yaminalapis · 7 days
All my anger is cartharsised by watching Megatron crash out against sentinel like he did. It felt like the emotional equivalent of a rage room. 10/10 truly an immaculate film
About to watch tfone , ready to Rage, laugh and cry
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yaminalapis · 7 days
About to watch tfone , ready to Rage, laugh and cry
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yaminalapis · 8 days
@transingthoseformers us about the insecticon queen au
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yaminalapis · 2 months
Rb if you want all the hcs people have about you in your inbox
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yaminalapis · 3 months
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reblog if you want more interaction w your lovely followers
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yaminalapis · 3 months
And I love that you love it!
Dude I NEED you to elaborate on that insecticon queen x OP post I’m BEGGING YOU
I've been obsessed all day with the queen hitting on optimus and everyone else giving her the side eye because that is the prime she's talking about, while Optimus is bouncing on his pedes stars in his optics because he's already thinking of the possibility for an alliance with benefits
After all
It's not every day you encounter a mech that much taller than you at his size (god she can't even fit in the autobot base can she?? Is she too damn tall?) who is also so down bad for you.
Extra points if this is a universe where primes used to be associated with fertility in some more salacious versions of their society long forgotten... except by the Insecticons and Optimus himself
Also loving the idea of ovipos here because after all, a queen's job is to expand the colony, and here's Optimus fucking jumping at the opportunity to be pumped full of eggs for the sake of their mutual species. After all, the war hit their species hard. Might as well start to increase their numbers
Strengthen the very valuable alliance with the Insecticons, especially since numbers wise this woukd be an absolute game changer in the war against the Decepticons.
I've been seeing a lot of breeding optimus in the valveplug tag so i just have to add my own card into it
Extra points if Ratchet the entire time is like "goddamn it Orion this is not the time" but it issss thoughhhh
Several of the autobots have never seen Optimus so happy in their lives
OO O O O Extra points if this is blended continuity for the sake of also disappointed Prowl, disappointed Ultra Magnus, and very supportive Jazz
Megatron will never admit that something about seeing Optimus filled with another's spawn turns him on (is it jealousy? If so, of which angle? Ideas)
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yaminalapis · 5 months
Had the most dungeon meshi ass dream last night
Laois accidentally got pregnant from eating Magic pregnancy bananas (literally every question I had about them was explained away by magic) and gave birth to a blue haired nymph baby
The self insert OC I didn’t have until this dream was also there for some reason.
My tokophobic ass was only ok with this because it was presented as a comedy and the magic birth didn’t result in death
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yaminalapis · 5 months
More ideas incoming!
Blurr stops by the hive occasionally to race a horsefly insecticon. They fuck nasty afterwards.
Starscream is perpetually eggnant for the reverence that comes with being a carrier
The gender ratios in the hive are split 60/30 female to male, with the last 10% being made by non-binary, gender fluid and third gender individuals.
Insecticon names aren’t considered gendered and generally don’t change if an insecticon transitions, despite having almost exclusively Latin origins.
The guy who screened Beachcomber was very wary about his mental state. Luckily it turns out to just be a ditzy personality and not a mental defect so it’s all good.
Queenie makes Orinthroptera participate in Nature Calls because he doesn’t get out of the hive enough. She threatens to get Tarantulas to help with his current project if he doesn’t.
One mod I forgot to mention that Queenie had is one where her valve mesh inflates to provide a perfect fit for any partner.
Another drug that was synthesized from Queenie’s transfluid was a birthing aid. When applied to the forge entrance it forces it to cycle completely open, allowing for birthing to be easy and almost painless.
Some insecticons are obsessed with bot and con cheek vents because they look like big ol tomcat cheeks
Queenie’s dad and her original form are both references to the warrior bugs from Starship Troopers
When sentinel starts harassing the crew, Queenie gets so angry she nearly castrates and lobotomizes him on the spot. She has to be restrained by her crew.
I wanna work the quote “the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It’s what you DO with the gift of life that determines who you are.” In but I haven’t found an opportunity yet
Two Deaths Head Hawkmoth twins that serve as the hive’s morticians and communicate entirely through body language and their iconic squeaks
Thysania’s voiceclaim is Nick Offerman and he looks like Senshi from Dungeon Meshi
Insecticons seal themselves in the hive during cold weather to “hibernate”
During the first season finale, Queenie has Oppy stay in The Dome with the other vulnerable hive members and he’s combative about it until he sees her lead both his crew and her soldiers into a devastating victory. Some troops volunteer to livestream footage to monitors in The Dome to keep those on the inside informed and the footage is hilarious. Someone also goes into labor during the battle because of course they do
Queenie’s iconic staff is a lightning rod. The colony has always had a particular weakness to lightning, so she’ll shove it into the ground and it’ll draw all electric attacks off her troops and into it
When the bots and cons lay their clutches, the grubs are normal but they take on their colors at the Nymph stage instead of the adult stage, which confuses the hell out of Queenie
The first time Queenie goes all out in battle is when she’s trying to convince Megs to join the hive, citing ye doesn’t have to live in survival mode if he joins her. He’s stubborn and they fight, of course. She spends most of her time dodging and toying with him because she genuinely doesn’t want to hurt him, but after one good blast that damaged her faceplate she fights him to a standstill, effortlessly blocks his attacks, cripples his cannon, breaks one of his swords and pins his neck to a tree with it, spared his life and made it sexy, and then left without further explanation.
Insecticons, in exchange for less flashy transformations, have much tougher plating than bots and cons.
When subjected to high stress over long periods of time, bots and cons’ colors will bleach. They can be restored, but it takes time. The only ones who are partially immune are those with already light paint, like Ratchet.
The last encounter with the elite guard ends with sentinel and Magnus being physically driven from the hive at spear point by colonists after they found out what they were planning to do to the hive while the cacophonous chanting of “They had it comin’!” Fills the air. The department heads do nothing to stop it and look on like they’re pigs to be slaughtered. Jazz and the twins get to stay and Blurr wasn’t there at the time so he gets a pass for now too.
Serious punishment is a rarity in the colony but it does happen. Aside from murder, the highest crime is rape. The punishment is to have your array completely removed, be beaten within an inch of your life, and banished from the hive and left for dead.
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@transingthoseformers and I have been batting around a fanfic/AU where the autobots find and ally themselves with an insecticon colony on Earth, and Optimus and the queen (Queen Megachile, seen here) fall madly in love and start a breeding program to bolster both forces’ numbers. It’s produced as much genuinely interesting cultural ideas as it has hot ovi breeding porn.
Alt Mode: Wallace’s Giant Bee
1 1/4 OPs tall=Giant Bug Wife
Ovipositor is somewhat prehensile to help with penetration and egg laying. Positioned where a valve would be on a standard bot. Spike, while fully functional, is little more than a pleasure organ for a Queen. Valve located at end of abdomen, backup reproductive system for queens not in Queenie’s specific situation.
Some things to come out of this thread:
-For my own sanity, insecticons are not a parasitic or viviparous species; the larvae stay firmly in the soft eggs for a set amount of time and are laid by the carrier when they’re almost ready to hatch. After they’re laid, workers gather them and place them in honeycomb like structures until they hatch and develop a proper exoskeleton.
-Colony has a very beehive type setup, but some behaviors don’t transfer over due to many types of insect alt modes
-After the alliance is formally established, the colony moves locations from Halmahera to the same mountain as the ARK, and as a result the two bases blend
-The cons find out about the alliance through wayward patrols, and laugh it off at first because the insecticons we know and love aren’t exactly known for being good business partners. This bites them in the ass when the insecticons, especially Queenie, turn out to not only be very skilled warriors, but master strategists.
-Eventually either Ravage or Laserbeak gets in and out with footage of just how deep this alliance really goes, and that’s when all hell REALLY breaks loose. The cons see the breeding program in action and how the insecticons treat the participating bots like legitimate spouses, and some of them get Ideas. Slowly, cons start to go missing at night, then alltogether, and eventually Megatron has to go to the hive doorstep to get his soldiers back, and he starts to have Thoughts as well when he sees OP carrying
-Insecticon fertility festival that mimics the nuptial flights of ants. Started as just that, nuptial flights, but since they’re not used anymore it’s just for displaying a queen’s power. As their culture evolved, more and more frills got added to it until it became an entire multi day festival celebrating creation in all its forms.
-Insecticon hatchlings pick up more and more traits from their carriers as the generations go on. It starts with just paint jobs and small details, but because they evolve so fast it’s only a few generations until we start getting wasps that shoot cryogenic spray instead of venom or grasshoppers with shield generators.
-Guard insecticons using their wings to shimmer and disorient potential threats.
I’m sure more will come of this fic so I’ll just keep posting as we make content.
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yaminalapis · 5 months
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What the fuck is this ad
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yaminalapis · 6 months
Just had a dream for a spin-off resident evil game where you could hunt down increasingly hard enemies and sell their meat and parts for money. I don’t know how that would work in the new canon of mold creatures but I’m interested in how it would work regardless
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yaminalapis · 6 months
I can’t think of a single reason someone could have for hating Beachcomber he’s just a Little Guy
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yaminalapis · 6 months
Also I forgot to add this. She’s too big to be of scale, so these two pics have the same energy.
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After two weeks of blood, sweat, tears and many hot glue burns, I present the one of a kind Queen Megachile doll!
She’s too heavy to stand on her own (I’d guess she weighs 3-5 pounds) but that’s what stands are for lol.
I know she’s pretty rough as far as custom dolls go, but considering this was my very first attempt and what I had to do to make her happen, I’m very proud of myself.
Tagging @littlemisstfc and @transingthoseformers in the post, the former because I know they love dolls and transformers, and the latter because they were interested in seeing her!
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yaminalapis · 6 months
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After a VERY long wait, meet Orinthroptera, head of the Butterfly Department!
With a quick wit and a needle sharp tongue, Orinthroptera is in charge of all research and development tasks in the hive. When faced with the unknown, he’s the first to get his hands on it. Ambitious and bullheaded, he’s always ready to try new methods to get results, and those traits apply to all aspects of his life. In fact, when he decided that being a woman wasn’t what he wanted for his life, he reformatted himself! As the colony’s first transmasc member, he prides himself on being an inspiration to younger members and an example that you can truly be anyone or anything you desire.
He’s very proud of his huge and colorful wings, but due to his work in a laboratory environment, he keeps them curled up most of the time.
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@transingthoseformers and I have been batting around a fanfic/AU where the autobots find and ally themselves with an insecticon colony on Earth, and Optimus and the queen (Queen Megachile, seen here) fall madly in love and start a breeding program to bolster both forces’ numbers. It’s produced as much genuinely interesting cultural ideas as it has hot ovi breeding porn.
Alt Mode: Wallace’s Giant Bee
1 1/4 OPs tall=Giant Bug Wife
Ovipositor is somewhat prehensile to help with penetration and egg laying. Positioned where a valve would be on a standard bot. Spike, while fully functional, is little more than a pleasure organ for a Queen. Valve located at end of abdomen, backup reproductive system for queens not in Queenie’s specific situation.
Some things to come out of this thread:
-For my own sanity, insecticons are not a parasitic or viviparous species; the larvae stay firmly in the soft eggs for a set amount of time and are laid by the carrier when they’re almost ready to hatch. After they’re laid, workers gather them and place them in honeycomb like structures until they hatch and develop a proper exoskeleton.
-Colony has a very beehive type setup, but some behaviors don’t transfer over due to many types of insect alt modes
-After the alliance is formally established, the colony moves locations from Halmahera to the same mountain as the ARK, and as a result the two bases blend
-The cons find out about the alliance through wayward patrols, and laugh it off at first because the insecticons we know and love aren’t exactly known for being good business partners. This bites them in the ass when the insecticons, especially Queenie, turn out to not only be very skilled warriors, but master strategists.
-Eventually either Ravage or Laserbeak gets in and out with footage of just how deep this alliance really goes, and that’s when all hell REALLY breaks loose. The cons see the breeding program in action and how the insecticons treat the participating bots like legitimate spouses, and some of them get Ideas. Slowly, cons start to go missing at night, then alltogether, and eventually Megatron has to go to the hive doorstep to get his soldiers back, and he starts to have Thoughts as well when he sees OP carrying
-Insecticon fertility festival that mimics the nuptial flights of ants. Started as just that, nuptial flights, but since they’re not used anymore it’s just for displaying a queen’s power. As their culture evolved, more and more frills got added to it until it became an entire multi day festival celebrating creation in all its forms.
-Insecticon hatchlings pick up more and more traits from their carriers as the generations go on. It starts with just paint jobs and small details, but because they evolve so fast it’s only a few generations until we start getting wasps that shoot cryogenic spray instead of venom or grasshoppers with shield generators.
-Guard insecticons using their wings to shimmer and disorient potential threats.
I’m sure more will come of this fic so I’ll just keep posting as we make content.
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yaminalapis · 6 months
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After two weeks of blood, sweat, tears and many hot glue burns, I present the one of a kind Queen Megachile doll!
She’s too heavy to stand on her own (I’d guess she weighs 3-5 pounds) but that’s what stands are for lol.
I know she’s pretty rough as far as custom dolls go, but considering this was my very first attempt and what I had to do to make her happen, I’m very proud of myself.
Tagging @littlemisstfc and @transingthoseformers in the post, the former because I know they love dolls and transformers, and the latter because they were interested in seeing her!
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yaminalapis · 6 months
Happy Easter have Oppy getting bred
Tags: Breeding, Ovi, Dacryphillia (the good kind where everything feels so good) Enthusiastic pussy eating, reassurance kink, praise, aphrodisiacs, enthusiastic consent, non traditional body parts
“First things first, we need to open your forge up. A few rounds of mating should do the trick.” Queenie gave a few shallow thrusts of her spike through his valve. “I probably should have told you this earlier as well. Transfluid from a Queen Insecticon is a little different. Because our purpose is to create life, our transfluid has evolved to create the ideal conditions for breeding. It acts as both an aphrodisiac and an actuator relaxant when ingested or absorbed through the valve. It’s nothing mind altering, but I should have told you before.”
Truth be told, Optimus wasn’t really listening and barely cared, her spike felt too good against his valve. “That’s-ah!-that’s ok. It’s not something c-constantly on your mind, r-right?”
Queenie wore a soft smile. “You really are wonderful. I’m going to get you prepped, is that ok?”
“W-wait! You said it works if I eat it?” He asked.
“Yes. Really it can be absorbed through any thin plating-“
His finials perked up. “Can I eat your valve? Please?”
She seemed surprised. “I wasn’t expecting it after your last encounter with my valve, but if that’s what you want, sure.” The two shuffled around and Queenie ended up on her back with Optimus staring down her legs. She giggled. “It’s at the end of my abdomen, remember?”
He heard the hissing of panels, and followed it back to that beautiful valve. He leaned forward and took a lick of the oddly yellow lubricant.
He couldn’t even exaggerate, she tasted sweeter than anything he’d ever had. It was almost sickly, almost. Before he knew it, he was devouring her, trying to lap up as much of her lubricants as he could. All the while, she was a moaning mess, fisting the sheets and occasionally thumping the bed with her hand. Whenever she arched off the bed and overloaded, her transfluid mixed with her lubricants and it somehow tasted even better. He continued to eat her out, and a warm fuzziness started to fill the back of his processor. Everything below his waist felt relaxed and warm, and he was only just noticing his panels had retracted when Queenie forced his head up to look at her.
“While I would love to have you continue what you’re doing, you DID want to get bred tonight, right?” She asked.
“Yes! Yes, please breed me.” Optimus whined. Internally, he was surprised not only how easily the words slipped out of his mouth, but how much he actually meant it.
She spread her legs and pat her thigh. “Come on up then.” Maybe it was the aphrodisiac, but next thing he knew he was sitting on her pelvis, and she had a look of deep, rich love in her eyes. She kissed him, and while it was chaste, it felt more emotionally overwhelming than a more intimate one. He felt something wet slide up his thigh, and was met with her ovipositor. She shifted and sat up, hunching over him protectively. “I’m gonna put it in now, is that ok?”
“Please, I want you so bad.” He groaned.
“You’re so beautiful when you talk like that.” She crooned, and her ovipositor snaked it’s way into his valve. It felt amazing, if very different from her spike. It easily reached his ceiling node, and if he were in a more lucid state he might have been concerned how easily it worked it’s way through the small opening and anchored itself inside his forge by flaring it’s tip. She gave a few shallow pulls from her hips, and gave a shaky sigh when the connection held.
“J-just letting you know. It might feel weird but it shouldn’t hurt.” Queenie stammered. Optimus was too absorbed in the aphrodisiac to give much more than a nod. To further aid the feeling, she wrapped one of her hands around both their spikes and lazily pumped them both.
The first egg traveled up her ovipositor. She was right, it did feel weird as it breached his forge, but it didn’t hurt. It actually felt really good. As it settled in, another followed, and he could hear her moaning. She was barely saying anything coherent anymore, and he was vaguely aware that she was drooling down the back of his shoulder. By the time the fifth egg settled, he felt heavy and full, like he had overfueled.
“L-last one. Y-you’re doing s-so well, you’re so beautiful. You’re going to be a wonderful carrier.” She rambled. For some reason, the praise pushed him over the edge he didn’t realize he was on, and the overload was so intense it knocked the wind from him. He was vaguely aware of her overloading as well, their transfluid painting his abdomen and her fingers. She was trembling as her ovipositor loosened itself, slipped out of his forge and left his valve.
“That-I-wow.” What COULD Optimus say? It was some of the best interface he’d had in his life. The prospect of being a carrier was daunting sure, but he couldn’t help but feel at ease as Queenie ran her fingers in circles over his abdominal plating. She had a look of pride and affection on her face as she did. His spark suddenly felt very tight.
“There’s just one more thing left.” She murmured, shifting her pelvis down and rubbing the head of her spike through his sopping valve again. “Mmm, you feel so good. Tell me when you’re ready.”
“Please! Please, I need you.” Tears flowed down his face. He couldn’t help it, everything just felt so good.
“Oh darling, don’t cry. Come here.” She cooed, cradling him in her arms, her fingers rubbing soothing circles into his back. “I know, it’s a lot. But you’ve done so well already. All I need to do is fertilize our eggs and then we can be done. Can I fertilize them?”
“Can-can I have a minute?” He asked, a sob wracking his body.
“Of course darling. Take as long as you need.” She whispered. It felt like hours passed by as he slowly regained his composure. The whole time Queenie was purring and continued to rub soothing circles and aimless patterns into his plating. The gems embedded into his carrier jewelry made clinking sounds whenever it moved, and for a while , that was the only noise in the room.
Finally, Optimus composed himself enough to speak. “O-ok. I think I’m ready.”
“I’ll take it slow. Tell me if it’s too much.” She hummed. She gingerly slipped her spike in, and moaned as she sank all the way to the hilt in one fluid motion. “I-I don’t think I’m gonna last long, I’m sorry. You feel so good.”
At this point, he profoundly did not care, everything felt too good. She set a slow and languid pace, but each thrust stoked the fire all the same. At one point he cracked an eye open, and saw her face screwed tight with overwhelming pleasure. Her carefully applied lip paint had cracked and fallen away where she was biting it so hard.
The thought of her enjoying this so much caused him to clench hard around her spike, and that was enough to tip her off the edge. The feeling of her transfluid painting his valve dragged him over too, and he came so hard he nearly blue screened. His audio systems must have crashed at least, because for a few minutes, he couldn’t hear anything but the loud monotone buzz that came with said crash. After she had regained her composure, she pulled out and manually closed his panels, trapping her transfluid inside. She laid him down on the bed and snuggled up to him, resuming drawing aimless doodles into his plating.
“How do you feel?” Queenie purred.
“I-wow.” Was all Optimus could muster. His processor felt like it was full of thermal paste, and he felt both lighter than air and heavier than a rock.
She giggled. “Breeding is a lot, I know. Get some rest, and I’ll be right here.”
He looked over at her. “Promise?” He sounded pitiful saying it, but he had to be sure.
“Of course. I’ve already asked the kitchen to bring us some Energon. I promise I won’t leave the room, and I’ll try not to leave the bed.”
It was all the reassurance he needed. He powered down in record time, his last conscious thought about the eggs in his forge, and how he was determined to be the best carrier he could for them.
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@transingthoseformers and I have been batting around a fanfic/AU where the autobots find and ally themselves with an insecticon colony on Earth, and Optimus and the queen (Queen Megachile, seen here) fall madly in love and start a breeding program to bolster both forces’ numbers. It’s produced as much genuinely interesting cultural ideas as it has hot ovi breeding porn.
Alt Mode: Wallace’s Giant Bee
1 1/4 OPs tall=Giant Bug Wife
Ovipositor is somewhat prehensile to help with penetration and egg laying. Positioned where a valve would be on a standard bot. Spike, while fully functional, is little more than a pleasure organ for a Queen. Valve located at end of abdomen, backup reproductive system for queens not in Queenie’s specific situation.
Some things to come out of this thread:
-For my own sanity, insecticons are not a parasitic or viviparous species; the larvae stay firmly in the soft eggs for a set amount of time and are laid by the carrier when they’re almost ready to hatch. After they’re laid, workers gather them and place them in honeycomb like structures until they hatch and develop a proper exoskeleton.
-Colony has a very beehive type setup, but some behaviors don’t transfer over due to many types of insect alt modes
-After the alliance is formally established, the colony moves locations from Halmahera to the same mountain as the ARK, and as a result the two bases blend
-The cons find out about the alliance through wayward patrols, and laugh it off at first because the insecticons we know and love aren’t exactly known for being good business partners. This bites them in the ass when the insecticons, especially Queenie, turn out to not only be very skilled warriors, but master strategists.
-Eventually either Ravage or Laserbeak gets in and out with footage of just how deep this alliance really goes, and that’s when all hell REALLY breaks loose. The cons see the breeding program in action and how the insecticons treat the participating bots like legitimate spouses, and some of them get Ideas. Slowly, cons start to go missing at night, then alltogether, and eventually Megatron has to go to the hive doorstep to get his soldiers back, and he starts to have Thoughts as well when he sees OP carrying
-Insecticon fertility festival that mimics the nuptial flights of ants. Started as just that, nuptial flights, but since they’re not used anymore it’s just for displaying a queen’s power. As their culture evolved, more and more frills got added to it until it became an entire multi day festival celebrating creation in all its forms.
-Insecticon hatchlings pick up more and more traits from their carriers as the generations go on. It starts with just paint jobs and small details, but because they evolve so fast it’s only a few generations until we start getting wasps that shoot cryogenic spray instead of venom or grasshoppers with shield generators.
-Guard insecticons using their wings to shimmer and disorient potential threats.
I’m sure more will come of this fic so I’ll just keep posting as we make content.
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yaminalapis · 6 months
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Hehe I can take his shirt off
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yaminalapis · 7 months
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