#heath ymkr
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My heart pounded in my chest, so filled as it was with anticipation and joy.
Rehabilitation of the prosthetic arm was a necessary process. I needed to master every last expect of how to use it for myself.
As such I dedicated myself to learning mechanical arts at Over The Rainbow. One day, during one of these rehabilitation sessions…
HEATH : Ugh!
TOWA : Don't rush. Lift your right shoulder slowly.
HEATH : Y-Yeah... I understand...
Sweat dripped and I could barely breathe as I tried to move my arm.
Even under Towa’s guidance, rehabilitation of my mechanical arm, what with it being unfinished prototypal technology, proved quite the challenge..
HEATH : I’m just barely moving my arm, and yet...
HEATH : ...Urgh!
An unbearable pain surged through the connection between my prosthetic arm and what remained of my shoulder.
Despite that, I somehow managed to bring my arm to the electronic keyboard Towa had provided for my rehabilitation.
I struggled with sweat pouring down my face like a waterfall, I felt like a novice again… No matter how hard I tried, my fingers just couldn't find the right keys.
Every tune felt unnatural and awkward, worse than I’d ever heard it before….
HEATH : ................
I just wanted to play the piano again... Even if it meant enduring the most painful of rehabilitations to achieve that goal.
But still I’d find myself questioning if… After all of this… Was it all still just a pipe dream after all?
HEATH : ...............
TOWA : Heath, you don't look good. I suggest we take a break.
HEATH : ...Y-Yeah, maybe… Maybe we should…
It was in the midst of this break that I noticed something…
HEATH : Uh, Towa? Earlier, um...
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TOWA : Is something the matter?
HEATH : ...............
But I just couldn’t find the right words to ask the exact question I needed to… Wanted… To ask… How could I even begin to broach the subject? Maybe my intuition was off—
HEATH : Earlier, you called me "Heath”... Rather than "Master Heath"...
TOWA : Ah, yes. It has been suggested that calling you by your first name is preferable for you.
TOWA : Personally, I’m of the belief that titles should be used, but I want to accommodate your wishes as much as possible.
TOWA : However, if not using your title bothers you…
HEATH : No, not at all. Actually, it made me really happy. It made me think that maybe... we’re growing closer, Towa.
HEATH : Before the accident... the piano was everything to me.
HEATH : I was never good at socializing with other people. And even when I was invited to join music guilds, I never joined.
TOWA : ............
HEATH : Having the piano taken away from me was soul crushing. But coming here, to this guild... It’s helped me realize just how small my world truly was.
TOWA : .......Hm? Your stories are still difficult for me to follow, Heath.
HEATH : Haha, sorry about that… What I’m saying is… meeting so many people... meeting you, Towa… It makes me happy.
HEATH : Your careful craftsmanship and unyielding support… I respect you, Towa. A lot, actually.
TOWA : ............
Towa's expression remained unchanged as he watched me.
No matter how awkward or longwinded my stories… He always listened with the utmost patience…
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touwara · 1 year
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Heath: .....
Towa: The maintained prosthetic hand seems to be in good condition.
MC: Yes. Heath seems to be playing the piano comfortably.
MC: Even so, it's a beautiful melody...... I wonder if Heath wrote this song?
Towa: I don't know the name of the song—
Towa: ....~♪ ....~♪
Towa: ....The lyrics are something like this.
MC: Towa knew this song, didn't he?
Towa: Ah. I heard Heath play once at the apartment.
MC: It's amazing that you can remember it just after hearing it once. Towa's singing voice is so beautiful.
Towa: As for singing, I learned a little from Heath back in the day..... but that's an excessive compliment.
Towa: I can string together a given scale, but I can't put the emotion into my voice like Heath can.
Heath: If you sing it one more time, I'm sure you'll understand.
MC: .....Yeah. I also think I heard Towa's feelings in his singing voice earlier.
Heath: Towa, shall we sing together?
Towa: .....Understood.
Heath and Towa: ....~♪ ....~♪
MC: (It's such a beautiful singing voice that it's a waste to listen to it alone.)
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selfshipgushing · 1 day
hi chat, if you remember my erm long winded (understatement) confession from literally like TWO DAYS AGO OR WTV then um its yumekurover the game announced its end of service 😭
liek tbh I'm sad but there's an offline version so like all I can feel rn is the same as usual LOL but I'm really glad there's an offline version so heath and fatamyu will still be with me <3 I love them all so much and I'm so so glad I was able to experience the world of ymkr alongside them for almost 3 years
STILL NEVER GOT MY FUCKING FAMILY PORTRAIT THOUGH 😭😭 and plow never got their event BUT ITS OKAY bc I just gained 8 new oc's 😹😹🤫 I mean they were always my ocs bc everything I say about Fata Musica is always correct and based so 🙏 BUT SERIOUSLYTTT ILL LOVE THIS GAME TO THE END OF MT DAYS LIKE UGHH if it wasn't for this game existing I would've never have met my girlfriend heath and whahahsjsjsj IM NOT SENTIMENTAL RAHH
— 🐰🪻
I just live under a rock bc I know of none of these games. there's two otome games that are super niche I really like tho called dandelion and hatoful boyfriend... if anyone remembers...
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nirvanainline · 2 years
𓊘 𓄹 『ファタ・ミュジカ:𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗮』
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❑ ケント; Kent
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❑ ヒース; Heath
❑ ベルベット; Velvet
❑ スズカ; Suzuka
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intercat-archived · 2 years
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my part of an art trade with @aidoruus !!!!!
plus a bonus:
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touwara · 1 year
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Heath: Well then, shall we go? Lalala~♪
Dolls: Lalala.....♪
Banggan: Oh? What are you guys doing?
Heath: The dolls asked me to teach them a song, so I practiced.
Heath: Why don't you join us, Banggan? It's fun to sing together.
Dolls: Songs, together, let's sing...... ♪
Heath: Fufu, the dolls want to sing with Banggan.
Banggan: I don't really know what you mean by "fun", but if I can be of any help, I'll do it!
Heath: Then follow my lead and make your voice come out from your belly, okay? Lalala~♪
Banggan: Lalala.....Laaaa!!!!
Dolls: Wow~~~!
Heath: That's a lot of lung capacity...! Is everyone okay?
Doll: I was wiped away with a whizz......! It's awesome and fun.....♪
Heath: Fufu, I need to make a custom costume for me.
Banggan: Costume? Me?
Heath: Yes. I thought that if my voice was that strong, I would be able to perform well on stage.
Heath: I also have to play the machine organ as hard as I can so that I won't lose to Banggan's voice.
Heath: If it's a contest of strength, I can't lose! When the time comes, I'll blow the whole audience away with my voice!
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The Unified Meister Examination... It's a test of academic knowledge taken by every Meister under the World Guild Organization, conducted once a year.
This examination serves as one of the many metrics and criteria taken into consideration when the federation commissions work, as such, the UEM is generally seen as mandatory for all Meisters.
Once again, it would seem that time of the year has come…
EMMA : Next question. What is the name of the beer that can only be found on Yoka Island, the luxurious resort island of the pirate country, Ancyra?
HEATH : Yokayoka Lager!
EMMA : Correct!
KENT : Ah! I'm late to the party!
VELVET : What are you all doing?
EMMA : We were just discussing how to be prepare for the upcoming Unified Meister Examination.
HEATH : We’re killing two birds with one stone.
SUZUKA : Two birds with one stone?
KENT : Yup! Yup! With pub quizzes, you can concentrate on polishing up on your trivia blind spots, while still having fun! It can also serve as a reference for landing roles like The Quiz King or Trivia King, so killing three birds with one stone! It's amazing!
SUZUKA : I highly doubt it can serve as a reference for acting... but well, I see your point… For once…
HEATH : My general knowledge is pretty weak, so I've been taking part in order to improve.
HEATH : Even when I try to hit the book, I still just end up itching to play music instead.
SUZUKA : So, you turned our study into a "lighting round" style quiz.
EMMA : Yeah, I had prepared a hundred questions, and was just about to start asking Heath and Kent.
VELVET : A hundred questions? How very enthusiastic of you.
EMMA : They’re all from exams the federation held in the past. I gathered several years' worth of papers and selected the best ones!
SUZUKA : That must have been quite a hassle, right?
KENT : ...We'll make sure to thank Emma properly later.
HEATH : Of course.
EMMA : We've just finished the first ten questions. Would you guys like to join us?
SUZUKA : Sounds fun, but I'll pass. I have a script to finish.
EMMA : Oh, right. Your schedule was completely booked through to the unified examination.
EMMA : Maybe I should have taken some time to help you out, too…
SUZUKA : No, it's fine. The outline of the script is already coming together, and I usually score above average in the exams. If I keep up the same pace this year, it should be fine. But thanks for your concern.
SUZUKA : Take care of Kent and the others, Emma.
EMMA : I will!
VELVET : Maybe I should join…
VELVET : I have some free time anyway. And I really should help Kent study… It would be bothersome if he didn’t score above average this year.
KENT : Oh...!
HEATH : Is that guild policy?
VELVET : No. It's just embarrassing for me and the guild.
KENT : That's a blunt but incredibly hurtful reason!
HEATH : Well then, I'll have to work even harder.
EMMA : Okay, Velvet, here's your buzzer.
VELVET : Thanks.
VELVET : As someone who's supposed to be a genius, I can't afford to show weakness.
VELVET : Come on, both of you. If you can score even one point, I'll praise you.
KENT : Whoa, it feels like you're emitting the aura of the undefeated Quiz King...!
HEATH : Velvet's in serious mode. I need to focus too.
EMMA : Okay, on to the eleventh question!
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After the Unified Meister Examination…
VELVET : 80 points.
HEATH : 58 points.
KENT : 43 points!
SUZUKA : ...Alright.
SUZUKA : 43 points...
KENT : Huh? I have the same score as Suzuka!? I did it!!
VELVET : Suzuka…
SUZUKA : Don't look at me like that. I’m not happy about it either…
SUZUKA : Damn... I didn't expect to be up for three sleepless nights before the exam…
EMMA : (The tone of Velvet’s voice must have really got to him, by the looks of it…)
VELVET : I see. So you’re saying that it is my fault you couldn't get the result you wanted, huh?
SUZUKA : No, it's because of my own inadequacy. I failed.
KENT : Suzuka! Let's aim to get an average score next year! We can prepare for Emma's questions together!
HEATH : So much for becoming the Quiz King, huh?
SUZUKA : ...Damn it!!
EMMA : (He seems really upset about this…)
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That boy introduced himself as Velvet and he made me a proposal I couldn't refuse…
VELVET : There's an engineer in Woodman, part of the guild there. He's good. He might be able to forge you a new arm.
VELVET : Of course, that's easier said than done, but… If you're serious about being a musician, then I think it's worth a shot.
HEATH : Here we are… Over The Rainbow…
The certainty radiating from the boy was almost too much to bear, and before long I'd dragged my heavy body all the way there…
HEATH : (I doubt I'll ever be able to play like I used to… Even with a prosthetic arm…)
HEATH : (What's the point of even coming here… I can't play what I want either way…)
Still, I couldn't give up on what little hope he'd given me so I braced myself, and headed up the apartment.
Waiting for me there was… A tall, young man, with a surprisingly handsome face, almost as if it had been crafted by hand.
????? : ….Hello.
HEATH : H-Hi, I uhh…
????? : Allow me to confirm. Are you Heath?
HEATH : Yeah, I'm Heath… And you are?
????? : Lord Velvet told me what happened. I am Towa, the Puppeteer.
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HEATH : …Huh!? So it's you…
Velvet had given me his name.
He was my one hope. The one Velvet believed could save me.
And now that he was in front of me… I couldn't help feeling anxious, nauseous… Like I'd been holding my breath for far too long...
HEATH : Towa, I'm... I want to be able to make people smile again.
TOWA : Apologies, Master Heath. I do not understand what you mean.
HEATH : Oh, uhh… Sorry. I'm not good at this… I mean, umm…
HEATH : Assuming we went ahead with the procedure, I was, uh, wondering if I… If I'd ever be able to play the piano again…
TOWA : That I do not know. This is experimental technology. First, we would have to fit the prosthetic. We'll have no way of knowing until we do some tests.
TOWA : For what it's worth, the prosthetic I've manufactured is capable of understanding one's willl, and will move according to the user.
TOWA : Through rehabilitation and continued improvements to the technology, we should be able to bring the prosthetic closer in function to that of a real arm.
TOWA : So, to that, the one thing I can say at this point with absolute certainty, is that this will not be a half-hearted effort.
HEATH : I… I was prepared for such but… This is going to be a long road, isn't it?
A prosthetic hand that can move in tandem with the wearer… When I first heard about it, it sounded like some farfetched dream.
It's amazing technology but it's still experimental… That's exactly why I worry that this might just might just be a huge waste of time.
HEATH : (But… But I have no choice. I have to take my chances with this…)
HEATH : Please take good care of me, Towa.
I bowed my head toward Towa, dipping even further down than when I'd finish a concert set at a competition.
TOWA : Please raise your head, Master Heath. I've not yet done anything to deserve your gratitude.
TOWA : I will do my best to be of service to you.
HEATH : …Th-Thank you!
And thus, I took my first step toward rediscovering the meaning of my life...
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I was born to give my life to music.
I believed that without a shadow of a doubt
…Until the accident happened…
HEATH : Huh!?
HEATH : Aaaaaahhhhh!!!
PHYSICIAN : We did everything we could, but unfortunately… There was no way for us to save his right arm…
HEATH : …Not my… Arm…
I've tried and tried but still I cannot feel…
I lost my right arm in a rock fall accident…
It took me a long, long time to finally accept that fact.
It happened so suddenly.
You're probably wondering how.
There was a piano competition over in the land of music and arts.
I was in a horse drawn carriage, on my way to enter.
HEATH : …Why did you… Do this to me…?
Immediate impact. Catalytic shock. Indecribable pain.
By the time I came to, I was already in the hospital.
All I knew was there'd been a rock slide on the cliff's edge.
And that I was caught up in it.
A man in a white coat said something with a mournful look, but his voice didn't reach my ears, as if he was too far away for me to hear…
HEATH : ……..
The room descended into a deep silence once he left.
And before long I found myself looking down at my music sheets.
Slowly but surely the all-too-familiar black and white notes emerged.
I raised my left hand, setting it upon the keyboard in my imagination and began to play the notes.
HEATH : …..Da~ Da~ Daaa~ Daa~ Da~ Da~ Daaaa~…..
I remember back when I was a young boy.
The first day I ever got to touch the piano in my childhood home.
I immediately fell in love with it's beautiful tone.
Other kids would run around outside with their friends, read picture books, and talk to each other.
I had no interest in such things.
I was so absorbed in the sound of the piano that nothing else mattered. Night and day I'd practise.
That piano was everything to me. The only friend I'd ever truly need.
Maybe that's why… Even now I struggle to talk to people.
Before I knew it, I was an established and successful pianist.
I was counted among the lucky few that got make a living doing what he loved the most.
I was born to give my life to music.
I believed that without a shadow of a doubt.
And yet…
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HEATH : …My right arm is gone…
HEATH : --Ugh… Ngh… Urgh… Graaaahhhhhhhhh….. Ahhhhhh!!!!
The tears fell endlessly one after another staining the sheets.
I couldn't tell whether I was sad or angry or in pain.
I no longer knew myself at all…
The only thing I knew for sure… Was that it was impossible for me to ever play piano the same way again…
HEATH : (How am I supposed to live my life now…?)
HEATH : (What meaning does my life hold… If I can't even play the piano…?)
I don't remember much after that.
After being discharged from the hospital, I didn't have the energy to do anything.
I think I just… Watched the days go by in a daze…
That day, too, while I was sitting in a back alley.
I was in a daze. An empty shell of my former self.
I remember it started to rain.
I couldn't feel the rain or cold or anything at all…
HEATH : (…So I'm supposed to just leave it at that? This is how it ends?)
HEATH : (…Footsteps?)
????? : What a pathetic sight for such a genius pianist.
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It was unforgettable happenstance, a chance encounter between myself and Velvet, who would go on to become head of Fata Musica...
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[Grade 1] A large tree out on the terrace, facing the pond for the fairies to play around. However, Kent's vocal exercises might be too loud to attract them.
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[Grade 10] Heath is humming a tune under a blossoming tree. It could just be my imagination, but I swear I hear laughter mixed in with the song.
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[Grade 30] The star decor sways even when there's no wind. Watching this, Heath spins out a new song. Seems we'll be playing "Chasing Fairies" at the next show.
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[Grade 1] The initial concept behind the gazebo was to create a place where the fairies could rest their wings. However, it's now used exclusively as a resting place for tin cans. It's been said that those who sleep here always have good dreams.
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[Grade 10] The lush greenery of this gazebo is a magical and relaxing place to be. The gazebo was built for fairies to rest, but perhaps it is the humans who are empowered by it.
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[Grade 30] The four of us collected the blue buds favored by the fairies in one of the revues. Please let the fairies rest. We're as responsible for their happiness as they are ours.
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[Grade 1] Beautiful music flows from this harp even when no one is around. This is the music of the fairies, and it is said to bring joy to those who hear it.
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[Grade 10] "No, I really heard it!" Velvet repeats Kent's claims of hearing the harp play. The flowers beside the harp sway playfully beside him, almost as if they were singing.
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[Grade 30] Velvet certainly heard it now. A supreme melody, as if played from the heavens themselves. He looks toward the keeper with a renewed sense of innocence, now knowing his father's words to be true...
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justxprettyxboys · 2 years
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X | Heath | Yumekuro
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EMMA : Where’d Kent disappear to? I was told he was here… HEATH : Emma, I believe Kent is onstage. EMMA : Heath! Thanks for letting me know. Were you and Kent practicing together? HEATH : No, I heard his footsteps earlier. Kent's always running around, so it's easy to tell when it's him. EMMA : You mean you can tell people apart by the sound of their footsteps? That's impressive hearing! HEATH : Hmmm, the footsteps of the others have their own unique characteristics. Suzuka has a strong, imposing stride. Velvet, an elegant gait. And Emma… EMMA : I will be walking much more quietly from this day forward!!
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EMMA : What's wrong?
HEATH : I have a favor to ask you.
EMMA : You need someone to help mediate the conversation?
HEATH : Not this time, though you've always been so helpful with that.
HEATH : I'm practicing a song for the next show.
HEATH : I'd like to get your feedback, Emma.
EMMA : I'll give it a try.
HEATH : Thanks!
EMMA : But I'm not sure I can say anything that would actually help you, Heath.
HEATH : Just lending me your ear is more than enough.
HEATH : Here's the thing.
EMMA : That quick!?
HEATH : Who will be listening to me during the performance?
EMMA : The audience?
HEATH : Spot on.
HEATH : I'd like to hear your honest opinion, as you're the one closest to the audience.
EMMA : I see!
EMMA : Okay. I'm looking forward to hearing you play.
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HEATH : Emma, how are you feeling today?
EMMA : I guess the same as usual?
HEATH : Well, why don't you come out on the town with me?
HEATH : I'd like to get to know you better, Emma.
EMMA : Sorry, I've got errands to run today…
HEATH : Well, if you've got errands to run, it can't be helped.
HEATH : Okay. Let's hang out together next time.
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