#Im gonna keep using this colour for a bit
deadeyedfae · 3 months
Hey yuri day? Sure have a selfie 😘
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Apprently the confidence is flowing today!
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lady-ika · 5 months
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If happiness was a tangible thing, it would be you.
If you'd have told me the feeling you'd bring, I'd think it untrue.
And people search for a wonder like you all of their lives
You still amaze me after all this time.
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arsenalsrusso23 · 1 month
warnings: little bit of angst and tooth rotting fluff :)
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when alessia arrived home from training she was excited to have a quiet night in with you, her five and a half month pregnant fiancé, ordering take out and slumming it on the couch.
as she entered the apartment the two of you shared, she found it strange how you didn’t come and greet her like you usually would.
“babe?” alessia called out into the eerily quiet apartment “baby?” as she entered your shared room she heard a faint response.
“in here less” as she walked into the conjoined bathroom she found you sitting on the floor clutching your stomach.
“baby are you okay?” she squatted down beside you and ran her hand through your hair.
“I think something is happening with the baby” I said through a wince as a sharp pain ran through my body.
alessia placed a kiss to my sweaty forehead and gently picked me up and brought me to our bedroom murmuring that we should call a doctor.
as she placed me on the bed she ordered me to lift my arms as she whispered how much she missed me into my ear and changed me into one of her hoodies.
“let me take your pants off my love” she bent down as I lifted my hips, she slid them down my legs and went to find me something comfortable. but suddenly a searing pain took over my abdomen, causing me to panic.
“ah” I winced and held my stomach “what? what’s wrong babe?” alessia was quick to my side and held her hand over mine, the one on my stomach.
“less it really hurts, somethings wrong” alessia was quick to try and help me into a pair of tracksuits when she paused, all of the colour draining from her face.
“fuck” she stared wide eyed and was in shock to how much blood there was between my legs, taking one look at my face she knew she had to act quickly. she sprung to her feet and scooped me up in her arms bridal style and made her way down the stairs as fast as she could, trying her hardest not to fall, especially with you in her arms.
“im gonna drive us to the hospital alright lovie?” I didn’t respond due to how dizzy and light headed I was, already disoriented from the blood loss, not knowing what was going on.
she yanked the front door open as best she could with you in her arms and snatched her keys that she had only put on the hook not even five minutes ago and booked it to her car.
once she rounded the car to the passenger side door she placed you on your feet, she yanked her hoodie off and opened the door, placing it on the seat. she wrapped one arm around you to keep you steady. after gently helping you down and into the seat, she ran around to the driver’s side opening the door and jumping in.
she quickly got her phone out to text her mum but as she looked over to you and saw how pale and disoriented you looked she opted to calling her instead, she quickly started the car and connected her phone.
alessia slammed on the accelerator and was breathing heavily and her fingers were shaking, reaching for the screen and clicking on her mothers contact. she was terrified. terrified from the stress of you not being okay or, possibly not making it. she rapidly shook her head to get rid those horrifying thoughts.
“c’mon mum, please pick up” she repeatedly choked out. when her mum finally answered she breathed a sigh of relief “mum? mum i don’t know what to do”she stumbled out. she continued, babbling something was wrong with you and the baby and to meet the two of you at the hospital.
“alright, lessi, slow down everything will be okay, i will make my way there now. I’ll be as quick as i can okay sweetheart?” her mum tried to soothe. alessia hurriedly mumbled out an agreement and promptly hung up.
alessia stole a glance at you, reaching out her hand to hold yours, to try and stabilise herself and you. a tear fell from her eye as she started to try and talk to you but you were on the verge of unconsciousness and weren’t responding, and that made her even more worried and upset. she bit her lip and focused on the road, only a few minutes from the hospital.
once she found a park in the emergency section, she quickly shut the car off and fumbled with her door handle muttering a “fuck sakes”.
once she opened the door, she rushed around to the passenger side and almost ripped the door off its hinges. “babe? baby we’re here, it’s gonna be alright, okay?” she whispered into your hair as she walked to the door with you in her arms. “lessi?…” you mumbled out weakly trying to lift your arms to reach for her face, but everything was blurry and you couldn’t focus on anything.
“you’re okay, you’re okay babygirl” she said as she made eye contact with a nurse who rushed to pick up the phone, alessia guessed to call a doctor, she hoped. she guessed correctly as a women in purple scrubs rushed out from the double doors and asked alessia to follow her through to a room, while asking her what was wrong.
“yes, hi please help her. she’s my fiancée and she’s five and a half months pregnant and she’s bleeding a lot. as soon as i saw the blood I rushed her here.” alessia placed you onto the bed while the doctor said some things she didn’t know the meaning of to the nurses.
the doctor ordered for an ultrasound, which alessia knew what that was as she never missed an appointment with you for the baby. she held your hand as you winced as the doctor squeezed the cold gel onto your stomach, alessia’s eyes flicked between watching the screen and the doctors face, and she could tell by the doctors facial expression, something was really wrong.
“go go go everyone! OR 5 is open, call doctor richard’s for an emergency cyst removal!” the nurses started scrambling to get you out of the room, one of them having to hold alessia back as she tried to follow you and the nurse having to explain what was going on.
just as you were leaving the room, alessia’s parents and brother luca and his wife arrived, they watched you get wheeled away in shock.
alessia was yelling at this point, with tears streaming down her face at the prospect of not knowing what was going on and the fact you might not make it. her family quickly made their way over, alessia only now realising their presence and fell into her mothers arms.
her mother and luca’s wife sat her down in the chair that was already in the room and were comforting her, while her father and brother spoke to the nurse.
“there was so much blood mum” alessia broke down, with her mother hugging her and shedding tears of her own.
“she is a strong girl lessi, she’s going to pull through, I know it.”
the nurse suggested waiting in the emergency surgery waiting room, as updates on you and the baby would be given faster there.
after filling out the necessary paperwork, alessia was now pacing, back and forth from one wall to the other, stressed out of her mind.
her family had tried to convince her to sit down and try and relax, but she was in her own head, so many thoughts scrambling through it.
she finally sat down as her father basically dragged her into the seat, but that only caused her to start bouncing her leg and chewing on her finger nails, a bad habit she had when she was really nervous.
you had tried to get her to stop, but it was no use. she fiddled with her engagement ring that you both went to pick out after she had proposed, she didn’t get one at the same time that she got yours, in case you were to say no.
she was embarrassed when you asked about it that night while you were both in bed, recovering from celebrating together. she had told you her reason, and you responded “you were stupid to think I would say no.”
she smiles, remembering that night fondly and she honestly couldn’t imagine you not in her life.
her gaze suddenly snapped up from her ring as the sound of a door opening was heard, and a doctor dressed in scrubs and a cap walked through them.
she almost flew out of her seat and immediately asked if you were okay “ms russo, the surgery was a success. we removed a large cyst from ms y/l/n’s uterine wall. i am happy to say she and both your baby boys pulled through.”
as alessia listened to the doctors words she felt the tension in her shoulders dissipate, but the end of his sentence had her in shock.
“what do you mean both babies?” she asked, super confused and mostly in shock.
it was now the doctors turn to look confused “your babies? ms y/l/n is pregnant with twins. did you not know?” he replied.
“I was with her in every appointment, the doctor there showed us the screen and there was only one baby?”
“baby b had been hiding behind baby a, as he is smaller.”
alessia didn’t have much time to process the fact that you both went from having one baby to two and was dumbfounded that the doctor and both of you had not seen a second one on the previous ultrasounds.
she rapidly nodded when the doctor asked if she wanted to see you, turning back to her family who told her to come and get them when you both were ready.
as she was following the doctor he explained your condition to alessia “she is awake and talking, she just kept asking for you to tell the big news about both of your babies.”
that put a smile on alessia’s face. that she was the first one you asked for. hearing ‘babies’ instead of ‘baby’ was going to take some time getting used to, but she definitely could. in reality she was over the moon. she had expressed to you a couple times how she wanted three or four kids, and now you were pregnant with twins.
the doctor stopped outside a door and gestured to her that this was your room. alessia didn’t waste any time and practically shoved the door open.
as soon as she looked over towards you, you both made eye contact. alessia took in the sight of you and almost burst into tears, there you were, sitting in a hospital bed with a smile on your face, looking as beautiful as ever. you gave a warm wave that prompted alessia to finally move in your direction.
as she got closer to the bed the tears started forming in both of your eyes. you held your arms out to her for a hug and she immediately fell into your arms, being mindful of your stitches and how much of her weight she was putting on you.
“oh my love..” she choked out into the crown of your head, she pulled back from the embrace but only far enough for her to hold your face in her palms and rub her thumbs over your cheekbones.
you had tears in your eyes as well, you reached up to hold her hands that were still on your face. you both leaned in and shared a tender kiss, it was full of love and relief to be reunited again.
“we’re having twins, and they’re both boys!” you pulled back only far enough to say those words.
alessia had a lovesick smile on her face as she nodded and pecked your lips multiple times.
“I don’t think I can express how happy I am, not only that we are going to have two babies, but that you’re still here with me as well. god, I was so scared when they started wheeling you away.” she managed to choke out and confess.
“I’m so sorry lessi, I didn’t mean to scare you. I love you so much, and I’m so excited to start this new chapter with you” you said with a soft smile.
“god we are gonna have to buy two of everything now, fuck, I don’t even want to think about the price.” she nervously chuckled, scared for her bank account.
“and now we have to come up with two names, instead of just one” you giggled, and oh, alessia couldn’t describe how happy that made her, hearing your laugh again.
“my family are here, are you okay if they come in to see you?” alessia explained and asked.
“of course, let me get a few more of these first though” you both giggled as you practically yanked her back down for a slow, and love filled kiss that you both were smiling into.
the next few months went by in a flash, you were massive now, not that alessia would say anything as she would probably have her head bitten off by you.
every minuscule thing would set you off at this point in the pregnancy, getting mad that alessia was too hot at night and making you overheat. or the fact that you thought she didn’t give you enough attention, even though she is with you almost twenty three hours of the day.
you were now only due in a week, but that week couldn’t come quick enough for you. you were sick of being pregnant now, the sickness, the lack of movement, needing to piss every 10 minutes - everything.
it was a cosy tuesday night, alessia had already told arsenal that she would be on maternity leave for as long as needed. you were both cuddled up in bed, alessia spooning you from behind. you groaned as you felt the need to pee again, so did alessia when you moved to get up. she was almost asleep.
you quickly went to the toilet and as you were washing your hands you felt a bursting sensation and then a wet one. as you looked down you let out a shriek at the sight of your joggers soaked.
alessia had sprung out of bed at the noise, still on edge after the hospital scare. as she approached you she took in your soaked joggers and looked up to your face and in that moment she knew she was about to become a mother.
“oh my god” she whispered. and just like that she was in full panic mode, telling you to get ready while she quickly threw on a matching set and rushed around the house like a mad women.
you had both decided to move out of your apartment when the lease was up, deciding that a house would be a better option for your growing family.
alessia had just finished triple checking the hospital bag when you came down the stairs, ready to have two little ones.
“are you ready baby? do you have everything you need? can I get you an-“ you cut her off with a sweet kiss.
“clam down less” you chuckled “we have some time, my contractions are twelve minutes apart.” in all of her rush she completely forgot to time your contractions.
alessia sighed “I’m sorry, i’m just nervous - but also really excited!” you were both quick to smile at her words.
“god I can’t wait for this to be over, my back is killing me” you groaned. alessia spun you around so your back was pressing into her front and put her hands under your bump.
“I can help with that” she placed a loving peck on your cheek and almost effortlessly lifted both of your children, still in your belly.
you sighed out in relief and sagged against her, the feeling of pain in your back being temporarily gone.
“I love you so, so much my girl” alessia was whispering in your ear all the things that you needed to hear in that moment.
“I love you, thank you for everything” you replied back, just as you did a strong contraction hit and you were almost doubling over in pain.
“fuck, less I think it’s time to go.” alessia gently lowered your bump back down and rubbed your back through your intense contraction.
“I’ll quickly put everything in the car and we’ll go” alessia rushed to throw everything you would both need at the hospital into the car.
she helped you walk out the front door after locking up and help you get comfortable in the car, turning your heated seat on in advance as it was a chilly night in north london.
once alessia made sure everything was in the car she quickly connected her phone to she clicked on her mums contact.
you had met alessia in college, deciding that moving to America was the best choice in becoming more independent. you got in with a scholarship for the football program and you both hit it off.
alessia, being nervous as ever stumbled her way over to you in the empty dressing room, after you had just played a match and was a stuttering mess.
“hey! um hi, I was just wondering - cause you know um or not that lotte— shit. um do you want to come to my dorm for dinner? as a date? or not! it doesn’t have to be a date, but do you? do you want to go on a date with me?”
you quickly agreed, maybe a bit too quickly. you both were just as nervous as each other. alessia had told you that lotte was somewhere else studying. she cooked you dinner and you both watched a movie.
you both lost track of time and it ended up being too late to go home, so you stayed the night.
after a few more dates and another nervous speech from alessia, you began dating. eight years is pretty impressive, she proposed to you after she won the euros and you celebrated all night with each other and her england teammates and family.
your family lived back in Australia and when you had decided to move to the UK after college and signed with Arsenal, you got really close with her family, even though she was in manchester, you made it work.
alessia’s family loved you, they were the best people ever and you couldn’t ask for better future in laws.
you had expressed to alessia and her mum that you wanted her there in the delivery room, as you were hoping for a natural birth, with an epidural.
your plans changed when you found out you were having two babies, you opted for a c-section instead of pushing two whole humans out of you.
which means alessia’s mum unfortunately couldn’t be in the room with you during the procedure.
“mum? y/n’s water’s just broken, we are on our way to the hospital now.”
all that was heard in response was yelling, and shrieking, probably alessia’s mother to her father.
once she had calmed down and processed the fact that she was going to become a grandmother tonight she quickly said to message her when you were both ready for visitors, telling you to take as much time as you needed.
alessia was sat on a stool at your head and was smiling down at you with that stupid lopsided grin that she always had on her face when she was excited.
“I’m so excited. I’m so ready to meet our baby boys” she was already on the verge of tears and the surgery hadn’t even started yet.
you grinned up at her and puckered your lips, asking for a final kiss where it would only be you two for a very long time. she giggled and gave in, leaning down and granting your wish.
the words “love you so much lessi” were mumbled against her lips and you both pulled apart with a smile as the doctors asked if you were ready.
“yes, definitely” you replied, looking away from alessia and to the surgeon.
as the surgery went on, you became increasingly more excited. you were clutching one of alessia’s hands and her other one was stroking your hair.
you were both whispering to each other about your future with your almost born twins.
you both abruptly stopped talking as the sounds of cries were heard, and not even a second later one of your babies was being placed on your chest.
“baby a is perfectly healthy” the nurse was wiping him down and all you could do was stare at him.
“he’s so beautiful” you looked up to alessia and she was biting her lip and nodding at your statement, tears forming in her eyes.
she reached out for his head and gently stroked it, amazed that this was actually happening. with you. her absolute favourite person.
as both you and alessia were fawning over your first born child another set of cries were heard and your other baby was being wrapped up in a blanket.
“mum, do you want to hold him?” the nurse gently asked alessia.
alessia looked at you and you nodded in response to her questioning gaze.
“yeah, yes I do” alessia breathed out. the nurse placed him in her arms and you could tell by the look on her face that this was the best decision you had ever made in your life.
“hi finny, it’s mummy. gosh you are so beautiful, you’ve got your mummies eyes haven’t you?” alessia cooed.
both you and alessia have had many discussions about names, and after many nights tangled together debating on some that you liked, both of you ultimately decided on oliver and finn.
as you were being stitched back up the nurses took both oliver and finn to get cleaned up and checked on.
“they are so beautiful, this is the best day of my life. I love you so much, I’m so grateful for you, giving me the opportunity to be a mum.” alessia choked out, she had a few tears falling down her face as she brought her hand up to stroke your hair out of your face.
“they are, aren’t they? i love you so much less, I’m so glad you are the one I’m doing motherhood with, it’s the best day of my life too” you smiled up at her.
“go and be with them, I’ll be fine” you told her. you had noticed alessia’s eyes flicking up to your babies almost every second. alessia tried protesting, saying that you were literally still open on an operating table, but she couldn’t get over the cuteness of your newborn babies, she had too go and see them again.
as alessia made her way over to the tables that your babies were on, she couldn’t help but admire. the fact that they both had just come out of you, that they were a part of both her and you, had her absolutely baffled.
as the nurses were putting oliver’s nappy on, she reached out for his tiny hand and she’s pretty sure her face almost split in half with how big her smile was when his tiny hand wrapped around her much bigger finger.
“hi baby, I love you so much already, my beautiful boy” alessia whispered softly, her other hand coming up to stroke his head, where he had a full head of jet black hair. alessia knew it was very common for newborns to be born with dark hair, she found it adorable.
“alright everyone, let’s get mum into a room. she’s all done here.”
for the first time, finally, both you and alessia now had some alone time with your babies. the nurses had showed you how to get both of them latched to your boobs so they can be fed at the same time.
alessia couldn’t help but think how attractive you looked in this moment, both of your babies in your arms and looking at them like they were your whole world.
she had already taken a few pictures of the twins and you, unable to resist capturing this beautiful moment, with her beautiful family.
once they had both finished feeding the nurses recommended some skin on skin bonding with both you and alessia, as it brings a lot of comfort to the parents and the babies.
alessia had removed her shirt and bra, whilst you moved over on the bed as best you could with two babies, to give her enough space to sit next to you.
“which one do you want me to take?” she asked gently as she took her spot next to you, you both were pretty exhausted, it was the very early hours of wednesday morning and you both hadn’t slept in a while. but the excitement and adrenaline had kept you both going (plus some coffee, which you were very grateful for.)
“ollie’s closer and you haven’t held him yet, why don’t you take him?” you smiled up at her.
she eagerly nodded and gently pulled him from your arms. once he was out of your arms you rearranged finn to have his head in the crook of your neck.
alessia scooted down the bed a little bit and laid oliver on her chest. she was surprised that neither one of them had cried yet, as her mother had told her when she was just born she cried and screamed bloody mary for hours on end.
alessia laid her head on your shoulder and kissed the top of oliver’s head softly, she brought her hand up to run it up and down his back.
you rested your head on top of alessia’s and let out a content sigh.
“do you want to call your family and tell them to come and meet the twins?” you murmured, not wanting to disturb the peaceful atmosphere that you were in.
“yeah, just let me have a few more minutes of peace before my mum comes” she chuckled softly, already knowing how her mother would react to the twins.
as soon as alessia called her mother, she said she would gather everyone up and would be there in half an hour.
you put the twins in their cots and went to go and freshen up, doing your hair and a little bit of makeup.
you looked up into the mirror and caught eyes with alessia through the mirror. she sent you a beaming smile and walked closer.
she pressed up behind you and wrapped her arms around you. she rested her chin on your shoulder and sent you her signature beaming lopsided grin.
she started placing light pecks down your throat all the way down to your now covered shoulder
“you alright?” she stood up straight and ran her hands up and down your arms
“yeah, I’m really, really good” you smiled and turned your head to place a firm kiss to her lips.
she replied just as eager, pouring all of her love and gratitude into the kiss.
the kiss naturally died out, alessia placing long, soft pecks to your own plush lips.
after both of you finished freshening up you both went to check on your now sleeping babies.
you placed one hand on oliver’s stomach and the other on finn’s and gently rubbed your hands over the soft material of the custom made arsenal onesies, courtesy of the one and only leah williamson.
alessia stood back and admired all three of you, all three of you were now her whole world and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
thank you all so much for reading! if you have any requests for any players send them through!
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g-xix · 8 months
🔞Eating Out Headcanons | Beta Squad
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Niko -This man's stubble would graze your thighs and have your flesh BURNING with each step and rub of your thighs the next day -Long ass fingers always working where his mouth isn't, ensuring that he hits every spot imaginable -I think he's a bit of a tease asw- gets you to the edge before pulling away with a sick grin right before you get a release -Bro's nose is so attractive in a weird way, and I feel like it'd nudge against your clit whilst his tongue works which would have knots forming in your stomach and make your head SPIN
George -Ohmyfucking GOD he's so fine and im SICK of ppl not noticing this -My tall lanky, rings n glasses wearing bf frfr -Has you sat on his face OFC -Loves all that pressure and the feeling of your thighs squeezing the fucking life out of his head as though you're tryna crush it -Just like Niko, his beard leaves your inner thighs feeling RAAWWW the next day the way he's so enthusiastic w eating you out -Sloppy with it too, mixes his spit n ur arousal all the same, making such sinfully pornographic noises that'll have your goofy lil head SPINNING at the mere thought of it -And when you've come undone all over his tongue and his arms are the only thing keeping your body upright? -He looks up at you with blown out pupils and a devious grin, glistening lips from your arousal looking so ungodlily corrupted you consider pushing his head back between your thighs again
Chunkz -It's so weird but I just CANNAE imagine Chunkz acc giving head 😭 -100% more receiver than giver vibes -And he's handsy with it, yk? Hand on the back of your head, running through your hair and getting through all those knots before wrapping his hand around the base of your skull and guiding your movements on his cock
AJ Shabeel -AJE AJE AJE! My no1 bf is an absolute DEMON when it comes to head  -It's like he's genuinely racing to have you cum - lapping up and sucking on your clit with no mercy, literally sending you barrelling towards orgasm -And my word he doesn't even stop after that. -Will litr lick your cum back off your thighs and pussy and have you an overstimulated, shaking MESS as he does it -And then has the NERVE to ask to go for another round?  -Such a little cretin, loves looking up with that smirk and seeing how much of an uncontrollably moaning wreck you are when he's using his mouth
King Kenny -I feel like bro would try a MAD position with it... Like, have your back resting against the bed frame of smth - but he's holding you up by your thighs so that you're literally suspended in air? -Leaves hickeys on your thighs bc he just loves the look of them against your skin n knowing that only he can see them... -I just KNOW he's got a long tongue too, like, he's hitting spots that have you legs shaking so that you're literally convulsing in his arms, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you barrel towards that orgasm -And I just know he'd be an aftercare king, esp after putting you through a HARD orgasm
Sharkyyyy -Oh my God of course he'd have Frank Ocean playing in the background and blue or purple or red coloured lights whilst he's giving head -Has you lying back in bed and is soooo intimate-romantic with it... -Like, he's pressing kisses onto your thighs and gently caressing n massaging your quads n muscles... -Sounds sooo dumb cocky when he's giving head too, bc he'll go from sucking your clit and licking you up to asking "That good, yeah?" and "You gonna be loud for me?" - those dumb littel questions that have you whining and being somehow even louder when he's got his head between your thighs
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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thecynthh · 8 months
a little ink - C.S
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summery - y/n is journaling in bed but chris gets bored of his phone and begins to play around with y/n's stationary.
notes - fluff <33333, chris is so boyfriend, i thought the fandom needed more fluff, short
a/n - hey yall, this is an apology gift because ive been bad on being active and writing so enjoy this lil thing i whipped up.
i stationed myself on my side of the large bed with a little tray table on top of my bare legs. my shorts barely covered up to my mid thigh so the vent near me was absolutely chilling. i begin to go slowly when i'm trying to write a title for my next page, i began to journal when my boyfriends brother and my therapist recommended it to me, despite how simple matt’s was, I thought i could take it up a notch and make it a little cutesy. 
my pencil case was jam packed with highlighters, colourful pens and high quality markers, my concentration stays strict on the page in front of me, i tried to keep my penmanship neat while i'm trying to write something in cursive. a warm hand wraps around my ankles as i look down beside me seeing chris look at me with want in his eyes. “hi chris,” i simply say looking at the boy while i put the cap back onto my brush tip marker. 
“hi baby,” he looks up at me with a beaming bright smile, he just radiates good energy and love. he drops his phone beside him now playing a song instead of the various audios from tiktok. 
his hand sneaks up into my pencil case grabbing a yellow marker from it. he uncaps it and i feel the light pressure of it press down onto my skin, the yellow marker glides along my scar, he continues to draw past it to make a star out of the previously hurt skin. chris knew i was self conscious about my scars, it was a permanent reminder of the pain i went through in highschool. 
he didn’t care though. he continued to draw random doodles on my leg, moving on to my arms where more scars lay hurt, he switched out his marker for a different colour the more he explored. little hearts, stars and chris’ signature riddle my legs and arms, i feel his writing getting a bit faster. It looks like a sentence but i couldn’t quite read it.
 i stopped what i was doing a long time ago, now just admiring what he was doing. he was so focused on writing his signature on the larger line of a scar i had on my arm using the line from my body to represent the line through the dollar sign he always made whenever he wrote his name. 
he does a very magnificent heart beside his name, filling it in still trying to be very soft on  my skin as the ink seeps in. he plants a fulfilling kiss onto the scar now covered in orange ink, he looks up at me with a little bit of a knowing look painted on his face. “im sorry, it was only meant to be a little ink but your scars are beautiful, as is the rest of you.” his finger underlines the sentence imprinted on my skin as he reads it out. 
“chris i'm gonna cry oh my gosh. you are so cute, you know that?” i saw trying to hold back a sob. 
a chuckle escapes his smiley lips “i love you so much y/n” his lips make contact with the star that started the rest of the pseudo tattoos. i wish i could keep this image in my head forever, because this was a moment too precious to let go of.
taglist - @westwiing13 @comet235 @mayhem73
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wileys-russo · 1 year
saw a tiktok and ran to ask this….could we please get a mearps x reader blurb where reader is pregnant and they’ve invited lessi and ella round, tell them they’ve got presents for them and when they open it they both have a little baby shirt (you can decide wether it’s england kit or their club shirts) with their name on the back. i just know they would be the best aunts ever omg…
hypothetically in this let’s say less stayed with man utd for the sake of the plot and not her sanity 🫶🏻 part of the a date to remember universe series
a bit small || m.earps
“mary, love you’re gonna wear a hole in the poor carpet if you keep pacing back and forth like a mad woman.” you chuckled as your wife sat back down beside you, nervously bouncing her knee instead.
“i can’t help it! i don’t know why I’m so nervous, i wasn’t even this nervous to tell our families.” the blonde rambled as you extended a hand and rested it gently on her knee. “look at me.” you called out softly, knowing how her anxiety affected her and what to do to try and ease it.
“whats three things in the room that are blue?” you asked, squeezing her knee and nodding encouragingly. “er that photo frame, the fifa ball and…the clock.” mary sighed, her knee stopping bouncing as you repeated the question going through a few different colours until eventually your wife had settled.
“baby i get why you’re nervous, they’re like our already grown up children and their opinion means a lot to you. we knew our families would be supportive because they knew we were trying, none of the girls do and you’re worried how they’ll react.” you smiled softly as mary nodded, her head coming to rest on your shoulder as you played with her fingers, a comfortable silence falling between the two of you momentarily.
“they really are like our daughters hey, jesus we’ll be great mums we’ve already had a load of practice!” your wife perked back up, back to her normal joking self as you nodded in agreement, pressing a tender kiss to her lips.
“yeah and at least we’ve got a fair few years before this ones calling us drunk at 3am for a lift home or crying into a pint of ice cream on the lounge about relationship problems.” you grinned as your wife let out a pelt of laughter.
“our child isn’t dating anyone till they’re at least twenty five.” mary shook her head sternly as you smacked her arm. “we started seeing one another when we were eighteen!”
“yeah and look how that ended up, im stuck with you for life now.” mary sighed as you scoffed, the goalkeeper quick to grab your face and pepper it with kisses, mumbling about how there wasn’t anyone else she’d rather spend her life with.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.” mary spoke up much softer, gently tugging up your top and sweetly kissing your stomach a few times, her hands gently placed either side.
“now you listen here junior you protect those hands in there yeah? you’re an earps now you’ve got keeping in your blood and we have to protect those little golden fingers.” mary spoke to your stomach sternly making you laugh and smack her gently.
“what if our baby doesn’t want to play football?” you teased, your wife only scoffing at the thought.
before she could tell you off for even insisting that though the doorbell went, and when neither of you answered within the first ten seconds, it went again, and again, and again.
“right that’s it, im gonna kill them!” mary smacked her legs with a determined nod and stood to her feet, charging off toward the door and you chuckled as you heard her sternly telling off the two younger girls before their footsteps sounded, shuffling closer as they chattered away.
“couldn’t even come and greet us at the door? lazy!” ella scoffed sarcastically with a roll of her eyes as she sauntered in first, spotting you laid back on the L shaped couch with an amused smile.
“why bother when i know half the time you show up uninvited and just let yourselves in?” you smirked as alessia arrived, flanked by your wife who was fiddling nervously with her wedding ring, the only telltale sign of her worries as her face remained unbothered.
“it’s not breaking and entering if you use a key!” ella replied in a duh tone, kissing your cheek hello and sinking down into the opposite side of the lounge. “i really don’t think that defence will hold up in court tooney.” mary patted the girls shoulder with a chuckle.
“hello daughter!” you greeted the tall blonde with a smile as alessia made an instant beeline for you, and you watched marys eyes widen as she realised less would likely flop on top of you for a bear hug as she normally did.
you’d been able to avoid it for the last few weeks, always making sure you were stood when she’d arrive and initiating the hug so she wouldn’t grow suspicious. alessia and you always had quite a close bond from the moment you met her, the blonde gravitating toward you even more than she had to mary which you often happily used to wind up your very pouty wife.
“not today less! got an upset stomach.” you managed to lie quickly and held out your hands to stop her before mary could speak, the younger girl nodding in understanding and instead sitting right beside you and pulling you into a hug.
“so what are we watching then?” ella clapped, moving her feet to rest on the coffee table as mary swiftly kicked them off, moving to stand in front of her. it was an unspoken sunday tradition between the four of you that every sunday the two young footballers would come to your home for a roast dinner, so you’d strategically planned to tell them about the pregnancy on a sunday so there wasn’t any sort of alarm bell raised and nothing was out of order.
“strictly come dancing obviously, and the roasts in the oven! but first, we have a present for the two of you.” mary announced with a clap, gesturing for alessia to move to sit closer to ella before she popped out of the room.
the two girls immediately launched question after question at you which you only answered with a shake of your head and a smile, refusing to give anything away.
though mary was quick to return, balancing two large white boxes in her hands. “oo is it a cake!” ella asked excitedly with wide eyes, making grabby hands as mary carefully handed each girl their box.
“find out for yourselves, at the same time now!” mary smiled softly at the girls before moving her affectionate gaze your way, her eyes dropping down to your stomach which was well hidden behind a baggy old england jersey.
“er look this is dead cute and all but i think these might be a bit small for us!” tooney frowned as she moved aside the crete paper and picked up the tiny man united jersey with her last name and number on the back.
“are you serious?” alessia of course caught on right away, looking in between you and mary with wide eyes full of shock and jaw slackened. “very serious.” you answered softly, sending mary a lovesick smile as ellas frown deepened and she stared down at the jersey in her hands wondering what she was missing.
then finally, the ball dropped.
“surprise!” you cheered, both you and mary unable to keep the shit eating smiles off your faces at their screams of excitement. the two girls rushed to mary first, tackling their team mate and showering her with congratulations.
then it was your turn next and you winced as both girls jumped almost on top of you. “oi idiots watch it! she’s pregnant!” mary hurried over and pulled them off, helping you to stand as instead both girls squeezed you in a very tight and loving hug.
“how far along?” ella asked with a grin, bouncing happily on the balls of her feet. “seventeen weeks.” you revealed and if their jaws hadn’t already hit the floor by now they certainly did at that reveal, both girls exploding into questions and scoffs of disbelief you hadn’t told them sooner.
but those all fell silent as mary gave you a look and you nodded, your wife carefully lifting up the jersey to reveal your bulging stomach. “oh my god you’re SHOWING?” alessia squealed, both her and ella ducking their heads to gently kiss your stomach which made you laugh and playfully shove their heads away.
“do you know what you’re having?” ella asked with a beaming grin as you and mary nodded. “but you’ll have to wait until the gender reveal to find out, we aren’t telling anyone until then, not even our mums.” mary explained as she kissed the side of your head with a soft smile, rubbing your back affectionately.
“can we feel? is that a weird question?” ella asked with a concerned frown and you shook your head, grabbing one of each of their hands and placing it carefully on your stomach as mary watched on protectively, holding up your jersey out of the way.
a few seconds passed before ella screamed and quickly pulled her hand away, scaring alessia who stumbled backwards and almost fell down if not for mary scrambling to grab and steady her.
“was that a kick?” ella asked in shock as you nodded, taking both of her hands this time and placing them on your stomach, the girl squealing in delight as she once more felt the baby kick, alessia swiftly elbowing her out of the way for her own turn.
“stop it! both of you.” you chuckled as they began to bicker, silencing them with a firm look as mary sighed lovingly.
“my love you are going to be the best mum.”
“hey lessi, can we chat for a second?” you murmured quietly to the younger girl as ella disappeared to help your wife clean up after dinner, all of you having finished for the night.
“come on.” you nodded for her to follow you, stepping out and moving to sit on your patio, groaning slightly as you bent down to take a seat on the stairs, alessia right beside you.
“so. you and I have always had quite the bond yeah?” you started with a soft smile, bumping your shoulder into the strikers who nodded happily in agreement. it was true, from the moment mary had joined united and become quite close with the girls you’d always had a particularly strong connection within both ella and alessia.
but alessia reminding you a lot of your own younger sister molly and without the girl having ever had sisters of her own you found you’d taken her under your wing, mary often joking more like mother and daughter as you smacked her and would always remind she was older than you.
“now look i am about to ask you something but i need you to know that there isn’t any pressure at all about a yes, or even any sort of answer for a few weeks.” you continued, the blondes eyes now narrowing in concern as she still nodded along none the less.
“right.” alessia confirmed hesitantly, rubbing her hands on her knees as she awaited what was to come next.
“obviously the baby is going to have a lot of aunties, but would you like to be the godmother?”
a tense silence followed after that question, alessia opening and closing her mouth like a fish as she struggled to find the words.
“yes, absolutely yes oh my god!” the girl threw herself at you in a hug, though careful not to hit you too hard as you squeezed her tightly. “but you can’t tell anyone, not even tooney. mary and I are still working out who else we ask, we’d like to have four godparents, two from either side of our circles.” you explained as alessia assured over and over she completely understood, kissing your cheek and pulling you into another tight hug.
“…can i still tell tooney I’m definitely going to be the favourite aunt though?”
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the bafta livestream out of context: top 60 cursed quotes.
There is nothing more cursed than the livestream I just witnessed, and I made a summary post but now I'm just going to put in quotes by the worthy maggots in the stream with no context, because BELIEVE ME THE CONTEXT DIDN'T MAKE ANYTHING BETTER. The livestream chat was NOT A PLACE OF THE LORD.
I'm going to make the quotes that were by me a different colour. Please know that I am NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR A SINGLE QUOTE OTHER THAN THOSE. SO HERE'S THE TOP 60 IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER:
Barbenhimer awakened things in me ok
aroace people the most disturbingly sexual talkers on the planet fight me on this
I feel so sorry for this woman. She's being so heartfelt and we're here thristing over a slinky that possessed a man
the urge to go to france and misgender a croissant is real
Devastated the slutty knees have gone away
So many men nowadays are so submissive and breedable like thank you lord for these men thank you
witches and murder slime tutorial
speaking of royals did the bloke who ISN'T lizzy's husband but her son apparently die yet
Turtleneck Crowley is my gender.
"Oompa loompa doopety dee, I really hated being in this movie" -Hugh grant probably
i want the kilt back this a betrayal
if someone put me in a room with kilt!david tennant one of us is walking out of that room pregnant and its not gonna be me
a lot of these words are in the bible and none of them should be in that order you need jesus
Can we vote to make david wear that kilt back? Maybe make him do a twirl this time
You mean Bildaddy? 😏
Honey what make you think a dude who roamed around with prostitutes and got himself more holes for mankind won't be calling bildad bildaddy? [this was about jesus btw.]
Show us the knees!
He looks like those fancy chocolates. Imma take a bite outta him. Think you'll leak molten goo like them?
My brain isn't working, I read "bratty couch jr"
i'm sorry the what holes
I genuinely thought it was a road typo and I thought you were threatening asmi with physical violence on the road
Combine that with the unfortunate oranges and see what happens.
That reminded me of the army video where the guy was deepthroating a 7 inch banana without a hitch.
thats why apollo had to deliver you at an illegal sushi restaurant
How long do you think it would take to get david naked from his chocolate man suit? Can we set a new speedrun category?
Big feelings about pants straps in the chat tonight
Last time i check yoire supposed to thank the lord gor his gifts
I just have a deep appreciation for ireland
Can you use suspenders as bondage gear? I mean it looks like it would be fine? I mean if you make the length a bit more they might be more comfortable than ropes. Just sayin
All i can think when i see him in the costume is the one specific ken and oppenhimer slash fic. Lord help me i can't be saved
Like a giant orange slice on her one arm.
Stop hitting the lectern geez / what if its into that?
Men who wear suspenders are such losers like why do you need so much cloth to keep your pants up. Why dont you just wear a belt. Where do you live. What is your timezone. What are you office hours
what is this suspender shaming ari chappal for you
Aziraphales office hours are: fuck off
Put me ina room with a suspender wearing man and he shall have the same fate as kilttennant
It was titled "snake in my b***" It meant butt lmfao
What if slutshaming is my kink?
I am failing
Tagging the main culprits whose tumblr handles I know:
@thearoacemess @vitrilol @queermarzipan @good-usernames-were-taken
Cheers, maggots.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 5 months
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Hazbin Hotel residents and staff lineup! (+ Cherri Bomb)
They are all done!!
I am so happy with all of them and am incredibly excited to continue adding to this lineup! I’ve already got 2/4 extras finished so we’ll see how things go! I hope I’ll be able to finish them but after 19 hours of drawing for 5 days I think I may explode eventually.
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In order from shortest to tallest we have: Niffty (4’6”), Van/Vaggie (5’11”), Charlie (6’6”), Husker (6’7”), Cherri Bomb (6’8”), Alastor (7’0”), Sir Pentious (7’5”), Angel Dust (8’4”).
Very tall people!! Wow!
It’s really nice to see them all together like this and not all of them entirely red and pink. I like red but my god use it in moderation, christ.
For anyone wondering or wanting to do something with these, here are my colour palettes for each of them.
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Some of the colours in Angel’s are from other artworks so don’t mind that. Keep in mind my designs aren’t really TV friendly in my style, but I’m sure theres a way to simplify them to fit the criteria. Some of their proportions are also a bit questionable but honestly I like it. I know some people hate how Vivzie gives angel those weird feet but I’m unreasonably attached to them and I love his fucked up legs.
I really love when lineups feel alive, I think I pulled it off well enough! I want to kiss all of them on the head except Alastor because I hate him, but also half of these people are infinitely taller than me. I believe their personalities are much more clear through my poses than whatever the current ones have going on
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(I didn’t create or format this colour palette lineup but if you know who did please tell me!!)
All of the characters are so goddamn pink and red it hurts my eyes
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Ive said it like a billion times but I should be able to tell whats happening in a scene from a quick glance or at least where people are placed. Maybe it’s just my shit eyes but like seriously man.
I’m probably gonna add more to this post soon but I have 3 more redesigns finished and I really really want to show them off because they alone took 8 hours to finish. Im very impatient and I need to show off my horrible creatures immediately.📺🧵💡
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HIHI! Im not really good at requesting things so I apologize in advance of this seems weird😭 odd request but!1!1 could you maybe do Rui with a s/o that’s a lunar moth demon? Like has the wings and antennas of said moth and stuff :)
Hiya Anon! (^○^) First off I want to thank you for requesting, especially something so fun!
Please don't apologize either, I'm more than happy to write your request ☆ If you have anymore please send them my way!
I just hope that i've done your request justice....
Also as I've written quite a bit I'm gonna stick these headcanons under a 'Keep Reading' line which I hope you don't mind.
Rui x Luna moth Demon S/O - Headcanons:
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To Rui, you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his long life - Your just absolutely stunning!
Even before you both started a relationship – back when you first met each other, where you were injured + caught in his web and he was going to eat you 😊 – you held a ethereal beauty that soothed him yet made him yearn
…….he did threaten to eat you a lot at the beginning of your friendship, although now he threatens to eat you in a joking manner
Big beautiful pearlescent green wings that shimmer when you move – covered in a soft fuzz and a gentle dust – the crescent moons on your wings winking each time you move.
Your bottom wings have these beautiful twisting tails too which happen to trail on the floor alot so you have a tendency to stay above ground so they don't get damaged
Rui does help you keep them intact and healthy
Your antennae sit comfortably on your forehead just above your brows, resting on your head when not in proper use - as if your letting them relax
They happen to be as equally as soft as your wings, and feathered out elegant – the colour a mellow yellow, slightly dull in comparison to your wings
Of course Rui doesn’t touch your wings or antennae too much, he knows both are delicate – that and your sense of smell is incredibly sensitive due to your antennae…
Your eyes are stunning too, a beautiful shade of (E/C) that have the amazing ability to see everything around you in hyper detail
It just also happens that due to your amazing eyesight you happen to be a bit light sensitive…..
Although funnily enough, light is something that grabs your attention quickly? You just have to investigate it at all costs
Does that mean Rui has to constantly be vigilant for unusual light sources? Yes
Also your eyes glow – like a cat’s – when light is shone at them
Has this accidently scared members of the spider family? Yes! Have any of them learnt not to shine lights around so you don’t accident scare them? No
Honestly each and everyone of your features are beautiful to Rui
You differ so much to him and his spider qualities - although his eyes do the glowy thing too (which is terrifying! Why did spiders have to have the glowy eye things too?!)
Your method of hunting is fascinating too.
Completely different to his hunting.
Soft clicks leaving your throat in odd patterns to confuse your prey (and predator) as you lead them off on a wild + intoxicating dance before devouring them swiftly
Hiding away above in the forests canopy, your eyes that see all analyzing everything about your prey from the way they stand to the sound of their blood + heart rate
You can go months between eating - Lunar moths lack mouths completely and survive of off their own body fat - although you eat ALOT when you finally do need to eat which Rui happily provides for you
Your blood is also moth-like! Instead of a deep crimson its a deep and haunting blue - Although if you were to ever get injured to the point of shedding blood, Rui is personally hunting & killing the thing that harmed you down
Rui does like to spoil you
He always manages to find - or maybe make? - the finest fabrics and furs for you, everything is suited to your tastes and wants
The fur is always soft and warming due to your obsession with warmth and keeping it locked in your body
The flesh you consume is only ever hunted by his or your hand - Rui only ever does this for you
Your bestowed his love and affection for all of time
His small smiles and feather soft kisses - Cold lips brushing along the apple of your cheek in a sign of affection as you walk together with hands holding
Soft and gentle hands upon your face, appendages and body
Your the only one who he whispers compliments and praise too
The only one he'll ever shed tears for - In sadness, anger, lust and happiness etc.
You are his love
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demuredociledoll · 15 days
kitty's bimbo bucket list
Use these to break me
soooooo i'm a tgirly who's been on hrt a long time now, i have great tits and great ass and my brain is Way fuzzier but like. i want more. i wanna be like the cool girls i see on who are just completley ultrafeminine. i wanna be the perfect boys girl. im like. might to be a bimbo tradwife. i wanna be that so bad. ive also like. been doing the bambi 20 day challenge and its like. making me realise i neeed to make these changes lol
so i thought id like. make a list of things i need to do to be the girl of my dreams i see girls with lots of fun lists where they like say "at 10 reblogs i'll do this and i kinda like. wanna arrange this like one of those eventually (if you see a bimbofication step-by-step around PLease send it to me!! i love doing what rules say). reeeeeeeally reeally reeally open to feedback and other things to include on this list.
Bimbofying my looks
so this bits like. ways i want to look prettier :)
Nails always varnished: i think this might be the most easy for me to do as i spend a lot of time painting my nails anyway, but i wanna make like a pledge to make sure my nails are Never left unpainted. i think this would be a good place to start on this
Makeup every day - i used to wear makeup every day before covid and i reeeeeeeeeally wanna get back into the swing of it. i only do it like, maybe like once every few months which just Sucks. especially when i look so pretty doing it. so i wanna like get back into a position where i do my go to routine (foundation+eye shadow+eye liner+lipstick+lip liner) at least once a month, then at least once a week, then at least every day i'm not working, then at least every day i dont have like, a work video call, then every day.
Dyeing my hair: i reeeeeeeeally wanna dye my hair but im so scared of losing my natural colour. so im thinking of like, starting Blonde frosted tips as a start, before working up to being a totally bleach blonde
Get rid of trousers and only wear skirts: girls literally shouldnt wear trousers. it literally should be illegal. i wanna like. slowly get to a point where i only wear skirts. skirts make it easy for boys to access my holes :) but actually having said that. boys really like tight clothes. so i should keep wearing ultra tight. i also need to really increase my lingerie and sexy clothes collecshon :)
Lip fillers!! I reeeeeeeeeally wanna get lip fillers but i know its gonna be a big step to get there. i wanna do everythign i can to make my lips bigger naturally in the meantime. i think i wanna get lip fillers first before i think about. bigger tits. i reeeeeeeally want srs so bad but like., thats the goverments problem
getting bgiger: im like sooooo thin at the moment, and i neeeeeeed to get bigger tits and a bigger belly to make me more grabbable and wobbly. its a little diffcult because ive got like. lots of tummy issues. but i wanna slowly scale up my food intake. ive been eating lots of ice cream but i wanna like. follow a proper plan for biggerising myself feedee style
brain feminisation and IQ reduction
sooooo this sections like. ways to girlify my brain and make sure i just think girl thoughts
im alreayd doing good on hypnos with the bambi challenge (which is going soooooo well!! im learning sosososooso much :) ). but like. i wanna keep listening to hypnos moer
staying in my place; i'm already Really good at this. doing the cooking, cleaning, housekeeping, serving men in every way i can i am already 100% that. i stepped back from a job recently so ill have even more time to do that and i can't Wait.
knowing my place: despite this i clearly like, have a tonne of feminist baggage from my old self i really need to get rid of. i need to like. have my opinions broken and like, have like the gender politics of a conservative American housewife drilled into me. i wanna genuinely believe that women should stay in the kitchen and women shouldnt work and shoudl just serve men (smart boys please please please fix me!!!). i want pro-patriarhcy to be like. my mission in life. im thinking of like. writing lots of good girl essays on tumblr to try and fix my brain lol
dumming down my writing and speaking: likeee i think im already making good practice on this, ive been workiing on a lot lately. im trying to like. not use words longer than two soundy things, like short words, with the only ones allowed being like. sexy words. and mispeling them when i cant use any other words that are small. and using the wrong words and to like get rid of capital letters apostroches. i think im getting there on this. i also need to dumb down my speaking but honestly like im already there with that, i always say words wrong and everyone makes so much fun of me for it, it turns me a lot when people make fun of me for saying words wrong lol :)
girlify my music tastes: i reeeeeeally need to get into some girlier music. i really want to. currently i dont really have much of a music taste, i mostly just listen to synthy tunes and stuff which are easy to listen to while doing worky things. however, like ive tried listening to more popular stuff like taylor swift and the brat album and its like, okay, but its like not my thing lol. I used to be suuuuuuper into paramore but im like, aware thats a more like punchy girl band and im like not that lol. update im gonna work these into my daily music playlists!!
girlify my media intake and hobbies: currently i listen to a lot of boy stuff inherited from my old self, like ww2 books and podcasts which are...boring lol. i dont want learn things like that anymore. i wannna watch more stuff thats for girls, but im not really too sure where to begin? ive tried like, reading girleir magazines like Good Housekeeping and the like but it doesnt like. completely engage me lol
taking cock and being a good sexdoll
this section is like. ways i wanna be a better fuckdoll :)
m already like. so good at blowjobs. i absoltuely adore blowjobs. i dont think theres anything i need to improve here. i already deep throat, swallow every time. id like to take more facials though :)
but i neeeeeed to get better with my other hole. again i used to ride my dildo all the time prepandemic but ive fallen out the habit, its like my makeup i only really play on veyr special ocassions
increase my toy collecshun: my toys are not in as good condition as they used to be and i want like. good ones. i need to like. make a good purchase of some good quality toys for assfucking. i already have some good buttplugs :)
get good at getting my ass fucked: im thinking of like. mirroring what i did with my makeup here. like go from wearing my buttplug for a long period at least once a month, once a week, when im not working...etc. and likewise wiht my dildo. aggain its hard because i have a lot of tummy and bottom issues.
Only cum with permisson: this is so important. girls literally should not control their cumming. it should literally be against the law. im thinking of listening to cals curse some more to like. make that a hard and fast rule lol
so like!! this is what i kind think of right now. but i really wanna like. learn more from others and think. thank you!!!!!!!!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
HELLO!!! i have a request for a platonic Crowley and Aziraphale x fem!reader with she/they pronouns 😄 if you know Nimona, then thats what i want the reader to be like. theyre a spunky, immortal, young teenager anarchist who can shapeshift and has unnaturally coloured eyes and hair. one day they find the two (husbands), and kinda just stays, so Crowley and Aziraphale accept their fate!! i dont mind if you decide to include a smudge of angst (or a shit ton whatever you prefer, but im impartial to both, so do with that what you will,) because after the newest season, i cant get enough of it.
many thanks!!
Oh! I haven't seen the movie but I know about Nimona!
You met Aziraphale and Crowley in 537 AD, encountering them by pure chance.
At first you intimidate them as a dragon, thinking they were two hapless knights who lost their way back to their kingdom..
Until you saw Crowley's snake eyes, and you realize he's not human at all.
"You there...I like your eyes.....are you another shapeshifter?"
"...um..nope." The demon in black armor looks incredibly confused, especially at this dragon talking to him. "Don't know what gave you that idea.."
"Well technically he is." The white knight adds on, smiling nervously. "You see, my erm..."rival" here is something of a serpent who was sent to-"
"Shut it, Angel. This beast doesn't need our lifestory! Now if you could kindly excuse us, o' great dragon, we have to discuss-"
"Hate to break it to you, but....I'm not actually a dragon."
"Then what are you exactly? You...said something about "shapeshifting" before, didn't you?"
To answer Crowley's question, you transform into a young human clad in knight armor, taking off your helmet to reveal your unnaturally-colored eyes and hair, smiling. "Bingo."
The pair are quite impressed, so they have no reason to hide the fact they were an angel and demon.
You explained how you've had these shapeshifting powers for a long time, being on the run since everyone thinks you're a "cursed child" or some monster that was once banished, wanting nothing more than to drive a sword through your heart.
When it's clear that neither Aziraphale nor Crowley have any intentions of hurting you....that's when you decided to stick with them.
It took them 20 years to realize you never aged, learning you're an immortal being in a teenager's body.
Your powers allow you to keep up with the times, disguising yourself as animals, people...or even angels and demons if your heart so desired.
Sometimes you'll turn into a snake much like Crowley's own snake form (although your scales have the color of your hair, ofc, so you're not 100% identical).
You haven't mastered turning just your head into a snake, however.
In the modern era, you enjoy being a nightingale after learning they were both fond of those birds, often singing in the bookshop out of boredom.
Although Crowley's fully aware you're not a demon, you got a spunky and rebellious personality and love getting up to mischief.
And he 100% encourages this (while poor Aziraphale's practically begging you to stay out of trouble).
But you're definitely on the angel's side anytime he compliments Crowley, who just snarls and denies ever doing something "nice" or "good".
You don't believe he's all that evil for even a moment.
While you're aware that they have to act like they despise each other bc they're on opposite sides...in your eyes, they behave so much like an old married human couple.
Aziraphale emphasizing "our car" when talking about the Bentley made you roll your eyes and joke about when the wedding's gonna start.
When Aziraphale returns to Heaven without Crowley, you realize that maybe your "marriage jokes" went a bit too far...even though neither of them blame you for their falling out.
Still, you feel bad bc you can tell Crowley was genuinely in love with him.
You overheard everything, and after his "no nightingales" remark, you're reluctant to shapeshift into one again out of fear of upsetting him.
Yet he asks you, too, as he couldn't bear the silence in the bookshop anymore...and listening to any of Aziraphale's music records would've been too painful for him.
You obliged, staying perched on his shoulder as he stared out the window for hours...hoping that his angel would come back to him.
You hoped so, too, waiting everyday by his side...until the end of time if you had to.
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d1gitvlpupz · 3 months
skate into my heart
“babes, you gotta let go-“
“to hell with that!” fell retorted as he kept a death grip on fresh’s sleeves, his body shaking as he stood awkwardly on the skateboard that decorated in various stickers and covered in colourful graffiti. to be honest, he doesn’t even know how fresh managed to get him to do this. “keep tensin’ like dat n’ yer gonna get a charlie horse, ya dig?” “i’m bout to give ya a charlie horse if you keep playin’ with me.” fell threatened that made fresh laugh.
keeping his free hand on the latter’s back to support him, he gently guided him through the process of riding a skateboard. and while he was trying to be as supportive as he can, fresh couldn’t help but giggle a little when he would teasingly let go of fell. “fell, babygirl, it ain’t even dat hard. ya just gotta loosen up, ya get what i mean?” fresh instructed while walking with fell, who was as stiff as a statue on the board. “fu- funk no.” fell replied.
fresh snickered when he censored fell’s foul mouth, “ya know i gotcha, dollface. look, see? ya got it.” fresh praised as he subtly loosened his grip on fell to try and build up his confidence. fell kept his eyelights glued to his shoes as he wobbled a little bit. “this lame as fu- funk.” “brah, no it’s not. its very bodacious.” fresh defended with the writing on his glasses changing to the word ‘radical’, soon his hand that was on fell’s back moved away, however fell was still clinging onto his sleeves for dear life. “ya gon make us fall, babes.” “if im goin’ down, ya comin’ with me.” fresh snickered as he continued walking a bit with fell before he gave him a little push.
“ya doin’ great!” fresh called out after fell as he watched him skate down the street, pulling out his phone and snapping a quick photo of him, giggling to himself. meanwhile, fell was slowly gaining confidence in riding as he straightened up his back as let his body do what felt natural, still stiff as hell as the speed of the board picked up. “fresh? fresh!” fell called out that made the latter look up from his phone, causing fresh to immediately run after his boyfriend who was going fast as hell down the street. “baby, break!” “how!?”
fresh panted, using his magic to teleport closer towards fell, unable to get exactly where he was because his focus was torn between two things; the coordinates of where he needs to go and trying to get fell to break before he hurt himself. “your foot! no-! your other foot!” fresh yelled out, chasing after the other. he knew he should’ve worn his heelies.
successfully, fresh managed to gain enough focus to teleport in front of fell. however, his calculations were a little off because as soon as he landed, fell had crashed into him. the impact knocked the damn wind out of him as he made contact with the gravel of the street, the graffiti covered skateboard hitting him in the shin as his arms instinctively wrapped around fell’s body to try and break his fall.
“diggity dang, dude.. you good..?” fresh asked, his voice strained as he lifted his head up to see fell holding onto him for dear life with his skull buried in his jacket. “never again.” “agreed.” fresh let out a huff, giving fell one last squeeze. “i shoulda recorded dat- ow!” fresh yelped when he felt a punch to his ribs.
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tiny-vermin · 5 months
I want to know more about the m9 artist au!! I remember reading a post or two about it a billion years ago (and would love to read them again) 💜
hi jess!!!! thank u for being interested hehe :")
so ever since i drew that lil thing of essek painting a frank stella inspired painting (or even before), ive been thinking of what kinds of art each of the m9 would do. essek ofc is inspired by a minimalist show that i went to here, all the big names from that movement were shown, but those really dark, sinkhole-like paintings are speaking to me. another artwork of boxes made of mirrors also seems like the thing he would do too
there's a kiln here that we visited which was huge, and surrounding it were artists' studios and some other ceramic sellers, i imagine the clay family having a place like this in the middle of nowhere amongst the trees, and caleb would do his work there
anyways because at heart im a shadowgast luver its centred around them,, they meet at an artist residency or something like that and its an incredibly slow burn that involves talking and not-talking and looking and not-looking. in the end i am but a simple wong kar wai fan so. that kinda vibes would definitely influence this, i would describe it as a quiet burning i guess?? time skipy and words that are not said
i think im gonna rant a bit more about their different mediums and styles so i'll keep it under the cut
i think caleb sculpts figures and portraits, but in a sad, kathe kollwitz charcoal vibe. maybe some funky looking animals, perhaps some pots and vases to look at the pretty glazes. he's interested in using fire to burn texture into different mediums, like ive seen it being used on shellac to make a really cool net of ink looking structure.. but yknow, just seeing the aftermath of glazed ceramic from the kiln is enough, and probably better for him to keep his distance anyways
the clay family produces most of the ceramic to sell, vases, pots, plates, cups, teapots, yknow just a whole array. and its really colourful too, depicting every family members different style. i think caduceus would do some matte glazes with a lot of different colours, theyre all a little wonky but theyre better off that way anyways. he does some really mean ink calligraphy and painting though
jester definitely does,, everything, whatever her heart desires kinda thang. she makes pastel textile installations and lighthearted cute paintings, but theyre always so contemplative and soothing. she gets m9 a lot of work cus her mom has connections, etc etc. i really love the idea of jester creating works that talk about the female body and femininity (definitely not projecting no)
beau is a printmaker and photographer who's really experimental, she loves cyanotypes and printing flowers (for yasha), idk she seems like she would put fabric and rocks into the washing machine to see what would happen. u would probably catch her in someone elses studio learning about what they do or in the library learning about what old people did
veth works in a museum as a curator, getting beau to help her sometimes with gathering artworks and artists etc. she probably organises community art projects for kids and public art installations. her house is full of m9's artworks and various other artists shes worked with.
yasha does bouquets as her post-retirement part time job, prior to that no one really knows what she did ("she probably murdered a bunch of people and is now hiding from the government"). fjord draws comics for fun but is also not a job for him, molly is a question mark for me. but these guys probably wont be in it as much anyways
im still not sure what format i wanna do this in, im actually having fun just writing it in my notebook now (digital does not facilitate the creative juices) but i do want to do some visuals like fake movie stills or storyboards. maybe they will work together well???? dunno. working on the other shadowgasty thing im doing made me realise how much easier it is to draw when there's a script already there, so im writing the script for myself
im definitely not as practiced in writing as i am in drawing, but idk im just gonna have some fun and see where that takes me, meanwhile try not to feel too bad that its fanart HAHA (very bad habit)
edit: i just saw my previous thoughts on beau being an art journalist, but i kinda like this better.. but maybe she can do both muah
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watermelonfrog2 · 4 months
ctommy thoughts/headcanons?
RAHHH You have unleashed the beast. I have so many thoughs bird, so many thoughts.
c!tommy is a child soldier. He was 13 when he was fighting for L'manburg, see this isint really a headcanon, but the age isint really confirmed so I like to thing it is. He was maybe 14-15 around Pogtopia and turned 16 in exile. His 17 birthday was either after or before dying, im not sure, its the same as canon. and since then he hasn't aged (side effect of revival). He has a white streak in his hair. Most people dont realise the last one is canon, since everyone thinks people get white streaks in their hair after their revived, but thats not true, otherwise Punz or Tommy would have a white streak in their hair, but they don't. People ony think that cause c!Wilbur has a white streak, but he mentioned that was from him aging in Limbo and not a product of the revival itself. I really like the headcanon/fanon, but I would also like it to be recognized that it is not canon accurate 🤓 .
c!tommy would sometimes just dissociate and stare at the prison, and often felt like things he were going through werent real, and would use his disc to help ground him (am i projecting onto him a little bit? maybe)
Tommy after getting addicted to invisibilty potions, would just follow people around, to see if anyone noticed.
Tommy blames himself (aswell as Techno) for what happened to Tubbo on the execution day. This is cause he invited Techno t the server (you get two head canons in one!)
Tommy wrote letters to everyone and burned them, as a source of therapy. A lot of them consisted with him jsut writing "Im sorry" over and over.
Tommy hates the colour blue, but he wears a blue cardigan that ghostbur made for him.
Tommy keeps little trinkets from everyone. The tubbo neck scarf bandana thing. A turtle shell helmet from techno, something from phils nest etc.
I have more but thats gonna be all for now, cause Im so tired. But i always have a surplass of c!tommy thoughts. always. constantly.
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dreamerwitches · 6 months
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I have mixed feelings on the witches, I'm gonna go through them all.
Renata and Ren: It just doesn't feel like the minor bits match up. There's too many bits that are just slightly too different. Like the screen shape and the bone colour and style. Am I being nitpicky? It just doesn't feel like the witch and doppel are linked. Or that they wanted to make this design for the witch and didn't really care that it didn't look like her doppel. I suppose I like how the witch is more organised than the doppel cause my gripe with it is that it feels a little like the parts don't mesh well. Like, what is going on with that pink bit it does not work. On its own, the witch is good. Fine, pretty, but a little bland and simple. As a design taking from the doppel, I think it kinda fails. Too much was changed.
Cyan and Hinano: Ehhhhhhhhhh I think they just made her worse?? Like, there's so little changed cause the doppel is so witch-like anyway but the changes they did do make her look worse XT the bright tubes are ugly and I dont understand the moth-ear-thing additions. Also the skirt is worse too lol. I miss the gas mask though I understand if that was added for Hinano but you can keep it on the witch c'mon! It's just like they removed all the best parts...
Don Rocinante and Sasara: Ehhhhhhhh here we go again. It looks stupid. C'mon she looks so stupid. Not in an uncanny, scary way, she looks so dumb. I included the doppel attack where she does get legs and that was silly but not as much as this one. Otherwise so little is changed mehhhhh. I liked the doppel so you kinda ruined her for me, thanksssss
Shalimar and Emiri: This is one I'm on the fence on. Design on its own, I really like. She's spooky and weird and the colours are great. I have to main issues. 1) does a 13 year old need such a sexual feeling witch and 2) does she link to her doppel well. The thing with curvaceous or sexualised witches is ones like Roberta I know are okay cause she was in her 30s when she became a witch. You could say some like Candeloro are sexualised cause she's got the booba and stick thin waist, it's kinda hard to deal with... I'm also finding it hard to judge cause I don't know if it suits Emiri, I don't know her character very well. So we'll just move on. If I drew it I would make her less adult-looking My other thought when looking at her beside her doppel was 'if this doppel came from this witch I would hate the fact it uses so little of the witch'. So switching it around, im a little mad they used so little of the doppel. It's like they had the idea for the body and wanted to use it and were like 'oh yeah! the doppel!' so stuck it on as a tail... Also the flower things on the doppel arent in the witch at all ughh. If she was just a new witch on her own id love her...
Vayu and Shizuku: Wow! One I actually finally like now! I think she looks super beautiful, the additions work! But she's not perfect... Just like Emiri and Shalimar, I don't see the doppel working if the witch came first. Why is her handbag now the head? It feels like the teapot(?) head on the witch came out of nowhere. But it's nowhere near as bad as Shalimar. She might be my favourite. I've always been 50/50 on Vayu and she improves that score.
Aodamo and Natsuki: This one's a bit boring... it just feels like they stuck on some additions and called it a day. I think if she was stood up straight I'd like her more... Love the teeth on the horn thing. Skirt is fine. Legs look awkward. Sad they removed her puffy sleeves, doesn't make sense as why the doppel would add that aspect.
Overall, it is a little annoying how clearly some of these are just super easy asset copies of the doppels with no effort put in... I think that's fine for say, Vayu as I think the doppel incorporation makes sense. She's a four legged beast so Shizuku is now riding her. But ones like Don Rocinante, Cyan and Aodamo seem like 5 minute attempts. I'm disappointed. Happy to see witches though, I'm only critical because I care about witches being good
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 5 months
Could you talk about the designs Viv makes? I don't see many posts talking about this and I wanted some design tips, I intend to post my own cartoon designs (I just don't know when) and I wanted some tips <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
Hey hey!! Id love to talk about designs!
I actually answered this entire question and then uh…. Tumblr deleted my draft so let me try to redo all this lmao
Vivzie has a problem with bodytypes I’ve noticed. Almost all of her cast is insanely skinny and the only two “plus-size” characters I can think of are Millie and Mimzy. Meanwhile, Angel Dust, Vox, Stolas, & Alastor are a few very skinny characters I can think of off the top of my head.
For the best example, I’m going to be using Vox for now. Here is my Vox design next to his canon appearance
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They don’t look too different right? This is still easily identifiable as Vox because his main characteristics are there; stupid little hat, tv head, thats about it.
My design also keeps elements of his suit with the stripes and shoulder pads, though in my design his body is a bit wider and his shoulders + waist make him look more commanding and intimidating while still maintaining a sense of professionalism. As for his canon design, he definitely looks sketchy, but he doesn’t really give me that commanding sense of popularity or authority that I feel an overlord should have, especially one with such a wide range of influence as Vox. His canon design looks top heavy and a little pathetic in that “he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone” way. Don’t get me wrong, a small waist can do wonders for a design, but when your designs start to look like… this
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I think you might have a problem.
Now, I know I am nowhere near the best character designer in the world, but I have designed my fair share and I think I have enough experience to flatter myself a little.
This is a very simple design choice to make. Body types are probably some of the most intricate and interesting parts of a person in my opinion, and with a lineup like this where everyone looks more or lest the same from the torso down, it’s kind of a dead and sad looking cast, and not in the intended way.
I’m aware my designs are very detailed and wouldn’t be easy to animate with my style, but it’s very easy to draw extra body types with a style fit for TV.
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Gravity Falls is a great example of stylised bodies and also using them to build personality. By looking at these characters you can generally tell what their base personality is probably like right? You can do the same thing to an extent with the Hazbin Cast, but all of their designs get muddled into the other. Can you even tell where half of these people are positioned in this screenshot
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It’s so pink and red im going to start seeing green when I look away. There are so many colours, use them!!!! You can still slap a red overlay over it and make it “look like hell” or whatever, but you’re still gonna have more variety.
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Here’s my body/fur references for Angel and Husk. They are almost entirely opposite to eachother but you can probably get an idea for how they are based on colour and shape. I recommend studying other TV shows and things like anime or movies to see how body types and colours impact character design, but general things I always think of are, like I’ve said, body type, personality, colour, and silhouette. Silhouette is a bit harder to pin since a character can have a very recognizable silhouette and still not be a good design, but honestly to me as long as you can tell which character is which from silhouette you’re good to go on that front.
- Generally just don’t reuse the same colour palette over and over (heres some of my hazbin colours)
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- Give diversity in shapes when you can and when it benefits the design
- Try to show their personality through their clothes and pose
- Don’t be afraid to add little physical or personality details that other people might not notice, a good design should keep you interested in tiny details like that or surprise you later on
- Pay attention to what would and wouldn’t make sense (ex. A character that doesn’t like modern fashion wearing modern fashion)
Im not the best at explaining all of this but I hope you could grasp even just a tiny bit of an idea from this! At the end of the day as long as you’re having fun and not actively harming people with the designs then you should be good to go
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