#I just…ugh I’ve been on this hellsite since 2012
bunniesandbeheadings · 2 months
Anyway, maybe that should be my new theme for this blog. I don’t think children should be killed or abused. Even if they are royal.
Princess Si? Oh, well, if the baby hadn’t been killed in the cradle Empress Wu never would’ve become the first female leader of - I don’t care. It’s not okay to kill babies in the cradle sorry not sorry
Princes in the Tower? Oh, but if they weren’t taken out, the Woodvilles would’ve - I don’t care. It’s not ever okay to kill 9 and 12 year old children, sorry not sorry
Lady Jane Grey? Oh but she was being used as a figurehead and said some obnoxious things - I don’t care, it’s not okay to kill a child 16 year old girl, sorry not sorry
Ivan VI - Oh, but his aunt was the rightful heir to Peter the Great and anyway they kept him alive and taught him how to read which is better than - I don’t care! It’s not okay to imprison and abuse a six month year old baby, sorry not sorry
Louis XVII - Oh, but if he grew up he would’ve potentially been crowned king - I don’t care, it’s not okay to abuse a child to death, sorry not sorry
Napoleon II - Oh, but he could’ve grown into a man who tries to relive his father’s glory and anyway he wasn’t treated as badly as he could’ve been - I don’t care, it’s not okay to abuse a child, sorry not sorry
“Does that mean you don’t care about all the poor who suffered and died?”
Not at all! In fact, I think I have my bona fides here on tumblr as being a pretty enthusiastic Robespierrist and very anti-throne
“Why don’t you post about them then?”
I have!
Seriously, if you cancel me for my view of “don’t abuse kids anytime ever” then…like… you can go fuck yourself? Genuinely.
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consultingsister-aa · 4 years
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“apparently, I joined this hellsite on 26/03/2012 at 1:26:45 PM“ 
eight years ago i created consulting-sister because i thought alexa chung looked a little like benedict cumberbatch. that was it, that was my basis from creating a blog that has since inspired me to study english and creative writing at universtiy, allowed me to meet the most creative, hillarious and amazing people from all around the world & developed me as a writer and creator. i will never deny that roleplay is a hobby, but to say it is just a hobby cuts it a little short. writing celia really has shaped my life and i am lucky to call some people i have met on this site my best friends, some of whom i have now known now for nearly a decade. i am lucky to say i have had very few bad experiances on this site and the good ones have always outnumbered and outshone them and that is really down to the people i have met. thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting and writing with me; from my o.g’s to my new followers, and now for some shout-outs...
i wish i had a better way of doing this because i know your url in a list of other url’s can feel a little disingenuous but i mean this from the heart; i find you all so inspiring. from the snippets of your life ooc i get to learn about, to your character's creation or interpretation. whenever you come up on my dash or i get a lil notification from you it’s just THE BEST you all light up my life. you inspire me to be better, to work harder, to strive and improve so i can be half as brilliant as you. and i know i will have missed people bc i’ve tried to do this by memory, but tbh even you’re not here and i follow you, that’s how i feel; i’ve learned to really tailor my dash to people to who inspire and delight me, so thank you to all my mutuals for making my dash a better place
@a-kitten-with-claws / @ericbrandonrp / @borneofash / @theholisticdetective / @warrioroflondonbelow / @sovietorphan / @quietresistance / @babyunwin / @winebleeds / @nikolacvna / @presidentviktorpetrov / @predacious / @thrylcs / @strangerinourmidst / @diabolicaltendencies / @gunmetclgrey / @alreadybrcken / @thepropertyofalady / @youngprofessorx / @givenwork / @rcsethcrn / @cocainumking / @fangsforhire / @bestvictim / @requiescatiinpace​ / @stillhavespots​ / @strawpolls​ / @carnivoruse​ / @irritablefacade​ / @vespxr​ / @xqueenofscots​ 
@mcneyhoney​ SOPPY MY GREATEST LOVE!! i think how i feel about you was summed up last night, after like eight sentences to each other my face already hurt from laughing. honestly, everyone else can suck it bc this stupid virus is STOPPING ME FROM GOING TO DUBLIN AND HAVING A BAR CRAWL WITH YOU THEY DONT KNOW PAIN. without you, my blog would never have lasted this long, you’re my best friend and i love you so so much. you inspire me, you’re so clever and creative and im crying bc you will never know how cool you are to me. just know i would write pegging smut with no one else, ever and i think that sums up my feelings for you. my gay feelings. 
@theasteriae big ol’ heart eyes emoji to the woman who is my twin / actually just me. never seen us in a room together, have you? no honest, you have brought celia back to life; our ships, our threads, our verses! talking to you is so easy, we’re on the same page about everything; we can just read each other minds. i swear to god you’re my rp soulmate, you have brought every muse and every plot i have ever wanted to life, with such magic and talent. your writing style is just... uGH *CHEF KISS* everything i love. i LOVE YOU. 
@ingeanue / @dilkos ma bitch. my person. my princess di, if you will. we are the epitome of having to stay best friends bc we know too much about each other aND IM OKAY WITH IT. I know you’re off living your best life but do come back soon so we can go back to bullying amb and marko and you can get back to bullying me bc im old and don’t know trends. for now i shall go back to reading all out old stuff and your drabbles that make me cry so much and your legacy will live in on like two verses i created with cee just for you. 
@seavillain​ / @pentiimento​ my long time bae! putting up with me and cee for too long, you deserve a medal. your talent and love for jacob makes me wanna cry, always, i am SO excited about all our upcoming threads, i’m already daydreaming about marriage verse okay. you’re so lovely and so good to me, thank you for always being a pal!!! i love you. 
and finally... @hellsbraveknight who i will always put on my anniversary post even though you’ve not been on in three thousand years, although always a good reminder to message you on Facebook to say how much i love you which i shall now do. 
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tobns · 6 years
here’s a throwback question for you: can you link your fav clato fics (written by others and yourself) and why you love them? feeling nostalgic and need some good reads 💕
okay WOW this is a question and a half, i love it though!! i’ll be honest, a lot of my favorite clato fics have since been removed (which is unforgivable how dare y’all take down masterpieces) - specifically guilt by association and final trace of innocence, if y’all have any idea where those are and you send me links i will highkey MARRY you, they were absolutely a m a z i n g. all of my clato fics are awful too, lol, i’m thinking i might hop into doing a clato fic after i’ve had time to recover from bcw bc i’ve got a few lil ideas so really, spare yourself from reading the ones i have on ffnet (the only one i acknowledge is sweet deception and even then it’s horrid)
no rest for the wicked ; rina was legit one of my favorite people on this planet (i miss her so dearly too RINA IF YOU’RE READING THIS MESSAGE ME ILY) that i found bc of BCW, and when i discovered she wrote this i binged it and it’s still one of the best clato fics i’ve ever read, you’ll have to read it for yourself bc any summary i could give wouldn’t do it justice but it stays one of the god tier modern day aus. phenomenal. you’ll be bitter about what happens.
stranded ; it was written back in 2012, i realize, but it’s a good ass fic and it puts a fun spin on those “surprise everyone’s still alive!” fics that we need more of (remember when i wrote one of those???? if you do, congrats. you’ve been trapped on this hellsite as long as i have. we are officially blood brothers.)
panem high ; GRACIEEEEEEE ugh this is one of my fave clato fics mostly because a) i love gracie to pieces and b) this reminds me SO MUCH of my high school experience and what my friend group was like, it’s currently seeing updates and gracie writes so many clato fics (and she’s gonna start an alexbelle soon) so go show it loveeeeee
shitsgiving ; i have never laughed so fucking hard reading a clato fic before in my LIFE, this is easily one of those fics you read on a day where you need a good laugh and it’s incredibly well-written, i love the characterizations so fucking much????? i feel like just with how the gang’s voices have grown up and matured in fics as the years have gone by, the same can be said for the tributes and i love everything about this. this is one of, if not my favorite cato
confessional hymns for the devil himself ; i will say nothing bc you gotta read it for yourself, just know amanda and i scream about this on the regular and how desperate we need updates to it because it is SO FREAKING GOOD and so well done
i have a super - and i mean S U P E R - old page of recs and there’s an entire clato section, if you want to go scour for the stories on ffnet be my guest!! i think the last i updated that page was like late 2012, 2013 so i make no promises but :))) enjoy :))
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