#I'm not going to be normal about this show for a long time
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3liza · 1 day ago
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this is going to surprise the segment of this website that doesnt keep up with medical research but latest research shows that narcolepsy is likely an auto-immune condition triggered by infection, any kind of infection. we already have ample documentation of narcolepsy following covid-19 infection. if you already have narcolepsy and get covid-19, the narcolepsy is likely to get worse.
as for cancer,
Since the pandemic began, some oncologists have noted a rise in cancer cases, including rare cancers among younger adults. Early data from national sources and some large cancer institutions also suggests that there has been an increase in aggressive, late-stage cancers. "We started noticing some very unusual patterns," said Kashyap Patel, CEO of the Carolina Blood and Cancer Care Associates. According to The Hill, Patel and his colleagues have seen a 20% to 30% increase in new patients, multiple patients with several different cancers, couples and siblings developing cancers within months of each other, and patients relapsing after years of remission. According to Patel, he believes that inflammation associated with COVID-19 may be contributing to this new rise in cancer cases. "Inflammation triggers many genetic changes in a genome that can create a propensity of developing cancer in certain individuals," Patel said. "I'm analyzing close to 300 patients' data on the inflammatory biomarkers in the body with Long COVID antibodies … and if they had an unusual cancer."
this isnt widely understood by laymen because cancer is complicated and a very broad category of disease. but the oversimplified way to explain cancer risk is that cancer more often occurs in areas of tissue that have been damaged in any way. if you get sunburned a lot, those cells have a higher chance of becoming cancerous. if you get infected with viruses and bacteria a lot, those cells have a higher chance of becoming cancerous. and so many viruses can cause or contribute cancer, including probably the most well-known to the general public, HPV. even physical contusions and bruises, especially in the same places over a long period of time, increase cancer risk to those areas.
what everyone needs to understand about covid is that it affects everything. if you catch a regular influenza virus after catching covid, the damage that covid did to your body will make the resulting flu worse for you even if the covid virus is no longer active in your body. in the same way that it is harder to tolerate a bad day at work when you have a hangover, tolerating the normal, existing stressors, viruses, bacteria, and injuries of daily life has become more difficult and costly. catching a cold will make you sicker. preexisting conditions like narcolepsy and cancer will get worse. if you are a child, your developmental processes are being interrupted by the infection, with unknown later consequences.
every single thing is now complicated by a new handicap, or debuff, or whatever you want to call it, everywhere, all the time. this is what people dont understand. all your coworkers and distant family or if youre unlucky, friends and relatives, who have suddenly been getting sick or dying in slightly higher numbers than seem normal, even if it's something like "their lung cancer suddenly got worse" or "they died from appendicitis in a weird way 35 year olds arent supposed to" or "their dementia got a lot worse very quickly in a way we didn't expect" or "they cant work enough hours to buy the food they need anymore because theyre just feeling really shitty all the time" or "we thought i was regular food poisoning but it just doesnt seem to be getting better and its been six months now" or "they have a genetic condition which sometimes causes heart problems and suddenly all those heart problems showed up in the past four years", we're not saying that's literally an active covid infection, it's the consequences of covid's long term damage making regular stuff worse.
i dont really understand why the idea of "cause and effect" is so difficult for the average person to grasp but i dont understand a lot of things
"everyone suddenly seems really stupid and aggressive" its brain damage from covid
"im sick all the time now and everyone at work is sick all the time" its immune system damage from covid
"im sick again, but i tested and its not covid haha" its still probably covid, rapid covid tests have been estimated at 30% positive accuracy by researchers who are factoring in strain mutation and user error
"no one can drive anymore, what happened" its brain damage from covid
"why am i suddenly mentally ill" its brain damage from covid
"i started feeling weak, breathless, confused, distracted, irritable and in pain but it was a while after i got covid so its not long covid" long covid sets in a random number of months after your covid infection and also asymptomatic covid can cause it
"ive still never gotten covid, isnt that great" unless you are an undiscovered genetic freak (possible) or youve been living in a clean room, you have had a covid infection. it may have been asymptomatic
"im sick but its from blood clots, heart disease, asthma, nerve damage, narcolepsy, etc" covid attacks the entire body and can cause all of these things as downstream effects
"ive already had covid so i probably have pretty good immunity by now" covid does not work like this. the more times you are infected, the more permanently injured you will become, and the more vulnerable to further covid infections and infections of all other viruses and bacteria
"ive been vaccinated so im safe" covid does not work like this. vaccination lowers your likelihood of developing severe infection, it does not protect you from contracting the virus
"well what am i supposed to do" wear a mask
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soupcafe · 2 days ago
I have written and rewritten this post so many times after taking time to really gather my thoughts and sit with everything that has transpired in the last two weeks. If I'm being honest.. what has transpired the last three years of running the FindRPs server. Under the cut if you want to read. Warning: it's really fucking long. Sorry about it.
God I don't even know where to start, okay.
I have always tried to do my best to remain neutral in most situations and show a face of calm collection when it came to matters in the server. As a leader there, I believed that being anything other than that would only show instability of myself and on the rest of the staff. I always tried to make it known that I was willing to hear people out, and ready to enact changes if it felt like the right thing to do for the collective.
I don't know if that was the right choice to make, but it certainly felt like it for me, so that's how I ran things.. that's how I encouraged the rest of staff to run things. I've already said this to the former staff, but I have nothing but the highest respect for the hard work they put into that server. All of us were running that place for free, but it felt like a full time job with the way people treated us both on the server and here on tumblr.
Our goal was to provide a space for various platforms to advertise their rp groups, post 1x1s, post their resources, ask for help from their community, and more. FindRPs all started because tumblr tags became notoriously unreliable, group rps weren't able to mass fill their queues, sideblogs were being shadowbanned and deleted left and right. Why not streamline it into one easy hub? Why not make a place for a community? I've seen it said a few times now that we should have learned our lesson and not had any general chat or allow conversation at all. How fucking sad is that? In a hobby where the whole purpose is writing a story together... collaborating.... and you all can't even handle or have the civility to have a general chat.
I don't claim to have made all the right decisions, or to have said the right thing in a moments time. But things could so very quickly go from zero to one hundred there. Within minutes people would be at each other's throats and god forbid anyone on staff have a real life and not take care of it within seconds. I can't count how many times I was at work, or a family function, or a doctors office, and I get the ping that something happened but I can't deal with it right then and there. The anxiety of knowing that it will be talked about in the tags, and that if I or another staff member isn't online to take care of it right that second, we will get shit for letting it happen.
Isn't that insane? That I couldn't go about my daily life and do normal things without thinking about you all having no decorum and going after one another like children?
I was getting anxiety from not looking at the server for more than an hour or two. I don't know how in the world I thought I was going to be able to handle having a newborn and focusing on something that is going to be one of the most amazing experiences of my life, knowing that all of this would be in the back of my mind. It wouldn't be fair to my kid... to my family. And yeah... maybe that's me taking it too seriously. But when you dedicate three years of your life to this, and have been in this community on tumblr for as long as I have.. you fear the loss of it.
Don't even get me started on the lack of communication. Any blog that decided to let anons and rumors come into play and pass judgement on us with lies or half the story over the course of the server's activity... you all are complicit. No one ever came to us with their opinions and issues — the first thing that was on anyone's mind was which rpt blog can I go to. So instead of handling things like adults, you all hid behind anon and let someone else post it for you.
Because why attempt to make an actual change by speaking to us when you can just judge and bully us instead? No one ever said maybe they need some help and I should offer to join the team. But why would you... when you could see how we were being treated. When you were the one treating us that way.
Anytime something happened in that server, my inbox would fill with anon messages of death threats or otherwise inflammatory and cruel statements against me. I always deleted them and gave them no merit because what is some fucking anon going to do to me in my real life? Nothing.
This time though.. I was simply done with it. I was looking at the server, at my own happiness, at my own life and where I was being led, and decided that it simply wasn't worth it to subject myself and the rest of the staff to it any longer. All of us were preparing major life changes and were having conversations about possibly stepping down and handing the server off. I'm sorry that a few people decided to ruin it for the rest of you who never did anything wrong. I would have loved to hand over the reins to someone else and let FindRPs live on as the needed resource it was, but you all can make your own servers as you've said many times that you want to do. You can spend three years growing it to nearly 3k members of all rp backgrounds and life backgrounds and you can make your rules exactly how you want them and to deal with things exactly how you want to deal with them... I sincerely hope it thrives for you.
I'm going to call out a few specific blogs from this situation because you are directly complicit in the spreading of this. JJ (galitzined), Nan (nanschman), Xan (jimiin), Jas (snoopdoggs), Veda (nosyrpt), and fluoresceins. All of you decided that it was okay to bully. Several of you decided to say that I was subjecting Hermie, a Palestinian mod, to coexisting with zionists knowingly.. when it has always been the case that if they made themselves known we would ban them and Hermie would be the one to do it. We realized too late that we missed one glaringly obvious one and Hermie got the satisfaction of banning them before FindRPs was deleted for good.
All of us in our real lives are putting in the work to make change, you know, where it matters the most. Personally for myself, I involve myself in local and state politics and actively ensure that I am voting for representatives that align with Palestine or at the very least is not interested in supporting Israel. I donate to fundraisers when I am able. Not that I ever owed any of you a list of what I am doing... but I have always stood with Palestine. I fucking hate JKR, and was a moderator who voted to ban it in the initial rule change. (Love that some of you are trying to say I've been extremely active in the HP RPC and have proof because.... bitch where?) But you know... you all will spin anything to fit your narrative.
I said it many times that everyone on staff, every single one of us, was part of a marginalized group one way or another. Half of us were trans, more than half were people of color, I think literally all of us are queer. So you all decided that the best thing to do was to hurt members of your own communities, hurt the people that you claim to stand up for... that's incredibly telling about the kind of people you are.
Mar made a post recently that I think all of you need to read and take to heart. Many of us are so disheartened by the lack of change that we are seeing in the real world that going hard within a small community like the one here is where you can get your satisfaction — because it seems simple in a smaller space where you can watch change happen in real time. Mar put it really well, better than I ever could, so here is a link for you to read it yourself.
We are actively driving people away from this community. Some of them are warranted, but a majority of it is over the most petty bullshit that could be solved if we weren't so catty and quick to jump to conclusions.
Shadow, I do want to apologize to you. You did not lead to the downfall of this server, it was a long time coming. And I agreed with all of the resources you gave, I agree with wanting to educate someone. What I failed to communicate effectively, and I do take responsibility for this, is that you didn't need to do it publicly. You could have DM'd Lumos and taken care of it outside of the server, which is really all we were trying to say in that statement we made: why in the world are we having these conversations in the general chat of a rp advertisement server when you can just... talk to the person directly. Or I don't know... use the block button. All of you need to learn how to use that more. And you did already apologize for necro-ing it... but I believe you knew what you were doing there. Even on a laptop you had to scroll up to see the interaction with Lumos and there was no way you missed the timestamps. It was not the first time you decided to use a public space in the server to be mean to someone, so, I don't believe that you didn't know what you were doing there. Regardless of being correct in the information you were spreading, you were an asshole. We gave you a warning that the behavior wouldn't be tolerated and yet you continued to harass Lumos so consequences of your actions were to be banned. Not because of what you said or how you went about it, but because you didn't know when to stop.
I don't think Lumos has tumblr to see all of this, and I literally deleted everything from the server — I have no logs of anything that happened anymore. But we did rail into them. We told them that what they were saying was fucked up and they should read into the resources. All of us were talking about banning them anyways, but we wanted to take the time to think things through, to step away and sit with it and decide. Once again, God Forbid we handle things like adults and have real lives and think before acting, especially with all of you shouting into the tags about how we were handling it. They were getting death threats, both in their dms and out in the open in the general chat. Like what the fuck. Who in their right mind thinks that's an okay thing to do?
Anyway, we tended to handle things there privately. We preferred it that way because no one needs their dirty laundry aired out in front of 3k people, and have them weigh in on it while we're trying to handle things. Just because you didn't see anything happening on your end, doesn't mean things weren't happening behind the scenes. And screenshots are always a thing; we have never feared someone taking them for their records. I sent the screenshots to JJ because Shadow left out an entire part of the conversation. I didn't send it to "make ourselves look better" as Nan so lovingly put it. I did it for transparency.
Maybe we could have been more transparent over certain things, I don't know. But also.. some situations are simply none of anyone's business.
Anyway. It's gone now. I mourn the loss of something that I truly put my heart, soul, and tears into. I helped to provide a resource for the community who does not deserve it for free for three years of my life. I met some of the most amazing writers in there that I never would have crossed paths with if not for the server.
It's time to move on from the greater rpc for me though. I don't know if I am going to continue to be on this blog. I really don't have a desire to at this time. I do know I will be writing with my rp group and continue keeping in touch with others on discord. That's really why I'm not afraid to post all of this and let you all pick it apart. I simply don't care anymore. I'm a week away from my due date, and ready to take the step into motherhood. I'm so excited for it. My blood pressure certainly thanks me.
I urge you all to take a good hard look at how you interact with this community. I want you all to take a look at the complaints that are made all the time and have been for years now — of groups not surviving, of no one writing, of people feeling hopeless, or judged. You actively create this space. You truly want to be the change? Do better for the rpc then. Be kind, and if you can't do that, block and move on. The people you don't like and you don't agree with are going to be around for as long as they want to be anyway.
Best, Maeve.
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coupsctrl · 2 days ago
heey can you write about jealous choel? but in green flag way:3 i love your fics sm
hii anon!! thank u sm for requesting, i hope u like it <3 i didn't know if u meant headcanons or a fic, so I just did a fic, but if you want headcanons let me knoww!! enjoy!
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Just You
Boyfriend!Seungcheol, Female!Reader
fluff :)
You and your boyfriend are at a party, and you haven't gotten out of your house for a while because of midterms. They've been killing you recently, and you just want a fun nice out with your loving boyfriend. Since you've had your midterms, you haven't been putting makeup on lately, but tonight you wanna feel pretty and confident. You're wearing a short black dress with a square neckline, showing off your collarbone and gold necklace Seungcheol got you. Your makeup is a bit heavier than usual, but nothing too crazy. And as for your hair, its curled perfectly, showing off the layers and dimension.
You feel pretty, for the first time in a while, and so does your boyfriend...(when does he not). He's always been clingy, but whenever you look extra gorgeous, he's extra proud he gets to call you "his". Right now Cheol is grabbing punch for you both, and you were catching up with your friend, Joshua.
"It's so great to see you again, Y/N!" Joshua says with a bright smile, looking down at your outfit. "And you look great."
You smile. "Thanks Josh, so do you."
You can feel his eyes still lingering on your figure, clearly checking you out. You feel a bit uneasy, but don't think too much of it.
"You surely didn't come here alone, right?" He asks, sipping some of his drink not breaking eye contact.
You shake your head, wanting Seungcheol to get here faster. "Nope. I'm with my boyfriend, he's getting us drinks."
You can see the disappointment on Joshua's face, but that quickly fades as he speaks,
"Boyfriend huh? You two long term?"
You nod, feeling a bit more uncomfortable, and you cross your arms just below your chest wanting to cover yourself as much as possible.
"Very. It's a serious relationship."
He nods, not in the way you would think though, almost like he's thinking of something. He takes a step closer, and you can almost feel his breath onto your face as he brushes his hand against yours.
"You sure?" He asks, looking down at you.
Before you can even process what's happening, you feel a strong hand grab your waist gently and pull you back slightly, giving you some distance from Joshua. You turn your head slightly, and immediately recognize its Cheol. Thank god.
"What's going on?" Seungcheol asks, handing you your punch he just got.
Joshua clearly looks flabbergasted, but he tries to mask it as he speaks. "Nothing man. Just catching up. You're the boyfriend, I see?"
Cheol just nods, and I can notice his jaw is tight, like he's just barely holding on not to tell Joshua off. "Touching other people's girlfriends now, are we?"
Joshua scoffs, shaking his head. "It's not like that man, I just wanted to get a closer look." He says and looks back down at my figure. In that moment, you just wished you stuck to your normal attire. Because now Joshua is staring right at your bare legs, making you more & more uncomfortable by the second.
As if Seungcheol can tell your feelings, he speaks in a firm voice. "Eyes are up here."
That makes Joshua laugh, but as you glance at Cheol, it looks like he wants to break every bone in his body. He's clearly not in the mood for laughter.
"You look good....." Josh says, almost like he's ignoring Seungcheol's presence, before continuing. "pretty."
Seungcheol tenses up, looking down at you before speaking.
"We're gonna go now." Seungcheol says, gritting though his teeth. He tightens his grip around your waist and gently pulls you away from Josh. Just as you're at a comfortable distance, he turns you around and looks down at you, his expression worried and protective.
"You okay Cherry?"
You just nod, looking up at him like he's the only person in the world. "Yea. I'm sorry I didn't know he was that weird."
He just chuckles, but instead of one filled with amusement, it's out of frustration. "The guys a jerk, touching and looking at you like that...he should know better."
That makes you smile a bit, and Cheol notices. "What?" he questions.
You just shake your head, laughing a bit. "Are you jealous, Seungcheol?'
He smiles a bit, scoffing as he shakes his head back. "No."
"Right...right." you say, cuddling into his arms as you sigh, looking at the party in front of you.
He kisses the top of your head, wrapping his arms around you. "Maybe a little.." he mutters.
You giggle, tightening your grip on his strong arms. "Well lucky for you, I only have my eye on one handsome, slightly jealous man."
He turns you around, looking down at your big innocent eyes. "He called you pretty."
You tilt your head, blinking. "Am i not?"
He huffed, shaking his head as he runs his hand through your hair. "Obviously you are. But I tell you that all the time."
You bite your lip to keep you from laughing. "You really are jealous, huh?"
He scoffed, even though a small smile escapes his mouth. "Nope. Just reminding you who said it first."
And you just think to yourself....
At the end of the day, he's the only one I'll ever want.
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ckret2 · 2 days ago
@nebulasreblogs said: Perhaps that 10% Just Some Guy came from that elixir that Jack's father used in an attempt to destroy the Evil, which instead gave it sapience and spawned Aku
I'm forever thinking about the fact that Aku's first ever words were "You! Thank you!" If nothing else, the potion gave him manners.
But nah—jokes aside, if we're looking at Aku as "90% evil, 10% just some guy," I don't think it was the potion that gave him that 10%. I think that, at the moment he gained life, he was still 100% pure evil. (Pure evil with good manners, but I guess manners must be morally neutral.)
I think it was time and experience. He started out as pure evil—but 17 years later, after fighting Jack, now he's pure evil... plus fear of death via magic sword—which i'm pretty sure is the first trait we see him possess that isn't "evil," "enjoying being evil," or "unexpectedly polite."
A few thousand years later, he's pure evil... plus guy who acts in fast food commercials, plus guy who has learned European fairy tales and wants to tell stories to children, plus guy who hates getting mud on the rug after it's been vacuumed, plus guy who's miserable and whiny and lethargic when he gets a cold, plus guy who does stupid victory dances when his enemy loses his sword, plus guy who knows how to use the phrase "this is a safe space," plus guy who thinks he has an account in the computer but honestly sounds pretty dubious about it and would have no idea how to locate it if presented with the computer, plus guy who hides in bed when he's depressed, plus guy who's unexpectedly stoked to find out he's a girl dad, plus guy who's polite to employees on the phone.
He violates as many promises as he can, and that's evil; but when an injured minion gives him good news, he rewards the minion by repairing his body, and that's not evil. Scaramouche insists Aku will pay off his bills like he's sure it's true, and if he's Aku's #1 assassin, he must have been working for him for long enough to see whether or not Aku actually pays off his debts and rewards his underlings—and so, he must be paying debts and rewarding underlings.
When he takes hostages, people do what he says for the hostages' safety, which means he must not have a reputation for killing all hostages so don't even bother giving him what he wants—which means, sometimes, he must let the hostages go.
He makes choices to be less evil out of self-interest, and I think he probably learned to do that with time. Because if he killed every hostage and never rewarded his assassins, eventually nobody would work for him.
Just within the fifty year span of the show, we see him go from guy who doesn't understand the purpose of stretching and how it works to guy who starts his mornings by stretching. We see him change over time.
The potion gave him life and personhood, and with personhood he gained the potential to be Just Some Guy. But the potion didn't give him guy-ness. He gained guy-ness with experience. He does Evil but now, after several thousand years of interacting with the world, he also just does Stuff. The purity of his evil has been diluted by the mundanity of existing in the world.
(You could also make the argument—as I've seen some people do—that Aku was never inherently evil; rather, he was just an unthinking thing that devoured with no moral alignment—is quicksand "evil"? is a tar pit "evil"?—and thus when he gained thought he could have been anything he wanted. But because he was told from birth that he's evil, that's what he became. The emperor told the poison-tree-monster that he meant to destroy him before the poison-tree-monster announced his name is "Evil."
Personally, I think there's room to textually support the argument, but "normal person comes to believe they're evil because they're told they were" doesn't compel me narratively the way "no this person actually was legitimately born evil" does. The first one is too realistic, it happens, there are people like that walking around right now. There's nobody who's born literally evil, and that fantastical element is what intrigues me. He's literally pure evil... and therefore, what are the limitations on his actions that humans don't have? He's literally pure evil... and therefore, how does he live a full successful life when he has to deal with the consequences of his own actions? How can he be pure evil and not destroy the things he wants to keep? How does he strike that balance, if, unlike humans, he doesn't have the free will to do good? He's literally pure evil... and therefore, is it possible for him to be anything else? How? Would he ever want to be? Why?)
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 20 hours ago
I'm so embarrassed but it's fine
I REALLY don't want to post this. but it's fine. IT'S fine. It's stupid and lame, but I'm committing. While this may be a brain child of mine (honestly someone could've already made this and I have no knowledge of this) I'm not particularly attached to it, so construct as much criticism as you want. or kill me, either one works.
just a small warning, this is like. soooo not professionally written (or proofread) at all. it's just a bunch of different types of notes slapped on a page. good luck soldier.
@dreamweave01 this is for you
so the main thing i remember is that it's mainly donnie and mikey angst
OH OH i just got something BIG
so it started out with donatello being replaced by someone else for years and the other turtles had no idea. then it was him replacing himself and then it was leo instead and a few other different versions that i plot holed away. i ended up with raph, leo AND donnie being replaced by robots BY the real donnie (who had died along with the other two) for years and mikey had no idea. then i was like, hm another plot hole, robots dont bleed. and THATS where it all came together.... (evil hand mushing)
boom, bop, bam: they're from another timeline/multiverse
and then the angst started. (side note: i personally dont think i have a good handle on their characters/relationships with each other. i need to rewatch the show and watch the other ones tbh, please take this with the finest grain of salt you can find)
scene 1: mikey finds out
right now, it's just him and donatello in the lair, the other two are out or something. he overhears don talking about "day 1,100, didn't think we'd make it this far without michaelangelo finding out, etc."
"who are you? where are my brothers? what's going on?"
"get away from me. don't touch me"
"don't call me that, you don't get to call me that. not mikey, not mike, or mikester or angelo or anything, none of it!"
he's freaking out. 3 years? his brothers aren't even his brothers? initially he's flipping his shit, trying to get away from donnie(?). for all he knows they could be robots, shapeshifters, anything.
scene 2: leo finds mikey (on a rooftop)
"hey bud"
"GET AWAY FROM ME" he's got his kusari-fundō spinning, pointed at leo(?)
leo(?) raises his hands "okay! okay! it's okay dude, i'm not gonna hurt you i promise", he reaches to lift his swords out and throw them to the side.
michaelangelo, breathing so heavily, lowers his weapon yet still spinning it. he's leaning side to side, lightly pacing but never turning his back to his brother(?)
"listen, uh. buddy, just come back home and we can talk about this. we'll explain-"
"no! i'm not going anywhere with you"
"do you really think we would wait this long to do something to you if we were going to?"
that stumped him. would they play the long game? tello would. but the others wouldn't and honestly, donnie would get bored eventually anyway.. maybe he should hear them out.
scene 3: the explanation
they all sit down together and donnie explains what happened.
at first, he tells mikey the truth and leo and raph immediately berate him for not going through with their inital plan to lie so that mike doesn't flip again. buuuut then I thought it'd be angstier to go through with the inital plan 🫢
Donatello explains:
"So say," he draws two lines on a hologram, one purple, one orange. he points to the orange one, "this is your timeline and this is ours," pointing to the purple line
"In our world, you died. You weren't strong enough, too young maybe, to handle the ooze. As time went by things were normal for us, then out of nowhere a portal brought us to your timeline."
(context dump: the three completely grew up without him, mike has no memories of the portal why? idk yet...trauma response probably..)
L: "We were all confused at first but eventually we figured out that you had brought us here because your us's were gone."
R: "So we figured out the routine, the rhythm. Played the parts that you expected."
M: "So this is...my fault? I took you from your home and you, you just let it happen?!"
D: "I obviously have been trying to figure out a way back but alas, even the most genius of geniuses have trouble with multi-versal travel.
scene 4: emotional damage
(an: i know, i didn't write much here. i got a little lazy, its literally just the climax)
big crazy scene, like wild colours (lots of orange and yellow) and destruction and stuff like the movie type shi.
D: "MICHAELANGELO, MIKEY, PLEASE. please. I know you're still in there. I- I'm sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. It was me, I lied to you, Mikey."
spell breaks (yippee)
M: "what?"
D: "You didn't pull us away from our timeline. I-" deep breath
"I pulled you from yours."
M: speechless, confused. vulnerable.
D: "You were all alone! You had nothing, no one left. I couldn't just abandon you."
"I thought it'd be perfect. We didn't have you, you didn't have us. It was the perfect puzzle!" sigh "and then we had to go and mess it all up by not telling you the truth."
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milessunflowers · 2 days ago
Hello, Oli! May I request George & Yuki (polyamorous) with a reader going through a depressive episode? I did not know this pairing was a thing until that one ask Bear (I think?) sent and I love it!
Thank you :) (This is my... second request on here ever, so you might see something similar requested by me over on @jollyalpacafox 's page. I'm sure you two will make it unique though.)
-🥮 anon
i absolutely can 🥮! also everyone go check put @jollyalpacafox bc fox is amazing and writes amazing!!
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george russell x depressed!male!reader x yuki tsunoda
synopsis: how i think yuki and george would handle helping their boyfriend through a depressed episode and how they would take care of him
author's note: this is kinda me projecting lowkey but also based on how i have experienced my depression, so it might not be how everyone else experiences or handles depression. this does deal with depression, so if you are not comfortable with that, feel free to skip over it
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it doesn't take them long to figure out how to help you when you get really depressed
they know the signs and know how to handle it without making you feel worse about yourself
usually, when they notice you not eating or shutting yourself away, they know that they need to do whatever they can
typically that involves yuki's cooking and loads and loads of cuddles
if it is one of your worse episodes, they have to grab your comfort plushies (if you have any), comfort shows from when you were little, the softest blankets they can find, and cuddle you from both sides
they let you cry against them or just let you stare off and disassociate
they make sure you take your meds (if you have any) and make sure you eat even if you don't want to
they keep you entertained and distracted
if they saw you starting to space out, they let you have some space and decided to clean up a bit
they would clean the room and kitchen before coaxing you out of bed to get in a bath so they could change the sheets and blankets on the bed
george would clean up the bed while yuki helped you clean up
then they would cuddle you all over again
depending on how long the episode went on for, they would try different things
a lot of the time it would be the same process but sometimes they would get you out of the house for a walk with your dogs (if you have any)
they make sure you are well taken care of until you are back to how you normally are
it means a lot to you and you tell them thank yous over and over again
they are the sweetest and you couldn't ask for better partners
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TAGS! (if you want to be added, lmk!)
@op-81-lvr-reblogs, @koalapastries, @justaf1girl, @ghostking4m, @spoonfulofmilo, @seonghwaexile, @alex-wotton, @raizelchrysanderoctavius
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storkmuffin · 3 days ago
Saw you saying this:
"Mingi should only wear narrow legged pants. I dgaf what is in fashion right now or what people have to say about skinny jeans. Put that mofo in leggings if you have to. SHOW ME THOSE LEGS BOY."
And I'm sorry to say that HE CAN'T 😭😭😭
Since coming back from hiatus Mingi has broken I don't know how many pairs of pants with his thighs of steel 😭 even in the last second of the DejaVu MV you can see his white pants ripping if you watch carefully, before it cut to Hongjoong (and boy fandom had a field day with that)
I saw some people say he has short legs compared to his torso and that's NOT true (just look at pre-hiatus Mingi, all long skinny legs). It's just that the stylists always put him in pants with a low crotch point to give him space, because he would always break them in that area
From behind you can see his long legs, but from the front they look shorter because of the very low crotch.
If he wears pants with normal crotch, they are very large in the thighs area
The few times he wears tight pants he has to be VERY careful about every move he makes and I guess that can be frustrating for a dancer
And of course there are all the instances where he wears tight pants and we can see things we shouldn't 👀👀 I can picture the stylists freaking out behind the scenes
Man is *blessed* and BEEFY
Friend. FRIEND! We can STILL make it work. WE CAN. Because! There are three things that KQ can still do to give us Mingi in fitted tight pants that we all want. (Yes, we all want this. I know we do. If you don't you're lying.)
-Make up some element of the lore where Mingi has to be in bootyshorts. Bootyshorts will fix a lot of these rippage issues. Less fabric, no rippage. He likes being naked in public. LET HIM!! Maybe there was a hurricane in the space pirate dimension and he lost just his pants. WHY NOT? It's all made up. They can make up anything
-Go the route of ballet men's costumes: jockstrap + tights. (Also, if you haven't ever been to the ballet, this is what you get at the ballet, by the way: Long legged boys with big huge sculpted thighs in jockstraps that they wear white tights over. Just saying. Go to the ballet. It's a good time.)
-Hire whoever makes costumes for Broadway shows where men are constantly doing high kicks and spilts and jumps in pants that look like streetwear but are not. I feel like a lot of the problems with this pants-destruction situation come from having an athletic dancer wear off the rack street clothes as performance gear. Don't do that. Custom make that shit for him, by a specialist!
Bless you for letting me know about the Deja Vu MV.
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may-lee-lee · 4 months ago
Arcane season 2. Are we all screaming? We are? Good, good.
I have Thoughts. About All of Them. Because, first off, every arc of s2 should've been a season in it's own right. Maybe even break it up into four seasons. (Read break because MASSIVE SPOILERS)
Because--Okay, Cait and Vi, and Jayce and Viktor (which, yeah, one is canon one isn't but shhh right now I'm getting to that). Cait and Vi we see spend the entire show--and I mean, really, the entire show--fighting. Caitlyn spends the entire show fighting to prove herself, to prove she's more than her mother's daughter, more than her family name, that she's good at what she does and to be respected for her skills and knowledge. Vi, on the other hand, spends the entire show fighting for her family, over and over. Even when she's supposedly committed to bringing Jinx in--or killing her--she can't actually do it. Jinx is still family. When it looks like she's finally lost everything--lost Jinx, lost Caitlyn, the only person she had left--Vi fights herself. Even at the very end, she's still fighting to save Warwick, in the hopes there's something left of Vander in him. She fights to save Jinx, even though Jinx knows it's impossible at that moment (and don't even get me started on the relationship arc of Jinx and Vi because oh my god it was done so incredibly well). And in this show where you know no character is safe, do they doom their gays? No, they give Cait and Vi the only confirmed, soft future! They end it with the assurance that Cait and Vi might actually get to rest now, and that they have each other, and things are soft and calm and peaceful and they don't have to fight anymore.
So- Jayce and Viktor. That ending. That. Ending. It doesn't matter if you view Jayvik as romantic or platonic, because Jayce saved the world through the power of his love. And like, I'm being a bit silly but mostly not because, that's exactly what he did! Viktor spends the entire second season focused on this idea of his own--and everyone's--perfection. Even in the first season, he's so preoccupied with trying to fix what's 'wrong' with him. Whether it was the Hextech's idea, or just an amplification of his own ideas, Viktor's ultimate goal was to get rid of his flaws. So he could be what he thought he should be. (someone else on here talked about how that council room scene where Viktor confronts Jayce and Mel in his bot-avatar form is a glimpse into what Viktor thinks his own perfection looks like, tall and confident and dominant, things he didn't think he could be when he was just human. It was a good post, I'll have to try and find it again.) But also, so that he could have what he thought he wanted, needed. Viktor always wanted some kind of recognition. Not publicly, that much seemed obvious, but he wanted to be known for more than his disability, wanted to find his own version of belonging and community. I have my own (mostly headcanon) idea that Viktor was often stuck between the worlds. He was from Zaun, but his opportunities came at the hand of Piltover charity (I don't think Heimerdinger ever saw Viktor as a charity case, or intended that, but I do think Heimerdinger sponsored Viktor's admission to the Academy/scholarship maybe). So he isn't just creating his own perfection, he's creating his own community. Where he is finally not just equal to everyone, but wanted. Sought after. And at the end, when Viktor's humanity is once more revealed thanks to Ekko, it seems to give Jayce both a literal and metaphorical opening to bare his heart. He loved Viktor, admired Viktor, for everything about him. For his disability and his disease and his genius mind. And sure, Jayce spent a lot of the show messing that love up, getting distracted by Mel and her own plans for power, getting distracted by his own grief and trying to save Viktor and starting them down this path in the first place, getting distracted by his own anger and pain and trying to take Viktor out by violence- But none of it ever stopped Jayce loving Viktor. And it's finally, honestly, expressing this that let Viktor change from his goal of "perfection."
Even in the way they end, it's all an act of love. Jayce stays with Viktor, so that even if Viktor had to face his own fears (becoming nothing), he wasn't alone. He would never be alone again, no matter what came after.
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thegreatdemonzhuyan · 5 months ago
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Wei Wuxian & Lan Wangji || The Untamed 1.02
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imerian · 7 months ago
My (very old) loscar brooch (?) that i just now made doodles for
More pictures under cut
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#loscar#logan sargeant#ls2#oscar piastri#op81#and now starts the rant#my fave detail is probably tge eye. there few beads like this and they were laying around until my friend said that they look loscar relate#so o started making making whole thing around that bc in my opinion it's genius (also sorry this is gonna have extremely long tags bc i had#run out of them once. maximum is 30 apparently)#I'll go by lains from here so first obviously eagle. i think it's hilarious and what's even funnier is that i bought those charms before#even knowing who Logan was. just for shit and giggles#also to coala i added a bead on top to somewhat match the height#also i love mixing up their colours bc I'm insane about that. how they ideal negatives of eachother and how orange fits logan while blue-os#so i also mixed it up with those animals charms and their attachments here#next stop - oscar lane. there not a lot of black which is bas but at least last heart is actually black. beads above it represents eyes#(you can see with doodles) and next one is for his hair but i couldn't find how to show it#and round see through bead i use for his helmet bc it shines with red yellow and blue#middle part - i talked about the eye but also beads above it. i tried to match tones so they won't clash#then fish and i love that it's in form of heart bc i associate both of them with water so much i needed something here#and bead underneath that is for Logan eyes ofc. for doodles there tried to use brown so oscar would have blond/logan brown but didn't work#AND READ HEART. “-WELL IT'S NOT YELLOW” “PREMA RED THEN?”#as you can see I'm totally normal about their prema times plus i love how it stands out with everything else and can be read as#usual meaning of red hearts. also made out of corals so it fits them too#and last but not least - Logan my beloved#first and foremost STARS#I added as much as humanly possible party bc of American meme party bc i fucking love stars and associate him with them#also added all williams shades of blue and even white so it covers all that#okay no I lied a bit bc i used a button for their dark blue#another thing i would like to mention is metal ring bc it has extremely small hearts on it that you need to look for to notice#I HIT LIMIT FUCK.last thing to say is how I tried to play with circles in middle of every lane. okay goodbye
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kyouka-supremacy · 24 days ago
#Some. Thoughts about the last chapter since yesterday I didn't put them down as I usually do.#I could preface this by narrating the odyssey that was my day yesterday but I suppose that wouldn't be very interesting lol.#It'll suffice to say I had to face a 11am-7pm long train travel while also sick. A lot of throwing up in train stations. Wasn't very pretty#So like the premise really wasn't the one of a good day#The chapter comes out around 4pm here so I calculated I was going to have a few more hours before the translation came out.#I open the translators account to check if they've got any prevision on the time the chapter is going to come out and IT IS ALREADY#At that point I was in a station cafe waiting for a change drinking tea to help with nausea. And ***THAT*** HAPPENED#Screaming in my cafe table I'm telling you. Silently screaming for real. Desperately showing the phone screen to my sister.#Wait I didn't mean to tell all of that. Anyways#Well. Great chapter (╥﹏╥)👍 Really one of those you already know will make history it was so good to read. Such an already iconic scene.#Insane insane insane. I don't think I need to comment further on the ss/kk but regarding the rest...#(Let me comment on the ss/kk again actually. That was incredible. I'm still not over it seriously peoples. Can't believe it's true.#What the hell. I love this little gay story so much. Ss/kk love each other so much it's?? Insane???? What the hell. I'm so glad for ss/kk)#Literally didn't process anything past the title. Like I wouldn't have been able to compute anything normal let alone something like–#4th dimension talk lmao. Everything I got from it is like there's Dazai?? Saying words?? And it's the Dazai in Atsushi's head I think????#The only other thing I got away from it is that Atsushi is finally getting agency???? To which‚ freaking finally‚ if you know me you know–#I've been rooting for that direction forever. I'm not sure about it yet (like isn't the Dazai in Atsushi's head still giving him all the–#answers?) but that's definitely the direction I'm rooting for#Then again for Atsushi to sacrifice himself for Akutagawa WAS his initiative and his alone. And I'm forever cherishing that 🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏#Reading the chapter again now... I have a feeling that the fourth dimension is something of a subtle nod to the fourth wall in literature.#All the people living in that universe (the bsd universe) are–#“three-dimensional humans [who] can't properly perceive” the “fourth dimensional space” because they're all characters of a book–#who aren't aware of being characters. So they lack fourth wall/dimension perception#The ending of the chapter feels quite abrupt. It's a little curious. Gives the impression that the author was running out of pages#Anyways reading Dazai's apparently nonsensical words out loud to my sister was very funny#“Feel strongly // That's what you do when you want to experience the past” is a cool line tho. I really feel Asagiri that time they said:#“I want to create famous lines. I love storing exciting lines in my brain. I love it so much that sometimes I even recite them in the bath.#I try to be conscious of making my lines stand out. I like lines that flow like a melody or harmony.#Lines that shock the reader‚ stand out‚ and are inserted at the right time.”#Ran out of tags but I'm noisy so making another addition
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vaguely-concerned · 4 months ago
I've been picking mostly only the essential flirt options with lucanis in the romance so far (I've personally found the dynamic much more natural and mutual when you do that, more like forming a solid friendship slowly and inevitably becoming something else and less like you keep pushing on him and getting little back b/c he seemingly just gets overwhelmed and goes into freeze instead), and I think rye is a pretty hard person to read at the best of times even though he's been Down Real Bad from pretty early on and their chemistry as people is naturally really good. so the way the almost-kiss plays out in this playthrough feels a lot like it has the added layer of lucanis realizing that no but for sure rook is flirting and not just being kind or a good friend* it IS actually happening it's not just wishful/fearful thinking!!! and then uh. maybe going a bit too hard a bit too fast in all the excitement at that revelation haha
*in lucanis' defense he has seemingly literally never had a friend who wasn't his cousin-brother before, under those circumstances I suppose some confusion is extremely natural if not outright expected lmao
#meanwhile rook is kicking himself for being unprofessional b/c he WAS getting something important from spite there#and also lucanis had like. just woken up was that cool of me. should I have told him. should I have slowed that down???#watcher's duty crashing into watcher's longing blues ensues#dragon age#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: the veilguard spoilers#dragon age spoilers#lucanis dellamorte#oc: Ellaryen Ingellvar#rook x lucanis#rookanis#I think I might have done something hilarious and a little wonderful to the lucanis romance#by making a rook who's even slower to romance than he is fhskjfhsa#even here I was straight up like 'oh this is a little early for this don't you think' on rye's behalf (it's not we have to be mid-game)#imagine how he'd fare in some of the other romances you'd just bowl him over. davrin might kill him#(and also they would kill each other for unrelated reasons during it but that's another matter (affectionate I love my lads))#lucanis has been squinting at rook in stolen moments ever since the café scene like '...did I imagine that vibe. surely not right.#i'm pretty sure. but am I. I do know he likes me. but DOES he like like me or is that just what I want it to be. this is very embarrassing#for everyone involved' (it is)#davrin has had both their numbers the entire time tho. and been extremely annoyed but professional about it#he knew from the moment these two chucklefucks showed up in his recruitment mission. and has been an adult about it. mostly#even when they've made it real hard ('so I'm gonna go ahead and assume you're not letting the abomination serial killer run around#just because you're transparently excruciatingly sweet on him. right. RIGHT??')#I have accidentally given lucanis a pattern of falling for people who keep covered neck to toe at all times#but like not to be a metaphor for their emotional intimacy issues or anything haha. imagine.#I'm making my own heart so tender by imagining lucanis struggling to get rye out of his (many-layered) robes during the romance scene#and both of them laughing right from the soul in relief and delight at each other b/c like 'how could I kill a god only to be bested#by nevarran fashion. also how in the maker's name do you get dressed so quickly in the mornings this is intense'#'same way one does anything else lots of practice and a can-do attitude'/'well I'll just have to put in the practice then'#and they just hug for a while. *head in my hands* yeah okay I can be normal. I can be normal about this.
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prismbearer · 5 days ago
Idk why there's disbelief over Mark S/Helly in terms of motivation. Helly is just as capable of cruelty and selfishness as Helena. They are at the core of it, the same person with different memories/experiences. They can be two perspectives worthy of indulging their own dreams and desires and also be the same person. Narratively here especially, this isn't about morality, it's about human nature.
Helly was never cruel, sure, of course. Helly felt like she was the same as the other people in MDR. But Helly has something right now that she never even achieved as Helena. Someone who loves her. Someone who is choosing her. Helly is Winning over Helena here.
Jame Eagen wanders down just to be a freak and reinforces the reality of it. Helly is "More" than Helena, hasn't been worn down by the weight of experience and the world (and their cult and corporate bullshit). She still has, in some way, the innocence of youth and lack of experience with the world. She doesn't have the same fears and burdens or triggers as Helena in her conscious experience. She still has the ability to express her passions and outrage and defend herself. And to love and not feel sorry for it.
Severance gave Helena a chance to exist without the learned perspectives and burdens of the Eagens and she is able to be free with herself and her passions and desires-- whereas Helena was likely drained of any dreams for potential beyond a strictly guided future decades ago.
Of course Helly is feeling a rush of joy and satisfaction over Mark loving her. Mark choosing her. She tried to do the "right thing" by being logical with Mark. "I'm her." Even outside of Lumon, if they bring it all down, there's no hope for an Eagen and an ex-severed employee in reality. In the Real World they will never be together. Mark couldn't love Helena, how could anyone love an Eagen? (Poor Helly really with like, the enemy is within etc, but that's kinda the situation framed by Lumon for everyone by setting the stage with your Innie isn't human kinda rhetoric.) (This was also reinforced by Helena trying to get close to Mark to see if he still had feelings or chemistry with her and finding out they were not going to work outside Lumon.)
What if the equator is a building that could be a continent? Can be their whole world? They're choosing to live Now. Together in the present despite knowing that with their half lives, they could be brought to an end at any moment. It's very willful young love of them. And why wouldn't it be? This is their First Love. They haven't even been "alive" that long or have any memory of romance beyond their current infatuation. They don't know the world or it's places, and maybe that's okay, maybe they can exist in this space so long as they have love and the others.
It's completely human for Helly to accept Mark choosing her. To run to him just to see him for maybe the last time. It's human for Mark S to run to Helly. It's human for poor Gemma, who doesn't even know her fucking husband is severed, to be pounding on the door.
But this is their Final Day to Mark and Helly. Maybe the very end of their world. It's Judgement Day. Of course they'd have them holding hands and running back to the unknown to face the end together. To die together.
There is also zero fucking chance Mark Scout would risk his life and brain continuing reintegration once his wife is back. Mark Scout is going to choose his wife. Mark is choosing Love on both sides here.
All of it is reasonable.
#this is true for all the innie/outie combos like#lets not forget theyre the same person. yes they are also separate and deserve to be respected in their experiences#in my mind theres a post credit scene of Devon dragging Gemma to a car and them driving to a secure location bc I can't live otherwise#unfortunately the severed floor is literally their world. has been all this time. all they know by design.#anyway. selfishness is so normal to the human experience and motivation. survival. love. growth#im going to be thinking about platos cave allegory stuff now actually. ough#anyway its 3am and this is all i can thnnk about#personal q#severance spoilers#read more bc mindless brain ramble got long#i love all the characters in this show I hope hope hope Gemma gets a focus in S3#i actually loved the reintegration bits but narratively it would change some of the themes more at this time#theyd have had to make full reintegration the only way for mark to save gemma to make it happen#i need gemma to get so much therapy and care. lumon better not touch her ever again im really so serious#im going to be emotionally devastated ny Mark turning for months#good news fucking up cold harbor probably means that whatever fuckery Jame had planned for Helena/Helly is probably also fucked#could you imagine tho if we actually get fresh 'severed' personas for them if Lumon abducts them all to a compound somewhere#if s3 starts like Just Another Day in the Office I'll scream#I'm starting to wonder if this whole draining the tempers experiment thing#is about being able to provide them for others as a rejuvenation thing now actually aha just from writing this#i think using Helly Wasnt Cruel to try to contain her character is very infantilizing like theyre not children they're striped of knowledge#and of experience#this is all very is love stored in memory or the soul etc. do the people in the cave want to leave the cave when the shadows on the wall ar#the only representation of reality they've ever known#this show is just like art/literaty analysis of themes its so pretty and tragic and terrible#severance#sorry added for the mutuals who dont need to see my taste in tv on my supposed gaming blog#idk a lot of this season was also helly spreading the concept of division from outie persona stuff which makes sense for her#but then getting to look back at gemma and see maybe an outie as a person etc too like. ough
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icewindandboringhorror · 5 months ago
"We can get through this by working together, reach out to your friends, community is all we have, a social network will be your security in the world, now is the time to lean on others!"
I do agree, and it's scientifically sound (pretty sure there is data about how people with better social networks live longer and etc) but also....augh..... what about the severe social issues, difficulty to leave the house, physical issues which lead to like zero socialization energy a majority of the time, etc. etc. Social support can be a replacement for structural support, but.. I guess I just wish it didn't have to be. Community is extremely difficult to build, even moreso if you're someone who has issues with social cues or group conversations or even just being around others in the first place. And blah, nuance, of course I'm just complaining or maybe being too negative or maybe misunderstanding, but, I hardly have the energy to brush my hair once every 2 months.. how am I supposed to maintain a wide social network and be active in a Community and Join Groups lol... sometimes it kind of feels like "er.. well if thats my only option then...... ruh roh". It's overwhelming
#Kind of like some post I saw a long time ago talking about how even the meanest shittiest most difficult to get along with#elderly people or whaever still deserve to have some sort of systems in place to support them so they're not just relying on the#grace of relatives or etc. who may not be able to deal with them. Not saying that I'm like mean and cruel or anything#but the fact of the matter is in most social situations either I am compromising or the other person is. Not in like an ~`ouuu im so weirdd#nobody willever understand my quirky swagg hee heee~' way but like a.. Just factually the things that make me happy and comfortable#are often incompatible with people. The way I communicate and process things is different from the way other people do and that#is always a barrier. I cannot have ''easy''' interactions. Even with 'understanding' people there is nearly always a significant#amount of effort. You can't walk into a group of people and then be like ''okay you guys all have to wear#masks and you also cant play music too loud and also we should communicate turns of speaking very clearly so group conversations#arent too stressful. and also i need this and that and we have to do this and that and '' etc. etc. You CAN. And some people will#go along with that. but they will ALWAYS secretly resent you for it. You will be the one person they're relieved to not have to be around.#theyre glad when you dont show up since they can go back to doing things however they want and not masking and all these boring#annoying things. OR you can say none of that and just deal with the loud music and the talking and the unmasked people. but then#YOU'RE compromising. and no matter how nice they are it's exhausting to be around and youre just further alienated#while in the presence of people and uncofmrtoabel the whole time.#Which I'm not saying the only form of community is a group setting specificially but just giving that as an example lol#I just wish there were a better option than ''well learn to socialize normally or just suffer then'' . Which I know is not what people are#saying. I guess I just always feel a bit scared when 'community is the answer'. Since its not like 'oh im just socially anxious and need to#get out of my shell~!' or something thats really that remedy-able. It's like.. my mostly unchangeable physical health issues combined#with the mostly unchangable literal way that my brain processes sensory informationand other things means that interacting with#others in a normal and easy way is incredibly difficult and often exhausting especially to maintain in any longform fashion. So then#when it's like ''the answer to staying safe is to maintain longform social connections!! :3 just reach out!!'' then.. ermm... O_O#also I'm not even one of the cutesy shy emotional hermits that's nervous. I'm the Bad Stereotype emotionless robotic cold seeming#looms in the corner of the room type of thing so people have less pity on you in that way. -_- ANYWAY gghj#I need like.. a designated social representative or something.. When I did work in that bookshop forever ago they gave me a#person who basically was just with me to help communicate with others on my behalf and supervise me and stuff. I need that.. Some#more extraverted person I can latch onto and they can maintain the Social Support Network for me and I can just be their +1 to all#of the Social Things and community. I have helpful skills I can contribute to other people and stuff it's just like.. I cant socialize lol#I cook food or something for you.. then you keep me in contact with Community.. a deal. (but then what about when I'm too sick to#contribute? as is often the case. there's not much place for people like me in communities sometimes i fear.. sigh.) ***
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leatherbookmark · 3 months ago
Huh... just connected the dots between my soul-crushing shame and inability to imagine myself "carelessly having fun" without feeling a Heavy Judging Gaze That Thinks I'm Such A Funny Stupid Little Baby on myself and like... my parents finding it the funniest thing in the world, worth bringing up over and over despite my discomfort, that I used to bob funnily to the music as a toddler
#basically I seem to like... react v strongly to being told that my body and the way I use it is somehow inherently hilarious#there have been cases where people would take photos of me when I wasn't paying attention and was making a HILARIOUS pose#and they'd either show it to me or reupload them on group chats like look how fucking funny! and i'd go awhhh come on guys :< like u do#but internally i'd be like WHAT the fuck is wrong with me that i'm the only person getting this treatment#basically i just. seem to be inherently cringefail no matter what I do and instead of rolling with it like a normal person would i am inste#*instead very sensitive about being perceived as a funny pathetic moron. and i do imprint on similar characters which means I always#end up internally tormented when 99% of the fandom is pissing their pants laughing over how incredibly hilarious this wannabe cool#(but actually incurably pathetic) this (character I can relate to) is. its this like. inability of achieving physical dignity? okay this is#nothing but basically. the emotional anguish of being aware that you might think you're doing normal things and moving normally#but unbeknownst to you (and very well knownst to everyone else) you're wearing squeaky fish-shaped slippers with a long piece of#toilet paper trailing after each one AND slipping on banana peels at the same time#no matter if i dance silly style together with friends OR try to look cool and sexy there's this huge Eye constantly present at the back of#my mind that coos about how cute and funny i am half of the time. and laugh uproariously the other half#which is why: i don't dance + cover my mouth while smiling + happiness is for other people#shrimp thoughts#it's wild how fucked up brains can get. I'd love to have realized this like a decade earlier so that I could have a semblance of a chance#at maturing emotionally into something at least roughly resembling a functional adult but ohhhhhh welllllllllllll
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arohuacheng · 1 year ago
hua cheng body dysmorphia truther. that man does not have a realistic concept of what he looks like and he is not reasonable or healthy about the way that he looks either
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