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talleyuh · 5 days ago
so I'm watching Yellowjackets (finally) and I'm on s2e4 and I don't think I've ever had such mixed opinions on a cast of characters in my life.
for some reason, I love Shauna. Maybe I love Melanie Lynskey's portrayal of her but she's bitchy and selfish and I get her. she's a questionable wife, not a good mother, consistently makes reckless decisions and somehow is a good 'straight man' next to nat and misty.
as a subsection of Shauna, Jeff weirdly works for me. He's not my favorite, but I don't despise him. Callie as a character makes sense but it's hard to watch an actress in her late twenties (at the time of filming) playing an angsty teen. #mycultureisNOTyourcostume. also it almost doesn't really work if Callie is supposed to be 17/18 and hanging out with this older cop because it's weird and no one's talking about it. I do appreciate how much she cares about protecting their fucked up unit.
Jackie started losing me about halfway through season 1. I understood her but she quickly fell into the background. I sympathized with her anger but I also know while everyone on the team was pissed at her for not helping. she didn't need to lose her ear tho
misty just keeps growing on me. she does not seem very empathetic or self aware, but i feel for her being outcasted by the team for twenty-five straight years. I also am having a lot of fun with her arc with Elijah Wood. Not in love with his character just yet, but I don't mind his presence.
I like Crystal... I think. But I think her biggest crime is being a theater kid, then she's like a saint compared to the rest of the cast.
taissa is another one of my favorites. She's too fierce for her own good which constantly ostracizes people, but I feel for her a lot of the time. She clearly shows that she's afraid of herself and fears getting close to people and I'm scared of what that means for her and van in the 90s.
Van is such a breath of fresh air in the doom and gloom. She's not overly cynical like the rest of the girls, but she's not fake positive to the point it's annoying. Also I'm obsessed with her 70s aesthetic as an adult and she has like the best casting from teen to adult I've seen so far.
Simone feels very one note and almost exclusively just tells Taissa what she's doing wrong, but I understand her perspective because what she's had to go through is unimaginable.
Lottie is starting to grow on me this season. I don't know if the show is going explicitly supernatural or not, but with clairvoyance or without, Lottie is clearly being tortured by what's in her mind. It's super compelling to watch her desperately cling onto her delusions because they're literally all she has.
I go back and forth on Nat, but I can never quite dislike her. I like her in the 90s timeline a little bit more, but primarily because she's more snarky and active than cynical and passive.
I absolutely despised Travis at first, but he became less of an asshole. I don't quite like him but I don't mind his scenes anymore.
I'm so neutral on Ben. I feel like there were so many other ways to avoid Misty's romantic feelings for him than lying to her like that, but to each their own.
Mari is probably my least favorite. She's such a contrarian, but not to the point that it's funny.
I really liked Laura Lee. Misguided as her intentions were, she was genuinely so sweet.
I like Akilah, but there's not much to say about her.
I think that's everyone with anything to say about
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talleyuh · 20 days ago
i finally watched late night with the devil and i open letterboxd and all i see is people complaining about how they used generative ai and i don’t understand the vitriol ive seen.
let me be clear, the way we currently implement generative ai is genuinely harmful. the amount of water being used for ai is absolutely obscene, how people are using the likeness of real people to chat with ai bots or creating adult content without their consent, and using it in place of actual creative minds.
people are mainly complaining about how the logo for night owls is ai and the cut away scenes were generated by artificial intelligence, which i didn’t notice on my watch. looking back, it is more obvious, but it’s definitely not the tacky, glossy affect we see on ai images commonly. it would’ve been great if real artists were hired to make these images but this is an independent film. i understand why they made this choice but ultimately it is cutting corners, which isn’t right.
late night with the devil was released in 2023, post the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strike and in that strike one of the biggest issues was ai being used to replace writers and even used to replicate the likeness of actors so they aren’t compensated for residuals. because late night with the devil didn’t do either of these things, i hesitate to treat the team behind it like they were the worst thing to happen to art. ai is still the wild west but there’s no point in trying to stop it from happening if it’s already happening. most people on letterboxd sound like the pretentious from yesteryear who treated television in the home as if it was going to destroy the art of visual entertainment. it didn’t. we just adapted.
tldr: i understand why the filmmakers made this choice and i personally disagree with it. it’s disingenuous to act like they are just as bad as the major studios who cross lines rather than toeing them.
edit: plus seeing all the review bombing bc of this is almost ironic because people refuse to see the actual merit in the writing, directing, costumes, sets, and acting. plus the images were a starting point for PAID artists to edit them and stylize them more so shut up if you think this movie specifically is stealing jobs from artists
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talleyuh · 3 months ago
did my annual rewatch of dash & lily and it makes me sad it didn’t get a second season but i lowkey wouldn’t have trusted netflix to follow the source material and continue their story without any unnecessary made up drama (looking at you, YOU seasons 2, 3, & 4)
but i would’ve liked to see dash & lily spend another christmas together and getting to share their respective traditions with one another. for example, if dash’s parents were both out of town again, we could see lily invite dash over and buy him matching pajamas with her family. we could see dash force lily to watch a depressing french film about murder and she would find it romantic. we could see them go to priya’s christmas eve party before quickly ditching it and doing something they both like.
i just think midori francis and austin abrams are criminally underrated and their chemistry was just too cute
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talleyuh · 3 months ago
I think we all moved on too quickly from how fucked up the Manuscript is
I mean “if the sex was half as good as the conversation is soon they’d be pushing strollers???”
And “how he said “ since she was so wise beyond her years everything had been above board. She wasn't sure.”
Who says shit like that
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talleyuh · 4 months ago
soo i finished the perfect marriage by jeneva rose yesterday and i have to say i really enjoyed it. i’ve been on a bit of a thriller kick lately and this book was right up my alley. spoilers ahead
that is to say, it wasn’t exactly perfect. the ending was an interesting twist but it almost doesn’t work in my opinion with the sequel on the way.
sarah is a very interesting character but we don’t see how fleshed out she is until the end. we don’t know that she’s capable of doing whatever it takes until the very end of the story and i would’ve loved to see some suspicion of her intentions woven in more from adam. i thought adam was better written than sarah because he was very much lacking self awareness and it worked for his character. he sucked and he knew it.
i’m just wondering how sarah’s gonna be written in the next book. is she cold and calculating or desperate to keep her perfect life together? i personally hope she switches between the two
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talleyuh · 5 months ago
i love that out of all of the media using vampirism as a tool to explore sexuality, my babysitter’s a vampire is by far the least subtle of them all and it was targeted at children
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talleyuh · 6 months ago
omg i’m so heated about joker folie à deux. ignoring the pacing issues, the un memorable music numbers, and the shoddy script, why did they do this to my girl harley quinn?
why is she entirely devoid of her personality beyond her devotion to joker? she’s not fun, she’s not sassy, she’s not playful, she’s not a skilled thief, she’s not violent to the point that it’s literally comical, she’s NOTHING. i’m no harley quinn connoisseur, i have my bachelor’s in deranged girls with an emphasis in animation. i’ve only seen her in batman: the animated series, dc superhero girls pre reboot, like the first 20 minutes of suicide squad before i got bored, and the harley quinn animated series, but that character is so much more fun in those adaptations. i resent the idea that just because it’s a drama, it can’t be fun because it’s literally a MUSICAL. harley could’ve been fun, a femme fatale, maybe even younger than joker to comment on how all he wants is blind devotion from people and not an actual relationship. i feel like they tried to do this but it fell flat on its face.
i don’t understand why harley was written to be devoid of personality. the most interesting part of her arc is that she was this genius and capable doctor that fell with an older man who did nothing but used and abused her, and then she left him and do crime her way and fell in love for real this time, with someone who actually loves and respects her. this harley checked herself into a mental hospital, was immediately smitten by this emaciated creep, and was obsessed with this persona she never really met.
why would they take away everything that made her interesting? she’s literally been this way since her first appearance 32 years ago. why would they make her a manic pixie dream girl who’s also dumb as hell? the only thing that this harley was serving was looks because lady gaga is gorgeous and the costumes ate down.
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talleyuh · 6 months ago
every time i open this app to see discussion around a piece of media i’m interested in, i’m met with posts from the horniest freaks alive. PLEASE touch some grass, how do you post ts and then look your family and friends in the eye ???????
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talleyuh · 8 months ago
one missing person’s case that keeps me up at night is one that takes place in 1981. ever since her birth, no one’s been able to find her. it would be almost wrong to call it a disappearance because it’s almost like she never existed. if you know anything or anyone who might know something, please contact your local authorities for any information where we can find jessica rabbit’s waist. any piece of information could greatly help her family.
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talleyuh · 8 months ago
i’m a pretty big fan of DC comics (specifically the movies because there are just so many gosh darn comic runs out there but i do my wiki research) and the characterization of diana prince/wonder woman is so all over the place.
i feel like i haven’t seen an adaptation of her character that really served her well, like everyone makes her super boring? i often see the criticism of captain marvel that she had no real personality outside of being a strong woman and i see that a lot with Diana in the DCAMU. like yes she’s a strong woman but I feel like there’s so much more that can be done with that character.
all of her dialogue in the dcamu movies was just really flat and boring. when she took center stage in wonder woman: bloodlines she made for a really forgettable character. i liked that they showed the lengths she would go in battle when she blinded herself to fight medusa but i had to reread my letterboxd review because i couldn’t remember that. i feel like the writing issue could be said for all of the dcamu movies, but they’re not available to watch on max anymore so i could be wrong.
i’ve seen most of the dceu movies (i am the strongest soldier i know) and i just found diana in any movie past wonder woman (2017) to be flat, repetitive, and radiate serious nlog energy. the entire crux of her character is that we the audience is to find her attractive, but god forbid we mess with her or she’ll beat us up. or when she said “i’m unlike any woman you’ve ever met” what about all the other female superheroes out there? she only works in a sort of male fantasy-only girl on the team kind of vibe. kind of similar to early black widow from the marvel movies but with only a little more agency.
i revisited justice league and justice league unlimited for the second summer in a row and i feel like the episodes where we get diana center stage are some of my favorites. even though i have my gripes with bruce timm and the writing of diana there too, i think diana works a lot and she could’ve carried her own series with a different set of writers.
as far as i can tell in the in jl and jlu (and the 6 issues i pirated from the sensational wonder woman) diana is levelheaded, kind, compassionate, incredibly headstrong, and genuinely smart. sometimes she prioritizes the brawn a little more than strategy but she was raised as a warrior and i feel like that could’ve been an interesting arc to explore.
i really hate how in every adaptation i’ve seen, they made all of the Amazons seem like heartless misandrists. like according to greek mythology, ortrera (the mother of the amazons) was raised in a world where women were treated horribly so she left and built her own world with other women so they could live in peace and train to be warriors. i’m assuming that ortera’s daughter hippolyta (even tho she died) is supposed to be diana’s mom. i think that the pressure of basically being an heir to themyscira could’ve been a lot of pressure for diana to subscribe to her grandmother’s line of thinking and been part of the reason she even left paradise island in the first place. also women were oppressed because femininity was seen as lesser and i would’ve loved to see femininity not be villainized and have a place to flourish on paradise island where they would be safe to express themselves.
the more i watch dcau shows, the more i can tell that they were made by men for boys and no one else. diana and shayera were sidelined so much even though they were probably the most compelling, at least to me. i feel like the audience was supposed to side eye diana because she grew up in a culture that was misandrist but didn’t take the care to explain with nuance why that was a problem.
time and time again we see people write diana to reject femininity and denounce her womanhood in favor of her strength to show she’s just as good as a man, but that sucks. she has the potential to be such an interesting character on screen if someone is willing to put in the work. and i especially hate that we only see her embrace femininity when she’s in a romantic situation with a man. we see her talk a lot about the deep sisterhood she shares with her amazon sister, but i wanna see it happen. i want to see her embrace the women on the justice league, have girls nights with her civilian friends, complain about work, just exist as a regular woman living in america.
i’m so sick of every adaptation of her character have themes tied to surface level gender politics because we’ve already gotten the same character a dozen times when the other two parts of the trinity are given so much depth. so challenge yourself, write diana like a human being!!! she is so much more then her gender
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talleyuh · 8 months ago
i don’t think anyone was waiting at the edge of their seat for descendants: rise of red, but i feel like the premise had a lot of potential and a few small changes could’ve made the movie a lot better.
1. if the movie started with a cold opening with red causing some trouble around wonderland with a few friends, it would’ve shifted the tone of the movie to set it apart from the past descendants movies. we could’ve seen red, her friend maddox, and a few other people all acting like a version of robin hood and the merry men: thwarting the queen and causing minor chaos as rebellious acts. we could’ve seen that red has a desire to be good by stealing food for the poor, creating diversions to get people away from the guards who plan to execute them, or even releasing prisoners. that way it would’ve shown that even though she thinks of herself as good, she doesn’t have the most noble methods of carrying out good.
1.5 i think if they made the queen of hearts actually care for red deep down would make her more dynamic. even though she’s extremely controlling over red and wonderland, it would be to prevent red from ever experiencing humiliation or insecurity like she did.
2. by establishing that red has friends, being sent to auradon alone by her mother to take over would’ve cut off her emotional support system and be essentially forced to do what her mother says or be stranded in a strange land alone.
3. before the orientation day ceremony, we could see red and chloe butt heads while moving in their dorm or something. red is obviously in a very tormented place and one theme they tried to explore with chloe is performative kindness, so red could’ve seen right through chloe and ignored her.
4. when they eventually go back in time, we could see the nuances in the older characters and not everyone being as perfect as they seem. for example, ella could’ve been going to auradon on an academic scholarship instead of paying for tuition like everyone else, so she really tries to keep her head down and stay out of trouble. she only befriends bridget out of pity, since she’s either ignored or outright bullied by everyone else. bridget could struggle with forgiving people or moving on from being mistreated even though she’s naturally peppy.
i think charming’s character could’ve been a bit of a player (cliche i know) which is why ella originally rebuffed his advances, but then have him genuinely pursue her. also it would’ve been so fun if ella asked fay to help her with her outfit and have her hesitate to talk to charming at castlecoming since she has to go home at midnight and then they played “so this is love” to show the moment they fell in love. plus we’ve never seen someone’s fairytale play out on screen.
5. i think that we should’ve gotten a get ready montage for castlecoming, specifically with chloe and red finally getting along as they got glammed up for the dance. they should’ve both been in ball gowns (not the high low ones we kept seeing in the earlier films). the costume designers could’ve even added purple motifs to show how the two characters were coming to finally get along and see each other. like chloe could’ve worn a dress in a lavender-periwinkle color, or a deep royal blue that looked a little indigo. red could’ve worn a red-fuchsia to show her coming to a common ground with chloe with the purple and a pink to show her growing closer to her mom.
6. i think the prank at castlecoming should’ve played out, so we could see red, chloe, and ella be there for bridget. i think it would’ve made more sense if bridget was pranked at castlecoming and ella wasn’t there for her bc she was hanging out with charming, and after that bridget was angry so she stopped being friends with her. that would explain why she hates her so much all those years later.
7. as cheesy as it would’ve been, we should’ve gotten a scene where they supported each other and bridget stood up for herself against her bullies and that’s when red and chloe went back in time to see the changes that they made.
*the movie wasn’t all bad, i liked that they gave chloe a more nuanced view of goodness after spending time with her mom who did not grow up with as much privilege as she did. i feel like they could’ve had a scene where red learns that she can’t cause chaos because she thinks she’s helping. i think we should’ve gotten more from the villains, especially malifacent and hades. also if we saw red’s internal struggle between good and evil more (aka her wants vs her mom’s wants) and how that affected her relationship with chloe.
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talleyuh · 8 months ago
let me just say alison cameron is actually insufferable. her idea of relationships is so skewed that it actually makes her look dumb. like she cannot handle criticism on her character at all and it’s exhausting. i’m only on season 2 but if i see her continue to act like she’s the most moral person at that hospital im gonna lose my mind.
her whole thing for house was nauseating bc it’s not appropriate because he’s her boss, he’s way older than her, and it’s against hospital protocol. she takes such a huge moral stance against a father abusing his daughter, calling CPS just for the investigation to go nowhere, only to casually joke about sexually harassing house because she refused to come back to the hospital if he didn’t go out with her. i hate to be a person “if the roles were reversed” but if cameron heard about a male doctor in her position demanding his female superior to go out on a date with him so he agrees to come back to work, she would be pissed.
or when foreman wrote a paper on the same case as her and she got angry over it? she’s not the only doctor who worked on that case, he didn’t steal her thesis, and he even wrote it from a different angle than her. the closest she could get to reconciliation for an accusation like that was saying “i think we both need to apologize” even though she kept bringing the topic up at inappropriate times when asked not to and acted unprofessionally. or when foreman called her out and said they weren’t friends and they were colleagues, she started acting angry at him. i understand being hurt, but she doesn’t let anyone set boundaries.
or when she actively made the choice to not get tested for HIV for the longest time even though she’d berate house, foreman, or chase for that.
and my final example is when the lesbian couple was when she was literally about to break the law because she thought it would be wrong for one girlfriend to give up her liver if the other wanted to leave her.
cameron has a huge problem with relationships and boundaries and it definitely obstructs her judgment as a doctor. i know everyone knows the show is flawed and that’s the point, but i feel like the writing of her character could explore this issue without making her so annoying.
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talleyuh · 9 months ago
If there is no romantic sydcarmy I at least need her to kill him
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talleyuh · 9 months ago
it’s just so fucking sad to me that carmy’s gotten all of what syd’s ever wanted and he knows that and he keeps ruining it for her. like that’s the greatest tragedy in this show. he won’t stop blowing her off, blowing up the family in the restaurant, making demands he himself cannot follow and she as well as everyone else suffers for it. i think end of season one, maybe early season two would’ve signed that docusign in a heartbeat but the only reason she’s not sure now is because she can’t rely on carmy anymore.
and now everyone’s going to be out of a job because of him. and he knew how badly they all needed the work.
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talleyuh · 9 months ago
i’m getting nauseous, every single lyric of so long, london by taylor swift is relevant to all of sydcarmy. it doesn’t even have to be in the romantic way either but jesus Christ
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talleyuh · 9 months ago
just finished the bear season 3 and there is such a collective cognitive dissonance from everywhere from the writing of the show all the way to the social media marketing.
i know i’m biased because i particularly like syd and carmy together, but this season was strange but in different ways than the last season was strange.
not only does carmy take a backseat as a protagonist about halfway through, he and syd have hardly any scenes together, but i think the show almost suffers for it. this season was certainly funnier than the last, but the neil and ted fak got old and old fast. it certainly doesn’t help that even though carmy has a new arc every season, but he doesn’t take the lessons he should’ve learned into how he should act going forward. it’s stunting his growth and now that we have three seasons to compare to one another, it’s only more apparent.
we’ve already talked about how funny characters are stronger than comic relief characters and that’s essentially what the faks are. i really liked neil’s more vulnerable moments where he got to be taken seriously but it’s hard to take him seriously when all of his screen time is him doing stupid shit. also the hauntings thing? it really was not that funny.
also the show is making such an active attempt to rewrite its own history and i don’t understand why. so many little details that connect moments from the past and present to make up who the characters are and yet it’s kind of being thrown out the window.
claire being described as carmy’s peace threw me for a loop because he felt out of place in his own relationship. i think we all know the clip of carmy’s late s2 panic attack where thinking of claire and him together makes it worse but now we are given so many more scenes of when he was happy? what narrative are they trying to spin here? was carmy genuinely in love with claire or mostly disinterested, because it can’t be both.
even claire doesn’t seem interested in being with carmy at this point, and who can blame her?
her presence was just kind of weird to me, because she didn’t really interact with the rest of the cast until the 9th episode. i think her brief hospital scenes were to flesh her out more, but it’s really just creating vulnerabilities and revealing the seams. and because she’s never really been developed as much as everyone else in the series, we’re left with more questions. who was that in her bed? why was she never fired for insane medical malpractice? what is any of this for?
also a lot of the lighting this season has changed. i saw one user (can’t remember who but their post was super interesting) mention how much warmer and inviting the scenes with syd are as opposed to the coolness and almost detachment the scenes with claire were. except we see carmy in cool lighting a lot more this season.
i also wanted to add where carmy gets overwhelmed in the finale, thoughts of claire coming in with a violin sting like a horror movie doesn’t add to the narrative that they keep telling us. that’s another thing i noticed. they tell us how great claire was even though their time together hindered him being involved with his passions and his coworkers, but they retcon things and add scenes of them happy and have carmy tell us how amazing she is but they barely cared to show us.
a huge theme in this show is family and responsibility. and the scene where neil fak said claire could be the one to take care of carmy and vice versa really rubbed me the wrong way. first of all, i think it kind of supports the idea of codependency which isn’t great but i could be reaching. second, carmy isn’t really equipped to take care of anyone and i think the way he interacts with his coworkers when he’s frustrated is proof of that.
don’t get me wrong, i thought this season was amazing television, christopher storer is a brilliant writer and director, joanna calo really should helm more episodes bc ice chips was actually a perfect episode, and ayo getting the opportunity to direct tina’s episode was so amazing and i really hope i see her name in more directorial projects in the near future. but i think we’re getting a little lost in the plot here and losing sight of what the heart of the show is. the literal restaurant. and logically some of the decisions made don’t exactly hold up and i would hate to see this show fumble.
it can’t be a coincidence that so much of the show’s marketing is tied to carmy and syd and i think efforts to trick the audience are actually making the show suffer. or the increasingly less subtle decisions in the editing in the few scenes of them together? are you really gonna gaslight a whole audience for the sake of a misdirect?
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talleyuh · 9 months ago
dear christopher storer, i need chef’s kiss to happen because i wagered $5 with this guy i like and im not one to lose a bet
please do not fuck this up
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