#Imogen Spurnrose
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rycrofts-bowler-hat · 4 months ago
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Carnival Row text posts (1/??)
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subliminaltecavuz · 2 years ago
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Tamzin Merchant: 👩‍🦰
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cressida-jayoungr · 1 year ago
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One Dress a Day Challenge
Anything Goes December
Carnival Row (s1 e5, "Grieve No More") / Tamzin Marchant as Imogen Spurnrose
This may be my favorite of Imogen's gowns in season 1, but I was never sure what color to call it--gold? Brown? Yellow, even? The material has a sheen, and I've included a close-up to show the floral design and the contrasting texture between the dress and the edging at the neck.
The dress also marks the transition between the pastels that Imogen wears in early episodes and the deeper, mostly red tones she wears in the second half. You can literally see the red emerging from underneath. And this episode is the midpoint of the season.
One other interesting detail is her hair ornament. I thought at first that it was made of thin metal, but looking at its thickness and translucence, I now think it is some sort of horn. A subtle connection between Imogen and Mr. Agreus, perhaps?
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my-dear-philo · 2 years ago
So, I just finished Carnival Row season two. Here’s my thoughts (spoilers ahead).
I really liked it at first, but it just kept going downhill. Season one had a twisty storyline, but pretty much all the pieces fit together in the end. This season felt way more convoluted and much less character driven. They tried to do stuff with characters’ motivations, like exploring Philo’s guilt over suppressing his fae heritage and “siding” with humans. It’s just that none of it felt as authentic or compelling as it did in the first season. As a writer myself, there’s a difference between “the characters did this” and “the writers made the characters do this.” It’s a hard difference to explain, but this season felt like the latter. Stuff just happened because it could, with little attention paid to actually exploring character depth in meaningful ways. Overall it felt too rushed and convoluted.
Other points:
If you’ve followed this blog for a while, you’ll know I love Philo. This season, however, he felt far less humanized (which is ironic, because the writers were trying to do just that). His arc in season one was so focused on helping people — he was so defined by his compassion — and I really didn’t feel that was present in season two. He felt significantly less sympathetic.
I couldn’t bring myself to ship Vignette and Tourmaline. Their relationship was a major focus in season one, and it was established that Vignette chose Philo, and that she and Tourmaline were better as friends. I just really hate it when a show establishes two characters as a couple and then totally changes direction in the next season. Philo and Vignette were written as endgame in season one, including the finale, and this season totally erased that. It felt like narrative whiplash.
Why did they bother establishing a connection between Tourmaline and Darius and setting them up to be a cute couple to then do nothing with it? And then just kill him? Lazy writing. Make it flow.
I actually really liked Imogen this season. Her growth in season one was great, and it was cool to see her spunk and competence this season especially in the last few episodes. Also, having her kill Ezra felt narratively fulfilling. He had it coming based on how he’d treated her, and I didn’t feel sorry for him at all.
I will never forgive this show for killing Sophie Longerbane. She was 100% the most interesting character on the show, and just as she was getting even more interesting, they killed her. Let smart, fascinating, ambitious women live, thank you. Seriously. Her arc was so good, and I was so excited to see what she’d do next, and then she DIED. How dare you.
Honestly, the show was more interesting before Sophie and Jonah were killed.
What happened to Philo’s “I’m Breakspear’s son and I’ll be chancellor to help people” plot line? It disappeared after like episode two and only appeared again in the epilogue. For a show about fantasy politics, this season almost totally ignored the most interesting political stuff in its own plot.
Speaking of the epilogue. I like what it did, but holy crap that was too rushed. I need at least a few more episodes to explain how everyone got to that point. I love happy endings, especially to stressful stories, but this felt like a cop-out from actual storytelling. I want the story of Philo revealing his parentage and becoming chancellor. Do Imogen and Agreus get married? I need way more development for Vignette and Tourmaline’s relationship. I just need more. The middle of the season felt like a lot of filler; they could easily have cut that and done a couple more episodes to ACTUALLY wrap up the show.
As always, the costumes and sets were STUNNING. This season had better win awards for that.
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elyangelofdeath · 2 years ago
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thesardonicus · 2 years ago
“It’s a beautiful thing to think that the world can be different than it is - beautiful, but dangerous.”
- Imogen Spurnrose, Carnival Row S2:E6 “original sins”
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the-fatal-impact · 2 years ago
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Stanisław Wokulski i Izabela Łęcka
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siegelst · 2 years ago
tv review
Carnival Row Season 1 Season 2:
Best tv show I had watch in a while. and I binged watch it as well. The season final was wonderful and the sets are beautiful. Im so used to everything cgi that i was surprized some of the characters design is non-cgi which is refreshing.
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neverquiteeden · 2 years ago
carnival row s2 Imogen Spurnrose just !!!!!!!!,, !!!!!!!!!!!¡!
I love her
Stepping into her full power my god
I support women's rights. I also support women's wrongs.
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quiettius · 29 days ago
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• carnival row • 2x06
follow me on instagram @/quiettius
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brilliantsnafu · 1 year ago
I just finished rewatching the first season and who in the world fucKING KNEW IMOGEN SPURNROSE AND AGREUS ASTRAYON WOULD BE THE BREAKOUT OTP OF CARNIVAL ROW?
Who knew Imogen Spurnrose and Agreus Astrayon would be the breakout OTP of Carnival Row?
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voluptuarian · 2 years ago
Favorite Movie Costumes (pt. 1)
Recently got the line-up-your-toys urge to list and discuss my favorite tv and movie costumes-- my favorites are many and tumblr's image limit is low, so I'm not sure how many posts this'll eventually spread to, but here's the first crop.
The Queen's red gown - The Brother's Grimm
I don't think anyone on earth wanted to love this movie more than I did when it came out-- sadly, the film itself was generally a letdown. However, its costumes absolutely delivered, which should come as no surprise since they were designed by Gabriella Pescucci. The costumes for Monica Belluci's queen are my favorites of all, but this piece, the one she wears for most of the movie, may be my favorite costume of all time.
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The costume has several iterations; it's paired most prominently with her enormous horned headdress (my fave), but she also wears it with a more delicate tiara.
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Marianne de Morangias' red riding habit - Brotherhood of the Wolf
Although Brotherhood of the Wolf is far from a good movie, I have a terrible soft spot for it, which is mostly due to its wonderful costumes, including a crowd of hunting costumes throughout, none more gorgeous than the one Marianne's debuts during the film's first hunt.
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I probably owe my love of riding habits to American Girl's Felicity and her swoon-worthy green velvet habit-- they are sadly underused in movies (meanwhile Marianne not only wears this red habit, but also shows off an equally beautiful green one later.)
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Christine Daae's masquerade dress - The Phantom of the Opera
Fun fact, I watched this movie as a teenager (after falling in with the inescapable junior high theater nerd crowd, who tried unsuccessfully to use this as a gateway drug to getting me hooked on musicals), then forgot about the vast majority of the costumes, and stumbled upon it again years later without realizing it was from a movie and completely fell in love with it.
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I'm very fond of the early 1870s silhouette in general, long trains in particular, and the back of this one is what really sold me. The frothy layers of chiffon?? the flowers?? the graceful tiered bustle?? Obsessed. (Another fun fact, this is one of the references I always bring up when discussing potential wedding dresses.)
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Imogen Spurnrose's red ensemble - Carnival Row
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I know, another red velvet number ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Imogen's wardrobe is full of lovely quasi-Victorian pieces, but this one had me GASPING when it came on screen. These pictures do not do the color or vibrancy of that jacket justice!
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Geilis Duncan's white ballgown - Outlander
I'm usually not a fan of stripped down historical styles, especially ones this anachronistic, but something about the minimalist design of this dress just charmed me.
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It reminds of in some way of artistic undress in 17th century portraits, and the lightness of the colors and material has this clean, airy, almost White Lady quality to it, and the simplicity and limited accessorizing really brings out the period silhouette. (Also I adore lover's eyes).
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Vanessa Ives' lace blouse - Penny Dreadful
Vanessa has a gorgeous wardrobe (Gabriella Pescucci hitting it out of the park again) containing a number of delicate black and white blouses, but this one is my favorite.
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The design is not that complex, but the wealth of tiny details, especially the petal shaped blackworked collar and cuffs, give it a huge visual punch; paired with the decorative belt and beautiful black skirt it's a very unique look that shows off some of the most beautiful elements of the period (last photo courtesy @periodcostumefantasylover)
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Lorna's church dress - Lorna Doone
YES another red number. And what a red!! This miniseries is so obscure I had to do my own (butt ugly) screencaps off Youtube, but despite being a fairly modest production, they do some nice 17th century looks in it.
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This dress is glimpsed for a moment as Lorna catches sight of her separated lover through the crowd-- very dramatic, but unfortunately it means getting a good look at the beautiful dress is hard, but I did my best: here's the actual scene, if you want a better look (and I'd recommend the series, too!)
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Virginia Wilson's Worth dress - 1899
Big shock, the replica House of Worth dress made it in *Oprah shrug* I've adored the original dress for years, so I went nuts seeing it on the show! On top of just top tier everything, the costuming on 1899 was great, and the fact that they decided to throw this dress in was just the cherry on top.
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There are some minimal differences between this dress and its inspiration, most notably the change in pattern-- Virginia's dress not only incorporates the alchemical logo like all the rest of the characters, but the rounded edges in the original are all made jagged to match it, as you can really see in the last photo.
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---- on to part 2!
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caramello-styles · 2 years ago
imogen spurnrose and her outburst about power control and freedom
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lifewithaview · 1 year ago
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Cara Delevingne in Carnival Row (2019) Some Dark God Wakes
Rycroft "Philo" Philostrate investigates "Unseelie Jack", a mysterious assailant with a grudge against the fae. Vignette Stonemoss barely escapes Tirnanoc with her life and arrives in The Burgue looking for a fresh start. Imogen Spurnrose meets her new neighbor. In Parliament, the fight over the critch heats up.
*In the world of "Carnival Row," the Continent of Tirnanoc is the original land of the fae and all fae races and faiths. East of Mesogea, across the Great Main and adjoined to the continent of Ignota, Tirnanoc has a long and rich history consisting of many kingdoms. In recent centuries, human empires have crossed the ocean with increasing frequency, claiming territory and colonies. As such, Tirnanoc is less and less stable for fae, driving the mass exodus of refugees and immigrants who end up in The Burgue
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cressida-jayoungr · 2 years ago
Reblogging with cleaned-up pictures for Purple Redux. (Interestingly, the dress looks pinker to me in sharper resolution, or maybe it's just that I'm using a different computer than when I first posted it. But purple is where it started, so I'll leave it there.)
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One Dress a Week Challenge
November: Purple
Carnival Row / Tamzin Merchant as Imogen Spurnrose
Bonus! Another lavender dress for Imogen--well, it sits right on the border of lavender and pink, but it reads as lavender to me. She wears this for a spot of light housework (notice the lacy apron), so it may perhaps represent a more casual style than her other costumes. It's the only one with a patterned shirt, which may be why it's the only one to show the shirt's sleeves. The lacing across the front is also not seen on any of her other dresses.
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veritasumbra · 2 years ago
mor and imogen spurnrose knew each other. imogen looked up to mor (when she was passing as human). mor was the one person amongst imogen’s circle who actually spoke honestly.
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