#Issue reviews
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 1 month ago
New 52 Batgirl issue #45 Thoughts:
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If you couldn’t tell by the photos, Alysia and Jo, (left set of photos) are getting married. And Dick Grayson seems to be making his Burnside debut.
This chapter was mostly a good form of wedding fluff, with some… things to say.
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Of course Barbara Joan Gordon would have a wedding day survival kit.
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Oh, by the way, Of you didn’t know, Barbara is currently in a relationship with Luke Fox.
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Suddenly. Dick Grayson. Now, I admittedly don’t know the whole story of what he’s been up to, but after a little bit of research, he faked his death and acted as a secret agent for something called SPYRAL.
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Swear to god, do not bring love triangle drama. Please, Burnside. Hands and knees, please-
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Going to be entirely honest with you all here: I’m sympathetic to Barbara here. Your friend is getting married and you’ve spent all this time helping it out and suddenly, your ex shows up and asks you to go outside.
Now, forgive me, but while I assume Dick is supposed to be coming of as a sort of charismatic person who Barbara can’t help but be swept up by, in this he just feels… weirdly condescending. He could’ve started off by saying “how have you been?”
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This could’ve been started better.
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Dick. Why didn’t you start with the apology instead of stealing the ring for a game of tag?
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Yeah, I’m with Barbara here. On the upside, Dick does feel more charming and genuine after getting the lecture.
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We’re back to the wedding. Yay.
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Love wins.
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I appreciate the different lighting of the last two ending scenes. We go from the cozy and warm pinks to the contrast of cool blues.
Spoiler Alert? Stephanie? Stephanie Brown? Spoiler? The Spoiler? Hello?
Anyway. This was okay.
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letterful · 7 months ago
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arduennas · 3 months ago
it's also incredibly annoying when people bring up the wicked books just to like. gawk at them. every single time i see someone be like "look how WEIRD these books are! it starts with a puppet show of a threesome! there's gay sex with a Tiger!" i just sigh at this point because yes, we know, the books are bonkers, this conversation has been had for literally 30 years, please for the love of god find something original to say instead of simply pointing at the books and laughing because you refuse to meet them on their level and engage with them in good faith!!
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decaydancescans · 3 months ago
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Fall Out Boy live show review in Rock Sound Issue 97
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i-amusemyself · 10 months ago
me: peer review is an essential part of the scientific process and helps maintain trust in and integrity of the research we publish
also me, the second anyone suggests an edit to my work:
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robertseanleonardthinker · 1 year ago
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nyaskitten · 9 months ago
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prettyboykatsuki · 10 months ago
people are so weird about dominant women and submissive men in fanfiction and in general. it is so annoying to me in a way i cant explain. i simply will not feel shame for wanting to make a man cry and if you do not like it u can simply move on. it is insane to me how much people take issue with it because it is not for them like 99% of content is catered in the other direction. u do not have to read it or engage with it. it is literally just role reversal
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shopwitchvamp · 1 year ago
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me the absolute first split second people are acting up in the shop
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krowscrawl · 2 months ago
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he's done!
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portlandwithyou · 11 months ago
A Digital Fangirl's Journey into the Analog World
It started with a search, three words typed into the eBay search bar. Due South zine.
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I began my fandom journey online when high-speed internet was slowly rolling out in the United States. I've never known a time in fandom when a million search results weren't at the tips of my fingers, and yet I've been nostalgic for a more physical relationship with fandom. Thankfully, the @ds30below fest announcement had a week devoted to history. The perfect excuse to dive into zines for the first time.
Due Frisky #2 is a digest-sized, soft-cover zine held together with staples. This baby fits perfectly in your hand for reading anywhere. The photo doesn't do it justice, but the cover is a pretty pinky-red color.
Inside, there is a table of contents, an editor's note, the stories, and, at the back, a short advertisement for more zines from the same press. Included at the end of each full-length story is a black-and-white photograph from the show that is connected to the story's content. This is an F/V zine from January of 1997, although nowhere do they address or even mention Ray K. Perhaps issue one dealt with that?
As for the content itself, there are four stories and one poetry cycle. I'd especially like to highlight the first story, "Perfection" by Khylara, which deals with Ray V's Catholicism in such a beautiful way that I was practically jumping with joy as I read. Unfortunately, my searches have not turned up this fic anywhere online to share! It's such a shame, too; it's so thoughtful.
Speaking of which, although I can find some of the authors online, I haven't found any of the particular fics from the zine available. Mireille, who people may know from their other F/V works, has the first part of a multiple-part series in this zine. Now, the editors warn you of this in the editor's notes, but I had forgotten by the time I got to this story, and frankly, I am climbing the walls wondering what happens next!
I found reading this zine extremely satisfying. It was wonderful to have some fanfic to curl up with during a spring storm while being beholden to a supercomputer in my hand.
I also loved reading stories that were contemporary to the show's actual airing. I found the language to be just ever slightly more formal than fanfic nowadays, but in a way that was not distracting or detracting.
Another thing, as the title might imply, all of the stories feature sex and sexuality as a topic. Obviously, given my track record, that doesn't bother me. But I could see where that would turn some off from reading. There's drama, fluff, and plenty of other emotions throughout the pieces, but at the end of the day, they will be having sex.
Overall, this was a fantastic zine for a beginner. Every piece was wonderful, and I anticipate reading it again many times.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 1 month ago
New 52 Batgirl issue #38 Thoughts.
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Wow. That must feel surreal. Anyway, last issue had Batgirl post a picture of herself online, to combat against the imposter-hers.
Let’s see how it plays out.
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Start off with a montage of Batgirl saving people and getting online famous. And while I said my piece last issue, I can’t help but feel that this feels a bit added on. Wouldn’t it make more sense to try and investigate into copycats for a common thread, or try and stage a crime to catch one?
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On that note, Dinah and Barbara have an argument and admittedly, I do like Barbara’s statement of how Batman doesn’t get to order her life around. But I can’t help but feel that this argument would’ve gone better if we got to see it build up instead of a montage then immediately smacking to the Dinahbabs breakup.
The colours and lighting are nice touches.
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Cut to Barbara with her current partner, and we get a not so subtle allusion to the downsides of fame. The red dress is eye catching. There’s also a debate because Liam isn’t a particular fan of Batgirl.
Fun fact, Dinah’s in a band. Neat.
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Another reference to fame and narcissism with sad-face Babs. She goes as Batgirl to get some info from Qadir. And the dialogue “People expect this of me. Expect this of us.” Feels a bit off. Could said something like “This is what I do. I’d appreciate any help.”
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Big fan of the colours here. They should release the full song. Anyway, Jordan is a jerk, and wakes people up with the sound of his car. That thing sounds like it’ll echo.
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The high speed chase is pretty good with the large lettering sound effects. Do you think anyone’s getting pictures?
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Jordan is incapacitated, but Batgirl gets held at gunpoint by one of the cops. Hm. Lovely. Suspiciously familiar, but unexpected.
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She gets away, of course, and we end on a somber yet mysterious note.
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To be continued, ominous. So, someone’s not just impersonating Batgirl, but Barbara at the same time, most likely.
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sabine-smitten-obviously · 3 months ago
And YOU will feel healed of the last 15
... when you read this fic. That is, as long as you suffered from an abandonement wound like i did.
Ello lovelies, i have another wonderful fanfic-rec for you! 🤓
But you are an ocean by @ineffably-good
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Coverart by @ineffableclassics
What it is about:
After Aziraphale's defection, Crowley tries to figure out how to live life for himself.
Ok so, the end of season two broke me. Figured I was maybe done writing stories about these two after that. And yet, several hours later, a sentence appeared in my head, and then this happened. Guessing at chapter totals… I'm finding I like the idea of Crowley going off in a different direction than what I'd initially expect. Not just raging, not sleeping for a century, but actually trying to move on. And why the hell shouldn't he just move to the South Downs by himself? So here we are.
What i like about it:
🩷This fic doesn´t jump in on pushing the story - their story - forward. Instead it goes a totally different path. A quite big part of it is dedicated to Crowley mending the pieces of his broken heart. It´s endearing, it´s breathtaking and it will have you cry. Not only for Crowley but for every single person who ever had to endure heartbreak.
🩷Fun fact no.1: in real life I am a relationship-coach specialised in toxic relationships and heartbreak. And the way Crowley´s heartbreak is described couldn´t be any more accurate. Every thought, every pain, every action he takes, the strength it costs him, the weight of it all - its written absolutely to the point. I could have copied several pages for the "most beloved quote".
🩷So Crowley tries to build a life for himself. Not just living without the angel and rotting in a pit, but really trying to carve out a nice little existence for himself. He is doing his work, he is healing and you can follow along with him, as he learns to build at least new "friendships" - though he would never call it that himself, thanks a lot.
🩷This healing-journey takes quite some time and somewhere in the middle of it i started to think - he could do it. He COULD heal his hurt, mourn the loss and still somehow at least live a life on his own. Maybe feeling the missing part of himself for the rest of his existence, but not being miserable about it the whole time. And that is a thought - a wish - i would have for my dark angel.
I could see him living that life and at one point i almost thought - i would love to see how that would��ve played out for him. A life without Aziraphale. What connections would Crowley have made? How would he have coped with the loss of those humanly connections lifespan after lifespan? Would he have relocated each century? Would he have moved to Australia and learned surfing at one time? Would he have become a timelord and travelled - i mean seriously, Crowley could do that probably?
But you, my dear, are an ocean.
And oceans are ancient
And can survive everything,
Even the wrath of weather and planets.
-- Nikita Gill
SPOILERS AHEAD - if you don´t want to know the plot, stop reading here.
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Stop reading if you dont want spoilers!
Ok - you´ve been warned! Here we go: 🤗
🩷Fun fact no.2: I actually downloaded this fic some time ago but had another fic in mind i wanted to start next. So after i finished the last one (also really brilliant, i wrote a rec on it too), i started my e-reader the next day, THIS fic was already open instead on page 1. Huh?
I have absolutely no idea how this is possible, but i DO believe in hints-of-the-universe. Or little demonic miracles on their own. Because i needed this fic.
🩷Because of course - this is a Good Omens fanfic and eventually the other angel arrives. And without giving away to much: Aziraphale has to fight for Crowley. A long long time. He has to be steadfast and consistent and earn the trust of his has-been-companion-for-millenia. Nothing is a given any more.
And i am NOT saying that this is what Aziraphale needs to do or that he was wrong in any way. (The fic doesnt say that either by the way.) But what cracked ME personally about the last 15 was my own abandonement-wound which got triggered massively. I felt retraumatised even.
So reading and feeling that Crowley does not jump on the next best possibility to be back with the angel was a big thing. Having the Angel slowly earning his trust and simply showing up again and again - I needed that. I needed Crowley to take his time, not be the sick lovefool he is often proclaimed to be. For him to have doubts, to feel conflicted, to feel love and the need to self-preserve at the same time.
All these ambiguities we all have. And to take the steps with him. Watch the turning point, when the fear of losing Aziraphale again becomes less and less and the fear of wasting time gets stronger. Taking one step at a time, sometimes even backwards. All those things, typical for a healing process, which is never straight forward but most of the time a rollercoaster instead. I loved this. I needed this. I could sit back, breathe and watch my own heart grow. Just. Wow.
Most beloved quote:
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So if you feel like maybe you need a fic in which Aziraphale really shows up and cares while Crowley really takes his time to learn to trust again... And not because one of them has been an idiot, but to experience them both learning and growing together ... and that might be something for your own healing journey, this might be just THE fic for you. I absolutely loved it and so will you.
Reading is therapy! 🤗
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decaydancescans · 3 months ago
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Santi review in Rock Sound Issue 96
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novelconcepts · 13 days ago
So not interested in other people’s reviews of my favorite things 90% of the time. I made the mistake of glancing in at some YJ reviews and they were like “Gosh, the weird unhinged show is doing some weird unhinged shit this season, huh?” “Damn, it sucks when stories about how trauma warps people and their abilities to connect with one another results in unlikeable behavior, isn’t it? 😕” Like, good goddamn, you write these for a living?? Must be hard being the smartest viewer in the room, I don’t know how you ever cope.
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