amipasta · 1 year
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mikakuna · 6 months
i see this jason todd who actually looks his very young age (instead of the 30yr old man that comics like to portray)
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and feel my heart breaking just imagining bruce beating him up, almost killing him, mind-breaking him, and just overall being a total piece of shit father towards him.
a huge chunk of the reason why people don't view bruce's actions towards jason as abusive or wrong is because jason doesn't look his age. he's drawn to be this 35yr old father of three who looks even older than dick (and way too on par with bruce) that people see their fights as one between batman and any of his regular rogues. when they fight, it just looks like batman is fighting a man his age and not an actual young person. it doesn't look like batman is fighting his son who's barely even drinking age (and who def wasn't drinking age in utrh). their fights are portrayed in a way that eliminates the very real power struggle between them.
this applies to jason's entire character as well. a lot of people don't sympathize with how he died or his actions as robin or his fights with the other bats because he doesn't look his age. he always looks older and scarier than everyone else. tim has many sympathizers from the titans tower incident because jason just looked like a grown man fighting a 12yr old (even tho i disagree, tim was built and like 17 lmfao).
anyways, i just wish comics would actually draw jason to look his age, which literally ranges from 19 to early twenties. he's young- so young, and it's so annoying to see him drawn and written as someone older than even bruce.
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groovyace · 6 months
Let's do this one more time REDHOOD REDESIGN YIPPEEEE 🎊🎉🎊🎉
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I will be posting notes on the design choices in this one later. Screaming into the void.
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mr-e-nigma · 1 year
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Can’t tell if it’s tumblr’s busted search function or if I actually never posted this here but woe seven month old Arkham Riddlebat meme be upon ye
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giotanner · 3 months
Arkham Knight Jason Todd to Batman:
«You are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great
'Cause you fight to save lives, but won't kill and don't get the job done
I mean, you totally could have avoided all this had you just killed the Joker...
-or YOUR son» (Ruthlessness - EPIC the Ocean Saga)
Support my video on tiktok
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patchiko · 4 months
what do u think ak!jays love language (i think that’s what it’s called 😭) is? also, what type of love language do you think he’d like?? like acts of service, words of affirmation, etc.
also random headcanon but i feel like both ak and comic jay r both good cooks it’s just the vibe i get
Ahkendidhso Ive written about this before but my brainrot my lovely 🪽 anon…
tw; religious themes but their very very very super metaphorical i pinky swear chat. #i love religious themes as a way to metaphorically talk about devotion
Jason Todd is as devoted to his lover as a martyr to their grace. His faith to his loved one is almost insufferable at its core.
Like in a,’ My lungs only breathe because I have faith in your purity. ’ way, so anyways yeah Quality Time and Acts Of Service.
Quality Time- Jaaon can barely pry himself from your presence at times, and yet he does. Though every moment he’s away from you feels sardonic, like that viscous black ooze that he’s named ‘hate’ is getting bigger. Once he even gets a moment of your time his mind melts. He slowly allows himself to indulge in your presence, but in the most unhealthy way possible. Jason tried to keep himself away, he really did, but he always found his feet dragging to you.
Maybe its the little sacrificial lamb in him, the yearn for a greater good in his destruction. Thats what he believe he was conditioned to be, ’The Greater Good.’ Batman cleaned him from the dirt-stricken filth of Gotham alleyways; Batman would make his coat pure and holy, he learned to achieve that ‘Greater-Good’ when Batman wrapper that rope around his neck and lead him to that devil, or saint, he couldn’t tell the two apart sometimes. They both look the same as his depraved reflection.
When his red branded rebirth came he couldn’t help himself trotting to you like the holy little lamb he was conditioned to be. You, the only compass he had, a sense of direction he couldn’t bear to lose. He sits in your presence waiting for his rapture. When not, he’s stuck in a state where can’t tell if he’s more scared of being lost or alone. Jason finds he’s neither when with you, with you he’s stained red but his neck is no longer painfully warm, his body can be mangled, his mind can be mortal. He always trots back to you, because it is the first place he is welcomed to with open arms, yes, you are the warm light of the heavens he was conditioned to bask in. The personification where the death of his self is meant to be.
Acts Of Service - I believe this side of him comes more when its towards the part of the relationship where he’s most comfortable! He’ll run errands, do your dishes, maybe if the guilt of getting your floor a little bloodied gets to him he’ll pay your rent. It takes him awhile to loosen up and stop acting like a house maid. He still does everything he can for you but in an mundane way, like a little routine. (like a little wife omg chat i love him)
Whenever he slips through that window he takes armor off and sets them down on your floor. He’ll walk over to where you sit and kiss you on the cheek, whispering in your ear on how he ordered take out. He’ll come back to you with clean clothes and washed hair, sitting close to you, yet not closer if not allowed.
He’s much like a Saint Bernard now, for he always finds his way back to your side. A gentle giant, neither of you can keep yourselves away from each other; tenderly caring for each others needs. With you, he gave up on his divided sense of pride, his fundamentals and foundations that gave his name meaning were reckoned meaningless, he gave it up and swallowed the bitter pill of which he found the unsatisfactory taste of forgiveness; and with that pill he allowed himself to grieve.
He’s much like a Saint Bernard now, he can guide people to the place they believe to be heavens for their sake of peace. He holds someone in his arms the way they need to be held, he says those things that make someone think, leading them back to the path they left. But most of all he always comes running back to you.
sorry chat this is so bitter sweet i love his self destructive mentality that would take him decades to weed out.
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finzphoenix · 5 months
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A commission, related to THIS Riddler/reader story, that I finished just this evening for @caesariawritesstuff! It was so much fun to figure out how to place all these larger-than-life villains on one page! 🖤✍️
Riddler, Penguin, Two Face (c) DC comics
All OCs (c) caesariawritesstuff
Art (c) Finzphoenix
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Hearing the way the Joker talks about Batman from his cell is fucking insane. You think they ever explored eachothers bodies ?
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redhoodedangel · 10 months
Okay, but Arkham! Jason as a dad is literally Rebecca Parham’s mother after finding out she got bit by a bully they were standing up to…
Omg, just…
Jason’s kid: *thoughts* Wait a minute… he didn’t get a call from the principal. He doesn’t know. But that’s not right. He should know… or I got this bite on my arm for nothing…
Jason’s kid: *inhales*… Look what Millie did to me…
Jason: Oh hell no…
*minutes later*
Jason: *kicks in the door to the principal’s office* EXPLAIN YOURSELF, MEATHEAD!
Principal: *absolutely shitting themselves*
Jason’s kid: *Regrets everything almost instantly*
And then Reader is the equally supportive mother who rewards their kid with ice cream or whatever they want at the toy or candy store.
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lightwing-s · 1 year
𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲| 𝐣. 𝐭.
pairing: arkham knight!jason todd x female!reader warnings: angst, violence, domestic abuse  word count: 2,4k summary: gotham pulls you down, jason pulls you harder. a/n: after reading the arkham knight comic i found myself obsessed and wrote this some time ago while in between finals. there will be a part 2, so wait for it soon ♡ ⌜masterlist⌟ ⌜requests⌟
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A long time ago, someone I knew, someone I loved, told me something I would never forget: Gotham has powers over its people. Just like gravity, pulling you down, making it hard for you to leave. 
At that point, I didn't understand. But as time went by, it all became clear.
I wanted to leave. And I tried to. So many damned times, almost on a daily basis. And yet, here I am. Still in this goddamn place.
But he also told me, on that same day, that although the gravity field was heavy, I could be stronger. That I was stronger. I could push it away, get out of here. What doesn’t kill you makes you a hell of a lot stronger, Y/n.
It all started on a Thursday night. I was given the day off on Friday, and like every reckless young adult, I had decided to spend my night getting drunk with my so-called friends at a bar, just around the corner of the street he once owned. Even if it’d been years, I could never not remember him everytime I walked by.
But that time, for the first time in forever, it didn’t cross my mind. I had missed it. I had… forgotten. It would be days later when the guilt started eating me up. How could I’ve forgotten him? How did I suddenly stop caring?
We were having fun, dancing around, chatting, and having drinks. Having many drinks. I must have drunk double my weight in alcohol, yet somehow still managed to stand on my two feet. My boyfriend, almost as drunk as me, hung out with his friends not paying me much attention. I guess he didn’t care that it was my birthday, but I guess even I forgot about that. It had been years since I last cared for it, nothing making much sense celebrating once he was gone.
I was looking for a toilet, stumbling my way around the crowded place while my bladder made it harder to walk around. 
And that’s when I felt it. The eyes on me. Like an eagle’s fixed on its prey. A sniper aiming at it’s target. I never understood when books and movies talked about this feeling until I felt it myself. My hair stood on end, the air suddenly thickening around me, my heart beat gaining pace. 
Something I could never, even in the wildest of my dreams, ever have imagined. I thought, maybe, I was making it all up, like some kind of drunken hallucination. Or that finally the terrors of Gotham had gone so up my head that I started seeing things. Things that weren’t real. Things that, at least, weren’t supposed to be.
Yet, there he was. Like a ghost. Clad in a red hoodie, staring straight at me through the dirty, fogged up glass window. The guy I thought I had seen the last of when I was still a just dumb teenager. 
Even though he stood so far away from me, I could see his gloomy semblance. His tired eyes, still bright blue as I had always remembered. But once our eyes met, all that pain and melancholy went away, as his face softened, and his eyes held the same sparkle in them as years ago. It could never be someone else, I would recognize my Robin whenever and wherever I saw him.
“Jason?” I whispered to myself, or at least I thought I had as I would later be informed I had drawn many eyes to me at that moment. But I didn’t care. He was here. It was all that mattered.
I had forgotten everything. Everyone. I stormed out of that crowded bar and ran into the streets. Into his arms. Arms that embraced me, tightly, like I was the last  good thing on this Earth. Like I was his own life, threatening to slip away at any moment. And for the first time in ages, I felt at home.
My boyfriend didn’t like the way I’d left that night. Well, my ex boyfriend. I couldn’t pull up with his shit anymore. Not with him being back.
After our embrace, Jason didn’t want to stay in the street for too long, at the time I didn’t know why, so I just went away with him. God knew where he was taking me, but I trusted him with my life like I always did. All I remember are the city lights flying past us, as we rushed through the streets hand in hand. His ever so sweet tone as we made our first stop under the lights of Old Wayne Tower. How he treated me, how he paid attention. His tender touch, his breath meeting mine, the scarred skin of his face as I caressed his cheek, and his soft lips against mine.
It was just me and him, the world getting blurry around us, reality and dreams blending together for a moment. And from then on, nothing else mattered. It was us against the world.
He took me home, or where I thought his home was then. He dragged me by the hand, swerving through the crowds, pushing through people, but never loosening his hold.
“I’m not gonna lose you again, Y/n.” he looked back to tell me, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, as I tried to fix his hold. His smile blinded me to everything else but him. He was  all I could see. Nothing else.
He led me through an alley to an abandoned diner, and dragging me inside, he took me to a secret door. I must have been too dumbfounded, mind too foggy, still too drunk, as I don’t remember our way up to his room. I just remember standing there, in the almost emptiness of the dark room, filled only with a bed and a desk, a picture of us as teenagers sitting on top of it. I was feeling uneasy, but yet safe.
“I thought you were dead.” I told him, voice cracking and tears flooding my eyes. “I went to your memorial”
“I know… I know it must all be too confusing to you.” he said, holding my face in his large hands, thumbs wiping the tears that had dared to fall down my cheeks. “You will understand. Soon. I just can’t explain it right now.”
Resting his forehead on mine, he took a moment to breathe. Breathe in my scent, breathe in the quiet. His eyes were closed, but when he opened them they bore deep into mine, not giving me a single chance to look away. Not that I would, no. I was already trapped in his gravity field, pushing me down, trapping me deeper, harder  than I would imagine.
“Do you trust me, Yn?” he asked, voice nothing more than a whisper. I could not reply, I didn’t know why. “Do I scare you? With my scars. With how I returned?”
All I did was shake my head no. I wasn’t scared. I would never be scared of Jason Todd. My Robin, my whole world, my safety net ready to catch me whenever I fall. And how I had fallen, so many times. And I had fallen again.
“Good girl.” he said, leaning down once more to give me a kiss on the nose. “Good, good girl. I knew you would never forget about me, because I never forgot about you.”
I was fifteen when I met Jason. Sad and lonely, walking down the streets of Gotham like there was nothing better in the world for me to do. And at that time, I really didn’t.
It was getting darker, the sun lowering down on the horizon. The loud music blasting in my ears, probably some angst pop punk tunes I was into back then, and still secretly listen to till this day, distracting me from my surroundings, making me feel like the only one in the world, when a loud scream took me off my dreamland.
“Didn’t you hear a thing?” asked this tall and dark haired boy. Removing one of my earplugs, and without any words, my confused eyes asked him 'what'. “That guy over there,” he pointed behind his back to a shadow taking the corner onto the next street. “… he was trying to rob you.”
I remember turning back swiftly, causing a sting of pain on my neck, and finding my backpack slightly open. Checking it out, I found nothing was missing and thanked him for the warning.
“You go down here every day, right? I’ve noticed you walking past here for a while. Always around the same time.”
“I live just a few minutes down.” I told him, not noticing the little hint at an obsession in his tone.
“Can I walk you home?” he offered, cheeks slightly tainted red. “It’s a bit dangerous around here at this time.”
“Won’t it be dangerous for you too?” I questioned innocently. Oh, silly me.
“I can handle myself around here.”
From then on, he walked me home every night. He also walked me to school, and also spent every free time we had walking aimlessly around the neighbourhood, pretending our lives were great for those few couple hours we had together. 
He became my shield from the world. My best friend. My white knight. He took my mind away from my family and how shitty they were. With him I was happy for a few moments, until he dropped me two houses from mine, so no one would see us, so my dad wouldn’t get mad, and I had to return to the rash, sad reality that was my daily life.
One morning, Jason came to pick me up, but instead of finding me at our regular spot, he found me at my door, wearing the same clothes as the day before, laying my head on my backpack, trying to shield the cold away with a single denim jacket and failing miserably as my body shivered intensely. On my lip, a deep cut, and a soft purple mark decorated my left eye.
“Y/n?” He shook my body, waking me up tenderly. “What did he do?”
His voice was the complete opposite of his touch, though,  covered in anger. He knew who had done that, he didn’t know why, but knew it wasn’t enough reason. There was never enough reason. He knew the culprit and he’d make him regret it. As much as I tried to, I couldn’t stop him, a pattern I would later find out would repeat itself countless times. He was too strong for me to push him away.
He aggressively knocked on my door, pushed my mom out of the way once she opened it, and searched the house for my father, the one person I hated the most in my life, and whom he hated just as much. He found him in his office, hitting the door closed behind him. Me and my mother didn’t know what to do. We just stood and waited, as we heard screams and the sound of things breaking inside the room. Her bruised hands holding firmly onto mine.
When the door reopened a few moments later, all I could see was Jason’s sore knuckles as he rushed out the house, pulling me by the wrist with. I didn’t know then, or perhaps I did, but that was the moment I fell in love with Jason Todd.
I wouldn’t see my dad till weeks later, when he returned home from the hospital. And that was also the last time I saw him, as he kicked me out for “hanging around with the wrong people”. My mom was devastated, but I didn't care. I was finally free.
A family friend took me in, and Jason continued to walk me home and everywhere else. He would visit me every night. We would often share my bed, as we quietly and secretly, made our love physical, real. As we made us into our reality. Up until he went away.
The first time Jason was taken from me had me broken into little pieces. I thought it would take long till I saw him again, but soon I received a letter from a police officer. 
In it, he told me he was put into a new school as part of this new troubled kids program.  For several months, I read him raving about his new school, the new opportunities, and how he finally had a chance at a brighter future.
I was happy for him, truly. But I couldn’t help the small knot forming in my throat from both jealousy and from just how much I missed him.
Until one day, he knocked on my door, ready to take me to school as we did before, just this time not on foot.
Getting used to Jason as a multi millionaire’s ward wasn’t easy, and I could sense him drifting away with each passing day. He wasn’t the same Jason I knew, even though he hadn’t changed even a bit with me. He just had a new life. A double one I came to know of one night when he climbed up my window.
His visits became regular, and as much as I felt Jason slipping away, Robin was still mine.
And then he was taken from me again. That time, for good. And I was never the same.
All those years, Gotham’s gravity field kept pulling me further and further down, as much as I tried to escape it. Jason’s words echoed in my head, but I knew I couldn’t be strong enough to break away. So I stayed in this city, working low paying jobs, getting around with the wrong kind of people. Trying to make my way through this tumultuous situation that never seemed to get better.
But now, laying naked in Jason’s room, covered only by the thin cotton sheets of his bed, feeling sore and exhausted, feeling cared for and complete, a whole new sense of belonging, of excitement and hope filled me to the brim. I felt unstoppable beside him, like everything would finally settle into place, allowing me to quit this gravity field for good.
Gotham’s gravity is strong, but Jason’s is a lot stronger. And I would learn it the hard way.
taglist: @igotanidea
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pixie-mask · 4 months
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Yeah that's the most fan service we get from him in this movie, cause what else was that look over his shoulder for
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
Finished Gotham Knights just now and—-
Best dad Bruce Wayne for real. This game will forever be one of my faves 😔💚
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sparkleofstardust · 4 months
ahahaha. ouch
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nyhti · 1 year
Just imagining someone saying to Jonathan he's not scary and then Jeremiah having to comfort him like this for the next 30 minutes:
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Talk about the dick Grayson aus pls!! I am so curious :0
GRIPS YOU. Okay I have like a million AUs already but I have. One that's on my brain half the time
The au is based heavily around Batman: Arkham Knight, and it's essentially an au where Dick gets the Arkhamverse Jason Todd treatment and becomes the Arkham Knight!
It's a fun au idea, essentially I was thinking like,, "What would push Dick into going full villain mode?" And I looked at Arkham Knight and went ooooh,, that's a fun idea! I'm putting venomous spiders in his terrarium basically.
Overall the AU is pretty self explanatory: Dick gets captured by the Joker, is tortured and brainwashed for over a year to 2 years straight, and comes out murderous as hell. Overall not too different from the game. There ARE important differences though, like exactly how I imagine Dick gets captured.
Some inspirations for the au are: Joker: Last Laugh, Grayson: Futures End, as well as Devin Graysons run with the whole Blockbuster stuff, and the Ric Grayson arc.
Inane rambling under the cut
Okay, SO!! Why and how Dick gets captured is a bit complex. The au takes place not long after Dick gets his memories back from the whole Ric arc- which is actually kinda important here??
Joker was very much inspired by the short time he had Dick Grayson brainwashed and under his control. It was very fun and very fascinating to him to see him fight the rest of the batfamily, and incredibly disappointing when Dick broke out of his control. From this, he got an idea- an incredibly horrible idea. Why not just torture poor Dickie into doing what he wants? Why not twist and turn this little Butcherbird against the family he loves so dearly?
Because there is nothing more devastating to Dick Grayson than to hurt the people he loves. To turn against the morals Batman drilled into him- and, well, Joker already pushed him into breaking that code once before, he can certainly do it again.
And that's where Joker gets the idea to capture Dick, to torture and brainwash him. Joker isn't an idiot, he knows how resilient Dick is. Dick is practically a diamond, he formed under pressure. But even diamonds have their limits, and Joker fully intends to find it.
Joker keeps an eye on the birds and bats of Gotham, even when they've flown the nest, so he pulls some inspiration from Blockbuster, and uses his own past experiences to push Dick just enough to come after him. Joker knows full well that targeting those he loves pushes Dick over the edge, pushes him to kill- after all, supposedly killing Tim and even mentioning Jason made Dick beat him to death. And everyone knows about Dicks rampage through Blockbusters ranks, and how he was an accomplice to the crime lords murder. So, well- why not target those that Dick Grayson cares about- but specifically the most defenseless people he loves?
After regaining his memory, in the AU, Dick goes back to teaching classes of children Gymnastics and Acrobatics. And Joker finds this out, pulls some strings, slaughters the children and stitches them all together like Frankenstein. Maybe he even pins the blame on Dick.
And it's pretty clearly targeted- and Dick doesn't know why, but he doesn't care. These were children- just little kids he knew. It's a horrific reminder of what happened with Blockbuster, except almost worse. And Dick is fucking furious; it's the Joker, he made it obvious, and Dick wasn't there and he could've stopped it. It's horrific, beyond it, and all he can think is- if Joker stayed dead, this wouldn't have happened.
This was his fault; and he needs to rectify it. And Arkham won't keep Joker for long, it never does.
And Joker gets exactly what he wanted; Nightwing coming after him, wanting him dead, not thinking straight with all the trauma and horrific reminders.
And Dick hunts him down; it's reckless, he goes it alone, and this is fully on purpose. Dick intends to kill the Joker, but he doesn't intend on coming back out alive. It's a suicide mission, one that he doesn't tell anyone about because he knows they'll stop him.
And, stripped of any trackers, comms, anything that could be used to find him, he tracks Joker down to Arkham Asylum. He never gets to kill the Joker, but he doesn't come back out, anyways. Not until nearly 2 years later.
For the first 6 months, the Batfamily as well as the Titans and even the Justice League try to look for Nightwing, but to no avail. They have no idea where he went, where he disappeared at- there's no trail to look for or follow. And, of course, the last place they'd look is Arkham Asylum, if it's even on the list of places to look in the first place.
The entire time, Dick is being tortured- he comes very close to escaping a few times, but it's hard to escape with your ankle broken and being injured and tortured and starved constantly.
And then- the batfamily gets The Video, and upon genuinely thinking Dick is dead... they stop looking.
And, after months, Dick completely loses hope. He's resilient, yes, but not unbreakable, and eventually he breaks enough to do anything for less pain, for some kind of reprieve from this hell- even killing. And it only breaks him down further, and before he knows it, it's nearly been two years, and he feels more about the rewards he gets than the blood on his hands.
And then- Dick escapes, during some chaos that happens in an Arkham breakout (or was it an attack? Dick has no idea). He escapes on his own (or rather, the Joker let's him run, but Dick doesn't know that), and in his angry, hurt, deeply traumatized state, doesn't go to the batfamily or his friends or anyone.
Instead, Slade finds him during one of his contracts in Gotham. Dick is hardly even a shell of his former self; he's stick thin, broken and bloody, covered in filth and a threadbare Arkham inmate uniform, head constantly bowed and almost too weak to stand. Despite all that, though, there's still a defiant glint in Dicks eye, saying "I dare you" even though he's no more threatening than a kitten at the moment.
And Slade is fascinated by this development, especially after some poking and prodding. The brainwashing runs deep, and it's present in just about every action Dick takes, every little decision he makes. He's never seen a torture victim in such an awful state, and he's never seen such thorough brainwashing. Slade is fascinated, and finds himself pitying the state Dick is in. Nightwing, the seemingly unbreakable man with an unbreakable resolve, and he's bowed at his feet, speaking in broken whispers about how he wants to kill the Batman and tear Gotham asunder.
So who can blame him if he picks up Dick Grayson and ships him off to Venezuela after he gets done with his contract? No one needs to know about his vested interest in this broken man, to see what he'll do once he's back in shape. And besides, seeing Dick Grayson like that was the worst kind of uncanny valley Slades ever experienced. Who's bright idea was it to turn Nightwing into a violent, borderline sociopathic killing machine while keeping him too broken to actually do anything? Oh, right. Stupid clown. Well, at least it's interesting to Slade.
And Dick pours every ounce of his being into physical therapy and then training. He plans and strategizes and plans some more.
I'll leave this here for now since this post is getting fucking LONG- and honestly you can guess the rest of what happens in the au. There are a few differences in the au, like Dick having electrified swords on his back, Dick revealing himself earlier, the Titans being involved when the Militia invades, Dick actually almost succeeding because he plans REALLY well and only failing because he's unable to pull the trigger, that sort of thing.
I'm also still considering what happens after the invasion, when Dick runs, so that's a WIP.
And before anyone tries saying "oh Dick would never do that, that's ooc and this au sucks"- a) it's an au and b) brainwashing is hard as SHIT to break, especially when the person you're working with is actively encouraging it. And I know characters like the Supers could've found Dick, but let's pretend they couldn't for the sake of Plot Reasons. After all, it'd be a boring au if it ended immediately when they got involved lol.
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finzphoenix · 9 months
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An eight-page buildup to a joke (worth every second) based on this little story written by @dercolaris, who was also the one who commissioned the comic! ✍️^-^
Scarecrow, Oracle & Batman © DC comics Script/Story © dercolaris Art © FinzPhoenix
The rest of the pages are underneath the cut! 🖤🤍
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