#then he comes in stomping around and huffing like ok. what
fagrights · 1 year
my dad being clearly in a mood that only he knows the reason for and then my grandmother asking him if he’s mad at her and crying I’m going to BED
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thebearer · 3 months
making the bed |carmen berzatto x reader| part one
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prompt: carmen's stressed. food critics, a newborn baby, balancing work life and married life and now dad life; he's bound to break, everyone knows it. but no one ever thought he'd lash out on you.
or, part one of the devastation fic. based off this ask from the other day. two more parts to come.
contains: mega angst. mega angst, with no resolution in this part. hurt, no comfort (in this chapter, will be later in part 3). mean!carmen, very mean. mom!reader x dad!carmen with newborn teddy. fighting, language, carmen says mean stuff he doesn't mean. past mentions of trauma, family trauma, mikey mentioned. very angsty and a little heavy, please read at your own discretion. word count- 3.5k+.
"Are you ok?"
Carmen now understood why that phrase used to send Donna into such a blind rage, lips pursing and jaw clenching more and more every time he heard it. First at work, then with you, it felt never ending.
It was beginning to feel like critic season with how many were coming in, snooty and demanding to be impressed. It couldn't have come at a worst time, right in the middle of busy season with the start of the holidays. Days at The Bear were filled with frantic panic, running around, making sure everything was perfect, accounted for, and Carmen always had the sinking feeling it wasn't- that he'd forgotten something, messed something up. 
It wasn't rare for him to work himself up like this, a normal that you always warned him about, but he'd always had a solitude. As long as he'd known you, he'd had a place to go, to unwind, to let himself rest and reset with you. And he still did, it was just shared now with a newborn.
Dorothea Michelle. Teddy, for short. The light of his life, yours too. Nearly two months old with a set of lungs that sounded much louder, much more developed than that. Nights were long, sleepless, spent trying to lull Teddy back to sleep, awake even if he wasn't up with her. Carmen couldn't allow himself the selfishness to relax, to rewind, to "take it easy" like everyone told him to. At work, he was the boss; at home, he was a dad.
"Fuck, fuck," Carmen's sleepy stare was broken by a lick of bubbling heat, the lamb's roux popping with the high heat, splashing all over Carmen's chef whites.
"Jeff, c'mon," Tina clicked, shaking her head, moving the pan to lower heat. "What're you doin'?"
Carmen grit his teeth, snatching a rag off the stainless steel counter tops, scrubbing the burgundy stain, huffing when it only spread the stain.
"What happened?" Sydney turned, looking from the burnt sauce to Carmen's stained chef shirt. "Oh,"
"Do we have a spare coat?" Carmen huffed, throwing the rag down with a firm smack against the counter.
"I don't think so, Carm." Sydney shook her head. "You took the last ones home with you two days ago. The wine-"
"-I know, Chef, I know." Carmen snapped, running a hand through his hair. "Fuck, I-I can't fuckin' serve the critics lookin' like this. With shit all over me- fuck."
"Hey, easy, easy," Richie turned the corner, his hands held up. "What's goin' on?"
"Jeff got sauce over him. He doesn't have any clean clothes." Tina muttered, irritated that she had to fix his mess, more irritated that he wasn't taking care of himself. You have a baby, Jeff, you need to rest and take some time, she'd told him. Carmen only waved her off.
"Okay, okay, hey, that's no problem." Richie's voice raised, lifting over Carmen's. "You go home and change, get your spare, check on my beautiful goddaughter, and then come back with your A game. Yes?"
Carmen didn't even humor him with a snarky remark, yanking his coat off and stomping towards the office to grab his things. Richie and Tina looked at each other, shaking their head gently.
"Kids runnin' thin, T." Richie muttered with a sigh. "He's gonna break. It's gonna be bad."
"Yeah, he is. Gonna wear himself out before then." Tina shook her head. "Jeff needs a vacation." They both jumped at the slamming of the backdoor, Carmen's angry exit shaking the foundation.
"Needs to be fuckin' medicated. Fuckin' lunatic." Richie scoffed, rolling his eyes at Carmen's dramatics.
The drive home was filled with silence, Carmen's iron grip on the wheel, tearing through the traffic towards the house- his house, his home. 
Home, but it didn't provide the same comfort that it usually did. Carmen's shoulders still stayed tense, buzzing with rage, not dissipating when he thought of you, or of Teddy, knowing you'd both be there, excited to see him. 
You jumped at the sound of the car door slamming, peeking out the window to see Carmen's parked next to yours, furiously stomping up the front steps. You frowned, grabbing the baby monitor, walking towards the front door.
Carmen nearly hit you with how fiercely he flung the door open. "Woah," You reached for the door, stopping it before he could flick it shut. "Carm, don't slam it. Teddy's asleep. I just got her down." You frowned at him, shutting it slowly.
Carmen looked at you but didn't speak, looking through you with a rage that had your spine tingling before he finally broke his gaze, stomping towards the laundry room. "Carm? What’re you doing home? Don’t you have dinner soon?" You hesitated slightly, lingering in the doorway with an uncertainty you hadn’t felt with Carmen before. 
Carmen didn’t answer, his jaw still ground tight while he rummaged through the clean clothes, carelessly unfolding and shifting the folded clothes.
"Carmen," You said more firmly, caching his gaze. He didn't speak still, just stared at you- through you. "Are you ok?" You lifted a brow, features softening in worry.
Carmen paused, eyes closing, shoulders tensing in agitation. Are you ok? His ears rang, a familiar rage that he hadn't felt in years bubbling up deep in his chest. Frustrated and blinding and rampant, heat rushing through his veins, pulling himself further and further from reality into someplace different- someplace darker in his mind. 
"What's wrong?" You pressed, he could barely hear it, ears ringing at your question. "Did something happen? Did the critic come-"
"-Where's my chef whites?" Carmen barked, cutting you off, his chest tightening more and more with every heavy heave of his chest. You flinched at his tone.
"Uh, I-I haven't seen the whites. I washed your white tee-"
“-You what? Y-You what?” Carmen spat, eye widening with a wild, raged glint in his eye. Your stomach flipped and fell with fear, stepping back instinctively. 
“I-I washed your tee, Carm, that’s all that you left in the laundry basket-” 
"-Are you fucking kidding me?" Carmen boomed, his head spinning, body buzzing with rage. Your breath hitched, frozen in fear at the anger in his tone, the roar of his voice bouncing off the walls, echoing through your ears in a painful drum. 
Carmen moved, snatching the dirty clothes basket, dumping it into the ground with a shake until the dirty chef coat fell on top. He gripped the basket, flinging it across the room with a hard throw. The final push to his bad mood that sent him right over the edge, crashing into a pit of blinding fury, aggravation, breaking him from the inside out.
"Fuck!" Carmen roared, his voice shaking the walls, your breath leaving your lungs in a trembling exhale of fear. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! This is- This is- Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” 
You tensed in shock, gripping the baby monitor in fear, maybe surprise, as it started to buzz to life with Teddy's startled whimpers. Her small cries pulled you out of your frozen state, something deeper than fear replacing the ache in your stomach. 
"Carmen-" You gaped, voice wobbling with uncertainty, taking slow shuffled steps towards the stairs. “Carmen, calm-calm down. Ok? Calm down.” 
“Calm down? You want me to fuckin’ calm down?” Carmen sneered, an angry red flush blossoming in splotchy deep hues up his neck, towards his cheeks. “You don’t do shit, nothin’ that I fuckin’ ask for! Just sit around all fuckin’ day an-and I’m supposed to calm down?” 
“Carmen,” Your voice wobbled, throat tight with tears, hurt and fear strangling your words. “I-You didn’t ask me to wash them. I-I didn’t know. They weren’t in the hamper-” 
“-I shouldn’t have to ask you to wash them!” Carmen roared, eyes so wide you thought they might pop right out of his head, neck vein protruding on exemplifying his rage. “You know what I’m going through! You know how much fuckin’ stress I’m under! I go to that-that shit hole, an-and work my fuckin’ ass off so you don’t have to! Then I come home, and I-I can’t even get a second of peace!” 
“Stop,” You hiss, finally regaining your composure, his words fully sinking into you  now, feeling the full effect of them. “I-I just had a baby. I’m still on maternity leave taking care of a baby- our baby, and I’m tired too. But I’m not yelling at you-” 
“-Oh, right. Right.” Carmen laughs sarcastically, humorless as he runs his hand down his face. It felt mocking, left you feeling small and too vulnerable for your liking. “Because in between your napping an-and feeding, you couldn’t stick a fucking jacket in the wash, right? You’re so busy.”  
“What is wrong with you?” You snap, hoping he can’t hear the tears in your voice, the way your voice shakes with emotion. 
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me?” Carmen scoffs, throwing his hands out. “I get no fuckin' sleep, go work my fuckin' ass off, a-and then I come home so I can go back and work my ass off some more, and-and you can’t do one simple fuckin’ thing? You can’t help me out? And then you wanna know what’s wrong with me? When you sit on your ass all fuckin’ day-” 
Teddy’s piercing wail pulls you out of your shocked trance, nose and throat burning with hurt filled tears you refuse to shed. Instead, you turn, climbing the stairs on shaky legs, the sound of Teddy’s cries growing louder and louder. Anchovy watches you from the top of the stairs, sensing the tension, your upset, sliding against your leg as if to comfort you. 
Carmen scoffs, hands buzzing and trembling with rage, the ringing in his ears growing louder and louder with each of your footsteps on the stairs and down the hall. He can barely hear Teddy’s sobs, hands threading through his hair, pulling at his scalp. He sees you walk towards the bedroom, quickly, hugging Teddy to your chest. 
“Oh, don’t go fuckin’ do it now!” Carmen roared, your ignoring him only infuriating him further. “It won’t be ready in time now. I’ll just look like a fuckin’ idiot for the critic tonight! Not that you care! Why would you, huh? I-I mean just our livelihood, just our fuckin’ income!” 
You swallowed back your tears, head tilting towards the ceiling, hands shaking with every shove of your things into the overnight bag. Just enough to get you through the night, the next day. A few essentials, Teddy’s spare onesies, a charger, your wallet- you stopped mid-shove of your items into the weekender bag, the sun’s rays catching in your wedding ring. Your heart fell, more and more, you weren’t sure how that was even possible. 
Carmen’s furious voice was still booming from downstairs, ringing and shaking in his furious fit. Richie and Sugar both warned you about Carmen’s tantrums, brought them up to embarrass him, tease him about it until he was red faced and hissing hushed threats at them. You never, never in your wildest dreams thought you’d be on the receiving end of one. 
You jumped, another slam of something Carmen had thrown, maybe hit in a fit of rage, causing Teddy to wail louder, Anchovy skittering nervously away. Tears leaked out of your eyes, twisting the ring off your finger, setting it on Carmen’s bedside table. Pulling the carrier out of the closet, Anchovy got in much easier than usual, which you were thankful for. 
Carmen was gripping the marble of the countertop when he heard you again, walking from the bottom of the stairs, quick steps towards the door to the garage, Teddy’s voice nearly hoarse from her crying. You kept your head high, tunnel-visioned towards your car, ignoring his heavy breathing and frantic pacing. 
“Wha-What are you doin’?” Carmen’s voice was softer now, still with a jagged edge that was cutting and harsh. The car door opened, the baby carrier hooked into the car seat. 
“Hey, wha- what are you- where’re you goin’? What’re you doin’?” Carmen’s heart dropped in a damning rush of hour, stumbling on heavy legs towards the garage. You ignored him, shushing Teddy gently, running a calming hand over her wet cheek, trying to coax her paci into her mouth. 
“Baby, no-no, no. Hey, no, I-I- What-” Carmen’s chest felt tight, mind numbing and racing, stuttering nervously. You reached for your bag, his hand reaching to grab the strap. “Whe-Where’re you-”
“-Don’t touch me.” You hissed, teeth bared, eyes shining with tears. Carmen flinched, pulling his hand back like he’d touched a hot stove. “Don’t you dare fucking touch me.” You sneered, pinning him with a watery glare that had his stomach turning in sickening fear. 
“Baby, hey, w-wait-C’mon, d-don’t-You don’t, you don’t need to do this, ok? I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Carmen choked out the words, frantic and unsure, his hands shaking when they ghosted over you back just for a moment. Wanting to touch you, to hold you, to grab you and keep you from leaving, but too scared to. Instead, he grabbed the car door you flung open, holding it when you tried to yank it closed. 
“Let go.” You hissed, sniffling back wet, snotty tears of fury and hurt. 
“Please, don’t-do-don’t do this. Please, baby, I-I’m sorry.” Carmen begged, blue eyes deepening with the burning red hues of tears, bloodshot and lashes wet. “Don’t-Don’t do this-” 
“-I didn’t do this.” You sneered, leaving Carmen flinching at your words. “Don’t you dare try to say this was me. After how you just talked to me? The shit you said to me in there? You think I’m going to stay?” Your voice cracked with emotion, lips pressing together to keep a cry in. 
“No, no, no, no, no, baby, please. Please, ju-just come inside. Come inside, please? Please, don’t-” 
“You don’t get to talk to me like that. To say that kinda stuff to me. That hurt, Carmen. That was mean.” You glared at him, tears leaking out of the corner of his eyes. “I don’t care if you’re stressed. I don’t care what’s going on- nothing, and I mean nothing, warrants you talking to me like that. Just because you fucked up, because you forgot to ask me to do it, because you’re stressed out- I don’t care what it is. You don’t talk to me like that, say those things when I’ve been home all day taking care of my ch- our child.” You nod back towards the sniffling baby, whimpering and crying half heartedly, her little eyelids drooping with sleep that was interrupted. 
Carmen felt sick, his knees tightening in fear, he was sure they might give out, that he might fall to the ground right there. Looking at the tiny baby, lip jutted and shaking in the mirror hooked on the back of the seat, then back at you, eyes red-rimmed and glaring at him with a hurt filled anger. 
“Don’t-” Carmen’s chest shook, a white-knuckled grip on the door. 
Your own hand curled around the door’s inner handle, yanking it away from him. “Move,” You hissed, pulling again. 
Carmen wasn’t sure why he let it go, why he let you shut it, locking the door in case he tried to open it again. Why he let you pull out of the driveway, why he didn’t stop you, why he didn’t run after you, only taking soft shuffles down the drive like a zombie as you drove away. Standing in the drive, Carmen swallowed down the spit that pooled in his mouth, stomach churning, sure he was going to be sick. 
He managed to trudge back to the garage, mind racing and far away, the ringing in his ears dulling but still deafening. It felt like he was in a dream- a nightmare, a hallucinating trance that felt like a sick, sick dream- Carmen was hoping it was. That he’d wake up and find you next to him asleep. That he could hug you, pull you into him, nose buried in your neck, still warm from your slumber. 
As the sun began to sink low into the sky, minutes turning into hours that Carmen sat motionless in the garage, staring in a trancelike state, he realized that this wasn’t a dream or a nightmare. No this was his reality, a horrific reality that he’d made into his own. Carmen sat, eyes trained on the concrete of the garage, voice racing and blending in his mind- his words, yours, Teddy’s cries, Natalie and Richie’s, flashbacks of his mother screaming fits. 
He didn’t move, frozen in chilling, eerie fear. What ifs and terrifying possible scenarios, consequences to his own actions that left him feeling sick, hands trembling. A spiraling of fears that only drug him deeper and deeper with every haunting replay of his outburst. Even the flashing of headlights turning into the driveway, filling the garage with light, didn’t pull him from his trance. 
“The fuck is he- Cousin!” Richie roared, laying on the horn. Carmen didn’t move, didn’t acknowledge that he heard it, only stared. Richie frowned, turning the car off, throwing the door open. 
“Cousin? Carm? What-What are you doin’? Dinner service started an hour ago. Syd is freakin’ the fuck out.” Richie threw his hands up, walking towards the man who still didn’t move. Richie’s heart skipped, flashbacks of Mikey flooding into his vision, parallels of the two brothers blurring before him. 
“Yo, Carm, you-you good?” Richie stepped into the garage, his spine tingling with icy fear. It was quiet, an eerie, unsettling quiet. “Cousin, hey, what-what’s wrong?” 
Carmen's chest rose and fell, tighter and tighter. He was suffocating, head spinning and mind racing so fast he felt light headed. He could barely hear Richie’s voice over the noise in his head, Richie’s hand shaking his shoulder finally breaking his trance enough to meet his eyes, rounded in fear filled question. 
“Carmen, what’s wrong? Is it- Don’t fuckin’ tell me it’s the baby. What the fuck is goin’ on-” 
“-She left.” Carmen’s voice shook, raspy and scared. His tongue still felt too thick, head still spinning. He wasn’t even sure he said it, Richie’s widening eyes the only thing confirming that he had said it. 
“What? Who-Who left? Who?” Richie looked around, like the clues might be there, sure that Carmen wasn’t talking about you. No, he wouldn’t- he couldn’t. Not you. 
Carmen’s breath hitched, a strangling of a sob caught in his throat, running his hand over his face. Richie didn’t miss the way it trembled, shaking even as it rested over his eyes. Your car was gone, the house too quiet, no baby Teddy crying, nothing but silence was left. 
Richie’s heartbeat crawled into a rapid, scared pace. “Why? Wh-Why would she-” Richie looked at Carmen, eyes wide but still, reading his expression. “No. No, Cousin, no. What-What did you do? Carmen,” Richie grabbed both his shoulders, shaking him lightly until he met his gaze. “What did you do?” 
Carmen’s face began to crack, behind his eyes, Richie could see flashbacks of something- something he didn’t know what, but whatever it was, it was painful. That was evident by the fear that glossed over Carmen’s eyes, realization and horror. Carmen’s shoulders shook, frame rocking with a sob he tried to swallow, but couldn’t. Deep cries, guttural sobs breaking out of his frame, heels of his hands pressed to his eyes, fingers curled and clenched around his greasy curls in agony. 
The damning realization flooded over him, that you’d left. 
You’d left, you’d taken Teddy, taken Anchovy- you’d left because he’d driven you away. His angry outburst, petulant, mean, hurtful- he’d been so cruel to you. You. His wife, the love of his life, mother of his child, the one person who loved him endlessly without stipulations or boundaries, the one person who truly understood him. 
And he’d driven you away. 
He wished he could blame his mom, his dad, his family for fucking him up so severely, maybe Mikey, even, for leaving him the shit show that was the restaurant, making his anxieties worse and fuse shorter. But sitting in the empty garage, Richie standing above him in silent shock, his sobs and angry sniffles echoing off the cement floor, Carmen knew he had no one to blame but himself. 
He’d fucked up. Really fucked up. Fucked up in a way that made all the other times look obsolete. 
Carmen had fucked up, and for once, he didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t avoid it, ignore it, deflect it like other times. Half hearted apologies and promises of change wouldn’t work, you weren’t here for him to even try to give them to you, and he didn’t know where you went. 
Carmen wasn’t sure where you went, how to fix this, why he’d done what he did, and a million other things that raced through his mind. What he did know, sitting in the too quiet garage, chest stuttering with heaving cries, was that he’d do anything. 
Anything, to get you back home. To make it right. To fix this and make it up to you. 
He wasn’t sure how, but he’d give up everything. Anything. His restaurant, his dreams, his hopes, his life, at this point, to make it up to you. 
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trendywaifus · 4 months
Ok this is a pretty goofy idea I’ve had for some time so
Yk Hanu? The little monke that says Hmph? Well what if we somehow found ourselves stuck as Hanu (Hanu! Reader) basically in Penacony, the various goofy things that’ll come out of the characters finding us
Imagine Acheron finding you and just carrying you around while you’re both lost, suddenly all the enemies flee as quick as they can from you when you think did an intimidating enough hmph (it’s actual Acheron they’re afraid of)
Firefly and Robin will prob just gush at our small size and keep us in their hands at all times
goofy?? this is sooo cute???? lil hanu is so adorable bro. also hanu’s a wolf!
acheron prob gonna find you sticking out of a small hole in a wall by the tv, your little legs frantically kicking around.
acheron would def get lost while trying to find someone to help you revert back to your normal form. you’d be perched on her shoulder, trying to use your hms’ to make conversation or get her attention. you’d grumble a small hm’ and point to some random direction and she’s go towards it because she’s silly and trusts you.
“ do you think we strayed too far, little one? “
“ hm. hm. hm. hm. hm. “
“ . . .uh–huh. thank you for the input. “
she ends up facing a dead end and sighs. her head perks up at the sound of crowded footsteps and turns around to see a bunch of angry men in suits cornering you and acheron. “ found you! i’m here to return the favor by beating you up for what you did to me and my buddies earlier! i brought my boss here too!” a dark suited beefy man comes forth with a cocky grin on his face. that must be their boss! you let out a loud, angry hm, jumping down from her shoulder and protectively stepped between acheron and the men with your little chest puffed up and hands on your hips.
“ wait a damn minute! “ the large man’s smug demeanor fell and he suddenly appears anxious. he frantically smacks one of the men who apparently gotten beaten up on the back of his head. the poor guy’s hat drops down on the asphalt. “ you fuckin’ knucklehead! do you know who you just brought us to?! let’s scram! “ as quickly as they came, they left, leaving a little you hming in triumph and a confused acheron. not a moment later, the guy hurriedly comes back for his hat and scrambles away.
“ hmmm!! (don’t come back, losers!) “ you huffed.
she blinks before emitting a soft chuckle and gets down on her knees, offering a open hand for you to hop on. “ it seems like you scared them away, my little one. that little body of yours is deceiving. “
yeah robin would be gushing over how adorable you are as hanu. she’s gon cradle you in her hands and smooch your face while resisting the urge to drown you in even more kisses. “ my little cool cutie. “
firefly’s the same! she’d awe and hug you close to her chest. if you want, she’ll place you on the top of her head so you can have a nice view of everything.
“ i think i don’t mind you staying like this, (name).” she giggles at you cutely stomping your little feet on her open palm with an annoyed hm!
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dre6ming · 5 months
Quit smoking
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader
Warning: smoking, arguing, cursing, crying
Word count: 1.5k
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“Hi babe!” Austin says, kissing my cheek, his pillowy lips touching my warm skin. I breathe in deeply, having missed him for the day, but that feeling going away too soon and being replaced by anger. Though he feels me tensing and my attitude change, he chooses for now to just walk past me, his hand caressing my waist. “So how was your day darling?” He asks, hanging his jacket in the coat hanger, already staring to unlace his boots. “Fine.” I say shrugging my shoulders, picking at my nail polish, nervous about the conversation I want to start. I mean he has to know he reeks of cigarettes and he has to know I’ve sniffed it on him.
I don’t care about smoking much, it never bothered me in other people, but when it comes to him, it’s drives me nuts, because I want him to be healthy. I need to cool off, I can’t let anger get the best of right now, I have to approach this lightly, so my best move is to turn around on my heels without answering his question and going straight to the bedroom. “Y/n?!” Austin shouts behind me, confused probably by why I would just leave him standing there in the hallway. “Y/n?” He calls after me again, but I don’t respond, putting my headphones on and getting back to the book I was reading before he came.
I feel the vibration of his angry stomping towards the bedroom and I take a deep breath trying to calm myself down. “Y/n? What’s wrong baby?” He sits on the bed, placing a hand on my book to move it down a bit so he could get a good look at my face. “No outside clothes on the bed!” I scold him, motioning for him to get off the bed and already, starting on changing the duvet. “Y/n babe, what the hell? Are you ok?” Austin asks, brushing a hand through his hair.
“Fine, everything is fine!” I say, my voice getting louder than I wanted it to. “Y/n?!” He speaks low, careful, watching me react. “Stop saying my name over and over again, Austin.” I sigh, taking the duvet over to the wash room to start washing it. I reach for the detergent but I’m too short, so Austin comes behind me, grabbing the bottle for me and handing it to me. “Thanks!” I say, a bit more sarcastically than I’ve anticipated. “You know I don’t appreciate you having an attitude with me, without saying what’s wrong.” Austin points out, as he places the bottle back in the shelf. I rub my forehead, feeling a headache coming in, my patience snapping. “And I don’t appreciate you making promises to me that you can keep.” I throw back, storming out of the washroom, going to the balcony to get some fresh air. “That’s not fair, I’m not, what are you talking about?”
Oh the nerve he as to act like he doesn’t actually know what it is I’m saying. “You don’t know? Really?” I shout, going back in, straight for his jacket and fishing out the packet of cigarettes from the pocket I know he keeps them in, throwing it at him. He catches it before it hit his face. “Baby it was just one, you can check!” He defends, opening the pack to show me, but I don’t care to see it.
“One today, one tomorrow, then is a pack then you’re dead! And I’m stuck here, saying over and over again “I told him he’d die!”” Tears prick my eyes and wipe them away frustrated, I hate when angry cry. Austin’s face softens, and he puts a hand in his hip, placing the cigarette pack in the garbage bin by the door. Coming my way he stands in front of me, his hands brush along my arms, but I’m having none of it, brushing past him. Austin throws his hands up in frustration, huffing. “Oh come on, this is ridiculous!” He screams.
“No ridiculous is me having to have the same conversation over and over again. It’s your health I’m concerned about!” I poke my finger at his chest and on of his hands grabs my wrist to stop me. “Stop that, it’s annoying.” Austin says and every logical part of my brain goes dead silent. “Yeah cause I’m annoying” I twist his words immediately regretting for acting childish, but there’s no going back now. “Don’t don’t do that, twist my words make me sound like a fucking asshole! You said it it’s my health, what do you care!” Austin’s face gets red, anger quickly getting to him. He passes a frustrated hand through his golden locks of hair, pulling at roots. “For fucks sake am I asking for too much to just come home to a quiet apartment after a long day?” Something clicks in my head and there’s this burst of sadness in me. He hates me, I made him hate me. I did it. I ruined it, me and all my blabbering, my stupid mouth.
My mouth opens and closes, my feet feel cemented to the floor, but I move them somehow, going to the bathroom, wiping away my tears in the way there. “Y/n I’m sorry, hey hey!” He catches up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder, looking at my face, but I try to hide. “Don’t!” I beg, sniffing, my fists shaking at my sides with shame and anger. Shame cause I’ve caused all this, anger cause he can’t keep a promise and I can’t make myself to care less. “Come here!” He says, pulling me to his chest, burying my face in the soft cotton of his shirt. It’s comforting for a second, but the I breathe and the smell of smoke makes me want to gag. I push against him and free myself of his hold. “Shower!” I say, going on the balcony and sitting down on the lounge chair, looking at the blurry sky line.
I don’t know how long I’m here for, but by now the tears have dried on my cheeks and the atmosphere has gotten a bit chilly for my summer outfit, but I’m not ready to get back in the apartment and face Austin. I’m lost in my chain of thought, when I hear the door open, then Austin comes into sight, carrying a tray. “Truce?” He asks, showing me the treats he bought. “Maybe.” I grumble, taking the hot cup of cocoa. “Careful it’s hot!” He says, handing me a cookie. “You understand why I was mad?” I ask, sipping at the drink. “I guess, I mean, I do, but it’s just I didn’t mean to do it. I just sometimes feel like I need to have just one.”
I sigh, closing my eyes. “Ok, what if we make a deal? Hm?” I propose, eating some of the cookie. “Ok let’s hear it.” Austin says, drinking some of his cocoa and rubbing my leg. “I don’t want to fight over this anymore, I just want you to try and smoke as little as possible, that’s the deal, just try! Don’t promise you’ll stop, just try to reduce it.” I propose, smiling softly. Austin seems like he thinks about it for a minute, sipping slowly from his cup, obviously dragging this to get a stab at me. “Ok, it’s a deal, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you!” He rubs my knee, his hand going up my thigh, raising goosebumps on my spine.
“I’m sorry too, I promise to get better at talking these things out.” I say, putting my cup on the side table. Austin chuckles and grabs my hips, pulling me on his lap, to straddle him. I play with his hair, smiling at him, leaning down to kiss him. Our lips dance together, soft and wet. His hands wonder up my body and under my shirt, cupping my breasts over my soft bralette. I moan into his mouth, pressing down on him, feeling him grow hard under me. “Now that we are all made up, think I could get lucky tonight?” Austin asks, making me burst out laughing. “Yyyeah yes, sure.” I laugh, giggling as he gets up with me wrapped around him, as he walks into the apartment and straight into the bedroom, how cocoa long forgotten, just like our argument.
Taglist: @galaxygirl453
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Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader - smut oneshot about makin' babies
The last domestic post I made kinda got really popular, and I love that trope so much I thought I'd make another one! smut this time, though.
warnings: reader is afab and presents as female/feminine, Penetrative sex, breeding, reader is (or was) on birth control, a sprinkle of degradation, and lots and lots of cursing
smut starts at the *
the door to your shared home in the suburbs swung open, scary for most but completely normal, if not comforting for you. "Wifey! I'm home," Katsuki called out gruffly, removing his gauntlets, tossing his mask off, practically ripping off his shoes, and crashing onto the very expensive couch with his dirty, sooty hero suit. By the time you walked in, his arms were tucked behind his head, his eyes were closed, and his mouth was pushed into a scowl as he awaited his pampering.
He opened one eye, glancing at you before shutting it again. "Took you long enough," he grumbled, his way of saying he missed you dearly. "um, excuse me, but what are you doing on the couch in that," you asked, annoyance lacing your tone as you put your hands on your hips. You were wearing his old T-shirt from high school, black with a white skull in the center, along with underwear as bottoms.
"I'm tired, I've been savin' lives all day, Just lemme relax" he scoffed, not moving an inch. "You know you're the one cleaning that, right?" He rolled his eyes, sighing and sitting up. "I'd be cleanin' it anyway, you never do it right." He always did this, to the point that you suspect he liked cleaning.
"Where's my damn kiss already," he asked, more of an order, and looking up at you expectantly as he scowled. You smirked, taking the opportunity to gain a little extra power. "You can have it once you get off the couch and shower," you shrugged, walking off into the bedroom. You could hear him groan, but really it was a whine in disguise. A whine for big strong tough manly men, if you will.
after a moment of silence, you could hear his heavy stomping into the bedroom, a devilish grin on his face as he examined your place on your shared bed. "I'll only take a shower if you do it with me," he said pridefully, as if he cracked the horny husband code.
You laughed at his arrogant demeanor, looking up from your phone a moment and wanting to mess with him a little. "fine, but just so you know, I forgot to take my birth control last night." This was actually true, but mentioning it now made it so much funnier.
He paused, before cocking a brow and sauntering over to stand above you. "So what," He said boldly, that grin persisting. You raised your brows, an amused smile on your face as your attention was kept mainly on your phone. "So...I'm off my birth control? We can't do anything penetrative, unless you want a mini-Katsuki running around."
He rolled his eyes, leaning down to you with his hands on his hips. "What's so wrong about that, hah? I'm great." Now your attention was all the way on him, trying to gauge if he was joking or not. "Katsuki, you really need to think about the words that come out of your mouth." Now we were in serious territory, "Katsuki" was reserved for seriousness.
He huffed, clearly running out of patience. "You thick or somethin'?" You rolled your eyes, maybe you were if you couldn't grasp what exactly he was trying to get at. "If we did that, I'd probably get pregnant," you sighed, talking as if you were explaining things to a toddler. "No shit, idiot. I've been wanting you pregnant since we got married, anyways."
Ok, now you had to put your phone down completely. You just stared at him for a moment, like a deer in the headlights, processing. "W- uh...why haven't you told me?" Having kids was something you both agreed on doing, but the when and where was never discussed.
"Didn't think it was that important until now..." he grumbled, looking askance as his cheeks pinked. He didn't think you'd say yes until now. You studied him for a moment, weighing your options, before smiling and giggling a little. "you know what? why the hell not." He seemed to light up, his smile returning as he yanked you up and out of bed.
"Well come on dumbass, we have a baby to make," he chuckled, practically on cloud 9. It made you smile, seeing your grumpy husband so happy, albeit his smile looks down right dastardly. He pulled you to the bathroom, switching on the water and taking his clothes off as fast as possible. You did the same, rather excited yourself given the circumstances, and before you knew it you had your back pressed to the shower wall.
He was holding you up by your hips, and currently shifting your legs to be on his broad, scarred shoulders. His member was just an inch or two before you, the tip oozing semen as he situated the two of you. His lips were right next to your ear, and he seemed to be bending you with the intent of snapping you in half.
"You better be fuckin' ready, 'cause I'm not stopping if you cry," He purred, his voice deep and husky. he was technically being honest, because no, he wouldn't stop if you cried, but if you showed even the tiniest bit of true fear he'd stop even if he was a millisecond away from climax.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, steadying yourself before glancing down at his rock hard cock. You've been married for what, 3 years? Yet you still can't help but tremble at the sight, at the idea that he would be inside you, this time with the intent of impregnating you.
"Good," you giggled back seductively, making him chuckle. "Better pray you keep that confidence," he taunted, before pressing you as hard against the wall as possible. He snaked a muscled arm around your waist, the other reaching down to guide himself to your dripping cunt. You squirmed a little, the anticipation getting to you, and he pinched your side harshly. "Hold the fuck still," he growled, giving you a sharp stare.
He waited a second or two after you settled, making sure you stayed that way, before continuing. The head of his weeping cock entered the beginnings of your vagina, you flesh gripping his in a way that elicited a grunt from him. He kept pushing through, inch by inch, until he got tired of waiting and shoved the last couple inches in with one hard thrust. You moaned out, the freshly manicured nails he paid for pressing into the skin of his shoulders.
He waited a moment, allowing you to get comfortable while trying to mask his panting from how good you felt, before slowly pulling back out and shoving it back in. The sounds you made, from your mouth and anywhere else, drove him to the brink of his patience. He began pistoning in and out of you, huffing and puffing and groaning as he gazed upon your current state. Moaning at every thrust, Hair messy from being wet and dragging across the shower wall, eyes having a distant and glossy look as he wrecked you. He buried his face in your neck, giving sloppy kisses to you skin, partly to muffle how absolutely drunk off your cunt he sounded.
He pulled away from your neck but never halted the wreckless movement of his hips, smirking down at you menacingly as he panted and groaned. "Hah...You gonna fuckin' cum, baby? Gonna cum on my...hngh...cock like a good little slut?" Dirty talk was his specialty, something he took pride in. He loved how it made you clench around him, just as you were doing now.
"Mmh....holy shit," He muttered, Mouth pressed to your ear. "Gonna fill you with my kids, so you better not let any drip out." He said it as if it were a threat, and he began to speed up even more as he gripped your sides, his tip giving sloppy kisses to your cervix with each ministration. The shower wall made a hollow pounding sound, accompanied by the squelching of your rough sex, his groans and mindless rambling, and your squeals and moaning.
"Katsuki! You better not fucking stop," you moaned, brows knit together in concentration. He was hitting every spot just right, and your hips rolled against his. Just thinking about his cum, about him filling you with life, it put you on the edge. Suddenly, the tight knot in your core snapped, and you found yourself having one of the best orgasms of your life on your husband's cock. The sounds you made, your blissed out face, everything made him feel stupidly hot.
"Fuck...Fuck, fuck fuck!" His face buried back into your neck, biting the skin to muffle his loud, guttural moaning. He gripped your hips so hard his nails made indents in your skin, his own hips stuttering to a stop as he held you down on him. You could feel him burst within you, ribbons of hot white cum coating your insides. Slowly he came down from his high, panting and whimpering just a little. He felt how limp your body was in his arms, and immediately felt the need to take care of you.
Without disturbing your current position, he leaned over and shut the water off. Gently and slowly, he began to pull out, his cock now limp after doing it's job. He shifted you to be carried bridal style, not bothering with a towel as he took you out of the bathroom and to the bedroom. "Kat..." You mumbled, laughter in your throat at how careful he was being. This was hardly the roughest sex you've had with him, yet he was treating you like glass.
"What," he grumbled, laying you on the bed. For a moment, just one little moment, he watched as his cum oozed out of you. It was hot, way too hot. "It's not like I'm made of porcelain," You giggled, sitting up on your elbows. He quickly rolled his eyes and shoved two fingers into you, causing you to squeal. "Kat," you cried, a moan falling from your lips. "What? gotta keep as much of it in there as possible." He pulled his fingers back out with all the care he could muster, before quickly grabbing some clean panties and sliding them on you. You might have believed that was the only reason, but the way he curled his fingers up just right said otherwise.
"The bed's gonna be wet, we have to dry off," you sighed, moving to get up. He quickly scooped you up and set you down so your head was on the pillow, getting in with you and snuggling up behind you. "Who gives a shit," he grumbled, nuzzling into your neck as he pulled the comforter up to his shoulders. "I'm gonna be a dad," he whispered, pulling you into him and resting both hands on your lower abdomen.
Hey, You know how I said I loved the domestic crap? yep, still do. Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did, and as always, don't be afraid to comment! fr if you comment we're literally married now, ily.
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blue-sadie · 1 year
Fuck Them Both
Neteyam x Nerd Reader x Lo'ak
Series Masterlist
Prt 3 of the Fucking The Nerd Series
Summary: neteyam needs a goodbye present before he goes off to college
Warning: hair pulling, double penetration, slut shaming, aged up characters
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Yn/3rd person pov
"What the fuck" lo'ak yelled as he barged into the room neither me or neteyam moved we didn't care "what little bro jealous" neteyam grinned "why the fuck" lo'ak screeched looking at me.
"Because lo'ak don't you know the saying what comes around goes around" I murmured getting comfortable on neteyams chest "but my brother" he hissed I glared at him "you don't see me complaining about you fucking kanu" I hissed.
He looked kinda taken a back at my words "look yn me fucking kanu doesn't mean you can fuck my brother" he muttered and started pacing back and forth.
"No offense bro but she can fuck whoever she wants" neteyam muttered and carefully lifted me off of him and grabbed his discarded shirt for me to cover myself with.
"I'm quickly gonna go shower" he murmured to me softly and kissed my forehead before disappearing into the bathroom.
I put his shirt on and got comfortable in the bed and watched as lo'ak shifted uncomfortably "how was she" I muttered making him growl out "why do you care so much anyways" he muttered pulling at his hair.
I sigh irritated that he doesn't remember "do you remember what you told me" I asked as my eyes glossed with tears "was that all a lie just to get into my pants".
He sighed out "no it wasn't" he huffed sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing his face "then why fuck kanu, why ignore me" I muttered "I don't know" he whispered only making me roll my eyes.
I looked around the room not looking in his direction it was covered in different colleges logos and posters "when is neteyam leaving" I asked "in a few days" lo'ak sighed.
A part of me wanted to forgive him but the other wanted me to slap him, we waited in silence for neteyam to return.
He returned wearing nothing but sweats I watched closely as he bumped shoulders with lo'ak as he came to sit next to me.
Lo'ak growled as neteyam put his arm around me and stormed off "he was always like a baby" he chuckled as he took out his laptop to put a movie on.
We sat in silence watching the movie it was a boring action movie i shifted in his arms trying to get comfortable "hey whats wrong" he asked shifting himself to look at me.
"I don't know" i murmured he looked at me thinking about something "you like him don't you" he whispered tilting his head i looked away nervously "i-i don't know" i stuttered.
He chuckled lowly and and turned my face to his "i know you do but he does as well" i looked at him weirdly "he never shut up about the thing that happened between you to after you left" he chuckled.
He began listing the things that lo'ak did "then why would he fuck kanu" i murmured i stared down at my lap not wanting to meet his gaze "listen yn he does like you but you can't teach a old dog new tricks so quick".
I rolled my eyes "lo'ak get in here" he called out and a few minutes later lo'ak stomped in "what" he grumbled not meeting our gaze "nothing i was just telling yn about how you couldn't stop talking about her when she left" lo'ak looked panicked as neteyam spoke.
"N-no" he stuttered crossing his arms "well brother yn in here feels the same" he smiled rubbing his hand over my arm lo'ak stared at me with anger "then why fuck my brother" he muttered walking closer.
"Dude chill out you fucked kanu and not her, so its not her fault" neteyam sighed, lo'ak rolled his eyes huffing out "ok im sorry yn i shouldn't have done that" he murmured.
"Me as well" i whispered looking up at him "now that i sorted your relationship out can i get my going away present" neteyam smiled putting his hands behind his head.
I tilted my head "what gift" i asked "well i was hoping for another round" he murmured and started kissing my neck my eyes shifted to lo'ak "dude what" lo'ak muttered "i didn't mean just me" he chuckled.
His eyes became half lidded as they flickered between me and lo'ak "fuck yes" lo'ak muttered and growled out as neteyam pulled me onto his lap "come here baby" he muttered pulling me into a kiss.
Lo'ak crawled on the bed behind me his hands running under my shirt moving them up to my breasts "fuck i forgot how good these feel" he growled kissing my neck.
Neteyam's lips molded against mine as lo'ak slowly ripped off my shirt "f-fuck" i moaned my body slowly started grinding against them i ran my hands up and down neteyam's chest.
Lo'ak and neteyam removed their clothes, lo'ak pushed me into neteyam's chest as he pushed into me, my back arched as my nails scratched neteyam's chest.
"dam bro shes still wet" he growled and waited for neteyam to push in as well "a-aw" i cried out at the stretch they both groaned out they slowly started moving.
They groaned and growled with each thrust my eyes rolling as they stretched me out "fuck shes so hot" neteyam yelled out as he threw his head back against the pillow.
Lo'ak put his hands on my shoulder using it's leverage to guide me back against their cocks "look shes going stupid" neteyam growled, my eyes started becoming cross eyed and my head started to drip.
neteyam chuckled and used one of his hands to clasp my hair pulling me back causing my moans to heighten lo'ak groaned and started to thrust faster.
"Sh-shit shes starting to tighten" he laughed out loudly and as their cocks started to twitch i felt myself began to cum "fuck i-im gonna c-cum" i cried out.
I threw my head back as my legs started to tense and shake they groaned out as they filled my pussy with their cum and muttered praises to me as the maneuvered us so i was sandwiched between them.
"this is the best fucking present ever"
@avatar4eva @lik0 @greekgods15 @sweetirilly
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fhrlclln · 2 years
Would you ever write for like rockstar!eddie and reader like maybe she's an actor or something or she's his high-school sweet heart and even after he got famous he stayed with her
rockstar! eddie x wife! reader
OMG, ok so you caught my attention. i’ve always wanted to write for rockstar! eddie. i also daydreamed a lot that the reader is his wife (and yes, his highschool sweetheart as well) you know like that bombshell wife that even his fans simp for her as well, gets featured in some magazines and shows. alongside tour interviews and such.
i can imagine the dynamic between them sort of like ozzy & sharon (without the major toxicity but the yelling is there) but overall, you’re just one hella of a wife to corroded coffin’s frontman. and he’s very proud to show you off every interview he gets.
this time they’re doing a reality tv one! like the Osbourne’s.
suggestive themes under the cut
another day in the munson household… 
“eddie!” you shouted amidst the large canopy of the munson LA mansion. the camera man swerves the camera to eddie munson’s face, eddie fucking munson, leader of one of the grossing rock bands alive in the 90’s. he lets out a sigh as he can hear your heels stomp against the hardwood large stairs as he looks to the camera with a smirk, counting in his head for your barge in as he speaks. it was another filming day for their own reality tv show, his manager urged him to do this, fans demanding wanting to know more about him and his darling wife. you.
“ah, and here comes my smoking hot angry wife—“
the door slams open inside the studio room, the camera whips to you. all dolled up, fresh from your make-up room, wearing a very tight dress that hugged your body nicely. he wasn’t even focused on the terrifying anger written on your pretty face, just that he’s very focused now on your chest. the camera man backs away, slightly scared, seeing as you had something in your hand. fan mail apparently! tons of it in your hand as the other was situated on your hip, very angry stance.
it was cute to him.
“baby, darling.” he greeted with a smirk, urging your hothead to come closer to him, he was sitting on his office chair, the one he always sat on whenever he would spend nights in this studio room to write or compose a song.
“send panties in the mail! panties? are you out of your fucking mind!?” you threw the mail at him, huffing and puffing with anger. the camera man captured this one moment they all knew would be another hit on mainstream. your fights with eddie were certainly a blockbuster for every corroded coffin fan, plus you were hot in it.
“sweetheart, chill! i meant it as a fucking joke, geez—“
another mail was thrown at him, this time he can clearly see the lace of some fan’s panties were peeking out. oh, was he dead. he is popular with the ladies, you were very hyperaware of that and you despised some groupies for getting a lil’ close during concerts or meet-ups, mainly the obsessed ones you couldn’t stand, but they’re not the wife. you are, so in perspective, you won when it comes to them. and you trust eddie, he’s not that stupid.
“baby, what did you expect? they’re fucking crazy.” he snorts, tossing the mail away. you crossed your arms, boobs squishing, eddie gawked at it with no shame.
“you’re laughing at this? i can’t believe you! you’re such an ass—“ you pouted, fuming red in your eyes. eddie shook his head as he grabbed your arm, knowing well you were going to calm down once he gets in you in his lap. you noticed it.
“that’s not gonna fucking work—“
“try me.” he hums, wrapping his arms around your waist as you sat snuggly. leaning your back against his naked chest littered with tattoos, your name tattooed above his heart. your face somehow manage to soften yet still annoyed at how it worked. munson charm. damn him.
“you okay, baby?” he asks kissing your neck, looking to the camera with a wink and a smirk.
“i will strangle you.”
“i thought that was for the bedroom—“
“i will shove this remaining mail up your ass if you open your mouth again.” you warned, pinching his arm. he yelped at how sharp your nails were as you sighed, simmering down now as he placed kisses on your bare shoulder. the expensive scent of your perfume and body wash making him buck his hips up a bit. so addicting. the camera focuses on the sweet moment as you rubbed your forehead, a headache coming in.
“oh, baby. ‘m sorry.” he cooed.
“don’t.” you huffed. “i don’t like this.” you emphasized to the mails on the ground.
“ ‘course baby, i haven’t even fucking opened them yet.” he place a sloppy kiss on your neck. “and i never will. if that makes up for it.”
“thank you, eds.” you sighed in relief. his heart bloomed as he winked to the camera again. mouthing ‘munson charm’.
“gotta remind them, sweetheart, you’re my wife. nothing’s gonna come between that, ey? not even fucking panties.” he reminds you, grasping your chin to look at him. reminding you how many years you two have been together, since highschool, since that incident back in the upside down, being each other’s first experiences and all. you are the love of his life.
his large thumb caressing your bottom crimson lip. you nodded silently, still a little annoyed, his handsome grin widen as he kissed you. tongue and all, still not ashamed he’s showing this intimate moment on camera then probably on television soon. you wriggled, feeling the bulge in his sweatpants form. you hummed on his mouth, liking the sloppiness as you pulled away, all shy now noticing the camera again.
“and stop sending me panties!” he pointed to the camera. “i’m flattered, but i got plenty already.” he joked, earning a smack from you again. the camera man eventually said cut as you both relaxed in each other’s arms.
“today’s film was great, mr. & mrs. munson. thank you so much.” the cameraman smiled nervously as you smiled back widely, still seated on eddie’s lap.
“no problem, lemonade’s downstairs in the kitchen. help yourself!” you kindly offered as eddie placed kisses again on your neck. hot and heavy he is, it was such a turn-on whenever you got mad at him. the door closed shut as eddie finally got a breather. focusing on you now and his ache in his pants.
“so sexy today, baby.” he mumbles, voice low and deep. “getting you all riled up.”
“mhm. if you ever say stupid shit to your fans, munson. i will kick you out.” you hummed tilting your neck to the side as he nipped your soft skin making you let out a quiet whimper.
“hey, they love you getting mad as well, can’t blame ‘em.” he laughs, squeezing your boobs. the fans were crazy for you as much as they are for him. you chuckled remembering the time you got featured on the front page of playboy magazine, everyone went wild. eddie was fuming at that time but he didn’t hide the fact that he bought at least numerous copies of it, supporting your fame. “you’re such a fucking bombshell. ‘m so lucky.”
“i swear, eddie!” you swatted his hands away as he whined.
“i promise!” he laughs heartily as you smiled again. a moment of silence transpires, you two have been together since ‘86, the large mansion was awfully lonely when he’s away on tour, leaving you here sometimes. you love him, really. since the day he clumsily asked you out by the bench in the woods. supporting him throughout, until his band got in with a label. signing them up. being his soulmate, sticking with him until now. something was just missing in the munson household. the thought a important one for you, and you knew clearly what you wanted next. knowing eddie gives you everything.
“what do you think about a little munson running around here, eds?”
wrote this in one sitting!
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officialabortive · 2 years
ok but here me out- bull bakugou who absolutely wants to shred the bull thats temporarily staying on the farm for giving you a hard time
even though they’re kept in separate pastures for obvious reasons- the wired fence doesn’t stop him from jumping over it and ramming the bull in the side for coming up behind you when you weren’t looking
scolding him for it is funny, annoying and slightly flattering. the whole time he’s sitting there like ‘i don’t regret shit, try me again and i’ll do it again. my herd, my love’
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Bakugou is fuming, beyond pissed.
Apparently the farmers thought it was a good Idea to put you in a separate pasture with the new bull. A bull whose ear tag read #24. They placed you with him to be a 'buddy', thinking your adaptable personality would have the two of you getting along in no time.
But they were so wrong. This new bull had never seen a heifer before and therefore was all over you. Constantly coming up to sniff you, or being way too touchy. He was obnoxious.
Unbeknownst to him, another bull -a bigger, stronger bull- watched his every movement. Bakugou was already irritated being separated from you, but when he saw that basterd trying to convince you into mating, all hell broke loose. Eleven farmhands were all swarming around bakugou, trying to hold him back from attacking the new guy who was none the wiser.
It's been a week and the farmhands have been successful in preventing any violence from the blond bull. But there was no stopping him from getting to you when he heard you let out a fearful cry. He ran several acres at what had to be record speed, using his large horns to rip the wire fencing out from the soil below. Now nothing stood between him and this shitty new bull.
Bakugou spotted both of you under a tree, #24 towering over your teary eyed self. Huffing, bakugou stomped his way toward him, gradually gaining speed until he reached a full dash. His head tilted forward, skillfully aimed horns rammed directly into the other bulls side.
To bakugou's anger and your horror, #24 —who now had blood running down his skin— got right back up with a snarl, getting himself into position to use his own horns.
Bakugou used one arm to push you behind him, eyes never leaving his opponent.
They charged at one another, the sound of horns clashing vibrated through the day's thin air. But bakugou obviously had the upper hand, the attempts of the other bull were futile. With a buck of bakugou's legs, hooves met #24's gut forcefully shoving him to the grass.
Only then did panicking farmhands finally show their faces. They all looked to bakugou who did nothing but glare in response.
"I don't regret shit"
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lulublack90 · 8 months
Prompt 7 - Star
@jegulus-microfic February 7 Word count 743
ok this wasn't meant to be another multi-prompt story but here we are 🤣
CW- someone is tortured but it's not described but you know it's going on.
First part
Sirius had blindfolded him once they’d cleared the building. He could feel Sirius’s face still close to his. 
“We’re going to apparate in a second. Are you going to behave, or do I have to stun you?” Sirius growled into his ear. Regulus tried to twist his head away from his brother.
“Stunning it is.” Sirius sighed before Regulus felt a spell hit him, and then…
“Did you have to do that, Sirius?” James huffed as he rearranged Regulus’s limp body on his shoulders. 
“If he messed around, he would have splinched himself, and you might have as well. This was easier.” Sirius shrugged at James as he explained. “Come on, Mad-Eye will want to question him.” Sirius held his hand out to James, and they disapparated to their designated safe house. 
Regulus’s body felt stiff like he’d fallen asleep sitting up. Slowly, he cracked his eyes open. He was in a dark room, possibly a cellar. He wasn’t sure. If magic was being used, he could be anywhere. 
He tried to move and found he was strapped tightly to a wooden chair. 
“Ah, so you’re finally awake?” A gruff, gravely voice said from the shadows. Alastor Moody moved so he was just visible in the low light. 
Regulus supposed it was meant to be an intimidation tactic, but it wasn’t strong enough to work on him. The Auror clearly hadn’t asked Sirius for input, as he’d know that after dealing with Walburga Black, nothing these silly little men could do would get to him. 
“Hmmm, braver than you look, hey, Black? Let’s see how brave the lionhearted star really is.” He raised his wand, pointing it directly at Regulus’s chest, and all Regulus could think was this man was an idiot. The Regulus star wasn’t lionhearted. It was the heart of the lion, and as it was, his heart belonged to only one lion, a Gryffindor lion. 
He used thoughts of James to get him through the waves of torture Moody was about to perform.
Above them, in the kitchen, James and Sirius paced. Frank Longbottom had his wand on them, and they had been warned that if they tried to get into the cellar, he’d stun the pair without hesitating. So they paced. 
James flinched at every scream, and Sirius ranted and raved about how torture wouldn’t work on him because Walburga had made it her life’s mission to torture her sons until they could endure anything. 
“Just talk to him like I said to. He’s a twat, but he’ll talk more if you don’t piss him off with spells first.” He bellowed at the door.
James couldn’t speak at all. Every cry emitted from Regulus broke a piece of him. If he’d have thought even for a second that the Order would do this to him, he’d have taken him and run. 
Eventually, it went silent, and familiar clunking footsteps pounded up the stairs. The door to the cellar opened, and Mad-Eye walked out, looking tired and not at all satisfied. James and Sirius went to step around him, but he shot his arm out, blocking them. 
“Oh, no, you don’t,” He growled at them. “No one is to go near the prisoner.” 
“What the fuck Mad-Eye?!” Sirius cried as he tried in vain to get around him. 
“He’s not talking yet. But don’t you worry, he will.”
“No, he won’t! I’ve already told you, Moody, you won’t break him like that. All you’ve done is piss him off. He’ll never say a word to you now. Let us try. I know we can get through to him. He’ll talk to James and I. Please let us try.” By the end of his tirade, Sirius was pleading with the older wizard. James was glad Sirius had taken over. He was in no fit state to fight Mad-Eye. 
“Go on, Mad-Eye, it won’t hurt to let them have a crack at him.” Frank offered as he tried to defuse the situation and get the head Auror to see reason.
The grizzled wizard grunted something incoherent but nodded before he stomped out of the kitchen. They all understood he meant that James and Sirius could go down to Regulus.  
James stared at the cellar door. He felt sick at the thought that whatever had happened to Regulus was his fault if he hadn’t picked him up. None of this would have happened. 
He put his hand on the doorknob and turned it.    
Next part
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
azriel x reader who is a soft dom, reader is arguing about something that’s really not that deep just to get azriels attention and reaction. He’s just looking at her and waiting for her to finish, bc he knows what she needs ”are you done now ?”
literally reader just needs to be dicked down fr🤷‍♀️
Are You Done?
Azriel x reader
A/n: I live for dom Az
Warnings: d/s dynamic, very suggestive
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You huffed, stomping past Azriel’s open office door. “Stop!” He said without looking up from his reports. You paused, crossing your arms and rolling your eyes. “Come here.” His tone was demanding but you didn’t care. You stomped into his office, stopping in front of his desk. “What?” You practically growled out.
That got Azriel’s attention. His pen hovered above the paper he was filling out as he slowly looked up at you. “Sit,” his voice dropping a few octaves. You plop into the leather chair with your arms still crossed.
“Tell me what’s bothering you. Or I won’t be so nice the next time I ask.” Your lips pressed into a tight line as you stared your boyfriend down. “I’m mad at you.” Azriel tilted his head questioningly. “Let’s talk about it then.”
He stood rounding the desk to stand in front of you. “Ok, let’s talk,” you went on a tirade of how Az wasn’t giving you enough attention today, he didn’t kiss you right after breakfast, and he’s late for your lunch date. When you took a breath after you long winded rant Azriel just stood there with a brow raised at you.
You slumped back in your chair crossing your arms again. Azriel moved, grasping your chin between his fingers, forcing you to look up at him. “Are you done sweetheart?” As he towered over you, you swallowed audibly.
The look he was giving you combined with how he was holding you was making you extremely wet. You rubbed your thighs together for some slight friction hoping Azriel wouldn’t notice. He shoved his leg between your knees as he tsked at you.
“Before your stomped past my office like a brat did you read the clock? Our reservations are in twenty minutes. So I’m not late sweetheart. So not enough time for me to punish you, so I’ll save it for when we come back.” His voice sent shivers down your spine.
Azriel smirked as that dumb, glassy eyed look took over your features. “Now, do you have something to say to me?” “Sorry sir.” “For?” “For being a brat. I just wanted you.” You said shyly.
He gave you a faux pout and rubbed your chin with his thumb. “Does my baby just need my cock? Is that it.” You nod meekly, “Yes sir.” Azriel grabbed your hand pulling you to stand.
You wrap your arms around his middle, burying your face into his chest. “I really am sorry sir.” “I know sweetheart,” he whispers, running his hand through your hair while the other rubs the back of your neck. “Next time just tell me ok.” “Ok.”
Azriel leans back, cupping your face looking down at you. “Let’s go have a nice lunch and when we get back you’ll have all my attention.” His tone took a darker turn as a devilish smirk formed on his lips. “If you’re good maybe you’ll get a reward.”
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coveredinsweetpea · 1 year
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A/n: I let the whore out for this one 🤭 and I'm not even ashamed? I wanted to make it more filthy but I decided to not push it 😬 but lemme know if you liked this one!!! I'd love to write more!! Summary: just the story of perv!bouncer!Eddie x dumb!ice-cream vendor!reader and the little white lie he used in order to get you where he wanted you. (KINKY) 4.6k Warnings: so first off, perv!Eddie (he's a bit of a meanie) and dumb!reader, ok? He takes advantage of you, oopsie. Humiliation, degradation, lying and gaslighting, pet names, groping, very strong D/s vibes although not established, spit kink, a hint of dubcon? (only if you squint). Needless to say, 18+!! (also I wrote this in one go don't @ me if it's shitty)
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You shouldn't have worn heels - it was late at night, you were running late and while the rain had stopped, the mud still managed to splash its way up to your ankles. And come to think of it, the skirt hadn’t been that good of an idea either, not for the metal concert you were attending at least, but you were two blocks away and it was too late to turn back now.
Before entering the venue, you stopped at the corner, fixed your hair and your shoes with a napkin you found around your purse, and prayed to the gods that even though the concert should have already started, the bouncer would still be there to give you a ticket and allow you inside.
“Eddie!” you exclaimed relieved. He was just about to stand up from his little booth when you burst inside the building, and his eyes widened when he realized who you were.
While it truly hadn’t been that long since you last saw each other, it surely felt like it. The last time you saw him was at his graduation, one week after you finished junior year. Currently, almost two years had passed since you yourself were done with school.
“Y/n, wow. I haven’t seen you in ages, how are you?”
“Good, good, I’m good” you huffed, getting ready to fish the money for the ticket out of your purse. “You work here?”
“Yeah. I’m a bartender but something came up and our guy had to leave for a bit. I’m just covering for him.”
“Oh, ok. Cool”
“Did you come for the concert? It’s about to start”
“Yeah, mhm. I know I’m a bit late.” you said, picking out the dollars out of your purse one by one. When you decided your bag should be cute and fit your outfit rather than actually be useful, you didn’t imagine you’d have to embarrass yourself like this. “Here’s 7 dollars-” you mumbled handing him the money, “Wait, I have three more, just give me a second”
“Y/n…” Eddie said as he hesitated to take it from you. “It’s 30 dollars.”
“30 what?” you gasped. “I thought it was 10”
“It was 10, until like an hour ago. You should’ve bought it in advance, tickets are always more expensive at the door”
“You must be kidding me” you cried, “I can’t pay 30$ for a concert of a band I barely even heard about”
“Then don’t” Eddie chuckled, “It’s not that big of a deal, it’s only going to last one hour tops”
“Yeah but my friend likes the vocalist. I promised her I’d be there”
“Then pay?”
Instead of going back to explaining why you really didn’t feel like doing that, you straightened your back and grinned. “Eddie…”
“I’m not interested," he laughed in a heartbeat, fully aware of the tactics you might want to try on him.
“Free ice cream for the whole month!” you belted, grabbing his shoulder to help you get your point across. “You know you can’t say no to that”
“I never even bought ice cream from your shop, Y/n, no”
“Two months!”
“Baby girl, buy the ticket or wait for the concert to end. I can’t just let you in”
“Yes, you can” you scoffed, stomping your foot against the floor. “Since when do you care about the rules?”
“Since my job is at stake, sweetheart”
“Who’s gonna know? Right, no one. So pleeeeease, Eddie! Pretty please with a tiny and sweet cherry on top?”
He was thinking about it, it was obvious the wheels were turning. His eyes traveled along the length of your body as he licked his lips, and that gave you hope. But unfortunately, when he looked back up into your eyes, he shook his head, “I’m sorry, I can’t”
“You can” you pouted, “You just don’t want to”
Eddie tapped his chin, “I guess that’s true. There’s nothing in it for me, so…”
“Asshole!” you giggled and hit his side. “Just tell me what you want, you got it”
“Anything I want?”
“Anything, anything?” Eddie laughed.
“Just say it, you jerk”
But he didn’t really say it. What he did however was lean behind his little desk and then stand back up with a small camera in his hand. With one eyebrow raised, he motioned with his head to one of the small back rooms to the side, and that should’ve been your cue to at least try offering him ice cream again. 
"I can't believe I'm doing this" you nervously giggled as you placed your purse on one of the chairs you found laying around. More things crossed your mind while you took your jacket off but you kept quiet, only turning around to face Eddie when you were left in your tank top and skirt. "This is stupid. I'm being stupid, right?"
"It's just a little bit of fun" he smiled, moving the camera from one hand to the other. "You absolutely don't have to do it if you don't feel comfortable"
"Comfortable getting naked for a stranger to take pictures of me?" you laughed in disbelief.
"Are you?"
His raised eyebrow and the confidence he had made you unconsciously rub your thighs together. "Don't hold this over my head, ok?"
"It's just a few pictures, Y/n, no big deal"
"I know" you pouted and crossed your arms in front of your chest. "But I don't want you to think I'm a slut or something. I don't do stuff like this"
"There's a beginning for everything, sweetheart. What if you end up loving it and want to take more?"
"Yeah, right" you rolled your eyes and felt a very strong urge to look anywhere else but at him. "Ok, how do you want them?"
He thought about it for a second. "Take your top off, we'll see from there"
The little bit of conscious thinking still present inside your mind had a very hard time accepting just how fast your hands worked to remove your shirt. The second that piece of clothing went over your head, your cheeks started burning and a very painful but familiar feeling awakened in your core. Half naked and maybe a little bit confused, you turned to look at Eddie - who was grinning from ear to ear, getting ready to snap the picture. 
"Say cheese!"
You didn't say it, but you did straighten your back, smiled, and even put on a cute pose with your hands beside your cheeks. 
"You've done this before?" Eddie laughed after taking the picture as he waited for it to slip out of the device.
"No, why?"
He quirked an eyebrow. "It's a nice picture"
"Let me see" you said and bubbled over to him, looking at the picture as it exited the camera. "Oh, yeah. You're right! It really is cute"
"Told you, sweetheart" Eddie grinned and grabbed your chin.
You instinctually followed and tilted your head up to look at him, shame spreading across your body as you reveled in his little words of praise. "What next?"
"Bend over that desk over there"
Without as little as a hint of hesitation, you walked over to the desk, planted your chest on top of it and pushed your skirt up over your ass. 
"See why I'd think you've done this before?" he laughed and slapped your ass. "I didn't even tell you to lift your skirt"
"You were about to anyway, I'm just ahead of you"
"Such a good, little girl" 
As much as you hated to admit, the way he groped your ass, and his fingers - rough and digging into your skin, it all made you squirm under his touch. You remained motionless and sat there quietly, only your feet wobbling a bit from the uncomfortable position as you allowed him to do his thing. "Can I take these off?" Eddie asked, his pointer finger already hooked behind the little piece of fabric that covered your cunt. 
"Yeah, mhm" you nodded eagerly. "Do what you want"
Maybe you shouldn't have said that. But a part of you forgot about the concert and was too focused on Eddie's touch, on his presence behind you, the fact that you couldn't see him making all your senses go off the rails. 
But a deal was a deal and Eddie wasn't about to break it… that much. After pushing your underwear to the side, the cold air hit your already heated and sensitive core. "Can I see how wet you are, doll?"
You nodded. 
And his finger slipped right in, knuckle deep, his big, silver ring barely visible between your damp, puffy folds. 
"How about two?"
"Three? Can you take three?" Eddie asked, slipping his fingers inside without wasting time to hear your answer. 
A soft moan broke past your lips and your back arched the way he was filling you up, little tears of pleasure gathering at the corners of your eyes. "Eddie" you cried.
"Yeah, puppy?" 
But only a grunt escaped your throat as you let your forehead fall against the desk. 
When he didn't get an answer from you, he just chuckled and the next thing you heard was the sound of the camera going off. 
"Cute" Eddie said, retracting his hand from your pussy. 
The sudden feeling of emptiness made you whine, "That's all?"
"What? Did you want more?"
"I- I thought-" you mumbled, turning around to face him, "I thought you were gonna, I don't know…"
"Do you want me to, doll?"
The way the words almost slipped out of your mouth was pathetic. But you managed to control yourself, and just pushed yourself up and shook your head. "No" you lied. And he could tell. 
"You sure, kitten?"
"Yeah, no. Just take the next pic"
"Ok, last one, sweetheart. Can you get on your knees for me?"
Still visibly disappointed with how he left you hanging, you wordlessly kneeled in front of him. Your hands flew up to grip his thighs and your head fell back, your eyes on his. "Like this?"
"Exactly like that, puppy. You're so good, you know that?" Eddie said, nonchalantly licking your juices off his fingers. "And you taste so sweet, baby"
"Thank you" you weakly smiled as he caressed your cheek. "What, um… what do I do now?"
"Open wide for me, just like that. Can you stay like this for a bit?" Eddie commanded. 
All you could do was nod and follow him with your stare, your heart nearly beating out of your chest when he lowered himself in front of you and grabbed your chin. 
"Do you like this?" 
Yes. No. Fuck, you squeezed your eyes shut for a second then then, much to his absolute pleasure, nodded yes. 
The sheer embarrassment you felt from not being able to answer him as your mouth hung open made the pressure between your legs grow even more unbearable. You wanted him to do something, anything, touch, or at least talk to you, but he just left you there, hanging pathetically and waiting. 
"How about this for the last picture?" Eddie questioned and then shoved his fingers into your mouth. Ring deep and with no warning, he forced your jaw open as he pushed his fingers as far as they could go, making your eyes snap wide open in shock. 
"Easy, sweetheart. Stay still for me, ok? Don't fight it"
But it was impossible, with your airway partially blocked and your gag reflex threatening to act up, your hands found his wrist and squeezed as all you could do was look up into his eyes. 
"Do you like being like this, angel? All good and dumb for me?" 
Your answer came in the form of a blink, your eyebrows also arching upwards, before a cough broke in the back of your throat.
"Easy, doll. Slow down, stop fighting it. Relax, you can do it, you can do it, baby" but he was not helping you, instead pushing down harder onto your tongue, making your eyes water from the lack of oxygen. 
But still, you didn't try to fight him, to pry his hand away or to even distance yourself. You just stood there, choking on his fingers, painfully awaiting the moment he'd figure you'd had enough. 
While he didn't let you off easily, when your throat constricted around his fingers again, he finally retracted his hand. Drunk on the so dearly needed breath of fresh air that rushed down your throat, you fell forward, your cheek against his thigh as you struggled to regain your composure. 
"So good for me, puppy. You listen so well" Eddie cooed, brushing your hair as you refused to pull away from your leg. 
"Eddie…" you pouted, "You didn't take the picture"
"That's ok, doll. How are you? Are you good?"
Still unwilling to move, you nodded against his leg. "Yep"
"What do you want to do next, sweetheart? You can choose for the last picture"
"I don't wanna choose" you shook your head, "Just tell me what to do"
"Is there nothing you want, angel? Not even one thing that crossed that pretty, little head of yours?"
"Then open up for me again, sweetheart" 
Lazily, you shuffled to the side and settled back into your position on your knees in front of him. This time, he only pried your mouth open a little bit, much for the aesthetic of it all, his fingers on your tongue and his heavy rings against your bottom lip. 
When he brought the camera up, you looked directly into the lens, eyes wide and soft, as you were all but drooling. The way you squirmed once you heard the click of the camera was probably pathetic, but he enjoyed it and you wanted more.
"That's enough" Eddie said, placing the device to the side and squatting down in front of you. "Can you swallow for me?"
You blinked in confusion but burned with enthusiasm, almost moaning out loud when you saw him tower over you and spit down onto your awaiting tongue. 
You didn't question it, didn't even flinch, you just closed your mouth and swallowed as he told you. 
Once done, Eddie helped you up and waited for you to change. Back out at his little security desk, you waited patiently for him to put the yellow bracelet around your wrist. "Thank you"
"Pleasure doing business with you, doll"
Despite rolling your eyes, you couldn't also hide the way your lips curled at the little pet name, suddenly getting to you in a way half an hour ago you couldn't have even imagined. 
"Come with me to the bar, I'll fix you something to drink. On the house" 
"Where was this generosity before?" you teased and stepped inside as he held the door open for you. 
"Don't push it," he playfully threatened. Once inside, Eddie grabbed your hand and guided you back behind the bar. "What do you want to drink, sweetheart?"
You knew what you wanted, but the annoyed looks of the people impatiently waiting their turn distracted you. Eddie noticed it in a heartbeat, the distress in your eyes saying it all. 
"Fuck them" he scoffed, raising his middle finger in their direction as he shielded you with his body. "Just tell me what you feel like drinking"
"Um, a screwdriver, please"
"Coming right up" he said and got to work, only to have you follow him closely like a lost puppy. Too many pairs of judgemental eyes still followed your every move, and without Eddie's attention on you, they felt even more intrusive than before. 
"Eddie, I want to pay for it" you said as you opened your purse, "I feel bad"
"I'm not taking your money, Y/n"
"They're looking at me as if I've committed a crime. I'm not going out there with my free drink that I didn't even have to wait for. Just take my money, Eddie, please!"
That sounded like it pissed him off. Not you, though. They did. You sounded genuinely worried, and he didn't like that. After he finished making your drink, Eddie placed it in front of you and then turned to face the customers. "Before you all get your panties in a bunch, she didn't cut to the front, you're waiting to get served by my colleague, I haven't even started my shift. And even if she had cut in front of you, that would've been fine too, because I said so. If any of you even looks at her the wrong way, you're getting kicked out and banned. Thank you!"
Despite his rant having done its job perfectly since no one dared comment or even keep staring, you barely found it in you to look at him. "Eddie… you didn't have to do that"
"If anyone bothers you, come find me" he said, as if he hadn't even heard you. He just grabbed your glass and placed it between your hands, "Go enjoy the concert, sweetheart"
"Thank you" you meekly said.
"No problem, doll" he grinned and slapped your ass as you turned to walk away. 
Luckily enough with the soundcheck and stage preparations, you managed to find your friends before the second song even started. 
While the music wasn't necessarily your favorite, you still danced your soul out and used the little breaks between songs to listen to your friend vent and fangirl over the vocalist. Tall, long hair and a leather jacket - another thing whose appeal you didn't think you'd see any time soon. 
But the whole thing turned out to be a blast, no one interrupting your dancing sessions and by the time the concert was over, you were all spent, barely able to maintain your balance on your aching feet. 
After collapsing in the nearest booth you found available, one friend who made the happiest choice of the night regarding the shoes and chose a pair of sneakers, sacrificed herself and made her way to the bar while you all waited for her at the table. 
Mostly, the conversation circled around everyone's surprise with how enjoyable the concert actually was. A few other topics had been touched, such as whether they'd party at this bar or not, or if any of the members were single, but when the subject of the price rolled around, you felt personally attacked. 
Without explaining, you excused yourself from the table and stomped your way to the bar, walking behind it like the place belonged to you.
"Eddie, I need to talk to you"
"Not now, sweetheart. I'm a bit busy" he hurriedly spoke, unable to even look at you as he balanced 7 shot glasses between his hands. 
"Now, Eddie!"
"It's gonna have to wait, have a seat" he huffed and dragged a stool over to his side of the bar. "Wait" 
The only thing that kept you from making a scene right then and there was the number of people that were waiting for their drinks. And while you would've very gladly given Eddie a hard time, those people had nothing wrong. So, with a pout and a frown on your face, you sat down and proceeded to wait. 
"What's wrong? Can you tell me what happened?" Eddie eventually said in between orders, still visibly busy and not giving you all the attention you required.
"No" you crossed your arms, "Not like this"
"Did something happen?" he questioned, sounding genuinely worried. He threw the towel in his hand over his shoulder and leaned closer, softly touching your thigh as he spoke. "Tell me if-"
"I'll hit you" you snapped and shoved him. "Take a break"
And that was what he did. As soon as he got a little window of time, he asked his colleague to cover for him and then guided you out from behind the bar, and over to a more secluded corner.
"Ok, what happ-"
"Asshole!" you slapped his cheek - as hard as you could but nowhere near hard enough to do any real damage. "Fuck you!"
"Whoa!" Eddie gasped as he recoiled from the blow, instantly grabbing your wrist to stop you from delivering another blow. "What the hell happened?"
"30 dollars!? You lied to me!"
"Oh, that…"
"Yes! That! You're a fucking asshole!"
"Hey, now. Don't go there" Eddie calmly said, arms going up in a defensive position despite still holding onto your hand. "It was just a bit of fun. You had fun too, didn't you?"
"That's not the point"
"You didn't deny it!"
"Asshole!" you snapped again, this time using your free hand to hit his side. But he grabbed onto this wrist too, pulling you closer to him despite your protests. "Eddie, let me go!"
"No, you're gonna hit me again"
"Yes, I am. You lied to me"
"Ok, I lied" he raised his shoulders and rolled his eyes, "So what? We both had some fun, and you got in for free and also got a free drink. I think it's fair"
"No, it's not fair!" you tried to free yourself but his grip was iron strong. "It's not fair because it wasn't 30 dollars, you lied!"
"It was still 10 dollars, which you didn't have to pay, now did you?"
"I would've paid 10 dollars!"
"But you didn't. I saved you some money. I think you should just thank me, doll" 
"You're unbelievable" you scoffed, turning your head to the side so that you wouldn't have to look at him. 
Eddie however, had a different idea. As he let your wrists go, he cupped your cheeks into his hands so that you'd face him. Despite the annoyed look on your face, your hands traveled up to his sides, grabbing onto his leather jacket as he held you close. 
"Come on, you can't really be upset with me right now, sweetheart."
"Well, I am," you frowned. 
"I'm sorry, dove. It wasn't my intention. I never meant to upset you"
"You wouldn't have lied if you didn't want to upset me"
"I didn't think you'd find out" he chuckled, which deepened your frown. "Hey, look at me" 
"No" you pouted and turned your head to the side, making Eddie have to lean from left to right multiple times in order to meet your eyes.
"Angel, look at me, come on"
"No, Eddie, leave me alone!" you protested, but the smile was audible in your tone. He knew he got to you. 
"Hey, come on. Look at you, all smiling"
"I'm not smiling!" you said, trying to sound serious, but eventually giggled when you finally looked at him.
"There you go! That's my girl!" Eddie laughed and brought you closer, "You forgive me, doll, right?" he asked, lightly rubbing your chin with his thumb.
"You're a bad liar, sweetheart. I think you didn't even mind in the first place, did you?"
"I did!"
"Then why were you so wet for me, huh?" he grinned.
"I'm mad you lied to me" you sighed, not showing any signs of wanting to distance yourself from him anymore. "You didn't have to do that"
"How was I supposed to know you'd say yes?"
"You should've asked!"
"I'm sorry, baby. I really am" he said softly and then nudged your forehead with his. "Kiss me to make it better?"
"I don't want to kiss you, Eddie, I'm still upset"
"No, you're not" he laughed and leaned in, his lips brushing against yours a couple of times until you couldn't help it anymore. 
"You're an asshole, you know that?" you shook your head in disbelief, unable to contain your nervous laughter. But despite your words, you were still pressed against him, your hands on his waist and your lips inches away from his. 
"I'm fun, sweetheart. Just kiss me"
"Ok, but you're not going to lie to me again!"
"Never!" he swore, all wide eyed and not at all grinning as he did so. 
But you didn't pay too much attention. That promise, however empty, was enough for you to feel completely content with going in for a full kiss. He welcomed you fully, one of his hands finding your ass in no time, squeezing hard enough to bruise. But it only riled you up further as you clung onto him, breathing him in with every single brush of your tongue against his. 
"Ah! My lipstick!" you whined as you pulled away for air. 
"It looks alright, it didn't smudge, don't worry" Eddie smiled, looking at you in awe as you tried to make sure your lipstick didn't get all over your face. 
"The girls said it's blowjob proof, I guess they were right" you giggled when you saw no color transferred to Eddie's lips or your fingers. "That's 5 dollars well spent" 
"See?" Eddie grabbed your ass as he proudly spoke, "And now, thanks to me, you can get two more. I can even help you try them all out. Multiple times, see if they really are blowjob proof."
"How nice of you" you mocked.
"I know, right?" Eddie chuckled and then kissed your temple. "I have to go back to work now, though. You can hang out with me, if you want"
You were about to follow him, but right before he reached the bar, you tugged his sleeve. "Eddie? Can I ask for a favor?"
He blinked in curiosity. "Sure, sweetheart. What is it?"
"You know I told you I have this friend who likes-"
"Who likes the vocalist, yes, I remember"
"Yeah, well… I was wondering if you could introduce them?"
"Yeah, doll. No problem" Eddie said and looked around, "I think they're still in the back, come with me"
And you did. You followed him wordlessly and reveled in the privilege of walking through the "employees only" door. The dark and sticky corridor Eddie dragged you through had absolutely no reason to make you feel as important as it did, but you loved it. And once outside, in the parking lot you yourself had crossed earlier on your way to the concert, as you and Eddie approached the band's van, you still managed to feel important, as if there was business to attend to.
Even talking to the band you couldn't care less about felt empowering, especially the way each member went to shake your hand as Eddie did the introductions. But despite all of them being nothing but a happy and laid back bunch, you still felt the need to cower behind Eddie as he conversed with the vocalist.
Even though they were all heading inside for some well deserved post concert drinks, Eddie made sure to mention the one fan the man absolutely had to meet. 
"This one?" the vocalist, whose name you found out to be Joe, or Joey, asked, pointing at you.
Your eyes went wide, but Eddie only chuckled. "No, she's with me. It's one of her friends, though. She's inside" 
While the band still had a few minutes worth of organizing to do, you and Eddie headed back towards the bar. 
"I'm with you?" you giggled, almost feeling the need to cover your mouth at how giddy his words made you. 
"Aren't you?" Eddie laughed.
"I guess I am" you smiled and resumed your spot on the chair he had brought for you earlier. "Can I help you with stuff? Or is that allowed? I don't know"
"Everything's allowed, sweetheart, but don't worry. Enjoy yourself, I don't need any help. Sit there and be pretty for me"
"I can do that" you wiggled your legs in the air. "And thank you for speaking to Joey. She's gonna be so happy, I'm never going to hear the end of it"
After sending you a knowing smile, Eddie put his arm around your shoulders and kissed your forehead, "Anything for you, sweetheart"
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sucker4colby · 1 year
Rated E
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Warnings: violence, alcohol, cuss words.
Summary: reader defends Colby
Word Count: 962
Pairing: Colby x girlfriend! Female reader
We were outside sitting around the fire as the party we were throwing was going on. I sat on Colby's lap while we listened to brennen go on about an encounter with some girls a couple days prior. We laughed as he told us about how they had mistaken him for an employee and he had thought it was a good idea to rolled with it. I noticed my drink was just about empty so I decided to get a new one, I asked if anyone wanted anything and I received a couple head nods. Katrina decided she'd come with me to help out so we headed inside and made our way to the kitchen making small talk. We talked about some gossip we heard giving each other input on what we each had heard. We grabbed a couple extra drinks in case someone else wanted some and we made our way outside.
I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight of some girl moving her arms angrily at Colby who was still sitting down and it seemed like he was trying to talk her down. I looked at Katrina who was equally confused so I fastened my pace with her following me. We had finally walked within earshot and I could hear her perfectly clear now. "You're such a fucking man whore, there's no way you suddenly decided you'd settle down." She degraded him making my blood boil but what she did next had steam coming out my ears. She lifted her cup over his head and dumped whatever liquid was In there over his head before throwing the cup at him.
I shoved whatever drinks I had in my arms to the closet person before stomping over and reaching her. I stepped between her and my soaking boyfriend who was stunnedbefore shoving her aggressively away from him making her stumble over her feet. " Come at me instead bitch." I glared at her ignoring the gasp from our friends. It was out of character for me to be aggressive usually being the most calm and collected out of all of us. She returned the glare before moving her attention back to Colby angering me even further" what a fucking man , sending your skank of a girlfriend to handle your shit." She spat at him causing me to reach forward and grab a hold of her hair making a cry leave her lips.
She clawed at my hand trying to get me to let her go but I tightened my hold as our friends got up to defuse the situation. " you're going to apologize to Colby and leave him alone or I'm going to fuck you up." I smiled sarcastically at her looking into her glossy eye's ignoring Colby's hand on my waist telling me to let her go. She looked behind me at him letting a quick apology out causing me to retract my hand, She scurried off holding the sore area.
I turned to check on Colby ignoring how our friends mumbled along themselves hearing a couple murmurs about how they never seen me act like that. Noticing a couple drops of whatever she poured going down his face I reached out to wipe it off as his eyes watched me with a frown on his face. " are you ok?" I asked him quietly looking up into his eyes wanting to make sure she didn’t hurt him.
" why would you do that ? She could've hurt you . Or you could've gotten in trouble." He mumbled. I let out a sign grabbing his hand and pulling him along with me so we could change his wet shirt and talk away the prying eyes that belonged to our friends. He followed me quietly up to his room not speaking as I sat on his bed waiting for him to change. " I wouldn't technically get in trouble since she kind of assaulted you on our property."  I told him breaking the silence in the room, he turned to look at me a bit of anger in his eyes.
" but you still could've gotten hurt." He huffed out frustrated making me purse my lips. " baby I don't think me getting hurt would've been a problem with that girl ." I raised my eyebrows humor evident in my voice. " you've never snapped like that, I didn't even know you had that in you." He rambled still frustrated at my actions. " Colby I usually don't go around beating everyone up. I did that because she wouldn't back down especially because she knew you wouldn't make a scene." I told him crossing my arms in annoyance.
He watched my mood change letting out a sigh and kneeling in front of me holding my hands in his. " I just want you to be careful baby, I might have to reconsider my rule about hitting girls if one hurts you." He joked making me let out a snort and a smile knowing he would never hurt a fly yet alone a girl. " just promise me you're not going all ufc on anyone again for my sake? " he asked me making me nod in agreement. He placed a quick kiss on my head standing back up and pulling me along with him. " let's go back I bet everyone wants to talk to you." He told me pulling me back outside where our friends waited so they could Bombard me with questions.
Thanks for reading guys I hope you guys understood the joke behind the title.
These hands are rated E for everyone.
Just a reminder I don’t condone violence and it should never be the answer.
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jinnie-ret · 11 months
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oddinary house pt 4
basilisk!hyunjin x reader
genre: horror
content warnings: none (?)
word count: 1.5k
summary: y/n takes fate into her own hands to seek out more residents of the house.
Y/N had a lot weighing on her mind, especially after the dream Changbin had planted in her mind. The way he said that she would be the one to bring them back together, made her think, what had broken them apart in the first place? She felt like she had a lot of responsibility on her shoulders despite not fully knowing what she had to do with it. So, taking matters into her own hands, Y/N decided to explore the mansion further to discover and find more residents that could be living there. She didn't know if there was 5 more, or 50 more, so it was best to start now.
First, she had to head back down to reception to make sure that Chan wouldn't be directing her away from others, even though he had guided her to them before. She wanted to explore on her own terms this time.
"Hi Chan," Y/N smiled at the cyborg in a friendly way. He almost immediately shifted his body to face her, eyes glowing brighter in recognition before they dimmed back to their normal level.
"Hello Y/N. I have not seen you since our first meeting. I hope you have found your place here at Oddinary House," he nodded politely.
"Yes, yes, I'm getting closer to understanding that now. I just wanted to get to know you more..." Y/N smiled in a friendly way, maybe too friendly.
"I detect, bullshit, I mean, lies," Chan froze a bit before correcting himself. Ok, so someone definitely coded him to say that instead.
"I never lie," Y/N folded her arms as she leant against the wall, staring back at Chan.
"What do you require, Y/N?" Chan almost seemed exasperated as he asked this, a human quality of himself coming through.
"I just wondered if like you've got wires at the back too, because when those wires of yours electrocuted me I thought I saw some there," Y/N tried to guilt trip him.
"Well, yes, there are," Chan said shortly, not wanting to say anymore in fear of confronting the topic once more.
"Let me have a look," Y/N quickly got up and ran towards Chan only to be stopped by two arms wrapping around her waist.
"What are you doing, pretty?" Minho growled into her ear as he hauled her away.
"Ugh get off I just wanted to talk to Chan," Y/N wiggles in Minho's arms, smacking her hands down against them.
"Chan?" Minho rose a brow at the cyborg, who detected his feelings and understood there was some wariness there.
"Y/N was acting strangely," Chan confirmed.
"I wonder what is going on inside that head of yours pretty... don't do that again, our Channie here has a defense system which I'm sure you've seen already," Minho put her down, only to put his face towards her as he warned her.
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry," she huffed, stomping back upstairs.
"Minho, you are feeling lust," Chan analysed the werewolf.
"Shut up, CB97," Minho growled as he took stomped off.
That evening, Y/N decided to go with her second option, wing it. Yes, she didn't know how far she'd get with wandering around and Chan still having control, but it was worth a shot.
She exited her room and went through a different door than usual, and headed left instead of right. She was met with a set of stairs that took her to the next floor, the highest in the mansion and one she hadn't been in yet. Perhaps Chan had decided to mess with her in revenge, because as a bat suddenly flew past her she jumped back in shock.
"Ah!" Y/N squealed as she watched it fly by in the direction she came from.
"Oh, how I like it when they're ssscared," a voice suddenly hissed from above her once she had made it to the top of the stairs.
"Who was that?" Y/N called out, confused more than scared in that moment. After all, she was ready to meet everyone in the house, despite her oddly warming but scary moments with them.
"Sssilly girl, I wouldn't make it that easssy for you," it replied, elongating the 's' in true serpentine style.
Y/N shuddered as a cold feeling washed over her, it felt like she was being watched, and she probably was. But it was the fact that she couldn't see who or what it was that freaked her out more.
"What are you?" Y/N called out into the empty hallway as she continued to walk down it. She soon came to realise that the cold chills she felt wasn't just because of the monster following her, but it was the breeze coming from round the corner, where she failed to initially realise at the start of her time here that there was an open gap in the wall. It exposed the outside of the house, nothing to protect anything from falling from the top floor and plummeting to the ground.
"Don't you know, my dear? I thought you were ssssearching for me earlier, but it ssseems we've found each other by chanccce," the voice came from behind her, and as she turned around, nothing could have prepared her for the sight in front of her.
A tall man stood, dressed in all black, red hair slicked back as he bared a smirk at her, his pronged two sticking out between his lips when he spoke. The most disturbing thing however, was his missing eyes, scars around the empty sockets like they had been gauged out.
"Ahh!" Y/N screamed for the second and not the last time that evening, taking a few steps back. A breeze brushed through her hair.
"Oh, am I really that much of a sssight to behold?" his voice was velvety smooth.
"I asked you who you are!" Y/N blinked rapidly in shock, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.
"I believe you assssked me 'what' I am... rather impolite of you my dear," he feigned a sigh.
"Ok, I'm sorry, umm, I'm Y/N, what's your name?" she corrected herself, looking away in awkwardness because she didn't have to worry about eye contact and frankly staring into two black holes was haunting enough.
"Why don't I kill two birdssss with one sssstone, hmmm?" he began to speak, facing straight ahead. "I'm Hyunjin, a basilisk if you must know, though, as you can sssee, I've not quite got my powersssss," Hyunjin rested his hands behind his back.
"A basilisk?" Y/N tilted her head curiously.
"Don't tell me you don't know my kind? I would have thought a sssssoul like yours wouldn't be sssso ignorant," Hyunjin spoke sharply, not liking the questioning tone Y/N held towards him. He was someone she should respect, and yet, the human girl in front of him acted as if they had been friends for years.
"I do know what you are, I just hadn't put the pieces together. But, now it makes sense that..." Y/N began, not quite wanting to finish her sentence.
"That my eyessss were cruelly ssssnatched away from me in attempt for sssomeone else to feel more powerful?!" the basilisk man's volume increases dramatically. "Well, not all of our livessss go as we predict, Y/N."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you I just... wait, how did you know where I was?" Y/N shook her head in disbelief. Her face scrunched up in thought.
"Oh, how you humour me, little human. With one sssense gone, my otherss had to adapt. I sssmelt you," Hyunjin took a step closer, making her step back.
"Wow..." Y/N was amazed at how he still found a way to live and know where everyone else could be purely by scent. "This is a weird question but..."
"Go ahead, little human. I'm sssure we have all the time in the world," Hyunjin stepped closer once more, and unknowingly, as Y/N stepped further and further back, she stood closer to the edge of the hallway where there was a gaping hole in the wall.
"What do I smell like for you to know where I am?" Y/N clasped her hands together, shivering from how cold she was feeling. It was her own fault for roaming the house in just her pyjamas.
"Hmmm, fresh grassss," Hyunjin smirked, like a lightbulb went off in his head.
"Fresh grass?-" Y/N began to question before she was suddenly pushed out of the building, and was sent plummeting to the ground. She screamed in terror as her arms and legs flailed in the air, her cries echoing around the land.
"Oops, I lied. I guess I killed three birds with one sssstone," Hyunjin smirked, before traipsing back down the hallway and returning to his spot, leaving Y/N to her own fate.
taglist: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @amararosesblog
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slasherhoe87 · 1 year
Happy Monday honey𓆩♡𓆪
I was wondering if you could write a drabble of Michael Myers where you're dating him and he doesn't know you're into men with balaclava's, until one day he's on your laptop for something and he comes across your tumblr page that is full of guys with balaclava's on and something crawls into his mind.
Maybe smut and Michael being dominate <3
Thank you angel🥰
No problem Megan ❤. Ok!... I'm doing this one before work because I feel so guilty about not getting around to writing any of my other requests yet 🙈🤦🏼‍♀️ (I will get to them, I promise!)
OG/RZ/Peepaw Michael Myers x f!reader
18+ for graphic smut, con noncon, implied violence
Michael indulges in his s/o's balaclava kink:
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You had been enjoying a cup of spiced tea on your worn-in recliner, scrolling through Tumblr on your laptop, simping over art and fanfics of dangerous men in masks and balaclavas.
You had always had a kink for masked men but until now it had only been "standard" horror movie masks, such as Jason's, Ghostface's, Vincent's wax mask, Leatherface's and especially your Michael's expressionless alabaster mask. Only recently had you come to appreciate the simplicity of the humble balaclava - Ghost from Call of Duty was the catalyst of this new attraction and you jumped head first into the rabbit hole of art and fiction of morally grey or downright psychotic men with toned bodies, balaclava'd faces and piercing eyes that burned through you with carnal need right down to your core.
As you took another sip of your tea you felt a presence to your left. Turning your head in that direction you see Michael standing motionless as a statue at the base of the stairs just staring at you. Top half of his overalls off of his torso and tied around his waist, mask slightly askew.
Instead of shrieking and jumping like you used to when you were not so accustomed to his sudden, silent appearances you smiled and got up from your seat.
"Did you have a good sleep, baby?" You ask as you place one hand on his chest and the other on his strong shoulder.
You receive nothing in return except for his blank gaze upon you, those darkened eyeholes of his mask as eerie as ever.
Not detoured by his normal silence and seeming disinterest, you give him a peck on the cheek of his mask and head into the kitchen to make him some lunch from yesterday's leftovers.
You hear the tv switch on as you pull out the ingredients to make a sandwich with the leftover chicken. As you begin slicing the cucumber you pause for a second to see Michael watching true crime again. You always wonder what goes through his mind when he sees the crimes of other killers. Is he impressed, unimpressed, indifferent, intrigued? Does he learn anything? You guess you'll never know unless Michael just one day decides to break his self-imposed silence.
Later that night you're turning your little house upside down looking for your laptop. You were so sure you had left it on the coffee table in the living room but... you guess not? You didn't blame Michael as he had never shown interest in the laptop before, and its not like you could ask him now anyhow as he was out butchering people to death. Yes, you are aware at how desensitised you have become to murder and death. Loving Michael forced you to accept his lifestyle - fast.
Huffing in annoyance you stomp over to the door leading to the garage, knowing for a fact it won't be there but its the only place you haven't looked yet. You push open the door and flick on the light, ready to immediately switch it off again because you hadn't been in the garage all day.
However, when your eyes fell onto the workbench, there your laptop sat surrounded by empty candy wrappers.
"Michael... what the hell" you mumble to yourself in confusion. You can't say you were really mad at him for using the laptop because he was more than welcome to. But you were just confused as he had never shown interest in it nor did you think he knew how to use it.
Scooping up all the candy wrappers you chuck them into the trashcan beneath the workbench and try to start up the laptop. You were met with nothing but a black screen. "Damn. Battery's dead"
You looked at the wall clock and decided to just call it a night. No Netflix for y/n tonight - insert sad face.
Closing your laptop you make for the door when you hear glass smashing from what sounded like the kitchen area.
Heart jumping to your throat you quickly flick the light off and hide under the workbench while looking at the door which lead into the living room. Surely Michael wouldn't smash in the back door?! He had a key and had stopped breaking into the house since the two of you started a relationship. That was a whole year ago!
Before you could think anymore, a pair of legs slowly walked past the garage door and into the living room. You couldn't get the clearest view of the intruder as only a small lamp was on in the living room - the rest of the house was dark.
Your panicked mind only presented 3 options for you to take:
1. Get out of the house and run to the neighbors
2. Either stay where you were or get upstairs and hide while waiting for Michael to return.
3. Get to your cellphone upstairs and call the cops.
Well.. the house keys for the front door were upstairs too and you didn't want to run out of the back door as you were barefoot and there was no doubt glass everywhere. You wouldn't get very far at all with cut up feet before the intruder catches you.
And you didn't exactly want the cops anywhere near you and your home for Michael's sake. So that left option 2. You just had to get upstairs... lots of places to hide and wait for Michael. You also come to realise that you absolutely needed to get Michael a cellphone for emergencies like this. A simple text in this situation could save your life. Why didn't you think of that before, stupid!?
Mentally shaking yourself from your delaying thoughts, you take a deep breath as silently as you can and creep towards the door. You sit on your haunches for a moment, straining your ears to listen for any sign of the intruder when you hear some soft movements from the dining room. Perfect. If you move now you'll have a chance to get upstairs without being seen.
As silently and quickly as you can you scuttle to the - thankfully - carpeted stairs. Just as you're about to take the first step you hear a crashing sound coming from the garage which sounded very much like hard plastic hitting a concrete floor. Your laptop. You must not have put it far enough back onto the workbench when you rushed to switch off the light.
You know for your own sanity you shouldn't have, but you did - you looked back to the dining room entrance.
And there staring at you from in the dark, illuminated only by a bit of moonlight stood a tall figure in faded black overalls and a... balaclava??
Shrieking you turn back around and make for your bedroom - intending to lock the door and climb out of your window onto the veranda's roof and to make your escape.
Your hear his heavy footfalls behind you, closer than what you would like as you scramble to the top of the stairs. Fear and adrenaline coursing through your veins like a raging river.
Michael where are you? I need you! You internally shout as tears begin falling from your wide, frightened eyes.
As you reach the top of the stairs a large, warm, calloused hand grabs your ankle painfully and roughly causing you to yelp. You try to kick at the man with your other foot but he throws his entire weight onto your body causing the air to be knocked out of you.
You cough while hitting at his shoulders and head with all your might but it doesn't seem to affect him at all.
He grabs you by both your arms and hauls you up onto your feet before swiftly turning you around to be pulled flush against his solid frame. You kick and scream as he takes you towards the bedroom where your panic rises even more at the prospect of what he might actually have in store for you there.
"No please don't! Just take anything you want, please! But just don't hurt me"
You are met with silence as the two of you enter the bedroom. He pauses in front of the bed and the tears stream out of you even harder. Your sobs finally overtake your screaming.
Suddenly and without warning you're flung towards your floor length mirror with your potential assaulter and murderer firmly placing his body flush behind yours. His eyes boring into your own through the mirror.
And that's when you see it. The man had positioned himself in such a way that the moonlight pouring through your window would reflect onto his masked face.
Your sobs instantly quietened as you saw one stormy grey eye heatedly gazing at you through the balaclava opening and one... scarred milky one.
"Michael?" You tentatively ask as you sniffle - your struggling subsiding.
He nuzzles your neck and cups your breast, giving it a firm squeeze. You know that hand. You know it well.
Before you can think further, you're picked up and flung onto your bed, the old mattress squeaking in protest at the sudden weight.
Your mind gets whiplash at how suddenly your body responds to this new information and turn of events.
Michael climbs on top of you, not sparing you from his full weight. He straddles your hips, his bloodied hands gripping your wrists tightly above your head. His head is tilted to the side, eyes dilated and dark.
Your breathing has quickened, your nipples pebble and the juncture of your thighs moisten.
A sudden slap to your face causes you to gasp in surprise and before you can think on what just happened your thin spaghetti-strap tank is being torn off of you and you're being flipped onto your stomach as if you weigh little more than a feather.
"Mich--" you start but are stopped from finishing your question when a piece of your torn tanktop is stuffed into your mouth.
Your teary eyes widen when you feel your poor pajama bottoms being ripped off of your goosebump laden body too but immediately close when you feel thick calloused fingers run up along your wet slit from clit to ass.
You moan into the fabric in your mouth as two of his fingers push past your folds and into your eager hole.
You can hear Michael's heavy breathing as he roughly pumps his digits in and out of your slick cavern before adding a third and eventually a fourth.
Your muffled moans get louder and louder as your body squirms beneath his invasive ministrations. You feel so deliciously stretched out by his four long, thick fingers that your eyes begin to tear up again.
Your loosened hole clenches at nothing as Michael pulls out. You turn your head as best you can to see him behind you and moan once more as you view his balaclava in the moonlight. He takes both his thumbs and stretches your abused hole open as much as he can, admiring your slick, velvety tunnel.
You grip the sheets in anticipation as he releases your flesh and reaches for the zipper of his coveralls pulling them down far enough to reveal his glistening, red, swollen, massive member.
You mewl at the sight and wiggle you bottom in eagerness and want.
Michael obliges by roughly pushing your head back down into the mattress and without any indication rams his heavy, weeping cock into your needy pussy.
You scream and grip your sheets harder as he sets a brutal and unforgiving pace - no slow buildup or sensuality for this one. You can scarcely take it. Tears stream down your cheeks, saliva pools into the fabric stuffed in your mouth and your ass and hips jiggle and ripple with every brutal thrust.
Michael's hand leaves your smushed head and grips your hips in bruising force.
Your room is dark and quiet save for the sound of slick skin slapping against slick skin, grunts of exertion and muffled mewls and moans.
Just when you think you can't take anymore, Michael goes deeper and harder, stretching you wider with his monstrous girth, the tip of his cockhead punching against your cervix in exquisite pleasure-pain.
Your cheeks are hot and red, tear stained. Drool has finally broken past the fabric in your mouth and is dripping onto your sheets. Slick is running down your thighs as your loosened hole just cannot contain your shared juices any longer.
Michael leans forward to squeeze your breasts before pinching your nipples so hard you feel your pussy release a new spurt of moisture.
You want to tell him you cannot take anymore. Your body is turning to jelly, the pleasure plain is becoming overwhelming - every nerve of yours is on electric fire and if you produce any more drool you'll surely choke on it.
Michael leaves your breasts and instead begins his cruel ministrations onto your swollen, throbbing clit.
You begin to feel the tightening in your core, your lower abdomen tenses and you can hear Michael fast approaching his own orgasm too if those quiet gasps and slight jerks in his thrusts are anything to go by.
And finally with one hard slap to your clit and one final deep, bruising thrust inside your wrecked cunt you scream out your orgasm into your tanktop. Your abused pussy quivers and clenches around Michael's pulsating cock as it spurts out its thick ropes of cum within you.
Michael's breaths are heavy and laboured behind you as he pulls out. You hear the sopping squelch and feel the gush of liquids flow out of your red, raw, gaping cunt which is trying in vain to clench and hold onto all the juices that now pouring onto your bedding.
Your jellified arm slowly pulls the now sopping fabric from your mouth before you look behind to Michael. His toned and scarred chest is heaving and glistening with sweat. His eyelids sit low from satisfaction and his fingers idly circle your hips where they lie.
"You saw my.... interests on Tumblr didn't you? That's why you did all this tonight, right?" You ask lazily as you roll onto your back and look up at your still masked lover.
Michael tilts his head and continues to stare at you in silence. He reaches for the base of the black mask and pulls it off of his head and shakes out his dark blond curls. He tosses the mask onto your chest and disappears out of the bedroom.
You shake your head and smile to yourself as you clutch the balaclava.
You will always love Michael best in his signature white mask, but a bit of fun in a balaclava from time to time will certainly be a treat.
Perhaps you can show him all of your other kinks now too, seeing as he seems happy to indulge you. And maybe he has some of his own?
You get up to go enjoy a nice hot shower. Sore and stiff, but very very happy.
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@megangovier20 hope you enjoy it girl. 😈
Not proof read as I did this before work.
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Flushed. fevered. flu.
Prompt: faking sick
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1k?
Summary: you had lied about being sick one too many times and now you really are your girls don’t quite believe you
TW: vomiting, non-sexual nudity, fever, not being believed (yes it’s a warning), slight angst, migraine
A/n …
It was midday and despite it being winter every inch of your skin felt like it was on fire. The day had started off fine. A small tickle in your throat and a budding headache behind your eyes soon turned into a full blown migraine and seemingly harsh coughing fits.
You had drawn the curtains and were curled up in bed feeling like you had been hit by a truck. Clutching the thin blanket around your shoulders you didn’t have the energy to get the thick fluffy one you loved so much. Your eyes were closed and the only indicator that anyone had come into the room was the sound of the door opening. You threw an arm over your eyes when Nat turned the light on. Wanda stood by her shoulder peering into the room at you in the big shared bed.
“Really y/n?” Nat asked sounding unimpressed.
“Huh?” You asked the fever muddling your thoughts.
“Faking sick to get out of team training?” Nat sighed.
“‘M not faking.” You grumbled rolling over. Fast footsteps approached from the door and you felt the blanket snatched for your shoulders.
“Get up before we finish getting changed or we won’t wait for you.” Nat said harshly stomping off to the wardrobe to get her training gear. She dumped the blanket on the floor.
“Y/n I really thought you were starting to grow out of being so immature.” Wanda sighed with no malice in her tone just disappointment which somehow stung worse as you know she believed her words to be true. Tears budded in your eyes as both girls got changed. Nat huffed looking down at you with dissaprovemnt.
“Come on wanda she’s Steve’s problem now.” She grabbed Wanda’s hand and led her from the room. Wanda shot you a concerned look. Usually you were one to give up and follow them after theatrics but not today it seemed.
Burying your burning face in the pillows you let the tears fall and wet the fabric. Sobs wracked your heated form as hard coughs bubbled up in your chest. You were left gasping for air as more tears fell and harsh rib rattling coughs tore at your lungs and chest. Suddenly the migraine and the coughing teamed up and the tell tale signs of being sick hit you. You wobbled to your feet trying to get to the bathroom in time as you steadied yourself against the wall. You felt like you were dying. You had just made it to the bathroom when your legs gave out. Your stomach gave you no more time as you threw up all over yourself and the tiles. Promptly you burst into tears and despite your girlfriends harsh words you wished they were with you. Through your sobs you didn’t hear the knocking at the door or Steve’s voice as he said he was coming in.
Being the team leader it was his job to rally the troops for team training. Wanda and Nat had told him you were faking so he was shocked when he saw you slumped against the wall crying and covered in your own sick.
“Y/n?” He asked still shocked. “Hey it’s alright.” He said crouching down to your eye level avoiding the sick on the floor. “Do you want me to get Natty and Wands?” He asked and you nodded through the sobs. Disgusted with yourself and utterly miserable.
“Jarvis alert Natasha and Wanda that I need them urgently in their room.
You must have been really out of it or the girls were concerned as it seemed like just seconds later you heard them burst into the bedroom.
“Steve?” Wanda called
“In here.” He called
“What’s wro-“ Nat asked “oh.” Was all she said as she looked down at you tears still falling down your cheeks.
“Oh sweet girl it’s ok we’re here love.” Wanda cooed crouching down beside you.
“I’m just gonna” Steve jabbed his thumb at the door. “You’re all excused from todays session.”
“Thanks Steve” Nat nodded.
After Steve left Nat was at your other side.
“Love is it ok if we take off your clothes?” Nat cooed. You nodded wanting to be out of the sick covered Pjs you hadn’t changed out of this morning.
“‘M sorry about the mess” you cried.
“Oh love no. We should be sorry we didn’t belive you even when you tried to tell us.” Wanda cooed.
Nat tapped your side with her finger “arms up sweetie” she said softly. You lifted you aching arms above your head and as Nat removed your shirt her fingers brushed against your warm skin making you shiver.
She frowned throwing the shirt in the sink and coming back to place a hand on your forehead.
“Wands can you get the thermometer I think our sweet girl has a fever she feels a bit warm.”
Wanda nodded, just having finished taking off her own clothes so she could help you shower.
Rummaging around in the cupbaord she pulled it out. Nat took it from her and swiped the tip over your sweaty forehead.
It beeped once. Then twice. She turned the screen to wanda to show her the number.
“Oh baby 103.2 that’s too high my love we don’t want you to hurt that pretty brain of yours.” Wanda cooed. Helping you up as Nat went to get somthing to clean the sick off the floor.
Wanda guided your hand onto her shoulder as she crouched down to take off your pants. You steadied yourslef on her as you step each leg out. Wanda chucked them in the sink as well and helped you into the shower.
“This is gonna feel cold love but I promise it’ll be over soon.” She turned the handle and you whined when the water hit your skin.
“I know. I know love.” Wanda cooed pulling you into her bare chest.
“It’ll be all better soon.” She ran a hand through your wet hair as you cried softly.
After she helped you wash your body clean of any grossness she wrapped you in a fluffy towel and dried your hair. Nat helped dress you as you were shaking and she had finished cleaning the floor and had thrown your Pjs in the wash. Having brought a second pair back with her.
“We just need to check your temperature has gone down and then we’ll go cuddle up in bed ok my sweet?” She cooed running a hand through your hair. You nodded and coughed leaning into Wanda’s neck your body pressed against hers with most of your weight.
“Can you turn and look at me love.” Nat asked and you did. Fever flushed cheeks and glossy eyes still somehow making you look cute. Your nose was pink and your eyes drooped.
She swiped it over your forehead.
“102.6 I think that’s safe enough to go back to bed but we’ll have to keep an eye on it.” She hummed.
“Do you think you can make it to the bed by yourself.” Wanda asked. Looking at your shaking legs. “Nevermind love ready?” She asked placing a hand behind you knees. “One. Two. Up we go.” She scooped you up and carried you back into the bedroom. Nat followed behind with the thermometer and just in case, a sick bag she had gotten off Bruce when she went to wash your clothes. You looked missrable as you muffled a series of coughs into Wanda’s chest. She didn’t seem to mind, knowing how hard it could be for you to be vulnerable around people. Part of her also knew you were too far gone right now to care about that. You just needed love, support and care. Three things you hadn’t had in the past.
Carefully she placed you on the bed and pulled up the sheets to your chin. Sitting on either side of you, your girls looked down at your small form. Nat placed the thermometer on the bedside and wanda pressed a tablet to your lips which you took. Drinking the water she held up for you without complaint.
“Relax now love. Go to sleep. Natty and I are here now.” Wanda cooed running her fingers through your hair. You moaned slightly at the cool nails on your warm scalp and sighed contently. Wanda chuckled slightly and Nat laid down beside you.
“From now on we will listen to everything you have to say my love. I’m sorry I didn’t belive you.”
“We both are.” Wanda agreed.
But you were already asleep. Softly snoring as you basked in your girlfriends arms and love.
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itsyagurlchip · 4 months
٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭ ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰Video Game Lover💜٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭ ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰
✰⋆⁺warnings: cussing(!) (Y/N) is used (😱)(!) mentions of injury and bone (!)
✰⋆⁺Im actually really loving this plot that I'm coming up with. I hope the world around Player (that's what I'm calling reader) is making sense. Since I haven't written for this fic for a long time, I'm gonna try to finish this as i go thru the summer, and hope to finish it around august or september! Enjoyyyy!!!
✰⋆⁺ Chapter 2: What to Do...What to Do!?
(Chapter 1) | (Chapter 3)
WELCOME BACK! GAME START? (ok, back here...)
YES NO (here we go again)
{ tip:the shadows are sentient, its best to not ager them } (you spelt anger wrong lmao)
{ shut up! I'm trying to help you >:(( } (who even are you???)
{ It's me! } (who-!?)
That interaction was odd. you wondered who that could've been.
or better yet,
what the hell happened after you finished reading that semi-biography gnome obituary? And why didn't Nigel have enough paper???
what were you thinking about? your memory is fuzzy. oh well.
Now the area in looked vastly different than the previous one, which disoriented you a bit.
Looking around, you saw that the world still had a pastel palette. Except this time, instead if a forest, it looked more like a field.
The inconsistent style between the character design and the background pissed you off, as you were still pixels.
But, instead of worrying about that, you drive your attention to your surroundings once more.
The grass looked super stiff, and despite the sensation of wind showing on your sprite, nothing actually moved along with it.
Oddly enough, the creator didn't add any flowers, which honestly surprised you. Instead, there were soft and plump succulents (???) and small bunnies and insect-critter thingies crawling around.
Who the hell designed and produced this game?
while your headache was growing bigger, you decided to press that white check mark above your head once more.
(Update!!✨ New Page Unlocked✨!)
Lives: 1
Death Count: 0
Health: 25/30
Attack 2/20
4.Objectives (✨new✨)
The first thing that you noticed was the lack of health you had. Didn't you have full health? Then, looking towards the new page, you figured out why.
Honestly, you were lucky because it seemed that only hunger could personally damage you. Damn thirst.
Back in Donnie's lab, Mikey, Leo and Raph sat in silence.
"So Leo-"
"Guys look!, the screen!" Leo interrupted, shallowly 'saving' himself. On the computer, it showed a round world with a pixelated character right in the middle.
It was you! But not?
The outfit you wore was something that the real you would never wear. Being broke and all. *cough* snacks *cough*
"(Y/N)'s a royal!! My prayers have been answered!!" Mikey sighs comically, despite not intending for them to be sucked into a video game for his wishes to come true, "I'll take what I can get."
"I knew it! It was Mikey's fault!" Leo said, jabbing a finger at the little man. "He and his 'DoCter FeEliNgS' cursed Donnie to never find love, man I hope Jaquelin's okay, AND TOOK ONE OF OUR HUMAN FRIENDS! prayers for homegirl. " Mikey rolled his eyes.
"Dude, you tripped the girl and she ended up in a hospital because Donnie was buildin' her a gift instead of your dumbass 'uNicORn RocKeT'" Mikey then gestured to his leg. as Leo crossed his arms and looked away. "Her bone was sticking out of her knee!"
"I've already told you, !" Leo yelled, "Jaquelin just so happened to walk in front of my leg! And the building just so happened to come to an edge- which was totally not caused by my lack of perception!" Leo huffed and stomped out of the room.
"So that was....o-okay-" Raph blinked froggily. Focusing back on the screen, he watched as you adjusted the crown on your head, curiously looking around. Raph found it cute how your sprite blinks with wide eyes.
"Back to my favorite couple!" Mikey said, looking towards where Raph was. The music in this is annoying as hell, they both agreed.
On screen, they watched as you tried to figure the world out, cheering you on as they watched you grab a log to cross the rushing river. Despite being mouthless in the world, you still had a range of emotions on your face that both turtles enjoyed.
Now, you pressed on into the woods, your sprite skipping along in happiness. And suddenly stopped. A question mark appeared on your forehead before an exclamation mark popped up soon after. an idea?
Raph raised an eyebrow, before watching you reach your arm up to the white check mark above your head. Almost instantly, a page of black opened up. Purple lettering began to quickly type out across the page, a long with a note a the bottom.
Mikey was already sitting down in Donnie's gaming chair with a bag of popcorn, snuggling into the blanket as a voice actor began reading out the letter.
F in the chat for Nigel, he deserved better.
It was like a movie! A terribly illustrated, yet fully interesting, predictably flash backing, movie! Mikey wasn't gonna let this new form of entertainment go to waste.
He instead typed in the keyboard shortcut for screen recording, and sat back and watched.
Raph sighed and plopped himself down onto the floor, tired of standing anyway.
In a flash, the screen suddenly turned black, startling the boys as they leaned forward. Immediately they relaxed, seeing that it was simply a loading screen.
"[give player tips (?)]" The screen blinked, waiting for the "viewers" to make their choice.
Mikey chose the right answer- god forbid (Y/N) takes this for granted.
Tip: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
"Hey Raph! Can I borrow your phone real quick?" Mikey asked.
Raph, already knowing what to do, pulled up the wheel of names, and inserted each number twenty times, before spinning and landing on the number 2.
"Number 2!! Raph was rootin' for 4 tho-" He said, shaking his head solemnly.
Mikey, chuckling a bit, chose the number on the screen. There was a tingling sensation in his head, which he'll just get medication for later! This was way too fun.
In a flash, Mikey was dissipating into the computer screen.
"OH SHI-" *pop!*
Raph sat there, stunned, just as Leo walked back in the room with April.
April, being the badass she is, noticed something wrong.
"Where's Mikey?"
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i hope this is making you guys laugh. i literally i haven't touched this in weeks. I think im gonna stick to 2nd person, because i find that my silly shit is easier to reference and the narrating is funnier. I really wanted to make this longer but I just had to cut it off there or it would seem wayyyy to run-on for me.
Anything you guys wanna reference? some memes?
Also, do you guys recommend anything for the stats page? i feel like i shouldn't list all of that out (i may tire myself out as well as you guys) so i want to find a way to make that easier.
wait nvm- that lowkey gave me an idea. i think it'll help you guys visualize better as well too-
(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl
@ziipzeepzop-eez @spongejuice @nuncscioquidsitamor-13 @cyb3r-st4r
if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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