#I've even got homework
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fuzzyflowerland · 6 months ago
Being a teenager is such an ethereal experience because first you're in a waterpark with your friends and crush, where you get your first proper hug in weeks, then you're getting coffee and spicy chicken, before your mum makes you put her thrush cream on your crusty ear, when you finally break down listening to Taylor Swift and Bon Jovi.
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sunnys-side-upside-down · 1 year ago
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Dakota, my boi!!
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mishalikessoundsandcolours · 4 months ago
Art dump :))
Art block has once again fallen over me and I'm physically unable to draw well, but here's some stuff I've managed during the last month
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hooffuloftootsierolls · 1 year ago
The “Michael and Lucifer are brothers” came other media having the two be twins. Especially the Netflix Lucifer tv show and the DC comics by Neil Gaiman that the tv show is based on.
Someone giving me an excuse to blabber on about my thoughts and ideas? That only happens in my daydreams! Also I just realized it's spelled Michael not Micheal oop-
I feel like everything can be traced back to Neil Gaiman in someway. Thank you Mr. Gaiman, for giving me more goofy but sad angels.
I haven't seen The TV show or the DC comics, but just the idea alone of these two being twins was enough to make me flesh out Michael's personality and the relationship between the two.
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Just kidding : ) Michael wouldn't question Sera, he obeys orders with a morbidly unquestioning loyalty.
I imagine that Michael was the more responsible one, and would try to discourage Lucifer's ideas and dreams, but Lucifer tended to ignore him. Lucifer would cause some kind of havoc, and Michael would be the one to tell the angels. Luci 100% saw him as a buzzkill and a tattletale, and Michael knew his brother was a safety hazard with wings, but I think they still loved eachother.
Which is why it would both break them to have Michael be the one who battled Lucifer and forced him into Hell. Lucifer felt horribly betrayed, and Michael would have been trying to cope with the fact that he drove his own brother out.
I have many ideas for them, so little time to write :(
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golyadkin · 5 months ago
mentally spraying myself with a bottle of water like a misbehaving cat because i just caught myself thinking "which novel should i write next?" when i'm 1 chapter away from being done the current one and still haven't adjusted to being back in school
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finiel · 2 years ago
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ms paint gideon to test my new laptop's palm sensitivity + stylus functionality (poor and acceptable respectively, if you wondered)
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tyrannuspitch · 4 months ago
tbh i'm glad fandom-at-large's obsession with redemption arcs has mostly died down because on reflection i've never been very into the concept. i'm not opposed but i just tend to find it more interesting to focus on exploring villains' complexities while they're still relatively villainous, or before they became villainous, than to focus on making them stop being villains
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skeppsbrott · 7 months ago
Kink stuff
The past few months low key interest in topping and very person-specific dominance has escalated into a fully blown obsession like I catch myself planning out sadism scenarios with people I've not yet made any proper negotiations or agreements with. I'm having dom-crushes on people. I actively look for things to scratch that itch with since I don't have any active subs. Cmon.
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carbonbasedmatter · 10 months ago
they should give you a minimum 20 years after coming back from school to rest and process everything that happened
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acesammy · 8 months ago
Why cant this just be a fucking normal math class
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extemporary-username · 11 months ago
Looking up while brushing my teeth
It's me in the mirror
Hadn't seen him in a while
Welcome back, me
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menlove · 2 years ago
local dykefag goes into good omens s2 expecting to be a hater like usual and instead finds himself vehemently defending it bc she spent the better part of 2 years being insane and deep diving into these characters psyches and knows this is in fact Exactly how they'd behave
more at 10
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years ago
Damn I forgot how long it takes to make a good reclist. Between getting a good list tracking down all the fics writing all the relevant info and then a little comment if I have something to say, that stuff is time consuming
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myswimmingpewl · 3 months ago
Does anybody know any good and interactive a level revision websites for English / history (both edexcel).
I use pmt but that's just big blocks of writing and eventhough it is useful, it's quite boring so I don't want it to be the *only* thing I use.
I want something like bbc bitesize (doesn't do a levels) or seneca (doesn't do my course for history and it's only got super basic stuff for English)
If anyone knows anything good that would be very helpful please and thank you 😋
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shanedoesdoodles · 4 months ago
In the process of completing shutting down and collapsing from stress <3
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kariachi · 5 months ago
Little bit of character exploration for my OC Monie, from back when she was but a wee elementary school menace.
“You know why you’re here.”
There were plenty of things Monette had been born with more than an ample quantity of. Confidence, ego, sociality.
"I’m distracting the other kids."
Energy. So much energy.
“You are, still.”
��I am trying, it’s just…”
“I know you are. But I intend to talk to your parents about it next week anyway.”
She never stopped moving. Even stood in front of her teacher’s desk, attentive and open, she bounced back and forth on her heels. Always drumming one hand on her desk as the other filled out worksheets. Leg jiggling like it was about to shoot off into space during quiet time.
“They already know what I’m like.”
“I’m sure they do, but I still need to talk to them about it. That way we can try to figure out how to help you stay in your seat, and manage your work better.”
Not that she did especially poorly. Monette struggled a little with paying attention in class, but not so much her teachers would have thought it worth bringing up on its own. Cs that could have been Bs. Bs that could have been As. She learned the material fine; it was just a matter of her work not always being completed. Papers unwritten, homework forgotten. Not enough all alone, but combined with her constant motion, the way she tended to dominate situations...
It was worth discussing with her parents. Even if she was just an extremely active girl with no further problems, they deserved to know, and to know what options they had as far as figuring out how to manage her better.
“I just wanted to let you know ahead of time.”
“Okay. Thank you, Ms Mizuno.”
“You’re welcome. Now go play before you wear a hole in the carpet.”
Within five minutes she’d be hanging, weight moving from limb to limb, from the top of the jungle gym, chatting away with her friends sat calmly around her.
Like always, they’d be half the reason she came back in when recess was over.
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