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spicypotatoesofttaco · 8 days ago
Because I have nothing better to do (I have 4 unfinished assignments please why is college so stressful) I'll cry:
I was rewatching some old Ninjago seasons and I had to stop because I couldn't watch jay anymore.
Seeing pre- DR jay hurts now. I'll miss how happy and a little goof he was. I re-watched the show so many times before DR even existed and I was never this hurt or emotional.
This honestly the beauty of this show , every new season, information, plot , comic and more.. put a new perspective in an older season and make it so much more meaningful.
It makes rewatching the series more fun or heartbreaking knowing how one action would lead to something bigger.
I miss jay so much man , i hate how I used to always brush him aside when I was younger, but now I'm growing to appreciate him more.
He's such a deep and complicated character when you really think about it but it's always covered up by jokes and humour, so seeing him get serious ( not that he is always joking around ) really makes you stop and think about it (the ending of prime empire and how he opened up about his parents ,as well as skybound .I literally glued my eyes to my phone )
Idk how to say it but seeing "evil" jay ( it's hard to call him evil , he was manipulated) is like when a sitcom talks about a very serious topic mid episode. It just shocks you and draws you in. LIKE WHAT DO YOU MEAN JAY JUST SAID HE HATES NYA.
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 9 days ago
Might as well
Me: *takes one look at Kai* Me: *stamps BOTTOM on his profile*
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 9 days ago
I think too hard about them growing up together, and BOOM I explode
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I’m sobbing they’re so precious
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 18 days ago
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Reference: Ghost in the Shell
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 18 days ago
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Kai's the only one serving cunt here.
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 21 days ago
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 27 days ago
nobody loves pleasantville (1998) like i do. nobody in this stupid piece of shit world.
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 30 days ago
“You were built to protect those who cannot protect themselves”
Dr Julien has always been right about that, and with the recent election in America we need to realize that anyone who doesn’t fit the conservative American agenda will have their lives changed
I don’t want to fear monger but it’s a sad reality now. Project 2025 could become very real, and even if it doesn’t we still need to prepare-
Help others who don’t have the money or time to help themselves: buy your friends some Plan B, buy something to defend yourself and learn how to use it, learn who’s safe to come to and who isn’t wether it’s your workplace or your friend group
Times will get scary, America will get scary, but if we help and protect one another we can survive
Ninja never quit
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 1 month ago
this is kind of giving Desert Kings for me
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Ninjago + Edgerunners?? Those are mostly screenshot redraws.
For this specific au kai is much older than Nya, her being 17 and kai being 26.
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 1 month ago
hold on, hold on, hold on.....does that mean jay can time travel????
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In giggling at this he was there for TWO DAYS?? ONLY TWO? Not even a full week and he was already running away im weak
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 1 month ago
this is the funniest thing I’ve ever made you’re welcome jaymers
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 1 month ago
bro yes yes YES, I can't stress how much I miss my boy ;-; This is such a perfect explanation of him™. He has always been my favourite and after all this time, after all the episodes I watched, even if I thought I might've liked others more now. It's still him, it always will be ;-;
Thinking about Jay’s role in the team, and I know I’ve mentioned before that Jay’s main themes are family, and that if given the choice between his close circle of loved ones and the greater good he’ll choose the former, but also another thing that sets him apart from everyone else is the reason why he’s a ninja. With characters like Zane and Cole it’s mentioned multiple times that their purpose is to take care of others, those who can’t protect themselves. Nya and Kai also have this duty/responsibility theme that makes a lot of sense considering the circumstances they both grew up in, and that they both have in common that they want to prove themselves at first and then focus on the role that “they’re supposed to” play (aka; Kai accepting that his role isn’t to be the green ninja and that his duty is to protect Lloyd, and Nya accepting to stop being the samurai X which was her way of proving herself even without being a ninja and in the end becoming the water ninja). Lloyd has a mix of all of this because he's constantly the chosen one in every situation since he was 10, and it's all he knows as a way of life, but back to the topic:
Jay has nothing to do with this.
And I'm not saying that Jay doesn't care about helping people, or anything like that. It's just that it's very interesting that he's the furthest away from having this motivation to be a ninja. Even Wu, in one of the books, confirms that Jay in the pilots saw the opportunity to be a ninja as an excuse to have exciting adventures after a rather humble life in which Jay was going from one hobby to another.
And while the other roles in the team always come back to the theme of protecting others and all that, the reason why Jay is chosen instead is because he's a dreamer. In the flashback and the Ninja of Lightning book Wu explains that the reason he chose Jay was precisely because he had this ability to think outside the box and motivate others with his sense of humor. In almost every first season there is an instance where Jay quickly adapts to a situation just by seeing the other side of things that others don't see, and having this amount of skills: He's the one who discovers how to do spinjitzu, who finds the temple of light, who adapts first to space/digiverse, who does best in the Ninja Roll episode, etc. It's not that Jay is the smartest or strongest, but give him anything and the guy, in some unconventional way, will try to take advantage of it and build a spaceship out of literal scrap metal.
There aren't really many examples of this in the later seasons, BUT, it's worth noting that Wu also chose him because Jay knows how to motivate others with his sense of humor. And what does he do in S12 when he's separated from the others and trapped in a video game? He makes a resistence to oppose Unagami and inspire people who were also trapped in that game.
With all that being said, I just wanted to point out how distinct Jay's role on the team is and his motivation for being a ninja in the first place. It's not like he has this heroic duty, or necessarily wants to do justice, he's just a guy with a normal life who wanted to have exciting adventures and tap into this creativity of his and do some good in the process if it ended up working out. Which is sad with how things are right now but whatever…
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 1 month ago
thank you, i fucking love them
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can't wait to watch season 2
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 2 months ago
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 2 months ago
I don't know man, I just reblog things and leave comments in hopes that maybe if I do it enough I'll find a friend eventually 🎉
How do you make friends on tumblr?
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 2 months ago
I just found this and now I'm going into my microwave
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I guess I’m calling this the Lightningbot AU now???
- Ed and Edna wanted a child, and having access to all the scrap in the junkyard, made one of their own! They never told him what he was, because they didn’t want him to feel different.
- Jay booted up for the first time without a power source being added at all. His element powers him on its own. This baffled his parents at first, but they just went with it.
- Contact with vengestone causes Jay to shut down if he touches it, which the ninja chalk up to him passing out. The second vengestone is no longer in contact with his body, he reboots. Before he knows he’s a robot, he refers to this as a “freak vengestone allergy”.
- Jay finds out that he’s an android during Hunted, where a rough landing from the portal severely damages his body. The group struggles to repair him with their limited resources. A scrap of foil isn’t gonna fix your face, sorry Jay.
- Over the course of Hunted, he acts largely the same as he does in the original, and treats his robot body’s reveal as something funny and insists everyone just “go with the flow” and not worry about it. Meanwhile the others are OBVIOUSLY concerned, and wonder if the crash is making him malfunction. At some point he snaps out of it and it hits him all at once and he freaks out for real.
- Pixal knew the whole time, literally since S3, and never mentioned it because she assumed they all knew already. Queue Jay having flashbacks to all the little hints she dropped in previous seasons (ie: implying he may need “repairs” or a “tune-up” after a fight, which Jay would shrug off as her simply wording her concern awkwardly).
- When they make it back home, they cannot figure out how to recreate the artificial flesh on his body, and he goes home to the junkyard for repairs and confronts Ed and Edna.
- The “junkyard boy” insult hits him much harder after he finds out, and is extremely self-conscious about the fact he was literally built out of trash.
- He returns to the lighthouse out of guilt and brings Echo back home with him. They bond over being made out of actual garbage.
- His head is a plasma globe filled with a mess of electrical impulses that make up his brain. When people touch it, it acts like a plasma globe, and makes Jay feel odd things (tickling sensations, lavender smell, the taste of kale).
- Once he’s aware he’s an android, he can learn to “possess” other electronics with his element/soul. His mastery over electricity gives him an instinctual understanding of electronics and how they function, which has unknowingly contributed to his love of inventing.
- Much to everyone’s dismay, being a robot opens up a whole new world of puns and terrible jokes for Jay to abuse.
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spicypotatoesofttaco · 2 months ago
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I came back around mehehe :3
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