#Stomp me SunshineđŸ„ș
li-lai · 1 month
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Oh Satan, these boots...
I've been drawing these boots for two weeks, someone kill me, please?
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ruushes · 1 year
finally picked up karlach last night and she keeps being like ‘when are we gonna go stomp those guys đŸ„ș’ babygirl sweetheart sunshine love of my life i would do anything for you but we are literally level three, i went up there and the game gave me a tutorial on how to run away from combat 😭
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theharddeck · 7 months
I would die for some ⭐ directors (writers) commentary on some part of your love is the love I need. please?? đŸ„ș💗
of course, angel!! we'll go with chapter 2, when Cross forgets to let Coyote know that she made it okay and he panics and comes to her apartment to check in on her-- this one got kinda long so under the cut!
send me a ⭐ for director’s commentary on a fic of mine
“Wrong apartment,” you called, hoping they’d realize their mistake soon.  “Cross, come on, open up.” You froze, recognizing that voice.
Okay what I love here is that Javy isn't messing around. he is WORRIED about his girl and writing this i could feel his anxiety. golden retriever, easy going, smile-like-sunshine Javy is almost snapped here bc he is worried and like doesn't that just make your heart flutter?? when a calm guy gets worried, it makes you feel so cared for, and protected, and like you matter so much to them, and i love it. 
...You shoved your arms into the shirt as you struggled into some pajama shorts on your way to the door. “What are you doing here?” you asked before the door was opened, and even then, only wide enough for your head to poke through. Javy was leaning against the door frame, arms braced on either side of it, and you noticed his shoulders relaxed a bit when he saw you.
I'm such a slut for a door lean. But here, Javy's bracing himself is just another tell of his anxiety; he's literally bracing himself to stay calm. I love how clearly Javy is telegraphing that he's worried about her. And he had to see her to believe it! He's heard her call out to him/he knows she's in there, but I love that we get to see that he neeeds to reassure himself with the sight of her. I think that's really important for Cross, too, since she's all in her head about what's real and what isn't.
“You’re okay?” he asked, his eyes running over you, seemingly scanning for some nonexistent injury. “What?” you blinked. “Yeah, I’m fine, what
” All at once, you remembered the promise you’d made to his mother, and your phone charging in the other room, and how long it’d been since you’d gotten into the car at Balboa. You looked up at Javy, clocking the relief and stress warring in his expression. 
he's!!! so!! worried!!! two-word sentences aren't normally his speed, but he's on one-track right now, and just needs that reassurance. I love how intent he is, how he needs contextual, visual, and spoken confirmation that she's okay.
“I’m sorry,” you said, your nose wrinkling. “I just got carried away with stuff and—” “Is that my shirt?” Javy interrupted you, and you looked down.  It was his shirt.  You’d grabbed it out of the tumbled load in the dryer, which you now remembered was one of the last dogfight football loads.
I wrote this scene, and it still makes me squeal lol. I love that what final jolts Javy out of his protective frame of mind is his possessive side?? like he's so out of his normal character with worry, then his brain resets when he sees his girl in his clothes lol it's darling.
I also love this insight into Cross' character, that she'd just casually do laundry for the rest of the team? i like this act of service moment she has, and we can really see how hard she's trying to get along with the rest of the team.
“It was the first one I grabbed,” you said, quickly.  Javy didn’t say anything, but his hands did drop from the door so he could cross them across his chest. And he was smirking, damn it, something that should be annoying or at least not attractive, but it was, and it made you want to stomp your foot. 
smug!!! javy!!! fuck me gently with a chainsaw, ya know?? if that man ever smirked at me, I'd evaporate on the spot. stupid greg tarzan davis, being seventy different kinds of perfect. i love that now that he's moved from protective, to possessive, to smug, we see the side of him we're familiar with re-emerging. confident, handsome, pleased Javy. god i love him.
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pinkiepiebones · 11 months
Ashes to Ashes
A fix-it fic for a friend.
It was over. It is over.
Robert looked at his calendar with a sense of awe. It had been almost a full year since he left his last boss and relationship. Both were unfortunately one and the same- Count Dracula. After a century or so of existing within the shadow of the vampire, Robert, like the many plants that filled his windowsill, yearned for sunshine. He had accomplished a lot in a nearly-year's time- he got a job, he started dating a human person, he adopted a cat, and he moved (one should not live in the same city where one chopped one's former master into little pieces, encased those pieces in concrete, and dumped those pieces into the city's sewer system, you know). He had also, along with the help of his wonderful friend Rebecca Quincey, burned all of the artifacts of his former life. And the abandoned hospital in which said artifacts had been stashed. (One cannot start a new chapter of one's life if one is worried about people finding one's fingerprints on the bodies one supplied to one's vampire boss/lover, you know).
Really, things were great.
Until the dreams started.
Robert would wake with a start from nightmares in which Dracula had reformed and sought revenge. Dracula invaded his mind, scouring, pulling memories and information and sneering and judging, threatening. Dracula sank his claws into Robert's sunny mind and promised in the same breath that things would be different,better next time and that he would destroy every shred of happiness Robert had cultivated for himself.
"He won't come back," Robert's incredibly sweet and understanding lover assured him. "Vampires need their native dirt, right? So even if he rebuilds himself, somehow, he's kinda fucked."
"Very fucked," Robert sighed into his lover's chest. He smiled. All was well in his world.
Until he woke with a jolt at 2:36AM and texted Rebecca "THE COFFIN"
Rebecca texted back, "It's the middle of the nightÂ đŸ˜«"
"We never destroyed his coffin
"It was in the Lobo's compound
"It's lined with dirt Rebecca HE CAN COME FOR US đŸ„șđŸ˜°đŸ«ŁđŸ˜”đŸ’€đŸ‘€đŸ˜±"
Rebecca got up and grumpily walked down the hall to Robert's room. The two had found rooms for rent in a house owned by a friend of Rebecca's family. They were at opposite ends of a hallway, so Rebecca had to resist the urge to stomp, lest she wake their housemate. She knocked quietly but somehow managed to convey her annoyance. Robert struggled out of his bedding and opened the door and ushered Rebecca inside.
"Okay," Rebecca sighed, still annoyed (but Robert's cat purring in her lap was relieving some of that annoyance), "what about the coffin and the dirt?"
"Vampires need to rest in, or on, their native soil," Robert explained with a tone someone might use when explaining, say, the rotation of the earth around the Sun to a ten year old child. "Dracula's coffin is lined with a thin layer of dirt from Transylvania. If, if he somehow comes back-"
"He won't, Rob."
"But if he does, if he does... He can travel in the coffin. He can seduce more familiars to transport him." Robert sat on the edge of his bed. "Oh, God, why didn't I think to destroy the coffin..."
Robert's cat hopped from Rebecca's lap to rub at Robert's shins and meow. He leaned down to pet his pet. Rebecca thought a moment.
"Teddy got the coffin into the Lobo mansion, so, if anything, it got swept up into an evidence locker." She looked at her phone. "I'll shoot a text to my ex. She works in Evidence, maybe she can track it down." A pause. "We're still on good terms. It won't be one of those bullshit 'well, what's in it for me' things."
Robert scooped his cat into his lap and gave Rebecca a sheepish, thankful smile.
Robert slept as well as he could over the next few days. He worked on his knitting projects. He untangled his cat from his knitting projects. He attended orientation meetings for volunteer work. He had dreams where Dracula had one-sided conversations at him. He read job listings. He made out with his lover. He baked cookies for his housemates. He practiced conversational Russian with his neighbor.
Three days passed. And then Rebecca rushed to him with news.
"Okay, so Stasia said she did see the coffin listed on intake forms, but, because the captain and a quarter of the force got fuckin' killed and another half quit, corrupt fucks, those who were left were like 'we don't have room for a goddamned coffin in the evidence locker' so they checked it real fast, y'know, for hidden cash or drugs. They sifted through the dirt and threw the dirt out in, in half a dozen trash bags."
She paused to take a breath, then continued reading the text.
"After they sifted and tossed all the dirt, they broke the coffin down so they could throw it in a dumpster- you can't just shove a whole coffin in a dumpster, who knew."
Rebecca smiled up at Robert. "It's destroyed, Rob. Spread out all over the New Orleans Municipal Landfill." She picketed her phone and gave her friend a playful punch in the arm. "So even if those little cubes of concrete somehow, uh, smoosh back into a vampire, there is no fuckin' way he can get out of Louisiana."
Robert tapped at his temple. "He's still connected to me, unfortunately."
Rebecca shrugged. "I think we all have an obnoxious voice from the past in our heads. You just gotta remind yourself, you're still here. You're alive. You survived. He can't do anything to you now except, what, bitch and moan in your dreams?" She made a face. "Just fill your dreams with better things. He'll quiet down and give up eventually."
Robert smiled. "You're right."
"Well, yeah. I'm always right."
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mythicalthing · 1 year
You are a very special person and you matter a lot to a lot of people. You constantly bring joy and laughter and sunshine into the world. I wanted to let you know that you’ve had a positive impact on my life because most people only hear the negative. Things don’t have to be big to make a difference to people. You once made my stop crying from sadness and made me cry with laughter because your poop stomping story popped up on my suggested posts. You have a very kind heart.
Thank you for being here 💕
Thank you so so much for sending this đŸ„ș I'm having a weird day where I'm just feeling super off so I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. I'm so glad to have been able to help you feel better even for a tiny moment. 💜
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littlepadika · 3 years
Ok I think I have one, but it’s a little angsty
 can you tell me about Javi & Sunshine, and the day the manager tells her that her apartment is finally fixed? đŸ„ș
noooo CLAIRE i hate torturing Javi but here we goooo!!!! Sometimes Javi just needs that push đŸ„° (thank you for being patient bc it's been a HOT minute since you sent this in ❀☀)
Javi's Sunshine (3) l Javier Peña x f!Reader
part one, part two
Warnings: f!reader, YEARNING, jealous Javi, mild dirty thoughts, implied age gap
AN: This fic has been my yearning cliffhanger experiment. I hope you enjoy!!
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Javi was going to tell you. He just didn't get to it yesterday because he got home late and you were flitting around him and being so sweet he just forgot. But he was going to tell you.
He was not supposed to get the news, but the landlord called his work number after you weren't answering your phone. Apparently you had listed Javi as an emergency contact. He remembers ducking his head and smiling down at his paperwork when he heard that. Hope threatening to burn him up. Yet what the landlord said next dumped icy water over that tiny flame. Your apartment was fixed. You could leave.
For a second, just one, he thought of not telling you. Of letting whatever this was continue forever. Allow the flimsy excuse of your apartment being under construction protect him a little longer. However, he knew he couldn't do that to you. You had bills to pay. A life to get on with.
He made sure to get off work at a reasonable time today since this was the last night he would probably spend with you he didn't want to waste a second. He planned on telling you immediately, staying upbeat about it and unbothered. He'd help you pack and get settled and laugh about what a crazy time it had been. Brooding would come later. With his precious sunshine gone he would still have the memory of the warmth. He selfishly hoped you'd move out slowly, taking a few things at a time back and forth. That way he'd still see you even though it wouldn't be the same.
When Javi got to the door, he braced himself to outright tell you before he could forget or have second thoughts.
"Hermosa there's something...wow." His eyes widened when he saw you standing in the sunlight wearing a new dress. He blinked rapidly, letting his eyes trace up and down your figure.
"Do I look okay?" You twirled making the skirt of your new dress fly up slightly.
"Y-yeah. You look tan hermosa." Javi's mouth ran dry. He'd always managed to hide his arousal and keep things in control but he'd never seen you so openly asking for his approval. He felt the urge to run for the bathroom before he'd do something even more brash like kiss you. "What's uh- what's the occasion?" He lifted his chest hoping it was for him.
"Someone asked me on a date!"
"Oh." Javi clenched his fists as his chest caved in. Pain shot through his heart to his stomach at your words. "Who?"
"A boy from my class." You shrugged. "I don't know him very well but... it should be fun, right?" You smiled, though nerves made it dimmer. Truth was you didn't want to date anyone now that you met Javi. It was ironic because you never had much luck in love and when you moved in with Javi you became downright hopeless. However, something about being around him lit you up and drew attention to you. Just not the attention of the person you wanted most.
He looked cute in a tight yellow button down and jeans. However, there were dark circles under his eyes like he was up all night worrying about something. You wanted to mention something about it this morning but he barely said two words to you before bolting out the door. Now your confusion only increased when Javi stomped away without answering your question. Bad day at work? You flinched as the door slammed.
"J-Javi?" You probably should give him some privacy but at this point you were friends and friends don't let each other be angry. You knew he wasn't mad at you, he seemed to be mad at himself.
"What?" He answered gruffly.
"I was hoping we could hang out before I left." You chewed your lip, twisting your soft dress in your fingers. "I- I missed you." You traced your fingers over his bedroom door knob, wishing it was his him you were touching instead. Pathetic as it was, you did miss him dearly even though you saw him every day. This fantasy of boyfriend Javi that you had been building up in your mind was so real that sometimes he became a ghost when the real Javi was around. You mourned while you loved. It was a strange feeling.
"In a minute." Javi answered. He was glaring daggers at his pillow, trying to get ahold of his emotions. Sadness made him angry. He'd rather punch a wall than cry but right now he felt like doing both. And at the same time he knew he was acting like an asshole which just made him more upset because it was the last thing you deserved.
You were going on a date. Someone else was going to get to hold you and make you laugh. He landed an angry punch on his mattress, deciding against the wall. He yanked off his tie and ran his hands over his face. He needed to pull himself together. Enjoy what time he had left.
"Hermosa there's something I need to tell you." Javi opened the door looking around for you. "Hermosa?"
"In here!" You called from the kitchen. "Look at this!"
Javi groaned quietly. You were making this so hard!
"Look!" You said again once he was closer. You were pointing at a painting above the sink. It was a landscape painting of his home in Texas. He'd brought it to Colombia special. Unfortunately when the pipe burst it had gotten damaged by the leaking water.
"How did you fix it?" His gloom momentarily cleared.
"I found someone who restores paintings." You grinned up at him. He walked over to the counter next to you so he could examine it up close.
You unconsciously leaned towards him, inhaling his rich cologne greedily. You knew he was talking to you, not because you were paying any attention, but because you saw his neck moving with every word. You saw blood thrumming through his veins with his excitement. You saw his lips moving, cupping each word of praise for you. His thick fingers traced over the glass covering the picture looking for a sign of where it was fixed. You finally catch what he's saying when he turns to you.
"You shouldn't have. I mean- I'm glad you did but let me pay you for this." He placed his hands over your shoulders and gave them a squeeze.
"Just say thank you, Javi." You patted his arm with a smile.
"Thank you, hermosa." He laughs lowly, eyes flicking down to your lips.
"So... what did you need to tell me?" You looked up at him expectantly. Your mind went immediately and childishly to some big revelation that Javi did care for you romantically. That he wanted you.
"Uh-" It was like a switch flipped. He dropped his hands, shoving. them in his back pocket. "I don't remember."
"You're not... mad at me are you?"
"What? Of course not." Javi tensed. "It's nothing."
"Okay." You pursed your lips sending him a skeptical look before going to finish getting ready. You picked up your sweater from your bed and went to the bathroom to apply some lip gloss.
"So... who is this guy anyways?" Javi followed you, lingering in the doorway. He tried to keep his tone light though he was seething with jealousy. Especially when you were putting on lipgloss that he didn't get to taste.
"I told you. He's in my class." You met his eyes in the mirror. Why was he acting so weird? He was clearly interested in details but was pretending not to be.
"He seems nice. Smart." You didn't know what else to say. It seemed unethical to go on a date with a person you had no interest in. That was just cruel but at this point you had to succumb to the reality that Javi didn't feel that way for you.
"Why is he asking you out now? What changed?"
"I don't know maybe he always liked me and he only now got the courage to ask me out." You shrugged, capping your lip gloss. The meaning of your words was not lost on Javi who crossed his arms.
"So you like him?" Javi sounded almost accusatory making you mirror his position and cross your arms.
"I don't know. I mean- not right now but maybe I will once I get to know him." You watch his eyes go stormy. Maybe Javi was jealous? You hoped. You prayed. You dreamed. You'd never dare hurt Javi's feelings intentionally. He shouldn't require jealousy to motivate him. But you hoped it did.
"I just don't want to see you hurt, hermosa." Javi grumbled. "Guys like that-you never know. This is Colombia. He may be after something."
"Not everyone has a motive, Javi." You felt your anger spike at his almost paternal tone. Were you that hopeless in his eyes that no one could truly be attracted to you.
"He likes me because i'm attractive and nice and- and even if you can't see that-well he does." You do all but stomp your foot before blowing past him.
"I'm going to wait for him outside!" You yelled from the door, trying to blink tears away from your eyes. All you wanted was to be seen as an equal in Javi's eyes. A partner. A companion. But you were sure now that he only saw you as a little girl whose feelings he had to protect. Maybe there was nothing to be gained from staying. here any more.
Javi felt your glare like a knife in his heart. His beautiful little sunshine stinging him. Of course he could see how wonderful you were. Anyone would want to date you that wasn't what he was getting at. Jealousy controlled his words. All he wanted to find out was if he still had any chance. He flinched as he heard the door slam.
And he still hasn't told you. Fuck.
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Javi paced and drank while you were gone, counting the minutes that passed and worrying about everything that could be going wrong. Or worse right. Would you make that lucky bastard feel as special as you made Javi feel? Would you sway nervously, playing with that too short dress? Would you even come home to him or would you go home with someone else? He clutched his stomach, feeling sick and not just because you weren't here to make sure he ate. The unselfish part of Javi wanted you to be happy but a much louder possessive roar countered that you seemed perfectly happy with him. But maybe you weren't. Maybe you weren't happy as you could be because Javi hadn't stepped up the way he longed to.
That was the vulnerable crux of everything. His whole life he's never been great at doing more than one thing at the same time. Life was a series of binary choices. Work or Marriage. Work or Family. But what was the alternative here? Work or you? No. He knew it was really ego or you? He'd give it up, all the cross roads, just to orbit around your warmth for the rest of his days. If only he could say it.
He threw his jealousy and frustration behind cleaning. Javi was a neat person solely because of how minimal he kept his space but he did enjoy having everything clean and orderly. He chided himself again for not thanking you more for the cleaning you did. Most surfaces were spotless so he turned his attention to the cobwebs and dust bunnies in the hard to reach places. He paused outside your room. He had never been in there before. He circled his fingers around the knob, debating. Snooping was wrong but he just wanted to feel close to you right now. And even from here he could smell you.
He pushed open the door, leaving the broom in the hall. Your sweet scent hit him like a ton of bricks, tugging on his stomach. He smiled softly at your tangled up sheets and blankets and pile of clothes on your desk chair. It was endearing how your room was cluttered and messy but you kept his space so clean. He choked on air when he noticed your underwear laid out on the bed from the laundry, thin and pink. He clasped his hands in front of him in an effort not to reach out and explore further. You had your desk pushed up to the wall though he had never known you to use it. You always studied in the living room. WIth him. He noticed a big yellow envelope sitting on top. From the landlord? Javi picked the letter up, scanning the top line.
Renovations complete. It is safe to return...
His heart thudded against his chest. He turned over the envelope searching for the date. Two days ago. You had found out before him! Javi's mind raced with the implications of this and a grin slowly spread over his face. If you knew and didn't say... maybe you wanted to stay.
He clutched his chest. It was as if his heart was trying to run to you now, holding up this paper triumphantly as proof that you loved him. You fucking idiot. She does like you.
He put the note back on your desk and jogged back to the window to see if you were back. The lucky son of a bitch who was taking you drove an old white mustang. A total poser, Javi sneered internally. He scanned the street. No sign of it. Adrenaline danced in his veins and he could hardly stand still. Doubts gnawed at him but it didn't seem to pierce the core of his hope the way it normally did.
Was he so insecure that he needed to know you liked him before he could admit it himself? He was older and more damaged than you. There were heavy things in his life that made him walk with his head down. So yes, he needed you to one last time, shine on him.
Hermosa, please come home.
My masterlist
Permanent taglist: @ajeff855 @what-iwish-you-knew @kirsteng42 @fan-of-encouragement @sleep-tight1 @pascalisfairyy @ceniington, @prettypedros 🧁, @pascal-rascal424 @axshadows @prideandpascal @frenchyjuju @pedrosmustache @blackmarketmummy @idreamofboobear @pretty-brown-eyess @persephones-garden @javierpinme @mylittlesenaar @bellaorisa @elinedjarin @beskarboobs @beskar-candy @dindjarinneedsahug @anaaaispunk @headinthestarz @beskarprincessjenny @nicolethered @takochansugoi @heythere-mel @petersunderoos96 @theherothesavior @disasterhann @deadhumourist @dihra-vesa @liviiii98 @lafresamilk @Marstheplanet @donnaa @oceanablue @iwishtobeastorm @bluevxnus @phnyx @greeneyedblondie44 @mylovelycomandante @solemnlyswearss @safe-teycar @jitterbugs927
Javi Taglist: @3rdfloorviews @goddessofsprings @dobbyjen @mamacitapascal @hnt-escape
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imaginativeamateur · 3 years
HowdyđŸ€  can I order some shoyu ramen for table 6? Alotttt of chasu and shijimi clams, my favorite! And one side dish of salad please! (If you want to consider it, I was thinking this order could be about kiba telling the reader, his girlfriend, that he wants to be with her foreverđŸ„șnot proposing but basically telling the reader that she’s “the one” you know?) THANK YOU I LOVE YOUR BLOG
[Kiba Inuzuka X Reader] Undercover Mission Uncovered
|500 Followers Event|
Order: Table 6: Shoyu Ramen with Chashu and Shijimi clams, Salad
Pairing: Kiba Inuzuka x fem!Reader
Note: Christmas is coming!!! Therefore, this piece takes the setting of a snowing Konoha :DDD It doesn't snow in Vietnam but the weather is much cooler, which gives me Christmasy vibes :DDD Thank you for the request, your idea is brilliant and I just realized that I wrote something similar in "Yes, Sunshine", it was unintentional LOL >< This one follows the same idea but the reader and Kiba are not in a relationship yet :DD Hope you like it still, enjoy! And yes, I don't know how to name my pieces properly :')))
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The whole morning passed by in a blink of an eye and you were preparing to leave the training ground. At least that was what you thought before you spotted a handwritten note shoved underneath your bag. And it read:
“Meet me at the Hokage Tower after you’ve read this. Don’t tell the others.
Your face contorted in annoyance, and a vein popped up on your forehead. Having to just return from a week-long mission, you were desperate for a sloth-like day. Spending your day off in peace under a thick blanket and a cup of hot chocolate in hand was your original plan. But due to a very specific person, your supposed-to-be a relaxing time was about to go wild. You crumbled the note and hauled your bag onto your shoulders after Hinata and Shino left, marching out of the training ground in fury. You swore Kiba would taste your fist in no time.
It did not take you long to find him dangling his legs off of a branch, whistling lively to a tune that suddenly became very irritating. “You have five seconds to get down here and explain this.”
With ease, Kiba gracefully hopped down onto the ground and held up his hands defensively. “Wait. I do have something for you.”
You squinted your eyes, trying to decipher his ambiguity. “It should be something—no way!”
Your pupils dilated, and your jaw dropped, ogling at the vouchers to a barbeque shop you especially loved. These were vouchers reserved for customers who must visit the place at least thrice a week, not to mention that having grilled food in this chilly weather sounded much more warming than a lone cup of hot chocolate.
“Yes way,” he mimicked your expression and waved the vouchers in the air, holding them out of your reach. “I thought someone was ready to chop my head off just a second ago. Where did she go?”
“Fine then, it’s not like I really wanted your vouchers—”
You were cut off curtly when your stomach growled, immediately clasping your hand over your belly in embarrassment. Kiba was trying his best to remain expressionless, but the sight of your face growing redder put him under a cackling spell. “It seems to me that your stomach is more honest, Y/N.”
“It wasn’t like I wanted it to be like that!” You rambled, stomping your feet angrily before turning away. “That’s it, I’m going back!”
“Wait, sorry.” The brown-haired was quick to capture your wrist, pulling you back to where you were standing with an apologetic smile on his lips. “I have too many vouchers, and I can’t use them all alone. Besides, they will all be expired today. So
“So what?” You blinked your eyes and shook his hand off of your wrist, still abashed by the earlier incident.
“So, um, would you like to join me?” Kiba’s voice was a muffle—and it was a rare occasion for someone as loud as him to be speaking with an almost inaudible volume.
You stared at him again before bursting out, laughing. This time, it was him whose cheeks tinted red. Patting him on the shoulder, you piped, “You could’ve said it earlier, baka. Hinata and Shino could’ve come, too.”
Kiba could feel smoke rising out of his head at your remark. Having to decide that he was no longer going to keep up with how dense you were being at the moment, the Inuzuka did not wait for your consent before yanking you in the direction of the restaurant. Fortunately, you complied due to the salivating vouchers he waved at you earlier—at least you tried to convince yourself that it was because of those vouchers.
For a moment, you thought your eyes were fooling you. “Are you insane, Kiba?” You glanced at him and back at the eligibilities for the vouchers to be applicable on a board that they hung in front of the place. “It literally says that we need to be a couple.”
“I thought you already saw the descriptions.” He casually shrugged and looked away.
“That’s what you thought.” You smacked your lips in doubts, “So how are we going to get in?”
“Hold my hand and pretend that we’re a couple.” He instructed and intertwined his fingers with yours, leaving a tingling sensation on your appendages. You immediately tensed up from the interaction and were about to give him an earful, but Kiba huffed. “Just treat it as an undercover mission with me as your partner, Y/N.”
“I would do just fine if you’re anyone else—”
Kiba felt insulted. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It’s weird.” You choked, retracted your hand from his warmth, and shoved it inside the pocket of your jacket. Your voice grew quieter as you spoke, “Because, with you, it doesn’t feel like an undercover mission. I don’t want it to b-be one.”
After a long silence that made you want to disappear into the thin air, he responded. Kiba could not look into your eyes—for he was too embarrassed to do so—when he reached into your pocket and pulled out your hand again, this time, shoving both of your hands into his pocket. “Is it weird if I say I feel the same?”
You felt as if the cat just got your tongue, and you stared at him in bewilderment. In response to your perplexion, he gently smiled and led your way into the busy restaurant. You guessed this winter wouldn’t be like any other ones because your hands no longer needed the artificial warmth of those gloves, and your heart finally found its lasting glow.
Taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @darling-imobsessed @animepickle7 @simping-master-69 @tirzamisu @rinnegankakashi @the-tiniest-one @greenshirtimagines @adeards @chloe-secret @rory-cakes @byyalady @icedemon1314 @melovehiddlestan@sharingangirl
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nic-214 · 3 years
george harrison x reader angst? đŸ„ș
Oh my God! Hi sunshine! Thank you for the request love! Sorry it isn't that long I have some work to do but here it is. Sorry that it isn't that good. Never really wrote angst before 😅
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Y/N pulls into the driveway. It was a nice day out for once and they were happy about that. They park the car in the driveway and unlock the trunk grabbing groceries for their party. They were making their famous dip and only them could make it.
Their husband George tried to make it once and nearly burned the kitchen down so it was left to Y/N. Speaking of George, Y/N came home early to surprise their darling husband.
Y/N walks through the door carrying in groceries for their birthday today. They frown, realizing the door was unlocked and an extra pair of shoes was at the door..They furrow their eyebrows together, "Georgie?" Y/N calls out.
There was no answer only the faint soinds of a door closing, worried filled through them. This wasnt like George at all. They call out again, setting the bags on the table, "George!"
They kick their shoes off and go down the hall calling out to their husband and getting no answer still. Did he take a nap or something? What is it?
They do a slight jog down the hall and into.the master bedroom. Where George looks at their spouse like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
"Babe! You're uh," he paused, chewing his lip, "...home early."
Y/N's eyes look around the room, the pile of unfamiliar clothes on the bed. They felt their chest puff up, their faces turning to anger, "Y-You cheated on me? And on my birthday too!"
George raises his hands up in mock defense, "Babe no! It isn't what it looks like!"
"That's what they all say!" Y/N shouts tossing their hands up, "I'm leaving!" They announced as their husband stammers and sputters.
They go to leave then stomp back in, "I need my coat!"
George grabs onto their waist as they reach for the closet doors, "Let go!" They shout slapping his hands away, "What you got something in there? Is it your side bitch?"
They rip open the doors and John Lennon dressed as a clown tumbles out at their feet. Y/N gasps and looks at George. George rubs his neck,
"You said you never had a birthday party as a kid. So I'm giving you a kids dream party. Clowns, ponies, bouncy castles, shit tons of sweets you know dear the works but I've only got started since I had to beg John to dress up, " he chuckles, "I'm not cheating plus I'm not into clowns."
"Hey." John whined some, "I can be sexy."
"Only to Paul." George teased, "See Y/N nothing is going on."
Y/N tears up some and wraps their arms around George's neck, "Oh baby! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" George kisses Y/N sweetly and cups their face,
"I love you, Y/N."
"Love you too, Georgie."
George scoops them up nearly tossing them over his shoulder making Y/N squeal and laugh. George grins, "Now it's time to party
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