Hanna Krall: Dem Herrgott Zuvorkommen [org. title: Zdążyć przed Panem Bogiem/engl. title: Shielding the Flame]
Classic Author D/E/F: Bret Easton Ellis: American Psycho
Young Adult: Kathy Reichs: Virals #1. Tote können nicht mehr reden. [org. title: Virals]
Gothic Fiction: E.T.A. Hoffmann: Nussknacker und Mausekönig [engl. title: The Nutcracker and the Mouse King]
Classic Author V/W/X/Y/Z: Frank Wedekind: Frühlings Erwachen [engl. title: Spring Awakening]
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thebotanicalarcade · 9 months
n73_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Manns' superior seeds :. Baltimore, Md. :J. Manns,1934.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/42236653
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garudabluffs · 2 years
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When only affluent fans can afford concert tickets, there’s a price to be paid
March 18, 2023
READ MORE https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/03/18/arts/when-only-affluent-fans-can-afford-concert-tickets-theres-price-be-paid/?p1=Article_Feed_ContentQuery&p1=Article_Feed_ContentQuery
"Believe it or not, “Dead & Company” is actually incorporated….and the majority shareholder (more than 50% or so) is John Mayer…Jerry is definitely rolling over in his grave…"
& "That is so interesting to me. That does make sense to me. The melding together of John's fans with Deadheads is fascinating. I first saw them in 2016. I went very skeptical. I am in my 50's. Saw a lot of shows in the 80's (I was done when Brent died). I did not know much about John except that he is a very good pop song writer. I had tried all the other people that GD tried to plug in for Jerry. None of them worked for me. Then I went to Dead & Co with 3 old DeadHead friends. We went skeptical, left blown away. John is a monster on the guitar. I recommend checking out Sugaree from TD Garden 11-17-17. John blows the roof off the place after starting with a slow burn. Anyways fast forward and I am at Playing in the Sand 2020. It was a coup of DeadHeads who are now John Mayer Heads and Joh. Mayer Heads who are now Deadheads. I watched them grooving and singing along, they got it. My favorite overheard conversation on the beach from John Mayer Heads, I finally found that song from last night it is called "Quinn The Eskimo", wow it is a Dylan tune"! Beauteous!!
Manfred Mann were an English rock band, formed in London in 1962. The group were named after their keyboardist Manfred Mann, who later led the successful 1970s group Manfred Mann's Earth Band. The band had two different lead vocalists during their period of success, Paul Jones from 1962 to 1966, and Mike d'Abo from 1966 to 1969. The group were regularly in the UK charts in the 1960s. Three of the band's most successful singles, "Do Wah Diddy Diddy", "Pretty Flamingo" and "Mighty Quinn", topped the UK Singles Chart. They were the first southern-England-based group to top the US Billboard Hot 100 during the British invasion.
"The people in the cheaper seats, clap your hands. And the rest of you, if you'd just rattle your jewelry." J. Lennon
-->"Actually aimed directly at the members of the royal family sitting in the box seats. Early days. Lennon being Lennon."
"Jonathan Wynn, a sociologist at UMass Amherst, notes that there’s plenty of live music happening on a smaller scale that won’t clean out your savings account. After all, even Springsteen started out playing in bars."
&& "I am so grateful to Eric Danton and the Globe for publishing this article prior to Springsteen’s Monday concert at the Garden. I was afraid all the coverage regarding the show would be positive, but someone really needed to say something about the ugly truth of this show.
I would add a few things :
Regarding the Springsteen tour, too much has been made of dynamic ticket pricing, which has actually represented a small portion of ticket sales (though Bruce did sign on to dynamic ticket pricing). The real issues are the face value costs and the use of Verified Resale. Re : face value –costs of the last E Street Band tour in 2016 were $80-$170 (inflation-adjusted). This time Bruce jacked the prices up to $59-$400, with an average price of $250. That has nothing to do with dynamic ticket pricing – those are the outrageous prices Bruce has chosen for the face value tickets (he doesn’t control the Ticketmaster fees ; he does control face value prices). Second, go to Ticketmaster and zoom up on the seating availability for any upcoming Bruce show. The vast majority of available seats appear as maroon-colored dots, which are Verified Resale ; the very few (if any) blue dots are the dynamically priced tickets. Verified Resale allows “fans” to resale tickets at any price they want for just a 15% fee to Ticketmaster. So very little of those high-priced tickets are going to Bruce/the artist – they are going to scalpers and being sold on Ticketmaster’s web site.
I got my tickets for Monday’s show five minutes into the July sale, was shocked by the prices, but only learned later that day why the costs were so high. After 37 years, 35 shows, 300 bootlegs in my collection, and four Springsteen academic conferences, I am through with Bruce. I haven’t listened to him since July, have only occasionally played some of his songs on guitar, and will not attend any more shows after Monday (I won’t be dancing, just sadly observing).
By all accounts the shows on this tour have been amazing, and Bruce is still near the top of his game. But the whole Springsteen-shtick is a lie, and most sadly a bunch of worshippers will keep gobbling it up when he shakes his bum, all the while perpetuating societal structural income inequality that harms so many human beings.
Bruce Springsteen, Taylor Swift, and Beyonce could do something about this, but they choose not to. There are artists who keep their ticket prices way down – Ed Sheeran ($49-$139, no dynamic ticket pricing, no Verified Resale), The Cure (Robert Smith said he wants all fans to be able to afford the show), Arctic Monkeys, as well as others who have signed on to the U.K.-based FanFair Alliance. We know about the great work that Pearl Jam has tried to do to keep tickets out of the hands of scalpers. There is promise in blockchain technology (or any technology that makes your digital credit card your ticket so that it can’t be resold to scalpers). The refusal of many of the big names to take action just represents laziness and avarice.
I have to laugh at the shameless soulless sheep who bleat “supply and demand” over everything, clearly unable to recognize that the free market is supposed to live in service of democracy and dignity, not the other way around. Would they charge for their mothers’ funerals too? Tom Petty said it best : “I make millions on the road. I see no reason to bring the price up, even though I have heard many an anxious promoter say ‘we could charge much more for this.’ I would like to do this again and not leave a bad taste in people’s mouths… you’ve got to care about the person you’re dealing with.” Bruce Springsteen does not care."
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 10.. February 1837
7 25
1 ½
no kiss windy wildish morning but fair tho’ dull at 8 ½ and F48° - read a few pp. from 148 to 155 Tomblesons’ upper Rhine – breakfast at 9 – a Mr. Crowther of Southowram came to ask if I had any objection to his brother’s filling up (helping to fill up) the quarry-hole in the waste adjoining Haigh’s field and my Little marsh land – Womersby would be glad of it – Had Haigh any right to stop Crowther – no! I thought not – nor did I think I had any right to stop him – but he had best ask a law-man’s opinion – Mr. Highams’ or Mr. Parker’s or anybody’s – the man staid talking till 11 – his brother tenant to Mr. Samuel Hall had taken 5000 yards of stone of him at 4/. per yard (the price not to be mentioned) – their young man a younger brother – had turned boatman – [had] gold his old boat in good vamped upon condition and had a new one built at Malham? or some such place in Cheshire – boat and horse worth £150 reckoned £18 to £20 for the horse – carries stone (got by his 3 brothers) chiefly to Macclesfield – about 30 miles from here – his new boat Phebe (after his sister) carries 18 to 19 tons (18 ½ tons) cleverly – draws about 3ft. 6in.? water so can go full laden in summer – other boats obliged to go under laden in summer when water is scarce – when they draw 4ft. 6in. of water they are often grazing upon the bottom or within 6in. of it in summer – from here to Macclesfield freightage 1d. per ton per mile .:. 18 ½ tons at 1d. x 30 miles = £2.6.3 but the distance greater than 30 miles – his freightage = about £3 a trip and can make 3 trips in a fortnight = £9 per fortnight – has a man at 10/. per week and a boy at 6/. per week and keep – reckons his horse at 21/. per week - .:. expense per fortnight = 42/. + 20/. + 12/. = £3.14.0 keep of man, and boy suppose 40/. .:. total expense = £5.14.0 and he lays by 20/. + 10/. towards future repairs of boat (will last 30 years with care without much repairing) and purchase of a new horse when wanted - .:.
Expense and saving £7.4.0 and he has 36/. left for himself or 16/. per week – there is some error in this for he said he made a very decent living – which could not mean less than a guineas a week - from 11 to 12 with Robert Mann and Samuel and Jack and 1st time (came this morning) George Booth (Sam’s brother) at sodding the embankment west of the rock-bridge along the walk to the pools- then pruning in the walk till 2 – then with Robert M- and co. again till 5 – except interrupted for ¼ hour this morning soon after 11 Mr. Highams’ clerk brought a paper for me to sign as occupier in Hipperholme of woods to vote for Mrs. Higham as guardian of the poor – both A- and I signed each of us occupying woods or something in the township – and had Mr. Jubb between 3 and 4 this afternoon – George Wood the groom very poorly in the influenza – in bed – the leeches came this evening and put 8 leeches on his head – Robert and Sam took up and planted 15 Rhododendrons on the embankment this afternoon – at 5 set off for A- met her in Roydelands (Hardcastles’) – in the stable a little while and came in at 6 20 – dressed – dinner at 7 – A- came upstairs and made coffee – and I staid downstairs 50 minutes asleep in the easy chair – A- gave me a silver pencil she bought yesterday at Ropes’ – instead of the one M- gave me many years ago but took away when last here on the plea of getting it mended – had just written all the above of today at 11 10 pm at which hour F42 ½° finish dullish morning rainy afternoon and evening from about 3pm – Note tonight from the Little and philosophical society – a paper to be read ‘on Monday on the modes of judging of the distances and magnitude of objects by the eye’ – Letter from Mr. J. Lister – thanks for the draft for £20 – hopes I shall allow him to repay the money sometime – much obliged about the fine – the money £17 (the remainder being water level rent) given to his mother – says he is getting into good practise- In my study looking into 1 book or other till 11 50 – found my cousin come tonight
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weclassybouquetfun · 2 years
Awards season is coming? No awards season is now. And a bit earlier than it has been in the past.
Netflix led the pack having their first screening October 8th for Ana de Armas' BLONDE. While I missed out on that I have a availed myself to two Netflix screenings so far: the servicable THE GOOD NURSE starring ruddy faced twins Jessica Chastain and Eddie Redmayne
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and Henry Selick's long awaited return film WENDELL & WILD cowritten with Jordan Peele.
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In the next few weeks I have Netflix's other offerings: Alejandro G. Iñárritu's BARDO: FALSE CHRONICLE OF A HANDFUL OF TRUTHS, Sebastián Lelio's THE WONDER starring Florence Pugh, Guillermo del Toro's GUILLERMO DEL TORO's PINOCCHIO which promises to be a darker take than the recent Disney's PINOCCHIO. Del Toro's PINOCCHIO features the voicework of Gregory Mann as our little wooden boy liar, David Bradley - that evil Walder Frey from GAME OF THRONES as Geppetto and Ewan McGregor as Sebastian J. Cricket , and Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre's take on LADY CHATTERLY'S LOVER starring Emma Corrin and Jack O'Connell.
While Amazon has had their slate available as long as Netflix has,
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they only just begun holding screenings. While the Ron Howard film THIRTEEN LIVES was open first, its screenings aren't until December. They had a screening of Lena Dunham's CATHERINE CALLED BIRDY with Dunham on hand for a Q&A but I had already watched the film. Now the screenings are rolling out in earnest but for November and December. The first L.A screening for the Harry Styles, Emma Corrin starrer MY POLICEMAN won't be until November 8th, with the subsequent ones in December.
Disney has begun screenings but in a myriad of ways. For their Searchlight (formerly Fox Searchlight) offerings
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they have in-person screenings for THE MENU (starring Anya Taylor Joy, Nicholas Hoult and Ralph Fiennes), GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE starring Emma Thompson and Daryl McCormack (which aired on the Disney majority owned HULU), Martin McDonagh's gloriously funny and beautifully bleak THE BANSHEES OF INISHERIN starring Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson, Kerry Condon and new father Barry Keoghan and Sam Mendes' triumphant EMPIRE OF LIGHT starring Olivia Colman, Micheal Ward, Toby Jones and Colin Firth.. Such a lovely ode to cinema and connectedness against the backdrop of the early 80s with Thatcherism and racism in Britian.
The only 20th Century (formerly 20th Century Fox) film they are pushing is David O'Russell's uneven AMSTERDAM starring a wasted cast led by Christian Bale, Margot Robbie and John David Washington. They don't have screening options for it yet, but they are pushing the original song "Time" co-written by Drake and performed by Giveon. It's a very lovely song and fits the film.
For their Marvel, Pixar, LucasFilm and Disney offerings voters have the option to screen their selected slate on Disney+ or view it in their exclusive screening room. They have WAKANDA FOREVER advertised, but as of yet no viewing method assigned to it.
Sony has just posted their slate
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and so far the only L.A screening is THE WOMAN KING to be held this week with a Q&A with director Gina Prince-Bythwood, star and executive-producer Viola Davis, her producer Julius Tennon, editor Terilyn Shropshire, Cinematographer Polly Morgan and Composer Terence Blanchard.
United Artists (UA) has also just posted their slate
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and curiously - at least for now - they have limited the organizations to just the AMPAS (Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences), the DGA (Directors Guild), the PGA (the Producers Guild) and the BAFTAS - no WGA, yet.
*Luca's work will be celebrated by American Cinemateheque. Among his works being shown is BONES AND ALL with a sold out screening on November 6th.
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no SAG-AFTRA, no Film Independent (who holds the Spirit Awards). Maybe as the months roll on they will open it up, but this isn't too unusual. Last year their major arm MGM was very selective with who they opened LICORICE PIZZA to. That one was generally geared towards the technical fields like cinematographers, directors and editors.
And to show just how alive awards season is The Gotham Awards nominations have been announced.
Best Feature Aftersun: (director)Charlotte Wells The Cathedral (director) Ricky D’Ambrose Dos Estaciones (director) Juan Pablo González Everything Everywhere All At Once (directors) The Daniels (Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert) Tár (director) Todd Field
Best Screenplay After Yang Armageddon Time Catherine Called Birdy Tár Women Talking
Outstanding Lead Performance Cate Blanchett-Tár Danielle Deadwyler - Till Dale Dickey - A Love Song Colin Farrell -After Yang Brendan Fraser - The Whale Paul Mescal - Aftersun Thandiwe Newton - God’s Country Aubrey Plaza - Emily the Criminal Taylor Russell -Bones and All Michelle Yeoh - Everything Everywhere All At Once
*Cate Blanchett and Danielle Deadwyler are my frontrunners. Two very different performances but they were both outstanding. I would have nominated Colin Farrell for THE BANSHESS OF INISHERIN because he takes such big swings in that film. AFTER YANG is a more quieter performance.
Outstanding Supporting Performance Jessie Buckley - Women Talking Raúl Castillo - The Inspection Hong Chau -The Whale Brian Tyree Henry - Causeway Nina Hoss - Tár Noémie Merlant - Tár Ke Huy Quan - Everything Everywhere All At Once Mark Rylance - Bones and All Gabrielle Union- The Inspection Ben Whishaw - Women Talking
Other Categories
Breakthrough Performer Anna Cobb - We’re All Going to the World’s Fair Frankie Corio - Aftersun Anna Diop - Nanny Gracija Filipovic - Murina Kalie Reis - Catch the Fair One
Breakthrough Series – Short Format (under 40 minutes) Abbott Elementary As We See It Mo Rap Sh!t Somebody Somewhere
Breakthrough Series – Long Format (over 40 minutes) Pachinko Severance Station Eleven This is Going to Hurt (So fantastic. Extraordinary but the question is it better than SEVERANCE or PACHINKO and I honestly can't judge it. They are all so great). Yellowjackets
Outstanding Performance in a New Series Bilal Baig - Sort Of Ayo Edebiri - The Bear Janelle James - Abbott Elementary Minha Kim -Pachinko Matilda Lawler - Station Eleven Britt Lower - Severance Melanie Lynskey - Yellowjackets Zahn McClarnon - Dark Winds Sue Ann Pien - As We See It Ben Whishaw - This is Going to Hurt
Breakthrough Nonfiction Series The Andy Warhol Diaries The Last Movie Stars Mind over Murder The Rehearsal We Need To Talk About Cosby
Best Documentary Feature All That Breathes (director): Shaunak Sen All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (director) Laura Poitras I Didn’t See You There (director) Reid Davenport The Territory: (director) Alex Pritz What We Leave Behind (director) Iliana Sosa
Best International Feature Athena: (director) Romain Gavras The Banshees of Inisherin (director) Martin McDonagh Corsage (director)Decision to Leave: (director)Park Chan-wook, Happening (director) Audrey Diwan Saint Omer (director) Alice Diop
Bingham Ray Breakthrough Director Award Charlotte Wells for Aftersun Owen Kline for Funny Pages Elegance Bratton for The Inspection Antoneta Alamat Kusijanovic for Murina Beth de Araújo for Soft & Quiet Jane Schoenbrun for We’re All Going to the World’s Fair
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jylesthejester · 2 months
Okok so I'm kinda in the mood to just like talk about my YBAMedia/Horrormashfriends au/hcs so- yeah I'm doin that- kinda just like a shitpost you don't gotta read so yeah- (oh also near the end there's some rockymedia present hcs(and I mean like gift-present not present-time))
(Characters for people who don't know wha YBAmedia/Horrormashfriends is : Action, Rickutto, Hooper, Dark, Rage, Brandon, Aris, Jones, Glow, Mist, Birdie, Pocket, Snooze.)
(Horrormashfriends/Ybamedia is a group of mcrp youtubers that have a bunch of series ^^)
(Also I did this thing called injury counting for every series that's included in this thing- so- some hcs are involved w that ^^)
Action uses a cane/crutches(depends) cause of a major injury he got on one of his legs, he decorated both his cane and crutches with stickers and or spray paint
Birdie is an actual lion, aris is an actual zombie, and Jones is an actual Blaze of sorts. Meaning, Birdie has lion characteristics, Aris is...rotting- and Jones has pyrokinetic abilities :) and also those spinny thingies around Blazes.
Brandon has a mushroom garden at his home, and often cooks with mushrooms
Mists kitchen consists of the stuff to make, mushroom stew, bread, and coffee. That is all he eats/consumes
Birdie wears gladiator sandals cause they fit better around his Paw feet
Aris collects bones, and is also heavily educated in anatomy stuff
Pocket has like vintage stuff from famous reporters (One of my main hcs for pocket is he has a reporter spinterest) like microphones, recordings of their stuff, all that- :3 (idk how he'd get it but- y a -)
Rage has a degree in chemistry and subconsciously constantly makes accidental fires in the lab(hes a scientist) (the fire department Hates him /j)
Glow Paints scenery in his free time, he's really good with color matching
Everytime Jones sees a piano like in a shop or someone's home, literally anywhere, he'll start smashing the keys in a terrible yet funny jumble of notes
Rickutto has the "messy but organized messy" room, he knows where everything is but everyone else doesn't.
Hooper constantly hits his head on low hanging lights or doorframes
Dark doesn't watch where he's going and has ran into street lights or walls more then once
Snooze and Aris have sleepovers, where once they get to wherever they're going they just fall asleep on a bed/the floor
The entire group goes to Haunted places often just for gits and shiggles
Birdies mane is just his hair, he cut it to look more like hair :3
Aris has a umbrella for when he goes out in the sun (cos Mc Zombies burn in the sun and we're going off of Mc logic)
Oh also here's a fun thing- Aris' name means ruin, which I find interesting
Okay now rockymedia gift hcs (this is just the main group- some of these may be innacurate- im going off of memory and i will update these later once i rewatch daycare) :
What gifts Ryan gets - He gets new games from Sabre and occasionaly one of those cards that never shut up but has like money or something else in it(probably cheese), couples gifts from Tina(matching necklaces with initials, matching sweaters, etc), Goldy gives him tea, Unicorn Mann gives him either an invention he made for Ryan or something Ryan will use often.
What gifts Tina gets - She gets tiger themed stuff from Ryan or occasionally couple things, Lightsabre upgrades from Unicorn or maybe like a gadget or two shed use(like a teleporter or a stand for her lightsabre that makes it float?), idk if she'd accept gifts from goldy or sabre- if they did get her gifts I feel like goldy would give her like oddly expensive things(cos from what I remember her dad's richhhh-?) But in a humble manner(iykwim) and sabre- I really am not sure-
What gifts goldy gets - In daycare she'd probably get a bit of romantic gesture gifts from unicorn(based on canon) and some Sloth stuff but in daycare academy it's probably just Sloth things and maybe like posters of her interests, Sabre would probably give her like rocks that they'd both appreciate (they seem like those ttpe of friends /pos), Idk if Tina would give her gifts, Ryan would probably get her like the exact same Sloth plushie every single time or joke gifts
What gifts Unicorn would get - I feel like he'd get best friend matching stuff from goldy (probably occasionally having a matching thing including sabre-) or like rocks she'd find, I think Ryan would get him joke gifts and be like "I spent all the money on the joke ones sorry" or it be like a small gift after the joke ones-, Idk what Tina would get him- maybe like scrap metal or somethin?(uranium? /j (donnie ref)), idk if Sabre would get him gifts-
What gifts Sabre would get - From Ryan I think he'd get like posters or games or maybe like a nintendo switch box that just has a glitter bomb inside of it lol, idk what Tina would get him tbh maybe one of those chicken lamps if you know what I'm talking abt(as like a joke gift :3), I feel like goldy would give him rocks or cheese (+the matching best friends gifts), I feel like Unicorn would (begrudgingly/forcibly) give him cheese or somethin- or probably the matching thing goldy got them both-
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