#I’m so tired tho
mads0w0 · 1 year
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Me when I’m the best vocaloid or smth
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bddybby666 · 6 months
i hate twitter so fucking much…. the discourse on it is so brain rotting & annoying & made by ppl who j wanna start shit to start shit…. i think smthing that is so annoying is how twitter users cannot stand someone having a different option than them when it’s like… how do u live ur life outside of twitter so many ppl have different beliefs and opinions and practices ….. twitter cannot stand duality & is in creating constant discourse amongst ppl of the same community. (i’m mainly talking abt how there is CONSTANT battling b/t the queer community) constantly splitting hairs & ppl telling other ppl that their options aren’t valid/acceptable bc it doesn’t align with their own. & it’s the same point over and over again. one person tweets their opinion & the other responds as to why they r wrong & then the other responds why THEY are wrong & it j keeps going. & i keep seeing the same thing over and over and over and over again holy shit it maddening & rotting….
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rapidhighway · 2 years
Ngl art uni has made art kind of hell
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amyrlinegwene · 9 months
Ok it’s Tuesday so if I rewatch 2x06 tonight and 2x07 tomorrow I should be okay….
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violetthekiller · 1 year
I can already tell i’m not going to be able to sleep tonight bc of how sick I am…
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wishtale-blogs · 11 months
Yay, I get a half day so I’ll be back early today✨✨✨
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sleepysnk · 1 year
trying to finish my kunigami wip 🫡
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foolishgamers · 2 years
going to be honest i think i’m just going to buy the punz merch and then go back to bed
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catcultleader · 9 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
Ok I really love
1. Video games, especially horror!
2. Art! Sketching and painting are my favorite mediums!
3. Music! Metal and rock are my favorites, but I love everything!
4. Cats, obviously! (Psst wanna join my cult?)
5. And I really love reading!!
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s-syn-es-the-sia-a · 2 years
today i suggested we change our living situation, or requested that we at least talk about it. i said a lot of stuff today that i was very afraid of saying !! i was worried i might regret it, but it feels really huge to be able to say it even though it may not even be possible! i really do think some more space might be helpful for us both and it’s ok for me to say that!
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ne-cocoa · 6 months
Merry Christmas!!!! It’s the family’s first one together!! 💛💛💛🥺
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fawndlyvenus · 3 months
You know what’s funny? How I can say that I headcanon a character as somewhere on the ace spectrum and/or aro spectrum, and within minutes I am being treated as if I am somehow very unintelligent and know nothing of the world.
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adriancatrin · 5 months
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katara sees her brother and bff approaching something that can make them happy and says no interruptions
based on this photo from the live action cast
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daeyumi · 9 months
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All for a moment of peace 🌷🍓🍃
[Linktober 5: Species/Race]
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virgothozul · 4 months
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yookikiku · 8 months
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her name is Tensai and she has a socmed dependence problem
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