#Insecticon Au
smokescreenstuff · 3 months
tell me about your insecticon hive AU!! What would be the team’s reaction to him joining the hive? What’s it like being an autobot hooked up to a hive mind?
Hello again!
The Autobots would find out Smokescreen has joined the hive most likely through one of the Decepticons letting it slip. So they have no explanation as to how or why. Out of any of the Decepticons to let it slip, probably a Vehicon or Starscream. Some of the Autobots might go straight to feeling betrayed. Though after some thinking about it and Optimus talking with the team, they'll be more confused and worried.
Smokescreen himself is pretty overwhelmed when he's first connected to the Hive. Though that is more in line with the neurodivergent headcannon then him being an Autobot. Though after some calming down, he'll definitely start panicking again when he realizes he's an Autobot in an Insecticon Hive Mind. He feels like he will never be able to face his friends again, like he's somehow completely different. It's definitely not a fun experience.
Thankfully the Insecticons are actually really nice to Smokescreen and do their best to comfort him. They eventually even manage to get him to take walks with them. With Smokescreen being apart of the hive mind, and his current mental state, the Decepticons aren't really worried about him running off as soon as he's out and about.
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Ok so I have more Insecticon!Bumblebee ideas.
You knows the terrifying retractable mouth tounge things that insecticons have? Yeah Bee has those but unlike them they are retractable so he only uses it for intimation purposes.
He also have mandibles too!!
He’s actually fluffy like really, really, fluffy like he has Faux fur not organic fur. No one knows why but it helps him to be warm when it comes to cold environments.
He also smells like Honey. Like seriously just like fur no one knows why. Some speculate that it’s maybe for lowering the guard of prey or it’s good way to get humans to like him. Buts it’s fucking weird for Cybertronians, but to humans it’s alluring.
In terms in height He’s taller then knightverse! Bumblebee but slightly taller then him, but to a normal cybertronian can be pick him up to be thrown around. Please do not yeet the Bee thank you.
His small size plus him being an insecticon have made him an excellent scout among the autobots. His flight ability while he’s not fast it makes up with mobility.
His weapon are his stingers and venom that he produces that can inflict paralysis to his opponents and prey.
Bumblebee is pretty much the master of stealth and sneaking thanks to his training with Jazz and Mirage. It severs a major help when he was on earth, cause he doesn’t have a vehicle mode he was extra careful not to be caught by the wrong crowd.
But often he tends to lurk around and watch humans do their thing. He’s definitely more fascinated with humans in this version.
Funnier idea that he would of been a fucking cryptid during his time undercover on earth. Like seriously he’s was def messing around with humans at night. God bless those convenience store employees for putting up with his shit at the dead of night. Like those people have to put with Bee’s pranks.
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
Dude I NEED you to elaborate on that insecticon queen x OP post I’m BEGGING YOU
I've been obsessed all day with the queen hitting on optimus and everyone else giving her the side eye because that is the prime she's talking about, while Optimus is bouncing on his pedes stars in his optics because he's already thinking of the possibility for an alliance with benefits
After all
It's not every day you encounter a mech that much taller than you at his size (god she can't even fit in the autobot base can she?? Is she too damn tall?) who is also so down bad for you.
Extra points if this is a universe where primes used to be associated with fertility in some more salacious versions of their society long forgotten... except by the Insecticons and Optimus himself
Also loving the idea of ovipos here because after all, a queen's job is to expand the colony, and here's Optimus fucking jumping at the opportunity to be pumped full of eggs for the sake of their mutual species. After all, the war hit their species hard. Might as well start to increase their numbers
Strengthen the very valuable alliance with the Insecticons, especially since numbers wise this woukd be an absolute game changer in the war against the Decepticons.
I've been seeing a lot of breeding optimus in the valveplug tag so i just have to add my own card into it
Extra points if Ratchet the entire time is like "goddamn it Orion this is not the time" but it issss thoughhhh
Several of the autobots have never seen Optimus so happy in their lives
OO O O O Extra points if this is blended continuity for the sake of also disappointed Prowl, disappointed Ultra Magnus, and very supportive Jazz
Megatron will never admit that something about seeing Optimus filled with another's spawn turns him on (is it jealousy? If so, of which angle? Ideas)
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thegoldenshi-shi · 3 months
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I miss my two grumpy children and my happy baby bug
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kray-zay · 9 months
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Theirs a isopod transformer named powerhug, POWER HUG!!!!
I'm so happy
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hellyesalex · 1 month
Me and a friend a while ago thought about the process of an AU where Prowl is a moth and it plagued my mind so I decided to post it here.
From either an reformatting from Tarantulas or from just being born like this, we agreed that as a insecticon he would be a moth.
So I decided to take as inspiration the Giant Leopard Moth and the Golden Tiger Moth + his color palette. As an insecticon, he's usually on the smaller size, so he compensates it on being more agressive as a way to people don't demoralize him.
This to me also open the interpretation of Springer being a triple changer insecticon that later got an reformatting, but that still appear in his armor his original formats, specially in his fingers having "paws" like tarantuas and sharper teeth that looks like fangs. Anyway, had a lot of fun with this. Moth Prowl upon ye.
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moonlight-tmd · 7 months
So a random idea related to the fact part-insecticon!Bee is affected by the weather.
SO- we all know bugs don't like cold. They hide and bury themselves to hibernate. But bees are a bit different, they like warm weather- heck they themselves are very resistant to heat because their hive defence is literally swarming the intruder and boiling them with their body heat.
So that being said; Bee is having the best time of his life during heatwaves. Like, a very warm summer that would be quite dangerous for humans or even normal bots is the best time for him to go do shit.
I imagine when the heatwaves hit in summer, everyone keeps a fan near them to cool down cuz it's just that hot, even if the plant is already chilly on its own. Everyone is suffering but the moment they come out of their rooms- "GOOD MORNIN' EVERYONE!" Bee with the biggest happiest smile one could have. He's been going around base restless since the sunrise and making food for everyone. He's even done some chores.
If Bee's team couldn't keep up with his usual energetic personality the one he has now is even harder to follow. They are miserable and he's even more bursting with energy. Oh well, at least they have one functioning member of the team in case something happens.
A funny scene that would play out is when Bee puts his arm on Prowl's shoulder and leans on him while they're talking. "You're hot.."
Bee would just blink before replying. "Awwh thank you! I didn't know you felt that way.~"
And Prowl would just have more of a weary expression before weakly explaining. "No, literally. You're too hot. Please step away..."
And yeh, fair enough- Bee has been out basking in the sun and absorbed so much heat one could get burns if they touch him. (Sari might have gotten one on accident, Bee felt so bad) Ratchet is just confused because the temperature his frame is at is enough to straight up melt him, lol.
Bee may be feeling great during heatwaves but he feels awful cuz he can't spend time near his friends. One time someone compared him to a sun- Bee thought as in a bright and happy presence. No, as in a burning ball of fire and wanting him a good distance away from them. Ouch.
Oh and since it's a blitzbee au, Blitz is not having a good time either. First of all it's a heatwave and he's big and used to the cold atmosphere of the underground. He may be able to withstand it since fire is one of his elemental weaponry and he has a light paintjob in comparison to other 'cons (RIP Prowl and his matte black).
The cons generally stick inside when the weather is too harsh to do anything so Blitz is not much happy when he's forced via texts by Bee to come out and hang out with him. He finds a good enough excuse for heading out and off he goes. Despite the weather he thinks it's gonna be fine, Bee had him come to a chilly place near the docks after all...
Wrong. The moment he sees Bee all happy and he kneels down to let him kiss him it's like a welding tool has been placed on his face while turned on. It hurt, to say the least. So Bee is not allowed to touch both his friends and his beloved, fun.
I can just see him being all overly sad and trying his best to restrain himself from hugging everyone. It doesn't help that his emotions are amplified by the heatwave.
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earthstellar · 9 months
had a wild Insecticons AU dream
the Lost Light was a eusocial colony that branched off from the main colony (Cybertron)
Rodimus was the Queen but with the introduction of Megatron as another Queen (and alongside general dissatisfaction with Rodimus' initial leadership approach), instead of being co-captains, Rodimus is nearly killed in order to depose him -- as there can be only one clearly defined Queen in a given hive
Drift and Ratchet take pity on him and let him build a sort of empty nest in a spare room/small comb cluster across from them within the hive-ship
but Rodimus is really fucked up by the whole thing and isn't doing well
in the meantime, since Megatron's spark is too weak to support any expansion of the hive population (can't produce new sparks), Rodimus makes a brief attempt to make a challenge for leadership again but Megatron makes the point that with limited space and supplies in the hive-ship, the priority for the colony is not reproduction but rather sustaining their current crew for the time being
Magnus backs this up as being a logical choice that works in favour of the colony's wellbeing, so Rodimus withdraws and is extremely depressed until they come across a hot spot full of new sparks
Rodimus sneaks one on board to sustain it within his little comb cluster in his quarters, but any sparks that aren't either from the current Queen or supported by the rest of the hive flicker out, so Rodimus is caught when he realises this and tries to sneak the spark off the ship again to leave it with the others in the hot spot to give it a chance at survival
naturally this causes a shit storm because not only was this a bad thing to do in the first place (but understandably desperate because of course as a Queen he wants to build a thriving hive and it's seen as an instinctual thing, doesn't negate his poor judgement but it does explain it), but it's also seen as attempting to undermine the current Queen
so Rodimus ends up being the one who is exiled and it ends up being Drift and Ratchet who eventually go try to find him -- the alternative was just killing Rodimus and Drift is the one who convinced Magnus to opt for banishment instead of outright evisceration
banishment for a eusocial species is basically a death sentence anyway, though, and it's the guilt that pushes Drift to convince Ratchet to come with him to look for Rodimus
when they find him he's in such a poor state, hiding out in a cave filled with misshapen hive combs and structures, not enough to store fuel properly etc.
but he's alive and Ratchet helps get him physically well at least; there's no way they can bring Rodimus back because You Cannot Have Two Queens but they help build decent structures etc. in Rodimus' sad little empty nest to make it less sad
Drift can't bear to leave his friend alone with no colony because Rodimus is sure to die at some point on his own, so TL;DR their either find another hot spot to transplant new sparks into some of the hive combs/structures or Drift/Ratchet do the dew with Rodimus so that he'll hopefully produce a decent number of warrior sparks and support class sparks to start building and sustaining a new colony
I woke up around this point in the dream but Good End is that Drift and Ratchet make it back to the Lost Light and either way Rodimus ends up with a new hive so he survives and establishes his own colony with a bunch of new sparks who rightfully see him as their Queen
it's 7 AM I'm having a tea now lol
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crying-fantasies · 8 months
Grain offerings
Once, you tried to work near home, no one really wanted to and you were part of that group, everyone knows what kind of things are in a now abandoned house way too near, you didn't saw them but every other person apparently did with every detail or they are simply lying to get everyone in a paranoia nervousness that sits thick even in the market.
You didn't live during the havock of the war but humans still got their reservations about cybertronians, you have seen people escape from them even when all they do is ask for directions, you have seen videos of them playing volleyball with humanson the next town by a video, even a couple of different species out in a date like it was totally not frowned upon, different from where you live, you get it, really do, most people in town have been scarred to some level by the war and you've seen a few cybertronians that are a pain in the ass, but time and hostility may have made them act in such a way especially to the adults when you were younger, some could describe you as strange by not acting the same way your parents or everyone else did, maybe it was because you weren't alive during the war or the cybertronian temporary occupation that bordered in constant danger, or maybe it was the almost faded memory of a decepticon that lived near scaring away bullies that were making fun of your group of friends when blood was finally spilled by a cruel joke that involved rocks impacting with your head.
"Can't even put a leash on their spawns, I swear", no one believed any of you, no one would, but you would forever remember that once a decepticon called Needlenose helped you that cloudy day before everyone believed he was the one that caused the damage, ending in him getting out of town with his brother.
That would explain why the number of cybertronian residents is minimal if not non-existent on your town, and why the idea of interacting with one was so tempting, so interesting, but that is only a mere desire that would never come, it was time to go back to reality, forget about friendly cybertronians or how cool it would be to have a friend that could carry you back home in a jet.
So, with business almost beyond salvation and a whole batch of rice bags full of insects and almost rotten you try to dispose of it in order to prevent the lost of more bags, only to see the next day that the bag was gone even before the trash truck passed by, there is no leftovers, only markings on the ground that go back to where no one should go.
The place many said a cybertronian made it's home.
It wasn't as bad as it sounded, the main worry was that some of the most hateful human citizens in town went there to say a piece of their mind to the supposed new neighbor, only to come back crying out loud for mercy or swearing they would have their head on a plate even when they were near to drop dead on a puddle on their own urine, no real physical damage was done so police wasn't involved and since no cybertronian was in the best terms with anyone it wasn't an option to ask them for help.
Imagine your surprise when you noticed a big insect, consuming almost in a crazed trance all the rice that falls from a tearing in the big bag, it jumps backwards at the sight of you, you have never seen something like that, no cybertronian like that, the fear is instantaneous, but no by the mechanical insect, far from it, it comes back once in a while, especially when you get the rotten rice out, he seems to get what is left back to wherever he comes from.
You decide to call it a him, since he called you: "flesh bag" with a quite interesting voice that could even be perceived as playful, like he was making fun of you, almost deciding if he can get near you before looking back, full his mandibles at full capacity before dragging the whole bag back to who knows where, it may take time but he still comes, even when you don't get the spoiled rice out, he looks at the remaining things inside the shop and it doesn't take long to consider that, as strange as it can be, he really eats rice, and he may want to eat the fruit that is not in the dumpster but the one inside, his hunger makes you feel bad, he has damaged legs and one of his eyes blinks in and out of function, and something that looks like drool escapes his mandibles, it's sad, because you know a cybertronian only comes to live here if they can't go anywhere else, sometimes even enduring to be damaged by someone, laws don't protect cybertronians the same way they protect humans and it's unfair, but you could never say a word of C. Yeager's pro transformers speech in this town without becoming an outcast yourself in the eyes of your own family.
But what they don't know or hear doesn't hurt them, so you get money out of your wallet and put it in the counter, put a bag full of red apples in front of the injured cybertronian in front of you, his movements are so fast that he makes you fall, taking the whole bag back from where he comes every few days, and come back he does, one day dragging with him a new transformers that looks like him to some degree, and then another that literally has no head attached to the rest of his body, all of them expect something and you can't deny it even when the money you're saving from this very same work are expended in buying rice and wheat that fall from your hands to their waiting mandibles or flour in the case of the one without head, feeling bad for them and asking to yourself who could've been so vicious to do such a thing while something similar to a tongue laps at your hand which helps him to consume water at the lack of mouth, no giving a second thought in the way their glossa smeared in between your fingers that almost made you think of inadequate things at the moment.
Maybe you should've know better, not all people are good ones, the same applied for cybertronians, the same applied to decepticons, especially decepticons that are very well know to be disgusted by organics.
But, far from it, your new friends (you choose to call them like that to yourself) have no problem while interacting with you, in touching you, maybe a little zap of electricity when touching them without warning but that fades away fast as they push against your open palm to receive more food or pats on the head or on the body in Bombshell's case, the fact they finally told you their names, which are as curious as any other cybertronian name you have heard so far, there is happiness in how things go, no longer looking with logging or envy videos of people around the globe, the moment Sharpnel let's you rest against his body makes you giddy, silly chuckles escaping you while Kickback cleans your hand of every remaining oil of the hamburgers you got for them and that didn't last more than a few seconds, his mandibles catch at your skin, before your blood drops to the ground of their nest Sharpnel has already hissed against the youngest while Bombshell pushed him far away by the mere movement of one of his legs, it is also the first time they listen to you after asking them to stop, they are damaged enough as it is already.
The changes are little but the biggest of all is how they seem to be healing, to be regenerating, and is undeniable when you see Bombshell's face for the first time one day when he is the one to get you back to their nest after work, it doesn't stop him from asking for flour or to be feed by hand, despite Kickback's protests and how it's "no fair!" in how you're playing favorites.
It keeps changing, slowly but surely, and everything you learned from mister Yeager's speech about human and cybertronian peaceful cohabitation has already been overstepped in all possible ways when Sharpnel connects his mouth to yours, only a few seconds ago you were showing him that very same speech on your cellphone, yes, you're indeed close, but you can only put your hands on both sides of his faceplate while you keep hearing: "there is more than one reason we clashed with one another", trying to get near him as much as you can, his big body looming above you, the video keeps on, you hear people cheering on the background, agreeing with every word, "and I'm asking you, what do you think being human means?", having almost forgotten of the others you feel the sensation of different servos on your hips, Bombshell's helm rubbing on your shoulder, purring above your clothes, Kickback is looking at you from afar, his pleads at Sharpnel to "please let me touch, I want some too" get mixed with the "that's what we do, we make mistakes" and it's almost like an alarm, a warning, for you to run way from Sharpnel that has started to rub his hips against your belly, from Bombshell that is now sneaking his servos under your pants, from Kickback that is now licking the skin now reveled by the movement of the others.
You are surrounded, and far from it to create discomfort it makes you move along with them while catching Sharpnel's lips against yours again, kissing messily in ways you have never kissed anyone and hoping he doesn't get freaked out, he doesn't, imitating you and doing his own part, maybe you aren't the only one new with this, and it's evident in how he makes himself smaller to cup your ass with both servos, rocking you harder against his modesty panel, moving away his other companions with a hissing sound coming from his vox, pushing you down at the bed of blankets they built a week after you started to see them, placing himself above you while the others watch expectantly, "I'm going to crown you, you" he growled, almost like a menacing promise, and if he was trying to drive you away he gets the contrary to what he desires when you legs lock him close to you, and they seem happy, because they start to chitter in the same way they always do when you appear with food, if only they seem more excited.
"Sometimes out of those mistakes come the most amazing things" your cellphone is long forgotten, maybe one of them steeped on it along the way and stopped the video, you don't mind, you don't care anymore, you only cling to that chance when Sharpnel finally reaches inside of you, his voice promising endlessly to keep you warm, feed and everything in between what your little organic heart so desires as his servo holds firm your hand, the other keeping your head near, your lips on him, as Bombshell grips you close and Kickback puts his digits where Sharpnel is claiming you.
There is no turning back, not that you would want so in the first place.
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yaminalapis · 6 months
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After two weeks of blood, sweat, tears and many hot glue burns, I present the one of a kind Queen Megachile doll!
She’s too heavy to stand on her own (I’d guess she weighs 3-5 pounds) but that’s what stands are for lol.
I know she’s pretty rough as far as custom dolls go, but considering this was my very first attempt and what I had to do to make her happen, I’m very proud of myself.
Tagging @littlemisstfc and @transingthoseformers in the post, the former because I know they love dolls and transformers, and the latter because they were interested in seeing her!
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smokescreenstuff · 5 months
Random idea I literally just had. What if Smokescreen was apart of the Insecticon hive mind on the Nemesis? Like he ends up on the Nemesis and Shockwave and/or Megatron decide they want to see if a non-Insecticon can join the hive mind and what the effects would be.
This sounds like an interesting AU...
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predakings-den · 7 months
My King- what is your opinion of the Decepticons on board the Nemisis? Do you have a favorite?
“Not a very positive one. The Nemesis warship is a breeding ground for those of treacherous and selfish desires, which are ultimately rewarded for in the end. The Insecticons are horridly territorial, the Vehicons are far too bumbling and clumsy for my liking and as for the Decepticons, I am entrusting my people in the servos of Megatron and Shockwave, which I’ve been wary of lately.”
He scuffs at the thought of favoring or harboring remotely positive feelings towards any of them when there hasn’t been reason as to why he should seek it out in the first place unless it was beneficial.
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camp-mithril-lake · 5 months
Oho? Another person with a fan continuity? I read up on your ideas and i love it i cant wait to see more of your au!!
I love seeing fan continuities! They are so fun!
I am more than happy to talk about it more! I'm still hammering out details so it is subject to change though. I have been fully convinced to include Strongarm though. I am just deciding if she is the Ultra Magnus kid or the JazzProwl kid. Leaning towards JP though, because it would be hilarious when she drops certain things her "mentor" taught her and everyone thinks it was Prowl.
I have done some more building on everyone! And have a few "episode" ideas. I'm going to frame it as Seasons and have smaller fics be episodes instead of one larger fic. I've always wanted to do a similar frame never found the perfect story for it.
The main things I've built up are Hot Rod, Thunderclash, and Ambulon/Bob/Sunstreaker's backstories. This will be long, so I'll put it under the cut.
Hot Rod is a war orphan who was taken in by Kup who found him alone and sick in a house. Hot Rod was too sick to tell anyone that his twin sister had left to find medicine/help and they'd been alone there for awhile with Hot Rod getting sicker. The medics in charge of taking care of him had trouble because they didn't know he was a split-spark twin and and couldn't figure out what kept causing his spark to go into distress. It is unhealthy for twins, especially closely bonded ones, to be separated until adulthood.
Sunstreaker was actually the one who noticed it as bond shock and fetched Ratchet. This saved Hot Rod's life and Autobots were immediately sent to check for his sister when he was coherent enough to offer a description and designation. She wasn't there though.
He bonded quickly with the rest of "Kup's orphans", especially Springer and Arcee. Hot Rod is trans and during his final upgrade adjusted his frame to suit his preferences. He is always on the look out for his sister who he knows is still alive because their bond is active. Though very weak and suppressed due to the medicine he has to take.
He grew up underfoot with Kup interacting with the Wreckers and other special groups, mostly moving from place to place in the training areas or staying on the ship, because Kup didn't bring kids into active war areas. When it was possible he sent them to stay on family housing where it was safe. Hot Rod still grew up learning how to make bombs and where the perfect place to stab someone was because the Wreckers were not the best babysitters. As the youngest he was incredibly spoiled and protected in their own strange way though, especially once Springer got into a position he could recommend his baby brother be sent to safer places and Arcee started working directly with Prowl and Elita-1.
Kup told them they had to let their brother live his life and was the one who arranged for Hot Rod to get the job and have a little breathing room.
Hot Rod's twin sister, Flamewar, actually ran into the Decepticons first and tried to rob them, biting and getting caught and grabbed by the Combaticons. By the time they could move out to investigate Hot Rod had already been found and the area they'd been hiding in was destroyed.
The Combaticons weren't free to go back to safely drop off an orphan so they just took her with them. When she started to grow ill, later than Hot Rod as she'd been mostly healthy, they kidnapped a medic and forced him to treat her. She stayed with them for months and they became her new family.
They kept her, registering her as part of their elective kin and she grew up a Decepticon but one who was less than enchanted by Megatron. She loved them and was happy and they supported her search for her twin, who they were incorrectly looking for under the name Flareup.
The Combaticons eventually rebelled though after careful cost-benefit scenario but made absolutely certain to not implicate her, going as far to leave her somewhere else and distance themselves so it wouldn't come back on her. She got to visit them during their trial and Onslaught told her to betray them so per her parents' orders she spoke against them on the stand. She was pardoned, and to repay an old favor, Soundwave made sure she was cared for. She had definitely inherited the Combaticons opinions and views though and kept getting in trouble.
She was eventually sent to Dreadwing and Krok.
Bob (Bucket-of-Bolts), Sunstreaker's nickname for him that became his name, was an Insecticon in the same facility as Ambulon and Sunstreaker. All three of them were test subjects for the experiments going on there done by Scorponok and Flame (who betrayed the Autobots). Sunstreaker and Bob bonded and Ambulon eventually started working with them as well to escape. The facility was not approved by the Decepticons as Scorponok was plotting to overthrow Megatron, which lead to it being attacked once discovered.
They escaped but Sunstreaker and Bob were injured in the attack. Ambulon was planning to go neutral but seeing their injuries instead called the Autobots and turned himself in to assure they lived. Ambulon defected and joined the Autobots during this time. Bob was gravely injured and couldn't transform any longer and had some damage that he potential could never recover from. There was a possibility he could heal especially with care and steady spark energy transfusions to assist, but that was only a possibility.
Sunstreaker immediately devoted himself to Bob's care and is weaker and off the frontlines because he is doing transfusions daily to help in his recovery and vowed to stay with Bob no matter what his frame looks like or severe the injuries. Sunstreaker had also taken a very long time to recover due to the extent of the injuries.
Ambulon is trusted by them both and eventually was off parole and approved for service and got sent with them as a result.
Thunderclash is the main Autobot Commander in the area nearest to them and will appear often as well. He was recently reassigned to the Safe Zone, which has caused a bit of a scandal. He is also Hot Rod's age and shouldn't be in command due to this.
Thunderclash was another orphan who Ratchet took in when his family, a relatively wealthy political family, was assassinated. Ratchet did not want him to join the war effort at all and did everything he could to discourage him. This lead to some fighting and eventually, Thunderclash running away. Ratchet was heartbroken. Thunderclash was already very large and lied about his age to join the Autobots in another region.
He was doing well and came under the wing of the base commander who was more than a little reckless. During a risky maneuver that failed, their command structure was devastated and Thunderclash, having been closely working with him had the clearest idea of what was going on and where everyone was, took over temporarily to get them through it and won the battle.
He continued to stay in command since there was no way to get out communication under siege and was in control for awhile keeping the region together and eventually being officially promoted to fill the role. He was rapidly promoted, caused at least partially by further deaths to a higher position much too quickly. When the area finally settled and connections were reestablished he was considered famous both militarily and politically.
When he was sent to meet High Command and give his report though, Ratchet recognized his kid through the final upgrade and new paintjob and the whole charade was revealed. It was a huge blowup and Thunderclash's age and inexperience coupled with his too rapid promotions being backfilled by more trusted officers lead to his "reassignment" to calmer climes with more experienced officers accompanying him to ease him into leadership since they now had the option.
This lead to rumors that someone had tried to suppress the "rising star" of Thunderclash, who was actually very relieved by his reassignment and flying by the seat of his pants.
He was deeply traumatized by the events that lead to his promotion and his "heroics" are nothing but terrible memories. His issues with his previous commanding officers recklessness leading to so much death causes tensions between himself and Hot Rod.
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megamaster64 · 2 months
Another powermaster au thing, but this time it's a crossover with @nachosforfree 's au.
So, who is the robot in this image?
It is the insecticon scientist/biologist Bombshell. Bombshell had always resented Shockwave for his unwillingness to experiment on more genetically unstable beings. To the point where the pair would often fight about the potential scientific advancements that would come from such research. One day, Bombshell had enough, killing Shockwave in cold blood so he could do what he wanted without concern of the practicality or the logic. Of course, when he found out what the powermaster tech was after Laserbeak brought him back an x-ray scan of Evan. He was more than ready to replicate the happy accident. Especially if it could revive the (at the time) out of commission Slipstream. Who took up the reigns as leader after Megatron's death. Ultimately, he captured Cassidy, but after not proving to be fit for Slipstream. He paired her with Bugbite instead. Of course, he would later find a suitable match for Slipstream, along with the Thundercracker and Skywarp, after they took a large amount of damage in battle.
Enter this world's version of Charlie, who became the powermaster for Skywarp. After some back and forth trauma dumping with another version of herself.
Let's just say that other Charlie paid Bombshell a visit.
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thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
Ok for starters I looovvveee ur art! Especially with the terror twins and fort max. :)
So I have a 2 questions and u don't have to answer them if u don't want too, so question 1- are u going to be drawing more Fort Max and Sunstreaker? And if so have u thought about doing one where both are reading to bob?
Thank you! I'm always happy to hear that people like my robot boi
I fully intend to continue drawing Transformers, Max and Sunny obviously included. With the sudden burst of inspiration for Room 512, I hope to have some more content for those two (and Bob) specifically soon. My muse has been pitching a fit and only recently settled back down enough for me to get some fanart done. Praise be
Max and Sunny reading to Bob sounds really cute. I can't promise anything major, since what I'm working on right now is kind of action oriented, but I think it's an adorable idea. Especially since Bob has built a tiny family for himself with them as his adult figures.
Somewhat off topic: I think that Max would have a really nice voice for reading aloud.
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Thank you for sending in an ask~
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nevis-the-skeleton · 2 years
Shockwave and the names of his Creations (my AU, TPS)
In my AU, Shockwave is really lame for finding names for his creations, really lame.
*Shockwave is in his lab, and has summoned the Decepticons high command to come, to show them his now completed work. Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave soon arrive, and the scientist introduces a group of three Vehicons, before declaring*
Shockwave: I present to you our new army. The Vehicons, they are easy to produce, and have a minimum of intelligence to be autonomous.
Starscream: How did you build them?
Shockwave: Thanks to Soundwave's plan.
*Soundwave makes a startled move, and turns to Megatron with a slightly annoyed move*
Megatron: You created Cold Constructions?
Shockwave: No, my Vehicons are nowhere near as sophisticated as the Cold Constructions.
*Starscream looks unconvinced and a little angry, and Soundwave crosses his arms*
Shockwave, sighs: I assure you, these are not Cold Constructs.
Megatron, to Starscream and Soundwave: What Shockwave did is useful for our cause, think about it.
Starscream: Yeah…
Megatron: Well, they have names, so we can recognize them?
Shockwave: Of course. *points to the first Vehicon* it is called 3D0U4R, *points to the second* B45T13N, *points to the third* M4RCU5.
Starscream, indignant: Those aren't names!!
Shockwave: Of course it is.
Starscream: Those are registration number!
Shockwave: Perfect names for drones.
*Starscream glares at Shockwave, and Soundwave's screen turns red*
Starscream, angry: That's stupid! In addition these numbers have no logic!
Shockwave, indignant: Of course it is!
*Megatron motions for everyone to calm down*
Megatron, scold: Seriously, how old are you?
*Starscream pouts, and Shockwave turns to Megatron*
Shockwave: I assure you that these names-
Starscream, whisper: Registration number...
Shockwave, tilts his antennae back angrily: Those names are logical.
Megatron: Explain to us then.
Shockwave: Alright.
*Shockwave then began an explanation that no one understood. And no matter how much he explained in every possible way, the others did not see the logic which seemed obvious to the scientist.*
The Insecticons
*Shockwave had created a new army, for him more powerful than his Vehicons, now obsolete. Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave enter the lab, and the Seeker cringes upon seeing the Insecticons*
Shockwave: I present to you my new invention.
Megatron: Impressive.
Starscream, discreetly: But what are these monsters…?!
Shockwave: Insecticons, more powerful than Vehicons, but also dumber.
Soundwave: < They > < have > < names > < ? >
Shockwave: Of course, we have Insec-1, Insec-2, Ins-
Starscream, stop Shockwave: I stop you right now!
*Shockwave moves his antennae back, before turning to Starscream*
Starscream: Give them true names! Not stupid registration numbers!!
*Megatron raises optics, but Soundwave nods in great approval*
Shockwave, turns to Megatron for intervention: Lord Megatron…! It's absurd!
Megatron: I don't see what's wrong with giving them real names?
Shockwave, shakes his head: It's useless, they were created to fight and to die on the battlefield. They are drones, like Vehicons, they have no value! Not enough to have names!
*These words lead to the anger of the two Cold Constructions in front of him, who glare at him. Starscream lifts his wings high, as Soundwave clenches his fists*
Starscream, annoyed: Give them names right now!
*Shockwave sighs heavily, before looking one last time at Megatron, who nods. The scientist points to the first Insecticon*
Shockwave: Your name will be… hm… Bombshell! *points to the second one* you, Shrapnel! *points to the third* Deathduel, *the fourth* Bombduel, *the fifth* Deathshell, *points to the sixth* Due-
Starscream, angrily: I swear on Primus that if you give another "-ell" name to the next Insecticon I'll kick your aft!
Shockwave, stares coldly at Starscream, while pointing at the sixth Insecticon: Kick back.
Starscream: Grr, you-
Megatron, grab Starscream: Alright, time to go.
*Megatron ends up bringing out Soundwave and Starscream, even though the Seeker mostly wanted to gut Shockwave*
*In the end, it was Starscream and Soundwave who find names for the other Insecticons*
The Predacons
*Shockwave created his first Predacon, i.e. Predaking (who haven't his name yet). Shockwave hadn't necessarily been looking for a name for his creation, but end up thinking that saying "hey you" isn't really correct*
Shockwave: You know, I've been thinking about it, and I think it's time I got you a real name.
*Predaking shakes his head with interest, apparently very excited to have one*
Shockwave: So, I'll call you...
*Predaking shakes his tail impatiently*
Shockwave: Predacon!
*Predaking is suddenly a lot less excited*
Shockwave: What? You don't like ?
*Predaking walks away, disappointed, and grunts slightly upset*
Shockwave: But, it's a very good name! You are the only Predacon, it's logical that this is your name! Hey, wait! Come back! Predacon!
*Predaking doesn't turn around at the appellation, and flies away*
*Shockwave has created two new Predacons which are Darksteel and Skylynx. They had remained in the vats when Shockwave was on Earth, but upon his return to Cybertron, with Dreadwing, he had opened the vats. But then again, they don't have names. Darksteel walks closer, and says*
Darksteel: Hey, Mr. Shockwave, could we have names other than Predacon-2 and Predacon-3?
Skylynx: Yeah, where at least would one of us have to be Predacon-1! Why can't we be called Predacon-1?!
Shockwave: Because a Predacon before you was already called Predacon. And so, it was him, Predacon-1.
Skylynx: Lame…
Darksteel: But I want a real name! A cool one like yours, or Dreadwing's!
Skylynx: Oh yeah! That's a hundred times better!
Shockwave: *sighs*…
Darksteel and Skylynx: Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!
Shockwave: … Well, okay!
Darksteel and Skylynx, happy: Yeah!
Shockwave: Alright, you *points to Skylynx* I'll call you Preda, and you *points to Darksteel* King… *Antennas droop sadly* Like this, when I'll call you both it'll make Predaking *light sob*
*Darksteel and Skylynx look at Shockwave in confusion, and Dreadwing intervenes*
Dreadwing: Hm… so… uh… No… Come with me you two, let Shockwave work, we'll find names together.
*Finally, the two Predacons chose their names themselves, with the help of Dreadwing*
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