#Importers of petrochemicals
globaltradesposts · 9 months
Petrochemicals Pioneering Sustainability: A Call to Importers & Exporters at Global Trade Plaza
In the intricate dance towards a sustainable future, petrochemicals emerge as both the protagonist and the catalyst for change. This article delves into "The Role of Petrochemicals in Shaping a Sustainable Future," spotlighting the instrumental contributions of Importers & Exporters of Petrochemicals. As we journey through this transformative landscape, discover how the sustainable revolution unfolds and connect with key players at the forefront on the Global Trade Plaza.
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The Green Transition Guided by Importers & Exporters of Petrochemicals
At the forefront of the sustainable frontier are Importers & Exporters of Petrochemicals, diligently steering the industry towards eco-friendly practices. Dive into initiatives that highlight their commitment, from sourcing ethically produced raw materials to championing sustainable packaging solutions. For a closer look at the leaders driving these changes, visit the dedicated section at Global Trade Plaza.
Compliance Excellence: The Exporter's Commitment to Sustainable Trade
Exporter of Petrochemicals plays a pivotal role in setting the standards for sustainable trade. Navigating complex regulatory frameworks, they ensure that every transaction aligns with global sustainability norms. Discover how their commitment to compliance and ethics is shaping the future of petrochemical trade. Connect with responsible exporters at Global Trade Plaza to explore sustainable business relationships.
Importers Driving Sustainable Innovation: Explore at Global Trade Plaza
Importers of Petrochemicals, too, are key players in propelling sustainable innovation. Explore how they forge partnerships, embracing green technologies and circular economy initiatives. Uncover the transformative solutions born from collaboration as they navigate towards a future focused on sustainable petrochemical practices. Visit Global Trade Plaza to witness the innovative strides taken by importers in the pursuit of a greener industry.
The Economic Imperative: Joining Forces at Global Trade Plaza
Beyond environmental stewardship, the economic benefits of sustainable practices are evident. Exporters of Petrochemicals, alongside importers, realize increased market access and enhanced customer loyalty. Explore the advantages of a sustainable approach and join the ranks of forward-thinking importers and exporters at Global Trade Plaza. Discover a thriving community that recognizes sustainability as both a responsibility and a strategic advantage.
"The Role of Petrochemicals in Shaping a Sustainable Future" is a collective call to action for Importers & Exporters of Petrochemicals. Your journey towards sustainability seamlessly connects through the vibrant community at Global Trade Plaza. As you explore the transformative initiatives highlighted in this article, take the next step by visiting our website. Connect, collaborate, and contribute to a sustainable future in the world of petrochemicals. Your gateway to responsible trade awaits at Global Trade Plaza.
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mectech1 · 2 months
Mectech Palm Oil Refinery Plant- A Legacy of Innovation and Excellence
Oil processing, often known as refining, is the conversion of crude oil into usable products such as petrol, diesel, kerosene, and other petrochemicals. The refining process consists of multiple essential steps, including separation, conversion, treatment, blending, and other refining processes.
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Oil refining is a complicated and energy-intensive process that necessitates advanced equipment and technology. It is an important link in the worldwide energy supply chain, providing fuel for transportation, heating, and electricity generation, as well as raw materials for the petrochemical sector.
Of all the oil refining and processing industries, palm oil refinery is the most important sector as it is a very complex oil and for its production it requires good quality plant.
Palm Oil Refining
Palm oil refining industries are among the world's most important manufacturing sectors, and palm oil has grown to become the world's most traded vegetable oil. Indonesia and Malaysia are the main producers, with exporting enterprises for crude palm oil.
Crude palm oil is derived from palm oil's mesocarp. Extracted Crude Palm oil contains some undesirable contaminants, which must be eliminated partially or fully throughout the palm oil refining process to produce good edible oil with increased stability and keepability.
Palm oil is currently a popular cooking oil in many tropical nations, including South East Asia, Africa, and sections of Brazil. Its popularity is attributed due to its higher heat resistance as compared to any other vegetable oil and also because of its lower cost and good oxidative stability.
Palm's unique and finest quality is that it generates two forms of oil: palm oil and palm kernel oil.
Palm oil is derived from the flesh of the palm fruit, whereas palm kernel oil is extracted from the seeds or kernel of the palm fruit using the palm kernel oil process.
Palm oil is derived from fresh palm fruit flesh through pressing and centrifugation at a palm oil facility. To avoid deterioration of Palm Oil, it must be extracted from fresh palm fruit. As a result, countries that cultivate palm oil remove it to prevent it from deteriorating. The crude palm oil's colour is yellow-red or dark yellow, and its taste is sweet.
The crude palm oil extracted contains undesired contaminants, which hurt the oil's physical appearance, quality, oxidative stability, and shelf life. To eliminate the aforementioned pollutants, the oil is sent to a palm oil refinery plant, where it is refined, bleached, and deodorised. After refining the palm oil, the RBD oil is sent to the fractionation unit to extract palm olein and stearin.
Palm Oil Refinery Plant
Palm oil refining is divided into the sections below:
In most palm oil refining plants, the refining process is a vital stage in the manufacture of edible oils and fats. The finished product's properties that must be monitored include flavour, shelf life, stability, and colour.
Crude vegetable oil can be refined in two ways: physically or chemically. During crude palm oil refining, FFA is removed to obtain a maximum FFA level of 0.1%.
Physical refining typically has a smaller environmental impact than chemical refining.
Bleaching edible oils and fats is an important step in the refining process for crude oils and fat. It does eliminate numerous contaminants, which hurt the physical look and quality of the oil. Generally, the oil is taken to the bleaching section first, and the gums are treated with phosphoric acid so that they may be separated in the pressure leaf filter after bleaching.
During this stage, the adsorptive activity of bleaching earth removes trace metal complexes like iron and copper, colouring pigments, phosphatides, and oxidative products.
This bleached oil is next filtered through industrial filters such as a filter press, a hermetically sealed vertical leaf pressure filter, a plate, or a frame filter.
Mectech's unique bleacher design keeps the bleaching earth in full suspension, resulting in no dead zones and lower utility use. Mectech Bleacher guarantees high-quality oil because the bleaching procedure for crude palm oil is carried out under controlled conditions.
Mectech also excels in supplying facilities for rice bran oil processing refinery in India and abroad. Mectech Rice Bran Oil Extraction Machinery in India and abroad offers the following advantages.
#Oil processing#often known as refining#is the conversion of crude oil into usable products such as petrol#diesel#kerosene#and other petrochemicals. The refining process consists of multiple essential steps#including separation#conversion#treatment#blending#and other refining processes.#Oil refining is a complicated and energy-intensive process that necessitates advanced equipment and technology. It is an important link in#providing fuel for transportation#heating#and electricity generation#as well as raw materials for the petrochemical sector.#Of all the oil refining and processing industries#palm oil refinery is the most important sector as it is a very complex oil and for its production it requires good quality plant.#Palm Oil Refining#Palm oil refining industries are among the world's most important manufacturing sectors#and palm oil has grown to become the world's most traded vegetable oil. Indonesia and Malaysia are the main producers#with exporting enterprises for crude palm oil.#Crude palm oil is derived from palm oil's mesocarp. Extracted Crude Palm oil contains some undesirable contaminants#which must be eliminated partially or fully throughout the palm oil refining process to produce good edible oil with increased stability an#Palm oil is currently a popular cooking oil in many tropical nations#including South East Asia#Africa#and sections of Brazil. Its popularity is attributed due to its higher heat resistance as compared to any other vegetable oil and also beca#Palm's unique and finest quality is that it generates two forms of oil: palm oil and palm kernel oil.#Palm oil is derived from the flesh of the palm fruit
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What always gets me about learning about settler colonialism is how once you learn about it you cannot unsee the violence to the land itself. My home state was previously nearly 100% wetlands, apart of the wider Ohio river valley whose biodiversity supported such large populations of hundreds of different species that many contemporary source from settlers describe it as like the garden of Eden.
The Indigenous people who farmed and hunted here (and still farm and hunt in what land they have been able to keep and reclaim) were able to grow miles of upon miles of crops with multiple harvests a year, encouraging this biodiversity by creating forest gardens with incredible amounts of food from staples like corn and squash to local fruits like pawpaws to European imports like apples alongside controlled burns which allowed fields and buffalo ranges to expand.
Nowadays my state is known almost exclusively for its fields of nothing but corn and soy beans. Driving through in between the comparatively small cities you'll see nothing but fields where the plethora of different trees and plants were chopped down mile by mile, the remaining wetlands drained and flattened, and the rich black soils robbed of their nutrients through decades upon decades of monocrop agriculture now preserved through the life blood of petrochemical fertilizers which destroy the surrounding environment.
This process was done mile by mile as the tens of thousands of Indigenous people were killed and displaced by settlers and the US army, the land measured and sold acre by acre to white settlers who raped the land as described, filling the pockets of wealthy land speculators (like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson) who bought the land directly from the government in schemes so corrupt historians have dedicated entire careers to mapping out their dramas.
It's like learning about commodity fetishism and suddenly seeing hundreds of strangers in the products that surround you. Once you learn how the land was destroyed for profit you'll never look at the miles of fields or the cracks in the concrete of buildings built on wetlands or the stench of now obsolete canals built solely for a once boat-dependent economy with no care for the environment the same.
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The control room is one of the most important parts of any process industry like Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Steel, Power Generation/Distribution, Telecom, Aviation, Smart City & Surveillance, and many more. It is meant to cater to all the monitoring & controlling activities on a 24X7 basis which is necessary for hassle-free operations therefore, The Control Room is also known as the Brain of the plant/facility.
While designing an end-to-endControl Room Solutions, important parameters are kept in minds such as desired functionality, safety, ergonomics, compliance to applicable industry norms, and overall aesthetic appeal. Studies reveal that a pleasant working environment results in better efficiency & enhances the overall decision-making process. The design of the command center console makes operators more attentive by supporting normal as well as critical situations through visual & auditory alarms or signals.
At Pyrotech Workspace we design and deliver ultra-modern Control Room Solutions covering all the key elements like interiors, command & control center console,technical furniture, paraphernalia interiors. We also ensure that all of them adhere to the ergonomic standards of ISO 11064. The ultimate aim of PWS designed solutions is to help the control room operators in delivering better performance with ease, accuracy and enhance the productivity of the process.
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wumblr · 2 years
vanilla production facts
it is an orchid
the flower blooms one day per year and must be manually pollinated. pollination causes the base of the flower to swell almost immediately, from there it takes weeks to develop into a seed pod
vanilla costs about $300/lb. this being the pulp of the fruit itself, the extract we are familiar with is dilute. second only to saffron for expense. the price also tends to fluctuate greatly depending on the abundance of any given year's crops
there are three strains of cultivated vanilla. cultivation dates as far back as the totonac people in the 12th century, who live in present day veracruz, on the eastern coast of mexico. the olmecs may have also used wild vanilla in cooking thousands of years earlier
vanilla was cultivated in european botanical gardens but not really used much for 300 years after the colombian invasion of mesoamerica until finally some idiot realized the melipona bee doesn't live there, which may not have even been the correct type of bee (possibly euglossine)
five years later (1841) a 12-year-old slave named edmond albius on the island of reunion figured out how to manually pollinate the flowers, which is an extremely delicate and difficult process. some french botanist claimed to have invented this process, and people believed him for over a century
the aroma doesn't develop until after the seed pod is harvested and processed. it must be sorted, graded, blanched, then alternately sweated and dried for 15-30 days. the blanching halts fermentation, which makes one wonder, what is a fermented vanilla seed pod like?
synthetic vanillin is derived from eugenol, from clove oil, and lignin, from any number of sources. the vast majority of synthetic vanilla is made from wood creosotes which occur as a product of lignin pyrolysis (fire). its major source is, like anything, the petrochemical industry, which requires heat to fractionally distill oil into several byproducts (kerosene, naphtha, gasoline, etc). which is to say, 85% of synthetic vanilla is made from the wood smoke of the oil industry. you might be inclined to ask "doesn't this pollute" which, if you recapture the smoke to sell its particulate creosotes to synthetic vanilla producers, no, i guess not really, or "why don't they use oil to heat the oil" because it is more profitable to sell the oil and burn wood to make it, obviously
it is difficult to tell the difference between natural and synthetic vanilla in baked goods, because the baking process burns off the distinctive notes, most of which differ by growing region (tahitian vanilla is floral, indonesian vanilla is smoky, mexican vanilla is woody or spicy, bourbon vanilla from reunion has an alcoholic richness)
price markup occurs not at the point of farming, but after the point of curing. there is no set price for green vanilla beans, but there is a set price for dried vanilla beans, after they have passed through several middlemen from farmer to broker to curing. after this point, they are marked up several more times before finally making it to grocery store shelves in the form of bottled extract
in 2017 a cyclone destroyed maybe 30-80% of madagascan vanilla crops, where possibly as much as 60-80% of the global supply of vanilla is grown. in the 5 years since then, the price has not recovered, but boy howdy, have the labels gotten more fancy in specifying when it's from madagascar, haven't they?
70% of madagascar lives below the poverty line, despite the island producing the majority of the world's supply of the second most expensive spice
by volume, the number of vanilla beans imported to the united states every year is nearly two for every single member of the population (~640m, for a ~330m population)
anyway stop pouring a whole bottle of it into a cup for a joke what the fuck is wrong with you people i hope to god that ibuprofen potion post was staged with some vaguely brown liquid. also the word vanilla etymologically derives from the latin vagina meaning sheath ok bye
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At a societal level, most people grasp the importance of plants to their lives and the ecosystems they inhabit. The success of humans as a species is inextricably interwoven with the success of plant life on Earth. Without the growth of ancient forests, the biosphere in which we live would not have enough oxygen-rich air for humans to have evolved. Without the cultivation of plants for food, humans could not have settled, built shelters and developed rich and diverse cultures. In practical terms, too, building with plants makes a lot of sense. They grow back and are relatively easy to cultivate, harvest and process into useful materials. Their inherent fibrous structures give our buildings integrity. Trees, processed into timber, work extremely well in both compression and tension. Hollow straws and grasses hold air within them, making them great insulators. The lignin in many different plants can act as a natural binder when heated, meaning that you can essentially squash them, heat them and they stick together into useful sheet materials. Mixed with different binders like clay and lime, they can be given resistance to fire, insects and mould. Bio-based materials are also hygroscopic – meaning that they hold and release moisture. The fact that they can absorb humidity from a room helps to regulate damp and prevent mould from growing. That they are moisture permeable means that water vapour trapped in walls, from rain ingress or generated through leaks, always has somewhere to go. Contemporary buildings, on the other hand, are essentially wrapped in plastic sheets, trapping in moisture and resulting in poor indoor air quality.
Some of the best examples of bio-based buildings are hiding in plain sight in villages, towns and cities across the globe, having withstood decades, sometimes centuries of wear and tear. Timber-framed barns, reinforced with hazel wattle and clay daub can be found dotted across the British countryside. The technique of cob building, using loadbearing clay and straw, was very commonly used in the south-west of England in the 19th century, and many of those cob buildings still stand in Devon and Cornwall today. They are finished in a lime render and look from the outside like any other stone or brick building.
That these techniques have not become more widespread is, at first glance, surprising. The local materials and skills used to build with them were relatively low cost, and when well maintained, extremely durable. The critical thing about these materials, however, is how they were intrinsically linked to land, and specific geographies or bioregions. Industrialisation brought with it a change in agricultural practices and land ownership. Bio-based materials were conventionally derived from agricultural waste; long wheat straw was for example used for thatching, until modern chemical fertilisers that help the wheat grow more quickly weakened the structure of the straw, making it too brittle. Water reed, also used in thatching and as a render substrate, was once abundant in wetlands, but these were drained over the course of the 19th century to develop more arable farmland, cutting by approximately 90 per cent the amount of land on which the reed could grow.
Industrialisation also brought about the development of contemporary insulations, designed initially to prevent energy loss from high-energy machinery and factory spaces. Materials such as concrete and steel, which enabled the quick assembly of spaces of production, ultimately sought markets in domestic construction too. These materials were produced at an unprecedented scale and advertised as technologically advanced, in need of little or no maintenance: symbols of a bright future in which being cold, damp and living with fire risk were a thing of the past. And as these materials became more and more popular, regulatory frameworks began to be designed around them, with lawmakers falling victim to aggressive lobbying and marketing campaigns. Today, testing and certification, mortgages and insurances in the UK and beyond are generally designed around contemporary building systems, and materials which have proven their efficacy over decades of service are considered risky, fringe and ultimately more costly.
The petrochemical and mineral materials we have been building with since the Industrial Revolution require an enormous amount of energy to be extracted and processed. The cement industry, for example, is responsible for about eight per cent of planet-warming carbon dioxide emissions – far more than global carbon emissions from aviation. We cannot continue to build using materials that generate enormous outflows of emissions and have to be shipped across great distances. We need to use materials that are lower in embodied carbon: bio-based materials, derived from plants which can regenerate sustainably and sequester carbon into our buildings.
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khalid-albeshri · 1 month
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Key sectors in KSA manufacturing market:
Here’s a concise overview of the key sectors in Saudi Arabia's manufacturing market:
1. Petrochemicals
- Central to Saudi Arabia's manufacturing, leveraging vast oil and gas reserves to produce chemicals like ethylene and polypropylene.
- Major players include SABIC and Saudi Aramco.
2. Pharmaceuticals
- Rapidly expanding with a focus on local production of generics, vaccines, and biotech products.
- Supported by government initiatives to reduce import dependency.
3. Food and Beverage
- Vital for food security and economic growth, focusing on dairy, processed foods, beverages, and halal products.
- Expanding into regional and international markets.
4. Automotive
- Developing sector with a focus on assembling vehicles, manufacturing parts, and electric vehicles (EVs).
- Growing interest from global manufacturers.
5. Construction Materials
- Driven by mega-projects, producing cement, steel, aluminum, and sustainable materials.
- Key to supporting infrastructure development.
6. Metals and Mining
- Emerging sector with significant resources like gold, phosphate, and bauxite.
- Focus on extraction, processing, and downstream industries like aluminum smelting.
7. Textiles and Apparel
- Small but growing, with potential in high-quality textiles and traditional clothing.
- Opportunities in fashion and design.
8. Renewable Energy Equipment
- Focused on producing solar panels, wind turbines, and related components to support renewable energy projects.
- Significant growth potential aligned with sustainability goals.
9. Packaging
- Expanding due to growth in food, pharmaceuticals, and e-commerce.
- Innovation in sustainable packaging solutions is on the rise.
10. Defense and Aerospace
- Strategic priority with efforts to localize military equipment production.
- Supported by GAMI, focusing on parts manufacturing and maintenance services.
These sectors highlight Saudi Arabia's drive toward economic diversification, with strong government support and strategic investments fostering growth across the manufacturing industry.
#KhalidAlbeshri #خالدالبشري
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charyou-tree · 2 months
So, you know how internet transphobes, neonazis, and other far-right weirdos have been pitching a shit fit claiming that Algerian Olympic boxer Imane Khelif was ostensibly trans/intersex/a man somehow?
So, that may have been a part of yet another russian disinformation campaign. Remember, her opponent in the match that turned into a bigoted news mess was Italian. Italy was buying the majority of the natural gas that they needed to generate power and heat homes from russia prior to the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, when they as a part of a wider European embargo on russian petrochemicals switched to having a majority of their natural gas imported from Algeria. Which just so happens to be where a certain Olympic boxer is from. Sure would be a shame if there was an international diplomatic incident between those countries, ruining that trade arrangement...
Turns out that the originators of many of the transphobic rumors have ties to the kremlin.
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manilaxmiindustrial · 2 months
Carbon Pipe Fittings : Astm A234 WPB Pipe Fittings Manufacturers
ASTM A234 WPB pipe fittings, also known as carbon steel pipe fittings, have largely become standard parts in many industries. The fitting elements will be used to adapt straight pipe or tubing sections, to maintain different size or shape, and to control the rate of flow of liquids.
Always resistant to strength and versatile, ASTM A234 WPB fittings play a critical role in industries dealing with oil, gas, petrochemicals, and power generation.
What are ASTM A234 WPB Pipe Fittings?
They are used to connect pipes in shapes such as elbows, tees, reducers, and caps. The prime factors that make the use of these fittings highly prevalent are their excellent mechanical properties, like high tensile strength and resistance to corrosion. They are very important in ensuring the integrity and efficiency of piping systems across industries.
Manilaxmi Industrial also supplies Carbon ASTM Pipe Fittings around the globe.
Real-Time Advancements in Industries
Ranging from new manufacturing technologies and materials science to improved performance and reliability, these fittings have carved out a niche in use. Applications of the ASTM A234 WPB carbon steel pipe fitting have greatly improved in the industrial sector.For example, refined heat treatment processes leave behind fittings that are easier to manipulate and work under higher pressure and temperature conditions.
Besides, numerous coating and lining innovations provide improved corrosion resistance and give extended life expectancy.
Manilaxmi Industrial the Indian manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters have been among the most active adopters of these developments to ensure that the country is retained as a main supplier of quality pipe fittings in the global market.
Technology and Need in Various Countries
Demands for ASTM A234 WPB carbon steel pipe fittings are ever-increasing in the global scenario. This demand has been hastened further by the requirement of strong, efficient piping systems in the developing countries and renovated or rejuvenated ones in the developed nations.
Such as setting up power plants and oil refineries. In contrast, developed nations always require update works and servicing of already existing facilities. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology in the manufacturing process, these fittings comply with strict standards that make them very important and cardinal for maintaining efficiency and safety during industrial operations.
In conclusion, ASTM A234 WPB pipe fittings are the most essential material in the industrial market, possessing qualities of high durability, adaptability, and tolerance toward extreme situations. With relentless development in the manufacturing technologies, further improvements are made in their performances, making them trustworthy for different applications.
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Polyvinyl Chloride Recycling
Also written poly(vinyl chloride) or abbreviated as PVC, polyvinyl chloride is a popular polymeric material and one of the oldest synthetic polymers. The chlorine in its composition typically comes from rock salt, making it greener than those polymers which are derived almost entirely from petrochemicals. However, the vast amounts of PVC that are produced make it important to pay attention to the waste streams of this material - and the hazards that may come along with it.
Older PVC products, now ready for recycling, often contain additives that have since been banned, including lead and phthalates. In addition, the chlorine in the PVC itself can be hazardous during some recycling methods such as thermal recycling, which separates chlorine from the resulting hydrocarbons. These challenges mean that PVC must be separated from other plastics before recycling, and sometimes must even be sorted within the category of PVC as additives can significantly change the properties of the base polymer.
Sources/Further Reading: (Image source - 2022 article) (Baker Institute) (2021 article) (Health Care Without Harm Europe) (EcoMENA)
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globaltradesposts · 8 months
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The Global Trade Plaza Advantage
Global Trade Plaza serves as a hub connecting exporters across various industries. By featuring your petrochemical products on this platform, you gain exposure to a diverse audience actively seeking quality suppliers. Ensure your profile on Global Trade Plaza is comprehensive, highlighting your expertise as a Petrochemical Exporter.
Additionally, Global Trade Plaza hosts a myriad of verified exporters in various categories, including Bamboo Furniture and A4 Copy Paper. This platform offers a unique opportunity to explore and connect with a wide range of exporters, further expanding your business network.
In conclusion, as you navigate the world of petrochemical solutions, embracing innovation and leveraging platforms like Global Trade Plaza can propel your export business to new heights. Stay informed, adapt to industry changes, and position your company as a leading player in the global petrochemical market. Innovation is the key to unlocking success in this ever-evolving landscape.
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thoughtlessarse · 4 months
The EU elections will decide the fate of the European Green Deal. ECOLISE is calling on citizens across Europe to go out and vote for a strong Green Deal and for policymakers to empower citizens as agents of change. Nina Klein is Policy Lead at ECOLISE – European Network for Community-Led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability. Bad dream, full reality Your house is burning and you’ve called the fire brigade, “Don’t worry,” they say “we’ll take care of this.” Then you wait. And wait. Until it’s too late. This is where European citizens are today. Temperatures are rising. The European Environment Agency warns us to expect at least 3˚C of warming in Europe by 2050, causing food and ecosystems to fail. Already 80% of Europe’s ecosystems are in a bad state; there is pollution on a huge scale. According to the UN, to avoid the worst impacts the next two years are critical. Meanwhile, national governments are… not doing much. “Don’t worry,” they say, “we’ll fix this for you. Technology will sort it out. Calm down and watch. But first, we need to take care of … [the pandemic / war / inflation / petrochemical and agro-chemical profits / etc.].” Nobody treats citizens as agents of change – despite the last IPCC report stating that “(systemic enabling of) changes to our lifestyles … can result in a 40-70% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This offers significant untapped potential.” Good dream, half reality The good news is there’s a plan! There is a European Green Deal. Since 2019, following impressive climate action (thanks, Fridays for Future!) momentum for the deal has been growing, buoyed by a strong coalition across political divides at EU level. The deal establishes important goals for governance in the face of the planetary crisis: binding regulations such as the Climate Law (Fitfor55 package), Ecocide law, Right to Repair, and much more besides. Of course, a lot still needs to be done, especially in agriculture and food systems. 80% of environmental laws in the Member States derive from the EU. They help keep the playing field level in economies based on profits and a delusional growth paradigm – where caring for the planet and people receives little support. These regulations give citizens hope.
continue reading
If the far- and hard right win big, then we can wave bye-bye to the European Green Deal in its current form. What will replace it? A few, ineffectual regulations.
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texasdreamer01 · 3 months
Atlantis Expedition: Science Division Departments - Applied Sciences Department
The last of the science departments! Previously were the medical, life, and field sciences.
Below are the original notes, with one (1) revision:
Applied Sciences Department
> Head: Rodney McKay Radek Zelenka > Contains: Electrical/technical engineering, nuclear physics, civil engineering, astrophysics, laser/optical, chemical engineering > Function: Study, synthesis, and adaptations of Ancient technology > Examples of function: ZPM analysis with intent to duplicate, experimental duplications of Ancient technology materials, study of gate physics and construction with intent to duplicate, study and experimental duplication of other Ancient technologies (i.e. hyperdrives, cloaks, weapons, etc) > Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 3 (electreng) + 6 (techeng/gate techs) + 1 (nucphys) + 1 (astrophy) + 1 (LZ/opt) +  3 (chemeng) = 16 > A/N: The people Rodney are yelling at most often, because mistakes mean kablooey. Also a lot of the people running around in an emergency. 1 nuclear physicist because Rodney pulls a lot of intellectual weight, and same with the astrophysicist and laser/optical person (mostly they're there as on-paper hires and back-ups/assistants for him for his own research).
Revision because I do believe Radek would be in charge of a department, and this neatly explains why Radek is so often Rodney's functional second-in-command as well as the way they interact on a professional level.
Excepting the physicists (nuclear and astro), everyone here is an engineer or engineering-adjacent (see: gate techs).
Here's the breakdown, commentary included:
> Electrical Engineering  » 3x of these  » Specialties   ⇛ Computer engineering    ⟹ Hardware, software, computer architecture, computer design, robotics    ⟹ Makes the databases, and also things like MALPs   ⇛ Microelectronics    ⟹ Study of and fabrication of microelectronics     ⭆ The bits and bobs that make electronics    ⟹ Semiconductor-adjacent work   ⇛ Electronic engineering    ⟹ Designs communication and instrumentation devices     ⭆ Database architecture, signals between devices, etc  » Outline of electrical engineering > Technical Engineering/Gate Technicians  » SGC imports  » 6x of these   ⇛ Duties    ⟹ Drafting of technical drawings    ⟹ Gate address memorization and log maintenance    ⟹ Mission log maintenance    ⟹ Gate repair and maintenance > Nuclear Physics  » Studies nuclear material and electron movements   ⇛ AKA power source analytics  » Also provides radiocarbon dating support to the Field Sciences team > Civil Engineering  » Job of idiot-proofing  » Studies the built world (infrastructure)  » Useful for planning things like sewage systems, bridges, etc  » Assists Field Sciences department with infrastructure design based on their feedback > Astrophysics  » Does labwork and goes ooh at the telescope(s)  » Analyzes data from telescopes and constructs planetary profiles and other celestial data  » Assists with compilation of data from Field Sciences department > Laser/Optical  » Creates, maintains, and compiles information from laser-based optical devices  » Works with electrical engineers for development of new tools  » Assists astrophysicist(s) with developing specialized tools for planetary analysis > Chemical Engineering  » 3x of these  » Slightly different role than the biochemical engineers in the Life Sciences department  » Specialties   ⇛ Materials science/Polymer engineering    ⟹ Research and creation of new materials     ⭆ Plastic-type and other malleable materials that aren't petrochemical-based   ⇛ Semiconductors    ⟹ Makes the semiconductors the other engineers are using    ⟹ Also researches new ways to make semiconductors from new materials   ⇛ Chemical process modeling    ⟹ Computer modelling of new production processes    ⟹ Primarily non-biologic chemicals and chemically-based outputs    ⟹ Assists civil engineer in production processes for infrastructure modelling    ⟹ The "fuck around and find out" person  » Outline of chemical engineering
These are the people that, except for the head of the expedition, are the ones that make an expedition possible. Studying Ancient technology? This is the department. Setting up all the technology that everyone will be using, down to having a copy of Solitaire saved and inventorying down to the amount of solder? Once again, these people. Outside of the military factor - of which I presume there will naturally be quite a bit of overlap - the Applied Sciences are the ones to, well, apply the science.
Electric engineers are... I suppose a popular preconception of them is programming, if not a mental image of soldering pieces onto a motherboard. Neither is entirely incorrect, but it misses the broader scope of their training, and that is the design and construction of computers and their accompanying software. Whether a computer be a database system (think a cloud, or a company's digital storage) or a microprocessor that allows a robot to be a robot, these are also the people that generally end up in charge of the security of all electronics (see: hacking). Rodney McKay, as the CSO, will likely be one of two people (the other being the head of the expedition) holding the ultimate keys to this, but they'll likely be some sort of system administrators to handle the day-to-day work.
Gate technicians, while trained on the operation and maintenance of the gate and gate system - not an easy task in the slightest, and requiring a degree of fluency in Ancient and Goa'uld! - also handle a lot of the miscellaneous work that this department needs. Another shout-out to @spurious for prompting this idea, because there does need to be a group of people who do technical drafting, and the logic follows that they would also maintain records related to the usage of the gate, such as gate addresses (places visited, no-go addresses), mission details (liaison with the Field Sciences on managing pre- and post-mission information on planets and inter-planetary relations), and in general keeping track of what's going on regarding the gate.
Nuclear physics is here as an applied, rather than theoretical, position, keeping in line with the goals of this department. Primarily they would do power source analytics, being well-equipped to study radiation and electron movements, and parse such information for review. They would be doing a lot of labwork, and running lots of simulations on things like decay rates and energy throughputs of radioactive materials and different types of nuclear-type energy productions/storage containers (for the purposes of this headcanon, ZPMs are being lumped into this category despite being a solid state energy that functionally is not radioactive - there is a reason why Rodney's considered a ZPM expert).
Civil engineering is there, quite literally, to idiot-proof. This is useful around a crowd of engineers, and they also act as a useful translator for military parlance if a completely civilian engineer or scientist is in this or another science department. If you need a toilet, or a bridge, or putting up electric lines, this is your go-to person.
An astrophysicist on hand to study things like star charts (figuring out where you are in the new galaxy, especially in relation to the old one) and where other stargate would actually, literally be based on the constellations used as chevrons. They would be making the new maps, as well as assisting the Field Sciences department in the analysis of planetary physics from a distanced perspective. Their work will also put them in close relation to the gate technicians because of the amount of overlap in duties.
Laser and optical engineering is going to be immensely useful for this expedition, because not only will they help with making sure the electronics work, they can help with maintaining that, as well the operation and analysis of light-based scientific equipment. Think spectrometers, electron microscopes, and the like. A lot of Ancient and Goa'uld-adapted technology is likely to be laser- and optical-based, so this type of engineer will be useful for reverse-engineering and general dummy-testing.
Chemical engineers will, indeed, fuck around and find out. They're a little different than the biochemical engineers in the Life Sciences department, in that they wouldn't be dealing with the formulation of biologics and the tools to create such materials. Rather, they would be figuring out ways to make the things that everything is made out of - primarily plastic alternatives and other petrochemical alternatives. This would include everything from computer housings to wire insulation to, probably, the wires themselves (think fiber optics). If you're looking for an archetypal mad scientist, here's where you'll find them.
Given how closely aligned this department is with not only the IOA's goals for the expedition, but also the SGC's, it would be safe to assume that the members of this department will have some sway over the other departments. This would, of course, fluctuate based on the need of the given subject, but everyone in this department would quickly adapt to becoming the main people to assist the CSO in figuring out, repairing, and maintaining Atlantis as a whole.
Total Applied Sciences Department Personnel
Head of department: 1
Engineers: 7
Gate technicians: 6
Physicists: 2
Total total: 16
I'll be going over canonical personnel like Radek Zelenka and Miko Kusanagi in their own posts, but for now this is a general accounting of the expedition’s applied sciences department.
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leohttbriar · 3 months
before the ruling comes out i think it’s important to remember that the cute mom-and-pop fisherman (that are apparently being attacked by big bad federal government agencies) are backed by charles koch. bc of course.
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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Gender, Dress, and Capitalist Discipline
In the current revolutionary movement in Iran, women appear to be in the vanguard, whether this be in the workplace, classroom, or community. The radical feminist character of the current revolutionary movement is one of the main features that distinguishes it from past revolutionary movements. Although women have been an important presence in all past struggles, today it is young women who constitute its vanguard, shaping the very nature of the struggle, its ideas and aspirations. The current struggle has also reached deeper into student life than ever before: although universities have always been a center of radical activity in Iranian politics, the present struggle has seen this participation expand not only to high-schoolers but to children in middle schools and elementary schools, who defy authorities and tear up the pictures of the supreme leader.
Culture is a terrain of struggle in Iran, as it is everywhere. As a flashpoint in this conflict, the hijab is not merely a religious symbol, but is also about ideological allegiance. The cops that enforce its use — often women — identify with the ideology of the state, and see their enforcing of these laws as their role in upholding it. In this case, it is pro-regime women who police and control other women. These enforcers often harbor resentment toward those who flaunt such norms and who mock their ideology. The struggle against the hijab is therefore not primarily against people who wear Islamic dress out of piety or religiosity, but is rather political in nature, since it concerns the freedom to choose. By defying the hijab mandate, one is challenging an ideological pillar of the state, one which has, since the revolution, worked assiduously to incorporate lumpen and poorer women into its repressive apparatus.
The Islamic Republic is an instructive reminder that even laws that seem to have no rational economic logic can nevertheless be incorporated into the logic of capitalism and play an important role in its reproduction. Gender oppression is linked to capital accumulation in a way perhaps not apparent at first sight. It has long been observed that labor taking place outside the formal workplace, particularly women’s domestic labor, is vital for the existence of wage labor and capital. In many regions, moreover, women’s labor includes both unwaged domestic labor and waged work, both the production of commodities for sale on the market and housework. Sometimes both are done within the same space, a phenomenon that is becoming increasingly commonplace in both core and peripheral countries, often driven by the force of necessity. In such cases, the distinction between waged and unwaged labor no longer corresponds to a distinction between two distinct or non-overlapping sets of workers, thereby challenging the distinction between “economic” and “extra-economic.”
Since the 1979 Revolution, the state has led a concerted campaign to encourage women to be primarily domestic caretakers, pushing womens’ role as mother to the forefront of official state ideology. Yet capitalist accumulation also requires women’s participation in production. The result is a labor system aimed at enabling this participation, without directly challenging patriarchal state ideology. In this system, a sizable sector of Iranian women does productive labor in its classical sense, but must do so under the cloak of invisibility.[24]
This is an important characteristic of Iranian capitalism, and is indeed a common feature of capitalist production everywhere. It was the case during the Shah, but has been exacerbated by neoliberalism. One of the main reasons that trade unionism, or even the more radical syndicalism, become difficult concerns the uneven nature of production: Iran is an island of large modern production surrounded by a sea of primitive and traditional production. Even in large scale industries such as oil and petrochemicals, an increasing number of workers are precarious and work on temporary contracts.
The introduction of a strong gender division within the working class complicates conventional lines of class struggle, from which women’s issues are often dismissed as external. The small workshops typically found in the textile industry — particularly in rural areas — were the first to be excluded from all labor legislation, whereas for women working at home there has, of course, never been any protection. This is one of the “advantages” of employing women: they are easily exploitable, as their connection to the labor market proper is never more than casual, and officially regarded so by the state. This also demonstrates how intimate and symbiotic the relation of class and gender can be. It becomes hard if not impossible to draw a sharp line between exploitation and domination, and between questions of gender and class.
The Islamic Republic reveals the inability of state ideology to overcome the contradictions inherent to capitalism. From its inception, the ruling order has tried to construct an order in which ideology, repression, and state control could be used to suppress the contradictions and crises inherent to the system. But if the global history of the past four decades has shown us anything, it is that what we call neoliberalism is nothing other than the inherent contradictions of capitalism manifesting themselves. Such is undoubtedly the case in Iran. Many of the laws and regulations that may seem to have no economic bottomline turn out to be intimately bound up with particular forms of labor discipline. Iran’s regulations around gender offer a case in point.
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imperialchem · 6 months
Preserving Assets:  The Role of Corrosion Inhibitors in Industrial Maintenance
Corrosion is a persistent threat to industrial assets, causing billions of dollars in damages annually across various sectors.  From oil and gas facilities to manufacturing plants, the impact of corrosion can be devastating, leading to equipment failures, production downtime, and costly repairs.  However, with the right preventive measures in place, such as corrosion inhibitors, industrial facilities can effectively mitigate the risk of corrosion and prolong the lifespan of their assets.  As a leading chemical company in Vadodara, Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. (ICPL) understands the critical role of corrosion inhibitors in industrial maintenance.  In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of corrosion inhibitors, their applications, and the expertise of ICPL as a corrosion inhibitor manufacturer and exporter in India.
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Understanding Corrosion Inhibitors
Corrosion inhibitors are chemical compounds designed to protect metal surfaces from the damaging effects of corrosion.  By forming a protective barrier on the metal surface or altering the corrosion process, inhibitors prevent or slow down the oxidation and deterioration of metals in corrosive environments.  Corrosion inhibitors are widely used in various industries, including oil and gas, petrochemicals, power generation, water treatment, and manufacturing, to safeguard critical assets and infrastructure from corrosion-related failures.
The Importance of Corrosion Inhibitors in Industrial Maintenance
1.   Asset Protection:  Industrial facilities rely heavily on equipment and infrastructure made of metal, such as pipelines, tanks, vessels, and machinery.  Corrosion inhibitors play a crucial role in protecting these assets from corrosion, extending their service life and reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.
2.   Cost Savings:  Corrosion-related failures can result in significant financial losses due to equipment downtime, production disruptions, and repair expenses.  By incorporating corrosion inhibitors into maintenance programs, industries can minimize the risk of corrosion-related failures and realize substantial cost savings in the long run.
3.   Safety and Reliability:  Corrosion compromises the structural integrity of industrial assets, posing safety hazards to personnel and the surrounding environment.  Corrosion inhibitors help maintain the reliability and safety of critical infrastructure, reducing the likelihood of accidents, spills, and environmental contamination.
4.   Environmental Protection:  Corrosion-related leaks and spills can have detrimental environmental consequences, polluting soil, water bodies, and ecosystems.  By preventing corrosion and minimizing the risk of leaks and spills, corrosion inhibitors contribute to environmental protection and sustainability efforts.
Applications of Corrosion Inhibitors
Corrosion inhibitors find applications across various industrial sectors, where metal components are exposed to corrosive environments.  Some common applications of corrosion inhibitors include:
Oil and Gas Production:  In the oil and gas industry, corrosion inhibitors are used to protect pipelines, well casings, and production equipment from corrosion caused by corrosive fluids, gases, and environmental conditions.
Water Treatment:  Corrosion inhibitors are added to cooling water systems, boilers, and wastewater treatment facilities to prevent metal corrosion caused by dissolved oxygen, scale formation, and aggressive ions.
Manufacturing:  In manufacturing processes involving metal components, such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics manufacturing, corrosion inhibitors are used to protect parts, components, and machinery from corrosion during production, storage, and transportation.
Marine and Offshore Structures:  Corrosion inhibitors are applied to marine vessels, offshore platforms, and coastal structures to protect against corrosion in seawater environments.
ICPL:  Your Trusted Corrosion Inhibitor Manufacturer and Exporter in India
As the best chemical company in Vadodara, ICPL is dedicated to delivering high-quality corrosion inhibitors tailored to the specific needs of industrial clients.  Here's why ICPL is the preferred choice for corrosion inhibitors in India:
Expertise and Experience:  With decades of experience in the chemical industry, ICPL possesses the expertise and technical know-how to develop and manufacture corrosion inhibitors that meet the highest quality standards and regulatory requirements.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:  ICPL operates state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities equipped with advanced technologies and production processes to ensure the consistent quality and performance of its corrosion inhibitors.
Customized Solutions:  ICPL offers customized corrosion inhibitor formulations tailored to the unique requirements and operating conditions of industrial applications.  Our team of experts works closely with clients to develop solutions that address specific corrosion challenges and performance objectives.
Global Reach:  As a corrosion inhibitor exporter in India, ICPL serves clients worldwide, exporting its products to diverse markets across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and beyond.  With a strong global presence and distribution network, ICPL delivers reliable corrosion protection solutions to industries around the globe.
In conclusion, corrosion inhibitors play a crucial role in industrial maintenance by protecting metal assets from the damaging effects of corrosion.  As a leading corrosion inhibitor manufacturer and exporter in India, ICPL is committed to providing high-quality corrosion inhibitors that safeguard critical infrastructure, ensure operational reliability, and promote cost-effective maintenance practices.  With ICPL's expertise, customized solutions, and global reach, industries can effectively mitigate the risk of corrosion and preserve the integrity of their assets for years to come.  Contact ICPL today to learn more about our corrosion inhibitor products and solutions.
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