#I'm really grateful for the time you've spent
tiredfoxtf · 3 months
Hello, this is my first ask ever but i just found your blog like ten minutes ago with the art of Grian wearing red lipstick and I just absolutely needed to thank you for sharing your art with us (/gen/srs)
I do not know if it was actually intentional on your part or not, but your art just feel SO queer (/pos, i am too :D) and you manage to capture so perfectly masculinity mixed with femininity AND I LOVE IT SM OMG like that's it that's all I'm just SO happy i found your blog tonight your art is wonderful (/gen)
have a good night or good morning! :D
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Aww, thanks mate! I'm really glad you've been enjoying my art! 🫶
The art feeling queer is very funny to me, but true non the less, I suppose. There's literally nothing straight here, lol.
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nnight-dances · 4 months
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PAIRING: yoon jeonghan x f!reader (ft. wonbin)
GENRE: angst, fluff toward the end
TROPES: established relationship, model!jeonghan, singer-songwriter!reader, jealousy, paparazzi interference and rumors, and so on.
NOTE: this was hard to write so bear with me and let me know if there's anything that absolutely sucks about this lol... i love jeonghan but he's so hard to write (maybe it's because i'm the most not normal about him)... anyway this plot is kinda inspired by a real life fight i had with a friend who i have ambiguous feelings so do with that what u will :) enjoy!!!!
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"thanks, love," jeonghan mumbles into your cheek when you hand him the wallet he'd forgotten at home this morning. even in the dim moody lighting of the room, you can see he's genuinely happy to see you when he pecks your cheek. you smile and press your hand into his, "how bad was today?" 
he hums, "not too bad if i don't think about it too hard."
it's not out of the ordinary for a successful model like jeonghan to have the mind-numbing schedule he has but you can't help hurting for him anyway. "i'm sorry, babe," you squeeze his fingers and he nods in acknowledgement. he's too tired to say much most days so you've gotten accustomed to interpreting his silences. 
you were part of a band known for its jazzy music and you were its lead singer and song-writer, which meant it couldn't be helped that you had written more than a few love songs dedicated to yoon jeonghan, your lover of over two years now. in that time, you'd found a good beat with jeonghan, spending a good four months with both your heads' deep in work and only the nighttime spent in each other's arms. sometimes, jeonghan's international presence meant a few weeks of not even that. and as your band got bigger, you took on tours that only took you further from jeonghan. but after a rocky summer, came the breeze of fall. 
fall meant downtime for both your jobs, a time you could easily retreat and while the rest of the world turned vacation mode off, you would travel with jeonghan, whether it be across the world or just along his skin on a rainy weekend. it was easy with him, even when it wasn't. 
but recently, you'd found yourself wondering if it really was that easy still. tonight you're performing at this club, a local presence known for its hosting of musical influences, and jeonghan managed to escape his impossible day to watch you. you should feel loved, grateful for him, but when it's your turn to perform, you feel yourself drift away from him.
onstage, even as you introduce yourself and your band members, your eyes are on him. but he seems so far away. he watches you, not a smile on his face, just familiarity. as if he'd memorized all that you had to say, as if this was another box to tick on his long day. you clear your throat to steady your mind and open the first song, "this one's called heavy." it was an old song, perhaps one you'd only performed before you met jeonghan. which would explain how hopeless the melody was, how uncertain your voice got throughout, and scarily enough, how much you found yourself relating to it now, so many years later. 
after the song's over, you glance at jeonghan and he seems as stoic as ever, clapping in encouragement but without any mirth. you sigh, "woah, sorry to bring the mood down like that," you chuckle a little when the crowd laughs, "um, anyway, this next one's much happier, i promise. it's called loverboy… after my one and only, well, boy." you laugh again and spot jeonghan smile, too, all the way at the bar and your heart thaws a little, allowing you to get through the song without thinking again about how cold it felt in the room. 
you get through the next two songs without a hitch, perhaps because you let yourself go on autopilot mode and restrict yourself from even looking at jeonghan for your own sake, and come down with a heavy sigh. your bandmate, yves, touches you on the shoulder with a frown, "you good, y/n?" you nod, "yeah… i'm just tired. or something." she pats you on the head, "don't think too hard about things, dove. just let go. or something." you laugh at her witty piece of advice and thank her as you head for jeonghan, naturally. 
he wraps you in his arms when you find him, plenty kisses on your neck, "my girl did so well." 
you let out an uneasy groan, "i don't know, han, i feel like i was lame."
jeonghan pulls away with a frown, "no, you weren't. you were amazing. although that first song caught me off guard. it's been a while since you performed it."
"yeah… it was my decision but it felt right," you shrug. jeonghan's eyes take on a gravity you don't like when you say that so you avert your gaze, "but more importantly, when can we go home so i can get out of this dress and sleep?"
a year ago, jeonghan would've gone, "i'll help you take it off right now, love," but now he agrees solemnly, "i think we go as soon as everyone's focused on the next set." 
you know it's stupid, you do, to dwell over the details of your relationship this obsessively. but honestly, once you start there's just so much to pick at. to start, you felt more distant from jeonghan than ever, as if there was something unsaid in your way just keeping you from getting back close to him. and you hate it when things go unsaid. but you also knew jeonghan didn't care for spelling every little thing out, he could settle for a little discomfort till ignoring it was enough to make it go away. 
but that was just it, you couldn't take it anymore. you'd had a few fights with jeonghan in the past and they'd all come down to the fundamental differences in your natures. you liked for everything to be said and thought out, especially if either of you felt hurt or unheard. jeonghan liked silence, just simple gestures speaking a million words and routines in place to reaffirm your love. you knew it was better his way, simpler and easier, but you'd lived his way and now, you find yourself suffocating in the same bed as him. 
you stir away from him, rolling off the bed and onto your feet, and make your way to your makeshift studio, closing the door off incase jeonghan gets curious. you can just say you were working on a new song. once in, you throw yourself against a bean bag, head heavy in hands. 
"god, this is stupid," you mumble as the tears roll out. you spiral almost immediately, thinking back to everything that went wrong in the past few months. for one, jeonghan was away for your 25th birthday, for the whole week, and though you'd spent it surrounded by your friends and his apologetic gifts, you couldn't talk the bitterness away. then, he'd been mad at you when you told him your tour started during the week he had off, calling you a "workaholic" because you'd rather work than go with him on the beach trip he'd planned. it was unfair, he'd admitted later, but not after you'd spent the whole week of your tour crying yourself to sleep. 
to add to it all, were the recent rumors in the news about jeonghan's brand new 'mistress', a japanese model called nana. even before the first article came out, he'd called you outright, telling you his agency had caught a reporter in japan pestering nana if she was anything to jeonghan. that had only dullled the pain you felt when you read it, pictures of jeonghan and nana posing for a cover shoot. and it wasn't the first time jeonghan had looked absolutely stunning beside another person, far better than you'd looked with him in all the paparazzi snaps that circulated the net when questioning if you were still in the running for the attractive model. 
it wasn't the first time and yet, thanks to your already strained relationship, you felt more hurt than usual. this was also the longest scandal yet, ongoing past four weeks, perhaps because of jeonghan's frequent visits to japan. it really got you thinking how there were so many reasons for the two of them to be in the same room. 
jeonghan, alone in your shared bed, inevitably wakes up, confused when he doesn't feel you. "y/n?" he calls out, hoping you might just be using the washroom, but the lights are off and there's no sound in the bedroom. "my love?" he calls out louder, propping himself up on his elbows. when he hears no response, he falls onto his back with a weary sigh.
there was something up with you. you'd been acting… distant since the past two weeks. you'd pull away from his kisses a few beats too soon and wake up long before you had to. he wondered if he should ask you because he knows that's what you'd want but whenever he got to sit down next to in full seriousness, he'd go weak, missing your presence when he was away. 
he pulls out his phone, skimming throught the texts that had accumulated over the few hours he was asleep. there's a few from nana, the model he was rumored to be having an affair with. 
nana: another stupid article :( 
jeonghan sighs at the link she'd forwarded him. in full honesty, he'd all but developed a good friendship with nana while in japan, where he'd been previously lost without a good guide telling him where to go. given all his staff was korean, they could only be as useful as a google search. nana, however, had taken up to herself to show him the local spots, the shopping district where he'd been able to secure gifts for you, anticipating your needs before you'd known them.
you know all this, of course. jeonghan had offered to break all ties with nana if it bothered you but you'd been insistent that he keep his relationship with her, especially when it kept him sane abroad. 
you'd said you were fine, so how come you weren't next to him, mumbling sweet nothings into his chest like you always loved to? when you couldn't sleep, you would wake him up with your persistent kisses, apologizing when he did finally come to, but then talking about everything in the world from your outfit tomorrow to your plans in the next five years. 
"are we…" you'd started one night but then stopped, going hot and hiding your face into the pillow.
"are we what, love?" jeonghan pried you off the pillow and onto his arm, pushing his face close to yours so you couldn't run. 
"are we serious, han?" you finally asked, quietly. "you know, like, long-term serious?"
"hmm, let me think… i don't know we've only been dating for 20 months so i wouldn't get your hopes–"
you hit his chest with a muffled giggle, "you know what i meant!"
"i don't, really?"
you avert your gaze, "are we ever gonna, you know, be married? have kids? that kind of thing…"
jeonghan's heartbeat had sped up despite all his nonchalant facades and his face disclosed his flustered state causing you to go redder. "it's- forget about it if it's not something you've thought about–"
"of course i've thought about marrying you, doll," jeonghan asserts, arm around your waist to stop you from flailing around, his fingers draw circles on your exposed stomach. "of course i want to be committed to you for life, y/n. and don't even get me started on kids. i know it doesn't seem like it because i'm such a cool guy but i'm crazy for kids–"
"no, it's pretty obvious, you basically lose your head everytime we see a couple with a newborn baby–"
"okay, well, there you have it. i want kids with you, y/n."
you mull over his words in silence for a moment and then, "not now though, right?" you say, "we're both too succesful in our careers to… start a home."
jeonghan palms your cheek lovingly, "i think what we have right now is already home. but you're right, i think we ought to wait some more time. till it feels right."
till it feels right, he'd told you and now he kind of regrets it. he should've asked you to marry you right there so you'd never have a reason to doubt your relationship ever again. but again, that too was just a dream. 
jeonghan was off to japan for a week. yet again, you think, holding your tears back on a sunday afternoon when you wake up to a resounding silence in your home. you need to find a way to make things right, you know. you need to talk to jeonghan but honestly, your head hurts so much you'd rather just forget all about him.
that's why you find yourself crashing at yves' place for the next few days, her house known to be a hub for lost souls and good music. you spend your afternoons working on new music, inspired by your new surroundings, writing about everything but jeonghan and as soon as it hit seven, you'd be helping yourself to martinis, thanks to yves' well-equipped bar. 
you were amid making yourself a drink while yves went over some notes and recordings you'd made this afternoon when she sat up with a weird look in her eyes. "y/n?"
"what is it? is it horrible?"
"no, it's not that. it's just… this feels like a different person," she comments, finger scrolling through your lyrics. "like a younger version of you? it has the same lonely vibe to it. i'm a fan of it to be honest, but i'm just wondering… is everything good?"
you chuckle, "yves, you ought to have known that if i'm here for an extended period of time, nothing is good… but i appreciatey you asking. i'll be fine, eventually." 
your friend is lost in thought for a while and you sip your drink when her phone pings with a message. she reads it and turns to you with a glint in her eye. 
"so… does that mean you'll go clubbing with me tonight?" 
if you were gonna embrace a younger self, you might as well do it all, you thought, putting on a dress you'd loaned from yves. it was shorter than anything you'd worn recently and a light pink you never naturally gravitated towards. but you had to admit, it did look quite good on your figure when you looked in the mirror. you embellished your eyes with glitter, lining your eyes with mascara and a thin wing at the ends. 
the club itself is nicer than you'd expected and you're glad you'd dressed up as much as you did, pursing your lips to make sure the lip gloss you'd applied was still intact. yves pulls you to a table with her friends, some of them mutual to you, others complete strangers to you. either way, they're all fun, welcoming you without a question. 
one of the familiar faces is wonbin from a contemporary band known for its unique take on house music. he immediately materializes by your side when you've downed your first shot of the night, large grin overtaking his face. "you're here?" 
you tilt your head at his question, "i am! it's weird, isn't it?"
"a little," he shrugs, "you stopped coming out with us after you got swept up with that pretty model boy of yours."
you grow a little uneasy at the mention of jeonghan's name, "yeah, well, i thought it would be good for my music if i reconnected to my past a little. let myself live a little."
wonbin smiles, "that's nice, i love that. and to that," he brings out two more shots, handing you one, "cheers!" you hesitate for a moment but then catch yves looking at you encouragingly, and clink glasses with him, downing the drink in a go. 
that's all it really takes for you to let go. your body finds the music's rhythm faster than anyone else in the group so you take to the dance floor, and wonbin follows you, telling yves he'd look out for you. not that you need it. 
it's been a few songs that you've been dancing around, with wonbin's body getting closer to you with each time. you blink when his hand is at your waist, and you clear your throat, "i'm gonna go get some water!" wonbin grabs a hold of your wrist, "i'll come with!" 
it's a little uncomfortable, the way he's following you around, but you reassure yourself it was only for good intentions. a few more songs you keep yourself close to yves and her friends, feeling wonbin's presence heavily on your shoulder, but then you're a few more shots in and it doesn't really matter. 
it's only when you return from the bathroom when things go awry. it starts with your phone blowing up with texts and a call from jeonghan. in the loud music of the club, you can barely think, let alone talk to your boyfriend who you'd been ignoring for a week so you decline. when you make back to your table, your phone goes off again. jeonghan again. 
before you can register how odd it is of him to double-call you without good reason, wonbin's pulling you over next to him. you sit with a groan, "wonbin, i need to take this call–"
"y/n, you need to look at this. it's about jeonghan and that japanese model–"
yves cuts wonbin, "wonbin, get the fuck off her!" she tries to pry his arm off you but you find yourself unmoving when you catch jeonghan's figure on screen. he's laughing next to someone, a girl– oh, it's nana. she leans in close, a little too close, and you're not sure if it's your spinning head, but she keeps on getting closer, close until her lips are on jeonghan's and–
"i feel sick," you exclaim suddenly, clutching your stomach. wonbin's strong arms are around you in a moment and yves can't fight him off when he leads you through to crowd, weaving through the impossibly long line to the bathrooms. despite everything, you're thankful for him when he holds your hair up when you throw your guts up, tears mixing with the alcohol in your system. 
when you're done, you ask yves if she can take you home and she's already ready with your bag over her shoulder. 
"y/n, wait!" wonbin stops you, hand on your elbow, "can i talk to you for a sec–"
"wonbin, please, you've done enough, she needs to go home–"
"go home to what exactly?" he questions and you have to physically restrain yourself from falling to your knees with the sobs that wreck your body, "i'm here for you, y/n, if you ever need–"
down in your bones you know jeonghan better than anyone, know he would never be the kind to cheat on you, to ever leave you for the wolves like this. but honestly, the news ring out louder than anything in your head. "yoon jeonghan with ito nana, confirmed? was his little singer-songwriter girlfriend just a joke?" 
that's how you feel right now. little. and like a joke. you simply nod at wonbin and turn around to leave the club before the music can suffocate you any more. 
"i'm sorry, y/n, i didn't think he'd act up like that–"
"it's okay, yves, you didn't do anything," you tell her and look down at your phone at the photo of jeonghan that shows up every time he calls you. it was one you'd taken on your very first dates, of him sitting prettily across the table with a chopstick in each hand. 
"you should talk to him, y/n," yves pats your back, "you don't have to go back to him but you have to hear him out, right?"
you sigh, "you're right." 
you accept the call as yves leads you to a silent corner and gives you some space as she goes off for a smoke. you hold your breath when you hear jeonghan's voice. he sounds distraught.
"y/n? love?" 
all you can do is sigh to delay your tears. "hey," you say coarsely and jeonghan's losing his mind. 
"baby, can you stay where you are? i'm on my way, okay? i… i don't know what you've seen but you know it's not the truth. okay? just," you hear him run into someone and apologize. was he running to you? that would be crazy. "just let me talk to you."
you take a deep breath, "i'm waiting here." 
you don't question how he found you, it's likely your location on life360, a feature you'd added a year into your relationship just to know where the other was. just in case. 
you hadn't opened the app in a while, there hadn't been a reason. even if you knew where he was, he'd be far enough that it didn't mean enough. 
it takes a few more minutes before you hear jeonghan's voice on the sidewalk outside the club. he's in a white shirt that's been untucked from his pants. he's disheveled, and you can only wonder why. 
"y/n," he says, out of breath, sweat beading his forehead. 
"did you run here?"
"the car was stuck in the traffic so i told my driver to catch up," he inhales deeply, "i had to see you." 
"and why is that exactly?"
jeonghan sighs, "love, i think we both know why. that clip of nana kissing me probably found you by now?"
you look at your feet, "i saw it. i thought you guys were just friends?" you pause and before jeonghan can speak, you continue, "or was that just a lie silly little me believed?" 
jeonghan's hands find your shoulders, "there is absolutely nothing between me and her. i thought my platonic feelings were reciprocated because we'd been normal for so long. but then today, she… she kissed me and i realized that was me being stupid." 
"of course she was into you," you mumble. 
"i'm sorry, i really am. not just for this but for the past few weeks. or more than at. i don't know how long it's been but i feel like i haven't been putting you first."
"jeonghan, you have to know that it just sounds like you're overcompensating so i forget about the nana stuff."
"there is no nana stuff," he tells you, "and if you must know, i was always planning to come home a few days earlier. you've been so cold lately and i thought i could surprise you. but then you stopped responding to my texts and i found out through your bandmates you hadn't been home in a week. i got worried and in my head."
"i admit, i let nana distract me, but as nothing more than a friend. because when you're gone, i also lose my closest friend. i have no one but you to talk to you, love, i can't trust anyone, not after today. and i'm so sorry that i don't talk to you more, that i don't address problems as they come up."
you feel weaker than ever, head still down as tears roll down. "y/n? are you crying? baby, look at me, please."
"han, i really don't know what to do anymore," you finally break out, letting him take you into his arms, "i've been so miserable without you. i… i can't do it anymore." you take a deep breath to gather your thoughts. 
"you're so good at accepting changes and moving on from little fights. but i'm crazy. i get stuck in a spiral for days over the little things and after your scandal started, i… i can't help but think they're right." 
you pull away to look jeonghan in the eyes, "maybe i'm not the right one–"
"no," jeonghan cuts you off with a hiss that surprises both of you, "i will not have you think the stupid crap they're writing in the news, okay? you're my love, y/n, you're my everything. seriously, did you not hear me? i don't care about anyone else like i care about you. god, i'm stupid for not having married you when i had the chance."
"han, i don't know, i'm so tired," you rest your head against his. "can we go home for now?" 
later that night, you sit side by side with jeonghan on your side of the bed. you've taken your shoes off but not your dress. "is that a new dress?" he asks lowly. 
"i borrowed it from yves," you reply, adjusting the straps to sit right, "does it look fine?"
you feel like you're in a liminal space with jeonghan right now. you haven't broken up but you're not sure if everything's back to normal just yet. funnily, it feels like the first few months of getting to know him. he has the same boyish nervousness about him as his hand reaches out to brush your hair out of your face. 
"you look so good i'm mad i didn't buy you this dress," he says, "or that i didn't get to dance with you in it." 
you sniff, "i wish you'd been there tonight." and after a moment, "i wish we weren't so different."
and then again, "i wish we were the same person so i could know your thoughts inside and out without having to bother you." 
"it's not a bother, i'm just bad at it," jeonghan says, "and i don't wish we were the same person. because i love how different we are. i have so much fun with you, learning your ways and fighting with you."
"fighting is fun?" you ridicule him.
"only in retrospect, of course. i never want to see you look as hurt as you did tonight." 
he reaches out for your hand and you let him, intertwining your fingers. he places your joined hands against his lips and then back into his lap. "i love you, y/n. i love you more than everything."
"i thought i was everything?" you ask through a half-concealed giggle.
"don't tease me when i'm being vulnerable, love," he whines, "i'm serious. i'm sorry for making you feel so ignored all this while. it was never my intention. everything i did, i did because i'm stupid and still learning. but i always want to be with you. i want to spend everyday with you." 
"i love you too, han," you kiss his shoulder, "i'm sorry, too, for being so closed off. you don't have to feel so bad, it was partially my fault too."
jeonghan stands up, pulling you up after him. before you can ask him what's wrong, he hugs you tight, breath soft on your exposed back. your arms find his waist, rubbing his back in a reminder of how much you love him. slowly, you're not sure who starts it, you both start swaying to no song in particular, just to the rhythm of your heartbeats. he twirls you around with a smile and kisses your forehead. 
"on that note, my love," jeonghan stills you, tiptoeing across the room to his bag, ruffling through before finding what he was looking for. it's only when he gets on a knee that you comprehend what's happening, "i know i haven't been the most promising husband material but i promise, it will only get better from here. i've made the mistake of not doing this earlier and i can't wait to make you mine forever. so, y/n, will you marry me?"
with that, he opens the black box in his hands, revealing the precious diamond ring inside.
you've never fallen to your knees faster, taking his hands in yours, "yes, of course, i'll marry you, han! i–" you fall short of words when you look at the ring in his hands, "i had no idea you were planning on– god, i'm– i love you, han."
"part of the reason i wanted to come back faster was to do this," he tells you softly, slipping the ring onto your finger, "to finally propose to you." 
"finally?" you question, sensing some hidden meaning behind his words. 
"well, i have had this ring for a year now. i considered getting a newer model but this one was just too gorgeous." he takes your left hand in his, "and it looks prettier on you than i could have ever imagined."
"a year?" you ask in disbelief, "han! you– why didn't you tell me?" you feel stupid really, knowing how long he'd planned on marrying you for real. his love for you looms over you and you can't help but feel lightheaded. 
"because i didn't think it was the right time yet. i was wrong about that, of course. any time is right with you. i just needed to make you mine." 
you throw your arms around him, tearing up again, "yoon jeonghan, god, you make me crazy."
"so is that a good crazy, as in you'll write happy love songs about me again or… as in i make you want to scream and shout?"
"honestly, a bit of both," you laugh against his shoulder, "and about the happy love songs… i think you should know but i wrote some really depressing songs while you were away. yves loves them so they'll end up on the next album but i know you don't necessarily like them so–"
"what are you talking about? i love all of your songs."
"han," you kiss his cheek with a smile, "you don't have to lie. i know you feel weird about them. and that's okay. but i hope you know, i'm in a different space when i write those, and i will continue to write those. but they don't reflect the truth in any way, okay?"
he narrows his eyes, his lips pouty, "you mean to say i'm not good enough for you to make you happy for the rest of you life?"
"that is not what i said, babe, and you know it," you laugh again, letting him pull you onto his lap. he kisses you once and then twice. "if you say so, love." 
you spend your first night engaged to jeonghan the best way possible: talking to him. you lay down next to him, in your pyjamas, feeling fuller than ever. he tells you everything he'd thought or done in the past few months, scrolling through his camera roll for reference and kissing you whenever you'd have a giggling reaction. when it was your turn, you pulled up your notes app with lyrics from the past few months and read some select ones out for him.
"oh, oh, and the way i was gonna introduce this one was like this," you clear your throat as if taking on your stage persona, "this one's called no one's prettier because no one's prettier than my boy." 
you fall into a laughing fit with jeonghan, a slight blush on his cheeks when he pulls you close, "someone's down bad for me, huh?"
"yes, sir, i am," you say back, smugly, "i love my boy, sorry, my fiancé so much and i just can't shut the fuck about him."
"god, say that again."
"what? that i can't shut the fuck up about my pretty fiancé? my adorable loverboy? my honest and reliable husband?" the last word feels so right on your tongue when uttered for jeonghan, even though you'd never said it before.
"you're my everything, love," mumbles jeonghan with a big smile, kissing you sqaure on the mouth. 
"...so the past few months have been a rough trek for the band," you speak into the microphone, looking onto the solemn crowd with a soft smile, "and when i say the band, i really just mean me. i think i aged by like ten years." the crowd laughs. 
"but i came out stronger, and more engaged than ever," you wiggle your left hand at the crowd, throwing a smile at jeonghan at the front, watching with a smitten grin. "so here's a new song i wrote. it's called everything because my love is everything to me." 
when your set ends, you rush to jeonghan's arms and before you can ask him he'd liked the new song, he kisses your hands. "that was perfect, love. i've never felt more seen by a song." 
you let him shower you with kisses as you walk him through the lyrics a little. you're in the middle of explaining the bridge when you're interrupted by a call of your name. 
you turn around to find wonbin standing before with a rose in his hand. "oh, hi, wonbin!" 
jeonghan doesn't do anything to hide the dislike on his face for the man. after all, you'd told him about everything that happened that night at the club and had barely managed to calm him down after. "hey," he nods at jeonghan who simply raises his brows at him.
wonbin glances at jeonghan's arm around your waist and sighs. "congratulations on your engagement, y/n," he holds out the rose, "and i'm sorry about everything that happened with us. i hope you know it's only because i have nothing but admiration for you. and maybe one day–" 
"thank you for your kind words, wonbin," jeonghan cuts him off, taking the rose and handing it to you with a small smile. "but we need to be going somewhere. sorry. see you around. maybe at the wedding?" 
as you walk away from wonbin, you chuckle at jeonghan, "didn't know you were still worked up about that guy?"
"of course i am! he tried to take advantage of you in a hard time! i'm just too pretty to get into a fight or i would've thrown hands long ago."
you laugh as you kiss him on the cheek, "right, of course. my baby, let's go home." 
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becca-e-barnes · 9 months
Cannot stop thinking about making a really submissive Bucky cum until he can't anymore 😵‍💫
I love the thought of working load after load from him and the way that he'd go from being pretty quiet and composed to whimpering and writhing, unsure if he needs more or less of your touch.
Getting him to a stage where he feels empty. He feels like he has nothing left to give you. You've made him watch as you jerk him off with a delightfully lubed hand, squeezing and tugging until his cock is twitching and throbbing and shooting thick, messy stripes of cum against your palm. You don't stop after he's finished though. His release only makes the glide of your hand smoother and the sight of his own pearly cum being worked back over his cock makes him hard again in no time.
"Please." He groans, throwing his head back, exposing his beautiful throat. Your hand tightens around his cock involuntarily and you find yourself almost wishing you had your other hand around his neck. "Please don't make me cum again. I-I can't."
Bless him, his strong thighs are twitching, his muscles tense, trying to force his body to listen to his brain for just a second.
"Sweetheart, I don't think you're empty yet. You gave me so much cum just a few minutes ago." You let yourself give in just a little, leaning over and kissing along the column of his throat, enjoying the light salty perspiration against your lips.
Bucky rolls his hips but it's hard for him to tell if he's trying to lean into your touch or away from it. In truth, he loves feeling like this. He loves having his cum milked from him and having no choice but to enjoy the mind numbing pleasure of your body.
His thighs are streaked with evidence of his own lust and he's almost ashamed that he's still hard. Not just as hard as he was when you started though.
"F-Fuck." The slick sound of your hand pumping him quickly is overwhelming. Your grip is tight on his shaft while you cup his balls, squeezing and teasing them gently, encouraging them to work overtime for you.
"I can't cum again. I can't." Bucky pants, whimpering when he forces his eyes to meet yours again.
"You told me that last time. I'm not sure when you decided it would be a good idea to lie to me but I promise you, it isn't." Your tone would make him tense but he's tense already, trying to hold back an orgasm he truly doesn't need.
"This is the last orgasm I want from you. You can manage it for me, can't you?" You sound so sincere this time, he can't help but agree.
"Good boy. Now cum nice and hard for me. I want to hear how pathetic you sound."
For the next few minutes, there are no sounds except the delightfully wet sound of your hand working lube and cum against his dick and the frantic moans of a man reaching a level of pleasure that verges just nicely on painful.
When he does cum, you let it splash against your palm once more and you notice how little he's able to provide you with. He's entirely empty, legs shaking but babbling how grateful he is for the way you touch him.
Now that he's spent, it feels like your turn to enjoy yourself while he watches and nothing sounds better than touching yourself with the hand that's covered in his cum.
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jupiter-letters · 8 months
Dating Bruce Wayne would include:
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Fem! or GN! Reader TW: None
A/N: I have a lot of thoughts about Bruce as you can see, he's a complicated guy. I wouldn't say he's super romantic like the other guys I've written, he's like a slow burn kinda guy. I can see why people like him but I'm still on the fence if I'd date him fr fr.
I won't sugarcoat it, it'll be a rocky road dating Bruce but it's not impossible. Unlike Clark, Batman is who he is and Bruce Wayne is what he can do. The mission always comes first, so him taking time to dedicate to you is special. It's a lot protecting the city and being the backbone of the league.
He is consistently booked and busy, nobody can do what he does so he always has do things himself. It can be difficult for him to ask for help or just allow people to do things for him. In and out of the costume he's got a lot of walls up. He may seem cold on the surface but he feels very deeply. The death of his parents really stunted him emotionally so it will take some time to soften him up.
In terms of a partner ideally he'd need someone with some softness to file down those hard edges he has. Even if his partner isn't soft he provide that comfort and warmth in his own way over time. He's spent most of his life keeping people at an telephone pole's length away(except Alfred of course).
Physical touch with a partner will feel foreign, all the batfam like to hug him and stuff but their the ones intiating most of the time. That will also be the case for you, you'd have to hug him first if you want to touch him. The longer your relationship goes you'll be able to tell when he wants to be hugged or kissed just from the lingering looks he gives you. The touches he does give you are long gentle caresses, he loves stroking your cheek with his thumb. Sometimes after a difficult patrol he'll just hold you in his arms and press his forehead against yours.
Staring!! He'll always be staring at you whether you're looking or not. He's kind of like a cat, blinking at you real slow is his way of blowing kisses. The way he looks at you is exclusive to you only! It's so much softer and adoring than his usual scary pokerface staring. In a JL meeting, before everyone knows you're dating they might think he can't stand you. Inside though he's like 💓💗💖💘💝.
You can translate his grumbles and sounds. Bruce isn't the most talkative guy and he's in his head alot. So when he's busy or distracted and you ask him a question you understand his tone. Barry: "So is Bruce gonna be at the Flash parade tomorrow?" Bruce: "Hmm..." You: "Yeah he'll be there!".
The rest of the batfamily notice the effect you've had on him, you managed to crack the coldness he's built over the years. In addition to already liking you they're grateful for you being there for him. They'll even tease you both when you have dinner together. Fake vomitting when Bruce kisses you on the cheek, calling you Mom/Dad/Parent.
If you are another superhero(yes he does have a contingency plan for you) You may butt heads from time to time he may come off as underestimating you but he just wants to protect you by getting ahead of the problem. When he knows your abilities/skills maybe exactly what he needs in a certain situation, he’ll hit you up. He does his best not to hover when you go on solo missions, he will check in over comms at the most random times though. When you do go on missions together, you never notice but he'll stay very close to you.
You've got maximum scary dog privilege when you two go out together but when he goes out as Bruce Wayne he's still gotta put up that raunchy facade. He won't get too frisky with you but he will take the opportunity to flirt a little. He'll whisper little compliments and pick-up lines in your ear when you slow dance together.
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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witchywithwhiskey · 2 months
i've spent the last four days working on assembling a new dresser and it's still not done so i'm consoling myself with fluffy thots about hot men doing it for me 😇
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neighbor steve rogers sees you struggling to lug the big, heavy box up the stairs to your apartment and immediately jumps to help. he carries it up the stairs and waits for you to unlock your apartment door before bringing it inside. he asks where you want him to put it down and you lead him into your bedroom, where he sets it down.
he stands with his hands on his hips, catching his breath and offhandedly comments that he's free for the afternoon if you need help assembling whatever's in the box (because he doesn't know). you're worrying your lip, debating whether to take your neighbor up on his super generous offer, when steve casually mentions how much he loves putting furniture together.
you finally decide to accept his help. he races downstairs to his apartment and grabs his toolbox, getting back so fast you wonder if he took the stairs three at a time. (he did. he was worried you would change your mind.)
together, you take everything out of the box and organize all the pieces, and once that's done, he hands you the instructions and looks to you to tell him where to start. you try to offer to screw some things in, but it becomes very clear very quickly that you hate everything about it, so steve gently takes over. you sit on the floor next to him and read the instructions and hand him tools and screws and hardware and stuff.
and when you get hungry, you offer to buy dinner. it takes a little arguing and extra stubbornness on your part, but you finally get him to agree to let you pay for all the food you order, since it's the least you can do for his help. he still grumbles about it a little bit, but good-naturedly.
you end up eating dinner together on the floor of your bedroom, talking for hours even after he finishes assembling the dresser. by the end of the night, he's convinced you to let him buy dinner next time. it isn't until he's gone home that you realize he asked you out on a date—and you accepted.
then, it isn't until you and steve move in together that he tells you his big secret: he doesn't actually like assembling furniture very much, he just knew how hard it could be and he wanted to help make your life a little easier. and he wanted to spend time with his pretty neighbor. you forgive him for his lie, and for keeping it a secret, as long as he promises to still assemble all furniture. he does.
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roommate bucky barnes who carried the super heavy box your unassembled dresser came in up the stairs to your apartment after he saw it had been sitting in the lobby for a few days. it's blocking your bedroom door when you get home one day, and you snort to yourself, but you're grateful all the same.
but then one night you start assembling it while he's out with friends or on a date—you don't know—and it's so hard. the instructions are confusing and some of your screws are a little crooked and by the time bucky gets home, you're so sure you've already messed it up that you're crying on your bedroom floor.
bucky finds you like that, and he's never seen you cry so he's shocked, standing frozen in your doorway while you cry over the stupid dresser. and it doesn't take very long for bucky to decide he fucking hates seeing you cry and the next thing he knows, he's sitting down on the floor next to you and gathering you into his lap.
you're startled, not having realized bucky was home, but when you recognize it's him, you curl into his chest and weep and tell him how you've already ruined your new dresser. bucky consoles you, rubbing a hand up and down your back, his other holding your head gently against his chest to keep you cuddled close.
when you finally settle down, bucky asks you gently if you'd like his help. you nod, feeling a little pathetic, but bucky just chucks you under your chin and tells you to leave everything to him. you don't really think he means everything, but he sits you down on your bed and wraps a blanket around you, then goes to work.
bucky keeps you talking the whole time he builds the dresser and the time flies. it's late by the time he's done, but you giggle and clap when he shows off the fully assembled dresser with a flourish. he laughs and tackles you onto the bed, covering you with his heavy body and pretending to collapse with exhaustion.
you fall asleep tangled up together on your bed, and from that night on, you and your roommate grow closer and closer. one day, not too long after, bucky confesses he has feelings for you. your first kiss is in the apartment you first shared together.
no matter how many times you move—into a bigger apartment, then a house—bucky insists you never get rid of that dresser he built for you. he always wants to remember where your love story began. you agree and you take it with you everywhere you go.
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penkura · 2 months
last forever [13/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed without realizing how happy you would both become and the family you would create together.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy and having a baby, that's all
Note: I didn't initially plan this. I was going to stop this fic at twelve chapters, but I felt like ch.12 was getting to be way too long so I broke it up and put the epilogue at the end of thsi one. Do not be surprised if I ever come back to this fanfic universe for one-shots or drabbles. This is shorter than I expected, but I'm happy with how it turned out, thanks for reading this fanfic, I hope you've all enjoyed it! :)
The latter bit is set ten years after chapter 12, Zoro is 31 and Reader is 30.
@misfits1a | @alucardsdaddyissues | @louweasleymalfoy | @fluffybunnyu | @yerrimm09 | @eyes-ofhell | @emmaiscool22 | @xenop0p | @hank88999
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5] ● [Ch. 6] ● [Ch. 7] ● [Ch. 8] ● [Ch. 9] ● [Ch. 10] ● [Ch. 11] ● [Ch. 12]
Your morning is quiet, despite Nami and Robin sharing knowing looks when you and Zoro entered the galley together for breakfast. Nami swears you're glowing and it grosses her out for a moment when she makes the suggestion to Robin who laughs, and says the three of you will need to have a girls night later to talk. No one asked where two had disappeared to the night before, it seemed like none of them had noticed, which you were grateful for. It kept you and Zoro from having to answer any awkward questions for the time being.
Zoro didn't notice or care, if someone had asked he would've told them, but still keep you from feeling embarrassed or anything, this is all still new to both of you of course. Breakfast goes by without anyone bringing anything up, even as Sanji gives you a smile that you return, discreetly showing him your ring and confirming that he was right, everything turned out okay so far.
Most of your day is spent doing the normal things you’ve always done, the Sunny is docked at an island for a restock, you choose to go into town with Robin and Jinbei, Zoro tried to go along but Nami pulls him back, telling you to go ahead while she takes your husband for help with other things. You don’t question it only because that’s completely normal, you don’t even question Robin in town when she tries to convince you to buy a pretty white dress you seem to be staring at. You try it on but don’t buy it, there’s no reason to.
“Are you sure, [Y/N]? It’d look lovely on you, I’m sure Zoro would think so too.”
“Nah, I don’t need it,” you laugh a bit as you go to look at something else that’s caught your eye, “Zoro doesn’t care what I wear anyway.”
“Mm…if you say so.”
You swear there’s something Robin isn’t telling you, even as you both try of different clothes and buy a few items, deciding you’ll bring Nami by later too, there’s plenty here she’ll like.
You do find it odd when Jinbei tries to get you to purchase a flower crown or a small bouquet of your favorite flowers for yourself, denying again that you really don’t need them. You’re not sure if you were imagining it or not, but you think the two share a knowing look with slight smiles as you head back to Sunny a while later.
When you make it back and see almost none of your crewmates around, you start to get suspicious something else is going on, especially seeing the way the ship deck is decorated to almost resemble a wedding, though with its own Straw Hat character, and Zoro waiting for you.
Face red, in a suit (that fits this time), and a bouquet of your favorite flower surrounded by daisies, heliotrope, and aster.
It dons on you immediately what Jinbei and Robin were doing, they were trying to get you ready for an impromptu marriage ceremony, but you didn’t catch on until now, you feel kind of stupid. Of course the white dress and small bouquet make sense now, even though Zoro hasn’t said anything. He doesn’t even notice you’re there at first, not until you say his name and he finally looks at you.
“Hey…you’re back.”
“What,” You’re trying hard not to cry but you can’t fight the smile that’s starting to creep onto your face as Zoro hands the flowers over to you, still nervous about this and maybe embarrassed over it, “What’s this about…?”
He’s quite for a moment, while you look over the flowers, a bright and happy look on your face. You know he’s had help with this, it’s what he and Nami were probably out buying while the others set things up.
“When we got married, legally, it wasn’t really a wedding,” scratching the back of his head, Zoro sighs just a bit before taking your hand and getting on one knee in front of you, returning the smile you’re giving him, “I know I was a stubborn ass about this for a long time, but you already know my thoughts on this, on us now…so I want to give you as real a wedding as I can. One you deserve.”
You have to stop yourself from laughing when it takes Zoro a minute to dig through the pockets he’s not used to find an engagement ring, one you don’t need but you figure Nami made him buy it just so you had one, even with your wedding band already on your hand.
“We’ve already got rings, and this time real witnesses,” you both can hear Luffy not so quietly asking Sanji for food before he's hushed and told to wait, everyone watching from the various places they’re hiding in, “Luffy’s ready to say whatever he needs to for us to be considered married on this crew, but I still have to ask you. So…will you marry me, for real this time, [Y/N]?”
“Of course, Zoro!” It’s not even something you can pretend to think about, not after everything you’ve gone through now. You throw your arms around him and Zoro hugs you close, there’s obvious relief like he was worried you’d changed your mind overnight while he tells you he loves you.
“Heyyy, can we do the ceremony now and eat?!”
“You idiot, she’s got to get dressed first!”
“Sanji made a great cake, it’s really sweet!”
“We were all glad when you went into town with Robin and Jinbei, we probably wouldn’t have gotten this all done if you hadn’t!”
“This is super great for both of you!”
“Yohohoho, I’ll get ready to play the wedding march then!”
“Mosshead, you better treat her right!”
“It’s wonderful to see you both happy now!”
“I may not have the full details of your circumstances, but congratulations to you both!”
You barely listen to your crewmates, your main focus being on Zoro and how this was pulled off so quickly, but you don’t bother to ask any questions, kissing your husband briefly.
“I suppose I should go get ready!”
“Yeah,” Zoro gives you a slight smirk before kissing your forehead, “I’ll be here, wife.”
Robin and Nami rush you off to your shared room to get you dressed, Robin having been sneaky and showing she’d purchased the dress she told you to buy, along with a small bouquet of flowers for you to carry. It’s nothing fancy, but that works perfectly with your relationship and how you’ve come together with Zoro.
Once they’ve got you ready the two go back to the deck to make sure everything and everyone is situated, sending Sanji after you a bit later, he’s agreed to be the one to give you away essentially, though you stop him just ad you’re about to head to the deck, he gives you a concerned look.
“Sanji, do you…do you think Zoro and I will last forever?”
Sanji takes a breath, before smiling and taking your hand as he lets it out.
“I don’t think I’ve ever met a couple more destined to last than you two. Besides, I don’t think the mosshead is willing to wear a suit for just anybody.”
You laugh and agree, telling Sanji you’re ready before he leads you out to the deck.
It’s not a very long or formal ceremony, Luffy stumbles a few times trying to remember what he needs to say, he even gets choked up a few times when he thinks about how he’s seen you and Zoro go from a marriage born of convenience to now being in love and properly married. It almost gets to you as well, but you keep all your tears back, just a few slipping g out when Luffy tells Zoro to hurry up and kiss you which makes you laugh. You know Zoro hates public displays of affection, but he’s willing to look past it for you, only you he’d justify. After that Luffy shouts for the party to start, you and Zoro laughing together just a bit while he holds you close.
“Thanks for not giving up on me, wife.”
“Hmm, thanks for saving me, husband.”
Chopper is right, the cake Sanji made is sweet, you’re surprised Zoro even has some, that he mostly stays away from alcohol except when you bring him a drink later on. It prompts him to pull you to his lap, pressing a kiss to your cheek to make you giggle.
“What’s this for?”
“Nothing,” he sighs a bit, holding you closer and laying his forehead on your shoulder, “Just glad you’re my wife is all.”
“Forever, right?”
“Forever. No matter what happens.”
Nami and Sanji watch you two from the side, giving each other looks that tell more than anything they know you’ll make it. They’ve both watched you ever since they each joined, seen how Zoro treats you and how much you’ve come to love each other. Even when Luffy comes over and drags you away from your real, permanent husband to dance with your captain, the same look Sanji swore to you he’s always seen on Zoro’s face. Soft and loving, he just watches you while you and Luffy giggle together.
When everyone starts to settle down, you’re surprised by Chisa returning to you after being gone since you arrived in Wano. She stops in front of you with two letters, one you know is from Elias and the other from your parents, finally. You’re not sure what to think, even when Zoro wraps his arms around you and sets his chin on your shoulder.
Pursing your lips, you shrug, before tearing up the letter still in the envelope causing Zoro roll tighten his hold on you. For a minute you don’t say anything, before you sigh and lean back against him with a smile.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I don’t want care about what they have to say…I only care about you.”
“Hmm,” Zoro kisses tour cheek which makes you giggle before you do the same to him, “That’s my wife, I’m proud of you.”
“Love you, Zoro.”
“Yeah…I love you too.”
You two are going to last forever.
~10 years later~
You have a newborn baby girl to care for now, literally minutes old as she lays next to you and cries, unhappy about her new surroundings. It’s the middle of winter and the only people you’re allowing around her at the moment are the midwives of Shimotsuki Village that had come to help you deliver your baby in the middle of the day. Every one of them praises you for doing so well, but all you care about is your daughter and Zoro getting to see her, to meet her face to face. He’d been more anxious about it as you got closer to your due date, neither of you knowing if you’d have a boy or girl until the moment you gave birth, and now you have her!
She’s perfectly chubby, her little hands trying to grasp at the air while she wails and kicks her feet at the same time, even as you take hold of one of her hands. You want to laugh seeing her hair is just a slightly darker shade of green than Zoro’s, but smile instead as you calm her down.
“Shh, shh, baby girl, everything’s okay. I’m here, sweetheart. Your daddy’s on his way.”
It’s not even five minutes later you hear Nami yelling outside your door about how someone could miss this, while Sanji starts to swoon at her for being so protective of you but asking her to calm down, stress isn’t good for her or their own baby either. You hear Luffy laugh a bit himself, saying something you can’t understand before Usopp and Robin suggest they all leave you alone, as the door to your room opens and you’re so glad to see who’s finally there.
“I’m sorry I missed it, I was asking master something,” Zoro takes your hand you reached for him with, kissing your forehead before he sits beside you, looking at your baby with nothing but pride and love on his face, “We…we have a baby…”
“We have a daughter, Zoro.”
“She’s perfect. Just like her mama.”
Rolling your eyes, you just watch for a few minutes while Zoro takes in the fact you have a daughter to raise now. Honestly, you had been expecting to have a boy, and Zoro never told you what he thought you might have, he said it didn’t matter because it was your child, you made this baby together, he’d love them no matter what. But seeing him gently stroke her hair and let her hold onto his finger, you swear you’re falling in love with him all over again.
“Did you ask your master what we talked about?”
Zoro doesn’t hear you at first, he’s too focused on your daughter and watching her settle down, starting to sleep, before he realizes you spoke to him and asks you to repeat your question. When you do so, he nods, looking back to your daughter.
“He said nothing would make him happier…”
Nodding, you sigh in content when Zoro kisses your forehead again, before doing the same to your daughter.
“Welcome to the world, Kuina.”
You plan to give your daughter everything you never had and more, all the love in the world and no expectations to marry rich unless she decides to. Watching Zoro with her the rest of the day makes you realize this was all you ever wanted.
To love someone and be loved the same, and give that love to your own child forever.
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hurts2think · 2 months
Hi I'm sorry you probably have a lot of requests but could you make a Chloe Charming X Fem Reader where Reader is the daughter of Sleeping Beauty and Chloe catches her in a like near death situation and kisses her and Reader wakes up. Thank you! Your work is so gooddddd
⚔️Chloe Charming x Reader⚔️
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Reader pronouns: She/her
Pairing: Chloe Charming x Fem!reader
Plot: You're the daughter of Sleeping Beauty. Your parents left town and you were alone. Until your knight in shining armor came to keep you company. But who knew she'd also be there to save you from a witch who wants to steal the throne.
Word count: 2.4k
Extra: Ahhh this was such a cute idea I had to pause everything just to do it! I spent way much more time and effort on this one. Tried to make it all pretty 💙 hope you love it
Extra pt 2: No proof read sorrryyy
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The castle was dark today. In Aurora's kingdom it was always bright and beautiful. But not today.
The clouds came in quickly, leaving no room for the setting sun to glow and shimmer off the sparkling marble floors of the hall.
Looking out the large glass windows, you were only met with the dark clouds in the sky and the sound of a storm slowly rolling in.
But you only smiled out the windows and at the face of the gloomy sky. How could you not? Every natural thing and event had beauty to it, even a harsh storm that was headed your way.
You smiled because you knew that even when the storm consumed you, there will always be the light that shines in the eye of the storm. The calmness and beautiful part of it. The part that reminds you to love what the earth gives you. Whether the earth and sea threatened to be one, or if the flowers wrapped around the world to keep it warm. It was all beautiful.
And surely, the night will always lead to a sky of blue...
The Aurora family was very high and prestigious. You were the younger of the family. Audrey was your older sister with her whole life planned at birth. She was to be the queen of Auradon and set your lives securely. But as it turns out, your family didn't have many plans for you. Which you felt that you should be grateful you didn't have the same expectations as your sister who would be queen one day. Whether it was of your specific kingdom or all of Auradon.
But you also wished that your parents would expect something from you instead of forgetting about you all together. But you managed.
Up until a year ago you had no friends. You were royalty so of course people feigned smiles and light conversation, but friends were never something you knew too well in your life. Your sister was the closest thing you had to friend, but once she went off to college, you felt alone and abandoned. But then the knight in shining armor rescued you.
A beautiful girl with blue curls down her shoulders and a sword at her hip. A princess with no fear and only determination behind her eyes. The girl that saved you.
Chloe Charming, a knight and princess in one. And just as the name implies, you were charmed the moment you met her. The light the shone off of her. Even in the gorgeous world you've never seen something as beautiful as Chloe.
Your sister and her brother dated for a very brief period of time but you had never actually met Chloe until you got to AP.
"So! You going to the tourney game tonight?" Chloe came up behind you at your desk with a big smile.
"Oh, is that tonight? My parents are leaving the kingdom on a trip for a bit so they want me to go see them before they leave." You explained with a soft sigh.
Chloe looked disappointed but she didn't frown, "Aw, that's okay. There's always next time." She slid a chair over to sit next to you, "Are you staying there for the whole weekend?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.
You loved every way she moved and her curls bounced and the adorable expressions she always gave. "Probably... But I'll be back in the dorms on Monday." You explained with a soft smile.
You really didn't want to stay the whole weekend, but you just figured it would be easier instead of making the same trip twice in one day. So in the end you'd rather just stay.
"Well... Maybe I can ask my mom if I can visit you in that time so you're not by yourself?" Chloe suggested.
You chuckle and nod, "Definitely ask. I'll have the guards and servants and stuff, but they don't really talk to me..." You say with a deep sigh.
But Chloe's smile made you smile. It almost always did. It was cliché but you always felt that she could light up an entire room.
Your parents left quickly after your dinner with them. You kissed them goodbye and then they were gone. And then it was quiet. And then you were alone.
But you only spent one night alone. One night by yourself before the next day rouse with beaming colors of blue. It was a perfect day. No one could predict the storm coming in.
As you were prepared and readied for the day, you decided to go on a walk before Chloe came over. Just to clear your head and prepare yourself mentally for the rest of the day.
You hurried down the never ending marbled stairs with your shoes clicking against them in small steps. You approached the grand doors and pulled the open, almost rushing out. But before you could take that step, there was a woman.
A tall older woman. She was old but beautiful. She stared at you for a moment with a small smile, "Hello, Dear. I was hired as a new maid." She calmly explained.
Your parents didn't tell you about any new maid, but it's not something they usually kept you infromed on, so it didn't come off as odd to you. "Oh! Hello, welcome. I'm the daughter of the king and queen." You introduce yourself with a polite smile. The smile you had to practice in the mirror before any royal event you attended.
The woman's eyes widened slight, "Oh my. My deepest apologies. Your highness." She said with a bow, clearly not recognizing your royal status at first glance. Though you didn't blame her. You were dressed quite casual.
A bashful smile spread on your face at the formality, "Don't worry about it. I was just about to go out on a stroll. The other maids must be upstairs. They'll show you the ropes." You say, moving aside to let the lady in.
"Of course. Thank you, your highness." She stepped inside, "Be cautious on your stroll. There's a storm coming." She said, walking away into the castle. Every step she took was calculated and she stood tall. Almost like she could be royalty herself.
Though her comment confused you. You looked outside and didn't see a cloud in sight. But, you hadn't checked the news for weather... There was a possibility. You shrugged to yourself and left the castle.
Your stroll was as refreshing as you'd hoped it be. A walk through the garden was what you always needed.
The colorful and scented flowers, the green trees, and the birds singing.
You hum to yourself and gracefully skip around as you enjoyed the sun. The warm sun against your skin brought you to life.
But your stroll had to eventually come to an end when the soft sound of your phone alarm started playing. You looked at the time and realized Chloe was about to arrive.
You rushed back to the castle and as you approached, you saw the blue haired girl step out of a carriage.
“Chloe!” You yelled out, rushing over to her.
She turned her head and smiled brightly when she saw you, “Hi! How are you?” She asked, taking you into a short hug as you ran up to her.
“I’m quite fine. How was your trip?” You asked before pulling away from the hug.
“It was great. It’s so beautiful over here.” Chloe said, admiring the surroundings that were filled with beautifully large trees and bushes filled with berries and flowers.
The driver of the carriage handed Chloe her bag and the two of you locked arms.
“I’m glad you’re here. I would hate to be stuck by myself the whole weekend.” You said as you led her to the doors of the castle.
“I couldn’t just leave you by yourself! You’ll need someone to keep you company and keep safe.” She playfully winked.
You smiled as your face heated up slightly. You two walked inside and brought her up to your room.
You spoke and giggled and smiled for hours in your room. The day passed by you faster than you could imagine. Time felt slow when you were with Chloe yet everytime you were with her, the clock said otherwise.
“Oh! It’s late already. I’m sure dinner is almost prepared.” You said, looking up at the clock on your night stand.
Chloe smiled and nodded, “Let’s go down then. I’ll be right back in a minute though, I have to go to the bathroom.” Chloe said, popping up from where she sat and out of your room.
You stood up as she left. Just as you were about to leave yourself, the new maid walked in.
“Oh… hello. Is there anything you need?” You asked, surprised by her suddenly walking in.
She just smiled. But it felt much more creepy. You weren’t sure what it was, but suddenly the air felt heavy.
“Dear, I’m just the maid. You’re the princess. I should be asking you that.”
You felt tense and a little awkward, “Well, me and my friend are fine… we’re just about to go downstairs. I’m sure supper is just about prepared…” you informed.
But she just approached you and dread suddenly filled your body.
“Poor girl…” she said, slowly circling you like you were a rabbit that the lion was about to snatch up and eat, “After your parents, your sister will be queen… and you’ll be left with nothing…”
“What are you talking about…?” Your voice became weak.
“Once they hear their precious princess is in trouble, they’ll come rushing back home. Then they will be taken care of, of course. Then who will be the one to take the thrown for herself?” The lady’s grin no longer hid it’s malicious intent.
"If you do to Audrey, I'll —!"
"Shhh..." The woman placed two fingers on your forehead and your body suddenly stopped. You eyes widened and glowed a soft green, "Don't strain yourself, princess."
"Hey! Get away from her!" Suddenly Chloe ran in, standing confidently with her sword pointed at the woman.
The woman only cackled before disappearing into a cloud of black smoke.
Chloe coughed from the smoke suddenly filling her lungs, but once it cleared and she could see you, she rushed over.
Your body was weak and you collapsed into Chloe's strong arms.
"Are you okay? What did she do to you?" Chloe asked, her face filled with worry. She used her fingers to brush over the skin the woman touched on your face, making sure she didn't leave a mark.
You stumbled to stand back up straight while Chloe supported your weight, "I, I'm fine. I don't know what she did..." You explain, your voice still weak. The sky suddenly filled with dark clouds, the thunder harshly filled your ears.
"Don't worry. It'll be okay. I promise it'll be okay." She reassured, helping you stand.
But just as she did so, a huge pile of thorned vines sprouted from the ground between you two, effectively separating you.
Chloe was knocked off her feet as well as you.
"Chloe?!" You yelled through the wall of vines that now kept you sperated. The storm only grew harsher and louder outside.
Your eyes darted around, trying to see if there was a way to get out. But then your eyes laid onto something. Something that wasn't there before. Something that was never kept in the castle.
A wheel. A spindle.
The needle on the spindle glowed a bright green. You heard Chloe from the other side yelling your name. But it was like the moment you laid eyes on the needle, everything in your mind shut off.
Your legs started moving on their own, you couldn't move your eyes off the needle, and no matter how hard you tried, nothing came out of your mouth.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, Chloe yelled your name and desprately sliced at the thorns with her sword. She hit it with the blunt end with all of her strength.
She never stopped hitting and hitting it and cutting and slicing, and with one final blow of her foot, she kicked through it.
Her hands pulled it apart and made a small opening. She rushed in and saw your unconvinced body on the floor. She gasped but just before she could step closer to you, something suddenly flew at her.
A creature of sorts that resembled a vine. Reflexively, she blocked the sudden attack with her sword.
Chloe grunted as she stumbled back. Then she swung her sword at the creature. The creature was fast and dashed around her in every way. But she never stopped fighting and making sure she'd keep you safe.
The creature finally landed a hit on her, throwing her against the wall. Chloe groaned in pain. But before she could even get up, the creature darted at her again. But this time she grabbed the dresser that was against the wall and used her strength to push it, effectively crushing and trapping the creature underneath it.
Before she could catch her breath or even celebrate her win, she ran to you. She fell to her knees and pulled you into her arms. "No no no..." She said to herself, looking at your unconscious face.
Her eyes started to fill with tears. How could she have left you by yourself? How could she let that witch get away? She felt it was all her fault.
A tear fell down her face and she cried. She never told you how she felt about you, she never got to hold your hands, she never got to spend her life with you, and most importantly, she felt that she betrayed you. She cried and leaned down to your face. She set a soft kiss on your lips. A light kiss that felt as soft as a pillow.
As her lips met yours, suddenly a burst of light surrounded you two. All of the vines swiveled away and the monster disappeared.
She pulled away and your eyes suddenly fluttered open, "Chloe...?"
Chloe's eyes widened as she gasped, "What happened?"
Without a word, she suddenly pulled you into the tightest hug you've ever received.
"Oh my gosh. You're okay. I'm so happy you're okay." After a very long moment she pulled away, her cheeks stained with tears.
"You saved me..."
"I told you I always would." She smiled, suddenly drawing you into another kiss.
Your eyes widened in surprise but you quickly melted into it, cupping her cheek with your hand. Chloe's hands held you by the waist as you kissed.
It was a long and soft.
The storm seized and the sun shone through the window onto you.
The two of you held against the lighting and the thunder, turning to a sky of blue. And it was beautiful.
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mitsua · 5 days
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With an MC who likes to post about their dates with them
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Warnings: none Genre: fluff
Series: OM! SWD? MC'S. . . GN!
Words count: 0.74k
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I don't think he'd really like it at first, since you were all the time asking for a picture, for him to pose or smile, and, well, he doesn't really wish to do that.
However, once Asmodeous showed him all the posts you made on every date-how you wrote so highly and cutely about your spent time with him-it made somethings in his heart and pride go up to the stars.
"I'll smile only if you smile too."
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Maybe sometimes is the one who catches you off guard asking you to take a picture of the most random moment on your date just as a joke.
But oh boy when he scrolls down later on and sees you really posted those embarrassing photos, he's gonna be malfunctioning for a while.
Still, as he reads your thoughts about the date on the picture's caption, his mind will race a thousands miles per hour and kick his feet like a little kid (obviously without anyone seeing him).
"Be grateful I'm not charging ya' for those photos!"
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It started as posting about some streamings you watched, then to both your hands shown holding a video game controls, the final blow was when he woke up to an exaggerated amount of posts he'd been tagged on, new hashtags shipping the both of you and some even promoting their pages to read Leviathan x you content.
He was about to go insane, but as you asked him if he wanted you to delete all those posts, he reconsidered and ponder what was wrong on all that.
"It's fine, yes, it's going to be fine only with you by my side."
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He'd get used to you taking a photo before and after entering a new place with him, sometimes a couple more in there. But never thought nor asked what'd you do with those.
Later on, as he read online about new places to take your date to in Devilgram as it seemed to be the most reliable app to ask to, he came across your page and finally saw all you had to comment of your dates.
"I love reading your narrating, however, would you mind telling me by yourself what you thought about it all?"
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When he discovers your passion of publishing about your dates, you've grown accostumed to even going live on a couple of them. Of course the most part of your dates were private, you spent some time exchanging ideas on how to edit or tag your posts.
The only time you really caught him off guard was the time you posted a photo of him fully suited, when you attended to a fancy dinner of your anniversary together, he didn't notice you taking it! Your caption reading: "Hope you know you look beautiful to me in every way you'd never even got to imagine about <3"
His eyes got glassy as he absorbed your words and went immediately to hug you.
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It's an odd thing to him, but doesn't really comment about it unless he thinks you're spending too much time on your D.D.D. your eyes might burn because of being glued to the screen all time.
One day, after an important fangol match of his, some reporters asked permission to publish the photographs taken on their Devilgram account and tag them on it, to which all of them agreed happily. After returning to the HOL he'd look for their team's post and click on your page by mistake, mersmerized with all the love you put on your almost daily posts about your dates with him.
"Uhm... do you want to take a picture of both of us eating this cupcake?"
He'd still have a weird approach, but trust me, he's trying.
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He's between 'I don't like it' to 'I don't care'. Nevertheless, he would smile in a couple of pictures you want to take throughout your time together. But only when he's looking at you.
He won't bother looking to the camera, he'll only stare at you.
The only photo you have of him smiling to something else that was not you was when he was asleep. Probably dreaming of you too-
Sometimes, when he can't sleep, he might scroll down your Devilgram to remember those cute dates of yours.
"That I have to look to that little thing in your phone while you're taking the photo? Why? I want to look at you."
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All writings' rights reserved © 2024 Mitsua. (Credit to the respective owners of the picture and tagged anime character.) ⌇ my navigation!
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alotofpockets · 9 months
Christmas plans | Katie McCabe
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Pairing: Katie McCabe x Arsenal!Reader
Prompts: "Is that a hickey?"
Warnings: Mention of reader not having a good relationship with their family, small mention of anxiety.
A/n: Despite the prompt and the warnings, this is overall just a very fluffy fic!
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | Words: 2.8k
All around you your teammates were sharing their Christmas plans. You were stretching before training, and the conversation about winter break came up, and everyone was excitedly sharing their plans to visit their families. You dreaded the moment you would be asked about your plans, because opposed to all their excited plans with family, you had no plans of your own. The reason you weren’t going to visit your family during the holidays is because you don’t have a good relationship with them. Since you were still rather new at Arsenal, not many of your teammates knew about this part of your life, though.
Inevitably the question was thrown your way by Lia. Your long time Ireland teammate, and best friend, noticed the panicked look in your eyes, and answered before you had the chance to. “Y/n, is joining me for Christmas. We’re going to stay with my family for a couple days.” You were grateful that the conversation continued after Katie’s response. You had known Katie for years, having met at the U17 team, she had been there for you almost every time that something surrounding your parents had happened.
After training you’re the last one in the dressing room with Katie, the perfect moment to thank Katie for her cover up. “Of course, anytime. You should actually come though.” With a furrowed brow you look back at her. “Oh no, it’s fine. I can just stay home. It’s a family holiday, I don’t want to intrude.” Katie packs the last of her stuff into her backpack, “I think you've spent enough time at the house to be considered family.” It's true, you had spent a lot of nights staying at the McCabe's when things got bad with your parents. “Mom loves you more than she loves me anyways, I know she would love for you to join us. Plus, I think it would be really nice.” So, like that it was settled, you were joining the McCabe’s for Christmas.
Gary was there to pick you up from Dublin Airport. You greeted him with a quick hug, before putting both your own and Katie’s suitcase in the trunk, letting Katie have a moment with her dad. The drive to their place wasn't long, so in no time you were hugged by the rest of the McCabe family that was currently home. “It's so good to see you, Y/n! I'm glad you could join us for Christmas.” Katie's mom excitedly shares, making you feel welcome instantly. “I wasn't sure where you preferred to sleep, I can make up the couch, Gary can set up an air mattress, or I can ask one of the kids that won't come home until Christmas eve if you can take their room for the time being? I'm afraid that the guest room is currently occupied by quite a mess, as we've been renovating a bit.” Katie goes in to hug her mom as well. “Don't be silly, mom, we can just share my room.” She looks your way to see if you're okay with that too. “Yeah, I'm fine sharing with Katie. What have you been renovating?” You knew that Gary loved showing off what he was working on. Like you expected he excitedly asked you to follow him, as he was pointing to everything he was planning on fixing. You listened full of interest, always having loved listening to people talk about what they are passionate about.
Meanwhile in the living room Katie gets questioned by her sisters. “So, does Y/n joining us for Christmas mean you guys are finally together?” Ella starts. “Y/n's here because she's my best friend. Also, what do you mean finally?” Her brow furrows slightly. “Come on, you can't tell me you don't like her more than that.” Lauryn continues, clearly sharing the same thoughts about the two of you as Ella. In response Katie just rolls her eyes and walks away, joining her mom in the kitchen. Leaving a smirking Ella and Lauryn behind, “She didn't deny it.” The two of them share a look, “So, we're definitely going to try to get them together before Christmas right?” 
“Already done with your sisters? You only just got here.” Sharon jokes with her daughter. “They're meddlers, I did not come here for that.” Katie jokes back, as she sits down with her mom. “Not to meddle but-” Sharon laughs at the warning look Katie sends her way, “I always thought the two of you would make a lovely couple. I want you to find your own way, though, and of course I just want to see you happy.” Not a minute later you walk back into the room, deep in conversation with Gary. Katie takes the moment to pull you away, bringing your suitcases up to her room, and settling in.
It was already late, so you and Katie decided to call it a night, getting some well deserved rest after a busy few months. The next day you planned to go shopping with Katie, insisting on getting her family members presents of your own and not just sharing the ones that she had ordered to her parent’s home over the past couple of weeks. 
You weren’t the biggest fan of shopping when a holiday as big as Christmas was coming up, with all the busyness that came with it but you wanted to get them something nice since they were opening up their home for you. Katie noticed the slightly panicked look in your eyes as you entered the mall, and reached for your hand. You squeeze it appreciatively, before intertwining your fingers with hers. She guides you around the mall, entering all the stores you want to check out. Having Katie close by helped a lot with your anxiety, Katie always knew how to be there for you in any situation. 
When you got all the presents you wanted to get, the two of you settled in a little cafe. You were sipping on your hot chocolates, and watching the Christmas decorations around the mall, when two young girls walked up to you, accompanied by their mother. “Hi, we’re so sorry to interrupt but we were wondering if maybe my daughter's could take a picture with the both of you, they're big fans.”  Katie stood up and greeted them, “Yeah, of course you can.” She beamed. You stood up as well, giving each of the little girls a hug. The mom got ready to take the picture, as the girls moved to stand in between the two of you. Their wide smiles didn't falter when they stepped away. You took a moment to talk with the girls, before they went on their way again. The mom thanked you for making her girl's Christmases. Both you and Katie love meeting fans, the young ones especially, as it showed you that what you were doing was inspiring young children. 
On the way back Katie told you about one of the Christmas traditions her family had. “So, each year mum buys everyone a pair of Christmas pajamas, and we spend the evening watching Christmas movies.” You thought it was an adorable tradition. So much so that when you got back you had to fight to keep in your tears when Sharon let you know that she had placed pajamas for both you and Katie on Katie’s bed. You thanked Sharon before Katie pulled you towards her room, knowing how much you hated crying in front of people. Once in her room, you fall down on the bed. Katie sits down next to you, and you instantly reach for her touch by laying your head down in her lap. You let your tears flow freely, while she gently strokes your hair. “Do you want to talk about it?” Katie asks softly. “Just that your family is so loving, and they’re including me in all of it. I’m not used to that, and the difference is a lot. It’s really nice though, they’re making me feel very loved.” You lift yourself up from Katie’s lap, “Anyways, we should head down.” Katie shakes her head, pulls you into her side, and falls down onto her back, pulling you along with her. “They can wait for a little bit.” You try to protest but when Katie doesn’t give in, you relax into her. Your head now on her chest, as she continues to play with your hair. 
Once you feel ready to head downstairs, your eyes finally land on the pajamas that Sharon picked out. A pair of matching red flannel pants, along with two simple black t-shirts. You both change into the outfits quickly, before joining the festivities downstairs. The family pilled down in the living room, the table filled with snacks, and the first Christmas movie started playing on the TV. It doesn’t take long for you to snuggle into Katie, who instantly wraps her arm around you. The moment not going unnoticed by Ella and Lauryn, who share a knowing look.
The next morning you head downstairs in your matching Christmas pajamas for family breakfast. Today the family had plans to go to a nearby Christmas market, play some board games, and in the evening you and Katie were planning on going on a Christmas light walk. You had seen an ad for the event in the mall, and were very excited to go.
Right as you walk through the door post, Lauryn says, “Katie, what's that above you?” Katie looks up and you follow her gaze. You didn't see the warning look that Katie sent her sister's way. “Why is there a mistletoe?” Both Lauryn and Ella try to hide their giggles, while Ella says, “It's a Christmas tradition to kiss someone under the mistletoe, so I assume it is to spread the holiday joy.” with a slightly teasing tone. Katie looks back over to you, searching your face for what she should do. “We don't have to, if you don't want to.” You lock your eyes on Katie's, “I mean it's bad luck if we don't, right?” You joke back, sending her a smile and a nod, letting Katie know you're okay with it. Katie leans in and pecks your lips. “So, breakfast?” Katie says as she quickly turns around again, hiding her flushed cheeks from you.
Your morning and afternoon were jam-packed with family activities, and while you loved every part of it, your mind kept going back to Katie’s lips on yours. How soft they were, and how badly you wanted to kiss her again. Though, you had convinced yourself that for Katie the kiss was probably just for the tradition of it. You couldn't have been more wrong though, Katie badly wanted to talk to you about the kiss, but she hadn't been able to get you alone for a single moment today. 
The first moment the two of you were alone that day, was on the way to the Christmas light event. The car ride itself was quiet besides the radio softly playing in the background, both of your minds running at full speed. Katie parks the car, and right from the parking lot you could already see lights all around you. While you were slowly turning to take in all of the beautiful lights, Katie’s eyes were fixed on you. “What?” You say while a blush rushes to your cheeks, when you notice Katie’s eyes on you. The usual confidence of the girl in front of you, replaced by nervousness. “Nothing, it’s stupid.” She says trying to turn away but you grab her arm and pull her back around. “If you’re thinking about it, it’s not stupid.” You seemingly convinced her as she took a deep breath. “Would you have kissed me if we weren’t standing under a mistletoe?” The question takes you by surprise, as you had convinced yourself that it was just you lingering on the moment you had shared this morning. “Nevermind, forget I said anything.” Katie turns on her heels again, thinking she had her answer by the lack of your response. The action makes you jump into action, once again reaching for her arm. This time you don’t just use the pull to turn her around, you also use it to bring her closer to you. You lean in and connect your lips, smiling into the kiss, as you feel Katie kiss back. The feeling of her soft lips moving in sync with yours sent shivers down your body, while simultaneously making you feel warm inside. 
After you pull away from the kiss, you look at Katie and see the Christmas lights reflect in her eyes. “In case that didn’t answer your question properly, that meant yes.” You joke, making her laugh. She playfully pushes you away, before stepping besides you again to intertwine your hands. You spend the evening walking around the lit up city center, enjoying every moment together. 
You arrive back at Katie’s childhood home way past midnight, so the house is already quiet. She pulls you into the warmth of the home by your hand, only feeling you resist when you walk through the doorway to the living room. She follows your eyes up to the mistletoe under which you shared your first kiss. Katie takes a step back to stand in front of you, and wastes no time to connect your lips. The kiss started out soft and sweet, but quickly turned more passionate. Katie pulls away from the kiss breathlessly, “To be continued.” She says as she takes your hand once more and guides you to her room.
The next morning you wake up in Katie’s arms, a feeling you would like to never forget. “Good morning, beautiful.” Katie whispers as she places a kiss on your forehead. A wide smile forms on your face, “Good morning.” After sharing a few soft kisses, you get ready for family breakfast. The food each morning had been amazing, you were so excited for what Christmas would bring. 
Lauryn asked if both of you wanted to join her on the pitch that afternoon, which of course you agreed to. It might be winter break, but football was a passion you would always take a moment for. You had been on the pitch for about an hour, when Katie decided to take her jacket off. "Is that a hickey?" Lauryn said loud enough for the whole town to hear. Katie sends a panicked look your way, you shrug your shoulders, knowing there isn’t anything you can do now besides mouthing a sorry her way. Lauryn followed the interaction, her smile growing wider. “Oh my god, it so is! I gotta tell Ella that her mistletoe idea worked.” Katie chases after her youngest sister, tackling her to the ground before she could reach her phone. “You and Ella are a pair of meddlers.” She said, shaking her head, as she helped Lauryn up. “It worked didn’t it? Mum’s gonna love this.” You watched the interaction with a smile on your face, realizing that her whole family was rooting for the two of you together. 
On Christmas Eve the rest of the McCabe siblings, along with their partners and children joined you at the McCabe’s, and it wasn’t long before they all knew about you and Katie. You were nervous at first, not wanting the dynamic to change, but quite the opposite happened. They were happy for the both of you, and continued to treat you as family, like they had done the past couple of days. 
All in all it was a wonderful Christmas with her whole family, lots of presents, amazing food, and company from the loving family. Katie was watching you interact with her cousins with adoration in her eyes, she couldn’t wait to continue creating memories together. The family got together for a series of group pictures. You took a couple of the McCabe siblings, and some of them all together with their parents, as well as Sharon taking individual ones of each of her children with their partners, and kids if they had them. 
Katie later posted a collection with her favorite ones, along with the caption ‘Family time❤️🎄’. She added the picture Sharon took of the two of you, where you have your arms around her waist, as she places a kiss on your cheek. You posted the ones you were on to your own Instagram with the caption, ‘Thank you for the best Christmas ever❤️’. 
It didn’t take long for the Arsenal group chat to explode upon seeing your posts. You were laying in bed with Katie, scrolling through the loving messages your teammates were sending your way after Katie confirmed that the pictures indeed meant that you were her girlfriend. That night you went to bed feeling happier than you had ever felt. Truly a high to end the year on.
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pickingupmymercedes · 2 months
congrats on 500 followers!!! Could you do a blurb with like theyre staying with his family and its all just comfort and fun maybe she’s pregnant, and could you do like for dialouge:
“It feels like a dream. And I never want to wake up.” like shes happy and got everything she wanted
Omggg, my heart exploded with this one. Someone give this man a child (I'm open)
"If feels like a dream. And I never want to wake up"
The shadows of the crackling fire cast danced on the walls of the cozy and empty living room. Y/N sat curled up on the sofa, her daughter nestled in the crook of her arm as she tried to get the toddler to sleep, but the little girl, wide-eyed and alert, seemed mesmerized by the activities and noise around her grandmother’s house.
It was Christmas Eve, and Lewis’s family got everything ready for their famous Christmas lunch.
Carmen, Lewis's mother, emerged from the kitchen, a steaming mug in her hand. Spotting Y/N, she smiled warmly. "You look like you could use a cup of tea," she said, handing her the drink
Y/N accepted gratefully, wrapping her free hand around it for warmth. "Thank you" she replied, her voice low but soft.
Carmen sat down beside her, her eyes filled with a gentle warmth. "She's growing up so fast," she said, her voice revealing the wonder she always held at her granddaughter.
Y/N nodded; her gaze fixing back on her daughter. "It feels like just yesterday she was this tiny little thing."
Carmen chuckled. "Time flies when you have them."
Y/N smiled; her heart full as she studied the other kids, almost pre-teens by now, excitedly talking to each other in the kitchen and the family room.
Lewis and their daughter had spent the whole with them. Willow and Kaden carefully dotting around the toddler and making sure they told her every little detail of their Christmas traditions.
Carmen had also spent their day watching the little girl, her interactions with Lewis, with Y/n, with her ants and uncles. She had wondered if it’d ever happen to Lewis, the possibility of him settling down, finding someone who could truly make him happy. Give him the family he always dreamed of.
And then Y/N had come into his life, and everything changed.
"You're doing an amazing job, you know" Carmen said, her voice filled with admiration.
Y/N blushed. "It's not that much work" she replied modestly. "They’re really easy to love."
Carmen shook her head. "It's more than that. You've created such a beautiful home for Lewis and this little one. You've given him a family, something he wondered if he’d have."
Y/N's gave a shy and small smile to the elder. "I love him, Carmen," she said softly. "More than words can say. And this one… she's the greatest gift I could ever ask for."
Carmen reached out and took Y/N's hand, squeezing it gently. "I know," she said. "And I'm so grateful to have you both in my life."
Y/N looked down at her daughter, who was now fighting hard her sleep, her tiny head resting on Y/N's shoulder.
"It feels like a dream," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "And I never want to wake up."
Carmen smiled, her eyes glistening as she saw Lewis standing by the threshold watching the scene in front of him. "Me neither, dear," she replied to the both of them. "Me neither."
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf @priopp123 @strqirlhrts
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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astonmartinii · 1 year
teddy bear | max verstappen social media au
pairing: non-famous!reader x max verstappen
when there's only one person who can bring out the real max
maxverstappen1 added to their story
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[caption: visiting my favourite person at work]
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourbff and 201 others
yourusername: best times ever with you <3 (p.s. thank you for my bunny)
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maxverstappen1 it's easy to have the best time when you're with you ... p.s. you need something to remind you of me when i'm racing
yourusername awww love you maxy
yourbff god you guys are so cute
verstappenstan did they forget this isn't their private accounts ... anyhow it's cute as fuck i love them so much
lilacleclerc why does max have me giggling and kicking my feet in this comment section WHO IS HE?
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liked by redbullracing, danielricciardo and 552,109 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: the paddock and the win are that much sweeter with you (the hospitality coffee too)
view all 110,784 comments
falonso14 who are you and what did you do with max verstappen?
worldchampmax yall going crazy in the comments over ... max having feelings??? wild
yourusername barista first human second - BUT congrats maxy you're the best !!!
maxverstappen1 your coffee is generational
danielricciardo i thought you liked my coffee the best :(
maxverstappen1 sorry mate, y/n comes first
f1forlife i know max has a bit of a reputation on track but i for one love seeing this side of max
yourusername added to their story
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[caption: favourite boy in action]
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 201,976 others
tagged: maxverstappen1, yourusername
daniel3.jpeg: spent the weekend with dumb and dumber
view all 51,087 comments
maxverstappen1 i get me but HER - YOU'RE CALLING HER DUMB??
yourusername yeah danny i watched that coffee machine kick your ass watch your tone :(
howdyricciardo damn they really gagged danny's ass
verstappenthelion i really don't care what jos thinks i love these two together
landonorizz me too !! honestly think someone with a humble job is just what max needed
sophiekumpen my two favourites, come visit again soon xx
yourusername miss you !!
babyricc3 she's already met and got the approval from sophie ??? FUCK WHAT JOS THINKS
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liked by leclercstan, ilovepierregasly and 2,108 others
tagged: yourusername
f1wagupdates: max verstappen's girlfriend y/n y/ln seen confronting sergio perez after his crash with verstappen left the dutchman in the hospital. the argument was reportedly short as y/n rushed to the hospital to be with max. sources have stated that this isn't the first altercation she's got into in the paddock, the other occasion coming after jos verstappen was heated with his son after a qualifying mistake, y/n intervening with harsh words for jos. what do you think? is y/n out of line?
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estebestie31 thank god there's someone in max's life to stand up for him
kikiaye i love her even more now, jos is way too harsh on max and checo was so so dangerous this weekend i'm glad y/n said something
flowersforleclerc i don't want anyone to say she doesn't love max after this
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 31,089 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: a championship winning weekend in three pics. but on a serious note i love you so much and i'm so so proud of everything you've achieved!! you deserve everything and more and i'm so grateful i get to be by your side and along for the ride, love you forever maxy xx
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verstappengirly i love them your honour
maxverstappen1 you're the best thing to ever happen to me and i wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you. i love you so much i'm so glad we met x
danielricciardo damn yall are so cute
lilacverstappen best wag ever
charles_leclerc idk what happened at that party what was in that champagne?
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liked by yourusername, christianhorner and 1,089,567 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: told you guys she'd be mrs. verstappen soon... jokes i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you y/n and have ten million children and even more cats x
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verstappensupremacy him cutting off his dad and marrying the love of his life this year has been so so good to him
ilovemax he deserves this so much
yourusername i've loved every moment of these past years together and i can't wait for the rest of our life xx
danielricciardo CONGRATS LOVE BIRDS
christianhorner congratulations you two
note: hope you enjoy - i finally finished uni so i am back !! and will finally get to all the requests lol
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aynavaano · 4 months
Sunsets on Pabu
Old Hunter x f!reader
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 3k
You spend a wonderful day at the beach with Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair. In the evening the two of them decide to join the rest of your family at Sheps for dinner while you and Hunter stay at the beach to watch the sunset together but Hunter decides to turn his attention to you instead.
Tadaaa! It’s finally here. I let you vote between a soft and a rough version and the majority voted for soft and loving. So this is what you get first. Reader is married to Hunter, you live on Pabu together and he absolutely worships you, we have oral (f receiving) and unprotected sex. Kind of public sex but not really. It’s porn with very little plot, just a little fluff. Also Tech lives, because I will die on that hill. And don’t worry all Hunter girlies that like it rougher, you will get your fic next week. (Spoiler alert: Hunter bends you over the dining table)
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As the day winds down and the sun begins its descent towards the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the beach, you find yourself grateful for the simple pleasures the island has to offer. You're dressed in your new cute bikini, that you let Hunter pick, feeling the warm sand between your toes as you stroll along the shore with him, Wrecker, and Crosshair. You spent the whole day at the beach together, swimming, basking in the sun and eating more Meiloorons than you probably should. The sound of the waves crashing against the beach is soothing, and you can't help but smile as you soak in the beauty of the moment. Unfortunately Tech can’t be bothered most of the time and only joins you for beach days when Omega pushes all his buttons and pulls the sweetest face on him, but you got used to it and instead often spend the evenings together at his and Phees place.
You hear Batcher barking in the distance before you even see Omega and Lyana approaching, making their way down from the town to let you know Shep invited everyone for dinner on his terrace. But despite the tempting invitation, you decline, having already decided you want to watch the sunset with Hunter. Wrecker and Crosshair however head off with the girls to enjoy Shep's famous cooking, leaving the two of you alone on the beach.
You watch them walking up the steep alley, Batcher happily running ahead and barking, while gathering your things and making your way further down the beach, seeking out a secluded spot, away from the houses, where you can enjoy the sunset in peace. The sand is still warm beneath your feet as you walk along the shore, hand in hand with your husband.
Finally, you find a spot that feels just right, a cove with a small patch of sand nestled between a few bigger rocks. You spread out your blanket and settle down beside each other.
Nestled in Hunter's arms, you watch as the sun paints the sky in beautiful shades of pink, orange and gold. It's a familiar sight on Pabu, one you've witnessed countless times before, but it never fails to take your breath away and with Hunter by your side, it always feels even more special.
"You sure you didn't want to go to Sheps for dinner?" you ask, snuggling closer to him.
"More than sure," he replies, his voice soft and warm against your ear. "It's not often that we get an evening just for us."
You smile up at him giving him a sweet kiss, his arms tightening around you protectively.
"They'll be fine," he reassures you. "Wrecker's probably already stuffed to the brim, like always, and complaining that he can’t fit more, and Omega's teaching Lyana new gambling tricks. And I'm sure Phee's doing her best to get Crosshair to open up, most likely with the help of her secret stash of Alderaan wine, while Tech is trying to argue that thats not the solution."
You smile at the thought of your friends enjoying themselves. Evenings on Sheps terrace are always a lot of fun, everyone’s together with good food and good talks but in this moment, all you care about is the feeling of Hunter's arms around you and the beauty of the sunset before you, as you lean in to press a gentle kiss against his lips, grateful for the love and warmth he brings into your life.
He pulls you closer to his chest, planting soft kisses on your lips, one of his hands tracing the curves of your body, gently caressing every inch of your skin, leaving goosebumps wherever he touches you. You playfully shift around until you're straddling him, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. Your hand moves to his cheek and you let your thumb brush lovingly against his greying beard.
"You're going to miss the sunset if you keep looking at me love," you murmur softly, breaking the kiss momentarily.
"Well, then I guess it's good that the one thing I like looking at even more than sunsets is you," he replies with a smile, his eyes filled with adoration.
A mischievous grin spreads across your face as you lean in closer. "In that case …you know… I can make that view even better," you tease, your fingers tugging at the strings of your bikini top and with a swift motion, you unravel the top, casting it aside to expose your bare breasts.
He instantly wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer, burying his face between your soft breasts with a contented sigh. His beard tickles slightly against your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
He carefully begins to lick and gently nibble on your hardening nipples, getting a few soft moans from you in response. His hands roam over your breasts, cupping them with just the right amount of pressure as he looks up at you with admiration in his eyes.
"Sometimes I still wonder how I got so lucky to have you," he murmurs, his voice filled with love.
You chuckle softly and reach behind him, pulling on the back of his bandana to release his hair, which cascades over his shoulders in soft waves. You marvel at how long it has grown since you first started dating, admiring the subtle streaks of grey that have begun to appear over time.
With a gentle push, he guides you to lay on your back, positioning himself over you.
"If we're going to miss the sunset, we might as well make it worth it," he grins, his lips trailing kisses all over your body leaving a line of fire in their wake.
He takes his time, savoring every inch as he carefully removes your swim bottoms. Each touch is deliberate and full of love, each caress sending shivers of anticipation through your body, heat already pooling between your legs.
"Let me make take care of you my love," he murmurs, his breath hot against your skin, turning his attention to your core, already yearning for his touch
He kisses along your inner thighs, his breath warm against your skin as he moves closer to your center. When his tongue finally makes contact with your folds, a low moan escapes your lips and you arch into his touch. He quickly wraps his arms around your tights to keep you from moving and to hold you flush against his face.
"Oh, Hunter," you gasp, your fingers tangling in his hair as he continues to tease and lick. His movements are deliberate and unhurried, each stroke of his tongue sending waves of heat radiating through you.
"You feel so good cyare," he murmurs against your skin, his voice husky with desire. "I could do this all night."
He slowly increases the intensity of his licks and kisses and when he starts sucking your clit you are already a whimpering mess in his arms.
“You want my fingers?” he asks looking up at you.
Your only response is a desperate moan, the words lost in a haze of pleasure as he pushes you ever closer to the edge with his tongue but he doesn’t need to hear you, after all these years he knows exactly what you like.
He slowly slides first one then a second finger into you without any resistance, your pussy practically dripping for him and when he begins to thrust into you slowly you can feel the tension building in your core, the familiar coil of desire tightening with each stroke of his tongue and thrust of his fingers.
“Oh fuck…Hunter…feels…so good” you moan,
“Mmmhm…don’t hold back love” he groans before he descends down on your clit, mercilessly sucking it into his mouth until your body begins to writhe under his touch.
“M…m close” is all you can get out between your whimpers and mewls, his fingers pushing into you with an intensity that leaves you unable to have any coherent thoughts.
"Come for me, baby," he murmurs, his voice vibrating against your core as he curls his fingers up to find that extra sweet spot, the one that makes you see stars, driving you higher and higher until you're teetering on the brink.
With a final, desperate cry, you shatter beneath him, waves of ecstasy crashing over you as you ride out the storm of your release on his fingers, you pussy clenching hard around him. You’re a whining and panting mess, it’s crazy what he can do to you only with his mouth and his fingers.
When you slowly come down from your high he carefully slides out of you, his arms wrapping around you in a protective embrace and your body starts relaxing against him. Hunter's lips find yours in a searing kiss, his hands moving to cup your face as he gazes at you with a mixture of awe and adoration. His eyes are filled with love and tenderness, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering against your skin.
"You're so beautiful when you come on my fingers," he murmurs, his voice filled with awe as he gazes at you with adoration, peppering your face with soft kisses. “I’ll never get tired watching you like that, it’s divine.”
You smile up at him, your heart overflowing with love and gratitude pulling him close, cherishing the moment and the man who means everything to you.
You wrap your legs around him, feeling his hardened length pressing against your thigh, your hunger for him in not yet sated and you eagerly wiggle around reaching down to free his cock.
“Can’t get enough, hm?” he chuckles.
"Mhm, help me take these off," you whisper, tucking at the hem of his swim shorts.
He quickly cast his shorts aside and crawls back over you, leaning in to kiss you, propped up on his elbows. You love how his body changed over the years, it got slightly softer as he let go of the hardships and battles, but lost not a single bit of his strength.
“I want to feel you inside me” you whisper desire lacing your words when his beautiful rock hard cock is finally freed from its confinement.
You reach down to stroke him, his lips grazing your neck, whispering sweet words of adoration and when you feel the precum already leaking from his tip you shiver with delight.
"Would you ride me a bit?" he asks softly, his voice a tender whisper against your skin.
"Who am I to deny you that wish?" you respond with a loving glint in your eye.
He rolls onto his back, effortlessly pulling you on top of him, his hands holding onto your hips, helping you to straddle him.
"Come here," he whispers, his eyes ablaze with desire, pupils blown wide, as you position yourself, sliding up and down his length, spreading your wetness all over him, before lining him up at your entrance.
With the last rays of the setting sun casting a reddish pink glow on your skin, you slowly sink down on his cock, until he bottoms out, relishing the sensation of being filled by him once more.
You both moan, taking a moment to fully enjoy it. You’ve been together for years but the sensation of taking him in completely, feeling yourself stretch around him, is still as good as it was the first time.
"Oh Hunter, you feel so good," you moan, steadying yourself against his chest.
You slowly begin moving up and down his length, relishing the sensation of being so full, his thick cock stretching you in all the right ways. Each movement sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body, igniting a desire within you that only he can still.
As you bounce up and down on his cock, your hair cascades in loose waves around your shoulders, still slightly damp from your last swim and your beautiful breasts bounce with every movement, drawing his gaze like a moth to a flame.
"I love you so much" he whispers, his voice filled with devotion, reveling in the sight of you on top of him, his eyes tracing every curve of your body illuminated by the dying sun. In this moment, he feels like the luckiest man in the galaxy, blessed to have you in his arms. Unable to resist, his hands come up to cup your breasts, his thumbs trailing over your hardened nipples, eliciting a soft gasp from your lips.
"I'll take it from here," he whispers huskily, his voice heavy with desire as he gently but hungrily pushes you onto your back, with ease, positioning himself between your legs and slowly starts thrusting into you. Taking your legs up over his shoulders, he picks up the pace, each movement driving you both closer to the edge of ecstasy.
As he plunges into you with increasing fervor, you become a moaning, whining mess beneath him, lost in the throes of passion. Fortunately, the waves crashing on the nearby rocks dim everything around, preventing your lewd sounds and the squelching of your soaking wet pussy from traveling too far up to the village.
"Hunter, I'm close," you gasp, your voice trembling with need. "Come with me?" You ask him, your eyes locking with his as you plead for release.
He lets go of your legs and comes down over you, propped up on his elbows, his hair cascading around your faces like a veil. With a deep, passionate kiss, he whispers against your lips,
"Cum for me, let me feel that beautiful pussy clenching around my cock" his words send shivers down your spine and when he thrusts deeper, his tip pushing against your cervix, just the way he knows you like it, you feel your body responding eagerly to him.
It takes only a few more of these deep, powerful thrusts until you feel your pussy clenching down on him, the tension in your core reaching its breaking point. With a lewd moan, the delicious heat begins pulsing through your entire body and you're consumed by the intensity of your orgasm. He follows you almost immediately. Before the first wave of ecstasy fully washes over you, you feel him harden even more, his rhythm becoming sloppy and his arousal driving him to the brink.
With one final, deep thrust, he releases himself inside you, filling you up with his hot seed. You feel a surge of warmth as he gasps, his body crashing down against yours, his lips seeking yours in a deep, soulful kiss. In that moment, the world fades away, your mind goes completely blank, all sounds dim around you, leaving only the sensation of your orgasm pulsing through your body and the feeling of his hot skin against yours.
You bask in the afterglow of your shared orgasm, his forehead resting against yours, reveling in the intimacy of the moment. Your bodies are sweaty and you’re panting when you slowly come back to yourselves, the sounds and view of the surroundings returning to your senses.
He leans in to kiss you, his lips conveying a depth of emotion that words could never express. With a soft whisper, he murmurs sweet, loving words that warm your heart and soul.
You revel in the feeling of you bodies pressed together and when his softening cock slowly slides out of you, you feel his cum oozing from your core dripping down into the sand.
“I know you like walking around with my cum leaking out of you, but we should get you cleaned up love”
“Mhm…can’t think…n…can’t walk…Cross took…took all our towels back home” you mumble, completely blissed out and cock dumb.
“Let me take care of you riduur, like I always do” he whispers, looking down at your flushed face and your silly smile with pure love and adoration before he scoops you up into his arms.
You know what he’s about to do. He always carries you into the ocean whenever you have sex on the beach and you love it almost as much as being fucked into oblivion by him.
The water on Pabu is always warm, enveloping you in its soothing embrace as he wades into its depths and you cling to him, your legs wrapped around his waist, exchanging tender kisses as the gentle waves rock you back and forth.
As you float together, you trace the lines of his tattoo on his face, your fingers brushing lightly over his beard before trailing down his chest. You let your hands rest there, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your touch. He pulls you closer, his arms wrapping around you protectively as you nestle your head in the crook of his neck, his long locks tickling your face in the gentle breeze. In this moment, surrounded by the warmth of the ocean and the tenderness of his embrace, you feel truly at peace.
The sun has set completely when you reluctantly emerge from the water and the cool evening breeze sends shivers down your spine. You quickly make your way to your beach blanket and lie down, the chill of the night air causing your teeth to chatter. Hunter pulls you close, wrapping you tightly in his embrace. With gentle hands, he drapes his soft knit cardigan around your shoulders, cocooning you in its warmth until the trembling subsides.
Nestled against his chest, you watch in awe as more and more stars begin to appear in the night sky, their twinkling lights casting a soft glow over the beach. With each passing moment, the world around you seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you alone in the embrace of the night. In this tranquil moment, wrapped in his arms and surrounded by the beauty of the starlit sky, you feel an overwhelming sense of peace and contentment wash over you that he is able to live this soft and gentle live here on Pabu and that he chose you to be part of it.
“Let’s go home” he whispers “before you start freezing again. And I’m sure Omega got us some leftovers from Shep”
You chuckle.
“Then we better get home before Wrecker finds them”
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insanermin · 7 months
Hey i just read your fanfic "and still i answer your call when she doesn't answer at all". and i loved it, i wonder if you could maybe make a part 2 if you have time, And if you want too. And ofcourse, you dont have to do it or rush it
hi! thank you sm <3 yes ofc i can, haven't written in a hot minute so;
and still i answer your call when she doesn't answer at all, part 2
pairing: ellie x fem!reader
warnings: toxic relationship, cheating, nsfw, curse words, soft?? ellie but highkey salty, not proofread yet again, lesbian sex <3, and also first time writing smut plsplspls have mercy on me, xoxo
word count: 3,9k
summary: you visit ellie again to thank her for comforting and taking care of you, but things take a different course when your 'girlfriend' texts you. or; ellie eats you out.
as warm tones start to set into the blue sky, february doesn't seem so cold anymore.
all your worries were washed away, all thanks to ellie. after you stormed to her place at the most vile hour, ellie took good care of you, the two of you watched your favourite movies until you fell asleep and she prepared you some breakfast before you had to leave for work. guilt resides in the pits of your gut, your gratefulness has never left the four walls of your mind, it is time you finally thank ellie for everything she has done for you these past few days.
you spent the whole day in bed, sulking away while thoughts of your girlfriend cross your mind. you reach for your phone, no message from her.
as you take steady steps to your closet you realise that there's no turning back now. you've made up your mind, it is over. but you needed good advice from a very good friend, surely ellie would have all the answers to your questions. flicking through all the clothes in your closet, memories of your girlfriend start to occupy your mind. the dress you wore on your first date, the hoodie she bought you on a rainy november day, the graphic tee you wore the first time she made you cry, and all the other clothes that witnessed you being miserable because of her. it had to end, now.
all dressed up now, you wash your face, washing the smudged mascara from yesterday's crying away. lately your emotions have been all over the place but you told yourself it is better to feel them rather than bottling everything up.
ready to leave, you text ellie a simple 'i'm gonna stop by your place' shortly regretting that you didn't text her earlier. but to your luck she replies almost immediately.
'sure, have you eaten?' the words circle your mind. you don't know whether you're impressed by the fact that she answered so quickly or that she potentially knew you haven't eaten a single thing yet.
'no' you reply, slipping your phone into your pocket while fishing out your keys that you mindlessly put in your pockets before locking the door.
you step outside and cold wind is blowing your way. the sky has already lost itself in complete darkness, but the clouds haven't shied away, surrounding the moons light.
ellie is just as nervous as the last time you were here, although now she had something to keep herself busy with: cooking.
keeping it simple, because she's too scared to mess up, but not too boring, ellie doesn't want you to think that she can't cook.
a dilemma she might never escape, because she knows you don't overthink any of your actions towards her. but should she really be thinking about this right now? ellie tries her best to feel somewhat content that you're coming over. however, knowing that she is one-sidedly overthinking her actions, caring for your needs and, well, liking you, she can't help but feel like burning this entire kitchen down instead of cooking a nice meal for the two of you.
"shit," ellie groans as she feels the blade digging into her fingertip. this for sure wasn't part of the cute scenarios she just made up nor was it part of her plan to burn this kitchen down. ellie rushes to find a plaster, a bandage, anything to put on her finger.
the door rings, ellie rushes to the door, heavy footsteps echo and bounce off the stairwell walls. the sound of you felt like a mixture of butterflies and sour lemons in her guts.
and there you stand, right in front of her. something in the fresh evening air must've altered your brain chemistry, because why do you feel her eyes linger? and why do you want them to? your emotional imbalance is surely to blame, you most definitely lack attentiveness and consideration. ellie lightly clearing her throat interrupts your almost driving you to insanity monologue, your eyes now drawn to her body.
has your friend's arms always looked this big? she's just wearing a plain white t-shirt, but you can't seem to stop yourself from tracing the strokes of her tattoo with your eyes. soft hello's were exchanged before ellie offered to take off your jacket. the outfit you picked out today and deemed too light for your own comfort suddenly became ridiculously warm.
"how have you been?" ellie asks, making her way to the kitchen as you awkwardly stand in the hallway trying to cool down.
"better? uh, do you mind if i change?" your voice breaks a little, you lightly chuckle to cover your discomfort.
ellie shakes her head, her whole attention directed towards the plates she's trying to decorate nicely with the food she has just made. truth is, she's trying her hardest not to think about you changing, about your bare, soft skin, about—
"oh my god," it emerges from ellie's bedroom, ripping ellie out of her mildly inappropriate thoughts. she was so sure that she cleaned her room well, even checked multiple times and every corner, what on earth did you find? she fiddles with her hands as she walks towards her bedroom, door slightly open. the auburn haired woman doesn't believe in god, but on this very day, she is making all kinds of prayers, hoping for the best. ellie opens the door and seeing you sit on her bed with your phone in your hand is surprisingly disappointing.
you watch her stand at the doorframe, her arms crossed, flexing her buff arms. you can't ignore her furrowed eyebrows, but when ellie notices the concern written all over your face she mouths a low 'what happened?'
you turn around your phone for ellie to read the text message your girlfriend just sent you.
'hey baby, can we talk? i'm really sorry' ellie reads in her head. she definitely prayed for all the wrong reasons, because this is exponentially worse than anything she feared just a minute ago.
"why are you showing me this?" she asks, her voice low. she's still standing in front of you, looking down on you. her gaze on you makes you feel things you haven't felt in a long time. but your girlfriend just texted you and is apologising for her actions, you need to focus. but something about the way her eyes are locking you in is making it a little harder to breathe.
you take a deep breath, you need oxygen to clear your head.
"well, i came here because i needed advice—" you carefully watch ellie approaching you slowly.
"—i wanted to end things with her but—" you thought you were attentive enough but you're taken aback by ellie's big hands resting on your thighs, her face dangerously close to yours. you steal a small glimpse at her tired eyes piercing you through before continuing. her being so close causes your breath to shorten, you're hoping your all that she can't see your chest lifting.
"—she apologised now, so we're good," you say. ellie's eyes widen in disbelief, slightly tilting her head.
"are you serious?" she scoffs, her eyes shut close before searching for answers in yours. you nod and watch ellie drop her head in disappointment, followed by several scoffs and sighs.
"no you're not," she says under her breath, disappointment slowly spiralling into exasperation. ellie can't tolerate this any longer. whether it is your dumb decisions or your inability to see your worth, she won't take this anymore. and it might be selfish to get angry at you for not seeing her more than just a friend, but she did decide on a whim while cooking that this is the day where she finally tells you. however the manner things are progressing for now seem to be reaching a dead end.
"i have to reply though," you mumble, but ellie's furrowed eyebrows insinuate you to feel insecure about your decision.
"you don't," ellie says, as an auburn hair strand looses itself from her split ponytail. her arm reaches for your phone, but you hold it up by reflex, you didn't expect her to grab for your phone. however, you forget that you're the one sitting and she'd just have to stand up straight to get your phone, so you rapidly throw your back onto the mattress, arms far away, she surely won't be able to get your phone now.
"fuck, you can't be—" ellie hesitates, and you smile triumphantly, until you feel something weighting you down. your eyes widen in realisation, did ellie just climb on top of you? your body's brush now and then against each other while she's trying to reach for your phone. you're about to turn to the side when you feel ellie's strong hands hold your wrist down, making it impossible for you to move. for a minute, you forget why you wanted to turn away as you loose yourself in her sage green eyes. and that's when realisation hits you, you're under her, at the mercy of her big, strong arms. ellie doesn't keep eye contact for long, her eyes are fixated on stealing your phone, your eyes are focused on her jaw line. you're being held down, her knees restricting your upper body from the sides, her chest alarmingly close to your face. your grip around your phone softens, your too distracted by her presence pressing and holding you down.
you hear ellie whisper a 'finally' before you're eye to eye again. ellie was too busy taking your phone away and only notices now how close the two of you are. your chests lightly brush against each other, ellie still pinning you down to the bed. her grip tightens around your wrist as she thinks about the way you're still so caught up with your girlfriend, but the fact that she has your full attention for once overrides all the anger she bottled up. you gulp down and break away from her gaze, looking to the side, where she's holding you down.
"what happened to your finger?" you finally break the silence, earning a low chuckle from ellie. she's breathing right onto your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
you watch ellie's lip move, form words, pressing against each other softly.
"you sure you wanna text your girlfriend?" the last words pull you out of the daze her lips put you in, she surely must've said something important. you need to focus. you have to ignore that your body is screaming to be held, to be touched.
the thought of ellie touching you has never crossed your mind until... now. this very thought makes you want to adjust your lower body, arching your back slightly.
ellie can't help but notice all the movement happening below her. she's never been this close to you. and knowing she has your undivided attention all to herself, she can't hold back any longer.
her chest bumps against yours as she slightly moves up, her hand reaching for your chin, holding it in between her thumb and bandaged index finger. you're forced to hold eye contact with her, her breath tickling your face. your chest doesn't even rise anymore, only falling lower and lower until the movement travels to your lower back.
it's hard to breathe and it's hard to think, you feel your eyes wander from her green eyes to her lips.
"do i have something on my lips?" ellie asks, while looking down on you.
"no?" you're confused, finally pulled out of trance. she tilts your head to the side, at which you sharply inhale.
"you're staring," ellie whispers into your neck, the sensation insinuates you to hold your breath. you see a smile creep up her face from the corner of your eye, your heartbeat must've dropped to your abdomen at this very sight. all your morals and values must have left you on this night, because you want nothing more than ellie. she always directs you to make the right decision, so you want to believe that she will stop you from pursuing your inappropriate thoughts. with your free hand you reach for the hem of ellie's t-shirt, holding onto it desperately.
"ellie," you say out of breath. something about the way you called for her name made her lose it all, the breathlessness, your voice, the feeling of your body under hers.
her narrowed eyes fill with desperation, hunger, and lust. the sight of you underneath her tingles on her fingertips, ready to roam your body.
ellie takes a deep breath, lifting your face by your chin. she observe your lips carefully as she traces the outlines with her thumb.
"can i?" ellie finally asks, her eyes nervously looking for a place to rest on. you look up to her through your lashes, your grip tightening on her t-shirt. she makes you feel so needed, so incredibly wanted. your mind tells you to put an end to this but the feeling growing in between your thighs can't be ignored any longer. you shut your eyes close, then take one more look at ellie.
her arms could hold you up without struggling, her hands look so sturdy, she could touch you just the way you need her to.
sharply inhaling, you nod, and a smile creeps up her face. and you still feel said smile as she presses her lips against yours.
you didn't know that such a gentle kiss left you eager for more, and you find your hands entangled in her hair, frantically holding onto ellie.
the way your hands speak for what's going on on your mind makes ellie's blood rush through her veins, the soft fabric of your top rubbing up against her arm drives her insane as your skin is exposed every now and then.
ellie's hands glide over your body as her lips devour you impatiently. the sensation of her fingertips linger and you can't keep up any longer. she wants more of you, sloppy kisses emphasise that her attention has shifted from your lips to your body.
you can't help but notice her t-shirt riding up every so often, abdomen exposed.
"fuck," ellie groans, your bottom lip tugged in between her teeth. her hands finally have found a place to rest, a little under your chest, cupping your breasts. her gentle eyes meet yours, pressing her lips to a thin line before speaking.
"can i take your shirt off?" ellie's voice is slightly raspy and it's just enough to worsen the pressure in between your thighs. you squeeze them tightly, earning raised eyebrows from ellie.
"only if you take yours off too," you shoot back, because you can't be doing the wrong thing one-sidedly. however, didn't you want to end things with your girlfriend? she was practically an ex by now, you would've told her soon enough.
ellie sits up, her inner thighs pressing against your waist.
"oh? then, take your bra off too," ellie says, as she trails kisses on your neck, hot, slow and wet. you slightly arch your neck while biting down a moan. this is getting too heated for your own comfort and you can see yourself making noises only a few instances away, this needs to stop.
but ellie keeps on sucking, biting and licking your neck, making it impossible to keep quiet. and to make matters worse, she pushes her thigh all the way up against your aching spot, resulting you to softly moan.
"shit, didn't know texting your girlfriend back included moaning for me," ellie spits, the bitter taste of her fury still hasn't left her tongue. you're taken aback by her words but the sensation on your neck is keeping you in a trance you can't break away from. ellie's had enough of waiting, so she switches position with you, making you sit on top of her lap. she lifts your t-shirt, every inch of exposed skin is followed by hungry kisses until the shirt is off of you. you don't necessarily like sitting on top, too many vulnerable spots to be explored. ellie's rough hands glide down the sides of your upper body until they comfortably rest above your hips. her fingers graze over your body making breathing impossible, you feel it all the way down your lower abdomen.
and as if her big sturdy hands roaming over your body wasn't enough, she reaches for your back, undoing your bra with one hand.
you watch her smirk cockily as the straps of your bra fall to the sides, exposing your shoulders, and more importantly your chest. ellie bites down her lip as she cups your breasts, giving them a good, firm squeeze before locking eyes with you.
"you're tits look so fucking perfect," she groans, letting the palm of her hand brush against your hard nipples while ellie feels your hips tilt to the back at the touch of your skin, back arched for a moment only. she then pinches them and teases you even more, so you try to stop her and you reach out for her hand. however, you mistakenly grab her tattooed forearm, grasping it firmly to push her away from you. ellie chuckles at your unfortunate attempt to break away from her.
"you want them inside of you?" she teases, while breathing hot air onto your nipples. your eyes widen in surprise, when have you implied that? you suddenly feel heat creep up your neck, panic written all over your face. in response, ellie points to the forearm you've been digging your nails into.
"oh," you say, rapidly drawing your hands in.
"no, it's fine," she says while putting your arms around her, lifting you slightly up to lay you on her bed. her fingers are hooked on your waistband while taking your pants off. you've never seen anyone look this hot taking pants off, loose hair strands covering her face, you can't tell her facial expression.
all you see is her muscular shoulders and arms flexing while she undresses you.
you realise that wearing grey underwear will be the death of you as you hear ellie laugh lowly. you sense her blowing hot air against your clit, oh god is she a tease, you think to yourself.
"so fucking wet and i haven't even touched you? would love to hear your girlfriend's opinion on this," ellie scoffs, while observing the hot mess you are.
"ellie, for fucks sake i'm—"
"you're what?" eyebrows raised, hands resting on your thighs. you take a deep breath. talking about this while you're about to do it is not just incredibly anticlimactic but also immensely nerve wrecking. her eyes are like a ticking bomb, the longer you keep her waiting the more the disappointment grows, her gentle eyes turning tired.
"i'm ending things with her," you finally say.
"you surely will after today," ellie responds, her fingertip firmly pressing on your clit, only fabric separating her from your skin.
you gasp and your stomach rises almost immediately at the pressure you feel, causing you to squeeze your thighs tightly together. however, ellie slips her rough hand in between them, mouthing an 'open' towards your direction which you deemed useless since ellie opened your legs forcibly on her own. she holds one of your thighs down while pulling your underwear to the side, exposing your throbbing, wet clit. she holds two fingers out, gliding them over you to moisturise them before sliding them inside of you. the sensation of her fingers inside of you causes you to arch your back, throw back your head and dig your nails into her scalp.
"easy, love," she whispers, her fingers curved inside of you. ellie starts off slow, with every thrust you exhale shortly, until they turn into soft moans. her unexpectedly breathing against your clit makes you go insane, you feel the sensation give you goosebumps all over you body.
your body leaves ellie mesmerised, the way you move at her touch worsens her need to keep you all to herself, to devour you. she never imagined you to be this gorgeous, this attractive. she wants more of you and desperately wants the taste of you on her tongue. and not a second later, ellie made up her mind, she adjusts herself and pulls your panties further to the side, having full view of you.
"gorgeous," she mutters before crashing onto your clit, letting her tongue slowly slide to the top before making her way back down again. you pull at her hair in reaction, your other hand gripping her bed sheets. ellie moves the tip of her tongue up and down before tugging your clit in between her lips softly, sucking it in.
your moans become shaky and her sucking becomes more intense. you feel your whole body tense up as she presses her parted lips lightly around you, her tongue slowly flicking your clit inside of her mouth. she then lets go of you, you hold your breath.
you're numbed by the sensation and can't tell what's going on, you either feel her fingers pump inside of you or her tongue absolutely devouring you. you can't keep up any longer and ellie doesn't even leave space for a moment to breathe or think, you only feel, and that deeply.
all you hear are the wet noises you make against ellie's tongue and her grunts that unexpectedly turn you on. nails digging into her hair, back arched to the ceiling and your mind so far gone that all your responses to ellie's teasing questions are mindless moans, you feel her push even harder inside of you, causing you to jolt. ellie grins onto your clit as she notices your throbbing take on a slow, rhythmic pace, your insides clasping around her fingers in said rhythm. your hips move in circles, you desperately want to come, you've never felt this good.
and ellie keeps her thrusts consistent, just as the movement of her tongue, only increasing the speed of it. the taste of you sends her to another dimension, she already knows that this will leave her hungry for more. and so your back shoots up, forcing your hip all the way down and clutching around ellie's fingers, a sharp, but loud moan escaping your mouth. content with her work, ellie plants a kiss on your clit, your body shuddering in response. she slowly removes her fingers, your body shivers once more.
you're still in a haze, but ellie hovering over you pulls you out of it, her glistening lips are mesmerising. you see her lose strands sticking to her forehead, a few pearls of sweat on her well built arms. ellie observes your eyes, the way you look so gorgeous in the dimmed light worries her that she might do more.
"good job," she whispers into your neck, goosebumps spreading across your skin. you mutter a 'thank you' which makes you realise you're thanking her for all the wrong reasons. she lays down beside you and holds her right arm out, suggesting you to rest your head on it. you scoot closer, watching her chest rise and fall as she breathes.
"thank you for... the past few days," you say quietly into her chest. ellie scoffs shortly, raises her right arm to the back of your head and pats you. only now you notice that she has taken her shirt off, you don't recall that happening but you surely don't mind the view. you then feel ellie reach out for something, your phone in her hand.
"now text your girlfriend back and make sure to let her know that i'm here."
a/n: hello sorry for taking so long to update, was busy with exams, i was on renee rapp's concert as well (she's so attractive oh god) and yes. enjoy my first attempt at smut :)
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paperstarwriters · 10 months
To the Soft and the Cold
Optimus Prime x Reader
Warnings: fluff
Summary: Despite being a giant metal robot, sometimes people call Optimus soft. Despite being a soft squishy human, sometimes people call you cold.
Masterlist | Transformers Masterlist
Word count: 1,397
"It's funny."
The wind blew past you, sweeping through your clothes and cooling you down as the setting sun kept you warm. It would not keep so kind a temperature for long—the cold seeped in more and more with every passing minute—but in the Jasper desert a little bit of cool air was a welcome gift. Which, perhaps only highlights the strange disparity between you even more.
"Despite being the soft squishy human from a hot little desert, I'm seen as cold. Despite being the giant transforming iron truck from a planet made of metal,  you're seen as...Soft."
Despite the beauty of the sunset and the growing hues of pink that burst across the horizon, Optimus never tore his optics from you—until now. Averted to the setting sun, he shifted so he was closer to you before he tucked his legs up to his chest, and leaned a little more against the rocks you stood on. His helm now within reach, you swept your hand across his audial fin ignoring the feeling of dust against metal.
Having spent so long in this little desert, the dust and debris has long since ceased to irritate you—even more once you met Optimus. It's far from the worst he's been anyways. Compared to some other times, this layer is at least very thin. It's a thing you've noted lately, how you would often find that Optimus only ever really had a thin sheen of dust overtop him, while some of the other bots like Bulkhead or Arcee, or even Ratchet seemed to have layers upon layers of sand and grime. At best, they only cleaned when it became awfully visible, at worst they'd clean only when the grime began to impede their functioning. You didn't blame or judge them of course. Cleanliness could take a bit of a back seat in the face of ensuring both your own and an entire easily squishable population's survival.
It made it easier to touch and feel him though. Sometimes you liked to think that it made it easier for him to feel you.
"Do you think so too?" Optimus asked, the fin you had been petting for a while now twitching slightly and encouraging you to reach for the bottom side of it.
Despite your temptations, you're cautious not to reach too far, knowing the twitch of his fins were hardly under his control. It's never really happened before, even as his fin twitched as your hand remained against it, but you still can't help the natural fear of a big metal object slashing through the air and slicing or crushing your arm.
"Think what?" you ask, sweeping your thumb across the metal you hold. It's hardly any movement at all, but you can see how Optimus relaxes at the feeling. It's a little hard to wrap your head around—how such a big bot can feel such a small thing—but you're grateful for the little kindness that you’re allowed to give.
"Do you think I'm soft?"
You answer immediately. You answer without thinking.
His fins go still.
Could you really deny that Optimus was soft? When he leaned against the surface you stood on, placed his helm so close to you so that you could touch him. When he snuck the both of you away and carved time from his hectic and important schedule just to read poetry with you—Primus, not even just for you. When he'd offer to bring snow back for Raf to see, when Miko and Jack would struggle in their classes—a miniature, distracting problem in the face of planetary survival and war—but Optimus would still offer advice from his experience and knowledge as an archivist and help if he had an extra moment to spare. When he'd calmly console Bee or Ratchet or compliment any member of his team...
It was impossible to see him as anything but soft and tender and kind.
You knew, of course, that many criticized that. War was no place for a person to be soft. It lead to enemies being spared, left to kill another day, left to take another one of your own when you didn't take one of theirs. Optimus had been criticized many a time for that lingering trace of softness around Megatron, the sort that made him falter, and let Megatron get the upper hand.
Soft, perhaps, is an insult to someone like him.
"I mean when you're with us," you blurt trying to remedy Optimus' spiraling thoughts. "You're soft with the kids and your team, I don't think that it's a bad thing to be kind to at least—"
"I don't think you're cold,"
He lifts a servo and as gently as he can manage, he brushes it against your stomach and chest. It still manages to knock you back a step, but once you lean into his touch, you find comfort in the tender motions
"You're warm,” he muses, optics trained intently on the the contact between his digit and your torso. “You're soft as well."
The laughter that bubbles up in your chest isn't meant to sound mocking, but you can't help but worry if it does. You've received many cold criticisms for the cruelty of your delight, even when you never intended to mock or harm. It makes you guarded, weary.
When you look at Optimus, all you see is his soft blue eyes, bright against the darkening sky, and the softest little curve of a smile upon his lips.
Soft. Warm. Tender. When he looks at you like you hang the stars in the sky, how could you describe him as anything else?
"I didn't mean it like that," you grouch instead. Averting your eyes back to the horizon where the sun had already long slipped down. The hues of orange and gold are the only traces of it left, and the darkness approaches with astounding speed.
It's cool, and soft and, tender. A welcome relief against the desert heat.
The night is nice as well, but not nearly as kind to you as the cool metal of his digit.
"I know." Optimus chuckles a little, his smile growing wider.
In the face of it you can't help but run through anything and everything you could do to keep the broad grin on his face, knowing it was a fleeting rarity amidst all of his hardships. You wish you had met under better circumstances. Even if he was still an archivist rather than a powerful faction leader selected by an alien god, you'd still want to be with him. Perhaps then, without the weight of two worlds resting on his shoulders, you could wring a smile from his face and keep it there for longer than an hour.
Inevitably it falters, and eventually it falls away. You don't know what had caused it, but it strikes a pain in your chest all the same.
"I meant... In the way you refer to me as soft as well," Optimus clarifies, once again shifting his digit to rub patterns against what little of you he could touch. "You're warm. You're kind and sweet and tender. You say I'm soft as if you aren't warm."
Your body decides to take his words as advice, as your cheeks and chest grow warm under Optimus' scrutiny. Once more delight burst across his face, and his digits curl around you, to allow his thumb to press a little firmer against your warm chest.
"So warm..." he hums, delighting in your embarrassment.
You try, and fail to tuck yourself away from his scrutiny. You could have done a better job at it, you know, but the chance to watch the liquid delight wash over his features is a moment you would never squander. So you let him grin and ridicule you in silence, the delight in his eyes, combining with a pillow-soft look, as you settle down in your half-hiding position leaning against his thumb.
"So... Soft," you reply.
Despite your whisper, you know Optimus can still pick up the soft sound of your voice, so keenly attuned to listening for you. Even then, you continue to hide halfheartedly, still taking the chance to watch Optimus laugh and still trying to hide the warm look that was surely growing on your face.
You didn't want it to be too easy for him to prove himself right, after all.
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scribblesofagoonerr · 7 months
Turmoil of events...
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This update might be a bit all over the place. I'm still ill, but I had a spark to write, even if it doesn't make much sense at all.
Credit to @alotofpockets for the idea on this update; I am very grateful for her help!
⟫ part 1
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After being sick for five days, it became apparent that having the flu was not enjoyable. You spent most of the week confined to your bed, wrapped in blankets, with a noticeable pile of used tissues beside you. You felt cold one moment and hot the next, shivering uncontrollably.
You had been feeling completely miserable. However, the good news was that you were starting to feel better just in time for the training session ahead of the away game against Bristol.
Although, your team's mothers held differing opinions on the matter.
"Maybe you should take a few more days to recover" Beth suggests, shaking her head. "I still don't think this is a good idea" she adds.
"Why? I feel better now" It's not a complete lie. You do feel better, although you're still slightly sniffling and your head is pounding a little bit too much. Overall, you did feel better than previously.
"I just don't think it's a good idea" Beth says, pursing her lips and turns to look at Viv, seeking her input.
The Dutch shakes her head in agreement and adds, "There's no harm in taking extra time to feel better. You don't want to push yourself and make yourself worse" she tells you.
You try your best to resist the urge to inwardly groan at the two of them, "Seriously? Come on. I'll be fine! I have to get back into the squad-- You know that the nations league games are coming up soon so I need to get minutes" You know that it's important to play; you can't be sidelined instead.
"There'll be plenty of chances for that" Viv tells you with a frown, but she can't help but be concerned about how much you've been pushing yourself.
"I can't be sidelined, I need minutes!" You exclaim before you storm off to finish getting ready for training.
"That kid is..." Beth begins to speak.
"Stubborn" Viv finishes the blondes' sentence.
Beth can't help but chuckle slightly, "Well, that's one word for it now, huh?" she jokes.
"If you're talking about Y/N, then she's definitely stubborn," Laura chips in, amusedly, as she appears in the kitchen. "What happened this time?" she wonders.
"Y/N wants to go to training apparently" Beth exhales a sigh and shakes her head. "It's a bad idea" she states.
"It's definitely a bad idea" Laura replies in agreement with the blonde, she knew how stubborn you could be at times.
"Well, hopefully Jonas will realise that's not ready to be playing in the game yet" Viv tells them as she exhales a sigh.
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Apparently, Y/N had done an excellent job of persuading Jonas and the coaching staff that she was fit to play. Therefore, it was not surprising when she secured a spot in the starting eleven for the upcoming game.
This game is significant as Viv is set to return to the pitch, being subbed on during the second half.
"Oh dear" Beth mumbles as she shook her head.
Viv exhales a sigh, "This is not good" she states.
"I'm glad to see that Y/N is feeling better. It'll be good to have her in the starting lineup," Steph says as she looks over to where Kyra and Y/N are joking around on the bus.
"Except that she's not better. We told her she should take more time, but you know what Y/N is like..." Beth remarks.
"Stubborn" Steph pipes in, amusedly.
Beth and Viv both nod in agreement with the woman.
Jen furrows her eyebrows, "You mean she's still sick? I can't see this going well then" she confesses.
"It really isn't going to" Beth exhales a sigh.
"We can't get involved though and decide things for her, or she'd be upset with us for that" Viv states knowingly.
"Yeah, you're right there, Viv" Beth replies in agreement with her girlfriend as she looks over at you, realising that she couldn't say anything and sway the decision or it would backfire on her.
"Cheater!" Y/N shouts aloud, glaring at the australian girl sat opposite her. "Stop cheating!" You protest.
"How am I a cheat? You can't even cheat at Uno!" Kyra delcares with a smug smirk on her face.
"Easy there Y/N, it's just a game now" Laura states, amusedly, although she isn't playing, she's joined all of you on the coach to the game to watch it.
"Nah! Kyra's cheating!" You continue to scowl at the girl while crossing your arms.
"How did I?" Kyra's smug look was starting to annoy you even more.
"You know you did-- You looked at my cards!" You break out into a sudden loud cough as you get worked up, shooting further glares at the 21-year-old.
"You want some water for that cough?" Laura wonders, concerned.
"I'm fine!" You shake your head in protest.
"I thought you said you were better--" Kyra's words are cut off.
"I am, I'm totally fine. It's just a tickle!" You protest, shaking your head as you try and avoid coughing again.
The rest of the girls' don't seem so convinced about it as Kyra and you continue to play uno, under the watchful eye of the rest of the girls.
"Kyra! Stop cheating!" You shout aloud, fed up off the girl constantly cheating with the game and trying to look at your cards.
"Less of the bickering now children" Katie chips in as she laughs, shaking her head from where she sits beside Caitlin.
"There's only one actual child here" You remark, continuing to cross your arms and scowl at the Aussie girl in front of you.
"What's going on?" Alessia wonders, glancing at the two of you confused as she sits in front with Vic.
"Kyra is being a massive cheat!" You exclaim aloud, pointing your finger in the girls' direction accusingly.
"Sure, go and tattle. That's real mature of you kid" Kyra states, smirking cockily.
"Says the 21-year-old whos' acting immature" You remark as the girls all watch you and Kyra bicker amusedly.
"You're being dramatic, Y/N. It's just a game now" Kyra states doing everything in her that she can to wind you up.
"KYRA!" You lunge towards the older girl.
"Y/N!" Kyra shouts back.
"Girls, they're fighting again. Might want to sort that out?" Katie jokes glancing between Beth, Viv and Steph as she watches the two of you almost attempt to wrestle with eachother.
"Kyra, cut it out. Stop winding Y/N up" Steph scolds the younger Aussie girl.
"Kyra, stop winding Y/N up" Steph scolds the younger Aussie girl.
"Y/N you need to calm down, it's just a game. Take it easy" Beth scolds, shaking her head. "Viv, would you talk to her? She'll listen to you" she turns to her girlfriend for help.
"Y/N" Viv scolds you with a knowing firm look
"Sorry" Both you and Kyra apologise after being told off like 2 misbehaved kids, at least you had an excuse that you were an actual kid.
"Handled it like a pro there, girls" Katie jokes with them.
"Well, we've got a few years experience, eh?" Beth remarks to the Irish women.
"It's like I'm permanently babystting" Steph huffs and rolls her eyes. "Caitlin, it's your turn next!" she insists to the fellow Aussie, while the rest of the girls just laugh.
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At first the warm-up is going successful, you run with the rest of the girls to warm up and try and obtain the energy needed, you're feeling good and motivated about the game.
It's going well until it's not...
You can't help but wobble slightly as there's a light pounding in the back of your head, you just put it down to dehydration instead rather than the after-effects of illness instead.
"You alright, Y/N?" Lia notices you stumble slightly and frowns.
"I... I'm good" You're crouching over slightly as you feel out of breath but you try and play it off like its' nothing instead.
"You're sure?" Lia checks in as she's not too keen to give up on the conversation yet.
"Oh yeah I'm great, I'm totally fine" You insist as you try and push off the terrible feeling that you felt looming; You couldn't afford to miss this game due to illness.
"Y/N..." Lia still doesn't look totally convinced, but she knows better than to try and push you.
"I'm fine, really Lia... Uh huh, yep I'm cool" You nod and quickly run off in the opposite direction to avoid any further questions and concerns.
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"Okay, kid. This is it, your time to shine!" Katie's enthusiastic voice comes from behind you in the lineup. "Are you ready for this?" she asks.
You were reluctant to acknowledge that your headache was intensifying. The throbbing sensation in your temple caused you to tightly shut your eyes, and the noise emanating from the crowd only made it worse.
It's worth mentioning that your throat feels somewhat scratchy again. However, you have to play in this game, so you pretend it's nothing and that you're fine.
"I was born ready, let's go!" You cheer and try to be like your usual upbeat self, but never mind how terrible you still feel.
"Let's go girls!" Kim exclaims, leading the team onto the pitch alongside the Bristol team.
As you walk out to the pitch with the rest of your team, you try to keep up the facade of looking happy. You attempt to block out the pounding feeling in your temple, knowing that you only have to make it through 90 minutes before you can finally flop down and fall asleep once again.
As soon as the whistle blows and the game starts, you get your first touch on the ball and begin racing all over the pitch. Despite fighting off the flu, you don't give Bristol a chance to gain possession of the ball.
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It all happened too quickly for you to realise what is happening at that moment. The team is 2-1 ahead of Bristol when everything went wrong.
You went to intercept the ball, a simple move that you had done plenty of times. Suddenly, as you got your toe on the ball, ready to pass it in the direction of Alessia, you felt a sudden pop in your knee, followed by a sharp pain that felt excruciating.
"Agh!" You scream as you fall down onto the pitch in agony.
"Y/N!" Beth is the first to crouch beside you, concern spread across her face. "What's happened?" she questions, worriedly.
The sound of the whistle echoes through the stadium as the girls rush to your side to check on you; the noise is suddenly silent as the crowd of fans watches on in despair as Arsenal's wonder kid falls down on the pitch.
"What hurts-- What's happened?" Katie asks, concerningly as she joins you on the other side.
The tears well up in your eyes as you clutch your knee to stop the pain, "My knee... It's my knee!" You exclaim, letting out a sound of whimpering. "I heard it... I heard the pop!" You add.
"It's okay, Y/N. Don't panic; everything is going to be fine" Viv says as she quickly comes to your side. She had been subbed on to replace Alessia, but you couldn't help but feel awful. This was supposed to be Viv's comeback, her return to the pitch after her ACL injury, and instead, you selfishly took the spotlight away from her.
You could see the girls exchanging looks as they signalled for medics. It's at that moment that you realise you have made a grave mistake. Even though nobody spoke, it was clear that the situation was not good.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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calico-cheriies · 2 months
Hideaway |Soshiro Hoshina x Reader Fanfic}
{Chapter Seven}
{Hideaway Masterlist}
♥︎Taglist: @swivi @adaizel
Warnings: Smut towards end
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You were grateful that your forensic colleague was also doing reports- or else you would've frozen to death. Well- that was an over exaggeration but it was freezing and it was driving you insane. You couldn't really tell how long you've been in there for, but it was enough to prevent you from doing any work. You almost bursted into tears as you heard your name being called out in confusion.
It was your dearest friend and colleague, Kiku. She was a little older than you but was the sweetest person you've work with, she looked at you with squinted eyes. "What? Are you okay?" She crouched down to your level, her own paperwork laid forgotten beside the two of you. You wanted to speak- but you seemed to instead start tearing up. This was out of the ordinary for you- you had been in the morgue multiple times and you've spent more than half of your life being around such a place, this was literally your job.
The problem was the confined space you were stuck in.
Kiku pursed her lips as she listened to you stumble over your words. "Door- couldn't open the door-" you saw her look behind her and you also peered your head over. There seemed to be a latch on the ground, presumably where Kiku had torn it off to get inside. "Oh- I..." she furrowed her brows to piece together what happened. "Someone must've locked it... oh dear I'm
So sorry," she gently grabbed your hands and pulled you up with her. You quickly pulled your hands back and dried your tears, a bitter laugh following after.
"No- it's okay. My eyes got dry and I got stressed that I would never get out,"you leaned down to grab her paperwork for her, placing it in her hands. You quickly closed the door behind you to relish in the warm air, even though you were clearly in a sour mood. You were already scrambling for answers, but Kiku wouldn't let it go, "Hey, are you sure? Do you need me to grab you anything?" She eyed you, seeing how you wrapped your coat around you tighter. "I'm fine, I just need to get to work. I bet someone just forgot I was in there," you flashed her a smile, rolling your eyes playfully.
You were actually about to break down, you needed to get out of this situation. Right now.
"I gotta finish some reports, see ya Kiku," you rushed past her, your notes shoved into your pocket as you looked for your office. You shakily slid the door open to see that your office was empty, no person inside but you did have scatters of papers all over the place. You closed the door and you stood there- what the hell was going on?
You had finally gotten over your fear with Hayami, but now- now it was worse.
You picked up this note that was scribbled, well not scribbled but typed out. It was a repeat of the conversation you had with her, and she even had the audacity to mess with your reports.
What the fuck.
You gripped the paper tightly, not even finding the motivation to read it, you actually skimmed it before crumbling it up to throw it in the little basket for trash. Now you were pissed- this was beyond messed up. You slowly walked around your office, picking up the graffitied reports you took time to print out. You took them all and threw them in the trash, you were to start over. You looked at the time and you let yourself fall back into your chair.
You were going to have a long night.
You didn't even bother to care about who did it- but you could tell from the note and the obsessive comments about Soshiro that it was most likely Hayami. You were furiously reprinting all the reports, you were smart enough not to let them get deleted or lost. You tried to ignore the continuous sound of the printer shooting out all your reports, but you had to finish the last few reports you didn't get to finish.
While working, you had angry tears running down your face at the overwhelming stress and annoyance you were feeling. You weren't some child so running to anyone wasn't an option, and at least you could give the anger some credit since you ended up finishing your work within a few hours.
Unnecessary motivation.
You didn't even want to get up, you just sat there staring at the computer screen with all of the documents stored in their proper place. Your hands coming up to rub away the dried tears and you glanced over at the clock. You spent the entire day being locked up and working, dinner was probably over by now and you weren't in the mood to leave your office in fear of other traps laid out.
So the reasonable (at least to you) decision was for you to stay there for the next few days. You did keep yourself clean by sneaking into your room to shower and change clothes but other than that, Kiku would sneak meals into your office. You hated beating around the bush like this, but you were so caught up in making sure that you didn't see Hayami, that you didn't risk being seen by anyone, even Soshiro.
You had lost count of your little routine, but Soshiro was quick to take notice of your disappearance. He had to admit that he was disappointed of your lack of presence, he hoped that after the night you both spent together, you would have been comfortable enough to just go see him or stay again. He even asked Kafka if he'd seen you, but everyone would just either answer with a "No," or they didn't know who you were.
He would've searched everywhere for you- if he didn't have to actually do work and help prepare the new officers. Every time he came back he hoped to see you in his room or running up to him. It wasn't until he finally had some free time after so long that he found himself walking through the halls to where your office was. He saw some other people- he guessed others like you walking in and out of the rooms.
He didn't even bother to knock, just naturally opening the door and he narrowly dodged a piece of crumbled up paper that flew in his direction. "Ah?" He clearly had a small frown on his lips, but all of the disappointment was forgotten as he saw you. You looked exhausted, a little more than usual and your hair was up in a messy ponytail. Tiny hairs stuck to your face and your usually neat coat was wrinkled.
"Ah, Soshiro?" His name coming out of your mouth brought that familiar warmth to his chest. You let out a soft snort as you walked over to him, picking up the piece of paper you threw and closing the door behind him. "I'm sorry, I guess I got spooked," you laughed out in embarrassment, but he just responded with a raised brow. "Is there someone yer expecting?" He watched you throw the piece of paper away, and he noticed how full your trash was of paper?
"No!" You answered a little too quick to his liking. "I guess... ah I don't even know," you were crumbling so fast, you promised yourself you wouldn't tell him but his presence made you weak. "I... I've had a stressful week," you sniffled, hopefully you aren't going to catch some illness from your unhealthy habits.  "Hm? How so?" He walked closer to you, his hands coming up to your shoulders which made you leaned into his touch.
You were silent for a moment, but the aching feeling that his caring actions brought made your eyes water a little. You rapidly blinked them away and you let out a chuckle- a nervous one. "Well... you know work..." you answered, but he didn't respond, probably because he knew there was more to it.
You tilted your head up, meeting his soft expression, "Ya can tell me, sweetheart," he softly cooed at you, and that's when all hell broke loose.
Your lips quivered and you begun to scrunch up your face, tears falling down as you tried to somewhat contain the stress that was released from within you. "I- I- I got locked in...in the morgue a few days ago and..." you hiccuped before continuing. "My reports were ruined! I had to stay up all night to get it done!" You brought your hands up to cover your face, wiping away the tears to try and compose yourself. You guessed you looked silly but he didn't laugh or poke fun at you.
Soshiro's face fell, he thought it was the usual workload but not something like this. He didn't even expect you to cry like that, he just turned your chair the other way so you were facing him. He got down to your level and he held your hands, his face leaning in close to yours. "Sweetheart- take a breath f'me," one hand coming up to cup the left side of your face, his thumb running over your tear-stained cheek.
You tried to slow down your breathing, your lips trying to form into a smile but all that it succeeded in forming into was a frown. "I know," you glanced down for a moment, seeing him crouching down in front of you. "Just tell it to me from the beginning, sweetheart," he mumbled, his lips pressing soft kisses to the corner of your lips.
And you did.
You mumbled out what happened- you left out the thing with Hayami at first and you told him what happened the day you were locked in the morgue; how Kiku had to pry off the latch to get inside and how long you were in there for. Now, you had to tell him what you found when you got back.
"Everything was trashed, my reports ruined..." you motioned with your eyes towards the trash that you've neglected since that day. Of course you leaned over to show him the ruined report from prior days, "I had to stay up late to reprint, and finish off what I didn't finish." You were contemplating on whether telling him about the threat you received.
His expression was calm and rather neutral, you could tell that the gears were turning in his head. "I'll find out who did this," his words were cold, but his affection for you was the opposite, it was almost scary to you. "I promise- I'll do anythin' to keep ya safe," you could feel his fang scrap against your neck which caused a shudder to run up your spine. You opened your mouth to confess you knew who it was, but all that went out the window when he kissed you.
"Soshiro," you whispered, pulling away for a moment, "I... I don't know what to do," you meekly told him, you don't know why you couldn't tell him. Probably because you felt obligated to rid yourself of this problem on your own or the fact that Hayami was one of Soshiro's most respected officers. "I..." you squeezed your eyes shut, his lips trailing down to your neck once more. "I know who it was!" You gasped out, which prompted him to stop.
His eyes opened in interested, "Huh? Yer do?" He pulled his lips away from your neck. "I received a note but it... it wasn't the first interaction," you admitted, pushing yourself back to find that note you skimmed. You opened it up, revealing the message to him, "I actually skimmed it- I thought it was the corniest thing ever," you snorted, finding the whole situation ridiculous.
Soshiro did not share the same thoughts.
"I'm sorry if you're upset, I know this is annoying," you started to speak up after being met with a dead silence. Well you didn't want to wait on him since his eyes kept rereading the sentences being written. In fact- the anxiety was growing within you at the thought of him being annoyed that you brought this up now-
"Oh sweetheart," he didn't even need to ask who it was. Sure, he was always the playful vice captain but he sure as hell was observant. He recognized that handwriting almost immediately, "Hayami," you confirmed, "She... ugh," you took the note out of his hand and threw it back to its original place in the trash. "It's fine, just some petty shit. It should pass..." you were trying to convince yourself more than him.
His hands squeezed the flesh of your thighs through your leggings, "Sweetheart," he called to you again, catching your attention and preventing you from nervously ranting again. "I'll take care of it, I promise that I'll do anythin' for ya," he didn't need to say much, he was a man of his word and when he was serious about something he stated his intention. You weren't sure of what he was planning, but you hope that it was nothing too dramatic.
"I don't want this to be a big deal," your eyes looking up at the ceiling, a shudder going up your spine at the way his hands massaged themself into your quads. "I promise I won't do nothin' too big," he danced around with his answer, his hands slithering up to your waist and wrapping around to pull you close, shoving his face into the plush of your stomach.
A soft squeal coming from you from the sudden action, he was really trying to distract you from his plans to take care of Hayami. He had it all planned out, nothing too big and something simple to get rid of the problem. In fact- he was going to forget his anger and try to focus on you in the moment.
You however, were easily falling apart in his hands. The worry you had had gone out the window as his hands pried your legs open, his lips leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach and to the edge of your leggings. "Soshiro!" Your hand gently pausing his actions as you stopped him. Your cheeks slowly turning red at how his gaze was lifted up to you, almost the same of that to a puppy.
"Sweetheart, please," he murmured, his little fang making an appearance again. "Let me take care of ya," he moved his head away from yours before pressing a soft kiss to your abdomen through the leggings. You didn't know what to do- whether to stop him or not since anyone had access to your office, although it was rare for anyone to come in. You scooted a little bit forward in your chair, your body betraying you by giving him more access. 
He couldn't help but smirk at how avoided his gaze yet you let him continue as he pleased, his fingers gently wrapping around the waistband of your leggings and peeling it down. You decided to take a peek down, the whole scene was undeniably attractive.
You had the vice captain kneeling down to you.
You bit down on your lip to try and muffle any gasps that attempted to get out, of course you helped him remove your leggings and now he was met with your panties. He leaned in before gently poking his tongue out to the area your clit would be, and his guess was correct when you squeaked. He gently moved the piece of garment aside to admire your soaking cunt.
You did squirm a bit under his intense gaze but before you spoke he wasted no time in gripping your thighs to pull you close, his tongue immediately lapping up your juices and swirling around your clit. Your hands gripping the handles of your chair tightly, at first he was like a starved man- but then his pace took a quick turn when he slowed down.
You let out a small huff, slightly annoyed that he decided to slow down. But he looked up at you again after he snapped out of his daydream, his eyes almost having a hazy look as he lazily flicked his tongue against your clit. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" The vibrations from his voice sending shivers through you. "Soshiro!" You softly whined, your hips grinding down to try and relieve the tension that had built up.
"Hm? Someone's getting impatient, huh?" His tongue being replaced by his thumb, which rubbed your clit so painfully slow. "Please- I... I'm getting close!" You mewled as he picked up the pace, your hips continuing up grind for that lovely friction. "Soshiro! You're so good!" Praises tumbling out of your mouth, which drove the man crazy to get you to become undone on his mouth.
He loved it.
He loved fucking you with his tongue, the high pitched moans that encouraged him on created different fantasies that came to mind; replacing his mouth with his cock, his face in between your tits, breeding you-
Oh how he would go crazy to put a kid in you.
But that would be for another day, for right now, he was loving the way your back arched off your chair. Your delicate hands gripping his hair as you sobbed through your orgasm. Your eyes squeezed shut as he slowly came to a stop, pulling his head back to admire your flushed expression. "Ah, I ruined your hair," you mumbled, your hands now smoothing out the ruffled hairs.
Soshiro wiped his mouth with his sleeve, picking himself off the floor and he ignored the throbbing ache on his legs. He watched you hastily pulled your leggings up, although you cringed at the overwhelming sensation of the mess. "Are ya okay?" He leaned back against your desk, hoping you weren't too uncomfortable. "Of course! I feel much better... thank you," you fanned yourself to get rid of the heat that washed over you.
"You know, I just can't help but love you," you sighed out, thinking of how this man was going out of his way for someone like you, he was practically throwing himself to you. You couldn't help but soak up all of his attention, you both were wrapped around each other's fingers.
"Ya love me?" His dorky smile plastered on his face, and you stood up to gently poke his fang. "Mhm, especially these little pokey things," you teased, gently capturing his lips for a quick kiss. "Let's go to bed, I miss sleeping on a bed," you turned back to look at your desk, papers stacked beside your computer.
Work could wait, you could finally have your dreams become something realistic and less gruesome. For once, you forgot about Hayami and work, Soshiro had that covered. You were grateful to have bumped into this man, and even more thankful that you made an effort with him.
Now, the next thing to worry about would be an unexpected kaiju attack, which hopefully wouldn't happen.
{Chapter Eight}
[Note: THANK YOU TO EVERYONE ENGAGING WITH THIS FANFIC <33 I actually have other ideas I wanna do with our lovely Hoshina such as a Vice Captain Reader and a smutty one 🤩 but that’s for another day lol, hopefully you guys enjoyed this one🫶🏼]
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