#Palm Oil Refining
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mectech1 · 8 months ago
Mectech Palm Oil Refinery Plant- A Legacy of Innovation and Excellence
Oil processing, often known as refining, is the conversion of crude oil into usable products such as petrol, diesel, kerosene, and other petrochemicals. The refining process consists of multiple essential steps, including separation, conversion, treatment, blending, and other refining processes.
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Oil refining is a complicated and energy-intensive process that necessitates advanced equipment and technology. It is an important link in the worldwide energy supply chain, providing fuel for transportation, heating, and electricity generation, as well as raw materials for the petrochemical sector.
Of all the oil refining and processing industries, palm oil refinery is the most important sector as it is a very complex oil and for its production it requires good quality plant.
Palm Oil Refining
Palm oil refining industries are among the world's most important manufacturing sectors, and palm oil has grown to become the world's most traded vegetable oil. Indonesia and Malaysia are the main producers, with exporting enterprises for crude palm oil.
Crude palm oil is derived from palm oil's mesocarp. Extracted Crude Palm oil contains some undesirable contaminants, which must be eliminated partially or fully throughout the palm oil refining process to produce good edible oil with increased stability and keepability.
Palm oil is currently a popular cooking oil in many tropical nations, including South East Asia, Africa, and sections of Brazil. Its popularity is attributed due to its higher heat resistance as compared to any other vegetable oil and also because of its lower cost and good oxidative stability.
Palm's unique and finest quality is that it generates two forms of oil: palm oil and palm kernel oil.
Palm oil is derived from the flesh of the palm fruit, whereas palm kernel oil is extracted from the seeds or kernel of the palm fruit using the palm kernel oil process.
Palm oil is derived from fresh palm fruit flesh through pressing and centrifugation at a palm oil facility. To avoid deterioration of Palm Oil, it must be extracted from fresh palm fruit. As a result, countries that cultivate palm oil remove it to prevent it from deteriorating. The crude palm oil's colour is yellow-red or dark yellow, and its taste is sweet.
The crude palm oil extracted contains undesired contaminants, which hurt the oil's physical appearance, quality, oxidative stability, and shelf life. To eliminate the aforementioned pollutants, the oil is sent to a palm oil refinery plant, where it is refined, bleached, and deodorised. After refining the palm oil, the RBD oil is sent to the fractionation unit to extract palm olein and stearin.
Palm Oil Refinery Plant
Palm oil refining is divided into the sections below:
In most palm oil refining plants, the refining process is a vital stage in the manufacture of edible oils and fats. The finished product's properties that must be monitored include flavour, shelf life, stability, and colour.
Crude vegetable oil can be refined in two ways: physically or chemically. During crude palm oil refining, FFA is removed to obtain a maximum FFA level of 0.1%.
Physical refining typically has a smaller environmental impact than chemical refining.
Bleaching edible oils and fats is an important step in the refining process for crude oils and fat. It does eliminate numerous contaminants, which hurt the physical look and quality of the oil. Generally, the oil is taken to the bleaching section first, and the gums are treated with phosphoric acid so that they may be separated in the pressure leaf filter after bleaching.
During this stage, the adsorptive activity of bleaching earth removes trace metal complexes like iron and copper, colouring pigments, phosphatides, and oxidative products.
This bleached oil is next filtered through industrial filters such as a filter press, a hermetically sealed vertical leaf pressure filter, a plate, or a frame filter.
Mectech's unique bleacher design keeps the bleaching earth in full suspension, resulting in no dead zones and lower utility use. Mectech Bleacher guarantees high-quality oil because the bleaching procedure for crude palm oil is carried out under controlled conditions.
Mectech also excels in supplying facilities for rice bran oil processing refinery in India and abroad. Mectech Rice Bran Oil Extraction Machinery in India and abroad offers the following advantages.
#Oil processing#often known as refining#is the conversion of crude oil into usable products such as petrol#diesel#kerosene#and other petrochemicals. The refining process consists of multiple essential steps#including separation#conversion#treatment#blending#and other refining processes.#Oil refining is a complicated and energy-intensive process that necessitates advanced equipment and technology. It is an important link in#providing fuel for transportation#heating#and electricity generation#as well as raw materials for the petrochemical sector.#Of all the oil refining and processing industries#palm oil refinery is the most important sector as it is a very complex oil and for its production it requires good quality plant.#Palm Oil Refining#Palm oil refining industries are among the world's most important manufacturing sectors#and palm oil has grown to become the world's most traded vegetable oil. Indonesia and Malaysia are the main producers#with exporting enterprises for crude palm oil.#Crude palm oil is derived from palm oil's mesocarp. Extracted Crude Palm oil contains some undesirable contaminants#which must be eliminated partially or fully throughout the palm oil refining process to produce good edible oil with increased stability an#Palm oil is currently a popular cooking oil in many tropical nations#including South East Asia#Africa#and sections of Brazil. Its popularity is attributed due to its higher heat resistance as compared to any other vegetable oil and also beca#Palm's unique and finest quality is that it generates two forms of oil: palm oil and palm kernel oil.#Palm oil is derived from the flesh of the palm fruit
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gennie123 · 2 years ago
Healthy Cookies For Chai time | No refined sugar, No maida, No preservatives
Here, we will tell you the perfect solution to your chai time snacks cravings… you can enjoy this healthy cookies guilt free. Say no to carb loaded processed snacks… Eat right and stay bright….
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k9wa · 11 months ago
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⠀ — yearning for sensations long forgotten behind cool steel and blue blood.
⠀ OR
⠀ — you two can get along every once in a while.
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⚠︎ mechanic!reader, rev comfort, boothill is a bit of a yearner, can you guys just fucking kiss already. gn reader wc 1.5k.
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“you’re less obnoxious than usual,”
your voice snaps boothill out of his daze, eyes blinking quickly as he re-registers your hands in his torso messing with a few wires.
“you sick or something?”
the cyborg keeps his gaze down, watching the careful and precise movements of your hands, actions long practiced and refined. 
it's a little surprising when a flirt or some quick quip doesn't follow your comment— only a small huff of air through his nose as boothill leans further back onto his palms.
“nah. i'm fit as a fiddle.”
you spare a glance up, right eyebrow raising just a tad. you don’t believe him, and boothill’s too clocked out to notice your distrust.
though you don’t comment– not until the cavity in his stomach is closed up and all his pieces are back in place.
“that should be better,” you wipe the oil off your hands with an old rag hung from one of your belt loops. “how's that scratch healing up?”
boothill again is pulled from his thoughts by your voice, cybernetic hand subconsciously moving to the mostly scabbed and healed over cut on his jaw— the one you patched and gave him an earful for getting in the first place.
“‘s fine,” he runs his fingers over it as if he could feel the roughened skin. they linger over it just a little too long. “barely there anymore. we all done here?”
it's another comment that leaves you with a weird feeling in your gut— he always hung around, dragged out his repairs longer than they needed to take just to spend more time with you. to mess with you, ruffle your feathers while you pretend you don’t know exactly what he’s doing. it's almost disappointing when he expresses his eagerness to leave. not to mention the lack of his usual vibrato or high energy is a tad unsettling.
he tries to sit up from your work bench, but your palm against his chest pushes him carefully back down and keeps him seated. unbeknownst to you, boothill actively chokes down the simultaneous urges to swat your hand away and clutch onto it. did you know how insane your touch that he couldn’t even feel was driving him? did you know that he’d had his teeth grit since stepping one boot into your shop— the shop that he was only able to enter after giving himself a firm slap to his own forehead?
“what's with you?”
you folded your arms over your chest, eyes focussed calculatingly on the cowboy sitting in front of you. though the brim of his hat covers a good portion of his face, and his head doesn’t seem too keen on lifting. 
“what’s that s’posed t’mean?'' boothill doesn’t bother looking up, as expected.
“you look like a kicked dog.” 
boothill scoffs. “ain’t no sugar coatin’ it with you, is there?” 
“cmon,” you sigh, unfolding your arms to place them down on your table, caging either side of the cyborg’s hips. you give a slight lean forward as you put your weight down on them, and once more boothill’s caught between pushing you away or grabbing your shirt and pulling you closer. 
“talk to me, it’s weird seeing you all quiet.”
“ain’t you the one always tellin’ me to shut up?”
he tilted his head back with a quiet groan, steel thumb rubbing at one of his temples. it's embarrassing, really, what he’s so hung up about. 
his thoughts drift to your hands on either side of him, that although calloused and stained with oil you’ll never be able to quite fully get out from under your fingernails, are still soft. human. not exactly delicate but not…clunky. or heavy.
he’s never really been one for vulnerability. where would he even begin? he’d hardened his interior to match the abrupt loss of his fleshy exterior. he didn’t feel he had a choice to do otherwise. now he’s left with the hyper awareness of just how bulky and inelegant he is— it’s not who he was before, not what he had. it never will be. 
“…just missin’ the way i used to be, i s’pose. i dunno.”
his eyes still dodge yours, pulling the brim of his hat down to block out your face from his peripherals. 
“just…forgettin’ things. how things feel against my fingers ‘n whatnot.” his words are half murmured, hesitant behind his lips.
if boothill had a stomach, it would have tightened and churned at your lack of a response. now he just feels silly, like you’re about to laugh in his face for the little bit of himself he’d just bared to you.
“not that i’m moppin’ about it or nothin’,” he quickly tries to save with a clear of his throat. “i mean, this ol’ hunk’a metal come in handy now and again, don’t it?” boothill straightens up a little bit, voice evening out. 
he’s still waiting for you to say something. literally anything— to give a half assed acknowledgement and let him go or call him an idiot. he eagerly awaits for you to just get either over with.
but rather than option a, or b, or even c to z, what he receives is your hand on his cheek, guiding his head to look back forward at you. 
he feels frozen. your hand is so warm, it’s making his head feel fuzzy. it’s different than the occasional touch to his face from you, one to tilt his head up so you can see his neck or a lift of his eyelid to check on his eye.
it stays in place, long enough to make the area of his face you’re touching begin to warm as well. his eyes are locked with yours now, slightly wide and filled with uncertainty. he silently prays his cheeks aren’t blue.
“you can still feel here, right?” your question is so…innocent. it’s as if it’s the most simple thing in the world. your thumb slowly smoothing over his cheekbone is enough to make him feel utterly weak.
“…yeah. yeah, i can.”
he’s daring enough to put his hand overtop yours, keeping it in place. you smile slightly at that— not a teasing grin like usual, but a genuine one.
“you know,” your other hand brushes his bangs out of his eyes. boothill’s never been touched like this before, like he’s fragile.
“you don’t have to hide stuff from me.” right now, your voice is the most comforting thing he’s ever heard. he's blanking– you’re the only thing filling his senses. the smell of oil mixed with your body wash, the way you look at him as you speak, every part of it is so…grounding. it’s almost foreign, a sensation long forgotten behind layers of metal and code.
“i ain’t hiding things from ya, sugar plum.”
“quit it with that, okay?” 
your brows furrow lightly as you lean dangerously close. boothill can feel your slow, calm breaths fanning his upper lip. he resists the urge to gulp.
“i know you. probably more than you think.” you tilt the brim of his hat up gently, keeping it out of the way. it’s true, no one’s ever seen him in the ways that you have. comfortable, a little smitten, on and off malfunctioning.
“i don’t like seeing you upset,” boothill’s circuits stutter once your forehead rested against his. “so just talk to me next time.”
it’s not a request, but it’s not a demand either. perhaps “invitation” is a more fitting term.
“can we…” boothill clears his throat softly again, fingers lightly tightening around your hand. “do you reckon we can stay like this for a lil’ while then?” 
you nod.
you pull him a little closer, enough to place your cheek against his and give it a gentle nuzzle.
you’re warm. you’re soft. you smell good, feel good. he doesn’t want to let go.
one of boothill's arms snakes carefully around your waist, and slowly your chest is pulled flush against his while you’re stood between his legs. his face finds itself comfortably hidden in the crook of your neck, all while your thumb gently tracing the shell of his ear is enough to have him purring like a cat.
“you feel nice,” boothill says quietly, voice a bit rough. the rasp is endearing as always. “real nice, sugar.”
neither of you are sure how long you stay there, nor does boothill know when his hand began clutching your shirt as if he was afraid you would pull away. but the gentle whirl and hum of his internals are oddly soothing– like a built in white noise machine that puts your mind at ease.
boothill could have sat there forever, really. nudging his nose against the smooth skin of your neck and gripping tightly at what little physical feeling he had left.
you silently ponder kissing his temple, boothill silently ponders kissing your cheek. neither of you act.
“thank ya.” boothill's voice is nothing above a whisper. “been a while since…y’know.” 
you nod slowly, fingers idly twirling a piece of hair that hangs over his ear.
“you’re sweet when you wanna be.” you can’t help but tease him just a little.
“cmon now, i’m always sweet for you, ain’t i?” and he can’t help but throw a flirt back.
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blueiscoool · 3 months ago
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'Exquisite' 1,700-Year-Old Lamp Bearing Temple Symbols Discovered in Jerusalem
"The exquisite artistic workmanship of the lamp, which was found complete, makes it outstanding and extremely rare."
A rare ceramic oil lamp dated to the late Roman period that bears images of items used in the Second Temple was discovered in Jerusalem, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced on Thursday.
"After the Roman emperor Hadrian suppressed the Bar Kochba rebellion in 135 CE, Jews were expelled from the city. The Mount of Olives lamp is one of the few material traces of a Jewish presence around Jerusalem in the 3rd-5th centuries CE," said Michael Chernin, excavation director on behalf of the Antiquities Authority.
The Antiquities Authority explained that the lamp was a "unique find" and that, judging by the soot marks on its nozzle, it was used about 1,700 years ago.
The Temple symbols that decorate the lamp include a depiction of the menorah used in the Second Temple, an incense shovel, and lulav (date palm branch used in Jewish ritual).
"The exquisite artistic workmanship of the lamp, which was found complete, makes it outstanding and extremely rare,” said Chernin.
Chernin also explained that the symbols on the lamp, which connected them to the Temple, were "particularly surprising" because there has been "very little evidence of the existence of a Jewish settlement in and around Jerusalem from this period."
Israel Antiquities Authority research archaeologist Benjamin Storchan said the lamp belongs to "the 'Beit Nattif' type, named after a production workshop identified in the 1930s near Bet Shemesh."
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'Exceedingly rare' find
He explained that "oil lamps with menorah decorations are exceedingly rare, and only a few similar Beit Nattif-type lamps can be found in the National Treasures archive. The choice of symbols on the lamp is not accidental. This is a fascinating testimony connecting everyday objects and faiths among ancient Jerusalem’s inhabitants. It seems that the lamp belonged to a Jew, who purchased it because of its religious affiliation and memorial to the Temple.”
"It is evident that the lamp maker dedicated a great deal of time and effort to its decoration," Storchan added.
He then continued to elaborate on how the lamp was made, saying the maker "delicately and intricately carved limestone molds using drills and chisels."
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"The molds were made in two parts (upper and lower). To create the lamp, the potter pressed the clay into the molds and then pressed them together. Finally, the vessel was fired, and it could be used. This method of producing lamps in molds allowed for refined designs, as well as the addition of delicate and intricate decorations," Storchan continued.
Heritage Minister Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu remarked on the correlation between the time of the finding and the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.
"This unique oil lamp, which in an exciting manner bears the symbols of the Temple, connects the lights of the past with the Hannukah holiday of today and expresses the deep and long-standing connection of the nation of Israel to its heritage and to the Temple’s memory.”
Rabbi Eliyahu also stated that the lamp would be revealed to the public for the first time during Hannukah "alongside stone molds used to make ceramic lamps."
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theswordwrites · 5 months ago
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PART FOUR (the alchemy)
Juniper and Aemond go on their first date.
tw: literally nothing. low-key fluff.
word count: 3.1k
Ten minutes into dinner, Juniper Greyson had a realization.
She hadn’t been on a date in a long time.
Like, years.
Oliver had been… fine, she supposed. But their “dates” always involved the greasy pizza place across from his apartment— where the lighting was too bright, and the chairs wobbled like sad, forgotten carnival rides. He never picked her up, never held the door open, and he certainly never did anything that made her feel like someone worth dressing up for.
Aemond, on the other hand, had done all of that.
(Okay, technically, his driver had picked her up—but he’d been polite, and the car smelled like leather and money, which, honestly, counted.)
Now she was sitting across from Aemond Targaryen—a man who looked like he’d stepped out of a luxury magazine spread. Charcoal-gray pants, crisp white button-up rolled to his elbows, the muscles in his forearms catching her eye for far too long. She kept sneaking glances, hoping he wouldn’t notice. His hair was just a little messy, like he’d spent the whole day running his fingers through it, and the sight made her throat go dry.
He was handsome—obnoxiously so. That was her first mistake. Realizing it.
Her second mistake was lingering on the thought. She cleared her throat, as if that would somehow chase it away.
The restaurant was elegant, bathed in warm, golden light that softened every shadow, casting a refined glow over everything. Chandeliers hung like delicate sculptures, and each table held a single votive candle, its flame flickering quietly in the subdued atmosphere. The air was thick with the scent of truffle oil and roasted garlic, while the gentle murmur of conversation and faint strains of jazz from a live pianist drifted through the room.
Aemond, meanwhile, seemed perfectly at ease, thumbing through the menu like this was just another night.
Without looking up, he broke the silence. “So… what do people usually talk about on these things? The weather?”
June let out an involuntary huff of a laugh, the sound louder than she intended.
“Oh, yeah. Small talk is definitely still in fashion,” she quipped, a bit too fast. Her voice pitched higher than usual, and she cringed internally.
June felt her palms sweating, fingers fiddling with the napkin in her lap. As Aemond smoothly gestured for the waiter, ordering in a low, confident voice, she realized she hadn’t even looked at the menu. When it was her turn to speak, she felt the pressure of his eyes on her.
"Uh, I’ll have the… pasta?" she stammered, feeling ridiculous the second the words left her mouth. The waiter didn’t even blink, but Aemond smiled—soft, like he didn’t mind her awkwardness.
"The one the chef took off the menu last month, with the capers.” He said to the waiter, leaning back in his chair, perfectly at ease. "It’s one of their best dishes."
June gave a small nod, her heart hammering as she forced a smile. Of course he was calm. And of course he knew the chef. He probably did this kind of thing all the time. Meanwhile, she was struggling to keep her voice steady, hoping her nerves didn’t show as much as she feared.
Aemond’s lips twitched, a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Tell me about yourself.”
He glanced up from his glass, peering through his lashes in a way that felt unfairly intentional. June’s heart did a weird little stutter, and she scrambled to find something—anything—normal to say.
“Uh…” She stalled, feeling her brain short-circuit. “I grew up in the North. I moved here for school and, um, after I finished my first degree, I decided to stay for my PhD.”
She finished with a tight smile, hoping that would be enough. Aemond gave her a look—just the slightest raise of his brow. Not unkind, but definitely a little amused. It was the kind of look that said, That’s it? That’s all you’ve got?
June’s cheeks burned under his gaze.
“Okay, uh… I have a cat,” she added, grasping at straws. “Her name’s Florence, but I just call her Flo. She’s orange. And, um… perfect.” She winced as soon as the words left her mouth. Perfect? Why had she said perfect?
Aemond nodded, clearly trying not to laugh.
“Cats usually are.”
June bit the inside of her cheek, desperate to keep herself from spiraling further into awkwardness.
“What about your family?” Aemond asked, smoothly shifting the conversation.
“Oh.” She exhaled, grateful for the change of topic, but the question wasn’t exactly easy to answer.
“It’s just my mom now. She’s great. A little… overbearing sometimes.” She tried to keep her tone light, but the word now hung in the air between them, too heavy to ignore.
Aemond’s gaze flickered with something—understanding, maybe—but he didn’t press.
“Do you get to see her often?”
“Often enough,” June replied, forcing a smile. “I try to go home every few months. And she visits in the summer. It’s… nice.”
Her hands twisted in her lap beneath the table and her fingers fiddling with the hem of her napkin, mustering the courage to ask, “What about your family?
Aemond’s lips curled slightly. “Why don’t you tell me more about your mother first?”
June blinked, thrown off for a second. “I already told you about her.”
He raised a brow. “I want details. What does she think about Flo?”
June laughed, feeling the tension dissolve just a little. “Oh, she adores Flo. Sometimes I think she likes her more than me. She sends me little care packages with toys and treats. I think she really just wants grandchildren.”
She didn’t miss the way he steered the conversation back to her, avoiding the topic of his family completely. But, he hadn’t pressed her earlier, so she wouldn’t either.
Another waiter came with wine, pouring it into both of their cups quietly. June noticed how the young man's eyes darted between Aemond and her—surely recognizing them.
After the waiter turned away, Aemond continued with his questions. “Is that something you want? Kids?”
The question hit her like a stray gust of wind—unexpected and weirdly personal. She almost choked on her sip but managed to swallow it down, wide-eyed.
“Uh…” She wiped the corner of her mouth with her napkin, stalling for time. “That’s… kind of a big question for a first date.
Aemond gave a small, nonchalant shrug, as if he’d asked her opinion on the weather. “Maybe. But it’s a valid one.”
“Sure,” she said, dragging the word out. “But most people ease into that kind of thing.”
He leaned back, his expression calm but curious, like he wasn’t going to let her off the hook so easily.
June fumbled for a response. “I mean, I think I do. Someday. Probably. If the circumstances were right.”
Aemond’s gaze sharpened slightly, though his tone remained measured. “And what would ‘right circumstances’ look like?”
Oh my god, June thought, why is this happening right now?
“I don’t know.” She tried to laugh, but it came out more like a nervous puff of air. “A stable job. A house that isn’t held together by duct tape. A partner who can… I don’t know, keep a plant alive?”
Aemond smirked at that. “So, not high standards then.”
June rolled her eyes. “Hey, keeping a plant alive is harder than it sounds.”
Aemond gave a soft hum, as if he were filing that away for later. “I’ve always thought about it,” he said, his voice quieter this time.
June blinked. “Really?”
He nodded, swirling his glass of wine absently. “Not often. But… it crosses my mind every now and then.”
She tilted her head. “What, like having a bunch of kids running around?”
Aemond’s lips quirked in a dry half-smile. “Not exactly. Just one, maybe two.” He paused, glancing down at his wine for a beat before adding, “I’d want to do it better than it was done for me.”
That last sentence hung in the air between them, heavier than June had expected. For a moment, she didn’t know what to say.
“Sorry,” Aemond muttered, shifting in his seat as if he’d given away more than he intended. “That was probably… too much.”
“No, it’s okay.” June shook her head quickly. “I get it. Kind of.” She fiddled with the stem of her glass. “I think that’s why it’s hard for me to picture it. I mean… what if you screw it up, right?”
Aemond met her gaze again, and there was a flicker of understanding in his eye—something unspoken but mutual.
“Yeah,” he said softly. “Exactly.”
They sat in silence for a moment, the kind of silence that wasn’t uncomfortable but thoughtful, almost heavy with things neither of them knew how to say.
Then, because June could never leave well enough alone, she blurted, “So, what’s your hypothetical kid’s name?”
Aemond gave her a look—half amused, half exasperated. “Seriously?”
She grinned, the awkwardness lifting just slightly. “Yeah. You brought it up, so now you have to answer.”
Aemond exhaled a laugh through his nose, shaking his head. “I have no idea.”
“C’mon,” June pressed. “First thing that comes to mind.”
“…Eleanor,” he said dryly.
June softened at that. “That’s quite endearing.”
Aemond rolled his eyes, but the corner of his mouth twitched with amusement. “What about you, then? What would your kid be named?”
“Hmm.” She tapped her chin theatrically. “I think… something ridiculous. Like Augustus. Or Clementine.”
Aemond shook his head, lips curving into a reluctant smile. “Your poor child.”
June grinned, feeling a little more at ease now, like they’d stumbled into something unexpectedly comfortable.
“Hey,” she said playfully. “If I ever have a Clementine, I’ll make sure you’re the first to know.”
Aemond raised his glass in a mock toast. “I’ll hold you to that.”
June could have sighed in relief. This wasn’t as difficult as she had anticipated. She didn’t have to fake her smiles or laughter—those were genuine. The banter was enjoyable, even fun.
Their food arrived soon after, and they continued their conversation. The dish Aemond had chosen for her was perfect, and she could see the smug satisfaction on his face. She lit up at his questions about her dissertation, eagerly explaining the intricacies of the depiction of women in early Westerosi art. They discovered they shared a taste for classic literature and poetry. She opted not to mention her recent binge on fantasy novels so steamy they made her sweat.
Aemond laughed softly at her jokes, and though it was a quiet sound, it felt like a victory.
The evening slipped away faster than June expected. She watched as Aemond finished signing the check with a flourish, his movements practiced and efficient, and she tried to ignore the strange twist in her stomach at the sight.
As they left the restaurant, Aemond smoothly extended his arm to her. It was such a gentlemanly gesture, so perfectly fitting for someone like him. June hesitated, staring at his arm as if it were an alien concept, before awkwardly looping hers through it.
He glanced down at her, a small smile playing on his lips. "You don’t have to act like I’m a stranger," he teased lightly. "I don’t bite."
She laughed nervously, her pulse racing at the warmth of his arm beneath her hand. "Sorry, I just… I’m not used to this," she admitted.
"Used to what?" he asked, his voice smooth and calm.
“Being wined and dined.” She leaned in closer, lowering her voice so no one else would hear.
He simply smiled down at her. “Well, you might have to get used to those things. In fact, I believe you are contractually obligated.”
She just hummed as he opened the car door for her, before sliding in after her.
The ride home was quiet at first. The sleek, black leather interior of the car smelled faintly of cedar and the warm, lingering cologne Aemond wore, which only served to keep her uncomfortably aware of his presence beside her. Her fingers toyed with her purse strap, the weight of the night pressing down on her in a way she couldn’t quite shake.
She quietly asked, “Do you think there are any cameras?”
Aemond shook his head, “No. Criston and his team came through before we did. And there won’t be any photos from the restaurant either. Maybe a gossip blog will pick up a tip, but no photo evidence.”
“This was more for us—” He said, gazing down at her, “To get to know one another. Get more comfortable. I don’t want to throw you in the deep end.”
The words and give you another chance to pull out of the deal were left unsaid.
June found it endearing and it wasn’t the first time that night. She glanced out the window, the city lights casting a soft, golden glow over the street as they drove through the heart of the city. Even through the glass, she could feel the faint thrum of the music spilling out from late-night bars and restaurants, laughter and voices blending into an ambient hum. But here, in the car, everything was calm and still, broken only by the quiet hum of the engine.
As if sensing her thoughts, Aemond finally spoke. “Did you enjoy yourself?”
The question was simple enough, but there was something in his tone—a genuine curiosity that made her feel oddly vulnerable. She could feel his gaze on her, gentle yet piercing, and she forced herself to look over at him.
“Yes,” she replied softly, offering him a small, honest smile. “It was… different.”
He tilted his head, an amused glint in his eye. “Different, how?”
She laughed, feeling the tension in her chest ease just a little. “In a good way. Just… different from what I’m used to.”
Aemond gave a slight nod, and for a moment, she thought she saw a flicker of satisfaction in his expression, as if her answer meant more to him than he let on. The shadows of the city lights flickered across his face, highlighting the sharp angle of his jaw and the way his eyes seemed to soften when he looked at her.
It felt like they were the only two people in the world, isolated in this small bubble of warmth and quiet, shielded from the bustling world outside. The quiet intimacy of it made her heart race in a way that was both thrilling and terrifying.
“What did you expect?” he asked, his voice low and steady, almost a whisper in the dim light.
She shrugged, glancing down at her hands. “I don’t know. It’s… hard to explain.” She hesitated, searching for the right words. “I guess I didn’t expect it to feel… easy.”
He raised an eyebrow, an unreadable expression on his face. “Easy?”
“Yeah,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “Like… even though we don’t know each other that well, it wasn’t… uncomfortable.”
She felt her cheeks heat up, and she quickly looked away, hoping he wouldn’t notice the flush of color creeping up her neck. But Aemond, of course, noticed everything.
“It doesn’t have to be uncomfortable,” he murmured, his tone soft, almost reassuring. There was a gentleness in his voice that caught her off guard, like he was offering her something—some small reassurance she hadn’t even realized she wanted.
They fell into silence again, the quiet hum of the engine filling the space between them. Outside, the cityscape shifted, the bright lights of downtown fading into quieter, dimly-lit streets as they neared her apartment. She watched the familiar landmarks pass by, feeling the weight of reality settle back in as the night slowly came to an end. But she couldn’t shake the strange, lingering warmth that had taken root in her chest, an unfamiliar sensation that left her feeling both vulnerable and strangely alive.
As the car pulled to a stop, June found herself glancing at her building, the familiar red door standing out against the muted colors of the night. Aemond was already out of the car, and when he opened her door, offering his hand, she felt that warm jolt of surprise again, like the evening itself had granted her permission to lean just a bit closer.
“Let me walk you up,” he said, his voice soft but steady. There was something almost old-fashioned in the gesture, and she smiled, falling into step beside him as they walked toward her door. They moved slowly, their steps echoing in the quiet street. The air between them was charged with an unspoken tension, each step bringing them closer to a goodbye she suddenly felt reluctant to say. She’d barely registered that they were standing in front of her door before she looked up at him, taking in the sharp lines of his face, softened by the night.
“Would you…” she hesitated, hearing the words form before she could reconsider. “Would you like to come in? I could introduce you to Flo. She’s probably waiting by the door.”
For a brief second, Aemond didn’t answer, and she could almost imagine a yes, imagine what it would feel like to sit across from him, this time in her space. But then his gaze softened, and he shook his head, just slightly.
“I’d like that,” he said, his tone quiet, almost regretful. “But I should head back to the office. Still have work waiting for me.”
It was the kind of gentle refusal that reminded her, as gently as possible, of what this really was. The warmth she’d felt was quickly cooling, and she managed a nod, forcing her disappointment to stay below the surface.
“Oh—of course,” she said, straightening. “Maybe next time.” She offered a small, polite smile, the one she used when she needed to keep her guard up, and he gave a faint nod, his face unreadable once more. She half-expected him to just turn and go, but he surprised her, leaning in slightly, his voice lowering.
“Goodnight, June,” he said, his words lingering in the stillness between them. “I’ll see you soon.”
With a final, fleeting glance, he turned, his footsteps quiet as he disappeared back into the night. She watched him go, feeling the chill of the evening creep in around her, the gentle reminder of boundaries settling back into place. As she turned her key in the lock, stepping into her empty apartment, she could feel herself slipping back into the reality of the arrangement.
The evening felt like a dream that had ended too soon, leaving her alone with the quiet and the small ache of what was almost—almost—something more.
this is an insanely late update, midterms kicked my ass! i had fun playing with their conversation and I hope you had fun reading! lmk your thoughts!
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softcherri · 3 months ago
Gift Guide
Fancy home cooks/foodies edition 🥨🫒🧀🥬🥫🍅🍜🥟🥞🧇🍫����🥖🥐🍙
Flowerhead Tea—women owned, small batch, organic & non-gmo ingredients, sustainable packaging
Apostle Hot Sauce—small batch, handmade in New Zealand, offers bottle returns, beautifully hand drawn labels
Yiayia Extra Virgin Olive Oil—made in Greece from cold-pressed olives, all natural, adorable packaging
Ghia Crunch Hazelnut Spread (Ghianduja)—healthier “Nutella,” made with olive oil, contains no palm oil, half the sugar of Nutella
De Soi Non-alcoholic Apéritifs (Spritz Italiano)—perfect non-alcoholic dupe for an Aperol Spritz, gluten-free, no artificial colors or flavors, non-gmo
Rocky’s Matcha—quality matcha powder, smooth flavor, no fishy aftertaste
Nour Vegan Salad Dressing—vegan, gluten free, sugar free, uses extra virgin olive oil only
C.BB. Chocolate Bars—ethically sourced ingredients, no artificial flavors or preservatives
NURI Artisanal Sardines—quality ingredients, limited production, sustainable fishing methods, uses 100% refined olive oil
Good Girl Snacks (Hot Girl Pickles)—woman owned, unique flavors, organic, no artificial ingredients
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chicademartinica · 1 year ago
2023 Favorites
Come play favorites with me.
Favorite Korean BL: The Eighth Sense. / Runner up: Our dating Sim
Favorite Thai BL: Never let me go / Runner up: Moonlight Chicken
Favorite Japanese BL: The end of the world with you / Runner up: My Beautiful man eternal (Show +Movie)
Favorite Taiwanese BL: Kiseki Dear to me / Runner up: Stay by my side.
Best director(s): Inu Baek & Werner du Plessis for The Eighth Sense (Korea and Germany) EX AEQUO with Jojo Tichakorn Phukhaothong (Thailand) for FIVE SHOWS (BL or not everything Jojo does is QUEER): Never let me go / Never let me go Our Skyy 2/ The Warp effect / Only Friends / Dirty Laundry. To be noted and congratulated: OG Thai BL director Tee Sintanaparadee with his best work to date: I feel you linger in the air.
Best cinematography: Never let me go by Rat Rungruang (Thailand) / Runner Up: Moonlight Chicken ALSO by Rat Rungruang EX AEQUO Never let me go Our skyy 2 ALSO by Rat Rungruang.
Best use of color theory : The eighth sense GREEN.
Best score /musical moment (instrumental): “Save you from the Death” by Ruiqi Zhao. This song is so good it was used in two shows, airing at the same time, produced by the same man, on the same channel. We first hear it in Never let me go (episode 05) as Palm ravenously kisses Nueng (for a long long long long time) for the first time. AND THEN it’s back in Moonlight Chicken (episode 01) as Uncle Jim and Wen do everything but kiss under the moonlight. Aof and Jojo really said we both using it to be desperate and erotic and what of it. 10/10 no notes.
Runner up: “Refined enlightenment” by Howard Harper-Barnes in I feel you linger in the air (episode 07): The soaring strings that perfectly follows Jom’s arousal as he masturbates to the memory of the most erotic oil massage ever. Refined INDEED. // “Bleeding Signs” by Chris Shards in Never let me go (episode 05): Dark and moody indie rock rumbles as Nueng reels from his brutal outing, homophobia, and Ben’s betrayal before collapsing in Palm’s arms in the yellow of Bangkok polluted twilight.
Best score/ musical moment (with lyrics): “I can’t lose it all” by Ben Goldstein in The Eight Sense (episode 06) The singer belting “I’m losing my mind (…) I can’t lose it all” are the only words we hear for the last minutes of a great, hazy fugue of an episode. (Last spoken line: “To give you trauma” before the lovers start kissing.) Jae Won and Ji Hyun make love and when the song stops, I was left with greys waves, panic, and a burning “JAE WON WERE YOU OR WERE YOU NOT HIGH OUT OF YOUR MIND FOR ALL OF THIS? Was that song a call back to “Where is my mind” of Fight Club fame just to play with our nerves? Good times. //Runner up: “Monsoons” by Johannes Bornlöf and Le June in Never let me go. This song plays for two minutes straight as Palm sways drunkenly in his lover’s arms as he reels from his mother’s violent death. “Monsoon rain and chest pains”, blurry lens and sloppy, tear-soaked kissing. Peak lakorn.
Favorite couple: PalmNueng in Never let me go. // Runner up : KingUea in Bed Friend.
Favorite chemistry: PondPhuwin as Palmnueng, GMMtv true hidden gem. Runner up: Nat Chen and Jiang Dian as Chen Yi and Ai Di in Kiseki Dear to me.
Favorite individual performance: Film Thanapat in Laws of Attraction// Runner up: Mix Sahaphap in Moonlight Chicken.
Most beloved actor this year: Mark Pakin.
Favorite Ensemble: Moonlight Chicken // Runner up: The Warp Effect
Favorite mother figure: Grandma in Laws of Attraction. Amazing actress, well written (Grieving!) character. // Runner up: Ji Hyun’s boss in The eighth sense.
Favorite friendship: Pat and Chot in Step by Step! Pat’s whole friend group! // Runner up: Alex and Army in The Warp Effect.
Favorite siblings: The Gu siblings in Stay by my side. // Jeng and Jaab in Step by Step.
My hatred for you knows no bounds: Uea’s "mother" in Bed Friend. // Runner up: Phupha in The Promise EX AEQUO Tae Hyung in The eighth sense.
Most beloved character: Palm! My sweet boy! // Runner up: King! MY King!
Favorite “I love you”: “I LOVE YOU UNCLE JIM” Li Ming in Moonlight Chicken.
Favorite proposal: Charn being a lawyer and a marriage equality advocate while Tinn is just trying to marry the nutjob in Laws of Attraction.
Favorite wedding: TinnCharn and the baby’s doll on the chair (Tears!). Runner up: Palmnueng marrying by proxy while being guests at a gay wedding.
The category is “Boohoo snot bubble I’m dazed and crying”: The eighth Sense. Runner up: Moonlight Chicken.
The category is “I’ve watched this scene without breathing.”: Ji Hyun’s reaching for Jae Won’s hand in The eighth sense ep 09 // Runner up: Ki Tae confronting Lee Wan in episode 04 of Our dating Sim.
The category is “My cheeks are hurting I’m smiling so much”: Our dating Sim // Runner up: Love tractor.
Punchline: “Have you been well? Without me?”  Ki Tae to Lee Wan Our dating Sim / “I miss you so much. I miss you so much” Fan Ze Rui to Bai Zong Yi Kiseki Dear to me.
Funny punchline: “You only love me when you do me.” Cher to Boss in A boss and a babe. // Runner up: “We can continue as a throuple” Rando in Laws of attraction.
Erotic honorific: “Call me Hia Win. Hia Win.” In Between Us. // “Can you tell Nong Cher what your present is Phi Gun” or “Phi Jeng” for “The kinkification of Phi” in A boss and a Babe and Step by Step.
The category is ‘What is this?!! A 90’s Yaoi Manga ?!!”: Kim Jong Chan’s (Korean actor Kwon Hyuk) Yaoi hands holding his lover’s whole head in his palm as they kiss in The New employee. // Runner up: Cho Jun’s ( Ki Hyun Woo) in a an all-black suit in Jun & Jun.
The category is "Whew why was this so hot ?" : Charn obscenely rubbing Tinn's arm up and down while Tinn is trying to punch him in Laws of Attraction// Runner up : Jae Won manhandling Baby Mouse by the straps of his backpack in The eighth sense.
Best smile: First Kanaphan as Sand in Only Friends // Nat Chen and his dimple as Chen Yi in Kiseki Dear to me.
Unfathomable eyes: Pond Naravit and his under-eye mole in Never let me go EX AEQUO Net Siraphop in Bed Friend.
Favorite dream sequence: Baby Ye Chan’s first erotic dream in Love Tractor.
Favorite kiss (on the lips): Palmnueng last kiss on the beach in episode 12 of NLMG. It’s soft and super erotic, there’s a bit of tongue, a bit of teeth and they are both shivering like crazy. Pondphuwin killed it and the magnificent Thai scenery finished it// Runner up: Bostonnick against the wall at the back of the store. Surprisingly Nick was the aggressor but was still moaning loud as hell. Neomark punched me in the face with their chemistry and hunger. Give them a good show and let them kiss. A lot.
Favorite kiss (not on the lips). Nueng burying his face between Palm’s shoulder blades to kiss his tattoo in the finale of NLMG. // Ze Rui rubbing and kissing Zong Yi’s beauty mark every chance he gets in Kiseki dear to me.
Favorite sniff kiss (special Thailand): Uncle Jim inhaling Wen’s face in Moonlight Chicken. Possibly the most erotic sniff kiss I have ever seen, shout out to Earth. // Runner up: Winteam having a HEAVY ratio of sniff kisses in their make-outs in Between Us.
Favorite neck kiss: Bed Friend’s King is the BL best neck kisser, licker, biter ever. Net being shorter than James made this even more enjoyable. // Ray being obsessed with Sand’s neck in Only Friends.
Favorite make out: JengPat car make out in Step by Step. Whew. // Runner up: WinTeam locker room make out. Whew.
Favorite erotic moment: Win seducing Team and making sure he is sober, single, and horny while fogging up the room in Between Us. // Runner up: I feel you linger in the air oil massage than orgasm to the memories of said oil massage.
Favorite O scene: Songkhram and Ai making love in Destiny Seeker. Who knew 69ing could be so cute? // Runner up: Ritsu and Masumi, I quote “going at it like monkeys” in The end of the world with you. Ritsu was a fuckboy from space but also like, a Japanese sex God.
Favorite cuddles: Winteam. In bed. Every single scene in Between Us // King clinging to Uea, dead asleep in the crook of his neck in Bed Friend.
Favorite hug: Li Ming hugging a sobbing Heart in Moonlight Chicken.
Favorite tears: WinTeam devastating sobs after Win saves his boo from drowning.
Favorite lift off: Ai Di spending one third of the show being carried by Chen Yi. // Runner up: Joke carrying Zo like he is not also 6ft1 in Hidden Agenda.
Favorite food : Love Mate's orgasmic post sex burgers and fries in episode 04.
That's my too long list of 2023 favorites. Hope you enjoy. @absolutebl and all of you booes are welcome to use the categories you like, please tag me in your lists. To a very bisexual (AND VAMPIRIC) 2024 together.
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probablyasocialecologist · 1 year ago
The rapid industrialization of Europe in the nineteenth century demanded millions of liters of refined palm oil annually, either on its own or in combination with other oils, as a means to cool and maintain industrial apparatuses in factories, public works, railways and more. It is likely not an exaggeration to say that the literal and figurative wheels of empire, from locomotives to steam engines, were greased with refined West African palm oil.
Max Haiven, Palm Oil: The Grease of Empire
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blushcoloreddreams · 1 year ago
American pancakes
Serves 2 people, 10 min to make. Maybe I’ll share Carlos Sainz’s souffle pancakes sometime.
1/2 cup of milk
1 cup of flour
1 tablespoon of vegetal oil
1 egg
1 tablespoon of refined sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 table spoon of baking powder
Butter to grease the pan
How to:
In a bow mid all the ingredients, except for the baking powder, with the help of a fouet (wire whisk), a mixer or a blender
Add the baking powder when the dough is homogenous and mix well. The dough will have an aerated aspect after a few seconds
Preheat a non stick pan in medium heat. When it’s hot, grease it with the butter with a cooking brush or a paper towel
Pour a bit of the dough in the hot and greased frying pan until it forms a circle. You can do whatever size you like but I’d suggest the size of the palm of your hand
When little air bubbles start to appear in the pancakes surface, flip the pancake. The pancake is ready when it’s golden on the other side
Repeat the process with the whole dough lowering the fire if you notice it’s too hot
Serve them hot with maple syrup, jam, honey fruits or whatever your creativity points to
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Palm oil by-product transforms into PVC thermal stabilizer with possibilities for recycling and sustainability
The quest for sustainable alternatives to conventional materials has led to the exploration of waste by-products as potential resources. In a novel approach, researchers from the Institut Teknologi Bandung have developed a method to synthesize an organotin mercaptide-based thermal stabilizer from palm fatty acid distillate (PFAD), a by-product of the palm oil refining industry. This development not only offers a solution to the disposal of PFAD but also presents a competitive alternative to existing PVC stabilizers. The findings are published in the Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts. The construction and plastics industries frequently rely on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) for its durability and versatility. However, the thermal stability of PVC is a significant concern, necessitating the use of stabilizers to prevent degradation during processing.
Read more.
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rjzimmerman · 11 months ago
Excerpt from this story from Yale Environment 360:
Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country with the third largest surviving area of tropical forests, has a new strongman president. Environmentalists are concerned. They fear that, after a decade during which the country’s deforestation rates have fallen by almost two-thirds, Prabowo Subianto will unleash a new ecological orgy, cutting, burning, and despoiling some of the world’s greatest rainforests.
The 72-year-old former military man, who first rose to prominence under the country’s late-20th-century dictator President Suharto, was elected by a wide margin in February and will take office in October. He has promised to double GDP growth through expanded mining and industrial development.
Indonesia is already in the midst of a mining boom. It produces half the world’s nickel, a metal vital for the batteries used in electric vehicles. The International Energy Agency says that Indonesia could up its share of total supply, while demand for the metal expected to double by 2040.
Nickel will help other countries reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. But it does the opposite in Indonesia, where most of the metal is mined from beneath rainforests and is refined using energy from coal-burning power stations. On the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, over a third of the forests now lie within nickel mining concession areas, according to a study published this month by Mighty Earth, a global advocacy group which works in the country.
Now Prabowo wants to expand mining and refining further. “By processing our natural resources domestically, I’m optimistic that we would be able to witness double-digit economic growth,” he said shortly before the election.
But at what price for the rainforests? Some environmentalists fear the worst, as mines and refineries proliferate. But there are optimists who argue that the Western investors and manufacturers that Prabowo will need to fulfil his economic promises could leverage more sustainable development. “Nickel mining is a dirty industry,” says Amanda Hurowitz, who runs Mighty Earth’s program for protecting forests from commodity trades, “but with the political will, Indonesia can clean up the nickel supply chain.”
Under departing president Joko Widodo, Indonesia has often been seen as an environmental success story. Jokowi, as the one-time slum-dwelling carpenter is widely known, slowed forest loss dramatically by banning rapacious palm-oil and pulp companies from receiving new licenses for forest clearance. He also looked to restore nature and suppress forest fires by rewetting millions of acres of peat swamps that had been drained for failed agricultural and forestry projects.
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darkmaga-returns · 5 months ago
Plus, solutions to avoid one of the most devastating ingredients in our food supply
Samantha Gluck
Oct 24, 2024
Editor’s Note: DS and I have been very busy readying our home to go on the market March 1st. This and related activities are the reason for my protracted absence. I’m back now! 
I know you know that various factions of “the powers that be” are trying to kill you. The injections, forever wars, illegal immigration, etc., but they’re also using food as part of their depopulation agenda.
Let’s Talk About Seed Oils
Every time you go grocery shopping, you’re probably buying several items which contain seed oils, also known as vegetable oils. Ultra-processed and even simple processed foods often contain seed oils, most of which cause inflammation and, ultimately, disease in the body. Funny thing, these oils didn’t exist 100 years ago.
Common seed and vegetable oils:
Soy & Soybean
Palm & Palm Kernel
Rice Bran
The process used to extract oil from the seeds and refine it causes the problem. This process uses chemical additives to bleach, deodorize, enhance taste, color, and increase shelf life of the oil. The harsh refining process removes the healthy antioxidants naturally present in the oil. 
Most seed oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids, which greatly increase inflammation in the body. Exceptions are coconut oil, avocado oil, and olive oil, which are typically processed without chemicals and with cold press techniques. In addiction to inflammation, consuming the other oils also leads to oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, and atherosclerosis (BMJ article).
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uncleclam · 1 year ago
Henry Letham as an artist / thoughts
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Henry is a quiet person, but his artwork says otherwise if you stare really closely. He doesn’t explain his works, he hates them, not because they are not perfect enough but resembles with himself too much. More likely, he sees the good in every art piece come from others, but he won’t say it out loud nor elaborate his thoughts.
He likes drawing alone, to avoid unnecessary attention mostly. Not that his art is vulnerable, but not to be distracted, to smoke peacefully while painting. He can only draw with the sound of wind gently blowing the curtains, or any rainy days, that will boost his mood.
Henry has a very simple pencil case which stores most of the stationary he need for scribble, or mark down the words from voices in his head.
He prefers charcoal pencil and the 3B one, they are easier to create darker tones, more sensitive with pressure. Two erasers, one in pencil form, for refining details, one in chunky, round form, which used to be a tiny rubber block, now covered with black smudges.
The side of his right palm is alway darkened with graphite, just like most of the artists. He likes using his fingers to soften the edges on his artwork, blurring the lines like they are fading memories.
Working with colors, he prefers oil paint on canvas or pastel on paper. Blending colors is the part he enjoyed the most, it doesn’t require much thinking, really. His color tone—some may say boring—is often simple, too simple, if you are being critical, but Henry loves the pure emotions that colors carried. Shades of blues can always be seen in his work, steel blue to teal, always in high hue to bring contrast with the grey or warmer yellow at the corner.
(Feel free to share your thoughts too!)
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In the United States, 1 out of 37 children are now born with Autism. In the last 20 years the rate of babies born with birth defects has doubled. Gender Dysphoria rates are staggering.
Factory farmed livestock are given synthetic estrogens in their feed such as "Revular", used to make the animals gain weight faster, these synthetic estrogens are ending up in the waterways, the animal waste is also used as fertilizer along with human biowaste from treatment plants for food crops. The majority of contamination areas are in agricultural regions which correlate with the biggest rise in birth defects, Autism and Gender Dysphoria.
The "corn" that is added to animal feed is the byproduct from ethanol refining and corn oil refining and the Rapeseed from canola oil refining, same with soy, all of which are also GMO'S. Seed oils, corn, canola, vegetable and (palm oil), are extracted using the endocrine disruptor and toxin, Hexane. PFAS, Phthalates (Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to make plastics more durable. They are often called plasticizers) are now found in nearly all human blood and breast milk.
Endocrine Disrupting chemicals have been associated with Gender Dysphoria and Autism, Autoimmune diseases, low testosterone, birth defects, and low fertility rates. There are also related to mental health conditions.
All of the synthetic petroleum based bioengineered chemicals are toxins that are recycled by the liver back into the blood stream and stored in the bones. These are forever chemicals that are accumulative in both human and animal bodies. These chemicals are in municipal tap water, meat, dairy and every processed food.
Flouride as hydrofluorosilic and hexafluorosilic acid, which are byproducts from the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum manufacturing industries are added to treat municipal water as cheap substitutes for sodium flouride, and are also used in the manufacturing of pesticides and fungicides. 90% of chronic illness and all autoimmune diseases are related to toxic processed chemical laden food.
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List of all SDV and SDV:E (Stardew Valley: Expanded) Giftable Items
Cave Carrot
Large Egg
Large Milk
Green Bean
Fiddlehead Fern
Hot Pepper
Red Cabbage
Ostrich Egg
Pale Ale
Void Egg
Duck Mayonnaise
Void Mayonnaise
Copper Bar
Silver Bar
Gold Bar
Iridium Bar
Refined Quartz
Copper Ore
Silver Ore
Gold Ore
Iridium Ore
Nautilus Shell
Summer Shell
Spice Berry
Sea Urchin
Spring Onion
Sweet Pea
Common Mushroom
Wild Plum
Winter Root
Crystal Fruit
Snow Yam
Sweet Gem Berry
Red Mushroom
Purple Mushroom
Goat Cheese
Truffle Oil
Coffee Bean
Goat Milk
Large Goat Milk
Duck Egg
Duck Feather
Lucky Rabbit’s Foot
Aged Roe
Ancient Fruit
Summer Spangle
Fairy Rose
Blue Jazz
Green Tea
Bug Meat
Maple Syrup
Oak Resin
Pine Tar
Bat Wing
Rusty Blade
Swirl Stone
Solar Essence
Void Essence
Void Pebble
Void Shard
Void Soul
Dinosaur Mayonnaise
Squid Ink
Tea Leaves
Taro Root
Cinder Shard
Magma Cap
Bone Fragment
Radioactive Ore
Radioactive Bar
Ancient Fiber
Dried Sand Dollar
Ferngill Primrose
Golden Ocean Flower
Green Mushroom
Four-Leaf Clover
Monster Fruit
Monster Mushroom
Mushroom Colony
Poison Mushroom
Red Baneberry
Salal Berry
Slime Berry
Sports Drink
Stamina Capsule
Void Root
Winter Star Ross
Dewdrop Berry
Aged Blue Moon Wine
Blue Moon Wine
Aegis Elixir
Armor Elixir
Barbarian Elixir
Gravity Elixir
Haste Exilir
Hero Elixir
Lightning Elixir
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
Rainbow Trout
Red Snapper
Red Mullet
Green Algae
Super Seacucumber
Ghost Carp
White Algae
Stone Fish
Lava Eel
Scorpion Carp
Midnight Carp
Mutant Carp
Tiger Trout
Void Salmon
Midnight Squid
Blue Discus
Baby Lunaloo
Bull Trout
Dulse Seaweed
Grass Carp
King Salmon
Meteor Carp
Radioactive Bass
Razor Trout
Sea Sponge
Shiny Lunaloo
Snatcher Worm
Torpedo Trout
Void Eel
Water Grub
Dwarf Scroll 1
Dwarf Scroll 2
Dwarf Scroll 3
Dwarf Scroll 4
Chipped Amphora
Ancient Doll
Elvish Jewelry
Chewing Stick
Ornamental Fan
Dinosaur Egg
Rare Disc
Ancient Sword
Rusty Spoon
Rusty Spur
Rusty Cog
Chicken Statue
Ancient Seed
Prehistoric Tool
Dried Starfish
Glass Shards
Bone Flute
Prehistoric Handaxe
Dwarvish Helm
Dwarf Gadget
Ancient Drum
Golden Mask
Golden Relic
Strange Doll
Strange Doll
Prehistoric Scapula
Prehistoric Tibia
Prehistoric Skull
Skeletal Hand
Prehistoric Rib
Prehistoric Vertebrae
Skeletal Tail
Nautilus Shell
Amphibian Fossil
Palm Fossil
Prismatic Shard
Fire Quartz
Frozen Tear
Earth Crystal
Lemon Stone
Petrified Slime
Thunder Egg
Ocean Stone
Ghost Crystal
Tiger’s Eye
Fire Opal
Fairy Stone
Star Shards
Fried Egg
Cheese Cauliflower
Baked Fish
Parsnip Soup
Vegetable Medley
Complete Breakfast
Fried Calimari
Strange Bun
Lucky Lunch
Fried Mushrooms
Bean Hotpot
Glazed Yams
Carp Surprise
Salmon Dinner
Fish Taco
Crispy Bass
Pepper Poppers
Tom Kha Soup
Trout Soup
Chocolate Cake
Pink Cake
Rhubarb Pie
Spicy Eel
Maki Roll
Red Plate
Eggplant Parmesan
Rice Pudding
Ice Cream
Bluberry Tart
Autumn’s Bounty
Pumpkin Soup
Super Meal
Cranberry Sauce
Farmer’s Lunch
Survival Burger
Dish’O’The Sea
Miner’s Treat
Roots Platter
Triple Shot Espresso
Seafoam Pudding
Algae Soup
Pale Broth
Plum Pudding
Artichoke Dip
Stir Fry
Roasted Hazelnuts
Pumpkin Pie
Radish Salad
Fruit Salad
Blackberry Cobbler
Cranberry Candy
Fiddlehead Risotto
Poppyseed Muffin
Fish Stew
Lobster Bisque
Maple Bar
Crab Cakes
Shrimp Cocktail
Ginger Ale
Banana Pudding
Mango Sticky Rice
Tropical Curry
Squid Ink Ravioli
Mushroom Berry Rice
Big Bark Burger
Flower Cookie
Frog Legs
Glazed Butterfish
Grampleton Orange Chicken
Mixed Berry Pie
Baked Berry Oatmeal
Void Delight
Void Salmon Sushi
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stcrmborne · 7 months ago
Starter for @fantasystrangers Possessing all the grace of someone born with an ingrained connection with nature, Rhaya picked her way through the forest undergrowth efficiently and with little disturbance. Clutched at her side with the strap slung around her shoulder was a small satchel which carried precious cargo: the collected leaves of a rare plant which would prove vital in refining down to make some of the oils required for a reincarnation spell. After teleporting out here, it had taken nearly a full day to even locate where the plant grew. Then from there she had burned another two hours making sure she spread out the clipping and didn't get too heavy-handed, which ensured the plants would continue to thrive for another harvest if needed later down the line. With a small noise of effort she clambered and scraped her way through a dense thicket of bushes and burst out onto the shoulder of a small dirt-packed road – Only to abruptly realize she was not out here alone. A sharp yelp was chased by an expletive and she reeled backwards, the bushes nearly swallowing her up again. With one hand twisted around the strap of the bag and the other raised with a splayed palm, she stared wide-eyed across at the other figure. “Sorry–! Sorry, I didn’t realize there was someone else on the path. I’m not being weird, I promise.” That was exactly what some weirdo being a creep in the forest would say. Damn.
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