#I’m so deeply lonely
personthattoleratesme · 10 months
Something in this video has just altered my brain chemistry. Like this was just so incredibly sweet and domestic it makes me go insane like how are they real I don’t understand
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ewwww-what · 6 months
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Just watched boys night. Will never be normal again.
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sciderman · 10 months
What does Loki even do in your universe?
his lokiest
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unicornosaur · 3 months
Many people, including myself, seem to have been greatly impacted by this video so I was curious. Did BIG change your life?
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itsalwaysforyou · 2 years
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one trick ahead of disaster
kenny ortega, descendants / alan menken, one jump ahead (reprise)
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familyvideostevie · 8 months
if you don’t cry on your walk home from the bar are you really alive
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cherrysnax · 3 months
im very silly but sometimes it annoys me when people don’t enjoy something the exact same way I do. and it’s suuuuch a bad trait and I’m working on it 😭
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theiceandbones · 2 months
It’s not fair that my mom died. It’s not fair that I can distract myself as much as I want but always it’s there in the back of my mind that she isn’t here. It’s always there. It’s not fair that I feel like I have to be strong for everyone else.
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I know my life would be significantly improved if I found a way to start exercising regularly, but I’m constantly exhausted bc it takes everything I have just to get by without collapsing and losing everything. I know my life would be improved if i was able to make myself get a reasonable amount of sleep. But I have no self control, even when I was briefly getting more sleep and feeling better I couldn’t stop myself from slipping back in to bad habits. My mind never stops racing, so I’m constantly thinking and worrying about how my bad behaviors only keep me trapped in a somewhat miserable state. I can hardly take care of myself, I don’t know what I could even do to try and get better, and even if I did I’d manage to find a way to make myself terrified of doing it. I don’t know how to be a person, I am not doing well, and I am very afraid I am going to be like this until I either finally slip up and ruin my own life or until I die, likely younger than I should because my anxiety is so bad I’m in a near constant state of stress.
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soft-serve-soymilk · 4 months
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hearthtales · 1 month
ok i’m adding her. small child. please observe her
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(very rough character info and backstory!)
A thoroughly lost will-o'-the-wisp.
Name: Unknown (when the wisp appears as a child, she will call herself Cara when asked, but she always sounds uncertain, as though the name actually belongs to someone else)
Age: Has existed for a long, long time
Pronouns: she/they/it
Residence: Filigrees’ Curiosities
One day, a scruffy-faced stranger trudged into the shop — trailing dirty footsteps behind him — and set an item on the owners’ counter. It was a jar filled with mud and bog-weeds from an Irish bog. He offered to sell it to them. He called it an oddity they couldn’t refuse. At first, the skeptical owners considered the man more peculiar than his offering, but he went on to claim he’d caught a will-o'-the-wisp and stuffed it in there. He couldn’t prove this, of course, especially since there wasn’t the slightest flicker of light from within the jar. Still, he insisted he wasn’t lying.
The owners’ curiosity won out in the end (as it often did when it came to peculiarities). After negotiating the price to a more reasonable sum, they bought the jar. (The man seemed relieved to be rid of it, which later struck the owners as a bad sign in retrospect.)
It rested on a shelf there, dark and dull, unchanging aside from its boggy smell worsening over time. The owners begrudgingly admitted they may have made an unwise purchase. Their discontent only grew when a clumsy visitor knocked the jar from the shelf and it broke on the floor. Pungent mud oozed onto the carpet. Hugh could never quite get the stain out.
They tossed the shattered remains of the jar in the rubbish, cleaned up the mess, and considered the matter done with. At least, until a small, ghostly form began appearing in the halls. A wisp, one might say.
Sometimes it appears as a flickering light, floating in midair. Sometimes it appears as a creature, glowing and silent. Sometimes it appears as a child.
Sometimes it leads visitors to items that intrigue them the most. Sometimes it lures visitors down strange halls and into watery rooms where weeds tug at their legs and their shoes sink into mud.
Regardless, the owners can’t make it leave, so they’ve added it to their list of troubles.
The wisp has existed for centuries and has learned to mimic several forms over time. Regardless of form, it is always visibly inhuman. Each form appears ghostly and wavering, like blue-white flame reflected in water. The features of each form are fluid and indistinct. Child, rabbit, moth, or simply a palm-sized flicker of ghostly light shaped like a matchstick flare. The wisp’s light dims and brightens depending on the day and its “mood” (though its emotions are much fainter echoes of the emotions of a human).
A ghostly child with a patchwork dress and mussed hair woven into two thick braids down her back. The edges of her form are always a bit wispy.
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torawro · 10 months
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catching up with undead unluck and………dear Lord.
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getosugurusbangs · 15 days
reading welcome to the nhk has been good so far. i’ve read 5 chapters and i’ve only started crying twice so. :)
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sunnnfish · 2 years
Okay. Okay tashiro gonzaburou post for real. Under a cut bc it got much longer than i expected. ^_^
Tashiro Gonzaburou is frankly someone we don’t know that much about, really. He’s an average student, if a little lazy. He likes having his hair bleached but it’s not like he’s repeatedly bleaching it because the captain of his club told him it’s not allowed. He helps out around a bathhouse full of older folks who treat him like a grandson, giving him candy and recipes and elderly wisdom, which he takes in stride. He often wears a bright green jacket with a even brighter orange messenger bag. He doesn’t seem to like his bangs in his face, rather wearing a ponytail or a headband or beanie. He’s cheerful and a little scatterbrained, but always willing to help his friends. He wants a girlfriend, one day. He’s got crazy leg hair. He notices whatever sasaki and miyano have going on, way before there’s actually anything going on. He was a little worried about whatever they have going on because sasaki comes across as a little scary to anyone who’s not miyano. He’s in the ping pong club. He was chosen to be the next captain of the ping pong club because he’s the type who can get along with everyone. He is oddly susceptible to thinking boys are girls. He has very dexterous fingers, and is capable of spinning two pens around his fingers at the same time. He’s repeatedly said how he thinks what’s on the inside is more important than the outside of a person. He skips club practice, often enough for hanzawa to get angry with him. He doesn’t think he’s smart enough to be club captain. He’s a little worried about how busy hanzawa is, and doesn’t want to be a further burden to him, so he accepts the position as club captain.
And so I guess all this is to say we actually do know a lot about him. He’s a complex and well rounded person, full of kindness and a sharp insight that could make him a top student if he could apply it to his studies. But instead it’s applied to the people he knows and sees, capable of making connections that are far beyond surface level, because that’s the most important part, of course. He doesn’t have low self esteem, he’s just never considered himself one to be very… important, in the grand scheme of things. Especially in the eyes of someone like hanzawa. That “Why me” mentality. But he’s got charm and charisma and is really good at bringing people together. A guy who can be anyone’s friend.
If we want to get into real headcanon-ish (aka things I hold true in my heart no matter what anyone says) territory, I do think he’s the type to not really. tell people his problems. Surface level ones like forgetting his homework, sure, but like. Deep seated fears or worries or stresses. If we want to make comparisons, hanzawas got that kind of smile where you can tell there’s something more going on in him, while tashiros has that outward air of head empty. A persona built around being happy-go-lucky as a kind of defense mechanism—if he isn’t optimistic then who is he. But it’s not like he isn’t genuinely optimistic and cheerful—he is. But it kind of makes being vulnerable hard. He’ll gladly let people open up to him but. Opening up to others doesn’t come naturally. He doesn’t want to burden others. It’s like. Not as deep as I feel like I’m making it sound but it’s just. He will bottle things up. Just a bit.
And then about his insightfulness— nobody really. Tells tashiro things. Likely out of a thought he can’t take things seriously or that he’s too immature. (He does take things seriously though). And at this point nobody thinks to tell him things cause he just figures it out rather quickly. He keeps eyes and ears open and gathers information easily. And people are surprised when he knows things because he doesn’t seem the type to know things or be so insightful to the very core of who they are. He pulls out Sherlock Holmes-esque reasonings like I know you’ve been feeling less nervous lately cause your nails look healthier aka you haven’t been biting them. Idk I’m not good at Holmes but surely you get it. Like the noticing of the most minuscule of things combined with general knowledge of a persons mentality thus creating very accurate assessments. Not that he tells anyone these things unless it piques his interest. Nor that he himself really knows these are deep insights either.
And then his GENDER. Not much to say here but. He was considered along with miyano to be girly enough to do a maid cafe in their first year. When miyano and the gang were thinking abt what their girl names would be tashiro like. Really likes his. Shirahama “I want to be ‘not single’ with a girl” tashiro “want me to crossdress…?” his only claim to manliness is his leg hair. Gender off the charts. Silly guy.
Also silly things I think about him. He’s really into party tricks (like the pencil spinning thing) (started bc he wanted to impress girls but now it’s just fun). He can also do stuff like simple card magic and that thing where you pull a coin out of someone’s ear. He actually really likes problem solving he just can’t handle the school system. Bequeathes him adhd autism. He’s also like. Really into hip hop dance. Because I said so.
Anyways erm. This definitely got longer than expected. I like skimmed through sasamiya again just to find like every piece of him I could. He has CONTINUITY. All of them do. Harusono Shou you are so great at characters. Tashiro Gonzaburou you have a grip on my mind. Love and light
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princeanon · 2 months
Hey guys is it normal to have a dream that you’re on a boat (like the type you have prom on) with a bunch of people having some kind of banquet and then you sneak off to the balcony to find your brother who is Romeo and you’re Benvolio and then you see Mercutio and you try to casually approach him because you’re actually in love with him and then you Romeo and Mercutio end up in this horror-scifi-fantasy-evil maze-challenge thing in the boat where you have to escape this big hand demon guy in your trio but there’s a bunch of other people trying to escape and they all start jumping through this portal in the ground to leave and you get lost in the crowd and think you see Romeo and Juliet jump through and you can’t find Mercutio so you sit on the side and start panicking thinking you’re alone but then you lock eyes with Mercutio who runs to you as you reach out to him and pulls you up to hug you and then even the hand guy ships you because he teleports you into a room away from the other people so you can reunite with peace and then you kiss and it’s super sweet?
…asking for a friend
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caterpillarinacave · 7 months
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