I can’t start a fb group called RAPE IS NOT A PUNCHLINE
Presumabley because of the word rape in it.
Yet I see so many fucked up rape joke groups on facebook all the time.
I had to change it to Sexual assault is not a punchline.
Just someone join and restore my faith in humanity?
I joined.
also joined.
All you have to do is click the link to "like" the new Facebook page "Sexual Assault is Not a Punchline."
This is so, so important. The rape jokes circulating FB recently have been nothing short of appalling. The "riding your girlfriend softly so you don't wake her up" page currently has 70,000+ fans. We need to beat that number! Use your Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter to blast this TODAY!
If you're against rape jokes, PLEASE READ AND "LIKE" THIS FACEBOOK PAGE!
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I can assure you if abortion is illegal, it will have a dramatic decrease in the number of abortions that take place. Now the opponents in the opposition argue that whether we make it illegal or not, people are going to get abortions. Well, we’ve illegalized [sic] murder and drugs for a long long time, and yet those crimes continue to take place. And it’s not our stance here to say that “just because people smoke pot and break the law or use heroin and break the law, then we should legalize it.” There are many who say we should. But we don’t agree, we don’t think so. We think it’s wrong and it’s best to keep it illegal…This is the pro-life bill. And I think you’d be in a difficult situation if you voted against this bill and tried to convince everybody that you are ardently pro-life.
John Labruzzo, claiming that all women are potential abortion addicts. I wish I could make as many bad analogies as the modern GOP. (via forgottenether)
Abortions equal shooting heroin equal smoking pot.
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The Health and Human Services Department is telling the state of Indiana that its Medicaid plan, which bans funding to Planned Parenthood, is illegal and must be changed.
In a letter sent to Indiana’s Medicaid director, and obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday, Medicaid Administrator Donald M. Berwick says Indiana’s plan will improperly bar Medicaid beneficiaries from receiving services. Berwick writes that federal law requires Medicaid beneficiaries to be able to obtain services from any provider qualified to provide services.
The notification comes after Indiana passed a law banning federal funding to Planned Parenthood, and as other states consider similar bans. Indiana can change its plan to conform with federal law, or the state could face penalties.
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If you aren’t following this Tumblr, you should start right now.  You can thank me later.
A hilarious twist on the racist anti-choice billboards in Chicago featuring an image of President Obama with the word, "Every 21 minutes, a next possible future leaders is ABORTED."
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OK, here’s an analogy: preventing poor people from using Medicaid to pay for health care and birth control at Planned Parenthood because PP also performs (not-taxpayer-funded) abortions would be like preventing people on food stamps from using them at Walmart because Walmart also sells guns.
Dr. Hile (Literature Professor)
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That seems to be the procedure for most everything.
No jobs?  Blame abortion.
Gas prices getting higher?  Abortion.
Natural disasters?  Damn we need to get on regulating those uteri.
So true it hurts.
It's hot as hell out. I blame abortion!
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i'm so glad there is a blog like this. I drove past a planned parenthood the other day and I saw protesters, I wish they would stop thinking with the bible and use their brains.It's tough living in a society of such close minded people.It's bad enough paying $85 for birth control (with insurance) while viagra is practically free.thank you for having this blog, i hope it reaches a million plus people.
Thank you so much!
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R.I.P. Dr. Tiller: introducing Summer of Trust! A call to action for pro-choicers across the country
This summer, anti-choice antagonists will be descending upon the town of Germantown, Maryland to terrorize Dr. LeRoy Carhart's clinic in what they're calling "Summer of Mercy 2.0."
The pro-choice response? Summer of Trust!
Activists in MD are calling on pro-choicers nationwide to counter the anti-choice presence from July 30th to August 7th. You can come for part of the protest or the entire week; all that's important is that you're there.
Dr. Carhart is one of few late-term abortion providers practicing in the U.S. Whatever your opinion on late-term abortion, remember that regardless of the circumstances, we must trust one another to make decisions about our own bodies.
Please reblog in honor of Dr. Tiller--today is the anniversary of assassination.
Facebook event
If you'd like to make a donation to help others carpool to Germantown, please contact the team at summeroftrust [at] gmail [dot] com.
(This is not a WFC event. We support it, and we'll sponsor it however we can, but Summer of Trust is being coordinated by independent activists associated with various organizations.)
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Make no mistake, this battle is about self-determination by women of the direction and course of their lives and their family’s lives. Abortion is about women’s hopes and dreams. Abortion is a matter of survival for women.
—Dr. George Tiller (via stfusexists)
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“George Tiller was a compassionate physician who risked his life to help women in need. He was assassinated by an anti-choice terrorist.”
Dr. George Tiller: August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009.
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[Image: a skinny woman’s midsection with the top bit of her jeans also showing. Superimposed over her is a coat hanger, and over that is the text, “THIS SHOULD NEVER BE A SURGICAL DEVICE. WE WON’T GO BACK.” Vertically along the right side, more text reads, “Pro-Choice IS the REAL pro-life.”]
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[Image: animated gif of Kingsley from the Youtube series “It’s Kingsley Bitch”. He melodramatically waves his face and hands around and screams, “NO!”]
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Ask yourself “Is it my body?”
If the answer was no, then surprise! You don’t have the right.
That. Is by far the BEST thing I have ever heard/seen anyone say about the right to get an abortion.
Here's a quick way to check if you have the right to stop an abortion.
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...put forward by Rep. John LaBruzzo (R – Metarie). The bill would outlaw all forms of abortion, even if it is medically necessary to save the mother’s life. Any woman having an abortion could receive up to 15 years in jail, as could the doctor providing it. The bill was at one point specifically worded so that abortion would be outlawed “to the extent allowed by the Supreme Court.” That wording was taken out, making it instead a total ban on abortion. This bill would make abortion completely illegal--no exceptions for life of the mother.
You may remember John LaBruzzo. He also wants to start a program that pays poor women to have their tubes tied.
Please reblog now. The Louisiana House could vote on this as early as next week.
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On Texas’ new sonogram bill, signed by Governor Rick Perry earlier this week:
According to the law, women will not only be forced into the ultrasound process but most will have to wait 24 hours AFTER having one to be able to go ahead with her abortion. There is a caveat for women who live more than 100 miles away—they “only” have to wait two hours. I can’t really pick out what is more disgusting and inappropriate (apart from the bill itself, that is): Perry signing a law AGAIN to show off for and appease the bloodlust party crowd of anti-abortion activists or Rep. Patrick’s patronizing theocratic spewing. It’s all appalling, intrusive, controlling bullshit dressed up in theocratic religious fervor shrieking about “saving babies”—and it’s SOP for many state legislators these days.
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Okay. This is almost laughable. I'm sure most of you have seen it already. But I have to say something.
I put it in quotes because, uh, well, hate to burst your bubble, GOP, but the same procedure used to perform abortions is used for countless other reasons.
Do you know what happens during a miscarriage? Since you voted "yes" on this amendment, GOP, I'm willing to bet that you don't. You bleed; sometimes so much so that it can kill you, and your only chance of survival is that the hemorrhaging tissue (it's not a baby, never was, and most certainly won't be now that you've miscarried) be removed and you get a blood transfusion immediately. If you're lucky, you'll avoid a Catholic hospital, where you'll be sentenced to death because your physician doesn't perform abortions ever ever EVER, despite the fact that prayer doesn't really evacuate uterine contents no matter how hard you work at it.
But if that doesn't happen, and you live, chances are bits of that miscarried tissue (do anti-choicers seriously think a miscarriage is anything like giving birth? don't answer that) are going to remain inside the uterus. And doctors will have to remove it from the uterus.
What's that called?
Oh, right. Let's not teach doctors how to do that. We wouldn't want them saving lives or anything.
There are other reasons someone might need the contents of their uterus removed, by the way. Fibroids. PCOS. Endometriosis.
I saw this on a protest sign once: politicians make crappy doctors. I'm just a former pre-med with access to Wikipedia, and I'm a better doctor than the entire Republican party. Fancy that!
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Hey, so, I wrote an article about Walk for Choice for Lawsonry.com. Check it out, plz!
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