#Izuna breakdown
What was Izuna's character?
Izuna is most likely one of the most mysterious character in the Narutoverse. He's truly a ghost. Barely seen but so important to Madara's storyline and his eyes the most powerful sight of the entire series. Regardless, all we know about his personality in the canon can be resumed in few sentences : He admired his brother as a child, he was also a fierce warrior from early age, he warned his brother against the Senju, and before his death willingly offered his eyes to Madara in order to protect the Uchihas. It's quite thin for a character development...
In the fandom, fanart, and the many fanfictions included, the general consensus is to represent Izuna as a soft and gentle character always devoted to his brother. Sometimes he's the victim of a hungry-power Madara (but that's really old stories back when no one knew that Obito was cosplaying Madara), often sassy and effeminate. A bit like Haku who was entirely in service of Zabuza. I suppose this idea comes from the adjectives that describes Izuna in the databook :
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Considering the lack of information in canon, that headcanon starts to become the more popular. My ambitious is to try to discover what was Kishimoto's intentions for Izuna if he had more time to articulate that character. It's just an hypothesis that I present you, it's in no way a definite answer.
I) Intuition
That's nothing I can prove but it always seems to me strange that Izuna was the quiet one in this sibling's dynamic. If you put yourself in his shoes opened-toes sandals, he is Madara Uchiha's little brother. From birth, his brother was seen with special attention. Madara was the oldest, the heir and on top of that the genius one. Butsuma said that as a child he was able to kill adults. Being the second is virtually being invisible in front of other adults, it would have naturally created jealousy and a need to exist outside of the big brother's shadow. We've seen this same dynamic before between Sasuke and Itachi. The little one feels always left out. The difference there, is that Itachi was mostly absent in Sasuke's life, he was always busy with school and missions. And after the Uchiha's downfall, when Sasuke was just 7 years old, the distance between them wider dreadfully. For the majority of Sasuke's life, Itachi was a distant childhood memory. In contrary, Izuna seems to have stayed close to his brother until his death at 24 years old. They enjoy a childhood together and were so close than even adults they were able to take over the Uchiha clan. Because they spend more than 20 years together, sharing happiness and losses, there is for me an implicit idea that Izuna was balancing Madara and vice versa. In the same way, Hashirama's visionnary ideas are counter-balanced by a down-to-earth Tobirama. The Senju carves his unique personality by constantly creating new jutsus that surprised his opponents while Hashirama was known for being that rare and powerful Mokuton user. Madara being this taciturn person in public, Izuna must have been a bit more outgoing. So if Madara was in private described as kind by Hashirama, maybe Izuna was more rational when dealing with people.
II) Canon + extra materials
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in extra materials I mean : databook, official card, official illustrations, video games ect...
Even if I'm team canon-only, sometimes other fillers or goodies can give us a hint of what would have been Izuna. And two things catch my attention :
first, he's always represented as someone very confident, holding a sword ready to slay someone, focused. Actually...he NEVER SMILES. He smirks once in a filler when he thought he was about to overpower Tobirama. It shows more his merciless attitude towards his enemy than any trace of softness. We are very far from the flower boy from fanarts.
secondly his voice...Have you heard his adult voice? It's surprisingly deep comparing to his slender appearance. Again it doesn't sound like a fragile baby doll but more like a commander in chief.
III) Izuna vs Obito
It took me a long time to realise how much Izuna is in the canon constantly in parallel with Obito. It goes back to my old post on "why Madara chose Obito". Months later, I think the answer is more obvious that what I thought back then.
Izuna simply might have had a very similar personality than Obito. Or should I say, Madara saw in Obito, not only his potential strength but also a clear resemblance in character to his dear brother. At the Kannabi's bridge, He observed and found Obito dying after he saved Kakashi, Rin and gave his right eye to Kakashi. There is a strong parallel to Izuna's life who also gave his eyes willingly to Madara when he was dying. In both case, there is a deep devotion for the well being of their friends/clansmen.
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Even if Madara consciously chose to cut bonds with the world, unconsciously he still yearned for companionship. It's obvious by the fact he couldn't stop talking about his friend Hashirama, and in the similar way he looked for his "right hand" in Obito. Yes, in a deranged and manipulative way but even during the war, he never doubted Obito's intentions until it was obvious that he betrayed him.
So not only Obito was a replacement for Izuna as a brother in arm, but the databook gives them the same birthday the 10th of february, obviously the same zodiac sign Aquarius and most importantly the same blood type.
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IV) Blood type
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Izuna and Obito are said to be the same blood type O. Madara also is type O. As a westerner I've never paid attention to this information (I don't even know my own blood type to be honest!😅) until I've learned recently that Japaneses have got a whole culture associating blood type with certain personality traits. They take this more seriously that astrology to the point there is even campaigns to prevent discrimination towards rare types. Since I don't know much about this theory, let me quote some other sources.
So what is type O?
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source : https://www.tofugu.com/japan/japanese-blood-type/
This source goes deeper into type O in Naruto.
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source : https://aminoapps.com/c/naruto/page/blog/blood-types-personality-theory-in-naruto/lrqm_VpiQuDpPEDjoMXgoMVnn0E3eeXmpw
I don't really know how to interpret the type O because the adjectives seems very larges and vagues to me. but it seems that leadership trait, hard working, outgoing, protective, direct, confident are the trait that comes the most from the various sources I've read. In Naruto, the others type O are : Kakashi, Asuma, Sakura, Temari, Raikage, Neji.
An other interesting aspect, is relationship between each types. Look closely at OxO relationship.
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Let's go back now to compare now Izuna and Obito's databook pages with this new information in mind.
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Notice again how Izuna is systematically showed in action, fighting someone or ready to attack. That's not really a moment where he looks relaxed with an easy-going attitude.
Izuna's favourite hobby was training with his brother Madara. Because of their closeness as brothers they developed an healthy competition. A good OxO relationship.
In the opposite, considering the circumstance of their meeting, Obito never truly trusted Madara and even when he agreed on the Tsukuyomi plan, he decided early on that he'll do it his own way and almost overtook Madara's role as the "saviour". It shows a negative OxO relationship.
In this perceptive, it seems to me that Izuna and Obito share in common of being extremely strong-willed and competitive. They have an inflexible determination that never sways. After being deadly wounded, Izuna still found the strength to warn Madara about the Senjus and again in his deadbed he made Madara promise to watch over the Uchiha clan. His vision (even in the literal way) was strong enough to motivate Madara long after his death. This devoted, balanced personality must be read as a confident desire to protect his people, the Uchiha clan, to the point of self-sacrifice.
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Obito demonstrated two times an incredible will. Once as a child when he defended Kakashi's father and swore to destroy an unfair shinobi system, and a second time when he battled against the juubi. He knew he wasn't physically strong enough neither to hold the rinnegan nor contain juubi inside him but by cheer willpower he forced his destiny.
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To conclude my guess is that Kishimoto intended Izuna as a warlord, a man of action, just like Madara, with a strong sense of duty and sacrifice for his clan. And the Senju represented to him the epitome of threat for the Uchiha's peace. Izuna pictured peace and harmony related to his clan not the whole world like his brother did (and maybe that's why he had to make him promise to protect the Uchihas first!?). He was probably more extravert, agreeable and also more distant emotionally than Madara. His interaction with his big brother must have been a funniest version to what we've seen with Obito. Just imagining those two uchiha big egos together, they were probably insufferable for their opponents 😂. If you read the manga again it's as if Madara is expecting a back-and-forth banter with Obito...just like Izuna would have done with him in the middle of a battles.😢
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That's all I wanted to share on my hypothesis, maybe in future Kishimoto will give us something about Izuna's past and this post will age badly but let me know what you think of this theory?
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uh-oh-its-bird · 3 months
Fic idea;
"Tobirama and Izuna's super spectacular BFF road trip through time and space"
In which a vuagley 14/15ish Tobirama and Izuna bump into eachother on unrelated missions and get hurled through time and space, visiting multiple (sometimes connected sometimes not) events in time, alternate universes and more ✨️
And just ruining so many peoples days along the way, like, so many.
For Reasons(tm) they agree to stick together and instill a temporary truce as they stumble along this (road trip from hell) super spectacular amazing besties field trip.
Like I need you to imagine the Uchiha / Senju feud but also they're like 14, Izuna is yelling about them being ultimate rivals, Tobirama is done with everyone's shit, and they're very quickly moving past genuine attempts on eachothers lives into slap fighting territory. Also like 8 times out of 10 when they bump into any version of an older Madara he makes eye contact with Izuna and almost immediatley has different flavors of the same mental breakdown and Izuna is kind of concerned and kind of terrified and ahahah wow this is awkward but I kind of need to go now
At first they're trying to take it seriously but after the 3rd or 4th time of running into the same fucking scene in a slightly different universe they're kind of just speed running their way to the next time and or universe (in the hopes that it will be their original one) and throwing subtlety out the window
Like they COULD be careful not to disturb things and potentially upset the balance of time but they sort of already fucked that up. Uhh. Like 3 times now actually. And there weren't really any consequences and look they're really tired so how about they just kick in the door and take this round by storm yk
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madara-fate · 17 days
This is ridiculous it's 2024
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And there still trying to claim the curse of hatred is gaslighting propaganda or a theory somehow tobirama wasn't the only person who mentioned the curse of hatred not only did obito mention the curse of hatred so did hagoromo
And not one person not even hashirama denied the curse of existence infact hashirama added on to the conversation and mentioned madara love for izuna
How the hell do these people not see the absurdity of accusing the concept of the Curse of Hatred, of minimising the experiences of those who have been abused or racially discriminated against?
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How? Where is the link between the two? Kishi gave a very clear reason as to why Uchihas specifically fell victim to the COH. What has women suffering mental breakdowns due to social neglect or abuse got to do with anything? They're stupidly trying to insinuate that giving the COH as a reason for the Uchihas hatred is minimising their trauma in the same manner as diagnosing women who have suffered abuse with hysteria, but there is no correlation. Again, because a very clear reason was given as to why it affects specifically the Uchihas. It began with Indra who hated his father and brother for the former's decision to entrust the future to Ashura. And as Indra is the progenitor of the Uchiha's, his hatred was passed down. That's all there is to it. What the fuck is all this nonsense about minimising people's traumatic experiences in reality?
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No one tried to "confuse" anyone, Tobirama literally described the Uchiha to be a clan possessed by evil. That, and he didn't even say that they were inherently filled with hatred (or "hysterical" as this person likes to claim), he explained that very specific criteria have to be met in order for the Uchiha to fall victim to the Curse. It's not as if every single time an Uchiha feels hatred or gets "hysterical", it's automatically because of the COH. So this just further debunks this persons already feeble point. Because they're acting as if the story indicated that whenever an Uchiha gets hysterical, it must be because of the COH, showing how little they paid attention.
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Because in this situation, it is their particular group's problem.
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Scientific proof? It's a fucking supernatural phenomenon. There's nothing scientific about it. That's like asking for scientific proof for the existence of chakra. Do they not see how stupid that sounds? It's fictional. These people are ridiculous. The only scientific part about it is the part where chakra gets released inside the brain and reacts with the optic nerves which leads to the emergence of their Sharingan. But again, chakra is fictional.
Then they bring up Shikamaru's revenge mission against Hidan and Kakuzu in attempt to support their point, when not only does that again ignore both why the curse only affects the Uchiha as well as the specific criteria that must be met for the Uchiha to fall victim to it in the first place, but it also indicates that they think that the manner in which they sought revenge was in any way comparable.
Let's test that out.
Shikamaru wanted revenge on Hidan and Kakuzu and only Hidan and Kakuzu, as they were the ones who were directly responsible for Asuma's death, that's understandable.
Sasuke - He didn't only want revenge on those who did him wrong, his hatred extended to the entire village, the vest majority of which did him no wrong whatsoever.
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That would be like Shikamaru's revenge extending to everyone in Hidan and Kakuzu's villages too, there's no comparison.
Madara - Much like Sasuke, his revenge extended to the entire village too, the vast majority of which again, did him no wrong.
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Again, no comparison with Shikamaru.
Does Obito even need any explanation? He's the one who caused by far the most shit in the entire series, but let's just stick with the theme from Sasuke and Madara. Much like those two, Obito's carnage extended to the entire village, who did him no wrong.
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The series made it exceedingly easy to distinguish between a regular person wanting some measure of revenge, and when an Uchiha who has fallen victim to the Curse of Hatred, wanted some revenge.
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belit0 · 11 months
Can you do a request about senju bro's + uchicha's where reader has really nice thick and long hair and one day she shaves her head completely bald out of some mental breakdown or boredom
Hair situation today in the blog, I see
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- Literally what the fuck? At first he gets angry, (Y/N)'s hair was beautiful, he was already dreaming of how his children would inherit it, and out of nowhere... this? Anyway, it looks beautiful on her, and the anger soon disappears because it suits her facial features. A mini heart attack.
- Sike. He's surprised by his wife's courage to break with the stereotypical models of the perfect woman with beautiful long hair, and thinks it looks extremely good on her. He loves having someone by his side who dares to do anything, taking risky and fun decisions.
- Come on girl! He finds it very funny because he would easily do the same (in fact, he already did it, and Madara scolded him so much for cutting his wonderful hair that he gave up the idea of doing it again). Wonderful, he supports mental breakdowns 100% and extreme impulsive decesions.
- He cries, at first, because (Y/N)'s hair was unparalleled, beautiful, unique, and out of nowhere it's gone. He will have his grieving process, and it will take some getting used to her new image, but eventually he will forget about it and enjoy his wife's beauty like normal.
- Literally who cares. To reiterate, there is nothing he cares less about than physique or looks, the only thing he cares about is (Y/N) having a crisis or feeling bad. Once he realizes it's not that severe, he'll make fun of her for being bald.
- He's indifferent to it. Again, as long as she is happy, he loves whatever she chooses. If (Y/N) wants to remove all her hair, just like Shisui, he's only concerned that it's under dark pressure from her own mind, and not because she genuinely wants it. More about that in a moment.
- finds it refined, in fact. There's something about women breaking standards and taking no notice of other people's opinions that gets to him, and unlike Madara, he doesn't think its bravery, but personality. He loves every second of it.
- He laughs first, and then cries, and then laughs again. A rollercoaster of emotions because he doesn't know how to react, but eventually decides that if (Y/N) likes it, then he loves it.
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maphel-n-doodles · 2 years
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Got some Izuna stretches, Hashirama bothering Madara, and Tobirama having a mental breakdown for warmups today
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Hey, just wanted to ask your fic finders for help, Ray. Really, I'm looking for recs.
I'm super into fics where Thorin & Co have to make a detour to Mordor. I'm looking for stuff like this. I just love seeing Thorin giving up on this, possibly Only Chance, to get Erebor back. Because they have to destroy the One Ring. Shipping is optional, bonus points for Bagginshield.
I just finished reading one a bit funny, where Thorin is so stressed out by his 14th member's Everything (not Bilbo here, Uchiha Izuna - the Maiar Darrow who's a traumatized pebble to him (omg, he has 4 pebbles in his Co to keep safe)) that he's comes off as Zen to everyone else about this. It's almost all his PoV so you can read him having minor breakdowns in real time as he tries to King. It goes pretty well. Still a WiP, sadly.
But llamallamamadduck is amazing. I've just binged almost all their work. Also lots of Societal Revolution is a Theme.
I'll put it out there for you darling
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phlebaswrites · 6 months
Phlebas Fandom Year in Review (2023)
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Continuing on from the Fandom Year in Review that I did last year, this was me in 2023.
The Basics
New stories: 91 Word Count: 189,395 Events: 12 Event stories: 73
Fandom Event Breakdown
2023 Year of the OTP: 12 stories Izuna Week 2023: 7 stories Three Sentence Ficathon 2023 : 3 stories Tobirama Week 2023: 7 stories Kisame Birthday Bash 2023: 3 stories MerMay 2023: 3 stories Prompts for Pride 2023: 13 stories Naruto RarePair Week 2023: 7 stories Otsutsuki Week: 1 story Tales Under the Lamplight: 2 stories Hashirama Week 2023: 8 stories MadaTobi Week 2023: 7 stories
Fandom & Top 5 Ship Breakdown
Naruto: 90 stories Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara: 16 Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Hikaku/Uchiha Izuna: 12 Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna: 10 Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara: 7 Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara/Uzumaki Mito: 5
Inception (2010): 1 story Gen
(All of the statistics here are taken from AO3 - I don’t keep a personal count.)
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The snippets in the images above were taken from the following stories:
January: Staking a Claim (On Your Heart) February: Riding the Waves March: Playing With Pups April: Suigetsu Sees Sai (Really Sees Him) May: Summer and Sunshine June: Fabulous Females July: The Only Living Boy in Konoha August: The Past (Is Always With You) September: Dango and the Divine October: A Heart (Full of You) November: Seeing Yourself in My Eyes December: Wielding a Weapon
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tsukuyomii45 · 8 months
OK we know how Madara would deal with Obito’s grief after Rin died. But what about his female counterpart?
Madara is a lot more nicer to Fem!Obito than their male counterpart, and Fem!Obito took Male!Rin’s a lot harder than Obito did when he came back into the village.
So I got to ask… How would Madara deal with Fem!Obito’s after Male!Rin’s death?
The only person fem!Obito ever opens up to and shows her true emotions is to Madara. Their bond is a parental bond rather than mentor-student, so naturally Madara would have a soft spot for her.
Her male counterpart in this previous post was rather closed off and didn't even speak to anyone, but fem!Obito would only breakdown to him.
He knows that she really loved him, and would die for him, but the day that she returned to the village looking like she saw a ghost was the day that Madara had to prepare himself to face a whole other person, someone who is not the bubbly and energetic girl that he raised.
He'd notice the way she acts around everyone - cold, apathetic, and downright mean towards Kakashi. He gets reports about her ruthlessness with enemies on her missions, and he just knows that she is taking out her rage on anyone that's on her path because she lost the person she loved the most.
She eerily reminds him of his past self with Izuna because that was exactly how he was.
Fem!Obito didn't talk to him for days after she returned and all Madara did was keep a watchful eye on her until one rainy day, he found her standing catatonically, all drenched with her head lowered as she stared into space.
Madara rushed over to her and tried to call out her name, but when she was unresponsive, he grabbed her shoulders and shook her, snapping out of it. Fem!Obito would then turn to face Madara fully and softly whisper, "I...I couldn't stop him..."
Madara would fall silent in shock when he noticed the crimson glow of her Sharingan, and how it had a pinwheel pattern, and that's when he knew...that there was a point of no return.
"I couldn't stop him from running into her Raikiri... He forced himself to die and I couldn't do anything about it..."
Her face would start crumbling as warm tears flow, and she would continue to repeatedly sob out, covering her face with her hands, "I couldn't stop him from doing it! I couldn't stop him! I couldn't stop him!" She'd then throw herself at Madara and cling onto him tightly as she wails, and begs for him to never leave her alone because nothing is the same anymore. She'd scream and pour her feelings out all while Madara holds her and run his hand through her drenched hair, silently comforting her because he was literally in her place long, long ago.
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domoz · 1 year
For the ask game. 🌤
From Trust in Reverse (as yet unposted Tobiizu arranged marriage fic):
"We may as well find out early if we are even capable of not killing each other." Came Tobirama's baritone. He did look back, presumably to shoot his older brother a withering glare, "And don't pretend as if the both of you wont be spying on us regardless." They didn't even try to argue that point. And it was -- it was weird to have Tobirama agree with him on something, in a way that made Izuna kind of want to shrivel up and die. Oh, but what a subject to have unity over -- as a married couple should. Thinking about it too hard still made him feel sick down to his bones. He'd had one breakdown about it, in private, because if Madara knew how badly the idea of even peaceably sharing space with the White Demon -- much less sharing the rest of his life -- had made him react, his brother probably would have done something stupid like try and kill the daimyo. For his brother, and for his clan, he would find a way to stomach this, but Izuna was under no illusions that it would be easy.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
I'm curious to ask, have you ever thought of reverse Time Travel? As in, instead of someone going back in time someone getting thrown in the future?
I was just thinking of your amazing Shisui time travel fics and thought "Imagine if one of the founders found themselves suddenly thrown forward in time instead"
I have to admit I have mainly imagined Tobirama in such situation (iirc the Hiraishin uses both space and time to work so Ig in my mind he's the most suited to kinda fucking it up and traveling too much with time instead of space) but also any other founder finding themselves around the time Shisui was still alive (meaning: when the most problems occur. Between Shisui's death, the massacre, all the shit baby Naruto goes through, all that is Danzō and all that) would be hilarious imo
Hey, Anon!
This is a great idea 😤✨ I've read a handful of time travelling forwards Narutoverse fics, there are a few Minato ones and Tobirama ones too, and it's always such a fun ride between the competency, the outrage, the fix-its and the emotional angst...
Tbh, if I was to do it, I'd make my life hard for myself and make Izuna travel forwards. He's suddenly in a village (!) That has glorified the Senju (! They're all gone??) And villainised the Uchiha(!!) And Madara is painted in such a shit light?!(!!!!)
Add in that he saves the life of Shisui from an Elder Bloodline thief BUT this Uchiha kid doesn't want to raze the village to the ground? Izuna would have a conniption lmao
(bonus points if Izuna has a breakdown at how similar Sasuke looks to him, and if he remembered Kagami as a little kid...)
You 🤝 Me, Anon ✨👏
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kalira · 1 year
Fandom Year in Review (2022)
It’s the very last day of 2022, and that means it’s time for a little look back at my fandom year in writing (and podficcing, events, etc.) once again! Then I’ll get back to writing before midnight, along with setting some goals and plans for 2023, of course. ;)
I posted 163 new stories to AO3 this year!
(Startlingly, as I had entirely forgotten, I also posted exactly 163 new stories to AO3 in 2021! o.o)
Those 163 stories were for 17 fandoms, 3 of them new for me to be posting for, and 50 ships! (18 of those ships were new.)
I posted a total of 377,979 words to AO3 this year!
I participated in 8 fandom events, with a total of 73 stories! Those events include:
Iruka Winter Bingo 2021-2022 (server event, @the-umino-hours) the Three Sentence Ficathon, over on Dreamwidth (moving to its own community for next year!) @harunosakuraweek @domaystic @badthingshappenbingo, which I will continue working on my board for @kakashiweek @whumptober, for which I wrote only minifics this year NejiHina Week (run by @nejihinata)
(And I don’t count my personal project the Valentine’s Spectacular in this list.)
I also ran 3 events - @harunosakuraweek in its second year and @kakashiweek in its third, as well as the second year of Iruka Winter Bingo!
In those new stories I added 5 new minific collections:
Labyrinth - gen Labyrinth - Jareth/Sarah Labyrinth - Jareth/Toby Naruto - KakaShisui Tiger & Bunny - Keith/Agnes
247 minifics posted this year, to my now 22 collections of sme, account for 67,807 words of my total.
Minific breakdown:
Avatar: the Last Airbender~ ❧Zuko/Sokka ~ 2 minifics
Castlevania~ ❧9 minifics
Kamisama Kiss~ ❧33 minifics
Labyrinth~ ❧gen ~ 18 minifics ❧Jareth/Sarah ~ 7 minifics ❧Jareth/Toby ~ 2 minifics
Naruto~ ❧HashiIzu ~ 9 minifics ❧HashiMito ~ 1 minific ❧HashiMitoIzu ~ 3 minifics ❧KakaIru ~ 1 minific ❧KakaSaku ~ 17 minifics ❧KakaShisui ~ 26 minifics ❧MadaTobi ~ 60 minifics ❧SakuOro ~ 36 minifics
SK8~ ❧MatchaBlossom ~ 6 minifics
Tiger & Bunny~ ❧Keith/Agnes ~ 17 minifics
I posted 3 new podfics this year, totalling 26.5 minutes!
(I was unable to podfic - recording or editing - for most of the year, and still am; hopefully that will be resolved soon. . .)
All 3 were my own work.
Podfic fandom & ship breakdown:
Kagen no Tsuki ❧Adam/Mizuki ~ 1
Naruto ❧gen ~ 1 ❧NejiHina ~ 1
Fandom & Ship Breakdown:
Castlevania ~ 1 story ❧Alucard/Trevor ~ 1 story
CATS ~ 1 story ❧Tugger/Misto ~ 1 story
Hikaru no Go ~ 1 story ❧gen ~ 1 story
Inu-Yasha ~ 1 story ❧Sesshoumaru/Kagome ~ 1 story
Labyrinth ~ 3 stories ❧gen ~ 1 story ❧Jareth/Sarah ~ 1 story ❧Jareth/Toby ~ 1 story
Marginal Prince ~ 2 stories ❧Angel/Mikhail ~ 1 story ❧Joshua/Yuuta ~ 1 story
MCU ~ 1 story ❧Thor/Loki ~ 1 story
Moon Child ~ 8 stories ❧gen ~ 7 stories ❧Kei/Sho ~ 1 story
Naruto ~ 75 stories ❧gen ~ 15 stories ❧Gai/Iruka ~ 5 stories ❧Haruya (OC)/Iruka ~ 1 story ❧Hashirama/Mito ~ 1 story ❧Hashirama/Izuna ~ 1 story ❧Ino/Sakura ~ 1 story ❧Jiraiya/Orochimaru/Tsunade (Sannin OT3) ~ 1 story ❧Kakashi/Gai ~ 2 stories ❧Kakashi/Iruka ~ 5 stories ❧Kakashi/Naruto ~ 1 story ❧Kakashi/Naruto/Sakura ~ 11 stories ❧Kakashi/Sakura ~ 1 story ❧Kakashi/Shikamaru ~ 1 story ❧Kakashi/Shisui ~ 7 stories ❧Kakashi/Tenzou ~ 2 stories ❧Kisame/Sakura ~ 1 story ❧Madara/Tobirama ~ 3 stories ❧Neji/Hinata ~ 6 stories ❧Rock Lee/Sakura ~ 3 stories ❧Sakumo/Orochimaru ~ 2 stories ❧Sasuke/Naruto/Sakura (Team 7 OT3) ~ 2 stories ❧Tobirama/Iruka ~ 3 stories
Promare ~ 1 story ❧Galo/Lio ~ 1 story
Sex Pistols ~ 32 stories ❧gen ~ 1 story ❧David/Maximillian ~ 1 story ❧Hidekuni/Noririn ~ 3 stories ❧Kunimasa/Manami ~ 1 story ❧Kunimasa/Manami/Noririn ~ 3 stories ❧Kunimasa/Noririn ~ 3 stories ❧Shinobu/Hidekuni ~ 4 stories ❧Yonekuni/Shiro ~ 19 stories
SK8 ~ 3 stories ❧Adam/Langa ~ 1 story ❧Joe/Cherry ~ 2 stories
Sky High ~ 2 stories ❧Warren/Will ~ 2 stories
Tiger & Bunny ~ 29 stories ❧gen ~ 4 stories ❧Keith/Agnes ~ 15 stories ❧Keith/Agnes/Ryan ~ 4 stories ❧Keith/Ryan ~ 3 stories ❧Kotetsu/Barnaby ~ 3 stories ❧Nathan/Antonio ~ 1 story ❧Ryan/Karina ~ 1 story
Tight-Rope ~ 1 story ❧Ryu/Nao ~ 1 story
Torchwood ~ 1 story ❧Owen/Ianto ~ 1 story
Underworld ~ 1 story ❧Lucian/Sonja ~ 1 story
. . .and that’s my look back at my year in fandom (on AO3, at least)! I tried out some new things, fell into some very unexpected new things, rediscovered fondness for some old ones, and had a lot of fun!
Of course I’ve many more things in the works, as always, so keep an eye out - I’ll be back on AO3 next year, and I’m sure as heck not going anywhere!
Happy New Year!
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Latest updates of all my ramblings, so you can easily binge-read and drown yourself in this blog.
AO3 : Alhekima (fic/analysis archive) Twitter : @Alhekima (mostly backup)
Madara & Uchiha clan :
Fanfiction : Madara Golden Age (Table content)
Canon-compliant expansion on Madara co-leading the Uchiha clan with Izuna during the Warring states era. Adventure, Action, Uchiha-centric, Power struggle, Violence.
Headcanon : Madara, the complete astrological birth chart
analysing his canon personality, guessing what could have been his whole astrological chart.
Analysis : Madara's rumours
How Madara's story in canon is retold by different characters except him.
Thoughts : Madara's life is tragedy upon tragedies
Why did he change drastically to become this corrupt?
Thoughts : Madara's core
His value system in opposition with Hashirama's
Thoughts : Madara, the Ghost of the Uchiha
metaphor and definition of a ghost. Why it fits Madara's position
Thoughts : Izuna, the true ghost of the Shinobi World
Present nowhere, but watching you everywhere
Analysis : Madara final Speech (anime)
how it resumes perfectly his actions
Thoughts : Canon Madara VS Fandom Madara
one of the rare (unique?) naruto character who is almost systematically OOC by his own fans (at least in tumblr)
Analysis : Speculations from the cavern part I, part II, part III, part IV
Let's try to guess what Madara did in secret for 50+ years
More after the cut🔽
Analysis : "Hashirama when did I go wrong?" 1/2 Dominate your inner demon
Breakdown of Madara's personal mistakes Part 1
Analysis : "Hashirama, when did I go wrong ?" 2/2 Breath out your spirit into the mud
Breakdown of Madara's personal mistakes Part 2
Meta-analysis : Uchiha & importance of bloodline
Hints toward a strong voluntary endogamy amongst Uchiha and Hyuga clans
Speculations : Sarada Uchiha's lineage : Speculation (02/03/22)
What if Sarada was really the child of Sakura, Sasuke and Karin altogether?
Thoughts : Indra (+ avatars) VS Ashura (+avatars)
It's a power struggle not a Good vs Evil
Headcanon : Madara : realistic headcanons
headcanons but with a seinen flavour
Headcanons: Madara as a parent
What if he had children?
Ask : Madara & romance?
headcanons on his love life
Humour : Why Madara is innocent
playing devil advocate to save your fav
Headcanon : Madara & Izuna, the Devil twins
Astrological perceptive on the Uchiha Brothers, why are Capricorn and Aquarius, winter signs, both so similar and different?
Meta-analysis : Is Madara our Lord and Saviour ?
Symbolism behind 24th of December and his role in the storyline.
Thoughts : Indra an other upset Capricorn
Before Madara, there was Indra.
Ask : Naruto & Hashirama, two Libras
Exploring degrees in astrology and it's impact on the character
Honest reaction : Madara exclusive interview
the POV, post-mortem, we all have been waiting for !
Thoughts : Kishimoto has a twin brother
About the unique bound of twins, how it impacts Naruto's characters
Analysis : Inconsistency in Narutoverse
I admire Kishimoto a lot for his work, but this is his main flaw
Thoughts : You wanna see Akatsuki for real?
Red full moon is a real phenomenon you can observe two times a year
Thoughts : Who would you cast to play Madara live action?
My top 5
Speculation : Madara is (still) Kaguya vessel
Is Madara coming back in Boruto? All hints (01/03/22)
Speculation : Madara & Jigen
Warring states' era flashback in Boruto? (16/03/22)
Analysis : Why and Who killed Itama Senju?
Hypothesis why the Uchiha killed Itama
Thoughts : Madara, Resentment & Betrayals
on the importance of diplomatic skills for a leader. And why fictions are based on real life event.
Analysis : Madara & Obito : awakening the Master of Chaos An attempt to understand this decode the disturbing relationship betweeen Madara and Obito.
Thoughts : Why Izanami is the most powerful Genjutsu
Reflection on Sharingan power in male and female users
Honest reaction : Itachi& Sasuke Edition
fun, no filter
Honest reaction : Madara Edition
fun, no filter
Honest reaction : Naruto Fandom Edition
fun, no filter
Thoughts : The Madara's voices holy war.
SUB versus DUB? Let's debate !
Analysis : How did Madara (really) awaken his sharingan?
an alternative investigation.
Thoughts : What is Madara dominant hand?
An existential investigation for fun
Thoughts : What if Marada's past was a seinen story?
A short parallel between Madara and with Guts from Berserk
Thoughts : Madara's distant uncle : Samurai deeper Kyo
They really look alike !
Thoughts : Uchihas are the plot in Naruto
Without this clan there is no story in Shippuden
Humour : Why Uchiha are undercover muslims
After Christmas, Ramadan deserve also to culturally appropriate the Uchihas
Ask: More Uchiha muslim content part 2
Others :
Databook : Morino Ibiki
Databook : Izuna
Databook : A founder of Kumo, is actually Jimi Hendrix
Onoki : the dysfunctional scale
Kawaki : A character that I appreciate
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I haven't made a Sv hc post in a while sooo
Sv hc post
(These are straight from my notes just copy and pasted I have too many)
Sometimes in the middle of the night Mahiru just wakes up to Kuro's paw in his face because Kuro is hungry
Kuro hates fleas medicine
Mahiru likes kissing Kuro's freckles (back to the other hc lol)
Inner Kuro likes scaring Kuro in the middle of the night by standing in the door way and waking up Kuro
Lily is always trying to get Kuro to have a selfcare routine... it has yet to work.. he's considering asking Mahiru to convince Kuro..
Kuro has cat like features in his human form (cat like eyes[like the pupils spesifically]
Mahiru's mom's side of the family is Hispanic so Mahiru has learned a few habits from some of his family along with his mom and Tooru
Mahiru makes certain faces that remind Tooru of Touma
Once Mahiru made a pissed off face to Kuro but it looked like he was more pissed off then he actually was it made Kuro feel so guilty he started crying
Mahiru felt bad
Lily can't handle being insulted especially if it's from Misono
He's had a couple of breakdowns because of it
JeJe would never admit it but he really likes Mikuni's cooking
Nicco actually likes horror movies
He physically cannot handle gory movies
He out right refuses
Cappuccino once watched one with him and it just lead to him checking on Nicco in the bathroom because he threw up
When Kuro and Lily hang out they like to watch True Crime documentaries
It genuinely concerns Misono and Mahiru
world end will not stop bothering Shuuhei until Shuuhei gives him a kiss /or kisses (I made a fic about this hc lol)
Shuuhei found out he really likes cuddles and Ildio is happy to give him them
Shuuhei doesn't get much sleep and Ildio always ends up holding him close to get him to sleep
Shuuhei occasionally daydreams about Ildio and gets caught off guard when someone is talking to him while he's daydreaming
Freya likes to bake and her favorite thing to do is make treats for Tsurugi, Izuna, her siblings, and her Subclasses
One of Nicco's favorite drinks is actually cappuccinos he likes the bitter taste (Cappuccino finds it funny)
Kuro isn't a coffee addict but when he does drink coffee he puts an insane amount of sugar and creamer unlike Mahiru who doesn't put much sugar or creamer Kuro has tried some of Mahiru's coffee before and absolutely hated it he thought it was really bitter he clearly likes his coffee sweet 
Kuro has a big sweet tooth
Freya accepted the fact she can't bring Ildio and Hyde to stores with her
She's realized they're idiots
Tetsu can speak Spanish really fluently and he'll have conversations with Mahiru in Spanish everyone in the room stares at them confused
Lily likes feeding the stray cats and dogs that show up around the mansion
Kuro has a big fear of dogs and will cling to Mahiru for dear life
Ildio will sing his heart out to Selena's music
Ildio really likes Pan Dulce (I made a whole ass post about this like a year ago-)
Surprisingly Kuro has very smooth and soft hands While Mahiru has very cloussed(? Idk if that's the right word) and rough hands bc of house work and stuff (Both him and Kuro like feeling each other's hands just to feel the difference in texture)
Freya isn't much of a video game fan but Kuro got her into a few games (he knew she had a thing for farming so she showed her Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing she loves playing both of the games) while Izuna showed her a few games too (Pokemon, Minecraft, and a few others) so now she has a Switch and plays with her siblings. (Did I make this specific hc because I have Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley to cope with my mental health and the harsh reality of life? No totally not)
That is all for today
Have a nice night/day!
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tobiramaika · 3 years
Edo Tensei
I don't even know why am I doing this. Maybe to let my sorrow out? Well, either way, enjoy.
Tumblr media
Isn't it nice? Peace can be achived, even if temporarily.
You can make civilians and shinobi live together peacefully, regardless of clans.
Tobirama was always skeptical about that, but his big brother showed him that it's not impossible.
Still... why is he smiling? Tobirama can't help but feel hatred towards him and his so called friend as he looks down on them from the tree he is sitting on.
They are laughing, training together, even being affectionate... what kind of brother is that?
Hashirama doesn't care to notice as Tobirama stares at him, rather just drowns in self pity as he had gotten a harsh comment from Madara.
Maybe, perhaps, that will never go away. That little habit of his.
Watching that unfold... all he can think about is how foolish it is.
Tobirama never had any hate in his heart towards Hashirama, but it hurts.
It hurts that he has to walk alone in a flower shop, because he is the only one who remembers.
He shook those thoughts out of his head though, as he already took out his wallet. He greeted a smile to the man wrapping up some roses,
" Good morning Inoae "
The man greeted back, happy to see a regular.
" Good morning, Lord Tobirama. "
He is not going to lie, being called that makes him feel a little icky, he isn't Hokage yet, or is it certain that he will ever be. However, formality is kept.
It's not like it will matter in a few years, right?
He just went on to choose flowers.
Four purple hyacinths for the first bouquet.
Two pink tulips and two delphiniums for the second one.
Two white tulips and two gladiolus for the third one.
They were all so beautiful, yet they only caused silence. He wished he could, but Inoae couldn't look the man infront of him in the eyes. He knows all too well what does this mean.
Tobirama was used to it. Usually he is greeted with silence upon entering a room.
And that silence followed him everywhere.
Well... not the cemetery. Where his brothers were.
He walked his way in, getting more and more nervous as his heart went quicker upon approaching the huge rock where his brothers are laid.
Dare he call it a grave.
Although, he was quite scared to face them just yet. So he decided to go to the left side of it, paying his respect to someone else's brother,
" Izuna, are you listening? I am sorry.. no, I just ask for your forgiveness. I hope you are watching over your brother, he seems to be doing well. "
He had placed the first bouquet of flowers down the cold shiny rock. He didn't know if the feeling in his chest is emptiness, or rather guilt.
It could be both.
Now came the hard part, going to the right side of the rock.
He can't call it a grave, he refuses to accept it.
He had placed the beautiful flowers down, bowing as he spoke.
" Itama... Kawarama... Please forgive big brother, he didn't come to your anniversaries. Even if he didn't come, I hope I am enough. Please don't hate him for this. Are you doing alright.. ? I wish I could hug you both for one last time, " tears streamed down his face as he grabbed his chest, gasping for air " I am sorry you could never make it to 10. I am so so sorry.... this isn't how it was supposed to turn out like... it really wasn't.... "
It was dawn when Tobirama caught his two younger siblings painting their face in the reflection of the river by their house.
He had approached the two giggly smaller ones as he noticed that they have their mothers make up paint in their hand.
It was cute, how excited they were over a few crushed up wet roses..
" Say, what are you doing? "
Itama looked at him, holding a brush for him to take,
" We are wearing warrior make up! Try it too! "
And so he did. He squat down alongside them, copying the motions they did,
" So tell me... Why are they dots? "
Kawarama smiled, clapping his hands together, happy to answer,
" It will bloom like a flower! It's just dots now... But when we will reach 10, it will all be lines, mimicking the shape of lowers! "
Itama nodded, as he adjusted the hand of his older brother,
" Yeah! Hashirama already celebrated his 10th birthday! So it's between us three now! "
Tobirama hummed, murmuring a little 'I see' as he painted his face. That was, to this day his favourite memory with his brothers.
And it keeps repeating over and over, he can't stop thinking about it. It pains him, if not everday, every other day.
Even as he looks through their family album and seems their cut off hair, from the first time they each got a hair cut.
The circles under his eyes barely tell a story compared to how swollen it has became. He had cried all day, his heart crushing.
He stroked over the plastic covering of the hair, sighing to himself in the darkness of his own room, being surrounded by nothing but cold..
... and a bunch of research papers.
" I wish I could bring you two back just by this... I miss you so much "
One thing is for sure, ghosts exist.
Tobirama had found out that a long time ago, by experience.
Turns out, hating your father and trying to please your brother's wishes only results in your dead father's spirit yelling at you whenever you manage to stay up after 5am.
Tobirama sniffed and wiped off his under eyes.
It's time to be stronger, it sucks to drown in self pity, day by day everyday.
And so that was the start of it all. The start of Edo Tensei.
Both the sun and moon had fallen down multiple times while Tobirama spent weeks in his office, only leaving for small wash ups.
He was desperate, he had a goal in mind and he for sure going to achive it.
Sleep was something he... well forgot to do, but came to him naturally. Each time, he had envisioned all the failed attempts that had happened.
It's been months, he is used to it. Used to all the dry tears on his cheek after a few minutes nap, as he still hears the painful scream of his little brothers. He wants to get it right. He so does.
Just what is he missing? What?
He has calculated everything imaginable. So why.. why don't they look human?
Those questions rang louder and louder in his head as he made an attempt to revive his brothers in their - now - family home.
Well, the little hill next to their garden tree.
Itama and Kawarama were sad. They couldn't be as grown up and as human as their big brothers.
They tried to comfort their older brother too.
He was on his knees, punching the ground with his fists as tears stormed down his face.
" Why, why, why? ", he asked, over and over.
Not to mistake him for an idiot though, once he felt two little hands stroke his back, he had wrapped his arms around what he knows as his little brothers.
" It's okay "
" Thank you for trying "
Those small little voices trying to comfort him.. their gentleness... It should be the other way around. It really should.
But why is he like this? It's hard to admit, but Tobirama is ashamed. It should be the other way around.
The ground broke, and suddenly there was water everywhere but around the three of them.
It was almost destructive, flooding everything around them, breaking of their tree, turning into a water tornado.
It took a mental breakdown for Hashirama to notice what's wrong, as he ran there yelling out
" Tobirama! "
That was the last thing in Tobirama's memory before his coma.
Hashirama must have solved it, he guesses. After all, not only their house is new, but their list of forbidden jutsus are too.
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belit0 · 9 months
Does Madara love his s/o? Because i recently saw a post of yours where someone said that Madara would treat his wife badly, or not giving her attention. Madara is a very complicate men, so i am not sure if he would love his wife. But at some point, i can imagine him to love her, but would he?
As you say, he is, in fact, a very complicated man, but let me explain. My opinion may be controversial, but here's my breakdown of Madara's love🫱🏼‍🫲🏼❤️‍🩹
Madara would only be able to truly love someone if Izuna doesn't die. With the story as we know it and as events unfold, this Uchiha falls into a deep and gradual madness that eventually consumes him completely, giving us the Madara we already know all about. Canon Madara is a man without an ounce of mental stability and totally driven by his dark ambitions to create a reality where things have been different for him.
The Madara that I always write (belonging to a world where Izuna never died in battle) is a man who did not face the emotional trauma of losing his last brother, and was able to avoid that terrible event that would destroy him completely. This Madara, who does not give himself to madness, is capable of love, in his own way, but capable.
Let's not forget that as a reincarnation of Indra, he still has with him one of the heaviest forms of the curse, always internally battling against it. Izuna is his light, who will not allow his older brother to go mad, and it is thanks to his help that Madara learns to live with it, without being completely consumed by what he harbors within himself.
The stability he learns to have thanks to Izuna's efforts is what allows him to have room in his heart to appreciate people, not devalue anyone's presence, and eventually fall in love with (Y/N).
In a reality where Madara doesn't lose the last ray of affection in his life under Tobirama's sword, he is able to love.
The Madara we know is a man consumed by darkness with no place in his body for feeling affection, for he lost his heart in that last battle against the Senju.
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simkjrs · 3 years
stopped reading tisi and ltdi for a couple of weeks bc i was busy with uni. decided to catch up. its 3am and im dying. oh my godddddd. holy fuckkk. tobirama!?!!! IZUNA????? IM. PLEASE. I CANT.
tobiramas viewpoint is so fucked self reflection thru ressurected enmies and yokai. tobirama making rules.tobiramas breakdown!!! tobirama!!!!!!!!!!!! WOULD IT KILL EITHER OF THE BOYOS TO COMMUNICATE. im sorry but im convinced it wasnt their similar chakra sizes that brought the soulbond together but their allergy to healthy bonds and communication. and shitty fathers. and a warped view of duty. and sucidal urges/ ambivalence towards their death. and the way they convinced themselves they ruin everything.
i kno u don't write ltdi but I HAVE FEELINGS THAT NEED TO BE EXPELLED AND WYRVEL INBOX IS FAR AWAY!!! OK?!!! hnnnnnng izuna!!! my sweet potato man!!!! you are making potato mash of yourself!!! he's so utterly convinced of his uselessness ,,, he's so impulsive im going insane,,,,, he's. he's .... . ok i lied in not able to talk abt izuna yet my soul is not ready its too much!! I LOVE THE BOYS SO MUCH WHY DONT THEY JUST FISH TOGETHER!!! AND THEIR BROTHERS ARE THERE TOO!!! AND IZUNA SKIPS STONES AND THEY FINALLY HAVE THE PEACE THEY NEVER KNEW AND FUCKING EVERYONE IS YEARNING FOR!!!!!! UGH .
im not looking forward to when ye finish it and I'm going to have to reread it in its entirety and fully feel the pain of all the chapters w out the wait time anyways it is 3:20 now i should go to sleep. tha k u very much i love both ur writing, even though it causes me pain and sleep deprivation,,, kesp up the good work. pls keep writing abt dysfunctional ppl thabks aaa a. a a a a aAAA a a. aa. aaaaaaaaa
LOVED reading this. thank you so much for this wonderful review <3 crossy and i do it all for readers like you.
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