#I'm not a foot fetishist.
li-lai · 1 month
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Oh Satan, these boots...
I've been drawing these boots for two weeks, someone kill me, please?
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oh-areyouthere-god · 4 months
wasn't gonna drink tn but damn I miss turnabout like a mf..........
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softly-n-sweetly · 1 year
....can i have a foot rub and a leg rub and a thigh rub and a back rub and a shoulder rub and and and
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firedragon1321 · 6 months
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First of all, in order- Tai from Adventure (underwear concept art), Oliver from Digimon: Fragments (Digimon fanfic) and Tomoya from Singularity (original novel with heavy Digimon influence).
So I've been playing with the Adventure art style seriously since only 2021 (shameful, tbh- I should've done it longer). I did copy Tai's base art multiple times as a kid, but I was still learning how to draw, so that...doesn't really count, lol.
Something I noticed was just how skinny the OG kids were. The reason I chose undie!Tai was to highlight that he is a noodle with giant hands and feet. The big shoes and gloves hide this normally. As someone I know pointed out, his anatomy is more like a 20s rubber-hose character than what most people consider "anime".
My two guys have thicker torsos (Oliver moreso than Tomoya), thicker limbs, and somewhat smaller hands. Oliver has some long-ass arms- more like Tai's than Tomoya's. I've definitely improved in the years THREE MONTHS between Oliver and Tomoya (the smaller head looks better, as do the more closed-off eyes, which are actually closer to the real McCoy than whatever I was doing with poor Oliver).
As for feet? I rarely draw characters without at least socks, so I never thought much about it. But the big stompies on the official art are- a little weird. I guess both my characters's feet would be closer to Oliver's in size. Tomoya wears big shoes for the style.
I'll probably keep playing around with this art style and making new little discoveries. And maybe get over my deviantArt-phobia and draw a character barefoot just for practice.
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anjukoneko · 2 years
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Pfft, as if these could ever hope to stand a chance against my psych ward grippy socks. Dream on.
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caputvulpinum · 9 months
all foot fetishists should be rounded up put down like dogs I'm not joking. you flood every inch of the internet with your stupid shit to the point that sites are not banning character's feet being drawn because of you dumb disgusting loser hot-dog water scented freaks who jerk it to animal feet. die die die die die i hate you.
Man you didn't even try to sound genuine no one actually talks like this.
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
Someone who for whatever reason wants to get eaten by Vorticia and so goes to the gluttony ring hoping to find her. They by some miracle get to interact with her but when they beg her to eat them she’s like “lol no,” because it turns out they’re her match
[This is fucking hilarious. Fem reader.]
TW: Macro/micro themes; Vore.
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Tightly tied to a chair, you can hear them talk behind the kitchen doors.
" You're telling me you just found this one trying to break into the premises?! " The short imp you've only caught glimpses of so far sounds exasperated.
" Yes... " The much taller demon with a dark mane replies. " She wasn't very successful, but I'm fairly certain her goal was to get caught. "
" And she said she wants to get eaten. " It's not even a question.
" By mother. Specifically her. "
There's a beat of silence.
" Vorago. You can't expect me to present a fetishist to your mother. That is ridicu- "
" Is it? I would much prefer if my meals walked directly into the plate. " The prince counters. " You're doing the poor thing a favor. I've advocated for this in the past as well, think about the time and resources we could spare during ceremonies if we take in people just like her. "
" My prince- "
" Do you like chasing after them, dad? Do you enjoy spending money on increasingly expensive hunting services? "
Dad?! That little imp? Imp-ressive.
" No, but we can't just- "
" Then give this a shot, perhaps it'll open your eyes to more sustainable alternatives. "
An unmistakable defeated sigh rings out. " ... Fine. "
You smile silently, happy that the tusked high-ranker who caught you managed to get your dream to come true. For such a scary-looking guy, he's actually not that bad.
When the doors part, your head snaps towards the curly-horned imp. They spare you a skeptical glance.
" It looks like you're getting what you want after all. "
" Yes! " The cheer is immediate and juvenile, met with a grimace.
" ... Right. " They're clearly uncomfortable. " Undress please. "
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Words cannot describe how wildly your heart is beating within your ribcage.
You've been dreaming of this day ever since you discovered the nuances of your sexuality. Queen Vorticia is the most gorgeous, regal, seductive demoness to ever slither upon this galaxy and to feel the caress of her tongue would bring you to a level so beyond Nirvana that you have to contain a freakish noise of delight just thinking about it. Not that it would have escaped very fair, with the strange fruit crammed in your mouth- It's starting to hurt your jaw a little actually...
Yes, you're not the most normal of humans, but that hardly matters now.
The cart you're laid upon is wheeled towards what you assume must be the main dining hall of Gluttony's mansion. The pace is slow, the imps in charge of transporting you dare not displace a single element of your large plate's design. See, upon hearing about your situation through the curly-horned imp, the chefs present decided that it would only be fitting if you got properly and excellently decorated for the occasion.
A few of them sympathized with your situation. Few things are as romantic as loving someone so much that you would like to become a part of them, be consumed by them. One of the girls was a bit emotional hearing you talk so sweetly about the Queen. All in all, you feel lucky to have gotten this far so smoothly.
A noise from beyond crashes your train of thought.
A crash. Hissing.
The imps pushing your cart whimper and look at each other fearfully.
Ah, a tempestuous mood. You wonder what has the Queen like that.
Your chaperones slow down even more, and if you could, you'd stomp your foot on the cart to make them hurry up. You're not about to be left stranded in this hall because these cowards are doubting their life's decisions.
Finally, oh finally, you can see the tall, intricately carved doors to the dinning hall. The last room you'll ever be in, if all goes according to plan. The realization breeds a heavy feeling that causes shortness of breath in you, but for some odd reason, you have no second thoughts about any of this. More servants stand stationary, guarding the doors.
At the sight of your cart approaching, said guards hurriedly open the doors much taller than themselves, seeming frantic in the way they hurry everyone inside.
You have to strain your neck to get a good look at the scenery.
Tones of orange, red and gold shower the room, it's large enough to be mistaken for some kind of bombastic ball room- But you've done a bit of research, and you know the dinning areas are the real focus of the Gluttonous Household.
Little does it all matter. You can't bring yourself to focus on anything other than the absolutely gigantic scaled woman currently seated at a massive, tall table. Her sandy yellow scales glimmer under the jeweled chandelier's light, everything from the twin-tipped tail that lounges across the room to her drooping black robe and pupils nearly as sharp as her eyes make you want to swoon, toes curling in delight.
Queen Vorticia reaches down below, you get to watch the demoness grab a flailing, kicking man by the ankles. He's muffled just as you are, but a lot more bruised and roughed up, trying his damndest to scream past an unforgiving muffler. He knows what will happen to him the moment he's raised in the air, as do you. And there's nothing he can do but close his eyes and accept his fate when the bottomless pit that is the Queen's maw stares back.
One second of mind-numbing anticipation is all it takes, then he's gone. Dropped. Her jaw clamping the second the man was submerged. Hardly a lump forms in the column of her long throat before it's over. With neither a scream nor a whimper, his doom arrives. The Queen however, looks unsatisfied. It's almost as if she didn't even eat anything to begin with, frowning at the wall pensively.
Until the platter that man was in goes flying across the room and nearly rips a chunk out of the wall. It was so fast you barely saw the flash of gold before your human eyes.
Two of the imps escorting you scurry beneath the cart for safety.
" I trussst you've brought me ssomething worthh my time? " Her voice finally rings through.
" Y- Yes, your Majesty! " One of them is brave enough to squeak, rattling the cart and everything on it as he pulls it forward, the others sticking to the back.
You can kind of understand them. Vorticia could easily swipe a hand down and capture two or three of these imps as an appetizer.
" Then hurry! Do you wisshh me to starve here?! "
A slam of a powerful fist causes the ground to quake.
" Never, my Queen! "
In a blink, your platter not only lifted off the cart but rushed onto the table, quickly turned and pushed to be in front of the demonlord herself. You almost get dizzy from all the jostling, and as your vision settles, you see the Queen wordlessly wave before scrambling steps follow. The servants nearly trample each other to leave the room alive.
You don't even look their way.
You can only bore holes into the gorgeous woman before you.
Vorticia raises a brow ridge, humming.
When a single claw descends, you imagine she'll slice your skin, peel you like an apple or go for your innards first. Instead, she stabs a tomato next to your waist and brings it to her lips, tongue roping it inside in a blink.
You're sure she can hear your poor heart thunder in its fickle confines.
" You mussst be the human they mentioned earlier. "
You blink.
" Pretty thhhing, wantss to be my dinner... " She nearly purrs, making something stir low in your belly.
At the way you attempt to frantically nod, she actually cracks a smile, incredulous. Although the hunger you've always yearned for resides in her thin eyes, there's also a hint of genuine curiosity you wouldn't typically see in the gaze of such a predator.
" Hmph. Well I hardly buy it. "
" MmMMF! " Even if you had something eloquent to counter with, muffled grunts are all you manage.
" Don't mumble, it'sss rude. "
She begins flirting with the decorations on your platter again. Every single time, you study the movements of her calloused, scaled hands as they move, waiting for the cut that never comes, the grip that never follows, she simply steals bits and pieces of vegetables and frivolous dressing. You're almost offended for a second. But... The anticipation is actually causing some curious effects in you.
In a way, every single time her claws scheme the platter, brushing over the bare skin of your legs and tickling your sides briefly before retreating with a slice of fruit or veggie, she's playing with you. Having her fun, as both an apex predator and a teasing mistress. Fear mingles with sparks of arousal you've poorly contained thus far, creating a fire that has you sweating under her serpentine gaze.
" You're almossst too cute to eat. " She chuckles eventually. Something wooshes nearby, it takes you a moment to notice it's her large tail.
You notice, rather belatedly, that there's no one else in the room but you and Vorticia, and a suspenseful quiet has fallen between you. You could not have asked for a better environment. It feels as if you're both sharing a very intimate, sacred moment.
The next time her hand dips, instead of skirting around the main course, she tip taps her way up your trembling figure and circles a long claw under the swell of your breast, watching you shiver attentively before edging the decorative leaf covering it. A more than pert nipple catches on her sharp extremity, and she uses a thumb to flick it idly, casually, head tilting at the way you squirm and exhale through your nostrils.
Your other breast is easily uncovered as well. The Queen betrays nothing in her expression when she grabs a piece of bread and soaks it in the condiment that coats your skin, dragging it upwards, swirling it around one of your tits before eagerly devouring it.
This is repeated enough times to drive you a little stupid with want, groaning miserably when she merely teases your tits and continues to torture you with featherlite caresses.
The sweet torture continues when she takes care of the rolls covering your spread legs, watching the shameful state you're in become more and more noticeable. Your cunt flutters beneath her mere stare.
" Ssstrange, I've yet to cut you, and you're already dripping. "
You'd shake your head in denial if you weren't able to feel your own soaked folds right now.
She has the mind-numbingly erotic audacity to grab another useless vegetable decoration and generously coat it in your wetness. The rounded tip of whatever she's pressing against your womanhood bumps your clit. She swirls it intentionally, tapping it down and circling the nub with enough pressure that you strain against your binds and whine behind the gag, wanting to beg her for more yet only drooling pointlessly.
She makes a noise like an amused snort, and when you toss your head back, you can hear her practically slurp the thing for all the flavor it has, her thumb replacing the vegetable and leisurely keeping you stimulated.
When you're able to look back, her pupils have blown wide, the black nearly drowning her acidic sclera.
" To thhhink that, ssomehow, suchh a preciouss gift would fall upon my table... Withhout notice... "
Even if you're loving the attention, heating up like a small fire -Probably enough to cook the ingredients around you- You could never have guessed the Queen would take such an intense liking to you. It feels like a dream.
" Do you wisssh to be eaten, my sssweet morssel? " She curves, shadowing you, strings of drool falling onto your neck and chest.
Her hues acquire a nearly hypnotizing quality, prohibiting you from glancing away while she toys with you. All you can respond with is frantic, vapid nodding while you grind yourself down on her finger like a mutt.
" Truly? "
" MMMhmnn!! "
Not even the gag could have curbed that whorish bleating.
" Then I will. " Vorticia grins wide enough to crinkle the edges of her eyes. " Tonight. In my chambersss. Your wissh comess true, in a way. "
You're not given enough time to rationalize anything before her touch vanishes, leaving you cold and miserable. The snaps of the Queen's fingers attract the same imp you met when this all began.
They look at you with a mixture of confusion and mild caution. " You called, Highness? "
" Yess. Run a bathh for me and my Queen to be. "
He coughs and chokes.
When your head snaps to Queen Vorticia, you find no hint of mockery on her face.
You're fairly certain one of the sauces you were doused in must be causing you to hallucinate...
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
So I think we're all in agreement that Raph sucks.
However, I don't think none of us would give a fuck what he's into if it weren't for the fact that he's not an SA survivor, and Viv put his very fetishistic work into hers (boarded the episode and dialogue from his Valangel comic is used in Ep4) for millions of people to see without a trigger warning, and her trying to claim it's good SA rep. (He also sexually harassed a 15 year old child, which Viv victim blamed)
Raph, I don't give a fuck what you do behind closed doors with consenting adults. I write and read noncon fanfics. I'm into noncon, and I'm a CSA victim. And even I'd have enough foresight not to put my own personal fetish content into a show this massive.
It's literally the Dan Schneider bullshit. That's what this all is. He claimed the "comedy was completely innocent" when it clearly wasn't, and also clearly has a foot fetish. (Also, I know someone who was friends with Dan/appeared on his shows, and even they said, "I wouldn't be surprised if he was one [pedophile]."
Let's not let Viv get away with this one, alright?
Same, honestly. I could not give less of a shit what Raph likes, what he draws, if he dresses up as Angel and has his partner dress up as Valentino and they hit each other with phones, whatever.
It's the fact that Raph's fetish (and Viv's, let's be honest) spewed itself out of a whole bunch of unwitting Amazon Prime subscribers' TVs, and it's how they both reacted when called on it. It is, it's Dan Schneider foot fetish all over again.
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catierambles · 5 months
As was expected, because if two movies take place in the same time period they have to be exactly alike, reviewers keep comparing Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare to Inglorious Basterds. Saying "Well, in Inglorious Basterds, they did this..."
Guy Ritchie is not Quentin Tarantino, they are not going to make similar movies, they have vastly different directorial styles and go for vastly different genres of movies. And thank goodness for that because not everyone likes a misogynistic foot fetishist whose movies incels on the Internet use to call women stupid (while simultaneously complaining they won't sleep with them) because "they just don't understand the nuance and how smart it is".
I've seen From Dusk Til Dawn. It was shit. I've seen the Desperado trilogy. They were shit. I've seen Inglorious Basterds. Eh, it was okay. Christoph Waltz was the only good part of that movie.
Quentin Tarantino uses bloody ultraviolence to carry subpar plots and his main characters have absolutely no personality besides "violent". He's been called a "genius director" by people who mistake "shock value" for "genius". He's Michael Bay only instead of explosions, he uses blood and gore.
Guy Ritchie uses humor and wit. Tarantino wouldn't know wit if it kicked him in the face (though, to be fair, he'd be too distracted by his boner).
Am I saying Ritchie is a better director than Tarantino? No. I'm saying that Ritchie is a different director than Tarantino. I may not personally like Tarantinos' movies, but that's just my opinion. They don't make the same style of movie so their movies shouldn't be compared against each other.
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pouralaura · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
s/o to @adevilyoudo for sending this to me as well you all are so kind
I don't have a TON of fics, but here are my favs (all raphtav and explicit, be warned. just kidding i know that's what you're here for sickos):
I won't speak of love: the fic that started it all - Tav doesn't know what she's doing, but knows whatever she's doing with Raphael feels good most of the time. she'd rather stay in limbo with him than be forced to make any more decisions. so please don't ask me again. just let me be here with you.
your pout or your fist: Raphael gets Tav a gift. she has some [unwanted?] feelings about it, and he's altogether too smug. I love writing solo scenes heeheehoohoo. inspired by some delightful art by my friend @potatocrisp.
debasement: the Raphael Foot Fetish Fic. sorry not sorry. it's just who he is. it was the first time I wrote something like, explicitly unconventional/fetishistic and it was such a blast. I still think it's some of my best writing even if you're not personally into it, and the comments I've received are TRULY so kind. give it a shot you might enjoy it more than you think
teeter: my first successfully finished multi-chapter fic ever, even if it was only 3 chapters long. all about pride and vanity and other vices that Tav and Raphael may or may not share and how they work through them to find each other. who will break first? it's funny and silly and a weird comedy of errors and I'm seriously so proud of it.
who will burn who: I'm a total sucker for a hot greying professor. if that professor is Raphael I'm super fucking insane about it. he's nasty. she's nasty. haarlep, too, will be nasty in the next chapter, which will be finished sometime this month if all goes well.
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probably selection bias but I'm starting to think foot fetishists are predominantly women
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hapalopus · 5 months
Realizing I'm in no place to make fun of foot fetishists because apparently I have a hoof fetish ._.
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wiiwheel · 6 months
Hello O. Quick q...Is it common to be "situationally fetishistic" like...I don't have a foot fetish ordinarily...not that I'm opposed to feet but they just don't do it for me like at all...but there's this one guy I work with...he works in the maintenance plant at my job and he fixes stuff around the building...anyway...i could smell his sweaty feet through his shoes after he was working on the roof all day and i got so hard I got nauseous. Now that's all I can think about is living inside his shoes
(also just curious if anyone else has experienced something like this)
No no I understand there's something abt the presence of a hot person irl that has you reconsidering what you find attractive in people including "fetishy" stuff. For the record I barely think musk should be a fetish like idk it should just be seen as part of the human condition. Also exertion and effort is sexy that's why sweat is hot. Ur valid dw just be normal about it and live your life
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statementlou · 3 months
I love that I was in fact correct about it being you 🤭 Listen, Louis does have very cute feet!
if this is my legacy on this site I'm not sure how I feel about it- I swear I'm not a foot fetishist!- but unfortunately his feet ARE so nice and pretty, I can't bring myself to take it back, so here we are😫someone has to say it and if that someone is me... well! so be it!
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
on a bunch of socials i've been seeing so many people complain about the barbie movie (which isn't even out yet, for fuck's sake) because "it's clearly fetishistic." basically, they think that it's meant to attract people with a foot fetish because of how many shots there are of margot robbie's feet.
now, ignoring the absolute madness of that statement, how are kids playing with barbies, nowadays, if older teens and young adults are worried about this movie taking away the innocence of the little ones?
because i know damn well that my barbies were all serial killers.
i don't remember a single storyline i've played through that didn't contain someone murdering someone else, and even if i wasn't big on the "massive barbie orgies" so many other little kids seemed to have played through, there was still plenty of cheating and sometimes incestuous sisters too (either that or, because i had a single ken, i'd have complicated plots about the ken cheating on his barbie girlfriend with her sister, if not her mother).
i surely wouldn't have known what a foot fetish is, but i'm fairly sure that a foot fetish is more innocent than the insurance fraud through murder plots i'd come up with.
I just dismembered mine and made their parts into sculptures.
Years later, my mother sent me a NYT article about girls doing that going "It wasn't just you!" and I was like "Uh, literally any child with barbies could have told you that."
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If members of Queen had problematic dating profiles.
Freddie - 19 pictures of his cats, 1 picture of him in his stage gear. Lists sex as one of his favourite hobbies.
John - One picture of him with long hair, one picture of him with short hair, a picture of him tinkering with something where he is mostly obscured but the picture gives a perfect view of the innards of some appliance. Doesn't answer most of the profile questions but says the last things he bought at a shop was duct tape, tarpaulin, bleach, a shovel and a cucumber, and his favourite word is moist.
Roger: a picture of him in his car, a picture of his car by itself, a picture of him drumming, a picture of him reading. In every picture the item he is in the picture with is in focus and he is out of focus. He says his nickname is Rainbow but some people call him Rudolph. He says his idea of a perfect date is going on a long drive and getting to know the other person (almost as if the getting to know the other person was an afterthought), puts his favourite musical instrument down as the guitar and the lists ten books as his favourite book.
Brian: His looking for says women but his sexuality lists him as bisexual. There is no other mention of this in the rest of his profile. His photos are perfect but the captions are full of technical compositional details and he uses up the 300 character limit for each photo. He also has a photo of his feet in the water in some swimming pool in Tenerife and uses the caption space to explain the concept of water displacement. He lists his favourite book as the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and his favourite movie as Women in Love. In the "Want To Say More" block, Brian writes "I'm not sure why I'm getting messages off gay foot fetishists, and whilst I am flattered, I am sorry to say you've got the wrong profile entirely. - Bri x"
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