libertarianblue · 3 years
So I’m from Canada, and I genuinely would like to understand your thought process on not wanting gun control. Not for a fight, not to debate, just to understand your side in relation to things like the high prevalence of school shootings in the states, accidental deaths associated with improperly stored guns, and the belief that having a gun in the home is self defence if it has to be locked away in a safe if there are children present. I’m not against guns, I don’t personally own one but many of my friends own hunting rifles and I’ve shot them before. Just curious about it, if you’ll indulge me :)
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, things got hectic today after work. Anyway, you said you're just looking for the other perspective and not a debate or fight, so I'll be speaking freely without hunting down sources. If you get curious about details, I'm sure I (or someone in the notes) can grab sources for you later.
First thing to keep in mind is that mass shooting incidents are highly played up in the media. Sometimes it's because outlets have ulterior motives due to their political biases, but a lot of the time it's just a case of "If it bleeds, it leads." If you look at the actual numbers, you see that any number of daily chores or tasks is more dangerous than the much inflated threat of a psychotic mass murderer. Because of this, I think anyone that wants to change our laws and start restricting civil liberties to combat some "epidemic" of mass gun violence is misinformed at best or deliberately fear mongering at worst.
As far as accidental discharges etc go I think this should be combated by de-mystifying guns for kids from a young age. I'm sure lots of the anti-gun crowd are mortified by pictures of school kids learning to cycle a bolt action, but this kind of widespread gun safety could massively reduce the number of accidents.
More than that, I think it would help eliminate the mystique and "forbidden" aura that guns carry for some people. You've almost definitely seen videos where people are waving a gun with their finger on the trigger while they lip sync to some song. The gun fires into their wall or their phone, they drop the gun, then they stand there with a look on their face like, "How could this have happened?" People that make these videos, or similarly unsafe photos or real life stunts, are doing it to try to look cool. But if everyone grows up knowing how guns operate and having that exposure, it no longer seems "cool" to do these things any more than it would be "Cool" to show off you have a pair of scissors.
That also addresses the children issue somewhat. My extended family has lots of rural folk in it, lots of farmers and hunters. All my cousins grew up around guns and everyone in the family knew to respect them as tools. I'd still recommend taking the necessary safety precautions when you have kids around, but once again the kid that finds a gun in a shoebox and decides to have a private show and tell session is doing it because they think this is taboo and the other kids will be impressed. Make it mundane, you've made it boring.
I realize those last two veered more into personal opinion and a suggestion on one way you could reduce incidents, and it's late here so I might not be communicating the point well to begin with. But really, overall my point remains that America isn't the bath full blood and spent casings certain pundits would like to paint it as, and I value liberty above all else, so I'm unwilling to curtail any of it to give people a false sense of security. This is especially true when we regularly see studies and data pointing out that the more restrictive local and state measures in deep blue areas either has no effect or an undesirable affect on gun crime, or studies showing private citizens are more effective than the police at stopping mass shootings, or that conceal carry rates went up and crime rates tanked. None of those things support the idea that reducing gun ownership rates will result in a safer society, and certainly not good enough to curtail our rights.
I'm sorry if my reply got a bit rambly here. As mentioned before it fell off my radar earier in the day and now that I am replying it's late enough I'm starting to feel the urge to doze off between sentences. I hope you got something out of it anyway. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have further questions!
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the-golden-onion · 3 years
Omg happy birthday! You’re my favourite Twilight blog, the Twilight renaissance was one of the best things that ever happened to me
oh my gosh thank you!!!!! you’re so sweet and i feel so honored that you enjoy my nonsense :’))) ♡ ♡ ♡
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flapperwitch · 4 years
What's your Etsy??
Oh my god bless you 💕
It's Itty Bitty City Minis, where I'm making jewelry, dollhouse items, art, and more, as long as it's small. If you want something I'll make it, I love creating and as a disabled person with chronic pain, working on miniatures is something I can do that doesn't impact my health. I'm also looking to add more items to the store, I just don't have enough customers/experience yet and want to know what people are interested in. But here's some examples of my work!
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If there's something you want that's small and it's not there, send me a message!
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oh-archivist · 7 years
Also to the anon who wants to act: acting isn't something that requires specific neurological pathways that are only accessible when you're young. An example of that would be learning a new language. Once you're past the age of 7, you have a next to nothing chance of fully understanding the grammar and structure of another language. Acting, however, is just your ability to connect to another, or to realistically emote on stage, which almost anyone can do as long as they can replicate feelings.
Beautifully put !
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my-d1spute · 7 years
Smh some people are damn bored enough with their lives they pick on you for calling an elbow a ditch 😂 Whatcha getting tattooed there sweet pea?
what else is new lmaoooo !  Im getting a snail !! thank you for asking lovely  :)
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@lucid1nthesky-blog​ @stephhm21​ @fortunatelyshinydelusion-blog​ @alargan​ @barbaraqueuu​ @artemissworld-blog​ @sweetsweetgirl138​ @id-fucking-k​ @juanelvdm​ @captain-potatojones​ @annale24​ @kitkatacidreflex-blog​ @dy-me-com-blog​ @violethallucionations​ @tea-rings​ @thugnific3ntt​ @promisetohimself​ @sabrinaraysings-blog​ @klau-cigarettes​ @threeswordzoro​ @wonderskank​ @doit-forbaltimore-blog​ @bettersafethanuseless-blog​ @missmashsix​ @misselizabethnichole​ @kimberftw​ @fr33-me​ @glitteryfux​ @felicima​ @hairdayeveryday-blog​ @this-disease-is-getting-worse​ @a-somemightsay​ @li1vv-blog-blog​ @teen-nuisance-x-blog​ @lina-lux​ @urrrgay​ @krc4i​ @addledmind​ @way-cray-bitches​ @zoutedromen​ @courtney-ae​ @dandytr-blog​ @relativelyacidic​ @happyisthenewchic​ @thevalkyrie143​ @blinkblindbunny​ @theseeyesholdlies​ @gurlofmydreams​ @kunst-haar​ @nuggwife​ @takeeme-anywheree​ @all-torn-down-blog​ @kahvefalimm​ @bookish-bailey​ @mspurji​ @coeurinlee-blog​ @jenneyasmith-blog​ @brittersozialprodukt​ @amortamor​ @tacos-and-tarot-cards​ @relatively--fucked​ @lovegrungepastel-blog​ @kylieisafuckingkittykat​ @anandavoltolini-blog​ @warmsmyheart​ @smile-because-your-a-live-blog​ @thebrendat-blog​ @isaiahdrio​ @l-u-n-gs​ @tienimiconte-blog​ @cocainebxby​ @zerostatereflex​ @branxdy​ @navybaby21​ @night-morning​ @verge-of-selfdestruction​ @dontloseurself-blog​ @yikesbell​ @jesssicahagstoz​ @hollowhellsandbrokenshells​ @euphoria-light​ @isthis-theend-blog​ @presexxx​ @donttripchikenstrip-blog​ @w-a-n-k-er​ @adrenalicia​ @itzreaperbitch​ @find-my-wild-side​ @kauais-finest​ @adalaixplosiona​ @floyder0999​ @jaaaayjaaaay-blog-blog​ @thisvibeisdelicious-blog​ @adelaidematilda​ @lordcity​ @prazeres--desconhecidos-blog​ @blue-eyes-spit-fire​ @soulbodylalo​ @publicspam​ @patrick-giles​ @dijiste-mucho-hiciste-poco​
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cherubcomets · 9 years
Opening Credits: people keep talking / hoodie allenWaking Up: living room song / twyFirst Day At School: american beauty american psycho / fobFalling In Love: whats my age again / blink 182Fight Song: carpe diem / green dayBreaking Up: st jimmy / green dayLife’s OK: see you tonight / green dayGetting Back Together: fuckin problems / a$ap rockyWedding: give it up / midtownBirth of Child: amanda / green dayFinal Battle: cant stop drinking about you / bebe rexhaDeath Scene: shake it off / taylor swift (same)Funeral Song: sleeping with a friend / neon treeEnd Credits: last hope / paramore
dont send anymore please and thank you
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ifuckingloveblink · 10 years
Best ToMark fanfiction?
idk i cant say best but my fav is hmmMMmmm so many to pick but probably breathe or out of the blue will deffs read again in the future 
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heart-for-ammit · 10 years
Oh whoops sorry for the intense blog stalking there, I was just scrolling down your blog and it turned into an intense fest of 'ILIKETHISPICTUREANDTHISONEANDTHISONE...'. In other words I think your blog is rad.
Awh thank you so much :)you're welcome to do so whenever :)I appreciate it!
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laa-dispute · 10 years
Just a follow up, I did purchase Rooms of the House and it is indeed incredible
It’s the gift that keeps on giving. I'm glad you like it!
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flapperwitch · 5 years
What killed it for me is that Beverly is fucking 40 years old in this movie and she's wearing ripped jeans. Like I get that she's a fashion designer and everything but I'm pretty sure jeans with rips in the knees stops being a thing for you when you turn 30
Okay but it’s Jessica Chastain, so she can wear whatever she wants and still look amazing. I’m 24 and can barely pull off ripped jeans now, I have to do a specific look to make the outfit work, but it’s Jessica Chastain. She could wear anything with her confidence and beauty and I’d be like “oh HELL yeah that’s a look”. Also Tan France has this quote that’s like “I could give a shit about fashion, I care about style” which I very much appreciate. Wear what makes you happy and makes you look good, who cares about trends?
Also I had so many other problems with It Chapter 2 that honestly I wasn’t focusing on the clothing
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tomarkfanic2000 · 11 years
Your first smut was absolutely tragically beautiful. I read Breathe some time in 2012 but I didn't know when you would continue writing so I never checked up. I remembered it recently and went to go find it again and was pleasantly surprised to see you've been quite active. My favorite thing about your writing is that it isn't only about the hot butt sex, but the true passion Tom and Mark share for each other. Please keep writing, you're really good at it
aww that’s something very sweet to hear today. Thank you for putting a smile on my face :). I’m glad you like it. Writing is my passion, I need to do it, otherwise I’d get depressed or crazy.
Have a great day
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ifuckingloveblink · 11 years
the adam's song one?
oh i found one of their last performance with that song and mark sounded broken :(
if you wanna watch it, fan mail me and i'll send you the link 
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ageofthesith · 11 years
W I L L A (superhero, eye color, favorite band/singer, age)
W: favourite superhero: Probably spiderman !
I: eye colour: Blue =)
L: favourite band/singer: Simple Plan ! =)
L: favourite band/singer: Another favorite band, Sum 41!
A: age: 22
Thank you very much ! =)
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valkyriemissile-blog · 12 years
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gosilng-blog · 12 years
blinkblindbunny replied to your post: blinkblindbunny replied to your post:...
Awesome :D Thanks for taking my Q&A
Anytime :)
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