#Incident Command System Principles.
defensenow · 15 days
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shimshilla · 1 year
Volgin/Raikov 80-th AU
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I don't have a name for it, but I once decided that it would be a logical continuation of Strange Wedding AU.
With the light "hand" of the state, Raikov became a victim of the latest experiments: first, his kidney was cut out and replaced with an artificial one. This was necessary in order to test a new kind of parasites that are aimed at rapid human healing. The kidney took root, began to function, which gave the green light for further experiment.
All this takes place in the same research laboratory where Volgin is located. Raikov doesn't know about it.
They are being watched by high—ranking people, this is all a huge experiment of Soviet scientists and higher-ranking people.
The second stage was the idea to replace Ivan's stomach, because he has a very weak one. Before the operation he was injected with a sufficiently large amount of drugs, including parasites, to cause a natural reaction of the stomach — to allocate enough bile and gastric juice for analysis. This caused a negative reaction, Ivan had an attack, the operation had to be postponed for several days.
During this time, the formula was slightly adjusted, everything went well with the re-introduction.
After that, they started surgery to remove the stomach and replace it with an artificial one.
The stomach did not take root, the body began to reject the foreign object, which also caused self-intoxication. In short, Ivan's body failed, the parasites did not react, Ivan died.
Attempts at resuscitation did not lead to anything, Ivan did not wake up. Ivan's body was placed in the morgue for further observation, he was given a period of two weeks, after which the body is disposed of.
It didn't decompose, it didn't have any visible changes in principle, he looked like he was sleeping.
Because of this, he was watched every day.
A week after his death, Ivan woke up. He tried to get up, but fell off the table, injuring his leg. The leg healed an hour later, as if nothing had happened.
For a week, Ivan's brain, let's say, self-pickled, which greatly affected the ability to speak clearly. Thanks to the parasites his body quickly returned to normal, except for brain activity. At first, Ivan completely lacked at least some reaction to what was happening, because the nervous system and brain "did not cooperate." I.e., he could get burned and not notice it. The body no longer rejected the artificial stomach, but it was not functional. Because of this, Ivan had no need to eat, which made him weak. He was force-fed liquid food.
No more experiments and experiments were carried out on Ivan, all forces were directed to rehabilitation. In fact, Ivan is the first SUCCESSFUL experiment when the parasites worked correctly, albeit belatedly.
By the way, they mutated in a dead body.
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☝️ Ivan's old clothes were burned to remove evidence in case of anything, after waking up he was given some old torn sweater that was not his size, torn shoes and socks. These were all the clothes he was wearing before the incident. Yes, he didn't even have any underpants.
A bracelet was hung on his left hand, on which his full name, date of birth, date of death and time of awakening were written.
One of the nurses told him to point at this bracelet. It was the first "command" he learned. On his ring finger he wears an engagement ring given by Volgin. Ivan was placed in a solitary ward, where he just sat and stared at one point, sometimes falling asleep sitting up. His body and brain in particular were very tired and tense all the time, so Ivan slept a lot. Very a lot.
"Very Important People" found out about the experiments being carried out on people, and various armies, including American PMCs, were sent to the research institute to arrange a purge there. At the time of "cleaning" Ivan heard a noise from his ward and left it (they didn't lock the door for him, because they believed that such a vegetable would not go anywhere anyway).
He ran into several soldiers. The noise they were making and the guns aimed at Ivan created the first natural reaction — he was scared. His brain finally gave the first, albeit instinctive reaction. Mutated parasites manifested themselves here — Ivan opened telekinesis.
When a telekinetic release occurred during an instinctive fear, Volgin felt it and woke up from a coma.
The same reaction was felt by the Tretij Rebenok who was also in the laboratory. All three were in the same place.
Mantis, fueled by Volgin's hatred, discovered fiery abilities, which caused Volgin to become a Burning Man, and the two of them staged a bacchanal.
Ivan was two floors below, scattering soldiers with his uncontrollable telekinesis. He was afraid of himself, afraid of others.
Volgin moved from floor to floor down, guided by an incomprehensible telekinetic connection, Mantis moved behind him.
At some point they came to the floor where Raikov was.
Raikov sat in horror, pressed against the wall. When the Burning Man entered the corridor, Ivan didn't even raise his head. Only when the Burning Man came close and was already preparing to burn his victim, Ivan raised his head at him. Volgin recognized Ivan at once. Ivan did not recognize Volgin because of the mask.
Volgin's hatred was abruptly replaced by another feeling (love), which Mantis was not familiar with. He released Volgin's mind to assess the situation.
When Volgin took off the mask of the Burning Man, Ivan recognized him. But then again, he lacked reaction. And he also had a wound on his stomach, which increased the fear and pain. His sweater was soaked in blood, but Volgin didn't immediately notice it.
Americans (Diamond Dogs) flew into their corridor, and they wanted to shoot both of them. Big Boss's face was under a mask, he recognized both of them and forbade them to open fire. While.
Volgin did not show aggression towards them, he was busy with Ivan.
When he touched Ivan, it seemed to him that something was wrong. And not because Ivan didn't talk, but because his gaze was glassy and his lips were turning blue.
The wound was bleeding seriously, and a small puddle had already formed under Ivan.
In a panic, Volgin picked up Ivan in his arms. Big Boss also noticed Ivan's condition and took Volgin to the helicopter, which landed in front of the entrance to the institute.
So they left the USSR and went to the Mother Base.
Part 2
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piratesexmachine420 · 7 months
you mention the apollo guidance computer in your bio.
do you have any nerdy fun facts about it?
Thanks for the ask!
It's difficult to convey everything the AGC was, concisely, but here's some highlists:
In terms of size and power, it's comparable to the Apple II, but predates it by 11 years. There are some obvious differences in the constraints placed on the two designs, but still, that's pretty ahead of it's time.
The bare-bones OS written for the AGC was one of the first to ever implement co-operative multi-tasking and process priority management. This would lead problems on Apollo 11, when an erroneously deployed landing radar overloaded the task scheduler on Eagle during the Lunar landing (the infamous 1201/1202 program alarms). Fortunately, it didn't end up affecting the mission, and the procedures were subsequently revised/better followed to avoid the situation ever reoccurring.
Relatedly, it was also designed to immediately re-boot, cull low-priority tasks, and resume operations following a crash -- a property essential to ensuring the spacecraft could be piloted safely and reliably in all circumstances. Many of the reliability-promoting techniques used by Apollo programmers (led by Margaret Hamilton, go women in STEM) went on to become foundational principles of software engineering.
Following the end of the Apollo, Skylab, and Apollo-Soyuz missions, a modified AGC would be re-purposed into the worlds first digital fly-by-wire system. (Earlier fly-by-wire used analogue computers, which are their own strange beasts.) This is, IMO, one of the easiest things to point to when anyone asks "What does NASA even do for us anyway?" Modern aircraft autopilots owe so, so much to the AGC -- and passengers owe so much to those modern autopilots. While there are some pretty well-known incidents involving fly-by-wire (lookin' at you, MCAS), it speaks to the incredible amount of safety such systems normally afford that said incidents are so rare. Pilot error killed so many people before computers hit the cockpit.
AGC programs were stored in a early form of read only memory, called "core rope memory", where bits were literally woven into an array of copper wire and magnets. As a Harvard-architecture machine (programs and variables stored and treated separately), it therefore could not be re-programmed in flight. This would be problem on Apollo 14, when an intermittent short in the LM's abort switch nearly cancelled the landing -- if it occurred during decent, the computer would immediately discard the descent engine and return to orbit. A second, consecutive failure (after Apollo 13) would have almost certainly ended in the cancellation of the program, and the loss of the invaluable findings of Apollo 15, 16, and 17. (These were the missions with the lunar roving vehicles, allowing treks far from the LM.) Fortunately, the MIT engineers who built the AGC found a solution -- convince the computer it had, in fact, already aborted, allowing the landing to occur as normal -- with a bit of manual babysitting from LMP Edgar Mitchell.
Finally, it wasn't actually the only computer used on Apollo! The two AGCs (one in the command module, the other in the Lunar Module, a redundancy that allowed Apollo 13 to power off the CM and survive their accident) were complemented by the Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) designed by IBM and located in S-IVB (Saturn V's third stage, Saturn-I/IB's second stage), and the Abort Guidance System (AGS) located in the LM. The AGS was extremely simple, and intended to serve as a backup should the AGC have ever failed and been unable to return the LM to orbit-- something it was fortunately never needed for. The LVDC, on the other hand, was tasked with flying the Saturn rocket to Earth orbit, which it did every time. This was very important during Apollo 12, when their Saturn V was struck by lightning shortly after launch, completely scrambling the CM's electrical system and sending their gimbal stacks a-spinning. Unaffected by the strike, the LVDC flew true and put the crew into a nominal low Earth orbit -- where diagnostics began, the AGC was re-set, and the mission continued as normal.
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magicwingslisten · 7 months
[….] Plato expresses his Abhorrence of some Fables of the Poets, which seem to reflect on the Gods as the Authors of Injustice; and lays it down as a Principle, That whatever is permitted to befal a just Man, whether Poverty, Sickness, or any of those Things which seem to be Evils, shall either in Life or Death conduce to his Good. My Reader will observe how agreeable this Maxim is to what we find delivered by a greater Authority. Seneca has written a Discourse purposely on this Subject [De Constantia Sapientis], in which he takes Pains, after the Doctrine of the Stoicks, to shew that Adversity is not in itself an Evil; and mentions a noble Saying of Demetrius, That nothing would be more unhappy than a Man who had never known Affliction. He compares Prosperity to the Indulgence of a fond Mother to a Child, which often proves his Ruin; but the Affection of the Divine Being to that of a wise Father who would have his Sons exercised with Labour, Disappointment, and Pain, that they gather Strength, and improve their Fortitude. On this Occasion the Philosopher rises into the celebrated Sentiment, That there is on Earth a Spectator more worthy the Regard of a Creator intent on his Works than a brave Man superior to his Sufferings; to which he adds, That it must be a Pleasure to Jupiter himself to look down from Heaven, and see Cato amidst the Ruins of his Country preserving his Integrity.
This Thought will appear yet more reasonable, if we consider human Life as a State of Probation, and Adversity as the Post of Honour in it, assigned often to the best and most select Spirits.
But what I would chiefly insist on here, is, that we are not at present in a proper Situation to judge of the Counsels by which Providence acts, since but little arrives at our Knowledge, and even that little we discern imperfectly; or according to the elegant Figure in Holy Writ, We see but in part, and as in a Glass darkly. It is to be considered, that Providence in its Oeconomy regards the whole System of Time and Things together, so that we cannot discover the beautiful Connection between Incidents which lie widely separated in Time, and by losing so many Links of the Chain, our Reasonings become broken and imperfect. Thus those Parts in the moral World which have not an absolute, may yet have a relative Beauty, in respect of some other Parts concealed from us, but open to his Eye before whom Past, Present, and To come, are set together in one Point of View: and those Events, the Permission of which seems now to accuse his Goodness, may in the Consummation of Things both magnify his Goodness, and exalt his Wisdom. And this is enough to check our Presumption, since it is in vain to apply our Measures of Regularity to Matters of which we know neither the Antecedents nor the Consequents, the Beginning nor the End.
I shall relieve my Reader from this abstracted Thought, by relating here a Jewish Tradition concerning Moses [Henry More’s Divine Dialogues] which seems to be a kind of Parable, illustrating what I have last mentioned. That great Prophet, it is said, was called up by a Voice from Heaven to the top of a Mountain; where, in a Conference with the Supreme Being, he was permitted to propose to him some Questions concerning his Administration of the Universe. In the midst of this Divine Colloquy he was commanded to look down on the Plain below. At the Foot of the Mountain there issued out a clear Spring of Water, at which a Soldier alighted from his Horse to drink. He was no sooner gone than a little Boy came to the same Place, and finding a Purse of Gold which the Soldier had dropped, took it up and went away with it. Immediately after this came an infirm old Man, weary with Age and Travelling, and having quenched his Thirst, sat down to rest himself by the Side of the Spring. The Soldier missing his Purse returns to search for it, and demands it of the old Man, who affirms he had not seen it, and appeals to Heaven in witness of his Innocence. The Soldier not believing his Protestations, kills him. Moses fell on his Face with Horror and Amazement, when the Divine Voice thus prevented his Expostulation: “Be not surprised, Moses, nor ask why the Judge of the whole Earth has suffer'd this Thing to come to pass: The Child is the Occasion that the Blood of the old Man is split; but know, that the old Man whom thou saw'st, was the Murderer of that Child's Father.”
_ Joseph Addison, The Spectator, no. 237 (December 1, 1711)
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questionsonislam · 10 months
I met a girl with nice qualities. She is of taqwa. Alhamdulillah we both are muslims. We understand each other well. But the problem is I am not attracted to her. I don't feel a "heart to heart connection" as they say. Moreover, my parents are against our marriage. Do you think I can fall in love with her after the marriage? Or at least live a happy life?
It is very important for the peace of the home to be established and the training and education of the children to be born that the man choose the girl to marry carefully and the parents of the girl choose the son-in-law carefully. Our Prophet, who advised us to be careful in choosing the son-in-law and daughter-in-law, wanted us to be cautious by saying, "People are like mines in terms of good deeds and bad deeds."(1) Hazrat Umar tells the following three things to his son who asks him about the rights of a child regarding his father: 'Choose a mother with high ethics and good manners, give him/her a nice name, and teach him/her the Quran." (2)
First of all, the main purpose of a marriage is to bring up good children; it is also important because marriage prevents the person to be married from committing some sins and ensures him/her to have a regular life. Otherwise, it is certain that an attempt originating only from the desires of the soul and based on only satisfying some temporary pleasures will cause constant problems in the future.
When Imam Ghazali lists the principles of our religion regarding the issue, he mentions the following two qualities in the first two places:
(1) religiousness,
(2) high ethics.(3)
A similar or equal level between the couples is very important so that the marriage will not break in the future. It is certain that a religious girl and a frivolous man will not make a good couple. Such a marriage will probably break down because it usually becomes impossible to live in harmony for spouses with different lifestyles. Similarly, the marriage of a religious man with a woman who does not act in accordance with the divine commands and who is not religious will cause a lot of problems and will be difficult to continue. Thus, Islam prevents possible incidents beforehand by taking necessary measures. So, it ensures the continuation of the system in the community on sound principles.
Our Prophet (pbuh), who attracts attention to the issue, gives believers the following advice:
"Women are preferred for four qualities in marriage: for her property, nobility, beauty and religion. Prefer the religious one, you will be happy."(4)
It is the advice of the Prophet to give importance to the religiousness of the woman apart from the other qualities. Therefore, it is the most important point to be taken into consideration by Muslims.
When Hazrat Umar asked the Prophet, "What kind of goods should we obtain to meet our needs?", he answered: "The best goods are a tongue that mentions the names of Allah (dhikr), a heart that thanks Allah and a believing woman who helps her husband in Islamic activities regarding the hereafter."(5)
Our Prophet regards the woman who helps her husband in Islamic activities as one of the most important wealth.
Our Prophet, who often warns us regarding the issue, wants us to be more careful with his following advice: "Do not marry women only for their beauty because their beauty may put them in danger. Do not marry them only for their property because their property may deprave them. Marry the religious one. Doubtlessly, a black female slave with a cut nose, and pierced ear is better that a woman who is not religious."
A man should look for a religious woman to marry; similarly, it is the duty of the parents of the girl to give importance to the religiousness of the man to marry their daughter. The parents who give importance only to beauty, wealth and social status but not to religiousness may cause disturbance and mischief.
A man whose daughter’s hand is asked for marriage goes to Hasan al-Basri and asks him; “To what kind of a person shall I give my daughter?" Hasan al-Basri says, "Give her to a man who fears Allah. If he loves your daughter, he will treat her well; if he hates your daughter, he will not oppress her."(6)
Badiuzzaman says; " According to the Shari’a, the husband should be a good match for the wife. That is, they should be suitable to one another. The most important aspect of this being suitable is from the point of view of religion. Happy is the husband who sees the wife’s firm religion and follows her, and himself becomes pious in order not to lose his companion of eternal life. Happy is the wife who sees her husband’s firmness in religion and becomes pious so as not to lose her eternal friend."(7)
When both parties take the aspect of religiousness into consideration, they will naturally give importance to other aspects. Another quality to be sought in the woman is being good-tempered and having high ethics. After all, most of the women who are careful in their religious life will try to act in accordance with the Islamic ethics.
The opinion and preference of the woman about the man should not be forgotten and neglected because marriage is a lifelong togetherness that will go in the eternal life too.
Another point to be taken into consideration is that the mahr of the woman should not be much. That is, it should not cost a lot for the man. Today, in some regions, bride price, which is a custom of ignorance, still leads to the prevention of marriage.
Islamic scholars state that the poverty of a good and virtuous candidate will not be a barrier for equality between the husband and wife and for the marriage. Then, if the spouses agree to marry, an inequality in terms of richness and poverty will not be a serious drawback to marriage.
In addition, if the religiousness and ethics of a woman has the desired quality, the fact that she is from a rich family and that she has her own property can be an additional reason for preference. That quality is mentioned as a different reason in the hadith.
1. Musnad, 2: 539.
2. Tarbiyatu'l-Awlad, 1: 38.
3. Ihya, 2: 38.
4. Ibn Majah, Nikah: 6.
5. Tirmidhi, Tafsiru'l-Qur'an.- 48, Ibn Majah, Nikah: 5.
6. Ihya, 2: 43.
7. Lem'alar (Flashes), p. 186.
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jcmarchi · 21 days
7 advanced persistent threats (APTs) to know about right now - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/7-advanced-persistent-threats-apts-to-know-about-right-now-cybertalk/
7 advanced persistent threats (APTs) to know about right now - CyberTalk
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An unseen adversary could stealthily lurk within your networks for months or even years. Methodically reconnoitering, establishing footholds, mapping out critical assets – this is the modus operandi of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs).
These sophisticated, well-resourced actors don’t just strike and disappear. Rather, they entrench themselves within systems while obfuscating their presence as they move towards their ultimate objective; a devastating cyber attack. By the time that a given organization detects an APT, the damage might have already been done.
Believe it or not, 80% of organizations have contended with downtime due to APT incidents.
Develop a stronger understanding of the APT landscape and the adversaries that are targeting your industry. Beyond that, learn about mitigation techniques that can strengthen your security and fortify your resilience capabilities. Get the details below.
7 advanced persistent threats to know about right now
1. The US-CERT has released a technical alert regarding two malware strains; Joanap and Brambul, deployed by the North Korean APT group known as Hidden Cobra.
The alert, issued in collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), explains that Hidden Cobra has been using these malware variants since at least 2009. Targets have included organizations in the media, aerospace, finance and critical infrastructure space.
Joanap is a remote access trojan (RAT) that allows Hidden Cobra operatives to remotely issue commands to infected systems via a command and control server. It usually infiltrates systems as a payload dropped by other Hidden Cobra malware, which people inadvertently download through compromised ads or attachments.
In contrast, Brambul is a brute-force authentication worm that propagates through SMB shares by using a list of hard-coded login credentials to perform password attacks; thereby gaining access to victims’ networks.
To mitigate the risks associated with these threats, US-CERT advises organizations to keep systems updated with the latest patches and antivirus software, to enforce the principle of least privilege for user permissions and to deploy effective email security software that can scan and block suspicious attachments.
In addition, disabling Microsoft’s File and Printer Sharing connection requests can prevent this type of malware from spreading within networks.
2. A new advanced persistent threat group, dubbed LilacSquid, engages in data exfiltration attacks across various industry sectors in both the U.S. and the E.U. The tactics employed by the threat group are similar to those of the North Korean threat group known as Andariel, a sub-cluster of the Lazarus group.
LilacSquid’s initial compromise methods include exploitation of known vulnerabilities in internet-facing application servers and use of stolen RDP credentials. After infiltrating a system, LilacSquid leverages a series of open-source tools, including MeshAgent, which allows for remote management, and InkLoader, which allows for decrypting and loading malicious content.
To mitigate the threat posed by LilacSquid, organizations are advised to focus on ensuring that software systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches. It is also suggested that organizations implement strong password policies and multi-factor authentication. Further, organizations should monitor network traffic and deploy advanced threat detection tools.
3. In Southeast Asia, a trio of state-aligned threat actors are executing Operation Crimson Palace, which is currently impacting a high-profile government group. Attackers have exfiltrated sensitive military and political secrets, including strategic documents related to the contested South China Sea.
The operation weaponizes advanced malware tools, involves over 15 DLL sideloading efforts, and innovative evasion techniques.
The operation’s first phase, in March of 2022, involved the deployment of the “Nupakage” data exfiltration tool by Mustang Panda. This was followed by covert backdoor deployments in December of that year. In early 2023, the main campaign began.
To mitigate this type of threat, organizations may wish to implement comprehensive cyber security measures. These include robust network segmentation, regular system updates and advanced threat protection systems that can identify novel malware and backdoor techniques. Also, consider investing in security solutions that use AI.
4. To infiltrate European diplomatic agencies, nation-state backed hackers (attribution unclear) have recently leveraged two new backdoors, known as LunarWeb and LunarMail. The hackers breached the Ministry of Foreign Affairs belonging to an undisclosed European country – one with diplomatic missions in the Middle East.
The attack chain initiates with spear-phishing emails that contain Word documents embedded with malicious macros, which deploy the LunarMail backdoor. This backdoor establishes persistence by creating an Outlook add-in, which activates anytime that the email client is launched.
The attack also exploits misconfigured Zabbix network monitoring tools to deliver the LunarWeb payload. LunarWeb persists by masquerading as legitimate traffic, utilizing techniques such as the creation of Group Policy extensions, replacing system DDLs, and embedding in legitimate software. Both backdoors are decrypted and activated by a component named ‘LunarLoader’ using RC4 and AES-256 ciphers, ensuring that they run exclusively within the targeted environment.
To prevent these types of threats, organizations should install robust email security protocols. Using advanced threat prevention and detection systems is also a must when it comes to enhancing APT resilience.
5. State-backed hacking group APT24 has recently employed advanced social engineering approaches to disrupt networks and to access cloud data across a variety of sectors. The group targets organizations in Western and Middle Eastern NGOs, media organizations, academia, legal services and activists.
The group’s tactics involve posing as journalists and event organizers. This strategy enables APT42 to harvest credentials and gain initial access to cloud environments, from which the group can exfiltrate attractive data.
To counteract these types of threats, take the time to learn about the latest social engineering tactics. Threat intelligence can also enhance an organization’s abilities to contend with such sophisticated campaigns.
6. The advanced persistent threat (APT) operation known as HellHounds has been deploying the Windows version of Decoy Dog malware against telecommunications, IT, government and space industry entities across Russia. At least 48 different organizations have been affected thus far.
To maintain a presence within Russian organizations and to evade malware defenses, the HellHounds group has modified open-source tools. The HellHounds toolkit, though primarily based on open-source projects, has been optimized to ensure prolonged covert operations within compromised environments.
To mitigate this threat, organizations are advised to implement robust multi-factor authentication, regularly update and patch systems, and to employ advanced threat prevention and defense solutions.
7. APT28 is targeting European networks using HeadLace malware and credential harvesting techniques. Operating with stealth, APT28 employes legitimate internet service (LIS) and living off-the-land binaries (LOLBins) to hide their malicious activities within the stream of regular network traffic, significantly complicating detection efforts.
To mitigate the threat, cyber security professionals are advised to block spear phishing attempts, implement comprehensive email security services, and apply multi-factor authentication.
For more insights into the latest malware threats, please see CyberTalk.org’s past coverage. Lastly, to receive cyber security thought leadership articles, groundbreaking research and emerging threat analyses each week, subscribe to the CyberTalk.org newsletter.
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Revolutionizing Safety and Efficiency: Pyrotech in Oil and Gas Control Rooms
In the fast-paced world of oil and gas operations, ensuring safety and optimizing efficiency are paramount. With the evolution of technology, control rooms have become the nerve centers of these operations, where every decision can have significant implications. Enter Pyrotech, a groundbreaking solution transforming the landscape of control rooms with its innovative Command Center Console.
Pyrotech represents a new era in control room design, offering unparalleled functionality and usability tailored specifically for the unique demands of the oil and gas industry. At its core lies the Command Center Console, a pivotal element that integrates cutting-edge technology with ergonomic design to empower operators with enhanced control and situational awareness.
Enhancing Safety
Safety is non-negotiable in the oil and gas sector, where operations often involve high-risk activities. Pyrotech’s Command Center Console prioritizes safety with features designed to mitigate potential hazards and streamline emergency response protocols.
Integrated Alarm Systems: The console seamlessly integrates with the control room's alarm systems, providing instant notifications and alerts for any anomalies or emergencies. Operators can swiftly identify and respond to critical situations, minimizing downtime and ensuring the safety of personnel and assets.
Ergonomic Design: Recognizing the importance of operator comfort and focus, Pyrotech has meticulously crafted the Command Center Console with ergonomic principles in mind. Adjustable displays, intuitive interfaces, and customizable layouts reduce operator fatigue and enhance concentration during extended shifts.
Real-time Monitoring: With advanced monitoring capabilities, operators have real-time visibility into every aspect of the operation, from production metrics to environmental conditions. This comprehensive oversight enables proactive decision-making and early intervention to prevent potential safety incidents.
Optimizing Efficiency
In the competitive landscape of oil and gas production, efficiency is key to maintaining profitability and staying ahead of the curve. Pyrotech’s Command Center Console empowers operators with tools and features designed to maximize efficiency across all facets of operations.
Data Integration and Analysis: The console seamlessly integrates with diverse data sources, including IoT sensors, SCADA systems, and predictive analytics platforms. By consolidating disparate data streams into a unified interface, operators can gain actionable insights and make data-driven decisions to optimize production processes and resource allocation.
Collaborative Tools: Collaboration is essential for coordinating complex operations and fostering synergy among team members. Pyrotech’s Command Center Console facilitates seamless communication and collaboration through integrated chat, video conferencing, and collaborative workspace features, enabling operators to share insights, troubleshoot issues, and coordinate responses in real-time.
Remote Monitoring and Control: In an era of digital transformation, remote monitoring and control capabilities are indispensable for maximizing operational efficiency and flexibility. Pyrotech’s Command Center Console enables remote access to critical systems and processes, empowering operators to oversee operations from anywhere in the world and respond promptly to emerging challenges or opportunities.
In the dynamic and high-stakes environment of oil and gas control rooms, innovation is the key to unlocking safety, efficiency, and competitiveness. Pyrotech’s Command Center Console stands at the forefront of this innovation, redefining the standard for control room technology with its advanced features, ergonomic design, and unparalleled performance.
By leveraging Pyrotech’s Command Center Console, oil and gas operators can navigate the complexities of their operations with confidence, knowing they have the tools and capabilities needed to ensure safety, optimize efficiency, and drive sustainable success in an ever-evolving industry. With Pyrotech, the future Oil And Gas Control Rooms has never looked brighter.
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cacmsinsitute · 3 months
Cybersecurity Careers: Opportunities, Skills Required, and Career Paths to Consider
In an increasingly digitized world, the demand for cybersecurity personnel has increased dramatically. As cyber attacks become more complex and frequent, personnel with the necessary skills and expertise are in high demand to protect organizations' digital assets. This article digs into the world of cybersecurity careers, focusing light on the numerous opportunities, necessary skills, and prospective career paths available in this dynamic industry.
Opportunities in cybersecurity
The cybersecurity industry provides numerous job opportunities in a variety of fields, including but not limited to:
Cybersecurity Analyst: Responsible for analyzing, identifying, and mitigating security vulnerabilities to an organization's systems and networks.
Ethical hacker/penetration tester: Evaluates systems, applications, and networks for vulnerabilities using simulated cyber attacks to improve security measures.
Security Architect: Creates and implements secure systems, networks, and infrastructure to protect against potential cyber threats.
Incident Responder: Investigates and responds to security incidents, breaches, and vulnerabilities in order to minimize their impact and avoid future occurrences.
Security Consultant: Provides advice to organizations on cybersecurity strategy, risk assessments, and regulatory compliance.
Cryptographer: Creating cryptographic protocols and methods that guarantee the authenticity, secrecy, and integrity of data.
Security Engineer: creating and managing intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and encryption protocols, among other security systems.
Analyst forensic: gathering, examining, and conserving digital evidence in order to look into security breaches and cybercrimes.
Competencies Needed for Achievement
Several key competences are widely appreciated in the subject of cybersecurity, while the precise skills may differ depending on the selected career path:
Technical Proficiency: Command of operating systems, networking protocols, cloud computing, and programming languages like Python, Java, or C++.
Problem-Solving Abilities: Capability to use analytical reasoning and troubleshooting techniques to identify and resolve complicated security issues.
Constant Learning: Keeping abreast of the most recent developments in cybersecurity tools, trends, and strategies in order to adjust to changing threats.
Communication Skills: Working with cross-functional teams, clearly communicating technical information to a variety of audiences, and summarizing security risks and recommendations.
Attention to Detail: Carefulness in identifying and recording security flaws, evaluating risks, and putting in place exact security measures.
Ethical Mindset: Keeping moral principles in mind and acting with integrity when managing confidential information and conducting security tests. 
Career Routes to Consider
The field of cybersecurity provides a flexible career path, enabling experts to focus on specific areas or take on more general responsibilities. Typical career pathways include the following:
Entry-Level Positions: Junior positions with a background in incident response and security operations, such as cybersecurity analysts or technicians.
Specialist Roles: Utilizing specialized knowledge to address specific threats, these roles focus on certain domains such as network security, cloud security, or application security.
Leadership and Management: Advancing into leadership roles, such as director or manager of cybersecurity, managing teams, establishing strategic goals, and coordinating security efforts with corporate objectives.
Research and Development: Making a positive impact on thought leadership, innovation, and cybersecurity research in government, business, or academia.
Entrepreneurship: Founding cybersecurity start-ups or advisory businesses and providing specialized services, goods, or solutions to deal with new security issues.
In conclusion, people that are passionate about technology, solving problems, and safeguarding digital assets will find a wealth of options in the subject of cybersecurity. Aspiring cybersecurity experts can start a fulfilling journey to protect the digital world from cyber threats by gaining the necessary skills, keeping up with industry advancements, and investigating various career routes.
Are you prepared to dive right in and explore the world of cybersecurity? Come to Amritsar with CACMS Institute for a thorough cybersecurity education! You will gain the knowledge and abilities necessary to succeed in this fast-paced industry via our practical, hands-on training. Secure your future in cybersecurity by getting in touch with us immediately at +91 8288040281 or visiting the link below for more information!
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seosaniya · 4 months
Preparing for the Unpredictable: Exploring Incident Command Systems!
Ever wondered how organizations manage crises effectively?
Dive into the world of Incident Command Systems (ICS) in disaster management. From natural disasters to cybersecurity breaches, ICS provides a structured approach to coordinate response efforts and mitigate risks.
delve into the principles and practices of ICS, uncovering how it ensures swift and efficient action during emergencies.
Ready to empower your organization with the tools to navigate crises? Let's explore the world of Incident Command Systems together. #DisasterManagement
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digitalworldai · 4 months
Mastering Process Safety Training: Essential Skills For A Safe Workplace
In the dynamic and intricate landscape of industrial operations, ensuring the safety of workers and protecting the environment are paramount. The Mastering Process Safety Training program is a cornerstone for cultivating the essential skills preferred to creating a secure workplace environment. This training equips individuals with the knowledge of potential hazards and empowers them to take proactive measures, mitigating risks effectively.
The motivation of this program is to instill a deep understanding of process safety principles, industry standards, process safety management, and best practices. By delving into the intricacies of process safety, participants have the necessary tools to identify, evaluate, and control hazards, fostering a culture of safety consciousness throughout the organization.
Risk Identification and Assessment:
One of the skills emphasized in the training is the ability to identify and assess risks systematically. Participants learn to conduct thorough hazard analyses, recognizing potential sources of danger in various processes.
Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) and Layers of Protection:
The program delves into the critical role of Safety Instrumented Systems in preventing and mitigating process-related incidents. Participants gain an understanding of how layers of protection work together to create a robust safety net. This knowledge is instrumental in designing and maintaining successful safeguards against potential hazards.
Emergency Response and Management:
A crucial aspect of process safety is the capacity to respond promptly and effectively to emergencies. The training includes modules on emergency response planning, communication strategies, and incident command systems. Participants develop the skills needed to coordinate responses and minimize the impact of unforeseen events on personnel, the community, and the environment.
Human Factors in Process Safety:
Recognizing the role of human safety factors is essential. The process safety training program explores how human errors can contribute to incidents and provides strategies for error prevention. Understanding the psychological and behavioral aspects of individuals working in high-risk environments enhances overall safety culture.
Mastering Process Safety Training is not just a compliance requirement; it is an investment in the well-being of individuals and the efficiency of operations. This program equips participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to create a culture of safety excellence. By embracing a proactive approach to process safety, organizations can mitigate risks, prevent incidents, and foster an environment where safety is not just a priority but an ingrained value.
In conclusion, the Mastering Process Safety Training program helps a linchpin in ensuring a safe workplace. Its comprehensive curriculum, covering everything from fundamental principles to emergency response strategies, empowers individuals to be proactive stewards of safety. As industries evolve, the mastery of process safety becomes non-negotiable, and this training program stands as a beacon guiding organizations toward a future where safety is not just a goal but a way of life.
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newstfionline · 8 months
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Brace for Elections: 40 Countries Are Voting in 2024 (Bloomberg) The world economy is lumbering from one shock to another as two brutal wars, stubborn inflation and high borrowing costs pockmark the post-pandemic recovery. The next source of turbulence in the poly-crisis era: a packed 2024 election calendar. Starting with Taiwan in January and running through the US presidential election in November, the year will bring 40 national elections—a busy lineup even in calmer political times. Bloomberg Economics calculates that voters in countries representing 41% of the world’s population and 42% of its gross domestic product have a chance to elect new leaders next year.
FTX founder guilty of fraud (WSJ/wwnorton.com/LRB) FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was convicted yesterday of stealing billions of dollars from customers of the doomed crypto exchange, in what prosecutors called one of the biggest financial frauds in U.S. history. A New York federal jury convicted him of all seven counts he faced. Author Michael Lewis detailed the rise and fall of FTX in his new book, “Going Infinite,” and wrote: I can easily imagine SBF seeing certain actions in terms of their Expected Value, and acting accordingly. If he had a 50 per cent chance of making $100 billion to give away, with a 50 per cent chance of being caught and losing everything and going to prison for the rest of his life, he wouldn’t have hesitated—the EV of that bet would be $50 billion, and in his value system it would be unethical not to take it. As Caroline Ellison said in court, ‘he said that he was a utilitarian, and he believed that the ways that people tried to justify rules like “don’t lie” and “don’t steal” within utilitarianism didn’t work, and he thought that the only moral rule that mattered was doing whatever would maximize utility.’ It’s as narrow and constricting a principle as it’s possible to imagine, and it has put Bankman-Fried in the narrowest, most constricted possible place.
Ciarán Slams Europe (BBC) A powerful bomb cyclone named Ciarán pummeled parts of France and the UK this week, bringing heavy rains and hurricane-force winds to the area. Ciarán’s intensity was likened to that of a Category 3 hurricane. The second-highest level alert was issued in the UK for parts of southern England, Scotland, and Wales. Record-breaking winds, exceeding 102 miles per hour in the Channel Island of Jersey, battered the region alongside heavy rainfall and large waves, some up to 50 feet high. In France, the town of Brittany experienced wind gusts of up to 129 mph, resulting in at least six people dead and leaving 1.2 million homes without power.
As crisis unfolds in Gaza, Europe talks about tightening borders (Washington Post) As a humanitarian catastrophe unfolds in Gaza, some European politicians appear focused on ensuring that those who survive and manage to leave don’t come to Europe. Countries across the continent have reported an increase in antisemitic incidents, as well a rise in anti-Arab hate speech and hate crimes. With division and fear in the air, far-right voices have seized the moment to play up the possibility of mass displacement from the Middle East and argue that Europe needs to tighten its borders ahead of a potential spike in asylum seekers.
Ukraine’s top commander said the war was at a ‘stalemate’ (NYT) With the front line in Ukraine having barely shifted despite months of fierce fighting, Gen. Valery Zaluzhny said the fighting had reached an impasse, the most candid assessment so far by a leading Ukrainian official of the military’s stalled counteroffensive. “Just like in the First World War we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate,” he told The Economist. The general said modern technology and precision weapons on both sides were preventing troops from breaching enemy lines, and called for advances in electronic warfare as a way to break the deadlock.
New Delhi blanketed by toxic haze, world's most polluted city again (Reuters) India's capital New Delhi was wrapped in a thick layer of toxic haze on Friday and some schools were ordered closed as the air quality index (AQI) plummeted to the "severe" category. New Delhi again topped a real-time list of the world's most polluted cities compiled by Swiss group IQAir, which put the Indian capital's AQI at 640 in the "hazardous" category on Friday, followed by 335 in the Pakistani city of Lahore. Many of New Delhi's 20 million residents complained of irritation in the eyes and itchy throats with the air turning a dense grey.
Chinese force posture (Foreign Policy) Taiwanese officials said on Wednesday that the military had detected 43 Chinese warplanes and seven naval vessels near the island within the last 24 hours. Nearly 90 percent of the planes crossed the Taiwan Strait’s so-called median line, which does not have legal status but is recognized by much of the international community as an unofficial barrier between the two nations. Taipei’s defense ministry quickly deployed fighter jets and ships armed with missile systems to guard against a potential assault. In recent months, China has stepped up incursions into Taiwan’s airspace and exclusive economic zone. Beijing argues that these operations are military drills used to deter foreign intervention. But regional experts fear that Chinese aggression in the Indo-Pacific indicates efforts to counter Western hegemony and possibly invade the island in the near future.
Israeli Troops Encircle Gaza City as Global Criticism of Strikes Mounts (NYT) As the Israeli military announced that ground troops had encircled Gaza City on Thursday, criticism mounted of the death toll inflicted by Israeli airstrikes, with one United Nations agency suggesting the bombing campaign could be a war crime. Grief-stricken family members and neighbors frantically pulled away tangled piles of reinforced concrete in the neighborhood, called Jabaliya, as others carried lifeless bodies from the crater where the dwellings once stood. The Gazan health ministry said Thursday that more than 1,000 people were injured, killed or missing after the strikes on Tuesday and Wednesday in the neighborhood. “We have serious concerns that these are disproportionate attacks that could amount to war crimes,” the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said in a message on the social media platform X. The United Nations General Assembly, aid organizations and a large number of countries have urged a cease-fire, but the Biden administration has resisted making a similar call, instead pressing only for a humanitarian pause. American and Israeli officials have said a cease-fire would allow Hamas to regroup.
Death of generations in Gaza (Washington Post) Families in Gaza are mourning not just their own losses, but what feels like the loss of an entire generation. Youssef Sharaf has been trying for more than a week to dig out the bodies of his four children, buried under his destroyed home in Gaza City. His parents and his wife were killed in the same attack. So were his three brothers and two sisters, his two uncles and their spouses—and so many of their children. “All the families there were civilians who were looking for a simple life,” he told The Washington Post by phone. “We thought we lived in a safe place.” Sharaf, 38, was out distributing food to displaced Gazans on Oct. 25 when he got a call about an Israeli strike on his family’s apartment tower. He raced back but it was too late. The intensity of the blast had collapsed the multistory building.
US, allies try to craft Gaza endgame as deaths, destruction mount (Reuters) As Israeli forces intensify their assault against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, diplomats in Washington, the United Nations, the Middle East and beyond have started weighing the options for the "day after" if the Palestinian militant group is ousted—and the challenges they see ahead are daunting. Discussions include the deployment of a multinational force to post-conflict Gaza, an interim Palestinian-led administration that would exclude Hamas politicians, a stopgap security and governance role for neighboring Arab states and temporary U.N. supervision of the territory, according to a source familiar with the matter. Key questions include whether Israel can destroy Hamas as it has vowed and whether the U.S., its Western allies and Arab governments would commit military personnel to stand between Israel and the Palestinians, overcoming a long reluctance to do so. It is also unclear whether the Palestinian Authority (PA), which has limited autonomy in parts of the occupied West Bank while Hamas rules Gaza, would be able or willing to take control. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday held out the prospects for a "revitalized" PA, but President Mahmoud Abbas' administration has been plagued by accusations of corruption and mismanagement.
Eating the unthinkable (Washington Post) South Sudan—It was 1 p.m., her children still hadn’t eaten, and every item on Nyaguey Dak Kieth’s “long to-do list” pertained to surviving another day. So Nyaguey grabbed a plastic bucket and an empty sack and set off from her village surrounded by floodwater. Those waters had upended her life, but also provided a food option—not a desirable one, but one of the few left. Water lilies. They’d been keeping her family alive for two years. They were bitter. Hard to digest. They required hours of manual labor—cutting, pounding, drying, sifting—just to be made edible. Nyaguey could still remember her initial shock at eating them, figuring they’d be a short-term measure. And now, with the floodwaters holding their ground, she could trace a two-year arc of distress in what the lilies had become: sustenance so vital that people were slogging farther and farther into the waters to find them, before someone else did. Her entire days are “devoted to the lilies,” she said.
Nigeria’s government budgets for SUVs and president’s wife while millions struggle to make ends meet (AP) Nigeria’s lawmakers on Thursday approved the new government’s first supplemental budget, which includes huge allocations for SUVs and houses for the president, his wife and other public officials, sparking anger and criticism from citizens in one of the world’s poorest countries. The country’s National Assembly recently confirmed that more than 460 federal lawmakers will each get SUVs—reportedly worth more than $150,000 each—which, they said, would enable them to do their work better. The allocations reminded many Nigerians of the economic inequality in a country where politicians earn huge salaries while essential workers like doctors and academics often go on strike to protest meager wages. Consultants, who are among the best-paid doctors in Nigeria, earn around $500 a month. After several strikes this year, civil servants got the government to raise their minimum wage to $67 a month, or four cents an hour. Kingsley Ujam, a trader working at the popular Area 1 market in Nigeria’s capital city of Abuja, said he struggles to feed his family and has lost hope in the government to provide for their needs.
Tattoo, begone (Atlantic) For most of history, tattoos were permanent. Tattoo removal, though, has gone completely mainstream, shifting from a pricey and yet-to-be-proven dermatological procedure a decade ago to a fairly straightforward process that can be accomplished at a medspa. Just looking at the dermatologists, members of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery removed 63,000 tattoos in 2012, a level that in 2019 had risen to 164,000 tats, and that doesn’t even include all the ink zapped off in spas and clinics.
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crimechannels · 10 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade JUST IN; New CP assumes duty in Ondo State, makes promises to revitalise Security architecture The new Commissioner of Police (CP) in Ondo State, Mr Abiodun Asabi, says he will rejig the existing security architecture in the state for optimal performance. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Asabi on Tuesday officially assumed duty as the 43rd Commissioner of Police in the state. Asabi said that the new post offered a golden opportunity to provide professional services in ensuring peace and security as the 43rd CP of the state. He said that the officers and men of the command would rededicate themselves to service delivery, and remain focused towards ensuring that crime and criminalities were mitigated to the barest minimum. According to him, the state will continue to witness further improvement in our policing system; in crime prevention, swift response to incidents and the overall safety of the populace “As the lead security agency in internal security in the state, the command shall continue to collaborate with other security agencies and support local security outfits within our communities to combat crime. “The Area Commanders, Divisional Police Officers (DPO’s), Tactical team Commanders and Heads of Department are to ensure concerted efforts in the supervision and control of personnel under their watch. Also, I shall ensure that professionalism, respect for human rights and international best practices shall be our watchword and guiding principles. “I am also using this opportunity to encourage the fourth realm of the estate to continue to see us as partners in progress in all activities as we shall operate with required openness, so as to ensure that genuine information is disseminated to the people. “In the same vein, I call on the good people of Ondo State to also cooperate with us to ensure smooth police/public relations. “Remember Together Each Achieve More (TEAM),” he said. (NAN) #NewCPassumesdutyinOndoState
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tipslinuxtraining · 10 months
Security Hardening for Linux Servers
Linux Course, Security hardening for Linux servers is a critical process that involves implementing various measures to enhance the security and resilience of the server environment. It aims to reduce vulnerabilities and mitigate potential risks. Here's an overview of security hardening practices:
Regular Updates: Keep the server's operating system, software, and applications up-to-date with the latest security patches. This prevents exploitation of known vulnerabilities.
Minimal Installation: Install only the necessary software and services. Remove or disable unused applications to reduce the attack surface.
Strong User Authentication: Enforce strong password policies, encourage password complexity, and consider using multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security.
Firewall Configuration: Set up firewalls to control incoming and outgoing network traffic. Limit access to essential services and only allow necessary ports to be open.
Access Control: Implement the principle of least privilege (PoLP). Restrict user privileges to only what is required for their tasks. Use sudo to grant administrative access.
File System Permissions: Properly configure file and directory permissions. Use the principle of least privilege to ensure that only authorized users can access and modify files.
Disable Root Login: Disable direct root login via SSH. Instead, use a regular user account and then switch to root using the 'sudo' command.
Secure Communication: Use secure communication protocols like SSH for remote access and HTTPS for web services. Disable insecure protocols like Telnet and FTP.
Intrusion Detection and Prevention: Implement intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) to monitor and block suspicious activities.
Regular Backups: Perform regular backups of important data and configurations. This aids in recovery in case of a security incident.
Security Auditing: Regularly audit server logs for signs of unauthorized access or suspicious activities. Tools like 'auditd' can be used for this purpose.
Disable Unnecessary Services: Turn off any unnecessary services and daemons that could potentially be exploited.
Application Whitelisting: Only allow approved applications to run on the server, reducing the risk of malware execution.
Security Updates and Alerts: Stay informed about security threats and vulnerabilities. Subscribe to security mailing lists and news sources to promptly apply relevant patches.
Regular Assessments: Periodically conduct security assessments and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your server environment.
By following these security hardening practices, Linux server administrators can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches and unauthorized access, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their server and the data it hosts.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Supply chain trends, critical infrastructure & cyber security in 2024 - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/supply-chain-trends-critical-infrastructure-cyber-security-in-2024-cybertalk/
Supply chain trends, critical infrastructure & cyber security in 2024 - CyberTalk
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In 2024, supply chain security must become a top priority. Public agencies and industry experts agree that the supply chain needs to command greater attention. Organizations need to remain cognizant of consequences surrounding supply chain security failures.
“We need to figure out how to make the supply chain more secure and make sure people know about the risks involved,” says Check Point expert Augusto Morales.
Supply chain security
An increase in the number and sophistication of supply chain attacks renders this issue a challenge for organizations to keep up with. The hype around AI and ML also plays a part.
“My prediction for 2024 is that high impact, sophisticated attacks will hide behind the themes of AI/ML and create larger data breaches much like MOVEit and other supply chain attacks,” says Mark Ostrowski, Head of Engineering U.S., East for Check Point.
In 2024, we may also see cyber criminals weaponize zero-day vulnerabilities and emails in order to launch sophisticated supply chain attacks.
Critical infrastructure impact
As noted earlier, the impact of supply chain attacks can be extensive, engendering far-reaching consequences.
If critical infrastructure is disrupted, a nation’s citizens may be unable to work, attend school, or on a more basic level, obtain the resources that are essential to survival.
Now the poster child of critical infrastructure attacks and supply chain fallout, the infamous Colonial Pipeline attack of 2021 resulted in mass-panic around energy resources, placing businesses and individuals in harm’s way.
At the end of the day, the incident reinforced the need to proactively address supply chain security. Supply chain attacks that disrupt critical infrastructure ultimately pose threats to national security, rendering a nation vulnerable to a wide array of cyber and physical hostilities.
Supply chain and NIS2
In the European Union, the Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2), which takes effect in October of 2024, includes provisions pertaining to supply chain security.
Individual companies are required to address the security of supply chains and supplier relationships. EU member states will be able to carry out coordinated risk assessments of critical supply chains, meaning that much will be subject to serious scrutiny.
With new legal frameworks coming into place, it’s never been more important for companies to prioritize cyber security in their supply chains.
U.S. Executive Order
In response to the escalating volume of threats, the Biden-Harris administration has issued an executive order mandating the improvement of the software supply chain. The executive order calls for the adoption of security best practices that will help build “trust and transparency” in the systems that power our lives.
Recent breaches highlight the critical importance of stronger security protocols within the supply chain. Protect your systems from supply chain attacks with these tips:
Leverage vendor-risk assessments in order to ensure that third-party ecosystems are as secure and protected as possible.
Encourage your third-party partners to adopt robust threat intelligence systems, which can provide real-time updates into threat actors’ activities.
Implement the principle of least privilege and in so doing, assign all employees and software only the permissions required to perform task functions.
Segment your network, as even the most trusted of third-parties and partner organizations do not need unfettered access to every element of your network.
Automate certain processes, including threat prevention and threat hunting, to ensure accurate and efficient results that can be used to identify the threats stemming from vendors, suppliers or ecosystem partners.
“As cyber criminals target smaller downline suppliers in order to access bigger companies, organizations must demand stricter evaluations and implementation of security protocols to prevent further attacks,” says one security expert.
Supply chain security management isn’t easy, especially when it requires new modes of operation, new investments and new collaborations. But despite the challenges, within your digital ecosystem, commit to continuous supply chain security improvement and help build a safer world in 2024.
      Related resources
Get a supply chain security risk assessment – Learn more
Discover the power of Zero Trust in DevOps supply chains – Details here
Explore additional supply chain thought leadership insights – C-level information
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Day 26
August 28, 2022
Our FEMA Corps Basic Academy (FCBA) welcome training was at 9:00. Now that we’re done with Corps Training Institute, we are only supposed to wear the FEMA uniforms. I’ll probably pack away my traditional “AmeriTux” and AmeriCorps T-shirt in the red bag so I have a couple less things to worry about losing. We must also stay in rows with our teammates while in the main building. I’m not pleased by having less room and a bunch of people sitting behind me, but I’ll live. The program liaisons and support staff introduced themselves before getting into the training. One of the staff said some parts of FEMA Corps would be “tougher than a woodpecker’s lips” and that the experience of learning during FCBA would be like “taking a sip of water from a fire hydrant.” Hm. Not sure what I’ll make of this.
We shared how we hoped to feel at the end of FEMA Corps Basic Academy (we were also given the option to text our responses). Then we were given an overview of the purpose and goals of basic academy. FCBA is foundational training, so much of what we will need to know for the projects will be covered in just-in-time training or independent study. The main focus areas of FCBA include: emergency management principles, knowledge about the Federal Emergency Management Agency, technical skills, professional/career development, problem-solving, and leadership skills. Hurricane season is starting, so the main priority for just-in-time training will be disaster survivor assistance, which we will likely complete independently.
We had half an hour off until our introduction to emergency management principles training at 10:30. The US government’s approach to emergency management is bottom up, starting from individuals/communities which may request help from local and/or tribal sectors, which can ask the state/territory, which may then request assistance from the federal government. Tribes may also directly request assistance from the federal government. The US government took a civil defense focus toward emergency management from the 1940s to the 1960s, but now the approach is multi/all-hazards, many of which include natural disasters. The main mission areas of emergency management are prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery; there are about 30 core capabilities FEMA recognizes for national preparedness, each of which fits under at least one of these main mission areas (example: emergency medical services are considered part of response).
We learned that preparedness starts with the individual, and while around 60% of people expected to rely on emergency responders in the first 3 days of a disaster, this is not always possible, and it is ideal to be prepared for at least that long. We were briefly shown the FEMA app, which provides weather alerts, safety reminders, shelter locations, etc. We then reviewed the National Incident Management System, which is an approach to sharing resources, managing incidents, and communicating. The National Incident Management System cycle includes several steps: identifying requirements, ordering & acquiring, mobilizing resources, tracking & reporting, demobilizing, and reimbursing & restocking. We also reviewed the Incident Command System, which is a modular standardized system for responding to incidents of varying scales. The National Incident Management System and the Incident Command System are flexible systems that allow multiple organizations to efficiently work together.
FEMA independent study courses are free for anyone interested. All of the FEMA Corps members had to take IS-100, IS-200, IS-700, and IS-800. Here’s the list of available IS courses.
We had a FEMA introductory training at 12:30. This covered basic FEMA history and organization. The first piece of federal disaster relief legislation was passed in 1803 in response to a fire in Portsmouth, NH. In 1950, the Federal Disaster Relief Act allowed the president to send federal assistance upon governor request. About a hundred disaster-related acts were passed up until FEMA was formed in 1979 through an executive order by President Carter. This brought multiple federal disaster management functions into a single agency to streamline the process. FEMA was placed under the Department of Homeland Security in 2003, shortly after Department of Homeland Security establishment.
The Stafford Act (1988) allowed FEMA to coordinate governmental emergency response; federal, state, and local governments jointly respond to disasters. Presidents can now declare disasters/emergencies, and several disaster assistance programs are authorized. The Post-Katrina Emergency Management Act (2006) enabled FEMA to send federal assistance without waiting for state approval, and the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act (2013) allowed tribes to ask for federal assistance without having to go through the state government first. Finally, the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (2018) streamlined FEMA’s grant program and changed priorities to prevention, preparedness, resilience, and hazard mitigation.
FEMA is organized into ten geographic regions, with headquarters in Washington DC and one regional office per section. Headquarters is used for developing policy and coordinating regions, while the regional offices are more concerned with implementation. FEMA has 23 cadres which specialize in particular functions. I will not list them here; refer to this link.
Once we have completed FEMA Corps, there are three different potential job types with FEMA: reservist (intermittent on-call employees that travel during disasters), Cadre of On-Call Response/Recovery (CORE; 2-4 year employees for specific purpose), and permanent full-time employees. Most FEMA Corps alumni will become reservists, with a few being fast-track hired for CORE. Permanent full-time is competitive, and thus, fewer people will qualify.
I downloaded my independent study course certifications from the FEMA student portal and emailed them to my team leader while I waited to talk to the FEMA liaisons. I asked them about the reservist position, which I posted the information about earlier today. After I left, it was time for a nap. I’ve been hurting all over since I woke up this morning, and sitting in a chair all day hasn’t helped much. The evening was rather uneventful; my teammates walked to the park, but I didn’t feel up to it, so I stayed in my room. I did end up watching TV with some people from another team later that evening.
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bandaidfirstaid · 1 year
Fire Marshal Training Courses
A fire marshal is a critical role in most organisations or businesses, responsible for ensuring the safety of employees and visitors in the event of a fire. They have responsibility for fire safety within a whole building or facility.
Centaur Training provides fire marshals with the knowledge and understanding of fire awareness within their place of work. You must undergo a fire marshal training course like the ones Centaur Training provide.
What is a Fire Marshal Training Course?
A fire marshal training course is a specialised training program that gives individuals in-depth knowledge of fire safety, prevention, and management, as well as the necessary skills for fire evacuation procedures, fire detection and warning systems, fire suppression systems, and fire risk assessment. Click here to learn more about Centaur Training Fire Marshal Course.
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Why is Fire Marshal Training important?
Fire safety is essential in any workplace, and having trained fire marshals can save lives in the event of an emergency. They are responsible for ensuring that everyone in the building or facility is safe in the event of a fire. The responsibilities consist of being able to identify fire risks, implement fire safety procedures, and evacuate the building safely.
Training is essential because it helps individuals learn about the different types of fires and how to deal with them appropriately and safely. It also helps them to develop the necessary skills to carry out their duties in a confident and efficient manner.
What to expect from a Fire Marshall Training Course?
A fire marshal training course typically covers a range of topics, including fire safety legislation, fire safety risk assessment, fire prevention, fire safety management, and fire evacuation procedures. The course will also cover the roles and responsibilities of a fire marshal, the types of fire detection and warning systems, fire suppression systems, and how to manage fire safety in different environments.
A fire risk assessment is the process of identifying fire hazards and evaluating the risks associated with them. The course will cover how to carry out a fire risk assessment, identifying fire hazards, and evaluate the risks associated with them.
Once students have completed the training course, students will be able to identify and describe:
Fire safety standards
Fire risk assessments
Fire extinguishers and their use
Emergency lighting
Exit signs
The nature of fires in the workplace
How fire risk is controlled in the workplace
The principles and practice of fire safety management at work
How to protect people and poverty
The role of the nominated fire warden
Workplace incident command and control
Liaising with emergency services
Fire marshal training courses are essential for anyone responsible for fire safety in the workplace. The course provides individuals with the knowledge and skills required to identify fire hazards, assess fire risks, prevent fires from occurring, manage fire safety, and evacuate the building safely in the event of a fire. By undergoing fire marshal training, individuals can perform their duties with confidence, ensuring the safety of everyone in the building or facility.
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