#perona fanfiction
chihoshisai · 6 months
♡ Perona's Diary ♡ ch1
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Goth Family (Perona, Zoro, Mihawk)
cw: found family, light-hearted, comedy, fluff, chaos / wc : 2,466K / Other : you are welcome to send requests for this fic ! It is also on ao3 if you prefer reading there I'm having quite some fun writing about these three and i hope you enjoy !
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Sober Bet
With dim candles lighting her room, Perona looked down at her journal. She sighed in annoyance, having finally written down the last events of a bet with no winner. A bet she started four days ago on a whim.  
That night at diner, Perona squinted her eyes towards Zoro. Ignoring his table manners, she instead took notice of the unreasonable amount of sake he was consuming. 
It was a regular occurrence during meals, and like many things Mihawk didn’t seem to mind – as his reserve of wine wasn’t a target – alcohol was cheap and quite easy to acquire, unlike his fine imported liquor. It was a normal dinner, really, except a thought crossed Perona’s mind. 
“How do you expect to train properly if you drink that much?” she raised an eyebrow towards Zoro. It had been a few days since the newly arrived housemate’s training began, yet he showed no sign of slowing down on alcohol. 
“That’s none of your business is it?” Zoro lowered his glass just enough to return an annoyed look. 
“Of course it is!” Perona slammed her fists on the table, owning her a look from Mihawk, and giving an apologetic one as an excuse. “If you get hurt because you’re hungover, I’m the one who’ll have to treat you!” Her tone dropped in anger. 
“Then you’re in luck, I never get drunk,” Zoro grinned before gulping the rest of his drink.
It irked Perona, “that’s what all alcoholics say,” she rolled her eyes, taking a bite of her food. “I’m sure you’re incapable of staying sober.” She shrugged. 
“Of course I can!” Zoro placed his glass on the table and stared defiantly at Perona, who sat across her. 
“Oh ?” She grinned back at him, “then let’s say a week. No drinks allowed. Not mixed with juice, or anything else for that matter.” 
“I would never mix my sake with juice!” Zoro said, baffled. It sounded like a blasphemy. 
“Urgh, I don’t care how you like your drinks,” Perona gritted her teeth, “do we have a deal or not?” She extended a hand across the table.
“Yeah,” Zoro promptly accepted the handshake, “you better leave me alone and not complain about my drinking after this.”  
“We’ll see,” she gave him a devilish smile, “in the eventuality you cheat I’ll hit you with my ghosts.” And as a way to further prove her point, she made one of her spirits run through his chest, leaving Zoro completely depressed.
“I’m sorry I can’t make myself more useful,” he whispered. Perona laughed gaudily at the sight, unaware of the second look from Mihawk she caused to come her way.
“Please do refrain from using your powers at the table,” he said in a calm tone.
“Jeez you’re no fun,” she gave him a pout. “You have to help me and make sure this guy doesn’t drink for a week.” 
“Well I guess I can do that much,” Mihawk directed his gaze towards the still sulking swordsman, who kept mumbling incomprehensible things. He grabbed his glass of wine, feeling somewhat bad for the guy, before bringing the tip to his lips. 
“This is gonna be so fun!” Perona said in a sing song high pitched voice. She knew exactly what she had to do.
After dinner, whilst Zoro and Mihawk busied themselves with the dishes, she quickly went unnoticed in the castle’s cellar and emptied it. Well not entirely. Leaving nothing but Mihawk’s wine, she made sure to not even accidentally brush the bottles, knowing damn well the warlord would notice. His wine was off limit. She did not want an earful. 
With discretion, she purposefully hid the bottles in her room. Like that, if Zoro was desperate enough, he’d have to manage to sneak his way in, only to be caught red handed. Perona laughed at the plan she devised, before having an inkling of the swordsman's thoughts and deciding to beat him at his own game.
That night, she stayed awake, carefully listening for any footsteps from the hallway. With faint candlelight illuminating her room, Perona kept herself busy with her Kumacy plush, fighting the urge to sleep, as the time neared 3 am. It wasn’t until then that she finally heard what she stayed awake for. Her prediction had proven correct. 
“Just you wait,” she promptly floated herself to the door and into the hall. Simpletons like him were so easy to predict. 
Without even trying to follow the figure, she knew the destination of the footsteps, as she flew lower and lower down the castle’s stairs to arrive near the cellar. With a grin, Perona kept herself hidden, until the moment Zoro would find his way here. Which in all consideration took a while. In fact, it took so long she began second guessing whether he wasn’t heading somewhere else – to do something like late night practice. But the thoughts got quickly interrupted by the sound of footsteps descending the stairway. She watched Zoro open the door without even bothering to check his surroundings.
“Look at you, so sure of yourself that no one is following” Perona whispered to herself, with a silent laugh. 
Zoro disappeared in the room and Perona waited until he exclaimed in surprise before appearing in the doorframe. 
“There’s no sake?!” Both of Zoro’s eyes and mouth grew. He turned around in alarm, the second he heard the voice behind him.
“That’s right,” Perona had her hands on her waist, visibly proud of herself, “I got rid of it.” 
“You what?” Zoro couldn’t believe what he just heard. 
“No need to thank me for making it easier for you, cheater.” She said that last word with a grave tone. 
“Cheater?” Zoro scoffed, “I was looking for the toilet.” He crossed his arms. 
“Give me a break! The toilet is right next to your room!” Perona pointed a finger at him, feet stomping. “I know you didn’t just end up here by mistake.” 
“Whatever, what have you done with the alcohol?” Zoro gave her an impatient look. Surely she wouldn’t be foolish enough to waste that huge amount of liquor just because of a bet.
“Hmph, it's up in my room,” Perona gave him a satisfied smile, “but I’m not giving it to you even if you beg.” She swiftly floated next to him and teasingly poked his arm. “But if you’re that desperate, you’re free to have a taste of Mihawk’s wine.” She laughed, pointing in the direction of the finely stored bottles.
A shiver ran down Zoro’s back. He too knew. Mihawk’s wine was off limits. He did not want an earful.
“I don’t like wine.” He could swear the bottles looked somewhat ominous. “It’s something fancy people like that Cook like to drink.” For a split second, a slight wave of longing crossed Zoro’s at the mention of one of his crew members. Quick on the uptake, Perona wasted no time to take notice of it, but paid it no mind. 
“Right, and you’re far too distasteful for that,” she teased. 
“Shut up,” Zoro groaned. 
Annoyed, she floated in front of him and planted her finger on his chest, “you’re the one who decided to come down here to steal booze despite making a bet of not drinking any for a week!” She hurled the words at Zoro.  
“All I wanted to do was take one last look–” he began, eyes darting away. 
“Don’t try to play dumb with me!” She pressed her finger against his chest harder. 
Zoro said nothing. It was too humiliating being caught red handed.
“Cheater,” Perona whispered. Seeing as he persisted in saying nothing, she flew to the side and pointed towards the door, “now, go on to sleep. I’ll walk you back”  
“Don’t treat me like some kid,” Zoro said, yet he still walked towards the door per her instruction. 
“Then don’t get lost like one!” She followed behind, still floating. 
Sure of himself, Zoro took the wrong turn as soon as they came up the stairs, resulting in Perona grabbing him by the collar. “I’m tired, so I’ll drag you all the way to your room.” Giving instructions to a pirate with no sense of direction required too much energy. 
“Woah, hey!” Zoro tried to swat her hand away.
“Just bear with it!” She gripped the back of his shirt tighter. “Unless you want me to hit you with my powers!” The usual two or three ghosts who kept her company, loomed over Zoro. 
He gulped, “alright fine.” And with much reluctance he let himself be led to his room. 
“Listen,” Perona stood in front of his door with a warning look, “I’ll turn a blind eye to tonight, but you better not try and drink anything, are we clear?” 
“I get it so just go to sleep already,” Zoro yawned. It wasn’t until she gave him a last look that she left, curls flowing at her back to get her well deserved sleep.
Day 1 — No attempts were made by Zoro whatsoever to try and infiltrate Perona’s room. Neither did he complain throughout meals about the lack of alcohol. His training was the same as ever too. The day went on as usual, leaving Perona to feel like a fool for safeguarding the liquor most of the day. 
Day 2 — Zoro’s normal behavior was probably due to how close his last drink was. At least that’s what Perona told herself, as she floated next to him for most of the day. He was now sober for 24h and yet showed no sign of withdrawal syndromes. Maybe he wasn’t an alcoholic after all. 
Day 3 — Zoro increased the time of his training, which didn’t trouble Mihawk, and still not a single complaint had escaped him. Perona had been waiting for the slightest opportunity to tease him, make his life harder and remind him of the bet he had taken. Yet as she looked at him training harder than the day before, she found her opinion of him getting slightly better. 
Day 4 —  Still nothing. If not for the increasing hours of training. It wasn’t until dinner time that Perona finally found a way to nag at him. 
“You’re staring,” she said matter of factly. Zoro had in fact been staring at Mihawk’s wine glass for a while now. His being filled with the usual tasteless water. He refused when offered juice, saying it would be no good for his body. As if alcohol wasn’t worse. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he turned his gaze back to his plate. Mihawk had raised his eye to look at the scene but remained silent. 
“You poor thing, don’t start wavering now.” She filled the room with her usual hollow laugh.
“Don’t pity me!” Zoro spit back.
Day 5 — Perona sat nearby, as she watched Zoro train for what seemed like the whole day. 
“Doesn’t he have nothing better to do?” she said to herself, “it's like all he does is train. And he’s so serious at it it’s not like I can bother him… or go see the other swordsman, as this one might try something.” She sighed, bored. These past days had truly been dull. 
Mihawk appeared from behind Perona, but she felt too lethargic to even glance in his direction. 
“You here to train him again?” She said emotionlessly. 
Mihawk took a few seconds to reply, “No.” 
“Mmh,” her voice trailed. She had no will to further encourage a conversation. The swing of Zoro’s sword in the wind along with his occasional grunts echoed through the silence. After a brief moment, in which Perona felt her eyelids become heavier, Mihawk made his way towards Zoro, and the latter instinctively stopped all movement. The surprising change of dynamic, grasped Perona’s attention, didn’t you just say you weren’t gonna train him, she thought to herself. 
Being close enough to earshot, Mihawk blandly said, “you’re training too much. That’ll do you more harm than good.”
“Even if I trained for a whole day it still wouldn’t be enough,” Zoro stubbornly replied. 
“Training for a whole day? That’s all you’ve been doing these past few days,” Perona complained, yawning from afar. 
“There is uneasiness in your swings,” Mihawk continued his speech, “All things considered you’ve done well so far.” 
“I don’t like the sound of that,” Zoro sheathed his swords, and looked at Mihawk with uncertainty. 
“But you can’t afford to slow your progress any more than this,” Mihawk gave him an astute look, before turning his back to Zoro, “Wait here, I’ll be back.” And without delay he made his way to the inside of the castle.
“What’s with him?” Zoro asked Perona.
“How should I know? Maybe you’re in trouble?” She shrugged. 
“I haven’t done anything that could make him mad.” Zoro wiped his forehead sweat with the back of his hand. “Not that I’ve ever seen him mad.” He added.
“Me neither.”
They exchanged a look. Has Mihawk ever been mad?
Almost as soon as he left, he returned with a bottle full of sake. Perona jumped to her feet. 
“Where did you get that?!” She exclaimed.
“Sorry, I went and entered your room without asking,” he simply stared at her dumbfounded expression, face still stoic before heading towards Zoro.
He knew. 
Of course he knew!
Perona went and grabbed the warlord's arm, “wait! Zoro’s not supposed to drink! It hasn’t been a week yet!” She tried to pull him away. “Don’t interfere!” 
“Even so, he needs it or his training will be further impacted.” Mihawk made no attempt to push Perona away. He simply continued walking, half dragging the ghost girl who started floating along the way. 
“What?” She frowned, “How are his training and alcohol related?” She refused to let go. 
“That’s the way he copes,” Mihawk simply said. 
Perona raised an eyebrow towards Zoro, “so that’s why you’ve been doing nothing but aimlessly swing your sword?”
“Or what? Was I supposed to walk into your room filled with those ghosts, get run over and make you have a good laugh out of it?” Zoro groaned.
So he knew about the ghosts she set as a trap. Perona’s eyes widened as she wondered when and how he had gotten a look at her room. 
“I’m not giving you a reason to make fun of me,” Zoro added.
“Hmph, if that’s how it is then I’ll find another way” She distanced herself from Mihawk who was finally close enough to give the drink to Zoro. 
“Thanks, for saving me from this woman’s stupid scheme.” He gave a light smirk towards the warlord who nodded in response. 
“It wasn’t stupid! In fact it proved that you’re nothing but a stupid alcoholic!” She fumed, her cutesy voice gone. 
“I already knew that a long time ago,” Zoro said, before drinking.  
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Chapter 2
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silkentine · 4 months
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Super quick sketches of how I envisioned the fits from Chapter 73 of Found Among the Strays by @rejectedconstellation on AO3!!! I couldn’t resist!!!
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latanyalove · 5 months
I don't know if you do requests, but could I ask for a Mihawk x Rescued! Former slave! reader. Lets say she was saved when he tried to destroy Don krieg's battle ship, and she is brought to the mansion and make friends with Perona. But she tries to leave when she realizes she has feelings for him and she feels like dead weight. But he catches her trying to sneak out because he's Mihawk, duh.
Okay, but jokes aside, she gets corner by the baboons and Mihawk shows up and they skedaddle. And then flufffff
Thank you for bearing with me for this chonky request.
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Pairing: Dracule Mihawk x Y/N
Content: Trauma
A/n: This will probably be a series since I want to add pieces that will make it a better story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! WC: <3
In a tumultuous sea battle between the infamous swordsman, Dracule Mihawk, and the notorious pirate Don Krieg, a mysterious figure caught Mihawk's attention amidst the chaos. As Mihawk's blade clashed with Krieg's forces, he noticed a young woman, a former slave.
Her appearance was a stark contrast to the opulent attire and extravagant weapons of the pirates. Yet, despite her disheveled appearance, there was an air of resilience about her. Mihawk couldn't help but be intrigued by this woman, wondering what hardships she had endured and what secrets she held within her.
Unexpectedly, her eyes met his from that far distance, and Mihawk felt himself freeze for a second, captivated by the intensity and determination he saw within her gaze.
He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this young woman than met the eye, and he vowed to uncover the secrets she held, even if it meant venturing into uncharted territories.
"Hey! Focus on me!" Don Krieg yelled, releasing at least a hundred missiles at Mihawk.
With a swift movement, Mihawk deflected the bombs with his sword, effortlessly dodging the explosions. He knew he had to concentrate on the battle at hand, but the image of the mysterious woman lingered in the back of his mind, fueling his curiosity.
As Mihawk engaged in a fierce duel with Don Krieg, his sword danced through the chaos, effortlessly parrying each strike with calculated precision. The clash of steel reverberated through the air, echoing the intensity of their struggle.
Mihawk's focus remained unwavering, yet his thoughts kept drifting back to the enigmatic woman, her presence adding an element of intrigue to the already tumultuous battle.
After swiftly dispatching Don Krieg and his forces, Mihawk turned his gaze towards where the young woman had stood, only to find an empty space devoid of any trace of her.
"Where did you go?" He muttered to himself, placing his sword into his scabbard. . . .
Why is Dracule Mihawk here?! You thought finding cover behind a tree to catch your breath would provide a momentary respite from the chaos. You leaned against the trunk to feel the pointy edges against your back, confirming that this wasn't a dream.
The only time that the ship stopped on land was because of the best swordsman in the world. What luck did you have?
"It's okay," you reassured yourself, "All you have to do is wait it out and run somewhere, anywhere, as long as it's away from here."
"Where are you supposed to run to when it is an isolated island?"
You jumped at the voice behind you and quickly turned around to see Dracule Mihawk sizing you up. His piercing gaze bore into your soul, as if trying to unravel the mysteries hidden within. The thought of running away vanished as you realized that escape was futile in the presence of the world's greatest swordsman.
As he continued to study you, you couldn't help but wonder if there was more to his interest in you than mere curiosity.
"What do you want from me?" you muttered, fear gripping your voice.
The intensity of Mihawk's gaze only deepened as he leaned closer, his words cutting through the tension-filled air, "You're different. There's something about you that intrigues me."
"Are- Are you going to kill me?"
"Why would I? You do not pose a threat towards me," Mihawk answered, taking a small cautious step towards you. "Do you?"
"No!" you blurted out, your voice trembling with fear and confusion. Mihawk's gaze softened slightly as he observed your reaction, a hint of curiosity still lingering in his eyes.
"Good," he said before turning around and walking away, leaving you standing there, still shaken from the encounter. His departure only deepened the mystery surrounding his interest in you, leaving you to ponder the true intentions of the world's greatest swordsman.
As you tried to make sense of Dracule Mihawk's presence on the isolated island, a realization struck you - he must have arrived by some means other than the sinking ship. Perhaps he possessed his own means of transportation.
"Wait!" you yelled, trying to stand up, but your legs felt weak and shaky. Mihawk glanced back briefly, his gaze filled with a mixture of amusement and intrigue.
"Is there a way off this island? Can you help me escape?" you asked, desperation evident in your voice.
Mihawk fully turned around and said, "I have my boat, but it won't be easy. The waters surrounding this island are treacherous, and only a skilled navigator like myself can navigate them safely. If you're willing to take the risk, I can help you escape."
With a glimmer of hope in your eyes, you gather all your courage and reply, "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get off this island. Please, I'll do anything."
Mihawk replied, his voice tinged with a hint of satisfaction, "Very well. In that case, prepare yourself. Our journey off this island begins now."
Without wasting a moment, you quickly stood up and followed Mihawk, determined to seize this opportunity for freedom.
The anticipation of what lay ahead filled your heart with a mix of excitement and trepidation, as you embarked on a perilous journey alongside the enigmatic swordsman. . . .
"This is your ship?" you asked, shocked to see the small ship that Mihawk owned. It was nothing like you had imagined, but you didn't have time to dwell on it as Mihawk gestured for you to come aboard.
"This ship may be small, but it's fast and maneuverable," Mihawk explained. "It was originally designed for one person, but I'll made an exception for you. We'll need to make some adjustments to accommodate both of us, but it should suffice for our journey off this island."
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt as you continued to stare at the small ship. It seemed inconceivable that such a modest vessel could withstand the treacherous waters surrounding the island.
Nevertheless, you pushed aside your reservations and reminded yourself that Mihawk was regarded as the world's greatest swordsman for a reason.
You stepped onto the ship and made your way to the back, settling into a small space that had been cleared for you. Mihawk, on the other hand, took his place on the main seat at the front, his eyes fixed on the horizon.
As the ship began to move, you couldn't help but feel a combination of nervousness and anticipation, wondering what awaited you beyond the treacherous waters.
You decided to make yourself as small as possible, curling up in a corner to not take up any space. The gentle rocking of the ship and the soothing sound of the water soon had a calming effect on you, lulling you into a deep sleep.
It was the first time that you had slept for so long without any interruptions.
Either it was because you had to change shifts with another slave or a guard thought that you were too comfortable and decided to give you a massage which left you many bruises on your back.
Though you woke up to the sound of the ground crunching beneath you, you realized with a start that you were no longer on the ship.
You opened your eyes to see that you were being carried by someone. Panic surged through you as you frantically looked around, trying to make sense of your surroundings. It was then that you noticed the familiar face of Mihawk, his expression unreadable as he effortlessly held you in his arms.
"Calm down," Mihawk muttered, his voice soothing and reassuring. "We've reached our destination. You fell asleep on the ship, so I carried you off. We're safe now."
You looked at where they were heading and saw a huge dark castle in the distance, its towering spires piercing the night sky. The sight sent shivers down your spine, as you couldn't help but wonder what mysteries and dangers awaited you within those ominous walls.
"What is that?"
"That's my house," Mihawk said casually, as if mentioning that he owned a small cottage by the seaside.
You couldn't believe your ears as you stared at the imposing castle, realizing that you had just stepped into the lair of the world's greatest swordsman.
"Why are we at your house?"
"Because you need to get bandaged up and I need to rest," Mihawk replied, his eyes scanning the castle's surroundings for potential threats.
"My house is equipped with everything we need to tend to our wounds and recover. Plus, it's the safest place for us right now."
You kept quiet as you saw the castle get bigger and closer, the sense of foreboding intensifying with each step. The eerie silence that enveloped the surroundings only added to your unease, making you question the true nature of Mihawk's "house" and what secrets it held within its walls.
"We're here," he said in a very nonchalantly tone.
As you looked around, you noticed the thick iron door of the castle slowly creaking open, revealing a grand entrance that seemed to lead into the heart of darkness.
Your heart raced with a mixture of fear and curiosity, wondering what awaited you on the other side.
As you entered the castle, the lights switched on by themselves, illuminating the grandeur of the place. The flickering candlelight danced off the intricate tapestries and ancient suits of armor, creating an eerie yet mesmerizing atmosphere. It was clear that this was no ordinary home, but a place steeped in history and power.
"Mihawk! Why are you back so early!" a voice came from inside the castle, echoing through the grand halls. You followed Mihawk's gaze and saw a figure emerging from the shadows, their eyes filled with a mix of surprise and curiosity.
The figure that emerged from the shadows was a woman. With her signature pink hair and a frilly black dress, she exuded an air of both elegance and mischief.
Her wide eyes sparkled with curiosity as she took in the sight of you in Mihawk's arms, clearly intrigued by your presence in their mysterious castle.
"Perona, this is our guest for now, treat her with respect," Mihawk stated firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Perona's eyes widened even further as she assessed you, her curiosity turning into a mischievous smile.
"Oh, how delightful! A new playmate," she exclaimed, her voice dripping with excitement and a touch of malice.
As you tried to process Perona's words, you felt a chilling breeze on your back. Startled, you turned around and to your astonishment, you found yourself being held by a translucent, ghost-like figure instead of Mihawk.
The figure's eyes glowed with an ethereal light as it floated effortlessly, its presence sending a shiver down your spine.
"Come along!" Perona said excitedly, also floating and headed upstairs, her frilly black dress billowing around her.
Reluctantly, you followed Perona, your eyes fixed on the ghostly figure that carried you. Its ethereal presence seemed to be bound to Perona, as if it were her loyal companion in this eerie castle.
As you ascended the stairs, you stole a quick glance down to the first floor, where you had caught a glimpse of Mihawk before. However, to your surprise, Mihawk was nowhere to be seen.
It was as if he had vanished into thin air, leaving you alone with Perona and the mysterious ghostly figure. The air grew colder, and a sense of unease settled over you as you continued to follow Perona deeper into the heart of the castle.
"What's your name?" Perona asked, floating closer to you with a mischievous grin. Her pink hair seemed to glow in the dim light of the castle as she eagerly awaited your response.
"My name is Y/N," you replied, feeling a mixture of apprehension.
"Y/N? That's such a good name," Perona complimented as she continued to float, leading you deeper into the castle. The ghostly figure holding you seemed to emit an eerie glow, its presence becoming increasingly unsettling as you ventured further into the unknown.
Perona finally stopped in front of a door and quickly opened it, getting inside. The ghostly figure followed suit, its ethereal form gliding into the room.
As you stepped into the room, you were immediately captivated by its opulence. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries, and the furniture was ornately carved with delicate details.
The room was filled with plush cushions, silk curtains, and a grand canopy bed fit for a princess. The soft glow of candlelight illuminated the space, casting a warm and inviting ambiance. It was as if you had stepped into a fairytale, and for a moment, you forgot the eerie presence that had brought you here.
"This is my bedroom," Perona said as the ghost placed you on the edge of her bed.
"It's really nice," you said, speechless of the sight of the room.
Perona chuckled, her mischievous grin widening. "Now let's get you a bath and some new clothes, the ragged look does not fit you," she joked, gesturing towards a luxurious en-suite bathroom.
The thought of a warm bath and fresh attire was tempting, but you couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that lingered in the air.
As you tried to stand up, your legs did not cooperate with you and started to make you fall. Panic surged through you as you grasped for something to hold onto, but all you could grasp was thin air.
Luckily, Perona was beside you and was able to catch you in time, preventing you from falling to the ground. She held onto you, her ethereal grip providing a surprisingly strong support, and helped you regain your balance.
"Are you okay?" Perona panicked, concern evident in her voice as she held onto you tightly.
"Yeah, I'm alright," you muttered, trying to downplay your momentary loss of balance. But deep down, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was seriously wrong with your body.
"Let's get you a bath now, maybe that will make you feel better," Perona suggested, guiding you to the bathroom.
The bathroom was an extension of the opulence that permeated the rest of the room. Marble countertops, gilded fixtures, and a large clawfoot bathtub took center stage, surrounded by intricate tilework and a crystal chandelier that sparkled overhead.
Perona guided you into the bath with utmost care, ensuring that you were comfortable every step of the way. She adjusted the water temperature to your liking and gently helped you settle into the luxurious clawfoot bathtub, making sure you were fully supported.
As the warm water enveloped your body, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and gratitude for Perona's kind and attentive nature.
Unable to take the silence anymore, you decided to make a joke.
"Is this how you treat all your guests?" you joked, a playful smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you hugged your knees close to you.
"Actually, you're our first guest," Perona said, kneeling beside the bathtub. "But I must say, you're making quite the impression already. We've been waiting for someone like you for a long time."
"What do you mean?" you asked curiously, facing Perona.
"You see, that old man Mihawk has been so lonely for all his life, it was time that he had some love in his life," Perona explained, her voice filled with a mix of sympathy and affection.
"What do you mean?" you said, feeling your face heat up at her words, unsure if you had heard her correctly. Perona's eyes softened as she looked at you, her voice filled with sincerity.
"Mihawk has been searching for a companion, someone to share his life with. And it seems like fate has brought you to us."
"That can't be," you protested, your voice trembling with uncertainty. "He only brought me here because he pitied me since I was the survivor of the fight that he was in. I can't be the companion he's looking for."
Perona's expression remained gentle as she reached out to touch your hand. "Believe me, it's more than just pity," she reassured you. "Mihawk sees something special in you, something that goes beyond mere circumstance."
You kept quiet, thinking deeply about what she said. Did the greatest swordsman in the world really think that about you? Fall in love with a small peasant? No way.
"Let's get you clean first," Perona said, getting the shampoo and rubbing your hair, getting the dirt out.
As she continued to wash your hair, she whispered, "You may doubt it now, but Mihawk's feelings for you are genuine. He sees in you a strength and resilience that he admires, and that's why he brought you here."
As Perona continued to massage your hair, her gentle touch and the soothing sound of the water made you feel incredibly relaxed. Despite your doubts, the weight of the day started to lift off your shoulders, and you couldn't help but feel yourself drifting off to sleep in her caring hands.
"Y/N, Y/N?"
You quickly straightened your back and looked at Perona, trying to shake off the drowsiness. "Yes Perona," you said softly.
"I'm done washing your hair, is my massaging that good?" Perona teased, standing up to stretch her legs and arms.
You blushed and smiled at Perona's playful comment. "Yes, Perona, your massaging is amazing. I've never felt so relaxed before," you admitted, feeling grateful for her presence and the unexpected turn your life had taken.
"My treatment isn't over yet, you need new clothes," Perona said excitedly, running out of the bathroom to find some clothes that would fit you properly.
As you watched her leave, a mixture of curiosity and anticipation filled your heart, wondering what other surprises this new chapter of your life would bring.
Slowly, you got out of the bath and walked over to where the towels were hung from. As you dried yourself, something caught your eye in the mirror; it was your back.
It was a painful reminder of the abuse you had endured throughout your life. The scars crisscrossed your back, telling stories of pain and suffering. As you stared at your reflection, you felt disgust and guilt fill your heart.
How was Perona not disgusted by you? How could you show that to her? She must have pitied me as well.
"Hey Y/N, are you okay?" Perona asked, her reflection showing in the mirror as well, standing at the doorway. She looked at you with genuine concern in her eyes, her expression filled with empathy and understanding.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you said, quickly covering your back with the towel. You didn't want Perona to see the scars and be burdened with your past.
"I've got your outfits ready," Perona informed, her voice filled with excitement. "I picked out some clothes that I think you'll love."
You nodded, walking out of the bathroom and seeing the different outfits on the racks. Perona's taste in fashion was impeccable, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as you imagined yourself wearing the carefully selected clothes.
Though all of the outfits were dresses, you couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. As someone who has always been in pants and shirts, you wondered if Perona truly understood your personal style.
Nevertheless, you decided to give the dresses a chance and hoped that they would make you feel as confident and beautiful as Perona saw you.
"Sorry, all I have are dresses."
"It's okay," you assured, taking the first dress and going back to the bathroom.
When you properly looked at the dress, you realized that this was a bad idea. It was a style that you would never choose for yourself. Maybe it was because you are only able to wear one set of clothes - too frilly, too feminine, and completely foreign to you.
But Perona had put so much thought and effort into selecting these outfits for you that you decided to suck it up and wear the dress. You wanted to show her that you appreciated her gesture and were willing to step outside of your comfort zone for her.
Plus, who knows, maybe trying something new could be a positive change for you.
As you looked into the mirror, you couldn't help but feel a sense of shock at the person staring back at you. The dress completely transformed your appearance, making you almost unrecognizable to yourself.
Despite your initial hesitation, you took a deep breath and reminded yourself that sometimes stepping outside of your comfort zone can lead to unexpected growth and self-discovery.
You walked out of the bathroom and immediately looked at Perona for her reaction. Her eyes widened as she took in your appearance, and a wide smile spread across her face. "You look absolutely stunning!" she exclaimed, her excitement evident in her voice.
"Thank you," you replied shyly, grateful for Perona's kind words and validation.
"This is why we need to show you off to Mihawk," Perona stated happily, her eyes gleaming with excitement. You couldn't help but blush at her words, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation building up inside you.
Lost in your own thoughts and the rush of confidence from trying something new, you were so absorbed in your own bubble of happiness that you didn't even hear Perona's statement about showing you off to Mihawk.
Then you felt as if you had been picked up again by someone.
Startled, you turned your head to the side and made eye contact with the ghost, who had picked you up once again.
"Let's go," Perona smiled, floating again and led the way. You clung onto the ghost, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity as you followed her through the halls, eager to see where this unexpected journey would take you.
As you followed Perona through the halls, you couldn't help but admire the grandeur of Mihawk's mansion. The elegant decor and intricate artwork displayed in every corner showcased his impeccable taste.
It didn't take long for Perona to lead you to Mihawk's study room, and as you entered, you were immediately struck by the air of wisdom and power that seemed to emanate from the room.
Mihawk seemed oblivious to your presence, deeply engrossed in the book he was reading. His intense focus and the way he furrowed his brows as he turned the pages only added to his mysterious aura.
"Mihawk, I brought Y/N here," Perona said with a hint of pride in her voice, gesturing towards you. "Doesn't she look stunning?" she exclaimed, treating you as if you were a prized possession on display.
When Mihawk looked up from his book, the both of you had immediate eye contact, and his eyes widened in astonishment at the sight of you.
It was as if time stood still for a moment, and you could feel the intensity of his gaze as he took in your transformed appearance.
Did he not like your dress? Did he not like you getting too close to Perona?
"Perona, can you leave the two of us alone?" Mihawk ordered, his gaze never leaving yours.
Perona then whispered, "Good luck, even though you might not need it. Mihawk has never shown such interest in anyone before. You must have made quite an impression."
Perona nodded and floated out of the room, leaving you alone with the enigmatic swordsman.
The intensity of his gaze made your heart race, and you couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were running through his mind.
"Come sit here," he said, gesturing to the chair beside him.
As the ghost moved, it gently dropped you onto the chair beside Mihawk. You sat in the seat, trying to steady your nerves as you waited for him to speak. The silence in the room was palpable, and you couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and uncertainty about what was to come.
Even as you tried to settle into the chair, Mihawk's piercing gaze never wavered.
"Is there something wrong with your legs?"
You turned to him in surprise, your eyes widening at the unexpected question. "No, nothing's wrong with my legs," you replied, slightly puzzled. "Why do you ask?"
"Perona's ghost carried you all the way here,"
"I tripped once and Perona was overreacting by making me get carried," you explained, hoping to alleviate any concerns he might have had.
Mihawk's expression softened ever so slightly as he nodded. "I see," he responded, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.
The awkward silence hung in the air, amplifying the tension between you and Mihawk. You wondered if there was something more he wanted to say, or if he was simply contemplating the situation. Either way, you couldn't help but feel a mixture of anxiety and anticipation as you waited for him to break the silence.
"You look beautiful by the way," Mihawk said, finally breaking the silence. His compliment caught you off guard, and a blush crept onto your cheeks.
"Thank you," you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper. The sincerity in Mihawk's words sent a wave of warmth through your body, calming your nerves slightly.
"Do you want to stay here?" Mihawk asked, his piercing gaze still fixed on you.
The question caught you off guard once again, and you found yourself searching for the right words to respond, unsure of what staying in this enigmatic swordsman's presence would entail.
"I like it here, but I don't want to intrude," you said, hesitatingly. The words escaped your lips as you tried to convey your mixed feelings of both comfort and reservation in Mihawk's presence.
"You are not intruding at all," Mihawk started, his voice calm and reassuring. "Perona seems to like you, so you can stay as long as you like." The weight of his words lifted some of the uncertainty from your shoulders, allowing you to relax a little more in his presence.
"I- I can stay?" you said, looking at him with surprise, the words escaping your lips before you could fully process them.
Mihawk was surprised by the sudden eye contact but quickly regained his composure and looked back at his book, nodding. It seemed like he was trying to regain his composure and maintain his usual stoic demeanor.
"Thank you," you said, your voice filled with gratitude and a hint of relief. The permission to stay in Mihawk's presence felt like a weight lifted off your shoulders, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and acceptance in his words.
"Do you like dresses?" he asked, not lifting his eyes off his book. His question caught you off guard again, and you hesitated for a moment before responding, "Well this is my first time wearing something other than ripped clothes. Why do you ask?"
"We can go shopping after you recover, if you'd like," Mihawk suggested, his eyes finally meeting yours.
"I appreciate the offer, but I feel like I would be using you if I accepted. I don't want to burden you or take advantage of your kindness," you said, your voice filled with sincerity and concern.
"You're not burdening me at all," Mihawk reassured, his gaze unwavering. "Helping you is my choice."
"You're very generous," you said, overwhelmed by Mihawk's kindness. The offer to go shopping after your recovery was unexpected, and you couldn't help but feel touched by his willingness to help.
"I understand that nothing can repair all you have gone through," Mihawk replied, his voice filled with empathy.
"You have no idea how much this means to me," you replied, tears welling up in your eyes. "To have someone like you, someone who understands, by my side... I can't thank you enough."
As Mihawk was about to reply, the door opened dramatically and revealed Perona, who had a mischievous smile on her face. "Oh, sorry for interrupting your conversation!" she exclaimed, causing both of you to turn towards her in surprise.
Startled by the sudden movement, you jumped in your seat, your heart racing.
"What do you want?" Mihawk muttered, a sign of anger showing in his tone. His interruption was abrupt, and his gaze shifted from Perona to you, as if silently asking if you were okay.
Perona's mischievous smile grew wider as she said, "I just wanted to let you two know that dinner is ready."
Mihawk sighed and glanced at you apologetically before turning his attention back to Perona. "Thank you for letting us know, Perona. We'll be there shortly," he responded, his voice calm but still carrying a hint of frustration.
Perona nodded, chuckling mischievously before floating away, leaving you and Mihawk alone once again. You took a deep breath, grateful for the brief interruption that allowed your racing heart to calm down.
"Can you walk?" Mihawk asked, placing his book on his desk.
"Yes, I can walk," you replied, relieved that your momentary panic hadn't caused any physical limitations. Mihawk nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Good," he said, standing up from his chair. "Shall we head to dinner then?"
"Yes," you said, standing up as well, and you followed Mihawk out of the room, feeling a sense of comfort knowing that he was there to support you.
As you continued to follow him from behind, it reminded you of your life just a few hours ago.
When walking was not a choice at times but a command enforced by cruel guards who would yell, "Walk faster!" while pulling the chains that were wrapped around the necks and arms of the slaves.
You were only able to answer with a 'Yes Master' or a 'Yes sir'. Other than those two, you would be severely punished depending on who heard your wrong answer.
Unfortunately you were a slave that was passed across many ships for all of their lives and you weren't familiar with that rule yet. Your last ship made you do everything in silence, even cry in silence that you even thought you had lost your voice.
The punishment you had to endure in Don Krieg's ship was indescribable. From physical beatings to starvation and isolation, every day was filled with unimaginable pain and suffering.
It was a constant battle for survival, and the fear of making a single mistake haunted your every move.
"Are you coming?" a voice said, making you jump.
Without thinking, you answered with "yes master," your conditioned response from years of slavery.
But as the words left your mouth, you quickly realized where you were and who you were with. The weight of your past life lingered in that moment, reminding you of the scars that still remained, even if they weren't visible.
You quickly corrected yourself, realizing that you were no longer in that dark place. The presence of Mihawk and the safety of his house provided a stark contrast to the horrors you had endured.
His eyes filled with concern as he noticed your sudden startle. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he apologized, extending a hand towards you.
"No, I'm sorry, I should have paid more attention," you said, shaking your head.
The memories of your past sometimes still caught you off guard, but being in Mihawk's presence helped ease the lingering pain.
Feeling a sense of comfort, you slowly wrapped your hand around his arm, finding solace in his presence. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes of the trust that was slowly growing between the two of you, helping to heal the wounds of your past.
As you continued to walk in silence, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the freedom you now had. Each step forward was a reminder of how far you had come from the days of bondage and suffering.
Finally, after walking in silence for a few more minutes, you and Mihawk reached the dining room. The sight of the beautifully set table and the aroma of the delicious meal filled the air, instantly making your stomach grumble with anticipation.
As you approached the dining room, Mihawk graciously pulled out the chair on his right side for you. Gratefully, you settled into your seat, ready to indulge in the nourishing meal before you.
Perona then floated in from the kitchen and sat in front of you, her mischievous smile lighting up the room. "I hope you're hungry," she said playfully, her ghostly form exuding an air of excitement.
It was clear that she had put her heart into preparing this meal, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging in this newfound family.
"Let's dig in, Itadakimasu!" Perona said, sitting down. The words marked the beginning of a joyful feast, as you and Mihawk joined her at the table, savoring the delicious food.
You couldn't help but feel a tinge of embarrassment as you stared at the unfamiliar cutlery in front of you. Forks and knives were foreign objects to you, as you had never used them before.
"What's your dominant hand?"
"Huh," you said, looking at Mihawk. "I'm actually ambidextrous, so I can use either hand."
Mihawk chuckled softly, reaching across the table to hand you a fork. "Well, I guess it's time to learn something new," he said.
You took the fork and stared at it, feeling a mixture of curiosity and nervousness. As you held it in your hand, Mihawk leaned in and gently guided you through the proper way to hold and use it, patiently teaching you the art of dining with cutlery.
As you held the fork for the first time, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unfamiliarity and anticipation. The smooth metal against your fingertips felt foreign yet strangely empowering.
With your heart pounding, you cautiously brought the fork to your lips, trying to mimic Mihawk's guidance.
You fumbled with the fork a few times, dropping food and feeling your face flush with embarrassment. Mihawk and Perona, however, remained patient and encouraging, assuring you that it was completely normal to struggle at first. With each failed attempt, he offered gentle guidance and reassurance, reminding you that learning something new takes time and practice.
With a cautious grip, you tentatively speared a piece of food and raised it to your lips. As the flavors mingled on your tongue, you couldn't help but smile at the small triumph of mastering this new skill, savoring not only the taste of the meal but also the sense of accomplishment that came with it.
You looked at Mihawk in shock, and you could see the slightest smile playing at the corners of his lips. It was as if he had anticipated your reaction and took joy in witnessing your triumph over the unfamiliarity of using cutlery.
"You're a quick learner," Mihawk said with a proud glint in his eyes, rewarding your efforts with a nod of approval.
"Thank you," you replied, feeling a sense of gratitude for Mihawk's patient guidance.
You started to eat, savoring each bite and enjoying the newfound skill of using cutlery. As you looked up, you noticed Perona's gaze fixed on the two of you, her eyes shining with happiness.
"What is it?" Mihawk asked, also noticing Peroma's staring.
"It's- It's nothing!" Perona replied, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. She quickly averted her gaze, pretending to be engrossed in her meal once again.
You found Perona's reaction endearing, her blush adding to the charm of the moment. However, Mihawk scoffed, dismissing her behavior as nothing more than a triviality, before taking a sip of his wine and returning his attention to his meal.
You couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind, but you decided to focus on enjoying the rest of the meal and savoring the newfound skill of using cutlery.
What would she think if she saw me now? In a fancy dress, at a fancy castle and with fancy people.
You smiled sadly at the thought, knowing that she would never have the opportunity to witness this moment. Her absence was a constant ache in your heart, but you took solace in the fact that you were carrying a piece of her with you, her spirit guiding you through each small triumph and reminding you to cherish every moment.
Mihawk had noticed the sadness behind your smile, but his silence on the matter only deepened the mystery of his thoughts.
The fancy castle exuded an air of grandeur and opulence, with its towering walls adorned with intricate tapestries and sparkling chandeliers illuminating the exquisite dining hall.
The dining hall was a breathtaking sight, with its grand chandeliers casting a dazzling array of light that danced off the polished silverware and fine china.
The walls, adorned with intricate tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and noble conquests, added an air of regality to the already opulent space. As you took in the surroundings, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and privilege to be in such a luxurious setting.
"So what are we doing tomorrow?" Perona asked curiously, breaking the silence that had settled over the table.
Her question brought you back to the present moment, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as you thought about the adventures that awaited the next day.
"I will be going out to meet up with someone," Mihawk stated, taking another sip of his wine. His cryptic response piqued your curiosity, leaving you wondering who he was meeting and what plans he had in store.
"Who?" Perona asked, her eyes filled with curiosity as she awaited Mihawk's answer.
"That is none of your business," Mihawk answered, his tone curt and final.
The air around the table grew tense as Perona's curiosity clashed with Mihawk's guarded demeanor, leaving you caught in the middle, torn between wanting to know the answer and respecting Mihawk's privacy.
"Oh well, that means the house is all to us," Perona cheered to you, her excitement palpable.
You couldn't help but smile, grateful for her lightheartedness in the midst of the tension. It was a reminder that even in moments of uncertainty, there was still joy to be found.
As the evening wore on, you and Perona continued to share stories from your past, exchanging tales of adventure and hardship. Mihawk remained a silent but attentive presence, his gaze fixed on you both as he listened intently to every word.
It was a rare moment of vulnerability and connection, as you realized that despite his guarded demeanor, Mihawk was genuinely interested in getting to know you on a deeper level.
It would not be too difficult for you to get used to this, you thought to yourself. . . .
You woke up trapped on a slave ship, embarking on a harrowing journey of torture and suffering. As you lay restlessly in your sleep, you found yourself waking up in a familiar place.
It was a dark and damp room, with shackles tightly binding your ankles and wrists. Panic consumed you as you realized you were a prisoner on a slave ship.
As you slowly regained consciousness, you noticed a group of guards surrounding you. They were cruel and merciless, their faces etched with twisted desires. Each guard carried a whip, which they eagerly used to inflict unimaginable pain upon your flesh.
So it was a dream, you thought sadly, remembering the feeling of being in a majestic dress in a castle with Mihawk and Perona.
As you got up to the yelling of the guards, you realized that the dream was just a temporary escape from the harsh reality of your situation. The pain in your limbs and the stench of the ship's hold reminded you that you were still a captive, desperate for freedom.
The guards showed no mercy as they tormented you. They would strike you with whips, leaving welts upon your body. The whips were adorned with sharp metal spikes, causing excruciating pain with every lash. The guards laughed and taunted you, reveling in your suffering.
It became clear that the guards' sadistic pleasure was their primary objective. They enjoyed inflicting pain purely for their own amusement. Their laughter echoed through the ship, reminding you of your helplessness.
As the days turned into weeks, the slave ship continued on its journey. The stench of sweat and fear filled the air. The guards kept us confined in cramped, unsanitary conditions. We were subjected to constant hunger and thirst, our bodies ravaged by disease and malnutrition.
Your suffering was unrelenting and, as we sailed further, our despair only grew stronger. . . .
You woke up sweating profusely from the nightmare, your heart pounding in your chest. The vividness of the dream left you shaken, unable to shake off the feeling of despair and hopelessness that had consumed you from your nightmare.
You looked around and saw you were in a fancy yet empty room. The grandeur of the furnishings contrasted sharply with the emptiness of the space, leaving you with a sense of eerie solitude.
The silence was deafening, and you couldn't help but question whether this was another illusion, or if there was a glimmer of hope for escape after all.
You remembered how Perona showed you to this guest room last night, assuring you it would be a safe place to rest and you could decorate it later.
You then slowly got up from your bed and made your way to the door as you walked slowly. As you turned the handle, a rush of anticipation filled your veins. The creaking of the door echoed through the empty hallway, and you cautiously stepped outside, your heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination.
The moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the deserted grounds. The stillness of the night was unsettling, as if the whole world was holding its breath in anticipation. The moon cast an ethereal glow on the desolate landscape, illuminating the path ahead.
The late hour meant that Perona was likely to be asleep but you were unsure of Mihawk. You weren't able to identify any sleepiness from him during dinner unlike Perona, who was complaining about how she needed her beauty sleep for one hour until you volunteered to wash the dishes for her.
As you tiptoed down the corridor, every step was carefully calculated to avoid making any noise. The silence enveloped you, amplifying the sound of your own breathing.
You knew that any sudden noise could alert Mihawk to your presence, and the consequences of being caught were too dire to contemplate.
Your heart skipped a beat as you heard the faint sound of footsteps echoing from downstairs.
Your mind raced with possibilities, wondering who could be roaming the house at this hour. Could it be Perona, unable to sleep and wandering aimlessly? Or perhaps it was Mihawk, patrolling the premises to ensure the safety of his guests.
The unknown nature of the situation only heightened your anxiety, and you knew that you had to proceed with extreme caution.
Despite knowing that it was wrong, your curiosity got the better of you, and you couldn't resist the urge to explore the castle further. The allure of the unknown beckoned you, and you silently made your way towards the source of the footsteps, determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the walls.
You made it to the grand staircase without any disturbance, its grandeur and elegance captivating you as you ascended each step. The soft moonlight streaming through the stained glass windows added an ethereal touch to the scene, casting colorful patterns on the marble floor below.
As you walked down the stairs, the footsteps grew louder, echoing through the empty hallways. The sound resonated with an eerie intensity, sending shivers down your spine and intensifying your sense of unease.
When you reached the end of the stairs, a figure emerged from the shadows, completely unaware of your presence. Their footsteps faltered for a moment as they glanced around, their eyes scanning the surroundings with a mixture of caution and curiosity.
The figure standing before you was none other than the legendary swordsman, Dracule Mihawk. Clad in his signature black attire, Mihawk exuded an aura of mystery and power. His long, flowing black hair framed his chiseled face, accentuating his piercing, hawk-like eyes that seemed to hold a depth of knowledge and experience beyond measure.
The sharp angles of his jawline and the confident set of his shoulders portrayed a man who was both formidable and unyielding. As he moved with grace and precision, his black cape billowed behind him, adding an air of elegance and drama to his every step.
It was clear that this was a man who commanded respect and demanded attention wherever he went.
You had always heard stories of Mihawk's fearsome reputation and his unmatched swordsmanship, but now, as you looked at him up close, you couldn't help but notice his striking features.
His sharp eyes softened as they met yours, revealing a glimmer of curiosity.
The harsh lines of his face seemed to soften, revealing a hidden attractiveness that you had never noticed before. Despite the air of mystery and power that surrounded him, you couldn't help but find yourself drawn to his handsome and enigmatic presence.
"Y/N, what are you doing awake so late?" Mihawk asked as he fully faced you, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and concern. His piercing gaze remained fixed on you, as if trying to unravel the mystery behind your presence in his grand mansion.
You stumbled for words, caught off guard by his sudden attention, unsure whether to reveal the truth or come up with a plausible excuse.
Finally, you mustered the courage to respond, "I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't resist the allure of exploring this magnificent place."
Mihawk's gaze lingered on you for a moment, his expression unreadable. "Curiosity can be a dangerous thing," he murmured, his voice low and filled with a hint of warning.
"I understand the risks," you replied, meeting Mihawk's gaze with determination.
Mihawk nodded before gesturing you to come over, "Y/N, come here," he said, his voice holding a touch of intrigue. As you stepped closer to him, you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with apprehension. What could he possibly want with you?
As you got close enough, Mihawk slowly reached for your hand, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. His grip was firm yet gentle, as if he held something precious.
"I'll be back before tomorrow evening, but if you have any problems, just call me on this," he whispered, his voice tinged with a hint of reassurance.
As he released your hand, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty filled the air. With the Transponder Snail now in your possession, you couldn't help but wonder what awaited you in the coming hours.
You watched as Mihawk opened the door, said goodbye before walking into the forest. The sound of his footsteps faded into the distance, leaving you standing there, holding the Transponder Snail in your hand, filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation about the adventures that lay ahead.
Feeling tired, you closed the door and headed back to bed, placing the Transponder Snail on the desk close by.
The events of the evening replayed in your mind, and as sleep finally claimed you, you couldn't help but wonder where Mihawk was going, and how you would be involved. . . .
"Good afternoon Hawkeyes Mihawk, what honour do I have for you to be here today?"
"I have something that might interest you, Garp."
"And what might that be?"
"Have you ever heard of a devil fruit that allows the user to control its own aura and even the aura from other living beings?"
"No, I haven't. Tell me more," Garp replied, his curiosity piqued. . . .
Part 2?
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the-0ther-boy · 4 months
Zoro: I’m not jealous. I just get a weird burning feeling in my chest when I think about Nami being with the cook.
Perona: Yes, that’s jealousy.
118 notes · View notes
jintaka-hane · 7 months
Laundry in Kuraigana (x f!reader)
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Pairing: Dracule Mihawk x f!reader Summary: Living in Kuraigana comes with its own set of rules, and with a master as inflexible as Mihawk, they must be strictly adhered to. Frustrated by his lack of attention, you craft a plan to exact revenge through household chores. Word count: 600
Circumstances have brought you to call Kuraigana your home. And it appears you'll be staying there for quite some time until the situation you've found yourself in is resolved.
It's been three months since you arrived and during this time, Mihawk has set up rules and a household routine, creating a semblance of family life with his apprentice swordsman, the ghost girl, and yourself.
Mihawk doesn't employ domestic staff in the castle, it would compromise his privacy, tranquility and security (already quite compromised considering the castle's new occupants). Therefore, you must organize yourselves very strictly following a schedule of tasks that he has assigned to each of you.
Everything must be neat and tidy, nothing can be left for the next day, and unnecessary items must be discarded to avoid clutter.
Like everyone else, he must also contribute to maintaining the castle: the garden, the orchard, meal planning, cleaning the rooms, washing the dishes and cutlery... and doing the laundry.
Laundry is done three times a week. Once with black clothes, another with colored clothes, and another with white and light-colored clothes. Mihawk will not tolerate, under any circumstances, mixing colors or washing delicate fabrics like silk in a non-gentle cycle. Everything must be carefully planned and each week it's someone's turn, expected to separate the clothes by color, select the appropriate wash cycle, hang the clothes, and fold them, dividing them into four different piles, one for each owner. Each person will collect their own pile, clean and dry.
A few weeks after arriving at Kuraigana, you realized that you were starting to feel attracted to the castle's master. His fierce appearance and strength in combat contrasted with the delicacy and perfection with which he organized something as mundane as household chores.
Without daring to confess your attraction, you have been trying to be subtle, taking small steps like lightly brushing fingers when passing the salt, trying to hold his gaze for a few seconds longer than usual when you spoke, or making comments that you thought he might find amusing or intellectual. Nothing seems to work, always so serious, so stoic, completely focused on whatever task he was doing. It is hard to get his attention. Very hard.
For this reason, you begin to feel frustrated. Is this man simply too difficult? Or are you not attractive enough? In any case, this frustration turns into anger... until you devise a plan to teach him a lesson and get revenge.
Knowing that it is his turn to do the laundry this week, you select your most scandalous and provocative lingerie to place in the laundry basket.
And, to be honest, you have quite a collection.
So, you choose shameless bras of several colors and transparencies, daring black stockings and garters, suggestive thongs, and exciting lace bodysuits. If this man isn't willing to pay attention to you, he will realize what he could have had and didn't. The opportunity he missed.
Throughout the week, you watch as your clothes appear hanging in the sun in the garden, alongside those of Mihawk, Zoro, and Perona. Thus, next to a pair of training pants, a simple white shirt and some socks, there is a sultry red lace bodysuit with transparencies.
As your clothes dry, they appear in your pile carefully folded, smelling clean and ready for you to pick up.
"Don't you think Mihawk is more grumpy than usual?" Perona asks one night, watching as Mihawk tries to concentrate on reading a newspaper, with a furrowed brow.
"Grumpy and... distracted?" Zoro adds, also observing him from afar.
"Yeah? I wonder why," you smile.
-> Alternative ending I -> Alternative ending II
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(Little mid-timeskip scene with Perona, Zoro, and Mihawk:)
The castle was beautiful, but empty. And quiet. So, so quiet, aaaaalllllllllll the time. Perona had never been able to stand the quiet.
To fill the space, she sang. She wasn't the best at it, but it was better than talking to herself all the time, she thought. Plus, it was comforting, in a way.
Mihawk was typically apathetic about her singing. But Zoro, being the good and proper pirate that he was, often added his voice to hers.
This particular evening, as she set about preparing dinner, she found herself reminded of an old familiar children’s song, one that she remembered her mother singing to her while at work in her own kitchen.
“There was a boy called Johnny King, who used to ride his bike-”
“Up and down this simple country lane,” Zoro joined in, from where he was casually leaning back in his chair at the table.
Perona smiled. “Now he’s gone to sea, to sail under the black flag of death, and- ack!”
She dove for the stove as her pot threatened to boil over. As she did so, Zoro completed the verse-
“And all the people know he won’t come home again.”
“What?” Perona turned back around, having got the situation at the stove back under control, and frowned. “That’s not how it goes.”
“Uh, yeah it is. Didn’t you know?”
“No, no, it’s ‘the people far and wide all know his name’.”
“...Huh? No it isn’t!”
“Yes it is!”
“I’ve heard both,” Mihawk put in before the argument could develop any further. “Zoro’s is the East Blue version, Perona’s is the version here in the Grand Line.”
“Oh. Ohhh, well, I guess that makes sense, doesn’t it? Maybe he was a real guy, and he went from the East Blue to the Line.”
“Maybe so,” Zoro nodded. “That would also explain the difference in the two lines themselves. If he died at sea, he never actually would come home again, would he?”
“But then, the other version isn’t necessarily wrong. I mean, we do all still know his name, don’t we?”
“I guess we do.”
“So he must have had at least some success as a pirate. That’s…I don’t know, it’s kind of fascinating.”
"If you say so," Mihawk shrugged.
“That guy Noland ended up being a real guy," Zoro said thoughtfully, "from that North Blue children's book."
"You mean Liar Noland?"
"Yeah, but it turned out that he wasn't lying."
"What," Perona frowned as she began ladling steaming pasta onto plates for each of them, "are you saying you found the lost city, then?"
"Yeah. It was on a sky island."
"...That's a story I haven't heard."
"I'll tell you sometime, then," Zoro said around a huge yawn.
"As long as it's not at the dinner table, please," Mihawk sniffed.
"Hey, Hawkeyes, how come there's no songs or books about you out there?"
"I don't know, but I am thankful that there aren't."
"I bet we could make our own! Mihawk, Mihawk, with blade of steel and, uh, eyes of gold..."
"Lord of the sea and Kuraigana cold," Zoro added with a snort.
"Yes, that's genius! We've got to write this down!"
"On second thought, I believe I will just take my meal in my room."
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bitchapalooza · 3 months
Here, take sneak peeks of my fav bits of the Zosan fic I’m writing. I’m having a bad day and I think sharing something I’m having fun with will help improve it even if a little ❤️
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doodierecs · 8 days
⭐💗moonlighters by evils
fandom: one piece
Zoro, Sanji, and how they learn to be greater than the sum of their parts.
Or: in which Sanji steps in front of Zoro again in Sabaody. They both get sent to Kuraigana Island.
relationships: Roronoa Zoro/Blackleg Sanji, Minor Mihawk/Shanks
tags to heed: Blood and injury, minor character death, canon-typical violence
review under the cut:
i read this fic in one go, in less than a day. all 176k words of it. my chest hurts and i'm feeling so many things and i'll try to put some of it in words.
you must be wondering how i managed to finish a 176k fic in less than a day. that's because im obsessive and insane when it comes to things i like and i really fucking liked this fic. and rightfully so. i did not cry reading this, but throughout this beautifully written piece of work, i felt like the author had my heart in their hands. it hurts still.
the technical aspects of this are as follows: the characterization of zoro, sanji, perona and mihawk are beyond perfect. the flow, the pacing, the everything was so well done, it's downright baffling. how could someone execute something so. intricate and detailed and raw so well? i can't find any faults even if i nitpick. i'm saying this in an objective and subjective way- this fic was nothing short of a wonder.
and now, as for my personal views. before we delve into the topic of the zoro/sanji relationship, i NEED to acknowledge the relationship between sanji, zoro, perona and mihawk. they are an eccentric bunch and they never outright declare their love for each other but it's there it's there it's there. it's so glaringly obvious, you can almost hear it sing. the subtle introduction of mihawk/shanks dynamic, while not examined in detail, still left a deep impact. both in the story and in me as a reader. every character is filled with so much life that they are no longer characters. this is a hard feat to achieve and the author achieves it all so effortlessly, or so it seems.
as for zoro and sanji i just. i can't formulate words. it's all about love. it's always about love. when is it ever not?
Sanji breathes in. “When?” he asks. “When did you…fall in love with me?”
“There is no when,” he says simply. “Do you know when you grow taller? Do you know when you grow older? You don’t. It just happens. Natural as anything. And you can’t stop it.”
this seems so simple but. isn't that all love is about? this story strips down love to it's very core and makes us watch it for the raw, ugly, beautiful, miraculous thing it is. it's all so. god, i just can't say it in words. i rushed to write this bigass review after reading it and now i can't even say anything except my chest hurts my chest hurts and this was beautiful. this was so, so beautiful.
“Sanji,” Zoro smiles, “Sanji, Sanji.”
this fic is my roman empire.
23 notes · View notes
thewillofdeez · 1 year
Twenty Questions - A Goth Fam One-shot with just a smidge of OC romance
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Summary: A few weeks after arriving on Kuraigana, Perona is desperate to get to know her mysterious host. After much pestering, she gets him to agree to twenty questions.
Lightweight one-shot goth fam fun. Notes can be found on my AO3 account under the same username.
Word count: 7k
The woman was like a fly. Or a mosquito. Something that was annoyingly persistent and had absolutely no survival sense to back off lest it be squashed. Her ability to fly only served to further the analogy. Mihawk had certainly considered squashing her before. He wondered if there was a place where he could buy a giant fly swatter, if for no other reason than to send a message.
It wouldn’t be so bad if her focus wasn’t on him all the damn time. Perona barraged him with questions about himself, his life, his past, constantly every damn day. But Mihawk liked to keep things close to his chest. He didn’t like giving out information about himself unless it was necessary, both for his own safety and because, frankly, it was no one else’s business. He would give opinions, insights, sure, but anything that was about him specifically, about his past, about what made him tick…that was for him and a very few, select set of people. Perona was not one of them. Neither was Zoro.
In the few weeks since Mihawk had returned from Marineford, Perona’s prying into his personal life had ramped up from the occasional probe to see how he’d respond, to becoming more and more insistent. He was beginning to regret letting her stay, but he also didn’t feel he could kick her out either. The man wasn’t a total monster - she and Zoro had filled him in on what happened at Thriller Bark. He knew she had nowhere to go, no one to turn to. That damned compassion that he tried constantly to suppress, he supposed, got the better of him. But she sure was pushing her luck.
Perona, for her part, didn’t get why Mihawk was so reluctant to talk about himself. She knew he wasn’t thrilled about his new houseguests, and he made that clear pretty much every day. But she felt like he was making it harder on himself by making no effort to get to know her and Zoro. She’d tried to tell him about herself, hoping that might get him to open up, but he’d frequently silence her with a raised hand and a firm “I don’t care.” She wanted to believe that he was just afraid of getting attached to them. Yeah, that was it. Totally.
And yet she also couldn’t help but feel a bit hurt. Why didn’t he like her? She was very likable! She was cute and funny and charming, goddammit! The cold shoulder was decidedly un-cute, and she was determined to put an end to it.
On a rainy evening at Kuraigana, Mihawk sat in his chair before the roaring fireplace, a book in his lap and the castle quiet except for the patter of rain against glass. It was too quiet, perhaps. Mihawk looked around the room. Zoro was on the couch flipping through a book of his own and munching on a rice ball. He didn’t seem to be reading it, just perusing. Typical, Mihawk thought.
Perona was nowhere to be found, and that meant trouble. He briefly wondered if he should go looking for her to make sure she wasn’t getting into anything she wasn’t supposed to, or if he should just enjoy the peace while it lasted. He chose the latter, positive it would end sooner or later.
“Mihawk,” Perona said, her face suddenly dangling upside down in front of him in a wave of pink hair. And there it is, he thought, huffing out a sigh.
“Mihawk, I have a proposition for you.” Perona flipped right side up and crossed her legs as though she was sitting on the floor, while floating in front of him at eye level.
“Hmmpf. Not interested,” Mihawk replied, lazily turning the page of his book and ignoring her.
Perona ignored him. “Twenty questions.” Mihawk looked up from his book with a raised eyebrow. “Twenty questions?”
Perona nodded. “I get to ask you twenty questions of my choice, and you answer them. If you can do that - just give me twenty - I’ll never bother you for more information about yourself ever again. Promise. Pirate’s honor.”
Mihawk scoffed. “First of all, the promise of ‘pirate’s honor’ is shaky, at best, as many pirates have no sense of honor, or at least a questionable one, and I don’t know if you’re one of them.”
Perona puffed her cheeks in anger. “Well you might know if you took the time to get to know me and–”
“And second of all,” Mihawk said, cutting her off, “I don’t believe you anyway. I don’t believe for a second that, if I did answer your twenty questions, you’d be satisfied. You’d keep nagging me for more information. I won’t give you an inch so you can take a mile.”
“Actually, I think you should do it,” Zoro cut in, his voice slightly muffled as he chewed on the rice ball. “She did the same thing to me when we got here. I gave her some answers and she backed off. And the things I didn’t want to answer she didn’t push me on. Throw her a bone and she’ll be satisfied.” Zoro didn’t mention that he also, somewhat selfishly, wanted to know more about their mysterious host, and fully supported the pink-haired pirate’s quest for information, even if he wasn’t interested in being involved in it himself.
“Thank you, Zoro,” she said. “See? I have self-control. I just also would like to know more about the person I’m spending an indefinite amount of time with. Come on, Mihawk…please?”
Mihawk looked at Perona, her eyes wide and lips in a pout in what he imagined was supposed to be a sad puppy dog face. He glanced at Zoro, who only shrugged. Mihawk sighed. “Fine. But here are my terms. Yes or no questions only. How much or how little I elaborate is up to me.”
“Fine,” Perona replied, thrilled at her own progress. “But then I get to ask follow up questions about ten of them that don’t count towards the twenty.”
“Absolutely not,” Mihawk replied. “I’ll allow you to ask for more information on three questions only.”
“Eight,” Perona replied.
Perona narrowed her eyes. “This isn’t how negotiating works, ya know! You’re supposed to be trying to meet me in the middle!”
“Take it or leave it,” Mihawk said, not backing down.
“Fine!” Perona said, frustrated. “I’ll take the three, geeze.” Perona floated away for a moment and came back with a small notebook in hand, settling down on the couch next to Zoro. “Ready?” she asked.
“I suppose,” Mihawk replied. “But one more thing. Everything I tell you about myself, no matter how insignificant a detail is, does not leave this castle. Ever. I keep things to myself for a reason, and I’m only giving you what you want so I can live in my own house in peace. That goes for you too, Roronoa. None of this makes its way to your crewmates or anyone else. Are we clear?”
Perona nodded enthusiastically. “You got it! Promise!”
Zoro nodded as well. “Whatever secrets you have are safe with me.”
It seems Perona’s frustration had dissipated and now she was just happy to get what she wanted. Perona opened the notebook. “I wasn’t expecting the yes or no stipulation, so I’ll have to re-word some of these. Let’s get started!”
Mihawk sighed and sipped his wine. “Let’s get this over with, then.”
“Question #1,” she began, “Did you become the World’s Greatest Swordsman when you were…” she thought for a minute, rewording the question in her head, “Let’s say younger than Zoro?”
Mihawk turned to Zoro. “How old are you?”
“Nineteen,” he said, “Almost twenty.”
“Then yes,” Mihawk responded, “I was younger than Zoro is now.”
Perona jotted something down in her notebook. “Great. Question #2. Do you have a best friend?”
“Yes. Two, actually.” Perona and Zoro both raised their eyebrows in what Mihawk thought might have been surprise at the fact that two people liked him enough to be his best friend.
“Question #3” she continued, “Do you have any talents or hobbies, aside from what we know about?”
Mihawk thought for a moment. “I do, yes.”
Silence overtook the three. They stared at each other.
“If you want more information, you’ll have to ask for it. I’m not going to just give it to you.”
Perona sighed dramatically. “Fine! Request for more information.”
Mihawk smirked. “One down, two left. Well, you know I enjoy farming and cooking. I can play a few different instruments, some quite well and others not so much. I enjoy learning other languages and am fluent in several.”
“What instruments do you play best?” Zoro asked.
“Guitar and violin, probably,” he responded. “I’m fond of strings.”
“Do you collect anything?” Perona asked.
“Hmmm. Nothing I would formally consider a collection, no, at least not in the sense of collecting coins or old magazines or anything like that. But I do have quite a lot of knives of different styles and makes from all over the world. I enjoy buying and trading art. And I enjoy filling out the wine cellar, though I can’t really claim that collection as ‘mine’ since so much of it was here when I moved in.”
“Is there anything you’re really bad at,” asked Zoro, “Or that you really don’t like to do?”
“I’ve never been great at the visual arts,” Mihawk admitted, “Though not for lack of trying. I don’t particularly care for organized athletics, though I do admire the people who play them. And I hate golf. More than most things, I hate golf.”
“Have you ever played mini golf, though?” Zoro asked excitedly. “I agree about regular golf, but mini golf is fun.”
“Do I look like I’m twelve to you? No, I’ve never played mini golf, and have no intention to.”
Zoro shrugged. “Your loss.”
Perona giggled. “The image of you trying to putt a ball through a windmill is kind of hilarious.”
“I’m glad you find it amusing,” Mihawk deadpanned, cringing internally at how much he had just given away, even if the information was harmless. “Is that all?”
Zoro and Perona nodded at each other, then Perona spoke. “Yup. We can continue. Question #4. That cross you wear around your neck…”
“The stabby cross,” Zoro cut in, remembering the time he felt its point in his flesh.
“Yeah, the stabby cross. Do you wear it because you're religious?”
“Ha!” Mihawk laughed. “No, not at all. I’m not arrogant enough to say there is definitively no higher power that exists, but I do lean that way. Agnostic, perhaps, might be the right word. It doesn’t matter to me one way or another if there is a God.”
“Then why do you wear it?” Zoro cut in.
“Zoro! You used up one of my questions!” Perona huffed, fists on her hips. She then flipped through her notebook and made a number of angry scribbles.
“Sorry! I’m just curious.”
Mihawk lifted the cross that hung on his chest, turning it in his hands and examining it. “It was a gift, a long time ago. It also suits my personal style. And I do quite enjoy the look on peoples’ faces when they realize it’s actually a knife. That never gets old.” He looked pointedly at Zoro, smiling slyly. Zoro frowned angrily.
“Question number….six, I guess, thanks, Zoro” began Perona, ignoring the exchanged looks. “Is there anything you’re afraid of, like a phobia or something?”
“Hmmm,” Mihawk pondered, mulling over how to answer that one. “I’d say no, not in the sense that I believe you’re asking anyway. But there are certainly things that make me uncomfortable.”
“Are you gonna tell us what?” she pressed.
“Is that a request for more information?” Mihawk responded, eyebrow raised.
“Hmmph. No, I guess it’s not worth using another request for info this early in the game unless it’s really good. Anyway. Question #7. Have you ever been dangerously close to death? Like, actively dying close?”
“Yes, actually,” he said. “I was a rather frail child, and got sick quite frequently up until I was around 9 or 10 years old. I’ve been on the verge of death from things as boring as pneumonia several times. Since then, however, no, I haven’t knocked on death’s door to quite the same extent.”
More scribbles. Mihawk was desperately starting to wonder why she felt the need to take notes. He’d have to burn that notebook when he got the chance.
“Question #8,” Perona started, looking back up at him. “You don’t have a crew of your own right now, but have you ever worked on another pirate’s crew?”
Mihawk looked up in thought. “That’s a bit complicated. When I was much younger I did sail on someone else’s crew, yes. But I’ve purposely never aligned myself with anyone else from the moment where I had a choice. Does that make sense?”
Zoro nodded. “I get it. It was a situation you were in, not necessarily something done out of loyalty to a particular captain. Right?”
Mihawk nodded. “That’s a good way to put it, yes.”
“Question #9, then," Perona continued. "Related. Have you ever had your own crew, or do you want to?”
“Hmm,” Mihawk replied, “That sounds like questions nine and ten to me.”
“What?!” she huffed. “No, there’s two clauses, separated by a comma and followed by a single question mark. It’s one question with two parts. So nyeh.” Perona crossed her arms over her chest, proud of her retort.
Mihawk chuckled. “Fair point, I suppose I can’t argue with your grammar. No and no. I could very easily amass a crew of my own if I wanted, but I don’t care for the responsibility of being a captain, and have nothing to gain from doing so.”
Onto Question #10 then,” said Perona. “Do you have any living relatives?”
“I do, yes,” Mihawk replied.
Zoro and Perona looked at each other. “Think we should use another request for more information?” Zoro asked.
Perona thought for a second. “I think so. Okay, tell us about your family.”
Mihawk sipped his wine. “The only living family I have are my parents. You’ve met them, Zoro. In Sabaody.”
Zoro’s brow furrowed in thought for just a second, before the realization dawned on him. “You don’t mean…”
Mihawk only nodded. Zoro laughed. “No way!”
“What?” Perona inquired, looking between the two men. “What’s so funny? Tell me, come on!”
Still chuckling, Zoro answered. “Mihawk’s dad is Silvers Rayleigh.”
Perona’s jaw dropped. “THE Silvers Rayleigh? Dark King Rayleigh? Is your dad??”
Mihawk nodded. “Indeed.” He decided he didn’t need to provide any information about his mother’s past unless asked.
Perona was shocked. This was more dirt than she could have ever dreamed of.
“So that must mean you grew up on Gold Roger’s ship?” Zoro asked, doing the math in his head.
“I did,” Mihawk responded. “From the time I was born until I was thirteen and went off on my own, much to the distress of my mother.”
“Do you see them often?” Perona asked.
“Maybe once a year or so. My mother and I will call each other occasionally, but they have their own lives and I have mine. I don’t always get along very well with my father, so when I visit it’s generally for my mother’s sake. But we’re usually cordial to one another regardless.”
Perona decided not to push the topic, figuring that Mihawk had given her more than enough and probably wouldn’t appreciate her digging into his daddy issues. “Okay then! And we’re halfway done. Question #11. Do you like being a Warlord?”
Mihawk huffed. “‘Like’ is certainly not the word I would use, no. I appreciate the freedom the position grants me, but I also have no love or loyalty for the World Government. The other Warlords feel much the same way, it’s about the only thing we can all agree on. It’s a trade-off.”
“Question #12. Do you support the Revolutionary Army?”
“Hmmm, an interesting question,” Mihawk said. “In theory, in belief, yes, I do believe in what they’re doing. But…if you’re asking me whether or not I’m personally a member of the Revolutionary Army….do you really think I would tell you if I was?”
“So much for your theory, Zoro,” Perona grumbled, making notes. Yes, that notebook would definitely have to burn.
Zoro only shrugged. “It woulda made sense.” Mihawk hid his grin in his wine glass.
“Question #13. When Zoro is eventually ready to challenge you for your title, will you actually kill him?”
“I feel like I should be insulted,” Zoro said before Mihawk could speak. “Why are you assuming that I’m the one who’ll be dying?”
“No offense, Zoro,” Perona said, “But I mean…come on. Look at the guy. I’ve seen you out there training….you’re great, but you’re not him. Not yet, anyway.” Zoro huffed and crossed his arms in response.
Mihawk didn’t even try to hide his amused smirk. “Yes, I will kill Zoro eventually. Or perhaps he’ll kill me, but I doubt it. We’ll see how he’s doing when the time comes. But whether it’s two years from now or twenty, one of us will die, there’s no doubt about that.”
“And you’re both just…okay with that?” Perona replied.
Mihawk and Zoro nodded, at each other then her. “Of course,” Mihawk said, “It’s the nature of passing on the title of World’s Greatest Swordsman. I killed the man who held the title before me, and he did the same before him, going back hundreds of years. One day someone will do the same to me and claim the title. Whether it’s Zoro or someone else, I do not know. But it will, in all likelihood, happen one day.”
Perona looked back and forth between the two men. “How…how can you just sit here, together, knowing one of you will kill the other like it’s nothing? How are you both so….okay with this?!”
“It’s part of being a swordsman, Perona,” Zoro said. “Not all swordsmen want Mihawk’s title, but for those of us who do, we know how it goes. We know that it’s kill or be killed, and to fall to the World’s Greatest Swordsman…I mean it sucks, yeah, I never want to lose….but it’s a risk I have to take, and there are worse ways to go. I’d much rather die in an honorable battle by Mihawk’s sword than by anyone else’s.”
Perona turned to Mihawk. “And you’re just…fine with this too? You agreed to train Zoro, knowing what he wants to do? Like it’s no big deal?”
Mihawk nodded. “I did. And it is a big deal, to be sure. I would not have agreed to train him if I didn’t believe he had potential to be the next in line. I won’t deny this…arrangement is certainly unorthodox. But I also believe there’s a reason he’s here. And, I suppose, you as well.”
“Hmmm…okay, but what about this: Hypothetically, what if you and Zoro fight, and he just….defeats you without killing you? If you know you’re beaten, why not just surrender and save your own life?”
“An admirable desire,” Mihawk said gently, “But that just isn’t the way it works.”
But it could be, right?” she pressed. “I mean, there’s no rule saying it can’t. It’s only a bunch of dead guys telling you otherwise.”
“Perona,” added Zoro, trying to explain. “For people like me and Mihawk, defeat is a fate worse than death. It’s better to go out knowing you fought honorably than to live knowing you were defeated. Mihawk’s already beaten me once. I took him on before I was ready and I made a vow that day that no one, either him or anyone else, would ever defeat me again. I’d rather die than live with breaking that vow. He feels the same.”
Mihawk nodded in agreement. “It’s about honor, Perona. Honor and pride. These concepts are inextricably linked with swordsmanship, they’re things we value above all else. Do you understand now why, when the time comes, there can be no peaceful resolution?”
Perona huffed out a sigh and sunk into the sofa, her arms crossed. “Yeah…I get it. I still want to tell you that it’s stupid, and that your lives are more important than your pride, but…I get it. And I respect it, I guess. Whatever.” Mihawk and Zoro both chuckled. “I just hate knowing that I’m gonna end up going to one of your funerals one day and it’ll be the other person’s fault. And I love funerals! But I like you both, and this one is gonna suck.”
“Don’t dwell on it for now, ghost girl,” Mihawk said with an unusually soft smile. “It will be a very, very, very long time before Zoro is truly ready to face me in battle.”
“Ya got enough ‘verys’ in there, Mihawk?” Zoro said with a sour look. Mihawk only grinned smugly.
“Ugh dammit,” Perona whined, slapping her fists on the sofa. “And I guess I just used up a request for more information too.”
“No,” Mihawk said, “I think that was an important discussion to have. You still have one left. Now, onto the next question.”
“Perona, can I ask one?” Zoro said.
Perona checked her notebook. “Hmmm, yeah I think I can spare a question, but it better be good. What is it?” Zoro leaned over and whispered in her ear. Mihawk looked on curiously. “Ohhhhh! Yes, go ahead.”
Zoro grinned. “Great! Question #14. You told me once that you and Shanks used to be rivals. Even with one arm, knowing how strong of a pirate he is, do you think you could beat him in a fight today?”
Mihawk chuckled. “That is a good question, Zoro. But it’s the wrong question.”
Zoro’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“Well, the question isn’t could I defeat him or could he defeat me, it’s why would I bother fighting him in the first place?”
“I don’t understand,” said Perona.
“Well, look at it from my perspective,” Mihawk said. “Say Shanks and I do fight, which we wouldn’t because I don’t fight opponents who aren’t at their full strength. But…hypothetically. It’s a losing situation for me either way. If I win, well, I defeated a swordsman with one arm, big deal. But if I lose…if I lost to a one-armed swordsman…that would be devastating. Sure, I would go out honorably, knowing I lost to a superior opponent, but personally, given my history with the man….” Mihawk shuddered at the thought. “It’s simply not worth the risk.”
“Okay, I get that,” Zoro said. “But all that aside. Do you think you could defeat him, yes or no?”
Mihawk pondered this. “I genuinely don’t know, as much as I hate to admit it. I don’t fear Shanks, he’s one of my closest friends, but if it came down to it, he’s also the most powerful Haki user in the world. I see no shame in admitting that as strong as mine is, his is miles stronger, even if I am the better swordsman. We’ve always been so evenly matched, and that’s part of what I enjoyed about battling him. When we were younger, our fights would rage on for days until we had no choice but to call a draw. Dozens of times we’ve fought with no victor. If he wanted my title, it's certainly possible that he could take it from me, or at least put up a good fight in the process.” Mihawk shrugged. “But I also know he’d never do that, so I don’t really think about it.”
“Question #15, then!” Perona said. “Have you ever considered eating a Devil Fruit?”
“Absolutely not,” Mihawk scoffed. “I don’t need some kind of magical power to become stronger or achieve my goals. My strength as a swordsman speaks for itself. I also have very little respect for Devil Fruit users as a whole. It feels like cheating in a way, like having power you haven’t done anything to earn.”
“What? Hey!” Perona cried. “That’s not fair! I could be strong even without my Devil Fruit power!” In her anger, Perona sent a flurry of hollows through Mihawk’s chest. Over the past few weeks, Mihawk had been building up an immunity to her ghosts. It still wasn’t pleasant, but he could handle them without letting her know he was affected. As the ghosts passed through him, his expression remained stoic, but inside he was dying a little. Mihawk shook it off as quickly as he could, and a thought occurred to him.
“How old were you when you ate the Hollow-Hollow Fruit, Perona?” he asked.
Perona’s jaw dropped a little. Did he…just ask her a question? About herself? Perona resisted the urge to get all starry eyed over her progress. “I was about nine,” she replied, as calmly as she could.
“Hmmf,” Mihawk replied. “I meant no offense, Perona. I do have more sympathy for people in your situation, and I don’t carry the same lack of respect. It’s surprisingly common for children to eat Devil Fruits without knowing what they are or at least fully grasping the consequences. I know Luffy is one of them,” Mihawk nodded to Zoro. “Buggy was too. But many more people make the active choice to curse themselves in the pursuit of power or wealth or whatever else. Those are the people I tend to look down upon. Though, I will admit, there are a few exceptions for whom I carry quite a lot of respect.”
Perona looked down, hiding her smile. She felt like she had finally cracked his tough exterior, just the tiniest bit, and she felt proud. “I can understand that. Let’s move on. Question #16. Do you have a girlfriend?” Mihawk was about to answer when Perona cut him off “OR…a boyfriend?” With so few questions remaining, she had to fit in as much as she could.
Mihawk narrowed his golden eyes. “No.”
“Hmmmm,” Perona pondered, looking at her notebook. He saw her scribble a few things, but he couldn’t tell what. Zoro looked over her shoulder with interest. “Question #17. Do you have anyone you’re romantically interested in, maybe someone you’d like to have as your girlfriend-slash-boyfriend?”
Mihawk huffed and looked towards the fire. “...Yes. There is someone.”
“Request for more info!!!” Perona cried excitedly. “Tell us more!”
“What would you like to know?” Mihawk asked begrudgingly, regretting giving her that freebie earlier.
Well, how did you meet? How long have you known each other?”
“We met about twelve years ago or so,” Mihawk began. “I had been caught by Marines. An Admiral. This was before I was a Warlord, so I was still considered fair game at the time. He was a powerful opponent, but given our earlier discussion on pride and defeat, I’m sure you can imagine how…humiliated I felt. I was in a cell in shackles waiting to be transported to Enies Lobby. And she was the other person in my cell. We knew we’d be on a ship to be judged for our crimes in the morning, and so the whole night we just…talked. About everything and nothing. She was clever and wise, and made me think of things I’d never once considered. And she was so easy to talk to….”
Mihawk looked down at the glass of wine in his hand. “Anyway, morning came, and I made some joke about how it had been fun, and maybe I’d see her in prison. And she looked straight at me and said ‘No, you won’t. We’re getting out of here.’ Turns out she had a Devil Fruit power, one the Marines didn’t know about at the time so they didn’t put her in sea prism stone cuffs. She slipped out of the cuffs, out of the cell, and set me free. I was….flabbergasted. Then I was angry. I asked her why the hell she had let me sit there for hours thinking we were caught when she could have always gotten us out and she said, ‘I’m sorry, I was just really enjoying talking to you.’ And…no one had ever said that to me before. So we escaped, and have been friends ever since. I consider her among my best friends, actually, and she considers me hers.”
“Ahhh, so she’s one of those exceptions to the no-respect-for-Devil Fruit-users rule you mentioned before?” Zoro asked.
Mihawk nodded. “She is.”
“And you want to be more than friends with her?” Perona pressed.
“Ideally, yes,” he replied.
“Does she feel the same?”
“I don’t know.”
“Are you planning on telling her?”
“Absolutely not.”
“But why???” Perona whined. “If you have feelings for her, you should let her know!”
Mihawk sighed. “It’s not that simple. I’m…not good with people, if you haven’t been able to tell. Never have been. But she and I, we clicked. I value our friendship for what it is, not what it could be. If it ever didn’t work out between us, or if I told her how I felt and she didn’t feel the same….I won’t gamble what we do have in hopes of having something else. It’s not worth the risk to me. I have her in my life, maybe not in the capacity that I want, but I do have her. And that has to be enough for me.”
Perona was stunned. “Wow. Okay, but what if she told you she felt the same? Would that be different?”
Mihawk shrugged. “I don’t know. I can’t say I wouldn’t be happy, but the fear of messing it up would always be there. I have a good thing…I don’t want to ruin it.”
“You don’t think you’re capable of being a good partner,” Zoro said. It wasn’t a question.
“No,” Mihawk replied, slightly taken aback by the younger swordsman’s rather perceptive statement. “I don’t. I’m far too selfish for that. She deserves a much better man than I.”
“What if she fell in love with someone else?" Perona asked. "Would you be more inclined to tell her then?”
“Perona,” Mihawk said, exasperated, “This isn’t a romance novel, it’s real life. I’m not going to…to break into her wedding and confess my love to her and beg her to choose me. She’s had a number of relationships over the years, as have I. Some more casual than others…or entirely casual for me, I suppose. I’m no stranger to seeing her have affections for someone else. And yes, it hurts…like hell sometimes, honestly. Sometimes…I wish she would notice the way I look at her. I wish she’d realize how much faster my heart beats when she’s around. I wish she’d realize how perfect we’d be together...” Mihawk trailed off, before snapping himself out of his thoughts. He’d said far, far too much, but he didn’t often get the opportunity to talk about this and it was all just coming out. Only Shanks knew the true extent of his feelings….and Zoro and Perona did now too, he supposed. “But I have no claim over her. I never will.”
“What do you like about her?” Zoro asked, trying to bring the topic back from the brink. “Like, what is it about her that draws you to her, over anyone else?”
Mihawk smiled. “Well, she’s certainly beautiful. But I’ve met a lot of beautiful women, that’s nothing. She’s smart, wickedly so. She loves philosophy, and can talk about it for hours. She and I have talked about the most minute details of what it means to be human, what it means to exist in this world…I can talk to her for hours on end. And she’s kind, that’s another thing I love about her. She’s so talented in so many different things, and she encourages me to try things I never would have done before. She….I feel like she brings out the best in me.”
“Do you get to see her often?” Perona asked, smiling softly, so happy to have brought this out of her host.
“It depends,” he replied. “We try to make time to see each other, but she’s a pirate as well. She has her own crew, her own obligations and goals. We do call each other somewhat regularly though.”
“Hmmm. You should call her. Invite her to come visit.”
“Ha!” Mihawk laughed. “What, so you can play matchmaker? Please. How stupid do you think I am?”
Perona huffed. “Well fine then! It was just an idea! But….I still think you should tell her.”
Mihawk remained silent for a few moments. “Perhaps one day. Perhaps you’re right. I suppose I’m not doing myself any favors…” Mihawk shook his head, removing the idea from his mind. “Now, have you done enough digging into my love life? Can we move on?”
“I guess,” Perona said. “Let’s move on. Question #18. Do you believe in fate? Or destiny, or anything like that?”
“I do, to an extent,” he replied thoughtfully. “I believe that there are certain key points in the world that are destined to happen, but how exactly we go about getting to them is not written in stone. Luffy, for example, may very well be destined to become King of the Pirates. I’m not ready to put all my money on him just yet, but I do believe it’s possible if not likely - as annoying as I, personally, find that to be. But on his way there, he’s going to break every rule and subvert every expectation along the way.” Zoro smiled, proud that his mentor saw such promise in his captain and his crew.
“Question #19,” Perona continued. “Have you ever done anything really, really stupid while drunk?”
Mihawk laughed. “Oh, yes, especially when I was younger and spent a lot of time with Shanks. I have so many stories I could tell you.”
“Request for more information!!” Perona cried.
“Nope,” said Mihawk with a grin.
“You’ve used up your three,” he said, smirking. “That’s all you get for this question.”
Perona’s face turned red. Zoro held back a laugh. “But…I…. UGH!!! FINE! Last one then, I guess. Question #20. Do you….I mean, are you…UGH! Sorry, I’m having trouble figuring out how to word this as a yes or no.”
“Eh,” Mihawk said. “We’re almost done, and you’ve already taken a pickaxe to some of the most closely guarded details of my life. I’ll give you this last one, no yes or no required.” He didn’t say that he had actually been quite enjoying himself.
“Really? Thanks, Mihawk! Okay, what would you say is your biggest motivator in being a pirate?”
“Freedom,” he answered. “I don’t much care for money or power except as far as it serves my ability to live freely. Everything I do is more or less towards that purpose. Frankly, I don’t trust any pirate who believes otherwise.”
Mihawk watched as Perona scribbled something. “Okay then,” she said with a smile. “We’re done. See that wasn’t so bad, was it?” She batted her eyelashes at him.
“Hmph,” Mihawk replied. “I suppose not. What have you been writing in there, by the way? Remember, everything I’ve told you is confidential. That cannot fall into the wrong hands.”
“Don’t worry, Mihawk. I didn’t write down anything sensitive. I just like knowing about people, and writing it down helps me figure them out.”
“You promised that twenty questions was all you’d get and you wouldn’t ask me anything else about myself for as long as you’re here,” he responded. “Do you feel like you’ve gotten enough information to figure me out, then?”
Perona thought for a moment. “I think I’m on my way. But I intend to keep my promise. Any other pieces of the Mihawk puzzle I get will either be picked up through observation or openly volunteered by you. Promise.”
That was satisfactory enough of a response, Mihawk supposed, especially for as late as the evening had gotten. “Good enough. Goodnight then, Perona. Zoro. See you in the morning.”
“Night, Mihawk,” they responded.
“And Mihawk?” Perona called after him. Mihawk turned wordlessly. “Thanks. I really appreciate it.” He then nodded and exited the living room.
Mihawk opened the massive door to his bedroom and made his way towards the sitting area where a number of transponder snails sat sleepily on a table. He kicked off his boots and picked up a particular snail. Then, settling down in a comfortable armchair, he lifted up the receiver. The familiar badabadabada repeated several times, then cuh-lick.
“Well hello there, Mihawk” a feminine voice said, her sly smile apparent on the snail.
“Hello there,” he said, unable to suppress his own grin at hearing her voice. “How are you?”
“Oh you know, same old same old," she replied. "The crew and I just left Alabasta, we’ve been there for a few weeks aiding the rebuilding efforts.”
“You know, most pirates aren’t so overt with their good deeds. No wonder the World Government doesn’t know what the hell to do with you.”
She giggled. “I am nothing if not an enigma. So how’re things with the kids?”
Mihawk rolled his eyes. “Ugh, please don’t call them that.” The woman laughed even harder. “It’s fine, but it’s frustrating. They’re the most obnoxious people I’ve ever met, especially that ghost girl. She’s been trying to get me to tell her about myself ever since she got here, and she finally needled me enough that I gave in.”
“You know,” she said, “I seem to recall a time when I was the most obnoxious person you’d ever met, also for being particularly insistent about asking you questions about yourself.”
“That’s different,” Mihawk replied.
“Well, because I like you.”
“You didn’t when we first met. But nothing like a few hours in a jail cell together to endear two people to each other, right?” she said with a grin.
Mihawk huffed out a laugh. “That’s certainly true. I suppose I am a few weeks into a two year sentence for a crime I didn’t commit.”
“Give it time, Mihawk,” she said gently. “I admire you for doing as much as you are given how bizarre the situation is. It’ll get easier, just…show them the side of you that you show me.”
Mihawk blushed a little. He hoped the transponder snail didn’t pick it up. “Thank you. I’ll…try.” Mihawk stopped and took a deep breath. “Listen…since you’re in Paradise, I was wondering if you’d perhaps…like to meet up sometime soon? If you don’t have anywhere in particular to be, I mean.”
The snail smiled. “I’d love that. It’s certainly been too long, hasn’t it?”
“It has,” he agreed. “And…if you’re willing – and if you’re not, that’s totally expected and I won’t take any offense, I just, I really enjoy the time we get together and I–”
“Mihawk!” she cut him off. She’d known him for long enough to know that when the otherwise unflappable Dracule Mihawk started rambling, he had something on his mind.
Mihawk sighed. “Would you like to go out with me?” he said. “On a date?” He held his breath.
The snail beamed. “I’d love to. Took you long enough to ask.”
Mihawk smiled widely. Only she could bring that out of him. “I’ll set out tomorrow. Perhaps we could meet somewhere in between where we both are now? Water 7, maybe?”
“We do always have fun in Water 7,” she said, smiling fondly at the memories. “That would be perfect. I…I’m really, really looking forward to seeing you, Mihawk.”
Still smiling, Mihawk replied. “I’m looking forward to seeing you as well. Goodnight. I’ll see you soon.”
“Goodnight, Mihawk. Sleep well.” That night, he absolutely did.
The next morning, Zoro and Perona were surprised when Mihawk marched into the kitchen proudly, wearing the open black coat and red shirt he usually wore at sea, his feathered hat already on his head and a travel bag over his shoulder, which he dropped as he approached the two younger residents.
“Heading out?” Zoro asked, handing the older swordsman a full mug of coffee.
“Warlord meeting?” added Perona.
“No,” replied Mihawk, “No Warlord meeting. I called her last night. I asked her out.” Mihawk took a sip of his coffee to hide his grin, and for dramatic effect. “She said yes.”
Perona squealed and did loops in the air before embracing Mihawk in a bone-crushing hug, pinning his arms to his sides and knocking the wind out of him. For a ghost, she was surprisingly strong. “I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!”
“Ghost girl,” he said lowly. “Off.”
Perona backed away, hands in the air. “Sorry!”
Zoro chuckled, his arms crossed over his chest. “I’m happy for you, Mihawk. I hope it works out. How long will you be gone?”
Mihawk downed the last of his coffee and placed the mug in the sink.
“I suppose that depends on how it goes. Probably around two weeks with travel time. Zoro, I’m sorry to put our training on hold, but –”
Zoro laughed and patted the older man affectionately on the back, much to Mihawk’s surprise. “No need to apologize! The Humandrills should be all healed up, I’ll fight them while you're gone to keep my skills sharp.”
Mihawk nodded in approval. “Both of you, behave while I’m gone. Try not to burn the place down, will you?” With that, he grabbed his travel bag and began walking out of the room. Then, he stopped, turning only partly to face the two younger residents of the castle. “And by the way….thank you. Both of you. For encouraging me to talk to her.” Without waiting for a response, he exited the kitchen, then the castle, leaving Zoro and Perona with broad smiles behind him.
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zaharya · 7 months
that's one for you
General audiences, No archive warnings apply 8k (WIP), 2/3 chapters
Monkey D. Luffy/Roronoa Zoro
Additional Tags: One Piece Universe, During Canon, Spoilers through Fish-Man Island, Humor, Angst, Fluff, Nakamaship, Feelings Realization, Pining, Getting Together, POV Roronoa Zoro, Demisexual Roronoa Zoro, Asexual Monkey D. Luffy, Protective Roronoa Zoro, Good Captain Monkey D. Luffy, Smart Monkey D. Luffy, well in some ways at least, he’s still an idiot, Competitive idiots, the whole crew is in on the same bullshit, they share three brain cells and two are permanently with Nami and Robin, Adopted Sibling Relationship, aka Perona and Zoro are chaotic goth siblings, Perona is So Done, she has every right to be
“—and you were so cool! You took down almost as many marines as me!” Zoro snapped his eyes open. “What do you mean ‘almost’? I took down more than you!” “Nope!” Luffy replied simply, beaming at Zoro bright as the sun. “What, you counted them?”
Or: The Straw Hats keep a KO-count. It escalates—along with other things.
Also there’s an amazing comic of the final scene of chapter 1 by @loopeyfluff​ / @fluffyartbl0g​​! Please please check it out! <3
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abbythewritor · 1 year
"Fairness." One Piece x Saitama reader, eleven.
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"Just a Normal girl looking for an everyday life. At least, if you call sailing across the seas with idiots with useless dreams a simple task, then you might wanna see a doctor. Seriously."
Warnings: Blood, gore, mentions of Luekimia, and heaps amount of blood and strength. It might be a little cursing, but not bad, and maybe some flirting in there, but it's mostly clean.
Other things:
-You didn't get bald due to your powers; you got bald to an extreme illness.
-You part of the straw hat crew, but others are interested in you and your power.
-Everyone that is a male is taller than you.
-Monsters from the OPM world will appear in One Piece, and I'll make some new monsters you will fight.
Enjoy the eleventh chapter everyone :)
"BIG SIS!!!!"
Well, we made it to Hancocks ship, as two beautiful women, and more women, hopped off her ship, onto the heart pirates ship, as they happily greeted her thankful she returned safely.
While that was happening, Ivankov and her crew were about to leave, as she trusted Jimbei, Ace, and Luffy to stick with me, as well as Crocodile. "Now! I trust you four with her, you all don't mind if I leave things to you?!" Her question made Jimbei nod. "No...it is fine. I can't swim yet anyway. The least I can do is stay here until she gets well." Crocodile nodded in agreement, leaning against the rail. "I owe her a favor..." Ace smiled. "Same here! She saved my life, I need to thank her in person." Luffy chuckled. "She needs to Join my crew!" The three looked to her, as crocodile scoffed. "What makes you think she'd join you, brat...?" Luffy whipped to him. "BECAUSE SHE'S MY FRIEND THAT'S WHY!" Crocodile cringed. "That's not how you belive she'd join you, just because she's your friend." "SHUT UP LEATHER PURSE! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" "What did you call me?!" "You heard me!! She will join my crew!!!" Ivankov chuckled at the sight of the two arguing, as Ace crossed his arms. "That's my brother for you, though, I won't go against him though, Y/n-san is pretty powerful, she seems fit for Luffy's crew." Jimbei nodded. "Indeed, it's going to be interesting how things play out. Ivankov...Ace....since we all were locked in the most brutal prison in the world...without her, all of us wouldn't have met each other....or to Save you.." Ace chuckled, as Ivankov smiled. "Your quite right, Jimbie, both of us tried our best to keep up with Luffy and Y/n-girl at Marineford, didn't we? It's hard to say goodbye to you both..but I have sweet candies waiting for me to come back to the kingdom....." She started to tear up. "Please take good care of Y/n-girl!!" Jimbei nodded, as well as Ace, accepting her plea, as the Marine ship sale went down, as Ivankov crew setted sail, as both parties said their goodbyes, the others headed to the Miaden Island, Amazon lilly which was home to Boa, the female only empire where men are prohibited.
Theirs also tribes of femal fighters that lives there as well, known as Kuja, as the ship aproached two large doors, which opened.
Behind it, many females living on the island greeted the snake princes back home.
Others were hesitant as they saw men on the ship, but stopped when they met Luffy, as Boa told them they were not the enemy. "A female who battled with Luffy is on that ship! She suffered greatly, mentally, and physically during the battle at Marineford, and she's hanging between life and death now." The females eyes widened with her statement as she turned to them. "Ladies, Carry Y/n to the Kuja Castle as soon as possible!" "Hold on Hancock!!!" She paused when looking to an older lady. "It's fine if it's just the lady. But we can't allow those men on that strange ship to step foot onto the Maiden Island. It's against our country's policy!" Her words made Boa's brows furrow. "Then at least let the doctor on to help her-" "No!" The granny interupted. "We can't allow any men to come onto the island, even if he is a doctor! We have so many good doctors on this island!" She spoke, as Law leaned against his ship wall, holding a blank face. "Well, I don't care either way, but..do you have the same medical equipmen and technology as my ship?" He asked, glaring to the old lady, who was iritated with his statement, which was true as he continued. "If her wounds open up, she is going to die.." He stated, Hancocks eyes widened as a smirk formed onto his lips. "Take her, if you don't care about it." He finsihed, as Jimbei stepped forwards. "It's obvious that we can't save Y/n-san without this man. If he can't come in, we have no choice. We must go somewhere else." He spoke, as Boa clenched her fists. "Impossible! We'd be attacked by the Sea Kings! Even if we get awa from them, the Navy could find us at anytime!" The granny sighed. "Oh well...we only do it as an exception but...you can stay in the area of th bay. The Sea Kings won't attack you there." Everyone was greatful for her kindeness, as the submarine took action to that area, the ladies of the island wishing my health will go well.
Though, with all the waiting and time, two weeks have passed, as I was still not awake, as Law had been treating me, while Ace, Crocodile, and Luffy never left, as everyone stayed at the bay side.
"How much longer do we have to stay in such a small space..." Someone spoke. "Yeah, the only thing to look forward to is...-"
"Guys! Sorry to keep you waiting! It's meal time!" The polar bear, and the three men who were playing cards smiled, as the women working with Boa brought baskets of food, veggies, and stuff to eat.
Luffy's eyes had stars, drool escaping his mouth, as Ace chuckled, a smile onto his face. "Guess we don't have to worry about starving anymore." Crocodile took a cigar out of his mouth. "We wouldn't starve anyway if we hadn't stayed here.."
Everyone started to get food, as Law and crocodile weren't hungry, a sboth of them were leaning against the tree, as a blonde women walked up to them. "Excuse me.." Law looked up at her. "Is she awake..yet?" His head shook. "I see." she spoke. "It's up to Y/n-ya's spirit." Law spoke, looking up at her. "Whether she's willing to live or not." He finished, leaving thoughts in her head, as one of her allies called her, as she left to go help.
But, as things were starting to calm down, my eyes shot open, rememebring the events of whitebead getting shot down by black beard, as well as Akainu trying to hurt ace and Luffy, Mihawk fighitng me, as well as the dead bodies of pirates caused by mariens.
All of those memories flooded in my head, sweat dripping from my forhead.
I looked down, seeing wires hooked up to me, just like when I was little as it brought tragic memories, as my breaths started to quicken.
The wires...the postion...the saem feeling long ago...I didn't like it...I didn't like it at all...I needed to get out of her...
I let out a painful scream, ripping the wires off of me as it alerted people outside, as the gorund then rumbled, an explosion happening inside the ship.
Smoke arose in the medical area, some of Laws crew, trying to get me to lay back down as I slowly walked passed them. "Lady! Lay back down! Unless you want to drestroy the ship!!" My breaths were heavy, my head simply turning as my blank, emotionless eyes looked to them, which sended shivers down their spines. "P-Pops..." I mumbled...remembering whitebeards death clearly, as outside, Ace, Law, and Jimbei ran forwards to the ship, before the roof of the submarine broke open, as I came out of it, landing behind them harshly, the ground shaking.
This shocked everyone, even crocodile, who looked at me with wide eyes, mixed with worry, as I tried to sit back up, but I still was in utter pain, my hands gripping the grass below me, my nails digging into the dirt.
"P-Pops..." I brokenly spoke...my eyes white, as I repeated it multiple times. Ace, underatnding how I felt as he took a step forwards, his face lined with remorse and sadness for me, until he saw me sat up, looking to the sky. "WHERE IS WHITEBEARD?!" I screamed, worry, sadness, and anger hitting my voice.
Tears were streaming down my face, as I started to bolt, looking for the man to see if he was alright, as I was unable to save him back at marineford.
But, to my knowledge, he was dead, as Luffy and lawd crew were trying to stop me, as Law, Ace, Jimbei, and Crocodile were sitting in a circle, just watching. "What happens if we leave her like this..?" Jimbei asked, as Lawy sighed. "It's simple. Like I said when we got here, if her wounds open up, she will die." Crocodile scoffed. "Easy for you to say when she has the energy of the rubber brat...." The four looked to me, tripping on a rock, as the crew and Luffy saw the chance to hold me down, as I struggled with their grip. "Let me go!! I need to get to the old man! He needs medical attention!" I screamed, Luffy still trying to hold me down. "Y/n-san! Please calm down!" "NO! Let me go Luffy!" I yelled, as the crew still were trying to hold me down. "Shut up! I'm looking for pops!" I yelled, as one of Laws crew members spoke. "I told you that White beard is-" "I SAID.." All of them scattered, even Luffy as I threw them off of me. "LET ME GO!" I bolted from them, as I headed more deep in the forest, as I wanted to look for whtiebeard, as Crocodile got up from his spot, before Ace stopped him. "Let me talk to her..." Crocodile glared down at him. "Why should I let you to that...?" Ace looked to the warlord. "Because her and I lost the same person we care about..." Crocodile understood, as he couldn't argue with his comment, as he simply sat back down, as Ace walked in the direction I was heading, as his ears could hear the trees getting destroyed by my anger.
My fists were bleeding, my breaths broken and raspy, my eyes shaking as I looked straight at the ground, but I realised, that I wasn't at marineford when I noticed the grass, as I looked up to brids flying over my head, and the blue sky. "W-Where am I?" I asked, wondering if it was all a dream...as I kept looking at the sky, as my memoires were still coming back to me, as whitebeard did die of black beards hands, as well as many other pirates dying by the head of marines, even a giant Orc that Ace cared about.
All the information made me clutch the sides of my face, my knees giving out as I started to whale, and cry, now knowing that whitebeard is truly dead.
Ace saw this, as he rushed, his eyes widened, as he caught me in his arms, his knees hitting the grass as all he could do was wrapp his arms around me as I cried.
"Y/n...." He spoke...as with all my pent up emoitions inside of me...I just cried into him, not wanting to even speak at all.
"The war is over.." He whispered. "Pops is..." "DON'T SAY THAT!" I snapped, my face looking up to him, as my eyes were red and puffy, which made his heart hurt. "Don't say anything!" I pleaded. "I already pinched myself hard enough to rip my skin! If it were a dream, I should've woken by now!" I continued, Ace's eyebrows furrowing more, as he listened to me, as closed my eyes, looking down. "I-It's not a dream, isn't it...? I-I wasn't able to....." Ace's grip on me tightened, his teeth gritting with sadnes as slight tears escaped his eyes as well. "Y-Yes...Cutie....p-pops...is dead.." His truthful words struck my heart harshly more, as tears continued to poor, as I clutched onto him more and more.
I stayed like that for a couple of minutes, Ace crying with me as well, as he knew whitebeard basically his whole life, as he understood how I was feeling. "I...I coudln't save him...I-I-I was suppose to be a hero...a hero w-who brings fairness to everyone...b-but I couldn't save h-him...I-I-I'm so weak...!" I sobbed, my confession making Ace's eyes widened with shock, as his grip around me tightened more, as he brought me even closert to him. "Cutie..." "A-Ace...p-please leave me be...! Go to the others..!" He sighed with my request. "I can't..I can't just watch you hurt yourself anymore..." My face grew frustraited as I looked up at him. "It's my body! Why does it matter to you-" "Then you can't blame Whitebeard for doing what he did! It wasn't your fault that he was Killed, he was killed by teaches hands! His death was nothing of your buisness!" My teeth gritted, as I gripped his shoulders.
"Shut up! It was fully my buisness! I was fighting in that War as well, and I promised him that he and I will both save you together, with no death's at all!" He cupped my face. "That's a stupid promise Y/n!" He gently spoke. "War isn't kittens and rainbows, you can't expect evberyone to live! That's not how life works! Someone had to make a sacrafice, somepeople had to die...! I know ho wyour feeling, I know what your goign through because Pops was an actually father to me!" His confession made my teeth grit, as I closed my eyes. "So don't you dare say it's your fault he died, because me and I both know it wasn't, it was supposed to be me who was supposed to die, not him!" My eyes shot open with his statement, as I looked to him with furrowed eyebrows. "A-Ace-" "It's true! I was meant to be executed! But, now do you see!? Things are more clear for you now, you belvied that you can bring fairness to everyone, that you could overcome anything just like Luffy. Althoguht you never doubted your strength, you still had a kind heart for people, no matter if marines or pirates! But all those formidable enemies you faced, all of those words from Blackbeard, your confidence was slipped away, all because your motion was to become the greatest hero, which was your guid to life!" His words made my fist clench, as he whipped some continuing falling tears from my eyes, as his forhead leaned gently against my own. "I know you have lost a lot...and the toughest enemies in the world blocked your way time after time...but you'll never find your true self like this...if your lost in full regret and guilt.....I know that it's painful now, Cutie, but you have to bottle up those feelings! Don't just think about the ones you've lost, when you can make new memoroeis with new people you have met!" My eyes widened from his words, as my body stopped, realisation hit me as I rememebred Luffy's words back on that Marine ship.
"Well if you decided to stay, wanna join my crew?" I gasped, before standing up. "L-Luffy!" More tears pooled out of my eyes, as I still had my answer to tell him.
I finally understand what I want to do in my life, as all of the past that happened to me, the war, my cancer, Saitama and pops death...everything that could bring me back down...didn't matter, as new doors were opened for me, as I had an oppourtunity to grow.
Looking up at Ace, I clutched to him again. "W-Were's Luffy?! I-I need to see him, I need to give him an answer, I-I-" Ace smiled, knowing what I'm talking about as his hand reached out to me. Without hesitation, I grabbed it as he helped me to my feet. Hugging him, my eyes closed “Thank you…” I whispered, as he hugged me back. “Of course… let’s get back to everyone else..” nodding we headed back as quickly as possible as my eyes looked to the sky, slightly smiling as I finally knew the truth.
Even through the hard times, with white-beards death, Saitama…my cancer…and life in general…I gave to push forwards, forget about the past and grow stronger and better mentally.
Because even though I was trapped and corrupted, now I found people who freed me, and will never leave my side…and I must do the same, even if I don’t leave this world.
As everyone near the ship was talking, Luffy saw me and Ace instantly, as he hopped up, smiling and running to me. “Y/n!” I smiled to, leaving Ace and running to him as well. “Luffy!” We both hugged each other, his arms going around my waist as he spin me around. Hugging me more, his hands grasped the side of my face as his forehead leaned against mine. “Your ok..your really ok..I was so worried you’d hurt yourself...or something worse..” He told me, as his voice was slightly cracked. I gently smiled, and adjusted his hat. “How could I let myself go down when I need to join your crew?” He was confused with your words at first, not believing them as his eyes widened. “C-Come again?” I giggled from his words” The whole time we were at marine ford..when you asked me that question on that marine ship, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I realized when I was kicking the shit out of those trees, I might not be able to go back to my world and to be honest, I don’t ever want to go back….this world here, I’ve never experienced so much excitement in my life. I can fight things without killing it with one punch, I-I can fit in as this world doesn’t care about what others look like, I have already made so many friends…” I look to everyone, as they all looked to me, as I looked back at Luffy, smiling more. “Even you…you’ve been by my side since stout saved me from that Jail, you never judge of what I do, say or how I fight, you know how to get a problem done and fix it, and you care for others. In my eyes, that is a wonderful captain who’s crew I’d love to join…” he smiled from my words, his heart racing as he let out a shaky sigh, as he didn’t know what to say at all. “I-I- Y/n-San you don’t know how much that means to me…you’d be a great fit for my crew, and I don’t care if your weak, tall, tiny, fat, skinny, with hair, or bald, I just know that I want to give you the same fairness as you did to me…and also give you the adventures, excitement, and fun you wanted your whole life because no person deserves to go through what you’ve been through. So yes, you are now apart of my crew, and I promise Y/n, I will not fail you as a friend, and as a captain…”
Smiling, I gently grasped his hands, as I looked straight into Luffy’s eyes. “I know Luffy….”
Leaning my forehead against his, my eyes closed as the wind blew on us both, creating a calm atmosphere.
“I have pure faith in you…”
Author: YAY! Back to back upload!
Author: things are heating up! I wonder what life for Y/n will be in the future! Only one way to find out!
Author: I hope you enjoyed todays chapter! And This is the final chapter of the Marine ford arch, and the book is only just getting started!
Author: please don’t forget about the fan art contest! The pictures you send me will be judged by the end of October! The winner will get to decide a special chapter of their request for me to write!! Anyways, I have work to do still so I will see you all later!!
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chihoshisai · 6 months
♡ Perona's Diary ♡ ch4
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Goth Family (Perona, Zoro, Mihawk)
cw : found family, fluff, comedy, chaos // this is a preview, the full chapter is on ao3 !
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A Red Guest
Closing her journal and gleefully looking forward to the present that would come her way after today’s events, Perona carefully placed her diary away before retiring from the night. 
"Who's that?" Perona asked, fixing the vague outline of a figure that seemed to be heading their way. Clutching her parasol in one hand, she squeezed her eyes as though it would help her see better.
"Probably your imagination," Zoro vaguely answered, not bothering to look at the mentioned sight. Instead, he frowned at the well put afternoon tea table that laid before him and which contained no trace of alcohol. Once again he had been deceived — forced — into having tea with the Ghost princess on the castle’s patio.
"My eyesight isn't that bad," Perona whined with a frown. The gloomy weather of the island, mixed with the thin fog constantly made it quite hard to tell what lay around one's surroundings, but Perona would wager her entire teddy bear collection that it was not a Humandrill monkey. 
"It can't be Mihawk either since he said he'd be back this evening," Perona added with pouty lips, mostly for herself, eyes filled with suspicion. The warlord had left last night to attend a meeting with the marines, and after much pleas and shrieking from Perona — who insisted she couldn't survive more than a day alone with Zoro — he promised to cut his journey short and return the next day.
As the figure approached with a steady step, seemingly unbothered by the atmosphere of the island, Perona started distinguishing their overall features — tall, with a cape, a white shirt and red hair.
Perona shrieked.
The yell, highly pitched, the type that would cause eardrums to throb, echoed throughout the area, and probably well into the castle too. A few birds, scared by the clamor additionally let their presence known by loudly chirping as they flew from the trees. 
Startled, Zoro yelled back at her, "what's with you this time?!" His eyebrows were furrowed, yet the look of surprise could be read from his widened eyes.
In an exaggerated fashion, Perona turned to face Zoro, eyes filled with tears, who seemed to be seconds away from falling. The swordsman shot her a quizzical glance, urging her to speak, but as she was too emotional, Perona simply lifted a finger towards the walking individual.
But because no sound came from Zoro, while he squinted his eyes to see what could possibly have alarmed Perona in such a way, she felt the need to tell him the answer, "it's red haired Shanks !" 
“What?” Zoro grunted with a frown. The incessant heavy breathing and tribulation from the ghost girl were quite hard to ignore, “calm down there’s no way someone like him could be here,” he said flatly. Though there was no telling what emperors did in their spare time, so how could he know ?
Perona risked another glance towards the forest, and surely enough it seemed to look more and more like Shanks, except that the earlier commotion had caused him to quicken his pace. “He’s coming right at us!” She shrieked in fear, clutching her parasol with force, shoulders shaking.
Scanning the forest once more with a bored look, the flamboyant crimson hair of the pirate reflected upon the swordsman's eyes like a flame. “So that’s an emperor,” Zoro stated in a whisper, owning him an awful expression of irritation mixed with anguish from Perona. If only he could take this seriously !
This time, with fear getting the upper hand, tears descended down her cheeks. "Are we gonna die? I'm not ready to die yet!!" she whimpered at the thought. In this moment, Perona realized how cruel life had been to her ever since she had left Moria’s side. A swordsman, a warlord and now an emperor. Who would be next ? 
Her wailing, like that of a child, resonated throughout the open area, irking Zoro some more, "he's not gonna kill us so quit your crying!"
His voice, like that of his usual grunt, caused Perona to momentarily pause, "what makes you say that?" She asked, eyes brimming with tears and lips trembling in a pout. 
Raising a corner of his mouth in a confident grin, Zoro replied, "just a feeling."  
"You!" The inkling of hope Perona had due to his words caused her to feel foolish for believing them in the first place. "We should call Mihawk for help while we can," her sobbing voice added, thinking of the ridiculous possibility that the warlord could teleport himself from the marine's base.
“Are you guys alright?” Shanks' voice, filled with worry, made itself heard from nearby. He had reached them, arriving as silently as the snow, without their notice. 
The gasp that escaped Perona’s mouth ended up dying in her throat due to the sheer pressure that emanated from red hair. In fact, it caused her body to reflexively float to hide behind Zoro, who remained sitting with crossed arms, eyeing the emperor with a frown.
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aliceliveson · 1 year
One Piece (Anime & Manga) - ZoSan, Goth Family
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Words: 4,095; Chapter: 1/2
Now it was Perona’s turn to look confused. “You said--” “Cook's getting married.” “Yeah, obviously.” “To Pudding.” “Wait, what?!” Any rising tide of sympathy was squashed, however, by the rolling waves of something far greater: seething indignation. “Wait, AGAIN?!”
Inspired by @gaypiratehell of Twitter's #UnrequitedAU. Zoro is handling Sanji's marriage with a brave face, content to contain his feelings if it means Sanji gets the happily-ever-after that he's always wanted.
Perona, on the other hand, is PISSED, and chooses to handle it with a lot less grace.
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gloomyloomy · 8 months
A One piece / Made in Abyss AU…
((i am a very slow writer so there’s like a .001% chance i will ever write the ideas that are beamed into my head but i wanted to put this idea out))
(ages are the same as they are in the one piece cannon -10 years. luffy would be 10, law 16, etc…)
Devil Fruits are an incredibly rare kind of artifact, a supernatural phenomenon.
Character Roles
Ace, Sabo, (14) and Luffy (10) were raised by Dadan on the edge near the first level and spend their time adventuring there until Sabo falls down and is (presumed) dead)
Dragon’s (45) revolutionary group resides in the depths and save Sabo as he falls
Usopp (10) is an orphan, left alone after his mom died and his dad left to venture with Shanks.
Sanji (12) is a cyborg who was made by Germa- a group of mad scientists lead by his “father”, who planned to use him and his siblings as military weapons, but escaped to the surface after being found defective for experiencing pain and emotions.
Chopper (8) lives with Kureha, researching symptom management treatments for the Curse of the Abyss
Robin (19) is an archeologist of the depths and their historical context
Franky (23) is an engineer, tinkering with the materials and technology that is brought up to him by the dwellers
Law (16) and Corazon (29) live in one of the seeker camps, with law being rescued from one of the lower levels. Corazon makes it a point to beat the shit outta any kid that comes down to try and scare them into going back up while they still can.
Kid (13) and Killer (15) live in the slums, starting out as enemies but end up inseparable as Kid plans to explore the depths with killer by his side
Garp (68) is a white whistle hero
Shanks (29) is the head of an outlaw crew down in the lower levels
Mihawk (33) an outlaw Swordsman resides in an abandoned Seeker camp along with Ghost princess Perona. He has become aquatinted with boredom and solitude, before becoming (deciding) he was responsible for the impulsive 19-year-old runaway who ran down into the abyss without planning for resurface.
this has been very loosely conceptualized!! It’s been years since i’ve seen made in abyss, but i’ve been in love with the world-building and monsters in it since i first watched it in highschool, and now i only vaguely remember things here and there so there could be better roles for these characters than the ones i’ve assigned them to here!! anyways that’s all for now i gotta get ready for class
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
Cracking the Mid-Life Crisis (3960 words) by thesavagesabretooth Chapters: 1/1 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Found Family, Gecko Moria joins Cross Guild, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Humor, Angst and Humor, Humor, Father-Daughter Relationship, POV Perona
Summary: After Moria's punishing defeat by Luffy on Thriller Bark the warlord was discarded by the government and vanished from the world stage. When the warlord system is dissolved entirely, Perona goes on a mission to find her daddy and bring him back into the fold.
She finds him wasting away in margaritaville.
It had taken Perona quite some time after leaving Mihawk's castle to track down the man she was looking for, but now she had arrived at Yutsu Island, a resort island in the New World unaffiliated with the World Government and run as a tourist attraction for the elite and dangerous.
The World Government was cracking down all around them, Marine ships prowling the seas…affiliated islands setting traps in their ports as ‘bounty hunters’ and ‘traders’ pressed even deeper into waters the Government had no sway in.
Perona hated it. She hate, hate, hated having to skulk around after the dissolution of the Warlord system. After her own small ship was seized (she’d have to say sorry to Hawky later), she’d slipped away from the stupid marines to hitch ride after ride on friendly and unfriendly boats alike.
But she had to do it, she had to find her adoptive father to make sure he’d survived the beating the Marines had given him during that whole dumb war two years prior.
Her heeled boots clicked against the creaking wood of the dock as she stomped her way across with her parasol open to block out the hated sun. Lucky her, the roving ‘Gamble Pirates’ who’d taken her in for the trip weren’t the type to try to bully her into staying– she could save her energy for dragging her dad back from this overly bright and sunny place. 
The resort area glittered and gleamed just a stone's throw from the harbor– a mass of handsome buildings that glittered with colorful sea glass and some of the more modern architecture on the grand line. The place, she had heard, was run by a branch family of some deposed nobles from the North Blue– potentially related to the Vinsmokes. It was one of the many rumors she'd heard while gathering information about where Moria was.
And all the information she'd gathered said that he would be here; rumors and whispers that the former warlord was wasting away on cocktail island.
She puffed out her cheeks as she walked, her little ghosties leaking out from her parasol to surround her in swirling, lazy arcs that sent tourists stumbling away from their spectral giggling in fear of just what they might do.
It’d been two years…two years without a word while she thought he was dead. If it turned out he was getting DRUNK while Mihawk held his SUPER GOOD wine over her head for TWO WHOLE YEARS…
Well. She wasn’t actually going to complain about her time with the other warlord and Zoro…but STILL.
She was peeved about it enough for her horo horo ghostie friends to be manifesting in wiggly force. Not to mention this place really WAS too bright. “Wish I had sunglasses…” 
The light on the summer island was quite bright and warm, with hardly a cloud in the sky as she made her way through the crowds and toward the resort area. Stealthily she snuck through the lobby without a glance from security who were busy at the counter due to some woman who was yelling at the clerk there.
And once through the checkpoint she was able to access all the guest areas. The private beach. The restaurant. The casino. The spa. And who knew what else. It was a disgusting lap of luxury.
“And I didn’t even have a vampire maid or a handsome butler to make me bagel sandwiches an’ cocoa.” Perona pouted as she hugged Kumachi’s plush body to her side. Mihawk’s cooking was super good, of course, and Zoro would bring her things if she needled him enough and hung off his shoulders till he did it…but the principle of the thing was important! “This place looks…”
She stared down some well to do couple as they walked towards the beach with a sound dial blasting Uta’s latest single in hand.
“Pricey. And ostentatious. Dontcha think, Kumachi?”
Kumachi didn’t answer.
Perona followed the couple out onto the beach, which was a forest of brightly colored umbrellas and towels spread out over a blanket of glittering, beautiful white sand leading down to the bright blue ocean. People of all shapes and sizes wandered around in beach wear, holding colorful drinks being doled out by bartenders under thatched roof huts.
She sniffed disdainfully as she twisted her parasol over her head, taking to floating gently along instead of walking through the unsteady sand. 
“He couldn’t possibly be at the beach…”
“Horo horo” replied one of her ghosties, to which she giggled.
“I mean, obviously right? We didn’t even have a proper beach on Thriller Bark!” she waved her hand “he’s probably somewhere like the residential graveyard or something. Do resorts have graveyards?”
Perona practically tripped over him.
Moria was lying supine over an enormous beach lounge chair under an umbrella with a pair of opaque sunglasses covering most of his unmistakable face. He had a book across his chest, and a drink in the holder of his lounge. There was a sound dial sitting in the sand next to him and a wire trailed from it to one miniature speaker in his long pointed ear.
Tripping startled her once.
His loud snore startled her again.
“GAH!!!” Perona squeaked, stomping her foot on open air. “DADDY!! You IIIIIIIDIOT!”
She drew the attention of several beach-goers, but the moment she started hearing the whispering amongst them she sent her hollows to pass through them. Whispering turned to whines and whimpers of despair as she put her hands on her hips and looked down at the sleeping Moiria.
“....” She raised her leg and delivered a swift kick to his butt. “Wake up!!!” 
The kick didn't overbalance the lounge chair, but the startled jolt that rocked through Moria's body as he yelped in response and instinctively tried to roll away did. Former warlord, book, dial, all ended up sprawled in the sand, the drink splashing on top adding insult to injury.
“O-oops.” Perona looked from side to side. People were staring, but they were nobodies anyway. Nobody who mattered saw that.
She looked down at Kumachi with a sharp frown “Kumachi!! How could you do that? How could you kick dad like that??? When we get home you’re going in the iron maiden!”
Kumachi hung in silent understanding of just what he’d done and how he’d have to atone. 
Moria was already clambering up into a sitting position, wiping the drink off his face, and pushing the offending lounge chair away. He hissed and bared his fangs, looking around.
"Who dares to disturb the slumber of the mighty— Perona?? Whoah, what are you doing here?" His menacing snarl turned immediately into a cheerful grin that really emphasized how much sand and cocktail was still stuck to his face.
Perona clasped her hands together as if she didn’t just kick him into the sand like the Vinsmokes in the “Sora and the Sand-Castle of the Beach King” storyline from the papers.
“Daddyyy!! You’re alive! I’d heard you’d died ya know!” her hollows swarmed around her as she leaned down to offer him a hand up. “Gosh, you got a cocktail all over your face!” 
He took her hand with his large claw and grinned bashfully, trying to wipe off his face as he stood. "Yeah, whoops! Guess I got a little startled somehow."
Moria carefully stood up to his towering height, carefully ducking out from under the umbrella and Perona got a better look at him.
The lanky, long limbed pirate had certainly healed from the injuries she'd heard he'd received two years ago, and the light of the summer island seemed to have darkened the glimmering pale of his complexion just a little. The old stitch-mark scars down his face from where Kaidou had nearly cut him in half didn't show up quite as intensely any more. 
His red hair had grown out– possibly the entire two years– shaggy and loose around his horns, and he looked like he'd been taking care of himself, surprisingly. The muscles on his body were defined– save for the softness around his stomach that was clearly from an overabundance of cocktails.
All that was easy for Perona to take in– since he was only wearing a pair of beach shorts with a pattern of pumpkins on them, and a pair of sandals.
“....” She crossed her arms with Kumachi hanging from them, her lips petulantly pursed as she brushed her long, and now quite expertly curled even in the difficult situation she’d been traveling in, pink hair from her shoulders.
“I can see that! You look…” she trailed off for a moment. “comfortable? Looks like you’re healing up pretty good too! They said the marines blew you to pieces!” 
Moria rubbed the back of his neck and nodded rather limply. "They sure did. But hey! I'm back in one piece, huh? Cheated death again." He grinned but really, he just looked embarrassed about it. "It's great to see you, though! You look amazing! I heard rumors you were staying with Mihawk, was that true?"
“Uh huh. One of the World Government’s superweapons slapped me across the ocean and I crashed into his castle,” Perona put her hands on her hips. "He's been real nice to me, I even made a new close friend.” She emphasized it with a wicked little grin, “it was pretty nice, but ya know what woulda been better?” 
She pointed towards him. “Knowing my old man was still alive, dummy!!” the hollows around her tittered and laughed. 
"I wish I could have let you know, kiddo!" he said, holding up his hands with another fanged smile. "The government's after my ass though. If they find out where I am they might send a few fleets you know? and I was worried they'd try to use you as bait to get to me."
Perona pursed her lips, cheeks puffed out and her hands on her hips as she floated a little higher. 
“Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! What, ya think they’re gonna do that Buddy Call thing of theirs? Or kidnap me? They couldn’t, ya know! I’ve been training with Hawky and Zor—-”
She almost let her special friend slip…one of the straw hats who’d defeated her father and their pirate gang. He wasn’t ready to know.
“Y. Zory.” 
Moria blinked slowly at her with only dim comprehension. He put a hand on her shoulder.
"How about we head up to my room, get a couple of drinks, and you can tell your ol' dad all about it."
Perona glared dubiously at him for a long moment. The nobodies were beginning to talk again. She shut them up with another round of hollows to really ruin their vacations.
“Alright. But only if I get to have sangria! Hawky wouldn’t let me make any with his wine ‘cause he was making Zor…m. Zorm go sober while he trained!”
After a moment she paused and punched her fist “SHOOT! I was calling him Zory! Not Zorm!” 
Moria blinked again.
Fifteen minutes later and Perona had a legitimate guest badge for the hotel and was mixing sangria in Moria's private beach-front suite with a view of the ocean.
“Geeze, papa. You’ve got a real sweet deal here. What’d ya do? Steal the manager’s shadow?” she asked as she mixed the sangria and tested it for taste. 
"I wish!" he laughed, folding himself over the bar and watching her. "You'll be disappointed, but your old man's paying the same as anybody else."
She poured more red wine into the mixture as she looked over her shoulder “with all of our treasure?” 
"Not all of it, obviously!" he sputtered. "But some, of my treasure. Yes."
“Oh!” Perona grinned at him “I mean, it seems to be going a long way, papa!” 
She looked over her shoulder at the immobile Kumachi “hey, Kumachi. D’ya want some sangria?”
He did not want sangria. He was a lame teetotaler like that.
“I hope you saved a bit of it, papa. I think we’re gonna need it.” 
Moria scratched his head, pushing his lengthened red hair back behind his horns, and gave her a curious look.
"You think? I mean, it won't get that much more expensive just to have you stay too."
Perona poured herself a glass of Sangria and turned to lean on the bar as she took a sip “not for staying here, papa! To buy our way into Mr. Hawky’s big plan! Or…I mean, I guess it’s not his big plan. He said somethin’ about…hold on..”
She stomped over to Kumachi and unbuttoned the top of his head to root around in there for a moment.
When her hand came out she brandished a flashy poster at her father with a big, ear to ear grin and a haughty “Horohorohorohoro!!! LOOK!”
The poster, she knew well, was of the Cross Guild. Captain Buggy, the newest of the former warlords before their dissolution loomed his manic smile over crossed swords– Sir Crocodile sneered from the right, Mihawk glowered from the left. 
And in each corner, another of the powerful warlords loomed. Boa Hancock with her cold glare matching the hungry serpent that curled over her shoulders in the upper right by Buggy’s overly prominent face, flanked on the other side by Doflamingo’s manic grin and the trail of strings from his fingers.
“We’re gonna join Cross Guild!” 
Moria boggled at the poster. Then he leaned in and squinted at it. Then he pulled back and boggled at it some more.
"What are all the warlords doing on that poster?" Moria demanded. "Who's the kid with the nose?"
“.....” Perona turned it around to look at it before she huffed. “who cares! I mean, if you wanna know it’s Buggy the Clown! He’s…I dunno , an old ex boyfriend of Mr. Crocodile and Mihawk’s or something. He grumbled about him once while he was drunk. They made him a warlord after you were gone, papa!”
"Aw man, maybe I should have been keeping up with the news after all," he grumbled, scratching his hair again. He gave the poster another dubious squint. "They made him a warlord? And now they've what, got some kind of extra club going?"
It was starting to sound as if somehow Moria still hadn't heard that the warlord system had been dissolved.
Perona sipped her sangria. She needed the strength. Oh, by all the powers of the dark lords and evil, did she need the strength.
After her sip she downed half the glass before dropping it on the bar and taking a deep breath….she floated up to grab him by the shoulders and practically shook him as she wailed.
Moria ducked under the strength of her shout, grimacing and pulling his face away. He held up his hands defensively.
"Whoah, whoah, whoah, kiddo! Simmer down! They dissolved what?"
“The whole frickin’ warlord system!!!” she chided “like, they turned on ‘em. A bunch of kings voted for it at their stupid king party and now they’re coming to kill everyone! There’s no more state-sanctioned pirates! Just pirates!” 
He stared at her. 
Suddenly, he was gripping her shoulders.
"They're doing WHAT?"
Half an hour later, they were several more pitchers of sangria in as Perona had brought her 'daddy' up to speed on current events.
“So yeah, we’re gonna need your treasure to buy into Cross Guild so I can join Hawky in this whole war against the World Government they got goin’ on!” she finished with a big smile.
He scratched his jaw thoughtfully and nodded. " You think they'd let me in? They had better let me in! I'd be pretty pissed off if they've started a former warlords club and they didn't want me in it. But…"
“I mean obviously they’ll let you in!” She huffed. “they probably want me there too! You were their buddy, right? I’m sure they’ll let you join up easy peasy!” 
"Maybe," he hemmed and hawed, and turned to lean his back on the bar, staring at his luxurious hotel suite. "But I don't know if I'm even ready to go back to being a pirate. I don't know if I'll ever be ready. I might just be retired."
“Noooo!” Perona stomped her foot. “Papa, that’s lame! Retirement’s lame! We didn’t even do our big plan at Thriller Bark! Luffy and Zor…..d…Zord and everyone else just beat us UP! We’re not done pirating at all!” 
".... wait isn't Zord that friend you were mentioning with Mihawk?" Moria blinked, having forgotten to protest the rest of it. "He was at Thriller Bark?"
“.............” Perona’s eyes widened as she looked at Kumachi for a save. Kumachi had nothing to say, being quite stuffed. “Maayyyyybe?” 
Moria grabbed the half empty pitcher of sangria and downed the rest of it in a long gulp.
Perona dropped her head into her hands. She knew…she knew this was going to turn into a big deal. She could only hope the booze would help rather than hinder her in her grand quest to explain to her father that the guy who cut his minions to ribbons was…like…
You know.
Kinda cool. 
They'd argued about it for hours. About Cross Guild. About the Straw Hats. About Moria feeling less capable now than he had ever felt before. First being destroyed by Kaidou, and then by Luffy– who was now Perona's friend by one remove.
Perona had argued with all her might, likely terrifying the neighbors in the other suites as she gesticulated wildly and sent her hollows flying here and there in her passionate pleas.
Who cared if the Straw Hats beat him up, from the news she’d heard they beat up like…everyone! And if they were friends now, through Zoro, then they’d be safe from Luffy’s violent frenzy.
Besides, it wasn’t as if they were going after the One Piece! She’d argued until she was blue in the face about it, as points flew between them.
At one point she’d accused him of holding onto a negative hollow while she was gone with how DOWN IN THE DUMPS he was about himself. 
"Perona," he said finally after a long silence between them. He rested his head on his arms, his gaze tilted toward her. "I think you're the only one who thinks I'm worth anything any more. Cross Guild would probably be happier if I just sent you back with what resources I've got left. You're young. You've got energy. you haven't been beaten by the world yet. What have I got?"
“Plenty!” Perona puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms. “You've always been my hero, you know! You’re the master of shadows! You’re super strong, who cares if you lost twice? I got beat too, and I’m not worthless!” 
"Of course you're not worthless but– I don't know. I just feel like I'm not good enough. Every time I think I'm getting somewhere, I get thrown back to the start!"
It was the same thing of course, that she'd heard had happened to Mihawk. And to Crocodile. And to who knew who else among the warlords. But that was the thing– that was when they were working alone.
“You and the rest of the old idiots of Cross Guild,” Perona crossed her arms. “but you were all going it alone, weren’t you? But Cross Guild’s a bunch of you! All together, working together for something that ain’t the stupid World Government. Maybe together you can fight your way forward and NOT get thrown back to the start, huh??” 
"That's–" he blinked and sat up a little. "That's a good point. If we were actually cooperating. The problem is you never know who's about to throw you in the sea for a little gain in their own status…"
“From what Hawky was saying the whole point of Cross Guild is NOT to do that. Like…it’s named that ‘cause everyone’s on an equal level even with crossed purposes or some pretentious crap like that.” 
Moria stroked his chin. "That sounds like Mihawk. I wonder if we could really do it. If we actually teamed up against the government, we might actually be able to do something…"
Finally thinking about something other than his own self pity.
Perona internally sighed with relief as she pressed her advantage “I know, right? And everyone’s pooling their resources to do some really neat stuff! Like taking bounties out on the Marines! Striking back with the power of the people!” 
"Taking bounties on marines?" He grinned now. "That would sure be a way to put random people in the action instead of always risking your own guys…"
“Exactly!!” Perona pointed at him “and the people are happy because it gives ‘em power! And we’re happy because it’s one less Navy Bastard to deal with! And little by little we weaken the World Government!” 
"Alright. Alright! Damn it!" He slapped his hand on the bar, shaking the several empty pitchers and wine bottles. "I'll at least go and talk to them. …You know where they are, right?"
“Oh yeah they’re uh…I think they’re still on Buggy’s big clown ship or something.” Perona put her finger to her lips. “Ah well, they can’t be that hard to find right?”
He scratched the back of his neck and shook his head. "Well. We'll make it work, whatever. Hey–" 
Moria reached out a hand toward her.
Perona grinned and leapt forward to squeeze his arm just over his hand. “Yeah?” she asked, hovering as she dangled from his arm. 
He smiled a fanged smile at her, soft, despite the bristle of pointy teeth. "Thanks for coming all the way out here to find me, kiddo. And for talking me up."
“Always, papa! Someone’s gotta be your hype man, and it wasn’t gonna be fucking Hogback!” She squeezed his arm tightly in a hug, her bright eyes and ear-to-ear smile turned his way. “I wanted to look for you for two years, I just thought you’d died– so I came right away to find ya as soon as I heard the whispers.”
Moria chuckled and pulled her into a proper hug. "Guess we've proven it takes more than that to kill me, huh? Alright. Let's take just a little more vacation. I'll show you around the place and when we sober up, then we'll make some plans on getting out of here."
Perona squeezed him tightly with a squee of joy. 
“Alright! Alright! A lil’ more vacation but I’m NOT getting any sun! The sun’ll melt me away!” She grinned widely as she bobbed her head “and then it’s CROSS GUILD HERE WE COME!”
Kumachi was excited. She could tell from the way he slowly flopped over and rolled onto the ground with the weight of his overstuffed head.
"Cross Guild here we come! Maybe third time's the charm with his whole pirate gig."
He put her on his shoulders, and out they went.
Hours of exploration of the resort followed as they let their heads clear save for dreams of the future. With satisfaction, Perona got to experience the absolute bliss of a spa, and of a meal not served on the table because Hogback’s poor assistant was traumatized by plates…and also by being a kidnapped spirit who hated him.
The beautiful resort island was a paradise– but it wasn’t half as perfect as the prospect of their future as part of the powerful Cross Guild. Compared to fighting side by side with Hawky and his friends and taking the fight to the world government…how could a vacation island even hope to stack up?
It was almost depressing against the glaring light of the future ahead. 
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asymmetryestablished · 6 months
fic announcement
hi it's me the platonic MiRona fic guy back at it again. would you like to see evil vampire Mihawk and Perona tag teaming Sanji? well this first chapter doesn't have any of that in it but the next chapters will so you should definitely go read this one and subscribe to the fic kthxbye
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