#It took me a weeek but here we are
echoheartza · 2 years
November 16:
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fagrights · 1 year
my dad being clearly in a mood that only he knows the reason for and then my grandmother asking him if he’s mad at her and crying I’m going to BED
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toriwakes · 4 years
Chrysanthemums [Draco Malfoy x Potter!Reader]
summary: you’ve lived in america for the past 15 years of your life. then, everything changed with one letter.
content warnings: very light cursing. some angst (?)
a/n: omg hi!! officially my second request, im so excited to share!! i know it’s SUUUUPER long but bars with me? i’m so proud of it and i’d actually love to do a mini series w this so lmk what u all think! ty for the request @peneflop !
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everyone in america knew about harry potter. even though voldemort was a criminal in another country, americans felt just as worried. when the news got out, everyone was all over you. ‘(y/n) potter! are you related to him?’ you didn’t know the answer. but it was most likely not, right?
you sat next to your best friends, wishing them a good morning. “want to go pick up the mail?” lena asked. you nodded. the three of you walked down the halls, giggling and gossiping. “what’re you doing for halloween, (y/n)?” gina asked. you shrugged. “dunno. probably nothing. why?” she let out a dramatic gasp. “you’ve gotta come to this party! please don’t miss it, it’s gonna be amazing!” you laughed at her and turned the corner, entering the mail room. “i’ll think about it.” she made a face and you all separated to open your mail boxes. you flipped through your letters- nothing special. then something caught your eye. a parchment envelope with a burgundy wax seal. “guys?” your two friends rushed over. “what?” the said in unison. with a shaky hand, you lifted up the letter. “holy.” “shit.”
it was settled. you were moving to london and going to hogwarts. you were not keen on the idea at all, but the albus dumbledore demanded you be there. no witch could just say no. right now you were at the station, watching as hundreds of witches and wizards staggered around. “why’d you have to go before halloween?” gina sighed. you pouted. “i’ll write to you both once a week. i’ll tell you everything.” “yeah, you better!” lena teased. then you were met with anna. anna was your care taker. she wasn’t related to you but she cared for you since you didn’t have any connections to your family. you were told that your parents died in a car crash and they were both only children, so you had no aunts or uncles. poor circumstances, but that was your life. “i’m gonna miss you.” you said it quickly, afraid you may cry if you spoke too slow. “i’ll miss you too.” she was already crying. “now go, everyones already on.” you hugged them and waved goodbye before boarding the train.
you didn’t know anyone here. you shuffled to the back of the train and tried not to make yourself stand out too much. you walked back as far as you could and found yourself in a dark section of the train with empty booths. you smiled and sat down, pulling out your book that you brought along. you were daydreaming of lena and gina when you heard footsteps. when you shifted your gaze to the doorway, you jaw almost dropped. a tall (yet skinny) pale boy stood there. he along with two beefy men didn’t pay any mind to you. you hoped they wouldn’t notice you, but you were the only one there, it was unlikely they wouldn’t. they actually all got situated and you thought you were in the clear- until someone else came in. “i saw the saint on the way in. almost puked.” a brunette girl in all black clothes joked. they all laughed. “how was everyone’s- oh?” she saw you. the three boys looked at you, eyebrows furrowed. “hello, i’ve never seen you.” she spoke softly and say in front of you. “yeah. i’m new, it’s nice to meet you.” you stuck out your hand for a handshake. “american? that’s cute. i’m pansy.” she took your hand and you smiled. “pansy, that’s a pretty name. like the flower?” she didn’t say anything. you cleared your throat awkwardly. “i’m (y/n).” she smiled as a response. “would you three stop being so rude? introduce yourselves!” she was referring to the three boys. the blonde one stood up first. “malfoy.” he said curtly. you gave him a friendly smile. he didn’t return it. “goyle. that’s crabbe. he doesn’t talk much.” crabbe gave you a smile that you gladly returned. “come sit with us.”
for the next hour or so you bonded with your three new friends. pansy did most of the talking, goyle occasionally dropping in. draco didn’t speak too much but you could tell he was listening. every time he did, however, your ears got hot and you felt warm. he was very cute, but you didn’t know him like that. “the trolly is passing. (y/n), if i gave you some galleons would you get us some snacks? anything is fine.” you nodded, but were mildly confused. what the fuck are galleons? “pansy, she’s american. she doesn’t know what galleons are.” draco said. “oh- that’s right. go with her then.” pansy suggested. you took the gold coins from pansy and stood, draco following you. “hello! anything from the trolly?” the kind old woman asked. you picked out the thinks that look the nicest, draco talking the coins from your hand and giving them to the woman. you ignored the race in your heart when his hand touched yours. “did you get that?” he asked. you nodded. “you don’t speak too much, do you.” it wasn’t really a question. as you were about to answer, you made eye contact with a boy with very round glasses. could it be harry? draco noticed this and ushered you forward. “don’t talk to him.” just wait till they found out about your last name...
the students piled into the great hall, which was huge and rather beautiful. gather headmaster, who you recognized as professor dumbledore rose and spoke a few words. then, he made eye contact with you. “let the sorting ceremony begin!” you shuffled in with all the first years feeling awkward. the upper class man gave you strange looks- they must’ve thought you were daft. finally, you heard your name. “(y/n) potter?” you heard gasps in every direction. you stepped forward and sat on the stool. then, you felt the hat on your head. your hands were sweating.“another potter, eh? same qualities as the first yes... but where to put you?” everyone seemed to be on the edge of their seats. the 7 minutes that had passed felt like 10 hours. then, you heard a small voice in your head. this voice wasn’t yours. “what’ll it be then? gryffinor or slytherin?’ you blinked. ‘just put me where you think i’ll exceed.’ you don’t know how, but you felt the sorting hat smirk. “SLYTHERIN!” the hat boomed. a mixture of gasps and cheers erupted. the witch who sorted you pointed to the direction of the house decorated in green and silver- you beamed when you saw pansy. you sat next to her and she embraced you into a hug. “bloody hell, you didn’t tell me you were a potter! you don’t remember anything from that night, do you?” draco didn’t say anything. “what do you mean?” you asked. now they all just looked at you weird. “do you actually not know what happened?” draco asked. you shook your head. “(y/n)...almost a decade ago, voldemort killed your parents. you and harry survived, you’re the only two that have ever lived after getting hit with the killing curse.” hearing all of this was almost too much to handle. so you did have a family? it wasn’t a car crash? your brother is the chosen one? “how? how did no one know?” pansy looked at you with pity. “you two were separated as infants. no one knew what you looked like. besides, for some reason you don’t have the scar like he does.” pansy said while moving your hair out of your face. scar? like the one on your chest? you didn’t mention it, but you wondered if that was what she meant. “we’ll treat you all the same. don’t you fret.” pansy smiled. “thank merlin she’s not a gryffindor though.” goyle commented. everyone laughed. “what’s wrong with the gryffindors?” draco eyed the table behind you. “they’re a bunch of snobs. think they’re so much better than everyone because they’ve got potter on their side, well guess what? now so do we.” you hummed and turned around. harry was gazing at you already.
that night you found a tie, a sweater, some slytherin robes and a little slytherin flag in your dorm. if harry was a gryffinor, shouldn’t you also be? you shook your head from the thought- you’re done second guessing yourself. to take your mind off it, you pulled out your stationary and began to write to your best friends back in america. boy did you have some things to share...
officially 3 weeeks till halloween. your friends were sending you letter about how excited they were, but you were bummed. you didn’t tell them that your parents died on halloween, you knew it would kill the fun for them. you smiled at the letter and the cute picture of them attached. you pinned it to the cork board- right next to the slytherin flag. you smiled to yourself and grabbed your school bag, existing the dorms and heading into the common rooms. your friends seemed to be waiting for you. “finally! i’m starved, let’s go.” pansy linked arms with you and led you out, hiding you to the great hall. the stares you used to revive everywhere faded. it was like you were always there. “what classes do you all have today?” you questioned, biting into your bagel. “astronomy, potions, transfiguration and defense. you?” draco asked. you and draco finally became formal friends. you owed it all to the many classes you shared together and pansy’s constant pestering. “the same. i just gave potions first.” everyone dove into conversation about their school schedule, followed by how much they hated it. you laughed every now and then but your mind was somewhere else. you had harry in a few classes today. you and him haven’t talked at hall, surprisingly. you were simply too intimidated to do so. “(y/n)!” goyle was calling you. “yeah?” “i said we better get going. if your first class is potions, you don’t want to be late.” you simply nodded and headed with your group to your classes. everyone broke off to their classes as you walked around the castle, but you noticed that draco stuck with you. “i thought you had astronomy?” you only asked once he was outside your classroom. “i do.” “then why are you here?” you never really noticed how much taller draco was than you. “i just wanted to make sure you got here safe. if that not what friends do?” you cocked a brow. “you never walk me to my classes. “bloody hell, im sorry i won’t do it again!” he said quickly. you chuckled. “that’s more like it.” at that, you entered class and he walked away. there was something about him...
“pay attention mrs.granger.” you felt like rolling your eyes at your professor. he was always finding a reason to kick on the gryffindors. however when snape saw nearly everyone was struggling, he huffed and raised his hands to gain the class’s attention. “alright. split into groups of two and finish the potion. do not pair with someone from your house.” everyone shuffled around- harry was looking at you. you acted first, picking up your books and moving to harry’s desk. “hi.” you said. “hello.” he responded. you two worked silently but used teamwork. you ready him instructions while he acted out. “wow, we’re doing way better than i thought we would’ve.” you gave him a curious look. “not that i didn’t think you’d do good, i meant-“ you cut him off by laughing. “you really are my brother aren’t you?” he went quiet. “about that.” you moved your head up to look at him. “i guess we should talk about it.” he nodded in agreement. snape approached your table. “since you two like to do a lot of chatting, we’ll test your potion. snape stuck a dropper in the potion and poured it onto a round item covered in warts. slowly but surely, the warts popped away. “perhaps you’re not as incompetent as i thought.” was all he said before leaving the cauldron and dismissing you both.
you and harry spent the rest of potions and a bit of lunch sitting outside, talking about life and everything you missed out on. “so when you were thirteen- you blew up our aunt?” harry laughed harder at the memory. “harry! there you are.” hermione and ron showed up behind him. “oh- hey guys. wanna sit?” hermione gave you an uncomfortable look. “i’d love to, but i need to speak to you alone harry.” just in cue, you heard your best friends voice. “(y/n)!” you turned around and saw pansy as well as draco. “it’s fine, i have to go anyway. see you later.” you hugged your brother and you both split off. “finally talked to him?” pansy questioned. “yeah. it felt good.” she smiled as a response and the three of you settled on hanging out near the lank for the remainder of lunch. you didn’t catch it, but draco smiled at your happiness.
one week till halloween. you were more upset than happy, but harry wasn’t too effected, but he’s known the truth for 4 years. you found out last month. since it was a weekend, the hogwarts students were roaming about, chatting about their plans for the big night. your friends apologized to you, explaining that they all had detention early morning with mcgonagall. well- all but one. draco walked up to you in the common room and sat beside you. over the past month you and draco became even closer than before. you found yourself having a lot of alone time with him, learning new things about the boy every time. the more you learned a the more interested you became, and before you knew it; you were slowly falling for draco malfoy.
“hey.” you chimed. “do you want to go for a walk?” he said after a minute of silence. you noticed he wasn’t making eye contact with you. you set down your book slowly. finally he looked at you, curious why you were taking so long to answer. “are you bloody deaf? i asked if you wanted to go for a walk.” you giggled while nodding. “yes-yes, i just love hearing how sassy you get. cmon.” you left first and you could hear draco mumbling something along the lines of ‘i’m not sassy...’ under his breath. you thought he was adorable.
the two of you ended up at the lake. it became a usual hangout spot for you and your friends. you did things like talk the day away, finish homework and especially practice magic here. there was a small patch of flowers in the grass- that’s how you identified your spot. as you and draco relaxed you flicked your wand, a flower now blooming in your hand. “..you love that spell.” he said, interrupting his last sentence. you looked at him, moving your body so that you were facing him. “guess i do.” you hummed softly, leaning forward to tuck the chrysanthemum behind his ear. he looked at you like you had three heads- was he not used to kind gestures? “that looks nice next to your hair.” you commented. his confused gaze stuck. you ignored it and continued swishing your wand, anxious that you may have done something wrong. just then, draco let out a sigh. “goddamnit.” he sounded defeated. “what’s wrong?” you asked. he finally looked at you normally, but this time he looked sad. “you. this is all your fault, you know that? i’m supposed to be this cold hearted, asshole type of guy. i wasn’t going to let myself get soft for some girl, especially an american.” you had no idea where he was going with this. the more he spoke, the more nervous you got. is he saying he doesn’t want to be friends? “but you’re so kind, and smart. you care so much about your friends and those you love. how could i not like you? and you being gorgeous is just a bonus...” you could not believe what you were hearing. was he admitting to having feelings for you? the silence scared him, so you spoke up. “are you saying what i think you’re saying?” he winced. “bloody hell, i’m saying i like you, you dimwit!” so you were right. “well..i like you too, draco?” he widened his eyes and tilted his head as if to say, ‘really?’ “yes, you dimwit.” you mocked. he chuckled and pulled out his wand. “hold out your hands and close your eyes.” you did as he asked, feeling something sprout in your palms. “open.” when you did, what appeared to be a flower crown (made up from chrysanthemums) rested in your hands. you gasped from joy, lifting it up so you could get a better look at it. “i love it.” you spoke. “(y/n)...would you ever consider being my girlfriend?” you felt time stop. draco really wanted you to be his girlfriend. “yes!” you said happily. he beamed back at you, looked at the flower-clad ground and smiling even brighter. “cool.” he chuckled. “cool.” you responded.
a few days later when you finally got the chance, you ran to your dorm to write to lena and gina. they were gonna flip! just as you planted the wax seal, you heard screaming coming from outside your door. there was pansy, bursting in and hugging you. “you’re dating draco?! oh my god!” she squealed. you laughed at the excitement. “yes! it’s amazing isn’t it?” you said. “yes! oh i’m so excited, my two best friends- dating!!!” pansy smiled greatly. “i’m going to the owlery, would you-“ “DRACO! take your girlfriend to the owlery!” you shook your head at pansy, bidding her goodbye and leaving with draco.
“who are you sending this to?” draco questioned as you attached the letter to the owls leg. “my friends back in america.” you stared as the owl flew away, farther and father, until it was out of sight. suddenly you felt a hand wrap around your waist- draco was looking at you with heart eyes. “what?” you laughed. “you’re just...really gorgeous.” you blushed hard. you didn’t even notice that you were staring at draco’s lips- and he was staring back. you both leaned in closer and one of his plate hands cupped your cheek. “can i kiss you?” he whispered so quietly you weren’t even sure you heard it. still, you nodded and he closed the gap. his lips were as soft as clouds, fitting like a missing puzzle piece with yours. you could’ve stayed like that forever; just you and him. but all good things must come to an end, right? “(y/n)?” the voice of your brother alarmed you, making you break away from draco. “potter.” draco spat. “get away from her!” harry ran to pull you away from him, standing in front of you as if draco was going to hurt you. “harry what are you doing?” you whined, moving him out of the way so now you were in between the boys. the way the two boys looked at each other- you knew there was some history you haven’t discovered. “protecting you? you don’t know what he could’ve brought you up here for!” draco looked at you; he was extremely annoyed. “harry, draco’s my boyfriend. i’m fine..” harry’s mouth hung open, eyes flickering from you to draco and back again. “potter, is there a problem?” draco asked in his usual sassy voice. “let’s see; you’re dating my sister, why would we have a problem malfoy?” shit.
harry stormed away out of rage. the walk back to the common rooms was silent. your head was too full to talk. you had just reconnected with harry, were you going to ruin it all just by being with draco? you really likes the blonde, but was he worth ruining your new founded family? “what are you thinking about?” he spoke finally. you snapped out of your gaze, shaking your head. “nothing.” “no, i know you’re thinking. you get all quiet when you think.” he knew you well, which made you feel a little better. “i think harry’s mad at me. i just met him and he already hates me.” draco cupped your cheeks, making you look at him. “listen to me- he does not hate you. you’re his sister, his only family. he couldn’t hate you.” you smiled in his hands. you told him you’d meet him back in the common room later. you had to find harry.
you walked around the castle for what felt like an hour, finally finding him in an empty classroom on the third floor. you entered silently. he was sitting on a desk with his back facing you. “hi.” you choked out. harry turned around and said nothing when he saw you. you took it upon yourself to sit next to him. “harry-“ “do you like him? like, actually like him?” you thought about it for a moment. you considered lying, maybe that’ll make him hate you less. but you knew he’d eventually find out and it’s only make things worse. “yeah. i do.” harry put his face in his hands. “not only are you a slytherin but you’re dating my sworn enemy.” he shook his head and laughed while saying it. “hey!” you said while playfully shoving him. the laughter died and you sat in sad silence again. “i don’t me being with draco to mess up our relationship.” harry but his lip in thought. “is there anything i could do to make it up to you?” you pleaded. an idea popped into your head. you pulled out your wand and swished it- a flower wreath following. “chrysanthemums?” harry asked, taking the wreath into his hands. you smiled. “yeah.” he put the wreath on his head as a joke, but it brushed some of his hair out of his forehead on the way. “i meant to ask you about the scar.” “what about it?” he said. you moves your shirt down, exposing the lightning bolt scar on your chest. “blimey.” he looked very shocked. “i don’t really know what this means.” you whispered. harry shook his head, implying he didn’t either. “are we alright then?” harry fidgeted with the wreath. it dawned upon him that no- he couldn’t stay mad at you. you’re the only family he has left. “i guess.”
over the next week you magras to patch things up with harry and draco well enough to celebrate halloween in peace. the feast was ravishing. you ate so many sweets that you couldn’t imagine having back in america. as per usual you sat with the slytherins- but something was telling you u that you should be with harry. so without a second though you turned to draco, “what do you think of eating with harry?” he almost spit out his pumpkin juice. “you brother hates me (y/n), you know that.” he knew you were going to get your way, but he was trying to convince you not to. your mind was made up. “he’ll have to deal with it.” let’s just say gryffindor wasn’t too fond of having slytherins at their table.
being draco’s girlfriend was a blessing. he showered you with gifts, affection, appreciation. you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend. there was never a time where you doubted his feelings for you. now was one of them. you two were in his dorm, listening to the soft, low music coming from his record player. you were both just gazing at the ceiling while wrapped in each other’s arms. it’s not that you didn’t love lazy days with draco- you certainly did. you just really wanted to do something right now. “draco?” you finally said. “hmm?” you loved when he responded with a hum. you couldn’t explain why, but it made you go all fuzzy inside. “i wanna do something fun,” you flipped over so you were hovering above him now. he scrunched his brows. “like what?” you thought about it. what could two, 15 year olds do at one in the morning? “wanna sneak into the kitchens?” he burst out in laughter. you wanted to ask him what was so funny, but with a smile like that? you had to laugh with him. “alright- alright. let’s go.” so that’s how you two ended up there, pajamas and all. everything would’ve gone fine if draco would’ve just worn shoes. “bloody hell!” he screamed, dropping all the snacks. draco stubbed his toe on a nearby cart, and of course he had to be dramatic about it. “draco hush!-“ but it was too late. the lights turned on and the house elves caught you, immediately reporting to filch.
you never wished draco wasn’t such a diva more than right now. your saturday was being stolen by detention. even though you were with him, the detention was being watched by snape and you weren’t risking it again. you checked the clock; still two hours? god, you were gonna be here forever if something didn’t happen- “professor!” it was dolores umbridge, dressed in all pink, stumbling through the door. “yes, professor?” snape sneered. she straightened herself up and spoke in her high voice, “there are difficulties with some gryffindor student i could use some assistance with.” she said. “is there anyone else you can ask? i’m preoccupied at the moment..” she giggled. “yes, but i’m sure these students will listen to you.” umbridge looked at you and draco, obviously noticing the green color on your robes. “besides. i’m sure they’ve learned their lesson- haven’t you, children?” you both nodded frantically. “you’re dismissed.” you and draco shot up, not asking any questions and only daring to speak once they were both out of ear shot. “you’re an idiot, you know that?” you told him, playfully (but not really) shoving him to the side. he took your hand and put it in his, smirking to himself more than at you. “‘m your idiot.” rolled your eyes at the blonde. he really was.
before you knew it, the school year was passing by. you and harry were going to america along with some other friends to visit your home. ron was a nervous reck on the plane, not understanding why muggles put themselves through this torture. finally the four of you landed, slowly but surely making it through security and such. that’s when you spotted your two best friends- from miles away, at that. you ran towards them at full speed, almost toppling then over when you embraced them. “i missed you so much!” lena shouted. “i missed you too! god i have so many stories- oh! i need to introduce you to some people!” you face palmed, completely forgetting about your guests. “this-“ you grabbed harry’s arm and shoved him in front of you. “-is harry.” your friends gave you the exact same look; ‘is he..?’ you nodded. “erm- pleasure to meet you. i’m her brother.” both their eyes went wide, and they both hopped on him. “anna is going to go crazy! two potters- wow! she’s already had enough with toria let me tell you-“ “gina!” you scolded. she just laughed. “ah yes, this is ron, he hated me when i first met him.” ron threw his arms up. “you’re a slytherin, what’d you expect?” you hit him in the head as a response. you also ignored how lena ogled ron. then, you felt your boyfriends long arm snake around your waste and press a chaste kiss to your head. “it’s not as bad as i thought it’d be here.” he commented. “and this my dear friends; is draco. my boyfriend.” draco smiled kindly and held out his hand. they both shook it. harry rolled his eyes in annoyance. then you saw her. “anna!” you’ve done a lot of screaming today, you noticed. harry showed up behind you, tapping you on the shoulder. “who’s that?”
harry almost cried when he found out he had a guardian. he had told you about sirius, but he sadly passed away. it’s like he was getting a second chance. anna took you all home in her van (ron getting even more nervous now). right now, all of you sat in anna’s back yard. “did you learn anything cool over there? new spells?” gina inquired. you smirked, pulling out your wand and preforming the spell you’ve mastered this school year.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“Seven Years For Offence Against Young Girl,” Sault Star. October 3, 1931. Page 10. ---- Peterboro, Ont., Oct. 3. - Convicted of a serious offence against a five-year-old child, John Wesley Clapper, 19, of Hastings, Ont., was yesterday sentenced to seven years in Portsmouth penitentiary by Mr. Justice Wright.
[AL: Clapper was 19, had previously been at Guelph Reformatory, and was born in Havelock - he worked as a general labourer. His crime is listed as ‘carnal knowledge,’ a crime he self-servingly dismissed as just “trouble with a girl”. At Kingston Penitentiary, he was #2351 and worked as a cleaner in the Tailor Shop. He was housed in the Prison of Isolation, which he found disgusting: “having two men in one cell where they had the cells made for one man and besides they have one partition up in the cells over there and one man has the toilet articles and the other does not.” He hated his job assignments - he was asked to both clean and tailor, but wanted to just do tailoring or furniture work, as he had learned chairmaking at the Guelph Reformatory. With tailoring, “I have no work outside and have been trying to get in for tailoring...” Clapper supported the October 1932 riot, demanding smoking papers, recreation, military haircut, better visiting quarters, “two docks of weed a week”, exercise, newspapers, education, better medical attention, release money, toilet articles, smoking periods. He especially wanted better library books: “what’s wrong with detective magazines and True Story. They cannot teach us anything – we can learn all they tell us in other ways.” He wondered why, too, that letters and newspapers are censored:  “why?...we get the news in here some way anyway; we get it from the new prisoners and some from the officers.” Although he had received his court mandated corporal punishment within a weeek of arrival, he felt the lash should be taken out of Warden’s hands: “a man should not be strapped to a table and beaten like a dog.” He objected to the “favourtism” of the parole system, and “objected to the silent system. Under Warden Ponsford we could not talk at all but when Inspector Smith came the rules were not so strictly observed and we were able to talk a little bit.” After the riot, he was transferred to a new factory for tailoring in the West Shop Block (the old asylum). He was rather well-behaved, and in March 1935 was at the center of a violent riot in that block.  Clapper described that “I can’t exactly tell you [what happened]. All I know was I heard a noise on the bottom floor. I figured that it was a fight between the convicts and the next thing I know... I heard somebody say, ‘Block the doors and the top floor was already blocked then, that is the Tailor Shop door….I don’t know [who was involved],there was Bol [his close friend] and Desalvio and just who the others were I cannot exactly say….After that when this person hollered to block the doors, Bol and I went down the second landing. Hunter and also Desalvio went with me.” A group of prisoners came in and demanded they help them stack up mail bags in the shop block. “I was so excited, and he had a mask on, a handerkerchief…I was afraid and picked up a mail bag and took it to the second landing, dropped it between the shoe shop and B dormitory….” Clapper broke down and began to cry, and so asked Bol to help him. Bol, who supported the riot, protected Clapper and kept him out of trouble until the riot ended.  In July 1935 he was transferred to Collin’s Bay Penitentiary, received his last round of lashings, and was then released May 1936. He did not return to the penitentiary, though who knows if he ever re-offended.]
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tegoshigeftw · 4 years
Tegoshige Top 25
“More Tegoshige, please!” - said absolutely noone and I delivered. Well, this isn’t for 5 likes, this is for me. I’ve had this blog for 6,5 years now and I decided to look back on the best it had to offer. This is my rating of top Tegoshige moments, excluding those that tightly involved other members (so the making out had to be left out ;;). The things that made my heart doki doki... It was originally a top 10 but it was getting hard to pick so I decided there literally was no reason to hold back so here we are.
#25 4x9
That one time Tegoshige went on location together (which is already a blessing) and Tegoshi got freaked out because of insects running about and nearly got into Shige’s lap. Nearly. So it heads the list.
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# 24 Halloween 2017
Tegoshi was Oiran - an elite courtesan - and Shige was Alex from Clockwork Orange. This was but a short moment but is lasted forever in my mind.
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#23 Dropped earring
This was during White final. After the boisterous MC scene where Shige was the couch and Tegoshi was the girlfriend, Shige noticed Tegoshi dropped his earring, picked it up and gave it back to him. Just a minor moment, but Tegoshi was still in girlfriend mode and it was incredibly soft. Video here.
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#22 Neverland in Tokyo encore 2017/06/11
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Tegoshi got very emotional after he went backstage but the fans kept cheering so they went back on stage again and Tegoshi wouldn’t stop crying so Shige led him softly.
#21 As long as Tegoshi is happy...
Before a live performance, they were interviewed and as it was just after Tegoshi’s birthday, they were asked what they wanted to give so...
S: … (in his best ikemen voice) As long as Tegoshi is happy, that is enough! T: Ahhh! ♥ I am loved! Thank you, Shige-chan! I wanna hug you!~
Video here.
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#20 The Spa
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It was a photoshoot for Biteki. They were originally in different sandboxes but Tegoshi got lonely very soon.
#19 Hairstylist Shige
Shige has been Tegoshi’s stylist for years, since the early days. You can see it in photos and several DVDs, most notably Live Diamond. Video cut here.
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#18 “Shige, thank you!”
The night after the Neverland Tokyo concert, 2017 Shige got a call...
S: After the concert ended, Tegoshi had a party with his friends. And so late at night he suddenly called me saying “Could you come for a bit?” S: He seemed to be serious and he cried so much at the concert. (laugh) I got worried and came over but this guy… he just fell asleep! (laugh) K&M: That’s terrible. S: He woke up once, looked at me saying “Shige, thank you!” and went back to sleep. T: Moreover, I was sleeping in Shige’s lap. [S]
Tegoshi: After the last concert in Tokyo Dome I invited several members of staff and Juniors and we basically did a wrapping up party. I called Shige at 3 AM and he came but I ended up falling asleep in Shige’s lap though I don’t remember that at all. I heard it afterwards but apparently I sang “I’m coming” and Shige sang “Ayame” but I don’t remember a bit… [S]
#17 Neverland in Tokyo 2017/06/10
According to a fan report: At the intro of some song, Shige grabbed Tegoshi by the waist tightly. At first, Tegoshi was playing along but Shige didn’t let go and Tegoshi, not used to being attacked, got embarrassed.
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#16 Umeboshi
Shige’s been making umeboshi for years now and his #1 fan is none other than Tegoshi.
S: I’ve been doing it for 10 years. It’s not that I like them, I hardly eat them myself. During the tour our Tegoshi eats quite a lot of them. I leave it (in the dressing room) so after the concert he opens it and eats it. About half of them I make for Tegoshi. [2017.02.08 Moshimono Futari]
Q: If you were to give Christmas presents to the members what would it be?
A: …Well, umeboshi! Umeboshi! Eat my umeboshi and get healthy! I give it to Tegoshi every year though. Ah, but that’s showing “Love”. I give it all the time but it’s a deep love that has a special depth! (laugh) [2018.12.05 TVガイド]
#15 Blue making
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This is perfect for several reasons, how naturally this fells, how there’s a perfectly empty chair next to them, and how at the end Tegoshi stumbled and Shige is cautioning him.
#14 That 2013 photoshoot
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You know the one. That is all. No comment needed.
#13 Tegoshige Kabe-don and confession
During k-chan news, they played the Prince game and Koyama wanted a kabe-don. So Tegoshi kabe-don’d Shige and told him “I love you!”
The audio available here.
#12 Tegoshi’s kirakira eyes
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Back in 2009, Shige had a diary and I’m really sorry he does not anymore because one day after a photoshoot he wrote this:
At that time he had seemed to be already smiling and looking at me Looking at me at such a close distance Is this an effect from DREAM BOYS As compared to before, the distance was so much more closer Tegoshi Yuya Indeed is a prince………….. Oh please won’t you be even a little embarrassed. Just how strong is your heart? Don’t look at me like that………… Being looked at with those shiny eyes…………… The atmosphere will become weird (oдO) ………………………………….. Tegoshi Yuya who has ended the photoshoot using those shiny eyes, had walked towards DREAM BOYS with that pair of eyes Ah~ shiny shiny Tegoshi eyes~ I’ll be waiting for that photoshoot~ I wonder… for which magazine would it be Oh the kira kira eyes
Full text here.
#11 That Taiwan hotel video 
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We all remember that one. Tegoshi in his bathrobe going out to visit ‘other members’’ rooms but he only goes to Shige’s and gets comfortable on his bed, and gets pounced, and the next thing they show, it’s morning.
#10 Soukon thigh stroking
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That time the camerman got very fascinated with Tegoshi’s legs and the other members teased him about it and called him a pervert. Then, Shige decided to stroke those thighs because... well, he can. 
#9 Taking a bath together!
- An unforgettable episode that happened on stage.
Kato: Because of a thunderstorm we had to stop the concert. We moved it to a later date. After a break the 4 of us got into tiny bathtubs, 2 in each and it felt sort of like a field trip, (laugh) the bath was warm. [Duet 2015.04]
They also talked about it during an MC at the time.
Shige pretended to climb into the “tub” with Tegoshi. “We were Team… What was it again?” T: Team “We haven’t done our solos yet”. S: And Tegoshi was sliding all over the place and smacking into me. He was such a naughty guy. T: It couldn’t be helped. It’s slippery. K: But baths are nice, aren’t they? Shige answered in a chill voice, “Yeah, they’re great.” [S]
#8 Worldista routine
I think this was during Weeek where they make up different letters with their bodies. Every concert it went differently but several times Tegoshi left his place and went over to Shige. This fancam pictured the time he got on top of him. Or tried to.
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Also here’s a report from Nagano, May 25:
Tegoshi goes to Shige and captures him in a hug and Shige hugs him back. Then Shige picks Tegoshi up and carries him like a sleeping child to his original position. [Fanart here]
#7 Showers
Tegoshi is long known to invade other people’s privacy and during the tour, other people’s shower stalls are no exception. There are many recent episodes but here’s one account:
Q2: Shige-chan said in Nagoya when he took a shower Tegoshi appeared right before his eyes but does he do it always?
S: Not… always but he did it quite a lot on this tour. He trespassed about 3-4 times I think. He would enter the shower room I went to really quietly. That’s why I got really startled. He’d get happy he made me surprised and start grinning. (laugh) I would counterattack by pouring water over him.  
[Tour Stories from Popolo 2016.09 FUN’S QUESTION - SHIGEAKI]
Then, there’s an important MC from 2008. One time, during the tour Massu wanted to take a shower but as he entered the stalls, he met a naked Shige standing proudly. Shige explained he was only waiting on Tegoshi who earlier danced for him naked. Massu was like “Cool, I’ll leave you to it.”
The full account is here. There used to be an audio of this but I didn’t manage to get it.
#6 DTF ‘ago-kui’
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There were many instances during two whole tours and also a SCP performance. Each time seems a little closer and more intimate, but each time looks equally fun on both sides.
#5 Accessible Emma outfit
Now we know that Shige, unlike Tegoshi, is not a touchy kind of guy. So him doing something like this, especially on air, is pretty unusual. Tegoshi said Shige did it a lot backstage too.
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#4 “I wanna stir you up”
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This line from ‘S’ was a real hit and Tegoshi basically admitted it got him horny. Twice. Detailed posts here and here.
#3 Tegoshi saying they’re basically married
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Here’s the video.
#2 Tegoshi knows what’s up
Who do you think has the most sex appeal?
Tegoshi: Shige. His face is handsome like a nobility but he’s also manly. Rather than a shining sexuality his sexuality is monochrome… a deep sexuality. It’s the kind that slowly unravels as you get to know him.  [Wink Up, 2013.12]
Who would be a perfect boyfriend in NEWS?
Tegoshi: Wouldn’t that be Shige? It seems like he wouldn’t be clingy but all the while even when he’s silent, in his heart he’d be like “I’m thinking about you properly ♥” keeping a good distance. [Ane Can 2015]
Look with a “female gaze” and say who’s the most handsome member Tegoshi: Alright, I’m switching to female… click! …Hello, I’m Yuko! (laugh) So… for me it’s Shige. The reason is his face and his way of life. His face is up to my taste (laugh) and he doesn’t hesitate in words or in actions. His open-minded way of thinking is similar to mine. It’s refreshing and feels good. [Potato 2016.10]
To name but a few.
#1 Shige radio confession
During k-chan news, they played the Prince game and Koyama wanted one person to say what they liked about the other person and this is how Shige confessed.
K: Do it properly! Seriously. Connect hands “lover style”, look at each other. *giggle* S: Tegoshi has a really cute face. Really cute face and a good voice… K: That’s not it. S: A nice voice and beautiful eyes… K: Something you really like, really like.  S: But I really do like it. K: Something more about his personality. S: If it’s about his personality then… even when he complains he still does his job properly.
Sorry, but that’s just... yeah. You have to hear it though. Full transcript and audio here.
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
by Earl Wilson, August 19, 1950
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Lucille Ball wanted to keep Desi home and off the road so she petitioned for him to play her husband on radio’s “My Favorite Husband”.  The network balked and Richard Denning got the role instead. When it came time to transfer the show to television, Lucy made the same demand. Now a radio star in her own right, she was able to convince the network - nervous about America believing an ‘All-American girl’ like Lucy would be married to a Latin bandleader - to give them a chance to prove it!  The Arnazs’ built a comedy and musical act and took it on the road. When the show got to the Roxy in New York City, syndicated columnist Earl Wilson tagged along and wrote the following feature, which appeared on August 19, 1950.  Coincidentally, the Roxy was also the theatre where Desi Arnaz was performing when he wed Lucille Ball in 1940. 
[NOTE: Although the text of Wilson’s article is repeated below verbatim, the photos and footnotes were added for editorial consideration.]
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Lucille Ball has been one of our most appreciated movie actresses for quite a while, but it was seeing her do a bump on the stage that made me really come to realize how talented she is.
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It was after she’d done her clever act with husband Desi Arnaz at the Roxy that I talked to the flamin’ redhead about it.
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“Wasn't that a bump?” I asked her, as we got into a cab and pulled away from the stagedoor. I wanted to be sure, because some snooty actresses wouldn’t want it thought that they ever did a bump.“That was a married woman’s refined version of a bump.”
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Lucille was sitting back in the cab, exhausted from several shows that day, and clamoring to be taken somewhere to see a show. She said she had been entertaining all day and now she wanted to be entertained for a change.
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“Did you say refined?” Desi looked across the cab at her. I was between them. “Any harder you do it and you will knock my hot off,” he said in his charming accent. (1)
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At Desi’s urging, she told me a story showing that doing the bump is for her not new. It seems that once she made a picture for Eric Palmer called Dance, Girl, Dance. (2)
“He was telling me, ‘Those bomps. Don’t do those bomps bad or the sansors will keep the picture.’
“So I was doing a very tame dance, not bumping at all. I had on a 27-pound dress, silver lame, with bugle beads, and it rolled from side to side when I shook.
“Durin’ a scene, Palmer jumped up and said, ‘Oh, oh, that was a bomp. I told you no bomps.’
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“I went up to him and I said, ‘Mr. Palmer, that was not a bomp. THIS is a bomp.’  “And I bumped and I wrapped those 27 pounds of beads right around his neck!”
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It’s a pleasure to talk to two such honest, earthy people after listening to some others who are always posing. A lot of people are astonished that they are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary because, as Desi points out, “Everyone said it wouldn’t last a month.” “And WE didn’t think it would last a week,” Lucille said. (3)
Being romantically inclined, I asked for the details which most everybody must have forgotten by now but the participants themselves.
“Where did you get married?” I asked Desi.
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“The Byram River Beagle Club, at Greenwich, Conn.,” Lucille said. (4)
“Thank you, I can never say that,” said her Cuban husband.
“Yes, you can. Try it,” Lucille said.
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“The By-ram River Bee-gul Club,” Desi said dutifully and slowly.
“Faster!” commanded Lucille. (5)
“The Byver Regal Civer Club,” responded Desi.
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“Oh, my,” said Lucille, “We were married by Judge John J. O’Brien. He’s the one who married Tommy Manville so many times.” (6)
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Although Desi missed a show at the Roxy, where he was then appearing, to get married, he remembers, just as vividly, how on his wedding night he woke up the bride about 5 A.M. and demanded that she get him a glass of water. The funny thing is that she did.
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“About 9 o’clock she woke me up,” Desi recalls, “and she said ‘Listen, you—, the next time you want a glass of water you get it yourself!’” (7)
Desi explains that he’s never made such a request since.
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Desi and Lucille have formed their own company which they call Desilu Productions, this being a combination, of course of their two first names. “First time I ever got top billing,” Desi says.
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They plan to do concerts, radio, television and movies together. Lucille comes from Butte, Mont., and, as everybody knows, has red hair. (8)
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Lucille made up a description of herself around which a movie will be made. The title which describes her so accurately is "Blazing Beulah From Butte," and we figure it ought to get the money. (9)
Never underestimate that Desi.
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When they were getting married it appeared that she might not be able to because of a commitment to Harold Lloyd.
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Desi called Lloyd from New York and defiantly announced to him that Lucille couldn’t be available that week, as he was marrying her. “Y-yes, D-desi, c-can she be back next k-weeek?” stammered Lloyd, who never does. (10)
Desi is pretty masterful; when he speaks, to Lucille he is her master’s voice.
(1) The ‘bomps’ discussed are undoubtedly from the “Cuban Pete / Sally Sweet” number, where Lucy gyrates her hips while singing “Chick-Chicky-Boom Chick-Chicky-Boom.” The routine was repeated (with ‘bomps’ included) on “I Love Lucy” in “The Diet” (ILL S1;E3) in October 1951. 
(2) The article consistently mis-spells Erich Pommer as ‘Eric Palmer.’  Pommer was the producer of Lucille Ball’s 1940 film Dance, Girl, Dance at RKO. 
(3) Lucy and Desi’s marriage lasted twenty years, from 1940 to 1960, although Lucille divorced Desi in the mid-1940s, Lucy never signed the paperwork. After their second divorce was final, Lucy revealed that Desi was unfaithful and a drinker, and that they were no longer compatible. Lucy charged “mental cruelty” and told the court of Desi’s temper tantrums. Some years later, she described the reason for the split as “the same old booze and broads.” Both Ball and Arnaz remarried, although they stayed friends and later admitted that they had always loved one another. 
(4) Lucy and Desi married in Connecticut due to its shorter waiting period on licenses and blood tests. The Byram River Beagle Club in Greenwich was originally a Hunt and Kennel Club that became a speakeasy during Prohibition and after that a supper club. It was a favorite hangout of baseball great Babe Ruth. A single-family home now stands on the property.  In April 1952, “I Love Lucy” aired an episode called “The Marriage License” (ILL S1;E26) that was largely set in Greenwich and mentioned The Byram River Beagle Club, although no scenes were set there because Lucy purposely left Ricky’s wallet at home and they ran out of gas! 
(5) In “The Marriage License” Ricky also had trouble pronouncing the name. On “I Love Lucy” making fun of Ricky’s English was a usual source of comedy - mostly by Lucy - just as it appears to be here - in 1950.  
(6) Thomas Franklyn Manville, Jr., known as Tommy Manville (1894-1967), was a Manhattan socialite and heir to the Johns-Manville asbestos fortune. He was a celebrity in the mid-20th Century due to both his inherited wealth and his record-breaking 13 marriages to 11 women, which won him an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records. At the time of this interview, however, Manville was only on his 6th wife!  The termination of his marriages usually resulted in gossip, widespread publicity, and huge cash settlements. At the time of his death it was estimated that Manville spent more than $1.25 million on divorce settlements.
(7) This exchange (with slight variation) was later worked into “I Love Lucy”! 
(8) At the start of her career - and apparently well into 1950 - Lucille Ball purported to have been born in Butte, Montana, despite her actual birthplace being Jamestown, in upstate New York.  Ball (who then went by the name Diane Belmont) thought it sounded more interesting and exotic.  
(9) Despite the alliterative title, "Blazing Beulah from Butte” was never made, perhaps because shortly afterwards Ball admitted her true birthplace. “Blazing Beulah from Jamestown” doesn’t have quite the same ring. It’s also likely that this was a clever bon mot on Desi’s part to create a more colorful interview. 
(10) Comic actor and director Harold Lloyd had put Lucille under contract for his film A Girl, A Guy, and A Gob, to be filmed in 1940. There was some speculation that marrying Arnaz would interfere with the shooting schedule. 
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While Lucy and Desi were at the Roxy, the theatre was also showing Night and the City, which had premiered there on June 5, 1950. At this time it was common for a larger entertainment venues like the Roxy to present both a stage show and a first run film. Night and the City starred Richard Widmark, who Lucy and Desi later convinced to guest-star on “I Love Lucy” in “The Tour” (ILL S4;E30) in May 1955. 
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In “Return Home From Europe” (ILL S5;E26), Ricky gets a long-distance telephone call from the manager of the Roxy, Mr. Rothafel, offering him a job, if he can get back to New York immediately. In reality, Rothafel was the name of the founder of the Roxy, Mr. Samuel ‘Roxy’ Rothafel. Rothafel died in early 1936, however, so this was probably Desi’s way of honoring him. 
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Earl Wilson was mentioned on “I Love Lucy” in “The Fox Hunt” (ILL  S5;E16). While trying to wangle an invitation to Sir Clive’s country manor, Lucy makes up a story about the Mertzes meeting an Earl in the hotel lobby. When Sir Clive rattles off the names of some Earls to jog her memory, she fibs that he was just promoted from Assistant Earl, the Earl of Wilson, who canceled because he’s got the gout! Lucy’s imaginary Earl is actually a reference to Earl Wilson (1907-87), a journalist and television panelist of the time. His nationally syndicated column frequently mentioned Lucy and Desi. 
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In 1974, Lucy strikes a pose for Wilson during her promotional tour for Mame.
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chubbyooo · 5 years
Blurred Lines Chapter 21 - Resemblances
Chapter 21 switches over to Terri as we catch up with their venture into another temple (I know there’s a lot of jumping around at the mo but due to the timeline it’s kinda needed)
Terri and Lusari investigate another temple and have a scary experience (it’s a long one boys)
A chuttering sound came from the speeder as Terri began to park it, it was slightly worrying maybe she should check it out later. Terri had some mechanical skill so maybe she could fix it. Lusari had arrived next to her and began parking, her hair was messy and full of small sticks and leaves, Terri wasn’t that surprised with the length of Lusi’s hair things were bound to get caught in it. She promptly grabbed her satchel and picked out a hair brush, Terri tried to hold in a smirk as Lusari tried her best to a least tame her hair. 
As she finished she spoke up “ok we got everything for the ritual” Terri checked her many small bags and pouches for her adventuring gear and sure enough she was kitted out and totally rad.
“cool adventuring gear check, super good flashlight check, awesome lightsaber check, you?” she did think the adventure was super cool, she had always dreamed of being like the adventurers in the archives of the sith academy, she was very pleased to be doing it in a less evil way.
Lusari began riffling through her satchel “let’s see ritual components double check, emergency defences check aaaand one very cool holocron check” Lusari displayed her holocron for a second before returning it to the bag. It was cube shaped with triangular corners, the thing was much bigger than most holocrons she had seen but glowing just as sinisterly with a red hue. Apparently it was stuck that way which made sense considering it’s content, still that’s what they were here for to right that wrong. 
Terri snapped out of her accidental daydream and responded to Lusari “alright let’s get to it then” she was trying to be more confident in herself and the mission after the talk with Lusi last night, she was hoping it helped.
Lusari nodded in agreement and they headed towards the temple. From what they knew this temple was buried in the side of a mountain but it’s entrance was still out in the open and from their scans the interior was still somewhat intact. As they made their way to the cliff edge they very quickly spotted the overgrown temple entrance sticking prominently out of the rock face it was covered in moss and vines and looked more like a cave than a temple. It looked very dark in there and as they moved closer they could hear echos resonating throughout the temple. 
“woah that’s freaky” Lusari said seeming a little uneasy
“yeah we should stick close together, stay in my light” Terri turned on her flashlight and Lusari moved in close 
“thanks Terr I’ll be right next to you the whole way” she took Terri’s hand and they began to go into the darkness. Terri was a little scared admittedly but she thought anyone would be, this place was spooky. As they moved further into the temple they could see cobwebs lined most of the walls and a huge amount of dust was caught in the ray of Terri’s flashlight, the dust levels were so high they were making the back of Terri’s mouth tickle. Every now and again they could see a little bit of rubble crumble off the side of the walls, this place would probably collapse within a few months. Terri could also hear a faint dripping sound echoing through the halls, must be water nearby.
Lusari suddenly spoke up “hey Terr do you know the way to the main chamber” Terri was confused the other one had been pretty clear
“no is it different to the last one” Lusi had looked at the maps and planned out most of this ritual, she was the smart one but Terri was defiantly the cool one after her fight with the commander.
“yeah this place is a Labyrinth but I totally solved it, it wasn’t even that well made” Lusi sounded a little mad, Terri knew that Lusi loved solving puzzles and she knew even better how she got mad when she saw a bad puzzle, this defiantly matched that tone.
“do you know the way then? are we lost?” Terri didn’t realise they could get lost in this creepy temple otherwise she would’ve been much more careful
“yeah no I’m fine just checking you knew” good thing too she would’ve just gone in a straight line forever
As Lusari began to lead they heard a creepy echoed voice chuckle. Immediately Terri’s hair all stood on end and she started to tremble, she began to turn around looking for the voice
“u-um Lu-lusi d-did y-you here that” Terri thought about igniting her lightsaber but didn’t want to draw attention to herself, it wouldn’t exactly be covert
“ye-yeah u-um what was that?” oh no Lusi didn’t know what it was that was really bad 
“I don’t know um is it the Lady?” seemed unlikely but maybe it was a test
they were both looking around anxiously in the space “n-no she ca-can’t talk while con-contained” Terri kinda already knew that but she didn’t want to believe it was something else
“let’s uh let’s walk back to back y-you know for safety” Terri would feel better if they covered all their bases
“uh huh sure” Lusari backed up to were Terri was and she passed over the flashlight. They began to walk forwards carefully looking around for the source of the noise, Terri was facing backwards and could see little of were they came from without the flashlight but she swore she could see a small glow of blue coming from the end of the corridor. They continued down a few more passageways until they reached a door, Lusari stopped and Terri accidentally bumped into her back letting out a little surprised shriek.
“sorry, there’s a door here I need to concentrate” Terri nodded awkwardly and began surveying the chamber to avoid the embarrassment. She looked around the room for a bit before she found a average size moveable piece in the wall, It seemed too simple to be rubble and it may mean there’s a mechanism behind it. She closed her eyes and used the force to move the rock but then she suddenly felt a force knock her to the ground, what was that? it felt like a bunch of pipes maybe it was a mechanism. She reopened her eyes to see a Kaleesh skull starring at her, she cried out as she quickly moved the skeleton of her.
“ah oh my god oh my god oh my goood there’s a creepy dead Kaleesh here” Terri’s heart was racing, she had never been so frightened in her life but more than that she was confused; Kaleesh weren’t exactly native to Yavin IV so this was not random. Not only that but there still looked to be meat on his bones, but this place was abandoned it didn’t add up. As she looked up though she did see a lever in the hole so at least her wimpy moment wasn’t for nothing. She pulled the lever and as she did she saw that Lusi was still deep in concentration, the door began to lift and she opened her eyes.
“see I just needed a little time” she said with a smile, whaaat this was Terri not her she better not take credit. Terri gestured intensely to the lever “oh... right well um nice job” Lusi seemed a little disappointed but Terri felt it was more important to get out of this horror movie waiting to happen. They continued through the corridors eventually reaching the main chamber where Lusi began unpacking her things on the similar tablet in the chamber.
Terri took a defensive position as Lusari set up the ritual but as they prepared they heard the same echoed voice “hmhuhuhuh two little sith flies falling riiiight into my trap” Terri looked around for the source of the voice igniting her lightsaber for extra intimidation factor. 
Lusari looked at Terri concerned but they had a job to do “Lusi get on with the ritual I can hold off whatever this is” she wasn’t really sure of that but she had to be brave and trust in their plan “show yourself” Terri shouted into the chamber as Lusari sat down to begin the ritual, she was protected like that Terri wasn’t sure how.
As her shout echoed around the chamber a blue etherial form materialised in front of her. It was a Male Togruta with a snarl covering his face, his teeth were like fangs and he was covered in some form bone armour. Terri was immediately scared of him what was this guy? an ancient warrior? a crazed zealot? whatever he was he seemed loco
“well well another fool has entered my abode ohohohohoo I’m going to enjoy skinning you” oh no no thank you no skinning, Terri began moving backwards as he talked, what was she supposed to do he was a ghost she couldn't exactly hurt him. Could he hurt her?
her hands shook as she said “stay back I-I know how to use this thing” she was actually pretty good with a lightsaber and probably could take this guy if he was a real person
But in response the ghostly figure just chuckled spitting as he did “go on then I’m dying to see this” Terri tried a proper stab but it just went straight through him, in response he began to laugh in a booming voice
Terri had to regain the upper hand Lusi was counting on her to stall “yeah but you can’t hurt me either right...you ghost” it was true right he could only use the force against her and she was good at blocking that.
“oh but my dear I won’t be doing the hurting” he began to whistle and as he did Terri could here a aggressive shuffling sound coming from the other end of the temple “you best be prepared my Varactyl haven’t eaten in weeeks” oh god oh god what did Terri do she had no idea how to stop this she was going to ruin everything. She could hear the Varactyl coming closer and closer soon they would be here then what would she do, she had no plan and they were counting on her
Suddenly then she heard a familiar echoed voice but this time in her head “Terri get the ghost close to me” close to her what does that mean? close to the holocron, best option she got right now
She quickly shuffled next to the holocron, how was she going to get him over “oh I see how it is not brave enough to fight me yourself, afraid you’ll lose” she could see a little twitch in his face, please say that worked she could hear the varactyls howls very close
he began to step forward “believe me missy nothing would make me happier than flaying the skin off of you myself but” he was getting closer, yes! thank the force, stupid monologuing sith so easy to trick “I’m afraid I’m otherwise impa-” as he was talking his words were almost drained away from him and suddenly his form was being pulled towards the holocron with a chilling energy. Oh my god the Lady is saving her she felt so honoured, she heard a snarling coming from behind her, oh no the varactyl she saw them enter the chamber ready to pounce. She was petrified she had no idea what to do she just closed her eyes and trusted the Lady had a plan. 
She could here the togruta screaming as she stood there unable to move “noooo, noooo you will never cage me I will destroy yo-” and then silence Terri could still hear the snarling though, she wasn’t brave enough she had really tried but now she had just froze. But then she heard them whimpering and as she opened her eyes they were running away.
“oh oh oh my god my Lady h-how did you do that” that was soooo coool Terri was sure she had messed it up but the Lady totally had a plan
The voice resonated inside her head once again “absorbing of a force ghost is defiantly a crude and dangerous way to achieve power but none the less effective” absorbing? so all his power now the lady’s? well at least it was with someone who would use it well
“you absorbed him? like all his power and personality wow you’re so powerful” Terri hadn’t talked to the Lady much before, that was more Lusi’s job but she was still very pleased to talk to her
“yes it’s actually not a very hard ritual but given to a naive young force user and it can lead to disastrous consequences for the individual trust me” she sounded so smart, Terri knew that the Lady was quite an old being but her understanding of the force was always so baffling 
“Thank you so much for saving me from the Varactyls I know you didn’t have to” Terri felt like she should at least thank her, she hoped it wasn’t rude
“nonsense Terri you’re important to the plan just like Lusari, you’ll realise your part eventually” whaaaat she did have a part to play? she thought she was just helping out, why hadn’t Lusi told her?
“oh um well thank you” Terri felt very giddy after all this praise
“I must return to the ritual I have been away from it too long, Lusari may be getting doubtful” Terri let her go without another word and sat on the wall  excitably replaying the events over in her mind. It was dangerous but also so cool not only fighting the commander but a force ghost, her friends would be so jealous. As she sat the room slowly began to glimmer with light, oh yeah she got to watch the ritual this time awesome. As the glimmers became clear she could see many different language symbols all lighting up with a glowing yellow light, as the ritual continued the glowing formed tendrils which branched together all leading into the holocron. The chamber then returned to the darkness it was once in and the room was silent.
Lusari stepped up and turned around “what did I miss” Terri smiled she was gonna be so jealous...
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inkbun · 6 years
love your work so much already!! :) could you do moira with a cheerful and loud reader please? thank you so much!
Finally, someone has requested my wiiife (well, one of them)! This was a tough one—hopefully it came out alright. Shouts out to Jimmy Dean. Enjoy! ☀️
Words: 1,107
Genre: Humor & Romance
Your girlfriend had been locked away in her lab for a week. Seven whole days without her kisses or science puns or that accent that made you all tingly.
Last you’d seen her, she was raving about the plausibility of a portable biotic healing system, fading all over the apartment with charts in-hand.
She cut a comic silhouette: neat red hair flying in 50 directions, impeccable white shirt stained with tea and ink, mad grin stretching her pink lips. 
The two of you had been on the couch, enjoying your Sunday, when she turned to you with what you’d come to deem the “oh shit” smile. Moira went rigid, straightening as if the breakfast sandwich advertisement on TV held the answer to all her troubles. 
Her fire-and-ice gaze glittered before she tugged you onto her lap for a deep, savage kiss. The suddenness caught you offguard—as did the scent of black tea, tobacco, and clove from her cologne. Moira was rarely outwardly affectionate, which was more than alright with you. 
Your reputation as an omnic weapons specialist preceded you, which led to your recruitment by Talon. Apparently, that didn’t include your rather…exuberant personality. It’d been a rocky adjustment the first few months, especially with surly folks like Reyes, Lacroix, and Ogundimu. 
In time, they adapted. Colomar dubbed you “Smiley.” 
Reyes brought your favorite sweets whenever he needed a shotgun tuneup. 
Ogundimu let you program confetti poppers in his hand cannon for birthdays. 
You started dating Moira O'Deorain, pestering her with cheer until she agreed to grab tea with you. That was over a year ago. 
Since then, she’d seduced you with her enigmatic kindness—genetically-altered flowers, little notes scribbled in Gaelic, tickets to your favorite industry conferences.
Even still, Moira was hardly expressive in her affection.
Should’ve known she was up to something, you thought, slinking through the R&D wing of Talon HQ with a feline smile on your face. 
Right when she’d gotten you desperate, your hands straying to ruck up her tucked shirt, she’d struck. 
“Gabh mo leithscéal, my love,” she whispered, breath hot against your ear. 
Then she vanished in a wisp of purple smoke. It took you an hour’s worth of googling translations to figure out she’d told you “sorry,” and five seconds to figure out she’d abandoned you to chase her breakthrough in the lab. 
Out of respect for the inconvenient nature of “eurekas,” you gave her a few days’ privacy. She’d done the same for you a handful of times, and clinging was the one way to diminish Moira’s patience.
Usually, she came back to you within 72 hours with your favorite takeout and a sheepish apology. The two of you would eat, binge the latest comedy series you’d started, and fuck before passing out. 
Neither of you was foolish enough to promise it wouldn’t happen again. 
But it’d been a week without your girlfriend and you were going to get her. 
Despite your outrage, you knew better than to approach Moira in anger. She had a mean streak and wasn’t above cursing in Gaelic when she was pissed.
No, you had a better way of getting to her. You waited for the doors to part and stepped in. 
Moira had her back to you, hand up to the light. A yellow orb bounced off the wall by your head, sterile scent of biotics trailing behind. A tendril snaked out to you, mended the scratch on your arm you got from a plasma canon experiment.
You remembered the breakfast sandwich commercial and the little sun logo. Suddenly it made sense. 
“Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, won’t you bring my girl back to me,” you chirped, lacing an arm around her waist. She tensed, startled red eye glaring at you.
“She’s been gone, gone, gone away from me for an entire weeek…need I go on?”
Moira turned around, back against the lab table. Carefully, she extricated your hands from her waist. 
“I see you’ve found me.” You heard the unsaid: “Why the hell are you here?”
Grinning, you got on your tippy toes and kissed her cheek. “I have. Turns out you’re not so good at avoiding me after all.”
“_______, I wasn’t avoiding you,” she sighed, softening slightly. Her eyes veered to the strategic v-neck you’d worn to the lab. Was it petty to win an argument by pairing your prettiest push-up bra and slightly transparent shirt? Yes. 
Was it working? Also yes.
“Then you coincidentally happened to disappear from our apartment and you’re coincidentally wearing your spare lab clothes, and the chemical shower was  coincidentally used recently?”
Moira blinked. 
“Perhaps I should rephrase—I wasn’t intentionally staying away. But I had a breakthrough on this healing formula and I needed to write it down for my treatise before—”
You took her hands and slid them under your shirt. 
“It’s okay,” you said, bright smile on your face as her lip quivered. You resisted the urge to press a kiss to it, aware affection was still new to her. “I know how it goes. But you could call me next time, Moi.“ 
She flinched. 
“Don’t call—”
“Don’t call you that?” You dipped her hands into the hill of your bra, relishing the coolness of her withered hand with the warmth of her healthy one. 
“Fine. But you’ve got to promise me one thing.”
“I don’t make promises,_______.“ 
“Then none of this for you,” you said, removing her hands from your skin. You weren’t sure whether it deprived you or her more, but her lofty glare crumbled into an adorable pout.
When she said nothing, you started up again: “Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun…”
 “What are your terms?”
You placed a ginger kiss on her lips, smiling as she reeled you in and snaked her tongue against yours. Chuckling, you pulled away. 
“First? You come back with me and take a shower.” 
Moira hummed when you ran your fingers along her ribs.
“Then?” she husked, sultry look on her face. 
“You buy me dinner, we relax on the couch, and you let me bring Butterscotch with us for the weekend.”
Something about your proposal must’ve resonated because Moira grinned, tired eyes lighting for just a moment. She gave you a single nod. 
Delighted by the prospect of a night in, you unlocked the nearby cage, grabbed her Flemish Giant lab rabbit and waddled out of the lab. Nuzzling the soft fur, you chattered happily, blushing as Moira snuck sly glances at you.
At last, you asked her outright: “What?”
She wrapped an arm around your shoulder, kissed your head and patted Butterscotch.
“I see why they all call you Smiley.”
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icharchivist · 7 years
ship: royai, edwin; characters: kurapika, killua, ... tonpa (oui oui :D)
The… most… incredible playlist…
I’m not doing Kurapika and Killua because I think they themselves would have longer playlist (not sure for Killua per se but I’m sure for Pika) so I’m doing the other three.
Ie here a Royai/Edwin/Tonpa playlist Kigamin why.
Chevy Knights - He Met Her
Bang bang, Take a shot, Pit stop, Drop me offBut I’ll be thinking about you all night longHey there, Sun flares, Open road, No caresWith your fingers pointing like a gunAnd I would never ever wish you wrong, Even if we ever move alongYou know I never meant to lead you on, and on, and on, and onWe’re caught in a hurricane again, We said it all alongWe just keep floating with the windWe’ll land where we belongWe say, we say, that it can get rough along the wayJust keep floating with the wind, You’ll land where you belong
Death Valley - Fall Out Boy
We’re gonna die, It’s just a matter of timeHard times come, Good times goI’m either gone in an instantOr here til the bitter end , I never knowWhat I’ve got will make you feel more aliveI’ll be your favourite drug I will get you highI will get you high‘Cause we are alive, Here in Death ValleyBut don’t take love off the table yet'Cause tonight it’s just fire alarms and losing youWe love a lot, So we only lose a little, But we are alive
Mars - Sleeping at Last
We were full of life, We could barely hold it in.We were amateurs at war, Strangers to suffering.We made our families proud, But scared at the same time.We promised we’d be safe, Another lie from the front lines. (..) Though time is ruthless, It showed us kindness in the end,By slowing down enough, A second chance to make amends.As life replayed, we heard a voice proclaim:"lay your weapons down! They’re calling off the warOn account of losing track of what we’re fighting for."So we found our way back home, Let our cuts and bruises heal.While a brand-new war began, one that no one else could feel.Our nights have grown so long. Now we beg for sound advice."let the brokenness be felt 'til you reach the other side.There is goodness in the heart Of every broken manWho comes right up to the edge of losing everything he has."We were young enough to sign along the dotted line.Now we’re young enough to try to build a better life.
A Strange Education - The Cinematics
I’ll walk this long road, 'Till I find my way homeTo somewhere familiar, To lay down my bonesThe trouble is, nothing looks the sameThe trouble is, I don’t think it ever willOh, have you come for me?Pull me out of the ocean, Take me up in your arms againJust the way with the love you sendSuch a strange education, Leads me into your arms againCast away, lost again
Oh My God - Cocoon
I took a knife and a wheelchair‘Cause I won’t be back home for a while.You said I’d want to be a doctorBut I don’t, and I need to know why.Oh my God,Just folded and burnt like a parchment, ohEngraved like a star on the pavement, ohI believe in the past, I believe in ghostsIn the songs I can write, in the problems solved. (…) I just don’t remember what I say or doAnd I almost forgot that you were here too.
Welcome Home - Radical Face
Sheets are swaying from an old clotheslineLike a row of captured ghosts over old dead grassWas never much but we made the mostWelcome home(…)Peel the scars from off my back, I don’t need them anymoreYou can throw them out or keep them in your mason jarsI’ve come homeAll my nightmares escaped my head, Bar the door, please don’t let them inYou were never supposed to leaveNow my head’s splitting at the seamsAnd I don’t know if I canHere, beneath my lungs, I feel your thumbs press into my skin again
You’re the Jerk of the Week - Parry Grip
Your A Jerk And Its Your Week.You Realy Out Did Your Self.Like A Crazy Super Jerk.Your Probubly A Big Jerk Every Week, But This Weeek Your TheJerk Of The Week!Jerk Jerk Jerkedy Jerk Edy Jerk, Jerk Jerk Jerkedy Jerk EdyJerk Jerk Jerk.Im Looking At You Buddy!
The Biggest Douche - South Park
Here he is, the Biggest Douche of the Universe! In all the galaxies, there’s no bigger douche than you!You’ve reached the top, the pinnacle of douchedom! Good going, douche. Your dreams have come true!
That’s about all I can find (and if you think i will be serious with Tonpa like really, really?? I was forced to sit through Leorio/Tonpa AMV, I’m never checking any song for him ever again)
Wish you well ❤
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secret-rendezvous1d · 8 years
A ttfl where it's like a weeek or month after they've gotten back together but only close family and friends know and the missus is out and about and the paparazzi or and the fans have crouded her in a store or sm and she texts harry for help xx
Harry. Missus.
Remember when you dropped me off at the airport in Milan so I could get a flight home? And fans caught us together and took photos of us?
Of course. I couldn’t snog you properly.
Well, in the two hour flight that I’ve been on, despite the time being 2 in the morning, the paparazzi and more fans have made their way to Gatwick and found out the gate I’ve arrived at.
And you don’t have a bodyguard there to help you through?
No. He had stay in Milan with you. He walked me to my gate to make sure I wasn’t mobbed by people on the way to the plane and then he left me once I boarded the plane…
I knew he should have gone with you. 
What do I do, Harry?
You can either walk through the mob and get to the front of the airport. Just keep your head down and don’t answer anything. Or you can try and find an airport worker and ask if you can sneak out through the back of the building.
The fans keep screaming because they can see me. I think they think you’re with me. I would call but it’s so loud, I can barely hear my own thoughts.
Gemma’s waiting out the front for me. I have no idea where I’m going.
Hey, hey. You’re going to be okay. I promise.
I need you here.
You’re okay. I promise you. 
I’m going to face them.
Let me know you got out unharmed, as soon as you get in the car, okay?
I will.
Are you okay?
Was everything okay? Did you get to Gemma okay?
I’m fine.
Perfectly fine.
The security at the front walking and they helped me through a clear path towards the door. Gemma was waiting for me at the front. I think Gemma may have gotten them to see what was happening.
I told you everything would be okay.
Get some sleep in the car, yeah? You must be exhausted.
I’m fine. I promise. I just miss you, now.
I miss you, too. But, I’ll be back in England in a week and a few days time.
We have two weeks off before we go off to North America.
Enough time for us to properly rekindle what we missed in that month.
Indeed. I love you. xx
I love you too. Kick ass on stage tonight. I’ll be expecting before and after pictures so it’s like I’m there with you. xx
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family only email:It is always bright here! I don't think I've ever seen it dark here. We go to bed at 10:30 and it's still pretty light and wake up at 6:30 and still bright outside. I'm guessing winter will be pretty dark haha. But it is kind of crazy! We had a lesson with a recent convert, Heaven, that is 9. She was so cute when she prayed at the end, she said thank you for letting the missionaries come teach me. Bless that they go home and be happy and eat food. Hahaha! We said please nooo we just got fed a ton of food at a members home just before then got offered pizza lol. Who can turn pizza down.. also earlier that day we were tracting from 7PM to 8:30, we knocked on a door and the screen door is still closed but the door opens and no onne is there and it moves.. for a good 10 seconds, hna clark backs up and i start looking for where i am going to make a run for it, finally some teenage girl pops out in her robe hahahahahhaha she became one of our new investigators (well people) we just got, Deya. speaking of investigators.... we are no longer able to call them investigators. they are people of interest. a person or people. kind of a hard adjustment but it will come haha. check out the updated PMG on the app. it is only updated in english so far, we get a paper copy in september and not sure when it will come in spanish. and speaking of english and spanish...I am in an awkward phrase. i write inglish.. lol. in some lessons we teach in english, it can be nice so i can understand and actually say what i want to say, but can be so weird haha, i dont teach in english. and prayers! i dont pray in english anymore, but when we are asked to pray in english, i truly have to thinnk of what i say. I can now relate to people when they say "i can not speak english or spanish" it is so true to what i am going through with right now haha. SPANISH: the question i will never get away from. it is coming. i know it is coming in the Lord's time haha.i relate this with 2 Nephi 3, there are a few scriptures i relate it with. Verse 21 for example, "the weakness of their words will I make strong in their faith." I have quite a broken up spanish simple testimony, but it can be strong through the spirit and my faith. But I do feel the spanish coming more and more every day. "Throughout our lives all of us depend on others for help. When we were infants, our parents fed, clothed, and cared for us. Without this care we would have died. When we grew up, other people taught us skills and attitudes. Many of us have needed nursing care during illness or money in a financial crisis. Some of us ask God to bless suffering people and then do nothing for them. We must remember that God works through us. Through the service of men and women and boys and girls, God’s work is done. President Spencer W. Kimball explained: “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs” " When we serve others we are in the service of God. What will you do to serve this week? Many of us think of service as a big project or going to help in third world countries but look around you, people are in need of your service all around you! So we went shopping at Wal-Mart today. We talked to three different workers for help and one checked us out and ALL THREE WERE SO RUDE! The first one was to me. I asked the clothing lady where the slips were and she looked at me, my name tag, then back at me then down at whatever she was doing. SHE COMPLETELY IGNORED ME. I was in shock.. looked back at my comps and stood frozen. I was amazed at what just happened.. so rude haha. After we asked for where the kids stickers were to another worker, she said so rudely to check the kids area. DUH hahaha. I don't know what it was today but MAN! Sometimes it is tough to be Christlike hahahahahaha. But in that moment I felt closer to my savior, He had comments and moments like that daily- harsher than pure ignoring. We are standing in His place and taking the harshness for Him. Hahaha so that was a fun Walmart trip. I see babies and want to hold them sooo had and it sucks I can't haha, I love babies and kids! Yesterday we got home and there was THE BIGGEST SPIDER I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. it was so big but luckily skinny. well my companions werent going to kill it but leave it and run inside! it was outside on our doorstep. i said oh heck no, we cannot let it live here. so they threw rocks, i took off my shoe and wacked that huge thing. that aint goin in my house! not today! i definitely got a video of it hahahaha. we did exchanges this past weeek. i went with hna bray and we knocked on doors in the DUMPING rain. one door she knocked on they asked who it was (often times when we knock on a latino door they ask who it is before they open it) she answered quickly "la policia--" not meaning to and it totally came out hahhaha she quickly covered it up with las misioneras! hahahhaha it was so funny. i guess it used to be a joke with an old convert and fell into habit. she told me not to tell anyone and is on my group email list so shhhhh!! so there are ticks and bed bugs here that are common. they say ticks are not the end of the world, right? weeelllllll we found out this week there is now a tick and if you get it, you can not eat red meat for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. so it freaked us all out hhahha. no more nature walks lol im goooood. alll is well here in virginia!! thank you for all the emails and love, i miss you all like crazy. have a great week and a great 24th!!hermana slack
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meavicto · 7 years
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You know who he is. Our rock star! 😄✌⭐ ✩ "All I ever wanted was to play the guitar, but fate made me an emperor." - Marculius a.k.a. pseudo Marcus Aurelius :D ✩ But this post is about AMOR FATI, loving your fate. ✩ How do you understand this quote from Marculius in the context of Amor Fati? ✩ He became an emperor. Not because he wanted… although maybe because he needed, but most importantly: he didn't hype about it, he took it responsibly. ✩ What is your role in life? How do you go about it? ✩ ✩ ✩ About the Marculius Weeek: Marcus Aurelius and his badass thug-horse are going to teach you a lesson! :D It's a lesson of humour. ✩ Love it or hate it, but it is what it is. The Marculius Week is the only time of a month when we step back a bit and look at the philosophy from a different angle, from the fun side. Who said philosophy can't be fun and must be only serious? ✩ The reason behind the MARCULIUS WEEK is that sometimes we get too serious about our life and philosophies, and it can all feel somewhat claustrophobic or even dull.Let's not forget to enjoy the good life we have now (#AmorFati) the way it is, and remember that it is about HOW we look at life.We want you to relax a bit and not take life too seriously. We're all gonna die in the end (#MementoMori). So, seize the day as it is (#CarpeDiem) ✩ ***Announcement*** We accept submissions for our Marculius Week. We're going to do this regularly, preferably in the last week of each month. ✩ Do you have any creative ideas for a fun post related to philosophy? We want to know. Especially, if it's related to Stoicism or Marcus Aurelius. Create your own meme and get featured. We will choose the best entries. ✩ To increase your chances, check out each day the type and style of the content we upload here. That's something we want. We put high demands on our content quality. But don't feel intimidated. Just be creative and express yourself 😉 ✩ ✩ #Marculius #PhunWeek #Creatives #meavictoria #stateofmind #MarcusAurelius #parody #goodvibesonly #humor #dope (at London, United Kingdom)
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