#I’m tearing up a little
anonymous-tals · 11 months
Buster cares a lot about Gob and while Gob kinda takes that for granted, especially given that no one else in his family is ANYWHERE near as willing to listen or care about him as Buster, I doubt he doesn’t realize how much Buster cares. He’s more-so just caught up in the fact that it’s embarrassing that it’s his baby brother, ew, he, like, totally hates him and thinks he’s gross…or something. Another reason I think Gob is reluctant to admit he gets along with him is what that says about Gob, himself. That he gets along with the weird sibling(a title he is as equally worthy of). He has things in common with the weird one…But he totally doesn’t, totally…But in reality, we see Buster is either first or second choice for Gob’s friends(out of a total of him and Michael). And although Gob doesn’t realize it’s Buster, when they build the Tiny Town together, they have a really good time. They do actually get along and understand each other. If it weren’t for Gob being so resistant to it, etc, etc, I think they could’ve had a similar bond to Lindsay and Michael.
But that got me thinking…What did Gob think when it turned out Buster had been the one to murder Lucille 2 and not only that, but without Gob’s knowledge, hid the body in his illusion? Buster clearly wasn’t intending on Lucille 2 ever being taken out. He just…put Gob at risk of being blamed for the crime by hiding her body in his illusion? Not that I think that was a malicious action or some way or taking revenge. Perhaps he even believed Gob would be okay with that. They’re friends, right? They were on the same page! Surely Gob would be okay with him hiding the dead body there!
What was it like to realize all that? To really be faced with the reality that his brother, who was always so kind to him, always so forgiving of his anger and spite, always willing to listen, was no longer just the innocent ball of nerves he used to be? To be faced with the fact that the one Bluth who might’ve actually had a kind heart murdered someone? And when had his brother changed? Had it been that day their grandmother died? Or was that just a fluke, an unfortunate childhood mishap gone horribly, horribly wrong, and he’d snapped somewhere further down the line?
It’s hard to figure out how to put it into words, like…Idk, I feel like Gob would feel so betrayed. Buster was supposed to be the good one. A weird one, but a good one nonetheless. And even though Gob wouldn’t admit it, they were kind of supposed to be the weird ones together…But…not anymore.
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hazelcephalopod · 5 months
Alright. I assume it’s been long enough I can post… well it’s a big Pluto spoiler so scroll now if you care. I’ll do the stars- ** ** ** ** **
Best and most tragic part of Pluto is Gesicht revelation that he had a (robot) daughter who was horrible murdered -and later all memory of her was erased, except it couldn’t take. Part of him wouldn’t forget! Which you’ve possibly figured out when it’s revealed. But what really got me was it wasn’t like, normal adoption. No! He found her in the actual trash. In the garbage dump! All broken and he immediately fell in love with his new child and presumably takes her home where he and his wife repair her and name her Robita. Like. The levels of wholesomeness in all that. And the “we (androids) have found our beautiful robot daughter (child sized bipedal wall-e) and she’s just (re?)learned to walk and talk. We shall call her Robita!” What?! What do you mean she was murdered, and it’s already done and in the past?! What do you mean it’s even more tragic yet beautiful and resonates perfect with the theme. And the child was named Robita?!! What?!!
I loved it so much. Idc if she’s probably a preexisting character. Just another testament to a masterclass on taking a lighter hearted old comic/manga and making it more serious without becoming too edgy and loosing its heart.
I mean. Her name was Robita! And she was adorable.
(more spoilers)
And then Gesicht gets murdered. By the same model. As he is having this twisted beautiful tragic traumatic flashback! And somehow the balance keeps if just on the right side of edgy and heartfelt. Just a masterclass in emotional storytelling.
also. They just give this child a gender. I didn’t know until they named her. Like there’s no… she’s a robot. I love the robots having gender just because. Look, she’s wearing an apron! Woman! Look he’s got a hat! Man! I love it. I got maybe one or two notes but I can work with that.
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laz-kay · 9 months
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“Sounds like a hoot. Probably a good thing if I tag along, huh? Stay for dinner, make amusing small talk”.
Bob's Burgers, The Amazing Rudy (S14: E2)
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theloveinc · 7 days
Togame Jo’s greeting kisses to you are always way too long.
The kind of affection that’s usually savored in private, instead displayed wherever, whenever, and every single time you see each other—he always takes two to three minutes just to kiss you hello, abandoning the task at hand (dozing off, attending to Choji, managing the Shishitoren) to mosey your way and pull your lips to his in something just a little too sloppy to be sweet, but a little too sweet to be… too distasteful.
Everyone’s used to it by now, even Sakura, knowing that when you arrive, there’s always a going to be a pause in action just for the sappy display of Togame drooping over you and announcing you to the crowd physically.
(What’s not readily exposed, however, and especially not in a room full of men, is that it’s not just a kiss Togame’s giving you, not just a hello that he hides behind his long bangs and your cheeks between his warm hands, but the kindest stare and sweetest little whisper, “missed you, baby,” as he wraps you up in his arms.)
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 2 months
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They’re so good
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anonymous-dentist · 26 days
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shima-draws · 2 months
Reiju saying don’t ever let him (Luffy) go to Sanji…she knows. She KNOWS
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simplyghosting · 8 months
Friendly reminder to wash/wipe down any plushies you have occasionally. ESPECIALLY if you sleep with them.
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kicktwine · 8 months
the urge to just grab both twins’ heads and make absolutely sure they know how good they are they’re so good you’re so so good !! you’re such good kids!! you’re so good you’re so good!! is getting a little too strong to handle over here
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miles rubbing comforting circles on alex’s shoulder after their emotionally charged final performance of eycte where they were both visibly in tears is just -
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luminousstardust · 2 years
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thirtyskeletons · 10 months
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the divine, the grotesque
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lesbiangracehanson · 8 days
body doubling with my cat atm by which i mean i’m sleeping whenever i feel like it and wandering around my flat all day but seemingly achieving very little ❤️
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soobnny · 11 months
Just a silly little skin care/spa day with hyunjin
I can just imagine putting on clay masks or something and he looks at you with so much love in his eyes 🥺🥺
and he’d be so careful with it too like imagine this; long exhausting day for the two of u so u decide to cool down by having a little skincare/spa day. he’s been excited for it all day and even bought rly expensive clay masks and sheets and products !!! he’d playfully scold u telling u that u’re doing it wrong but ha ha u are not slick hwang hyunjin .. we know u just wanna apply it urself
can u picture the most lovesick expression on his face while he’s slathering the mask on your face and he’d lean in sometimes to plant a little kiss on your lips before rubbing the skin of your face smoothly. he’d probably keep his hands on your face for a while even tho he absolutely doesn’t need to anymore. btw you guys have matching headbands and when i tell u, he’ll melt if u do the same thing to him.
100% would also just demand for hugs and cuddles by the end of it like, again, he isn’t SOOO physical touch leaned but trust me. after a long exhausting day ? he’d be so whiny and clingy and just happy to have u in his arms by the end of it
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rozugold · 2 months
sighh I wanna see the crane wives live again..
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th3wizardoz · 2 months
Seeing how excited the fans were for Zhou, and how moved he was after the race,,,, I am so happy for him 🥹 it’s what he deserves
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