#I'll see if i can find any full video etc later
seungbo-today · 2 years
I love kingdom sm :')))
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Hmm I'm thinking I'm thinking. Gotta make money one way or another am I right? Anyway, animation commissions?
Animations ain't easy so I'm trying to set prices correctly in a way were people get what they pay for but also where I'm not offering in a way that burns me out over something stupid..
Animations would include well of course the animation and the panels that I'll draw either in comic form or separate parts so you could have them.
I'm open to certain ships ((GIVE ME RADIOSTATIC AND ADAMS APPLE 😩)) but I'm more comfortable doing OCS right now. Things like holding hands, kissing, snuggling, etc and unlike this animation wip:
You'll get: FULL lineart and maybe after I see how colors work on Flipaclip and add those in for now but for now expect something like this.
Actually I'm thinking about it more and maybe coloring it won't be bad but I hate coloring in other cases so I you the Wips and the videos and color I think $100 dollars is fair right?? (Comms are used to help support me as I recover, find more info on that HERE on my writing commissions post. Obviously writing is a bit different from art so that why prices are what they are, prices can not be negotiable here because I don't want to accidentally sell myself short and then burn out knowing good and well I need to make funds somehow 🤦🏾)
Honestly this is a work in progress. I've done writing commissions, art and animation but it's just making sure I set things up correctly so hopefully I don't regret anything later. Like I know I can do it I just need the right customers to find me.
Customers of Value: if you are willing to be patient, checking in with me here and there while also not rushing me (because I'll literally send screenshots whenever you need them as I work on your art. Rushing me literally stressed me out so pls don't ^^')
Hm, I'm thinking of how I can explain this better.
What you will get:
at LEAST ten slides on your animation (pricing varies but not heavily so)
'manga' panels of how the animation is basically formed or came to be. (Four panels each page. 2 pages in total with no extra fees)
Screenshots of work whenever you feel you actually need it
A little writing blurb either of what happened prior to the animation or after it. 2k words minimum.
Bundle Example (reposted my own art lolol):
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+ the animation!
(screenshot from a RP I was in but I'm using it as an example of my writing for y'all to see.)
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I think the highest I'd make anyone pay is $150 at a minimum because it feels fair after all that. ^^'
What y'all think? Oh and did I mention I'll even do the lineart for the manga panels? I will.
Examples of my line art (reposted art of mine):
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Now we wait 🫡👀
I think I covered everything I need to but I'll make edits if I have to at any point in case I didn't! If you've made it to this part of the post I thank you for reading! ❤️
Payment methods for me, I will only take:
Current (but on hold for now because I'm still getting used to current ^^')
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toshio · 1 month
I've been thinking about doing uber. How long do you drive for $200-$300 and usually what time of day? Any sage advice?
I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED (being serious)
i really do enjoy doing uber! however, like most jobs, no job is perfect, there are shitty moments that make you wanna unalive yourself after a shift and that's normal. there are moments where i'm happy as f*ck driving to different areas in virginia and sightseeing during my breaks and then there's stressful moments where you can't find the person to pickup at the airport because of a language barrier (happened to me recently, big yikes). here's my unsolicited experience/advice:
the best parts about doing uber: you can get paid instantly, so if you got rent money due before the month ends, and you make like $700 from uber in a week, then instantly deposit that. there's an uber debit card that you should get, i use that. all the money you make instantly goes there and i just use it as a separate checking account to buy drinks and groceries and stuff, completely separate from my main.
another perk of doing uber is...obviously nobody tells you what to do. there's no boss telling you to clock in, you can just do a shift whenever, skip a day, work all day, etc. besides like customer support if something bad happens. which i heard is pretty shit btw so good luck. i love the freedom that uber gives me. i decided to catch up on grinding in my MMORPG (maplestory lol) and take like 1-2 days off. i can just go back whenever and that's beautiful. i love being my boss.
you can do early morning shifts near busy shopping centers, airports, and get decent money. i personally avoid the airport though, but i have done airport rideshares. IMO do not do uber after the sun sets, obviously #1 if you're a young looking woman driving alone at night you're probably a target, and #2 it's just spooky and you should be tucked in at home playing video games when it's dark. it's hard to see the road at night, it can be dangerous. just do early morning, evening, but when you see that sun getting lower, drive home asap.
so you can choose from doing rideshares (driving people) or food deliveries, i personally do both. if you don't like people, you can just turn on food. you legit just go inside a mcdonalds or even a fancy 5 star restaurant in the city, and then drive to the person's house and drop it off. for food deliveries the tips are calculated like 1 hour later, so if you get like very little money after dropping off your first food order, just be patient and check back later. the most important thing is choosing good orders, don't do something that's like $5 for 10 miles. always do something that's like $10 for 5 miles. your car's health is very important, don't milk it too hard.
on that note, cars...you obviously use your car to drive people and food around. make sure your car is well kept. if you're driving a piece of garbage, it's honestly kinda good to "milk" it with uber until it finally combusts. while doing uber, there's a lot of risk you're putting yourself in. only sign up for the job if you consider yourself a good driver with 0 accidents in the past like 5 years or so.
idk there's a lot about uber, i don't wanna yap your ears off. if you're interested, go on youtube and type in uber driver stuff. there's nice youtube shorts of it, and full on youtube guides about uber/doordash/grubhub etc. they're all considered "gig" work so it's not like a 9-5 which is what i loathe and avoid doing in my mid 20s.
if you sign up, i'll give you some personal tips i made up:
keep a gallon of water or two in your car. snacks too, but they might melt if your area is hella hot during the summer. keep yourself loaded. you'll be driving a lot. i do tend to eat out at fast food restaurants or stuff like panera before, during, or after shifts.
calculate the distance (mileage) and the money $$$ involved when you get a request. do not take bad orders. bad orders are like, very little pay (customers tipping like shit) for HIGH mileage which is basically you just losing money. rule of thumb is like, 1.5x or 2x the pay for the mileage. for example, 5 mile food delivery for $10 total payout.
when picking orders, be aware that if you do a long distance trip (like 10 miles+) you're gonna end up in a different city or area in the state that you live in. do not drive too far away, because you eventually have to drive back home. and sometimes you end up in sketchy areas, so stay safe and make sure you know your state, the roads, and how to navigate. your GPS is your best friend.
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raining-tulips · 5 months
hi! i just found your blog :) love your commonplace book scans! if you don’t mind me asking, could you give a more in-depth explanation of what commonplacing is exactly and what your process is? i’m intrigued and considering getting into it but i wouldn’t even know where to start! thanks a lot xx
Absolutely! So my commonplace is specifically all movies, qoutes, articles, tumblr/Instagram posts, book excerpts, etc. that either resonated with me or I think I'll want to reference later. That is the heart of what common placing is - saving things for later physically rather than digitally.
Some of these just pop up in my feed, and I'll hit the like or save button. If it's an article, it usually first pops up as a preview on my Instagram and I'll open the full article on my desktop than bookmark it in a specific folder for common placing.
Sometimes, when I want to actively find something out (say, about if perfume is really bad for the environment, or I want to look at author interviews because I just loved a book) I will go out and search for that information.
Then, usually once a week I compile everything I'd like to print - i print the sources bc my handwriting is messy - into a word document formatted for two columns. I try and hold off printing until i have a full page worth, or two full page worth.
For images, I have another word document (these are printed in color, and i usually have to jigsaw to fit as many images on the page as possible, so different word document). Same thing, I try and wait until I have a full page to print. Usually x2 a month. I sometimes will print with an HP sprocket but the quality is really bad and the pictures are thick so, it's for when I'm out of printer ink or I think a photo will look okay with a sorta...uneven look.
I use just a Staples brand journal, TruRed. Cheap and easy. I draw a line at the top so I can write the date, and in the future if I want to tag it with a colored sticker or something, I can. My layouts usually include divided space on either the left or right of a page. The article goes in the bigger open space, and then the source (always write your source!!) and any commentary goes in the smaller margins.
Commentary is usually why I wanted to print it, what it reminds me of or makes me think about, etc. What I think the argument was missing, etc. Can be as little or as much as you like. As emotional and deep or as plain-jane as you like. There are no rules!
I trim printed text and images with a 12 inch trimmer bc I've got wobbly hands, but some people just use a little (blanking on the name) exacto knife? Any 12 inch trimmer will do mine is expensive but I also scrapbook so I use it all the time.
I paste things in using a tape runner (again, because I scrapbook and found a tape runner and my mom sells scrapbook supplies they're very accessible to me). Some people use tape, washi tape, glue sticks (liquid glue I've never seen).
And yeah, then I just decorate and play around. It doesn't have to be pretty. It can be really pretty if you want - I'm motivated by aesthetics, so, I like mine to be a little pretty.
If you'd like to see how I actually put it together and why I print certain things, my YouTube channel is the place to go.
Some people tape in movie tickets, receipts from where they shopped or ate, pictures from daily life. Some people mix common-placing and journaling, so including diary entries about their day or about a topic they love, or their thoughts and feelings (I keep mine in a separate journal, explained in this video). Some people mix common-placing with bullet journal or planning. Some combine all three!
At the end I just use a printer scanner (HP Envy 5500, cheap) and post them online that way bc I love the look.
People who have other styles you might try and look at are @petite-gloom (an OG who inspired me and many others) @fakelavender , @teddybearsticker .
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dreamstatesims · 11 months
hey girlie, hope you're doing well; having a good day/night:
i wanted to ask if you could give any advice with building and landscaping? i've always been a huge fan of your sim style, and i'm currently looking to get into building myself.
was there any videos you watched or accounts that were able to help you jump wholeheartedly into the wonderful world of build/buy mode?
thank you soooo much in advance <3
hi! i could go on and on about this topic so thanks for asking. last year i wrote about building here, if you recall. since that one was more about "vibe" maybe this one should be a little more technical? idk, i'm a dreamy creative so i'm sure this'll get emotional anyway lol.
i suggest picking a world or architectural style and let one inform the other. then research that style, look at floor plans and dive into pinterest for a while before you start building. if you don't already have one, get one and go collecting inspiration that you can reference later. here's mine, if you wanna check it out.
when landscaping i think about two key things: what style of gardening goes with this build (manicured, overgrown, minimal, etc) and i consider the trees and/or flowers i see in the world around my lot. i'll incorporate some to blend on and off-lot gardening. and i can't emphasize enough how important terrain painting is! in my opinion it really anchors everything down. for example, i paint all around and under landscaped areas, trees, the entire perimeter of the house/buildings, and anything else like pools, decks, driveways. it creates depth and makes it look like these things are really sprouting out of the ground. also paths! even if you don't have stones laid down, think about the routes sims will take to get from one place to another, like from the back porch to the pool, the marks little sneakers leave under the swing set when simmies play, from the mudroom to the trash bins by the garage. grass thins out and you'll see some dirt showing through regularly trodden routes, so paint those on to make the area look lived in.
the simpler the floor plan, the better. even if you pick a floor plan that's complicated, simplify it. you don't need a garage? remove it or convert it into something else. too many little rooms and hallways? open up those spaces or take them out entirely and push the necessary rooms you want to keep into that area. you'll find your builds will be much easier to play in this way and it won't take sims hours to get to the kitchen or up the stairs.
i have general dimensions for rooms that really work for me: kitchen 5x6, 6x6, 6x7 dining 4x5, 5x5, 5x6 living 5x6, 6x6, 6x7 half bath 2x2, 2x3 full bath 3x4, 4x4 owner's suite 5x6, 6x6 bedrooms 4x5, 5x5 hallways 2 spaces wide
maybe a bit tricky, but think about adding rooms in the roof. a play room, guest room, second living room, or office space. hell, even just an attic you can convert later as your family grows. when building attics, i'll lay out the roof design first and then see where i can build rooms inside. for easier gameplay you'll want to then break down the roof into sections so when you lower the walls you can see inside and the camera won't bounce around.
twistedmexi's TOOL mod is an absolute gamechanger and i highly recommend using it to expand your lot outside the lines. EA has decorated the world outside of your lot with fences and other features that suggest you can absolutely push things further. i'll setup whatever i want outside the lot inside my grid first and then move it all out together. i do this for play areas, picnic tables and umbrellas, firepits and seating. i'll put cars parallel parked on the road or in the driveway EA has provided. and don't forget about debug items like electrical poles, post boxes, bus stops, fire hydrants and other stuff you'd see around a neighborhood.
i'm subscribed to a handful builders on youtube that i'll watch from time to time. it's great to see what other folks are doing because this community is so creative and you'd be surprised the little tricks you'll pick up. these are some of my favorite builders: simproved, simsphony, plumbob kingdom, simcubeez, bojana sims.
if you have any more questions on specifics or want an actual tutorial on something, don't hesitate to ask! and that goes for anyone reading this very long-winded post. kudos if you made it this far!
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maddiebiscuits · 7 months
i don't know how to phrase this any other way so i hope you don't find this rude or anything: you are (imo) a very skilled, very prolific art toaster. it's great quality artwork obviously, but your turnaround is wicked crazy fast to me. what does burnout look like for you? how do you manage to toast so many arts? what dark magics must you employ??
The hard truth is I worked in journalism for two years between 2010-2012 and customer service/hospitality starting at 16 years old in 2007 all throughout my life until 2022 and I don't want to go back to any of it now that I'm almost 33 - that's the main motivator to keep my freelance gig career doing art commissions going as long as possible. Fear and loathing of going back to that work environment keeps me focused.
In action...I'm not quite sure if I ever experience 'burn out'? I do experience art 'block' in that I can't think of anything to draw on my own or feel really unsatisfied with my work...so I just goof off with my canvas or do studies, but this doesn't interfere with doing commissions where I am told what to draw.
I just enjoy the physical act of drawing. Sometimes when I'm bored and restless and going for a walk doesn't help, I just draw more. When I was a kid I would just come home from school and draw crap between playing Gameboy/N64/Gamecube or browsing Elfwood/Newgrounds/DeviantART/Gaia Online, so it's literally just a habit now. If I don't draw for a long time I feel anxious and unwell. Somehow I just programmed my brain to think that art = leisure fun time, even if it's for work. I also tend to get into a "zone" sometimes and just put on video essays or music and a few hours later I'll have worked through some commission stuff.
I have three 'task lists' for my workflow:
A public trello board organized by work order types (N/SFW link)
A personal trello board organized by type/date in chronological order
A coloured tagging and folder system in my emails where I can just see the actual dates/timestamps of my last correspondence with a client so I know exactly who in my taskboard needs to be prioritized for their next WIP update
I hold myself to a standard of sending a client a WIP in stages:
rough draft (1-14 business days)
revisions (1-5 business days)
line art (1-14 business days)
revisions (1-5 business days)
final render (1-14 business days)
tweaks (1-2 business days)
So ideally, the client gets a finished commission in 3-6 weeks, so about 1-2 months. For larger projects I send more WIPs and the process is obviously longer. For simpler stuff like chibis, it's rarely a full six weeks. Over holidays I add an extra two weeks to my noted turn-around to account for IRL time off. On all my terms of service I have a maximum four months turn-around, essentially doubling the time I know my work flow is just in case there's some sort of medical or equipment emergency in my life that I need to account for that gives me a buffer (I also notify all clients)
Monday to Friday I wake up usually...late morning/early afternoon? I do anywhere from four to eight hours of artwork, broken up by walks, stretching, eating, cleaning, cooking, hanging out with my partner, etc. I look at my personal trello taskboard and emails to see what must be done and what can wait. I try to get at least 1-2 things done in a day though, be that sketches/line art/renders/revisions.
Right now I am looking at my email and task board, and the client with the highest wait time chronologically is someone who is waiting for their final render (sketch and line art already revised and done for them). Last email correspondence with them on the email says 9 days ago (so 7 business days, I'm supposed to take Sat-Sun off). Their order was paid in full and confirmed by me on November 9 and it is currently December 13, so I'm at about the 5 week mark (not accounting for delays in clients getting back to me of course) and I am very much On Course for my work load, no one has been without contact from me for 14 days or more so I'm pretty ahead of my game right now! I could take tomorrow off if I wanted, or only do 3-4 hours of work if I feel like it.
However the more work you finish and post, the more you show prospective clients your ability to finish orders and show your audience more art for engagement, so ideally I always like posting stuff when I can, it just creates a cycle of positive production and income.
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sniffanimal · 2 days
I think one thing to remember about (some presentations of) ADHD is that it isn't always a literal internal dialogue of "That task is overwhelming/too hard/too many steps/unrewarding so I won't do it". For me, it's more like the idea of doing that task slides off my brain like butter in a hot pan. I will look at an overwhelming task and before I even finish the thought of "I should do that" my brain shakes like an etch a sketch and I've already forgotten it.
This particularly pissed my mom off when I was a kid because it's hard for me to see a sink full of dishes and associate that with "I need to do dishes", or she'd tell me to vacuum but because I wasn't immediately looking at a vacuum, I'd forget to do it. ADHD was weirdly very quiet for me, because I just wouldn't see things that overwhelmed me!
I'm now an adult who has lived on my own (/with another ADHD roommate) for 8 years now, been through therapy, and am medicated, so under the readmore I'll put some ways I combat this clear-cache process my brain does.
(obligatory im not a therapist or a doctor or anything so make sure you're consulting with those folks before doing anything major with your life. I have ADHD and have been treated for it, as well as I teach kids how to manage their neurodiversity as a job)
"I just can't remember to do something that I need to do regularly." This sucks to hear, but the answer really is routines. Routines are essential for helping manage sanity and overwhelm and keeping your house in order. And I know, firsthand, that ADHDers struggle with forming routines, but here's my major tips: scaffold. Scaffolding, or chaining, or stacking or any other name refers to picking something you already do at a set time (it's easiest if it's something you HAVE to do, like go to work or wake up in the morning, etc), and pairing your new routine task with that. And also its important to only try adding one thing to a routine at a time. Don't try to start showering, brushing your teeth, packing tomorrow's lunch, setting out clothes for the morning, reading, journalling, and doing yoga before bed all at once. Start with just brushing your teeth before you go to bed every day for like 2 weeks. Once you're solid on doing that, start adding in something else! People kinda hate on the book bc it's full of platitudes but I really liked a lot of the stuff in Atomic Habits by James Clear for setting new habits.
"I can't remember to do something that I don't need to do regularly. It's hard because I can't work it into a routine." It is not a shameful thing to need to make different visual or physical reminder for when you need to do things. Two things I particularly struggle with is turning the A/C off when I leave a room, or turning the oven off when I'm done using it. For the former, I have a small card I laminated that says 'turn off heat' that I velcro to the thermostat. When I turn the A/C on, I take the card and put it in my pocket or on my shirt or hair or somewhere where I will have it with me so that I can see the card later and remember to turn it off. For the latter, I have a necklace that I put a little tag on it that says 'OVEN' on it. When I turn the oven on, I put the necklace on, and it stays on until I turn the oven off and can take the necklace off. Try creating environmental things that work for you! I've seen people put their meds next to the canned cat food because their cats would remind them to feed them, and they would see their meds then and remember to take them!
"My working memory is really poor, I forget what I was doing in the middle of doing it." This is a kind of hard one to work on without just actively doing things in your life, but something I find that kinda helps me is doing puzzles! I'm not a big jigsaw puzzle person, but I love sudoku, pictogram, and crosswords (and some of the other things like wordle etc.) Logic puzzles are another good way to work on needing to hold something in your working memory. Puzzle video games like Portal are also good for exercising your working memory. Working memory is a bit like a muscle, and needs to be stretched to hone as a skill. When you're in the middle of one task, and another one comes up, having a pen and paper ALWAYS handy makes it easy to jot down a reminder about something you need to do later. This is often called a 'parking lot', and works well for me!
Closing notes: 2 other books to check out are How to ADHD by jessica mccabe, and The Anti-planner by Dani Donovan. The former is extremely good for an overview of what living with ADHD and working with your brain is like, and the latter is actionable activities to help with breaking tasks into more manageable formats.
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foulfirerebel · 10 months
Do you have any complaints About rwby? Or at last something you think could’ve been done better?
A lot,of fellow rwby fans seem to agree the white fang storyline wasn’t handled very well. But at the same time I keep seeing those same people acting like ghira did nothing wrong, that Blake is some badass rebel when canon doesn’t seem to support that currently, etc.
Oh boy. Strap in for this one.
So, I thought as much as I could focus on this since I've had the flu for the past three weeks. And I realize my complaints and thoughts are very small when it comes to this particular subject. But, if you're curious, read on below the cut.
Spoilers for RWBY V1-V9, the books, and games.
So, let's just get one thing out of the way first: I loved Monty Oum's fight scenes but they hurt my eyes to watch now. And I'm not sure why. To preempt a long rant, I'll say this. I prefer the fight scenes we have in V4-V9 to the ones in V1-V3. They contain more narrative tension to me then the earlier ones (Except for the train fights in V2, and the entirety of the Fall of Beacon in V3).
I'm not a huge fan that Yang doesn't get much in V1, with a bulk of her character starting in V2. I'm even less of a fan of the fact that Weiss' racism toward Blake in V1 felt a little swept aside instead of one of the many facets of her character that evolved over time. Ice Queendom, to me, helped this a lot but there's a lot that could be said there too.
As everyone seems to hate the Jaundice part of V1, I will also throw my two cents in: it went by fast for me given V7 was my first "live" volume and I binged all the others. It could've been shortened, made way for Yang characterization or otherwise. Cardin can get yeeted into the sun for all I care.
Now, of course, there's the White Fang part of the Faunus plot. For the record, I don't think it's the WORST racism storyline or allegory attempted (See: Overwatch, Detroit: Become Human, and others for worse) but it definitely needed more polishing. Give Sienna Khan more screentime and more of a presence, show more of the distinction between Ghira, Sienna, and Adam and either 1) Make Sienna's death a full-blown fight scene and last stand, 2) A sneak attack rigged heavily in Adam's favor that gets exposed later on and causes the White Fang to disown him, or 3) Have Sienna live and aid Blake and the Faunus militia afterward.
There are other changes too, mind you, like having the White Fang under Adam express doubt in what they're doing only for Adam or Cinder to silence them or something like that. We got that with Ilia, and I love her story, but we needed some more like that.
The following are going to be under the "just bugs me" complaints, nothing too huge or rant filled and I can elaborate if needed:
I wish we got more Happy Huntresses stuff, because I find the Ace Ops/Happy Huntresses ratio in V7/V8 to be...unevenly weighted toward the Ace Ops. Understandable, but still.
I'm sure we'll get this in V10, but I'd like an update on the rest of the world's current situations. Vale, Mistral, Menagerie, the changes that occurred, etc.
I'll be happy when Penny returns or is confirmed officially to be truly dead. If the latter, I'll be complaining more about "wasted potential". If the former, I'd like to see how she'd be revived.
Summer Rose. I need more answers.
Just something fandom related: Stop going after Ghira and Tai Yang for the love of all that is holy. If you'd like examples of awful parentage, Jacques, Marcus Black, Cinder's wicked Stepmom, Neo's parents, Roman and Nora's unnamed mothers, Raven Branwen and even Lil Miss are right there. Also, Jax and Gill's guardian too.
Grimm Eclipse was fun but...wow, Arrowfell was better as a video game in a lot of ways. Told a better story than GE too.
The only thing I can complain about in the books is not giving much to Sage of Team SSSN, though given "Before the Dawn" had to juggle so many characters I'm cutting it some slack.
Obviously the obligatory "Rooster Teeth isn't a good company"/"The Upper Management are terrible" and all that jazz, please support all the staff and former who have Patreons, Kofis, Twitch Streams, etc.
That's about all I can think of. Again, I'm still addled by the flu and medication I'm taking for it.
TLDR: I just think RWBY needs...well, more of it. More time and budget and space to fully flesh out everything. What we got is superb, especially for starting so small, but I always find more better than less.
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ts-witchy-archive · 7 months
hi sweet! i was wondering, if you're comfortable, would you ever consider making a post or replying privately on how your audition process was like (for example, preparation, panel, etc)? i have an idea which school it is (is it j? 🤭) and missed the deadline this year, but am excited to try applying next year ☺️💕 please totally feel free to disregard if it's too much! thank you so much and hope you have a lovely week! 🌷💖🫶🏻
Hi friend!
Honestly I'd love to talk about the audition process because it was so unique and interesting. Although, J isn't the school i'm going to next year but never the less, I hope you find this helpful! I got callbacks for two out two schools that I auditioned for so I'll run through what happened in both because they were super different experiences. (also I'd like to apologise because this post is so long. so so so long. Like 2000 words. So I won't be offended if you don't read it all). And feel free to DM me at any time if you have questions or just want to talk acting stuff!
For reference, I'll call the school I got into 'Blue' and the other school I was rejected from 'Red'.
Very Quick Summary:
Round 1:
2 monologues videos or 1 monologue and a movement exercise uploaded to YT, personal statement video uploaded to YT, resume, headshot (professional not needed), audition form submitted to the university website.
Round 2 Red School:
In personal audition with improv games/activities (1 hour), questions with interviews and a cold read (1 hour), perform 2 monologues in front of the full judging panel and 30 other people.
Round 2 Blue School:
Perform your monologues in a screen test and for an audition panel
So the first audition for both schools were the online auditions, questionnaires, personal statements and resume. A simple youtube video (or 3) would be uploaded with the URLs attached to audition form which also contained the questions. I also needed a 'resume' which had my training, experience and a headshot. The second phase were the callbacks. I had 1 zoom call back and 1 IRL callback.
Personally I started preparation about 3 months before the first submission date. I read through the handbook and online resources and made a list of everything I needed to do before submitting. I really recommend starting prep 3 months out purely because you'll be less stressed later. If you have an acting coach, acting teacher, drama teacher, etc. start talking to them at this point. I didn't but watching YouTube acting tip videos was how I kinda supplemented that. Learning from others is the best thing you can do. Join acting facebook/tumblr/instagram/discord pages.
Choosing pieces that work well with how you audition is so important. This sounds obvious because it kind of is but don't pick something that was made for TV unless you can convert it to stage. While you may be auditioning for a screen acting degree (or at least I was) you won't have the closeness of that camera to get your emotions across so it's important to understand how to translate those fine details across. You also need your pieces to contrast really well. I had to chose 2 monologues for one audition and 1 and a prompted movement exercise for the other. I tried to do something a bit different so I went for a 'comedy' piece (it was labelled comedy but it just ended up being sad lmao) and an Anton Chekov piece
YouTube and Preliminary Auditions
What was so amazing about the YouTube auditions was that I could search the schools I wanted to get into and stalk other people's submissions. I cannot recommend doing this enough! You learn so much from seeing other people audition. From watching those videos I mostly learned what not to do (which sounds a little mean to say but that wasn't the intention). Take notes on what you like and dislike about everyone's performances then apply those to your own.
I really recommend giving yourself at least 3 hours to film for each school. I know that sounds like so much time but it's better to have extra time than to run out of time. Personally, I was super unprepared and it took me 5 hours to film for the Red school. They had us do a 2 minute introduction and it had like 6 questions. I really struggled to get my point across in such little time while still coming across competent and confidant.
I had to do a prompted movement excise for the Red school as well. This was a little intimidating because the prompt was 'You walk into a room, find an object, then leave the room in a different emotional state' (or something like that). I love having complete creative freedom but also it felt like they would judge me more harshly if I did something 'lame' or predictable. I also had to make sure it contrasted with my monologue. It was a whole stressful thing.
Red School: In Person Auditions!
This was one of the most exciting things i've ever done in my entire life haha. I wasn't able to take drama in year 11 and 12 so it had been 3 years since I had been in this type of creative space and I truly didn't realise how much I missed it until I walked into that audition space. All eyes are on you from the second you walk in and so it's important you show who you are straight away. For me this meant a lot of mental prep before going into the audition. I'm a very introverted person who isn't great with meeting new people and is pretty socially awkward so I had to force myself to skip that awkward stage. I love being an introvert but that combined with my resting bitch face, visible neurodivergent traits, etc I really had to go out of my way to show that I was excited, kind, funny, bubbly, collaborative and more. I truly think that was the hardest part of the whole audition.
As for what was included, the in person audition was made up of a large group of about 25-30 people which was then split into two smaller groups. In those groups we had improvisation, cold reads, an interview, monologue performances and question time. For the improv it was largely your basic drama games, nothing too crazy. Something I didn't do but I wish I did was google improv games and think about what I might do in these situations. We did these for about an hour, it was a lot of fun and very stress free. After we had a small break and question time. There were 2 current first year students who volunteered to help out, they were the people who answered our questions. While question time was happening people would be called into a room with one of the panel judges to do an interview and cold read. This was where I mainly think I fucked up my audition!
SO firstly, I'm a wee bit dyslexic (read as 'very dyslexic') and the judge new that but it just meant that I sucked at the cold read because I was concentrating too hard on reading. I kinda forgot she was there lol. But that wasn't the bad part. The bad part was the interview. The judge started by asking how I handled COVID. and I was like "ummm not very well at all lol". Naturally, she asked why, I explained why in the vaguest, least trauma dumpy way possible. HOWEVER, then she decided to ask me something along the lines of, "you seem like a very anxious person. Why are you going into a profession with so much rejection??". So ummm, I was kinda left speechless hahaha. All I could respond with was 'I've been rejected plenty of times before' which is, fine but not a good answer. Anyways, moral of the story, prepare really well for an interview. Take control of the interview and don't accidentally borderline trauma dump on your Judge.
Monologues! This was fun. We each had to perform 2 monologues. It took about 2 hours to get through everyone but it wasn't really boring at all. Everyone was so talented and amazing. There really isn't a whole lot to say tbh. They were monologues. The judges would try and redirect you after you finished (or half way through) your monologue to see how well you respond to direction and criticism. I really recommend trying to do your monologues in as many stupid styles as possible! It's great because A) you'll better understand the choices you make and why and B) it's so fun.
Blue School: Zoom Auditions
Blue school has been my top school since I decided to go to acting school a few years ago so to say I was a nervous wreck was an understatement. There were 2 parts to the audition, the screen test and the regular audition. The screen test lasted about 10 mins and is just to see how you looked performing with TV in mind. The audition panel is just that, your standard audition panel.
Now this whole thing was a cluster fuck. I was in the screen test for literally less than 2 minutes and was kicked from the meeting. It was 'technical difficulties' allegedly however, my best friend also had a callback for the next day and the same thing happened. Zoom said that the host kicked me from the meeting and not that it was disconnected so I personally think they did that to us to see how we handled the stress. For me, this actually saved my whole audition. It gave me a few minutes to calm down, have some water and ground myself. I have no idea if this is a common tactic or not but just be aware that a school might to do this.
I had the audition panel straight after and they apologised for the tech mess up, answered any of my questions and we did our thing. They asked me to perform my Anton Chekhov monologue (Irina from the 3 sisters. Her monologue from the first act). I didn't quite get what they were asking me to do at first. They kept prompting me to pretend that I was saying it to my best friend but it kept getting more dramatic because... well I'm super dramatic when I'm really passionate about something but turns out they wanted realism hahaha. The second prompt they gave me which made me realise they wanted realism was "you're saying this to your best friend who's in hospital". My best friend and platonic partner is actually chronically ill so this hit a little close to home. They're like never in hospital but it was still a bit... ouchie lol. At least the prompt wasn't boring?? The judges seemed to really love my take on that prompted, we had a whole conversation about what I did differently, etc. Then I was sent on my way!
Screen test part two was only slightly less stressful than part one. I tried to join the meeting with the new link they sent out, no one was there, I got the old link up on my laptop (whereas i was using my mum's PC) incase they were still using the old link. They were still using the old link and I almost missed my screen test (again lol). They wanted to see my 'comedy' monologue but they gave me prompt of "you're filming a video diary and you never want anyone to know that you have a crush on [the character], you haven't even really accepted it." for some reason that made me weirdly emotional lol. I completely forgot my lines about half way through when I really started to get emotional (the character talks a lot about her insecurities). The judges said that sometimes that can happen when you "unlock" a new level of emotion in a piece. I guess that's what they wanted to see because I got in! I really thought I had completely fucked it up. Moral of the story, even if you do something stupid, forget your lines, almost miss your audition and don't understand what the judges want from you the first time, it'll still be okay. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
Okay! I'm done. I'm so sorry for the word length of this and the fact it took me so long to reply! again, feel free to DM me if you ever have any questions, want to talk about acting or hell, even if you're bored and just want to chat. I hope this some what helped
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
Repacking Games & Horses
You can also read this article on my website!
A bit ago, I was playing an old horse game when looking for others... and I ended up falling down a rabbit hole- discovering it had been a repackaged version of a game the year prior- nothing impressive from any of these games, sure. But I found lots of interest in why they did this, and how there were various technical differences between them too despite being the same game!
In this article I go into the story of Saddle Club: Willowbrook Stables, and its lesser known origins as Willowbrook Stables; Search for the Golden Horsehoes.
*this article does not go too much into my own experiences playing this, and there sure was some interesting stuff when exploring bugs etc! i can talk about that another time if anyone is curious.
For those who never grew up as a gamer girl in the early 2000s or more specifically, an animal loving gamer girl, its likely you didn't get the experience the slew of games directed at these kinds of kids. While no longer a girl, I was raised one, and I loved animals. But at that time, the most you could get in the way of animal games were usually... horse games. The horse girl crowd was big, and it was much more marketable than say, a game where you play as a dog or a cat. I remember always seeing loads of horse media- whether it was books, movie, or video games. I didn't want that, personally. But it was the best thing I could get in terms of being an animal in a game, so I ended up playing quite of few of these kinds of shovelware horse games.
While many have been lost to my memory, if you've followed my video game adventures before, specifically my speedruns- you'd know I have played a few of the Barbie horse adventure games. These were ones I grew up with, and reconnecting with them in the last years was mostly out of nostalgia and curiosity. While I may not be a horse girl, I love old media- especially video games. Even more, I love ones that arent widely covered online... obscure games that slip through the cracks. Surprisingly, Barbie games do fall into that category, perhaps out of the assumption they are a big name and must be documented, or just the fact that most gamers don't have interest in a brand like Barbie.
But this article isn't about the Barbie games. In fact, I found myself more and more intrigued by other horse games when I got into speedruning Barbie games. I love digging up information, and had fallen into bit of a rabbit hole with series like Star Stable, after finding out the developers of Barbie Horse Adventures Riding Camp made that series too- which becomes obvious with its many similarities to the non-MMO Star Stable games. Plus, with incredibly massive library of medicore horse games spawning in the early 2000s, I knew there must be more in there worth seeing. Even if the games were shitty, the history could bring something interesting. Plus, I had always had these memories of a horse game I played, and I had yet to find it. So it seemed like a great chance to go hunting for the mystery game in my memory.
While scouring the internet for videos and clips of the game that fit my description, I came across a youtube channel that is full of playthroughs for horse games. With hundreds of videos, I began to look through their playlists in hopes of finding a game I recognized, or just something interesting.
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The Saddle Club: Willowbrook Stables came out in 2002, and is based around the tv show and book series also called The Saddle Club. The show was Australian-canadian and aired from 2001 to 2009. This is not a show I ever watched, but I recall the covers of the books in my elementary school library. The series follows three main characters also present at the start of the game, but the game takes place in a completely unique location from anything in the series. This is a point I'll come back to later...
As I stated, the game is a bit different from most horse games at the time- many horse games were heavily focused on caring for the horse and the stables, while focusing on competitions and other equestrian activities. Most times even the game if open world, doesn't have much to do outside of races and world is hardly the focus. Even a series like Star Stable still have a good amount of focus on typical equestrian lifestyle outside of its magical plotline. But Willowbrook stables is basically an open world with story.
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The game starts with a opening cutscene, where the three main girls receive a letter to go off to a island horse stable. Only one can go, which means that you get to pick which girl you want to play as. You find out from the owner Agnes, that a property developer is going to buy the island and get rid of the stables. You learn that if you can raise enough money, you can save the stables from being bought. After exploring the islands, you learn from Agnes that there are rumors of 'golden horse shoes' that she read in a journal, and that finding them may be the way to get money to buy the land. From here, the game will lead you on a quest to find four golden horse shoes, by handing you hints through NPCs and needing to solve puzzles and riddles to find out where they are.
Aside from the story, the game takes place on a very large open world map where you can run into various landmarks, locations, and NPCs. The world has a subtle day-night cycle, in that it will become sunset and characters will start to go inside. You can then pass the day by sleeping in your bed, and this is sometimes required for progression. You do also get to care for your horse by putting on tack and cleaning the stables- but cleaning the stables seems optional. While you get notified when to do so, I never had an issue just ignoring it. There are 'points' given or lost for this (and various other things) but I don't recall it ever being an problem during the game, they don't do anything.
So with that described, lets step back and look at the game again. Its a pretty unique game for a game apparently based off a tv show. It has a pretty large open world, with a totally unique original setting and characters... but, a little extra digging would reveal that this game isn't really supposed to be for the Saddle Club. This game was made by IR Gurus Interactive, who had made a few other horse games before this one. Specifically, the far less talked of source of Saddle Club: Willowbrook Stables... Willowbrook Stables "Search for the golden horse shoes".
If you're familiar with horse games of the early 2000s or late 90s, you may be familiar with other works of IR Gurus without realizing it... this includes the well known Equestriad. In this case, The Saddle Club release of Willowbrook stables certainly out-shined its original version, and its not uncommon at all for games to be repackaged with a more well known brand name- for example, a series I grew up with became notorious for this after being acquired by Ubisoft, the Petz series. Many Petz titles that looked incredibly different were repackaged games from other countries, bought by Ubisoft and given the Petz title in other places in order to be recognized and thus sell better.
But this case is a bit more... weird to me, in the fact that IR Gurus released the original only a year prior, and it wasn't due to the game being released in a different country where said brand would have been more recognizable. They are an Australian company and have released horse games in the Australian horse scene- Saddle Club as mentioned is also an Australian show. So it seems that the re-release of Willowbrook as a Saddle Club title was more like a good money opportunity for IR Gurus and the owners of Saddle Club. Just fix up a game you already made, it'll be far cheaper, even thought it came out only a year ago! Everyone benefits and if anything, it probably did better than the original release anyways due to the Saddle Club name being slapped on so money spent on the re-release paid them back enough.
Aside from the listings that prove these are two separate games, there is loads of other evidence that this game just had Saddle Club slapped on top of an already existing game once you have the context. First off, the menus and start screen literally have flowery clip art that is pasted on top of an existing gritty mine themed layout. I didn't regard it much when I first played and thought it was just poor design... but knowing the game wasn't for Saddle Club, makes you realize just how out of place it looks. Additionally, the music in the game is totally different in Saddle Club's cute and upbeat tones, as the original's soundtrack a bit more mysterious and dark sounding- fitting its aesthetic.
Outside of the obvious aesthetics, there's even more that points to the drastic thematic difference between the two. The music changes the mood alone, but with the context that this game written for Saddle Club becomes more clear as you progress through the game and find things like... a graveyard, a gun in a church, the dark mines and traps, character death being the plot of the story, a strange abandoned castle, and so on.
There are some more unexpected additions to the Saddle Club version, however... and it actually extends to the point where you realize the Saddle Club version is almost like a big upgrade or patch to the original, even when many things don't fit. The obvious change would be the fact that three different players characters were added to the game- representing the main characters of the TV show. You only go to the island as one character because thats how the original was made- it was not written or built around 3 girls. The story wasn't made for it. Also for the Saddle Club version, the old lady who owns the stables exists as a character with a model and greets you to explain more of the story whereas in the original you simply arrive with a letter explaining things and that is it. Some changes don't make clear sense- like the boy at the stables says more or less in each version of the game, sometimes giving less information in Saddle Club than in the original. Why??
Overall, the Saddle Club version presents things in a more immersive way and forward way. Especially with the introduction given by Agnes, you get an idea of whats going on, and then you meet other characters in ways that just make more sense. In the original, you're just there already and it assumes your ability to solve things. Within the first two days you meet characters with incredibly stiff dialogue and awkward triggers to their meets, and its hard to know direction in that original version.
But that's not where the changes stop- and the deeper I dug the more I found in regards to patches for this game. First off, from the Wayback Machine I was able to find the old website which hosted patches for both games. Even though the patch got the original a bit more up to Saddle Club's standards, certain controls in the game still felt totally different. One thing my friend and I mess with HEAVILY was the "unstuck" button. This was something we read in the readme.txt file which contained loads of information we didn't know about the game (such as the fact that the game took 18 months to write!) This button is used to get unstuck, and in Saddle club it pushes you in a certain direction... through walls, and can be abused very very heavily. However, in the original game it doesn't exactly do that. It moves you differently and doesn't allow the same kind of clipping to occur. For some reason this changed between games, and clearly the devs went and altered some of the functions to work differently. Somehow though, it is less broken in the original version, and more broken in the later release...
The patch provided for the original adds a few functions already within Saddle Club- including the option to automatically gear up for a ride on your horse. Sadly the patch notes are basically nonexistent, so notes like "story related fixes" aren't explained in more detail to know what they really did unless we go through both step by step to compare. (This game is honestly horrible to play, its very strict in how you must solve things. No skipping around as far as I know. So it wouldn't be fun to play twice)
With covering all those technical changes to the game- theres a bit more, of course!
The original Willowbrook Stables game comes with a little more physically which makes it interesting as well. For one- the game was released without any kind of rating system applied, thus no logo in the right bottom corner.
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It also came with a manual and a large map of the entire game's world- which can be downloaded from the old website's snapshot too.
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The game's original box art and design show that strikingly different design and tone compared to the Saddle Club version, and I find it so interesting to see a game not built for Saddle Club at all getting rebranded into it. Most repackages of games don't tweak much (Petz games, as mentioned before), but Willowbrook was a story based game, things written for its own world stayed the same but other things had to change. Additionally, its always interesting to see the original ways of the devs trying to patch and fix games. Patches for games were not released like they are now- the fact they used a repackaged version like some kind of update, with no indication they were technically different, is odd!
All this is to say- Willowbrook Stables may be a crappy buggy horse game, no matter the version... But if I hadn't noticed various details in the readme.txt or the game itself I never would have realized this was the case because the original is hardly documented. IR Gurus is now Transmission Games, and the wikipedia page only lists the Saddle Club version of the game from 2002, not the original in 2001. There are a few web pages that list the original, but its certainly gotten buried under its repackaged form due to name and popularity. Despite the seeming obscurity they have gained traction for games unrelated to horses, you can even read an IGN article about the studio in 2006 here. Even so, the horse games are mentioned as some "off-beat, niche titles" compared to their other games regardless of it being their origins.
Its important to me to dig up some of this stuff- you never know where it may go, and the rabbit hole for obscure titles can go in places I never expected. Especially for titles such as these- the "girl games" - most find little value in them. But the history behind them, the people who made them, shouldn't be left to vanish forever. IR Gurus had an early part in the development of numerous horse games... good or bad, its interesting to find that there was an identical version of Saddle Club that was easily forgotten simply because it was labeled with a big name.
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evanoxvt · 5 months
Health Update (and first post...)
I have #MultipleSclerosis and I get bi-annual infusions. These infusions are to help prevent ONLY the MS flareups and do not help with my daily symptoms WHATSOEVER, and in fact make the daily symptoms worse for a time afterwards. My infusion was quite literally yesterday so we haven't hit full throttle on the side effects yet.
Without further ado, health update time:
I've been numb on/off again pretty much all day, more so than usual. I'm both tired but not tired at the same time, and I'm getting bored so I have a real itch to play some games but I know how quickly that'll tire me out. I decided to make some new socials today and I'm already regretting it since all my first posts will be health updates and most don't have enough space to type context on the first post.
I'm not looking forward to going through the post-infusion recovery process but I am looking forward to what comes after it.
I just moved to my new pc before the infusion and still have to re setup nearly everything. I need to rebuild my OBS, redownload my video editor and clip studio, work on art again, etc. etc.
With the new pc I also plan to change up my stream quite a bit. I want to change my main overlay, set up some sound alerts, finish my twitch panel section to have more information and be pleasing to look at, add emotes for chat (via 7ttv or betterttv, undecided for now). I also plan to start multi streaming after recovering from my infusion so I'm both excited and scared to see how that goes and what challenges await me!
I guess I'll do a little bit of shameless self promotion while I'm at it since I'll either forget or be too uncomfortable to do it later!
I'm funding on my throne to improve my streaming setup while I recover from my infusion, all of the funds will be contributed to my stream.
***Please note you guys can buy anything you want from the wishlist at any point, including the streaming stuff category, however, it will not show as being contributed towards the thronothon. What it will do is make the end cost of the items slightly cheaper and ship me them to me before the thronothon ends.
And also my youtube and twitch!
On my youtube you can find a ton on content (currently on a break from posting). I have my streams and clips on there as well as tons of clips I've made of other people. *All clips posted on my channel have been made by me and all clips/vods have explicit permission to be posted by me by the streamer.
0 notes
todaysthinks · 11 months
White Runtz Strain pt. 2. (The TLDR)
The first-time user review of White Runtz from 3 weeks ago can be found
It is important to have an intention for this strain, and to not plan to go anywhere. If you are especially susceptible to paranoia, I'd *really* consider how bad you want the creative and motivated effects that come afterward. It's GREAT for thinking or tasks that require focus. To me, the benefits FAR outweigh the first 1/3 of the high.
The Sequence of Events
First thing, I get a head rush, and then again whenever I stand up, and then a dull headache/headiness (hard to decipher) for about two hours. Half the time I've had to pop an ibuprofen before bed.
I panic about having a panic attack, and as a result start thinking about all the terrible tragedy scenarios that could befall me and my family and *cause* a panic attack. I've reconciled that with this strain, good stuff comes after but I have to suffer through 30 minutes of this stuff first.
My body turns nummy from the chest outward and I remind myself I am definitely *not* having a heart attack.
Whoa! Suddenly I have to do something creative. My face is warm and tingly, eyelids heavy, gentle swaying back and forth but for some reason I switch to belly breathing instead of chest breathing and I thank myself for it later after I've been sitting for three hours.
I put on a youtube video and challenge myself to set up my keyboard, computer, guitar, pedals, computer, etc. before the video ends. I feel "play".
Two nights ago, I wrote a 4:40-minute song in about 3 hours, and it's *awesome*. Yesterday, I tidied up two separate songs, wrote a blog post, and spent a couple hours practicing different ways to use glitter. It's massively thinky. White Runtz is worth all the panic because of this part.
The Overall Wrap-up:
Try to do something that doesn't require a lot of moving. A concert would suck, sports would suck, walking a lot sucks. The head rushes happen when blood pressure is low. Possibly doing any of these would alleviate the headrush problem after some time, but I'm not willing to try it. (Like maybe stretching or some low-intensity movement would be nice with this strain?)
For music, I was pumped full of ideas, and more importantly, motivation to finish the project! I usually get stuck at 90% on everything I do, usually I have the rough draft recorded and I need to re-record the entire thing and send it to a collaborator or Soundcloud. But I never get around to that part. This strain leads me effortlessly to the final 10% and the "a-ha" moments. I go to bed proud, not sick of my song, and pleased with whatever weird-sounding shit I just came up with. That finishing off does WONDERS for my self-esteem and also creates another instance of owning whatever my strange brain just created and not caring a CENT whether or not people like it, it's gonna be released.
With art, It provokes experimentation. I had a moment yesterday where I tried out something super weird with a piece of work, LOVED it, said, "you know what? I'm just gonna wipe it and see what happens," LOVED IT... and then got overzealous and ruined it. But then! I did about 7 glitter experiments and I'm confident I'll find a way to cover up my shameful spot. It was a lesson in constraint. I don't have to have constraint with music because I can delete and re-record a hundred times if I want. But with art I gotta learn when to stop! Eventually I will edit this spot to include a hyperlink to Society6 when my picture is completed, scanned, tidied up.
It's a nice strain for gardening or pulling weeds, or doing gentle outside stuff. Playing with dogs is hysterical. My vision is normal, I sway back and forth a little bit, I breathe properly, sit up straight. My thinking is clear, I get more "into" whatever I'm doing, I have breakthroughs about insecurities, profound ideology shifts, or finding out-of-the-box solutions for problems.
Taking the opportunity to insert this bit of wisdom: I will never EVER drive high, and half the time won't be a passenger, either. I don't ever want to be in an emergency situation and not have total control of myself, so I use cannabis *only* after all my driving is done for the night. Some of you need to please chill out on that. People don't care on the road, more and more it seems, and your likelihood of having to use your reflexes are increasing daily because of -other people that may not be you- and you don't know what your motor skills and response time are like until you have to use them. Don't be high. If you've ever had a tiny voice in your mind that says, "Dude you know you don't need to be high to drive home," heed it.
This being said, being a passenger is kind of freaky if a person overdoes it on the WR. You gotta just be glad someone else is driving because you would NOT have seen that car if you were the driver right now. But if you're with someone you trust, enjoy your pretty surroundings and take a good look at them!! You'll notice new details and feel a fresh sense of excitement about your cool city.
After about two hours, I pass the heck out. So I have to time it right. I can't watch baseball or anything low-movement because I'll fall asleep, and I can't be in the heat gardening for too long because... I'll fall asleep. If I have steady focus, like an art project, outside thing, playing with pets, or a blog idea, I'll procrastinate taking a nap and get a second wind when it wears off.
Controversial thought for moms and dads, but I would use this if I were still in college doing homework. I'm currently writing all of this under its influence. However, it might make a difference to me whether or not I like the material. It's a strain that can coax you into getting "sucked in" but you have to care about it. If you don't care about it, you'll get distracted often. I would NOT use it in public. This needs to be after you worked on something all day, took a break for dinner and decompressing, and need to nail the final stretch of your thing for the night. You've got about 2 hours of deep focus until a "spread" creeps across your face and makes your eyelids heavy.
I also credit this strain with the a-ha moment that made me realize I should write this kind of content and create art with it, and perhaps growers or dispensaries would pay me for an in-depth break-down, videos, and custom artsy stuff.
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izzyizumi · 2 years
{Index} IzzyIzumi / KoushirouIzumi's AMVs for Koushiro Izumi, Taichi Yagami, & Koushiro x Taichi
One (Digi)-Week (with Taichi & Koushiro) {made pre-2011}
Beautiful Disaster
In the rain {Miraculous!Inspired Koushiro A.U.s}
"Miraculous?" Koushiro {Miraculous!Inspired Koushiro A.U.s}
Chosen Family [+Izumi Family; 02; Tri]
OBJECTION!! (Every Puzzle Has An Answer?)
I'll Be There For You
To A Brand-New World {Sailormoon!Inspired A.U.s}
Oshiokyo!! {Sailormoon!Inspired A.U.s} [+Mimi] (In-Progress)
Southern Cross Waltz [+2020!KouTai}
In the Infinitely Distant Sky
"KOUSHIRO on Self" (In-Progress)
Who Is Koushiro Izumi? {BELLE!Inspired Parody}
Forget About Love [+Kizuna; 2020!KouTai]
Spring Night Love Song [+Sora; Taikoura{to}; KouTai+YamaSora]
Love-Lost Elegy [+2020!KouTai]
Tsuki no Uta {Moon's Song} [+Kizuna]
{Dirty} Computer [+Tri, etc]
19sai [+Menoa; Kizuna] (In-Progress)
"rob0t" b0y [+Tri, 2020, etc] [+2020!KouTai]
Moon Rain [+2020!KouTai] (In-Progress)
Moon Revenge [+Frontier crossover; 2020 A.U.] (In-Progress)
Part of THIS World
KIMIPedia {YouPedia} [+Kizuna]
"BOKU" / "I" {Chobits!Inspired Character Introspection} (In-Progress) Parts: 1 / 2 / 3 / 3 End (Ongoing!)
The Only Exception [+Izumis; Yagamis; Advs&02 Chosen]
Further information under the 'read more'!
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All of these can be watched as stand-alones! Though they can also tie into my fic-verse / other A.M.Vs-verse; All of these are fine to watch on their own. The songs here tend to be much calmer than my other 'Verse, but even some of these can be passionately intense (which isn't very bad 'fitting'-wise for even direct Koushiro or Taichi focus specifically!)
Some are still currently being worked on (marked with "In-Progress") and may take a while to reach full Completion, but feel free to check back to this Index!
Please be sure to read ALL Notes on A.M.V.s before watching! (I add in Notes and attempt {for most all edits} spoiler warnings for your convenience. Please USE THEM) [If I forget to mention a part, I apologize! A lot of scenes tend to be used, but I try my best to indicate!]
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Not everything has been sub'd yet, (especially later ones) but I'm trying my best to eventually add in sub's for all the rest as I go / find the time! (In the meantime, please feel free to refer to any linked fan translated materials!)
Some A.M.V.s contain alternate ships depending on 'verse. (Alternate!-Universe) or not, Poly-ships and semi-canon compliancy, may also be represented and included. Please read ALL notes re ships on posts before Interacting!
I WILL BLOCK PEOPLE WHO Ignore these rules. My fan-works are for people who appreciate the series, Koushiro, and Taichi, NOT for people who hate the series as a whole or most any aspects of them canonically. They are also not meant to promote any sort of hate for any other Chosen or ship, regardless of their current focus. PLEASE try to Understand & remember this. I may also Block people who leave overtly negative commentary on any series character or ship featured. That is NOT the point of me making my fan-works, Please respect this if you choose to Interact.
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"Why are you doing this?"
Because when I was much younger, so many other ships already had LOADS of A.M.V.s and I never found very many for Koushiro or Taishiro / KouTai specifically, which I always found very odd, because they had more than just enough material to make full-length A.M.V.s out of... (and maybe more than you expected!!)
Years later, I'm evening out the playing field for Koushiro!!! (But more seriously, it's because I seriously enjoy making these and if I don't make them the idea is going to repeatedly echo in my head until I finally have it DONE, also as many of these were planned for many months~years and the outlines can take equally as long!!)
I'd be really happy and glad if anyone can come to understand Koushiro, Taichi, or KouTai (/Taishiro) more via these A.M.V.s, including from my own perspectives.
I'd be really happy to hear your thoughts or tags rambles!! Please let me know if something intrigued you or stood out to you, or if you liked a particular edit I made on a scene or sequence of scenes!! A lot of these can be quite hard for me to achieve! Respecful Feedback helps me improve and I may branch out further to other parts of the series + characters later on once I wrap up as many of my currently planned A.M.V.s as possible.
I AM NOT TAKING REQUESTS AT THIS TIME. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME, I will have to REJECT. THANK YOU FOR NOTING. (Full-length A.M.V.s can be really time consuming!!) If I'm open to requests, I'll usually note it (or ask mutuals for ideas). However this is NOT common and at this time, I have not officially opened requests. Thank you for understanding!
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libertarianblue · 3 years
So I’m from Canada, and I genuinely would like to understand your thought process on not wanting gun control. Not for a fight, not to debate, just to understand your side in relation to things like the high prevalence of school shootings in the states, accidental deaths associated with improperly stored guns, and the belief that having a gun in the home is self defence if it has to be locked away in a safe if there are children present. I’m not against guns, I don’t personally own one but many of my friends own hunting rifles and I’ve shot them before. Just curious about it, if you’ll indulge me :)
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, things got hectic today after work. Anyway, you said you're just looking for the other perspective and not a debate or fight, so I'll be speaking freely without hunting down sources. If you get curious about details, I'm sure I (or someone in the notes) can grab sources for you later.
First thing to keep in mind is that mass shooting incidents are highly played up in the media. Sometimes it's because outlets have ulterior motives due to their political biases, but a lot of the time it's just a case of "If it bleeds, it leads." If you look at the actual numbers, you see that any number of daily chores or tasks is more dangerous than the much inflated threat of a psychotic mass murderer. Because of this, I think anyone that wants to change our laws and start restricting civil liberties to combat some "epidemic" of mass gun violence is misinformed at best or deliberately fear mongering at worst.
As far as accidental discharges etc go I think this should be combated by de-mystifying guns for kids from a young age. I'm sure lots of the anti-gun crowd are mortified by pictures of school kids learning to cycle a bolt action, but this kind of widespread gun safety could massively reduce the number of accidents.
More than that, I think it would help eliminate the mystique and "forbidden" aura that guns carry for some people. You've almost definitely seen videos where people are waving a gun with their finger on the trigger while they lip sync to some song. The gun fires into their wall or their phone, they drop the gun, then they stand there with a look on their face like, "How could this have happened?" People that make these videos, or similarly unsafe photos or real life stunts, are doing it to try to look cool. But if everyone grows up knowing how guns operate and having that exposure, it no longer seems "cool" to do these things any more than it would be "Cool" to show off you have a pair of scissors.
That also addresses the children issue somewhat. My extended family has lots of rural folk in it, lots of farmers and hunters. All my cousins grew up around guns and everyone in the family knew to respect them as tools. I'd still recommend taking the necessary safety precautions when you have kids around, but once again the kid that finds a gun in a shoebox and decides to have a private show and tell session is doing it because they think this is taboo and the other kids will be impressed. Make it mundane, you've made it boring.
I realize those last two veered more into personal opinion and a suggestion on one way you could reduce incidents, and it's late here so I might not be communicating the point well to begin with. But really, overall my point remains that America isn't the bath full blood and spent casings certain pundits would like to paint it as, and I value liberty above all else, so I'm unwilling to curtail any of it to give people a false sense of security. This is especially true when we regularly see studies and data pointing out that the more restrictive local and state measures in deep blue areas either has no effect or an undesirable affect on gun crime, or studies showing private citizens are more effective than the police at stopping mass shootings, or that conceal carry rates went up and crime rates tanked. None of those things support the idea that reducing gun ownership rates will result in a safer society, and certainly not good enough to curtail our rights.
I'm sorry if my reply got a bit rambly here. As mentioned before it fell off my radar earier in the day and now that I am replying it's late enough I'm starting to feel the urge to doze off between sentences. I hope you got something out of it anyway. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have further questions!
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demonboyhalo · 4 years
The Technoblade Conspiracy
Even before Dream claimed there was a traitor in Pogtopia, there's been a lot of...suspicious activities happening in Techno’s streams. Others on the SMP are already distrustful of him, and the fans are as well, but I believe that we’re focusing on the wrong thing here. This thread isn’t quite a traitor theory, but rather a dive into what Techno has been hiding at large. I can say with utter confidence that the extent of what Technoblade has accomplished on the Dream SMP is being greatly underestimated.
I recommend looking at the sus Techno moments thread by @piggytechnobarb on Twitter for some of the stream clips I'll be discussing.
This is going to be fairly in depth, so the rest is under the cut!
1. There is another room under what Techno calls his "secret base"
I won't talk too much on how strange his choice of "secret base" is for now, but please do keep in mind how out of character it is for man-who-tracked-down-Squid's-college to settle for a home base so unprotected and close to Pogtopia's very well known location.
So, for some reason, there is Polished Blackstone Brick under the floor of Techno’s wall. He accidentally reveals this when a donation asks him to mine the exposed redstone in his wall, acts a bit strange for a good 15 seconds, and then never mentions it again. Sight of the brick prompts him to silently zoom in, fill the hole with stone (not cobble), and say "Don't ask questions".
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This is only so strange because there's no real reason for him to have stone at the ready, or any blackstone brick at all. Techno is NOT a builder, and if a creeper blew up down there, he'd fill it with cobble and not give a shit about aesthetics. He doesn't use smooth stone in his base, and has never built with blackstone on stream. Not only are they unusual items for him to have, it's unusual for him to make a point to not have the viewers question it. Yes, it could just be Techno being dramatic, but why did he go silent for a straight 5 seconds at the sight of the blackstone?
Considering who he is as a player, it is completely in character for Techno to build a second base. The lake he lives under is incredibly near Wilbur and Tommy, and he's well aware that all an enemy has to do is watch his stream to infiltrate his base. Techno goes to the extremes when they aren't even required (Ex. His insane skill in party games, beating Skeppy in as niche of a game as Grinch Simulator, etc.) So I don't think it's a stretch for him to go the extra mile, and hide a bunker/resources/extra armour and what have you from even his own viewers.
2. The overpowered illegal villager farm
For those of you who don't watch Ponk, he recently stumbled across an area that is supposedly banned on the Dream SMP - a villager farm. In the clip, his voice is astonished and his confusion is palpable, and he goes so far as to say "It's a full scale arms race" because of how many good trades there are. The location is laced with traps, though he doesn't mention what exactly he had to get past to find the farm. Ponk's reaction is far too genuine for the farm to be his, but then that begs the question, whose farm is it?
...Who is willing to risk Dream's wrath by breaking his rules? Or, alternatively, who is capable of making a secret pact with the server owner to allow such a farm? The answer could only be Technoblade.
Ponk says it himself in the video, he does not have the time to build this. Whoever made this had to have carved out a hidden cavern, lead at least 14 villagers down there, breed them until only the ones with the best trades were left - all off stream, and without another player catching them. Whoever made this had to spend hours of work with no content to show for it, and who do we know has been grinding for DAYS on the server? Technoblade. Not to mention, all the villagers are numbered, and all but one are fletchers.
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The signs above each stall are so important, because going so far back as SMP Earth, Techno has a history of dispassionately breeding mobs to his benefit, and then killing any mob not performing well enough. For example, his horse farm: where the horses stay in numbered rooms rather than all being named. The villagers in the screenshot above are numbered rather than named.
Wanna hear a fun fact about Fletchers? They're well known for accepting sticks for emeralds, but will also take string for that trade as well! And guess who has been seen waiting at the spider spawner collecting string by Sapnap, Awesamdude, Quackity, and multiple other players? Technoblade.
Technoblade also has every reason to be breeding villagers for special arrows and crossbows, because he's said on stream that he wants to try spamming multi-shot crossbows in combat to take out huge groups of enemies. He said at a later point that he had run into trouble with getting multiple crossbows with the enchantment multi-shot, and implied it wasn't going to happen. But has he ever been the kind of person to be stopped by something being challenging? Absolutely not.
Think of literally anything Techno has done - his Bedwars win streak, beating MC with a steering wheel, the Potato Wars - what I believe is really happening, is that Techno is lying about how equipped he is so that no matter what side he ends up fighting for, his enemies will have no true way of knowing how powerful he is.
3. Dream might be his secret ally (AKA The Glowstone Incident)
This brings us to a...confusing moment in Techno's stream that sparked a lot of questions. It pointed me towards 2 different, but not necessarily exclusive, theories.
The Glowstone Incident precedes as follows: Techno needs glowstone but can't find any in his chests, so he puts on his BRB screen. He says that he is "hacking" and asking Dream to use game mode to give him the glowstone. Typing can be heard, and then multiple chests are opened. Techno takes off the BRB screen and he now has three stacks of glowstone dust. This was absolutely bewildering to watch live, and was one of the most blatantly suspicious things he has done in front of his viewers. (You can find the exact clip on the thread I mentioned, it is...so weird)
Theory A: Though unlikely, Techno could be Dream's secret ally, and Dream really did use creative to give him the stacks. Or, he potentially gave Techno OP permissions so that he could get the glow stone (and any other materials he’d want) himself.
We all remember their meet up on that ocean hill, where Dream gives Techno golden apples, diamonds, and other such materials for the battle against Schlatt. It seemed to be a one-off gift that was more for Wilbur's benefit than Techno's, but there's potentially the chance that Dream saw an alliance to Techno to be more beneficial than working only with Wilbur, and contacted him off screen to make deals.
Going back to the Village Farm - for a player to get the exact enchantment they want for a reasonable price, breeding them is the most logical option. It's the route Techno would take regardless of Dream's rules on the SMP too, as he tends to show little regard for what the creators want (Ex. Taking over SMP Earth, exploiting Hypixel Skyblock, etc.) However, it could also be possible that Dream gave Techno permission to do this, and so the reason Techno is keeping the farm secret is so that the viewers don't know of their alliance.
Theory B: Techno has hidden resources in his base that he doesn't want anyone to have even the chance to see. Whether it is to hide from enemies watching (or to hide from Dream in particular because Techno knows he's breaking the server's rules) there are secret chests that Techno has with extra resources that can be heard loud and clear in the video.
They could be simple ones hidden in the walls...or in the blackstone brick base hidden under his floors. Saying he’s “hacking” rather than the reality of him just checking all his chests again is on par for Techno’s usual dramatics - yet we can clearly see that there’s no glowstone in any of his chests. This is why I believe he got the glowstone from some unseen resource. With the BRB screen on, Techno prevents his viewers from actually seeing how he got the 3 stacks of powder, and it keeps the location of his hidden materials safe.
Personally, I feel theory B is more likely, but there have been moments where Dream has acted Sus so...be on the lookout y'all.
4. Techno not participating in MCC
For those of you who watched Techno during the Potato War, many will remember that MCC 6 had a stressful undertone. Because of how much effort and time Techno had been putting into farming on Skyblock, taking a break to compete in another event was distracting. It ultimately led to him losing time that, from his perspective, would have been better off spent farming.
Techno might not be as blatantly grinding on the Dream SMP as he did with the Potato War, but it's undeniable that other streamers have seen him online for stretches of 10 hours and more. When asked about why he wasn't participating in the next MCC, Techno didn't say he was taking a break - something that'd be entirely reasonable and honestly well earned - he said "I don't want to."
It could be awkward phrasing by virtue of Techno's personality, but what I think is more likely is that Techno has learned from his past mistakes. Rather than "waste" time competing in MCC, Techno might be planning to use the time everyone on the SMP is gone to his advantage. He could sneak into enemy territory, set traps in certain areas, or maybe even perform some illegal acts that Dream would never allow. Either way, I suspect Techno has something planned for the 14th.
Honorable Mentions:
Dream poking fun, or blatantly covering for Techno?
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This clip of Techno's secret Something??? next to the spider spawner, undeniably suspicious
Techno had around 5 stacks of wool in his inventory at one point - he absolutely could be bed mining the nether not only so that he has multiple sets of OP netherite, but possibly because he's preparing the gear for another person (cough cough Philza) or people
Techno's collection of ghast tears. He's studied Crystal PvP and made plenty of 2b2t references in the past (Look up FitMC for more info on those things) So it could be possible that Techno is hiding stacks of end crystals so that he can decimate multiple players in an instant
All in all, I'm 100% convinced that Techno has some serious plans hidden behind the scenes that he's not going to share until it's time for him to unleash utter chaos. We know he's keeping secrets, we know he's had the time, and we know he's capable.
I hope you all enjoyed my research and feel terrified of what Techno could possibly have done off camera :D
If anyone else has different theories, corrections to what I wrote, or other moments where Pink was Sus, feel free to comment!
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nicanario · 3 years
this post is a product of its time
tw: discussion of racism, homophobia, misogyny and a short mention of sexual abuse.
ok, this is basically gonna be a very long rambling post about my not fully developed thoughts on the justification many people give to bigotry when talking about the past: "it was a product of its time"
it would be fair to say, with me being a raging SJW socialist scumbag, that I don't think this is a very good argument and is most of the time actually an excuse to not think about the problems inherent to our society, historical or not, and, by extension, the problems with ourselves. but I do think that sometimes, just sometimes, this can be a valid point, or at least one that raises some interesting questions.
I'm going to cite examples from several pieces of media, but fear not, I'll try to make this as accesible as I can.
so, let's take Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS) as our first case study. this show has, correctly, been called progressive by everyone except for clueless people who don't know much about Star Trek's history, Star Trek's crew, Star Trek's cast, or, frankly, Star Trek. because if you ignore the clear, sometimes in-your-face political history and present of the franchise, I don't think you know much about it at all. I do think you can call yourself a fan if you like it, you may have watched every single episode for all I know. but lots of mental gymnastics are needed to ignore the political progressiveness Star Trek has had since its very beginning.
episodes like Let That Be Your Last Battlefield are obviously anti-racist, at least in their intention. but the episode in question really is "a product of its time," and at the very end fails to uphold its ideals. the episode ends with the two aliens (who are LITERALLY. BLACK ON ONE SIDE. AND WHITE ON THE OTHER. BUT IN THE OPPOSITE SIDES.) fighting each other on their devastated planet, and the crew is like, "oh yeah if they both would give up on their hatred that they both share both of them equally" when it has been firmly established that one is the oppressor and the other one is the oppressed.
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and that's a lot of Star Trek, not just TOS. even Discovery, one of the most recent series, has done Bury Your Gays (and Trans) TWICE (though both times literally rectified it, which is cool). there are episodes of the franchise that are overtly racist, or misogynistic, etc. TOS is lauded, mostly justifiably, as very progressive, especially for the standards of the time. they put a woman of colour as one of the senior staff, for fuck's sake. of course, when you analyse that same character, as with most of their intentions at being progressive, you'll see that she was relegated and sometimes even outright mistreated when she had the potential to be much more. but, at that time, it was a lot.
I had a friend (emphasis on "had") who, after I told him about TOS's both progressiveness and constant misogyny, told me something like "imagine feminists trying to complain about a show from the 60s." so, with unearned spite, he was, in some way, trying to make the argument that it was a product of its time.
you could say Star Trek, all of Star Trek, is "a product of its time" in the sense that it's not always perfect. uh, yes, I would agree. but that doesn't mean people have to accept it. well, I mean, the show is kinda over, you have to accept it's that way. but you don't have to accept that it's not wrong just because it was a product of its time.
H. P. Lovecraft, as another example, was a greatly influential writer whose works still shape a lot of people's ideas to this day. I have only ever read like one of his stories, so don't expect me to have an opinion on his works. but I can have an opinion on what I know about him as a person (he did have a life outside his writing, after all). and, yeah, he was a huge asshole. if you want to know more in depth about the subject, please watch Hbomberguy's video on him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8u8wZ0WvxI
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but basically, he was incredibly racist & homophobic. some people might even say, "he was a product of his time." well, there are two possible rebuttals to that. the surface level one, and the one that examines why that argument is wrong to the core.
The Surface Level Response to "it was a product of its time": um, no it wasn't. Lovecraft was more racist than a lot of people even in his time. he wasn't just a guy who carried the racist beliefs of his society like everyone else, he was a reactionary who actively thought and discussed how racist he was, and how right he was for being that way. but that's only applicable to Lovecraft. one can't argue the same for Star Trek: TOS, because TOS did try to be more progressive and more anti-racist than the rest of its society. that leads us to the next response.
The Response that Actually Deals with the Fact that No Matter How Progressive You're Trying to Be, Your Failings Can Still be Criticized: the thing is, trying to excuse Lovecraft's or Star Trek's bigotry because they were "products of their times" misses the fact that racism is still wrong, and some people knew that in those times as well. people from these times weren't all naive or stupid or whatever. they had the capacity for rational thinking. they could stop and think, "hey, maybe what we're doing is wrong." and the fact is, some people did. not perfectly, not to our standars, but they did. everyone could have stopped and think. but most of them didn't, and we can criticize them for it. racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. HURT PEOPLE. horribly. massively.
also, even if you agree with the "it's a product of its time" argument, some people aren't criticising people's or work's bigotry: they're explaining why they don't want to experience it.
The Talons of Weng-Chiang is a 1977 Doctor Who serial, and it's one of the show's more racist stories. almost all the villains are Chinese, every single Chinese person is a villain. there's yellowface, slurs, stereotypes, the Doctor speaking nonsense words instead of actual Chinese, and a general belittling of Chinese culture.
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note that I'm neither Chinese nor of Chinese descent. I have been searching for hours for a few posts I've read a while ago (some by people who are of Asian descent) about this episode and I can't find them. sorry.
suffice it to say, even though I love Jago & Litefoot (the audio series and the characters), it's not an acceptable episode at all. but it's also important to remark that, because of it, some people aren't going to want to watch it. sometimes, people aren't saying "the episode shouldn't be this way," which causes others to answer that it was "a product of its time." sometimes, people are just saying, "this is an episode that attacks real people. I don't want to see it. I don't care if it was common in that era to be racist, i don't want to experience it."
however, there is an interesting point to the "it's a product of its time" argument. after all, everything is influenced by its society, for better or worse. and we can't change it anymore. TOS sometimes didn't quite understand the political themes it wanted to explore. Lovecraft was a horrible bigot. Talons was racist towards Chinese folks. and that's that. I don't think we should change the episodes/stories or anything. edit them in any way. that would be, in a sense, changing history. and we wouldn't learn anything from it, about how we can do better.
I think there are two solutions to this:
1. warnings before starting the text: this was done with The Talons of Weng-Chiang. on Britbox, where you can watch Classic Who, this serial has a content warning before the start. that's good.
2. the removal as a whole of the text from some places: I think before applying this one, there should be a lot of thought put into each case. I don't think removing a whole serial of Doctor Who or Lovecraft's stories from anything would be, well, fair. especially on tv episodes a lot more people worked on those, not just the writers and the directors. Lovecraft's writing influenced thousands. we shouldn't erase them or anything. but sometimes, for some cases, we should.
those in the US might seen a Confederate statue being taken down. that is, in a way, a form of removal of a piece of history.
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but that is a good removal. statues glorify. one sees a statue and probably thinks "this was a person worthy of admiration." they should be taken down, maybe even with a permanent mark of why this was done (a plaque that reads "a statue of X was here, but he didn't deserve it because of Y" could be put in place of the statues, for example).
another example is the removal from DVDs of the short episode A Fix with Sontarans, a Sixth Doctor minisode that featured Jimmy Savile, a presenter who was later found out to be sexually abusing children.
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the removal of that minisode is good, actually. it's not a full episode (it's not even Doctor Who). some might say that's "erasing history" but, like, you can still find it online or information about it if you want. this minisode deserves removal from DVDs and Blu-Rays and whatever more than content warnings. it's not an important part of the show and it prominently features a horrible person who did horrible things during that time.
so, after all that, I have explained why I don't like the "it's a product of its time" argument. it is an interesting point that deserves to be examined, but it's not very good.
I have had this in Drafts for so long I've probably forgot some of the points I was going to make, but eh, what can you do? hope you enjoyed reading this.
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