#Importance of Goal Setting
directsellingnow · 13 days
समय को अपने पक्ष में कैसे करें: Dr. Debi Prasad Acharjya के साथ समझें Art of Strategic Timing
Art of Strategic Timing: Direct Selling Industry में सफलता सिर्फ मेहनत का नतीजा नहीं है; यह सही समय पर सही कदम उठाने (Art of Timing) की कला के साथ जुड़ी होती है। चाहे नया प्रोडक्ट लॉन्च करना हो, नेटवर्क का विस्तार करना हो, या कोई व्यावसायिक निर्णय लेना हो, सही समय पर काम करना जरूरी है। इस सेमिनार में हम राजनीतिक समय (Strategic Timing) के महत्व को समझेंगे और इसके व्यावहारिक तरीके (Practical…
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jacksprostate · 4 months
the prototypical child and or grown man who greatly misinterprets fight club has a preternatural hold on most tumblr fight clubber's minds and i think it's time we all let it go... firstly if you're imagining a 13 year old please realize that dunking on 13 year olds because they have bad critical reading skills is more and more pathetic the older you get. secondly even if these people exist they're not on tumblr and will not be disturbed by your actions because they'll never see them. thirdly, defining yourself and your interpretation in Opposition to another without taking care to understand why that interpretation developed beyond 'well they're just evil' will only leave you cut off from people. it is better even, to understand exactly why they think terrible things, what leads them to it, than to just dismiss it and position yourself as the good to their bad guy, defined by doing whatever you consider opposite. fourthly? fourth? using 'this movie is GAY and or liked by women actually, ooga booga, you're gonna HATE that hahaha' as an argument reinforces the idea that these things are stigmatized and things they should hate, and even contributes to the (very flawed) perception that these things are 'stealing' from them, and once again reinforces negativity. it's pointless. certainly, write your analyses and reference the interpretation, even analyze it, but take care to consider whether you're acting on solid ground or performing against an unpresent bogeyman for the cheers of your peers, and consider whether you want to gain cred by shitting on others, even if it's the conceptual ghost of a shit person.
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shiraishi--kanade · 3 months
You see I am a very calm and chill person most of the time. However the following week shall be known as "Jay being very pissed at not up-to-date or media illiterate people spreading rumors about VBS disbanding" week unfortunately.
These takes are somehow worse than the An5 and LuTF discourse combined.
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voidedjuice · 2 months
today i want to draw more maid outfits
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bloomingbluebell · 5 months
hi im ranting (positively! this game kills me but in a good way) about breath of the wild again
i know it's controversial but i love the way the story of the game is told. because you start the game in the middle, perhaps near the end, of the story. the game is entirely through link's perspective and he wakes up knowing and remembering nothing. in turn, the player starts off knowing nothing. the past is revealed as the story goes along, and the player learns about the past and about the land as link does. there are little tidbits about hyrule and about the calamity scattered across the land. an old woman in hateno village tells you of an age of desolation that she grew up in. the travellers you see on the road are younger people because they're described by older characters as more bold, whereas the older characters grew up being told to never leave the village, it's too dangerous outside (compare this even to tears of the kingdom, where travellers are more common because the land has been safer. even older characters have left their home to travel elsewhere (not including the lurelin villagers)). battlefields are still strewn with old rusty weapons and deactivated guardians that no one but monsters will go near. myths and legends about the princess and hero have been passed down, to the point where their legitmacy is questioned and everyone has a different opinion on them.
it's environmental storytelling. it's things like seeing drawings and a bow in zelda's study and seeing a child reading a storybook with a hero that wears a blue tunic similar to link's. it's the stories that the villagers share about old myths that turn out to be true. it's the ruins scattered across the land, long since overtaken by monster camps but still unmistakably being houses that people once lived in. it's the utter lack of civilization anywhere remotely near the castle and the feeling of dread in the ruins of the town that surrounds it. it's a kingdom entrenched in its past, with no ability to move away from it until the calamity is finally defeated.
#head into the wall. i love this game so much#legend of zelda#breath of the wild#and no i dont hate totk for getting rid of the sheikah tech and replacing it with zonai tech#the zonai tech is foreign and new to the people of hyrule and theyre EXCITED about it#how many zonai researchers are there in totk vs how many sheikah researchers in botw?#people are wary of the technology that destroyed their home a century ago#and they're terrified of the guardians that still roam the land#i still hold that link likely was behind the reason why the shrine of resurrection was completely dismantled#it's kinda like majora's mask in which half of the story is in the side quests and the characters#mm had a plot yeah but it kind of accompanied the rest of the setting#link had a goal but he also had so many people to talk to#botw is similar. link has a goal in mind but he's also one to help others#and if someone literally just lost their chickens or if their husband is sick and needs medicine. he's willing to help them out#the world is just as important as the plot itself and i think i like that more#than just a linear plot which is accompanied by the world#botw totk and mm reward you for exploring#(along with some of the others like twilight princess and a link between worlds)#but it's very different i think when half of the game is about exploring#or more than half even. you have your goal but you have to get there first#and there are so many ways you can get there and so much you can encounter along the way#biting screaming crying#the bow is in zelda's room but close enough
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 months
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current writing mood
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1tsjusty0u · 4 months
man. totk couldve been so good
#thinking of the links awakening sequel to alttp post and how games contrast/mirror each other#i cant say totk was super close to it. well maybe it was based on the first trailer but not anymore !#there were moments to be sure (sky island music + the great sky island) but the bulk of it is. Not#it feels less of a sequel to botw and more like a spinoff game. the world is hollow when you see the cracks and the cracks are Everywhere#npcs are wrong the structure is more linear (the great sky island for ex) the replacement of the sheikah with the zonai but it not working#due to the fact that the sheikah are still referenced and its the Same Place where literally all of the events of botw and prior happened#like. it Could In Theory Work but its trying to erase the sheikahs presence entirely which. no!! thats not how that works??#instead of mirroring or parallel and highlighting them Both it tries to scrub one out over the other#the emphasis on a Greater Past- botw focusing on 100 years prior which he and zelda and the champions and. The World have a connection to#vs totk doing more than 10000 years prior which would Seem better at first glance but it informs nothing about hyrule and nothing meaningfu#l was lost. its just a set piece to show rauru and sonias conflict with ganondorf#theres no. Connections. like it doesnt matter to ganondorf hes just oOoOoo evil and it somehow doesnt affect his goals or motives#the sky islands cant imply any context because there Is no context theyre just scattered ruins with no significance#rauru laments about the constructs but Thats It. everything is just there to be cool#especially the old temple of time/the temple of time in the sky. Why does that exist at all#its like. i wish any of this stuff was important At All but you can tell its not.#sorry for the hater post i just think its neat how botw informs totk and how totk ended up Like That. How.
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rosekasa · 6 months
I really needed to hear that abt the social media thingy. I've spent quite literally years trying to be popular and be like every other famous artist I see and it has never helped, only I started hating my art more.
big hugs anon. i was talking about this to my best friend last night because i think believing the grass is greener on the other side is such a deceptively destructive thing. the desire to have popularity is something i really struggled to fully shake off before i realised that even when i achieved 'popularity' (i.e., when i reached the numbers i thought would give me satisfaction) i didnt feel any better. i didnt feel like i accomplished anything. in fact i usually just felt Worse, because i was like, wow, for years ive dreamed about breaking 1k on a text post and now that i have i dont feel any better. what's the point?
it made me realise that, without fail, anytime we crave something, it's because we crave whatever feeling we think it'll give us. to me, popularity meant allowing myself to feel loveable and valuable and like i could enjoy posting with the confidence that my thoughts matter. it meant feeling good about myself and my creations and like im always so excited to create, rather than feeling obligated. it meant feeling free and loved!! and as i embodied that more it was so funny how the physical manifestations of those things started showing themselves. and it didnt even feel like a big deal because i already had the feelings i wanted
sorry for such a long response zhdkska i just have. so many feelings about this. being trapped in the thought process that getting a specific thing will make me happy has caused me so much pain in my life, always after the thing actually happens.
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sevencolorspasserby · 8 months
∆ Silver, you're very good at helping other silver's - how come you're so mean to yourself? Yourself. Not the other versions of you.
I’m not mean to myself. I’m hard on myself, but I’m not mean to myself. I have to be to be the strongest trainer. If I don’t have some sort of self discipline, I’m not reaching my goals.
I know that’s not what you mean.
I don’t know. I know, but I also don’t. Why I’m so abrasive, that’s just who I am, but I also care too much. Why do I care so much? I couldn’t tell you. I can’t piece together why I care for others sometimes. I couldn’t tell you why I get so worked up over it. Repeating things that are in the past in my head so I know that I shouldn’t do worse like that. But beating myself up? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard but people have told me that I don’t and shouldn’t have to? So clearly I do that and I’m stuck in my own head about my attitude all over again.
Changing isn’t easy at all. I hate that. And yet I have to grin and bear it. Shoulders apparently I can cry on but that doesn’t fix the problem with me.
You can guess the rating yourself.
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xomoosexo · 11 months
10k views on sapnaps new cat stream. Very good.
it was at 11k before the reveal. crazy. that's got to be his highest viewership in months.
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chqnified · 3 months
People who are truly your friend will not leave you behind attempting to catch up or exclude you from things just because you're disabled. They won't make fun of you just because you have learning disabilities. They won't claim it's too difficult for them to correctly refer to you by the right pronouns just because you're queer.
If they do, they aren't a friend. Get yourself some new ones and you'll start to feel a whole lot happier
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waugh-bao · 1 year
I noticed they changed their Spotify profile pic to just the three of them. I get that Charlie isn’t in the band anymore, but it just feels wrong on so many levels.
And you made a good point about that physical gap between Mick and Keith in the photo and how they would probably end up calling it quits if something happened to Mick or Keith. I honestly think they would continue on without Ronnie if it came to that, sadly. I just have so many feelings about this.
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The picture that they use in their description:
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Used to be their profile photo, and I wouldn’t be shocked to see that change in the next couple days either.
I don’t even know anymore…
#I’m going to be really mean for a second#because at this point I feel justified#no one is going to give a shit about this album or steve being in the band 5 years after they call it a day#if that#music critics and historians and all the other people involved in preserving and shaping the legacy of a band#are almost guaranteed to write this off as the period when they really should have quit and didn’t/when they became every other 60s rock#band that tours under its original name even though only 2 members are left#it’s not a good look#and the only era(s) and the only music that’s actually going to last#is what they did with Charlie#most people (and a lot of critics) haven’t given a toss for anything they’ve done since Tattoo You#this album isn’t going to change that#neither is ignoring Charlie’s existence and acting like they’re some brand new ‘energetic’ band#it just makes them seem craven and more concerned with praise and profit than loyalty#I get that mick hates nostalgia#but the reality is. if they ever actually tour with Hackney Diamonds. they’ll play 3-4 songs off it (maybe) in a concert and then go back to#the classics. not closing up shop after Charlie has made this the ultimate Boomer ‘we’re too special for that to happen to us’ nostalgia#trip#setting a torch to their reputation for loving respecting and always directing attention towards the importance of their drummer#for some short term feel good goal#is not going to sit well in the long term#with fans or in their own souls (metaphorically speaking)#the rolling stones#charlie watts#ask response#charliesmydarling
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yours-etc · 5 months
folks i’ve been working at my first big girl job and i’ve set a goal for myself that the first big thing i’ll buy is an ipad (BC I DESERVE IT) and so the math has been mathed and there will be fantastic news for me coming in june for sure 🤩
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essektheylyss · 2 years
Me: I am a goddamn professional, and I can sit down and make some progress on editing a piece of writing for a few hours.
The progress, after a few hours: .....a painting?
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fjordfolk · 2 years
also just bracing myself for if i eventually do pick out a sire for troja because frustrating and hypocritical etc etc but i will eventually end up sacrificing a known health result or two for untested factors
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strides-art · 10 months
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Tungsten Casket
"Upon the mind of the soldier was naught its own life, but the honor of its Gods. They are incapable of any other thought. To even hold a gun before death, prepared to slay any enemy caught unawares. That is the sole joy of Olympus United's military unit." - Unknown User, 4800u
Posted using PostyBirb
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