aro-of-fortune · 2 months
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He was so real for this
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ducktracy · 11 months
a short placing heavy emphasis on Hungarian Rhapsody No. II is a rite of passage for golden age cartoons. Bugs Bunny did it! Tom and Jerry did it! Daffy and Donald! but one thing Woody Woodpecker has above the competition is that he is held hostage by a group of gangsters and is forced to entertain, lest he get executed. amazing
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mangogummi · 4 months
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bunniesandbeheadings · 2 months
Anyway, maybe that should be my new theme for this blog. I don’t think children should be killed or abused. Even if they are royal.
Princess Si? Oh, well, if the baby hadn’t been killed in the cradle Empress Wu never would’ve become the first female leader of - I don’t care. It’s not okay to kill babies in the cradle sorry not sorry
Princes in the Tower? Oh, but if they weren’t taken out, the Woodvilles would’ve - I don’t care. It’s not ever okay to kill 9 and 12 year old children, sorry not sorry
Lady Jane Grey? Oh but she was being used as a figurehead and said some obnoxious things - I don’t care, it’s not okay to kill a child 16 year old girl, sorry not sorry
Ivan VI - Oh, but his aunt was the rightful heir to Peter the Great and anyway they kept him alive and taught him how to read which is better than - I don’t care! It’s not okay to imprison and abuse a six month year old baby, sorry not sorry
Louis XVII - Oh, but if he grew up he would’ve potentially been crowned king - I don’t care, it’s not okay to abuse a child to death, sorry not sorry
Napoleon II - Oh, but he could’ve grown into a man who tries to relive his father’s glory and anyway he wasn’t treated as badly as he could’ve been - I don’t care, it’s not okay to abuse a child, sorry not sorry
“Does that mean you don’t care about all the poor who suffered and died?”
Not at all! In fact, I think I have my bona fides here on tumblr as being a pretty enthusiastic Robespierrist and very anti-throne
“Why don’t you post about them then?”
I have!
Seriously, if you cancel me for my view of “don’t abuse kids anytime ever” then…like… you can go fuck yourself? Genuinely.
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temeyes · 1 year
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so i read Ghost's backstory comics earlier today
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laur-rants · 5 months
hey! I just wanted to ask if you were the one who wrote the dishonored werewolf series on ao3? It's amazing and I wanted to thank you for writing it if so. it's my favorite series and I hope you're doing well!
I am in fact, that person. :O Thank you so much for enjoying it! If you haven't seen, I also did a slew of artwork for that series, all of which I still cherish to this day. I take a lot of what I made then and push it forward into the content I make now, though a lot of that stuff is behind the scenes at the moment, and not available to the public. Yet. :) here are some of my favorite arts I made for it, because I go back to them from time to time and love them to pieces (I hope to return to this style this year as well). This whole au has such a special place in my heart.
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corvosdaughter · 5 months
pentiment not giving a definitive answer to the act i and ii mysteries isn't because all the suspects are equally likely to be guilty. i've seen people interpret it that way and then complain that the ending is a copout but like does anyone genuinely think ottilia did it. i know "possibly but uncertainly" is not that far off "equally likely" but i think it's an important distinction to make when it comes to understanding what the game is focused on.
it's not about who were the actual killers, it's not even about the circumstances that make it impossible for that to be known, it's about what made YOU point the finger at someone and the consequences of that choice. did you actually think they were guilty, or were they just an asshole? did you think it was someone else but held your tongue because they deserved to live? what about their age? community standing? did convenience factor into it? alternatively, what would happen if you dirtied someone's name and they were still around years later?
if there was a fixed answer everyone would just get caught up on whether they picked up all the hints and if they were chose the "right" or "wrong" path. that would detract from everything the game is trying to say. as it is, i think people who come away really wanting those mysteries solved, saying "i don't know who it was and therefore i might as well have spun a wheel and not wasted 15 hours to get here" have missed a lot of what it's really about.
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Which games featured in this month's Nintendo Direct are you most excited for?
I'm personally interested in these five!
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goldenpinof · 4 months
ok I’m reeling and need another perspective. Was the vibes before June 2019 the same as it is now? The hints, the anticipation, the feel that SOMETHING BIG (no pun intended) is about to happen? Because I honestly can’t fully imagine them hard launching but idk… did you guys fully believed that they would come out before, during early 2019?
Dan disappeared before June 2019, like, completely. no hints, no nothing. a post that took our breath away, and that was it. but 2018 was kinda insane. lots of things said in the videos (Phil saying "husband" like 3 times wasn't for nothing), very gay ii audience with lots of lgbtq+ flags that dnp signed, Dan visiting the Lesters right before Christmas, and etc. like, not that many people predicted Dan's coming out in June 2019 as a big ass statement. but generally, i know some people did suspect dnp would come out, i saw posts and theories. but i don't think anyone was expecting Dan to come out after he said "hiatus" and went completely mia (i can be wrong, though! but there definitely weren't hints coming from dnp).
now we're witnessing a completely different, i would even say, an opposite approach to "launch" something. they are not hiding from us, they are not disappearing for 6 months. they are actually hinting at things all the time, and warning us, as you said. so no, the vibes aren't the same as in January-May 2019. if they are hard launching, then only to the newspapers. because we're ready for everything, we're seated.
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tessarionbestgirl · 3 months
Alicent: Coping with the loss of a loved one.
So I was reluctant to talk about the scene Helaena and Alicent had in the last episode because there's a lot to unpack. But there is something that made me realize about Alicent and Heleana and Aegon. And that they are all going through stages of grief. In episode 2 we see, Aegon going though all the stages besides acceptance, he went through anger, and denial, bargaining, and depression. And Heleana was depressed but it was acceptance.
Meanwhile, Alicent has been in denial all this time. When talking about with Heleana, she ask Alicent about her mourning she gives a long pause and changes the subject to Heleana's grief.
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So she have been avoiding the topic in conversation, and there is a sense of emotional numbness. And I talk about this before how she left Aegon crying alone because she comforting him in such a emotional state would be having to deal with her own grief, because her connection with Aegon is different than Heleana or Aemond.
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We saw in season how many things she done for him, and the coronation is such a example of that where she stand in front of him from all her kids. His pain is her pain. And that is easier to her to talk with Helena that is already in acceptation mode, than Aegon that is full depressed and she is still in denial.
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pathetic-dreamy · 23 days
Niall, to the band: You lied to me!
Harry: I swear, we will never lie to you again.
Niall: What if it's my birthday? You take me to a quiet little bistro dinner, nothing too fancy, and then you act like you "forgot your keys". Then the lights go off! Who turned out the lights?! Then the lights go back on -- all my friends are there! And you know what it is? It's a goddamn surprise birthday party! Bring out the raspberry brown butter tort that reads "Happy 30th B-Day, Niall! Love, your friends, (the lying bastards that they are)!"
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crystalleoi · 1 year
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p9fttt · 11 months
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the souvenir part II (2021), dir. joanna hogg
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Ca doar ce vorbeam cu cineva drag mie si am simtit nevoia sa zic asta si aici.
Faptul ca iti plac copiii, lucrezi cu copiii, ai studiat o gramada de chestii despre copiii si (in general) le ai cu copiii, nu inseamna ca ca scrie pe fruntea ta fraier si acum vine orice duduie din neam sau apropiati cu plozii luati din cusca maimutelor de la zoo si gata. Tu esti prostul care trebuie sa ii tolereze pe ei si istericalele lor. Nope. Daca nu le dau lor un dos de palma pentru ca arunca cu ciorba prin casa, pot sa iti dau tie ca adult. Macar sa fim pe plan egal.
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sunnydayaoe · 1 year
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uhh. /p
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hockey-and-timbits · 9 months
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You know, Horace was right about you, Guy; you are the smart one. Lenny is the fool, Jimmy is the… talent, and Faye is… well, now, Faye is special, isn’t she? And you are the smart one. That’s what I think, anyway.
—Mr. White, That Thing You Do!
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