tomarkfanic2000 · 4 years
alright, the C&C chapters should work again. Tumblr took the & out of the URL. I replaced them all with an AND and hope I didn’t miss one. If you have trouble loading a chapter, please check if it says candyANDcigarettes in the URL, if not, please enter it yourself and the chapter should open. Please keep me updated on the functionality of my fics.
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tomarkfanic2000 · 4 years
hey, chapter seven of c&c isnt working for me for some reason :(
the links are all correct, but I have the same problem. I told Tumblr, I hope they can help. Maybe if you find a similar error, go ahead and tell them too when you tell me. I’m pretty mad they’re messing with my fanfics like this.
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tomarkfanic2000 · 4 years
actually, looks like the chapters 8, 9, and 10 of c&c aren’t working either (in addition to the seventh chapter)
Tumblr is messing with my links. Thanks for the heads up. Sorry I got the notification for your post only now, I try to fix it at soon as possible
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tomarkfanic2000 · 4 years
hey Anon (Anons?)
I fixed the reported Chapters of Breathe and C&C. I tested them on several devices and they should work fine again. In some of the reported chapters I couldn’t find any defectves. In these cases I could only assume that you may have some trigger words blacklisted that may not let you see the page. I took out all the links to the original posts, which is sad, because now nobody will find them to like or share anymore, but I think they caused the main problems. Now all the chapters should be able to open at the end of the previous chapter. Thanks for the detailed report and please tell me if the problems still exist or not.
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tomarkfanic2000 · 4 years
so I was trying to read C&C because omg it’s awesome but there are too many chapters that don’t work and just the link can’t find them. these are them (yes I checked every one to see if they worked or not) : 5,10, 13,16, 17,18,19
I tried to read the story also without reading the firsts that I could not read (5,10,13 and 16) but then without reading 17 18 and 19 it just didn’t make sense, so please fix as fast as you can. Thank you so much
I don't know what the hell is going on with tumblr right now, changing urls or something, I'll do my best trying to fix it
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tomarkfanic2000 · 4 years
Ah thanks, I try to fix it and tell you when it's done
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tomarkfanic2000 · 4 years
hey Anon, the link should work again. Thanks again for the heads up
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tomarkfanic2000 · 4 years
Hey, I just found your blog. I’ve just read chapter one of c&c, but I can’t read chapter two. It says the URL cannot be found :( Can you fix this or is there somewhere else I can read it?
hey there, thanks for telling me. I try to fix it a soon as possible. Tumblr on my laptop is a pain in the ass lately, tbh, but I can fix this only on the laptop, so I try my best. Meanwhile, please try replacing the chapter1 part in the url with chapter2 cu
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tomarkfanic2000 · 4 years
Hello, I fell down a rabbit hole of blink fanfiction recently and I'm feeling so nostalgic right now. I haven't read this stuff since probably 8th or 9th grade, and now I'm in my graduating semester of university. I just wanted to say I remember Breathe like it was yesterday. I cried so many times reading that fic, and I'm going to read it again once I have the moment. Thank you again for your work, just wanted to let you know that even years later I still think about it.
Hey hey, it's so sweet you telling me this. I fondly remember the time when the tomark fandom was super active and everybody started to write fics. Good times. I had lots of fun writing Breathe. Maybe you wanna read Always and Candy & Cigarettes too, that's my tomark novel trinity, lol. Thanks for your message, it definitely lightened my day.
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tomarkfanic2000 · 6 years
Apparently rumors have it that Tom and Jen split up. Remember my stories "Breathe" and "Always"? I feel fucking guilty.
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tomarkfanic2000 · 7 years
it’s Skippus. maybe you wanna give it a try
Two Princes - Chapter 1
Tumblr media
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tomarkfanic2000 · 7 years
Hi! First off, I should say that I honestly don't even like fan fictions, but I love the way you write. You leave enough up to the imagination, while weaving great storylines. Good on you! Now, here's my question: I know you write Skippus fanfics, but for the life of me I can't find yours! Maybe I'm just dumb but could you direct me to where I can read them? Thanks!
hey you :) thank you so much, that makes me really happy!
my Skippus-blog is: http://skippusfanfiction.tumblr.com it’s only a few one-shots so far, but I’m working on some chapered fics right now that I hope to post soon.
Have a great week
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tomarkfanic2000 · 7 years
but but but... i want tomark not skippus. you wrote one-shots based on breathe. why not for always or c&c. pretty pleaseee. i will love you forever.
because tomark doesn’t give me any inspiration right now, compared to skippus :/ . If I wrote some tomark now, it would turn out forced and bland. I’m sorry :(
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tomarkfanic2000 · 7 years
i reeeeally want you to write something more. At least one chapter. One-shot or an epilogue idk. Just write something please. ily. everything you write is great.
it's really sweet of you, asking me for more, I highly appreciate it. but I'm writing on several Skippus fics right now
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tomarkfanic2000 · 7 years
Anon who recently fangirled about C&C here: I actually read all your stories by now! I love how well-thought-out and full of sweet details they are ♡. And I also enjoyed the more painful moments like the secretiveness and dramatic smut when M visited T‘s house (and family D:) in "Always"… The way you let your characters act and your writing in general transmits so many strong feelings, it‘s awesome. Afaik you don‘t write Tomark anymore – I hope you‘re still writing in general though, you should!
Ohhhh ♥ OMG, I’m blushing/smiling so hard right now. So cool you noticed!!! Thank you so much for your kind words.
Yeah, I think I gave everything I had to Tomark and have to move on. It should end gracefully, not forced. I am still writing. I’d probably be dead if not. Skippus is what inspires me now. I’m writing on two chaptered fics right now. I still don’t know how they will turn out and if I want to publish them, but it’s new and exciting. (if, they would show up here: http://skippusfanfiction.tumblr.com/)
Thanks again, this was so nice too read. Reader’s comments are my biggest motivation :*
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tomarkfanic2000 · 7 years
i'm in the process of C&C and i fucking love it.
hey, that's awesome! what have you liked so far?
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tomarkfanic2000 · 7 years
(2/2) I spent the whole day reading C&C and I finished it just now. Your character-building is amazing
awwwwwww maaaaan ♥ thank you so much for writing me this. It makes me really happy you like that story. it’s so cool you could identify a little and dive into my little word. Maybe you like my other stories too (if you open my blog on the desktop version of tumblr, on the right side) Thank you so much for your kind words, they totally made my day :)
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