#I'm incomprehensible but I make myself laugh
kyofsonder · 5 months
I might be on Tumblr too much, and in the wrong capacity.
Not just because I'm straying from the original goals I had when making this blog (still working on fixing that), but also because I misread a poll and clicked the wrong option only to say out loud to myself, "Oh. Well. Why don't I just piss on the poor, then?" as a horribly roundabout way of mocking my own reading comprehension, implying that I can't count on myself to read things properly so I should just resign myself to always misreading them.
I even had the immediate urge to make a post about it, which is rare for me. What has this site done to me?
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lillsisamarshmallow · 4 months
Moving day! (17)
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Summary: Y/n spends the next week searching for a new house, and when she thinks luck has run out, something odd happens. Driving hybrids, polite agents, giant IKEA, being crushed by a falling mattress covered in plastic… who knew moving houses was so difficult.
Word count: 5.7k
Warnings: None! Let me know if I missed any!
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I sighed as I slowed the car down before the red light, taking a moment to rest my head in my hands, hoping to ease the stress that had been bubbling up inside me. It had been almost 2 weeks since we temporarily moved into Jisoo’s house, and we still weren't having any luck finding a new place. I was on my way back to the cafe from a viewing that I went to alone. That house definitely wouldn't work. I thought to myself, the photos were deceiving to what it actually was like, and the agent was really rude the whole time, rather than showing me around the house she kept taking photos in front of it, posing.
Rolling my eyes at how annoying the agent was, I grunted at the idea of another house being crossed out from the list. Let's just hope the next one is better. I tried to think positively about the next house as I started driving again. I was heading to the cafe to pick up Namjoon and Yoongi since it was their turn to come to one of the viewings and honestly this next house looked perfect, but I couldn't help the small voice in the back of my head that was whispering negative thoughts and making me doubt our chances with this house.
I pulled up in front of the cafe and made my way inside, I saw a few of our regulars and I gave them a welcoming smile as I made my way into the kitchen walking past Hobi and Jimin who were manning the register. I opened the door to see Jin and Yoongi cooking whilst Namjoon was taking drinks out from the cooler. I giggled as the sight of bright green caught my eye from the tape of the floor, the lines Namjoon and Taehyung weren't allowed to cross.
“Is it time?” Yoongi asked as he was the first to notice me. I nodded my head as I walked over and sat down on a stool while I waited for them to get ready to go. I watched as Yoongi untied his apron and lifted it over his head, making sure not to get it caught on his ears. He folded the apron neatly before telling Jin when to take the food out of the oven, to which the older man nodded. “How was the house you just saw?”
“Not great if I'm being honest.” I sighed before jumping off the small stool, I walked over to the plate of freshly baked almond croissants, I haven't eaten yet today, and I was starving. “It would have never worked, and I didn't like the agent lady.”
I heard Yoongi hum at my response from behind me. I quickly reached out and grabbed one of the delicious-looking croissants and stuffed one end into my mouth. I turned around and asked them if they were ready to go, but what was supposed to be a question came out as an incomprehensible mumble due to the pastry that was blocking my words. I watched as Yoongi gave me a gummy smile as he laughed and nodded his head, Namjoon walked over to us too with a smile on his face.
We walked through the cafe and out the front, saying goodbye to the others on our way past them. As we made our way outside Yoongi gestured for me to throw him the keys, which I gladly did. I was happy to take a break from driving. We all got strapped in the car and I gave Yoongi the directions and we set off to the next viewing.
I happily munched on my late lunch as I watched yoongi drive. I liked watching him drive, I couldn't explain why, but I couldn't drag my eyes away. I noticed that I had been caught by how he started smiling and glanced away from me and out his window. I blushed as I readjusted myself to sit up straight and look out my window. Large trees lined the road, the canopy almost fully covering over us, just allowing small patches of light to seep through the branches and their leaves.
The area looked serene and quiet, occasionally we’d pass a small turn, but our map said to keep going.
“The next left.” I said to yoongi as I looked at the GPS map on my phone that I had punched the address of the house into. Reaching the right turn we made our way down the very long, skinny driveway until the trees pulled back and opened into a field, and in the centre was a rather large wooden house, it had small garden beds in the front of the porch, but they had no plants in them, indicating that the place had been vacant for a while.
“Woah.” I whispered as the full house came into view, my mouth opened in shock, it looked amazing, better than the photos, it had 3 levels, the top being more of a covered seating area, it had a full wrap around porch outside and multiple stairs to get up to it.
The gravel crushed under the car wheels as Yoongi pulled off to the side to park the car. The 3 of us made our way over to the front of the house where there was an agent waiting with the keys and another handful of people who were also interested in the house.
The lady welcomed us all before unlocking the doors, allowing us to roam around on our own. The bottom level had the living room, laundry, kitchen, all the basic things and the second level had all the bedrooms. The kitchen was gorgeous, and I couldn't help but think of how much Jin would love it. There were two large common areas downstairs too.
My mouth was open for most of our self-guided tour, everything was so amazing and checked all of our boxes. I bounced around on the balls of my feet as I couldn't contain my excitement, Namjoon and Yoongi followed behind me. I could hear them chuckling at me and mumbling to each other, trying to remember everything so they could tell the others when we got back.
Making our way upstairs to the bedrooms the first one we walked into was the largest according to the map on the website.
“This would be your room.” I said to both of them we had a quick look around, it could definitely fit a large enough bed for them all. The next 3 rooms were all the same size, the ones that I had suggested would be used so the boys could have their own areas for hobbies and such. The last room was at the end of the hallway, and it was away from the others for a bit. We walked in and had a look around, it was the only room with its own bathroom. It wasn't as big as the first room, but it was bigger than the other 3. “And this would be my room.”
We kept looking around and everything seemed perfect. The backyard was large and even included a section of the woods surrounding the house. It had more garden beds on the side, presumably for veggies and similar things. I let the boys go and have their own look around while I leaned on the railing of the porch.
“This house is beautiful, right?” I looked to my side to see the agent lady lean down beside me, I smiled at her and relaxed in the informal atmosphere that she brought with her. She had long brown hair that was tied in a loose but professional bun at the back of her head, she looked over to me, her eyes were brown, and she wore pink lipstick. She was really pretty and oddly familiar. “My name’s Irene by the way.”
I stuck my hand out to shake hers as she introduced herself to me. “Hi, I’m Y/n.” I saw her eyes widen slightly at my introduction.
I nodded, I smiled as I looked back out into the yard. “It’s a very beautiful house, everything we were looking for actually.”
“Oh? Have you been looking for long?” She asked curiously.
“Just over a week, but we haven't had any luck yet.” I explained to her as I sat up to face her politely. “We’re staying with a friend for now, but we really need to find somewhere.”
She hummed at what I said before speaking. “Is it just the 3 of you?”
“Uhh- no. There’s 5 more of us. Hence why we need a big house.” I chuckled. We kept talking for a bit as we sat down on one of the seats, a few other people came up to her to ask some questions and a few people let her know that they weren't interested and headed out, but she didn't seem to mind.
Eventually the boys came back to me, and we were the last group to leave the house. I watched as Irene locked up and made her way down the stairs to stand near us. “Did you like the house?” She asked politely.
“Yep, it checked all of our boxes, I can't wait to tell the others about it.” I exclaimed as we began walking back to the cars.
“That's great! Well, I'll be sure to keep a look out for your application.” She grinned before winking my way, I still couldn't shake why she looked so familiar, she's probably just in a lot of ads or something.  I nodded my head and laughed as we went our separate ways. The whole ride back to the cafe was just us discussing the house, what we liked, what we didn’t, whether or not the others would've liked it and if I should make an offer for it. 
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I was laying on the couch, my head propped up on Hoseok’s lap as Taehyung laid on my stomach with his body between my legs. We were all watching a movie in the living room. I don't remember what it was called, but I was constantly confused by how many things went unexplained. I moved my hands up to rest over my chest, the fabric being loose meant that I didn't have to worry about being tangled up in it. It was Seokjin’s jumper, or at least I think it was, I don't remember. The boys kept giving me their jumpers and jackets. I wasn't sure why, but I wasn't going to complain since they kept me warmer than my own jumpers and it reminded me of them.
The jumper was big on me which meant that I could snuggle my face into it, the scent of vanilla and cherry had ingrained itself into my nose as I breathed around the oversized jumper. I could barely keep my eyes open as I kept skipping bits of the movie accidentally. The main character was annoying and so was his love interest, but the others seemed to enjoy it. 
I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket on the jumper under Taehyung's head. He lifted his head up slightly so I could reach into my pocket and grab the device. I mumbled a quiet ‘thanks’ before raising the phone up to my face. The light shone into my eyes making me squint, but after a few seconds they adjusted and I was able to see, as I read my top notification my eyes widened at what it was.
I gasped loudly as I sat up straight, I stared down at my phone rereading the notification, I heard a grunt as I realised that I had disturbed the big cat hybrid, he shuffled down more, his feet kicking into Yoongi as he moved his head to rest on my thigh instead. “Sorry.” I mumbled quietly as I reached one hand to pet his ears and play with his hair. I smiled at him before moving my gaze back to my phone.
I opened up my email app so I could properly read the whole thing, my face lit up as I kept reading until the end. “Guys, I got the house.” I exclaimed as I quickly reread the email from the company again making sure I hadn't misread it.
“What? No way. It's only been a day.” Hobi said from behind me, to which I passed him the phone so he could also read the email. “You got the house?”
“We got the house!” I cheered as everyone joined in excitedly. “Irene must have said something.”
“Wouldn't that be weird, you only met her that day, right?” Namjoon asked from across the room. I thought about what he said. He was right, I had only met Irene that day and we didn't know each other that well, why would she do this? I wondered in my head, it wasn't like we knew each other or anything, just our conversation while we were at that house.
“Maybe she thought I was pretty?” I half joked with the boys, I was genuinely clueless as to why she might have put in a good word, maybe she didn't, maybe we were just lucky. The boys laughed at my statement as we all sat in the living room practically bouncing with excitement. Everyone was so happy that we were able to find a place and it made my heart swell as I watched them all talk about it, knowing that I had done well. 
We discussed when to start packing up and when we would get everything moved in, we drew up another small basic map of the house and the boys started deciding who would share which rooms, some decisions were left up to a game of scissors, paper, rock, there was a lot of yelling.
Eventually, after deciding who was sharing which room, we all decided to think of a collective theme for the main area of the house and what types of furniture we would need. The house came with a few pieces of furniture, but we would have to buy a lot of our own and since Jisoo didn't have any room, I had to get rid of my old furniture. Which meant a trip to a furniture store to get everything.
I looked up at the big neon sign that was now slightly distorted from how close I was underneath it. The small trees and bushes outside were a vibrant shade of yellow and orange, which unfortunately did not match the building too well, but that didn't matter. The cold wind was strong today, and I tried to dig my hands further into my pockets to stop the cold from freezing them solid.
We all quickly made our way inside the giant store to get out of the cold weather, it wasn't even winter yet. I grumbled at how much I hated the cold weather, before remembering how beautiful it can be at the same time. The ground is covered in a white layer of soft snow, icicles hanging from trees, and intricate little snowflakes landing on your nose. I loved winter.
I was grateful when we got inside to realise that the store did crank their air conditioning all the way up like some places did. I sighed and took my hand out of the pocket of my puffy jacket that was laid on top of a jumper that was not mine, I rubbed my hands together quickly before taking a few steps further into the store. It was quiet and empty, not a lot of customers, not a lot of employees, the background music was low, and I could hear the rustle of leaves against some of the windows.
I saw an employee make his way over to us and ask his typical questions, but I let him know that I had it covered and then he went back to his seat behind the weirdly tall counter.
“Okay, game plan.” I said, turning around to face the troops and clapping my hands together. “What’s the game plan?”
“We should split up.”
“But what if we all choose different things? I’ve got the list.”
“Well, how about we stick together until we get most of the stuff, then we can split up and get the rest of it?” Jimin suggested. It was a reasonable idea, and for that reason, we chose to ignore it.
Everyone had ended up splitting and spreading out around the store, Namjoon had the list, and both me and Yoongi knew most of it off the top of our heads since we were the ones who made said list. I had gravitated over towards the bedroom section where I began to choose a bed from myself before someone walked around the corner.
“Oh? Hey, Y/n.” Taehyung said nonchalantly as he walked around the corner with Jungkook hot on his tail, I smiled at the 2 as I walked a few feet over to them. “Are you looking for a bed too?”
I nodded back at him as I spoke about one that had caught my eye earlier, but I wasn't dead set on anything. We continued to wander around for a bit, they both seemed to know what they were looking for, so I just tagged along behind them. Eventually we came to a wall and sat down in the corner of the room. It was the largest bed I'd ever seen, it would've fit at least 7 people, maybe even 9.
I watched as Taehyung and Jungkook raced for the bed before jumping onto it and laying down. I laughed at them as I ran to join them, the bed was soft and plush, and I basically sunk into it. I gasped at how great of a bed it was before I sat up onto my knees, making sure not to put my shoes on the display bed. 
“This bed is humongous!” And it’s so soft too.” I exclaimed before flopping to the centre on my stomach, I could have fallen asleep right then and there. “I didn't even know they made beds this big.”
“They used to have a few of these back at the shelter.” Taehyung just so casually said before he rolled off the bed. Shelter? I thought to myself.
“The shelter?” I asked whilst trying to haul myself up off the almost too soft bed.
“Uhh-yeah. The one that me and Jungkook were at.” Taehyung spoke, almost like he was trying to correct a mistake. I didn't want to push as I noticed the 2 men become quieter, so I put the thought and my questions aside and walked over to the sign with the information for the bed. I scribbled the exact name down before leading the boys back to the normal beds so I could choose one.
“It’s perfect!” I exclaimed as I got off the 27th bed I'd tried. It had a white bed head that had small shelves in it, and intricate designs, the base had underneath storage and the mattress was amazing. “Welp, that’s the beds checked off the list, where to next?”
Eventually we found ourselves in the living room area of the shop, where we quickly ran into Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok, eliminating the couches they had already looked at, and we started walking down the isles searching. The boys made a point to try every single couch we passed and put on posh accents whilst they spoke about each couch. Yoongi and I stood to the side as we watched them play, discussing the different couches we saw and laughing at the others.
Soon enough we found the perfect couch, there were enough seats for everyone plus some, it was crazy comfortable and was a dark grey in colour. After adding it on to the list we figured, no, we hoped that Namjoon and Jin would have the other major items covered.
Safe to say that our shopping trip went smoothly, for the most part. Hobi got lost in the bookshelves, Namjoon broke a display lamp, Taehyung and Jungkook almost got us kicked out, and when we left, we accidentally picked up a random stranger thinking it was Yoongi, who was sleeping in the beds. We didn't realise until we were leaving the parking lot.
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Today was going to be long… and stressful. I thought to myself as I looked back at the full car from the rearview mirror, but I couldn't help the smile on my face. The keys jingled in my hand as I looked down at them, a few plain silver keys. I made a mental note to get a few more sets cut for the boys and to buy us all different keychains, I grinned as I thought of some ideas.
I hesitated before twisting the key in the door, but finally it was unlocked, and I pushed the door open and walked into our new home. It had an old wood smell to it, it was comforting, but I couldn't wait until it smelled like home. We didn't have much time to gawk at the house as pretty soon the furniture trucks showed up and the workers started unloading things and we all had to move them to the right areas.
“Oh! That one goes over there!” I yelled out whilst pointing over to the kitchen, the worker nodded and started moving the box that way whilst I held back onto the large mattress in front of me and began pushing it again. The mattress was heavy, but I was able to make it to the foot of the stairs. I sighed out annoyed before a light shone down for the heavens, my saviour.
“Here Y/n.” Hobi said as he reached for the other end of the rectangle, I thanked him and smiled up the stairs towards him. With our teamwork we were able to get the mattress onto the stairs, he pulled, and I pushed as we worked our way up. We were about halfway up before disaster struck.
“Y/n?” I heard Namjoon call out from somewhere below me. I turned towards him and hummed out, hoping he would find me from my sound. “Oh, there you are.”
Namjoon smiled at me, his dimples showing which completely pulled my guard down. He gestured towards something that he was holding, like he wanted me to take a look. I walked down the stairs, completely forgetting about Hobi and the big mattress that was still halfway up the stairs. 
I looked down at what he was holding as we both questioned the weird item that he had found, it was some statue. A chicken statue. The chicken looked like it was originally white, but it had years of dirt caked onto it, it had a brown, copper base with different carvings on it. It was a weird little thing, but it was also kind of cute. Absorbed by the small statue, I didn't hear Hoseok’s cries for help.
“Y/n? Y/n? Hello?”
I heard the banging as I turned back towards the stairs. I didn't have time to react as the mattress came tumbling down the stairs and towards me. It knocked me out, taking me down with it, just barely missing Namjoon who had stood next to me. Now he stood, confused, as he looked down at the mattress that laid flat on the floor, with me underneath it.
I grunted out as the light came back into my vision and I could breathe without inhaling the weird smell of plastic. I let my lungs fill with the fresh cool air as I tried to sit up, feeling two hands pushing my back and helping me. I could see the panic on their faces as they both looked down at me from their crouched positions next to me.
I laughed out as I shuffled slightly so I could sit more comfortably, I crossed my legs and held a hand to my chest as I caught my breath. I assured them both that I was okay, but when I went to pick the bed up again, they beat me to it. They both moved the bed upstairs and into my new room with me guiding them.
“We can just put it here for now.” I pointed over at the wall adjacent to my bathroom. “I haven't exactly decided how I’m going to set it up yet.”
I spent a few more seconds glazing around the room as I thought of different ways to decorate and move my furniture to fit the space, but I quickly dismissed the thoughts as we all headed back downstairs to help the others with the last of our boxes.
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I flopped back onto our new couch, which was slightly harder than I'd like, but it was brand new. I sighed out loud as I lifted an arm over my head, resting my forearm across my forehead as I looked up. I felt the couch shift and dip slightly several more times, accompanied by several signs that fell in time.
“Who knew we'd need so many chairs.” I heard Taehyung whining from somewhere on the couch. I sat up and laughed slightly as I shook my head. I had a bit of a headache from all the pushing and pulling, my arms and legs felt like jelly, and my stomach felt as though it had been carved out with a spoon, but it was worth it.
I looked around me, the living room and kitchen were the only places that had been completely unpacked and decorated, most of the other rooms were still a bit bare and had brown cardboard boxes littered in them. The coffee table that sat in the middle had a small vase on it with some fresh flowers I made sure to pick up this morning, and it had a stack of coasters next to it and a small trinket dish.
This was the larger of the two open areas and so we decided to buy a tv for this room, I looked over to my left. The large black screen stood out against the wood texture of the walls. There were 2 large plants positioned either side of it, another trinket dish sat in front of it, underneath it was filled with a few movies and games along with organised cables and docks.
I smiled as I looked at the room that we had come together to create, I looked at the boys as they all took up different places on the couch, I couldn't help the smiling that spread of my face, or the burning that started as a spark in my heart before spreading to the rest of my chest. It hurt, but I could tell it was a good thing and so I embraced it as I sat and watched the boys. My boys
“Do you think we could plant flowers out the back?” Namjoon asked while looking over to me, I nodded my head before responding.
“Yeah! Flowers and maybe some vegetables too. We could set up an outside area too, with tables and chairs.” I exclaimed excitedly. We all continued to discuss random things about the house and what we could do with it, the boys even played a game of scissors, paper, rock to see who would share rooms.
The doorbell ringing was a pleasant distraction from our conversation, we all knew exactly what it was. We all got up and while me and Jimin headed to the door the others headed into the kitchen. I opened the door and smiled kindly at the delivery boy. I thanked him as I took the bags of food from him and handed a few over to Jimin to carry.
When we both got back to the lounge room the others had already bought us our own cutlery and bowls to eat from. The bags seemed to instantly get torn apart as I put them on the table. Within seconds I could hear the sounds of plastic lids being popped off containers and chattering as I took my seat between Jimin and Jin. The surface of the coffee table was now full of different takeaway containers that had various foods in them, my mouth watered at how good some of it looked.
“Let's dig in.”
I picked up some japchae and moved it over to my bowl, but before it fell down another pair of chopsticks stole it from me. I looked up to spot Jungkook grinning cheekily at me as he plopped my japchae into his bowl, I pouted at him and turned the other way, pulling the takeaway container closer to me to hopefully stop any future attacks on my food.
Finally, I was safely able to transport the food into my own bowl, I put the container back down before shuffling back into the couch and crossing my legs as I dug into the food. It was great, not too strong, a perfect balance of vegetables and noodles, I hummed out in joy, and I kept enjoying my food.
My attention was drawn away and a pair of chopsticks floated in front of me, dark, sticky noodles wrapped around them. I followed them over to Jin who looked at me kindly. He gestured for me to open my mouth, so I quickly swallowed the food in my mouth before opening it. Jin pushed the noodles into my mouth and I closed it so he could take the chopsticks out, I chewed for a bit before my face lit up as I faced him and nodded my head fastly, not being able to speak, I gave him a thumbs up and watched as he giggled lightly while looking at my full cheeks.
I finished my noodles and hesitantly looked over to Jin's bowl, I looked back up at him and he gave me an approving smile and I quickly dug my utensils into his bowl and took out some more of the noodles with the dark sauce on them. I chewed on them happily and I sat up straight and looked around. I was swaying side to side lightly in my position, a side affected by good food.
Jimin leaned over to me and pinched some of the food from my bowl, I looked over to him and he chewed on it, his cheeks puffed out full of the food and his lips pursed tightly as he chewed. He seemed to be thinking about the food before he swallowed and gave me a bright smile, his eyes creasing until I could no longer see them.
I took that as him enjoying the food and I smiled back at him before I looked in his bowl, he had some kimchi in his. I looked across from us on the other couch, Hobi and Yoongi sat close to each other, Hobi had his legs on the couch, perched up near his chest. They seemed deep in conversation and passed the food between each other, sharing. I smiled at the both of them as I looked over to the two youngest pack members and Namjoon, who were all watching the tv intensely, completely focused on what every movie they had out of.
Jungkook sat in the middle, him and Namjoon eating from the same bowl that seemed to have more noodles in it, Taehyung had his own bowl with various foods in it, but no kimchi. I unfortunately wasn't able to order a less spicy one for him and myself, but that was fine because we had a lot of other options.
Jin put another mouthful of noodles in front of me which I gladly accepted as I smiled happily, still slightly swaying side to side, but the boys didn't seem to mind it. The night continued on as we all sat together in the lounge while we ate our first dinner in our new house. At some point I had given up on getting my own food as Jin seemed pretty content with giving me food from his bowl, and honestly, I didn't mind.
The sky became deep dark with small specks of sparkling stars, silent except for the rustle of leaves and the happy chirping of the crickets, the sky was clear, and the air felt fresh. I said goodnight to the boys as I retired into my own room, I looked around the empty box. I hadn't finished unpacking, my mattress was laid on the floor with a few blankets and pillows and a small lamp beside it.
The covers felt foreign to my skin as I pushed my bare legs under them, the bottom of my shorts riding up ever so slightly. I punched the pillows until it was soft enough and I laid my head to rest on top of it. I nuzzled further into it and wriggled my body trying to get used to it. I reached out and shut off the small lamp, enclosing the room in a blanket of darkness with only the low glow of the moonshine peering through the curtainless windows.
I sighed out as I tried to put my mind to rest, I tried counting sheep, mathematical equations, making up silly stories, but I couldn't bring myself to sleep despite the tiredness that embedded itself into my bones. I opened my eyes again and grounded as I turned the small lamp on again, a warm glow now accompanying the moonlight. I sat up before flopping back down again, moving my position slightly so I was now laying on my back. I started up at the empty ceiling.
I looked side to side as I wondered why I couldn't sleep. A weird feeling had entered my chest since I came in here and it felt heavy. Emptiness. The room felt empty, a large room with nothing to fill it, loneliness. It wasn't a feeling that I was fond of, it was the type of feeling that would haunt me at night and allow my greatest fears to invade my mind and destroy me.
And for that reason, I had to get up.
I sat up abruptly and with a bounce in my step I hopped over to my door and switched the light switch before turning around to face my room. I had all my boxes labelled and separated into different groups in different areas of my room. I thought this feeling was coming from my unusually empty room, so I started to unpack my things. I popped in my earphones before I got started, pressing play on my playlist.
First, I put together my bed frame. I must have moved it 13 times before deciding on a location. I covered it in my sheets and blankets and topped it off with my pillows in a fancy way. I unboxed all of my clothes and started organising them into my closet. Next was the bathroom, shampoo, conditioner, towels, soap, everything I needed. Then came my desk, my drawers, a few posters, a carpet, I hung up some cute fairy lights too, accompanied by some fake vines and flowers, and a few real plants around the room too. Until eventually I had spent the early morning unpacking. The sun shining into my room made it look beautiful, but I was too tired to realise.
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A/n: New chapter! A little late (I’m posting this as I eat my sushi 🍣) but I hope it’s worth it. The furniture store is suppposed to be an IKEA, but like, I’ve never been to one so idk what they are like. Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well, thank you all so much for 800 followers! (Wtaf??? 😭 ilysm !! 🫶💜). It’s kinda weird how quickly Y/n and the boys got their house, right?
Wonder why that is… 🤔
Oh well! 🤭 Hope everyone has a great day or night, and a lovely weekend! Thank you all so much for reading! 💜💜💜
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vibebeast · 2 months
You know what I'm so sick of? Every single day on and offline I'm always hearing about women this, men that. Literally what about everyone else? I can't relate to any of this "women and men are all like this or that" shit. I've never been able to squeeze myself into either box. What becomes of people like me? I don't exist according to the general public, who doesn't acknowledge the existence of nonbinary people at all. I am merely a strange woman to onlookers, despite my attempts at masculinity.
I go clothes shopping, the store is divided into Men and Women. I go to a hairdresser, they charge by presumed gender. I go to work, and must use the women's bathroom and lockeroom as I've been assigned as there is no unisex bathroom or lockeroom. I must constantly deal with my coworkers trying to put me in their boxes: "oh, nice job cleaning that you'd make a great wife"; "wow there are only women working here today" or "when are you having kids/getting married" or "wow men sure are inept and can't multitask".
Even within the queer community I feel isolated. It is still very much women this, men that. I struggle to find others with my experiences, the closest I can get being the transmasculine community, which still very much focuses on binary manhood.
Every single day I have to deal with the fact that men and women are separated from one another still. That you do have to be a certain way to be perceived as a woman or a man, and that there is no way to be seen as nonbinary. That if I came out publicly I'd be taken as a laughing stock because, of course, there are only men and women and I must pick which one to fully align myself to. If i were to truly be myself, a manly nonbinary person, I'd be made incomprehensible to the public of men and women.
I'm so, so tired of gender.
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ambers-archive · 10 months
Gold Rush
In which Spencer Reid believes meeting you could only be explained by something bigger under the works. pairing: spencer reid x fem!eader
From the moment he met you Spencer just knew. He was suddenly overcome with a deep certainty that transcended his skepticism about love at first sight. For him, it was more than just a fleeting moment; it was an incandescent passionate resonance that developed when he first saw you. Dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin can only explain so much of his feelings. 
He can't sleep on plane ride, looking at the sunset as the clouds fold onto each other he finds himself reminiscing about you. 
There was much said, yet so much unsaid. 
"Do you believe in fate?" you had asked, looking up at him. 
Just breathing and staring into each other's eyes, you two were curled up together in bed. Spencer likes making eye contact with you, even though he's never been good at it. Furthermore, he doesn't even enjoy shaking hands, so he's not sure how on earth he's managed to intertwine himself with you.
Spencer chuckled skeptically, "Fate? I'm inclined to attribute this meeting to statistical probability and our friends' matchmaking skills." 
You smiled back at him, his skepticism didn't seem to bother you, instead you seemed to intertwine your emotions so easily with your beliefs. 
He studies you and realizes you don't mind your different perspectives. "People just need something to anchor them Doctor Reid."
He's come to the realization that he needed more of what you called him, Doctor Reid.
You continue, "Since there is so much evil in the world, I find myself wanting to cling to something greater. I'm sure you see a lot of incomprehensible things."  
He pauses for a second then says
"Randomness exists because it is impossible to foresee anything with 100% accuracy, at least not in the way we see the world. Yes, although there is randomness at the level of human cognition. I don't think there is any kind of "mover" or "fate." Have you heard of the theory absurdism? It's the idea held by philosophers that there is no purpose or reason in the universe. It claims that people go into conflict with the outside world when they search for significance."
You smile at him again, the same shy smile that has been making Spencer weak all day. 
“I get what you mean, but I like to believe that the universe has a purpose for me. It's as though every moment unfolds with meaning. But, recently, I've found that it’s boring to attribute everything to fate. There's a certain beauty in meeting someone and deliberately choosing them with all your intention."
This time Spencer smiles back at you, it doesn't miss him that you don't interrupt his ramblings. You're so easy to talk to he thinks. He can just get lost in your conversations. 
He pushes a piece of hair out of your face “Would you say our meeting was fate?"
You paused for a second. 
Spencer can't seem to read you as much, but he can infer that you didn't know, he smiles to himself as you're the one speechless this time.  
Spencer likes to think the universe is devoid of meaning he doesn't give much thought to the meaning behind things, but after meeting you he finds himself questioning things. 
Despite the strangeness you feel familiar to him, and your perfume still lingers in his car on the way home. He's racking his brain trying to remember what your laugh sounds like.
He likes to be in the present, but with you, you linger like a tattoo kiss. He closes his eyes and there you are again with your smile. 
The lines between fate and reason began to melt in his head, as there are very few moments he's found himself dumbfounded by the nature of things.
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inktrailing · 2 months
A planetar with a lot of angry things to say / Twitch 03:02:10
this is a long one but I wanted to do this part okay ... also I have an empty brain right now and transcribing is mindless work for me but I think I'm done now
The Raven Queen: "Who sent you?"
Garathran: "I come under my own power. Those that command me tossed aside their scepter of command, tossed aside their very ideals, values, that which they had sworn to do. I followed my commander here."
Corellon, the Arch Heart: "And who is your commander?"
Garathran: "My commander... is the solar Acastriel. I am Garathran. I am a planetar sworn to the service of the Celestial Heights."
Corellon, the Arch Heart: "So, why are you here?"
Garathran: (to Corellon) "Mortal form, I suppose generous in the body of a construct." (to the Raven Queen) "And I suppose that is not your first time wearing mortal form. After all, these rules and edicts are not for you, are they? And never were. What binds you that so binds us? What binds you?"
Corellon, the Arch Heart: "Oh dear. You're getting angry now."
Garathran: "I have been angry. One by one, quiet, the Calamity fading, this great destruction, Domunas gone. Marquet burned, Exandrians dead, us marching to war over and over and over again for those that cannot die and seem unwilling to kill each other."
Corellon, the Arch Heart: "Hmmm."
Garathran: "Cries of misery and destruction were not enough to stay your hands! What stayed the hands of the gods? What called truce between you and the--" (sputters)
And here, before he can even say 'Betrayers', you watch a Celestial, crafted to defeat the forces of evil, made be your hands to fight in holy war, who has been left for years without your guidance or instruction in a truce you called.
Garathran: "What did you think? What did you think would happen when word spread throughout the Celestial ranks? That we would wait for slaughter to commence again after the threat to you, and you alone, had been destroyed? I find you sickening."
And you see here that a little bit of fire moves around the edge of the planetar's eyes.
The Raven Queen: "You speak of things you don't understand, child."
Garathran: (scoffs) "I'm not a child. I'm a construct, only a real one."
Corellon, the Arch Heart: (laughs) "Come. Let me embrace you." The skin begins to almost thread its way towards his fingers as he begins pulling the fire and trying to almost take the anger out of the situation.
You reach out in an attempt to alleviate this. You see that Garathran steps back and says -
Garathran: "Don't take it!! It's mine! Please don't take it. You made us to be good. You made us to fight. It was supposed to be right. Sealing the Betrayers, putting them in the shadows again. I have slain devils for a century thinking it was right and then one day I'm told to sheath my sword.
"And Acastriel comes to us who wonder why and says, 'Do you know what they are doing? Do you know what they're doing? It's a war to us. To them, it is a squabble.' Why did you make us? Why did you make all of this? When you knew that you were hurting this world, why didn't you just leave?"
Corellon, the Arch Heart: "Look. I must say that you are caught in something that obviously is difficult. It's completely incomprehensible to you. I see your pain. I feel it. And you know, sometimes I even ask myself: why are we doing this? This fighting, constant bickering, it's endless. But sometimes, there's a beauty in not understanding. You just play by the rules, as one of my favorites would say. Ignorance can be bliss.
"Now hear me, and hear me very, very carefully. This threat, this thing that threatens us will soon threaten you, and there is no end. At least with us, there is some form of control. It's just the way things are. So please, humor us. What do you know of your time being here, of this thing that threatens the very existence of us?
"And I promise you, we will give you purpose back, for you are our children after all."
Garathran: "With deference to the hands that move creation, if you wanted to make us to serve the gods, you should not have made us good."
(Garathran reaches up and slits his own throat.) And the planetar falls to the ground, dead.
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ethanlvndry · 1 year
Yeah, I said it.
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Pairing:Chad Meeks-Martin X Black!Reader
Warnings:Spanking(barely), Dacryphilia, consensual picture taking, weed.
"Go in slow, but I want you to pipe it"
Chad preps my hole with his thick, long fingers. He laughs at my whines, and pleas for him to go faster.
"Hold on, baby, you're gonna hurt yourself"
His words keep me still for only 10 seconds before I'm pushing my hips back onto his fingers.
"Need it so bad! Please, Chad!"
He rolls his eyes before taking his fingers out of me. Leaving me clenching on nothing. I squint my eyes shut until I hear the sound of a belt buckle being unfastened. I turn my head slightly only for it to be forced back forward by a pair of hands.
"Eyes ahead, princess"
"Take it home on your camera phone"
As I'm on my way to my fifth orgasm from Chad's cock, I hear him rummaging for something on the dresser. I close my eyes and think nothing of it until I hear a sound camera shutter. I open my eyes to see Chad taking pictures of me in my fucked out haze. Not only fucked up from Chad, but the blunts we hit earlier.
He puts the camera closer to my face, and on closer inspection, I see how red I am. Not just my eyes, but my neck too. The love bites appear red, even through my melanated skin.
I try to steady my breath, but Chad catches on, and he wants to make this as difficult as possible for me.
"Dickin' you down real good, huh? Fucking stirring up those guts huh?"
His questions are answered with my screams of pleasure, vibrating through my walls, definitely notifying my dorm level about what's happening.
"So cockdrunk you can't even speak. Ya can't even comprehend what I'm saying to you.
I try to make something come out of my mouth, but all that comes but is drool, dripping out the sides of my my mouth and small incomprehensible babbles.
"You could be rough, boy, but you won't"
As Chad pulls out of me, I hear him laugh at my whines of discomfort. Despite that, I noticed a slight falter in his movements compared to his earlier rough ones.
He rolls me onto my stomach to fold me in half, just to fuck me back into a deep state of euphoria.
I cry, but not because it feels good. But because I love him. I love Chad so much, and I don't think he knows it. But he'll know, especially after I pay him back for how he's made me feel on our own time.
"Yeah, I said it."
Like I said, I'm paying Chad back for the way he's made me feel. Situating myself right between his legs, my head bobbing up and down on his long, and girthy cock. My hands cradling what couldn't fit down my throat. I felt myself wanting to cum just at his sounds. The state I was in, no doubt, giving him a reason to get hard again. Fluid all over my face, neck, and chest. A mixture of cum, saliva, and tears. My throat taking what I could to the best of my ability.
Gosh, I could never get tired of this.
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lostfirefly · 14 days
something bad happened to me today and as always, I write a sketch after it to cheer myself up)
*knock, knock*
"My love, can I come in?" Catherine knocked gently on Buggy's office door.
"Go away!!" He shouted from behind the door.
"What? Why?"
"I said go away, Catherine!"
She heard the sound of a bottle breaking.
"I'm not going anywhere! I'm coming in! You can throw whatever you want at me, I don't care." Catherine slowly opened the door and stuck her head in. "What happened, little bear?"
As Catherine entered the room, the scene before her eyes immediately filled her with a sense of dread and despair. Buggy was sitting on the couch, his body slumped and his gaze distant, a half-empty bottle of whiskey clutched tightly in his hand. The amber liquid sloshed around as his trembling fingers struggled to maintain their grip, a testament to the depths of his despair. But that was not all - on the floor, mere feet away, lay another shattered bottle, its contents spilled and seeping into the worn carpet.
"Cabaji said you were sitting here and didn't want to come out."
"Why, Catherine?" Buggy looked at her with eyes red from tears.
"Why what?" She narrowed her eyes in incomprehension.
"Why are you with me?" He took a sip. "There was a cute man sitting next to you on the show today. You looked good together, but for some reason you chose me!"
"Oh, my blue-haired love." Catherine locked the door, tiptoed to the couch and sat down next to him. "That's why you were upset."
"I'm not upset!" Buggy took a sip. "I'm not. I just don't understand why you chose me, who could theoretically get a stone thrown at me, over a normal man."
"Who would throw stones at you or any person?! You'd have to be a complete idiot to do that. And if anyone dares to do that, woe to them, because I'll rip out all their organs in a second!" Catherine gently placed her hand on Buggy's shoulder. "Who told you that you aren't normal? You are a million times better than any man, my love." She moved her hand to his back and started stroking it. "You're smart."
"Yeah, I'm stupid!" Buggy took a sip again.
"Nope!! Remember how you solved Amset's riddle?! You put together a constellation. How could a stupid person do that? And you won me from the gods."
"Big deal, yeah."
"A big one! What kind of man could do that? Only a brave and smart one. And you're handsome, even though you deny it. And you make me happy. Look!" Catherine pulled her phone out of her pocket. "I sent Jules this picture when you left for a mini-tour. Look how sad my eyes are." She scrolled to the next picture. "And this is when you came back. See? Look how happy my eyes are. And look how good we look together."
"Yeah. The princess. And a red-nosed freak who paints himself like a clown." Buggy gently pushed away her hand with the phone.
"So what? I like your makeup. Sure, it's hard to wash off afterwards, but it's like you leave an invisible mark on me. And you tell everyone." Catherine imitated his voice. "Hey you, a bunch of idiots! That's my woman! Fuck off!" She wrapped her arms around his neck. "And you take care of me. You bring me flowers and cookies. You cover me with a blanket when I fall asleep on the couch. And you make delicious coffee in the morning. And you make me laugh. And I love you. Just the way you are. With your mood swings, with your red nose, with your makeup. You are my heart, my soul, my everything, Buggy. You are my the most favorite clown in the whole word!!" She kissed him on the cheek. "If I knew that I would be so happy, believe me, I would have gone to look for my sister a couple of months earlier, to meet you earlier!"
"Cathie-pie..." Buggy exhaled and took her hand. "I.. Well..."
"I know, my love." Catherine pressed her forehead to his temple. "You know what? Let's go home. On the way, we'll stop by your favorite pastry shop and buy you some eclairs. And we'll stop by and buy you your favorite hot dog. What do you think?"
"Sounds like a fucking good plan." Buggy chuckled.
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chihoshisai · 6 months
♡ Perona's Diary ♡ ch1
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Goth Family (Perona, Zoro, Mihawk)
cw: found family, light-hearted, comedy, fluff, chaos / wc : 2,466K / Other : you are welcome to send requests for this fic ! It is also on ao3 if you prefer reading there I'm having quite some fun writing about these three and i hope you enjoy !
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Sober Bet
With dim candles lighting her room, Perona looked down at her journal. She sighed in annoyance, having finally written down the last events of a bet with no winner. A bet she started four days ago on a whim.  
That night at diner, Perona squinted her eyes towards Zoro. Ignoring his table manners, she instead took notice of the unreasonable amount of sake he was consuming. 
It was a regular occurrence during meals, and like many things Mihawk didn’t seem to mind – as his reserve of wine wasn’t a target – alcohol was cheap and quite easy to acquire, unlike his fine imported liquor. It was a normal dinner, really, except a thought crossed Perona’s mind. 
“How do you expect to train properly if you drink that much?” she raised an eyebrow towards Zoro. It had been a few days since the newly arrived housemate’s training began, yet he showed no sign of slowing down on alcohol. 
“That’s none of your business is it?” Zoro lowered his glass just enough to return an annoyed look. 
“Of course it is!” Perona slammed her fists on the table, owning her a look from Mihawk, and giving an apologetic one as an excuse. “If you get hurt because you’re hungover, I’m the one who’ll have to treat you!” Her tone dropped in anger. 
“Then you’re in luck, I never get drunk,” Zoro grinned before gulping the rest of his drink.
It irked Perona, “that’s what all alcoholics say,” she rolled her eyes, taking a bite of her food. “I’m sure you’re incapable of staying sober.” She shrugged. 
“Of course I can!” Zoro placed his glass on the table and stared defiantly at Perona, who sat across her. 
“Oh ?” She grinned back at him, “then let’s say a week. No drinks allowed. Not mixed with juice, or anything else for that matter.” 
“I would never mix my sake with juice!” Zoro said, baffled. It sounded like a blasphemy. 
“Urgh, I don’t care how you like your drinks,” Perona gritted her teeth, “do we have a deal or not?” She extended a hand across the table.
“Yeah,” Zoro promptly accepted the handshake, “you better leave me alone and not complain about my drinking after this.”  
“We’ll see,” she gave him a devilish smile, “in the eventuality you cheat I’ll hit you with my ghosts.” And as a way to further prove her point, she made one of her spirits run through his chest, leaving Zoro completely depressed.
“I’m sorry I can’t make myself more useful,” he whispered. Perona laughed gaudily at the sight, unaware of the second look from Mihawk she caused to come her way.
“Please do refrain from using your powers at the table,” he said in a calm tone.
“Jeez you’re no fun,” she gave him a pout. “You have to help me and make sure this guy doesn’t drink for a week.” 
“Well I guess I can do that much,” Mihawk directed his gaze towards the still sulking swordsman, who kept mumbling incomprehensible things. He grabbed his glass of wine, feeling somewhat bad for the guy, before bringing the tip to his lips. 
“This is gonna be so fun!” Perona said in a sing song high pitched voice. She knew exactly what she had to do.
After dinner, whilst Zoro and Mihawk busied themselves with the dishes, she quickly went unnoticed in the castle’s cellar and emptied it. Well not entirely. Leaving nothing but Mihawk’s wine, she made sure to not even accidentally brush the bottles, knowing damn well the warlord would notice. His wine was off limit. She did not want an earful. 
With discretion, she purposefully hid the bottles in her room. Like that, if Zoro was desperate enough, he’d have to manage to sneak his way in, only to be caught red handed. Perona laughed at the plan she devised, before having an inkling of the swordsman's thoughts and deciding to beat him at his own game.
That night, she stayed awake, carefully listening for any footsteps from the hallway. With faint candlelight illuminating her room, Perona kept herself busy with her Kumacy plush, fighting the urge to sleep, as the time neared 3 am. It wasn’t until then that she finally heard what she stayed awake for. Her prediction had proven correct. 
“Just you wait,” she promptly floated herself to the door and into the hall. Simpletons like him were so easy to predict. 
Without even trying to follow the figure, she knew the destination of the footsteps, as she flew lower and lower down the castle’s stairs to arrive near the cellar. With a grin, Perona kept herself hidden, until the moment Zoro would find his way here. Which in all consideration took a while. In fact, it took so long she began second guessing whether he wasn’t heading somewhere else – to do something like late night practice. But the thoughts got quickly interrupted by the sound of footsteps descending the stairway. She watched Zoro open the door without even bothering to check his surroundings.
“Look at you, so sure of yourself that no one is following” Perona whispered to herself, with a silent laugh. 
Zoro disappeared in the room and Perona waited until he exclaimed in surprise before appearing in the doorframe. 
“There’s no sake?!” Both of Zoro’s eyes and mouth grew. He turned around in alarm, the second he heard the voice behind him.
“That’s right,” Perona had her hands on her waist, visibly proud of herself, “I got rid of it.” 
“You what?” Zoro couldn’t believe what he just heard. 
“No need to thank me for making it easier for you, cheater.” She said that last word with a grave tone. 
“Cheater?” Zoro scoffed, “I was looking for the toilet.” He crossed his arms. 
“Give me a break! The toilet is right next to your room!” Perona pointed a finger at him, feet stomping. “I know you didn’t just end up here by mistake.” 
“Whatever, what have you done with the alcohol?” Zoro gave her an impatient look. Surely she wouldn’t be foolish enough to waste that huge amount of liquor just because of a bet.
“Hmph, it's up in my room,” Perona gave him a satisfied smile, “but I’m not giving it to you even if you beg.” She swiftly floated next to him and teasingly poked his arm. “But if you’re that desperate, you’re free to have a taste of Mihawk’s wine.” She laughed, pointing in the direction of the finely stored bottles.
A shiver ran down Zoro’s back. He too knew. Mihawk’s wine was off limits. He did not want an earful.
“I don’t like wine.” He could swear the bottles looked somewhat ominous. “It’s something fancy people like that Cook like to drink.” For a split second, a slight wave of longing crossed Zoro’s at the mention of one of his crew members. Quick on the uptake, Perona wasted no time to take notice of it, but paid it no mind. 
“Right, and you’re far too distasteful for that,” she teased. 
“Shut up,” Zoro groaned. 
Annoyed, she floated in front of him and planted her finger on his chest, “you’re the one who decided to come down here to steal booze despite making a bet of not drinking any for a week!” She hurled the words at Zoro.  
“All I wanted to do was take one last look–” he began, eyes darting away. 
“Don’t try to play dumb with me!” She pressed her finger against his chest harder. 
Zoro said nothing. It was too humiliating being caught red handed.
“Cheater,” Perona whispered. Seeing as he persisted in saying nothing, she flew to the side and pointed towards the door, “now, go on to sleep. I’ll walk you back”  
“Don’t treat me like some kid,” Zoro said, yet he still walked towards the door per her instruction. 
“Then don’t get lost like one!” She followed behind, still floating. 
Sure of himself, Zoro took the wrong turn as soon as they came up the stairs, resulting in Perona grabbing him by the collar. “I’m tired, so I’ll drag you all the way to your room.” Giving instructions to a pirate with no sense of direction required too much energy. 
“Woah, hey!” Zoro tried to swat her hand away.
“Just bear with it!” She gripped the back of his shirt tighter. “Unless you want me to hit you with my powers!” The usual two or three ghosts who kept her company, loomed over Zoro. 
He gulped, “alright fine.” And with much reluctance he let himself be led to his room. 
“Listen,” Perona stood in front of his door with a warning look, “I’ll turn a blind eye to tonight, but you better not try and drink anything, are we clear?” 
“I get it so just go to sleep already,” Zoro yawned. It wasn’t until she gave him a last look that she left, curls flowing at her back to get her well deserved sleep.
Day 1 — No attempts were made by Zoro whatsoever to try and infiltrate Perona’s room. Neither did he complain throughout meals about the lack of alcohol. His training was the same as ever too. The day went on as usual, leaving Perona to feel like a fool for safeguarding the liquor most of the day. 
Day 2 — Zoro’s normal behavior was probably due to how close his last drink was. At least that’s what Perona told herself, as she floated next to him for most of the day. He was now sober for 24h and yet showed no sign of withdrawal syndromes. Maybe he wasn’t an alcoholic after all. 
Day 3 — Zoro increased the time of his training, which didn’t trouble Mihawk, and still not a single complaint had escaped him. Perona had been waiting for the slightest opportunity to tease him, make his life harder and remind him of the bet he had taken. Yet as she looked at him training harder than the day before, she found her opinion of him getting slightly better. 
Day 4 —  Still nothing. If not for the increasing hours of training. It wasn’t until dinner time that Perona finally found a way to nag at him. 
“You’re staring,” she said matter of factly. Zoro had in fact been staring at Mihawk’s wine glass for a while now. His being filled with the usual tasteless water. He refused when offered juice, saying it would be no good for his body. As if alcohol wasn’t worse. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he turned his gaze back to his plate. Mihawk had raised his eye to look at the scene but remained silent. 
“You poor thing, don’t start wavering now.” She filled the room with her usual hollow laugh.
“Don’t pity me!” Zoro spit back.
Day 5 — Perona sat nearby, as she watched Zoro train for what seemed like the whole day. 
“Doesn’t he have nothing better to do?” she said to herself, “it's like all he does is train. And he’s so serious at it it’s not like I can bother him… or go see the other swordsman, as this one might try something.” She sighed, bored. These past days had truly been dull. 
Mihawk appeared from behind Perona, but she felt too lethargic to even glance in his direction. 
“You here to train him again?” She said emotionlessly. 
Mihawk took a few seconds to reply, “No.” 
“Mmh,” her voice trailed. She had no will to further encourage a conversation. The swing of Zoro’s sword in the wind along with his occasional grunts echoed through the silence. After a brief moment, in which Perona felt her eyelids become heavier, Mihawk made his way towards Zoro, and the latter instinctively stopped all movement. The surprising change of dynamic, grasped Perona’s attention, didn’t you just say you weren’t gonna train him, she thought to herself. 
Being close enough to earshot, Mihawk blandly said, “you’re training too much. That’ll do you more harm than good.”
“Even if I trained for a whole day it still wouldn’t be enough,” Zoro stubbornly replied. 
“Training for a whole day? That’s all you’ve been doing these past few days,” Perona complained, yawning from afar. 
“There is uneasiness in your swings,” Mihawk continued his speech, “All things considered you’ve done well so far.” 
“I don’t like the sound of that,” Zoro sheathed his swords, and looked at Mihawk with uncertainty. 
“But you can’t afford to slow your progress any more than this,” Mihawk gave him an astute look, before turning his back to Zoro, “Wait here, I’ll be back.” And without delay he made his way to the inside of the castle.
“What’s with him?” Zoro asked Perona.
“How should I know? Maybe you’re in trouble?” She shrugged. 
“I haven’t done anything that could make him mad.” Zoro wiped his forehead sweat with the back of his hand. “Not that I’ve ever seen him mad.” He added.
“Me neither.”
They exchanged a look. Has Mihawk ever been mad?
Almost as soon as he left, he returned with a bottle full of sake. Perona jumped to her feet. 
“Where did you get that?!” She exclaimed.
“Sorry, I went and entered your room without asking,” he simply stared at her dumbfounded expression, face still stoic before heading towards Zoro.
He knew. 
Of course he knew!
Perona went and grabbed the warlord's arm, “wait! Zoro’s not supposed to drink! It hasn’t been a week yet!” She tried to pull him away. “Don’t interfere!” 
“Even so, he needs it or his training will be further impacted.” Mihawk made no attempt to push Perona away. He simply continued walking, half dragging the ghost girl who started floating along the way. 
“What?” She frowned, “How are his training and alcohol related?” She refused to let go. 
“That’s the way he copes,” Mihawk simply said. 
Perona raised an eyebrow towards Zoro, “so that’s why you’ve been doing nothing but aimlessly swing your sword?”
“Or what? Was I supposed to walk into your room filled with those ghosts, get run over and make you have a good laugh out of it?” Zoro groaned.
So he knew about the ghosts she set as a trap. Perona’s eyes widened as she wondered when and how he had gotten a look at her room. 
“I’m not giving you a reason to make fun of me,” Zoro added.
“Hmph, if that’s how it is then I’ll find another way” She distanced herself from Mihawk who was finally close enough to give the drink to Zoro. 
“Thanks, for saving me from this woman’s stupid scheme.” He gave a light smirk towards the warlord who nodded in response. 
“It wasn’t stupid! In fact it proved that you’re nothing but a stupid alcoholic!” She fumed, her cutesy voice gone. 
“I already knew that a long time ago,” Zoro said, before drinking.  
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Chapter 2
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muzzzzle · 10 months
Buttons 🔞 Garreth Weasley x f!MC NSFW drabble
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Teasing 😈 Jealousy 😤 Smut 🥵 The AI art was generated and edited by the wonderful @medaris , my personal Jesus visuals sponsor ❤️‍🔥 About time I paid more attention to my second favourite guy in HL, hope you like it!
I can feel you watching.
In all our classes today, I sat at the opposite end of the room, and always next to the other boys. You stared at me incomprehensively at first, when at breakfast, ignoring you completely, I slumped down next to Prewett, laughing deliberately loudly at his stupid jokes. In Transfiguration, I sat next to Thakkar, batting my eyelashes and playing dumb, and asked him to explain some insanely obvious little thing to me, then marvelling at his incredible intelligence for a long, long time. Oh, Weasley, you should know how bloody hard it was to force myself not to look in your direction for an entire lesson. But it was worth it when, as I was packing up, I caught your gaze, wild and uncomprehending. Of course, what else could I expect, when just yesterday we'd been sitting cuddled together by the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room, our fingers intertwined. You walked me to my bedroom and pulled me in for a kiss, and this morning it was as if you didn't exist for me. 
You catch me by the elbow as I try to slip out of the classroom and disappear among the other students in the Transfiguration Courtyard.
“What's wrong?” Concerned, impatient tone. 
“What's that?” I flap my eyelashes naively again, with the pleasure of pure sadism spilling through my veins. No, I don't want to hurt you, sweetheart. Just tease you. I'm leaning in closer. “Is something wrong?”
Oh, that look on your face! I wish I had a camera to take a moving photograph. Your eyebrows are furrowed, your eyes are running, even your freckles seem to have darkened. 
“What the hell, why have you been avoiding me all day?” Oh, Mr. Weasley, that's a tone I've never heard you use before. 
“Oh, come on, sunshine," I barely restrain myself from patting your pouty cheeks. “I'll see you at Potions?”
And before you know it, I'm rushing towards Sharp's dungeon. My plan hasn't been put into action yet, not completely. I know exactly who could make you jealous.
“Is it taken?” I ask in a casual tone and walk over to the brewing station.
Sallow's eyebrow flicks up and he gives me a surprised look.
“No... Did you and Weasley have a fight or something?” He eyes me suspiciously as I pull out my Potions handbook.
“What makes you think that?” 
Sebastian barely has time to open his mouth before you're literally flying into the classroom, searching me out with your eyes and heading resolutely towards my and Sallow's station. Oh, I've never seen you so furious – I could feel your burning gaze on my neck. Just bear with me a little longer, sweetheart, just don't make a scene now!
“Mr. Weasley!” Sharp's voice came to the rescue. “The class has already started, you may be paired with Mr. Gaunt today!”
Oh, Professor, great timing! You press your lips together irritably and get behind the free station with Ominis, keeping your eyes on Sallow and me. 
Sharp is saying something about the properties of shrivelfigs, and I'm whispering with Sebastian, keeping my eyes on you. You're half-listening to the professor, trying to read the explanation for my behaviour in my eyes. Just a little longer.
Making sure all your attention is on me, I tuck my long lock of hair behind my ear and, tilting my head back a little and sliding my fingers casually around my neck as if by accident, pull the red tie down a little. Your frowning eyebrows straighten and creep upwards. Oh, Weasley, I know what levers to pull to get your attention. Even half a class away, I could unmistakably detect your noisy exhalation. Making you forget about Potions? I should be proud of myself. But we're not done yet, darling.
As if I am incredibly hot, I fan myself with my notes and slowly undo the top buttons of my shirt one at a time, exposing my neck and collarbones. You stare point-blank, not even trying to pretend you're paying attention to anything Sharp says. I tilt my head to the side and squint my eyes at your heaving chest and light blush on your cheeks. Come on, honey, read my signals. Maybe I'd be ashamed of my behaviour, but you know, for that hungry look in your eyes, I'd play this game every day. 
Still keeping my eyes on you, I bring the quill to my open mouth and casually run the tip of it along my lips and the contour of my chin to my exposed neck. You must be furious with me. 
Still playing with the quill, I tickle my parched lips with it. Sallow's nearby fiddling with chopping some ingredients and paying no attention to me. I touch his forearm and slowly slide my palm down his arm, seemingly casually holding my hand at his elbow to ask how many ounces of grinded asphodel root are we supposed to add. 
Oh, darling, it's so hard to stand even a few seconds without turning my eyes on you. You could probably boil a cauldron right now just by looking at it. No, I have to hold it, just for a few more minutes! Ah, screw it.
I pull away from Sebastian and stare at you defiantly across the classroom. 
“Bitch," you mouth with your lips only, and mine curl into a satisfied smile.
Your jaw is tense, your lips tightly pressed together. Your dark green eyes darken even more, especially when you look down at me like that. Merlin, I think I've trapped myself. There is still almost fifteen minutes to go before the class ends. 
Fourteen. Keep that feeling. Not to look. Not to look at you, no matter what. I can do it. I can do it, right?
Eleven. I don't even have to cover my eyes to imagine what you'd do to me for that. 
Nine. I hope Sharp won't read out homework for another ten minutes after the end of class.
Six. A clap, and the entire classroom fills with thick, purple smoke in an instant. It doesn't clog my lungs or make it hard to breathe, but I can't see anything further than the palm of my hand. 
“MR. WEASLEY!” Sharp's voice thundered.
You, emerging from the foggy smoke, grab my wrist and drag me resolutely out of the classroom to the general hum of incomprehension and the snarl of the Potions Master.
“MINUS HUNDRED POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!” That's the last thing we hear before we burst out of the smoke and turn to the nearest staircase leading to the Long Gallery.
You stride confidently and quickly ahead, literally dragging me by the arm like a guilty kitten by the scruff of the neck. Well, I can't argue with that, I'm definitely not the paragon of innocence today. Suddenly you stop at the entrance to the potions closet and push me inside, pressing my body against the door and lifting my arms above my head. Your hot, hitched breath blows the hair around my face, the pleasant heaviness of your body making my legs wobble. 
“Is that a wand in your trousers, Mr. Weasley, or are you just happy to see me?” I say playfully, rubbing my hips against your groin with pleasure, making you almost growl and push forward, pressing me even harder into the wooden door.
“Bitch," you say aloud, sliding your blurred gaze across my face, stopping just to the right of my cheekbone and then greedily digging into the sensitive skin of my neck, just below my ear, burning it with your breath and pulling the lobe away with your teeth. “What are you playing?”
I yank my wrists, trying to free them from the lock of your fingers, but you hold them tight. You lift your knee and, forcing my legs wider apart, press it lightly in between. Too pleasant.
“Aren't you afraid Sharp will catch us here?” I asked instead, breathing hard and sliding my crotch up your leg now.
“I don't care," you gripped my chin tightly with your free hand, pressing and lifting it, and finally catching my lips with yours.
Oh, Merlin, I think I'm going to suffocate from the sensations overwhelming me. You've never kissed me so greedily and sweetly. So fiercely intertwining our tongues, so desperately sucking and biting my lips. How I want to burrow into your hair now, how...
As if reading my thoughts, you let go of my locked hands, which at the same second wrap around your neck, and in one swift movement you rip the buttons of my shirt, exposing my breasts in lacy lingerie. Such unreliable guards of my chastity scatter all over the closet floor, like large beads from a broken necklace. You bite my sore lips once more and then move down to my breasts, covering them with kisses and hickeys, making me shiver and squirm on your leg again in impatience.
“Trying to tease me?” You exhale hotly again as I try to unbutton your waistcoat with my fingers shaking slightly in anticipation. 
I didn't answer, just smiled contentedly, breathing hard, and tried to pull you in for another kiss, but you shook your head and, suddenly removing your knee, grabbed me under my hips and lifted, holding me tightly against the door. I, immediately realising what you're about to do, wrap my legs around your waist and press my back into the door for more stability. 
Holding me down with one hand, you undo the belt on your trousers with the other and release your aching boner. I wonder if you were having it in class. Probably, since you had to sabotage it like that.
You're so impatient, Garreth. If I were you, I'd be sure to tease myself back, punishing that kind of behaviour. But I'm not going to pretend I'm not panting with the urge to feel you inside me right now. My underwear has been wet for a while now, and you feel it as you run the tip of your cock along the slippery fabric, whimpering in anticipation before you pull the wet strip aside and push inside me with your other hand back around my hips. 
I exhale noisily, breaking into a moan, and you immediately cover my mouth with a kiss, starting to move inside, squeezing my ass tighter and impaling me on yourself. The wet sounds of your cock moving inside me seem to excite you even more, the pulsing of my blood throbbing with the drumbeat in my temples, the tips of my fingers digging into your neck, each thrust echoing with a frenzy of excitement down below. Even without any foreplay. Although... I guess all first half of the day can be considered a kind of foreplay.
The thrusts get faster then slower, only for you to start hammering me into the door with renewed vigour, filling me completely, pressing harder. I can't see your face – my chin is already on your shoulder, my fingers gripping the loose red curls, your neck too conveniently right next to my greedy mouth – and I bite into it, not about to deny myself the pleasure. You growl, and speed up even more – you must be getting close.
Shit, wait, please don't cum, I'm almost there too, I just need to concentrate just a little bit more, just a bit more!
“Garreth, wait, I…”
“I know, I'm trying," you tensed and slowed down again, clenching your teeth and panting loudly in my ear.
I close my eyes and try to concentrate on the sensations, the throbbing, and your greedy, wild stare directed at me in the potions class. I try to imagine what we must look like right now, in a cramped closet that anyone could barge into at any moment, pressed into each other, flushed and with hair sticking to our foreheads, moaning in each other's ears and biting our swollen lips. 
A thrust. So hard I nearly hit the back of my head, throwing it back.
“You're mine, understood?” You growl in my ear.
“Y-yours-" I breathe out, feeling the muscles around your cock begin to contract as I start to shake in your arms.”
Pausing for a second to feel my orgasm, as if you'd received the signal, you immediately speed up and with a loud moan, cum right inside me. We've never done that before. I snap back to reality from my wave of pleasure to feel your back shaking under my fingers, your neck soaking under your collar, and you holding me so gently, pulling closer. We stand like this for long seconds, until you lower me to the floor and cover my bitten lips with yours – this time gently and sensually.
“I'm s-sorry," you brush the sticky hair off my forehead. “I didn't mean to... into you, but I couldn't help myself. I have a potion, please don't worry!”
I shifted from foot to foot, still trying to keep my knees from shaking and my heart from pounding. You look at me with such concern – how could I not have fallen in love with you?
“I liked it," I stroked your freckled cheek and kissed your nose. “Let's get out of here before Sharp takes our scalps off in addition to that hundred points.”
“Totally worth it," you smirk, and with a wave of your wand, you return the buttons from my shirt to their proper places. 
After tidying up, smoothing our hair, and fixing our ties, we hold hands and look round, and then we are off, away from the scene of the crime. There's no sign of a chase.
“So what was that all about?” you ask when we're outside, looking into my eyes with interest.
Oh, Weasley. I've forgotten there’s been a reason for that little provocation.
“You looked at Nellie for too long yesterday," I shrugged. “I thought I should have taught you a lesson.”
You stood stock-still and raised an eyebrow, your still swollen lips curling into a smile.
“If this is how you punish me, I guess I'll have to look at her more often!” You start in a teasing tone but stop yourself when I pour a bucket of ice water over you with my wand. “Okay, I get it, I get it. “
“That's the spirit, Mr. Weasley.” 
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popironrye · 1 year
Dracfield Fanfic Preview
I'm having a blast working on this big dracfield fanfic I have, but it's a slow process. To make myself feel better I wanted to post a little snip bit as like a preview without actually spoiling the largest part of the story. Here's the summary for a little context: In order to get out of a sticky situation, Teddy Lobo pressures Renfield into doing cocaine and the results are messy. Leading to Dracula having to aid his loyal servant in the simple task of getting cleaned up. This little section is heavily implied Tedfield for funsies, but let it be known that this story is not a tedfield fic. So I hope not to disappoint people by clarifying this is the extent of any tedfield stuff really since the story is about dracfield, but let me know if I should write a full blown tedfield fic. :3
What started as one bottle of tequila turned into a second. Then a third. But that wasn’t enough for Teddy. Robert timidly downed as many drinks as Teddy and his entourage handed him. He wasn’t much of a heavy drinker. Being inebriated to such a level would spell disaster not only for his master but also himself. He would surely fail his master by being too drunk to function or at worst, protect him when he needed it. Still though, Robert was always a social drinker and you couldn’t get any more social than being around Teddy and the Lobo gang. Hollering, laughing, and carrying on like the tightest of friends. It wasn’t long before the scenery switched from the Lobo home to a rowdy bar where the drinks continued to flow, to the point where Robert was starting to wobble. Teddy was absolutely sloshed from the beginning, but that didn’t stop him from being the fun loving center of attention. He was really good at that, even as his declarations of a good time became nearly incomprehensible with all the slurring he was doing. He tumbled into furniture and people alike. It was a little amusing to Robert to see the man in such a state.
After Teddy flailed an arm firmly over his shoulder, probably as a way to keep himself more steady, Robert decided it was probably for the best that Teddy be taken home. Everyone else was way too busy enjoying themselves in their own drunken worlds so Robert decided he’d get Teddy home first and come back for everyone else later. While his legs were a little shaky, not helped by how fidgety Teddy was being, Robert was still in his right mind to get back home. Practically dragging Teddy out into the parking lot, with one of Teddy’s arms over his shoulder holding his wrist and his other hand holding firmly on Teddy’s waist to keep his legs from dragging against the ground. Robert was surprised with how little resistance he was getting. Usually Teddy would fight against his grip to keep partying but he seemed content being led away by him. Mumbling under his breath too quiet and too garbled for Robert to fully understand him. Teddy leaned his weight against him, nuzzling his nose into the side of Robert’s neck, causing him to sharply suck a breath in through his teeth. His body let out an involuntary shudder and he felt Teddy smile against his skin. He was getting a kick out of that. Robert grumbled to himself. Smug little twit. Still he smiled. The sensation of the other man pushing his weight against him; trusting him to practically glide him back to the car was nice. The feeling of his warm breath against his pulse point was more intoxicating than the alcohol in his system. The feeling of having someone, anyone relying on him again made his chest flutter. Robert sighed, how quick he was to feel this way was almost shameful. He’d be damned if the slightest bit of touch was all it took to light a fire in his soul and yet, any sensible person could tell he was damned a long time ago. Once he made it back to the car, Robert had to lean Teddy’s body against his side, hoisting him up with one arm as he opened the door with the other. He gently laid Teddy down across the seats. With a slight jostle, Teddy shifted over to glance up at him. Eyes glossy, lips slightly parted as he took short breaths. His chest heaving as he rested his cheek into the leather. His entire face flushed, no doubt from all the alcohol and his once tightly slicked back hair had strands falling all over the place. “Robert…” He muffled softly. The sound of his name coming from Teddy so tenderly brought heat from his core to his cheeks. How he wondered how sweet it would sound to make Teddy call out his name like that more…no! No, he thought. What the hell was wrong with him? He was grateful Teddy had no insight into his mind like his master did. Not that it would have mattered regardless at this moment. Robert prodded Teddy’s leg with his finger tip. He was completely out cold. Robert sighed as he stood a moment letting the night air cool his face. It was only then when his mind was clear from worrying about Teddy and the buzz in his system began to ease that he had the feeling he was being watched. Before he could step back to close the door, he felt a strong pair of hands clasp against the back of his shirt and the other firmly pressed on the back of his head. Before he could even react he was forced violently forward, having his brow line smashed against the top of the inner frame. Robert stayed on his feet but his unseen assailant was quick to lay a few body blows and ended with a hard stomp in the back of his knee. Robert landed against the pavement, he gritted his teeth as he felt the flesh of his palms scrap against the ground. While he was down the man who assaulted him made quick work of the fight with a swift kick right into the side of Robert’s jaw and everything went black.
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thefallofophanim · 2 months
The Angel no longer needs to pass through my subconscious. He's a constant traveling companion, sometimes appearing when I think I'm protected by daylight, and all I can do is accept his invasive presence. The ethereal entity laughs, then Aliosha - its core - cries, calls for help. Aliosha doesn't want to die, Aliosha will pray every night if necessary, for God to spare him. I ignore him. I saw enough of his suffering when he was still with me.
And yet, I can't resist his embrace. His arms wrapped around me, my head on his chest, the Angel and I are like a living statue. I embrace him like a lover, far from the laws of the Faithful Ones and my vow of abstinence, mocking God and his preachers. His kisses are my only lighthouse in these times of absolute solitude.
It's on this winter's day - spring is just around the corner - that I tell him about the endless hours spent with Confessor. The incomprehension, the humiliation, and a multitude of other emotions so awful that I can't allow myself to name them. My child body violated, my adult soul torn apart. I speak on Semione's behalf, too. They never had the luxury to escape like I did. Will this continue endlessly- eternally, for them? We both wonder, but don't say. The Angel listens. "Dolls. That's what Confessor made of us. What he would have made of you, if he could have had you. What would I do if he decides I'm worthy of him again?"
The thought alone makes me nauseous, so much so that I sigh, burying my head in the fabric covering Aliosha's body-if I can afford to call him that. His fingers run through my hair so gently, his shape is so close to the one I once knew. I no longer know where Aliosha ends and where the Angel begins-if I ever knew at all.
"But there is something worse." I continue. His eyes gleam with interest. "I myself have succumbed to desire. What a shame, Aliosha, what a shame. If you only knew how sorry I am." No response, just the feel of his hand on my face. "Semione tried to reassure me. To tell me it was nothing like what He did to us. I have taken advantage from no one. They- Semione- were furious, but purely because they knew my safety was now threatened." Aliosha embraces me tighter. His wings vanish for an instant, like an oneiric illusion, leaving him bare, human, fragile before me. I couldn't resist temptation. Could I, this time?
*Suddenly, the hand that was caressing me grabs my hair and pulls, forcing me up so that I end up standing (or almost), whining in pain. The one holding me is, indeed, Aliosha, and I can't even formulate my incomprehension - the Angel has never been violent before. He's taller, and the tips of my feet barely touch the ground. I don't understand, but the pain prevents me from thinking - my pain, and the pain reflected in his irises as well. His eyes are wide, almost mad; his mouth is gaping, mute; his body is shaken with spasms. I repeat his name over and over. Does he even hear me?
Then I realize we're no longer on our own . A legion of his kind now surround us, forming a circle of which we are the heart. An ethereal Colosseum of divine spectators. I haven't seen them since the last time. They chant my name, sing my praises, praise me on my dedicated work.
Aliosha stops torturing me, but refuses to let go. He is seemingly on edge. I never thought I'd see a Celestial in such a state. If he were to pounce on me now and devour me, I wouldn't be surprised. I would let him.
"Aliosha." I keep calling his name. "Liosha." Even I lost hope. And that's when I notice his tear-darkened skin. He is weeping.
He croaks out, "So this is what human emotion feels like. How inconvenient." Murmurs among the Ophanim. "I'm not interested in you. Let me see him, glimpses of him. What's left of him." I request. No sooner have I finished my sentence than he lets go, only to grab my arm, my waist to draw me into a frenzied dance.
He remembers.
I follow his familiar steps, and memories of forbidden dances in the Monastery, sometimes the Church, swirl before my eyes. It was just us then, free. I miss that freedom. I miss him, I admit at last, as I pull him tightly against me. The angelic circle closes in on us, witnessing this singular parade on this land between the world of Silhouettes and that of Men. He grabs me from behind, and speaks to me. "He- I wanted to dance once more, more than anything." My breathing quickens as his face approaches mine. "Did you need me like I needed you?" I can't answer. "Years," he continues. "Years to find you, my Savior. Please, don't leave me again."
I turn around in disbelief. What is he talking about? He, on the other hand, is more passionate than ever."I don't blame you, Lysander, you know. I know I wasn't up to your grace."
I'm at a loss for words as the truth invades my mind. He frowns, and I piece everything together immediately. This ceremony, my illusory omen, my lie. Semione covering me, Anouk's frightened glances. The blond child I read the thoughts of. I want to run away. I try to, but he won't let me, holding me as close as possible.
"Why not me? Answer me! Why not me?! I was always the purest-" his voice breaks as he clings onto my cloth. "How could you do this, then allow me to sin with you?" His grip tightens. I desperately search for an escape, helpless. He grabs my hair once again, forcing me to face him. I can feel tears forming at the corner of my eyes. The Ophanim howl around us, the noise polluting my mind. Once again, a part of me wants to let him win. To succumb, drown in his flesh, without an ounce of regret.
And yet, even before my thought is complete, my hands are wrapped around his neck. My grip is far from fragile, and a groan of pain escapes my dance partner's throat as I squeeze, choking the humanity out of him. We fall into the pale flowerbed-him lying on the ground and I on top, merciless. I strangle him, he never stopped pulling my hair, and we both howl at each other; but also at the angels around us, perhaps even at God himself. My mind is blank as I bend down to bite his face, with no clear objective other than to destroy him, break him, reduce him to nothingness. I can't hold myself back anymore, I want to dominate him, not the other way around. I, for once in my life, want to have control over something. The feeling seems mutual, and I tremble in ecstasy when I feel his lip slit under my teeth.
It wasn't until we were exhausted, sobbing, our cheeks contorted with sweat and tears, that we stopped, our vocal cords severed. Aliosha's fingers are entwined with mine, and as we exchange a last glance, he is dragged out of my reach by several of his fellow holy beings, useless and weakened by his human heart. He disappears, and I collapse as the Ophanim close in on me. They cradle me like a child, asking me to continue the task they've given me. Let us fall, they whisper. Let us fall.
When I wake up, they are all gone. All that's left is yet another piece of stained glass, laying, shining before my eyes.
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house-of-mirrors · 1 year
 I know this is kind of a weird ask to get, rest assured I would not be sending it to you if I had found it another way but even after the Smending information ban was lifted, I still cannot find this information, and I saw that you completed seeking so I figured I would ask you.
What is traveler returning? Or more specifically, what does it mean, what is it about? I have deciphered the other endings frustratingly ambiguous writing style, but I still cannot understand traveler returning. What does it mean? 
Let me tell you a secret, my friend: I don't think anyone, myself included, has a flying clue wtf the "who is salt" ending of smen MEANS. It has very little connection to going East in ssea or with Irem in FL. It's its own thing (derogatory).
I remember reading a blogpost where AK said he didn't think anyone would actually pick that ending and so threw that together and I guess that's why it's drivel? What did I call it again? Making fridge magnet poetry behind your back in the dark? Yeah
I've seen one interpretation that it's meant to break the fourth wall and imply the player has secretly been Salt all along. And honestly? I personally like that less than it being nonsense (no hate if u like that theory). I don't like meta reveals like that when there's no foreshadowing. Feels like a cop out. And also... why does the player have to be an otherworldly being to be special? Who is Salt? Well it certainly isn't me!
That theory aside, doing a strict reading of the text and ignoring meta stuff, interpreting its meaning as precisely what it says... it means all of nothing.
I did the Hate ending and thought that was the most interesting of the 3. Grieve, sure, fine. Who is Salt? [long fax machine noises]
(I gotta tell you I laughed SO HARD getting this because I'm always joking with my friend about "who is salt" being incomprehensible XD)
Disclaimer this is just my opinion etc, but as someone pursuing an MFA in writing with a good bit of experience in editing: this would NOT fly if it came across my desk. Even if your story is meant to be punishing and has "no good things at the end," I feel like you still have an obligation to have a narratively satisfying conclusion.
In summary: you can't figure it out because there's nothing to figure out, pat yourself on the back and treat yourself to your favorite snack and/or beverage
Ignoring the ending and going off lore, "Traveller Returning" means... (major spoilers for sunless sea under the cut)
Traveller Returning is an epithet for one of the zee-gods, Salt. Salt, god of farewells, of travellers, of the Uttermost East. The Hungry Monarch. There's a hidden ambition revolving around it in Sunless Sea. In summary, Salt was an emissary sent by the White to the Neath to find out what sort of Shames and various crimes the Sun was keeping hidden. Salt has not yet returned with its report, instead disappearing into the East. Now, the Sunless Sea quest actually follows a narrative of the player becoming an avatar for Salt and this makes a lot more sense in its execution than the smending. The Eastern horizon is called the "Deconstruction," a sort of endless horizon in Green and Gold where the laws of space and time get really weird. Imagine a function undefined at a single point, or a tangent line that goes to infinity. I'm not sure how to explain it beyond here because I don't have a firm grasp on it myself; there's not a lot of solid info.
We still know painfully little about Salt and I really, really hope the lore declassification means we'll get more material soon. Well-written material. What's up with Salt, what about the White, what about the Woods in Winter, what is the nature of the Old Man in Vienna, etc.
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alicelioncourt · 2 days
Dreams (and a little x-over to tickle your nostalgia, sailor moon theme hehe)
The way to the Moonrise Towers was exhausting. The only thing that saved her was the atmosphere in this motley company: the scraping of a sword being sharpened, the clinking of a spoon on the sides of a cauldron while Gale was preparing their dinner, the barking of the best boy in the entire camp.
Shadowheart agreed to look at the stars with Gale in a peaceful setting a little away from the others when their dinner by the fire was finished. The stars looked so beautiful, but the cleric felt that Gale's gaze was riveted far from them, but she did not comment on it.
Opening her eyes, Shadowheart saw incomprehensible ruins around her, and somewhere in the distance, in the sky, a small blue ball; it was not too big and not too small. For some reason, by inertia, she wanted to take it in her palms as something fragile. The girl looked around and decided to go a little further to figure out where she was. Judging by the giant blocks of light stone, the destruction affected some palace or temple. Some columns still remained standing, but overall the picture was depressing.
“Silver Millennium. Hmm…” she finally read on one of the destroyed tablets.
It meant nothing to her, but, frankly, the name of the kingdom or whatever it was, sounded quite beautiful.
Holding the hem of her snow-white dress, the cleric walked further and further along the lunar surface.
“Gale?” she called him. “Gale, have you overdone it with magic again? I hope you didn’t decide to blow yourself up, and this is not some consequence of your decision.”
There was no answer, however. This was annoying. Shadowheart instinctively wanted to touch her braid to feel the reality of what was happening and to distract herself, but she did not feel it.
“Um… what?” She nevertheless touched her hair and found two small tufts that looked more like small steamed buns.
She didn’t have a chance to look in the mirror to assess such an appearance; Shadowheart could only mentally estimate what it looked like.
“Why am I wearing a dress? I was wearing different clothes, right?” it gradually began to dawn on her.
Shadowheart woke up from a sharp pain in her arm. For some reason, the Lady of Loss didn’t like something again. The cleric preferred to immediately pray to the goddess Shar and offer her praises in order to return to the righteous path of their important mission.
“This is all the work of the parasite,” was all she thought. To come to her senses a little, Shadowheart decided to take a short walk around the camp, and only then return to rest. Tomorrow they had a dangerous road ahead. They were almost there.
“Shadowheart? Why aren’t you sleeping?” Gale asked her. He was just finishing washing the dishes. They crossed roads by the river, where they stopped to wait out the night.
"I had a strange dream, that's all. I wanted to take a walk. I'm already going back to sleep."
"Oh, well. I won't distract you. I'll go to bed soon myself."
"Of course. Thanks again for dinner, it was delicious. And for the stars. We'll definitely do it again" Shadowheart promised him, giving him a little hope. It all turned out to be just a stupid dream. No one blew anyone up and their journey continues.
Already in the morning, when Shadowheart decided to braid her disheveled braid, purely out of curiosity, she tried to make herself a semblance of the hairstyle from her dream. First, two ponytails on the sides, and then wrap the hair around them and… This would be more suitable for a child, not for an adult woman. The face is not the right pretty proportions for such a thing.
"What kind of buns are these, darling?" Astarion involuntarily looked at her, simply because he was getting bored hanging around doing nothing while everyone was getting ready. "You're a bun-head now".
"And where to laugh?" Shadowheart snapped at him, measuring him with a skeptical look. She would have appreciated the joke a little more if it hadn't sounded so poisonous. The cleric simply stuck her tongue out at him, which completely stunned Astarion with such unusual behavior for her. "Do you want Gale to tell you why these aren't buns? He'll give you a whole lecture. I can call him".
Mumbling something dissatisfied, the pale elf still left her. It seemed he condemned her sense of humor. But his dissatisfied face with indignation in the morning pleased her very much.
Shadowheart looked at herself in the mirror again.
"Perhaps, let it remain as it was. Although… Sometimes I can tie my hair up so it doesn't get in the way. Before bed".
Perhaps she would return in her dreams to this Silver Millennium to find out what had happened and why there were ruins there. What if this was some kind of sign from the goddess Shar herself? What if the ruins on the moon were the fate that awaited Selune and her followers?
It was so inspirational.
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puuuders · 28 days
I'm in such a yappy giggly mood rn idk why so I want to share something completely unrelated to what I usually post under the cut
So this might sound weird but when you guys are falling asleep or something do you start hearing voices or random auditory hallucinations and shit bc I do
But it's not what you think. It's the most incomprehensible nonsense and it makes me laugh most of the time
So what I've started doing a couple weeks ago is when I'm sleepy I will open my notes app and just lay there with my eyes closed, but not letting myself fall asleep. Just listening
And then when I hear something worth noting I'll open my eyes and write it down
I probably sound fucking crazy right now but it's not a mental health thing it's just something my brain does when I'm tired idk
Anyway I would like to share these notes with you
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Second screenshot is to show you Im not just making it up I've had this list for a month now
There was one like a year ago that said "yeah I'm ugly but you know what you are? Ugly as hell" and it has stuck with me
And sometimes it'll just be sounds like yelling or booms and stuff
I wanna know if anyone else experiences this and what is the strangest thing your brain has come up with
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quinloki · 7 months
I leave the actual character(s) to you but may I request these flavors please:
cotton candy: post the last picture of your F/O that you saved!
pistachio: when was the last time that you or your F/O cried during a movie?
coconut mango: what mementos do you and your F/O treasure?
And one I'm making up because seriously, this flavor should be on the list:
dill pickle: what's the pettiest thing your F/O has ever done to you (maybe because of a fight) or to someone else?
Alright, I'll put this under a cut, cause I'm going to be be concise, but greedy, so it's gonna get long.
Cotton Candy: Since all the best art is stuff I haven't drawn and I don't want to link a dozen images, we'll do a little theater of the mind for this.
Marco - we're in yukata at a festival, sugar candy and candied pineapple on sticks, with Marco leaned down behind me so both our faces are in the frame for the passerby that offered to take a picture when we were struggling to do a selfie <3
Kid - covered in oil soot both of us, and there's a heart smeared on Kid's cheek while I'm near to tears with laughter. Heat or Wire probably took the picture and you can tell Kid is already plotting some manner of revenge.
Sabo - It's a newspaper photo, and we're making rude gestures at the camera person while laughing. Whether canon or AU I just feel like there'd be some level of infamy with Sabo's public image.
Pistachio: Last time you or your F/O cried during a movie?
I am a water fountain, let's just assume if something is too cute I'm bawling incomprehensibly. (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Marco - Family loss in movies hits Marco pretty hard. He can usually keep it in, but I feel like something like Saving Private Ryan would have him, Thatch and Izou in tears despite their efforts.
Kid - He'll leave the room so no one sees him getting misty eyed, but he's almost in the same category as me, he's just not willing to admit to it. Frustration, anger and sadness will get him to tear up, and the first two he'll let people see, but that third one is kind of a unicorn.
Sabo - He doesn't. Love him dearly, but he's far too practiced at compartmentalization. He'll hand over a box of tissues without a word, pet my hair when a scene is ramping up and just let me bawl, but he doesn't really get sucked into movies enough to get effected that way. (It's also why he drives after action movies, cause me and Ace get too wound up over them XD )
coconut mango: what mementos do you and your F/O treasure?
Marco - I've dove into it before, but Marco and his damned bar coasters. They grow on you, they do. I have a few small items from other people I cherish, but those coasters are pretty much ours at this point, and not just his.
Kid - The perk of Kid as your F/O are all the little knick knacks, but a metal and wood polished set of arm bands, are my favorite gift from him. Kid's most cherished item is... weird, but - okay, so look, I wanted to learn how to fight, I get the forms and functions, right? But I'm not... feisty enough. >.> Anyway, sparring with the crew saw improvements, and one time Kid and I were going at it and I managed to really ring his bell. He reacted instinctively and now he has my tooth on a chain.
Sabo - I... may have to come back to this. Things with Sabo are still new, and I haven't given it enough thought it seems.
And one I'm making up because seriously, this flavor should be on the list:
dill pickle: what's the pettiest thing your F/O has ever done to you (maybe because of a fight) or to someone else?
Marco - I've never tested Marco enough to know this, and I don't WANT to test Marco enough to know this. Knowing one's limits are important and there's some lines you just kind of instinctively know better >.>
Kid - Stole all my underclothes. T-T Look, I'm just not good at buying necessities for myself, and I will wear clothes to threads. Even the stuff I shouldn't like bras and such. And bad bras can leave marks and bruises and little miss Tulip head got all pissy about it. Bad underclothes are better than no under clothes, so a shopping we had gone.
Sabo - Made me wear mittens for a day so he could get doors and chairs and such for me. Was enough of a good sport to take them off when I had to go to the bathroom, was enough of a bastard to leave them on when it was time for bed.
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that-house · 1 year
Hey so how did you get started in making tabletop games? I really wanna start but I don't really know where I can look to even get basics. I haven't been able to find anything applicable to it.
Especially since I didn't really have much experience with any games that weren't video games til like a few years ago. And I can for sure see it as a case of a big part of learning is doing both playing games then tweaking those games to be somewhat different in ways that suit you but I just don't have anyone with the time to play.
i mean part of it is just. this has been a huge part of my life literally since elementary school
i loved pretending to be fantasy heroes and whatnot with my friends, and at some point long before i'd heard of D&D i was like "wow i sure am tired of forgetting what my character can do, i should write it down" and made my first ever character sheet which (a) was totally incomprehensible like a week later and (b) got lost super fast
after that i think i encountered the official warrior cats rpg, Warriors Adventure Game, and that inspired me to start making my own games using Word on the family computer. they were not good, as you might expect from a 4th grader
this post is turning out to be Long so
i got more serious about it in middle school. my school had a LARP program, and that was my first ever brush with actual organized RPG stuff. i loved it so much that i wanted to keep doing it over the summer, but didn't have access to the official rules, so i made my own for my friends and I.
one of those LARP friends got me into D&D, and i almost instantly ruined the campaign i ran for him and our other LARP friends with broken homebrew items because ough game design
i got serious about indie ttrpg design in high school. my big project was Reclaim, a sci fi RPG focused on supersoldiers reconquering the planet for humanity after an apocalypse (which gradually morphed into a critique of the military-industrial complex and american imperialism as my brain pathways connected properly in the later half of high school). it was the focus of my college application essay, but the game itself was not great in retrospect
nowadays i've further refined my approach to game design for my high power sci fi/fantasy anime bullshit project, Field of White Flowers, which is definitely the game i'm proudest of to date (it will probably have a basic version of the rules available for free some day, but the full game is enough of an undertaking that I will be charging some money for it)
the issue with advising people on how to make RPG systems is that there isn't necessarily a "right answer." RPGs can be anything. I can say "making a fun game is the most important part" but different people are going to have different definitions of fun.
like some people want crunchy systems with an answer to everything and rules for how many moles of oxygen you can hold in your lungs, while other people want stuff that's more rules light and lets them get right to the narrative and the roleplay. so i think the main thing when designing a game is pick an audience and stick to it: my games' primary audience is usually myself (i like systems with a lot of room for customization and optimization)
the other big tip i have is to play and read as many RPG systems as you can. almost everything has at least one good idea in it somewhere, and even stuff that's just Bad might give you a moment of inspiration while you're laughing at it.
as a suuuper bare-bones outline of what a game might consist of:
Resolution Mechanic: how does your game solve questions like "can i jump over this gap" or "can I cut this mountain in half?" for example, D&D does the whole thing with a d20 + modifiers compared to a number. other systems handle this in different ways. as a baseline it's nice for players' choices to matter, so i like to keep it somewhere between "flip a coin" and "consult thirteen tables based on your Class and Sense of Style, and then add four if you're a Gemini"
Combat: not every RPG needs combat, but the hobby has its roots in wargaming and so a lot of RPGs end up having some element of combat. your combat can be as simple as a more narrative game saying "make a skill check to kill this guy" (and thus overlapping entirely with your Resolution Mechanic) or it can be a multiple-hour tactical engagement like in Lancer
Stakes: what happens if players fail? can they fail? this is stuff like hit points in combat games, or the king finding out about your plans for the revolution in an intrigue game.
Character Creation: you need a Guy to be. how do you make the Guy? can the Guy be a dragon. an offshoot of this is progression: can my Guy get stronger? how?
this is very much an abstraction. games don't necessarily need all of these things. you can have a game without combat, and if you get silly enough with it you might be able to avoid character creation of any sort. it's harder to make a game without a resolution mechanic or stakes and have it be fun, but it's possible someone out there has done it
but that list of four things, in addition to more literary things like tone and setting, are sort of the basic framework my brain operates off of while making games.
at the end of the day, if you want to get good at something, the first step is to get out there and try it! good luck and happy game development!
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