#I'm not saying she doesn't have her reasons for being the way she is but that doesn't excuse how she treats others
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ruth-writes · 3 days ago
I hear screams and look up to find their origin. They seem to be coming from the bank. I get up and run into a back alley at the fastest speed a normal human would go before putting on my suit and following the sound of the screams at the spped of lightning. An armed group of people wearing ski masks is holding the petrified employees as gunpoint. Before anyone knows what's happened, I've disarmed them and carried each one to another alley. This one isn't too far from the bank- I want them to find their way home, after all.
"What the fuck, man?" screams one of the women. I can see some red hair poking out from under her mask. "We needed that money, you stupid son of a bitch!"
"I don't care why you did it," I tell her. "A crime is a crime."
The woman with some kind of band shirt speaks up. I can't exactly place the album it's advertising. Rage Against the Machine? She's also upset, but manages to keep her voice more steady. "Some kind of hero you are," she says. "Look, we weren't gonna actually hurt anyone. Our mom has cancer. We need the money for her treatment. But that kind of suffering doesn't matter to you, does it?"
Her words tug at my heartstrings. I think of my sister, and how when she got sick, her primary worry was saddling her family with debt. But I didn't start threatening innocent people over it. "Oh, and the people you traumatized by pointing a gun in their face? You didn't hurt them?"
Red hair gets in my face again. "Aren't you listening? We had no choice."
"You always have a choice," I tell her. "You chose the wrong one." Before they can protest, I continue, "I'm taking your guns. Don't try that shit again. If you do, I'll find you, and I won't be as nice next time."
I leave them with the warning and speed back to the square, where I can hear shouts of joy. "She's saved us again!" I hear someone say. Others cheer, growing louder as I speed past them. I can't surpress my smile. I'm doing good. I'm a hero.
Back in my original alley, I change into my regular clothes and walk back to my spot, leaning against the wall of the apple store, my paper cup in front of me. Today hasn't been a good day. People haven't been very willing to help me out with their spare change.
A woman walks past me with her daughter, wrinkling her nose and giving me a look of disgust. "Ugh," she says. "You'd think with all these superheroes around, they'd do something about you beggars ruining our city."
I didn't really include the part about the reason for not being able to get a job being the superhero duties but oh well.
You're a superhero. While in your suit, you're beloved by the city, but outside of it? You're a homeless man, unable to get a job nor pay rent because of your duties.
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lookingforuravity · 2 days ago
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now playing ♫ fearless by taylor swift
word count: 1,297 words
a/n: this was uploaded before but i posted it by accident without realizing hours later then panic-deleted it
series masterlist | prev chap. | next chap.
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The regret immediately seeped into my chest when I accepted Mina's request. Like I said before, parties weren't my thing. They've never appealed to me, especially on Fridays. Fridays were for my weekly ‘Bridget Jones’ series binge watching. Breaking my weekly ritual practically felt like a sin.
I stood in a corner, people-watching as I rested the red solo cup on my lips. The loud music thumped the ground so violently it was making my head hurt.
The room was filled with somewhat familiar faces but it didn't calm my nerves down any less. I still nervously bit the rim of my cup and aggressively played with charm on my necklace.
“Y/N!” Mina’s shout snapped me out of my thoughts, her hands on my shoulders. Her freshly dyed pink hair bounced up and down as she jumped to the music. “Why are you just sulking over here? Come have fun!”
I chuckled dryly as I took a sip of the only liquid I could find that wasn't alcohol. “I'm fine here, Mina. I'll just wait until you're done so I can drive you home.” I told her.
Mina pouted and trailed her hands down to my wrists, playfully swinging my arms around as she started to drag me away from the comfort of the random corner I found. “Don't be such a party pooper! I took you here so you can meet people and put yourself out there!” She whined, dancing along with the music as she pulled me away into the crowd.
“I'm fine over here, honestly—”
“No!” She cut me off abruptly, placing a finger on my lips to silence me. “You're gonna have fun and you're gonna like it!”
The vibrations of the music pumped through my whole body. As I glanced around the room, I was able to see more of the people that attended the parties. I could've talked around while Mina was doing God knows what, I went to school with everyone here. There's a high chance I have stuff in common with them, but I'm too awkward to start a conversation. I'll run out of words to say then eventually find a dumb excuse to stop talking and walk away.
Now that I think of it, that's probably why I never dated anybody…
“Guys, this is my friend! Say hi, y/n!” I heard Mina say which instantly made me snap out of my thoughts. I was met with the gaze of who I assumed were Mina's close friends.
I recognized most of them. I'm friends with Ochaco, but I knew of Izuku, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, and—
I knew him. Of course I did, who didn't? He made a pretty rash reputation of himself for being rude and stuck up. We had some mutual friends, like Mina and Ochaco, but either than that I never really felt a need to speak to him.
But if Mina wants me to be friends with her friends, I guess I could try.
Even if it's insanely awkward.
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Bakugou doesn't even know how he ended up at this party. He'd much rather be at home than hanging out with these brainless, drunk idiots. The stench of liquor and sweat filled his nostrils, causing his face to look more disgusted than it already does. The only reason he even showed up was so Mina and Kirishima would stop nagging at him.
But now, standing in front of this cute girl, he didn't regret showing up one bit.
“Heyyy Y/n! Nice to meet ya!” Denki slurred, throwing an arm over her shoulder as he could barely keep his balance.
Bakugou rolled his eyes at his drunken state and could barely hold back a scoff as the rest of the group introduced drunkenly introduced themselves.
“Nice to meet you too..” Her voice was barely audible over the loud music, the only way he was able to make out what she was saying was by reading her lips.
She wasn't what Bakugou was expecting at all. Mina spoke of Y/n in the past, describing her as this outgoing, soft-hearted girl who loved talking about things she liked.
But all he was seeing in front of her was a pretty girl who looked like she wanted to get out of this place.
Before anyone could say anything else, someone shouted from the balcony—
“Shots everyone!”
And everyone ran out the house.
The rest of their friends quickly rush past Y/n, leaving only her and Bakugou behind. She awkwardly shifted the weight between her feet, playing with her cup as she avoided eye contact.
“Hey.” He called out.
Her eyes widened and shot up to look at him. “Uh.. Hi.”
“Bakugou” He stuck out his hand, waiting for her to shake it, which was weird and out-of-character for him. He was never the type of person to be friendly towards someone he just met, hell he wasn't even the type of person to be friendly at all.
She softly smiled at him and took his hand. “I know who you are. I'm Y/n.”
Bakugou continued shaking her hand. It was soft, much softer than he expected it to be.
He dropped her hand and awkwardly cleared his throat, leaning up against the wall as he eyed her up and down. “Don't talk to you much, but you don't seem like the party type, huh?”
She shrugged, still shifting her weight side to side as she had a tight lipped smile on her face. “Not necessarily… I'm only here cause Mina asked me to come.”
“That so?” He said, crossing his arms over his chest.
She nodded then walked up next to him to lean up against the wall as well. “Yeah.. What about you?” She asked, her head slightly tilting to the side in question. “I don't think you're the party type either.”
“Just came to stop Kirishima from bitching is all”
She snorted, and for some reason the sound put a pressure in Bakugou's chest. Her hand quickly coming up to her face to cover her mouth as she laughed silently.
A couple of seconds went by where the two didn't say anything. But it wasn't uncomfortable. Just quiet.
“That's all?” He questioned, asking if that was the only reason she showed up to the party.
“Hm.. I don't know. I thought something interesting was gonna happen.”
He turned his head to look at her, slightly intrigued by her admission. “Hm… like what exactly?”
“I don't know. Someone cool, maybe? You get what I'm saying”
His smirk grew as he leaned over slightly. She's pretty AND looking for a relationship? Bakugou was sure he hit the jackpot tonight. “Yeah I get it. What? I'm not cool enough for you?”
Okay… maybe that hint wasn't very obvious. But surely she was just playing hard to get, right?
“Nothin..” He muttered, his smirk slightly faltering but still stitched upon his face.
“Do you think I'll meet a cute boy here?”
She had to be kidding.
Did she really not notice that he'd been flirting with her this whole time?
He squinted his eyes as he studied her face. Nope, she was a hundred percent serious. She did not get any of his hints.
Is this girl really that dense?
“If you open your eyes a bit more, maybe.” He gruffed, chugging down his drink and glancing off to the side.
Sure, Y/n was a bit dense. But she had Bakugou immensely intrigued.
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TAGLIST [35/50]: @ditsyngel @shibuyablonde @lotusstarr @katsulina @wonubby @kalulakunundrum @tamishadawn @bangersplusmash @erenjaegerswifeee @r9yri @aa-soo @shewki @rednicotine @jaguarthecat @katsuisbaby @snoozebun @h0ngh0ngh0ng @megumismyhusband @jazoewazoe @ac333s @ikissfade @icey-wonders @bakunianadecorazon @marvel-z0mbie @tjbfingfh @d4rlinxs @bokutosmeatythigh @harryzcherry @holobean @grim-reapers-wife @ahahadumbo @qyuin @happinessisabutterflie @bluepartywobblernickel @eternallyshifting
©LOOKINGFORURAVITY 2025 | please do not copy, translate, or repost my work onto other platforms!
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knockknockitsnickels · 1 day ago
One really good thing I think Princess and the Dragon (and the Pristine Cut in general) added was how it changed the way the split between the harsh/soft princess reads (gonna be referring to them as Harsh and Soft for the rest of this post for simplicity).
Pre-Pristine Cut I saw a good amount of people (mostly on YouTube, I don't think I saw many here) commenting that they preferred the Harsh Princess because they felt that she was more genuine than Soft. This perception was arguably supported by their respective "free the princess" routes: in Prisoner the two of you have to work together to get out of the cabin, in Damsel you kind of just have to ignore your impulse to question things and rush out the door (I'm oversimplifying a bit, I know, bear with me). Between the Deconstructed Damsel ending, Shifty's description of her, and the overall more comedic tone of the route, the game sort of implied whatever relationship you have with Damsel (and by extension the Soft princess) isn't built on anything substantive.
However, I think the additions in the Pristine Cut help to challenge this. First, by expanding the Damsel route with Happily Ever After. In the leadup to Happily Ever After we see Damsel express discomfort with your suggestion to stay (though she'll still agree to it). This is a little thing, but it does help to show that she's still her own person with her own desires (which was a thing pre-pristine cut as well, this just makes it more explicit). HEA itself also helps to flesh out Damsel, and shows that her care for the player is genuine (even if your relationship in the route itself has gone downhill).
PATD also added a detail which completely recontextualized the "Harsh/Soft" Princess: namely, that the Princess can hear if you pick up the knife. Where before it was suggested that the Princess' behavior changed based on the blade because of the player's perception (if you take the blade you see her as a threat & vice versa), now instead it seems that her behavior changes depending on if she knows you're armed.
While you could still argue that the "soft" persona is a facade, I think this change highlights that the "harsh" princess is one as well. If Soft is "acting" sweet to prove that she's harmless and convince you to let her go, Harsh is trying to show that she's dangerous to discourage you from killing her. Her dialogue when convincing you to drop the knife emphasizes this (paraphrasing): "I'm probably locked down here for a reason, right? Best not to risk finding out what I can do." This isn't to say that either version of the Princess isn't "real" or that she "doesn't have a personality" - I think both versions are being genuine, they're just also unsure if they can trust you.
This change also made reuniting with the Heart Princess at the end of the game even more meaningful for me - it's the first time the two of you can speak openly with one another on equal terms.
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vinntea · 1 day ago
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In this scene, our Ekko just woke up in an alternate timeline. This is the frame where he sees Benzo, his father figure who's dead in his reality. Obviously he's in shock. He doesn't know where he is, what's going on, he's seeing his dead dad, probably a million thoughts running through his head. In response to seeing Ekko like this, Benzo says:
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"One of those days, huh?" I'm sorry, WHAT????? WHAT DOES HE MEAN ONE OF THOSE DAYS???? Then Powder says
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"You know those ugly twins, genius and madness!" It's clear she's saying this to redirect the focus off of Ekko, dude needs a moment and she sees that. What's interesting to me is Benzo isn't at all shocked that Ekko is having a moment. Powder saying the line above also implies this isn't out of the ordinary. The ugly twins Powder's talking about are likely akin to an angel and devil on his shoulders, two halves of a whole that make up Ekko. This sudden moment of panic that he's having is regular enough that Powder and Benzo consider it a sort of side effect to his intelligence. The FASCINATING part of this implication is that it mirrors his world's Jinx. In his reality, Jinx is the crazy genius who has 'those days'. If Ekko in this reality is the one who experiences that 'craziness' then not only does that mean Ekko and Powder are reflections of each other, but it means something's CAUSED Ekko to have a 'madness' side to him. In our reality, Jinx is 'crazy' due to the trauma and brainwashing she goes through with the death of her loved ones and being used as a weapon by Silco. There are some signs in season 1 arc 1 that Powder could've had a chemical imbalance even before that, but we can see through this other Powder that she would've turned out mostly ok. In the nearly perfect reality of this alternate timeline, what could've caused Ekko to be the 'crazy one'? In my mind, there are two possibilities. The first one being, he's traumatized from causing Vi's death. He didn't kill her, and everyone around him knows that, but he still thinks it's his fault for giving them the tip to steal from Jayce, which lead to Vi's death. If he hadn't given them the tip, they never would've gone there and Vi wouldn't have died. This would also line up with the mirror dynamic, as Jinx in our reality thinks Vander, Milo, and Clagger's deaths are her fault. The guilt of it has driven him mad just as it did her. This makes other interactions make sense as well. Powder inviting Ekko to go see Vi, (she probably does this to help Ekko cope when he's having these episodes) Then he turns to her and says "Was it you" and you see how upset she is. She looks as if she has something to say, but holds back and walks off instead. What if she was thinking "What? No, it was your fault???" Or maybe she does secretly think it was her fault too and her helping the guy who feels the same way is her way of coping, making it all the more insulting that he'd accuse her just cus he's having an episode. She's very willing to forgive him because she understands his psychological struggles. That brings me to possibility 2. What if Ekko was always crazy? What if Ekko has dealt with a chemical imbalance and struggled with that madness on top of his trauma? Just like Jinx. The only reason we actually get to see that madness on display for this Ekko is because our Ekko never has a moment to show that side of him. He's never allowed a moment to think to himself or at the very least we never see it. With Jinx, we get tons of scenes with her madness on full display. If Ekko had similar struggles in our reality just not as severe or noticeable, then in comparison to Jinx, he seems completely fine. These small implications of the alternate timeline tells me that we had it wrong. Ekko is also crazy and always has been. THAT'S why he's able to get to Jinx and understand her, accept her for who she is when Vi couldn't. It's also possible his hatred for Jinx in season 1 may have been him projecting his issues onto her. He knows what that madness looks like and he fears that if he doesn't keep his together, he could end up like Jinx. It's only until he sees the other Powder, sees the way she understands him and is there for him, that he realizes that he is worthy of love and compassion, madness and all. Only then does he accept himself for who he is and is able to accept Jinx for who she is. Accepting Jinx as Jinx and loving her madness and all, was part of him accepting himself too.
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strawberry-bubblef · 1 day ago
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Zaunite reader x Savanaclaw
Request by anonymous: Maybe how about a headcanons with Yuu who is born and raised in Zaun? Most importantly how would cast reacts to Zaun's environment once Yuu trusts them enough to tell about it? (Or maybe cast would see for themselves somehow?)
Synopsis: You have always kept your past a secret, but as their relationships deepen, the truth about Zaun slowly unravels. A city of smog, struggle, and survival far from the world of NRC. How will their lover react to the harsh reality Yuu once called home? And more importantly, can they bring comfort to the one who endured it all?
Gender neutral reader
Warnings: ⚠Mentions of poverty, crime, substance abuse (shimmer), survival struggles, and environmental pollution. The setting of Zaun includes themes of danger, societal disparity, and rough living conditions. Reader's past involves hardships, but the story focuses on comfort, understanding, and romance.⚠
Heartslabyul,Savanaclaw,Octavinelle,Scarabia, Pomifiore,Ignhyde,Diasominia
Since you didn't specify her past,I'm just gonna assume that she's an orphan like 99% of the Zaunite cast.
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Leona Kingscholar
Leona had always found it amusing how quickly you could mask your true feelings.
You weren’t one to wear your heart on your sleeve, which made you an enigma to him. Most people were easy to read,easy to predict. But you? You didn’t let much slip. And that intrigued him.
He liked that about you.
But that didn't stop him from noticing the little things. The way you always kept your distance in a crowd, how your gaze would sharpen when someone raised their voice, the subtle way you would position yourself to avoid being caught off guard.
It wasn't until he started pushing you a little more, testing the waters of your walls, that you finally let him in.
You told him about Zaun.
The toxic air that hung over the city, the constant hum of machinery, the sickly glow of the neon lights that painted everything in unnatural hues. You spoke of the gang-riddled streets, the people who fought for scraps, the ones who never made it out. You told him of the grim reality of life in Zaun,how you had learned early to survive or perish.
Leona didn't say anything at first. He just listened. And that, more than anything, was what made you feel safe enough to speak your truth.
When you finished, you were waiting for his usual teasing, for his carefree remarks. But instead, you found him silent, his golden eyes flickering in the dim light as he processed your words.
"That's a hell of a way to grow up," he muttered. His voice was low, deeper than usual. "Doesn't sound like much of a life."
You shrugged, trying to brush it off. "You get used to it."
"Yeah, well, that's the problem," he said, his voice rough. "No one should have to get used to something like that."
He didn’t press further. But you could tell that what you said had struck a chord with him. And for some reason, that made you feel lighter, like something had finally clicked between the two of you.
A few days later, Leona found himself standing on the streets of Zaun with you.
It wasn’t planned. In fact, he’d been dragged along more out of curiosity than anything else. But now that he was here, the place felt as oppressive as you’d described. The air was thick, heavy with the scent of smog and metal, the ground slick with rainwater that never quite seemed to wash the grime away.
The neon lights flickered above, casting an eerie glow on the streets that only seemed to highlight the decay around them. The people here moved with a kind of hardened grace, their faces masks of indifference as they passed by, too focused on survival to even acknowledge his presence.
Leona felt uncomfortable.
It wasn’t because of the people,they didn’t bother him. It was the sense of danger that hung in the air, the weight of the world pressing down on him in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time. He wasn’t used to feeling so… out of place.
But when he looked at you, moving through this chaos with a calm ease, it all made sense. This was your world.
He followed you, watching the way you maneuvered around the people in the streets, never rushing but always aware, always alert. You were a force in this environment, and it was something he couldn’t help but admire.
“You’re quiet,” you remarked after a while, glancing back at him.
Leona grunted. “It’s a little too... lively for my tastes.”
You smirked. “It’s not the place, it’s the people.”
“Yeah,” he muttered, his eyes scanning the surroundings. “They’ve got a way of looking at you like you’re already dead inside.”
You shrugged, though there was a shadow in your eyes. “Yeah. It’s hard to survive here if you let that stuff get to you.”
Leona’s gaze softened as he watched you.
You weren’t just surviving here. You were thriving. You moved through this city like it was a second skin, like the dangers it held had been there long enough to become a part of you.
Leona didn’t know what it was about you that made him feel both protective and deeply impressed. You weren’t the type to ask for help, never the type to lean on anyone, and yet here you were, carrying the weight of this city with grace.
"Hey," he said, stepping closer to you. "You ever think about leaving this place?"
You tilted your head, considering the question. "I don’t know. It’s home. It’s what I know."
“Yeah, but you deserve more than this,” he muttered, his words barely louder than a growl.
You stopped walking, turning to look at him. "I don’t need more. I’ve gotten by just fine with what I have."
Leona stared at you for a long moment, his golden eyes searching yours. Then, slowly, he reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Maybe. But I want you to have more. More than this.” His voice was softer now, almost a whisper. “You deserve a life where you don’t have to fight every single damn day just to stay alive.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the sincerity in his voice.
For the first time since you had arrived, you felt a wave of something warm rush over you. You didn’t know how to explain it, but with Leona by your side, Zaun didn’t feel quite as dark.
“Leona…” you began, but your voice faltered.
He gave you a small, rare smile, stepping even closer. "I know you don’t need me. But I’ll always be here, no matter what."
And just like that, the walls you had so carefully built up seemed to crumble.
You were still in Zaun, still surrounded by the familiar chaos, but now, with Leona by your side, you knew you didn’t have to face it alone.
Leona’s hand found yours, his grip tight and reassuring.
“You don’t have to do everything on your own, you know,” he said softly. “Not with me around.”
And for the first time in a long while, you felt like you had a future.
One where you didn’t have to survive, but where you could truly live.
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Jack Howl
Jack had always admired your resilience.
You were strong, stubborn, and independent,qualities he could respect. From the moment he met you, he could tell you were different. There was something about the way you carried yourself, the way your eyes always seemed sharp and calculating, as if you were used to expecting the worst.
But it wasn’t until you finally trusted him enough to talk about your past that he truly understood why.
Zaun wasn’t just rough. It was brutal.
You told him about the constant struggle to survive, the polluted air that poisoned the lungs of those who couldn't afford to escape it, the crime-infested streets where trust was a rare commodity. You spoke of the shimmer addicts, the gang wars, the people who disappeared without a trace.
Jack was quiet for a long time after you told him. He didn’t pity you,he knew you wouldn’t want that. But he did feel a deep, simmering frustration.
How could anyone be forced to grow up in a place like that?
“You never should’ve had to live like that,” he finally said, his voice firm. “It’s not fair.”
You gave him a small, almost bitter smile. “Life isn’t fair, Jack. You just learn to deal with it.”
His ears twitched in irritation, but he didn’t argue. He knew better than anyone that words alone wouldn’t change reality.
But that didn’t mean he had to like it.
Then, one day, Jack found himself standing in Zaun.
You hadn’t planned to bring him here, but circumstances had led to it. Maybe it was fate, or maybe it was just bad luck. Either way, he was seeing your world with his own eyes, and he hated every second of it.
Everything about the city put him on edge. The air was thick with pollution, making his sharp nose twitch in discomfort. The streets were damp, slick with filth, and the people moved with a hardened wariness that reminded him of scavengers.
It wasn’t just dirty. It was hostile.
Every corner smelled of danger. He caught the scent of blood, chemicals, and something sickly sweet that made his hackles rise. His instincts screamed at him to be alert, to stay close to you.
But you?
You looked completely at ease.
Jack watched as you navigated the streets with the confidence of someone who had done this a million times. You knew when to speed up, when to slow down, when to avoid certain alleys. You carried yourself with the sharp awareness of a survivor.
And that made his chest ache.
You shouldn’t have to be like this. You shouldn’t have to carry yourself like prey avoiding predators.
He clenched his fists, his tail stiff behind him as his golden eyes flicked around. He didn’t trust anyone here. Every stranger that walked too close, every shadow that moved suspiciously,it all put him on high alert.
Then, you stopped walking and turned to look at him.
“You don’t have to be so tense,” you said, amused. “I told you, I know my way around.”
Jack frowned. “Yeah, well, I don’t like it.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What part?”
“All of it,” he admitted, his ears flattening slightly. “This place… it’s dangerous. It’s not right that you had to grow up here.”
You sighed, crossing your arms. “It is what it is, Jack. I survived. That’s what matters.”
His eyes softened, but his expression remained firm. “You shouldn’t have had to ‘just survive.’ You deserve better than that.”
Something in his tone made your chest tighten.
Jack wasn’t saying this because he pitied you. He was saying it because he cared. Because he wanted you to have something more, something safer, something better.
You looked down at your hands, feeling a warmth spread through you that had nothing to do with the neon lights around you.
“…You really think so?” you asked quietly.
Jack let out a small huff, stepping closer. “Of course I do.” His voice was gentler now. “You’re strong, Y/N. You’ve been through a lot, but that doesn’t mean you have to carry everything alone.”
His hand found yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“You don’t have to be alone,” he murmured. “Not anymore.”
You felt your heart stutter.
For so long, you had relied only on yourself. But now, standing in the place that had shaped you,where survival had always been the priority,you realized that, with Jack, maybe you didn’t have to fight alone anymore.
Maybe, for the first time, you had someone who truly had your back.
And that thought?
It was more comforting than anything else in the world.
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Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie had always been good at reading people.
It was a survival skill,something he had picked up back in the slums of the Afterglow Savanna. He knew how to spot the difference between someone who had grown up comfortable and someone who had fought for every scrap of food they ever ate.
And from the moment he met you, he knew you were the latter.
You had the same sharp instincts, the same guarded way of carrying yourself, the same look in your eyes,one that told him you had seen things most people wouldn’t understand.
But he didn’t press. He knew what it was like to have a past that wasn’t meant for casual conversation.
So he waited.
And eventually, you told him.
Zaun was nothing like the Savanna, but struggle was struggle, and Ruggie knew the weight of it all too well. He listened as you spoke about the city buried beneath Piltover, its polluted air, its streets filled with desperation and danger. He listened to how you had learned to survive,not because you wanted to, but because you had to.
And for once, Ruggie didn’t have anything clever to say.
He just sat there, processing your words, his ears twitching as he mulled over everything you had been through.
Then, in a voice quieter than usual, he muttered, “Man… you really had it rough, huh?”
You scoffed. “Says the guy who grew up in a place where food was a luxury.”
“Hey, at least I had fresh air,” he pointed out, nudging you with his elbow. “That’s gotta count for something.”
You chuckled, but there was a heaviness in your gaze that didn’t fade. Ruggie noticed. He always noticed.
So, without another word, he reached over and ruffled your hair.
“Don’t get all gloomy on me,” he said, flashing you that signature mischievous grin. “You made it out, didn’t ya? And now you’ve got me.”
You rolled your eyes. “Lucky me.”
“Damn right.”
That was that.
But then, somehow, Ruggie ended up in Zaun with you.
Maybe it was curiosity. Maybe it was a dumb decision. Either way, he found himself standing in the middle of the undercity, ears twitching at every little sound, his nose wrinkling at the thick, chemical-laced air.
“…Okay,” he muttered. “I get it now.”
The place reeked.
And it wasn’t just the pollution. It was the feeling of the city,the weight of it pressing down on him. The way people moved, the way they barely glanced at him before looking away like they were already calculating whether he was worth the trouble.
It reminded him of home.
Not in a good way.
“You’re staring,” you said, amused.
Ruggie blinked, shaking himself out of his thoughts. “Yeah, well… I’m just thinkin’.”
He stuffed his hands into his pockets, walking a little closer to you. “How the hell did you survive here?”
You shrugged. “Same way you survived in the Savanna. You adapt, you find ways to get by. You do what you have to.”
Ruggie was quiet for a moment, his tail flicking behind him.
Then, suddenly, he grinned.
“Bet you ran some real good scams here,” he said, nudging you playfully. “C’mon, tell me you at least pulled off some fun tricks.”
You smirked. “A few.”
“Knew it.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “You and me, we’re not so different, huh?”
You tilted your head. “Because we both had rough childhoods?”
“Nah,” he said, flashing you a sharp grin. “Because we both know how to win.”
You stared at him for a moment before laughing.
It wasn’t often that someone could understand what it meant to grow up fighting for every little victory. But Ruggie? He got it.
He didn’t pity you. He didn’t act like you needed saving. He just understood.
And, somehow, that made everything feel a little lighter.
Ruggie stretched his arms above his head, sighing. “Welp, as much as I’d love to stick around, this place is a little too grimy for my taste.”
“You’re one to talk.”
“Hey, hey, I’ve got standards,” he said, wiggling his ears. “Besides, I like your dorm way better. Way less chance of gettin’ jumped.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Scared, Bucchi?”
Ruggie grinned. “Nah. Just got better things to do.”
He reached over and tugged you closer by the wrist, his grip surprisingly gentle.
“Like takin’ you somewhere nicer,” he murmured.
Your heart skipped a beat.
You huffed, trying to play it off. “Oh? And where’s that?”
Ruggie smirked. “Anywhere, as long as I’m with ya.”
And just like that, the weight of Zaun seemed to fade,just a little.
Because with Ruggie by your side, even the darkest places didn’t feel so bad.
English is not my first language !
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lightsiided · 1 day ago
     "well... you do," she says gently, as if speaking too quickly might scare thor into taking the words back. this is something they have talked about before. thor is carrying too much; he has been for a LONG TIME. no one holds the weight of the universe atop their shoulders quite like he does. it is difficult to watch -- seeing the person she loves most suffer at the hands of their own expectations. "and i wish you would let me hold more of it for you. but i know it's not easy. i just hope you know you don't ever have to keep things like this from me. no matter how you feel, or what you say... i always want to help."
rey shakes her head. he doesn't have to thank her. not for anything, but certainly not for the simple act of letting him know he is loved. she holds him a little tighter, squeezing her arms around him. "yourself is more than ENOUGH," rey whispers. "i love you just the way you are. great warrior and soft-hearted partner and self-sacrificing idiot and all." quiet settles around them as thor fits himself into the space at the side of her neck. she exhales slowly, finally starting to relax.
it has been an overwhelming day, but they're SAFE now.
by the time her feet touch the floor, rey is calmer. of course she's glad they had this discussion -- glad that thor has been able to unload some of the tremendous burden he carries constantly. yet when he grabs her chin to look directly at her rey's eyes sting for a reason she doesn't quite understand. "i know," she says, around the lump in her throat. it's true there are a few things she's glossed over in their conversations. it isn't fear of JUDGMENT but, rather, the pain of reliving these things. the shame they carry, as if it is her fault they have happened. even seeing how much better thor feels now for having told her doesn't help. her situation seems too different.
rey clears her throat, then tries again, with more conviction. "i know. i do. i... i don't think i can do it tonight --" not after everything they've endured today -- "but i do want to. i want us to share our lives." that much is TRUE. no matter how scary it is, only good things have ever come from being intertwined with thor. she nods, reaching up to wrap her fingers around his wrist and squeeze.
it will be nice to take the next few days slowly. they have love to think about, of course, but rey is eager to spend as much time by his side as possible. anything they need to discuss, to plan, to figure out can be done together. "that sounds nice," she says quietly. "i would like to SLOW DOWN, too." they've hardly had a chance to be happy, since the war's resolution. everything has been busy, demanding their attention. now, if they are to be married... surely the others will understand a reshuffling of their priorities.
finally, they start to separate so that they might make their way to bed. rey feels a yawn split her face, dropping her jaw wide. she is so very exhausted; it feels like AGES AGO they first boarded the boat that took them away from new asgard. why she came to visit in the first place feels like a distant memory, though she knows they'll still have that special dinner thor had planned eventually. she holds his hand as they walk, then turns slightly to smile at him over her shoulder.
"i'm... excited for our future together," she admits. after marriage there will be CHILDREN. a home of their very own. a place without war or loneliness or fear. a life they will build together. "knowing that we'll be married -- i guess it makes everything feel closer." it's like they have a plan, now. something real. something they both want. "and i really can't wait... to have that life with you. it's something i've thought about for a long time."
rey is an expert at chasing away his pain.  this is home, she is —— and home is where there is always a warm light just waiting for him to sink into.  it is cozy, and the air smells of sweets, and the darkness doesn’t dare try to encroach upon the safety they have here.  the simple act of being pulled into her feels like being able to breathe again; the gentle touch of her hands at the back of his neck is everything he fights so hard to make his way back to.  each brush or trail of her fingers swells his heart more.
but still, the weight of his admission lingers.  it’s in his throat, the moisture of his eyes.  it exists alongside an apprecation deeper than he has the words to express… but it still exists.  and beneath that, what he doesn’t want to acknowledge (but she sees it anyway —— and he is so taken aback, because he thought he had kept it so well hidden) is the guilt.  the fact that she’s right.
how could he possibly deserve to stop?  even if only temporarily… what becomes of everyone who needs protecting?  turmoil in the universe will not cease, it never will, thor knows that.  but in his absence… it will be free to unravel as it pleases when he could be putting a stop to it, wherever possible.
sniffling, he returns her kiss without question.  rey is hugged even tighter against him, until her feet almost fully leave the floor beneath, and thor’s much larger frame begins curling around her.  when he nods, their foreheads rub together.  “right,” he whispers, holding her gaze.  it hits him again —— this incredible woman is going to be his wife.
arms winding securely around her, his hands rubbing at her back and arms, thor kisses her as if, were it possible, he tries to pour all the gratitude he feels for her into it.  his breath is deep against her even before they part, and when they do, he remains close enough that the tips of their noses still touch.  “it isn’t easy,” he agrees quietly, “but… i was ready, at last, to tell you.  and, more than that —— given what had happened today, i don’t think… i could bear to keep it from you any longer.  some days, it feels as though i carry so much.”  too much.  “i would not know where to fit all of it.  so, i must stop holding so tightly to it.”
releasing the past and starting anew, as he had said out on the cliffside tonight.
“i do know,” he nods, just briefly offering her an affectionate squeeze.  “you have never let me doubt it for even a moment.”  which is more than he can say for her.  “for that, i want to thank you.  you love me… in a way no one has before.  with you, i seldom feel as though i must be what is expected of me.  asgard’s greatest warrior, or the god of thunder.  you have allowed me the space to just be… myself.”
after days like today, that is precisely what he needs.  to be able to be himself, and feel everything that comes with it.  pressing a kiss to her cheek, he closes his eyes when he inches forward to fit his face between her neck and shoulder.  inhaling, his fingers grip her body like she is his lifeline.  in many ways, she is.  a long few moments pass before he lowers her back down to her feet, and snakes a hand between them so he can grasp at her chin.
“and i want you to know, when you are ready to say more of what happened, i am here to listen.  we help each other,” he reiterates, and there is a finality in his voice.  rey seems too anxious, still, to share the level of details he has, and so he won’t push —— but she must know, before they retire to bed and welcome a new day.  “alright?  we will get some much needed sleep, and while we take care of the little one, we’ll discuss what it means to us to… slow down.”
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autisticburnham · 11 hours ago
For the record, the reason I so badly want Michael to beat Pike in that captains tournament isn't just because of my dislike of Strange New Worlds. For those of you who weren't around/don't remember, when season 1 of Discovery came out (and still now, honestly), Michael and the show received a lot of virulent hatred. I'm not saying the show is above criticism- it has quite a few major problems (season 1 even pissed me off so badly I stopped watching for several months)- but a huge portion of the hatred and a lot of the "it just doesn't feel like Star Trek" seemed pretty clearly motivated by the fact that the lead character was a black woman and Lorca, Saru, and Stamets- the options to be able to focus on a white guy and pretend he was the main character instead- were evil, for lack of a more succinct term a beta, and otherwise "woke," respectively. The type of straight white guy who likes to pretend Star Trek is and always has been about him and only people like him didn't have a character to latch on to in season 1. And even the type of tumblrinas who like to make everything about white guys didn't latch on to anything because the gay ship was interracial. Not that anyone said any of this explicitly, but it was pretty clearly the vibe.
And then season 2 rolled around and suddenly there was a white guy everyone could pretend was the main character instead, and boy did they. Micheal felt like an afterthought in her own fanbase, which was particularly egregious given how much torture that season put her through. And everyone and their mother was clamoring for this white guy to get his own show because that would make it "feel like Star Trek" again. And Paramount gave those people what they wanted. They got a show with a white lead that was way more successful than Picard had managed to be up until that point and they stopped paying attention to Discovery before quietly canceling it- though not before adding in yet another white guy for no reason.
Pike stole the attention away from Michael on her own show and then stole her position as lead on the flagship series by simple virtue of being a white man, and I need some portion of the fan base to recognize how wrong that is. I desperately want, at least the tumblr corner of the fandom, to acknowledge that Pike isn't a better character than she is, he's just more marketable
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pollux-starsz · 2 days ago
as i was working on a beach day writing for @wyervan 's dca slasher au (check them out btw!!!! :D) i had the impulse to draw out the outfit Kalamela is wear throughout the entire thing (because im awesome and i did NOT make Smoon flustered over her for no reason in this writing, which is yet to be finished , I'm procrastinating..)
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I absolutely adore how I did the coloring for this one! Also I'm getting better at shoes XD
Rambles below the cut!!
- So, I had this little thought about Kalamela's cooking. I kept thinking, she doesn't have as big as a sweet tooth as people would think. But she LOVES savory and spicy food, so I think she'd like to try different spices with Moonie. There hasn't been a time yet where it's too much but who's to say she won't burn her tastebuds one day.
- Since she's living with them, (save her) I can't help but think she would be very upset with the Slasher boys if her pets announce the slightest amount of annoyance towards them. She WILL make them get treats for her babies.
- She paints her nails a lot, so I think she'd paint Sun's as well!! Not that he has a choice, she needs to know how the colors look.
- Her and Moon playing DDR except it ends in a brawl because Moon lost (not surprising but Sun did make them both clean the arcade afterwards).
- I keep picturing Moon having an odd interest in gum. He just likes the different types of flavours, textures or just how they look.
- Sun's over working ass getting sick and being taken care of by Kalamela but cue Moon making fun of him for being coddled.... He also got sick two days later from Sun so now BOTH of them are being coddled. Kalamela doesn't like it, she thinks they should both do their shit themselves but thanks to her heart of gold and 3 containers of ice cream waiting for her in the fridge, she pushes on.
- Do not let Kalamela dress them in her choice of clothing style(s). It happened as an attempt many times, but when she finally got them to actually wear the outfits (out in public as well), she was ignored for about a week. Mostly by Moon, Sun actually took a liking to it all.
- She made them wear one of her dresses and try on a few skirts. Moon and Sun bickered over who could rock it more. The answer is both of them, by the way.
- Kalamela got sick for a full two months during winter and the boys schedule consisted of "Wake Kalamela", " Feed Kalamela (and fail)", "Wake Kalamela", "Get Kalamela out of the bedroom (50/50 attempt)", "Give up (She wouldn't budge)", "Continue with our day (They also gave up with her bullshit)".
- Kalamela speaks entire conversations with them in Czech and they can't do anything but smile and nod. Moon can pick up a few words and Sun.. can really only make out what sounds like a curse word.
- Mango learned to say Sun and Moon's names and never shuts up. Moon likes it until he's sleeping and gets woken up, Sun got fed up within the first hour.
- Moon, when he was drunk, also got Kalamela drunk. Which then led to them running out into those large, open grass areas off the side of highways. Yes, Sun had to supervise them.
- Kalamela doesn't understand U.S. currency sometimes, despite now living in the U.S. for years now. Sun and Moon both help to convert the currency difference for her, she always feels bad that they need too. Doesn't stop her from complaining about the prices, of course!
- Moon is so smitten for her, he bought her too many flower bouquets for her birthday. She kept them all and also planted a few of them outside her house! Sun still thinks he needs to chill, if you ignore his list of 500 Valentine's Day gifts to get her. Obviously, Moon is the more crazy one! Totally not Sun! How could he ever!
- They all sit on the couch eating pizza and fries on Sunday's. They watch random TV channels until they all fall asleep or end up complaining about their day.
- Sun and Moon visit Crystal Cove so often that they both have their own little discount and have keys to the building. They get to thank Kalamela for that one.
Bonus doodles of her because I was practicing poses and perspective (kill me now)
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azaharinflames · 2 days ago
"Tim does love to mention Eddie and we've already seen he loves shipbaiting." - It really gets annoying, but I'm not surprised he isn't clear about it, like Aisha was. I think he still seems to think that the show would fall apart if he outright says Bvddie won't happen. I want to be like other BuckTommy fans, saying that it couldn't be more clear, but I just don't like that Eddie is once again a topic. I know lots of BuckTommy fans say it was necessary to put a stop to it, but somehow it just made me mad, because I don't trust Tim.
"I love Maddie Han (Buckley) but like… some of her scenes this season have me questioning my love for her. Like. She could do better. " - That's another thing. She always says this weird things to Buck, like she doesn't know her brother at all, like in 7x4, where she implied she wouldn't put it past him to hook up with a married woman.
Hi, Nonnie!
I do agree that it does feel like Tim is a bit too afraid to fully kill Buddie. Tbh I took this as 'have them write fanfiction' (paraphrasing) 2.0, but I can also see how frustrating it is, for everyone really. He doesn't want to lose that uncertainty, even tho he made sure to kill the possibility of Buddie in the show.
Here is what I think: he deliberately sent that message to Buddies to play with them and keep them engaged, even when he knows he doesn't have any intention of following through. Interviews are not something the GA reads - it is, however, something the Buddies do read to try to find 'hidden' messages and clues. Tim is aware of this and decided to play with them. But, at the end of the day? What is important is what we see on screen. And he was very clear with that.
I do understand you being mad at this, though, don't think I'm not. It is frustrating, and maddening. And I seriously hope that the show takes the chance, reconciles Bucktommy, and stops bringing Eddie as any point of contention between them. So the audience knows, ofc, but also to stop the baiting.
I've been saying it, but it does feel like the writers don't know how to write the dynamics of the 118 anymore. We haven't had a good-feel scene with them in a long time, they for some reason feel like co-workers and not family, and that extends to Maddie, too. Her scenes with Buck have been, at best, odd. Their sibling dynamic is there still, but different, and not necessarily in a good way.
My inbox is open for ranting, venting, giving your opinion (unpopular or popular, I'm happy to receive and discuss both), and even confessions! Though if you don't want yours posted, please make sure to say :)
Take care <3
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iscdisc · 16 hours ago
Platonic 2012 Capril rambling-
Because I can't do art today (I'm not at my drawing tablet today- 😔), I'm just going to ramble a bit- Lmao
I know the writers for this series dropped the ball with a lot of relationships / development of main relationships (i.e. Some of the brother dynamics like Donnie with Raph or even Leo to an extent, April with all of the brothers basically, Splinter with his kids, etc.), so I don't know how generous I can reasonably be with this specific topic here, but something I personally think is really neat (Especially if intentional-) is April and Casey's dynamic during the Farmhouse Arc !
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In the first episode of Season 3 (EP 1, "Within the Woods"-), we see this turbulence between Casey and April over the situation that their in upon Casey asking April if something was wrong considering her distance towards him as of late (Mind you, they're three months into their stay at April's family Farmhouse in upstate New York-). She blows up on him a bit, believing he's being unreasonable with this question and asking too much of her (At least, that's my interpretation of her words-). I know I'm very 2012 Casey biased, so it's completely fine if you disagree with me here, but I personally don't believe Casey meant anything malicious or manipulative by this question-?
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It seemed very genuine and implies the two have a close enough relationship for Casey to notice her (mentally / emotionally) pulling away- I can understand his asking personally, since I would probably do the same in his position. It also could've been his way of reaching out, and since he often gets misunderstood despite his good intentions, April took it the wrong way (Not trying to say she was "in the wrong", but it did feel a bit of an overreaction in my eyes. I personally feel like she was just stressed out and shaken up in that moment, as we see in the screenshot above April getting spooked by a tree branch in this same scene scenario, which led her to take it out on him-).
As shitty as this scene is (For Casey specifically, especially considering he was very understanding and didn't make her feel bad for it or even bring it up again at all-), I mention it because of what we see with the two episodes later. In S3 EP 3, "Buried Secrets"-
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Out of everyone April could've gone to about her Mother / the ultimatum she was being presented with by said Mother, she went to Casey about it. Besides S2 EP 9, "The Kraang Conspiracy", April doesn't talk about her Mother much with the Turtles (The Brothers were only exposed to her Mother via Kurtzman as well, not April herself volunteering that information-). The only ones we've seen April open up to about her Mother (On her own accord-) are Karai in Season 1 (EP 21, "Karai's Vendetta"-) and now Casey in Season 3. This felt like such a significant moment given the interaction we see them have in, "Within the Woods". It seems like Casey was proven to be genuine in his concern for April as her friend and April truly acknowledges that better now. Why else would April choose to be so vulnerable with him after having such a shitty moment together episodes prior (Where she felt he was being very insensitive / inconsiderate of her feelings-)?
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I also have a personal theory that these two were testing the waters of a relationship during Season 2 (Which I've mentioned before-), and if my theory is correct, that could also contribute to their closeness and April's willingness to share such personal things with him specifically. Also given this theory, I'm not saying it wouldn't have been surprising if April thought Casey was attempting to "weasel his way back in romantically" when he asked her about whether or not they were okay during, "Within the Woods" (Which feels substantiated by Donnie making such a emphasized point about them being "two teens who like each other going into the woods alone" a scene prior-), but like I said before I really don't think that's what Casey was trying to do at all. I think he was being genuine.
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I just really like this moment that they share here, and it really seems like their dynamic is moving towards a more platonic direction- We can even backtrack a bit to the beginning of this episode when they're having the cleaning montage- Even this had a different energy to it for me personally. I feel like from this episode ("Buried Secrets"-) moving forward, a lot of the "advances" Casey makes towards April come off kind of jokey and very clearly not taken seriously by April whatsoever.
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Maybe I could be wrong, but it really felt like two exes (Or rather two people who were exploring a relationship but then that fell through-)?? Casey's going to poke fun because that's just in his nature, and they both know where they stand with each other now so April's not going to really comment on it and just find these jokes "annoying" (But in a way that you find your friend annoying, you know?).
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It's also the way that April seems to be a lot livelier as a person with Casey, which I think also speaks to their better grounded friendship (And possible implication of romantic closeness, since that past vulnerability could have made it easier for April to really be herself around / with Casey ! Definitely not in the way she can "be herself" around Donnie, since in my personal opinion, it always feels like she's putting on some kind of face for him-). I didn't get a screenshot of it, but the moment between them at the end of this specific episode (S3 EP 8, "Vision Quest"-) speaks to that too in my opinion. The little banter that they're having over April breaking the wood and the finger snaps thing that she afterwards- I'm just saying that we don't get this kind of energy from April outside of her interactions with Casey (In my opinion-). Lmao
Again, I don't know how much I can attribute this to the writing since I'm not entirely sure that this was an intentional thing, but I think regardless it's cool to see their dynamic throughout the Farmhouse Arc !
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I also really like this particular platonic closeness between Casey and April (Especially under the context that they were a relationship that didn't work out but are still super close / have moved on from it-), because I feel like this would be a better way to explain Casey's continued "protectiveness" over April + annoyance with Donnie in relation to her. Not that I'm trying to shit talk 2012 Donnie here, but he is a massive weirdo towards her for a significant amount of time in the series and I'm sure if April and Casey are as close as I'm assuming they are during this time, April has expressed that to Casey before. So it's kind of nice to view Casey continuing to be this way towards Donnie as a means of defending April from uncomfortable interactions with Donnie rather than him still seeing himself as a viable candidate for her "love" or something- You know what I mean?
Although, I know this particular instance (From "Buried Secrets"-) doesn't exactly hold up as well as I would like it to here, given the episode prior (EP 2, "A Foot Too Big"-), April literally kissed Donnie- Like legitimately kissed Donnie. So I can't exactly say Donnie's persistence here "doesn't make sense", cause April really was giving off some weird signals / messages. Again, as always, we can thank the piss poor writing. Lmao
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There's also this moment that I wanted to talk about outside of The Farmhouse Arc when they return to New York City (Specifically from S3 EP 10, "Serpent Hunt"-). Objectively speaking, this felt like kind of a weird moment from April that I didn't really understand? From a canonical writing perspective, this came off as the writers trying to still continue this, "Will they, won't they?" aspect of April and Casey's relationship-?? But maybe this thing can be viewed as April possibly reminiscing fondly about the past (If my theory about them having a failed relationship throughout Season 2 is accurate-) and appreciating Casey still being by her side? I honestly feel like I'm grasping at straws with this interpretation- LMAO
Anyway that's my ramble about those two- They just felt like a lot of lost / wasted potential as far as like having a boy and girl friendship that wasn't weird? Lmao ✨
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majosullivan · 9 hours ago
So I wrote a whole ass dissertation in the tags of your post (which will be posted in a couple of days bc I'm focusing on fundraisers rn) but I wanted to do another tangent here bc I'm sooooooooo mad that lenore very probably didn't kill annabel >:( like it would make only sense in a kind of double suicide situation Or in a "I'm killing us both to save us from our fate bc they just discovered that I'm a woman and they’re gonna lock us up and I want to save you from that, but I'm never gonna tell you making it Look like a betrayal" kind of way, but then it wouldn't work narratively bc then the story should have focused a lot more on Annabel's feeling of betrayal to have a big reveal moment where they explained what was actually going on. And that didn’t happen. Annabel was immediately hopelessly devoted to lenore so I think it wouldn't make sense.
Congrats on the childhood friend for killing them in the most homoerotic way possible. I guess. Fuck you. I hope you at least got to have a rage fueled duel with a lenore blinded by grief. Grrrrr
(I think he's the guy who killed them bc the fact that he was even mentioned and the fact that they spent so many speech bubbles on a guy who hasn't even appeared makes me suspicious. I think we have a full season that needs to be filled with flashbacks still and I think he's gonna meke his appearance. Motherfucker. Stupid chekhov's gun coded ass.)
Up until episode 91, I always kept going back and forth on theories surrounding the idea that Lenore was the one that killed Annabel. It is such an intriguing idea but there was always something that didn't sit right. It continually felt like every time there was a piece of evidence that could shift the scale to one side, there was always another piece that would balance things out for me.
Even if Lenore didn't kill Annabel though, it appears we're still getting a similar route to 'still being devoted to the one that killed you whether you understand the reason or not' from Annabel. After all, Merry did state how it was fascinating it was that despite every reason they have given to Annabel to make her distrust Lenore, her convictions have only deepened. It is difficult to say for certain if the memories shown in episode 91 are the only ones Annabel remembered when she manifested or if there were further ones we haven't been shown yet. Solely going on what was present to us though, Annabel had memories of her death triggered for her and remembered that this girl she met at Nevermore's shores and immediately felt some sort of connection was apparently was the one that murdered her and went 'despite what the Deans made me remember, I also remember how I feel about Lenore, and how I feel about Lenore tells me that no matter what truly happened, a second life without her would be pointless'. The Deans just weren’t prepared for the endless power of sapphic devotion.
You are so damn right that Annabel's childhood friend being such a Chekhov's gun coded character. While Ira is currently my main guess for the person that killed Annabel, the detail we are given about him in episode 42 makes him stand out in such a suspicious way.
It would be one thing if it was simple established that Ira had prepared a suitable suitor for Annabel if no one manages to beat her at chess by the end of her third social season. It helps set up a time frame for Lenore's plan to save Annabel and it establishes more of Ira’s character before we’re officially introduced to him. Him being someone Annabel used to play with when she was younger? Fine enough detail to add on. Makes sense that Ira would prepare a suitable backup suitor from a family he is familiar with/already has a good relationship with. However, stating how he has been defeated by Annabel multiple times and in Annabel word's 'is terribly persistent'? Now that immediately caught my eye. It is the perfect early detail to start building the foundation that this man could potentially start causing problems/get violent if the woman he has desperately been trying to win the hand of and who was so close to being promised to him got engaged to this somewhat suspicious 'man'.
Like I mentioned, it's hard to make a further case about him given that we haven't heard about him since, but every time I think through theories around Annabel's and Lenore's deaths, I keep coming back to him in some form because it feels like he has to have some role in the future, I just don't have anything to prove it yet.
If he is the one that shot Annabel, god hoping that Lenore was at least able to shoot him before she died (ideally in the dick but I'm not picky)
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noxspost · 1 day ago
the source of the knock was a small person with hands banged up with hard work. Rough and calloused hands marked with Burns and scrapes and cuts long healed marking them as a blacksmith. The clothing was basic and wore. They watch with their beady eyes behind glasses and their bread covered in soot "I found this. They said take this to the guardian."
The librarian blinks taking a back at the short blacksmith who waited expectantly but patiently their eyes darken with age their beard covered in soot and had a smile. The owner of the house nods "yes it is a book." They reach out the hand expectedly waiting for the book to be placed in their outstretched hand but the book was pulled back and the blacksmith's face furrows twists into confusion and a but aggressive "no. I want to know what it says I found it in the basement of my dead wife's childhood home. I can't read. Please I want to know what it says." The other stranger looked a bit terrified that they had been a bit rude after having tried taking the book several more times I'm sorry." They speak in a meak and embarrassed "it's okay."
His voice was polite and honest. Something the other person hadn't in years. got many mocked them for their foolish mission but here in front of them on their doorstep to their house was a blacksmith an older man who has never read but is willing to learn. Something they had never heard and seen before.
He waits and relaxed when he notices there was no more attempt to take the book "well I can't tell you if I can't read the cover."
"Oh right sorry." They smile as they hold back their sash so it doesn't side off her outfit which was a Sari. They were going to be at the celebration but this is important way more. "Thank you." He beams with joy as they takes it and studies the book. The blaxksmith sees the age and wisdom of this lady as they study the cover. He knew what books looked like and what the parts were called but never the the contents inside. Everyone used cuneiform to get around. "This is about flora and faun of India and medical uses of the floa." He nods and asked "Well it sounds important...." he looks around and asked "another reason why I ask for your help," he responded "I want to learn to read."
The librarian stops walking back to send off the blacksmith. They looked at him hard and good and realized he wasn't joking he's being completely serious. They look at the food they would bring to the party and sighed "if you come with me and some food I will teach you." She takes the book and sets it down to then pick up the food bowl up. She giggles a bit at how excitable the blacksmith looked his eyes lighting up with his newfound Joy
"I am the last librarian on Earth. The world has forgotten how to read, but I guard the knowledge of humanity in a hidden vault. Today, someone knocked on the door—and they brought a book."
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talleyuh · 2 days ago
so I'm watching Yellowjackets (finally) and I'm on s2e4 and I don't think I've ever had such mixed opinions on a cast of characters in my life.
for some reason, I love Shauna. Maybe I love Melanie Lynskey's portrayal of her but she's bitchy and selfish and I get her. she's a questionable wife, not a good mother, consistently makes reckless decisions and somehow is a good 'straight man' next to nat and misty.
as a subsection of Shauna, Jeff weirdly works for me. He's not my favorite, but I don't despise him. Callie as a character makes sense but it's hard to watch an actress in her late twenties (at the time of filming) playing an angsty teen. #mycultureisNOTyourcostume. also it almost doesn't really work if Callie is supposed to be 17/18 and hanging out with this older cop because it's weird and no one's talking about it. I do appreciate how much she cares about protecting their fucked up unit.
Jackie started losing me about halfway through season 1. I understood her but she quickly fell into the background. I sympathized with her anger but I also know while everyone on the team was pissed at her for not helping. she didn't need to lose her ear tho
misty just keeps growing on me. she does not seem very empathetic or self aware, but i feel for her being outcasted by the team for twenty-five straight years. I also am having a lot of fun with her arc with Elijah Wood. Not in love with his character just yet, but I don't mind his presence.
I like Crystal... I think. But I think her biggest crime is being a theater kid, then she's like a saint compared to the rest of the cast.
taissa is another one of my favorites. She's too fierce for her own good which constantly ostracizes people, but I feel for her a lot of the time. She clearly shows that she's afraid of herself and fears getting close to people and I'm scared of what that means for her and van in the 90s.
Van is such a breath of fresh air in the doom and gloom. She's not overly cynical like the rest of the girls, but she's not fake positive to the point it's annoying. Also I'm obsessed with her 70s aesthetic as an adult and she has like the best casting from teen to adult I've seen so far.
Simone feels very one note and almost exclusively just tells Taissa what she's doing wrong, but I understand her perspective because what she's had to go through is unimaginable.
Lottie is starting to grow on me this season. I don't know if the show is going explicitly supernatural or not, but with clairvoyance or without, Lottie is clearly being tortured by what's in her mind. It's super compelling to watch her desperately cling onto her delusions because they're literally all she has.
I go back and forth on Nat, but I can never quite dislike her. I like her in the 90s timeline a little bit more, but primarily because she's more snarky and active than cynical and passive.
I absolutely despised Travis at first, but he became less of an asshole. I don't quite like him but I don't mind his scenes anymore.
I'm so neutral on Ben. I feel like there were so many other ways to avoid Misty's romantic feelings for him than lying to her like that, but to each their own.
Mari is probably my least favorite. She's such a contrarian, but not to the point that it's funny.
I really liked Laura Lee. Misguided as her intentions were, she was genuinely so sweet.
I like Akilah, but there's not much to say about her.
I think that's everyone with anything to say about
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beifong-brainrot · 4 hours ago
I saw this post about mako. What are your thoughts:
“in books 1&2 he comes off as an entitled prick. It's taken years for me to get over how much I disliked him in the first two books.
The way he only treats Korra with respect when he finds out she's the Avatar, the way he talks about both her and Asami as objects for him to make decisions about, the cheating, the gaslighting Asami when she calls him out for cheating, PUSHING LIN BEIFONG. Man I'm getting mad just thinking about it all lol.
Honestly I guess I understand? Mako comes off as a little mean in the first 2 seasons, especially the Book 1. And yeah I can get why some people would be annoyed by that.
But then I also kinda wanna give Mako the grace that he didn't really get as an 18 year old kid who grew up in an incredibly volatile enviornment, with probably very few positive role models in his life.
I think Mako's initial hostility towards Korra feels so upsetting to us, because we are seeing him from Korra's perspective. So we are immediately like 'dude what's your problem'. But like, let's put ourselves in Mako's shoes here.
He's about to go into a match, to essentially do his job, and his horny brother is bringing unknown women into the dressing room, and we can infer this isn't the first time he's done so. And frankly, he's not actively hostile, just vaguely dismissive, at least from what I remember.
If we wanna take this a step further, we need to also remember that Mako and Bolin do have a past with some dangerous people, so maybe strangers shouldn't be welcomed with open arms. His priority is keeping himself and Bolin safe and afloat, and he doesn't trust others, with, from his perspective, good reason.
I wouldn't say Mako's attitude towards Korra changes drastically when he learns she's the Avatar. I guess he could be a little mollified by the fact that she's probably not someone dangerous. But he's still snarky and aloof when Bolin is teaching her to probend.
Mako : [Aloof.] Not bad. Korra: [At Bolin, gesturing at Mako. Irritably; slightly down.] What's it take to impress this guy? Mako : What? I said "not bad". [Close-up of Korra pouting at him. Cut back to Mako shaking his head; annoyed.] You know what, it's getting late. [Overview shot of Mako sauntering off with his hands in his pockets.] I think I'm gonna turn in. You kids have fun. Nice to meet you, Avatar Korra.
You know, I assume the "treating Asami as an object" thing is referring to this conversation Mako and Bolin have?
Bolin: So, what do you think of Korra, in a "girlfriend" sort of way? Mako : She's great! But I think it makes more sense for me to go for Asami.
And yeah, I guess you can see this as a more utilitarian view of his relationships with Korra and Asami. But, this is the least charitable interpretation possible. I think it's more likely that Mako cares deeply for both Korra and Asami, and has probably never had to deal with this type of conflict before. Add to this that Asami is literally the reason the brothers can take part in the championship and potentially better their position in life, Mako probably feels not only a lot of gratitude, but also probebly would be wary of upsetting her.
And after he commits to Asami, he still has feelings for Korra. But, Mako seems quite averse to conflict, despite being a bit standoffish. He doesn't want to date within the team, as that could cause friction within the team. He doesn't want to rock the boat by switching from one parter to the next.
Now, the cheating? Yeah, he should've absolutely pushed Korra away and probably told Asami. But once again, he has some feelings for Korra, so momentary lapse of judgement. And, once again, he doesn't want to cause drama in the group by informing Asami of the kiss.
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Is it objectively a bad thing to do? And awful judgement of a situation? Cowardly? Yeah.
Do I get why he acted the way he did? Yeah.
And, to Mako and Korra's credit, they did not do anything afterwards. Was there emotional cheating? Um, I guess you could say that, but that's shaky.
I also think we tend to act like Mako's very emotional reaction towards Korra getting kidnapped is purely due to his romantic feelings to her.
But like, also, he's an 18 year old who lost his parents tragically at a young age and then became the primary caregiver to his younger brother for 10 years, holding sole responsibility over his loved one's wellbeing. And we don't think that one of his first close friends going missing (when she's already a traget of an extreminst terrorist organisation) wouldn't get the anxiety beans cooking?
And "push" is the overstatement of the century. He nudged Lin and she immediately gave him the space of like 2 meters like the mimosa plant of a woman she is.
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Like, even Mako didn't seen to genuinely acknowledge his doting on Korra as romantic, probably because he's used to focusing his attention on someone's wellbeing.
Asami: I've noticed how you treat Korra. How you acted when she was missing. You have feelings for her, don't you? Mako : What? No! She was taken by a crazy bloodbender! How did you expect me to act?
I wouldn't really define this convesation with Asami as gaslighting. Is it well handled on Mako's side? No. He's being very evasive, and doesn't want the confrontation of discussing his and Korra's kiss with Asami.
I genuinely think he cared for both the girls, but he also most likely didn't know how to handle both romance and conflict. Mako is a character who very much built himself around taking care of others, and at the beginning of tlok, he is still very clearly in that mode. Like He's just trying to live off measly sports with his brother and then literally god barges into his changing room and then Henry Ford's daughter hits him with a motorcycle and suddenly he's cornered in a love triangle cut the man some slack.
Like, don't get me wrong, Mako's flawed, but so is the rest of the Krew. They're messy teens, and that's ehat makes me love them. Singling Mako out feels unnecessarily mean, since he has a lot of good reasons to be the way that he is. Like mans is just trying to survive.
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jasminedragonart · 1 day ago
I just love and hate shauna on yellowjackets so much.
She's such a bad character, in terms of being a bad person. Like, no accountability is being taken by shauna. She is the eternal victim and i see so many people like that out in the wild. and yeah, some of it is justified but also, boy is she just a bad person.
but I feel like we need her to be bad because, and I have a theory about the next few episodes, i think she needs to be this insane person in order for us to get the girls from the first episode.
hear me out.
right now, they're in a uptopia, or as close as they can get to one in the wilderness. they have shelter they have food. all of this happened because natalie was queen and natalie, as shown before, is a good leader. does she want to be a leader? No. But she's good at it. We literally see the fruits of her labour.
But they have another winter ahead of them. In order for that winter to happen i truly think they need someone to bring them back to their lowest point. and that person is shauna.
shauna is in charge now. She wasn't chosen she took that role. she intimidated people into giving her that role and she probably thinks she's earned it. but the wilderness didn't choose her. she has never been chosen by the wilderness like natalie or lottie. she took it and i think she's going to be the reason they get punished with another winter.
akilah is a false prophet, has she had one good prophecy? kind of. Ben was their way home but not in the way she thought he would be.
i feel like there's two opposing religions going on, what the wilderness wants and what shauna is demanding. akilah is shauna's prophet while nat had travis (who tried to block out his visions). by sparing ben we're being led into another winter. Shauna was the one who made the girls choose guilty, akilah is the one who prolonged ben's death. the wilderness sent people to them but because shauna is in charge they're going to be killed and eaten instead of used to guide them home.
I think all of this is happening because the girls are choosing shauna and it's because of shauna they're going into a bad winter. Something is coming. Those hikers are going to die and i truly believe shauna is going to be the reasons the yellowjacket's home is burned or destroyed or something which causes them to hunt each other down. I think shauna misses that power when she's back to being an ordinary person again and doesn't want to admit it. She's clinging onto this persona of being a good person when she's not and it's infuriating to watch but also interesting.
I hate shauna but i also love her too.
she's going to be the reason gen and melissa die. she's probably going to kill akilah and i have no doubt if shauna is the antler queen by the end of the season she will have mari hunted into a pit.
lottie's out of control and it might not be because she's having a mental break. the hikers are here but they're not supposed to be here now. this wasn't the time for them to appear. they were supposed to be here earlier. early enough they could use the phone before it broke to help them. Now? With shauna in charge, they're as dead as the rest of the girls. lottie says the wilderness doesn't want them there and she's right. they have no use for them now.
this is just my thoughts and predictions as to what's ahead.
boy do i hope mari makes it. i'm very sad ben didn't.
also if you claim spoilers on this post just be warned that you read all the way to here on a post where i clearly am talking about the yellowjackets. it's your own fault for interacting with this post to begin with.
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rei-ismyname · 2 days ago
It's my favourite too, for that reason and because it successfully really made everyone important and sympathetic (or at least relatable.) Tom, Arjun, Syne the Memetaur, Jada, Kenta, Ajak and Makkari, the machine that is Earth, The Progenitor, even Starfox. Sincerity and pushing the Marvel event formula to its limits paid off so well.
I caught that pronoun edit and I appreciate it :). Kind of you to say I'm smarter than you too, but I disagree. It doesn't matter though, we can both be clever.
I think Cap failing was the moment I thought 'hell yeah, we're doing this.' All you say is true about him being one man, but at the same time I'd argue that post 9/11 Cap has been slipping in a lot of ways. Deferring to the government/unjust authority, even embodying it - is a long way from the guy who overthrew Nixon and sided with protestors against cops etc in the 70s. He fought against the SHRA, but whenever there's a mutant registration act/cure he hasn't done the same.
Cap was always a man out of time, but he was a young man. A New York art student during the New Deal era who bought that perspective to the 70s. I feel like he's aged into more of an establishment role and it's tied his hands in significant ways. It's something he realises every so often and I can't help but wonder if it played into his judgement. I love how The Progenitor only ever refers to him as 'the man in the flag.'
Oh yeah The Progenitor hates sunk costs, haha. 'Every day is Judgement Day' would have been life changing for Xavier to internalise. Fortunately, Gillen got to write him for the rest of the Krakoan age. Mags asked Storm to watch him and she did her best. He had breakdown after breakdown, even admitting 'I don't believe in this' but he just kept making the same mistakes. He's still making them right now.
He's lost so much and hurt so many people, and even now he's still manipulating people and keeping secrets, acting unilaterally. As much as the X-Force part of Chuck Hunt (much better name IMO) was bizarre and made little sense, he was up to old tricks but admitted 'this is for me.' He acknowledges out loud that he's acting selfishly.
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The Cyclops judgement is so good, especially when The Progenitor uses it as context and character witness to judge Jean. 'I met your husband and passed him. 'My wife will beat you up' works well for him. Also I blew up his head.
I'm working on a post about this judgement right now - there's so much to say. The Progenitor is being massively unfair here, but if we go off other judgements this is Jean's guilt at play. Spoiler - I think he's trying to teach her something, but I'll get to that. Then there's DOOM, who laughs at it and rides a jetski. Passes, obviously. Lol.
Loser Husbands get judged
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Judgement Day was a fantastic event running through the entire Marvel universe. In short, the new Prime Eternal thought wiping out the mutants would secure his political position. Tony Stark, Sinister and the Eternal priests built a new God to stop the war - which it briefly did. Then it judged everyone.
Magneto and Storm put on a fantastic show fighting Uranos the Undying, as you can see. The big guy tore Mags' heart out (rude) but he kept fighting with his powers and help from Storm, and eventually the pair fucked Uranos up. That's not what he's judged on.
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As part of Arakko's government, Mags and Storm removed themselves from the resurrection protocols. Magneto is dying and The Progenitor chooses to judge him based on whether he sticks to his guns and accepts death. It's right that Xavier would save his loser husband if he called out to him right now, but he doesn't. It appears as his lost daughter Anya and gives him a thumbs up, recontextualising the scene in X-Men Red..
Interestingly, it thinks 'if all were like him there'd be no need for men like him.' Inasmuch as this cobbled together space God based on Tony Stark is worth listening to, it's at least fascinating that Kieron Gillen chose those words. Storm and Mags embracing as he dies is beautiful and the judgement means nothing.
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Chuck doesn't fare so well in the 'being judged by a space God' game. The judgement itself is meaningless, but the nature of the test and Xavier's response are significant. The Progenitor has been shown to frequently judge a person based on their own standards and guilt.
The implication that Chuck represses the extent of his guilt over his shoddy parenting wouldn't surprise me. The dude is running a country and overseeing a psychic siege defence of the Quiet Council by himself, something that kills him multiple times via exploding head. He's also taking meetings, communicating with various people, and even has the time for passive aggressive jabs here and there.
I suspect it's not a failure to drop everything and run to David right in this moment, but not even stopping to look at his son on what's looking like the last day of existence for everyone. It could be something else entirely, what with inscrutable space Gods and all, though Charles Xavier is incredibly neglectful to David and always has been. I love that Legion managed to build himself some happiness and stability in spite of this, and I would LOVE to see a conversation between the two right now.
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