#It's just my opinion
random-dragon-exe · 1 month
Okay hot take, but I wouldn't mind if adult Timmy doesn't appear in FOP A New Wish.
Maybe it's just me, but I think it'd be great to have some ambiguity to his fate.
Think of it like the fate of the Baudelaires in ASOUE, at the end of The End, the audience doesn't know their fate. However, it's up to the person's imagination to create their fate. Sometimes, we won't get all the answers, and it's up to the audience to fill in the gaps.
I honestly think it'd be for the better for the show to continue the stories of a couple of OG characters to further the plot, except for Timmy.
Mainly because I'd like the show to continue on its own merit, not just for the nostalgia of showing the OG characters we've seen.
For example, I like the direction that we've seen so far, allowing a few OG characters to return to have an actual impact on the plot, and it feels natural to their story.
A.J founded the Galaxa Institute
Crocker is a janitor at the Institute still with a fairy obsession
Vicky is a birthday princess who terrorizes kids when the adults aren't looking
Again it's a hot take for a reason. I'm aware that I'm in the minority here.
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i-write-things · 10 months
Don't read this unless you want to ruin your day
Alright, I need to get something a bit controversial off my chest. Here goes:
Chrollo would still prize the troupe over his darling.
There, I said it! Here me out! The spider is everything he's ever fought for. He gave up his personality, his childhood, his life for the spider. He's not going to give it up for one person, no matter how much he loves them.
I get it, I'm just as fond over the idea as Chrollo holding you over anyone else, but it's time to face the sad truth. It's not to say he wouldn't feel sad picking you over the troupe. But he wouldn't feel bad about it, unless it happened to be the death of you. Because part of dating him and loving who he truly is, is accepting the things he does, has done, and will continue to do. It also means he you'll just have to accept the fact that the spider is his first priority. Again, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Of course he does, and he'll sure put up on he'll of a fight to make sure you know he loves you and to keep you safe. But, c'mon, let's be honest with ourselves here. Do it truly sound characteristic for Chrollo to give up the spider because he fell in love?
I feel like you could make an argument for Yandere Chrollo, because Yan! Chrollo is mostly about interpretation. So this one is a personal belief of mine and I'm open to debate this with Yan! chrollo. I can see Yan! Chrollo maybe Carrington more about the reader than the spider, but also not. I mean, yandere is an obsessive love. But deep down, it's still Chrollo. And I feel like something everyone is forgetting that regular! Chrollo is a yandere, too. Not your stereotypical kidnapping and forcing you to love him yandere, but still. It's very subtle, but the man is a mass Murderer and theif. But that's a separate debate. The point is, exaggerated Yan! Chrollo could possible hold darling over spider, but again, it's open for debatd.
But regular Chrollo? I'm sorry, love, but it's just not true. Chrollo would love you with all his heart, and a huge part of his heart belongs to you. But the whole of his heart belongs to the spider. I'm sorry. And the sooner you accept that, the better.
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a-bisexual-panicking · 8 months
may I introduce you to my current obsession: this two losers right here
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I love them. Love their song(s). Husk is my favourite character of Hazbin Hotel, and Angel is immediately second. I love Angel's italian dubber, he manages to express so much emotion in his voice (even if you don't understand italian I suggest to watch a few little minutes of that dubbing, especially the ones before the song "Losers, baby" and the song "Poison", "Veleno" in italian). And I love the chemistry that there is between this two. They love eachother so fucking much. I fucking love huskerdust and I don't care if it's not canon because it is in fact it's enough to look at them to get it. If something bad happens to them I'm going to fucking catch you Vivienne.
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sc0rpiflow3r · 25 days
Well 💀💀
I mean, like two years ago, what drew me back into this fandom was a Wolfstar fic (yeah, that one, the most famous....)
I really loved Wolfstar, but then I discovered Prongsfoot, and it’s more my thing <3
Also, I think it’s sad how the new fandom (yeah, marauders tiktok, I’m talking about you) has somewhat ruined Sirius and Remus.
I mean, Remus as the big bad alpha?? C’mon, my man Lupin was a total loser (and I like him, I like him all shy and miserable).
And don’t even get me started on the atrocities they’ve committed against Sirius... it makes me so angry!!
My Sirius is tall and masculine and arrogant and loyal, but if you think he’s short and feminine, okay.
I don’t have a problem with a feminine Sirius; I have a problem with how, for some people in this fandom, a feminine character is often portrayed as a bitch and a drama queen. Like??????
This is ✨ misogyny ✨
So, yeah, I could read fics that don’t ruin Sirius and Remus’s personalities, but I think rare pairs is my thing now (I mean, c'mon guys, blackbolt has such potential!!).
Thank you for the question!!
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penguinofficer · 1 month
Is it me or
Looking at private parts make me feel uncomfortable...
Like why do people like it in the first place, it's always gross to me, like I know it makes you horny but for some reason it doesn't apply to me
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puckishpuppeteer · 8 months
It's been years since the show ended but I have a confession to make:
I shipped Park with Chase.
I thought that while yes, Chase is very bisexual coded (as is almost everyone in the show, fucking hate crimes m.d), the relationship he had with Park could have been more, even if I really liked their friendship.
If they had Cameron marrying Chase, that could have done something about Park with him, at least it wouldn't have been as toxic as that.
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mn9-confessions · 2 months
Your opinion about Dr White?
Uuuuugh, there's something in the og game that makes me dislike him
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gravityfalls4life · 2 months
[private message to character] hey mabel, do you know who your grunkles might have crushes on? like does ford like fiddleford? does stan like... actually idk who stan might like but yeah just asking bc you seem to know a lot about them and are into romance
I'm assuming the character you want to recieve a private message is Mabel? For everyones Info: you have to say the character's name No offense to Anon tho!
Well..... I don't know about Ford but Stan....
I can DEFINITELY see something with him and Susan~....
And is that a reference to Fiddlestan? (please tell me it's not)
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feuerspirit · 1 year
usually lately I try to stay away from all this so as not to aggravate my moral injuries, but I want to speak out now because I know that it also hurts people like me
"Oh, and when Hamilton dominated, was there something different?" they say, and you know what? even these people know it's true. because it was different when it was the era of Hamilton, the era of Vettel, Schumacher, Senna and Prost, Lauda and Hunt, Stewart, Clark and Hill, Fangio, Nuvolari and Varzi.
it was different because even if they dominated, they were passionate people with a mad love for motorsport, with a desire to compete, someone more talented, someone more diligent, but they were all madmen in their own way, they all burned with a passion for cars and speed, and they shared this with people to the best of their characters
and who do we see now? a man who takes success for granted, and not as the long and hard work of tens of thousands of people around (and their legal team), without passion and love, a man who was forcibly brought into this sport because his father had ambitions that he himself was never able to realize, a man who is not even interested in competing or doing it fairly
so was it different when others dominated? Yes, it was, because now I'm watching a person do something because his parents forced him to
you might as well watch a reality show about the life of a medical student whose parents dreamed of seeing their child in medicine
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0bssesive-kaktus · 1 year
I'm basically obsessed at the moment with Red White Royal Blue (as you all can see) and I just have one infinitesimal complain about the movie, it's not even a complain it's more like a thousand things I liked about the movie and one that I didn't (I might actually write a post with the thousand I did, and it is the way (I almost write gay) Henry treats Alex in the beginning. Examples of what I'm talking about (take into account I'm only listing here the ones previous to them actually getting together):
In the hospital, when they're shoved into the closet: "Are you seriously telling me that one meeting...has occupied such a vast mental and emotional space in your head?" Fucking savage. I could probably understand that is one of those situations where he feels threatened and just lashes out, but still even more telling taking into account that night was when Henry fell for Alex. I don't know it just feels wrong.(I know after Henry apologizes and everything, it's just that sentence feels so out of place for me)
During the turkey conversation: "Can you think of anything more wasteful? Perhaps this conversation" I was crushed, even more knowing is their first phone conversation. And after, this one I get as a little more playful, when Henry says "That's what the big red button is for" I don't know, again it just feels out of character.
When they hook up for the first in Alex's room after the prime minister party thingy: "this doesn't change anything between us", "we just have to keep it very casual" and "I can't afford for you to fall in love with me" in perspective it's comprehensible where this is coming from and why he's saying that, but in the moment it just feel heart wrenching and kinda dismissive towards Alex and his feelings. (Also in this scene when Alex tells him, he is bi his reaction seems off, but maybe this have more to do with the fact that I'm bi and that reaction would hurt my feelings)
Sooo yeah, it's not a lot or anything, but something that along the movie kinda bothered me, just because it seems like Henry is kinda toying with him. I don't know maybe I'm reading too much into stuff, I just feel that he is one foot out of the relationship all the time (which he is and I understand why) but making it seems like less interested in Alex than he actually is; whereas in the book, even though he is terrified of loving Alex and just being with him and all that, he "never has acted any less than in loved with him since the first time he touched him" and that's not the vibe I get from Movie!Henry.
Having said all that I fucking love the movie, I think is fantastic, I've watched it at least 5 times already and their relationship and how Henry looks at Alex makes my knees weak and I literally cannot function without watching gifs of them constantly.
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mypolicegiver · 5 months
I don't know, I consider the relationship between Catnap and Dogday to be a long-lasting friendship
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girlsfightingarena · 5 months
I'm just gonna say it. I like Tifa and Cloud better than Aerith and Cloud.
That's just how it is.
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moss-ghoulette · 11 months
Rating Doctor/Master ships with little to no explanation
1 Three/Delgado
2 Shalka Doctor/Shalka Master
3 Six/Ainley
4 Seven/Ainley
5 Four/Ainley (Don't see four with anyone really)
6 Five/Ainley (Five is my least favourite Doctor)
7 Eight/Roberts
8 Twelve/Missy (too heterosexual for me; and Missy is mine)
9 Theta/Koschei (I don't know much about them)
10 Thirteen/Dhavan
11 Ten/Simm (I hate Simm fight me)
I don't take criticism, you can hate me for that
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r4nd0mth0ught2 · 1 year
I see many people upset that Roier voted three times yesterday but lore wise doesn't it make sense? I mean Melissa, Abueloier and q!Roier are three different residents of the island. Sure they are played by the same person but on the island they are distinct people who have their own 'storyline' and their own opinion so they should therefore all be allowed to vote if you want the vote to be fair and have the opinion of all the inhabitants of the island.
Ofc for that to make sense Roier would also have to take into account while voting with each character what would make sense lore wise for them to vote and not just vote for what q!Roier wants 3 times, but personally I don't see why Melissa and Abueloier shouldn't have the right to vote seeing as they live on the island too.
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pixleth · 1 year
Why do manga readers romanticize EVERYTHING?
I have had ZERO thoughts or suspicions that Uraraka and Toga are into eachother. I mean...have you guys ever even had healthy friendships with the same sex?? Because that’s what it iiiiis, cute and loving SUPPORTING of eachother!! Please watch movies (non-anime), read books (non-manga), GO OUTSIDE and you’ll start to see how things really work!
It’s just so sloppy looking through any of the bnha tags and it just makes me believe those people have no clue how human interactions work
EDIT: Just to be clear I DO NOT HATE THE ONES WHO SHIP FOR FUN, I have my own secret ships too lol. I’m against the ones who get hella agressive with their posts or ships and refuse to consider things otherwise, they scare me:)
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kujirara · 9 months
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My EO portrait tier list. If anyone cares.
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