#Illegal transportation of animals
rebel-bulletin · 1 year
अवैधरित्या जनावरांची वाहतूक; 2 लाख 82 हजाराचा मुद्देमाल जप्त
गोंदिया : जिल्ह्यातील चिचगड पोलीस ठाणे अंतर्गत कोटजांभोरा ते नवेगावबांध मार्गावर अवैधरित्या कत्तलीकरिता जनावरांची वाहतूक होत असल्याची माहिती मिळताच पोलिसांनी नाकाबंदी करीत केलेल्या कारवाईत पिकअप वाहन, 8 नग जनावरे असा किंमती 2 लाख 82 हजार रुपयांचा मुद्देमाल जप्त करीत गुन्हा दाखल केला आहे. Illegal transportation of animals या अनुषंगाने पोलीस अधीक्षक निखिल पिंगळे, अपर पोलीस अधीक्षक अशोक बनकर, यांचे…
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townpostin · 2 months
Police Seize 33 Cattle in Late-Night Raid in Seraikela-Kharsawan
Ichagarh and Chouka police conducted a joint operation, seizing 33 cattle and five vehicles used for illegal transport. In a late-night operation, police in Seraikela-Kharsawan district seized 33 cattle being transported illegally. SERAIKELA – Late Friday night, police in Seraikela-Kharsawan district intercepted five vehicles carrying 33 cattle illegally. Acting on a tip-off, SP Mukesh Kumar…
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months
commonly confused words
accept: to receive except: with the exclusion of
advice: recommendation (noun) advise: to recommend (verb)
adverse: unfavorable averse: opposed to
affect: to influence (verb); emotional response (noun) effect: result (noun); to cause (verb)
aisle: space between rows isle: island
allude: to make indirect reference to elude: to avoid
allusion: indirect reference illusion: false idea, misleading appearance
already: by this time all ready: fully prepared
altar: sacred platform or place alter: to change
altogether: thoroughly all together: everyone/everything in one place
a lot: a quantity; many of something allot: to divide or portion out
angel: supernatural being, good person angle: shape made by joining two straight lines
are: plural form of "to be" our: plural form of "my"
accent: pronunciation common to a region ascent: the act of rising or climbing assent: consent, agreement
assistance: help assistants: helpers
bare: nude, unadorned bear: to carry; an animal
beside: close to; next to besides: except for; in addition
boar: a wild male pig bore: to drill a hole through
board: piece of wood bored: uninterested
born: brought into life borne: past participle of "to bear" (carry)
breath: air taken in (noun) breathe: to take in air (verb)
brake: device for stopping break: destroy; make into pieces
buy: to purchase by: next to; through the agency of
canvas: heavy cloth canvass: to take a survey; a survey
capital: major city capitol: government building
choose: to pick chose: past tense of "to choose"
clothes: garments close: to shut; near cloths: pieces of fabric
coarse: rough course: path; series of lectures
complement: something that completes compliment: praise, flattery
conscience: sense of morality conscious: awake, aware
corps: regulated group corpse: dead body
council: governing body counsel: advice; to give advice
dairy: place where milk products are processed diary: personal journal
descent: downward movement dissent: disagreement
dessert: final, sweet course in a meal desert: to abandon; dry, sandy area
device: a plan; a tool or utensil devise: to create
discreet: modest, prudent behavior discrete: a separate thing, distinct
do: a verb indicating performance or execution of a task dew: water droplets condensed from air due: as a result of
dominant: commanding, controlling dominate: to control
die: to lose life; one of a pair of dice dye: to change or add color
dyeing: changing or adding color dying: losing life
elicit: to draw out illicit: illegal, forbidden
eminent: prominent imminent: about to happen
envelop: to surround (verb) envelope: container for a letter (noun)
everyday: routine, commonplace, ordinary (adj.) every day: each day, succession (adj. + noun)
fair: just, honest; a carnival; light skinned fare: money for transportation; food
farther: at a greater (measurable) distance further: in greater (non-measurable) depth
formally: conventionally, with ceremony formerly: previously
forth: forward fourth: number four in a list
gorilla: animal in ape family guerrilla: soldier specializing in surprise attacks
hear: to sense sound by ear here: in this place
heard: past tense of "to hear" herd: group of animals
hoard: a hidden fund or supply, a cache horde: a large group or crowd, swarm
hole: opening whole: complete; an entire thing
human: relating to the species homo sapiens humane: compassionate
its: possessive form of "it" it's: contraction for "it is"
knew: past tense of "know" new: fresh, not yet old
know: to comprehend no: negative
later: after a time latter: second one of two things
lead: heavy metal substance; to guide led: past tense of "to lead"
lessen: to decrease lesson: something learned and/or taught
lightning: storm-related electricity lightening: making lighter
loose: unbound, not tightly fastened lose: to misplace
maybe: perhaps (adv.) may be: might be (verb)
meat: animal flesh meet: to encounter mete: to measure; to distribute
medal: a flat disk stamped with a design meddle: to interfere, intrude metal: a hard organic substance mettle: courage, spirit, energy
miner: a worker in a mine minor: underage person (noun); less important (adj.)
moral: distinguishing right from wrong; lesson of a fable or story morale: attitude or outlook usually of a group
passed: past tense of "to pass" past: at a previous time
patience: putting up with annoyances patients: people under medical care
peace: absence of war piece: part of a whole; musical arrangement
peak: point, pinnacle, maximum peek: to peer through or look furtively pique: fit of resentment, feeling of wounded vanity
pedal: the foot lever of a bicycle or car petal: a flower segment peddle: to sell
personal: intimate; owned by a person personnel: employees
plain: simple, unadorned plane: to shave wood; aircraft (noun)
precede: to come before proceed: to continue
presence: attendance; being at hand presents: gifts
principal: foremost (adj.); administrator of a school (noun) principle: moral conviction, basic truth
quiet: silent, calm quite: very
rain: water drops falling; to fall like rain reign: to rule rein: strap to control an animal (noun); to guide or control (verb)
raise: to lift up raze: to tear down
rational: having reason or understanding rationale: principles of opinion, beliefs
respectfully: with respect respectively: in that order
reverend: title given to clergy; deserving respect reverent: worshipful
right: correct; opposite of left rite: ritual or ceremony write: to put words on paper
road: path rode: past tense of "to ride"
scene: place of an action; segment of a play seen: viewed; past participle of "to see"
sense: perception, understanding since: measurement of past time; because
sight: scene, view, picture site: place, location cite: to document or quote (verb)
stationary: standing still stationery: writing paper
straight: unbending strait: narrow or confining; a waterway
taught: past tense of "to teach" taut: tight
than: used to introduce second element; compared to then: at that time; next
their: possessive form of "they" there: in that place they’re: contraction for "they are"
through: finished; into and out of threw: past tense of "to throw" thorough: complete
to: toward too: also; very (used to show emphasis) two: number following one
track: course, road tract: pamphlet; plot of ground
waist: midsection of the body waste: discarded material; to squander
waive: forgo, renounce wave: flutter, move back and forth
weak: not strong week: seven days
weather: climatic condition whether: if wether: a neutered male sheep
where: in which place were: past tense of "to be"
which: one of a group witch: female sorcerer
whose: possessive for "of who" who’s: contraction for "who is"
your: possessive for "of you" you’re: contraction for "you are" yore: time long past
commonly confused words part 2
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appleblueberry-pie · 5 months
This is a list of things he's done without your knowledge.
"Sneaked" two thousand dollars into your savings account. Best part about this is you actually never did find out that he did this. You just thought you were finally becoming financially responsible.
Fixed your TV remote 2 times.
Bought you more boxes of ramen.
Learned to make your favorite dessert.
Drove your ex's car off of a cliff
Drove your ex's girlfriend's car off of a cliff
Got on your teacher's good side for you.
Started doing calisthenics
Became pescatarian
Stopped drinking energy drinks and instead became a tea-drinker
Donated to 5 animal shelters and volunteered to help feed the homeless(one of the short programs he joined at school)
Broke 3 ribs and repaired
Got stabbed and repaired
Illegally traded with dominating gangs in Brooklyn
Illegally helped transport medicine inside of hospitals due to dominating gangs in Brooklyn
Tried on shoes he wanted to get for you to see if they'd be comfortable, understanding that people would think he's flaming for doing so.
Tried on earrings he wanted to get for you, thinking if it looked good on him, it would definitely look good on you, understanding that people would think he's flaming for doing so.
Same thing with perfume.
Got scared of you when you interrogated him for smelling like the new perfume he just bought you.
Whispers compliments to you when you sleep on his shoulder while y'all take the train.
Screamed like a lil girl when he picked up a potted plant from a flower shop, hoping to get you a succulent, and a slug dropped from the crevice of the pottery, plopped onto his hand, heavy, cold, and slimy.
Listens to all Ariana Grande albums
Annually kidnaps all boys who he knew premeditated asking you to prom, knowing your his, and drops them off by a random lake in the dead of night. Tied up, taped mouth, lightly drugged, and confused.
Attempted to give up being tender-headed so his mama could do his hair in that cool ass pattern he knew you wouldn't be able to stop admiring. It didn't work, but the result definitely made you happy.
Bombed 2 drug major illegal drug factories. Probably one of the main reasons why the crime underworld hates him.
Sketched over 40 different ways the wedding ring he plans to give you will look.
Finished 2 big notebooks that are just full of rants and drawings of you. He's halfway through his 3rd one.
Has a pinterest board just like yours that is full of clothing and room aesthetics that you like. Plans to make most of them a reality for you.
Kicks his feet at ur messages.
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seongwars · 20 days
away with the wind | xii
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Pairing: dragonrider!Seonghwa x ex-dragonrider!Reader AU: dragon rider au | strangers -> lovers Summary: A spinal injury forces you to retire from dragon racing, and with it, the end of your engagement to Song Mingi. Park Seonghwa, a rising star in the world of dragon racing and heir to the prestigious House Park, seeks a new dragon after an unfortunate accident on the skyway. As the saying goes, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Word Count: 6.1K Warnings: violence, kidnapping, mentions of trafficking, cirrus running a fade on everyone 👀
Fic Masterlist
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Seonghwa’s fingers trembled as he frantically checked his phone, swiping through a barrage of notifications with growing urgency. Each swipe only intensified his anxiety as he refreshed the screen, desperately hoping for a response from you. The seconds felt like hours.
Finally, a new notification from your number flashed on the screen, its recent timestamp offering a glimmer of hope. With a swift tap, he opened the message, his heart racing as he scanned the attachments. The photos revealed containers in a warehouse each with evidence of illegally captive dragons being transported. His pulse quickened as he took in the details.
As the gravity of the findings sank in, Seonghwa’s focus momentarily shifted from the information at hand. He scanned the room noting the guests' relaxed demeanor as they listened to the guide's animated explanations. The guide, a man with a wide smile and a practiced enthusiasm, moved from exhibit to exhibit, encouraging visitors to admire and even handle the displays. 
Taking advantage of the distraction, Seonghwa subtly signaled to Hongjoong and his father. His gesture was almost imperceptible—a slight, urgent tilt of his head—conveying the gravity of the situation without drawing undue attention.
“Y/N and Yunho sent over some footage,” he said, his voice steady but charged with a sense of urgency. 
Lord Kim’s face tightened as he absorbed the information. His brows furrowed deeply, a sign of his deepening concern. “Containers?” he asked in a hushed tone, his eyes already betraying a grim understanding of the implications.
He leaned in closer, his face darkening as he absorbed the details. The camera panned methodically over the wreckage, capturing the size and shape of each cage with meticulous precision. Scorch marks varied—some indicated intense, localized heat, while others suggested prolonged exposure to flames. Broken restraints lay scattered haphazardly, some still hanging from the remnants of the cages, others strewn across the floor, rusted and mangled. The scene painted a vivid, distressing picture of the aftermath, hinting at the horrors that had unfolded within those walls.
“This is grave indeed,” Lord Kim murmured, his voice low and strained as he crossed his arms over his chest. His gaze remained fixed on the screen, absorbing the full extent of the destruction. The room around them seemed to fade as the reality of the situation became all too clear.
Hongjoong, ever vigilant, glanced over his shoulder to ensure that the guests remained engrossed in the guide’s enthusiastic explanations. The guide continued to weave his tale with animated gestures, oblivious to the urgency unfolding nearby.
“I suspect the illustrious Lady Lee had a hand in this,” he deduced, his tone carrying a hint of grim certainty. “If they’re trafficking dragons, we need to understand what they’re using these creatures for.”
Seonghwa nodded, his expression grim as he absorbed Hongjoong’s words. “No need,” he said quietly. “They’re most likely related to their hybrid dragons.”
The weight of the revelation hung heavily in the air. The footage, the suspicion of Lady Lee’s involvement, and the hint of dark experiments painted a troubling picture. Their next steps would need to be calculated and swift if they were to unravel the full scope of the operation and put a stop to it.
You and Yunho quickly retraced your steps out of the warehouse and into the nearest corridor, seamlessly slipping into your roles as oblivious tourists who had simply taken a wrong turn. Yunho whipped out his phone, launching a holographic map with a flourish that was more theatrical than necessary. He pretended to study it with exaggerated concentration, every movement designed to convince anyone who might be watching that you were just another pair of lost sightseers. You mirrored his act, glancing around with a look of bewildered confusion, as though you were desperately trying to make sense of your unfamiliar surroundings.
As you strolled past several guards stationed along the corridor, their gazes barely flickered in your direction. Your casual, nonchalant demeanor was convincing, but the tension coiled in your chest was nearly suffocating. Each step you took seemed to amplify the pounding of your heart, while the growing clamor of the busy lobby ahead offered a semblance of safety and a potential escape route.
The grand entrance of the lobby soon came into view, its opulence a stark contrast to the grim reality of the warehouse. You exhaled a small, controlled sigh of relief as you stepped into the expansive, bustling space. 
In a carefully rehearsed move, you exclaim loudly with just the right amount of faux anxiety, “Oh no, I think we’ve been separated from the group!” Your exclamation was deliberately loud enough to draw attention but still fit comfortably within the ambiance of the bustling lobby.
Yunho immediately picked up on the cue, adopting a tone that mixed concern with a casual air. 
“Let’s try asking someone for directions. Maybe they can help us find our group.” His words were directed at you, but his tone was deliberately pitched to be overheard by nearby staff, laying the groundwork for your ruse.
Nodding in agreement, you headed toward the front desk, adopting just the right amount of distress, signaling your need for the receptionist’s assistance. The act of maintaining your cover was crucial if you wanted to make it out of the lab alive. 
“Excuse me,” you began, your voice edged with concern as you approached the front desk. “We seem to have lost our group. Could you help us find our way back to them?”
The receptionist looked up from her computer, her expression shifting from mild annoyance to professional concern as she took in your urgent tone. Her eyes flicked briefly to Yunho, who was standing slightly behind you, maintaining a stance of worried agreement.
“Of course,” the receptionist said, her voice warm and accommodating. “Let me see if I can assist you. Could you please provide me with the name of your group or the tour you’re supposed to be with?”
You and Yunho exchanged a quick, almost imperceptible glance. Yunho stepped forward, his expression confident as he leaned an arm casually against the desk. With a charming smile that seemed to light up the room, he said, “We were with members of the Assembly.”
The receptionist’s eyes widened slightly, clearly impressed by Yunho’s presence. “Ah, the Assembly,” she repeated, her tone now tinged with a hint of respect. “Let me check the records for you.”
As she turned to her computer, Yunho glanced back at you, a playful glint in his eye. “Don’t worry,” he whispered, “I’ve got this.”
You shook your head, laughing at his confidence. Yunho had always had a way with people, effortlessly putting them at ease and winning them over with his charm. It made you wonder why he dedicated so much time to work instead of enjoying a social life.
“Ah, Y/N!” 
Your heart skipped a beat. “Dr. Kang?” you blinked, genuine surprise coloring your voice as you locked eyes with him. His sudden appearance is far from welcome—it’s a complication that could unravel everything. But you quickly regain your composure, forcing a polite smile.
“We were just exploring and accidentally got separated from our tour group,” you explained, adopting a tone that was light and almost apologetic. You gestured vaguely around you, trying to appear nonchalant. “It’s so easy to lose track of where you are in such a big place.”
“I’m glad I'm not the only one,” Yeosang breathed a sigh of relief. “I thought I was the only one who had taken a wrong turn.”
You nodded sympathetically, maintaining your facade of innocence. “We’re just trying to find our way back to the group.”
“Do you mind if I tag along? Perhaps we can find them together?”
You take a moment to craft your response, aiming to keep the conversation engaging while steering it away from anything incriminating. “Of course, if you don’t mind being surrounded by Assembly members and endless discussions about bureaucracy.”
“Excuse me, your group should be at the reception area,” the receptionist interrupted. Thank gods, you thought to yourself. “The location should be down that corridor and to the left.”
As you strolled down the corridor, your senses remained on high alert. Yeosang continued his small talk with Yunho, pointing out the differences in Cromer’s work against the Institute, but the tension between you was palpable. His questions were too pointed, his interest too keen. Each step, each glance exchanged, felt like a delicate dance on the edge of a precipice.
After a tense journey through the corridors, you and Yunho finally spot Seonghwa and Hongjoong milling about in one of the larger exhibition rooms that doubled as the reception space. The sight of them is a small relief, a sign that you’re successfully blending back into the crowd. 
“It seems we found your group,” Dr. Kang chuckled, his eyes still sharp and observant.
“Thank you, Dr. Kang,” you say, maintaining the pretense of gratitude. Yunho echoes your thanks, his tone equally courteous. You begin to step away, eager to merge with the group and escape the unnerving presence of Yeosang.
But just as you’re about to join the others, Yeosang’s voice cuts through the air, stopping you in your tracks. 
“Y/N, could you stay back for a moment?” Yeosang’s tone is light, almost casual, but there's an undertone that made your heart skip a beat.
Yunho hesitated, glancing at you with concern. Yeosang quickly added, “Just a quick chat about some of your findings. Nothing too serious.” His smile was friendly, but his eyes betrayed a deeper intent, making you wary.
You share a quick, silent exchange with Yunho, a look that says, I’ll be fine. He nods reluctantly and continues toward the group, though his pace is slower, his posture tense, clearly remaining on edge.
Turning back to Yeosang, you forced a smile, trying to match his casual demeanor. “Of course, what do you need to discuss?”
He motioned for you to follow him to a quieter corner of the exhibition room, away from the prying eyes and ears of the other visitors. As you walked, the weight of the situation weighed down on you. 
“Did you find anything interesting?” he asked, his voice low and casual, though his sideways glance hinted at a more probing interest. “I’d love to know what you’ve uncovered.”
You met his gaze with careful neutrality, the flicker of tension still fresh in your mind. “I didn’t get very far,” you lied, choosing your words with deliberate precision. “I tried comparing the markers from the Kuku to my Dreamwood as an example, but it’s been challenging to draw any definitive conclusions.”
“Challenging?” Yeosang’s interest seemed to intensify, his eyes narrowing slightly as he processed your response. 
“The markers are quite distinct from what we have in our records. There are some similarities, but the differences are significant enough that it complicates the comparison. I’m still working on isolating the variables and trying to make sense of the discrepancies.”
Yeosang’s expression shifted to one of thoughtful consideration, his eyes studying you with a sharp focus. “Interesting. It sounds like you’re onto something, even if it’s not immediately clear. Why don’t you stop by the lab next week? We can look at it together and see if we can make any progress.”
The offer seemed genuine on the surface, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that his interest was more than just academic. 
“Sure, I’d appreciate the help,” you replied, forcing a note of enthusiasm into your voice. 
Yeosang’s smile widened, and he gave a nod of satisfaction. “Great. I’ll look forward to it.” With that, he gestured for you to rejoin the group, the conversation having ended as quickly as it began.
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Yunho stood at the edge of Seonghwa’s office, his eyes fixed on the expansive holographic display that now filled the room. The footage, captured from multiple angles, hovered in mid-air, creating a three-dimensional map of every corner and crevice.
Every detail of the warehouse was exposed, from the scuffed concrete floors to the claw marks on the containers, as if the very fabric of the space had been unraveled before him.
“Find anything?” Seonghwa’s voice broke through the silence.
Yunho let out a long sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly as he shook his head. 
“No,” he said, his tone resigned. “This was all the evidence we were able to capture before the guards showed up. The footage is thorough, but it doesn’t reveal much beyond what we already knew.”
He paused, his eyes tracing the holographic image of the shackles displayed prominently on the screen. 
“The only thing that’s clear is that these restraints are small enough to fit juveniles, not adults.”
Seonghwa nodded thoughtfully, his eyes narrowing as he considered the implications. “It’s easier to capture juveniles than adults for illegal experimentation, that’s for sure,” he remarked. The words hung in the air, a chilling reminder of the dark nature of their investigation.
There was a brief silence, filled only by the faint hum of the holographic display. Seonghwa’s gaze flicked to his desk, where his phone lay ominously silent. 
“Have you heard from Y/N?” he asked, his tone tinged with concern. “I can’t get through to her.”
Yunho’s expression tightened, his worry evident. “No word from her yet. I know she was going to stop by the lab today but haven’t heard from her since.”
“Dr. Kang, Y/N is here,” Sumin’s voice rang out clearly, breaking the soft hum of activity in the Biology lab. The secretary’s announcement echoed slightly in the pristine, white-walled corridor, his tone both professional and cordial.
The door to the lab slid open smoothly, and you stepped into the room, expecting to be greeted by the usual flurry of activity. Instead, you were met with an unusual silence. The bright, artificial lighting cast a sharp, sterile glow over the expansive space, revealing an array of scientific instruments and glassware meticulously arranged across gleaming countertops.
“Dr. Kang?” you called out, your voice carrying through the empty lab but receiving no immediate response. The sound of your voice seemed to dissipate into the vast space, adding to the surreal feeling of the room.
You glanced around, noting the various research stations, each one perfectly maintained but empty of human presence. The silence was punctuated only by the occasional hum of machinery or the soft whirr of ventilation.
As you ventured deeper into the labyrinth of workstations, you stumbled upon an array of dragon limbs, meticulously dissected and strung up on giant hooks. Each limb, massive and lifesize, dwarfed the average man, their sheer scale a testament to the dragons' formidable presence. 
The dissected pieces, preserved with clinical precision, revealed layers of sinew, muscle, and scale, stretching far beyond the dimensions of any human limb. Though lifeless, the specimens carried an eerie dignity, their vibrant, iridescent scales catching the cold, fluorescent light that loomed over everything in the room.
“Y/N, I see you’re here,” a voice broke through the sterile silence, pulling you from your thoughts.
You turned, your gaze still lingering on the lifeless limbs. "What is this?" you asked, your voice barely more than a whisper, the words catching in your throat as the chilling scene unfolded before you. The magnitude of it all made the air feel thick and heavy, like the remnants of something forbidden were pressing down on you, demanding answers that you weren't sure you wanted to hear.
“The future,” he replied smoothly, “Dragons are more than just relics of the past. Their strength, their resilience, it’s all right here, waiting to be harnessed by my hands.”
His words cut through the suffocating silence like a blade, and a shiver ran down your spine. The implications of his statement settled in—a future built on the bones of creatures that once ruled the skies, reduced to specimens and parts for human gain. 
“This is wrong,” you stammered, your voice trembling with a mixture of anger and disbelief. 
“Doing this under the Institute’s nose is illegal—you know that.” Your heart pounded as the enormity of the situation settled in. “You can’t just—”
Yeosang’s expression shifted, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features before he masked it with a calm, almost dismissive indifference. 
“Has anyone ever told you that your deduction skills are—” he paused, a thin smile curling at the edges of his lips, “admirable, but rather inconvenient? You’ve become quite the detective with all the snooping you and your ragtag gang of friends have been up to. I imagine having access to Park Seonghwa’s connections and Kim Hongjoong’s resources has been oh-so-convenient for you.”
“W-What are you talking about?” you demanded, taking a step back. 
His words struck a nerve, and you stiffened. How did he know about your deep dive into Ajax’s lineage? The realization that your investigation was no longer hidden sent a chill through you.
“Requesting a sequencing report, now that’s quite specific,” Yeosang remarked, his tone laced with a mix of condescension and grudging admiration. “Only someone looking to compare two different types of genetic material would go that route. It’s a bold move, bordering on reckless.”
He took a step closer, his eyes narrowing as if assessing you with newfound respect, or perhaps wariness. “Then you discovered the warehouse,” Yeosang continued, his tone admiring yet laced with an unsettling edge. 
“How did you–” you whispered, your voice faltering as you struggled to comprehend the gravity of his words. “You weren’t at the lab by chance.”
Yeosang tilted his head slightly, a mocking glint flickering in his eyes. “Oh, not at all, Y/N,” he replied, his voice smooth and casual. “It’s quite impressive, really, how far you’ve managed to get.”
He paused for a moment, as if weighing his next words carefully. “I must admit, Park Seonghwa isn’t as daft as I initially presumed,” Yeosang continued, his tone shifting to one of begrudging acknowledgment. “I didn’t expect him to connect the dots so quickly. But that’s the thing about talent—it occasionally shows up in the most unexpected places.”
“But even with all of his cleverness and the Kim’s vast network, you’re still playing a dangerous game, meddling in things far beyond your understanding. You’ve poked your nose into places it doesn’t belong.”
“You can’t just play god because you think you know better than everyone else,” you shot back, your voice trembling with defiance and fear.
Yeosang’s lips curled into a cold, predatory smile. “Oh, but I don’t think I’m better than everyone else,” he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. 
“I know I am.”
His eyes bored into yours with an intensity that made your blood run cold. “You see, the difference between us is that I understand the stakes and I’m willing to see them through. You, on the other hand, are just a pawn in a game you can’t even begin to comprehend.”
A chill ran through you as his words sank in. Something about his tone felt off, the confidence in his stance unnerving. 
“You should’ve stayed out of it,” a voice said, smooth and tainted with disappointment. The sound sent a jolt of shock through your system, your heart stuttering as you turned to face the source.
“Wooyoung?” you breathed, your eyes widening as he stepped into view. There he stood, casually leaning against a workstation, his presence out of place in the dimly lit lab. Your mind reeled, the pieces of a sinister puzzle snapping into place with a clarity that felt like a punch to the gut. 
“You’ve been feeding him information this whole time?”
Wooyoung shrugged, his expression calm and unapologetic. “I didn’t think anything of it until you started getting involved.” Wooyoung moved closer, his eyes dark and unreadable. 
“You wanted to be a hero, didn’t you?” he continued, his voice dropping to a near whisper. “To uncover the truth and save the day? You flew too close to the sun Y/N. And now you’re about to get burned.”
“Jung Wooyoung, how… how could… c-could y-you…” you slurred, your voice barely a whisper as a sharp pain bloomed at the base of your neck. The words struggled to leave your lips, each syllable a battle against the sedative coursing through your veins. Your legs gave way beneath you, and you crumpled to the ground, the world around you spinning into a blur.
Wooyoung’s expression remained impassive, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched you fall. There was no hint of emotion in his eyes, just a cold detachment that sent a shiver down your spine. The edges of your vision darkened, and you fought to keep your eyes open, to stay conscious just a little longer.
Above you, Yeosang’s face hovered, his expression cold and clinical. He withdrew the needle with a practiced ease, his gaze never wavering from yours. There was no sympathy in his eyes, only a chilling resolve.
“When you wake up, you’ll be able to fly again,” Yeosang murmured, his voice a soft, almost soothing contrast to the harsh reality of the situation. His words echoed in your mind as the darkness finally claimed you, pulling you into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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Cirrus’ nose twitched, sensing something amiss. The bond linking your minds flickered with distress and confusion, and the dragon’s primal instincts surged to the surface. She felt your fear, your pain, and the sudden, terrifying drop in your consciousness.
She thrashed against the cavern walls, her eyes blazing with fierce, protective fury. A deafening bellow erupted from her, demanding to know where you were and why you were in danger. The sound echoed through the caverns, a call of desperation and anger.
“Cirrus!” your grandmother shouted, her voice nearly drowned out by the dragon’s roars. She raised her hands, trying to project a sense of calm, but Cirrus’s eyes, glowing with an intense, wild light, were locked on the horizon. She wasn’t listening. She couldn’t. The only thing that mattered was finding you.
With a final, bone-chilling roar, Cirrus made her decision. The ground shook from the force of her takeoff, and in an instant, she was soaring into the sky, leaving the chaos of the caverns behind.
Your grandmother watched in helpless dismay as Cirrus disappeared into the clouds, her heart pounding with fear and uncertainty.
“Seonghwa,” Yunho panicked, thrusting his phone at Seonghwa, the live footage of Cirrus charging at full speed toward Cromer Labs filling the screen. “You should see this.”
Seonghwa’s heart dropped as he watched a familiar lavender dragon streak across the sky, her massive wings slicing through the air with terrifying precision. Cirrus was in a frenzy, and there was no mistaking her target. Cromer Labs loomed in the distance, its cold, clinical exterior standing stark against the dragon’s wild, primal energy.
As the facility came into view, Cirrus let out a ferocious roar that echoed through the skies like a battle cry. The sound reverberated with a force that shook the very earth, and Seonghwa knew this wasn’t just a dragon on the loose—this was a guardian seeking her bonded.
Seonghwa didn’t hesitate. Without another word, he sprinted through the estate, his mind racing. He had to reach Cirrus before she tore the lab apart—or worse, before the lab’s defenses and keepers decided she was too great a threat to let live.
He called out for Starshine, his voice cutting through the night air with urgency. The response was immediate as Seonghwa vaulted onto her back, gripping the reins tightly.
“Let’s go,” he urged, and with a powerful leap, Starshine launched into the sky. 
The wind roared in Seonghwa’s ears as they soared toward the lab, the landscape below blurring into a patchwork of dark fields and city lights. He could see the trail of destruction Cirrus had left in her wake, the telltale signs of her fury etched into the ground.
The lab’s alarms blared, a cacophony of sound that only fueled Cirrus’s rage. She landed with a ground-shaking impact, her claws carving deep gouges into the asphalt as she tore through the barriers in her path. Debris flew in every direction, and the humans in the surrounding area scrambled in panic, but Cirrus paid them no mind. Her only focus was finding you, protecting you, and destroying anything that stood in her way.
Seonghwa urged Starshine to fly faster, his heart pounding in his chest. He could see Cirrus now, a force of nature, her chest heaving with each breath as she prepared to breach the lab’s final defenses. Smoke curled from her nostrils, twisting into the air like a dark omen.
“Hold on, Cirrus,” Seonghwa muttered under his breath as they closed in. He knew they had only moments before things escalated beyond control. Starshine’s wings beat furiously as they approached, and Seonghwa’s mind raced with a single thought: he had to reach her, to calm her, before it was too late.
Yunho, close behind on Voltage, was already scanning the area, trying to piece together what could have caused such a violent reaction from the usually controlled dragon. 
Cirrus’s massive form shifted, her glowing eyes locking onto Seonghwa and Yunho. There was no recognition, no bond to anchor her; all that remained was the raw, primal instinct to protect and destroy. With a snarl that sent chills down their spines, Cirrus suddenly lunged at them, her powerful wings sending a gust of wind that nearly knocked Seonghwa off balance.
“Yunho, move!” Seonghwa shouted, pulling Starshine into a sharp ascent as Cirrus barreled toward them. The impact of her claws against the air sent a shockwave through the sky, and Seonghwa could feel the vibration in his bones. 
Yunho was already moving, as Starshine dove down to intercept Cirrus before she could close the distance on Voltage. The two dragons collided in mid-air, their roars deafening as they grappled with each other. Claws slashed through the air, and the sky lit up with bursts of energy as Starshine tried to hold Cirrus back.
“Cirrus, stop!” Seonghwa called out, but his voice was drowned out by the fury of the fight. Starshine twisted to avoid Cirrus’s snapping jaws, trying to push her back without hurting her. Resetting course, she flapped her wings, diving toward Cirrus with precision. The goal wasn’t to harm but to restrain, to bring her back to herself.
But Cirrus was relentless, her rage blinding her to everything but the perceived threat. She twisted out of Starshine’s grasp, her tail lashing out and clipping her wing. Starshine let out a sharp cry, struggling to maintain balance as they fought to stay in the air.
“Seonghwa! Yunho!”
A flash of radiant light cut through the gloom, slicing across the horizon like a blade of pure sunlight. 
“Lady Sunmi!” Seonghwa exclaimed, a relief washing over him. Your sister had arrived with her dragon, Eos. 
For a moment, the ferocity in Cirrus’ eyes wavered, her primal instincts recognizing the strength and authority that Eos carried. Without any further hesitation, she snapped out of her reverie and let out a furious roar, the sound reverberating across the sky.
Without warning, Cirrus lunged at Eos, her claws outstretched, teeth bared in a savage snarl. Eos barely had time to react, pulling up sharply to avoid the full force of the charge. She flapped her wings with powerful strokes, trying to gain altitude, but Cirrus was relentless.
Eos twisted in the air, countering with a sharp turn of her own, her claws slashing through the sky as she retaliated. The clash of their massive forms shook the ground below. Angling her wings just in time, Eos narrowly avoided the strike, and retaliated with a swift, calculated blow to Cirrus's flank.
The hit landed, and Cirrus snarled in pain, momentarily losing her momentum. Cirrus whirled around, using her powerful hind legs to launch herself at Eos once more. The two dragons became a blur of motion—claws slashing, tails whipping, wings beating furiously as they fought for dominance.
Cirrus lunged, her jaws snapping mere inches from Eos’s neck. Eos countered with a powerful wing swipe, sending Cirrus spiraling out of control. Letting out a roar of frustration, Cirrus’s breath came in ragged gasps as she struggled to regain her bearings. But Eos was ready.
With a final, commanding bellow, Eos surged forward, wrapping Cirrus in a tight, unyielding grip. It was a move that combined raw strength with the gentle pressure of authority, signaling the battle’s end.
The younger dragon thrashed wildly in the air, fighting against the hold. But Eos held firm, her wings encircling Cirrus in a protective embrace. Slowly, Cirrus’s struggles weakened, her energy spent. The wild light in her eyes dimmed as exhaustion took over, and she finally relented, collapsing against Eos in a shuddering heap.
From a distance, Seonghwa and Yunho watched with bated breath, their hearts pounding in their chests. The tension in the air was almost suffocating as Cirrus fought against your sister and her own instincts.
"Y/N’s in there," Yunho said quietly, voice tinged with horror as he pieced together the damage. The thought of you being trapped inside that cold, clinical building while Cirrus tore through it like a force of nature was almost too much to bear.
"We have to get her out of there," Seonghwa said, his voice laced with urgency. He couldn’t let you stay in that place a moment longer, not while Cirrus was in a blind rage, and not while the lab’s security systems were likely more focused on containing the dragon than ensuring the safety of those inside.
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When you come to, a sharp, throbbing pain radiates from the back of your head, and you squint against the dim light of the room. The disorientation is overwhelming, but as your vision clears, the reality of your situation slams into you with the force of a freight train. You’re strapped to the seat of a console, the cold metal biting into your wrists and ankles as you instinctively try to free yourself. Panic surged through you, your breath quickening as you tugged desperately at the restraints.
Your heart raced as your bleary eyes settled on the ominous sight before you—a life-sized incubation tube dominating the center of the room, its sleek, metallic frame reflecting the sparse, sterile light that filters through the darkness. 
The dragon was still, its eyes closed in what appeared to be a deep, dreamless sleep. The liquid around it was a pale, ethereal color, giving the impression that the dragon was floating in a kind of otherworldly cocoon. The sight was both mesmerizing and disquieting, a stark contrast to the vibrant energy of the dragon you were familiar with.
You try to steady your breathing, to push back the rising tide of fear, but the sight before you only deepens the sense of dread that clung to your thoughts. What is this place? Why are you here? And, most terrifying of all, what have they done to this dragon?
“You’re awake,” Yeosang sings, his tone dripping with a cruel sort of amusement.
Your blood runs cold as you turn your head to find him standing just a few feet away, his expression a twisted mask of satisfaction. The light casts sharp shadows across his face, highlighting the dangerous glint in his eyes. He’s been watching you, waiting for this moment, and the realization makes your stomach churn.
"What is this?" you manage to choke out, your voice trembling despite your efforts to stay calm. 
“This,” Yeosang continued, his voice softening with a rare hint of reverence, “is the result of years of research and experimentation. It represents the pinnacle of my efforts to unlock the limits of dragon physiology and enhance their abilities. Everything I’ve worked for has led to this moment.”
You glanced back at the dragon, the sight of its serene slumber now tinged with a new layer of complexity. The creature was no longer just a subject in a high-tech incubator but a living embodiment of Yeosang’s ambitions and research.
He stepped closer, his gaze flicking briefly to the dragon in the tube before settling back on you. "And you are going to be a part of it."
Yeosang watched you struggle with a detached interest. His gaze drifted towards the sleek console that contained you where a complex array of wires and screens are meticulously arranged. 
"What are you doing? Let me go," you demand, your voice stronger this time, though still edged with fear. You tug against the restraints once more, ignoring the pain as the metal digs into your skin. You have to find a way out, a way to stop whatever nightmare Yeosang is orchestrating.
Yeosang ignored your pleas. "The neural link is nearly complete. When activated, it will fuse your consciousness with the dragon's. The transmitter embedded in your neck interfaces directly with the dragon’s neural pathways, creating a seamless telepathic connection."
“Let me go!” you screamed, your voice breaking with fear and desperation.
“Let you go?” he repeated, his tone devoid of sympathy. “Not when we’re on the brink of witnessing how the regenerative function operates. It’s one of the most crucial aspects of this experiment,” Yeosang continued, his voice almost reverent. 
“Don’t you want to fly again, Y/N?” He glanced at you with a hint of curiosity, as if testing the waters of your desperation. “Don’t you want to heal that broken back of yours?”
The notion of flying again, once a cherished dream, was now twisted into a horrifying spectacle of manipulation. The thought of being bound to the dragon, subjected to its primal force and the invasive technology that linked you both, was overwhelming.
“You know,” he said with faint amusement, “you’re the first candidate to fight back. Most of the others were quite compliant.”
“The kids,” you managed to choke out, your voice barely a whisper. “What have you done to them?”
“Yes, the children were part of the initial trials,” he sighed, ignoring you again. “Their young minds were more adaptable to the neural interface. But there were… complications.”
“Complications?” you echo, your stomach churning.
“Some of the connections were too strong,” Yeosang admits, his tone almost clinical. “The riders lost their sense of self, becoming too intertwined with the dragons. It was a setback, but one that provided valuable data. Physically, they’re fine, though they do face some… emotional challenges.”
The room seemed to close in around you as you processed the enormity of his words. The children had become casualties of Yeosang’s ambition, their identities obliterated in the name of progress. 
“Where are they?” you gritted. 
“They’re being monitored,” he explained, his voice devoid of any hint of empathy. “Their bodies are intact, but their minds—well, they’re still part of the ongoing research. We’re studying the effects of the integration and how to refine the process.”
As the machinery around you began to hum with increased intensity, the final preparations for the experiment were being set into motion. The neural link cables glowed brighter, casting eerie shadows that danced across the walls.
Panic surged through you as you strained against the metal restraints. “No, no, please, no,” you cried, your voice cracking with desperation.
The sudden blare of alarms pierced through the hum of machinery, their shrill wail growing louder and more urgent. Yeosang’s face darkened as the alarms were interspersed with the rhythmic pounding of what sounded like heavy impacts from outside. The building itself seemed to shudder, its walls vibrating as if responding to an unseen force.
“Hey, bastard,” a voice growled from the shadows, carrying an unmistakable authority and defiance. “You better get out of there before the authorities shut down your little operation. Her dragon’s about to tear the place down.”
The voice, emerging from the very darkness of the lab, stood in stark contrast to the mechanical whirring and the blaring alarms. Your heart raced with a mix of hope and disbelief as you turned your head and saw a familiar figure stepping into the dim light.
<< xi | xiii >>
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a/n: chapter xii is finally here! it might be a while before the next chapter as i'll be out for a procedure in a week. but uhhh yeah, mingi 👀
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taglist: @chngbnwf, @sunnysidesins @litolmochi @syubseokie @park-simphwa @szakias @babymbbatinygirl @oddracha @maliamaiden @signingsongbird @passionandsuga @mitchii
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Damain encounters an intruder with a magical map in Wayne manor attempting to make off with a piece of strange tech they had recently acquired from one of thier common rogues.
Upon initiating combat Damian pierced both the very pretty white haired boy and the map with his sword, causing them to both be transported to a world with meta animals. Both of them were confused and the glowing meta admitted he had no idea where they were.
The map was damaged and would need time to repair itself along with a suitable energy source. More problems arose when the boy "transformed", apparently Damians skills were as sharp as his blade because Daniel's "core" was damaged by his strike and he too needed to heal in order to get them back home.
That being said they were now stranded in an unknown world with no way to contact thier loved ones. Father will be very displeased. On another note, Damian is enraged by the casual dogfighting that seems to be common in this world.
Cue Damian beating the snot out of pokemon trainers and police officers as Robin. Danny is kinda along for the ride and illegally catches pokemon without a trainers license. Damian soon does the same.
Thier pokemon do everything in thier power to try to get them to date.
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fattocatto-wizard · 10 months
Finally! After over a month of waiting, I’ve finally found the time to finish my tower and reveal it to you all!!
Here’s what it looks like: (sorry if my art is bad)
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(Note: image is not to scale)
(Note: I am visible at the base of my tower in this image)
My tower is a cat tree! The tower is many stories tall and the parts of the tower are scaled up to accommodate medium humanoid beings at the same scale as a normal cat to a cat tree.
Getting up it without being able to parkour or being a master of teleportation is a big challenge. Most of the lower levels are easily accessible, however.
A fair warning; my tower has non-Euclidean geometry as certain rooms are bigger on the inside and may lead to rooms that were not previously there, rooms and platforms may move around when you aren’t looking, and you may be randomly transported to a different part of the tower without noticing.
Don’t expect to be getting anywhere important with that teleporting, however. You will not be brought anywhere that isn’t very different than your current position on the tower, and the upper levels are completely inaccessible via this method. Actually, when you’re climbing the upper levels, you may be teleported lower on the tower.
In the fields below it, I grow various herbs, potion ingredients, drugs, and other plants! Like catnip and weed! I do most of my alchemy on the first floor and the dungeon underneath.
The entire thing is covered in comfortable fluffy cat-tree cloth and I’ve enchanted the area to always be clear skies, and warm and sunny during the day and perfectly cool in the evening.
The sunsets here are absolutely stunning.
The front entrance is obviously locked and only I have the key, so please just knock on the metal knocker to the right of the door; it’s enchanted to allow me to hear it if I’m there. If I’m not there, it will alert you that I’m away and I do ask you to politely leave if I am not home. Unless I have invited you, then I will allow it to open for you beforehand.
The tower has been warded with a tall field of force that fits around the tower’s dimensions, so don’t expect to be flying in.
I’m always welcome for visitors, so feel free to visit whenever I’m around.
Only I can properly navigate the tower, unless I give someone access, which I may or may not do, depending on the circumstances.
The tower gets quite windy, but it’s never enough to affect you because of the enchanted weather. The wind is always a warm breeze.
My tower is situated to the northeast side of wizard island island, along the cliff side coast, just southeast of the gray wizard council local.
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From my tower, I can see most of wizard island, however a small portion of the island is blocked by the volcano. (Ex. I can’t see the Pirate Cove, Necrobotanist’s Tower, Ari’s Cafe, and Breakfast Wizard’s Diner and Cafe)
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Thanks for waiting patiently! Hope to see y’all around!
@mersinia @the-gnomish-bastards-hat @combustion-witch @average-void-wizard @odd-animated-armor @slymewitch @a-mushroom-dev @a-mushroom-wizard @mossy--wizard @mossthewizard @wizard-at-large @wizardothesea @wizard-island-island-smp @magical-bear-dubin @magical-fox @alchemical-overreaction @transtyranid @transgender-wizard @verylegalwizard @blooper-malte @aroace-wizard @good-wizard @good-wizard2 @gavamont @pollution-wizard @the-mighty-dalob @the-moth-wizard-of-mayhem @the-illegal-wizard-council @ashen-the-tiefling @the-necrobotanist @terrencetheshark14 @the-frog-wizard-leep @the-wozard-council @siley-the-wizard @profeshinul-wizurd @sluttyambiguouswizard @yourlocalbreadenthusiast
Sorry if I forgot someone!
Oh, and have a happy Thanksgiving! 🍁🌽🥧
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Current Member List
These are the members of Wizard Island Trading Co. as well as our supporters. Each member listed here has access to a personal dock, warehouse, and Dock Wizard located in the Pirate's Cove on Wizard Island Island. If you wish to join, or for your details to be changed, please let me know.
Myself (Captain of the Stocky Jasmine)
@officialgrigori (Evil First Mate of the Stocky Jasmine)
@mathemagical-corsair (On-call Mathemagician)
@spilledmilkii-but-a-diff-blog (Insurance Policy)
@sorceress-foxgirl-lilac (Sorceress)
@irving-the-pirate-wizard (Captain of an Unknown Vessel)
@the-spotticus (Captain of the Erlking's Daughter)
@captain-celeste-cinderbeard (Sexy Captain of the Sea Serpent)
@treethatspellstree (First Mate of the Damned Spectre)
@necromanceradept (Skeleton Ship Captain)
@the-mud-mage (Smuggler and Earth Supplier)
@the-jnadfzard (Dream Smuggler)
@wizard-hamnet (Groundskeeper)
@yourlocalbreadenthusiast (on-call necromancer and manager of Wizard Island Island)
@the-caffeinated-necromancer (on-call necromancer)
@the-wizard-of-revolution (Diplomat and Crisis Manager)
@blacktipreefsharkwizard (Resident Shark of the Cove)
@verylegalwizard (on-call Lawyer)
@not-a-goose-in-a-trenchcoat (Sudden Acquisitions Expert and Grocer)
@wizardgosleep (Dock Wizard)
@wizardcrow (Crow Wizard)
@uneven-daemon (Finder of Curious Things)
@detectivewizzard (Wizard Investigations)
@ratslawyer (Alchemist)
@lowly-wizard-apprentice (Student of Piracy)
@ripleyalamode (Biomancer and Curse Consumer)
@profeshinul-wizurd (Trap Master and Accident Magnet)
@goblinchief (Chief Goblin)
marty (Reminder that we are at least not him)
@the-shrimp-that-fried-rice (Pretty Self-Explanatory)
@8s-wizard-railroading-blog (Land Transport Company)
@odd-animated-armor (Forge Master)
Rave Skeletons (on-call crew) (like regular skeletons but wear various glow sticks and/or novelty glasses) (provided by @the-necrobotanist)
Dock Wizards (ship repair and modification) (imagine a neon green jawa)
@the-necrobotanist (priority supplier)
@wizardvalshadar (supplier)
@alvareus-the-sorcerer-of-seals (illegal scroll supplier)
@shotgunspellcaster (ammunitions supplier)
@combustion-witch (liquorice and book supplier, and construct forge master)
@lixorloveslicorice (Liquorice Chef)
@freelancing-mycologist (mushroom supplier)
@magical-bear-dubin (Forest Supplier)
@redavatar101 (Alcohol Supplier/Consumer)
@thesluttyvampirewizard (Vampiric Import Provider)
@panem-crustus (Carbohydramancer)
@insertblogaesthetichere (mushroom supplier 2: this time it's personal)
@alchemical-overreaction (Alchemist)
@thelycanwitch (Lycan and Lycan accessories)
157 notes · View notes
differentlylimbed · 1 month
should probably make an intro post, i'll make a better version in the future lol
i'm lucas, 19, from the UK, he/him. this is a blog for me to talk about disability and related topics, i'll probably reblog some general stuff too though.
i don't mind sharing my diagnoses etc if asked but don't see any point making an exhaustive list for no reason.
relevant disability stuff:
i have a limb difference (rotational deformity). my body has been visibly disabled since birth, i'm a full-time crutch user since i can't weight bear on my twisty leg. don't call me deformed.
i had a traumatic brain injury recently which resulted in a significant loss of vision; i also have expressive aphasia. i'm still finding my place in the blind/VI community and figuring out which terminology to use - i meet the criteria for legal blindness/partial sight but sometimes use VI too. i use a screenreader and rarely reblog undescribed images.
i have severe ADHD, navigating newly medicated life. also diagnosed PDA profile autistic, dyspraxic, and sensory processing disorder. disability stuff aside, music is probably the most important thing in my life, i spend most of my free time playing guitar and going to concerts, punk/grunge subculture wise but other fav genres are classic rock, emo, metalcore and goth rock. physical media enthusiast, i don't have a smartphone and i love talking about it. i like public transport, nature, smoking weed, supermarkets, mango fanta, psychedelics, illegal activity, cigarettes, talking to strangers and animals. i hate cops and tiktok. i love meeting new people and answering questions (disability related or otherwise), dms and asks are always open. tracking # lucas talks , i don't usually tag content warnings but let me know if you want anything particular tagged. i don't have a dni, just be normal. nice to meet you all and thanks for reading :)
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dougdimmadodo · 2 years
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Chambered Nautilus (Nautilus pompilius)
Family: Nautilus Family (Nautilidae)
IUCN Conservation Status: Unassessed
The fossil record shows that hard external shells were common among early cephalopods, but today the six living species of nautilus are the last cephalopods to retain the external shells of their ancestors, limiting their agility and flexibility but providing them with a highly effective defence against predators (primarily octopuses and large fish) and granting them a high degree of control over their buoyancy: within the shell of a nautilus there are several chambers with a tube-like structure across which gas and water can be transferred, known as a siphuncle, running between them - by filling a chamber with gas the nautilus can increase its buoyancy, by filling a chamber with water it can decrease its buoyancy, and by balancing the number of gas-filled chambers and water-filled chambers it can maintain neutral buoyancy. The Chambered Nautilus is the largest living nautilus (with exceptionally large individuals having a shell diameter of up to 25cm/10 inches, although smaller sizes are more typical), and can be found in the Indian and western Pacific oceans where it typically inhabits shallow coastal waters and coral reefs. It swims by forcing water out of a flexible tube-like structure near its head called a siphon (which can be aimed to alter its direction of movement), and feeds largely on carrion and detritus which it locates using a pair of chemical-sensitive structures that protrude from above its eyes, known as rhinophores. Although they lack true tentacles, Chambered Nautiluses possess as many as 90 small limbs beneath their eyes (called cirri), which lack the strength and adhesive suction cups of the limbs of squids and octopuses but are capable of grasping carrion (as well as the occasional live animal, such as small crabs) and transporting it to the small, parrot-like beak hidden beneath them. When food is abundant Chambered Nautiluses often gorge themselves, storing excess food in a muscular pouch-like organ called a crop where it can be slowly released into the stomach when it is needed. Chambered Nautiluses reproduce by laying eggs (which are typically hidden in cracks in rocks or between lobes of coral, and hatch after about a year into small but fully-developed young instead of the larvae seen in most cephalopods), and while most cephalopods reach maturity, mate and die within just a few years nautiluses are relatively long-lived, reaching maturity at around 5 years old and potentially living for 15-20 years. The interior of a Chambered Nautilus’ shell is lined with a beautiful silvery substance known as nacre or mother-of-pearl which helps to protect the internal organs if the outer shell is damaged, and the demand for nacre (as well as full nautilus shells) for use in decorations and jewellery has led to a high rate of both legal and illegal hunting of this species, resulting in the Chambered Nautilus being classified as a CITES Appendix II species in 2016 (essentially meaning that they are not currently threatened with extinction, but are now legally protected so as to prevent them from being put at risk of extinction in the future.)
Image Source: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/123467-Nautilus-pompilius
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milfzatannaz · 1 year
My biggest critique of Hob Gadling in the Sandman is the way his slave ownership is handled. I’m speaking mostly for the show here, but you could apply the same ideas onto the comic pretty easily.
My point of view is informed by being a half black woman raised in the Deep South. So I’m writing this in the perspective of my personal history, which I felt was necessary to establish.
The most glaringly obvious problem to me is that the narrative seeks to downplay the act of owning slaves. Frankly, the exchange where this is brought up is quite surface level. “I own slaves now” hob says, to which Morpheus responds “owning people isn’t cool” (obviously this is the gist of it and not a direct quote). Then Hob in the next scene is no longer a slave owner and all is well. Hob is cool again, virtuous even. Morpheus and their friendship was always the focal point of the scene, and this exchange has more to do with developing their friendship than condemning slavery.
I cannot realistically expect a fantasy tv show to reject or denounce slavery. That is not its purpose. But on the flip side, I think it’s very important to critique any show that treats slavery in a flippant way. That’s the crux of the problem- owning slaves was a problem for nearly a minute. And then it went away magically. In this way holding stolen Africans in bondage is a stale topic, one that can be shrugged off and downplayed.
The reality is that slavery is an atrocity committed at a scale that white people struggle to contend with. It’s known to be Bad, a Mistake, but until you immerse yourself with sources that can offer you a glimpse of what life was like for an average enslaved person, it is not easy to really understand. Hob Gadling in essence did not simply illegally transport some poor people and drop them off somewhere. He participated in a system that routinely dehumanized black individuals, sexually assaulted and degraded black women, subjected black people to unimaginable levels of torture and violence and likened them to animals
(This is not a problem unique to sandman- similar critiques can be made of hamilton or our flag means death- but it’s still worth mentioning.)
The end result to me is that the minimization of slavery in turn minimizes the stain against Hob as a person. If we can reduce the horrors of participating in the slave trade, we can go back to developing this character as someone appealing and relatable. However, you can not be appealing and relatable if you are a part of this oppression. Anyone that agrees, endorses or perpetuates this horror against black people has no morals to stand on.
I don’t think this was malicious on the writers’ or gaiman’s parts, but I wonder if any black writers were hired to work on the show. After all, a majority of the cast is black. It’s easy to downplay a slave owner’s wrongdoing. Doing so is embedded into the very fabric of American society. But I think fans need to also be exposed to this angle. We shouldn’t be shy of exposing and critiquing racism in entertainment, and black fans should feel comfortable doing so.
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tigwex · 17 days
Urgent'ish commissions once more!
Hi, I'm Hawk and I'm a struggling trans autist who's going to have to wait a while for my student loan money to come in because I'm starting uni soon. Until then, I'm on the ice with no income, and I need money to survive on as well as to pay for things like public transport and required course supplies.
So my commisions are open!
I DO: humans, furries, animals, monsters, fanart, and most things in between. I also do NŚFW, suggestive and nudity, medium gore and I’m up to discuss anything not listed here.
I DON’T DO: anything bigoted, mean-spirited or illegal, and there may be a couple of things I’m personally uncomfortable with, so if we stumbled upon those, I’d let you know
PRICES Headshot - $15 Halfbody - $27 Fullbody - $37
EXTRAS Fancy rendering - +$15 Fancy shading - +$15 Detailed background - +$20 (note: simple or blurred photo bg is free!) All together - $35 ($5 off!)
OTHERS I do have other options as well, such as reference sheets, custom character designs, pixel art, chibis etc which I do not have set prices for because I do not have reliable recent examples of them, but I’m certainly open to them and giving a custom quote ^_^ All payments are through Payp*l or Ko-Fi and this has unlimited slots!
Examples are below, on my art tag, and you can inquire for nśft examples in DMs!
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ralfmaximus · 5 months
Here's the complete list of DHS flagged search terms. Don't use any of these on social media to avoid having the 3-letter agencies express interest in your activities!
DHS & Other Agencies
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Coast Guard (USCG)
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Border Patrol
Secret Service (USSS)
National Operations Center (NOC)
Homeland Defense
Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Task Force
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Fusion Center
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Secure Border Initiative (SBI)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS)
Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS)
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Air Marshal
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
National Guard
Red Cross
United Nations (UN)
Domestic Security
Domestic security
Law enforcement
Disaster assistance
Disaster management
DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office)
National preparedness
Dirty Bomb
Domestic nuclear detection
Emergency management
Emergency response
First responder
Homeland security
Maritime domain awareness (MDA)
National preparedness initiative
Shots fired
Explosion (explosive)
Disaster medical assistance team (DMAT)
Organized crime
National security
State of emergency
Bomb (squad or threat)
Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb
HAZMAT & Nuclear
Chemical Spill
Suspicious package/device
National laboratory
Nuclear facility
Nuclear threat
Biological infection (or event)
Chemical burn
Hazardous material incident
Industrial spill
Powder (white)
Blister agent
Nerve agent
North Korea
Health Concern + H1N1
Food Poisoning
Foot and Mouth (FMD)
Small Pox
Human to human
Human to ANIMAL
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Drug Administration (FDA)
Public Health
Agro Terror
Tuberculosis (TB)
Water/air borne
Norvo Virus
World Health Organization (WHO and components)
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
E. Coli
Infrastructure Security
Infrastructure security
CIKR (Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources)
Computer infrastructure
Communications infrastructure
Critical infrastructure
National infrastructure
Airplane (and derivatives)
Chemical fire
Port Authority
NBIC (National Biosurveillance Integration Center)
Transportation security
Body scanner
Failure or outage
Black out
Brown out
Service disruption
Power lines
Southwest Border Violence
Drug cartel
U.S. Consulate
El Paso
Fort Hancock
San Diego
Ciudad Juarez
Mara salvatrucha
MS13 or MS-13
Drug war
Mexican army
Cartel de Golfo
Gulf Cartel
La Familia
Nuevo Leon
Narco banners (Spanish equivalents)
Los Zetas
Meth Lab
Drug trade
Illegal immigrants
Smuggling (smugglers)
Barrio Azteca
Artistics Assassins
New Federation
Al Queda (all spellings)
Environmental terrorist
Eco terrorism
Conventional weapon
Weapons grade
Dirty bomb
Chemical weapon
Biological weapon
Ammonium nitrate
Improvised explosive device
IED (Improvised Explosive Device)
Abu Sayyaf
FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces Colombia)
IRA (Irish Republican Army)
ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna)
Basque Separatists
Tamil Tiger
PLF (Palestine Liberation Front)
PLO (Palestine Libration Organization)
Car bomb
Weapons cache
Suicide bomber
Suicide attack
Suspicious substance
AQAP (Al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula)
AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)
TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan)
Home grown
Extreme weather
Forest fire
Brush fire
Tsunami Warning Center
Mud slide or Mudslide
Power outage
Brown out
Emergency Broadcast System
Cyber Security
Cyber security
DDOS (dedicated denial of service)
Denial of service
Cyber Command
Cain and abel
Brute forcing
Mysql injection
Cyber attack
Cyber terror
Social media
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(I am USAmerican and this post is centered around USAmerican disability rights). if I see one more able bodied and/or able minded person calling an angry disabled person facing discrimination "entitled" or a "karen" I'm going to lose my shit.
A person asking to speak to a manager over inaccessibility is not entitled.
A person suing over denied services is not entitled.
A person getting angry, frustrated, upset, or crying over inaccessibility isn't entitled as long as those emotions are directed at the person actually responsible (not just a random employee who's nearby).
A person complaining to corporate about inaccessibility isn't entitled.
A person getting someone fired over denied service is not entitled. The specific situation I saw was someone reporting an Uber driver for announcing that he didn't care that her dog was a service animal and driving away without providing a ride. Aside from being federally illegal, this interaction violated Uber's policy, which requires all drivers to sign a form stating that they accept the duty of transporting service dogs. He got himself fired and people insulted and threatened her and her dog over it.
A disabled person requesting "special treatment" is not entitled. Some examples of this would be asking for music to be turned off or down, asking for lights to be dimmed, asking a venue to provide ramps, or asking for food to be cooked separately to avoid allergies. Disabled people have a right to ask for reasonable accommodations, it's up to the business to decide whether they can fulfill a request without undue financial burden or significantly altering their function.
A disabled person requesting "a lot" or "too many" things is not entitled. Lots of people are multiply disabled or have complex disabilities. The person knows this is a lot to ask. You don't have to remind them.
A disabled person having accommodations at work or school is not entitled. Yes, you have to be respectful to your disabled coworkers too, not just the customers. I don't care if their accommodation are annoying or inconvenient or "not fair". Get over it.
Basically, if it's about disability assume the disabled person is right. Accommodate where you can, be kind where you can't, and stop siding with ableists who are getting rightfully called out for it.
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hoffstrap-yuri · 4 months
Passing Through
ao3 // masterlist
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*Summary: “Sir… I’m afraid we’re going to have to ask you to turn around, and drop your pants.” Hoffman didn't think this situation could get any worse. (Saw AU for the Mule 2014)
*Rating: M for Mature Audiences
*Content/Tags: Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, AU, Alternate Universe, Drugs, Drug Trafficking, Crime
*Status: Chapter 1 of 3/COMPLETE. Chapter 2 can be found here. Chapter 3 can be found here.
Author's Note: So uhhh this won't be as graphic as The Mule 2014 but it's still an AU based on the movie. This is still a fucking nasty idea that my friend @cubestrahm wanted to see come to fruition so badly and I'd do anything for her <3
“Sir… I’m afraid we’re going to have to ask you to turn around, and drop your pants.” A security agent cleared his throat. The man sighed as he was stripped of any sense of shame and stripped for the two agents. The agents behind him silently pantomimed ‘rock, paper, scissors’ over who was going to examine the man’s ass and see if in fact he was being used as a mule. The man clearly lost and moved closer to their detainee. He grabbed a glove and started to probe the other man. “Nothing.”
“Right. So can I go?” The man finally said, pulling his pants back up.
“Well… no.” The agent replied, “Wait here with Officer Martinez.”
“Fine.” He sighed in response. The female officer stood across from him in the holding room as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. John was going to kill him if this took any longer. The brand new clock hanging just over the door frame told him it was 3:23. He and Amanda were supposed to meet John’s driver at the airport at 3:09. He ran his hand through his hair as he waited in silence with this worker. The door opened and rather than letting him go free, there were two more serious looking agents. Another woman and man duo. The woman approached him and said sternly,
“Mark Hoffman, you’re under arrest for the transportation of illegal substances into the United States.” She slapped his wrist with handcuffs and pulled him out to a separate interrogation room. This was definitely going to take longer than a few minutes.
Mark Hoffman hadn’t wanted to do this. He didn’t just wake up one day and had an urge to fill his stomach up with a crap ton of cocaine filled condoms just for shits and giggles. The real reason he was doing it was simple. He’d gotten involved with one of John Kramer’s little sidekicks, Amanda. The girl had a mouth on her and an attitude to match. When Mark was about to pick her up she spat in his face and tried leaving a size seven boot mark on the beat cop’s face. He was able to restrain her, but the girl screamed, kicked and bit at Mark’s direction like a feral animal afraid to be put down. He kept a foot firm on the back of her neck as he managed to wrestle away a wallet from her pocket that had her real id on her. She wasn’t even thirty. Just a couple of months younger than his own sister, Angelina. He knew that he should book her. Hell some people in his department might add on a resisting arrest and assault of a police officer just to really stick it to the woman. He pulled her back up onto her feet, only for her to charge him blindly. The wind got knocked out of him as his back made contact with a brick wall. He took his hands and placed them firmly on her shoulders.
“Stop. I’m not going to arrest you. If you just fucking calm down…” He told her as she tried to fight free from his hands. She stopped long enough to hear the morally dubious cop out.
“What the hell do you want from me then, huh? You want me to jerk you off?” She snarled at him
“No. Just promise me you’ll go to rehab.”
“It can’t be that easy.” She rolled her eyes and laughed at him
“It’s that easy. I’ll take you right now to a clinic.”
“Fine.” She huffed as Hoffman pulled her into his squad car. He pulled up to a clinic he was familiar with and opened the door for her. She crawled out from the back and waited outside for a second while he got back into his car. With a heavy sigh, she trudged towards the door and that was the last that Hoffman thought he’d ever see of her. Clearly the lesson didn’t stick.
“Mark Hoffman. Police…”
“Detective.” Mark piped up
“… Detective.” The man corrected himself. He couldn’t hide the rolling of his eyes as the ‘detective’ insisted upon the distinction between his role and that of a beat cop. “Anyway, I’m Agent Peter Strahm, and this is my partner Lindsey Perez. We’ve got your file here. Graduated from police academy at 20… been at your precinct your whole career. Why the hell would you risk all that just to smuggle some fucking drugs into the country?”
“You’re operating on the assumption that I’m carrying drugs on me.”
“Well we’ve already searched your luggage, and there wasn’t anything there…” The female agent started. While her partner stayed seated across from Hoffman, she paced the room behind him like a shark circling its kill. Hoffman was all too familiar with the tactic as an officer of the law.
“Again. You’re operating under the assumption that I am acting as a drug mule. The only problem with your assumption is… that you’re entirely wrong.” Hoffman shrugged. He saw the blood veins starting to pop out of the male agent’s forehead before he took a deep breath.
“Listen.” He said, with one last appeal at Hoffman’s sense of justice. “Just tell us now, you might get slapped on the wrist. Five to ten years if you rat out the person you’re carrying for.”
“I would, if I had an inkling what you were talking about.” Hoffman replied. Strahm threw his hands up in the air and stepped out into the hallway, probably to call his and Perez’s supervisor. Perez leaned in against the table as her partner stood on the other side of the wall. Not a word was exchanged between the two of them until Strahm stepped back into the room.
“Legal precedence says we’re allowed to detain you for up to 4 days or until you’ve emptied your bowels twice. Or you could just submit to an x-ray scan.”
“And my answer will be the same as it was in security, I don’t want a scan.”
“Fine. Then you’ll be joining us in a nice little hotel room.” Strahm slapped the cuffs back onto Hoffman’s wrists and walked around the table to pull the suspect up onto his feet.
“Kinky.” Mark muttered under his breath. The two detectives looked at him, but neither managed to pick up what he had said. They paraded him out of the airport proper and shoved him into a shitty Chevy caprice, Agent Strahm’s if Mark had to take a wild stab in the dark. He watched out the window as five different lanes of traffic merged down into three then two to get them out of the airport. They drove approximately five miles from the airport and pulled into a second-rate hotel’s parking lot. Lindsey tucked Hoffman’s head under the door frame as she pulled him out and the agents dragged him up to a room somewhere in the middle of the hotel. From a glance, Hoffman saw no one but federal agents in the hallways, they probably bought out this floor to keep him from escaping in the dead of night. Strahm opened the door for Hoffman before shoving the bulkier man into the room. It was bare-bones. A bed, a bathroom, and a TV. Everything a businessman could need between flights out of town. Lindsey manhandled him in a similar fashion when a third agent showed up behind the two of them and sat down in the chair across from Mark’s bed.
“Here’s the rules. Either you stay here for four days straight under constant surveillance by either Perez, Agent Erickson, or myself or you submit to an x-ray exam. Whichever one comes first.” Strahm explained. “Get comfortable. You’re going to lose your mind if you don’t find someway to occupy your time here.”
“Thanks for the tip, counselor.” Hoffman rolled his eyes at the special agent’s fake pleasantries.
“If you need to use the bathroom, you tell Agent Erickson. If you need food, Erickson.” Peter continued. Hoffman opened his mouth to say something sarcastic, but kept it shut when he realized it probably wouldn’t look good in a court case if he had mouthed off to the agent more than he had already had. He honestly thought, ‘and if I need a hand job, Erickson’ was pretty funny in his head. If only Strahm had any sense of humor. He slid back onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling of his room. So this would be his cell for the next half a week. He only hope he could hold in the drugs long enough to get through these next four days.
“I’m home.” Hoffman kicked his shoes off by the door, yelling into the house. His calls go unanswered for a moment, but then his sister shouted something. “I can’t hear you, Ang.”
“I said I’m in here!” She yelled back. He followed her voice and found her in the process of cleaning her room. “Hi Mark.”
“Hi Ang.” He leaned against the door frame before asking her, “What are you up to?”
“Just reorganizing my closet.” A sweater flew past his face for emphasis on his sister’s point.
“I see. What do you want for dinner?”
“Anything’s fine.” She hummed to a tune rotating through her mental library. “Oh by the way…”
“Some guy stopped by earlier. Said you knew someone named Amanda and that she had work for you?”
“I don’t know an ‘Amanda’.” He played coy, even though he vividly remembered the addict he’d put into rehab. Or so he thought. What kind of ‘work’ did she have for him? “Thanks for taking that.”
“You’re welcome. He left a tape player, it should be on the kitchen table.”
“I’ll check it out.” He turned on his heels back to the kitchen and grabbed the player off the table to listen.
“Hello Detective.” A low voice started. Even in her deepest imitation of a man’s voice, Amanda couldn’t have recorded this. “You don’t know me, but I am the man who Amanda works for. I’m sure you and your co-workers have been eager to put a stop to my empire. You took pity on Amanda and for that I thank you, however ‘thanks’ doesn’t run a business. Meet with her tomorrow at 2 at the bar around the corner from your precinct to discuss the work you’ll be doing for me. You might ask yourself ‘Why would I work for a criminal when I’m a man of the law?’ and I will tell you right now. It’s your love for you sister. The only tether you have to this world. I will break said tether if you decide that you think you’re better than me and try to avoid my job I’ve given to you.” Like that the tape stopped. Mark flipped it over just to make sure there wasn’t anything else recorded on the opposite side of the tape. Something that could pinpoint where this asshole was and take him in before the meeting was supposed to take place but he listened in vain. He slide the player away from him and paced the kitchen. He tried to think of something he could do that would prevent Angie from being a causality in his lapse in judgment, now coming back to bite him in the ass. He ran his fingers through his hair before Angie interrupted his thoughts in person this time,
“It can’t be that hard to figure out what pizza shop you want to order from tonight.” She smiled at him
“Pick whichever one you want.” He sighed
“You okay?”
“Yeah. Rough day at work.” He lied to her. The less she knew about this whole deal the better.
“Okay. I’ll call in the order, but you’re driving to get it.” She laughed
“That’s fine.” He shrugged, trying to bask in the warmth of her presence and calm himself down. The rest of the night was uneventful, but Mark didn’t get a bit of sleep. As he was told, he showed up to the bar. There was no one in the bar except Amanda. She looked oddly calm.
“Detective.” Her expression was blank… he didn’t know if that was an improvement over the feral animal he ‘saved’ that day or if this was just some lobotomized version of the woman.
“Just get to the point. What does your guy need from me?”
“John. His name is John.” She spit at him. The pieces started falling into place in Hoffman’s mind. Her boss was John Fucking Kramer. His body went frigid. His whole department had been searching for the man for at least five years, and now this man had Hoffman in his sights. Worst than that, Angie was in the crossfire because of him and his compassion for someone that reminded him a bit too much of his sister.
“Fucking hell” were the only words that he was able to sputter out.
“Yeah.” Her expression turned into a crooked smile as she saw the wheels spinning in the detective’s head.
“What does John want from me?”
“Simple. You’re coming with me to Thailand and we’re bringing back drugs for John.” She told him like it was a trip to the corner store.
“Are you two fucking insane? I don’t even have a passport…”
“Already taken care of.” She slipped a royal blue document from her pants pocket and shoved it into Mark’s hand
“How did you get my info to forge this?”
“It’s amazing what you can find out with just a badge number, Detective.” She started to walk away from him
“Wait.” He turned towards her. She stopped and faced him once more, crossing her arms in front of her. “When are we going?”
“Next week. Meet me here.”
“Fine.” He grumbled and went back to work like that whole exchange hadn’t happened
The trip was uneventful. Many people in his life had told Mark that he should visit Thailand one day. He’d love the beaches, the food, the culture… and he got none of that. Amanda dragged his ass at butt o’clock in the morning to the supplier, making him wait for what felt like hours in five minutes as she grabbed a duffel bag’s worth of cocaine. She took him back to the hotel and explained how he was going to smuggle the cocaine back into the States. She spent nearly 3 hours tying up condoms full of the drugs and placed it before Mark. He only half-listened to the woman before her hand was on his thick throat and the other was forcing down the first balloon through his mouth. He nearly choked on the foreign intrusion before mouthing off to her.
“You could have warned me first.”
“Call it a right of passage. Open back up.” Her grip stayed firm on his neck. He begrudgingly opened his lips up for her and she took a handful this time and pushed it into his mouth. His throat had never hurt so badly. Tears escaped from the corners of his eyes until it was finally over. He ran a hand over his stomach, it didn’t feel like there was anything inside of him. Would they all just burst out of him at once like a chest buster with one wrong breath? “And this….” Amanda shook a nondescript bottle at him before taking out four pills. Rather than fight it again he swallowed them. “That should block you up for long enough… but just in case your fat ass goes through it faster…” Another four pills went down the hatch. He barely had time to recover before the woman shoved his passport into his hand and threw his bags at him. They got onto the plane without a word spoken between them, and Amanda all but abandoned him during security. They had a set timeline that they needed to get to John’s car by. When his bag didn’t show up and he looked at his watch. He didn’t have time to wait, so he booked it through security. Just as he thought he was in the clear was when the illusion all came crashing down. And that was why he was here now.
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sadiya-of-scarabia · 22 days
Sadiya Abadi info
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“My name is Sadiya Abadi. Personal companion to Kalim Al-Asim. It’s nice to meet you, I guess.”
Name: Sadiya Abadi
Class: 2-A (08)
Birthday: August 3rd (Leo)
Age: 17
Height: 170cm (5’7”)
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous, but mostly left-handed
Best Class: Flying
Favorite Class: Animal languages
Club: Science Club
Hobby: Embroidery
Likes: Birds, Astronomy, Mystery novels, science
Dislikes: Flashing lights, unwanted advances, crackers, Sudden loud sounds
Hobbies: reading, Musical activities (like singing and dancing, especially singing), studying the stars, Embroidery
Unique Magic — Birds of a Feather: Her Unique Magic allows her to temporarily copy the magic of her opponent. It only lasts for a short while before forming blot, however. The copied Unique Magic is also weaker than the original user’s. It requires physical touch to activate. Due to her Unique Magic, she can also build up an immunity to others’ unique magic, most notably Jamil’s.
Sadiya is a Red Iory Beastman. She can sprout a pair of wings, most of the feathers are red, but the ones on the end are light blue, like her hair. These wings allow her to fly. They are also visible when in P.E. Uniform.
      -When she and Kalim were younger, she would fly with Kalim. He would fly on the magic carpet, and she would fly with her wings.
Sadiya can copy voices to a T. She learned how to do this in order to protect herself from potential threats. She still uses this skill to prank others nowadays, as well as to her own benefit sometimes.
The sweater Sadiya wears with their uniform is a matching one with Kalim.
Sadiya’s design and personality is inspired by Iago from Aladdin (1992)
      - When they were younger, Kalim used to stuff crackers into her mouth. Luckily, he grew out of that habit after Sadiya’s protests. But sometimes, he still does so without thinking.
During Book 4, Jamil forces Sadiya to help with his plans to overthrow Kalim as housewarden. They very hesitantly comply, having trust in Jamil. As time goes on, Sadiya grows more frustrated with Jamil, especially due to his hypocrisy, for he had begun to treat them like how he was treated as a servant.
This leads to Sadiya secretly betraying him by helping Azul, Jade, Floyd, Kalim, Grim, and Yuu sneak back into Scarabia. They also fight alongside him to take him down.
They also slap Jamil once the overblot is over.
Introduction: “My name is Sadiya Abadi. Personal companion to Kalim Al-Asim. It’s nice to meet you, I guess.”
Daily log-in: “Decided to join us today? Good. I’m glad you showed up on time…unlike some people.”
Birthday summon: “I’m not used to having so many people with me to celebrate my birthday. I hope that everyone has a good time, not just me. Thank you for celebrating with me.”
Sadiya was born in the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of Indonesia. They are a Red Iory Beastman. Similar to mammalian beastmen and merfolk, avian beastmen have their animal features. Sadiya has red and blue wings and has a feathery sort of avian tail for aerodynamics. They came from a family of strong flyers, so they basically won a genetic lottery in that aspect.
Content warnings apply below! TW: slavery, human trafficking, abuse, animal cruelty, death, fire. IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE DO NOT READ!
The town Sadiya grew up in for the first few years of his life was suddenly raided by slave traders, specifically people that used beastmen as servants. His home was ransacked and she was captured by the slave traders. Before he knew it, he was trapped on a ship with his wings and limbs tied up. He was beaten and whipped for trying to break free and speaking up. Overall, he was treated horribly. He was then transported to the Scalding Sands, where the Al-Asims lived.
The slave traders functioned in secret due to the business being illegal (sadly, something being illegal does not stop some people). Sadiya found herself in a slave auction as the prized “item”. It could have been her parents, but they didn’t survive the journey, as did most of the passengers. So, there Sadiya stands, bound and gagged with dozens of people shouting prices.
Kalim Al-Asim was a young boy at this time, still exploring the world with a handful of guards. Lo and behold, he accidentally stumbles upon two shady people talking about the event. Naturally, Kalim is furious. But as a little kid, he can’t do much. So what does he do?
He slips away from the guards, sneaks in, and secretly lights a fire as a distraction to distract the people and free the surviving enslaved people.
As Sadiya is standing on the center stage, screams are heard. People are fleeing as a fire rages, growing more and more. Sadiya tries to run, but she trips and falls due to her legs being bound. As she’s about to give up, someone unties her and helps her up. It’s Kalim! He takes her hand and starts running with the (now freed) slaves. Sadiya is shocked at Kalim’s kindness and bravery.
After a little while, Kalim convinces his family to grant the people freedom and land, since their homes were destroyed. However, Sadiya refuses to accept this. She feels that she should truly repay Kalim. So, she makes a deal with his parents.
Sadiya is offered a job as a servant to Kalim. More specifically as a companion, since Kalim supposedly doesn’t have many friends his age. She would be raised by a new family and given the essentials for life. In return, she becomes an official companion of Kalim. Sadiya agrees to the terms. She is promptly taken in by Jamil Viper and his family and is given the surname “Abadi”.
Trigger warnings no longer apply.
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^ Made by a friend!
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