#I’m following my heart soul and intuition on this one
gio-cosmo · 4 months
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He looks like he’d post thirst traps every five seconds
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l8dyvenus · 2 months
PAC - The Rest of Summer 2024 For You!
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NOTE: this is my first PAC in a while. take what resonates and leave what doesn’t! If you want a reading, DM me. I’m having a sale! :)
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ORACLES: fertility, attracting not chasing, no. 27: the pig
READING: immediately I got that you have been going through some sort of transformation and/or transition the last few days, weeks, months, or years and by the end of the summer there will be an emergence of a new everything or a new something you’ve been excited for or waiting for. you could have been in stagnation for a while as you do have the attracting not chasing oracle. you could’ve been frustrated that no matter how much tried to climb on top, you got pushed ten steps back but that was the universe trying to communicate with you that you are working on soul time, not your time. everything is planned in divine order so that it will be a true miracle and wish fulfillment. this could have something to do with a creative project or hobby or you will be in this type of energy for the rest of summer 2024. im getting heavy Leo vibes or just fire sign energy. being the embodiment of more confidence, courageous and outgoing. doing this will bring phenomenal luck and great abundance. you will attract high honors and all ambition attained. whatever your heart is telling you to go after this summer, go after it. follow your passions and live the rest of your summer in the energy of YOLO!
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ORACLES: magic, unlimited ideas, no. 28: the anchor
READING: pile two, your message is short and quick to the point! :) for the rest of summer 2024, there’s something that you’ve been wanting to do or is doing that requires complete trust and belief in that idea. you may be overthinking it, doubting it, or allowing naysayers get into your head about it but I promise you, when you put in the work for this, it is a GUARANTEE that it will bring blessings and prosperity. you literally have the anchor oracle and the anchor denotes successful ventures in business and love. if you felt drawn to pile one, please read that one as well. it was kind of similar in theory. as I told pile one, follow your heart and passions for the rest of summer 2024 and by the end of it and beginning of fall you shall reap your rewards. with this past cancer new moon, you may have set your intentions for this. by fall it will be in full bloom if you put in the work now and believe. trust in yourself. trust in the universe. you will be successful.
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ORACLES: communication, organize for success, no. 51: the lion
READING: pile three, you may have received bad news or will be receiving bad news about a particular subject but don’t let it get you down. for the rest of summer 2024, I’m getting that you’ve been trying to make something work but keep getting the end of the stick when it comes to this. but, before the summer ends you will receive some form of communication in regards to this and it will bring success, it’s just delayed right now. for some of you, I’m getting heavily, intuitively that you’re waiting for a college letter, internship or job offer and anticipating that it would be bad news. others of you, could’ve gotten declined by previous colleges or jobs your heart desired and sent in a letter last minute to another college you’re waiting to hear back from. either way, what resonates with you or doesn’t, there is good news coming in, in regards to something you’ve been hoping and praying for and it will be in form of a letter, email, or text. you will end your summer 2024 off celebrating!
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thesensteawitch · 2 months
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, SENSTEA Souls!🩷
Here's another collective reading. Pick a pile intuitively🍃.
DM me in case you wish to book a reading with me.💌
Pile 1
Cards- Knight of Pentacles, The Emperor, Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords, Ten of Pentacles, 8 of Wands, 5 of Cups, Ace of Wands
Hello, my dear pile 1. Your energy is all over the place! There's so much you wish to happen that you can't contain your impulsiveness. One year from now, you'll level up in terms of your knowledge and communication skills. Some of you may have been born in the Year of the Dragon or the Tiger. The month of October is coming through strongly—perhaps that’s when things will start improving, and you'll receive new opportunities. I see an upgrade in your position at work. You'll be content with your income, and your life will overflow with good health and wealth!
You’re advised not to overwork and to follow your intuition. It’s better to make the right choice after some brainstorming rather than through trial and error. Minimize working too much at night. Use nighttime for manifesting and planning, but avoid exhausting yourself with work. Any emotional struggles you encounter will be temporary, and you’ll have the time of your life with your loved ones.
I see many new beginnings happening during this time, which will bring you utmost contentment one year from now. Life is starting to get better. Any problems you face over the next year will be temporary. As you persevere, you will overcome the challenges that come your way. You may feel a lack in certain areas of your life, but you're called to change your perspective. Let go of what has passed; surrender and let the divine take care of you. Whatever you've lost will be replaced with something better in divine timing. Don’t push things to happen—just be patient.
For some of you, I’m sensing that one year from now, you'll have ample resources to support your spiritual journey. You won’t feel restricted by anything. Learn to handle your triggers and emotions properly. Emotional healing will bring you closer to your dream life. Follow these tips over the next year, and watch your life transform!
Pile 2
Cards- Page of Wands, The Lovers, King Of Swords, 10 of Wands, Page of Cups, The Sun, 10 of Swords, 7 of Swords
Hello, my beautiful pile 2. I sense that you’ve been going through a mentally and physically exhausting situation for quite some time. You’ve been grieving and are uncertain about when you’ll finally emerge from survival mode. This pile may have Gemini or Capricorn placements.
One year from now, I see you in a stable mental state. Your mental health will drastically improve, allowing you to begin new projects or pursue things you’ve always wanted. During this year, you’re advised to find unique ways to address your mental challenges and practice letting go. Meditation will be very beneficial. Surrender the outcome to the divine, and you’ll find your strength.
Some of you may be on a spiritual journey, and in one year, you will see growth in both your spiritual and financial areas. Fish and unicorns are prominent in your reading. Don’t hide your uniqueness; do what you’re meant to do. As the saying goes, “Judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree is a foolish act of judgment.” You’re not meant to climb a tree; you’re meant to swim in the depths of the ocean. You are where you’re supposed to be. It’s okay if you don’t fit into the box that others want you to. The unicorn confirms that you’re meant to stand out. You don’t need others to believe in you; you need to have faith in your own abilities and intuition. Let your intuition guide you.
You’re also advised not to share too much about yourself or your plans with others, as not everyone has the same heart as you. One year from now, your inner child will be completely healed. I see the month of March here—perhaps that’s when your inner child healing began or when it will come to completion. Take it as it resonates.
You’re not recommended to travel aimlessly. Instead, focus on building your physical, mental, and spiritual strength. If you do this, you’ll look and feel healthy inside and out in one year. Although you’ve lost a lot in various areas of your life, it was to make space for a healthier lifestyle. Stick to your schedule, aim to achieve small goals, and you’ll see a big difference in one year. The universe wants to remind you that the hard work you are and will be putting in will pay off. That’s a promise!
Pile 3
Cards- The World, The Lovers, King of Swords, 10 of Wands, Ace of Swords, The Magician, The Moon, 8 of Cups
After one year, you’ll be at the peak of your career! You’ll have EVERYTHING you didn’t even know you needed at that time. You’ll have so much on your plate that you’ll wonder what to tackle first. The universe has a gift for you that’s currently hidden because you’re still learning and growing. One year from now, you’ll gain clarity about someone or something that kept you awake at night. March 29th might be significant in this context.
I see a solar eclipse, indicating that something you never imagined could happen for you will indeed come to pass. Have faith in your dreams. Meditate and visualize what you want! Your manifestation powers will grow stronger as the year progresses, and you won’t need to work so hard for your dreams anymore. Every effort you put in will pay off quickly, and you’ll see results. Mentally, you’ll be in a much better state.
If you were attracted to pile 2, consider reading that as well, as similar cards appeared in both piles. Your love life will improve significantly. You and your partner will be perfectly aligned to create the life you desire. No more aimless searching for the truth; you’ll easily find answers through meditation. If someone deceived you in the past, their truth will come to light, and you will no longer be energetically attached to them. If this person played a musical instrument, loved singing, or had a good taste in music, take this as a confirmation.
You’ll be surrounded by important people who will help you grow. I also sense that a passed loved one or ancestor is protecting you and assisting in bringing abundance into your life. Your love life will undergo an upgrade; it won’t look the same as it used to. Many positive changes are on the horizon. You’ll be able to discern who is good for you and who isn’t. Illusions that kept you stuck will be lifted, and you will no longer follow the same patterns triggered by your past experiences.
Make sure to stay humble and not let success go to your head. Don’t let your ego take control, as it can block your manifestations. That’s all for pile 3. Follow these tips, and you’ll be in a better place after a year.
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stsgluver · 1 year
I'M HERE – gojo satoru
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synopsis. reluctantly, you agree to a new life with two children and your ex. PART TWO OF FOUR.
wc. 3.4k
tags. angst, swearing, happy ending-ish, spoilers for s2
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“get out.”
satoru flinches at the coldness in your tone, and you want to scoff. as if though he gets to be the one who’s hurt right now. your hands ache and your head feels like it’s imploding as you struggle to take in everything he says. it’s too much, too important, too soon.
a year has passed but you’ve barely had the chance to accept how cruel he’d been when he pushed you away, like you had meant nothing. like you hadn’t spent almost three years side-by-side, majority of that as his girl. 
gojo satoru is someone who always got what he wants – and he got you. he had all of you: mind, body, and soul… but that wasn’t enough for him. you weren’t enough for him. 
“yn–” again, he tries reaching for you and, again, you reject the advancement, standing up abruptly to ensure you can keep the space between the two of you. you swallow thickly and point towards your half open door. gojo’s eyes don’t follow the direction of your hand, instead staying intently on your face as he indulges himself in his favourite picture, even if that picture is stained with damp streaks.
“get out,” you repeat slowly. he needs to leave you in peace again – or whatever peace you’d come to accept after his sudden departure from your orbit. as much as you hate him, your body and mind is still intuitive with his. it feels wrong to watch him cry and not try and comfort him, and from his actions and the way his hands remain stiff at his sides, fidgeting with the material of his pants, you know he feels the same.
after all he just confessed his love for you, you’re aware of how he feels. but you don’t know what he’s thinking and that terrifies you.
“please.” he is begging, the strongest sorcerer alive is pleading for you, but you’re not sure what he expects you to say. i love you? let’s get back together? yes, i’ll totally take care of that monster’s children with you? i’m totally fine even though my best friend decided to murder a tonne of people and then you broke up with me and then i spent 12 months trying not to die on insane missions that i was sent on because the higher ups hate me and i don’t have you as a buffer anymore?
you scoff, arms crossing in front of as you roll your eyes at his ignorance to your suffering, “gojo satoru, i swear to go–”
“woah, woah, what’s going on in here?” 
your eyes dart to the door and you have never been so happy to hear the voice of your dear friend, shoko ieiri. in one hand is her usual unlit cigarette (she swears she’s quitting for real this time, she just needs the comfort of one in her hand), and in the other is her phone. you assume she must’ve been distracted by a call and that’s why he was able to come into the room and not her.
since satoru had put up this wall between the two of you, shoko had been your shoulder to lean on and you know she wouldn’t have just let him waltz in without her support. you thought he was your person, and shoko had watched as you fell apart alone and without him.
you don’t want to know what you look like if it’s anywhere close to how horrible you feel right now. your heart aches and every stitch you had made to patch back together your heart are slowly coming loose. there’s probably mascara running down your cheeks by this point and you’re thirty more seconds of being in satoru’s presence from breaking down into full on sobs as you relive the loss of him and geto.
shoko, your saviour and rock for the past twelve months, comes to your rescue. “what are you going here?” she asks in an accusatory tone towards satoru, head tilted with a raised brow. it hadn’t just been you that satoru had pushed away twelve months ago – it had been everyone. but you know that shoko has still managed to maintain some relationship with him, and from the way his shoulder deflates, he’s smart enough to not burn that bridge too.
“leaving,” satoru responds curtly, brushing past shoko as he makes his swift exit. well, his infinity brushes past shoko and she flips his back the middle finger as she’s gently pushed aside by the invisible force.
you drop down onto your back on your empty bed, both hands covering your face as you try to relax your heartbeat again that runs high wire. you’d be lying if you said you don’t miss satoru; miss seeing him in your room after a long mission or long day of lessons; miss waking up to his raspy voice as he pokes you in the side to wake you up for class; miss being loved by him.
“i thought he was still giving you the silent treatment.”
peeking between your fingers, you glance over to shoko who’s flicking through your open boxes full of your life of the last four years. “i wish he still was,” you admit, voice a little more stable now that you’re not in the middle of crying. the tears have stopped but your cheeks are still flushed red. “has he really taken in fushiguro’s kids?” 
“one’s his, the other is his step daughter,” shoko responds, as though that is common knowledge.
you frown, sitting back up, hands in your lap. “you knew then?” shoko pauses her snooping but doesn’t look back at you. if there’s one thing you and satoru still have in common, is lashing out when you’re upset. ironic given how much you hate him for it. 
“he has… changed. y’know, since geto,” shoko clarifies. the name itself makes you bite down on your tongue and the never ending ache you’re enduring reminds you why you need to leave this place.
“no shit,” you bite back and shoko gives you a blank look. “i’m sorry.” she’d been with you every night for the first month following the break up, she is the reason you are still alive following your sudden increase in mission difficulty. she had been the first to talk shit about satoru or throw random objects at him and just hope his infinity just so happened not to be active (it always was).
“don’t apologise, say whatever you want to me,” shoko shrugs, offering you a sad smile, “i’ll never leave.” three simple words that hold more meaning than you could’ve ever comprehended twelve months ago.
“thank you, love you always.” the two of you share a brief hug (shoko’s never been one for overtly physical affection). 
“good,” shoko pulls back first, checking her phone before waving it in your face. there’s a message but you can’t make it out as she shakes the screen, “now more importantly, are you ready to go? nanami said that he wants to take the next train into the city.”
“can you just give me a minute?” you gesture to the last boxes that you needed to close up – the school had been kind enough to sort out the removal of your belongings (shocker) so all you need to do is just get to the airport and make your plane. 
“of course,” shoko nods understandingly. the split in your class had only led to the two of you coming closer. blood aside, she is and would always be your sister. you know she isn’t happy that you’re quitting sorcery but she knows she can’t keep you happy here, so she’s kept her complaints to herself. 
there’s a soft click as your door closes and you breathe out a sigh of relief. satoru’s words still sit at the back of your mind (‘i love you, i’ve got two kids’ – like what?!), and then you flinch as you remember the wounds that have only just healed on your arm – one of which being a large gash that would’ve killed you had you not been so close to the school when you’d been caught off guard by the curse. this world isn’t for you. 
maybe in another life, one where geto never left the school and satoru never left you, but that is not this life.
grabbing your tape, you go to close the box that shoko had been flicking through when the flash of a familiar photo catches your eye. you hesitate but ultimately that feeling of home consumes you and you can’t stop yourself from lifting the frame from the box. 
it’s you and satoru and geto and shoko and nanami and even haibara.
you remember when the photo was taken: the middle of summer in your second year. satoru and geto had forgone their uniform jackets, the former having one arm around the latter and the other around you. shoko is next to geto and the two second years follow after them. she’s wearing satoru’s glasses as she often did steal them. you’re all smiling – even nanami – and you can’t stop yourself from mirroring the same expression.
those were better times, one where the responsibility and stress of being a sorcerer was only a whispered warning. within a short period that would all fall apart. your teenage years cut short and your innocences stolen following fushiguro toji’s attack.
you think of his children, the life they will never be able to have because of the thing they are associated with, and the power they've inherited. the children that your ex boyfriend has oh so generously taken in. 
it’s still ingrained in your mind; the sound of geto’s voice over the phone as he struggled to breathe, let alone speak. riko is dead, satoru is dead. that’s all he could repeat over, and over, and over, again. it had been shoko he’d called put you’d been there as she put it on speaker. if it weren’t for nanami being beside you you would’ve collapsed to your knees as you refused to accept what he was saying.
the next few hours were a blur, shoko saving geto, geto going to retrieve satoru, satoru being alive… 
he changed after that. it wasn’t overly apparent, not just to anyone, but you were his girlfriend. he’d reached a state of ‘enlightenment’, as he called it, his cursed technique now far superior to any other sorcerer alive (not that it wasn’t already).
the seven of you never deserved what happened to you – haibara especially never deserved to have his life cut short and the more you remember, the more you decide these children don’t deserve that either.
you bite down on your lip as you realise the conclusion that you’re beginning to come to. one that you’re not 100% sure you won’t regret in the coming months. 
to nanami: i’m sorry i’m not going to make it on the train
from nanami: don’t worry, shoko already let me know you’d probably changed your mind
from nanami: stay safe x
you smile down at your phone. nanami is the closest you’ll ever get to a little brother and even if you’re about to make the biggest mistake of your life, you’re glad he’s escaping this hell.
to unknown: meet me at the old park.
from unknown: what about your plane?
to unknown: 2pm
it’s for those kids, you remind yourself, not for him.
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despite being the one to choose the meeting location and time, you’re late and you’re already almost in tears yet again. the park was a regular for you, satoru, geto and shoko as teens. shoko and geto would climb up onto the roof of the public bathrooms to smoke whilst satoru made you push his lanky frame on the big swings. those nights practically always ended at dawn, and no matter how sneaky the four of you thought you were, yaga always caught you sneaking back onto the school campus.
things were so much simpler and you were so happy. a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions your experiencing now.
you’d chosen the park to give yourself an advantage, to remind satoru of the memories he could only remember and never relive. it was his fault he’d lost that…
…though even as you think that you know that you’re putting him at too much fault. everything was lost the second geto chose to make the first kill. none of you could’ve stopped that.
shaking your head and brushing your hands down the front of your clothes to brush off the invisible dust and compose yourself, your eyes scan the park for a white haired beanpole and two children. 
it’s not difficult to find the children as the boy – megumi, you think shoko said (she’d given you a quick debrief of what satoru had told her about the children over the phone on your walk there) – is a mini version of his dad. a shudder ran down your spine involuntarily the instant your eye caught sight of the spiky-haired boy. you try to push away the unease; it’s likely megumi barely even knows or remembers his dad, or at least you hope for his sake he doesn’t. either way it’s not far for you to cast judgement yet. the sister is close behind him, running circles around a slide four times their heights.
satoru is sitting on a bench, his gaze focused on the two small children. well, you assume so since that's the way his head is turned. he’s wearing his usual black glasses and tokyo uniform. to any outsider, he looks bored, like an older brother forced to take care of his siblings as his long limbs lounge on the bench. but you know better – his knee is bouncing and he keeps running one hand through his white hair, revealing an undercut beneath it. he’s just as stressed as you are. 
good, as he should be.
he knows you're there. he’s a special grade sorcerer after all, probably the most powerful of them all, he must’ve sensed your cursed energy the second you came within a mile of this place. still, he doesn’t turn his head, even as you walk down the path to him. 
though somewhere deep down you still long for him and what you had, every step closer you feel the same anger and resentment towards him bubbling up and threatening to spill over the surface. meeting him in a public area with impressionable children’s ears around is definitely not your finest idea. you’re within several yards from him now and you’re really starting to think this is a bad idea. 
satoru is a bad idea.
sitting gingerly on the edge of the bench next to him, you pick quietly at the skin around your nails. neither of you speak for several minutes. satoru still seems too afraid to even acknowledge that you’re there. he’s woken up too many times from a dream with you in his arms to an empty bed that he lay in alone, no trace of your perfume on the other side of the bed anymore.
the tension between you two is thick and palpable. 
“they’re cute kids.” you’re the one to break the silence as the two of them begin climbing a spider web apparatus. satoru hums in agreement and his knee slowly halts its bouncing. 
there’s two beats before you let your frustration spill over the edge. “you’re a dick you know that?” so much for your concern about doing this in this locatiom.
satoru’s mouth slacks a little, and he begins to utter something but you shake your head at him to cut him off.
“that was rhetorical. there’s no defending or denying that. it’s fact,” you laugh dryly, crossing your arms in front of yourself as you watch on at the park. in the corner of your eyes, you can see satoru slip off his glasses revealing his own cerulean eyes to you. you avoid them though, if you are going to stay and make this work you need to get all of this off your chest. and preferably without balling your eyes out again. 
“i cried a lot at first,” you continue, “blamed myself for suguru turning away,” he winces and does so again when you cement that point, “blamed myself for taking your best friend from you. i started having those nightmares of haibara calling me a murderer again.” he knows every word you say is true – he caused the former and he would be the one you’d come to when the latter had first started. it breaks his heart to be reminded of the agony he caused you – how he wasn’t there to pick up the pieces from the damage he caused.
following haibara’s death, there were some nights neither of you would get any sleep. you were afraid of what you’d see when you closed your eyes and satoru was afraid of losing you. so he would stay up with you, more often than not sitting against the backboard of the bed, your body curled up tightly against his as you watched funny compilations on his phone (he thought they were hilarious, you just wanted to hear his laugh). for satoru to throw that back in your face after geto’s defection tarnished any comfort you’d ever associated with him. 
it didn’t matter that he’d carved a permanent spot in your heart, the idea of letting him in that close again sends shudders down your spine. he had you in the palm of his hands and he destroyed you.
you take a deep breath and dare to glance over at satoru. his expression is blank but his eyes scream how he feels, the swirls of blue glassy as you relay all that he put you through. 
he had been aware of the hurt he’d caused you – of course he had, he felt it too – seen it on your face when you’d pass him in the hallways. you lacked enthusiasm in class and often went on missions alone without complaint (something you never previously did because how dare the higher-ups send you on a job hours away without anyone to talk to).
“and then i nearly died.” satoru’s brows furrow at this, he’d still kept tabs on you to a certain extent. so how had this slipped through the cracks? “two grade one curses among other nuisances,” you hum, “i shouldn’t have been there alone… but i wasn’t surprised the higher ups had sent me.” there’s something else missing there, how you would’ve never been sent on such a mission of satoru was still with you. the higher ups hated the power you held over their special grade, but they weren’t stupid enough to put you in significant harm’s way when you were together. 
“i’m sor–”
“gojo! can we get some ice cream?” tsumiki runs up to the two of you, cutting off his futile attempt at an apology. her little cheeks are flushed red from the exercise and megumi pokes his head out from behind her, eyes zeroed in on you. 
“who are you?” 
you flicker your gaze between satoru and the children who are awaiting your answer. for once, the white-haired sorcerer is at a loss for words. you want to scoff. 
standing up, you offer a small smile, “just a friend.” you point to the ice cream parlour on the opposite side of the park and nudge satoru’s shoulder gently, “go treat them to ice cream. we can talk about the logistics of this later.”
“this?” he repeats, sitting up straight, and a flash of hope dashes across his features. “so you’re staying?” 
tsumiki’s eyes are bright and full of excitement at the prospect of a treat and it reminds you of haibara. you blink harshly and quickly as you try not to let a tear slip past.
“they deserve better than what we had.” what you had.
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series masterlist
a/n. next part will defo be the longest part!! expect fluff, angst, some spice, the whole SHEBANG. I have mocks coming up soon but I'm hoping the next instalment will be up in the next 3-4 weeks. thank you all for being so patient and I hope this meets expectations <3
also a massive thank you to @bontensh0e because they massively helped with the inspo for the rest of the series. ly loads <333
taglist. @sanokiss. @dummyf. @erenssin. @makiuchiha97. @sosoa. @cole-silas. @fenrysashryver. @istanuwow. @dovahkiinsbitch. @mor-pheus. @creolequeen11210. @thefictionalcharacterssimp. @mariapierce789. @cynopcis.
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redheadspark · 10 months
Hawuuuu again can I request 8. Why do you always think you have to do everything on your own? And 20. "I'm so so sorry, you don't deserve that," with Druig
I kinda imagine this scene taking place in Tenochtitlan scene just when Druig was leaving
A/N - HAWUU! Thanks for the request, my friend! I love this for Druig!
Summary - Druig thinks he's going to be alone out in the jungle. He was proven wrong.
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Warnings - Angst and Fluff mixed in!
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“Druig…Druig come on talk to me,”
“I’ve said what I needed to say,” 
“No, stop,”  You placed your hand on his arm to stop him from walking further away from you, seeing him sigh in both frustration and in anger as you both were hidden under the towering trees of the jungle.  The night air was chilly and the adrenaline of the night’s events was still at an all-time high.  You were still reeling over what happened: Thena having Mahd Wy Rhy, watching a group of humans being murdered with no way of stopping it, and now the fragment of your own Eternal Family.
Seeing Druig walk away from your family was heartbreaking, but it was more heartbreaking to see through his eyes the pain he had to endure as genocide was happening with him being able to stop it.  You could see the betrayal in his eyes, heard it in his voice, and when you saw him walk away from you all, it felt like you were feeling the heartbreak yourself. 
You had to go after them, even after hearing Ikaris simply tell you to let him run off.  You ignored him, chasing after Druig as he and the soldiers under his control were going deep into the rainforest.  All you could think about was Druig and how he was feeling.  He left in such a state it was hard to get a reading on him or simply talk to him.  
You finally caught up to him at a small clearing, the cluster of soldiers that followed him were simply hanging around with their haunting yellow eyes.  You could still read the hurt on his face, wondering what you could do to help him.
“Look, all that happened back there…I’m sorry,” You simply said to him, not knowing what else to say to him as he was still stiff in his stance and the anger was on his face.  This was not that Druig that you knew, who would crack a joke to lighten the mood or have a good intuition on what the humans needed.  Deep down he had a good heart, though it was rare to see with the others on The Domo.  So to see him like this, lone out in the jungle after walking away from all he knew, it scared you and made you wish you could change what happened.
“I’m so so sorry, you don’t deserve that,” You kept saying to him, seeing him watch you and some of that festering anger start to melt away, “I understand how you feel, you love the humans so much.  I’ve seen it over the years, and I wish the others loved the humans as much as you did.  If you need to leave, then you can.  But just know that….that I think you made the right choice—“
He hugged you, making you go quiet in shock.  
Druig was never a hugger, he rarely did and would rather use his words for affirmation than physical contact.  This was new, awkward a bit but really new.  You did feel the hug, almost like his own soul and energy was melting into your own.  It was surreal to feel it, to almost feel his heartbeat against your own, a simmering warmth was now in your belly as you hugged him back gently.  Perhaps he was still reeling from what happened and was now realizing what he did, or he was simply feeling alone out in the middle of the jungle.
But you knew one thing, he needed this contact.
He pulled away before you could say anything, seeing him wipe his tears with his fingers before you could see it as you let your hands fall at your sides again.  Seeing this side of Druig, open and raw with no one around to see or witness this image of Druig, 
“You don’t need to do this, Druig,” you reminded him as he was shifting a bit on his feet, “You can go back and try to explain to them what you’re feeling,”
“I can’t,” He replied, his voice hoarse and almost broken as he was clenching and unclenching his fists, “Not after what happened and how they did nothing to stop it.  I have to do this on my own and—“
“Why do you always think you have to do everything on your own, Druig?” You asked him suddenly, Druig going quiet and looking at you as you gazed at him, “All the time I have known you, you always think you had to be alone in what you wanted to do.  You shouldn’t have to, not when it comes to something like this,”
“What are you talking about?” Druig asked you, having you pause and look back in the direction where the city was.  You knew it was up in flames, no longer having any evidence of life.  In fact, it was almost symbolic of what was happening in your family at that moment.  How the humans were evolving on a path that seems both thrilling and dark at the same time.  You could see the cracks already forming amongst the others, whether it was in meetings or simply being around each other.  The last thing you ever thought you could experience was those cracks.  
“I’m coming with you,” You said to him, seeing his eyes go wide as you sounded so sure of yourself.  He searched your eyes, thinking you were joking or wishing him to feel better.  But you were not going to be swayed in what you wanted to do, thinking about from the moment he chose to go down the stairs of that temple.  He was your friend, and seeing him suffer was hurting you from the inside out.  You are willing to go after Druig rather than let him go alone.  
He had more heart than anyone you knew.
“You….I can’t let you leave them to come with me,” He said in a stammer as you shrugged.
“Why not?  You need the help with these soldiers,” You explained, gesturing to the soldiers that were still standing around in the area, “And the last thing I want for you is to be alone.  Plus, they don’t need me,”
Maybe that part hurt when you said it between the pair of you, but you knew deep down that you had no more part with the others back on The Domo, let alone in a fight.  You were not strong like Ikaris or Thena, nor were you popular like Sersi or Kingo.  You felt out of place for a long time, only needing to put on a brave face for Ajak and protect the humans.  
Perhaps this was your sign to finally spread your own wings.
Druig took your hand in his own, you feeling his fingers lace with you and his warmth.  He didn’t have to say a word, but you felt it in his touch that he understood and that he was grateful.  You smiled, seeing him smile back for the first time that night.  
The End.
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Hurt and Comfort Prompt Session
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Hiii girl 🪻💐! First, nice to meet you xx ! I really love your vibe. Love purple pp 💜! Can I request a small os, please? I saw you wrote monegasque reader and all cute os. Can I ask you (you choose) Lando/Charles/Oscar with inked!reader (like full arms tattoos and stuff) it’s always wag so ✨perfect clean✨, I’m tired to see the clean vibe, I want to be delulu with rockie vibe, feminine tattooed wag, normal wag 😬. Topic could be : new tattoo with driver reaction or handle with people opinion. Thanks 💜🪻 if you’re not feeling to write it, it’s okay too. Have a nice day xx
Note: hiiii! Welcome to this little corner of the Internet I made along with everyone who follows this blog! Thank you - this is supposed to be as much a safe pace for you as it is for me 🫶 I hope you had a good day, too! 🫶
"Someone spotted you when you left the tattoo studio", Oscar said as he stepped inside the apartment after having spent the day in the Center, noticing you were wearing a cardigan even though it was a warm day out, "they posted a picture online".
"So it's not a surprise, is it?", you slumped your shoulders slightly, shrugging the cardigan off.
"I don't know what you got, so it's still a surprise, sweetheart", he smiled, hugging you and being mindful of the wrap around your arm.
Oscar sat on the sofa and allowed you to model the new tattoos for him. Your right arm didn't seem to have any new ink to it, the same three tattoos you had in there still looking beautiful after two years. You like the idea of having one arm slightly more bare than the other so your right arm only had those three on the inner side of it, peeking through whenever you were sleeveless tops. Your left arm was the one where the tattoos were the most noticeable, the ink pieces scattered along the extension of the limb.
"I got this one, it's a bee", you pointed to the inner part of your arm, "it represents my safe hive, the people who are always there for me even if I'm not there in person", you explained. You had moved in with Oscar a couple of months ago and, more than ever, you spent long periods of time away from your family since you travelled to see your boyfriend race as much as you could, "I know I can fly away, but no matter how far and how hard times can be, I'll always be able to come back".
"It looks so pretty, the detail on the wings is so precise", Oscar pointed out.
"I chose the artist at that studio because she is great at doing the fine line tatoos with red ink", you began again, smoothing out through wrap so Oscar could see, "it's a heart with some flowers blooming from it", you pointed to the anatomical drawing, "whenever I set myself to do something, I pour my heart and soul into it, and my intuition hasn't failed me, so it's a little symbol to that".
"The red is somehow both subtle against your skin and so eye catching as well, I think it's the contrast with this one here", Oscar lightly touched an older tattoo you had next to the new one.
"Then I got this one, which I am quite nervous to show you, actually", you admitted, looking at your right wrist and covering it for the mean time, "I know people are really fussy with having a relationship tattooed on you because things can change so fast, but I don't like to think like that - my tattoos represent times of my life and things that happened - and if anything happens and I can't absolutely tolerate it, I can always remove it", you shrugged your shoulders before uncovering it.
Oscar held your hand and inspected it gently - the thin knot was both black and red, symbolising you and Oscar with the different colours but tied together seamlessly.
"I had to get it on my right one because I wear my watch on the left", you mumbled and a little twinge of nervousness could be spotted in your tone given that he hadn't said anything, "do you like it?", you bit the bullet.
"I love it, it's so beautiful, delicate and feminine too", he smiled, kissing around it.
"I also got a lightning bolt here", you twisted your wrist, "this one is just black and it's quite tiny, but it's about all the times I insisted and persisted - my stubbornness too - and how much I value that in people", you smiled.
"You're stubborn? Never would have guessed it", your boyfriend teased, earning your giggles and an eyeroll from you, "the line is so beautiful, she did an amazing job!", he complimented.
"I also got my first neck tattoo", you mumbled, "well, it's the first time I do it there, not sure if that means I'll do another because it hurt a bit more than I expected", you blushed, letting Oscar pull your hair back so he could see it.
The red inked word was aligned with your ear, "I chose the word rare because it's a devotion to myself, my self-love - accepting that I'm not perfect and that that is okay - I love myself the way I am and it's also a lot thanks to you", you tried to keep the tears pooling on your eyes from falling, "you loved me for me, all of me, no matter how many times people liked to point out any of my tattoos or how I don't fit the 'wag role', and I want a reminder of it everyday", you smiled.
Oscar cupped your jaw gently, careful of the sore area as he kissed your lips in a hard, long, searing kiss, joining your foreheads afterwards, "I love you, Y/N, all of you", he whispered.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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psychics4unet · 4 days
Love Text Message from Your Future Spouse! 💌✨🔮
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Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Paid psychic reading (7 questions for just $7) is available here:
Pile 1:
The Fool 🌟 The Lovers ❤️ The Star 🌠
The Fool suggests a fresh start and a sense of adventure in love. It’s a message from your future spouse about embracing new beginnings with an open heart and excitement. The Lovers highlights a deep, meaningful connection and a sense of unity, showing that your future spouse feels a strong, soul-deep bond with you. The Star brings a message of hope and inspiration, encouraging you to stay positive and believe in the love that is destined for you. Together, these cards show a message of new beginnings in love, a deep and soulful connection, and a hopeful outlook on the future. Your future spouse wants you to know that love is an exciting adventure and that your journey together will be filled with hope and unity.
Example Messages:
"Hey love, I can't wait to start this new adventure with you! 🌟 Let's explore the world together and make every moment unforgettable. 💫❤️"
"I’ve never felt such a deep connection with anyone before. ❤️ You are my soulmate, and I’m excited for all the amazing things our future holds. 🌠"
"Even on the tough days, remember that I’m always here for you. 🌟 Together, we can face anything with hope and love. 💖"
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 2:
The Empress 🌺 The Hermit 🧘‍♂️ Page of Cups 💌
The Empress represents nurturing, abundance, and deep love. Your future spouse wants you to know they are eager to create a beautiful, loving life with you. The Hermit indicates a time of inner reflection and wisdom, suggesting that your future spouse values deep emotional understanding and growth. The Page of Cups is a message of affection and emotional openness, showing that your future spouse is prepared to offer you their heart and share their feelings honestly. Together, these cards convey a message of deep love, emotional depth, and the importance of understanding and nurturing each other in the relationship. Your future spouse is excited about building a loving and abundant life with you.
Example Messages:
"I’m dreaming of building a beautiful life with you, filled with love and abundance. 🌺 Let’s nurture our relationship and make it bloom. 💖"
"I’ve been reflecting on how much you mean to me. 🧘‍♂️ Your love is my guiding light, and I can’t wait to share my deepest feelings with you. 💌"
"Just wanted to remind you how much I adore you. 💌 Every moment with you feels like a sweet dream come true. 🌺"
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 3:
The Magician 🎩 Two of Cups 💕 Ten of Pentacles 🌟
The Magician symbolizes manifesting dreams and making things happen with intention. Your future spouse is letting you know they are actively working to make your shared dreams a reality. The Two of Cups represents a deep and harmonious partnership, emphasizing a mutual, balanced love and connection between you both. The Ten of Pentacles signifies long-term stability and abundance, highlighting that your future spouse envisions a future of lasting prosperity and emotional fulfillment with you. Together, these cards show a message of actively creating and manifesting a successful, balanced, and fulfilling relationship. Your future spouse is committed to making your dreams come true and building a lasting, prosperous future together.
Example Messages:
"I’m working hard to make all our dreams come true. 🎩 Together, we’re creating something magical, and I’m so excited for our future. 💕"
"You and I make the perfect team. 💕 I’m grateful for our deep connection and all the beautiful moments we share. 🌟"
"I’m envisioning a future full of love, happiness, and prosperity for us. 🌟 Let’s build our dreams together and enjoy every step of the journey. 🎩"
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity!
Paid readings (7 questions for just $7) are also available for more in-depth insights and personal guidance! 🌟💫
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Club Lights And Sex On The Beach
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Pairings: Josh Kiszka x Reader
Warnings: 18+, alcohol, drinking, one-night stands/hookups, smut, penetrative sex, drunken sex (still consensual), protected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy!), afab reader, feminine terms of endearment used, pretty much a female reader but you could get away with it not imagining the reader as a woman.
Summary: After a fun night at the club you run into a handsome stranger and his friends. What happens when you end up in his bed?
Authors Note: This is a multichapter series!!!!!!! This is only part 1 but we are gonna get into a full-fledged story pretty soon. I will be posting parts 2 and 3 later tonight because they are both pretty short. If you choose this could be read as a one-shot but I strongly recommend following the series. I hope you enjoy it!!! also, remember that my requests are always open!
you can also read on AO3 here.
PART 2 & 3 out now.
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Part 1
The lights came down harshly on your skin, illuminating the dim room just a tad more. The club is decently packed, and a small crowd of people at the beginning of the night quickly turns into a bustling scene full of college girls looking for either a good time or a quick fuck, either way, it’s still fun. Then there were the rowdy frat boys either being annoying or harassing girls at the bar, either way, they were douchebags. 
One type stood out to you though, it was a small group of guys, but they were different. You couldn’t help but notice these men, they were talking with each other at their fancy booth in the back of the club. There were 4 of them, all devilishly handsome you had to admit, but one of them shined particularly bright. You saw him frequent the bar throughout the night, until now. 
You feel a force bump into you from the side, not hard but forceful enough for you to spill a little bit of your drink on the bar. “Oh I’m sorry sweetheart are you ok” you hear from beside you, a charming voice guiding you. And there he is, your mystery man you’ve had your eye on all night. 
“Oh yeah I’m fine don’t worry about it.” You nearly yell above the loud music to him.
“Well it looks like you spilled your drink,” He says, making you look at the reminisce of your drunken reflexes failing you. 
“Don’t worry about it it’s ok” You smile at him, and in return, he looks directly into your eyes. His brown eyes caused a shift in your stomach, piercing your soul while comforting you in a delightful mix of emotions. 
“Well, I can stop worrying about it if you let me buy you a drink.” The clever way to buy a girl a drink. You sigh, “Well crap, I guess I gotta let you buy me a drink now.” You laugh out. “Why thank you,” he says, leaning over the bar and ordering sex on the beach. “Sex on the beach? how’d you know?” he looks back over at you with a smug grin strewn across his face, bewitching you even more. “I saw you ordering it when you first walked in.” Oh. So he was staring at you the whole night, interesting, I guess a smart girl’s intuition never fails. “Well thank you for noticing, Mr-” “Kiszka, but it would be best if you called me Josh.” “Well thank you very much, Josh, nice to meet you.” You smile back at him and for a moment you can feel lust piercing through you like you’ve been shot by Cupid himself. Who knew an arrow through the heart could feel so good? 
The rest of the next 40 or so minutes flew by in a hurricane of lustful glances and drunken introductions set in the brightly dimmed nightclub you found yourself in. Meeting his friends, those 4 guys you kept in mind to be specific. Their names were Jake, who just so happened to be the twin of Josh, (is it bad you’ve always dreamt of having a thing with a set of twins?) and their little brother Sam, accompanied by their friend Danny. And my god were they the epitome of beauty and grace, their suave presence somehow lighting up the dim nightclub. But then the next thing you knew, you were making out with Josh in the back alley waiting for an Uber. 
The ride back to his apartment was tense but uneventful in respect of the poor Uber driver who had probably dealt with enough drunk people tonight already. The sexual tension was overflowing from the backseat where you both resided, his hand on your thigh resting ever so gently with all the passion and care in the world. 
Then the car stopped, his hand quickly unbuckling your seatbelt for you and grabbing your hand, leading you out onto the sidewalk in front of a lavish apartment building, the ones you see celebrities come out of in staged paparazzi photo shoots. You felt his hand snake around your waist leading you into the lobby encrusted with marble and the stench of rich people wasting money because they can. Who were you about to sleep with? God only knows but you know for a fact you got lucky. 
The makeout session in the elevator was heated, so much so that you barely paid attention to the fact the elevator went straight into a hall with only 5 or 6 doors, with Josh leading you down the short hall straight into his apartment, or more so what looked like to be a penthouse. You didn’t get a great look at it though - through the lips on lips and hands and waists it was hard to pay attention to detail. 
He broke your kiss in what felt like hours, arguably the best of your life. You’re led into his bedroom quickly, He playfully drags you into the room, pushing you onto the bed. You spread your legs for him, butterflies swirl in your core. You watch as he starts to slow down, pulling his shirt over his head. He puts his knee in between your legs climbing over you on the bed. Your lips collide once more, desperate and lustful. You moan into it, quickly making work of his pants, pulling them down to his thighs. You can feel him through his boxers, already harder than ever. He slides his hand up your thigh, slowing towards the hem of your dress. He stops briefly, “Can I?” you only respond by lifting your hips and starting to pull it off, he stops you and pushes your hips back down with proximity while pulling it off, throwing it somewhere into the dark room, only lit by the moonlight shining in through the ceiling high window. 
Your body feels like it’s on fire, all you feel is warmth. Josh’s body presses up against yours again, lips and tongues intertwined making your head spiral, hell you had just met this guy an hour ago. This was way more fun than you thought you’d have tonight. A random man named Josh, his 3 best friends are hot - and you got to meet them, this guy is probably rich as fuck, and my god was he good.
He pulls away briefly losing the shorts and boxers. You can see his tip already red and leaking, he leans over you, continuing a loss you had such a brief moment ago. He reaches down underneath your hips and tears your underwear off, throwing it aside. The hold he has on your hips is strong, a sickeningly lustful feeling going straight to your head. He breaks away, “Do you want me to wear a condom?” he asks, almost breathless. “It’d be nice,” you say, catching your breath as well. He smiles and reaches over you to the nightstand grabbing one and tearing it open and putting it on swiftly. You grab his face, pulling him down to kiss you. Josh laughs through the kiss, his chuckle soon turns into a moan as he kisses down your neck. “Can I fuck you?” is all he manages to breathe out. “God, please.” you moan.
Your gut and head both turn to jelly as he enters you, not too slow, not too hard, and not too fast.
God, he’s good.
You feel the vibrations of his moan on your neck, mixed with the vibrations of yours coming from the same source. You can’t help but let it all out, moans and whimpers and all the beautiful sounds of sex fill up this room. His hips are snapping into yours, picking up the pace, brutally. He leans back, never losing stamina. Josh grips your hips, hard enough that you’re sure it’ll leave a bruise. He slides up to your upper thighs, pulling them apart while he kneels in front of you, throwing the back of your knees over his shoulders, making a new angle and another powerful sensation. You feel a coil start to form in your midgut, stronger than anything before it. “Fuck, I’m close-” You’re broken off by another moan escaping you by mistake. You watch as his hips snap back into you over and over, his abs are flexing and covered in a slight sheen of sweat. He takes his thumb and rubs it right underneath your clit, right on the sweet spot that drives you insane. Your orgasm comes crashing into you like a freight train at top speed. You don’t even realize how loud you moan, a headrush almost making you black out. You ride it out, soon coming to, hearing the pretty sound of Josh moaning and letting a slight whimper escape his pretty lips. “Fuck, baby-” he cuts himself off with a loud moan and the stutter of his hips. You feel the warmness in your gut fill you through the latex. He almost collapses on top of you, forearms pressed on the bed bedside. You rest your hands on the back of his neck, slowly caressing him through his post cum clarity. “That was the best sex I’ve ever had,” you admit, and to be completely honest, it was. That had been the best, let alone the best orgasm you’ve ever had. You feel him laugh a little, his head perking up, eyes locking with yours. “Really?” he breathes out, a chuckle leaving his lips, his pretty, pretty lips. God, he was beautiful. “Yes.” You watch as his eyes, seeing the words go straight to his head. “Why thank you, baby, I’m flattered.” he gives you a quick kiss on the lips, a gentle but beautiful gesture.
He slowly pulls out of you, taking off the condom and tying a knot in it. “I’ll be right back,” he gently pats your thigh as he gets up and heads towards the bathroom. Finally, you get the chance to look around and analyze where you are. It’s still dark, the moonlight shining in was still a good enough source though. His bed lies in the middle of the room. His walls are off-white, with unique artwork that just looks expensive. Goddamn, you hit the gold mine in the crowd of the bar tonight. You suddenly hear the bathroom door open back up, looking over you see his stature in the doorway, backlight by the bathroom light. He walks over and comes back up to you with a damp washcloth. “Do you mind if I clean you up?” He asks gently, his voice so calming you couldn’t help but agree to the kind gesture. He takes the washcloth to your upper thighs, cleaning up the stickiness. Gently, with more precision than ever, he glides it over your cunt, making sure not to overstimulate, while also cleaning you well. “Thank you,” you mutter out, now suddenly a bit shy after all is said and done. “You’re welcome, sweetheart,” he says, smiling brightly at you. You watch as he throws the towel in a hamper, turns off the bathroom light, turns back around, and hops back into bed. He offers you to climb under the covers with him, to which you happily oblige.
“Thank you, Josh, this is nice,” you say, making yourself comfortable in his bedsheets. He places a hand on your cheek, leaning on his side to fully lock eyes with you. “Of course, how could I see a beautiful girl like you and not treat her well?” you laugh along with him, thanking him for his kindness. You cuddle into his arms, sleepiness suddenly washing over you. His delightful musk fills your senses, his skin is so soft and gentle. This man is just so…beautiful. And kind. And sweet. And my god you can’t remember the last time, if at all, where you have ever been this happy, especially after hooking up with a guy you met at a bar. Josh brings you in closer, his gentle love lulls you to sleep, as the world around just goes into a comfortable silence.
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oraclekleo · 1 year
[18+] Pick-A-Pile: Ultimate Future Spouse Tarot Reading (PART 1)
Hello, my dear followers and random visitors of this blog of mine! Some (LOOOONG) time ago I promised a detailed and wholesome Pick-A-Pile tarot reading on your Future Spouse. This has originated in the fact I have received so many pretty repetitive Future Spouse requests that instead of doing the same type of reading 20 times, I decided to turn it into a PAC reading. Sorry to everyone who requested the future spouse reading but I’m sure you can choose one of the piles. I have made 6 piles which is a bit too long for Tumblr so this PAC reading is going to come in two parts. Make sure to treat them as if they were one reading. Remember this is still a general reading. Take what resonates with you personally, the rest was probably not meant for you. I have included physical appearance traits. And again not all of the aspects will apply to your future spouse. Dismiss the ones that don’t sound like your type. In case you need any further clarification, don’t be shy to contact me through DM or inbox or my email. If you don’t reach out to me, I will consider all your future spouse requests completed.
All of my tarot readings have purely entertainment nature
Tarot isn’t an exact science, I can never ever guarantee any of what’s said in a reading
Tarot isn’t a law or dogma to follow. You have a free will to decide no matter what the cards say.
Never make life decisions based on tarot only.
This is a general reading, take what resonates.
PART 1: PILES 1 - 2 - 3
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PART 2: PILES 4 - 5 - 6
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Cards: 19. The Child (The Oracle of Roses), House Seven (Heavenly Bodies Astrology Oracle), The Goat and Willow (Woodland Wardens Oracle), Dragon, Hawk (The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle), King of Cups, VII The Chariot, 6 of Wands, 4 of Cups (The Light Seer’s Tarot), 5 of Wands, 0 The Fool, XII The Hanged Man, 5 of Cups (Dark Wood Tarot)
Dear Pile 1, your future spouse is a person with integrity and very mature. It’s possible they are older than you but it’s not a rule here. The string of mirroring runs through the whole reading. Your future spouse is a person of great composure, they don’t lose their nerves easily and usually maintain calm in stressful situations. People are likely to look up to them and praise their wisdom and dignity.
Your future spouse knows that nothing comes for free in life, they know they will always reap what they have sown. They have the ability to see value in everything and to see beauty in everyone they meet. Your future spouse is a compassionate person but they don’t let the emotional outbreaks of others sweep them off their feet. They can navigate through the emotional waters like professional sea captains and they rarely slip into anger.
Pile 1, your future spouse has been through tough times. Some of you might relate to the fact that your future spouse is a widower / widow. They carry sadness within their heart and soul, some of them even from previous lifetimes. It has taught them to never lose hope, though. Despite all the hardships they have been through, they still have a life drive, they overcome obstacles and face challenges with courage.
When your future spouse is in a bad mood, they might have a tendency to exaggerate and suspect others. Be careful not to give them a reason to get jealous as they don’t forget easily and once they start suspecting you, you will have a hard time convincing them that nothing happened. Be honest with your spouse, even brutally honest as they have excellent intuition and will see through lies and deceive.
Your future spouse, Pile 1, is a deeply curious person and they are likely to be interested in ways of communication. If it’s not their job, they are likely to adopt a hobby that will allow them to express their thoughts in a sensitive way and reach an audience of adoring fans. They like to be admired for their achievements so don’t forget to compliment them meaningfully. Don’t try to tell them empty flatters, though. They want you to notice and appreciate what they truly did. They are likely to use their words in order to influence other people’s lives for the better. They are likely to be teachers, gurus, counsellors, and therapists. Their life purpose is to reveal other people’s greatness, help them to see the beauty within themselves, as your future spouse can see it at first sight.
Dear Pile 1, your future spouse is a mature and mentor-like person on the outside but deep in their heart, they are pure and even childishly naive sometimes. They believe all people have good in them. They might sometimes be tricked by malicious people but they never lose hope.
When it comes to your future spouse’s love life, they are probably not that experienced. They might only have one or two lovers before meeting you as their relationships tend to be serious and long term. They are more traditional when it comes to dating, they probably believe in old-fashioned courtship. Your future spouse is a gentleman (even if they are female or nonbinary). They are likely to treat you with kindness and utmost respect. While they are old-fashioned, they are not likely to stand for the traditional role stereotypes. You don’t have to worry they would leave cooking and dishes to you while they would sit on a couch motionless. They will treat you well but also put as much effort into your relationship as you do and they will respect your opinions and let you use your unique voice freely.
I mentioned your future spouse is not likely to have many partners before you. That doesn’t mean they are inexperienced when it comes to marital pleasures. Once again, they are more likely to prefer traditional ways, they are not much into extremes or experimenting and the missionary is likely to be their favourite position. Your future spouse might prefer to control the show in the bedroom, not exactly from the position of the dom but as I mentioned, they are gentlemen and they want to treat you and make you feel relaxed. In their eyes, you are the most beautiful creature in the world and they want to worship you as the goddess you are for them. If you have picked this pile, it’s unlikely you’re the type to take charge in bed and you will like your spouse’s proactive approach.
You and your spouse are likely to have a very balanced relationship. You might be very similar in nature, probably started as good friends and just step by step fell in love with each other. For other people you might even look like you mirror each other, you probably subconsciously reach hands to each other at the same moment, you finish each other’s sentences. You are one soul dwelling in two bodies.
Physical Appearance
(Take only the ones that resonates, this is a general reading, if there are features you are not particularly interested in, they weren’t meant for you)
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Cards: Seahorse (Wild Mystic Oracle), Freedom (Sacred Destiny Oracle), Eagle, Key, Bag (Tea Leaf Fortune Cards), 8. Commitment (Urban Crow Oracle), 13. Child (Gilded Reverie Lenormand), 37. Descendant (Starcodes Astro Oracle), 4 of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, 9 of Wands (Crow Tarot), 10 of Cups, Knight of Wands, X The Wheel of Fortune (Edgar Allan Poe Tarot)
Dear Pile 2, your future spouse is truly a family person, a daddy, a mommy, the one born to build a family and what’s even more important, they actually truly wish to have a spouse and start a family with them. Your future spouse is reliable both personally and financially, they are likely to be hard workers but also smart workers with a vision. They might start working hard from 9 to 5 but they have ambitions, they are quick to learn and it’s very likely for them to climb the corporate ladder fast or to start a business of their own to make sure their family is well secured.
Dear Pile 2, your future spouse is probably someone who has a big family already or if it’s not a family by blood, they are very close with their friends. If they don’t already have children from a previous marriage when you meet them, they are probably the fun uncle for their nephews, nieces and their friends’ children. They have a fantastic relationship with children in general.
I have mentioned previous marriages and it’s actually pretty possible, your future spouse is a person who went through divorce. The 3 of Swords speak of heartbreak, while the 9 of Wands suggest perseverance. Your future spouse is likely a person who doesn’t really hold grudges. Their divorce might have meant an end to a chapter of their life but it’s possible they maintain a decent and polite relationship with their ex spouse simply to make the whole thing easier for their children. Dear Pile 2, if you have picked these cards, you are probably a person, who will accept and welcome your future spouse’s children from their previous marriages. If this is not your case, pick a different pile.
Dear Pile 2, your future spouse is not a fan of extreme sports or any other kind of hazardous hobby. They are more on the timid side. They might enjoy doing DIY’s, gardening, casual cycling, nature (especially bird watching, I’m getting that strongly). I can sense a certain neatness in your future spouse so it’s very likely they will be willing to help with house chores, maybe even be better in them than you are. They might be good cooks as well. They are truly more of homely types to enjoy the peace and comfort with you and your family.
All these might make you think they are a bit boring when it comes to romance and sex but that’s not the case here. Dear Pile 2, your future spouse is actually a very passionate lover and while they might not be into super kinky practices, they do have a certain curiosity in them and will be willing to explore some of the more pleasurable positions or techniques you might suggest to them. I mentioned they have a thing for nature and it’s possible your future spouse is keen to get down to business outdoors. Camping with them is likely to be fun. Your future spouse has a certain playfulness in them, they might not always let others know always but they do like to tease you. They are no beast but more like a playful kitten. I also see gentleness in them and an open mind. They have no problem being submissive now and then. If you prefer them in a dominant position, they are the soft and caring type of dom.
Dear Pile 2, your future spouse and you seem to have a truly good chemistry. You can see the seahorses how they are in love. Seahorse male is also the one being pregnant which suggests your future spouse is capable of understanding you and stepping into your shoes when you ask them. If you are the housewife but suddenly have to travel away, you don’t have to worry because your spouse is perfectly capable of managing your responsibilities. They are not the type to say they were babysitting. It’s not babysitting when it’s your child, right? Your future spouse knows your children’s schedules and needs and they are capable of taking care of anything. It gives you a fantastic feeling of security with them. The cards are mostly positive and it’s pretty possible you would rarely ever argue.
As I mentioned before, your future spouse is a family person and it’s very likely they will seek a job with good work-life balance. It’s very important for them to feel purpose at work, to be needed and on the other hand, to be adequately rewarded for their hard work. They might try several jobs but if they can’t find a good balance as an employee, they are likely to set their own business up.
In general, your future spouse is likely to always pursue the happiness of their family and they are willing to do anything for it. They are loving, caring and responsible.
Physical Appearance
(Take only the ones that resonates, this is a general reading, if there are features you are not particularly interested in, they weren’t meant for you)
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Cards: Clover (The Seed & Sickle Oracle), XX The Caiman and Poppy (Woodland Wardens Oracle), LXVII Sublimation (The Wild Unknown Alchemy Oracle), 48. Risks (Oracle of Visions), Growth (Prism Oracle), Pioneer (Archetype Cards), 8 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles, 0 The Fool (Tarot in Wonderland), VIII Strength, 5 of Wands, IX The Hermit (Tarot of the Divine)
Dear Pile 3, your future spouse is a dreamer and idealist. They are always on some sort of a quest - to learn something new, to master a new skill, to help someone, to fight the big evil corporate company, to save the world, you name it. They can’t just sit back, relax and ignore when there’s something wrong or evil going on. They are the hero type of a person. On the other hand, they don’t really have a master plan on how to win the fight and how to achieve their goals. They have passion, curiosity and good will, they go into endeavours head on, they jump into the unknown without thinking about consequences. And that might be challenging for the people around them, specifically you, my dear pile 3. While their intentions are all good, your future spouse might walk around with their head in the clouds, always occupied with some noble mission of theirs, forgetting about all the everyday life details.
Dear Pile 3, your future spouse is likely a person with high values and always trying to become the best version of themselves. Sometimes they rise so above ordinary life, they might lose contact with reality, though. They might become detached from you, family, friends, your community. On the other hand, when like Icarus they fly too close to the sun and fall back down, they will seek help. The only trouble is that people might not be so willing to help someone who left them behind before. You might need to keep your future spouse’s feet on the ground so they don’t cut ties with reality. Their vision and intentions might be excellent ones, they only need the reality check.
As mentioned, your future spouse is a person with goals to achieve and it’s very likely most of their hobbies and interests are ones that will help them on their way. They might not really have a hobby purely for fun, all their leisure activities are actually small steps towards their big goals. They have a very curious mind and it’s likely for them to remain a student for life, constantly reading and learning. That’s something they find pleasure in.
Speaking of pleasures, your future spouse, pile 3, is a person of contradictions. While they seem rather soft, gentle and compassionate when it comes to their noble quests, they truly turn into the beast in sheets. The caiman looks as if in trans most of the time but it becomes fast and furious once it’s after a prey. Your future spouse is similar in that matter. They might seem so deep in thoughts, so well composed while sitting by their desk and the next minute they wipe all things down the desk and have you seated there, ripping the clothes off. I also get a sense of them being well equipped in case your future spouse is a male. They probably aren’t overly romantic in a traditional way. They might be too occupied with all the suffering in the world to remember your wedding anniversary. On the other hand, if you manage to remind them in time, they will come with gifts to you, they probably prefer giving jewellery or perfumes.
I can see a lot of pushing and pulling in your cards so it’s possible your marriage isn’t exactly one made in heaven. You probably will fight and argue. Your future spouse might struggle to compromise, they probably believe they are always right. That’s something that might cause tension. They want to win any argument and they might not always think about possible consequences. Your future spouse is a tricky person to deal with but on the other hand I can see that a more gentle and even cunning approach might be successful for you. If you manage to make your future spouse think that your ideas are theirs, you will live a happy life.
Dear Pile 3, your future spouse might struggle with their career. I mentioned it multiple times, they are idealistic and whenever they feel their employer is being unfair or immoral or whatever issues your future spouse might have with them, they will fight the management or just straight up leave. It might lead to financial struggles as once again your future spouse can’t compromise their values, they can’t overlook any wrongdoings. It might take them a while to find a way to make the world a better place and still be able to pay the bills.
In general, your future spouse is simply too good for this world and you are the one balancing the scales and making sure the mundane issues will get as much attention as the global problems.
Physical Appearance
(Take only the ones that resonates, this is a general reading, if there are features you are not particularly interested in, they weren’t meant for you)
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See the rest of the piles in PART 2 of this reading.
Please, remember that this tarot reading is purely for fun. Thank you.
Let me know what pile you picked 😊
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Had My Chances (c.h)
Pairing: Calum Hood x Fem! Reader
Requested? Yes, by the lovely @getsojaded
Summary: Based on the One Direction song "loved you first" Calum can't help but feel jealous to see you with another man.
Warnings: Angst! Language, mentions of alcohol, smoking. Some grammatical mistakes (English is not my first language, I'm sorry)
Word count: 4.6K
Author's note: I've finally wrote an angst that broke my heart again, and I'm so happy with it. Remember that REBLOGS are very IMPORTANT AND MEAN A LOT as well as COMMENTS AND INTERACTIONS. PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR WRITERS. Hope you like it and happy reading
My masterlist // taglist on bio!
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Calum was choking the hell out of his beer can, leaving the imprints of his fingers as evidence for the poor soul that had to clean this mess up later.
It was an unconscious type of thing - he’s been doing a lot of unconscious things lately, none of them his fault, he would argue - but the intent behind it is nothing innocent.
There was a time when he used to be the life of the party. Or at least a bit more vivid than just standing in a far-off corner glaring at someone who barely paid attention to him. He didn’t mean to glare or to even look in their direction, but it was impossible to take his eyes off them. It was almost as if he wanted to hurt so badly he’d find a way out of heartache. Battle fire with fire and those sorts of things.
“Okay, who are we hatin’?”
He didn’t even need to look to his right to know that Ashton was standing there even before he spoke. His friend - the ever more intuitive when it came to talking about heartbreak or breaking hearts - should already know the answer to his question, and Calum knows he knows. Ashton just wants him to admit it.
Still, Ashton followed his gaze till it landed on the target.
“Cal,” He sighed “You can’t keep doing this to yourself. Nor her, for that matter”
“I’m not doing anything” Calum mumbled into his drink.
“You’re overthinking”
“And you should mind your own business” He spat, leaving the poor, abused can on the shelf behind him.
Calum walked outside, trying to get some air before his hands started roaming through his pockets looking for his pack of cigarettes. He tried to quit it, and many times he tried in vain. There was always something that pulled him into the vice again. Tonight was the selfish need of having the power to hurt himself without people noticing. Something he could regret tomorrow. Something that didn’t involve making the mistake of spilling and saying what he should’ve said years ago.
The lighter provided the only gleam of the outsides that night. As Calum inhaled the toxins of his favorite weapon, he closed his eyes and hoped to wake up and let all of this be a dream. But that wish went away with the smoke he pulled out of his lungs, watching it disappear into the night till it merged with the stars above.
He was not a man used to not getting what he wanted. So is this a gut punch to his ego? Yes, of course. But had he not been in love for some time he’d believe that it’ll come to pass, ignoring the heart-wrenching reality of him not being able to lightly caress your hair with the tip of his fingers; or not care about how his body moved him toward your space every time you were around; or claim that the times you were both in a group laughing, he would stare at you, drinking on your reaction and getting drunk of your laugh, while you stared at someone else.
It was just usual for him not getting what he wanted. But this was beyond any desire of his. This, for a lack of better words, was beyond his reach. And he hated it. He hated every moment of it since the first time he realized it, hoping it’ll go away.
But what could he expect from falling for his best friend?
Calum always believed in past lives and how you’re meant to reconnect with people that have meant something important to you. Whether it was in the form of a mother, a father, a pet, a friend, a teacher, a lover… Soulmates will find their way.
He also believed that his brothers were his soulmates. He knows deep in his heart that Luke, Michael, Ashton, and himself were meant to meet in every life, making music and sharing their message across the world for other people to hear. He also believed that his dog, Duke, might’ve come to him as a guide. An old teacher who bound his life to appear in the moments he needed most. He believes that his family would always be his family, maybe in different ways, but they’ll always come together one way or another.
Now, there is one thing Calum isn’t sure of, and that is you.
What were you to him before? Why are you here with him? And why does he feel compelled to be your everything?
When you met years ago, Calum didn’t think much of that first encounter. You were just a friend of a friend, a normal acquaintance. But then you kept meeting each other, whether at a party or a concert. And every time you grew closer. Whether it was the jokes you shared, the similar tastes in music and movies, the way you made each other laugh, or the secret codes you accidentally created. He was just eighteen back then, but he knew it had to mean something.
He just couldn’t figure out what role you played in his life. Not yet, at least.
“I don’t think that because you had a bad experience with milk you become lactose intolerant,” You said casually as you applied your mascara in the mirror.
It was not unusual for Calum to find himself pressing the facetime button to call you every day now, especially given that he was on the other side of the country touring with his band. The calls would mostly consist of him telling you about his day and you doing the same as the two of you would go on with your lives as if you were in the same room together even though you’re miles apart.
The two of you would indulge in conversations that could be as deep as a puddle of water - as the one you’re having now - or as deep as the sea. Never once feeling uncomfortable or falling silent. And even in the quiet types of calls, when you only need to feel each other’s presence after a long day, you would embrace the silence as a comfort rather than an inconvenience.
And Calum loved that. He loved these little moments with you. It didn’t matter if they lasted two minutes or three hours. He just knew that talking to you was one of the top best moments of his day.
He just didn’t understand why yet
“I could be, though” He pouted, watching as you applied blush to your cheeks “And the next time you take me for ice cream I might die and it’ll be your fault for playing it down”
You chuckled “I don’t think that’s how it works, babe”
And there it was, that little, weird feeling that made him all warm and fuzzy inside, triggered by a nickname. Calum quickly swallowed it down, just marking it up as the victory that was to make you laugh.
Still, he changed the subject.
“Why are you getting all dolled up?” He asked. Ignoring the way Luke looked at him for a second before going back to playing subway surfers on his phone.
“I’m going out”
“Dinner I guess, probably dancing afterward” You shrugged, trying to decide on which lipstick would suit best with your outfit.
“Girls' night?”
“No, it’s more like a date, I think. Well, he didn’t actually say “date - date” but I mean, he did everything you do when you ask someone for a date and-” You looked at your phone screen “Are you okay?”
Only then did Calum realize he clenched his jaw. He blinked at you and disguised it with a fake yawn.
“I didn’t know you had a date,” He said, trying to sound uninterested, but Luke’s eyes on him told him he was a bullshit actor.
You didn’t seem to catch it, though.
“I told you I was going out with Jessie”
“I thought you meant Jessica”
“Does it matter?” You asked, cornering him to a wall - metaphorically.
Calum sighed “Nope, just be safe and have fun, alright?”
You rolled your eyes and sarcastically said “Yes, dad” as you applied some gloss. Just in time for the doorbell to ring “Oops, that’s him. Wish me luck!”
And it might’ve been your smile and the way your eyes lit up when the doorbell rang knowing it was Jessie on the other side, or it might’ve been the spoiled milk he had in his coffee earlier. But there was an uneasy, foreign feeling in Calum’s chest as you said goodbye. Almost as if he didn’t want you to go at all.
But that was crazy. It’s probably nothing. So he smiled tightly and said “Bye, Y/N/N” and watched as you faded away before the facetime call ended.
Calum closed his eyes for a moment, frowning upon discovering this sunken feeling in his chest.
However, it didn’t last much as Luke was suddenly blasting “Jessie’s girl” through the hotel room’s speakers. Calum - rightfully so - smacked him with a pillow.
“Shut up” He groaned.
“I didn’t say anything!” Luke laughed
“You were going to!”
“How the fuck should you know?!”
A string of grumbled curses left Calum’s lips as he got up from the bed and went through his suitcase.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going out with Ash, wanna come?” He said, putting on a clean shirt.
“I didn’t know you were going out” Luke commented as he got up and went to find a shirt as well.
“We are now, c’mon”
To say the other two were surprised by Calum’s sudden need to go partying was an understatement given that Michael already was in his pajamas when the bassist went and knocked on their door, but neither of them was opposed to the idea. Soon, the whole band was dancing and drinking out at a club neither of them knew about one hour ago.
And if Calum was seen dancing and making out with a girl that looked like you, it was no one’s business but his own. And when he woke up next to a said girl a few hours later, no one needed to know.
The night was turning warmer, though that could be because of the alcohol and the three cigarettes he had since he came outside. The party was still in full swing but he wanted no part of that. Not when you were there with… him.
It’s stupid and he knows it. To have this unsolved grudge against you and every person you date.
You don’t owe him anything, no explanation or justification for any relationship you had or the one you were currently in. But he can’t help it. It’s just that every time he sees you wrapped around your partner’s arms he just wants to rip them off you and shield you from anyone’s eyes. From the moment he first noticed his feelings toward you it was clear that he couldn’t act on them to not ruin the relationship you two have.
He hates them. Every single one of them, every bloke that broke your heart or made you cry. He hates the ones you fell in love with, the ones that loved you back. The one that’s sitting on the couch next to you with his arms around your shoulder and the one that makes you laugh. He hates him the most and he’s not above showing it.
It’s not healthy but he doesn’t know how to stop.
“Why are you so protective of me?” You asked him once and he didn’t know how to tell you, so he made his heart quiet as his mind gave him a logical reason.
There were so many times when he could’ve fessed up and just tell you as it is. To make him the one that you would share your nights with instead of useless men who are not worthy of you.
Was he worthy of you?
Time for another cigarette.
Calum opened the door to find you there with a friendly smile; a pint of ice cream; a skin-care kit; and a bottle of wine. He couldn’t help but laugh as he stepped back so you could enter his house.
“I told you I’m fine,” He said, shaking his head as you made yourself comfortable on his couch, settling all the post-break-up necessities on the table.
“And I believe you,” You shrugged. “But I also know you, Cal. And you say you’re okay now but in a week it’ll all crash down as it always does because you bottle up your feelings. So let’s get them out of the way while we avoid the wreckage”
“I thought you didn’t even like her,” He said, sitting down next to you.
“I never said that!”
Calum gave you a look.
“I just didn’t think you were a good fit… that’s all” You confessed sheepishly.
Calum sighed “Well, you were right”
“I didn’t want to be” You scooted closer to him “I’m sorry, Cal. You truly seemed happy with her. And I liked seeing you happy”
He nodded but didn’t say anything. The break-up happened just a couple of days ago, and you were right when it came to talking about feelings now rather than later. But it was all so very new to him.
“I just- I never had a relationship like this before” He confessed.
“You really liked her, didn’t you?”
And yes, he did. For the first time in years, Calum could actually focus on a relationship. He had met his ex at a party, they talked all night and then he went home with her number saved on his phone. What followed were almost two years of amazing moments and memories filled with love but… something wasn’t right.
It wasn’t something any of them did, it just sort of happened. Blame the routine and the lack of effort from both parties, but they didn’t feel as if the relationship should continue. Yes, he would always feel something for her and would treasure those memories with care. Yet, he can’t say he’s sad and broken.
All his past relationships ended in heartbreak because his partners felt like a third wheel in their own relationships. And they had every right to break up with him. For all he knew, Calum just jumped into those relationships to get over you or to distract himself into loving another person that wasn’t you, all for nothing. Yet this relationship seemed like the real deal, the one that could actually sweep him off his feet and take his mind off of you, truly making him feel alive. And it worked until it didn’t. Until she called things off saying
“I don’t know if it’s me or if it’s you, but this is not working. We haven’t been working for a while now, have we?”
All he could do was agree and let her go. He loved her enough to do that without a fight. Or didn’t love her as he should. And maybe all she wanted was for him to fight for them, guess he let themselves down on that one. But if all these break-ups had something in common, is that you would always be there by his side to cheer him up.
“She deserves someone that can provide her with what she needs,” He said as you both sit with face masks and two glasses of wine filled to the brim “I guess it was not meant to be me”
“I’m sorry, Cal” You gave him a small, apologetic smile, while your hand went to his shoulder and squeezed it. His hand soon fell on top of yours “I’m proud of your decision, though, you and hers. It’s not healthy to be hung up in a relationship that’s just not going anywhere”
“Yeah, I know” He sighed, hiding the small smile that popped up when you didn’t retrieve your hand from his “It’s not like I’m heartbroken or anything, it’s just- I guess I’m just frustrated that we couldn’t make it work. None of my relationships seem to last because of that”
“Well, have you wondered why?” You sat up with interest, turning toward him and moving your hand to his thigh. Something completely innocent on your part, but that still made Calum’s heart beat a little bit faster.
“Of course I have”
“So what is keeping you from going after what you want in a relationship? Is it a previous heartbreak?”
“No… I don’t think I had one of those before” He said like a liar.
He knew that his heart was in perpetual mourning because of you, he was just too proud to admit it. All his past attempts at love were only meant to get over you and forget about the person you were currently hung up with.
Whenever you would tell him about a date or a new partner he’d made sure he’d have another story for you. Some of them made up on the spot, some taking inspiration from one of his friend’s dates, some of them real but without the same, genuine excitement you showed for your love life. A love life that didn’t include him.
Unconsciously, he made it a competition. Did you go on a date? He went on two. Did you kiss someone? He spent the night in another bed. All just so you could give him some type of reaction. Any indication that you were mad or uncomfortable about it. About him dating someone that isn't you. But every time you were supportive, feeling happy for him, and even encouraging him to call girls he didn’t even want to know more than just a one-night stand.
Calum only ever wanted for you to feel like he feels whenever he has to hear about the new guy that brought you flowers; the one that took you on a spontaneous trip to the Grand Canyon; or the one that cooked you a homemade meal for your first date. All the things that were killing him, he hoped you could feel at least a small amount of it. Waiting for you to realize it sooner rather than later.
“What?” You chuckled, nudging him with your elbow “The great Calum Hood never had his heart broken, he just breaks all the hearts along the way”
He laughed, pushing you slightly “Not all the hearts”
“Oh yeah, the other ones are Ashton’s job”
Calum just shook his head, quieting the voice in his head telling him that he didn’t break all the hearts because he was not going to break yours if given the chance to have it.
“Laugh all you want, you little gremlin,” He said
“Aww, Cal, I’m sorry” You pouted “I didn’t mean to upset you. I just really want you to be happy, you know? Find your person and all of that”
“I am happy, Y/N” He stated matter-of-factly “I have the band, the fans, Duke… I have you”
“I know, and I’m also so happy to have you” You smiled, lacing your fingers with his “But I’m talking about “the one”. You know, the one that makes your heart go crazy and the world spin around slower. The one that occupies your mind and every time you think about them you can’t help but smile. Someone that you can actually fall in love with. I’m not talking about marriage or things that we don’t believe in most of the time. But the one that makes the heartbreaks and disappointments all worth it because it led you to them”
Calum stared at you with an unreadable look in his eyes. How could you describe exactly what he was feeling but still have no idea that he has those feelings for you?
It has been a long time since he accepted you as being more than friends, or at least in his heart he knows you could be more. You were just perfect in every way, made just for him. And he loves you, he loves you so much without a hint of fear or doubt. But you just can’t see it.
“Maybe there is someone…” He mumbled, ready to spill his heart out to you on a silver platter.
But before you could register his words, your phone started ringing.
“Shit, wait a second,” You said, grabbing your phone from the table. Calum saw the small smile that formed on your lips before you declined the call “Sorry, what did you say?”
“Y/N, I-” He started again, and once again your phone interrupted him. He sighed “You should get that”
“What?” You asked, already silencing the phone again “No, it’s nothing, I promise”
“Who is it, though?”
“Oh, it’s just Matt”
“Yeah, I told you about him, remember?” And he wished he didn’t.
You told him you were going on a date with someone called Matt a couple of weeks ago. He didn’t know you were still talking, let alone that you moved on to the “call” phase of the relationship. And now he couldn’t help but notice the gleam in your eyes when you said his name, a gleam that he knew would never be reserved for him.
“I forgot to tell him that he needn’t call me tonight” You sighed, already texting him. Calum could see the disappointment in your eyes.
“You should call him”
“What? No, Cal, I’m here for you and nothing is going to change that”
“I know, and thank you for that,” He said, faking his smile as much as he could “But I know you, and I know you want to call him so go ahead. I don’t mind”
You sighed “Thanks, babe. I’m just going to tell him tonight is off limits, it’ll take five minutes and then I’m all yours”
Oh and how it hurt him hearing you laugh from the kitchen as those five minutes went on. You sounded so happy and full of joy… he couldn’t take that from you now and, plus, would you even believe him?
Matt… what does he have that Calum doesn’t? Apparently, all the necessary to make you come back all giddy and blushing.
And when you sat up next to him and changed the topic back to Calum, his glass was already half empty.
“Hey, mate” Calum heard after the door slid open. Ashton soon stood next to him “Ready to go back in there?”
“Would Michael miss me if I don’t sing happy birthday to him?”
“You will break his heart” Ashton chuckled, trying to make him laugh as well but to no avail “You can’t avoid her forever, you know? She’s starting to notice”
“Well about fucking time” Calum spat, throwing the last of his cigarette to the floor.
Ashton sighed “Cal, c’mon… It’s not fair on her”
“It’s not fair to me either! What do you think, Ash? Do you think it’s funny for me to see her with him? To know every fucking detail of her happy life with Matt as if it didn’t kill me inside? It’s been years! Years where I have been so fucking close to telling her how I feel but there’s always him in the middle!”
He wasn’t crying, and he would not cry either. But he stopped hiding the rage he felt as his true feelings came spilling out of his mouth like a fountain of truth. He’d never said any of this out loud but now it seemed impossible to stop it.
“I’m just so fucking tired of seeing her with him. Seeing her kissing him, holding his hand, going on dates… All the things I should be doing with her”
“No, fuck it! It’s true! It should be me! It always should’ve been me” His voice broke a little in the end “I should be the one in his place. I should’ve told her everything that night years ago, then I could be the one sitting on the couch with her, laughing and sharing those touches she thinks no one sees. But I do. All the fucking time those moments play on a loop inside my head and it’s making me want to scream. She’s the first girl I ever loved, the one that breaks my heart every single day because I keep letting her. She’s the one that’s making me feel like this without her knowing and it’s not fair! I could go in there right now and tell her how I feel but that won’t change a thing! She’ll still choose him! But I loved her first, Ash. I loved her first!”
Suddenly, all the air in his lungs was being crushed as Ashton brought him closer for a bone-wrenching hug.
For the first time that night, Calum relaxed. He let his body fall against Ashton’s frame as he hugged him back, hiding his face in his neck as the high of his confession wore off.
“I know it hurts,” Ashton said, lowly “But you can’t keep doing this to yourself, Cal”
“I know,” He sighed, pulling himself from the hug and patting Ashton’s arms “I don’t want to feel this way but I just can’t- I can’t let her go”
“Then try. You love her, do that for her”
“But what if-”
“If she feels the same and realizes that someday, then she’ll come to you. Don’t keep on waiting for an “if” Cal, you deserve more than that and so does Y/N”
Calum sighed and nodded, shaking his head a minute later from the overload of feelings. It wasn’t normal for him to snap like that, but it has been years since he kept it all in. It was bound to come out sooner or later, but he’d hope for a better outcome.
“Knock-knock!” Someone said behind them “Am I interrupting something?”
The two of them turn around to find you standing at the door, smiling at them as if nothing happened.
Immediately Calum started to panic, fearing that you’d heard everything. He said he hated your boyfriend, that he wishes he’d take his place, that he loved you… And you might’ve heard all of it while he was on a rant.
“H-hey, Y/N! Not at all, what’s up?” Ashton played the calm one, giving Calum time to freak out internally.
You were still smiling at them as you pointed back inside “We’re about to sing happy birthday, didn’t think you wanted to miss out”
You were acting so calm, with a big, kind smile on your face. Maybe you didn’t hear anything and just watched them hug awkwardly for a minute there. Calum could only hope. But then you smiled at him and nudged your head toward the party, and all he could do was breathe out and smile back, calming his nerves a little bit.
The three of you went back inside, quickly surrounding Michael as Luke brought out the cake and you all started to sing.
Calum looked back at you, standing next to Matt and leaning your head on his shoulder as your hands laced together. You looked briefly at your boyfriend and smiled, looking as happy as ever.
“Happy birthday dear Michael…”
And then it happened. For just one moment you looked back at Calum when he was already looking at you and his heart stopped.
You gave him a small, sad smile and shook your head no.
“Happy birthday to you!”
And all his hopes went away with the blow of the candles. * * tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @hoodharlow @littledrummeraussie @bubblegum183 @irwin-fletcher-ash @wiiildflowerrr @in-a-world-of-fandoms @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @in-superbloom @sadcupofcoffee @personalmuyverypersonal @himbohood @sofiaaraee @irwindoll @weasleytwinscumslut @fairytrice @colourfulcal @nibin0912 @hfkait @savagejane1 @youneedtocalumdown @heyitskelseaj @ashtonsunflower @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @alltimesos @wontlastimokwiththat @whywontyoulovemecami @theimpossiblehologramtree @perriexed @abiancajg @rewmuslupin @icelily13 @bookthingz @gracieboogirl @fastandtheformula1 @fckingpernico @multistann @averageantichrist @a-darneddarling @plaidshirtyears @ihavenoideawhattodowithyou @bittersweetb4by @aria-grace-scott @thestarsandtheircoffee @bvbygxrl @luisa180206 @xxxlaura @iamdayanaz @flyingburrito123 @drugerlime
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adviceformefromme · 10 months
This is going to sound so stupid but I’m having anxiety in my relationship because of my fear of being cheated on again (former relationship). Anytime my boyfriend follows a girl on Instagram (I feel like I have to check because Instagram is how it started in the past) I get a whirlwind of thoughts and what if’s and intrusive thoughts and feel like “Is this my intuition, is something off or am I just having anxiety?” Every time. It’s miserable and I don’t tell him this because I feel like I’m crazy and I feel horrible I even check his Instagram, I’m scared he’d think I’m turning into some obsessive and jealous girl and wouldn’t want to deal with me. I’m not, I’m just scared and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to stop the intrusive thoughts. The funny and not funny thing is, I truly don’t believe he’d ever cheat on me, he is the most beautiful and caring person inside and out, but I don’t understand why I have these intrusive thoughts and anxiety still?
Hey Sweetie, sorry to hear you are going through this. It absolutely sounds like an old wound that needs clearing. This will take some time and effort, you can use a good therapist if you have access to one otherwise i'll put some ideas below. They make take time and effort, but totally within your power to heal and move on from the intrusive thoughts:
create space each morning or once per week for self reflection and healing from 15 mins - 1 hour should be enough depending on your situation. This should include a meditation. Meditation is the foundation of healing because it creates space in your mind to witness your thoughts, and also allows room for your inner guidance to speak to you.
Part of your healing involves getting clear on all the thoughts that haunt you. Write them down, get them out of your mind into a journal or notepad.
Write a letter to your ex partner that hurt you, release all the hurts and pain you feel in this letter. Your ex doesn't need to ever receive this letter, this is you simply acknowledging your pain and giving it an outlet. Part of your healing can involve burning this letter in a release ritual or ripping it up and setting it free into the water.
Write a letter to yourself of forgiveness, write down everything you forgive yourself for. Give yourself permission to really release any pains that are clogged up inside of you. Get them on paper.
Once you have written out your letters, you need some powerful affirmations that are going to help you throughout the day. Set reminders on your phone throughout the day with your affirmations, here are some examples but use 2-5 affirmations that really connect with you. 'I am worthy of a loving and trusting relationship', 'I trust the journey of my heart's recovery.' 'I am worthy of genuine love and loyalty'
Focus on self love, and recovery. Invest in yourself and healing, join a meditation group, a yoga class, painting, whatever it is that is good for your soul, you will know inside what activities are going to fill your heart, pour into those.
Take a break from social media, the checking and stalking who is following who is only keeping you in a trap of distrust. Trust starts with you. If you need a break delete the whole thing while you focus on self love.
Read books, listen to podcasts, find a coach on youtube. There are so many amazing resources out there to put you on a path of self love. The above might take time and effort, and it is a journey so remember to be kind to yourself and let love of self be your leading compass. xoxox
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always-is-always · 1 year
When the details are needed~
Sometimes peeps will ask me for details or historical context, after reading a post I’ve written.  When it is possible I’ll direct to original content, and I’ll also refer to cultural traditions, when it is necessary to help clarify.  
There are bloggers here on Tumblr who have a DEPTH of knowledge, spanning far more years than I have been ARMY.  Some of them put a lot of time and effort into crafting posts that are deep in detail, and very informative.  That, I am grateful for, as it has helped me with my own navigation through sources of information about BTS and the individual members that are complicated, messy, sometimes convoluted, and sometimes outright wrong.  
I came here originally looking for a known Blogger who is fluent in both Korean and English, who also is known for clarifying translations, and also who helps to explain the cultural context connected to things that the members say.  After setting up my own account I eventually started looking at the #kookmin and #jikook hashtags, as I had no idea how this platform worked.  
Luckily, there were Bloggers who I started to see who were the very ones I mentioned above, who were in integrity with their words.  Integrity is everything, to me.  After watching so much content on YouTube and seeing the ways that a lot of people manipulated imagry, video clips, translations and such to fit their narrative, I found these Bloggers to be a breath of fresh air.  
It felt important to share this as I do post things that I have written, without a ton of references or details, at times.  Sometimes, it’s my heart speaking, sometimes it is my intuition, and sometimes it’s my desire to share in the moment with the community here.  Always, it is with the best intention.  
When I first became aware of BTS I knew NOTHING of ships, bias, solos, ot7, or what all that entails.  I’m an American, and I had never experienced anything like that prior to BTS, and had no understanding of it at all.  I still don’t really get it, but at least I kinda know what it means.  What I do know is that I don’t label myself in any way, at all.  Just so that’s clear.  
Most of my words and opinions of what we see are coming from my life experience, what I understand of the history of BTS, original content, reading certain blogs, and interpreting everything with as little filtering as possible.  I hope that made sense...  
The other factor for me is that as an intuitive and empath, I just know things.  Sometimes, I’ll know it before it’s proven outwardly.  That’s what intuition does, for me.  I just know stuff.  lol...  Sometimes I’ll speak of it, but much of the time I don’t.  Especially when it isn’t my place to do so and it could be an overstepping of a boundary as a Soul.  That takes “when you know, you know” to another level at times. 
The reason I’m sharing here is that I wanted to make it as clear as I can, that there are a LOT of Bloggers here who are really well informed and are fantastic sources.  I’m happy to share what I feel are blogs that are really good ones to follow...  just send a DM, and I can happily share.  
Thank you all for being a part of this community here.  I really appreciate sharing the love and support, for the guys.  It brings joy into my life, for sure!  💜
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madamlaydebug · 11 months
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Whether you’re on the path to finding your soulmate or trying to rekindle the flame in your current relationship, it’s so important that you explore how to manifest the love you truly deserve. Why? Because we are all worthy of finding and experiencing true love with a Beloved.
However, the biggest problem can be that we sometimes lose ourselves and our sacred vision in the process. We make the search ALL about the other person and less on how we can prepare ourselves spiritually for the adventure to ignite the love flame.
You’ve probably encountered (and even maybe dated, possibly even married) the narcissists, the needy, the people with ‘mommy’ issues, the control freaks, the addicted, and the beautiful weirdos that encompass the vast spectrum of traits that are not quite in alignment with your desires and your ideal notion of ‘true love’. Just remember that no one is, or will ever be perfect.
The true beauty is in the imperfection of the human spirit that rises above judgment.
After all, we come to earth to find healing and the Law of Attraction will always bring to you your mirror or your lesson to facilitate that healing. The reason? To help you to rise up to the present moment and live joyfully beyond the pain the of the past and the unfinished business.
Once you heal these themes and elements then lasting true love is bound to show up in your life…
You must be prepared to shine a light on the deal-breakers and intuitive nudges that tell you whether or not you’re on the right path. You just know when something feels right or when something feels a little off.
Make sure you honor the tiny nudges of intuition that you are being given and guided to follow. Most of the time these inner knowings are lifesavers, but sometimes you might be questioning yourself for foolish reasons. Also be aware of self-sabotage that can mask itself as discernment. Pay close attention to the difference between the two.
True Love Affirmation: My soul knows when it is in alignment with my heart’s desires.
How much does your judgment of others prevent you from deeply connecting with people? For instance, the deal-breakers and limiting beliefs that we might have can prevent us from finding happiness with another human being. Your role is to be open to all possibilities and open your heart to love.
For instance, when I was single I said that I would NEVER date a younger man. I held the belief that “they” were too immature and would just be likely to hurt me. Seven years later I’m now happily married to a man that is 5 years younger than I am. I’m so glad I decided to shift my bullshit rules about that one and I’m sure our baby girls are too!
True Love Affirmation: My heart is open to finding true love and rising above all limiting beliefs.
You will only ever manifest the love you believe you deserve and have wired yourself to attract. As Whitney Houston reminds us in her 1986 mega-hit:
“Learning to love yourself, is the greatest love of all.”
Self love is a lifelong commitment that is always reflected back to you in a relationship. When you focus on self-acceptance and nurturing your body/mind/spirit complex (the best you can) on a daily basis, then you will be infinitely more attractive, more magnetic for love and Divine guidance will flow into your reality with ease and grace.
True Love Affirmation: I love myself enough to feel worthy.
Is it someone else’s responsibility to be in your life to make you happy? Nope. When you take responsibility for your own wellbeing and happiness then you have something truly magnificent to share with another human being. Focus on appreciation for everything that shows up in your life and make every day an opportunity to not make your happiness reliant on the actions of others. Take your power back!
True Love Affirmation: I am responsible for my own happiness.
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My heart pounded in my chest, so filled as it was with anticipation and joy.
Rehabilitation of the prosthetic arm was a necessary process. I needed to master every last expect of how to use it for myself.
As such I dedicated myself to learning mechanical arts at Over The Rainbow. One day, during one of these rehabilitation sessions…
HEATH : Ugh!
TOWA : Don't rush. Lift your right shoulder slowly.
HEATH : Y-Yeah... I understand...
Sweat dripped and I could barely breathe as I tried to move my arm.
Even under Towa’s guidance, rehabilitation of my mechanical arm, what with it being unfinished prototypal technology, proved quite the challenge..
HEATH : I’m just barely moving my arm, and yet...
HEATH : ...Urgh!
An unbearable pain surged through the connection between my prosthetic arm and what remained of my shoulder.
Despite that, I somehow managed to bring my arm to the electronic keyboard Towa had provided for my rehabilitation.
I struggled with sweat pouring down my face like a waterfall, I felt like a novice again… No matter how hard I tried, my fingers just couldn't find the right keys.
Every tune felt unnatural and awkward, worse than I’d ever heard it before….
HEATH : ................
I just wanted to play the piano again... Even if it meant enduring the most painful of rehabilitations to achieve that goal.
But still I’d find myself questioning if… After all of this… Was it all still just a pipe dream after all?
HEATH : ...............
TOWA : Heath, you don't look good. I suggest we take a break.
HEATH : ...Y-Yeah, maybe… Maybe we should…
It was in the midst of this break that I noticed something…
HEATH : Uh, Towa? Earlier, um...
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TOWA : Is something the matter?
HEATH : ...............
But I just couldn’t find the right words to ask the exact question I needed to… Wanted… To ask… How could I even begin to broach the subject? Maybe my intuition was off—
HEATH : Earlier, you called me "Heath”... Rather than "Master Heath"...
TOWA : Ah, yes. It has been suggested that calling you by your first name is preferable for you.
TOWA : Personally, I’m of the belief that titles should be used, but I want to accommodate your wishes as much as possible.
TOWA : However, if not using your title bothers you…
HEATH : No, not at all. Actually, it made me really happy. It made me think that maybe... we’re growing closer, Towa.
HEATH : Before the accident... the piano was everything to me.
HEATH : I was never good at socializing with other people. And even when I was invited to join music guilds, I never joined.
TOWA : ............
HEATH : Having the piano taken away from me was soul crushing. But coming here, to this guild... It’s helped me realize just how small my world truly was.
TOWA : .......Hm? Your stories are still difficult for me to follow, Heath.
HEATH : Haha, sorry about that… What I’m saying is… meeting so many people... meeting you, Towa… It makes me happy.
HEATH : Your careful craftsmanship and unyielding support… I respect you, Towa. A lot, actually.
TOWA : ............
Towa's expression remained unchanged as he watched me.
No matter how awkward or longwinded my stories… He always listened with the utmost patience…
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zukkaoru · 11 months
booooo 👻 trick or treat 💖
uhhh have a few paragraphs from something i wrote for my advanced creative nonfiction class!! this was a combination of two possible prompts we were given: write a piece addressed to someone using first person direct address + write a piece where the first word of each paragraph is an antonym of the last word of the preceding paragraph
cw // religious themes
Hear me when I say You did not only leave us in the fire; you set our church alight. You tore my home to shreds, exposing greed and lies in the process. They created a grand, new, building just for a mass exodus to follow because the upgrade was never about creating a bigger space for the children; it was about showing off. They hired you, and there was a vote, but fraud also includes creating an environment in which people are afraid to voice their true opinion. The church members all gathered in the sanctuary, and I sat silently as every single one of them wrote YES on a slip of paper. I sat silently, wondering if anyone who wanted to vote NO would even have the courage. Fear slipped through my body, but I wouldn’t know my intuition was correct until half a decade later, when my mom confessed. But as the devil planted seeds of corruption in that church, I was made to feel like a girl pointing and shouting WITCH just because I couldn’t accept change. Stagnation would have been okay, except our senior pastor once said you cannot plateau in Belief. Prayer and church are like bread and milk; we need to continuously feed our souls, because if we are not growing closer to God, we are falling away from him. If we wait too long to dedicate our new building to the Lord, demons begin to creep through the halls, dropping smoldering cigarette butts that fill each room with smoke. Pure hearts don’t hold grudges, but it took me two years to forgive you, so I guess I’m not a good person either.
trick-or-treat ask game
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askthepsychic · 5 months
As they fly towards Rey’s first effort, Rey looks at Aaron “out of curiosity, do you know what it could look like if all goes well?”
Aaron looks at her “sort of. Spirit beasts have an exceedingly wide range of appearances they could manifest as, but one can get an idea of some common attributes based on the kind of spirit the one who hatches them possesses. In the case of a true guardian soul, like what you have presented over the course of your life thus far, there tend to be some angelic elements to their appearance.”
Rey smiles “I see. But aside from that, there’s a lot of things that are up to chance, right?”
Aaron nods, then looks down “I believe I know the answer, but I’ll ask anyways. Do you know that house?”
Rey blinks, looking at it “yes. A good friend of mine lives there. She’s going through college right now and I must say, based on things she’s told me about her ambitions, I’m looking forward to seeing what she does in the future.”
Aaron nods “as am I. Right now though, she could use some help. Let’s go in and check on her.” He then flies through a wall directly into the bedroom of Rey’s friend.
When Rey follows, she finds her friend, a unicorn named Stellar Heart, asleep at her desk. She comes closer and sees a textbook open under her. Rey looks at Aaron and he tells her to try to grasp one side of the book. When she does, a spiritual copy of it manifests in her hand which she looks at. “This is one of the more difficult courses she’s studying.” She says, looking at Aaron.
Aaron nods. “Yes. She was reviewing to prepare for a big test tomorrow. If she doesn’t complete her review, she’s likely to do poorly on the test. That will be a blow to her confidence. She’ll start to wonder if she’s really good enough to accomplish her long term goals. Up until now she’s been a straight A student if I don’t miss my guess. Even one score lower than an A at this point could compromise her so badly that she might give up on what we’re both looking forward to.”
Rey looks at Stellar. “I can’t accept that possibility. Her goal could help countless people have better, and healthier lives. Tell me what I can do to help her.”
Aaron nods “dream manifestation. It’s similar to the dream walking skill Luna and Nyx command. Not as potent, but it would still allow you to manipulate her dream. You could bring an image of that textbook into her dream, along with a desk and notebook. A quill wouldn’t be a problem either. All the things needed for her to complete her review and let you test her while still getting a full night’s sleep so she’ll be studied and rested for the test tomorrow. However, beyond these things, you would only be allowed to bear witness to the results. You can influence a reminder to remember her dream once, and only once.”
Rey nods “so I can help her finish her revision, but the only help I can give her during the actual test is a single reminder of the dream study session. Good enough.” She says, looking at Stellar as she prepares to delve into her dream.
As she manifests, she finds the manipulation of the dream to be highly intuitive, and thus she sets to work. In just a short moment, she’s smiling at Stellar as she blinks in confusion, looking around.
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Stellar Heart, a sky blue coated unicorn with purple eyes, mane and tail quickly realizes what’s happened and looks at Rey again to ask “when did you learn to dream walk?”
Rey chuckles. “I didn’t. Not really. This is something different. But that’s not important right now. What is important is that you fell asleep studying. How are you going to pass the test tomorrow if you stumble in the last leg of the race?”
Stellar blinks, then blushes, rubbing the back of her head embarrassedly “good question. Guess I better wake up and get back to it.”
Rey shakes her head “not so fast. Wouldn’t it be better if you were well studied and well rested for the test?”
Stellar nods “well sure. Wait. Can you help me with that?”
Rey nods “that’s the plan. I’ll manifest a desk, quill, notebook and textbook.” As she lists each item, they appear. “Once you’ve reviewed the test material, tell me which pages are involved and I’ll quiz you. Then it’ll just be a matter of remembering this dream and you should pass your test with flying colors.”
Stellar smiles, nodding “sounds like a plan. Alright.” She says, picking up her textbook and starting to review the necessary pages.
A few moments later, Rey closes the textbook after quizzing Stellar “full marks. Remember this dream tomorrow and you’ll be set.”
Stellar nods “if you stick around, I’ll treat you to breakfast as a show of gratitude.”
At this, Rey’s smile falls “I’ll have to take a rain check on that one, Stellar. I’m afraid I’m in no condition to share breakfast with you at this time.”
Stellar blinks, tilting her head “why not? Got something going on? Are you sick? What’s up? I’d like to help if I can.”
Rey smiles ruefully “I’m sure you would help if you could, and I’m absolutely grateful for the sentiment, but… I’m afraid I’m a bit more than sick. Look. I’ll stick around till morning. That’ll give you a better understanding of what’s going on. But I want to make one thing clear right now. The condition I’m in right now? Temporary. Absolutely temporary. There are ways to get me back to full health from the state I’m in. It’ll just take time, that’s all.”
Stellar looks down. “I see. Rey… you’re dead, aren’t you?”
Rey blinks “I… um… how… did you guess?”
Stellar sighs “I’ve hung out with Ambrosia on more than one occasion. I’ve been around when she was working. When you started this dream, I noticed something felt off. Something about you. Your energy felt wrong. And with what you said after I asked if I could help you… I finally made the connection. Rey? Is this really a temporary thing for you?”
Rey nods “I swear it is so. Just you watch, Stellar, I’ll be back in my body before the year’s out. I… I still have things to do. People to protect. I’m not going to leave them or you. I’m coming back.”
Stellar gives a small smile and nods. The next day, she passes her test with her typical perfect score. As she heads home from school she can sense Rey nearby. She whispers a word of gratitude.
Rey smiles, watching Stellar a moment more before looking at Aaron “a perfect resolution. But… Aaron, is she… aware of me?”
Aaron nods “she is. Spending time with Ambrosia as she said she has. That can have a unique effect on someone. Stellar’s abilities are just beginning to form, but at this point, further time spent in Ambrosia’s company is unnecessary to further development. It would accelerate development to be sure, but at this point Stellar will steadily grow more aware of psychic phenomenon all on her own. And if she takes the right approach to this process, she could even unlock some special abilities for herself. If that happens, her current ambitions could prove to be only one of the great impacts she could have on the world.”
Rey nods “I see. Could I be of any help guiding her through this process?”
Aaron nods “you could indeed. Now, as for your score in this first effort. I’d say it’s a perfect score. Even when you spoke of your current situation, your intentions never veered away from helping Stellar. Good work.”
Rey chuckles “are you going to be reporting on my score every time? I’d prefer you didn’t. It could be distracting.”
Aaron smiles and nods “very well. Let’s find another place you can help someone, shall we?”
Rey nods, and the two of them head off to continue her work.
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