#I’m just absorbing whatever knowledge comes my way
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sodacowboy · 6 months ago
oh. oh no. I don’t know ANYTHING about music.
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xesnox · 3 months ago
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Minecraft Wither.
Reupload from my Bluesky.
This was specifically a concept for my Minecraft game theories AU, I’m still figuring things out but I think this might come close to a final design,
It’s supposed to be the Wither, the one that wiped out a large chunk of the ancient builders. Might make it look more Devine / significant as a result but this is what we‘re rolling with for now.
Lore below cut.
About the Wither.
The Wither is an amalgamation of deceased human flesh and bone, ashes, biomechanical engineering and the souls of the soldiers who fell in the process of moving colonies to the nether. it is a product of said horrible dimensions way of harnessing death as a natural power source, and a result of a gone wrong (or perhaps divinely punished) resurrection attempt. It was called to life by an enormous wave of grief, hate, agony, death and mass hysteria following the discovery of soul magic and the first massive loss of one of the many strikes the Ancients made against the Piglin in a greedy attempt to conquer land.
The thing about the Ancients is that even though they appear to be just slightly less primitive than the average modern day builder in thought, they were, at some point, blessed by the gods, wich caused a strange process wich, if enough of them were present, had (sometimes physical) effect on the environment around them, and could lead to manifestation of whatever they believed. Wich ended horribly for them as all it took was a single bad event for an endless spiral.
The Wither was the first creature born of hate, not one wich was given life by the desire to progress as a society, but one that was born of pure unadulterated hate, grief and agony.
And it reflects its birthplace as such.
As it does nothing but spread just that like a plague, withering the ground below it and sending particles of decay flying, wich, if they were to touch you, would curse your skin to burn and rot wherever it made contact. It absorbs the death it causes, growing stronger the more destruction it spreads, but never loosing its goal: to hunt and kill all those responsible for summoning it.
But it, eventually, vanished completely alongside its creators, and has never been seen since.
If anyone in the modern day for whatever foolish reason decided to summon it, a disclaimer should be given that it is not entirely possible, at least not to our knowledge. You can recreate such a being in rough shape, size and behavior but no amount of intention can ever recreate the society wide wave of panic that summoned the creature that wiped out 87% of the overworld in the blink of an eye.
The creature you’d find yourself eye to eye with if you did succeed would be a lesser version of the one your ancestors had to face, three heads, each owning a white pair of eyes filled with concentrated soul energy, boney body, spreading death and decay across anything it touches; as it is a reflection of your own anger, ache and loss; but always, always primitive, and broken, lesser and incomparable. The creature they discovered was a virtually unkillable beacon of doom, the one you can is a personal shadow.
Still the introduction of such a massively destructive foe into an (especially a closed off) ecosystem of any kind is strictly prohibited, as it is extremely harmful for our still recovering Dimension as a whole.
@your-ne1ghbor @pennysucks
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sadly-in-active · 10 months ago
Sorry I didn't see any of your older posts, but what's SilentIvory?
Oh wait I just looked and I realized what it was nvm
But can I get a Silent Salt + Longan Dragon x fragile reader? Could be hcs or a one shot if you like
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SilentIvory x Fragile Reader: Cuddle Time!
(Yes this is a ship between Longan and Silent Salt + the reader. Don’t come at me I just really like these two.)
Summary: You, as a fragile and sweet Cookie can’t help but be…cherished? Yes, that would be the word. Cherished by your Dragon and Beast Cookie lovers. It isn’t really that bad, the three of you getting all cozy together. You just have to ignore the fact that they’re both murderers and Longan actually ate Cookies-
TW: Bickering. Old marriage kind shit. Beast x Dragon, and all this is my personal headcanons turned into lil oneshot
The evening was…surprisingly peaceful. Usually there’d be some mumbling and bickering coming from your two partners, Silent Salt and Longan. Despite living with them for quite a while, they always treated you as a child. It was probably because you’ve been known to be frail for your whole life. They treated you like a glass swan, basically. You loved them both, of course…but there were times where you knew you could handle a task and they’d baby you.
You quietly stepped over to the bedroom, where you overheard a little whisper. Longan, you thought, was the one speaking. You knew their voice was that soothing yet intimidating voice, while Silent Salt’s voice was more…quiet, perhaps raspy in a way.
“We should rest. There is no use in arguing.”
“…self-absorbed…nightmare fuel.” Silent Salt had grumbled back, and a scoff came from the dragon.
You noticed that Silent Salt turned their head towards you, seeing you in the doorway and calmly walking over to look at you. Their helmet was off, you noticed. Scars were littered across their face, and their blind eyes softened despite not truly seeing you. After all, their helmet was enchanted, letting the knight see whatever came their way and more. Vulnerable was an understatement when it came to your quiet partner, so you were lucky that they trusted you and Longan enough for them to take away something as precious as sight.
“Ah, our apologies, y/n. Just some bickering, nothing that would concern you.” The dragon murmured, walking over to you and pressing a kiss to your forehead before picking you up and taking you to bed. The Ivory Dragon could see your small frown and frustrated look, and they raised a brow in confusion.
“You’re upset. Why is that?” While the dragon was quite the intellectual, they certainly couldn’t process the fact that you were upset about something. It unsettled them, in a way. After all, they were the all-knowing and all-seeing Longan Dragon themself. It frustrates them when something happened without their knowledge of it.
“I just wish that you would both stop treating me as if I’m a child. You know that’s not what I am. I know of the things you’ve done, the cookies you’ve harmed and plan to harm….and I can’t help but feel left out. I wouldn’t mind hearing the two of you bickering. It makes me smile. I’ve had a few petty comments about you myself.”
“…” Silent Salt’s ears practically perked up, and they started to walk over to you and Longan, before reaching out for your face. You allowed them to with a soft smile. The knight could practically feel your smile brightening them up, and they smiled back.
“…you’re right, I suppose. Come…time to rest…” murmured the Beast in their raspy tone, eagerly grabbing onto both yours and Longan’s hand and dragging the two of you to bed. Of course, Silent Salt had already gotten used to almost all the rooms within the Lustrous Longan Palace. There was no need to doubt that.
As the three of you settled into bed, Silent Salt taking off the last of their armor and changing into more comfortable attire, they walked back to the lavish bed, wrapping their arms around you tightly and pressing little, yet ticklish pecks to your shoulders and cheek. Longan stared at the two of you and couldn’t help but let out a content sigh, before wrapping their much more larger arms around Silent Salt and you, effectively and effortlessly spooning you both.
“You two are like little mice compared to me. It’s amusing, is it not?”
“And what are you, a snake?”
“…don’t compare me to a lowly serpent.”
“But you were practically asking for that.”
“…shush. Rest so we can…argue about it tomorrow.”
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moomoog017 · 9 months ago
headcanons ᯓᡣ𐭩 admire
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Tech x gn!reader
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Synopsis: tech often gets ignored because of his constant chatter but you sit down and listen.
Genre: FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF. One itty bitty pinch of angst
Word Count: 791
Warnings: none
A/N: just thought it'd be cute and wholesome. Can be read as platonic or romantic. :))
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“Good morning Tech.” You announced, your voice running like honey. There was a grogginess to your words. Tech and you always woke up first, it had just become routine after the few weeks you'd been with the Batch. “Good morning y/n.” Tech replied, his eyes glued to the new project he was working on. His back hunched over in the chair. Curious, you make your way over to his side with a drink in your hands. “What are you workin’ on?" Tech moves his face a little closer to his project, “I’m working on a portable communication device; also known as a ‘com link.’”
“Can I look at it?” You spoke softly and genuinely interested. Your words hit Tech’s ears and he stopped. "Uhm sure, just don't touch it.” He swivels out of the way letting you come closer to investigate the item. He pushes his goggles up intensely watching you interact with his project.
“This is super cool!” You moved your face closer to look at all the intricate mechanisms of the device. Tech's eyebrows relaxed feeling a sense of pride in his work. "Thank you y/n.” No one ever really payed attention or listened to whatever it was he was making. He was slightly confused on why you were so interested. He analysed you and your actions, deciding to speak his hypothesis.
“Are you perhaps looking to create something similar?” You looked over at him, “oh kriff no, I don't have the talent you do Tech.” Your response baffled him even more so, “well thank you but then why the indulgment in my project?” Your eyes softened, “I just think it’s really cool.” Tech’s face was stagnant so you elaborated, “I appreciate the small details and knowledge it takes in order to basically build something mechanical from scratch. I admire it.”
He finally understood, “ah I see now, your lack of knowledge on basic mechanical systems fascinates you that’s why you're admiring mine.” Ouch you thought, but he wasn't wrong. You sigh, “I tried to word it a bit more poetically, but yeah.” You looked back at the device, Tech stayed silent he was debating something in his mind.
“Apologies if that was a bit harsh, I was just confused as to why you would be interested other than for your own benefits. I’m not used to…people being interested in what I’m doing or saying…” It was a heartfelt apology, you knew his brothers got bored of what he was saying, not out of malicious intentions they just weren't invested. Your face saddened at the device, “I forgive you Tech, I know you weren't trying to be mean.”
He released a heavy sigh of relief and spoke, “If you want to learn more about my technology and mechanics I could teach you.” Your eyes shifted, “sure.” You smiled knowing it would make both of you happy. Tech fixed his goggles and came closer to you and the device. “Well when’s my first lesson?” Tech grabs a tool, “right now.” You smiled softly, “so first it is undeniably important that—” His words drifted through the air as you absorbed them, taking in all the information and asking questions.
Time seemed to fly by that morning and you two were completely indulged in his creations. While listening you couldn't help but think how good it must feel to talk to someone who wants to listen to you. It only made you more eager to ask questions, and made you feel good. With your attention completely captured you didn't see the other men huddled together gossiping about it.
“Looks like they're getting along.” Hunter’s lips threatened a smile, seeing his brother happy. “I’m hungry!” Wrecker groaned in a whisper. “Let Tech have this a little longer, even I can only take so much ‘Tech talk.’” Echo rubbed his temple recalling all the moments where he had been close to drifting off to sleep while Tech lectured him about mechanics. Crosshair said nothing, only his typical scowl and toothpick in his mouth. He watched you two interact and he was totally going to tease you for it later.
A loud rumble was heard and it had disrupted Tech and your attention. It was Wreckers stomach growling, he sheepishly smiled. “Sorry.” You chuckled. “We’ll continue this lesson later y/n,” Tech spoke and got up placing his device in a safe space. “We're you guys just waiting?” You raised a brow. “You looked like you were having fun.” Hunter smiled.
“And Tech most of all.” Crosshair finally spoke pointing his toothpick at you. Tech heard this and a the edge of his lips lifted ever so slightly. Your ears heated up, you grinned. “Stow it Crosshair,” Echo hissed. You just chuckled enjoying the mens antics.
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coochellati · 5 months ago
Hi! How is it going, I hope you are doing well ❤️This is not a deep question but what kind of drink/s do you think Bruno would most enjoy and ones he would avoid (alcoholic or not)? He looks like someone that would enjoy limoncello a lot for example but I can't see him being a beer guy.
Hi!!! Good to hear from you!! Thank you for checking in; all things considered, I’m doing well right now!
Ooh, this is a fun question… Funnily enough, I’ve given quite a bit of thought to this in the past. Buckle up, because I’ve got a bunch of beverage headcanons for you!
Without further ado, here’s my take… (under the break)
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I imagine Bruno isn’t a huge drinker when it comes to alcohol. (As you said, he’s definitely not a beer guy.) Most of the time, he prefers to keep a sharp, clear mind, ready for whatever may come his way. That said, it doesn’t stop him from appreciating a good glass of wine. Wine is such a key part of Italian culture that it’s hard to picture Bruno not enjoying it. (In fact, I headcanon that Bruno is actually pretty passionate about the subject of wine—we’ll get to that in a bit.) He drinks it for the taste rather than the effect it gives.
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(Figure 1: Bruno having wine.)
Because he doesn’t usually like being inebriated, he limits himself to small amounts—typically just a glass with a meal. On days off, however, he may enjoy a bit more wine than he usually does. Even though Bruno enjoys red wine, I feel like he leans more toward white wine, with a special fondness for sparkling varieties. He’s not a huge fan of a ton of fizz, though, so he goes for older sparkling wines where the bubbles have softened a bit.
I like to think Bruno has a good understanding of wine, largely thanks to Polpo’s influence. Whether he wanted to or not, Bruno surely picked up knowledge from Polpo, who, being the foodie he is, likely gave plenty of unsolicited lectures about wine. Bruno absorbed more than enough to discuss things like aging processes or which years produced the best vintages.
I also imagine Bruno’s interest in wine began because of Polpo’s constant ramblings. It’s not that Bruno had negative feelings toward wine before meeting him; he probably just didn’t think much of it, especially as a twelve-year-old. I can picture Polpo launching into a long-winded explanation about wine or food before delivering some important assignment with Bruno thinking, “If it were really important, you wouldn’t spend this much time talking about wine.”
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But that forced exposure grew into genuine interest, and now Bruno has become passionate about it. Picture him excitedly sharing wine facts with a partner or someone he cares about, then catching himself mid-sentence and apologizing for rambling. (He’ll think back to his conversations with Polpo and wonder if he’s overstepping his boundaries.) But, of course, his partner reassures him that it’s okay. I like to think Bruno tends to ramble about things he’s passionate about since he didn’t have much chance to express his interests growing up. So, when he gets the chance, he dives in a bit too deep, almost by accident.
He probably has a decent collection of wines with a few rare or expensive bottles. However, Bruno isn’t the type to splurge, so most of the high-end bottles were likely gifts. He saves them for special occasions.
Now that you bring it up, I can also see Bruno being a limoncello drinker. I’ve never had it before, but it looks pretty good. Based on its description, I too think Bruno would like it.
As for coffee, I imagine Bruno enjoys espresso—or “caffé,” as Italians call it. It’s not an everyday thing, but when he does indulge, it’s usually a plain shot of espresso. (Occasionally, he treats himself to a caffé latte or cappuccino.) He avoids drinking too much, as he doesn’t like the jittery feeling caffeine can bring. If he’s close with someone, he’d probably prefer sipping from their coffee rather than ordering his own.
Bruno doesn’t strike me as someone who’d enjoy soda (or pop, depending on where you’re from). As mentioned, he’s not fond of fizzy drinks, and soda is not only fizzy but also loaded with calories, which wouldn’t appeal to him.
When asking @cornerfortherats this question to see her take on this ask, she wrote that she could also see him enjoying “Iced tea and those sugar-free mix drinks. (Think like kool-aid. Particularly the blue raspberry one.) In my mind, he buys the really weird flavored ones to try for fun because they’re relatively cheap and on occasion his reaction is just this:”
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(I really like this headcanon too.)
Of course, Bruno drinks plain water too. He knows how important it is to stay hydrated and tries to keep up with it. But, with how busy he is, it’s not unusual for him to forget sometimes.
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Thank you for the ask! This question was super fun to answer! <3
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teine-mallaichte · 2 months ago
Hi!!! Happy Friday <3 I'm here with a fluffy prompt, for either Autumn & Anders or Adrian & Fenris (whoever you prefer!!) post-Kirkwall! From the romance of hands and touches prompts, "pillow" (one pats the pillow next to them, encouraging the other to climb in bed beside them)
fluff is hard 😂 but after that kiss prompt I felt that Adrian and Fenris deserved some fluff - or something close. Even if fluff isn't my wheelhouse.
So a bit of post DA2 FenHawke attempted fluff for @dadrunkwriting
The cabin was peaceful, a quiet stillness that only the gentle rocking of the ship and the occasional flutter of sails could break. Adrian lay sprawled across the bed, his limbs tangled in the sheets as if he'd simply fallen into them without a care in the world. His arm was flung lazily across the pillows, and he had settled into the warmth of the cabin after a long day. The chaotic motions of the ship were starting to feel more familiar, but there were still nights like this when he couldn't quite shake the sense that the ground beneath him should be more stable. But tonight at least everything was quiet.
He glanced over at the desk, where Fenris sat, absorbed in a book. Adrian didn’t really care to know what it was; Fenris could easily lose himself in a story or piece of knowledge for hours. It was one of those little quirks of his that Adrian had grown fond of, even if it did sometimes mean Adrian had to be a little… persistent to drag Fenris away from whatever had his attention.
A smirk tugged at Adrian's lips. He stretched lazily before lifting a leg and, with deliberate aim, poking Fenris in the side with his foot. The reaction was instant—Fenris stiffened, his concentration broken, and his green eyes flashed with an intensity that Adrian had come to love and almost anticipate.
“Fen,” Adrian drawled, the teasing tone unmistakable in his voice, “Are you planning on actually coming to bed tonight?” He stretched again, this time letting his arms reach above his head like a cat soaking in the comfort of a lazy afternoon nap. He turned his body just slightly, his eyes glinting with mischief.
He patted the pillow beside him, the gesture both casual and inviting. “It’s getting a bit lonely over here,” he teased.
Fenris raised an eyebrow, his gaze briefly flicking to the bed before he let out an exasperated sigh, his lips curling with amusement despite himself. “I’m sure you can manage without me,” he grumbled, his attention returning to the book in his hands. But Adrian knew better. Fenris wasn’t truly focused anymore.
He patted the pillow again, this time more deliberately, making sure the sound of his hand against the soft fabric was loud enough to reach Fenris.
“C’mon, Fen,” Adrian’s voice softened, coaxing now, but still carrying that playful edge. “I’m feeling a bit… abandoned over here.”
Fenris exhaled sharply through his nose, his gaze briefly drifting to Adrian’s sprawled figure on the bed, before he rolled his eyes and closed the book, "You are becoming far too accustomed to getting your way,” he muttered under his breath. He rose from the chair, his movements deliberate, as if he had the slightest chance of remaining unaffected by the rogue’s antics.
Adrian grinned to himself as Fenris climbed in beside him, his arm draping over Adrian’s waist, pulling him close without hesitation. It was familiar, easy, and comfortable.
Adrian leaned into the touch, “I’m glad you finally decided to join me,” he murmured.
Fenris simply exhaled softly, his fingers idly tracing circles on Adrian’s back, "Go to sleep Adrian."
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talos1111 · 4 months ago
Well I’m just gonna dump some DnD lore and art, finished (ish) and WIP. I’m still new (both to DnD and art but mostly art) and really should be practicing more but hey maybe posting here will give me more motivation eh? Anyway-
Background of the setting: modified Spelljammer, (I’m completely new to the lore anyway so I’m just gonna say everything because idk what’s modified so if I’m acting like I’m repeating common knowledge, that’s why) it’s the Age of Starsail. In the distant past there was a war involving a race called the Forerunners and the Mindflayers. The Forerunners were seemingly wiped out, however there are ancient high tech relics and ruins with still working machinery (this is where Warforged come from). Along with this, there are places that called the Burned Lands. These are essentially magical radiation zones that were created in the ancient war. I’ll skip the rest of it because I just want to show my art aaa
So here’s my character: Errk Gearwing. I don’t have a full body ref, and I’m actually re-designing him now, but this pic has my most complete works:
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My boy!
His whole vibe is supposed to be something akin to Warhammer 40k’s Adeptus Mechanicus, with the idea of forgoing his organic self for the Strength and Certainty of Steel.
Fun fact: his arm was the first thing I drew on my iPad, so I kinda went wild trying out brushes.
His backstory is that he was hatched/born into slavery, sent into the Burned Lands to recover particularly valuable artifacts. He was mutated from his exposure, causing the horns and spikes (in reality I wanted something to sorta fill out the space on his head and couldn't draw feathers well, then noticed my attempts looked like spikes and I just rolled with it). At about 15 years old (for the record Aarakocra live a more typical 80-ish year life instead of the shortened 30 years) he was injured in an explosion, but being resourceful, crafty, and happening to be near a med station, he managed to replace them himself. He would later manage to escape, violently slaughtering his masters.
The knife and axe are just ideas for his melee weapons, they don’t have any magical qualities (and every time he gets in melee he gets thrashed so they don’t see much use). The little bars in the middle are for the absorb element spell, being a sort of battery for the stored energy/damage.
In the upper right are a bunch of rune ideas for arcane infusions, self explanatory. The idea is they’re supposed to be able to be done in a single motion.
On the lower right is still unfinished concepts for the tiny Eldritch Cannon. They borrow heavily from the Vulcan from Metal Hellsinger, with the Force Ballista (top) really just being a souped up crossbow. As you can probably tell I didn’t finish the flamethrower.
Onto his now main weapon(s)!
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Right so specs: the top gun is a mash of a few ideas. In gun terms it’s a lever-action falling block with extra doo-dads. In other words, there's a block that lowers (falls, hence the name) when you work the lever, allowing you to load a single bullet, and when the lever is worked back the block rises back up, sealing the bullet in. Literally stole the action and chamber design from the Martini Henry. It’s cut short because I wanted it on a thigh holster. While it can use typical bullets, the way its used as a spell focus is that Errk can "flash print" a round that would have the effects of whatever spell he's casting.
You might notice that I have a thing for opposing duos. The axe and dagger from the first pic are named ebony and ivory, and here you have this beautifully crafted rifle... and a stubby grenade launcher held together by tape and prayer, and Errk is an atheist. Hell, I have the idea that it might now "shoot" grenades, it just could have a rune of Catapult that just YEETS them. The grenade launcher is mostly just a partial handwave for how a rifle could casting larger AoE spells; it doesn't, in game the two are basically just one item, an arcane firearm to cast from. Shown here are also a few round ideas: bottom left is a Dazzle round, my DM allows me to use the Pyrotechnics spell without needing a fire to make explode, so it works basically like a flashbang, minus the bang. Bottom right is the grenade of fireball, inspired heavily by Fallout's mininukes. Top right is an unfinished idea for shocking grasp, a melee cantrip, where the grenade would be jammed into someone, the little arms pierce them and hold it in, and then it discharges.
One last finished piece:
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A quick and simple explanation of gunpowder. Recently the group... "landed" (attacked from orbit by a Nautiloid and escaped in pods that crashed) on a planet in a new system, and the local humans (a species new to us, though there are Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings back home so a bird person is weirder to them than they are to Errk) weren't as advanced as our system. I basically just wanted something that Errk could show to explain the basics of firearms and gunpowder.
Onto the WIPs:
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The start of his new design. Originally he was a red tailed hawk, partially because it was a simple color palette and relatively easy to draw, and also because their cry is just really cool. Now, he's gonna be part hawk, and part bearded vulture. For those of you who don't know, 90% of a bearded vulture's diet is B O N E S. Plus, they look absolutely sick (if you find images of them with red rings around the eyes, turns out those are threat displays, so he can basically do the eyes go red meme whenever he wants to).
And my last two pieces:
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In the upper left is how he got his name: a set of mechanical wings. Originally, I wanted something done to prevent him from flying, since I heard it can kinda break encounters, especially with a ranged focus caster, but wanted to keep some aspect of them, and worked with my DM to basically give him permanent slowfall. Originally he was gonna have his flight feathers cut during his time as a slave, then I went for having them mangled, and then I decided to just replace them entirely. If you play Warframe, you might see the similarity to the Icarius Syandana, which heavily inspired these wings.
(fun fact: the name came before the mechanical wings. I felt he needed a last name and went to a name generator, "Gearwing" felt perfect. I was gonna explain it as he signed up for an expedition or something, and the dwarf doing the paperwork suggested it).
On the bottom right is my idea for the small sized, self propelled Eldritch Cannon. My DM is a geologist with an interest in paleontology, and she likes to base some of the animals off real world extinct beasts, so I guess that just rubbed off on me (plus bird with spikes and horns already feels like 2 steps from a dinosaur, why not go all the way?)\
Right! That's all I got at the moment. Right now dealing with IRL stuff, barely even been practicing basics, let alone actually trying to draw a full thing. Hope to come back with more soon!
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ladysolidor87 · 6 months ago
More thoughts on the season finale. WARNING: Spoiler Alert 🚨 Only read if you’ve watched the season two finale.
- Towards the end of the episode we see Sauron with Feanor’s hammer, which I assume he will use (alongside his own blood) to forge the one ring. We also see Elendil take Narsil, the blade that will cut the ring from Sauron’s hand.
We see both Sauron’s way to power and the beginning of his downfall. As Celebrimbor tells him, he creates his own doom. All his power in one object, an object we know will ultimately be destroyed by one person, Gollum. Celebrimbor pretty much predicts it for Sauron and Sauron hates it.
Sauron weeps. I’d like to think a small slither of him is sad for killing Celebrimbor but let’s be honest, he’s crying for himself. I’m almost certain, deep down he knows he’s doomed.
- It’s implied at the end that Durin may end up wearing the ring that led to his father’s madness and death. (Loved that he managed to take the bloody ring off in the end though) With oppositions rising to take the throne they all look to the ring, be it warily at the moment. I’ve got a dreadful feeling Durin will eventually put it on. I can foresee lots of horrid things and it makes me sad. I love them so much. But the dwarves do dig and Khazad-Dum does fall…gotta get there somehow.
- Queen Miriel is seen in chains before Pharazôn. Am I right in thinking that he marries her in text to strengthen his claim to the throne? Forgive me friends, my knowledge isn’t as complete as I’d like. If a learned friend could confirm or deny that would be great. Whatever the case, I hope Elendil raises a force to rescue her.
- I think Eärien will see the errors of her way. She looked rather uncomfortable at points, especially when the faithful were declared as traitors and she immediately went to warn her father. When Isildur returns I think she will turn against Pharazon if she doesn’t before hand. A nice mini redemption arc would be sweet for her. Bonus points if she bumps off Kemen (although I think Isildur will do that!)
- Gandalf has arrived. Not sure how I feel about his early arrival but I must admit it’s bloody lovely to have him! He is such a wonderful character and we see now where his deep love of the Halflings comes from. I do wonder who the dark wizard is though. Any theories? I don’t know Tolkiens work well enough to guess myself. (I’ve only read the Silmarillion once and my poor mind couldn’t absorb much of it.)
- Did we see the birth of Rivendell? That’s where the elves are, right? Can’t wait to see that explored in season three.
- Gil-Galad and Galadriel getting on for once was lovely 🥰
- Elrond is perfection as always. For the record, I don’t think the kiss between Elrond and Galadriel was at all romantic. Just my opinion! If you ship them then that’s great. I just think it was a farewell kiss and a bit of distraction. They definitely love each other but just don’t see the romantic aspect myself. I loved when he put on the ring. He was so reluctant but did it for Galadriel. Loved it ❤️
That’s all for now! Send me your own thoughts and theories. I genuinely want to talk about this amazing series. Also, for anyone who knows the texts inside and out, teach me! And correct me when I’m wrong which is…probably a lot 😆
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theseawillbringdarkness · 2 years ago
I rarely write reviews for things, because honestly, I’m just a regular person with no experience or knowledge on the details of game development, and I get anxious that I may misunderstand something due to being unaware of how certain mechanics work or subtle aspects of storywriting, but I decided to give «Cryptid Crush» a more detailed overview than just a little post full of me gushing over this project that I made originally (spoiler alert: this review actually is just one giant post of me gushing over all the things I love about the game, because I just wanted to note down everything that caught my attention). I’m putting it under the «read more», so folks that didn’t play it can avoid spoilers. And also because I got a bit into oversharing\infodumping mode (aka, a LOT of text), and there is a lot of images too. Buckle up for a ride and let’s-a go!
All screenshots are from the game “Cryptid Crush” by Drowsy Drake Studios.
This is a big read. Seriously. 3378 words. Don’t ask me how it happened, I was in the zone.
I say “review”, but it’s just my personal opinion, not entirely written in a serious manner, because I by no means intend it as some serious and professional writing.
TL;DR: play «Cryptid Crush», support it’s creators ( @cryptidcrushvn, @squidinu​ ) and check their website!
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I actually stumbled over this game by accident, because one evening I was in especially sour mood and decided to lose myself in one of dating simulators or visual novels, so I was browsing Itchio to see if anything catches my eye. «Cryptid Crush» instantly did just that, because I’m absolutely in love with monstrous characters and I loved what I saw on the game’s main page. Normally, due to whatever weird neurodivergent way my brain works, I can hardly make myself play new games\watch new shows\movies\cartoons, because that requires certain mental preparation from me (aka «the stars must allign in a specific way, or else I’ll stare at the game icon forever, unmoved like a statue»). No idea why it works like this! I have whole lists of things I want to play\watch, but I always have to catch myself in a mental state that is perfectly accepting of getting invested in a new story, even if I know there is 90% chance I will like it. And let me tell you, I’m very glad that I gave «Cryptid Crush» a go. Actually, this is now my comfort story, and there is a lot I want to praise the creators of this game for.
Click to progress the story, which means I can drink tea\coffee AND enjoy a good story. That’s already a win in my books, especially if you’re looking to settle down for a cozy, relaxing evening. Ability to simply scroll back in case you accidentally skipped a dialogue line or want to read it again can really come in handy. Actually, while I’m at it, I have to say BIG THANKS for such detailed menu when it comes to picking where exactly you want to start after you played both chapters. Rather than having to play from the beginning, you can pick a scene to start from, which is especially great for when you want to replay certain moments or conversations in the game.
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TTRPG mechanics: at first, I was a bit intimidated, because I always have troubles absorbing technical information about how certain things work (which often looks like an overwhelming cluster of information for my brain), and while I make sure to read through everything, it takes some poking around or even winging from me to get a hold of how something in the game works. However, here it wasn’t so bad at all. I love how «throw a dice to determine success or failure of selected action» here is both used in battle mode AND at a few points in the story, to see if you can get additional information from the characters or get away with a small lie.
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When it comes to fights, I enjoyed them more than I expected - said TTRPG mechanic wasn’t so hard to understand after all, and little comments and dialogue lines made the process even more lively and enjoyable. I greatly appreciate the way tutorial was smoothly integrated into gameplay and for a chance to pick difficulty when it comes to fights. I’m a simple person, I play on «easy» majority of the time, so it worked perfectly for me.
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Character customization: while the look of the main character, Robyn, is pretty much «set», there are still details you can change, like picking a different color for the coat, hair length, etc. And you can choose whatever first and second name you want (so, like usual, I just used the name of my main OC). Also appreciate the ability to pick pronouns, because I didn’t think too long before picking «they\them». Am I having some sort of self-discovery? I don’t know, but I always appreciate having that option for some reason.
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The visual part is stunning! The art style is so beautiful and cozy! I love the thicker lines on the outline (no pun intended) of characters, the soft colors, the creativity of monstrous designs. Love how big hands some of characters have (like August in werewolf mode, Oz, Jamie, Mike, etc.)!! My absolutely favorite part, as usual, is facial expressions, of course. Backgrounds also have each their own atmosphere (like cozy one at Robyn’s place, or creepy haunted one at the Elkhorn radio station. Actually, this bit has tons of details - a nice example of «environmental storytelling») and vary in level of detail, allowing some scenes to have more focus on the characters. This pencil-painting style looks great, by the way!
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The story in «Cryptid Crush» is very intriguing and allows you an easy integration in it’s world, being a good mix between supernatural and something familiar to all of us. Like dealing with mysterious curse, living in a town full of various cryptids and all the shenanigans that come with it, while at the same time being a relatively regular person, who is just trying to navigate the chaos of their life and worrying about groceries. There is a main story of searching for answers about said curse, but plenty of other storylines that entwine with it, enriching the story and making it feel so full of life. The world here truly feels alive, and there is one part that I love so much.
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Despite characters facing hardships and things being rather scary at times (like Robyn’s trip to the void, their first nightmare and what Mike had to face while dealing with Mr.Walker), the story is so. Very. Wholesome. It’s in everything, in the way characters communicate between each other, and especially in their relationships. I’m a big fan of the «found family trope», it always moves me, and I truly believe that sometimes a family can be just a bunch of dysfunctional adults that love each other and try to get along, and seeing those little details or these heartfelt talks that characters share (like the talk between August and Atlas, for example) - they warm my heart so much. My own life may be a mess at the moment, but somehow, this story gives me reassurance that it will work out. Things can be tough sometimes, but they don’t stay tough.
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On that note, I absolutely have to mention the amazing writing. Different people obviously gravitate towards different writing styles, but this one is great in so many ways. The descriptions are dosaged perfectly - they’re not dry or, on the contrary, stretch so much that it significantly slows down the story. They’re perfect in giving you enough information to imagine the scene and atmosphere well, without turning into cluster of words (I enjoy big descriptions, but sometimes they may be more fitting for an actual book, rather than a story with a certain flow). And when you’re given lore at the library, it’s also written very interestingly (and the illustrations are so great!!), giving you a better outlook on the world of cryptids. I love the way that size and type of the font (or little details, like «shaking» letters) is used to better convey emotions. All characters feel so alive, they each have their own very different personalities and little quirks. I also absolutely have to applaud the sense of humor that comes into writing and makes it such an easy and comfortable read! I don’t have enough words to describe properly how much I love the writing, okay.
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Usually, I always have a few favorite characters when it comes to stories (I’m personally very fond of Oz, for instance), while I’m rather neutral towards the others, sometimes warming up to them as the story progresses and I get to know them better. «Cryptid Crush» is an exception, though, because I actually love all characters that were introduced to us so far?? So allow me to spam a little with silly little commentaries for each of them. Also, I may mention it about dozens of times, so let me say it here: all voice actors are doing spectacular job! I’m legit in awe of the talent and range, and it’s clear they’re doing their best and having fun in the process too.
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Not gonna lie, I keep asking him for «dad advice» just for fun (I can’t believe his sound effect is straight up «hi Hungry, I’m dad»). The answers are simultaneously the worst and the best.
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I’m fairly certain they’re a mom friend at heart, being a voice of reason on different occassions. Probably unsuspecting that they’re in need of the «found family», but also I hope that it certainly awaits them. Absolutely love it how they’re just trying to ignore all the weird things that are happening in their life currently. I mean, sure, there is a ghostly cat and also now another ghost that haunts your phone. Doesn’t mean you don’t have to worry about breakfast.
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She is a little goblin of a cat, and I love her. I mean, I’m aware she is a cat, but at the same time she is so... CAT. If you know what I mean. Waking you up by putting a paw on your face (or through your face in this case), demanding food and attention. Love her, and the voice is absolutely perfect for this type of personality! And her monstrous form looks awesome!
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The quote that comes to mind right away is «I only had them for an hour and a half, but if something happened to them, I’d kill everyone in the room and then myself». Many bits of his personality feel so relatable, especially the urge to infodump\overshare (like what I’m doing right now, whoops). Side note, but in Chapter 1 «Leviathan Waltz», during the phone talk before bed, I always got the picture of Atlas chilling in the attic, identical to the one at the intro of the chapter. An alternative, creepier version was unexpected, but that was a really cool surprise! In any case, I love Atlas dearly, and his enthusiasm towards things is very contagious. I’d absolutely watch a trilogy marathon with him (if there are subtitles, or I’m gonna miss 40-50% of information).
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I didn’t know what to expect at first, but with all the «Let the crimes commence» and casual trashing of the haunted radio station, I did not expect how gentle they are (not with Mike, for obvious reasons, but you know). I adore the manner in which they wrote the message to Robyn the next day after the trip to Elkhorn radio station, almost sounding like what one would write in a full on letter, as well as their overall manner of speech and also being a voice of reason, taking care of their friends. Also, they have a skull-face, which automatically makes me love their design. And bright blue details go so well with the rest of their palette! Also also, I was really thrilled to see a character that goes by «they\them» (okay, yeah, maybe I am going through some self-discovery here).
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«Mike Madhouse»
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I have to note right off the bat: Mike’s voice actor really be WILDIN’. The absolute charisma that drips off every voiced dialogue line, the unrestrained enthusiasm and madness?? Absolutely amazing. I’m not the person to genuinely laugh that easily, but sound effects for Robyn’s haunted phone crack me up every time. As much as various facial expressions Mike makes (I swear, you guys cranked it up to 200% and I’m loving the result). I’m looking forward to seeing him getting some character growth, and I was happy when he didn’t turn out to simply be defeated and leave the scene for good. He is a complex character, not easily showing his true emotions, which only makes these moments hit even harder (like the sad face he makes at the mention of Atlas, when they’re about to leave for Edith’s shop). «MeAt GrInDeR!!!» moment is definitely one of my favorite ones. (Also, different variations of sprites during the fight, like Atlas Madhouse and demonic looking Madhouse, look epic!)
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He is friend-shaped. That’s it, I don’t have anything more to say, I bet he gives the best hugs. Well, of course not, I do have more things to say. For instance, how adorable he is when he gets flustered after being called, well, adorable. Actually, I only recently noticed the blushing sprite that flashes for a second when he turns around to jump through the window right afterwards. I mean, he wanted to get out of the clinic anyway, but that was a smooth escape. Also, I adore the «I was already a wreck» pun when Robyn apologies for hitting him with a car (I actually love puns, and sometimes I make it other people’s problem, pfft). The enraged snarling August makes upon realizing Atlas forgot to turn off the oven was both terrifying and hillarious in the context. (Lowkey, love all of his sprites and the fact that he has these different «stages» of his werewolf form too.)
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I said this already, but when seeing Oz in Chapter 0, I thought he will only make a fleeting appearance and that’s it, which made me a bit sad, because he instantly caught my eye. So I was absolutely delighted to see so much more of him in the next chapter! I love how chill he seems to be, looking intimidating, but at the same time giving impression of a gentle giant who wouldn’t hurt someone without a good reason. It might be a bit challenging with a character who doesn’t speak majority of the time, but it also allows a lot of creativity with the way he communicates and expresses his feelings, and it makes it entertaining to see his facial expressions change at various comments the other characters make. The very rare «pleased» expression he makes honestly warms my heart. But also he gives a strong feeling of a «this bad boy can store so much PAIN inside-», which makes me want to give him a hug and a kiss on the forehead. I’m looking forward to see more of him in the future, his appearance in the dream sequence alone was very surprising (especially having him actually speak here). Also I loved the moment when he and August were in the middle of an argument, and Gus waited politely and patiently while Oz was writing down what he had to say. ALSO have to note that I absolutely love his color palette, which makes yellow eyes stand out even more on top of various shades of grey, black and white.
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Beloved goblin: Bird Edition! Thursday’s pleased expression is one of my favorite sprites. I’m losing it at the contrast between their «crow mode» and very sudden «deep-voiced man, enunciating perfectly clear what they got to say», the first time it took me by surprise.
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I was wondering if she is a normal human, right until that one «it’s the charm that protects you-» sprite that made me go «grandma, why are your teeth so big-». At the same time, I felt for Edith in this moment, because I felt exactly the same on multiple occassions, whenever I had to explain something obvious to a customer. Looking forward to seeing more of her, but it’s obvious she is very caring.
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She is sassy, and she clearly had enough of whatever shit she has to put up with. But she still loves her brother, even if she seems annoyed.
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Literally the most adorable ball of energy! I wish I had at least half of her energy.
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Her coat! Horns! And overall colors!! She is so pretty, and so nice and helpful! I love the way she is voiced, and I really enjoy listening to this specific kind of speech\voice for some reason. «Parsnip» bit made me snort, though.
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It’s actually very refreshing to see a Cryptid who is just as bewildered at many things about Longhope as any «regular» person likely would be. Lowkey, I loved that wobbling sprite of his when he was telling Robyn what people call cryptids where he is from. He seems to be up to some shenanigans, as well as being determined to find the «goddess sleeping at the river», so I’m hoping he will eventually succeed in his quest.
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She is a mysterious lady (and so beautiful too!), and I’m curious to learn more about her!
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«Mr. Walker»
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Despite looking rather simple, he’s got an eye-catching design (which I liked even more, because I love shadow-like monsters), and the fight had a lot of creativity put into it! It was a nice twist with Mr.Walker looking like a bigger threat and with smaller HP than the Lantern, seeming like the most reasonable target to take down first, only to swiftly come back into fight after being defeated. And the «Lantern cuts the lights» move was also nice. All in all, Mr.Walker makes easily a very disturbing and terrifying enemy, making the encounter at the graveyard so intense.
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Last, but not the least, is music (and it’s nice that you can see the name of the current soundtrack playing in the menu in the lower part of the screen). First of all, the soundtrack in «Cryptid Crush» is straight up enchanting. It always fits the mood perfectly, and I certainly got a few favorites. I kept «Dirt Nap Dreams» on while working a little while ago, and it was soothing and nice for concentration. The track itself is rather chill and a bit somber. «Thaumaturgy Thursdays» makes a perfect soundtrack for Edith, Oz and Thursday trio, having a bit of this «something wicked» energy to it. «Midway to Nowhere» appears to be rather chill, but has this very unsettling mood that is so great for certain scenes and places. And, of course, one of my most favorite ones - «Urgently Jammin’», both remixed version and the original! I swear I listened to this for days. But I also love «Supernatural Foe» for a nice beat and «Old Gods» for how dramatic it is and how it makes you really feel how high stakes are during fight with Mr.Walker.
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Second of all, I just have to mention how well sound design is used in the game and how many details go into it. My favorite examples: 1) when Atlas tells Robyn he wants to show them something, and then suddenly «Urgently Jammin» breaks off instead of «Loosen Up Longhope», when he makes a big reveal of still being possessed; 2) «casual» soundtrack breaking off into intense and terrifying «The UNWELCOME Visitor» with Oz seemingly about to get Taro on Edith’s orders, only for everything to abruptly go silent as she goes «I’m joking» and slip back into «Thaumaturgy Thursdays» as the mood changes from threatening back to casual; 3) when Hazel and Oz are having an argument, «Elkhorn Radio Intro» plays out (which is associated at this point with the fight sequence beginning), only for things to suddenly cut back to normal when Robyn and Atlas enter the scene.
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All in all, I just want to say that the attention to detail is insane here (another example I didn’t mention above is when Robyn is searching for Mike, and before you see the actual sprites of August and Oz fighting in the background, you see their icons and damage). It’s obvious how much hard work and love is being poured into this project, and I just want to say big «THANK YOU» to Drowsy Drake Studios for creating such amazing story with so many lovable characters. You’re doing amazing work, and we all appreciate it!
Again, I strongly advice to also check out their website for more information:
P.S. Apologies if I forgot or misunderstood something, it was a bit hard to properly gather my thoughts, but I did my best! If you actually managed to read all of it, you’re a champ.
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memoriesofgelmorra · 7 months ago
FFXIVWRITE Day 2: Prompt: Horizon
Here's my writing for Day Two. Spoilers for the end of Dawntrail Expansion!
“Gil for your thoughts?”
Chantelle had been lost in thought, gazing out on Living Memory’s Meso Terminal, until the familiar voice called out to her. She didn’t need to turn to know who the soft taps of the electrope walkway belonged to. But she did anyway, turning around and canting her head a little down to see a good friend approaching.
“One gil might be a bit cheap by now.”, smiled Chant. “I’m not missing anything important, am I, Krile?” Her habit of going to certain areas to think deeply could be inconvenient at times. This was a whole other shard from the Source, but at least, as this proved, she wasn’t the only one with access to Leynode Mnemo, Pyro and Aero.
Krile shook her head, as she stopped to stand by the taller friend. “No, no. I simply wondered where you had gone off to, and Alisaie said you told her you were going somewhere to think. I remembered the last time you did such a thing was when you stared into the Aitascope for many bells before you and the rest delved into it to speak with Hydaelyn.”
Come to think of it, that had been the last time her thoughts had been as turbulent with questions as this. By the Twelve, Krile was always delightfully perceptive! It wasn’t as if any of her thoughts had answers only one person could solve. Even a shard of Azem…
“I suppose there are worse things to be predictable about, to a friend.”, admitted Chantelle, as she turned back to their view of the dome’s horizon. “The fact that after the terminals were all shut down, we are left with a natural sky beyond this dome is only one of them.”
A similar crease formed on Krile’s head as she considered the question. Chantelle learned and theorized as she traveled, not unlike Alisaie and her ways. But there were reasons hypothesizing with Shtola or Krile was often effective. “That would indeed be one of the larger questions for The Scions going forward. But you have others.”
Her posture slumped, and she let out an accompanying sigh. “As The Warrior of Light, not to mention the shard of the erstwhile Azem, there are things that seem apparent others might not catch. The crystal, that key, before it was absorbed into Sphene’s form…it reacted to Azem’s convocation crystal. It glowed the same orange! A key for multidimensional travel, made by Azem must have been before The Sundering! But that just adds more questions… Not to mention the questions about which of the remaining Shards this is, and if there is anything habitable beyond this barrier. Not just for knowledge of the unknown, but The Scions owe you that, Krile.”
Krile, herself half way deep in thought at the comments, startled at that. “Owe me, for whatever reason why, Chantelle?” The smile that met her eyes was a warm one.
“You were born on this Shard! This has the right to be your home, just as much as The Source. There’s no guaranteeing what we find, but the discovery is more than just mere fact-gathering. For me, at the very least. Every new fact about a Shard means something to me. But this Shard created a friend I am glad to have. So anything I can gather is a gift only a traveler can give to you.”
“Oh, Chant, how can you pose such thoughtful questions and then make me blush the next?”
“I’d like to think it’s the talent of a good Bard! But it’s empathy that makes a good Bard in the first place. And if I can’t be empathetic to a good friend, what worth are my words and songs? That’s why sometimes I come out to these places, to gaze into the horizon and think on them.”, she said as she looked at the sights in the distance.
“I see,” said Krile, sounding thoughtful. “Mind if I stand and gaze at the horizon as well?”
“You’re always welcome, my friend.”
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robo-writing · 1 year ago
whilst cid is a confirmed girl dad what type of dad do we think the other lads are, i have some ideas and i’m curious to how others think:
-clive: born to also be a girl dad but he has one son then 2 daughters with said son somehow inheriting even more protective big brother genes. his daughters probably think he’s super cool as a shield and try to become some of rosaria’s first female shields. the son probably ends up being more the scholar type by chance, the “i told you so” older brother.
-joshua: truly versatile but i think the universe would end up giving him a single boy that has all of his Bratty Younger Brother genes but More. it’s payback tenfold for the years jote and clive had to endure of him refusing to stay in bed whilst sick and having to attempt to father an even more stubborn version of himself. i also think he should have a kid that LOVES carrots like they eat it by the shovel-full
-dion: boy dad through and through. raises like 3 completely chivalrous fairy tail prince sons and has one 4th son who is such a rogue and trouble maker than he balances out his 3 brother’s personalities by himself. they’re also his biggest supporters, think he’s the coolest dragon to ever exist. probably would end up with one of them succeeding harpocrates and another being very artistic.
-barnabas: either no kids or a single child but he doesn’t act different based on the kids sex/gender. possibly adopted? most likely to adopt, i think he values an innate sense of discipline for the kid’s self benefit. but he seems like the type of king that raises a queen so well that waloed is also historically called a queendom during her reign. as long as he can teach them swordsmanship he’s chill
-hugo: bald and childless <3 he would only have kids with benne but she’s not fucking doing that, she knows medieval childbirth statistics.
gav: like 9 kids. like so many. he probably also adopts half the hideaway’s kids. they all develop his accent even if they’re adopted and it’s like hearing a warbling nest of birds. probably the most chill dad ever like they all say their secrets with such security he’s like in on all the gossip of their generation. he just comes back to the hideaway with a new kid calling him dad
Oh my god anon you’re so right for most of these, you basically did my job so lemme just add a couple ideas to compliment yours
Clive- absolutely a girl dad, and his one son becomes extremely protective of them just like he was to Joshua. He’s also the voice of reason between the three because his girls also inherited his sense of bravery, and they tend to get into antics a lot. Very active and energetic while big bro is more calm and collected (except when his sisters are in trouble, and it’s there we see that famous rosfield anger)
Joshua- a singular boy that makes his father’s life much more difficult than it needs to be (I wonder where he inherited that from.) He’s also very energetic, and is more than likely the mastermind of whatever scheme he and his two cousins get into. Too curious for his own good, just like his father, and absorbs knowledge like a sponge even if the methods used to obtain that knowledge are a bit orthodox. Keep an eye on him at all times, and if you hear silence from him, he’s definitely doing something.
Dion- literal Disney princes, the pinnacle of chivalry and honor, it’s as if you plucked them from a fairytale. He saw the man his father grew up to be and wanted them to be better, and have a better childhood than he did. Even when his fourth turns out to be a bit of a rebel you can still see that Lesage honor shining through and through, albeit in his own special way. While his first three sons might stop a bully by talking him down the fourth would sooner shut him up by breaking his jaw, for example. (He was harassing a poor student, he couldn’t just stand by!)
Surprisingly enough his fourth son is incredibly smart, top marks in all his classes effortlessly, if only he could get a rein on that temper.
Barnabas- he’s most likely to adopt, but he would love that child no less than his own flesh and blood. Firm but fair, he’d raise them to be strong, and to never take anything from anyone, ever. At the same time he enjoys that his child does not have that same bloodlust in their eyes that he did when he was their age. He doesn’t say his emotions outwardly, but rather expresses them with quality time, such as training or bringing them to royal meetings.
Hugo- childless lmao, even if he wasn’t obsessed with benedikta his ego wouldn’t allow him to take just one woman as his bride, and I highly doubt he’d be a good father. If he did have a child they’d be more likely to run away once they’re a teenager
Gav- oh sweet Gav, his nickname is the daycare with how many children he raises on a daily basis. Half of them aren’t even his, and does it really matter? He loves having a big family, it’s more entertaining that way.
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maaarine · 2 years ago
tech people are freaking out about GPT-4 and warning that users can easily be fooled by the chatbot, because it always sounds so autoritative and convincing even when it gives blatantly wrong answers
two thoughts:
1) they don’t seem to worry that this is exactly what Straight White Men sound like all the time
should we also warn and train people not to let their mind be fooled by those men’s air of authority and objectivity? I vote yes
2) it’s interesting that the chatbot’s apparent intelligence is purely based on language
the answers it gives emerges from statistical linguistic probability, from what is most likely to be said in the context
so in the same way that your phone can auto-fill words based on what you usually write, or correct the word “duck” to “fuck” because that’s probably what you really mean, the chatbot also processes the language it’s been fed, and comes up with the most likely sequence of words
and this whole thing reminds me of my niece, who as a very young kid would form complex sentences and sound totally legit, while I knew for a fact that she didn’t and couldn’t understand the meaning of what she was saying
it always struck me, how she managed to sound impossibly smart just by repeating what she’d heard adults say in a similar situation, and mimicking their cadence
the lesson I took from that experience is that this is what happens everywhere all the time, this is how people can sound so convincing without actually understanding anything
there seems to be a fundamental difference and disconnect between verbal ability and... whatever the other thing is — a meaning ability?
like there’s knowledge that exists in language form, and there’s Knowledge that exists in some kind of metaphysical form, and they run on different tracks, and can exist independently of one another
you encounter people who are human versions of the chatbot, who can give you the “right” answers because they’ve absorbed and averaged the language of the context, they’ve memorized the sequences of words from the textbooks
but their verbal ability is not a manifestation of a meaning ability, it’s like being able to solve equations without attaching any meaning to the math
and I don’t mean this in a “those people are sheeple NPCs who can’t think for themselves” kind of way
to be fair, I’m not sure what I mean
just that there are two kinds of “intelligence” at play here in a cognitive sense, and that it’s very hard to delineate and conceptualize them, because the meaning ability exists in an intangible realm
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maareyas · 11 months ago
Hey hey hey its been a hot minute, i hope life is treating you well? (It better - if not ill fight life for you in the ring)
I’m giving you the opportunity to info dump about anything. And i mean anything be it something to do with one of your aus (we love lore) or even about any interests you may have (i know you like the fun-guys, whats your favourite shroom👀?)
Sidenote i just thought of this when typing the shroom question, i really thought that during feb that you mightve dabbled with the funguary prompts. Idk i thought you’d really like those. Like pair up a shroom with a character or something and go wham with it. Idk where i was going with this… yeah
I JUST STRAIGHT UP FORGOT to answer this ask hhdhdhdg whoops. I lost whatever idea I had to ramble about so I'm going to use this as an excuse to ramble about my thought process thus far behind the merhog Shadow I'm working on
(I keep forgetting Funguary exists and my database of Fungi Knowledge is unfortunately not specific enough for me to parcipate ahfhjdjsjsj)
Anyways. With merhog designs, I tend to have a "speculative biology" approach to it, i.e the different merhog design elements make some sense in context. I think I mentioned before that designing Creatures and Robots scratch a similar itch in my brain; and this is why. You can tell a bunch about how a Creature moves, eats, and lives just based on their physical traits. Same goes for robots!
Of course, I'm still an artist first and foremost. So when it comes to creature design, I still put aesthetics and Vibes™️ first before realism XD
with that out of the way, here's the rambles about the In-Progress merhog shadow design. No images because I'm lazy ahdhdjs
My first thought with the merhog shadow design was that "I have to throw a little bit of Godzilla inspo in there". I've had Godzilla on the brain since I watched the new movie with Kong a few weeks ago lol. And bc I like bioluminescence way too much, he's gonna be a glowy boiiiii.
I'm thinking he does actually have atomic breath and can subsist off/absorb nuclear energy. In the hypothetical au this design is from, the ARK would be an underwater facility that was destroyed in a nuclear explosion of some sort. Shadow was the only survivor and he "haunts" the spot to this day.
Shadow's concept isn't as clear to me as Silver's was. Vaguely, I want him to be more reptile-adjacent as a callback to the Biolizard and the Black Arms. I feel like going full reptile would make him look too bulky and slow so I'm still working it out.
This is the current iteration of the design so far:
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barely anything, but it's what I got XD
I like the idea of merhog Shadow having two huge front flippers that can sort of act like extra hands. the flippers were partially based by a winged Black Arms enemy I forgot the name of + humpback whale fins. the little bumps on the front side of the fins? they're for speed, like with actual humpbacks. The little claw is NOT biologically realistic at all, but it looks cool and im already planning to take inspo from godzilla anyways so. yeah.
In general I think I might just take a more fantastical approach to Shadow? It feels fitting with his canon origins being weird.
For his head, I decided to turn his quills into tentacles, specifically of the Vampire Squid. There are spikes underneath to protect the back of his head from roundhouse kicks (bc he's the only one allowed to do that lmao). I'm thinking he might also have a false eye pattern in the center of the tentacles? A deterrent to potential predators + as a callback to Doom's Eye.
His eye markings get a little change too. They can emit red light, just like Stoplight Loosejaw (yes that's a real fish name) which have organs underneath their eyes that emit red light to hunt prey with. I imagine merhog Shadow would also have its extremely messed up jaw configuration ✨ I don't know how I would draw it though ✨✨✨
As far as solid inspiration goes, that's what I have so far. I'm considering giving Shadow more whale-adjacent features. With how huge his front flippers are, I think it'd make sense that he'd be more of a power swimmer? aka he has a big tail that does most of the work propelling him forward, and the flippers are to reduce the energy cost while also increasing speed and maneuverability. It would be a close enough analog to his skating, maybe????
He doesn't sound very fast but then again, I imagine neither is merhog Silver lol
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polybiusplayer · 2 years ago
OKAY this one isnt an au question but still a fun one either way. how do you think nine, ten, and juice view their ages? like with so many possible ways to approach it theyre bound to see it differently
I don’t know where I’m going with this but thank you for the questions to rant about my spinterest I haven’t had a good outlet for these insane wacky thoughts in so long😭
Nine definitely views age in the way of uhh, like, you know how they have a build date that was before Ten so that makes them physically older, but they never woke up until significantly after ten, making them much younger in terms of like. Consciousness? It’s like their “body” is older than their brain. And then there’s the knowledge they’ve absorbed just from the radio waves that brought them alive.
I mean in 20020 I’m pretty sure Nine brings up somewhere about feeling like, behind for how old they are.
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Boom found it.
I don’t even know, Nine views it from a lot of angles in this conversation with Mimi, I’m sure they have a conflicted understanding of it.
Ten though?? Hm, I believe she values physical age and wisdom quite a bit when it comes to it. She sees herself as old and experienced in what this world has to offer. She honestly has older sister energy not just to Nine and also to Juice! Even though TECHNICALLY she’s younger then Nine by a few years, she was awake for way longer, and feels older. Same goes to juice, he is both physically and (in my headcannon) awakeedly younger than her.
In the end though? I don’t think she even cares that much, other than to tease Nine. There’s so much time out there that to her? A couple days or a thousand years difference is nothing. when time continues to stretch longer and longer, age will only seem more and more insignificant
Juice though! He doesn’t care, like not for any philosophical reason like Ten, he just can’t be bothered! He was launched in 2023 thats his birthday he woke up whatever year who the heck cares, he’s just Juice and he’s too busy drafting some football game or talking to his friends to think about how old he is. He only really thought about it that one time to tease Nine
Like “oh yeah i guess i am younger than nine huh”
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interrospire · 26 days ago
The Disco Elysium personal response essay I got 100 on
Forces that encourage or inhibit an individual's actions
The skills: Constellations: Sees connections and harmony in ideas, 
Free association: It’s brother and frenemy, expands and branches ideas instead of connecting them.
Killed the cat: The house pet, seeks to uncover all the ideas as well as pursue truth in its most accurate form
East of Eden: A reminder that the choices we make can be good or bad, and to choose to strive towards good in order to be loved.
Memento Amare: The attention defied offspring, responsible for maladaptive daydreaming and hopeless romanticism. 
Panic! Not so disco: The second offspring, responsible for keeping your social life in tact, to not go too disco. 
The infinite screen box(Phone): Amongst the instantly absorbed symbols and icons, you easily maneuver the digital space to come upon the subsection of chats titled “Direct Messages: Alex”. 
Free Association{Impossible: Fail}: You remember the sound of his laugh, his smile. You have never heard something so pure before. 
Memento Amare: You’d like to hear it more often, especially if it's at your jokes, or anywhere near you. In fact, you should tell him right now just how nice his laugh is. 
Panic! Not so disco{Medium:Success}: Or you could not. I seriously advise you not. Very serious. He will think it creepy and you still need to share a desk with him for the rest of the semester. He doesn't see you that way. 
Free association{Easy: Success}: You remember quite well the last time you complimented someone too much. Without even giving you time to confess, you were rejected. You cried as if you'd gotten a 60% on a math test, you never had math with this person, or with anyone mildly deserving of such compliments. That's quite a curious possibility, kitty?
Killed the cat: Considering you’ve found 3 out of a possible 25x4 people in you classes attractive, and math only take—
Panic! Not so disco: Keep talking, distract the impulse and please for the love of god someone strangle Romeo. He's always ruining it for us. First with the daydreams, then with whatever the hell last year was. 
Memento Amare: Am I allowed to object?
Panic! Not so disco: I will use all the force I have to stop you from ruining us, including murder. 
Free association: We can murder Alex, alternatively. The problem would disappear.  
East of Eden{Trivial: Success}: We are not going to murder him, we want his approval.
Memento Amare: Send it
Panic! Not so disco: Do NOT. 
Memento Amare: Remember my alternative translation, Remember to love. Remember to do so right now, even with the risks. Your life will be perpetually difficult and fruitless, your life right now only has the few things keeping it together, mainly me. 
Panic! Not so disco: No! I am the reason we have any friends now. (Horrendous screaming as he is dragged away from his operating hypothalamus)
Memento Amare: Okay, but, a lot of me. Whether or not it's romantic, loving people is what gives you purpose. 
East of Eden: You want to be good, and want to be loved. 
Constellations{Medium: Success}: No. Kitty, back me up. The purpose has never been primitive social appeasements. It has always been the world. The galaxies of knowledge and understanding, the once in a lifetime harmonizing truth that consumes and overpowers what you had thought possible. 
Killed the cat{Trivial: Success}: Agreed, but depending on how he responds we might be able to get more about his psyche. 
East of Eden{Difficult: Success}: We only want to know about his psyche in order to figure out how to fix ourselves. How can he be so good? His laughter had been radiating this. We are broken, he is almost wholly perfect. That is why we need to know, we need to be him. Send it. 
Killed the cat: Send it.
Memento Amare: Send it
Panic! Not so disco{Hard: Failure}: I’m tired, and bored.
Send it?:
Send something earnest
Send something casual
Send a gif of Zuko from avatar the last airbender hitting the gritty 
Free association: Sorry about 3, first thing that came to mind after East of Eden's speech. 
You: 2
The infinite screen box: You send “Your laugh is really nice you should laugh more.”
East of Eden: Well, we’ve sent it. The pain is already etching sketches at the edges of your conscience. Hopefully it will not make us do anything stupid. Maybe this was a bad idea. 
Infinite screen box: 5 minutes pass, 3 of which has dots flashing indicating the person on the other end is typing. Panic has only been occasionally reanimated from a long slumber, but most skills have gone into adrenaline pumped contemplation. 
Killed the cat: I doubt Panic would have been able to stop us, or maybe he could. We as skills depend on the neural activity going on in your brain. I estimate the chance of our associated skills succeeding but the end result seems ultimately random to me. 
East of Eden: But we did choose at the end, we had the option and we chose for ourselves. We are not just cattle of our brain chemistry. 
Killed the cat: Are we just cattle of God then? God controls everything, even the devils and witches according to your cook theology. If everything is his will and he knows everything, even in the future, we don't have a choice. The construction of free will in your head is not real, the success of the skills had already determined the option you would pick. Even when I try to simulate the chances, I can only do it on ones I even know whats going with. 
East of Eden: No. You always have a choice. Like Macbeth had a choice, you have a choice, and you can make the right one. We can become more like Alex, we can be remembered as having done good. We can get to know him and learn, without impure thoughts —ehem ehem, Memento Amare— and without jealousy. 
Free Association: We can murder the math teacher for that 60, its not like there are attractive people ever in that class. 
Memento Amare: I approve.
East of Eden: No. We want to be good not because of some empirical measure of how much attention we can get, Memento Amare will never be fulfilled. We need to be good as a fundamental truth. 
Constellations: If I may step in. You have felt it with these choices. Without the responsibility they give, you will never experience and understand what is necessary to act and think as a conscious human being. A necessity of any philosophy is to have base unjustifiable ideals and assumptions, being Good might be too vague though. Act good. Go and clean the kitchen so that your mother does not have to. 
Infinite Screen box: the text had finally appeared, it was a thank you. But you had forgotten the screen long ago. You went straight to bed after finishing washing the dishes, Memento Amare gladly supplying you with daydreams, pg (as per East of Edens and Constellation’s request), you drift off to sleep as free association emerges in the unconscious to supply you with latent content. 
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jealousraisin · 8 months ago
“you can’t keep running off like this”
“who said you had to follow?”
“it’s my job to follow”
“i didn’t hire you”
“you didn’t have to”
Charlie tips her head back, a small laugh escapes her. She starts to idly run her fingers through the small patch of clovers, eyes scanning for any sign of luck she can pluck from the ground.
Jonathan scans their surroundings, relaxing just slightly once certain they are not under watch of anyone or anything. This isn’t the first nor last time he would have to follow Charlie’s little escapes throughout the castle and kingdom.
When they were younger, just reaching their teen years, Charlie (much to her dismay) was to be attending a small gathering in the courtyard. Her Majesty and a small number of her closer friends were having a high tea, an excellent opportunity for a young Charlie to put her etiquette lessons to practise. Jonathan was stationed nearby, monitoring the area for any threats as he was taught to do. First mistake. This was yet to be known to him, but Charlie was not, even for a second, intending on staying at this gathering for long. And a new annoying habit was about to begin, a habit which he could never voice annoyed him, lest he wanted his head to roll.
Finishing his assessment of their surroundings and deeming it safe, he took a glance to Charlie. Who was not there anymore. Oh. OH.
A sharp spear of internal panic ran through his spine, his face nor demeanour showing the thrashing flow of thoughts going through his head at that moment.
Out of the corner of his eye he caught movement. Got you.
He casually and calmly moved towards the direction he saw her go off to. Her Majesty much too absorbed in entertaining her company to notice. Rounding the corner, he spots her heading into the hedge maze.
Making her way through the various turns and dead ends, she finds herself in a corner of the meticulously trimmed hedges that people often miss, with a bench and one of her many notebooks stashed away in a box hidden in the bush. Smiling lightly, she pulls out her notebook and pencil and is about to begin exploring her ideas for honing her artificer items.
“Princess, I strongly suggest returning to the gathering, lest your mother become upset at your absence”
Charlie practically jumped out of her skin. Unfortunately it seems she wrongly assumed this would be the best way to skirt the ever watchful eye of her knight and the incessant silent nagging from her mother to ‘use her etiquette knowledge’. A short huff of annoyance left her.
“Come on, you and I both know that you would rather be doing anything BUT standing there while my mother and her friends chat away about whatever is going on throughout the kingdom.” She looked at him head on, His expression not shifting from the look he always has; slightly scowling, brows and eyes set in a way that feels more and more threatening the longer you look, like he’s ready to bite at any second.
“I would much rather prefer if you would please return to the gathering Miss”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then i have no choice but to take you back by force, I can assure you, your highness, that it will not be difficult for me to do so, but it most definitely will be embarrassing for you”
Charlie’s mind envisioned her being carried by him all the way through the maze and back to the tea party, her cheeks flushed a deep red, her eyebrows furrowing.
“Fine,” She huffed “but i’m not happy about this, i’ll tell mother about this” Turning on her heel she started to head back towards the courtyard.
“Glad to hear you have had a change of heart, i am sure your mother would be delighted to hear that you would much rather not be in attendance of her gatherings.”
Charlie could have sworn she heard a smile through his words, but when she turned around to glare at him, that same stone like expression was still on his stupid stupid face.
“Well done on handling Charlie’s little escape today” An off handed remark from Her Majesty was said as Jonathan was retiring for the night. “Oh come on now don’t look so surprised, she is my daughter after all. She has been doing her best to slip by me from the moment she could crawl, today was the day i pass that responsibility of keeping her where she needs to be from me to you.” Jonathan blinked at her.
“Thank-you your Majesty, i apologise for any inconvenience I may have caused today” He bowed, The queen gently nods her head in return and continues down the hall.
“I remember the first time i tried sneaking off like it was yesterday, you have to admit i’ve gotten better at it” Charlie laughed softly
“i truly wish you wouldn’t” Jonathan replies, joining in on the search. Instantly his eyes land on one, a four leaf clover. He reaches towards it at the exact same time as Charlie does. He instantly retracts his hand at the sudden contact, clearing his throat.
“Sharp eyes Jono, here.” She picks the clover and places it behind his ear. “maybe with this your wish will come true, i doubt it though. I don’t plan on stopping this any time soon”
A gentle exasperated laugh escapes him. “Thank you” he relishes in the casual way they can interact with each other during these little escapes, over the years finding each others company more and more comfortable. “But i do believe it is time to head back your highness”
“aww come on, they definitely haven’t noticed us missing just yet”
“exactly, i would like to keep it that way, come on let’s go” he smiled while offering his hand to help her back up, Charlie gently taking the offer, brushing off her dress of any grass and clovers tangled in the lace.
They return, and it’s like they never even left the hall. Back is the unreadable mask Jonathan wears, and Charlie’s masterful manners and etiquette are on full display again to the company the Castle keeps. But a sharp eye would notice the extra little accessory a knight is wearing.
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