#Infinite Visual
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producedbyjxdemidnightt · 2 months ago
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odd-chips · 9 months ago
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(Tents fingers) So I've had a very indulgent Lethal Company OC concept on the mind for a while, and now that I've drawn it, of course it's spiraled into a 80+ panel comic HILJKFD
Employee names are tentative right now, but they go by Cap'n, Kid (shortie, actual name is Scoot), Skeets (tall one, short for Skeeter) and Mav (wide one, goes by that or Maverick). Genders are also tentative, but I'm warming up to the idea of them all being women with Kid being the only boy!
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Value keys for the comic are under the cut, along with some story beats/thumbnails and the uncensored version of Cap'n's injuries from the attack! (It's sketchy, but it is drawn gore so be warned!)
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geyashvecova · 2 years ago
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Design graphics Geya Shvecova (Sacred Mandalas) Archive_270323
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randomalistic · 5 months ago
Cool awesome reminder that you don’t need amazing technical skill to be a good artist/storyteller
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sweetcoffeelove · 4 months ago
Repeat after me:
“The 3D doesn’t decide for me. I decide for the 3D.”
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kineticallyanywhere · 22 days ago
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Monkey’s Paw pages 158-162 ( START HERE || ao3 || previous || next ) AU after episode 62. The Omega Dads try a more desperate gambit, but   careful what you wish for. Our dads find alternate versions of themselves in a strange dreamscape. If you die in the dream,doyou die in real life?
Is Freddie's commitment to the non-magic bit so important to me? yes. its so freaking funny.
is it also fun to let glenn be a 16th level bard. also yes.
Anyway! Welcome the GEEZERS to the big ol bottle of chemicals I'm shaking. this time place your best on which one is about to get got :))))))
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faygos · 1 year ago
gosh someone sent me an ask about headcanons that got me gushing about homestuck
the ability of fans to project their unique interpretations onto characters is one of my favorite parts of homestuck. i believe its the primary reason why homestuck is STILL drawing new fans from across the globe after all these years; canon is very open and malleable. the characters are iconic yet they have few canon physical features, so you can interpret them however you like, and they are ALWAYS recognizable. and multiple universes/timelines is an integral theme in homestuck, so it's easy and natural to imagine tons of AUs and side stories and alternate timelines and endings.
i adore exploring the huge variety of headcanons and aus and art styles and pairings and cosplay and fanfiction and games and animations and merch and websites fans create! there is still stuff from years ago i havent seen, and new stuff all the time. it's an endless treasure chest of fan content, and there's a niche for every interest. i think as time goes on homestuck will continue to endure and be a crucible for people to find their unique creative voices and niches. i'm... gonna be a homestuck forever...
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thelikesoffinn · 1 year ago
You play visual novel! Can you give me recommendation? I just started playing them and I'm looking for good once
Haha, yeah I do. Occasionally, at least.
I really enjoy the "Our Life" games by GBPatch Games - they're probably my all time favourite. Trouble Comes Twice by Foxglove Games, something I played recently, was also really fun.
If you can get your hands on it really dirt cheap, maybe check out Bustafellows. It's not that good, but the art is great and it does have its moments!
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is also amazing, if you're into a little law and order gedohns.
If you like Scifi, maybe check out Andromeda Six by Wanderlust Games - also a game I hold really dear - or Infinite Stars.
If you're into vampires, I'd 100% recommend both Vampire The Masquerate - Courteries of New York and Vampire the Masquerade - Shadows of New York. Thinking about it, I should probably replay those...
Fantasy-wise I really enjoyed When The Night Comes by Lunaris Games.
Scarlet Hollow and Slay The Princess by Black Tabby Games are really neat if you're into horror. And Touchstarved by Red Spring Studios is still a Demo for now, but it's already super neat! Oh and XOXO Blood Droplets by GB Patch Games is also fun to play if you like whacky, horror-leaning stuff!
And I guess that's all I have so far! Sorry it's not more, I'm sure you've heard of most of those already. I'm super picky with my visual novels so I don't play a whole lot of them, haha.
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annamationsart · 6 months ago
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relatively old helen design concepts!! michael sweetie i’ll get to you eventually
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sellyourshadownotyoursoul · 26 days ago
Halfa reproduction
Dp world building idea
Human souls do not make for very powerful ghosts. The worlds they live in are simply too far removed from the realms to be exposed to the right amounts of Ectoplasm, their lifespans too short to build up any sort of ecto signature that might let them live on after death. More often than not they do not form ghosts at all. Their deaths are the equivalent of a tiny displacement of air. Even the most liminal of people do not become much more than blobs, only the very core of their identity imprinted unto the Ectoplasm that clings to them; the vague notion of humanity, sometimes a particularly strong emotion, very rarely accompanied by an instinct to accomplish some goal. A distant echo of what might have been an Obsession.
It's a good thing, in most respects, because otherwise the realms would be absolutely flooded with them. They breed young and breed quickly, their sapience causing their timelines to split and intermingle near-constantly, exponentially increasing their number with every minute decision. Their lack of ectoplasmic aptitude is counterbalanced by their emotional intensity, their ability to cooperate and the fact that their multitudes allow every single facet of a problem to be examined simultaneously. Indeed if they did regularly show up in the realms it would no doubt be absolute carnage.
Thankfully, as numerous as they are, the worlds they inhabit are incredibly rare.
Humans are exclusively the denizens of what has been dubbed ‘congenital realms’, they are creatures of the cosmos that exists inside the core of a very particular species of ghost.
A halfa. The rarest type of ghost in existence and one that, by all accounts, can only be formed from the body of a human.
It's a strange survival strategy, even amongst the denizens of the infinite realms, akin to cloning or asexual reproduction in contrast to the twining of cores that is typical in the creation of neverborn.
At any one point a halfa might be incubating any number of its kind, keeping them safe until they are strong enough to enter the realms on their own or even just to let them live out their entire existence inside the core of their parent. That might be a factor in the species’ low numbers; the fact that they do not always show their face in the realms at all.
Clockwork has, throughout the eons, met more halfas than perhaps anyone else. The very first being he met upon his death had been what some might consider an ancestor to the modern halfa. A cat-like creature in the way a shadow might resemble anything in the dark. Its body sleek and cloaked in shadow, it guided the newly born concept of time into its core and kept him warm amongst the primordial waters of what might have been the very first earth.
In the now, Clockwork has even molded his appearance from that of a human. He finds the form pleasing to the eye, and the hands are practical. The variety of human presentation is a joy to cycle through. The Fear that such a shape strikes into the core of a ghost is quite pleasing as well.
The thing about halfas, in contrast to the beings in their core, is that they do make terrifyingly powerful ghosts. They are ghosts who are not held back by their obsessions; they are able to mold themselves, able to evolve and change and grow. They are not beholden to a single obsession, nor are they chained to one once it is formed.
They do not start out that way of course, not at all, they start out clumsy and starving in what is typically a very ectoplasm-poor environment, the atmosphere of the realms filtered through their parent and broken down into the building blocks of their world. But if they manage to survive and break through to the realms? There is no ceiling to their ability.
Most denizens of the realms are stagnant, they are frozen at the point of their creation in temperament and power.
Halfas are not.
The last, and perhaps most crucial, fact that is known of halfas is that they cannot be Ended. A halfa has died once and will never die again. They are as infinite as the realms and even if their cores are smashed or melted or eaten and digested - they will reform. It might be in pieces and it might be with wounds that never heal, but their existence cannot be wiped out.
Even for a world of immortal beings, such a fate is difficult to comprehend.
Most halfas choose to sleep, once they have existed for sufficiently long. They find a place they deem safe, somewhere they will be undisturbed, and they retreat into their cores, never to return. There has been much speculation on what this behaviour means, on what actually happens, when a halfa goes to sleep.
Even Clockwork doesn't know, but he likes the idea that they are living alongside their fellow humans, perhaps as gods. Or perhaps they let themselves be born over and over again, to experience life in a million different ways. No one knows.
Clockwork is the keeper of a small handful of such sleeping cores. Each of them was once a dear friend, their contributions to the history of the realms a thing of legends and their impact on Clockwork himself no less impressive. He keeps them in his personal chambers at the very top of his haunt, made comfortable on silk pillows with emotionally charged items scattered artfully around them.
It is impossible to describe the horror that grips him when he finds one of them injured. A deep-seated nausea pulsating throughout his current form, exacerbated the longer he stares at the little trickle of ectoplasm that rolls down over the bright red fabric. The shell of the core has cracked, like an egg hatching, like something is trying to get out.
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whokilled-fen · 2 months ago
Hii! I’d love a stimboard of infinite from sonic forces..I don’t have any specific wants/requirements I’d just love to see one :3!
oml i luv their dezign !!
Infinite (zonic forcez) ztimboard !!
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+++_+ = +_+++
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frontlinebicepsoftheninth · 4 months ago
i'm making it my life's mission to get every locked tomb fan to watch arcane because i know if it existed in the early 2010s we would see its influence in tlt. guys this show has literally everything you guys want (spoilers!). a billion scenes of hot muscular women fighting each other and getting beat and bruised and bloody. the most devastating doomed siblings narrative you'll ever see and it only keeps getting worse. skrunkly weird mentally ill teenager with access to explosives who blames herself for her family's deaths and is haunted by their hallucinations. star-crossed angsty lesbian lovers on opposite sides of a class system. orphan CANON BUTCH LESBIAN rebel with a savior complex who is also the eldest daughter, who feels immense guilt and singularly responsible for the socio-political situation of her entire society, who becomes everything she once hated and crashes out spectacularly. the most beautiful woman on earth and she has a gold color palette. the complex politics of capitalist imperialism on a regional level. guy gains healing abilities and accidentally invents a religion out of it. am i not describing the locked tomb right now
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geyashvecova · 2 years ago
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Design graphics Geya Shvecova (Approximation) Archive_040523 (Gif_Png)
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armandluroart · 4 months ago
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Halloween buddies. Caliban, the Geneva Beast and Cosmic Kid. Hope everyone has a great and spooky day 🎃
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sweetcoffeelove · 3 months ago
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✨ Everything Is Not What It Seems | Thought Transmission & Manifestation Are Instant ✨
(Read my tweet and read this post.)
We’re all taught to believe that manifestation takes time, but the truth is, it’s instant. Everything you think, feel, and believe aligns with your reality immediately.
Manifestation isn’t some slow process where you wait for things to happen—it’s happening right now, in this moment. And the same goes for thought transmission. You’re already connected to everyone and everything around you. Thoughts travel instantly, and they shape your world, right now.
How Can You Tell It's Not Working?
Honestly, how can you tell that it's not working when it ALWAYS WORKS? Manifestation is instant, and thought transmission is just as real as anything you can see in front of you. The moment you affirm, reality starts shifting. Your thoughts are constantly being transmitted to everyone around you, and they’re picking up on it—even if you don’t see it yet. There are no such thing as coincidence. Think of the moment that you would randomly think of someone and they chatted you or you'll see that person later on, or even seeing their names everywhere.
People would repeat MY AFFIRMATIONS because THEY RECEIVE ALL OF IT.
We have endless thoughts, do you express every single one? No, you just know what you’re thinking. The same goes for the people around you. They’re receiving your thoughts whether or not they say it out loud.
Just because they’re not saying your affirmations out loud doesn’t mean they’re not receiving them. The subconscious mind doesn’t need to hear the words out loud for them to be received. It just knows.
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confusedananass · 1 year ago
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Tutorial in After Effects under the cut.
• Create a new composition and call it Split.
• Write your text, pre-comp it, call it Text or whatever you want.
• Create a mask from the center to one side (top/bottom), change anchor point to the top.
• Bring down Scale property and unlink it, keyframe the text to go from 100% to 0% in 1s towards the anchor point.
• Cut the layer at the end.
• Duplicate pre-comp.
• Select the bottom one, click M to bring down mask properties, invert the mask and move anchor point to the bottom (so the text scales to the bottom).
• Duplicate Text pre-comp one more time. Select it, press M and delete the mask, move anchor point to the center. Create new keyframes to scale it from 0 to 100 in 1s (properties unlinked). Select both keyframes and delay it by 1 frame. It makes the text look like it’s scaling from the center.
• Change bottom and top text color by adding Fill effect to the pre-comp.
• Easy ease all keyframes.
• Select all pre-comps and duplicate them, put them at the top and put them at the back to extend your animation (or arrange in your preferred order if you’re doing a phrase like me). So far it should look something like this:
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• Create new comp Wave of 10s, add your Split comp.
• Create new Solid layer, call it Map, add Gradient Ramp effect, make white at the left, black at the right and hide the layer.
• Select Split pre-comp, Right-click → Time → Enable Time Remapping and extend the layer to the end.
• Add loopOut() expression to Time Remap.
• On Split pre-comp add the effect Time Displacement, on Time Displacement Layer select your Solid layer (Map), and on Source select Effects & Mask.
• Change Time Resolution (fps) to 250-300.
• Add Fast Box Blur effect, change Blur Radius to 0.5.
• To bring back the sharpness add Curves effect, change the Channel to Alpha and change values (see screenshot).
• Play around with Max Displacement Time [sec] on Time Displacement effect depending on the look you’re going for. I set it to 0.5.
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• Now this whole animation is driven by our Solid layer (Map) we created. So if you make any changes to it, the animation changes too. For example, you can change Ramp Shape to Radial on Gradient Ramp effect, and see how it changes your animation.
• I additionally added some texture on the text, used Track Matte and added wiggle(5,500) expression to the Rotation property so texture would be constantly moving. Also added some additional effects to the new Adjustment Layer on top such as Roughen edges, Turbulent Displace, Posterize Time and Noise. Let your freak flag fly - it’s a matter of taste and creativity of what you do with it. Your animation should look something like this:
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